The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 16, 1858, Image 1

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/ c J3Y .A. J. mac ethy. “WISDOM—JUSTICE—MODERATION” VOL. XIV. ALBANY, DOUGHERTY COUNTY, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 16~ 1858. % prang patriot, published'EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. TERMS: Two Doll*** por year, payable invariably in advance. AntcRTiSP.MENTS will be inserted in the Albany Patriot ,t rt» raw of «l P« for 1110 firat *“ d 50 ccriu for ' J Ad”rtSmrauhaoaed in without instruction a. to the Wth of time they are to run, will bo continued until or- d'rid ont, and charged «t tho nhoro rates Monthly advertisements will be inserted for One Dollat square for each insertion. r logtl advortisoments published at tho usual rates. CONTRACTS tV>LLbe made with advertisers upon the following terms: 1 square 3 months 85 0015 sq’rs. 9 months 825 00 NO. 25. 8 00i5 10 00J6 «« 3 12 0016 “ 6 8 00-6 “ 9 14 00 6 “ 12 18 00:1 col’n. 3 20 00:1 “ 6 10 00:i “ 9 16 00‘ii “ 12 21 00)* 44 3 25 00jl « 6 12 00.J “ 9 17 oo;j 12 22 00:1 “ 3 26 00! “ 6 14 t 20 00:1 12 30 00 18 00 24 00 30 00 35 00 25 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 35 00 44 00 52 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 NOTICE TO LAND-HOLDERS. T HE undersigned will attendto the selling or examining and giving information of Lands lying in any of the counties of South-Western Georgia, on reasonable terms. A. P. GREER, Albany, Baker Co., Geo. Reference*.—H.Hor&.Hon. LottWarren,R. ft.Clark, Albany Ga.; S. C. Stevens, Newton, Ga. Dec. 9.1853. 3G—tf. Sil ts of Land and Negroes by Executors, Administrators ind Guardians, are required by law to l»e advertised in njSlic gazette Forty Days previous to the day of sale. The** sales must be held on the First Tuesday in t! ni >at'i between the hours of ten in tho forenoon and three tV aUernoon, at the Court-House, in tho county in which ih-* property is situated. Tne sales of Personal Property must bo advertised like manner Forty Days. to Debtors and Creditors of an estate, must published Forty Days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary lor leave to sell Land and Negroes, must be pub- Ii-iihI weakly Two Months. ( nations lor Letters of Administration,Thirty Days; foi I>KUH-ion from Administration, Monthly Six Months; lo l)i-mission from Guardianship, Weekly Fortv Days. Rules for the. Foreclosure of Mortgage, Monthly Four M .nihs; establishing loit papers, Weekly Three Months; c impelling titles from Executors or Administrat. ©cttcval Aiioertiscmcntg. 3Vew Hotel. SCREVEN HOUSE, Comer Bull and Congresses., Savannah, Ga. T HIS NEW HOTEL, fWmshed throughout... the most elegant stylo, 18 NOW OPEN, and will be kept os a FIRST CLIS& HOTEL. F* Mr. T. C. CHICK is engaged as Caterer and Su perintendent of tho tables. Nov.5,1857.— ©cneral SVbmliscmcnts. ©cncral ^iioertisemcnts. DEWS & DEWS’ LIVERY STABLES. HPHE undersigned have recently pur- chased the Stables known as Green &. Barnes’ Livery Stables, situated LAND FOR SALE Adjoining Albany. 5 WILL sell on reasonable terms, about two li dred acres of land adjoining to Albany on the West, being the lot of land on which I recently re sided. There is about 80 acres of land fenced and in cultivation, and the balance is well timbered.— There are a dwelling house, out houses, &c., on the place. I will sell the whole or a part of the land, to suit purchasers. JOHN M. KENDALL, Albany, Juiy 16, 1857 (16tf.) Agent. GROVER & BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES, R easons why the grover & baker m»- chine is universally prefered for family sewing: 1st. It is ipore simple, and easier kept in order, than any other Machine. ** 2d. It makes a seam which will not rip or ravel, though every third stitch is cat. 3d. It sews from two ordinary spools, and thus all trouble of winning thread is avoided, while the same machine can be adapted at pleasure, by a mere change of spool, to all varieties of work. 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen thread, and common tpool cotton with equal facility. 