The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 26, 1845, Image 2

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Kov. 15.—The Senate ofthe the bill introduced by Mr. Wofiord to Court forthe Correction of Errors. From the Georgia Journal. Mr. Goode; To amend toe Act of 1837, prohibi- From Oe New York Herald. Correspondence of the Charleston Courier.. Tnxatit ting the carrying of deadly weapons. £”*•' The Policy of England nud France i f_ Washington, Nov. 11. Whatever system of taxation may he adopw A message was received from the Governor in Towards America. | The intelligence by the Mississippi, from the present Legislature, (one, we hope, which discloses somo Vera Cruz, is highly important and satis- Be more equal than the present system.) it j s i the part of England. It ap- factory. F liitcly necessary that the mode of eivin" in t ^ i to i,’’ ..." ", „ ' pears mar an unusual degree of activity has been The government agent, Mr. Parrott, . , 11X. -» nltcml • , 1, . to examine Wm. A. Hotchkiss Co- Jaanifcsted at the ship-yards, and tliat great efforts took his passage in the Princeton. * • projerty should be so altered as to enable the n, diueation ofthe Laws; upon whose favorable re- m jn progress for ^ augmC ntation of die British 1 As to the intelligence thus received by officcra to know "hen ail the taxable prorerty j# navy. A similar movementmanifcstsitselfin France. the government, I gather enough to stale, tho State has been returned. Tlicro is a L,-, amount of land and other taxablo property in is State which is never returned for taxation, a r "i which tlio officers have no means of identify;- . This is a wrong done to tlio tax-paying citizen, SrowToSioniHaiaataln.CrawfbidTSGignn^vrTecSksof^^ml^^InlmtoTre*™ gr»»‘dedpf speiilathmiiriil inquiry. j demnitiet; and lo receive a repr.u i.oration against which it is the duty of the LcguUtnre b liat^Hackrt^Hardeman, Harris, Jackson, Kemn, 25e I pampM!tTc€n^Si^ l lheUw^urf*to* rilec«! Ith^bin^tl^re^af^^ . Iprovidi. A provision that tlm tax upon had tad Nor is T„ does not at all appear to us to be of sufficient mag- 'can Government, as our Congress lirnl “ •»**•*•“ would remedy tins evil by cnahlm- ft, nitnde to call for these extraordinary manifestations. supposed and provided for. A tale ofan receiver of tax returns to know when all the prop* receiving tees on writs Drought. Also, to ... . , r Ik.* PVfmnr/lin?in'rltni?i.*lft^ nminti* linl Itonn rrim*nm1 an.: Lee, Martin, Miller, Mitchell, Nickclson, Reynolds, Ridley, Stell and Wofimd—23 Nats—Messrs. Allen, Thos. F. Anderaon, Bcsll, Brosddus, Colly, Cone, Cony, Hill, Hines, Jones, Kellogg, John M. King, Lewis, Long, McGahagan, McGreggor, Moody, Murphey, Smith, Whitfield and Wilcox.—41. Nov. 17.—Mr. Cone moved to reconsider so much of the Journal of Saturday, aa relate to tbo passage of Jho bill to establish a Court for the Correction of Errors, The motion was lost. To reconsider, the veas were 30, nays 34. Mr. Calhoun: To protect the rights and proper- ty of married women. The general provisions of •his bill are similar to the one introduced in the House of Representatives, by Mr. Grieve, in 1843. Mr. T. F. Anderson: To amend the penal code in regard to trading with slaves. The proposition it to punish,upon conviction, by imprisonment in tho Penitentiary from one to four yeais. Mr. Miller :-For tho redaction of interest to 6 per cent. Mr. Chastain: To give lien upon property of lieicndenta after first judgment—which was referred t» the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Whitfield: To require taxes to be paid where the lands and slaves are located. Mr. Calhoun: To incorporate the Fire Company of the city of Colombo*. Nov. 18.—Mr. Lee: To amend the law* of Geor- eh, so far as relates to the selecting jurors in cer tain cases. Mr. Crawford: To incorporate the South-wctt- '•m Rail Road Company, with power to extend 1 .ranches to Albany, Fort Gaines, or to any point (flow those places on tbo Flint and Chattahoochee rivers.• 1 Also: To incorporate tho Flint River Steamboat Comgaily. Mr. Holdcnicas: To amend the claim laws of this State—referred to the Committee on tho Jodi- clary. A message was received from the Governor rela tive to the boundary between the State of Georgia and Florida, and accompanying which was a resolu tion lately received from Florida. 