The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, September 23, 1858, Image 2

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' Wlw sido of lha pH, ha I, not being able to swing! himself into it. he fastened the rope,, around his body, suspended himself again over the abyss, and shouted to his friends to. raise him to the tup. The puH was an exceedingly severe one, and the rope, being ill adjusted around his body, gave him the most excruciating pain. But toon hie pain was forgotten in a new and dread ful peril. When he was 00 feel from the month of the pit and 100 from the bottom, swaying and swinging in mid air, he heard rapid and ex cited word* of horror and alarm above, and soon learned that the rope by which he was upheld bad taken lire from the friction of the timber over which it passed. Several moments uf awful suspense to those above, and stiil more awful to him below, ensued. To them and him A Southerner Speaks hefor? a Vermont ♦ State Democratic Convention. Our attention lias been called' to the BcUotet .... Falls Argus of the 15lh July lust. If there delivered before the To Correspondents. Oar correspondent “Ned," who favors our read* fatal mid instant catastrophe seemed in.vila- c „ wlth „ tmo , in(r lddresa on „ „ ob . ble. But the fire was extinguished with a hot*........ . . . . , lie of water belonging to himself, and then the 1 in ‘ h “ iMoe - h, ‘ P ,om, ‘ ed fnr 00r a new party above, though exhausted by their labors.j P !ec *» entitled **Mr«. Marlows Visit,” translated buccceded in drawing him to the top. He was j (rum the French, by “Ned,” which, no doubt will us ealen and self-possessed as upon his entrance ; B tand out in bold relief and prove thrilling, if not into the pit. hut all of hi. companions, overcome! „ inattoctivo u {nm ^ ini end . by fatigue, sank down upon the ground, and j ^ ? * hia friend Professor Wright, f»o... over exertion U’Pather—.Health.—rrnns and excitement, fainted and remained fur a time j w H cainer Uea,tD brops. insensible. The past we °k xve ** ave bad cool nights, and The young adventurer left his name carved pleasant during the day—the weather dry —health in the depths of the Maelstrom—the name of and crops continue good, and our street a present a the first and only person that ever gv^d upon bu6ioCjji \^ e appesrsnee. us mysteries. j M -»» Walker a Traitor, but Douglas a “True” [ Fire. &1«ID i ' <*8if^day afternoon at about 6 o’clock, our , . , ...... , „ j . 1 citizens were alarmed with the cry of fire. On It v* not to be denud that, those who mingle much in the political world, see cone very strange ptoceedmg to the scene, it wa. discovered that sight* sometimes. ; *be Stable of F. O. Welch, in the western part Fur instance: Laet summer when the* news of Town was in Hamer, which was entirely con- CdUiethat VV Al Governor of Kansas had snnied , The Duelling and adjoining buildings declared that the constitution of nmi embryo bute . . . , . . . , when formed ought to be submitted to the people ; “ era ,n da » d had it not been tor ratiticstiou or rejection, a tremendous outburst, 'or the timely exertions of our citizens and Fire of indignation was witnessed all over thu Sooth Department, the whole would now have been among our brethren. Furious and unqualified a mass of ruins, much deserving praise U due were their den.nci.tioa. Our State Convention to our neu .| y organized Fire Company for their tu corainato a candidate for Governor denounced *» , . Waleeb,and intimated 10 Mr. Bciautus that, nn- P r °mp!ness. Men never worked with more Jess he removed him, he would prove faithless to , boldnesp, daring courage, and united energy, the principles that carried him into office. Well, than on this occasion. We learn there was December rolled around, Congress assembled, «nd 1 no fire ahnul ,| ie preia i se6> alld of cour5a W3B ; men. the very first man, almost, to hack Walker in hi*!.. . e .. i.l-j- j i c . r% . .. rr k A a • • . the work of an mcendtarv. conduct, was benator DetoLAs. The tion and the South had repudiated Walker, atid ■ As our city is now free from debt, he was in favor with nobody scarcely except the our Council "ill take immediate steps fur the j feeds and treats hi Abolitionists Douglas, though, as if to show how purc hase of a first c lass Fire Engine. I ting him away, give him the choice to steal Uule lie regarded the opinion of hie Southern Don.