5th. The seam is ns elastic as the most elastic fabric, so that it is free from all liability to break in washing, ironing, or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this machine Is more beautiful than any other made, either by hand machine. * Merchants can secure the sales of these Machines HPHE undersigned offers for sale the Cottage in their different localities, with profit to themselves 1 and Lot upon which Mrs. L. A. Catcii- and their customers, by applying to the undersigned, ■ isos now lives. For terms, apply lo Glass, owners of the Right for Georgia. ! Laws & Cr. These Machines are always on exhibition at their i 03* South-Western Rail Road Stock taken in pay Sales Room, on Broad street. \ at 90 cents in the dollar. E. T. JONES. THOMAS P. STOVALL &. OCX j Albany, ripg. 12, 1858. 20-tf. Augusta, Ga. ITT J. H. Watson, Agent for Albany, Ga. FOR SALE. T HE following City Lots on Broad street, Alba ny, well situated for business houses: Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The owner will dispose of them on reasonable terms. Enquire at (his office for farther informa tion concerning them. Albany, April 8, 1858. 2— U - ad lias bet 1 by the deceased. Weekly for Three ©cncrnl ^Uueitiscmcuts. HILL’S LIVERY STABLE. 01.1 > STAND, where as! .-ix years, and expect* ;i.\ to come. With gni Wri.iges, Hacks of any si end to any part of the Gh .1)0.— Dr. ■ Ho Mu i and or the acc.itnmoda- lina a!! tint may call The Stable is situated b.'tw.-en the IV. is vros llorr.Lvtod Isabella House mi l o i tie-street leading to and from the Depot.— r,, ..H see. JAMES II HILL. Aug 26. 1858. 22-tf- FURNITURE!' S^'0'3?LjNrX ,i X' s ‘0‘2?2.E3!! .til! k.cking am- ngst the Stuff, and will i hand all kinds of Furniture and will !l a* low as can bo bought in Savannah or Macon. SAMUEL SMITH. V B. Fisk’s new pattern BURIAL CASES, al- n-< on hand. S. S. Albany, August 19, 1858 21-ly. S Valuable Lands for Sale. L OTS Nos. 31 and 58 in 6th District of Randolph county. 45,69,56,199, 139, 133, 103, 105, 106,107, 80, 87,88, 89, in the 11th District of Ran dolph county. Numb-r 110. in the 18th District of Thomas conn- ty, and number83 in the 8th District of Thomas Number 475 in the 12th District of Lowndes county. Number 1 in the 5th District of Dooly county. Numbers 74.294. 295, 321, 365. 383* in the 4th District of Early county; numbers 153, 252, in th 5th District of Early county, and number 383 in th< 29th Di.-trici of Early countv. Apply to JOHN A. DAVIS. Albany, Ga. I’d. 36, 1657. -IS-lf. Sahim;i!itier Safe Agency, —ALBANY, GA.,— ffllJE subscriber is tiie Agent of the Maiiufactur ers for lie- sal- of St,urns & Marvin’s - Wil .ler’s Patent Salamander Safes,” which are the best manufactured, being rire-prbof and Lurg’.a Every man win* Ins valuable pipers, i oilier articl'-s that he desires lo keep safe, should have one of these Safes. They will be sold at th« Manufactu with the expense of transportation added them at the store of *”'* ,lbmv. August 5, 1858. Dougherty Superior Court, I -MAV TEU:.1,1358.—June 2nd. ) W.M.M. SLAUGHTER LEWIS S. McGWIRE 1 Rule to Foreclose vs. f Mortgage. OHO. W. CRUMMEY. J I T api>e%ri:is to the Court by the Petition of William M. Slaughter and Lewis S. McGwier, that by Deed i>f Mortgage, dated the twentieth (20th) day ot February Ltrigliteen hundred and fifty-eight, George W. Crummey conveyed to the said Win. M. Slaughter and Lewis S. McGwire, a lot in the city of Albany, known and di.-ti:i- S'lisheJ in the plan of said city as lot number twenty-eight W) on Broad street in said city, with the improvements thereon, known as “Phillips’ Grocery," for the purpose of curing the payment of a promissory note made by the Geo. W. Crummey to the said Wm. M. Slaughter and Lewis S. McGwire, due on the first day of January a-xt thereafter, for the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars with laterest from date, which note is still due and unpaid.