59 copies of the message and resolution were ordered to bo printed for tho nse of the Senate. Mr. Ridley moved to take tip a resolution offered hy himself, bringing on an election of a United •States Senator, for six years from and after tho 4th day of March, 1337—on which motion the yeas wore £3; nays 23 There not being a majority in favor of taking up the resolution, it was lost Mr.' Jackson presented a petition of Henry K. Preston, G. K. Gilmer, S. K. Tnlinnpo, R. M. Charl ton and J. K. Tefft, n Committee on the part of the Georgia Historical Society, which was read, and re ferred to tho Committee on Finance. Thb Senate rejected Mr. Boynton’s bill “toox- t( nd the time of payment” to persons indebted to the Central Bank of Georgia, on certain conditions therein named. On the passage of the hill, the yeas were 11; nays 31. V Nov. 19.—Mr. Crawford had leave of absence for a few days. Mr. Miller: To incorporate tho Gregg Manufac turing Company. Also: To authorise the investment of trust funds in State Stocks or other State Ser.uritica : to pro vide for the sale or distribution thereof, aud to ex empt the same from taxation. Bills passed.—To grant certain privileges and immunities to the “ Columbus Guards.” To amend the 13th section of tlie 13th division of the penal code—[punishing for trading with slave*, imprisonment in the Penitentiary from 1 to 4 years.] BUI lost.—To amend the act of 1835, authorising the Surveyor General to record all plats of survey <>n head rights-before granting the same. Nov. 20.—Mr. Hackett offered a resolution rela tive to this progress of the work on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, and ordering the same to be a- handoned beyond tho Coosa Depot for the present Mr. Stoll offered a bill to amend tbo act of 1838, authorizing the business of Banking. A message was received from the Governor, sta ting the nett profits of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, for the first two months of its operation. Tbo profits amount to upwards of $900 each month. Mr. Martin presented a bill fo suppress the ped dling of ail good* except those of Georgia manufac- tur; The Senate passed a bill authorising persons to vote for Senator in any county within their Senato rial District -ff^r.”, t!.Trn!T. We have heard from an official sourcethata mag- exiraordinanrchnrnclet, hung? on this irons- ty of hia county had been rctnmed. This pruriria, n0, ‘ W Pre8Cn ‘* ***** would remedy anrther evil, viz: thatof^ ““ tionof nfid Brcwth haf/°rece7v ed ih? Cape Town daztlle lo property of nonresidents to tho’honi'fit* of rl n art. ’ hss awakened new feelings of alarm in the mind of i. ^. a P |JearB that annexation is ns preva- Mr. Zu,: TvTabotUh the punishment of death e " tera Enro I*- U “ now--credibly affirmed thst^ ! ."ha. remote region ns it is m ibis - ■ some recent arrangements hare been entered into P ar * of 'be world. present, undertake would remedy anotner evu, viz: tnat or uaMiag a county tax upon the property of residents iloor •Affair* at th.t Cape of Good Hope. Wc the expenditure of which is equally beneficisl to ft; Sheep. * Among tho various subjects connected with culture, that of raising Sheep it attracting much impri ““ DCnt “ by England, France and Spain, by which the Uro This intelligence, at this moment is rath- attention in many part^ of the countiy.;^ Mr. Harris of Baldwin: Toamend theCWjro- SZZ'!*' Z2SSttV3?3^!2&St *>"*** ■* I—j se'wions'of the* Lem^atnre^' anTtochanoo the dav »hat point make a decent upon Mexico,' wi‘]A tire standing whot they have said relative lo to d* planters of Georgia, and particularly tliia a*. view of reducing that republictothe domir^of Texas. | tion ofthe State, than to convince them of tho int,,. a. ls | Wednesday” in October. * some Euro P ean P rince ? ® order to prevent any fur-' annexation of Natal to the Cape of c*t which they ought to hsvrht this natter. The Mr. Rowe: To compensate persona for taking dier progress of the United States in ti>>t direction, j ^"P 0 * • cc,na lo ?j ven fresh iin|inlee advantages which wo possess for rearing Shera. the census in tin, State^ ^ ‘ ‘ ^ ‘ ^ Particularly favor-1 o the nhftan.l.ropy of England I« is .n- QVer J morc Northcrn StatCT> , w xir liisranr Taavoron* oWnroimir Ansi able for the Edccesstuiaccomplishrnent of such de- io change the name of black slave- . . - , . , , .. ^ a ** COnJ ‘ ng aDd 0nUy * signs as those we hare describe H i, dfotractrf 1 T «® "0'»e.