The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 30, 1845, Image 4

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. , . From lie Dublin Nation. ' ! BIDS'YOCB TIME. Bido your time!—tho mom is breaking, Bright with Freedom’s bleared ray— Millions bom their truce awaking, Soon shall stand in stem array. Mu shall fetter man no longer. Liberty shall inarch anblime: Every moment makes you stronger— Finn, unshrinking, bide yonr time. „ Bide your time—one (also step taken Perils all yon yet have done; Undismayed—erect—enshaken, Watch and wait, and all. is won. Tie not by one rash endeavor Men or States to greatness climb— Would yon win your rights forever, Calm and ^ightfiily bide your time! Bide your time—yoor worst transgression Were to strike, and strike, in vain; He whose arm would smite Oppression Must not need to smite again! Danger makes the brave man steady— Rashness is the coward’s crime— Be for Freedom’s battle ready. When it comes—but, bide your time! Baker Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door at Newton, Baker county,.on the first Teusday in August next, the following property, to wit: Three lots of land in the U District of Baker coun ty* Nos 139,140 and 141, levied on as the property of Lemuel B. Skaggs, to satisfy Sondry fi fiu>, Cryrus Robinson and others, vs. Lemuel B. Skaggs and Marion M. Skaggs and Newton H. Skaggs, Admin istrators of L. B. Skaggs. Property pointed out by Administrators. Alim one lot of land in tho 13th District of Baker county, No 86, levied oa as the property of James Robinson, to satisfy a Justices Court 6 0s, William West, vs. James Robinson.. Levied oa ami returned tome by a constable. Property pointed out by de fendant. Also, the Steamboat Louisa, us she now ace on Flint River; sold by an order of tlic Superior court of Baker county on an Attachment at the instance of James Lochia, vsHugh L. Rusk, as the property of defendant. Also one negro boy named Harry, about 13 years SHERIFF’S SALES AND CLERKS NOTICES. Georgia, Early Comity. W HEREAS Robert W. Sheffield, Administrator of tho estate of Jesse Brown, deceased 1 applies for letters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to shew cause (if any exist) why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 36th day of June, 1849. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. < July 3 1 13 6m GEORGIA, Dooly County. WASHINGTON ON MARRIAGE. We are indebted to n friend for a ropy of the following letter by Gen. Washington. It has we believe, never been published out of the well known collection by Sparks.— Its candor of opinion, dignity of sentiment, and sound sense, are characteristic of the man. It should be pcriised with attention, not only by our Indy readers, but by young gentlemen who arc apt to “haste to the wedding.” It will be noticed also that the remonstrances of the patriot and <runrdian were all in vain. Love iu the olden time as now, being far more potent than pm dcnce.—Phila. Inquirer. TO BENEDICT CALVERT. Mount Verson, Ajiril 2, 1773. Dear Sir—I am now set down to write to you on a subject of importance, and of no small embarrassment to me. My son-in- law and ward, Mr. Cnstio, lias, as I have been informed, paid his addresses to your second daughter, and having made some progress in ncr affections, has solicited her ’land in marriage. How far a union of lhi: i.-ort may be ngreeable to you, toucan best fell, but I should think myself wanting in candot, v ere I not to confess, that Miss Nelly’s amiable qualities are acknowledged on all hands, and that an alliance with your family will be pleasing to bis, This acknowledgement being made you must permit me to add, sir, that at this, or any short time, his youth, inexperience, tnd unripened education, arc, and will be, insuperable obstacles, in my opinion, to the completion of the marriage. As his guar dian, I conceive i‘. my indiapensable'duiy to endeavor to carry him throit"h a regular course of education, (many branches of