- j W e dasir<? wy ince , lJiaricS: , bat lbe j «*►**•. "’by do not those eholitionisl, prac- rillful and malicious burning of an out house appear* that at the Democratic State Conven* tion, held in Vermont, at which the*nominations for Governor and other State, officers were made, one of the speakers, “Mr. Stoughton, be ing called for, declared in favor of Mr. Wight, a gentleman from Georgia, who‘would address the Convention.” Mr. Wight addressed the Convention in a short but telling speech, from which we make the following extract: - “In regard to slavery, I suppose there are many ptesent who have been South, and know personally what it is, and there are-others who know nothing what slavery is, or how it exists, t treat my slaves as 1 would my children—l punish them whan they do wrong; and reward them for well doing. The slaves woflr when well, and when old or sick the masters are compelled to take care of them. In this respect they have the advantage over the laboring man of the North. He vvotka when well, and when sick has to take care of himself. There are cases where slaves are illy treated, but they.'are ex ceptions. uut the general role. It is for the in terest of the master to treat his slaves well, for the same reason that it is for the interest of Northern men to treat their.employees well.— If you say that the system of slavery is wrong because there .are instances where slaves are not well used, as well might voo argue against marriage because some husbands treat their wives illy; or against the ownership of dumb beasts, because they are maltreated by some of their owners. * Shortly after, in tho same paper of the 22d July, Mr. Wight published an able article, abounding in practical common sense, onans werable views on the slavery question. We have room only for a short extract:.. “From what I saw of the men composing the Convention on the 8th, 1 judged them lobe fearless and independent—just such men as were the patriots of *70. These are the right kind of They are the men who will attend to their own business, and let the South attend to ! hers. A few such men are worth a host of those c trust j w j, 0 would steal a negro from a master who well, and then, after gf t- theCherokee Baptist College at the commence ment on tl&HUh' July 185$, and regret that we cannot place this address in full -before our readers,'boTbop*ft will be generally circulated, as his argument upon the question, and in vin dication of the Institution of slavery is clear, comprehensive and unanswerable. This ques tion is necessarily introduced in order to direct the attention of Southerners to the importance of educating their children at the South, that they may be free from fanatical abolition in fluence and sentiment* We copy the closing part of this address, as it embodies principles of which should be en graven on the heart of every Georgian, and ptactically applied now and throughout all time: “Friends and patrons of learning who have gathered to witness the exercises of this inter esting occasion, a word to you and I have done. If nothing which I have advanced has been able to convince you of the necessity of southern education for southern youth, I have in reserve an appeal, which the heart of no true Georgian, [ trust can possibly resist. It is the solemn warning of our departed sires. It comes to us like “the hand writing on the wall” to the inmates of Belshazzar’s palace with all the force of retribution. It requires no Daniel to interpret, but stands upon the pages of our statute bouk in a language'which all may read that, “sending them (our youth) abroad to other countries for education will not an swer these purposes, is too humiliating an ac knowledgement of the ignorance or inferiority of our own and will always be the cause of so great foreign attachments, that upon the prin ciples of policy, it is inadmissible.” Not con tent with this admonition embraced in the act of 1785, for the establishment of a State U versity, our patriot fathers, at the same session of the General Assembly, passed a separate act of disfranchising any person who might be sent abroad for the purposes of education, and de daring such intelligence to any officer, civil or military, in the State, for a term of years equal to that of their foreign residence. And this statute remains to this day unaltered and unre pealed. Have we, l would a*k, less love for our sons or less regard for our country, than actuated our ancestors? Or is the danger of contami nation from a foreign education less now than Meeting In Sumter County. We learn from afriend that at Ihe Judicial Con vention. Meeting in-Stuntor, the following gentle?, were appointed delegatee for the purpose - r ing the vote of that countv, io 'the choice i _ Judge and Solicitor of the Soulb-weatern Circuit, to-wlt: F. M. Furlow, A. 8. Cutte.L. P. Dorman, W. A. Hawkins, and Dr. VVvnn. ' ' * ucratic admirers, took him up, and deserting tire i . , . , ’ lice what they preach ? When slavery was