|.MMf less odious in oppenrance, 1 l5t ' *** “ rauch ch “P CT »«»» which is k« Mr Bhck“T^fix "nd ascertain the salary of HP««tcd by intenil dissr.-^^ lnd feod ,. Tbe but more binding in fael.—JV. Vi Herald, adopted to sheep growing not averaging more ft* theChicf Engineer of the Western and AtUntic govemmentisutterly itni-'.-ile ,nd helpless. The) ~ r ’^ T m - — P er « re ' 2d - Sheo P *» «« "N-i™ feeding Railroad. absorption oi Mexico by the United States—a pow- j AT. R A IV Y PAH' RIOT' hero; luxuriant natural,grasses being sufficient u> Mr. Oglesby: To appropriate money forthe open- er P° 3SCM ‘ n g «H the ucments of strength, stability j * keep them in good orderthroogh tlio year. 3d Tu ing and improving the navigatioo of Flint River,&c. and P°* er —‘PPC'-« to be inevitable. Tins is - : 6 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1848. i climate is so mild aa to render it unnecessary to protect them from the weather. 4th. They are le*) Re-Election of Hon. J. M. Berrien. , .. The condition upon which many Whigs obtained ,nbjCCt 10 d, ' e ** e aod n * ore Mr ‘ *** Mr. Shockly: For the retief of Wm. Glover, Ad- P? rent *? C,e »totosmen of Europe. And it is this ministrator, Ac. of Joseph Glover, deceased. y ,ew of 1110 fotilve that has stimulated that pol- BiUs passed.—To amend several acts in relation .J oa ^ P'ft of England and France, which be- __ to itinerant traders, and to prescribe the mode of <s lns to manifest itself in those warlike preparations ... ™, r jT .x- i. r. Williams, of I*e county, sent us a sample of Mir. their license—on the passag!-, yea. 71; nays 40. ‘“which we have just Haded. Indeed, in the fa- l ff r V™* nt "* m *» U « laUture Wool last week, taken from a flock of .W, Mr. Keith laid on the table a resolution relative mou8 8 i« ceh of Gnl*»,khe French Minister, this is w “ » on thclr P* rt to vote against.Mr. Bor- , ... j i.-«-_r.x- arm;nt A avowedlv «,k nn wlsdSl»' The object of the cabi- rien should he be a candidate for reflection to the «<''C h ke has owned Krteral years, wb^ch wascqri to the compilation of the Militia Laws orthis State. ;-v r y^ —j— — — h ——- — — . , . which was referred to the committee on military af- 0613 Erancc ani ^ Lnrfand now appears to be to United States Senate. Under this acknowledged m fincneM ***7 «>at we have eve: fairs. piece on the throneoffieiiJo a French Prince, and | p )cd?0 ,h e whig members of the Legislature as- “ cn - The fleece taa. not deteriorated since Hr. | Mr. Harris of Baldwin laid upon the table a reso- b y “• establishment of a monarchy there un- ,. .. . sheep were introduced here, some ten years are lotion directing the committee on too Judicial d " «k* control, to iaterpose an effectual barrkr to **. “ ,Mt> | Ftom toe best estimates which wc cnmto I enquire into toe propriety of prohibiting colored me- Ulo furtlrer Progress ofthe United States in that di- j «*• a “ hful to tb “ '“^“ctions of their constitu-1 ^ buiineM . managod would pay a are chanics and masons from taking contracts, &c. rection. ^ it ents, ostracised Mr. Bemcn and nominated Mr. j g^ 1 |*> ti The houpe rejected the bill to amend tho act of This lino of policy corresponds exactly with the Dougherty to fill his place, by a vote of 54 to 28. f TO ,l 0 100 cent ‘ ^° r ann,lm “P 011 ct P t ^ 1841 and 1842, relative to the taking out of grants, views and sentiments pat forth by the governments The wrath which was exhibited by Mr. Berrien,, invc * te " # and extending further time for drawer, to take out <" France and England, and the newspaper press- and ^ fow leldin irit8 who adhercd to his liti . The Factory Girls of Pittsburg. grants, OCT • M At thnen ennnlnna am Iho ennAHanoa aiul I nln-aat : or r I ... - Nov.Ta—The House reconsidered itepassageof of toe'toi^" 1 ^" *ft foTOf^l/tori En^! “* fortune «—f' 0 agonising exertions of too wire- 1 Wo regret to see that reveral of our cotempon. the hill to “alter and amend tho several acts relative land would hazzanl her commerce with this coun- workorB » nd whippers-in, and finally the denuncia- nos or toe press seem disposed to indulge their« to itinerant traders, &c. try by an open war on account of a comparatively tions of tho Whig Press against this honest expres- nnd sweasm at the expense of tho poor Fsctorj Bill lost.