which, I am sorry to add, he is totally dc- licicm in) and to guard his youth to a more advanced age, before an event, on which his own peace and the happiness of another are to depend, takes place. Not that I have any doubt of the warmth of his affec tion, nor, I hope I may add, any fears of a change in them; but at present I do not conceive that he is capable of bestowing that attention to the important consequen ces of the marriage state, which is necessary to be given by those who are about to enter it, and, of course, I am unwilling lie should •lo it until he is. If the affection which they have avowed for each other, is fixed upon a solid basis, it will receive no diinin- ition in tho course of two or three years, in which time he may prosecute his* studies, and thereby render'hunsclf more deserving of the lady, and useful in society. If un fortunately, as they arc both young, there should be an abatement of affection on ci ther side, or both, it had better precede than follow marriage. Delivering my sentiments thus freely will not, I hope; lead you into n belief, that I nm anxious of breaking ofT the match.— To postpone it, is all I have in view; for 1 shall recommend to the young gentleman, with the wramth that becomes a man of honor, (notwithstanding be did not vouch safe lo consult either his mother or me on the occasion,) to consider himself as much engaged to your daughter ns if the indisso luble knot were lien; and as the surest means of affecting this, to apply himself closely to his studies, (and in this advice I flatter myself you will join me,) bv which lie will, in a great measure, avoid those lit tle flirtations with other young ladies, that by dividing the attention, contribute not a little to divide the affection It may be expected of me perhaps to say something of property; but to' descend to particulars at this time, must seem mlher pcnnalure. In general,then, lshall inform you, that Mr. Custis’ estate consists of a- bout fifteen thousand acres of innd, a good part of it adjoining the city of Williamsburg, and none of it forty milcs*from that place ; — ltaker County, and Richard Mitchell, Executor* of Henry Atkinson, den used, and other* vs. John Montgomery. Prop erty minted out by defendant Also, lot of land No. 63, in the 7th District of Ba ker county, levied on as the property of Hampton N. Dozier, to satisfy a fi fa from Baker Superior court, John C. Sutton vs. Hampton N. Dozier. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also lot of land, No. 145 in the 7th District of Ba ker county; levied on as the property of David Hud- ler, to satisfy a Justice Court fi fa, Daniel B. Shef- fild, vs. David Hulder. Levied and returned to me by a Constable. Also, one Jersey waggon and harness, one Bay mrse, bridle and saddle, ono sorrel borne and two mules ; levied on os the property of James Chance, to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Superior Court Orran C. Horn, Adm’r. De bonis non cum teslamenlo an- nexo, of Aaron Low deceased, vs. James Chance. Property pointed out by defendant. II. B. GUNNISON, D. Sh’ffi July 2 1845 13 tds Synopsis of Dec Sales. FOR AUGUST. Harriet a giri about 13 and MarioDaboy about 11 years eld property of John McKlendon, tosatkfy sev eral Justice court fi las Wra Farter and others vs Aid McKlendou. . Also, one sorrel horse 8 or.# years old, one lot medicine jars &c.; property ney S Andrews by virtue ofunuttaclimen in Nathan Griffin. Also the following slaves: Ilarriet, a woman and infant child, Abraham a boy about 6 years old, and Mariah s girl about eighteer months old: property of the cstate of John Johnston dec’d, to satisly a h fo from Troup Superior rourt Early Sheriff Sales. 