The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 03, 1845, Image 3

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■-STS rapin' ■f^gintuon. ift l obstacles, far transcend the highest flight Baker SherMPs Sales, FOR JAM U ART. Prevent to Mr. Bancroft. We hare been favored with the inspection of a _ •n^vrorki then, w® conceive to be wholly prac- mast beantifnl silver-mounted ash cane, bearing the ILL be sold betoro the Court House door at vJjo fall within the proper sphere of opera, fallowing inscription on the bead: I. * , Newton, Baker county, on the first Teosday "tof the Gen®™' Government-end to bo fraught « A port of the old school house, Newburg, where " ‘ 1 immense advwitage*. not only to our country Gen. Washington in a council of officer, enubed - — ■’ W 8 * “-V* feTenth * tothe whole human family. . the spirit of sedition, March 160^1783.” ' n't fcop® tll * t “° f, !* M P“ l * aUtracti P“ j And around the upper ferret, the following: st»»>■» » «- satsEjess'vMiss;; Baker county; levied on as the property of Thomas .ttsf-fy Tbc Sontlicru Cultivator. \ monthly Journal, devoted' to the improvement fScnthcrn Agriculture, Editrd by Janies Camak, pj,.. of Athens, Ga., and pnbliahed in Augusta by \V. & W. S. Jones. Price for one year—one copy 81; Six copies, f5; twenty-five copies, 820; io hundred copies, $75. The prospectus of this valuable Journal may be rfon at this office, where subscriptions will be recei pt anil the cash forwarded \Yc lave received the second number of the Geor gia Adiertiser, Edited and published by William B. Harrison, Macon, Geo. It is neutral in politics. e Got.'mor has transmitted the State census to the l/rislature, and we hope soou to have an oppor tunity of publishing it. I.ouaUc Asylum. \\e make the following extracts from a comma- rktion which we find in the Augusta Constitu- onalist The reality as exhibited in this sketch, ■osentsa sinking contrast to the “swell” report Ur. David Cooper, resident Physician. Tho imbecility or wrong-heedlcssncsa which conk) direct permit such mismanagement may be entitled to p. Vrre in the institution, but is certainly not quali :i«l to direct it. -| visited the Asylum in company with a friend a the first week of the session. Having visilod ther institutions of the kind elsewhere, and read ac- (Mint* of others, 1 was not prepared for the extreme Ciriiity of admission to the inmost recesses of this tJabiishinent. I anticipstcd being called upon for ,omc evidence tliat ours was not a purposeless visit idle curiosity, and for the mere sake of sight-scc- ag. Hut tiie gates and doors flew open at our ap- n»ch, and wc were soon nslicred, I may say crowd- id, in with a great many others, also on a visit.— were soon in the midst of the unfortunate in- oat,* occupying tlie second story. Their cells, on ,sell side of the wide passage, were all open, and :bcy were mingling together aud roaming from one ad to the other, talking to, or peering at, the visit in', chattering among themselves, capering about the floor, preaching, cursing, singing, shouting, and conducting themselves in every variety of whimsical ays that their disordered fancies dictated. The first and second floors were occupied by tho men, the third and fourth by the women. Wc were tunvn consecutively from one to the other, and had full license to talk with each of the patients, in presence of about twenty-five or thirty persons who were visiters. There were continual arrivals and departures, thus keeping up a constant excitement, and accession of now laces to the assemblage.— The elTcct of such a collection was easily perceiva ble upon each patient, from the hopeless wreck of intellect iu the direct stage of idiotcy, to the over stimulated mind which exhibited diseased activity, and excitement by incoherent ravings. Even the melancholy monomaniac would seem diverted, for a moment, from his one idea, to gaxe upon the strange crowd that was staring upon him, watching his every look and movement, and making him the theme of tlieir conversation. The female patients . 