The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, August 20, 1845, Image 3

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■I , immf v»doct which it will hare made. The tine, andall were moving on well end in excellent wil * deny tt * t ***“ litUe ® tre<un haa per-' spirits. Notice. Him' .tls'O greet a work, and will join in opinion with • After the above waa written, we learned that a S60. On the Girt of January, 1816,1 promise to . par William Clifton, or beaier, Fifty Dollar?, 1 cicerone, that Cod made U so at ike beginning; command of the 7th Infantry, under Iieut. Britton, value received. (Signed) B.H.8ca*ioxocoil , ,lr has studied ever so little the Antiqut-; is to occupy Fort Jackson, 76 miles below the city, March 16th, 1811. ' sl ‘..’.1 . I'.stli mil! Itrtt rlAtiht i» Timn ia all that JV1 UfL!..t .. • . .a J Y lit'DTOV f frozn trading for NOW IS THE TIME, bearer. Fifty &Uars, for | Planters to lay to their sup* ply of Medicines for the comitts Season. .hurt possesses a much higher antiquity than is' fentry as Major, win leave Batten Rouge in a few Lrlly ascribed to it. Standing upon these heavy days for Fort Smith, Arkansas—N. O. Picayune. 1 jttlemcut* of nature, one cannot contemplate these -ofound depth*—the soaring vnltnrcs wheeling in r,y circles far, far beneath his feet, without feeling .[ccoratnon emotions. ■ vast thoughts, Oiruin, boundlessness, omnipotence, infinitude, eter nity,” cread upon him and oppress the soul with their "•icaucs*. The mind is led back, through the migb- k cycles of eternity, to that undefined era, when, jj„ (|, e beginning, God created the Heavens and the jV[ rt h.” Tlic great revolutions which onr globe l 1JS undergone, from the hour in which it first felt! tboCmativo Energy, the dreadful agents which I,wo been at work tearing and scattering its crust in endless confusion, scooping out its ocean beds, undoing its mountains and continents, and anon, burying its forests, together with countless myriads cf living tilings, from the minutest insect up to the f.llossal Martadoo, the Migatharium, and the Sau rian, deep within its bowels; the creation of Han, the deluge of Noah, and the great fiery cataclysm which, intliedirn future, it is yet to feci, that shall renovate, [.nrifv anil prepare it for the habitation of celestial icings; these, all, in gigantic outlines, pass in re view before the awestruck and bewildered fancy, garb collections chasten and subdue the proud spirit cfman. What is be? His life is “ as the vapor liar end ureth for a little season—then vanisheth a*ay.~ How insignificant docs he feel amidst these rinpi adous works of Deity! -The lips Texas Convention. The following articles from the "Bill of Bights,” reported by the Convention, now sitting at Austir, for the State of Texas, may not be uninteresting: 3d. No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office of public trust under this State. 13th. No bill of attainder, ex fast factn law, nor self, or order, as the note has beep lost or mislaid.' JAMES E. SCARBOROUGH. August 30,1818, 19 3t. PROSPECTUS OF THE- FARMERS’ LIBRARY W e have just received asplendid assort. tment of Freth and Genuine Drugs I and Medicines, which wa will warrant to stand the I tort of the mart skilful Chemist. Amoog them are [the foliowing: Castor Oil, Alcohol sp Turpentine, Epsom Shits, sal Soda, Salemtus, Rotten-stone, Gum Myrrh, Cay. I enne Pepper, carb. Magnesia, Spices, Hons, Allspice, Eng. Calomel, Jallap, Rhubarb, Oil Peppermint, ALEXANDER A. ALLEN, ATTORJTEYAT July 9,1846 »*y AND MONTHLY JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE. c”ls^oT^^c^ f ^ , p^:krt jobs a. axnecEB, editos. tar Instruments, Injection Pipes, Stomach Pumps, ’ Cupping Instruments, Breast pipes, Nipple Glasses, Nove can have well studied the true sources of I Nursing Battles, spring and thumb Lancets, ftc. ftc National welfare, without perceiving the Batumi and | ALSO, i in 1 th»l| it: ■ l»< ^ J4 inodj dth * ju near 1 strikes at the prosperity of the ManuWring cow- 10 w,uc,, « «*“ , turner, mnst damage the Agricultural producer, and raonr-meh at Cologne and neither can be iniuriouslv affected without detriment *”**> Extra®** 5 • variety foi Lavender water, Otto which gives to all their * r with * •“PPty of Patent Medicines, of which the I employment and subsistence, ihoSld be encoumged h'“ t P 0 P“ 1 "ktnds, and such as are ofanv meriL will ftjlvantam* that science ran ‘'ways be kept on hand