Administration, the parly and the Sooth, joined Ihe lvlil,ul and "i al,el0U3 barn, "S of al > 001 ll0 “* e f ' r j abolished al ihe North a L-reat portion of .he Abolitionists to defeat Lecompton. He declared dwelling, is punished with death, and by tire ' slaves w-ere sent South and sold, their owners that it was a‘ fraud” and a “swindle,” and vied laws of Georgia no other punishment can be : pocketing the proceeds. Then they put on with the oiost iufamous ol his Abolition allies >n ’ inflicted but i sanctimonious lathing with epithets of insult and opprobrium all j — m e» ■ — j “washed their hand: who, favored tire principle that a Stale could conic j Bridge al Albany. j the sons of those inert who thus pocketed "the j lionized and inimical States of Massachusetts into the Union without submitting her constitution. Our enterprising feilow townsman, Col. N.: l >r * re °f freedom,** and who have inherited this and Connecticut, at the present day, than one 10 Now"walUT "had — ..JTipt, has just concluded a contract with Dr. | rnoney. will lake it, principal and interest, spend j acquired in the indifferent but friendly countries .1 formerly, less from one obtained in Ne. r airs, and, as Pontius Pilate did,. | an J than from one arquirnd in Old England hands of innocent blood.” It j | t . gB from an education obtained in the ab«di ., : Tift, ha? just concluded said tho Constitution J ought to be submitted to t.he people, but the mem bers ol the Convention paying no attention to him of a first class Bridge, to span Flint River at the | Rot they prefer building palaces with that mon went on in their own way, and formed a constitu- foot of Broad street in this city. Horace King, i ev, and grinding the faces of the poor white tion establishing slavery, and scot it to Congress, ^ celebra | ed bridge builder, wiU superintend i " ,an und there Kansas stood asking admission into the , , , , . „ , nathy f Union. No practical damage tl,cu, to the South,' ,h ® worl ‘- The covered-lattice port,on of the had resulted up to that time, from his interference. : Brid; al department of the Bainbridge Argus.. Miss An nie R. Blount, the well known “Jennie Woodbine,” will continue the presiding divinity over tho “La dies’ Bureau’ 1 of that paper. Reply to the Arffns. When we came to the Editorship of this paper, we fouhd it advocating Judicial Convention conditionally. We continued to advocate it with this qualificalion, ilmt we did not insist upon it, but if the matter was moved in, we would sustain the action of the Convention. We perceive that nearly every county in the Circuit, has met and appointed delegate*. We therefore regard a Convention as certain, and from the actiop taken that il is necessary. Who Can Beat It ? We clip the following from one of oar ex- banges: ; , r Extraordinary Stalk of Cotton.—Mr. D. Benton, of Benton’s Ferry, Louisiana, has the editor of the Baton Rouge Advo cate a Btalk of cotton tif the “Dean” kind, which was broken down bj the wind. The stalk was broken about eighteen inches above the ground ; the portion sent has one hundred and ninety one bolls arid forms, the balance of the stalk (still growing) has sixty two bolls and forms, making two hundred and filly-three al together. If any one can beat this stalk, let him do so. We mentioned io our issue of 2Glh August last, that we hud received a stalk of cotton grown on the plantation of Mathew Brinsvn, of this county, containing 234 bolls and forms, and at the same time spoke of another from Worth county, containing 279 bolls and forms. We have in our office sent os the past week by Mr. W. T. Hameriek, overseer for D. A. Vason, Esq., of this county, a s»alk of “Small woods Prolific’’ measuring about five feet high, and containing 305 bulls and squares at the field, and 298 after k auling it three miles. By this it will he seen while the first mentioned stalk Kng. falls 19 short, the Worth county stalk overgoes 26, and the latter, 52 over the Louisiana stalk. If this is a proper enteri an to judge by, we say that South-Western Geoigi.t can beat any sec tion m growing the great lever that control!* the destiny of the commercial world. Messrs. Mercer A: deGrafftieried, Grocery would give oriJenco that they were consistent, j admitted ! Why then have we, on so vital ubject, for more than sevenly-Bve year., ills. I and |> rovisftt „ Mvr.hants of i!ti. .