'emcdatill more to feel, and to be severally pleased < r annoyed by this avalancho of visiters. They ap peared to he, by many degrees, the most boisterous, furious and unmanageable. But I do not aim here at a description. Could I wield a pen so graphic as to pourtray tne gliocking sights and sounds, the iuniac visages, and distorted towns, the screams Farewell. BY HEXRY n. SMITH. It hath a charm that rests on all, Wherever we may dwell; There’s nought on this terrestrial hall, That can sucli sadness tel). Tis spoken hero to dearest friends, Where earthly joys are given; Bat our lone journey—soon it ends; Tis never spoke in Heaven. Trouprilte, Ga., Noeember, 1845. Messrs. Tift «J- Bougkton :—In walking over my little farm about fifteen miles east of Newton in this county, I spied two of my dogs going at a brisk rate, just behind a large fox. I followed on as fast as I could, and soon came np with the dogs, and found tiicm barking in a snbtoraneous cavern, surrounded by a beautiful grove of oaks. I procured a torch and began to explore it, attended by my little son. We descended the distance of twenty feet, in a di rection almost perpendicular, through an appeituro large enough for two men to walk abreast. We then entered a spacious apartment—green moss covered the walls, numerous shells were scattered here and there, and overhead, the watfer was drop ping from numerous tags. Alter leaving this apart ment, wo went on for the space of about twenty yards in a slanting direction, when wo canto to two different entrances or doors, and a flight of stairs, which we ascended. When we arrived at the top of these stairs, we entered an apartment filled with cariosities of the most striking nature. A stone table was the first object that presented itself. Near it we saw something in the shape of a snake, but on examination, we tbund it to be lifeless stone. On another side of the wall were characters ot some sort engraved in the rock. Our lights being nearly out, wc now thought it best to return, and leave this place for others to explore. On returning home, I reported what I had seen, and some of my neighbors determined to visit the spot the next day. I do not know as yet, whether they made any further discov eries, as I left home on the day they set out. Il any of tho citizens of Albany, or the vicinity around, desire to visit this cave, if they will como to my house, 1 will copduct them to it Yours KcspoctfuUy, R. E. COLEMAN. . Holmes,to satisfy ope.Tax ti ta:lhe State of Georgia vs. T. J. Holmes. Property pointed out by Also, two negro slaves; levied on as the property of John T. Siuims, to satisfy sundry fi fas, viz: John Lanamim and others vs. John T.' Simms. Also, the undivided half interest in one honse and lot on Broad street number not known, but known as the house and lot formerly occupied by U. F. Lyon: lev ied 011 as the property of Aidcn Gage, to satisfy sundry ii firs, vix: Ashley Phillips and others vs. AJden Gage. Property pointed out by plaintiff. GEORGE W. COLLIER, Sheriff. Decembers, 1815, 34 Ufa. Administrator’s Sale. W 1LL be ® oUo ° Saturday, the 17th day of Jan- * * nary next, at the late residence of Benjamin Collier, sr., late of Early county, dec’d, all the per- r. Potatoes, Sugar. Syrup, Sugar Cane, Plan tation Tools, Household ana Kiicben Furniture, &c n &c. At the same time, n> groes will be hired, and land rented. JAMES G. COLLIER, Adm’r. Dee. 3. 1845, 34 tds. F*r Baker mortgage Sale, FOR FEBRUARY. Alf ILL I*® “id on the tiret Tuesday in February v V next, betoro tiic Court House dcor in Newton, Baker county, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: Four negro slaves: Darcas, Sophiah, Eliza nnd Isaac; levied on by virtue of a Mortgage Fi Fa from Baker Inferior Court: Daniel l’ynchc.n vs. John Alexander. Property pointed out in said fa fa. GEO. W. COLLIER, Sheriff. December 3, 1845, 34 tds. GEORGIA, Sumttr County. iiLuhtit give notice to tuc ncirsand Legatees 01 Samuel Bevins, dec’d, and ail it may Concern, L At I shall apply to the Interior Court of said coun ty, at the January term ot said court, when sitting .or Ordinary purposes, for leave to have a division in a certain lot ot land in the 15th district, (No. 143; 01 said county, as 1 am interested in the same. JOHN J. HODGES. December 3,1815, 34 -It.