The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, November 26, 1845, Image 3

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. tll ,*.1 ; Cotton markets. . 6* i- 6 Lunatic* whom they may send to tho Urn * ~*|d make tbe harden of supporting this " * “ ^*1, Act, up*!"* 1 i“ iu < > P CT » tioc —«»do- Savannah/ « 111111 9 J ^Za measure the object of the faatitotioo. Ajdachico^ « -« r --- ' ^ * ye Stale charity whose blessings and bur- A ™ n y» ** * " * * ■ “ * * * 4| a 6J be confined to counties or sections. ^•U net <* i»w should not be altered. The normoui. c — of Nauvoo is in open rebeUion against . t he Strte .of Illinois." Smith, the broth- ^Mhfltbss made a proclamation, dieclo- jsost practices, and crimes of the ” Saints.** fvidmees prove that they are hypocrites and ** of the deepest dye, connected with, and ...Dj thieve*, pick-pockets, and other criminals, ^.opernlioos oflaw. They are well armed, lj(f income the tenor of the surrounding oonn- (vn«ts of Lowndes County. ^ .yj^pj ha* kindly furnished us with the follow- | ^tnarnt of the Censns of Lowndes county, * rh frgxn a population of 0,090—as follows: White persons, 4,437 {Wave*. I,C ” ^ persons of tolar, 10 y,i„ (ruin six to sixteen, r.males from six to fifteen, 733 691 fWAlf. ABBAilfiEnEnn. K0RTX1ERS MAIL. »' Duo—Tuesday’s, Thursday's and Sunday’s at 11 o’clock, P.M. Closet—Monday’s, Wcdncsdar’s and Saturday’s • at 8 o'clock, P.M. ATALACmcoLA ATO TALLAHASSEE MAIL. Due—Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Saturday’s at half past 4 o’clock, A. M. Closes—Tuesday’s, Thursday's and Sundays at 7 o’clock, P. M. O' All letters must bo deposited in the Office one half hour before the time of closing, or they will not bo forwarded until the next mail thereafter. 8. T. MALLORY, P.M. Albany, Oct. 8,1845, _ Thomas Si. Donnelly, Attorney at Law, VIENNA, Dooly County, Georgia. IT Practices in all tho Courts of the South-west- November 19,1845, 33 ly. . .CITY HOTEL! CORNER of BROAD and FRONT Streets, .1XB.1.YY, GEORGI.i. MRS. BEKHAN, (rtaWE arc authorised to announce JOHN McCORQVODALE, as a Candidate for Tax Collector and Receiver or Taxes, for Early County. [Nov. 5, 30 tlj. iWniwarbnsetts. *■-, Boston Post, says tho N. Y. Journal of Com- . p,es tbc returns from this State with tbc -,-tien of shout twenty towns to be hoard from, v-rrsult was that there was no choice of Gover- -i»J U- Governor by the people, bat the Legis- strongly Whig, which secures the election IThig* to these offices. CUAREES S. II.iWX.EY, Attorney at Law, Uawkinsville, Ga. Will attend promptly to any business in the Southern and South-western Circuits. Nov. 3G, 1846, 33 tf. NOTICE. BEING desirous of paying up mv ■ iijj debts and moving into the country.|||jjj •it tier my posaessiuos in the county < jLo.\dca, consisting ot FOUR LO ViS’ in UK i'rou’ucitle, tlircc of which arc Well Improved, and * 15 Acres of Pine Land, also well improved, in the immediate vicinity of Troupvilie, for rale at the ,v returns from Louisiana and Mississippi are lowest price for which property can be had. , , ,. , „ On the Town Lots is now standing, and in good repair, a large TAVERN, snited tor the accommo dation of Travellers. Purchaser*, by paying a part of the price in cash, can have their time to pay the balance. The above will bo sold at Public Outcry, on the First Tuesday in January, if not disposed ol before at private sale. The house-bold ami kitchen furni ture will also be sold in the same manner. MORGAN G. SWAIN. Troupvilie, Nov. 26,1845, 33 tds. :,y beard from, fitvorablc to the Democrats. <a Jersey.