—To prevent the establishment of a unproductive territory. Yet still, whilst allowing sion by a-majority of the will of their constituents, They seem to think it is the height of tape- I Conrt for the Correction of Errors. On toe motion toe Oregon question lo slumber in abeyance, Eng- has succeeded in .rM.-g tho voice of too oeonle. dpnc0 '“ town to attempt to resist the cruel esse- to lay the bill on the table for the balance of the “nd would promise bersclf indemnification nnd saU . .. »» « . • .i « * tion* of thoir omnlnvnm It in for«noth j lrf . session, the yeas were C8; nay. 48. isfoction, b, an expedition of toe character just in- and Mr - Bemon ln *• ■ Scnato of y on * of ^ « “• &toP0to, tosn duly The House adopted a resolution authorising tho die*ted—consisting of the combined fleets of Eng- U nited States! | to 8,1 ln,t t0 ‘ ol1 from brcali ° f da y un,d dark ' Governor to furnish the Georgia Historical Society, lend and France, meeting at Havanna, and starting! On the 15th inst., the Whig Party in tho Legis- on t 8 murmur, for what will barely sustain lifr. Franklin College, Emory College, Mercer Univer- forthe conquest of Mexico, in order to reduco that latnro voted every man for Mr. Berrien, and re- And wbon * be y find tois system is ruining their sity and Oglctiiorpe University with complete sets republic to tiie control of European influences— o]ected hi fil , ^ b¥ , til| constitutions and bringing many of them to an or!r of the Journals of the Senate and House of Repre- This is, we are told, absolutely tlie policy of France >im to wi mo vacancy occasioned by. tea and thov dare to remonstrate with their ntatives. ‘ and England, anJ is. practical carrying out ofthat own rC31 S rnat,on - Whore were 0,0 P'^B® 8 mado gra '°’ " nd U ’° y ? r ° 10 remonstra ‘“ " ,th + Nov. 19—Mr. Hull from the committee to whom Intervention in our affiiirs recommended and enfor- to the people by which a part Of-them Rcprosenta- pressore, and refuse to saenhro thoir health and was referred the petition of Peter Trezevant, made ced by Guizot. • jtives secured their election? Where that moral for a pittance, they encounter cold sarco>n a favorable report thereon, and introduced a hill “For ’ . j honesty and firmness which dared to express tlie and rid,cul ° wlicre they should receive symptlly *5J!££522SSi” rf »« ** J ^ ——-—.si sons emplo ~ Altamaha i boats, i _ _ Mr. Green of Crawford : To change too line be- rct|uircs that elections in the General As- make such concessions to Democratic principles U P°“ fy t,leir oppressors as a good excuse for is- tween toe counties of Crawford and Macon. sembly shall be by ballot. Had we I he and BOch led for hi , { . m ' creasing their burdemx ThU is over the ram when £Sr,’5CS?B.*S»«. KBS introduction of slaves into this State. Solicitors, and nil other iinportam' ofiiceB, expressed iostructions t |Cnco. Their attempts to obtain justico are tmteo Mr. Harris of Baldwin: To prohibit Lessors in I o do so viva vote. They do it upon I lie j The people will hear neither the one excuse or w ' tb • cwn > or made the pretext for riveting tlel- Ejectment being made parties plaintiffwithout toeit passage of every unimportant and inipor- the other: they will thus trifled with upon . ; chains toe atronger. To ua, these accounts are fail coa f nt : .. _ , c vr • cr !? n ‘ b 'x or res M"t’on—and why ? simply I subject ^ viuU , important to ^ own and Uieir of painful interest It shows toot these ftetorj Mr. Jenkins: To compel Sheriff* in thus State to that their consinticticy may know how } , ana ueir i advertise in their several Judicial Districts. they represented the irus's