* FORT GAMJYES Wharf and Ware House. (OLD STAND.) T HIS large and commodious establishment is again open for the reception of COTTON and MERCHANDIZE. The subscriber takes this method of returning his thanks to the Public, for tiic very liberal patronage heretofore received, and respectfully solicits a eon-' tinuance of the same. He will Store Cottou at the low price of Tteenly-itt Cents per bate, for the sea son, and will give his personal attention to tiic WlicighinganaSliipping or Sale of cotton Stored with him, witliout any extia charge. IT He is prepared to make Liberal Advances, either in Merchandize or Cotton. Bagging, Kope and Salt, constantly an band, and for sale low. Should any planters storing cotton with me, wish to avail themselves of the Bay Market, I have made arrangements with some of the First Class Steam Boats, to take them with their cotton (wliere they make trf.m thirty to fifty bales or more,) free of charge. In fact, 1 am always at liome, ready and waiting to render iny services to all wlio may need them, either personally or by order. CHARLES F. BEMIS. Fort Gaines, Nov. 5,1845, 30 tf. [communicated.] Fort 'Gaines, Nov. 10th, 1845. Messrs. Tift Houghton, Gentlemen—Believing that you take a deep in terest in every tiling that is calculated to advanco the interests and prosperity of South-western Geor gia; and more especially its Agricultural and Com mercial importance, I Imve thought it proper to givo you a very imperfect sketch of the yield of on acre and a half of common pine land, (witliout manure) planted with Sugar Cane. Messrs. Gill Si Jemigan have just finished their labors upon tho Cane pro duced upon the land above mentioned, and have produced Jtie barrels of Sugar, dry and well giained, resembling the second quality ot Louisiana Sugara, and about sixty gallons of syrup. They state tliat the labor necessary to produce this crop, has been about three weeks for one hand, and about one week for lour hands to manufacture it ready for use. , .. ... If you think this simple stitcmcnt of facta worthy and yells, tiic furious oaths and tones of piteous , nMia) in r , and that it may serve in supplication, the clank of fetters, and the rattling -a,,, decree to stimulate the nlsnters and fanners Early Sheriff’s Sales, FOR JANUARY. W ILL be sold ou tue urst Tuesday iu January next before the Court House door in Blakely, Eariy county, within the legal hours of sale, tiic following property, to wit: Lots of iaisi as toliows: south half of No. 433, soutli loll ol No. 403, south half of No. 393, and Nos. 413, 391, 414, 390, 411, 413, 438, 439, all in me 38tu district 01 Early county; as the property of Aluses Grier, to satisiy one h la issued irum Early Superior Court: David Howard vs Moses Grier, lands pointed out by Grier. Also, lot No. 53 ui toe 38th district, and No. 259, iu the 5th district 01 Eariy county: as the property oi David F. Ward, to satisiy one n ia issued from Eariy Superior Court: James H. Martin vs David F. Ward. Also, lot No. 181, in the 4th district of Eariy county, and Mahuda, a negro woman, about 35 years o.d, ami Fed, a buy, about 18 years old, and Hannah, a girl, about 13 years old; as the property of John uuchanan, to satisiy two ti las issuml from Early Superior Court: Alexander Fryer, Adm’r. of Win. Y. Fryer, dec'd, vs John JJuchanan, and Samuel Gainer vs Jonn Buchanan. Properly pointed out uy Plaintiff s Attorney. Also, lots aos. 305,215, 216, in the 4th district 01 Early county; as the property of William Nor wood, to satisiy two li fas, one from Early Superior Court: Jesse ti. Key Si Co. vs William Norwood, Uiu other troin Itundolpli Inferior Court: Mills Jud- sun vs William Norwood. Lands pointed out by dc.cndunt. Aiso, lot of land, No. 400, in the 26th district of Early county, as ttie property of J. C. Silvcy, to satisiy sundry fi las issued troin a Justice Court of CITY HOTEL; , CORNER of BROAD ani FRONT Streets, AJLBAJTV, GEORGIA. MRS. BERBAN, R ESPECTFULLY informs the Public that abe- has taken this large and commodious establish ment, (recently occupied by Mr. Samuel Baker) and is prepared to accommodate Regular Boarders