1K7ILL be sold on I lie first Tuesday in Angust next ** before-the Court House door in Blakely, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: » i ■ One negro woman named Linda, about 30 year* lid, as the property of William C. Loath, to satisfy two fi fas, one from Troup Superior Court, Kinchin 1 .into vs. William C Lcatb, principal, and Sankey T. Johnson, security: the other from Troup Inferior Court, Itufus Brown vs. William C. Leatli, Property tainted out by Loath. Also, I/ots of land Nos. south half of No 433, south half of 409. south lialf of No 392 and 410, 391,414 390, 411,412,428,429, all in the 28th District ol c-irly County, levied on aa the property of Moses Crier, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Early Stijicrior Court, David Howard vs Moses Grier lamls poin ted out by defendant. Also, lot of land No. 97 in tlic 26th District of Ear- ly County, as tlic property of Nivin McBrydc, to sat isfy sundry li fas issued from a Justices Court of said county, the Trustees of Blakely Academy, vs. Nivin Mcllryde, and John Roe. William Tilly and Aaron Long, sec urity on stay of Execution. Property poin ted out by Edward Roe. Levy made and returned to ine by a constable. Also six negro slaves, viz: Sarens, a woman 30, Dosior, a boy 14, George, a boy 8, Simla, a woman 23, Eliza, a girl 3, and Charles a boy 8 years old: to satisfy a li fa from llakcr Superior Court, John Mat lock, vs. William G. Pierce and Lemuel B. Skr JOSEPH COLLIER, - July 2 1845 12 30d Sarah Dozier, Executrix RULE NISI of the last Will and Testa- to Foredose Mortgage, mentof James C. Dozier, in Dndy Superior Dec. vs. Court,May Term 1845. Erwin Sutton Si Daniel Mashbtirn. I T appearing to the Court upon the petition of the plaintiff, that the defendants, on the second day of June, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thiity-eight, made their promisor}- note in writing, whereby, on or before the first day ol' January, eigh teen hundred and forty, they, tlio said Erwin and Daniel jointly and severally promised to pay ono Wil liam W. Taylor, or bearer, tho sum of eleven hun dred and fifty dollars for value received of him the said Taylor, who afterwards, to wit, on tho day and year first aforesaid, transfered and delivered said nolo to said James C. Dozier, he being then in life, in n fair course of trade, and for a valuable consideration. And afterwards, on the eighth day of Mar, eighteen hundred and forty, the said Erwin and Daniel, the better to secure the payment of tho said promissory note unto the said James C. Dozier, lie being then still in life, and the bona fide bearer and owner there of, executed under their lands and seals, and then and there delivered to the said James C. Dozier, their certain Mortgage Deed, thereby mortgaging to the said James C. Dozier one lot of land, known by the number two hundred and twenty-three, in the third District of said county of Dooly, wltlia grist and saw mill thereon, and all tlic appertensnees thereof; and which said mortgage was duly recorded in terms of the statute in such cases made nnd provided; and it further appearing to the Court, that the note herein before described, is tlic identical note, tlic payment of which said mortgage was indended to secure, al though the same is not described in said mortgage, except as to the amount of principal, and tho time when the same became due and payable; and that there is still remaining due and unpaid, upon said note, tlic sum of ninehundred and ninety-three dol lars and forty cents principal, and tlic further sum of two hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-eight cents interest thereon, up to tliis date; and the plain tiffhaving prayed the foreclosure of said mortgage: It is therefore, on motion of Kelly & Killen, Plain tiff's Attorneys, Ordered tint tlic said Erwin and Daniel do pay into this Court, on or before the first day of the next Term, the principal and interest due, and the interest hereafter to accrue upon said note and mortgage, or shew good and sufficient cause to the contrary, and that service of this Rule he per fected by publication of the same once a month for le public gazette published in this of copies thcrcol upon the said John Johnston deceased. POSTPONED SALE. State, or by service ot copies thcrcol upon Erwin and Daniel, or their agents or representatives, three months before the said next Term. A true extract from the Minutes of tho Court, this 13th May, 1845. THOMAS H. KEY, Clk. May 21,1815. 