The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 03, 1845, Image 1

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u Wisdom, Justice, JtModeration.” VOL. I. ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 3,1815. NO. 34. THE ALBANY PATRIOT, 15 rUBUSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, BY NELSON TIFT & SETH N. BOUSHTON, Editor* and Proprietors. WILL HE PROFIT BY IT I I DUELLING. I CULTIVATION OF COTTON. THE RUSSIAN SERFS—THEIR CONDITIO The man who is perpetual hesitating It is stated, ilmf in Mexico, a man who Wo make ihc following extract from a! AND NUMBER llie Southern (Mss)Io a work rorcuUy publi»ticibontit]cd the White fewl,U rcMlutiou ,o ho change! by the alter having settled his antagonist will, n Rcfo « ner - After noticing (he improve- Shv',«lull .dccanbe puherodoi the-rertaystem «vn Duller* oer annum if said in advance or £‘ r8 ' counter-suggestion of a Iricnd, who, bullet, also settle up for him in pecuniary " rcnl * ,D "gneullure, which-bate been cf- *'£ ' £'“J R “ s f“" «*W D^ars auhe end or the j”ar. ’ j fluctuate* from opmton to opinion,.from plan j «#&«*. Iiisa wise provision, and often j fected by the aid of agricultural Journals, Z-^Arr- rods Tte cm^Ti^ri' Uvertiscmcnts not exceeding twelve line*, will ] to P ,nn > »nd veers like a weathercock to afford* n sufficient reason.for declining a and the strong prejudice which exists in -r ’ ; n! ..r .. Jis,rtrH at One Dollar for tl,o first insertion, and! "very point of ihc compass, with every 1 challenge, where moral causes are not Yell ,| lf . „r ,|JJ.. n , r7 ' the propmtor of /.ren^oae mdW-or, mother flilv rent* for each continuance. Advertisement* breath or caprice that flows, can never ac- ns binding. • “Can’t aflord to shoot you, sir ' • ! 8 of ,lle ? rtnl ' J" 111 ' of 1 ' ul " crs 'J’ orit,,he on ns more ilaiea than jve have r*°P>o m during fee number of insertions, will complish anything great or useful. In- —too expensive : O if you want to he n P nlnsl whl » 'bey term “book farming,” twenty-eight States of our Union. One can of being ^progressive in everything, shot, your bills receipted, or elsc!^ ““X innovations upon the old established t'loco^powcr of such a monarch. uJtiry and Guardians, are required by law to he ,hTrtised in a public gazette, sixty days previous to tieiay ol kJc. The sales of Personal Property must be advertised a the manner .forty d*yo ...c njoy mnioepucrcoi gunpoivacr) : i,.mel™i„„ loaned, or a lin'o' Ih this way.. the same policy, serfs of that vast, tho Great, the the imperial domain extraordinary ratio. Tho nuni- or three millions to connection it is prop- emperor is nominally a Russia, both serf and SONG—BV LOUISA. IN IMITATION OF TOE GERMAN. I. When the far horizon’s verge Hides tho loved one from our sight, Fancy, following o’er the surge, Havers round the good ship’s (light, What, tho* oceans intervening, The loving from die loved may part— It is nut of idle dreaming That ihe loving inect in heart! Through the lapse of weary years, Alternating hopes and fears, Unman ioys and human cares, • F.irtii-t>ora murmurs, heaven winged prayers, Still, oh! still tlie tend heart turns To toe love lor which it yearns! II. Memory of past affection lends to Fancy swiftest wings, And each hallowed recollection Colors new imaginings. What, tlio’ Death his prey have claimed, And vve meet in time no more— Tim' the beating heart be tamed, There is no “ Lethean shore I" Klill, oh! still the fond hope cherish, That affoctions never perish; And tho loved one, weaned from lifo’s Cankering cares and wearying strifes, Nears with more unwearied feet When the loved and loving meet! tVtober, 1815. M lbC EL L AjNV. From Ihe Fori tit nd Bulletin. DIFFICULTIES OF LIFE. A thunder cloud looks (lark anil terrific sines* of cl,ailing their plnn*. Let vour charier* in this Slate, unless it bo lo give , L-Vv" Johl vo«, of o’.e S.Vr.VtnVuV. I will “ , e l«>. 