and Travellers. Her Table will at all times be supplied with tho best that the market will aflbrd, and every attentiba will be rendered to the comfort of those who may favor her with their patronage. Excellent Stables well supplied with forage for liorses, and good Ost lers are connected with the establishment £T l ir ms k maie lo cor res pond with the times. Tho City Hotel occupies a delightful situation— commanding a fine view of the River, and is only sufficiently removed from the centre of business to avoid its bustle and noise without foregoing its con veniences. V The subscriber solicits a share of the public patronage. E. T. BERRAN. ‘Albany, Oct 29,1845* 29 tfi WE will make liberal CASH AD VANCES on Cotton Stored in any > Ware-House in Albany. SIMS & CHEEVER. Albany, Oct 29,1845, 29 tf.' SO UTMIERJT STORE WITH {^NORTHERN PRICES.xfl SI. YVnitzfclder, A Co., A RE now receiving a large and well selected as sortment of ism? From the Northern Markets, consisting in part of Prints, latest style, all qualities; Laces ; Cashmeiiedes etts; Cutlery; Crockery. J UST received by HUNT it PYNCHON, cheap nnd tine Crockeiy, white Granite Tea and Din ner Setts. Oct 29, 29 3m. Jnst Rccivcd, OA Sacks Rio and Laguiria Cobee, 400 Sacks Salt 40 Bbls Old Rectified Whiskey, 5 do. American Brandy, 5 do. N. E. Rum 1 Pipe Superior Otaid Brandy. 70 Coil Manilla Si Hemp Rope, Together with a large assortment of India and Ken tucky Bagging, English and Sweedcs Iron, Trace Chains, Weeding Hoes, Axes and Hollow Ware. Persons desiring to purclutso will do well to give mo a call. W- E SMITH. ’ Albany, april 16, 1845. I tf iA.-K.utb county: Willis Carlisles vs J. C.’Siivey. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Aiso, .ot No. 311, in the 28tu district ot Early county; os tue property 01 Jonn McLine, to satisiy two li ins issued ircin a J ustice Court of said county: James li. X’rulock vs J0U11 AloLuie. Levy made and returned to me by a constitute. It Also, iot No. 198, in toe 5th district of Lar.y y county; as tne property ot Allen Barebeld, to satisiy , one fi fa issued irom a /Uice Court of Early county:, v/ three of which are Well Improved, nnd Jonn I lowers vs Al.en Barebeld. Levy made and ; S 45 Acre, of Pine Land, also well improved, in returned to me by a constable. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sheriff. oi cuains, all mingling in one grand discord. I some degreo to stimulate the planter* and fanners to devote part of their land and labor to the produc- Maid .brink from unveiling the dismal horrors of ^ of Cane, for family use, you will please ; scene. My object » simply to allude to them, blUh it> ^ Mi ^ of '.:t!i a view to point out what I conceive to be an ■ ■ — . ... 1 point* rail in the present management How different is this system, by which tho patients, without the ‘lightest distinction, and wholly regardless of their i-ccoliar tastes and preferences, are made a public ‘hew to every passer by, from that adopted in all c'licr establishments in the country. Had they 1-een a collection of wild beasts in a travelling Qcnagarie, they coukl not have been more remorse lessly exhibited. Even the colored servants in at tendance, seemed in an musual good humor, as thty recounted for the amusement of the visitors, the peculiarities of each unfortunate that passed in review. Probably no intended unkindness is meant, end no actual cruelty used. 1 *u* ****** “All extrancow influences, operating upon the senses in a maimer to produce excitement, must tell upon tiie disordered intellect already keenly alive to impressions, and prone to false conclusions. Re pose and quiet are therefore essential, and seclusion is the adopted policy of tho beet governed institu tions. A patient is not exposed to the hazards of everynisy scenes of excitement, the influences of strange faces and chanco interviews. Every con versation addressed, every amusement oflered, every ‘ xcitement applied to the patient, lias an aim in view, and is made to bear upon his malady. Their society and amusements are selected for them, and they are not herded indiscriminately together on ail occasions, nor are they kept for