—It i» ordered that the said Geo. W. Crummey do pay into this Court by the first day of the next term, the principal And interest on said note, and the cost of this proceeding, or show cauae tif any he has) to the contrary, or that fore closure be granted to the said Win. M. Slaughter and t^wis S. McGwier and the Equity of Redemption of the >*ia G tt0 . W. Crummey therein be forever barred, and that 8erv,< * of this Rule be perfected on said Geo. W. Crum by according to law. . ALEX. A. ALLEN, j. s. c. s. w. c. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. A PETER W. TWITTY, Clerk. ^August 5, J358 m4m. Dougherty Superior Court,) May Term, 1858. ( JOHN M. COCHRAN ' for the ase of Cochr&n’i & Beverly, vs. G W. CRUMMEY and THOMAS S. HORN. I c2E£ CrUIQnMi/, Ul Hie ^IU|<Ui%J »• v.«......s; UVIU, VI **‘d county, made and delivered to Petitioner a promisso ry note, in these words: Albany, Ga., Dec. 22d. 1857— One day after date I promise to pay J. M. Cochran, (of the firm Cochran & Beverly) or bearer, Eight Hundred *«d seventy-nine Dollars and thirty-nine cents, value re ceived for lumber furnished in building Crummey House. A n J afterwards to wit: on the 31st day of January, 1857. a*id George W. Crummey and Thomas S. Horn executed ‘mortgage on the House and Lot In the City of. Albany, 6x., known there aa the Crummey House, and now re cently as the Isabella House and Lot, conditioned that on Nw payment of said promissory note according to the tenor *nd effect tnercof, said mortgage as well as said note, shall null and void, and it further appearing that the said nolo remains unpaid. R h therefore ordered that the said George W. Crummey ‘nd T. 8. Horn do pay into Court by the first day of the next Term thereof, principal interest and cost thereon ►aid note, (or show cause why he should not,) and that on »Uare of said Crummey so to do, the Equity of Redemp- ■ sforeTM hMMfter r ordered that this Petition and Rulo Ni Si t 8 price? Call unr NELSON TIFT. 19— FRED. VOGELGSANG’S ' XEW C0XFECTI0SERV, BAKERY AND FRUIT STORE. [NEXT DOOR TO THE BOOK-STORE.] BALER in Fancy and Home-made Candies, Nuts, Preserves, Pickles, Crackers, &c. Fresh Cakes and Bread daily. All kind? of Fruit—a large assortment Toys. ZW Weddings and Parties supplied with Cakes—Plain and Fancy in style—that cannot be excelled. ZAeT The Ladies are particularly invited to call July 1, 1858 14— FOR NEW YORK. FARE REDUCED! Freight and Passage as Lott as by any other STEAMERS. $16, CABIN PASSAGE, : By tho splendid and commodious Side- Wheel Steamers AUGUSTA,... .1,500 tons Capt. M. S. Woodhull FLORIDA,.... .1,300 “ ...... “ Isaac Crowell. ALABAMA,... 1,300 “ “ Geo.R. Schenck. j And first class Propeller STAR OF THE SOUTH, 1,100 tons...Capt. T. Ly T HESE Steamships belong to the old established and favor ite line, known as the “New York and Savannah Steam Navigation Company.” and in comfort, ac commodations and fare, cannot l>o excelled. They «r< commanded by experienced, skilful, careful and r ‘‘‘ oflicere. PADELFORD, FAY &. CO., Agents, Savannah SA.M’Xi L. MITCHlLL & SON. July 1. 14— Agents, New York. Camp Reminiscences. j couldn't help Pinging it; and accordingly when (he by jobs FHtESix. j whole party were duly ranged beneath the window Perhaps, you will not object to a few short mil- i and with flutes and voices upraised was solemnly itary yarns which I have hastily twined for your j bleating forth edification. And if the interesting, fair headed, J “Oft in the stilly night,** blue-eyed (or otherwise) son of the reader, now ! the entertainments were disagreeably varied ; for sitting on his knee, on hearing them shoo'd look | far louder than the “stilly night** rahg the wild confidingly into his parent's face, and inquire—‘ Is | medical chant, only varied by an occasional that true, Papa ?’* reply, oh reader, unhes'tatingly— ! hie; the corner of Brood and Jackson streets, (over the '■ ^ Fnn ’ 11 - 8 - .... . , , I “Oh my name is Jake Keyser,” &c. pond.) They are now prepared to accommodate all i a «y years since, during the height of the Florida T*|,j 5 was not to be borne ; so turning fiercely on who have any business in their line. Fine Horses,; war * a com P at, y °> the Second Infantry maoe their j ,j, c Jpfinqneni Esculapius, Col. Magruder corn- Buggles and Hacks will always be on hand; Wag- j <* m P for the night, after a rainy days march, by j Rjande d him to desist from the interruption, and (6 ons for baulmg; Lots for Mules, and all other things j the bank of a muddy stream that sluggishly mean*! “thenceforth hold his peace ** necessary. The best attention pnid to everv thing dered through a dense and unwholesome everglade. I m* W -h--. c-* T nr /.no;; U 1 £ S W &G M -™- “•'!!