1*^ ccnti^eales tl. mono Ire. P,r,ereran>io vine" Prne.ise mm he power to use credit and capital 1( ! p!-,l" be ce C d s o v ri nl “ hangs brings it within the imperial domain, am upon it, and von will he convinced of its who have none, and such an evil should, i“° ;' P* , f , f i the numberoi hi,ownserls. Thisci, value hv the distinguished eminence t6 hy all menus, Ire avoided—fiiriuroy Rep l froiri »h«s siiccc*stul nerr or fn'mcnrh nml ■M'uwa that tll ° wry Iowa which he is ..Hodgcd t. Which it wHI eonrl.ret Von. ELOQUENT EXTRACT. also lime to mature mv report t slo lh.’*n!e* 1 |‘ ave n, °^ lor their eventual enfranchisement, hni SCRAPS ON EDUCATION. , Tlic following eloquent extract (snys hi Now Orleans, &c. ‘ l.utto the land, ns the siavcw tho hands °t tho nobility t< Gold is more frequently found in grains limn in lump*, and it is not the less valua ble on that n< count. So with knowledge. Fragments, when united, make up the in-, the Southern Miss. Reformer,) we clip I only am interested’and can injure no mie ! ot *he cmixacor. This, in our opinion, has from socevh of A. V. brown, the demo- b\- a premature sUtiem^nl. 11 ere it ix : notr ® u cncy to weaken tho sen system of uusaia, crane Uovvriuir of Tennessee, made during The onlv difference in the laud is that tlii*s t 11 'nav niouiiy the seventy which ho suffers the late canvass: part Itnd hern planted in sweet pointers in i 0U „ d 1 C0,lat ‘ ; *' ,1 J!) ,0,1 . lty ’ , , lellcnuat storehouse. John Adams said, , “America may be last asylum of liberty 1842 and ’43: it was the same nge astire (fi^’^SSShtSst u;- ri.« for itic liiimun Inmdy. In ahuosi every oldc*l, n;ul older bv three to five- vcnrsllinn , t . . 'J u ■ • ‘icbcewitnis ot bur, i..., .i _i.1 mm’ » i •.? * . w I o loundcu the b^riHn empire of Nineveh. After (icflcendenU spread to tho west, Russia mud Poland, where they increas- Iininnnlv ,,,c c “ r *n. ricrc uucriy hub rcurcu nor ru- UKe, burned on m June, to Kilt grass : Dill i phed. But tfien incursion upon incur- 3. • vnrilf* loiiiiili*. Slit* liiirl lh<* (oiinrln. .1,1= «on cu,1,e “F on dinn like an avalanche. The the Iiun, the Mogul, over that vast region . Kpi-iirr r.ionH r.t «"««» iier uiuuv, uiiu ms woisuiuuciB wiiwfenre is in seicciion oi seen nnu pn puring i r ,,"' r ' /— -—^ * ic ®i 1 '"8 J* 18 ; orifimn. Seen a. a dislance, they arc large and for- Xendnn who InL. uram ounlifenlinn, thron ? lwr • ,,oul '' never surrender it them, one or the other, o. both,and I think , ,n1 “ b,tante * "bonrepnirerly called blav, or Sla- midablc. It seems impossible lo surmount education, who insists ;i|>i)n qunlifieatinns b,,, their lives. Never was there a coniointlv ” voman (;rom wind. Pie word ./ore seems clearly derived,) in bondage, where they continue to this day, even after the lapse of two thousand years. This is certainly a more remarkable continuation Lei us take one lion in ihc tailed States, in 184(7. ,, of sertdem into onorace tUa has existed even among he number of while persons in each , U i° Atnt ™- . thdrlongcgc* midable. It seems tm.rossible lo uur.noum ' nuca.ion, vu.o ,ns,ms upon b „, With their lives. Never was there a coniointlv.” the,. Willi fault und courage wc press unpenor to the present, ,s hound to do Ins pcople w ho |)0 , sessl . d n fincr or n no , )ler con J oinll >_ wiili a steady*eye and a suong heart, P arl f^nrH furmshinff fncili nn - collIllr .. Go up with me in imagination, Kirfc 1 . a ,? l "r nrcd ,, o C . , !!? U, " , ^ n8 . be !!' rc ’ mdrX'\V?. ennnmconsc«, denounce' a " d . 