—The Rayway Republican says, Fsirralists have a majority of five in the Senate ,i throe in the Assembly, giving them eight ma- f .j on joint ballot—showing a Democratic gain jeehstycar of one Senator and nineteen Reprc- itjthn. * 1 •' j|r. Edward C. Cabell, the Whig candidate grpiCMUtative of Florida in Congress, passed agh this place last Saturday on his way to ■bington. He has the Governor’s dertijicate, Mr. Broekcnborough, the Democratic candidate i majority of roles. Mr. B. will, we learn, go is a few days with the evidences of bis election, of coarse, Mr. C. will be ousted without much n-nwey. We ire surprised that he took the cer ate, or that haring it lie should attempt to act frit,as his apparent majority waa occasioned the absence of returns from Key West and it or four other Southern precincts which gave mjority to his opponent. The being “ Sultan for day” is frequently too strong a temptation for -guided ambition. Since the above was in type, we have received : Apalachicola Commercial Advertiser, contain- »an address by Mr. Cabell to tho people of Flori da. in which he says: "I tare n majority now, and my information from invent sections of the State is such, as to satisfy that I ahull have a majority, when returns shall ur been made and scrutinized, from every pre- ** ia each county in the State.” Such !>.-iug Mr. Cabell’s belief, we cannot censuro coarse which he has pursued; of course he will : ieaiute to resign when he becomes convinced u the majority against him is one hundred and GEORGIA, Dooly County. To the Honorable Superior Court sfsaU County. T HE petition of Nancy Caldwell, respectfully ahewctii, that on tho 92d dsv of'July, in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and forty-three, Jacob Watson executed his certain Mortgage to Robert N. Taylor, wherein he conveyed to amd R. N. Taylor,certain lot* of land, to wit: 136, one hundred and thirty-six; 153, one hundred and fifty- two; 163, one hundred and fifty-three; 168, taw hundred and sixty-eight; 169,'one hundred and six ty-nine, each containing two hundred two and otro- half acres, mare or less; the east half or lot number one hnndrcd and fiftytour, and the south half of lot number one hundred and seventy—each of said half lots contdining one hundred toe and a fourth acres, all in the third District of said cdunty. For the consideration five dollars to mid Watson then in hand, paid by the said Taylor, as well as the better securing the payment of a promissory note, given by said Watson to raid Taylor, or bearer, for the payment of tho sum of twenty-two hundred and for- • dollars, one on or before tbc first day of Jannpiy, fifteen hundred and forty-five, (hist past) and which note was dated the twenty-second day of July, 1843, , our petitioner further shews, tint afterwards to wit: on tho day and year aforesaid, said note and mortgage were transferred to your petitioner for a valuable consideration, by said Taylor, and that the same have never been paid, nor any part thereof to your petitioner,'nor any one else legally authorized to receive payment. Wherefore, your petitioner preys a perpetual fore closure of said mortgage, unless said Jacob Watson shall, on or before the next term of this Court, pay the amount of principal, interest, and cost on said note and mortgage. THOMAS B. DONNELLY, Pips Au'y. GEORGIA, Dooly Cocstt. November Verm tf Ike Superior Court of said County, 1815. In compliance with tho foregoing Petition, it is ordered that the said Jacob Watson do, on or before tiro first day ol the next term of this court, pay into raid court the principal and interest due upon the mortgage mentioned in said petition, or his equity of.redemption touching said property, will then be forever barred and foreclosed. • ' • And it i* further ordered that service hereof be perfected according to law. November 19,1845, 33 4m. 1 j BSPJSCTFOLLY informs the Public tbat .be has taken tMa large ami commodious etfaUUb- ment, (recently occupied by Mr. Samuel Baker) and jj< prepared to accommodate Regular Boarders and Her Tabic will at all times be supplied with tbc best that the-market