confided to j ““""tty • interest They have pronounced toe sen- Potentetes,*hentoeyhavetoepowar r areasenc:- Mr. Gauhling of Pike: To abolish the payment them. No.v,:AVe xoiild ask any candid tcnce of condemnation upon too policy of the Whig m 8 an “ 88 cruel as tbo Titled Ix>rds—that nciuur I of taxes by free white persons in this State. man, if the election of a Judge, or any ; Party and toe acts of Mr. Beiricn in Congress, and toe ago ov too *ex of their dependants can pradsw I Mr. Greene of Craw ford: For tho relief of seen- Ollier important officer of the Slate Gov- they will not submit to a reversal of their decision toe least relaxation of the rules which the task-cce I •„ ro eminent, is not * matter of os much in- b tboeo wboo ^ tavo corami „tened to cam) b *v« tocmrelves made for tlieir own beacS.1 ■!„ °u their verdict into dfecL |«d which donmnd, a greater mnount of Ubor tfos can long bo endured. Yet their dopendnnts obsI priatc money lo improve the navigation of the Qc* various acls of any Legislature 1 Is it not mulgee and toe Altamaha riven. as important to lliepcoplc of the Octnulgee Circuit to know whom Mr. Varnadoe: To alter the 19th section of toe horn their representn- Wc learn from a gentleman direct from Pensaco- lu bmit or perish of want; for wo know that thnt I 1st artirle of the Constitution. [This bill content- lives voted for as Judge, as it is for them lo **»' tba * tb e Gulf Squadron, lately stationed at Vera Eon]. 0 f too Loom and Spindle always bringtheir I plates an alteration or toe oath of members of toe know how they voted upon the passage Crul > **• arrived at that part. This (act goes to dependants to their own terms* yet many of these I Legislature.] * of a bill or resolution 1 Most assuredly it confirm the intelligence which has been received— oouiMsora sretoe IomW ro r~Lt— Mr. Cannon: To amend toe law on the subject is—and we have no doubt ihal a* little re- that Mexico was willing to enter into neraeiatfon. . . ... , ‘ I of enforcing dormant judgments. flection on the part of the people would with c , . • „• a ‘ toe South,—when the coodrtioo of the pegw»I Mr. Armstrong, of Bibb: Toamend the act of cr tate a demand, as the merrnants say, fori .. o existing difficulties enviable, contrasted with these Factory Girls-a I 1838, authorizing the business of Banking. [This nn amendment of the Constitution. | ont " too Texas question, provided the sickness and old age, the negro is provided forty I bill reduces the minimum of capital from 8100,000 Wc could enlnrce ihc position we assume 1 ^ n '* cd State* vessels of war were withdrawn from his master; but when they have ruined their bcilti I to 850/KK), and authorises toe issno of bills of $1 by nr^imiqnls which we, at Icart, think ports and coast of Mexico. Our Government {or their employers, who will care for the poccl are often left to the cell I or carried to the Poor IlewT whom had been referred sundry bills for changing attained by. ihc introduclion of the viva ^T"*. <i “^ u " 1 ’w' nco * wui •neiermine— They seldom experience too miseries of oU names and incorporating churches and academies, WCC.system of VOTlpg in the Legislature, ““ uco ^ eems to °° * watin ff to ber trae condition f or very few of them live half toe time allottedt>I reported that toe act conierring those powers on would be, the suppression of bargain nnd «“ “er interests as a Nation. She is begining to man. Another fearful sirot of too times is, tistth | the courts of toe coontiy is ample for all ordinary >ntngue to n great extenl, if not altogether, sec the interested policy of England and France, I conduefota ofthe nuhlin I purposes, and that the said bills be hud on the table and the reward of merit would be the more and their designs upon her Territory and her P . .f.Tv.1 for the balanco of the session—irfo’ch teas agreed to. «ure. The betrayal loo, of a parly bv ~ .. ‘ b ""8 b “« «ke country, in all theso collUuowS' jeeted a bill to repeal “an uniting wh[ithe* opposition (arparl ojdloaf x_ tho Jf" y ' , 1 be resorted to tween wealth and poverty, without investigatiaf^ ] bite citizens iff tois State would give place ip the honorably carrying Dy u,ose I** 6 ® ‘ OTm 8 nations to prevent a acttle- merits of toe case, take for granted toattfcs^'l —a -it « - - _ —.