*«>•«' * •»-« I*- —. .ny, Aug s. 19, 1858 21. : ,| ie offiwr, having .ecu hra m„ie, • ; work to 8ee if thera ia kny thing that NM tent comfortably pitched, lit a small lire neneath j l> ccksIlif r ni , y object !o . j sec no ,h ing . A |[„|* - palmetto, and having cut several slices | bianli swe , iBgi t „ be sure, but I grieve to «ay that the daily ration, proceeded to fry j t j ft £ l[0' K . u | ( t0 relate stories without, for Bince the that edible lor the nightly repast. days of Uncle Toby and the l'landcra campaign ! in the deep gloom of the evening, silence , h9re i9 „ 0 qnertion bn t the atmv have aworn reigned unbroken but by the crackling of Dennises |erriWy . bul , rral> . believe | ba t “they don't mean jsmMll fire and the frizliug pork as it crisped *°d j anything by it, it’s just a way they've got," which curled in the mighty mess-pan, when suddenly ; j g a rC mark made by an affectionate father, when j with a tremendous ’whoosh, the leaves _ told that hi* seven children had all been seized the palmettos were disturbed and a great barred , b tb( , inpaslea in one night —Adieu. ; owl, live leel from tip totip, settled in the foliage, j ,. WbeQ otb[ , r !ips a „ d olber hearts,” A c. ; Dennis was supersticious, most Irishmen are,; Yours respectively. and startled by the disturbance, he suspended lor ^ m r _ t an instant his culinary operations and frying j ^r p j ia pan in hand, gazed slowly am* about him. Persuading him-elf th: was but the effect of immtgimtion, he again ad dressed himself to his task, when the owl set up his fearful hoot which sounded to the horified ears of Dennis like "Who—cooks—for—you—all ?” Again he suspended operations again gazed fearful HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE !•>■•«• IN ALBANY. TO RENT OH REASONABLE tf.rms. 4 BU1LL1NG containing two Rooms and' a Kitdien attached, and suitable for- bustnesa, located next to Byicgtoii’a Hotel. Also, a Dwelling containing four large r«> with two aires ol ground attached, and desi cuted. Also, two Offices or'Sleeping apartments, contain-' ing two rooias each on second floor of Post-Office 1 Building. Possession given 1st October next. j JOSEPH THORN. | Albany, August 26, )858 22—4w | Residence to Rent or Sell. A TWO STORY DWELLING ou # Broad & Street, Albany, will be ion tod or sold, by Jtj' : application to J—Li I STEPHEN EGAN, September 9, 1859. 21-tf, • ... furnished by Col. D. \V. Lcwi^, *li . ^ 1 °f Hancock, with the subjoined letter, which dis* — c j 0; . es «> n e of those ajg re oablo little courtesies of life which it is pleasing to witness. Mitchell comity, organized by the last Legisla ture, was named in honor of General Henry Mitch ell, who for many years represented the county of .... , Hancock in the Senate, and who was a brave sol- ly forth into the night, and again persuaded himaelf Jier _ bearingnpon bU per6on ,| lC aciu8 0 f woultda that lna .tn,nag,nation was at fan t, and about tore-; recei „ d in „„ revolutionary struggle, turn to hia task, when accidentally glancing up- ; It js duc t0 Col . Uanimood , , he author of this ward he belield rne awful countenance and glaring | |0 Ba |ha , the nam0 of lll0 new «. onnly was eyes of the owl turned downward upon him and ; au „ J{est ,,j b , litn . CoL ( | ■„ lbe Senator from Ba- from that cavernons throat in hollow tunes, again ker „ e ja _ WR in r urnlm ], a native of Baldwin issued Iheqoestion, • Who-cook!-fur-ym-*n ? ’ county> wbcre in early be doubtless witnessed . 