will afford, and every attention will be rendered to the comfort of those who may fovor her with their patronage. Excellent Smblea well supplied with forage for horses, and good Ost lers are connected with the establishment. KT Terms mill be made to eorremndrilb the times. Tho City HoTELoecupics a delightful situation— commanding a fine view of the River, and is only sufficiently removed than the centre of bossiness to avoid Its bustle and noise without foregoing its con venience*. *** The subscriber solicits a share of tbc public patronage. E. T. BERRAN. Albany, Oct. 39,1846, 39 tf. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to au order ol the Honorable the Interior Court of Iroe county, while sitting for Ordinary purpose.', will be sold before the Court House door, in Milledgevilie, Baldwin county, on the first Tue-day in February next, between the usual hours of sale, lot of Land,'number seventy- nine, (79) in Baldwin county, belonging to the estate of Junes Jackson, late of Lee county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day. J. W. BRYAN, I SUSAN JACKSON, ( Nov. 26,1845, 33 tds. The Mon-James D. Wescott, U. S. Sena tor Florida, passed through this place last Sat- •%oo )ii> way to Washington. booth C arolina V. 8. Senator. Tie Southern Patriot says: “ It is now said that -S* Hager will press bis resignation upon the ’'"unor, and .that Mr. Calhoun will be offered hi* Extra Cautionary Notice. O N last Saturday 1 observed the following notice in the Albany Courier—us the time ana place i-i -oiling are materially altered, for the purpose of giving a mom general publicity to the -ale. I wish the notice published as it appeared,/a- the fret time, in a public inner. Here comes the notice to which I have alluded: JYOtiee. O N the 4th Saturday in January next, will be sold at tho Printing Office, of tiro Albany Courier, in Albany, the personal property belonging to the estate of Jolw Jones, late of Baker county, deceased, as will also lie rented the Courier Office, its press, type, snd building, until the 6th day of March next, when the lease with Col. Woolbright expires, with the loss and gain of raid office from the 10th day of June last till day of sale. Terms made known oo day of sale. SUSAN A. F. JONES, Adm’rx. Nov. 22d, 1845.—38—tds. For a proper, not an extra-judicial understanding of the above notice, 1 wish you would republish mv notice, which appeared in tlie Patriot of last Wed nesday, and continue it until the day for which the rale of the Courier Office is advertised. Append my notice to this if you please. Nov. 26, 33 tds.] JOHN E. KEAN. " FORT G.1I.YES Wharf and Ware House (OI.D STAND.) T HIS large and commodious eAabiuhmrnt is again open for thi reception of COTTON and MERCHANDIZE. Tho subscriber takes this method of retaining his thanks to the Public, for the very liberal patronagy heretofore received, and respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the same. He will Store Cotton at the low price of 'TteetUy-fite Cents per bale, for the sea son, and will give his personal attention to the Wlroighing and Shipping or Sale of cotton Stored with him, without suy extra charge. HT He Is prepared to make Liberal Advakcrs, cither in Merchandize or Cotton. ; ‘ ^ Bagging, Rope and'Salt, constantly on hand, and for sale low. Should any planters storing cotton with me, wish to avail themselves of the Bay Market, I have made arrangements with some of the First Class Steam Boats, to take them with their cotton (where they make from thirty to fifty boles or more,) free ol cliargc. In tact, I am always at home, ready and waiting to render my services to all who may need them, either personally or by order. CHARLES F. BEMIS. Fort Gaines, Nov. 5,1845, 30 tf. S O VTHERJT STORE WITH fcrNORTHERN PRICES.