J—none other will be offered We have also received a new Tint may forget God in the crowd, cannot forget Him here, Where He bus built His own glory,in the wilderness.” There arc two points in the vicinity of the Falls, uher ' the descent into this frightful chasm ia practi- u! It, and, with a little precaution, entirely free of dmiser, even to ladies. Inron-idcmble as the Falls appear when seen from •die dizzy heights above, they will well repay the la ter and hazzard, necessary to obtain a nearer view. They are five in number, but only two of them arc rorthv of notice, the remaining three sinking into insignificance amidst the surrounding magnificence. Tic lower one is supposed to fall fifty or sixty feet, whilst the upper is computed at one hundred feet There is one (Joint only, at the sumit of the latter, from which it can lie seen to advantage; and it re quires some courage, on the part of ladies mt least, to reach it You are obliged to pass over a table of rock, polished to the Rmootiiness of glass by the run ning water, and inclining at a considerable angle to the furious torrent, just where it makes its fear ful leap. Nourished by the humidity of the place, a few s tu nted shrubs and weeds have found a feeble foothold upon its surface; and in passing one can not refrain from clinging to them, from the same in- ,tint-five impulse that leads the drowning man to catcii at a straw ; alive, at the same time to the un certain tenure by which his life is held. He is en couraged, it is true, by seeing neither hats nor bon nets floating in the boiling gulf beneath; neverthe less, the hazzard is sufficient to send the blood whirling through his veins, in unison with tlie Wild tumult of waters around him. It was from this place that the illfated Hanks, by an nnlucky slip, was precipitated over the Fall into the dread abyss, and whose life was nevertheless preserved for a uor.0 fate, as by a miracle. Truly might he ex claim, ‘•There arc moments of time, when the soul it receives Whole volumes of thought,on its unwritten leaves.” The point of view sought for being gained, the rpcctator finds the scene greatly magnified by this tear approach, and could spend hours of delight in contemplating, “• The cataract, Like a giant wroth, rush down impetuous.” The fall is not continuous, but is broken into two hups of about equal height. Striking on the half way step, which haa has a smooth lace and an out ward angle, it dashes with a maddened spring, into the gulf below and against the jutting rocks, with a fury, that sends the powdered waters, hissing a- vay in wreathing clouds upon whose bosoms, tho mimic rainbows dance, like water-sprites in the gay est attire. The Kellie, as it is called, is another object which is worthy of a passing notice. It is an excavation in the solid granite, in the shape of a hatter’s kettle, eight or ten feet in diameter, of unknown depth, highly polished, and looks, indeed like a work of ait. It is located at the summit of the fall, where the rtreara, by its accelerated motion, is preparing for its mighty leap; and a portion of it being driven in fo the Kellie, gives it the appearance of a real caul dron, in a state of furious ebullition. Others of the fame form, but of less dimensions, maybe seen in other parts of the chasm, in situations which do not prevent their exploration. An attentive examina tion of the several finished and unfinished specimens, containing rounded pebbles Sec., will leave no doubt on tho mind of the observer, that they have been ex cavated by the gyratory motion of sand, gravel and small stones in the eddies of this impetuous torrent. A dark aperture, in the form a door, in one of these inaccessible cliffs, is another object of atten tion. Wo are instructed by legendary histoiy, that | yt is the doorway to the realm* of his Satanic Ma jesty ; and is called, in vulgar phraseology, the DetiCs Den. It is Car beyond the reach of imper- any Uw impairing the obligation of contacts, .hall' 1 £S!?3El A splendid assortment of Perfumery, * *“ "-neriur of the Manning cj«° which we call tlw atfention of Wfe. and ration previously made. 14th. No person shall over be imprisoned 19th. Perpetuities or monopolies are co the genius of a free government, and shall allowed; nor shall the law of primogeniture or en-, .. ■ . -. . .. tailmcnt ever bo in force in this State. I ^ ***}* ***? ?