'God bless your honor said poor Dennis while the ' [hose Px i,il,irions of the sterling integrity of the old I F 0 R R E N T . I r s ? ? a " in hi "l“i' , " ,n B and ,he patriot soldier in tho Legislature, which gave T uu nnwui' i . i . , , .. . i heeded pork poured forth h molten stream' HE STORE lately occupied by Mercrr n j 1 r, , , . . DEGitAFFrsuiED, adjoining the Isabella House,! “ h,ch U P°" J'f ca “ sed * b »«‘ ol ch elevated impression of his character, as to sug gest the name of the new county. Albany, November 19,1857. 34— Dissolution. T HE firm of Little & Dickissok is this day die- solved by the death of R. Q- Dickissok. I will continue the business in my own name.— Would embrace this opportunity of returning my grateful thanks to the patrons and the public gener ally for their very liberal patronage to the firm, and hope by close attention to business, with a large stock, to merit their future favors. LEONARD LITTLE. Albany, June 10, 1858. 1'J- ISABELLA HOUSE, (formehi.y crummey house.) ALBANY, GEO. Hotel, _ of the Georgia and Florida Rail Rond, now open for the reception of the TRAVELING PUBLIC. The House ard Furniture are new. The Pro prietor is determined to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and hopes hy strict attention lo the wants of his Guests, to merit the patronage of tho Public. L. H. DURHAM, Proprietor. Albany, April 8, 1858 2— D A. V I D BOSS, Book-Binder AND Blank Account Rook manufacturer, Comer of Third and Cherry Streets, (up stairs.) M ACON, Gr_A_. Is prepared to execute all orders for BLANK BOOKS FOR COURTS AND COUNTING HOUSES, and to bind Music and all kinds of Printed Work, with neatness and dispatch. jy Harper’s, Graham's, Godey’s and all other Maga zines bound in cheap and substantial style. Ail orders sent by mail or exprc^sproinptly attended to. April 22, 1858. 4—ly LIVERY STABLE. M ESSRS. HARRELL & HAHN re spectfully inform their friends and the public visiting Bainbridge during Court week# that they are prepared to furnish good Stabling for any quantity of Horses, at the following Rates: 81.00 per day for a Single Horse. 6.00 per week do do 15.00 per month do do Also kept on hand, a good assortment of Horses and Hacks to Hire at low rates. They return their thanks for past kindness, and hope to For Sale or Rent. For Sale very Cheap. Ti AA OZS. Sulphate Quinine?. JLUII 20 ozs. Chloroform. Beebcrine. Iodide of Potash. A full stock of Chemicals, for sale by June 17—12 LEONARD LITTLE. Faints and Oils. [17HITE Lead. ' » French zadc, white. All the Colored Paints. Linseed Oil. Turpentiue. Varnishes, &c., for sale by June 17—12 LEONARD LITTLE. Window Glass. ' ARGE stock Window Glass, all sizea and va- -i ricty, for sale very low by June 17—13 LEONARD LITTLE. ^'^pubUsMta** Albany Patriot, or s_ public Jour- of sen A|«t or Attoi 0»l published in tbs City of Albanj.Ga.. and a copy theie- of served on said Ceorgo W. Crummey, or his special bat least three months previous to the i. or Attorneys, it feast throe months pterions to tho otrt Term of this Court. By the Judge. P. E. LOVE, . Judge 8. W.C. Proton. A huo extract from tha pimatwinfaaid Court. PETER IV. TW1TTY. A^,s4/-VH Brushes. CA DOZ. Paint and Varnish Brushes. aJ” 10 doz. White-Wash da For sale low by LEONARD LITTLE. June 17 12- Medicinal. 1J1RENCH Brandy. J. Port Wine. 8bernr Wine. »»• - • *-*• • ; - Madeira Wine. Scotch Whiskey. j Schnapps, Ate., of the best quality, for sale by Jnpe n-T*- LEONARD LITTLE. merit the continuance of the fa^ Bainbridge, April 29,1858. friends ii 5—tf. Valuable Property for Sale. N compliance with the Will of R. Q. Dickinson, dec’d, ]HT I will seil before the Court J£i House in Dougherty county, on the first day in December next, the following property to wit:— One House and Lot on Pine street, in the city of Albany, handsomely improved, the building being large and newly finished, suitable foi a large family, containing one acre, more or less. Also, a settlement of Land of 1000 acres, in the 1st district of Dougherty county—about 300 acres of cleared land—Nos. 88, 89, 112, 113. Also, fractional lot of 43 acres, in the 1st district. No. 120. Also, a body of 730 acres in the woods, being No. 9 in 1st of Dougherty and 369 in 7th of Worth. No. 167, 12th dist. 4th sec. Cherokee, 160 acres. No. 135, 18th dist. 4th sec. do 40 “ No. 339,21st dint. 2d sec. do 40 “ No. 135, 14th dist. 2d sec. do 160 “ JIT I am authorized to sell any of the above prop erty at private Kile. For terms, applv to JOHN T. DICKINSON, Ex r. Albany, July 22, 1858. XTotioe. Georgia— Calhoun County. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Solomon G- Beckcom, late of said county dec’d, are reques ted to come forward arid make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated in terms of the law. SUSANNAH E. BECKCOM, Ex’nr. August 5,1858 , 19— Lippitt’s Law Office. ' j "God bless your honor, I cooks for Captain Eaton nne ()f , bp Rcprcfentative , a of , bc old county where For fnrtherinlormation apply to Mercer At tleGraf- ( but I don t know sir, who cooks for the rest of the near| a „ lbe desce „d»„ts of the old General re- Ann OR lots lV!i 1 ? "V lleme "- A . burft ? f fiend,sh lauEh,cr f "" 0 ' vcu , side-claimed that the county site should bu natn- Aug. .fi, 1858. „~,t. _ from lh „ se who had witnessed the incident un-; fd ..Camilla.” in compliment lo a grand danghter of seen, and •Dennises Devil became a favorite [be t ; encIaI a youn lady an d his heighbor and yarn in Second Infantry fiorn that tune forth. I friend ted in a pleasant part or the citv. !New W ** at BO ' ne tlm9 d “ rln S lhe last : We understand from Col. L , that he placed the One STOREHOUSE—large room neatly ill''ll | '° J ear3 t apt ' A ' ® " f ' he F,rs ). Dr .* B ?" n ’ c " m ' claim to the name on two grounds, lined up. Four rooms up stairs suitable fur offices.; man Company, had been eta.loned about forty i 1st., It was a very pretty name fur a village or Possession given 1st Oc tober next. Terms reason- m, ^ es ,rom a 9ma " P nst commanded hy Lieut. (J B. ! toWn able. SAM’L SMITH, j of the Infantry. One day Capt. II. concluded to j £ .,d., Thatthe yoornr Wy herself wae “well j ride over and give Ins neighbor a cull; fo throw-, ni b inj on and aboul - “the prettiest girl in the j ing himself athwart a noble horse, he started, and connl y | R(1 , er a hard es'lnp-forty miles ra a respectable I ,, rrom thc hUer b[Iow i ha , the c , aima VALUABLE COTTON PLANTATION,", de ? oa know — ,ie arrlvf,,i * l °- B -s lent jost »s were held good by the proper authorities, and the August 19, 1858. NOTICE ! NOTIOET! 13w. mwO' OFFICES in the rear of the Store* oe- * coDied by Nelaon Tift *nd Bees*feBrinson^- - *-■ tastqIronV^ojt, Mid,Biireble Ao K .a«r“*'* ! BRICKS, S E. KEMBALL & CO., have * kiln of the • best quality.of Brick for sale near the Albany Rail Road Depot. Apply to J. M. Cqoper.Esq. Albany, Aug. 13, 1S5S. 30- Cotton Commissions. -- •^E will sell cotton at Fimf-CENTS'^gf „ > *'••••» ** d HARDWICK Savannah, Aug. 19,1858 1 *RS0w. M For Sale. T HE Undersigned offers for sale his Valuable I OAK and HICKORY Plantation of 1520 acres, situated five mjles from Albany, on I'ooleewahee Creek. There is 700 acres of Land in a fine state of cul- livation, with a good Dwelling House, lraine Negro Houses, new and comfortable,and ail necessary out houses that a farmer would desire. The undersigned deems it unnecessary to say anything of the fertility of this Land. Suffice it to say that it is as good as any Oak ynd Hickory Land the 2d District of Dougherty county, ho justly celebrated for its richness and adaptation for the culture of cotton. For terms, apply to the undersigned, or to B. A. Massey, Overseer on the place, who wiil show the place to any one wishing to look at it. BENJ. R. SMITH. Albany, Sept. 9, 1853. 24—17w. Ogletliorpo SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. 