<£0 9. Waitxfeldcr, A Co., A RE now receiving a large and well selected as sortment of ; EPiv.Sf©*! (S©©S)S 9 From the Koktherx Markets, consisting in part of Prists, latest style, aH qualities; - Laces ; Strayed, tation of thfjn JL EN SIIEEP, one black ©ne amonp them be paid for information relative to raid estruys. Nov. 13,1845, 31 3t] E. H. PLATT. WE will make liberal CASIIAOl f VANCESan Cotton Stored in any .Ware-House in Albany. * 81MB & cr Albany, Oct. 99,1845, 29 tf. HORA Sc DIcGWIER. ' D EALERS in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boot?, Shoes, HaU, Clothing Ac. Albany, April, 18th, 1845. 1 tf. Crockery. TUST received by HUNT A PYNCHON, cheap O and fine Crockmy, white Granite Tea and Dta- OcL 29, 39 3m. TO THE AFEEICTEB. DR. HENRY G. NICHOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. fllAKES this metliod to inform bis friends that be still resides at the above place, and will give Ids attention to persons afflicted with chronic surd supposed incurable forms of disease. ’ From his suc cess lieretofore in tho management of such coses, icrsons afflicted will find it to tlieir interest to give L: m a trial, for if lie docs not permanently cure, be ay at least mitigate their sufforings. Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splenitis, Brim- cbetis, Cough, Erysipelatous afiections, Scroffids, Leprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gonorhca Gleet, Tic Dou loureux, Hysteria, Palsoy, Epilepsy, Chorea, Dropsy, Amenorhoa,Prolapsus Uteri, Ac. Ac., Piles.IIcmi, Calculi of the Blander, Ulcers, Hydrocele, Ac., would do well to consult him. Dr. N. will remove all cases of Syphalilie taint from the system, and warrant them, no cure no pay. Persons living at a distance, who arc afflicted, would do well to call in person, if not convenient, by communicating, post paid, with Dr. Nichols, giving symptoms, Ac., and enclosing the fee, $10, ceive directions lor the management of their cases. Albany, Gen., April 33, 1845. 2 ly Just Rccivcd, 20 Co4 * c - 40 BbU Old Rectified Whisker, 6 do- American Brandy, 5 do. N* E. Rom 1 Pipe Superior Otard Brandy. 70 Coil Manilla A Hemp Rope, Together with a large assortment of India and Ken tucky Bagging, English and Sweedes Iron, Trace Chains, Weeding I Joes, Axes and Hollow Ware. Persons desiring to purchase will do well to give ma- a call. Albany, aprii 16, 1845. W- E. SMITH. 1 tf Roots and Shoes. T HE subscribers have on hand, which they c at very low prices, a large stock of Ne Shoes, (somo very superior) Kip do., ladies Walking do.. Kid Slope, Gaiters, Women’s Leather s, Gent’s fine Calf pegged aud sewed Slrecs, fine Calf pegged and sewed Boots, Water-proof do., Ac., Ac. HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29, 29 3m. Jast Received B Y the subscribers, pieces fine black and col'd Broad Cloths, American and French Cassimers, black Silk and Satin Vestings, rich Wool do., com mon do., Kentucky Jeans, a great variety of cheap Pant Stulls for common wear, all of which they otter on good terms. HUNT A PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29,1845, 29 3in. Tailoring Establishment, NEAR THE CORNER OF BROAD AND WASH INGTON STREETS, In the rear tf Mr. John Jackson's Store. davidTewis, 13 ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Air A\ lany and the inhabitants of Balrer and also those of the adjacent counties, that be will shortly make such a choice addition to his present assort ment of 4s<a$3Z3 &as> QaasjsausQQo. tlimt lie will be enabled to fill and execute any ctdexr, that way be entrusted to his care. D. 1- canid* boast of having made the Grand Tour cither or Europe, or even of our own Universal Yniikcc-doodle-dotn—but he can ray, without flatter ing himself, that be is a MASTER WORKMAN. —and tint although he has not graduated from such splendid shop* as Beau Brummel or Court D’Ossay. loved to patronize, yet be pledges that all