“® In foe “Executive Department” the 1st section 1 I xlwayVtekept says that “The supreme executive power of this | confer nod the most enlightened industry make 1 10 °“ r '"d 01 *™- State shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate, who available ? Yet it has not been until comparatively ” toc * , , _ , shall be styled a Governor of the State of Texas.” i a late period in Europe, and still later in America, School JaOOKS and Stationary, Sec. 4. The Governor shall hold hia office for the that the public mind has heed made properly scnsiblo which may be examined at any time at our cstablish- term of four years from Urn time of his installation of » ho *«»/ of Science to Agriculture, and so to ment. Please give us a can. and until hia anrcM-nr -h.,ii h» dnt» h,.t tespect Farming as essentially an intellectual and WELCH Si NELSON. !^it © , tJ? rTt?T^ f y qualified, but pursu t t —, n0 whic h should imply for its May 38 7 tf shall not be eligible for ".ore than four years in any! followers Lgl, mental cultivation and v*r£i attain- ■ ■ , — term of eight years; he shall be at least thirty years ; moots. Happily, however, educated young men are I Just RcdTCd) of age, shall be a native citizen of the United States,! now betaking themselves to Farming as a business, OA Sacks Rio and Laguiria Cotfce, or a citizen of tho State of Texas at the time of the \ which, like tne learned professions, has its own prin-1 ^ Sacks Salt, ciples and will liave its literature; and truly it may I 40 BUs Old Rectified Whiskey, be asked what subjuct has lately given rise to me-1 J American Brandy, moire and works more profound and instructive, or I 5 do. N. B. Rum been fruitful of more interesting results of scientific I * P*P® Superior Otard Brandy, investigation, than Agriculture 1 Who, among mod-1 .TO Coil Manilla & Hemp Rope, E. H. PLATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albaxy, Geobcia. april 16, 1845. 1 tf FACTORS & General Commission Merchants, Apalachicola, Florida. Wa. W. Sms. Wx. W. Can vis. April 16, 1845 1 tf adoption of this Constitution. The 5th section of that part of the Constitution having reference to the “ Judiciary” department of the State is as follows: The Governor shall nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of two-thinls of the Senate, shall appoint the Judges of the Supreme and Dis trict Courts. Thetcditor of the Civillian is of the opinion that tills section will become a law, thus taking the elec tion of the judges from the hands of the people. The 1st section of the “ Legislative Department” provides that “every free white male citizen of the United States, who shall have resided in Texas one year preceding an election, and the last six months in the county or town in which he offers to rote, shall be a qualified elector. Indiana not taxed, and Africans and descendants of Africans excepted.” No minister of tho gospel or priest shall be a member of the General Assembly. The first election to be held on the first Monday and the following day in November, 1846, and the election shall be held on the same days in Novem ber every two years thereafter. We have given as many of the features of the Constitution of the new State as we can find room for—the entire document would occupy some four or five columns of our paper. The Civilian says that “ it appears to be understood that a majority of the members of the Convention are in favor of in serting a clause in tho Constitution to prevent banks.” On tlie frontiers of Texas all would appear quiot —we sec no account of Indian disturbances in any quarter. uiicau^ittiuu, uMit auncuuuit; t u uq.naiuiiR iaww i —— — — em Literati, enjoy more enviable distinction than I Together with a targe assortment of India and Ken- Liecig and Joirtsros, Bocsslvgaui-t and Camiolle ? I tncky Bagging, English and Sweedes Iron, Trace The taste for Agricultural Literature in our conntry, I Chains, Weeding Hoes, Aides and Hollow Ware, thanks to the able journals that encourage it, keeps l’crsons desiring to purchase wil! do well to given pace with its progress in Eorope. The more fully • «»]•• W* E. SMITH, to meet the demand thus created, we have decided | Albany, apnl 16, 1845. 1 tf to publish on the first day of July, and monthly there- „ . „ __ .. . after, the Farmer's Library and Moxthly Jour- CARRIAGE MAKING* nal or Agriculture, to bo edited by Jons S. Seix- I lllflRLlttt ser, late Assistant Postmaster General, and founder T 1 ?? fVP^ nber * 8 ,« le ”? th *»«>>«** of the first Agricultural periodical published in this * his friends and t ie public generally, that he is country.