-ily, will bo _ , egarded the wholesome injunctions of thati., , .. . e e , e 0 the NoitU, while professing great svm- j authoritative voice. | ,be a S ents tl,,s faI1 for lhe aa!o of Smallwood’s for Ihe poor blark nt Ihe South. They j L et pause, before it is forever too late, and j P r “l ifit -’ cullorv reed, and we advise our planting .... , , . | seem to forget that “charity begins at borne,” j father wisdom from the teachinire of the past. I friend., one »nd all, to purchase and try it. will be 3j0 feet long, resting on three , and expend their charitable promptings in per- j There is a lessen connected with the estah- Walkcr had endeavored to keep Kansas from the; hollow wood piers, to be subsequently filled ! soading slaves, by promises which they never j lishrnent of those institutions of Sparta to' which door of the Uoico, but 6ho had disregarded his j with masonry, and will be about 40 feet above ; mean to fulfil, to take passage on the "under- ■ reference has heel] made, which it would be had counsels: and now stood upon the very threshold j high ' The tre8t(e bridging will b. about I S r,,Bnd railroad.” I well for os to ponder. When l.yror; M.X e ' Unjust r, 4 bat^;,t .fit; j 580 fee. long, making a total length of030 feet, j a " Sifted to luarn tha, the Mr. Wight, framed the institution, gareto power commenced, and with the whole Abolition j If no onforseen occurrence should prevent, the a,luded ,0 - “ Sam " E *- "■ “"*• Esq ’ * p, °" al ',d | avva> too, wMch like those of onr fathers army at bis back, he confronted the applicant, with . Bridge will be opened for crossing on the first j P e ™ as merfban* of New ton, county, Ga. j of were baged upoo ,j ie insiroretjo,, a ml the insolent rebuff: “Get bark ! You shall not j of December, and will bo completed by tire first como in until you have, in obedience to the re* , , *n , quircmenls of tnyselfand roy Abolition allies, sub | , e ru * r /,.". ex ' . I «. a , ,,.11 nrenared to .neak on the subicc mitted your constitution to a popular vote.” For! Fbis is an additional improvement for which , ' , P _ l r ri Walker’s words, he submitted blows—where the! the Col. should receive the thanks of our busw former had only advised, he threatened, and with j ness men, if no one else. His persevering en- ull the haughty insolence too. of a dictator. | ,, worth of , ligh praiae . and by it, ranch nave we exagerated, and is not this the truth of i - , , , ... history? That granted, what strange sights do »-e;° r ' he co,,on and P rodu,:e of ,ke coan,r J fram often see in Georgia, and elsewhere In the South ? i the west side of the River that has hitherto been Why those of our Democratic brethren who, were carried to other towns, will now find its way to most furious about Walker, the most earnest advo-! t }.j 3 Qi ar fc e | cates of the re-electioo of Douglas to the Senate I mi m mm ■ The most ultra “Third Resolution’’men of but one] Health of Albany, short year ago, are now equally ardent in tlieirj It is gratifying to ua that we are able to statu sympathy for Douglas’ Walker was a traitor, they i , > . , . . . . , ’ 1 * th;»r Ihi* piIv tv nn npvnr r said, for simply saying that the Lecompton Consti- I | that this cily was never more healthy than it tution ought to be submitted to the people, while Douglas who, aids the Abolitionists in defeating it after its framers had spurned the former’s advice and presented it to Congress, is a "true” man, and inust be sent back to the Senate! Walker who. only tried to prevent Kansas becoming a slave State, was “hung, drawn and quartered,” while Douglas who, meets her at the threshold of the Union clad in the robes of an independent, slavery sovereignty, and smites her in the face amid the applause of his Abolition backers, is to be granted a free pardon, and taken back into the party withoot recantation or repentance of any kind. We confess ourselves utterly unable to see cither justice, or consistency in any such course. If Walker deserved behead ing lor raising his arm against the South, surely Douglas who, strucli us such a heavy blow, doserves equal, if not greater, punishment. Are their not, of a verity, we would most respect fully ask our cotemporary of the Constitutionalist, some strange sights now to be seen in the political world !—Athens Banner. ^ I Cuthbert Convention—Col, Tucker. The Sumter Republican, an American organ pays the following just tribute to the legs] ability of Col. John A. Tucker, the nominee of the Dem ocratic party for Judge in the Pataula Circuit. It eaya; ’ * “In our opinion, the Convention could not have made a more suitable selection tor Judge, than that of Col. Tucker, for we regard him every way well qualified to discharge the onerous duties at tendant upon the office. Notwithstanding he is the nominee of a party, and our opposition to cau cus nominations for that high and responsible office, yet we feel constrained to say that a more suitable person cannot be found in the district, from among those of hia own party. We