8, " nd for 0 wh ! ,u . on s0 " ,e ,oft > . Tlie fo ! 10 ". luve dwindled to mole-hills. Now pros! W***; 1 '.hy .rocKy mountains. EDUCATION. following gives the state of eduen- ■ . . _. . , ■ , - ... . oi inc rocKy iiioiininins. LreitisiaKC one non in uy attends our steps and every tiling ? 81la,c of Jihings which i W u . n "';H ?„j ravishing view of this broad land of liber- shows i..u ...... v , r , ,r Us brighl and inviting before us. improve. Martin Luther has said of ed- |y Turn your face towards the gulf of State above Hie a-e of twenly-one, who ,®f'"o^ ""d pby.uaUdegradaUon and^de.- Tbcreare i hose who arc forever looking ncnHo". “In every age evenintnonr thei, Kf eX tco—wl ia I do you behold 1 Instead of can nei ‘ ’ y «or. tl® Russian sen Iw. k eaoacltv which .haw* Wand expecting somp hon or other obstit- ^ ne«-e^,.y has been fell of one lone star feinily shining in the far dis- galaxy of stars of burst on your vision, We 8 b' n ing with n bright and glorious cf- „ - »u...u....u e .,r l , r i fulgcnce. Now turn with me to the west b ; c. Such characters you will find plod- enn neither chop them <ml <of wood, nor;—(j, c mighty west—where the setting sun their way in darkness and sorrow, hew them out of stone. God ill work no (,& disc ia the^^wcsicm ocean. Look ’ ’ ' ’ - kp.'.» It. miracles to furnish that which we have a ^i y down the misty dislance to We l «'' 8, . , herefore (hc shores of the Pacific, wiHt al) its bays, harbors, and rivers. Cast your eyes as far as the Russian possessions, in latitude 54 —4A new world lies before you. How many inagniGccnt stales lo be the future ■-•'miiilahuuiiis aimio nun ui umvi wwm- , . j i i . • t _ . uiic luiir »iiir itiiiiiiy f e m ilieir paths, and when they fail lo Having eood school masters, in order to |on | n w hole discover some monstrous, black, liideous »oakc anything respectable a. a nn,,0 [J; . ihe first magnitude bui their disordered imaginations are I* 1 * 1 sorely we arc nof f o sit s ill and ait 8 | m) j n{ , w i«i a brigh "low to manufacture soincihing terri- ^ ro . w "P of »hrm..e>vcs. Such characters you will find plod- ilu-ir way in darkness and sorrow, ■!v doing enough daily to keep the . .... heai li of life in I heir bodies. Ask them, mw }"* ,0 provide • . *Hy don’t you go ahead and do something? »W*’* "? ,r rn " " nd mone y lo ,rmn l, P and •urn they will reply with a dentil groan or a mnlfc lllcm - ; 1_ heavy sigh—“O dear, I wish I could ; but I CONSISTENCY. tvery thing is against me.” And ihcn| We are great admirers of consistency in. ..— B — ........ >i>iur cadaverous looks are enough to give public men. The unity of a life begun, homes of the sons and daughters of free. flllllltVAiv «1- 1-1..-- _ mb MA.nnl 1.1 tviv utnee* ■ ■ f . I N • . _ I - - A ^ — . .Ia.m t D«.l .*ai« lintfA via! *.aI a-., a ,. J av tennnau men the blues, or something worse. How common such characters are. ”1 Lave scon tia ra Like boding owls, creep into tods of ivy, Aad hoot their fears to one another nightly.” k vord lo the fearful and trembling.— continued, and ended in the resolute as sertion of a great and true principle, is a noble moral spectacle. Wc like to know where to find a man, and what to expect j dotn 1 But you have not yet gazed on half of this glorious country. Turn now your face lo the cast, where the morning sun first shines in this land of liberty.