-—Each number will consist of two dis-1prepared to do all kinds of U,I L THE FARMERS’ LIBRARY, in which will CARRIAGE WORK, be published continuously the best -Sla^ird Worts ^i n lurnd a first rate stock of SEASONED - Agriculture, embracing those which, by their cost T i M Rer together with a complete assortment of the language in which they are written, would . — . * otherwise seem beyond the reach of nearly all A* UAHlrll m l (TrelJttflg*. mcrican Farmers. In this way wc shall give for two I IIe flatters himself front his long experience in the or throe dollars the choicest European treatises and above business, and well known attention to the same, researches in Agriculture, casting ten times as much to merit a liberal share of public patronage, in the orignal editions, not easily obtained at any %* All work done on liberal terms, ai 'rice, and virtually out of tho reach of men who live I shortest notice. 1} following the plow. In the Farmers’ Library NICHOLAS LONG, they will be accompanied Iqr notes from tho Editor, I Albany, Geo. July 9 1815 13 tf explaining wliat raav be obscure to American read-1 — : _ ‘—. ., . I I Storing Establishment, ■ mbi sa&mmnisiDs In Springfield cn the 7lh inst., bv Rev. Geo. R. Weight, RICHARD H. CLARK, Esq., of Alba, ny, toMias HARRIET G. CIL\RLTON,of Spring- field, Ga. DIED, On the evening of tlie 13th inst., after a protracted illness, CHARLES HENRY WELCH, only son of I,cwis G. and Rebecca E. J. B. Button, aged 14 months and 16 days. Georgia, Early County. X *7 HE RE AS, William McMillan applies for Let s'* ters of Administration on tho estate of Daniel Sasser, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if any exists, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this 5th day of August, 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. August 20,1845, 19 30d. and at the OB. T. D. MATTHEWS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, Albaxt, Georgia, april 16, 1845. 1 tf PETER* STROZJEB, ATTORNEY at LAW, Albaxt, Georgia. april 16,1845. 1 tf SIMS & CHEEVER, COMMISSION &. FACTOBAGE- jKSfeiS. ' THOMAS DOWELL, One cf the late Jirm if A. Wood <J- Co., Sax., Ga., H AVING gone into the Commisim and Factor age business, will attend to the sale of Cotto-. and other Produce seat to him, and will also attend to the purchase of Family and Plantation supplies. His charges will be as moderate, as any other per son’s doing bossiness in this place. References: Meson. N. B. ft II. Weed,l Mr. B CW^ P Hendrickson, | Saumndh, Gc. Mr. Hiram Roberts. J Savannah, Ga, July 30,1845, 16 6m. JOHN BILBO. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBANY GA. Will practice in the several Courts of the South- Western Circuit, and Thomas and Stewart coun ties. april, 16,1845. - 1 tf. works published in tlie Library will form a com- WHE undersigned having formed a co-partnership pleto -Orion, exploring and uvLlLitisy- tin, wind© ll©14 I -9- under llin firm of of Natural Science, and developing tlie rich treas-1 LEWIS & H1CUE XV Ei IT , tiroswhich Chemistry^Mechanics have Under their services to Uie citizens of Albany, and yielded and may yield to lighten the labors and u bUc „ cnera u y ^ respectfully solicit a share swell the haryort ol the intelligent husbandman— f <Ju ^ om< VVitli a perfect knowledge of their l’lie work will be arranged Hot the banners Libra- buf . iucsj , fce , confident that tlieir work will be fy.'nxy l »^“ und up by itself, forming a mammoth L xecn tcd in a style and manner that will give goner- volume of 600 pages at the end of each year, or ^ They are always in receipt of the each work contained therein may be bound separ- |s..i, inn . M u they come out, and Irom their ately. I exnerience in the ornamental branches of their busi- II. THE MONTHLY JOURNAL OF AGRI- “ n '^ Blire ^ g*, Monde of Albany CULTURE will likewise contain about 50 rages per I all feshionable work entrusted to tlieir lands month, and will comprise, 1. Foreign: Selections wi ,j ^ (kme „ fin , t retc style. They have also from tho higher class of British, French and Ger- ^ assortment of CLOTHS and man periodicals devoted to Agriculture, with extracts TRIMMINGS, which they would begladtofor- fromnew books which may not i"'«*« n i.h their customers. Library, ftc. &c. 3. American: Editorials, com- p Lewis, one of the firm, takes this occasion to municated and selected accounts of