hope car friends In the District will not hold a Convention, bat will give their support to Col. Tucker, for we feel saiisfied, be will do justice to all. Qualifica tions alone, and not parly, should control ns in the choice we make for the offices of Judge and So)ic< itor, upon tbeir merits, they should stand or fall.” Tho Democratic party of title (Chattahoochee) Circ uit have never opposed Judge E. H- Worrill— onr present able Judge—though he Hat .been twice before the people for t he office. He waa elect cd without opposition each time. It was a well deserved complaint to his legal qualifications and •bowo) the respect In which he was held by the people, whose rights were In lit great meas ure placed under hia guardianship and protection, r Death of Mrs# Sims. We 4&jpAioi& to have to annoance thls .raoni ing *ay§ the Savannah News of the l$tb insL, the Ti of Mre. Catharaine M. Sima, the wife of has been during the past twelve months—and even the summer months, which has been re garded as the sickliest, has passed without re cording a dozen cases of mortality. Our Mayor and Aldermen deserve the united thanks of the community for their persevering energy in keeping open the avenues of health by promptly removing all the filth and rubbish of the city, and in their strict endeavors to pre serve the good order and morals of the com munity. To this end we are indebted in a great degree to the good health which we have enjoyed. Our city Marshal has been untiring in his exertions to carry out the views and instruc tions of the Council, and thus far there has been no cause for censure or reproach, llebas been in every respect a reliable and faithful publio officer, and so long as he continues in office, and the present Mayor and Aldermen remain in tbeir position, we cannot believe that the wants of ibe community will materially suffer. The Clerk of Council is not the less desorv. ing of praise for his prompt and faithful atten tion to business. Under his care the business of his office moves quietly and steadily on, and if be errs bis errors are of such a character aa to defy detection. We differ somewhat with the action of Coun cil at its last session, in the passage of the reso lution authorizing the purchase of “hooks and ladders”—not that we desire to find fault, but consider it wise policy in the purchase of hooks and Udders, to purchase also a first class “Fire Engine”—^one good Engine, well manned, is worth, in our judgment, half a dozen hooks and ladders. We expectin a future number to insert a full report of the proceedings of sonncil, togeth er with its present financial condition, which we believe will give general satisfaction. , 5 , - • He is a Northerner by birth and education, and from his residence in both sections of the Union He speaks out his sentiments as boldly as though he was before a Southern audience. The truth, thus boldly spoken, before a State Convention in the worst of abolition States, must do good. Mr. Wight is entitled to the acknowledgements of all true Southern men, for his able defence of Southern institutions, while travelling among our enemies. It will astonish many, that such sentiments were tolerated by a Vermont Convention, and that they could find a place in a Vermont paper. The Convention was Democratic, and tho pa per likewise. There is no other party there or elsewhere at the North, where a Southerner would have been allowed a respectful hearing, entertaining and expressing such views. As a sample of the politics of the Convention, we append one of ils resolutions: u Resolced, That the Democracy of Vermont are neither pro-slavery cr anti-slavery, hut leave that question where the constitution leaves it— with the people, and stand upon th ci.! ri « l "* 1 ; SoiiimI lawy man. and r of principle [Commuuicnlcd.l Mr Esiitnr —11 will besirolv gratifying to the many old frh-nds ef the ffon. Henry G Lnmar, to lean* that his name has been an nounced »n the Georgia Telegraph as a candi date for J edge of tire Matron Judicial Circuit at the ensuing election in January »*4*xr. Col. Lamar is one of the tried and faith Sill of our lime, who lias ahrttn-% stood firm for the I fare <if our :#*r»mitrv. He is m amt I may add a netiotval Stales- who has ne'er fivberedio tie fence xe. ought a(T tr» sot tain. It is i and proper that be should receive at the j hands of his fellow citizen* any office that be his (fiends may ask for him. , . . , % . . | In view of his past valuable services, and the which I would urge you so warmly to respect, .... . , v ... . ’ t . u ii , .7 4. r\ i U- i ability to drsebarge wnh honor and fidelity the been able to propound to some Delphi oracle - .. T . ®. , , • i • . • . . .i