— l)o of him. We love to’fed assured that what I Away yonder you see the itmnorlaf old lie means he will say, and what lie says j thirteen, who achieved our independence; I !»» .1 A<" aaIiam nanrar Ia ho lias llrn ttvolI’A nr nfloon elnlud you know that while you are brooding j )e w ill do; that his principles of action nearer to us lie ihc twelve or fifteen stales r • i... ? :i . ,c i:r~ .i.a ,—! . n ’ ■ i . i e .1 n. v„n„.. iLa if:.,: : : can neither read nor write No. I. Connecticut—I in 311. No.-2. New Hampshire—1 in 159. No. 3. Massachusetts—1 in 91. No. 4. Maine—I in 72. No. 5. Vermont—1 in C3, No. 6. Michigan—1 in 44. No. 7. New York 4- N. Jciscy—I in 26. No. 8. i’ennsylvauia—1 iu 22. No. 9. Ohio—I in 18. No.-10. Iowa—1 in 17. No. tl. Louisiana—1 in 16. No. 12. District of Columbia—1 in 15, pair, die Russian scrl bus a capacity which shows tluit be is still of tlie shite race. Though stupid, he can learn. Travellers say that be is remarbably ingenious in manufactures, tiiougb too versatile in charai U r to coinja-te with die more steady indus try nf die English and Germans. lie mokes a su perior soldier, for his courage and nerve are a* undaunted a* die irorf which be wields. His en durance of beat and cold, hia blind obedience, his absti niiousucss of living, when necessary, show a character encrusted with the darkness of despotism, but still as worthy and fit to be freemen, as the mas ters who ride it over him so cruelly. stinnte resislnnee lo the adoption of new fill lo heaveniihntt his lot was cast ip such compared to ihc future benefit*. No man K1 „, '„. r .ii.i„ „ rraf miv'in his own emnirc opinions, as now facia come »o light, is. a goodly land! When did mental vision is peWct, and the most hones, may forget ■’ downright stupidity ; and tho attempt to j ever rest on such a scene? Moses, when that you hove adjusted your nceotini and ™ ■‘lATlT- 8 i . energies' f 'nk into rim grave, docrcpid and worn out, '•lien you are hut in the meridian of life. “ is true as Thompson says: "Desponding fear, of feeble fancies fell, Weak and unmanly, loosens every power” Have faith and courage. Look above _... r . „ .. , 0 knil licyond the gloomy circle in which you h de or gloss over one’s mental changes is standing on the top of mount Pisgah, look- present a bill the second limo. If you •nove, and instead of’ lurking in moiildy, a despicable moral poltroonery. We know ing over the promised I md, gazed not on a feel sure you have cancelled the debt, you 'htirch yards, among rusty bones and bro- not a meaner cowardice than that which • scene hnlf so lovely. O, lei us ibis day may not convince your creditor of the fact, kenskulls, hie away to the bright and beau-! makes a man ashamed of seeming wiser vow, that whatever else we may do, hv Hut if you have preserved his bill receipted, 'iful in nature. You will ycl he inen again, at fifty than he was at forty. The true I whatever name we may be called, we wijl i there can be no misiuke about it. Never Tiicre is hope even for you. Take a fresh 1 consistency for a statesman, is llte eon-1 never surrender one square acre of this 1 sav Mr. so and so is an honest man, and I E; art this delightful morning, .and shake j sistenev, of ibis year’s a is with ibis goodly lu i tinge to the dictation of any king will not be particular.” He may die, or .Voiiraclves thoroughly from the sluggish year’s convictions. In fact, an honest mnn o\- potentate on earth. Swear