-a s I- . - • V • J 3 m - * llion 1 a! sine si«lit* nil - — — n.lsL E 8 — - a - A a. _ I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Biijs introduced.—Mr. Harris of Baldwin: To exempt Presidents and Professors of Colleges, tea chers of Schools and Academics, tnd all other* en gaged in the instruction of youth, from military and j Nov. SO—The Honae rejected ■ juryduty. ^ | act to authorize all free white oil -r „ -.M^w ... . „ ... Mr, Cannon; To amend toe 4to section of an act. to Peddle, &c. Tolay on tho table forthe balance out of the wishes of on independent consti- ment of our difficulties with Mexico. England has operatives are alwav* in to* twirl of 1830,pfereriblngthoiiianner of htddmg elections of tlio session, tbe yeas were 90, nays 27. <ucncy. I retied upon her a. a cheap rerorvoir of blood to be weatovemufovtra fotolrio^. in the several election District* of this State, and to! Tho Uooae then took up tbe bill “ to alter and a- i ^ Lnrrd Dnonoii,s™il.™ i wealthy employers in too right, and every rite®; | peniah those who may violate the election laws of mend the several acts relative to itinerant traders.” jTathvilU astd Cluiltanooga Rail Road.— noted war with os. for too aeouisition of n - ^ of the operatives to raise their wages or to otai» toreo therein. ' | Much discussion took place daring the considera- In the Tennessee House of Representn- P«®“ acquisition of Ore;^, better terms, is treated as open rebellion, and <drt Mr. Butt: Toaaicnd too 5th section ofthe Jodi- |t ionoftois bill, in which Messrs. Harris, of Bald- fives on tho 3d inst., Mr. WhidestdoB from 'f prom.Hcs, threats or goldcan maintain Mexi- they are starved intocompliancc with til to« ciary act of.1811, so far as relates to jurisdiction in win, Gaolding, of Stewart, Owen, Varnadoe, Sand- ‘he Committee on Internal Improvement, l 60 “»•“ attitnda °f hostility towirda e,*, they will m .~t. 0 r |X 0 ; r ^.x .x:. x,;U u> JurticeVConito.' . , _ . | fori, Stroeg. Kenan and others participated, and toe reported abilt to incrarpornlc tlie Nnshvillenot be spared. Should there poweital agent, fail i -: ctorT rfi. w and ',.1,, . gba* Mr.Cjawford of Ilams: To authorise and re- samo having been amended, was passed yeas 81, "nd Chattanooga Railroad Company. The' 0 f their purpose,and an tx-wymt-u and ^* r ,ta . ■ quire too Sup! to poy hqlf the value of slaves execu- nays 84. . stock to consist of 15,100 ahnrns hi jtl n> ‘ . P , ^ 5lc l*™ aneDt reality It Is a victory of toe oppressor ow ^ ^ *® d ]rl»w. ..... . . : Election Slate Printer.—On Friday last (14th) ®och—the go into operation ns Mex, “ ,nd pressed, of power over justice, aod of might Mrt P d ! ,1D ? , V i s . To ?^ b ‘f b - fira . •dd'tiooal elec- both branches of tbe Legislature proceeded to the soon as 1 1,01)11 shares aro subscribed and ®““ W1 66 don8 h>w«nl» changing toe riuht. Th« mhlie nr»« oi.» ftkimhiie ahoaH* - nays 34. . - . - . . . _ )f .:, slock to consist br lfcitit. shares it$i "»W be ertablUlted between uJtJSTT !' fa * tfctWy ° f ‘ h ° W** * Election of State Printer.—On Friday last (14to) dd'—'he company lo go into operation as L. • . ... . , - Mexico and too U. pressed, of power over justice, and of might r ^rt^ihefoiritoecbnhtvoflrtvin ' ■ ^ Whjrture proceeded to toe f° a ? 3 1 bS\^ shores arc subscribed and ’ J‘' lbo *»e towards changing toe right The public press ota Republic .aboaL uiVTU |jvpuiar iu jvui wv u ciilUiy in uiv , upon toe fiee nae and final appropriation of a tbo invasion of any of those ancient usage* ^ latge part of her Territory. Thu lore of these aids venerable bnre by whU hoMy jopBwiW preapecto of plunder in that quarter, wiU be any has for ages bound the poor laboring &+ .HCTnMtt : To form a nqw county from parts ■of Ware ardLovcrdos. ijoriiy of 57 voles.—Savannah Georgia* rw 09 Y ,W * "o t *- C i ei ^ b - V “ H" 1 * Jcnncsto supply>4he place of tovi Wood-' CT A destructive firo occurred in Savannah on (TPresiden I bury, in the United Slates Senate. | the morning of tbe 18th inst. IT President Pots was fifty years of ag*® 31 j 2d day of the preaent month. ;