6 m4m Georgia, Early County. W HEREAS Ktheldred Hays, Administrator of the estate of Robert A. Gaulding deceased, ap plies to me for letters of Dismission. These arc therefore, to cite, summon and admon ish all and sihgnlar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, (if any they lave) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 9th day of July 1845. JOSEPH COLLIER, C. C. O. July 23 16 mfim. . ' WM. JANES, Sli’ff FOR AUGUST as the property of Matthew M. Casswcll, Job Studstill vs said Caswell. C. BRINSON. Sh’ffi ADMINISTRATORS SALE. district of said county. ceased. Win. GRIMES, Adm’r. Blakely, 23d May, 1645. 7 tds. Carolina, deceased. GEORGE G. GAINES, Adm’r. July 161845. 14 4m F OUR months after date application will be made Id the Honorable the Inferior court of Thoma - raid county, deceased. This July 5th 1845 PRIOR LEWIS, Adm’r. July 16 14 4m IAOITi moths after date application wil A 1 to tho Honorable the Interior court of Sumter county, whde sitting for ordinary purposes for lea to sell a negro boy belonging to the estate of All Donnan deceased. Sale to be made for tlic purpt of division. L. P. DORMAN, Atlm'r. de tonis non. May 14th 1845. 5 4m GEORGIA Early County. W HEREAS Peter Lee, Administrator of the es tate of Jesse Tull, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission Grom the further administra tion of said estate; These are therefore, to cite, summon and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, tliis 5th day of Juno 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. a Jnno 25 11 mGin Synopsis of Sumter Sales. FOR AUGUST. Ono bay horse, property of Robt S. Haines, Moses Daniel vs said Haines. Also lot of land, No 25 in the 27th district; property of Isaac W. Fuller, to satisfy an attachment fi !a from a Justice Court of Sumter county, Thomas Davis vs Isaac W. Fuller. Also one negro man, Dave, property of Ezekiel Taylor to satisly sundry fi las from tlio Superior and Interior courts of Sumter county in favor of John Cox and James S. Clark vs said Taylor. Also lot of land No 104 in the 15th district; properly of Wyche James, to satisfy a Justice court ti la from Columbia county, John Harris rn said James. PORTLOCK F. THOMPSON, Sb’ff One negro woman, about 45 years old, and one horse cart: property of Isaiah An*ly k John Hamctcr vs Isaiah Ansly ana Asa Ansly. Also, lot of land No 31 in the 16th district of Sumter, a* the property of Benjamin Salter, Bennett S. Battle re Bcnj. Salter and Jesse Scarborough. Also, one lot of land No not known, in the 29th district, being the place whereon Raleigh Green now livos, levied en as the property of James A. Evoritt, officers of Sumter Superior'Court vs Dempsey J. Justice, Levi Justice, Wm Hall, John II. Blount and James A. Everitt. Also, lot ofland No 131 in the 27th dis trict, being the place where Ten Richards now lives: property of Jeter A Hogge, James Davis vs said Hoggc. GREEN M! WHEELER, D. Sh’ffi I jlOUR months afterdate application will hei to the Honorable the Inferior Court of county, while sitting lor ordinary purposes, for 1 to sell a part or all of the real arid personal csta Jamrs ltobv, late of said county deceased, for benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said estalo. B. O. KEATON, admr. april 30,1815. F OUR months after date,application will bo made to the llonnrahlc the Inferior Court of Baker tting for Ordinary purpose rty, real and personal, br nuel Howard, late of said < count: to sell ceased. July 9,1845 GEORGIA, Baker Comity. W HEREAS Lewis S. McGwier, ap plies tome for letters of Administra tion on the estate of Peter Smallen, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite, Summons and admon ish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tlie time prescribed by law, then and there to shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 18th, day of May, 1845. SETH C. STEPHENS, c. c. o. May, 31 1845. 