ivbo may honor him with tlieir custom shall receive a regular built £outhekx Fit, in either TIGHTS, ANTI- TIGHTS, or MKDIVM-TI'ES. He wUl also warrant ail work that goes from hw shop as being faithfully executed, ana made up in workmanlike style; and as be is in the receipt of the earliest lash- ions, D. L will he enabled to tickle the taste of the most fanciful fastidious—Nuf ad—except, that he returns his mast grateful thanks ton generous com munity for the very libdnl encouragement he has al ready received, and respectfully solicits a contin uance of its fovor. Albany, Sept. 10,1845, 22 tf. H UNT A PYNCHON have just received Car- ja-ntcr’s Tools, full setls Smith’s, Tools com plete, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Curving do., a large assortment of Pen and Pocket do., stock and rim Locks, Butts and Screws, cut Tacks, Cotton and Wool Cards, Iron A Nails, together with a full assortment of Hard Waro generally. Albany, Oct 39, 29, 3m. minis ROUSE. T1IE subscribers have the past Sum mer built a new WARE HOUSE, for the Storage of Cotton, and solicit a share of the patronage of the Planters generally. ID* Liberal advance* made on cotton in Store. HUNT A PYNCHON. Oct. 20, 1845, 29 3m. ' Cautionary Notice. rpHE remainder of the lease of the Courier Office ,, . , | . a 1 -R I perceive lias been advertised for sale* The Sgrecably to toe unanimously expressed wuh i b t0 Kfe, tl>e 29th of the present i'be Slate and nation.” | month—tho lease ends the 7th March, ensuing, at which time my interest in it expires. This state ment is made for the purpose of ^forming tiro public that the sale of the said lease has been advertised without mi r consent, Cod that therefore the purchas er or purchasers, if any there should be, will be held Tfcc Democratic majority on joint ballot in the tw York Legislature is 43, instead of 38, as sta- h*t week, being again of 15 over last year. foagrc-sioual Nominations In the 3rd District. The Whigs have nominated Dr. Ambrose Baber, :.!fecon to fill tho vacancy of Mr. Poe. The h't!'.ocr»t! in the samo district, have nominated Col. To " m of Talbot. Every intelligent man in the District which of these two would best rep resent the people, and which ought to be elected. important from Hayti.—We have rcceiv- ■*l souiu important intelligence by the fine Casiimebedesi.etts ; Broadcloths; Bombazines ; Cassmeks; Chvsass; Mcsliss; Hosiery ; Tassels; liablc'for tho satisfaction of my claim. The notice or rale of the lease above mentioned was not publish ed in eilheir ol the public Gazettes of Albany, u ia customary; but was written and posted on the door at J. W. Gaylord’s store in this place, and, as I bo- liove at no other place. I now. fomwlly, ftabid the rale of raid lease. , JOHN L. KEAN. ID* Since writing the above 1 have , ulc Houses in ub i.onucm uue, j< that one other advertisement of the iraso was postoa j to ^ puNfc that they are the true at tho Post Office. JOHN h. KEAN, November 19,1845, 32 tds. "1Strayed or Stolen, FROM the subscriber, on the 19th ~ r —ant intelligence uy u» um. FROM the subscriber, on tbe 19tn Huntress, Cupt. baker, front Port au of October last, one Sorrel MARE, She sailed thence on the 84lh ull. gjtg a 14-— foce, right eye out, a scar '< appears by the news, that a Dominican Met ol fiv e gjvij [ c ft p or t aM plait, on tho .Mo attack Cape Hayti. About 4000 roopj were also despatched by land to at- ! ack *he same place. A decree had been '* President Santa Anna, of the uttiumican part of the Island, previous to **t5 suiltiiig ef (jnpt. Uakei, to compel all '"ftujpi residents, including Americans, to «*« up arms and to act as a civic guard. *»«y, of course, protested against such a P^cdure, which protest was immediately .