public exhibition. Were this latter practice unattended with evil to them, and entirely agreeable to their feelings, wh'ich by no means the caw, it most be revolting to tho irrends of the inmates. It is the melancholy yet! pleasing office of affection and friendship, to shield ’be beloved object on whom this sad blight has fal- wn, from the mockeries of the unfeeling and the fade gaxe of the world—To place that divine in strument whose chords hare been jarred by misfor- tonc or disease under there kind and gentle influ ences which may restore it to its wonted tone and It was nerer designed that Lunatic A *flums should be museums in which were to be Pfatfed curious specimens of disordered intellects for public exhibition. ' G. MiUcdgevilte, November, 1845.” P®-Joseph IL Peyton, member elect to Congress L-wa Tennessee, died on,tho 14th nit. COiH .H.ERCIALi Cotton markets. Liverpool, extremes, Upland, ------ vow York, -“---“ ------- Cuarlcston, .Savannah, Apalachicola, M . Albany, - 63 a 7 61 a 7 4|a 6J MAIL ARRAKOEMEim. NORTHERN MAIL. Due—Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Sunday’s at 11 o’clock, V. M. Closes—Monday's, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s ut 8 o’clock, 1*. M. Ar.lLACtncoLA AND TALLAHASSEE MAIL. Due—Tuesday's, Thursday’s and Saturday’s at half past 4 o’clock, A. M. Closes—Tuesday's, Thursday’s and Sundays at 7 o’clock, l». M. XT All letters must be deposited in the Office one half hour before tiie time of closing, or they will not be forwarded until tiie next mail thereafter. Albany, Oct. 8,1846, 8. T. MALLORY, P. M. (v-to WE are autlioriscd to annonnee JOHN tkl McCORQUODABE, as a Candidate for Tax Collector and Receiver or Taxes, for Eariy County. [Nor. 6, 30 tlj. L W. WARREN. THOU. B. JORDAN Warren & Jordan, ATTORNEYS AT EAJV, STARKVILLK, Lee County, Georgia. December 3,1845, 34 tf. Broadcloths ; Aitaccas; Bombazine*; Domestics; (’assurers; Sattinetts; Chusaks ; Fancy Cord ; Muslins ; Misses Cloaks ; Hosiery ; Muslin dc Lanes ; Tassels ; Cashmeredecoose ; Maiunoes. qualities! Also, n well selected assortment of WINTER SHAIVLS, at alt prices, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and ail other articles usually called for in a Dry Good Store. . also, A large nnd well selected assortment •( HEADY HALE CI.IIT ■■ I SC, csn-lst-ng ot l OATS, VENTS. I’AVITJ, At. All ot which will bo sold ns CHEAP as |V CIIEAPE-T; those who are desirous ol purchuelng will please call and examine for ibrmselTes. Mr. W. being desirous of permanently locating himself in Albany, for tho purpose of transacting n general mercantile business, has purchast d his en tire stock of goods from some of the most respecta ble houses in tiie Northern cities, ho feels justified in saying to tho public tliat they are the true grit and no mistake. Having paid cash for his goods lie is cnnbted to sell at a small profit fur CASH. He respectfully solicits a reasonable portion of public patronage. . *** Htoro first door Eat t of the Drug Store, at the Sign of tiic “ New Cheat Store.” Albany, Nov. 5, 30 tf. JtoHUe. THOMAS "■ KEY respectfully announce* t».» . Id* friends that he fa a candidate for the Clerk ships of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the Corn- ty of Dooly, at the ensuing election on the first Mon day in January next. Jane 35. 11 tf Boots and Shoes. T HE subscribers hare on hand, which they offer at very low prices, a largo stock of Negro Shoes, (some very superior) Kip do., Ladies fino Walking do., Kid Slops, Gaiter*, Women’* 1 leather Shoes, (font’s fino Calf pegged aud sewed 8hoes, fine Calf pegged and sewed Boots, Water-proof do., Sec., See. HUNT St PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29, 29 3m. NOTICE. BEING desirous of paying up mv [iiij debts and moving into tiic country. liijL ffi-r my possessions in tho county .des, consisting ol’ FOUR LOTS in the 1. Just Received B Y the subscribers, pieces fine black and col'd Broad Cloths, American and French Cassimers, black Bilk and Satin Vestings, rich Wool do., com mon do., Kentucky Jeans, a great variety of cheap lfant Sturts for common wear, all of whicn they offer on good terms. HUNT & PYNCHON. Albany, Oct. 29, 1845, 29 3m. n - Tint & PYNCHON have just received Car- iienter’s Tools, full setts Smith’s, Tools com plete, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving do., a large assortment of Pen and Pocket do., stout and rim Locks, Ihitta and Screws, out Tacks, Cotton and Wool Cards, Iron & Nails, together with a full assortment of Hard Waro generally. Albany, Oct. 29, 29, 3m. WARE HOUSE. the immediate vicinity of Troupviile, lor sale at tiic lowest price for which property can be bad. On the Town l-ots is now ‘landing, and in ^ od repair, a large TAVERN, suited for tho accouuno- Purcbanurs, by paying a |«rt At the same lime and place, Will be sold, Tho uortfi half ot No. 340, in the 38th district of dalion of Travellers. , ^ Lariy county, and 300 acres on toe north side of No. \ of tho price in cash, can have tbcir'timo to pay'the 333, in tuc 26th district oi said ctauuy-; as toe pro-1 balance. perty oi Mo>t-s Weaver, and hall 01 toe soatti half: Tiie above will lie sold at Public Ontcry, on tiic of iot No. 343, in tne 28tii district ; as the property ! First Tuesday in January, if not disposed of before 01 Wm. Weaver, to satisiy ati fa issued lrom Lariy j at private sale. The house-hold anil kitolien fumi- ounetiorCourt: Enoch ttenlro vs. Moses Weaver and Willim Weaver. JOHN C. BUTLER, Deputy Sherifll Dec. 3,1846, 34 tds. Early mortgage Sales, FOR FEBRUARY. yyiLL be sold, beiore tue oourt House door, in tore will also be sold in the tame manner. MORGAN G. SWAIN. Troupviile, Nov. 26,1845, 33 tds. Extra Cautionary Notice. O N last Saturday I observed the following notice in the Albany Courier—as tiic time and place MNU, UUtUiC 1UO GAIUIl AAUU9U UVAJI, m | . * . „ r Blakely, Eaiiy county, on the erst Tuesday |°‘. ?®"«W ® ro materially altered, for tho purpose of •n February next, within toe legal hoars of sale, toh P™2 ? mot® geMial publicity to the sale. 1 w,sh following property, to wit: V* P ublu,hed “ “ »PI , cared,/.r the fa* time, Ben, a £egk> hfan, about 50 years old, and Peter,! ““ P ub i c PPf r - IIcre comea tbc Dot,cc to w ' ud ' a man, about 45 yean old; levied on as the property | * bavl ' *" u “ c< * • ______ 01 John T. Henderson, to satisiy a Mortgage Fi Fa | iV Offer. . issued from Eariy Inferior Court: William Ashley JYN tho 4th Saturday in January next, will be sold ~ pointed out in V_P at the Printing Oflicc, of tho Albany Courier, in Atbanv, the personal proiwrty belongin'' to tiie estate of John Jones, Into ol B.i her county, deceased, THE subscribers have the past Som mer built a new WARE HOUSE, cr the Stonge of Cotton, and solicit -.are -. uie patronage of the Planter* generally. ID* Liberal advances made 00 cotton in Store. HUNT &. PYNCHON. Oct. 29,1845, 29 Sm. SABBEERV. T HE subscribers have now a very extensive as sortment of SADDLES, embracing every shape and quality, seme very fine. Side do. ot superi or quality. Waggon do^ Bridles; Martingale*, car- riage and waggon Whips, sulky and buggy Harnes ses, Homes ana Colhn, Blind Bridle*, ate. HUNT & PYNCHON. Albany, Oct 29, 29 3m. Mew Dress Goods and Trimmings. J UST received by HUNT & PYNCHON,a largo assortment of English, French and ’American JVi/.VTo, entirely new style*, Ginghams, Muslin dc lanes, Cashmors, (new style*) plain and figured Alpaccas, eollored do., black and col’d Silk*, fancy Neck Ties, Mitts, col'd and black Girdles, do. Cords and Tassils, new style Gimp Cord, Stc., Sic. •> 29 1845. 39 3m. vs. John T. Henderson. Property said fi £1. Also, lot of land, No. 236, in the 4th district of Early county; as the property of Dinic) Dempsey, to satisiy a Mortgage Fi Fa issued from Eariy Su perior Court r Joun H. Jones vs. Daniel Dempsey. Land pointed out in said fi fa. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sheriff. Dec. 3,1846, 34 tds. Georgia, Early County. ■ \\f YJlKEAo, James G. Cottier applies (or Let- teraol Administration on the estate of Benja min Collier, *r., late ot said county deceased. These are therefore to cite, and admonish all and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, ii any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this, 28th day 01 November, 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. Dec. 8,1845, 34 30d. Administrator’s Sale. H7 - ILL be sold on tiie first Tuesday in Frbrosry next, before tiie Court House door, in Blakely, Early county, within tho usual hours of wle, agreea ble to an order of the Hooorable Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, let of land. No. 46, in the 6th district of mild comtty— sold as the property of J. C. Kirkland, deceased, tor the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of said deceased, together with the following property, to wit: one i note of hand given by George vvatere to 1 retmeasures. one looking-glam, one set scales and Uavi*. as the consideration for which said notes Georgia, Early County. HKREAB, Wimam H. Wade applies to me * * for letters of Administration 00 tiie estate of Lewis Everingiiam, late of said county, deceased: These are ti ten-lore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ot Mud deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pro* scribed by law, then and there to she w cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this, 28th day of November, 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. Dec. 3,1845, 34 30d. as will also be rented tiic Courier Office, its press,, type, and building, until life 6th day of March next, when the lease with Col. Wooibrigiit expires, with tiie loss and gain of said oflicc from the lOlli day of June last till day of sale. Terms made known on day of sale. SUSAN A. F. JONES, Adm’rx. Nov. 22d, 1845.—38—tds. For a proper, not an extra-judirial understanding of the above notice, I wish you would republish my notice, which appeared in the Patriot of last Wed nesday, and continue it until the day for which tiie sale of tiie Courier Office fa advertised. Append mv notice to this if yon please. Nov. 26, 33 tds.] JOHN E. KEAN Cautionary Notice. rpiIE remainder of the lease of the Courier Office. -*• I perceive has been advertised for sale. The sale, 1 think, fa to take place the 29th of tiie present month—the lease ends the 7th March, ensuing, at which time my interest in it expires. This state ment fa made for the purpose of informing tho public t[wt tho sale of the said lease has been advertised without my consent, and that therefore the purchas er or pureliuers, if any there should be, will bo held liable for the satisfaction of my claim. The notice of sale of the lease above mentioned was not publish ed in eitbeir ot the public Gazettes of Albany, as is customary; bat wae written and posted on the door at J. W. Gaylord’s star* in this place, and, a* I lm- lieve at no other place. 1 now, formally, forbol the T, nj.d. t'ifiY FOR SAMsE. 1 on reasonable terms, and good Titles given: 228, 3d district of Baker County, 198, 15th “ Lee M 248, 16th “ M M 71, 32d “ Randolph county, 254, 15th “ Decatur “ 318, 15th “ “ 370, 15th “ Eariy “ 626, 5th “ “ “ 361, 27th “ U 44 92, 9th “ M It For farther particulars, apply to RICHARD II. CLARK, Ort 29, 29 tf.] Albany, Ga. NEW GOODS! fpilB subscr-ber is now receiving his supply of A FALL AND WINTER GOODS, suited to tho market which, with his present stock, he now of fers at such prices as cannot fail to please biz cus tomers, among which are Bagging Rope F Twine, Boots and shoes ot every description, Clothing, Os- naburgs, Domestic and Jeans; a large assortment of Calicoes and Fancy Dry Goods; also an excellent lot of Hardware, Iron and Naib, Crockery and Glass ware; with a full supply of GROCERIES, such as Sugar Tea and Ccffie. • WM. E. SMITH. Albany, Oct 29, 39 3m. JOHN E. KEAN. JYbtiee. I hereby forewarn all person* from trading for any JL note of hand given by George Waters to David FT1HE subscribers have now in store, COO sacks weights, one case Dec. 3,1845, one book and one bureau. 1 given, bps entirely failed. JOSEPH COLLIER, Adm’r, 31 tdz. GEORGE WATERS. Thomas eannty, Dec. 3,1845 44 3m that one other advertisement of the lease was posted at tho Pest Office. JOHN E. KEAN, November 19, 1845, 33 tdz. D* BILLS OF LADING neatly pruned and far sell at this egtei. F OB WORK ofall kinds executed «t this Office with neatness and despatch Anri! 18, ISIS, /