71MJE FOURTH Annual Session of the College will commence on Monday, the 18th of October, and continue until the first week in March. Preliminary Lectures will be delivered from the 4th of October, until the commencement of the An nual Session. These Lectures are free to all Students. FACULTY. H. L. BYRD, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Principles anil Practice of Medicine. HOLMES STEELE. M. D., Professor of Obstetrics aud Diseases of Women and Children. ' A. W. GRIGGS, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Sureery. V. H. TALIAFERRO, M. D , Professor of Materia Medica & Medical Jurisprudence- E. F. COLZEY, M. D., Professor of Physiology and General Pathology. HUGH A. BLAIR, M. D., Professor of Special and General Anatomy. B. L. JONES, A. B., M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. W. T. FEAY, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Chemistry. CHARGES. Fees for the full Course $105 “ ** Demonstrator 10 “ “ Matriculation, (paid only once) 5 Fees for City Hospital (optionary) 5 44 4 4 Diploma 30 Students may take the tickets for. one or more of the Courses, and pay proportionately. One Student will be received from each Congressional District in the State, free of charge as heretofore. The Dissecting Rooms will be opened upon the organization of the Class, and kept well supplied with good material during the session. The daily clinique at the College win be opened on the 4th of October, arid is free to the Class. The City Hospit al ticket will bq furnished by the Faculty free of charge, to such full course Students as may desire it. Thus offering lo them, in addition to the instruc tions of their own Professors, all the advantages which the physicians of that Institution are capable of affording. It has born falsely stated that our school Is *re- trogradinjj,” but we think the following statement quite sufficient to settle that question: The number of matriculants in the Oglethorpe Medical College for<the Collegiate year of 1857-’8, was 37, and II the urummar was performing that popular air, “Oh, ’ , own wa „ na(nel) Cami „ a . theI roast beef of Old England" j N „w this .11 lo ok* well and handatwa. The Reining mini horse and shaking hands with , whoIe afr , lir>sn fari is , Krteab l e ,ll round, and O. B, who came forth to greet him, "on hospitable , whi | c wf „ ou | d im air ils valud th c least, thought intent ', •Well Lawrence been to | we cannot woII heIp 8 „ sgM ,i„ g that the picture pinner? No, I havn t, *“ a l ' :e v**ply. just go- wou ]j be pPr r ert |y complete, if some good looking, mg, come in ; Devilish glad of it, said Capt. B. c | ererf g a ||„ nt 60n „f t be new county would trans- dismounting "never was so hungry ,n all my life. 1 j fer , h i, f a | r flower of Middle Georgia It, the soil •Well, come in said O. B„ and they went in ac- wf)ich ha , bee „ conaeC ralcd to ner name. Of eordtngly, and took scats at a emal uncovered pine conrse W e do not know whether there i. a than in table, on which a servant shortly placed a large tin i , he n „ v counly f , u ,| to so great an achievement, pan foil of boiled rice, aud a broken bottle half full ! If „ iere u 6Dcb a „ one> aU we bav0 t0 , a , ia , of mustard. The Captain harked despairngly around .. Riae thi ,„ 5le aod show se |f. —there was nothing else. “Abe,’ said O. B, ,, „ . ^ M x0 . 0 * . .i .• . » . ■ u t l * Milford, Baker Co., May 15th, 1858. as he drew the tinpan towards him, are you fond I ’ ’ _ 3 of boiled rice?’’ 4 * Well no, said Abe somewhat j Col. D. TV. Lciris, Dear Sir: xour^ letter hesitatingly, I can’t say that I am—very—Law- j refering to a name for the new County Site of rence.” Ah,” replied Lawrence, coly, well just help j Mitchell county, wae not received until five dr silt yourself to the mustard?/ ‘ He was from South j weeks after it was written, it having been direct- Carolina,” said B , when he told this story, and they e( ^ 40 Newton and my office being Milford. Hence eat rice down there some what. , I concluded not to reply until the County was or- For the following Lieut. W. of the Engineers is g«ni*ed, which has been accomplished, and through responsible. He tyld it to me in 1852, at*the Cafe i the aid «* Wend Cumbri, who is now r resident of of Dominico, in Uavanna. | the new county, we prevailed upon the Court to Old Col. Tom S. of the Infantry, a very large, j name the County Site Camilla, in accordance to hurley, redfaced gentleman, with a snow -white head 1 your request. and a voice like a vast trombone, has an unfor- i ’ C. D HAMMOND, lunate habit of thinking out loud. While stationed \ — ,cn ~ temporaly at Washington, the old gentleman one j *^ ,IE Brown Family.