^bt to the President, but no answer had »,lT cp ' v *d. This decree waa issued last summer, but /** uw enforced, or attempted! to be en- ‘ 0, ;«d,.till ilw middle of October 11 will be nroessary for onr government _ w right | ^ IL un uer ro.t uip, shod all round, A some white, (which, not recollected) between ten and twelve year* old. Any information of the above Marc wiU be tlurat fully received by «hesul»ci^ district of Leo county. SMITH bUDDUTlI. Norember 19,1845, B » Cutlery; •ii Alpaccxs; | j Domestics; Sattisetts ; Fixer Coan; Misses Cloaks; Musus de Lasts; Casumeeedeccose ; Marisoes. different qualities! Also, a well selected assortment of WINTER SHAWLS', at all prices, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and all other articles usually called for in a Dry Good Store. also, A large and well avlected assortment of BEADY, BADE CIOTHISO, con-tst nj; •« COATS, VESTS. PART'S, Ac All of which will ha said as CHEAP as Hu- CHEAPEST* those whs are desirous at purchasing will please call aad examine tor thsmsslves. Mr. W. being desirous of permanently locating himself in Albany, for the porposeof transacting a general mercantile business, bus purchased his en tire stock of goods from some of the most respecta ble houses in the Northern cities, he fceis justified in raying to the public that they are the true grit and no Mistake. Having paid cash for his goals lie It -n*M*d to sell at a small -profit for CASH. He respectfully solicits a reasonable portion of public **V*3ore first door East of the Drug Store, qt the Sign of the “New Cheap Store.” Albany, Nor. 6, 30 tf. New Firc-prooflVare House. MACON, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned, Laving erected a Flre-prmy WartJmuse, situated at the head of Cotton Av enue, tenders his services to his friends nr,d the pnb- lic generally, for the storage of COTTON and MER- C1IAND1SE, and the transaction of Commission Business, all its branches, pledging himself to use eveiy ex- otc the interests of, render satisfaction 50,000 CIGARS. flMIE subscriber, haring opened a Cigar Manu- foctoiy in TIiomasviTle, Georgia, is prepared to furnish bis customers and tiro poUic with any quantity ol' Principe Cigars, on the most liberal terms. His cigars are made by superior workmen, nnd of the best quality of IM PORTED TOBACCO, and for beauty of exteri or nnd excellency of flavor, will challenge a compote son with the finest imported Principe. He has »l« on band 10,000 Cuba, Broun, and halt Spanish, All of which are put up in the neatest style. Per sons visiting the place are invited to call and exaiu- inc for themselves. AU orders by mail promptly attended to. H. A. REMINGTON, Tobacconist. Umaasville, May, 18th, 1845. 10’ ly ertion to promote to, those who may confide business to his charge. The Storage and sale of Cotton will be under the direction of Mr. JOHN JONES, who las kmc been known in tho tho Vare-house business, snd will give articular attention to the rale of cotton, and tiro fili ng of orders for goods. Liberal advances will be made oo cotton in store, or to bodiippcd. Bagging, Rope, dr Ttcine, together with any other articles will bo furnished customers at the lowest market pri ro. N. B. Storage and commission at costomare rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, June 25,1845. 11 w6m Administrator’s Sale. B EFORE the Comt House door, in the town of Anroricus, between tiro usual boon of eal* on tho first Tuesday in February next, wiUbe oflered to the highest udder, a negro U’yjjrtjf ■mm.* of Morris* about twelve years of age, be- lfcved to be SSbyHaltoniA belonging to^«- tatoof Allen Dorman.deceased. 8oldfartlropo> pose of rasking a division among the distributees of TCnl Lm'LETON P..DORMAN, Adm'r de bonis non. November 19,1845, 33 tds. !