6. 30d several lota in said city ; between two and three hundred negroes, and nbont eight or ten thousand pounds upon bond, and in the hands of his merchants^ This estate he now: holds, independent of his mother’s dower, which will be tin addition to it nt her death ; and, upon the whole it is such an estate as you will readily acknowledge ought to entitle' him to a handsome portion ■with a wife. But as 1 should never require a child of my own to make a sac rifice of himself to- interest, so neither do I think- it incumbent on me to recommend it 6»'a.gvt:rdian. i I w IfvM F. <7 At all times when you, Mrs. Calvert or the young ladies,'can make-it convenient to favor us with a visit, we should be hap py ra feeing yoaat this place. Mis. Wash ington and Miss Custis join me in respecU fur compliments. . 1- I am, dear sir,! your roost obd’t serv’t, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Notwithstanding tH$ remonstrance of nfs gnardiatl, Mr. CustiAmarriedMisB Cal vert, 3 Feb., 1774; ~ -. , £ j- . GEORGIA, Baker County. W HEREAS Murphy Taylor, Admin istrator on the estate of James Taw lor, late of said county deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Adminisiration: These are therefore, to cite, summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, (if any they have) why said letters shook! not be nutted. Given under my hand at office, this sixth day of May, 1845. 1 SETH C. STEVENS, C. C. O. May 7, Cm Caroline Belabor ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE, vs. > In Sumter Superior Court. Woody G.Brbbar. S W hereas it is made appear by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant is not to be found in the county of Sumter: It is Ordered, that the said Woody G. Belabor do appear at the next Superior Court to beholden in and for said county on the third Monday in November next, and then and there an swer said libel; and if is further ordered that service be perperfected on the said Woody G. Belsbar by the publication of this rule once a month for three months in ooe of the public gazettes of this State, «fdpublication to be had before the next term of this Court. . A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 80th day of May, 1845 'MANESSEH M. query, c. s. c. • May 88 . * 7. m3ra ! ' fe 1ST OF LETTERS, remaining in fi* n MA Officoat Albany Georgia on the 1st July9 « ‘ A. ' ' J W Joiner 5 JW Allen 3 J Johnston H James Ariino K. |j B. J.J.Kcath Miss M.Baggs Jas Kelly ■ Capt T H Blair B Kimny 4 Wm Beasley FD Kean Hs J G Blanco 3 M 1 R Bailor James McClivcr a ! ■ Henry Bracn •/ I, Mulky ■ B M Brandy Thos Morghon 1 C A Bradley J Madoek * James P Belle W A Mallory ? Geo Boyed Jefferson Mercer Jas L Byington Dr Meals Mrs Jane C Byington C -McCarov JR 1 John Bryan James McCombs J C Barney l*nke Mfflnnjnjs C. , II Morgan q J W Coppedgo 2 W WMaund J W Curably I Merchant I Clk Baptist Church E Miller E Crawford N. K Tilman Cook IIA Nash a V FG Carrington Hardy Ni-lma H J Cook Wm Newsuu R H Clark ■ e John Colley - l . John Oliver a | g !>., MissP C Outlaw • Abraham Dyson 3 , Dr R Q Dickerson Mrs E R Osgood h A B Duncan John Perry Jonathan Davis James N Phipps ,r . i E. R L Payne d Lonon Evens (colored) D A Pettist c- F. R. B M Flukcr 3 Thos Ruckctt R Faircloth Y G Rust r Benj Floyd Messrs Cock & Itchy 1 , r Miss E Ferguson R Ryak -o Miss E A Folker B M Roberta 1- H O’FerriU R Reynolds th G. S. Jas Greenwood MrsP Strozior MrGillion Mrs E It Strozfe? John Griffin John Spence de A Gage Capt J Y Smith as Mis* Nancy A Goddin C F Smith re William Griffin Miss Mary StuorJ *>f Daniel Griecc (coi’d) II Sims Miss E Greenwood Samuel Smith 11. MarkF Scott Rev R Hamilton Mrs C L Strozier ,j c Dr F Holt T jer Jolmllcntz Dr Tuggle ve Win Henderson 3 Mrs E F Terrel en Milner Holladay I Thom ** ARlIarvy 2 Charles Tinsly EG Hall John Taylor C Harden JW Tindall — A Holladay 1 W tdo M Herring M E Williams fee J Hall Geo E Warrea ve R Hatcher Noah Wilcox , of A Higdon John Willk J,c I & J. James Williams N S Jones Jas Wado Mr J R Johnson 3 F White — John Jones 3 Mrs Martha G WilkisJ 1 ule Wm Janes M Welch ser Tho* C Jsmes W Woolbright James W Johnson Wm Walker. | p _ ID* Persons calling for letters from the above Ul will please call for advertised letters. 