it! swear it even he mav forget. Have n correct sys . . „ .... , . ta It has been supposed tliat in our day we should No. 13. Maryland &. V i»co08iii—-1 in 13 . |j ve to see the enhancliitcmrnt of tlie serfa in the No. 14. Indiana 4-Mississippi—1 m 1... Rl; „ ianeoll , iro- We fear U.i* will not be. The S°* !. ,,!” n . T • , ... .' dawning even is net visible. The Russian autocrat No. 16. Illinois Arkansas and Missouri ig too dcC j Jy i nteres ted in its continuance, to induce i, in him to adopt any but palliative measure*. Ule'will No. 17 Delaware, Virginia, South Car- nut ,trike at tlio root by entranchising.tbo serf* on olina, Alobama and Kentucky—1 iu 6. i ( |, e inqicrial domain. Not only the Urge brt in- !?' Georgia—I in 5. | creating number on bis estate is calculated to Bar- No. 19. North Carohnnund 1 cnncssce dcll tnd s t ron gtlicn the natural passions of avarice 1 tu 4.-—Southern Cultivator. j an j porsonal power. This very increase also binds Keep your Account, straight.-Many ^ ,iDCW « ° f ^ "^hy.ynd .thus Tho camp may have its feme, the court its glare, The theatre its wit, the bast'd its mirth; Bat there’s s calm,' a quiet haven, where Bliss flies for shelter—the domestic hearth. veights of despondency and sorrow—-de- «»ring with the poet, “My lieeit i» Ann: There’s nought within the compass of humanity hat I would dare and do.” Courage then, coumge. Rise with the 'j'fenhination never lo sink, again, nor «il , ! e *pairingly beneath I he hnrrow of despon- Mncy. With this resolution yottr work is ciompluhcd. Success will follow in your yearscwicuoos. ... .... ........ .. . .. even mav .urge., svnve «. mm. -7-. «UV—never Slop 10 banter with this ono need never trouble himself about consis-1 my countrymen, and let heaven record the tem and follow it up. Keep n similar ac- and the oilier, slopping, and turning, and tcncy at all. His honesty will insure his ; vow forever." What if'h e English lion count with nn honest man ns witli n rogue, hcsifaling, has futned many a ho consistency, so far as consistency is a fit i shall begin to growl! What if he shall and you will be perfectly safe. “ " " I *» O' « . w * No after outy safe course—the only way to succeed UQIIBIBICIH Va 8U iai US VUUatOiWilVT 10 »• »•» I w : a . UUU VUII Will UC UUIICIIIV WIH . v , , . * . '1 • 1 virtue for fallible beings. Let any man presently fill ih* air with his roar! Arm- claps will vex and harmssyou, end through w to go ahead, not turning to the right or keep n clear, open mind, and habits oficd with right and justice on our side, we life you will reap tho benefit of this only tho loll. You may asweU die ns linger frank speech-seeking the truth, and fcnr him not. Our fathers dtd not.fenr he- wtse end safe course. , n d up. _ \Y ho will respect >o‘<—wh<> notice you afterward? Wc would rather The beat dowry to advance the marriage of a trust a man who had failed and persevered spcakintMhe truth, from day to day, and fore us. Let him roar—the American Ea- from vear to year—and though he live jBfle, your own bird of liberty, is even now «*• ««•»•/ ~~ —— - -------- , », . to the Vo of Methuselah, w : thoul once pluming her wings for the loftiest flight, yoong hdy, b when she has in her coantnwnce a dozen limes, than one who sunk and (jts thinkin? nbout his consistency, his life will • and will soon utter bolder notes than Eng- mildncaa, in her speech wisdom, in her bibaviov ■ dtscotirnged at the first hcoa flaw.—Port- look coSsistent enough at last. | land’s Lion ever heard.” I modesty, end in her life virtue. t lani Tribmf.