**• ‘hat Aider; ns aie not forced into ly that of Hayti V BILLS OF LADING neatly printed and I/or role at this tfke. NEW GOODS! rrUIE subaerber ia now receiving his supply of A FALL AND WINTER GOODS, snited to the market which, with hi* present stock, he now of fers at such prices as cannot foil to please bis cus tomers, among which ure Bagging Rope Ar Ttcine, Boots and shoes of every description, Clothing, Os- naburgo, Domestic and Jeano; i large asmtment of Calicoes and Fancy Dry Goods; also an excellent iotofUardware. Iron aid Nail., Crockery and Gtera ware; with a foil supply of GROCERIES, such as Sugar Tea and Coffce. JVbtlee. (THOMAS II. KEY respectfully announce* to bis friends that he is u candidate for tbe Cleri; ships oftlic Superior and Inferior Courts of tbe Corn- tv of Dooly, at the ensuing election on the first Mon day in January next. June 35. II tf SeMBBMtER Y. HIE subscribers have now a very extensive sortnront of SADDLES, embracing every shape and quality, shine very fine, Side do. ot superi or quality, Waggon do., Bridles, Martingales, car riage and waggon Whips, sulky aud baggy Harnes ses, Homes and Collars, Blind Bridles, &c. HUNT &. PYNCIION. Albany, Oct. 29, 39 3m. New Dress Goods and Trimmings. J UST received by HUNT St PYnCHON,a huge assortment 0 f English, French and American PRINTS, entirely new styles, Gingliams, Muslin de Lanes, Cashmere, (new styles) phm and figured Alpaccxs, eoUored do., black and col’d Silks, foney Neck Ties, Mitts, col’d and black Girdles, do. Cords and Tassils, sew style Gimp Cord, &C-, &e. Albany, Oct. 39,1845, 29 3m. JUST RECEIVED! A FRE8II supply of articles in our line, some of. which lave never before been oflered in this market: Among them may be found, Mrs. Betts’ Utcro Abdominal Supporters, for superior to tbe use of the Pessary. Also, Foxe’a Tooth Keys, 13 and 8 ox. Syringes, Hall’s patent doable and single Trus ses, Sand’s and Currie’s Saanparilla, Sulph. Qui nine, Jodide of Potass, Iodine, Musk, Carmine red. Ink, Krcosote, Oil Lemon, do. Cloves, Tsmarindr, (fresh) Verbena Cream and Hair Brushes. —ALSO— a variety of school and other books, viz: Bancroft’s History of the United States, Combe on tbe Consti tution of man, Comnlete practical Farmer, Gunn’s Domestic Medicine,' Jacob’s Gr. Reader, Gould’s Adam’s Latin Grammar, Folsom’s Livy, Testaments,' Horace, f translated) Emerson’s Arithmetics, Smith’s do., Mt. Vernon Readers, N. Y. do.. Walker's Dic tionaries, Mitchell’s Travelling Maps of Georgia, do. Texas, Count D’Orsay’s Etiquette, Copy!Blips, Com stock's Philosophy, Southern First Class Books, Murray’s Exercises, SpeUing Books, Southern Har mony, English Grammar, large Quarto Family Bibles and small do. also, Fools Cap and Letter paper, Blank Cards, Inkstands, letter Stamps, Ink Powder, Pocket Books, Steel Pens, Quills, fiiiroy colored Scaling Wax, &c., for sale low by WELCH & NELSON. 23 tf. WjAjtbs for sjule. T HE following named tracts of 1A\D will ba add on reasonable terms, and good Titles given: No. 338, 3d district of Baker County, Garments, which he “ ‘ Ho will 198, 15th 348, 16th 71, 32d 354, 15th Albany, Oct 89: 39 FJNHE s^hCTbCTHbMve noyJn store.JWO racks « 318, 15th “ M - an, i5th - Early “ 626, 5th “ “ 361, 27th “ *s . u 93,9th 1 or farther uarticular?. sob* Oct. 29, 29 3m, Oct. 39, 29 ttl Leo • « Randolph county, Decatur “ H. CLARK, Albany, Ga. Albany, Sept 10,1845, To Gentlemen of Fasbion. T HE . ndersigned respectfully informs tho Citizens of Albany and the sur rounding country, that be entfor cutting Gentlemen rants eaual to the beat Near York stole. ^C^P^Ub^divide thepre-r fits, be is enabled by strict attention to bnsfaef r, te» sell and work aceoroing to tbe susaaw of thatfngs.' ■ Thu latest style of goods will bs found at Ma store, and Ready-made eCthfag.’fiRto, Capa, dte. &c. All work warranted to bo made to the satisfaction -(Jfx hisourtomers.a.rega^t^.ndfosW^ .Merchant Tailor ■ May 14,1845. 12— J OB WORK of ail kinds executed at tla's OfSf J with neatness and deaptfeh. * « April 18.1845.