experiments, ira- retum ^ thanks to the gentlemen of Albany and proved processes, discoveries in Agriculture, new ^ count _ ©fnereiiy, for 3ie very liberal patronage implements, ftc. ftc. In this de|wrtmcnt alone will I tfo,y fia V t> noretofore extended to him,and resnectlul- ours resemble any American work ever yet publish- ( a continuance of their favors to tlie dew ed. It can hardly be necessary to add that no Politi- A n work entrusted to their care, will he cal. Economic, or other controverted doctrine, W |U I despatched with promptitude and fidelity. Tlieir be inculcated through this magazine. Its pneo will sb< Afo nc , r the comer of Broad and Washington he Five Dollars a year in adjancp, for two royal oc- fo the rear of Mr. John Jackson’s store. tavo volumes of 600 pages each Five copies will be sent to the address of any one sending 820. Each number of the Library will be illustrated by numerous Engravings, printed on type obtained ex- preasly for tliis work, arid on good paper—the whole J), J. V ASONj prove theM.‘ iU^c^- ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, J. LAW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BaiobiMgCi Decatur County, Gcorgia t Will attend punctually the Superior Courts of tho Counties of Early, Baker and Decatur, of the South western, and of the County of Thomas of the South ern Circuit. Jnly9,1815, 13 y ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GEORGIA, Will praccticc in all tho Counties of tho South-wes tern Circuit. June 18,1815. 10 tf GREAT DISCOVERY! OR. WATSON’S UNRIVALED FEVER AND AGUE FILLS! A CERTAIN and permanent cure for AGUE and FEVER, in all its various forms, in four hours. For sale in Albany, Ga., by Welch ft Emm, at the Drug Store, and by Agents generally throughout tho Southern l J ’ J **~* DAVID LEWIS, SAMUEL McKgWEN. Albany, July 3,1815, 12—ly. Georgia, Early County. XM/HERLAS, lol.n Met orquodale. Administrator v V of the estate, of Harbert Gregory, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission. .... . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if any exists, why sahl letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 6th dav of August, 1845. * JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. a August 20,1845, 20 6m. prove . prehensive Agricultural work ever published in this country, the butt slmll not rest with the publishers, and we arc sure it will not fall short for want of in dustry or devotion in the Editor. The low and defi nite rate of postage chargeable on such a periodical, say six to eight cents a number—will enable many to take it who would otherwise have been repelled by the heavy and capricious exactions of the Post-office. Albaxy, Geoegia. april 16,1815. 1 R.K.&J.B. HINES, Attorneys ft Counsellors at tow. Offices is Macox ft Albaxy, Geo. .... - „ . , ney miO practice in the following Counties. We respectfully solicit orders from all who may „ ,, — — incline to aid us, as early as will snit their conven- fence. Address GREELEY ft McELRATH, I Houston./*erry. fence. Address GRliELEY & McELRATH, .., , ... ■ Tribune Office, comer of Spruce-atroct, opposite jjgg’ Georgia, Early County. W HEREAS, Jolm McCoiquodsle, Administrator of the estate of lames S. Frierson, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for totters of Dis- ' These are therefore to cite and admonish all find singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tosticw cause, if any exists, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this 5th day of August, 1815, JAMEg G COLLIERi c.c.0. August 20,1845, 19 6m. the City Hall. New York, July, 1845. Admin tut rator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the tinent curiosity, and Old Scratch could no where i fgf eMdbnffie fort Ti^ hare found an inlet to his dread abodes, which would I j, November next, before the Court House door he man secure from the inroads of mortal enemies,! ; n gtaritviDe, toe county, within the legal hours of if he has them and fears them; for it is certain that! safe, the following tracts or lots ofland, to wft‘ man in the flesh will never crow hia threshold— The shutter has been thrown away, and the door stands forever open. There may be aomething sig. nificant in thfe; bat, let not ainnen be deterred tram visiting this place, on account of the proximity of the infernal regions, for I can aasure them, on the authority of onr cicerone, that his majesty is never at home. Respectfully youra, • • • Army Movements. We team that two Companies of the 4th Infantry, under command cf Maj. Graham, will arrive hero today or tomorrow, {row Jeflbnon Barrack, on their way to jsra those already in Texas. We also hear that the weather was extremely warm when the dra goons left for Texas, So hotlhat three men fen from No’s. 339,280,381 and fractions, No’s. 383 and 283 in the 14th district Also, lot, No. 163, in the 4th district of Lee connty: sold as the property of Geo. Wyche, late of Madison connty, Fla., deceased.