tr . i office of Judge which he n' a similar interrogatory as to the effect and per- , . , , ° . , . . , , manenceof their labors, the answer would j *'"*''*>* presides with so much d doubtless have been in substance identical with ,e . e Wl a y Hln proper training of youth,) interested as most natural in their effect and permanen repaired to Delphi and inquired of the o Whether the new laws were sufficient for the i happiness of Sparta?” And mark well the re ply of the Pythian priestess, “8parta will re main the most flourishing of States, so long as she observes those laics.” Had our fathers of j ’85, 8l'ter establishing the institutions and 1; ground of non-interference and non-interven tion and hold that we have no right constitu tionally to interfere with slavery in the States where it now exists, and that the people of the territories have the power to determine their domestic institutions for themselves without outside interference.” that delivered to Lvcurgus, “Georgia will re main the most flourishing of States so long as she observes those laics.” But of this lesson of history, the half is yet untold. So long as Sparta continued to observe the laws and institutions of Lycurgus, she retained unimpaired the power And influence whh-h gave her supremacy over all her rivals, but when in the lapse of time those laws became at first negleeted and then forgotten, Sparta fell to rise no more forever. The ploughshare now passes over the site, where lie buried in one common grave, all the objects animate and in broad animate that once constituted the glory or the fW?. ; f '.i/» .-.f J : meeting in Calbonn County, The following name, bn been handed to nan. Delegate, to the J.dleiel Convention, to represent the county of Calhoun in the .election of candidate, for judge and Solicitor, Tor ibe Southwestern Cir- witt James H, Dickey. L. D- Uanrce.aul John OMdcy.'Enje. -i a yqfit.rrkl v.M,-:- rt.: vrK 10 *.*£'.> —• • 1 1'. , ' P/iJW* ACAjN Nowsatgd.—Benkeiia, nominated by the Repnblicen convention, a, a 1 candidate fo* Gov»mbrv>f Sheeaefciitifft:- -Ti • v * if !■;.# .sjifcSVr*. -r.i f u’ New Advertisements. Wo ask attention to the new advertisements in this week’s issue, by which it will bo seen that the late firm of Glass, Laws & Co., hss been dissolved by mutual consent, and the firm name of th. establishment will hereafter be known as Jones, Laws & Co. This well known establishment has also dis. solved copartnership recently with a Urge stock of groceries, dry goods, &c., and are daily re newing their supply with a large and extensive assortment of all kinds of goods for planters use, in the way of samples of fine chewing tobacco, which we recommend as very supe rior. if any one doubts let him purchase and try, and he will say we are right. We direct attention to the new advertisement in this issue, of Messrs. Fears, Harris & Rob* erts. This fashionable fancy dry goods estab lishment, have constantly on band an extensive variety of choice and well selected fashionable goods, consisting of shoes, hats, clothing, rolre and all other kinds of beautiful silks, and every other variety for ladies’ dressing, shawls, mns- lins of all' descriptions tnd colors/together with a variety o/otbpr articles usually .kept in their line...Tbels^ief from town,awl k qonptrj| need not be backward In railing to purchase, as they promise to "tak? jrleisarr’ip itft&Wng Yheir stock. .... ■ ■ wealth of Sparta. Some ruins of a theatre and the foundations of a small temple, excavated on one side of a cultivated hill, form at this day the whole visahtu vestage of a city which once gave law to all th* 4 sta’es uf Greece. Propiting, then, so fearful a warning, let os resolve front this day forward the laws of our ancestor* shall be observed—from tbis day forward, southern youths shall be educated at southern institutions in a southern land; from this day forward, far as respects education at least our motto shall he “Independence now, Independence forever Rev. Mr. George’s School. Io the proper column will be seen the advertise ment of the Rev. Mr. George, who proposes open* ing his select school on the first Monday in Octo ber next. To the frionds and patrons of Mr. George, we desire to say, that he has been long known . to this community as an efficient Teacher, and has been iegarded as every way qualified for the cultivation of the mind and morals of hia pupils. . The Professors of George Town University claim for bim as one of the best preparatory Teachers in tbe Union. Nothing that we coaid add, would give him a more exalted repotatibh- Such Teach ers *hou Id receive every encouragement in onr community. N V * X M Ure:.L ro 4e°aS“ ttnrJ -risen n* shout