8.T. MALLORY, P.M. B — July 3,1845. 1 12 MACON, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned, having erected a Fireqmxj Warehouse, situated at the head of Cotton Av enue, tenders his services to his friend* and the pnb- Uc generally, for the storage of COTTON and MER CHANDISE, and the transaction of Commission Business, in all its brandies, pledging himself to use every ex* ertion to promote the interests of, render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to his charge. The Stonier and sale of Cotton will be under the direction of Mr. JOHN JONES, who ha* long been known in the the Varc-houso business, and will give particular attention to the sale of cotton, and the fill ing of orders for goods. Liberal advances will be made on cotton in store, or to be shipped. Bagging, Rope, d• Tteine, together with any other articles will ho furnished customer* at the lowest market pri -c. N. B. Storage and commission at customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, June 35,1345. 11 w6m To Gentlemen of Fashion. T HE ndersigned respectfully infonus the Citizens of Albany and the sur- ‘ Pht- SPccafur Shtf’s Sales. FOR AUGUST. Also one negro man, Jacob: property ofDaniel O. Niel, Ira Sanborn vs Wm C Nicl and Daniel O Nicl. Three lots of land No.246 247 and 275 in the 20th district: property of Davids McBride to satisfy two fi las; John G Gunn Si Co, and Wm Miller, vs said McBride. Also one lot of land in the 20th district No 389: also lots No 56,57,58, in the 22d district, all levied on as the property oCGreen Mitchell, Har mon McEIvy, Executor of Wm McElvy, dec’d vs Green Mitchell, andsundry Justice court fi fas Danl Rnmbo vs Littlebury Milk, principal, and Green Mitchell, security. Also one lot of land No 30 _ in the 21st district; property of James Mayo, the of- ] rounding conntry, that he has bought the latest ficers of Decatur Inferior Court vs. said Mavo. «- 1 ent for cuttingGentlemciurGarmcnta, which ho war- Alao, one lot of land No 440 in the 21st district, as \ rants equal to the best New York style. He will the property of Isaac D. Lockwood, to satisfy two {regularly receive the latest Fashion*. Justice Court fi fas, Thomas Duncan va said Lock-1 Aa ho has no partner with whom to divide the pro wood. Also two lots of land. Nos 349 and 334, I fits, he is enabled by strict attention to business, to in the 27th district levied on a* the property of Elias sell and work according to the pressure of the times. II. Kemp, to satisfy a Justice court 6 la in favor of The latest atyle of goods will 1 Philip Cloud, vs said Kemp. JAMES GRIFFIN, Sh’ff. One negro, Jim, and two lots of land nos 33 and 47 in tiie 13th district property of Nathaniel H Hick* Central Bank of Georgia vs said Hicks, E. Smart & J C Hawthorn. Also 2 lots of land, 247 and 248 in the 16th district: property of Edwin Ellis, Enoch Bkrkshesr vs said Ellis AUG. J. BELL, D. Sh’ff. 50,000 CIGARS. T HE subscriber, laving opened a Cigar I factory in Thomaavillc, Georgia, is pro; to furnish his customers and the public with I quantity of Principe Cigars, on the most liberal terms. Hi* cigars are made 1 superior workmen, and of the best quality of r PORTED TOBACCO, and for beauty of e- or and excellency of flavor, will challenge a co son with the finest imported Principe. He has i on hand 10,000 Cuba, Bravos, aud Spanish, All of which are put up in the neatest style, sons visiting the place are invited to call and f ide for themselves. All orders by mail promp^l attended to. r H. A. REMINGTON, Tobacetmisf. Thotnasville.May, 18tb, 1845. 