— Bold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deccwcd. 5>, “ C “E.McBLVEEN,Adm’r. Cairo, August 20,1846, 19 tds. Notice. LL persons indebted to the estate of Peter Fmal- edto Attested within Albany, Angnrt 20,1815, Macon, Lanier. Lee, StarkstiUe. Early, Blakely. I Baker, Albany, And in the Circa Thomas, Thomasrille. Decatur, Bainbridge. Stewart, Lumpkin. Sompter, Americus. Randolph, Culhbert. Pulaski, HawkinsxiQe. RICHARD F. & J. LYON, ATTORNIES «f- COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ALBANY, Baker Co., 6a. H AVE recently entered into a Partnership in tho Practice of Law, and will continue the prac tice in the several Courts of the counties of Baker, Macon, Msec, Booty, Bandolph, Decatur, Sumpter, Irwin. All matters submitted to their care in any of there counties, will meet with prompt attention, and to brought to a speedy conclusion. april 30th 1846 3 ly. HENRY J. STEWART, I Andin the Circuit Court of the United States for the ATTORNEY AT LAW ,1 Tl—ywBl©ModCwwt, iwtecGliding, ««. August 13,1815. 18 tf I business entrusted to tlieir care. ~ totters may bo addressed to the firm at cither sibjijibsg s5®m®®aio lpi.«r T HE Third Quarter of Mrs. Bough ton’s School RtcitiRD K. Hikes. for Young Ladies, will commence on the first April 16, 1815, Monday in September. Terms of Tuition, 4, 6, and — 8 dollars per Quarter. Girla from a distance can fill OOFiRTFS obtain baud in respectable femilfes for from 6 to 81 WIVUtoEilUtoU. dollan Dcr month. ,, _ _ Aug. C, 1845, 17 tf. I JL reiving from New York and New Orieans, tho JLB.J.YY ACADEMY. | fo “ owin * ! ”***Groceries, Johx B. Hikes. 1 3m . riVHE Second Term of this Institntian will com-1 which be oflers to his customers, and the public gen- A mence oo Monday, the 18th August. The price I erelly, on as reasonable terms, FOR CASH, as can for Tnitiaa will vary according to the branches which I be bought in this market; and respectfully solicits the Student is directed to study, from $8 to $16 per I the patronage of the public generally. Among his term offivo months. assortment can be found • _ . It Is desirable that applicants should be present at Rio and Cuba Coffee. (Manilla and Ky. Twine, the beginning of the term, as no deduction will be Sugar, Refined Loaf and Kentucky Bagging, made only in cases of protracted sickness. West India. {Cotton So. JOS. to DUNHAM, Principal. I Flour, Northern and Wes. Nails and Spikes, Albanv, July 30,18^6, 16 4L tern. P"wtfer and 8b°*, — „ ^ ~—_ - ■ 1 Bacon, Country and Wes- PercusfiwaCapsdt Flints, DR. WILLU5I L. DAVIS, j tern. [Lookingfitasaes, ^VOVTINITES the Dractice of his Profession. Laid. Vinegar. Cofice .Mills, from bring sutortrock. The. weather waa ooolar, J with nratnwa and despatch, ^ the time they had reached San Angus-1 April 16,1815. Sh^d^^^ini^Sahin^ril. T Q B WORE rt toda wrontad Utki.Office ^ ^ Albany, April, 16th, 1845. Albany, Geo, april 16-1645.’ i part of Georgia and Alabama. " enls—one box to cn * '— , 1845, 9—5m. Price only fifty cents—one box to cure two cases. Albany, June 11,1 SAPPlNGTON« . XPSILSiSs A Certain and Effectual Cm for Fevxx axd Ague, For sale by W. E. SMITH. april 16. 1 tf JOHN SPENCE, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, sum mrwtBttsss. I s prepared to execute all orders in hislineofbcsi- ness, with despatch, and in the most superior rtrie- Watches cleaned or repaired win be wamated to keep good time. Gold wronght mto Rmgs or other ornaments, and silver into spoons, will be warranted in workmanship equal to that of any establish ment in °tK Cash, and prices to an it die time*. Shop aituated on Broadarteet, nextdoorabovo the ‘Patriot’ May 14tli 1845. RICHARD B. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i> '. Albaxy, Geoxull. Wm practice In tho Counties of Bator, tocj Dero- tur, Dooly, Sumter, Randolph and .Earir, or tho CT opes under the • CahrieF' Ctfee, Bread St. r TH051AS KCtjFKJjWJY ATTORNEY AT LAW, apriMO, 1*45.