—Mrs Smith desirous of Sunday morning, took it into his head to go to : toeing a certain Mr. Brown, who .'lived, eay on church, where he took a seat in a pew beneath the j Beservior avenue, called alher abode last Saturday, pulpit, and prayer-book in hand, attenlivly follow and Inquired of the lady who answered the bell for ed the clergyman through the service. It happen- j Mrs. Brown “There are three Mr. Browns here, * ed to be the I7ih day of tbe month ; but in giving 1 l ^ ie lady. Mrs Smith explained that the Mrs. out the Psalms for the day, the Rev. Mr. P. made i Brown wanted came from Wethersfield. “So” re- amistakeand announced—“The 16th day of the j pB^d the lady “did they all.’ But the husband month, morning prayer, begining at the 79tli * of the lady Mrs. Smith wanted to see was a machin- Psalm ’’when to the astonishment of the congre* 1 ^t. “The Messrs. Brown,” said the lady, “are gation. Old Col. Tom in the pew below in a deep j machinesta. * Mrs. Smith persisted by going bass voice thought aloud—'“The 17 th day,f the j on ,Q hint that the Mrs. Brown wanted was the month ly Judder!’* The clergyman immediately mother of three children. It appeared from tbela« corrected himself—“Ah! the 17th day of the dy's reply, howevei that each Mrs. Brown was Psalm.” month, morning prayer, begining at the 86th j equably blessed in that direction. Investigation is When the propriety of the assembly wera dis- ! still in prcigreas.—Hard/ord Press ^ turbed by another thought from old Tom, who in the same deep tone remarked, "Had him there J” i ^NCW Paper ill MaCODa He had, certainly and the congregation also. j On or before the first week in October next Dr. Two years ago, when the gal!«nt Col. Magruder ; L. F. VV. Andrews, the present editor and proprie- bfi procured lathe city;alifroxri .... ion, catl upon.or address / > II. L. BYRD, M. D m Dead, of convivial memory, commanded the U. S. forces at the mission of San Diego, it entered into that officers head to execute a serenade for the behoof of certain fair ladies then honoring New Town with their presence. Accordingly all tho officers of trie mess who could sing, play, or beat time were pressed into service, and one night about 12 o'clock a jolly crowd left the Mission for New Town, in a large wagon plentifully furnished with guitars flutes, and other arrangements of a musical nature. Among the rest, a jovial young surgeon at tached to tbri command, had installed him self on the back seat, with his instrument which happened on this occasion to be a bottle of whiskey and on which he played during the ride with such effect as to have raised his spirits on the arrival at New Town, considerbly above the fifth ledger line. Yon may remember a Bowery song, latbor pbpnlar in those days, the chorus of which ran. “On ray name if Jfks Keysor, I was lorn in Spring garden, , ' ' * \ ' “* To make roe a preacher,' my fither did try: ' -Bat use a blowing, for I’m a hard one. ** .rv. AudJ’m bound to |»a kuteber, by Heaven*, Tins unfoxtunale song had some how or^ber oq cnrrifl’ to the Doctor; lie couldn't ge! rid of^it, be tor of the “Georgia Citizen” will commence the publication of a semi-monthly paper, to be devoted to the rational discussion and dignified defence of the doctrines of Spiritualism, provided 500 cash paying subscribers are previously pledged. Tbe title of the publication will be tbe “Christian Spir itualist,” and will contain four super-royfl pagea in each number, without advertisements, except no tices con neoted with the subject. Terms, .$1,50 per annum, in advance.—Southern Georgian. .Some one remarks, that politicians makes fools of themselves j pettifoggers make fools of others; and pretty girls make .fools of bolha . . .. . There are more lies told in the brief aentepce, am glad to see . you,'’ than in any other, single pea- teoce in tbe English language. y; We often speak : of being- settled ip may as thlok of casting anhcoV in tho midit of tha Atlantic ocean, or talk of the pertmanent situation' of a stone that is rolling down hill. 1 Joes much more; encouragement after censure ia ns the sun after a ahowor. ' - , - ■ •