10 ly To Rent. T WO Stores in tho lower story of the building,and one Tenement in the seconds to be completed by fife1st day of June. N. TIFT. | april 16, 1845. 1 tf Dumber and Jtleal, LiOR sale at the Kincbafoone Mills, two i --8- north of Albany. Orders for Lumber pm attended to. TIFT &. BRISBANE April 16,1845. 1 tf. The latest style of goods will be found at hi* store, and Ready-made clothing, Hats, Cap*, tic. Sic. All work warranted to be node to the satisfaction of his customers, as regards taste and fashion. A. G. WEAVER, Merchant Tailor. May 14,1845. 5 ly Synopsis of Thom FOB AUGUST. ONE hundred acres of fond, more or less, with an improvement on the same—lying in the 8. E. corner of No. 83, in the 14th district, originally Irwin, now Thomas county: Anson G. Horn vs. Imae Dugger. Also, two lots in the town of Thomasvflle, with improvements en the same, known as lots 1 and 4, in square H: Hardy Bryan vs. William Htmnewell. Also, all that parcel of land lying ou the west side of Mule creek, beings part of lot No. 476, in the 13th district of originally Irwin, now Thomas rounty, taining 200 acres, more or less: Lara Adams vs. is. R. Nesmith. (Iso, 4 negroes, viz: Edy, a woman, Giro!ine, a giri, Frank, a boy, and Betsy, a girl: Smith &. Para- more vs. Chas. R. Nesmith. Abo, 1 negro boy named Isaac, now in paroenion of Daniel Kornegay; I negro man named Windsor, in possession of Wm. E. Willey, and 1 negro giri nsmed Hannah, in possession of Tho*. Adams, sen.: Jesse 8. Everett va. Michael Ypnngand Jno. Staler, Exr., and Daniel Kornegay v*. Michael Yonng and John Slater, Em’s, on the .estate of Jesse Slater, deceased. JOHN McAULAY, D. 8. TO TMEE AFFDtCTEB. DR. HENRY G. NICHOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. IPAKES this method to inform bk friends that he -*• still resides at the above place, and will give his attention to persons afflicted with chronic and supposed incurable forms of disease. From h is suc cess heretofore inthe management of such cases, persons afflicted will find it to their interest to give him a trial, for if he does not permanently cure; he may at least mitigate their Batterings. Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splenitis, Bron- ebetis, Cough, Erysipelatous affections, Scroffula, Leprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gonorhca Gleet, Tic Don- Amcnortica, I'roiappas Uteri, &c. &c., Piles. Hernia, Calculi of the BkJder,Ulcers, Hydropic, would do toell to consult liim. Dr. N. will remove all cases of Sypbalitic taint from the system, and warrant them, no cure nb pay. Persons living at a distance, who are afflicted, would do well to call in person, if not convenient,by communicating, post paid, with Dr. Nichols, giving •ymptoms, Sic., and enclosing the fee, «10, can re- ceive directions for the management of their cases. Albany, Geo., April S3, 1845. 3 ly JtlEDICJU,. D R NELSON takes thk method of mfoi public that he is still attending to the PR , TICE OF MEDICINE, in its differed branches^ thk City and its vicinity, together with that of Slit GERI, for which he has supplied himself wifi) foil set of instrument*. He may be found at all at his office over the Drug Store, or at the Air" 1- Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo., April 16, 1845. 1 tf AMERICAN i HOTEL. FT! HE proprietor of this establishment, takes t j A occasion to express hi* gratitude to his pat for their support, in this his new location, andc estly hopes he may continue to merit their as tion. He assures the traveBiag public that I always be found at Home, in every sense ef ■] word. The boose b situated in the central pa<*1 the City, is commodious,'has good stables, t“"™ bar, and all the requisites necessary for a coo. nd genteel Hotel. FRANCIS HOLDEN Albany april 23d, 1845. 2 tt July 3,1845 JYbttce. ’ A &. McGWIER, will act a* <* the temporazy absence of <f- ’ SIMS A CHEEVEP- 13 tt JYottee. tend to enforce the law July 3 " 13 t f