hash b» -hbd." My friendit-I cum before yon cording to d , porpoM ^° f ' i The chinch am in animal, and carnlvmo- at dat. ;Of de caraiveroni animal., dere J two species—one as you .!! know feed on d« animals of do woods and de field—de oder f«J ICrMisa M. E Keen has retired from the EJitori- on de genos Homo—of de latter ipecie, am d chinch. If de chinch was spressed in gram* mar, day weald call him a noon—feminine gen der, cause day matfaft lay eggs. At old m*J aa “Gray’s Tavern” day am always in de pl„. ral number, day occupy two cases, objective and bard, and dere ain’t no rule in de world to govern them. Him riginated as follows: d 8 wise man say dat dar ain't no peace for da wicked. Some one poke de idea to him dat if he go to sleep he bleech to bab some peace.—. Do wise man see dat he was kotched, and af] ter he studied awhile, he invented de chinch— Dare waa no need to get out a pattent for dat article, for no body nebber been able to make any improvement upon it, and dat one factory make dem fast enough to supply de whole de mand. In he nature, he is a perfect savage no use to try to civilize him. He am constructed wid six legs, two ob dem he keep reating-j, e hah long journey to trabel ob a night, and he walk on four at a time. No one eber see bis eyes, and ebery one think he go by de amell His mouth is worse than one of de double sac-* tion pamps. My friends yon can manage fleas, de fl De comb take de louse, but who eber yet learnt to destroy de chinch. Hot water wout do it, dey will just come out of de old hide, and are jmt as good as new. Man and woman try ebery thing, and link he kill urn all, but when night come, dare de very same chinch, and oh me how he bite. Nothing cant bite like a chinch. My friends I luslrate my lecture on de chinch with the following fact: My old omasa hab a man and woman dat live by demselves in a little cabbin. Dey hab a baby ebery year—dey could raise him bntil he get about one year old, den some night he be missing, no matter bow much you hunt for bim, cant find him. Dey keep on till dey loose three. Old mass* get mad, and he tell dem dat be believe dey kill »H de babys on pur pose, and if dey loose any more he will hab dem burnt. Fompy and Dinah call up dere friends, and hold saltation about it. Some of dem say dal angel come after picaninny—-some say one of de old rats got um—and some say tie old chicken sarpeu-t got him. One oh ds old men say, hrudder Fompy tie de next one by the leg to the bed post, J bound you keep him there. That satisfied them right strait— and dey he easy about it. Dey set heap steal traps, but de trap always be missing, never find am no more. Well bime by dey hah nother baby, and when he get about one year ofd,dey commence lining him by the leg, but one morn- ing dey wake up and- baby missing, Dey look ai the string and ibu*e one-o4> de- baby f de string very strong, ami pull he fieit off Dey show him to old mass*, an it he- pfcrfocfly vx- prised at it. He s.ty Pompy, sir, say Pomp, you go down fo Jinny's c-ablmt and telf her to lend you one of ber twin*,, take the- hoy and bring him. b*re» a.nd- I will see if I cannot eatrh the thief. Ye» mass*, f go dis evening. Ym* have some light wood to make a light l Yt*s r mass*, I got soo>e so fat *>«.' ho bbze »» soon as you show rfo eoafe. Well night com**, and old rnassa and Pompy got up to 1 one etmm, and hah de light fdl p**l out. Pompy have great long butcher knife,inassa tell Dinah dat a.* soon as all get still toorake the baby squall. Dinah stirk pru h> hro» and he hollovv. Bime by mass* ami Pomp bear one of do boards )>«*!» up, dey got ready, fm <h?y know be rohorug — Pomp slip round to the fire place ami blaze up de light, and Io k at the bed, nod my friends what you link dey see? Why a great big eW chinch coming down de bed post wkl de h.tby in his moiMb. Masso grab de baby, and FoiiJ|> de chineb, and be hab to stab hh» eighteen times before he kill him. Dis am a fact, brod- ders and sifters, and dey bab to get three lau rels tar and pot rr> d»t bouse, and set um aU oo fire before they could get rid of dat breed. 1 Broddere 1 epress myself to you for your tentioo, and 1 hope to hab de pleasure to dlS- [Communicated.) course to yon next week. Errors Corrected. • “ A writer in the Southern Georgian over the BcfflOCrattC Meeting id Bccatar. [nature of “Multom,” in his well meant effort; accordance with a previous notice h* tke to injure Cul. Clark ro his candidacy for the Bainbridge Argus, aportioo uf the Democratic p*r- Judge&hip of this Circuit, has made two plain met al ihe Court House in Bainbridge on ibe I8ll» mistakes, which we desire to correct. I i° s ^* He states that when Col. Clark was Senator' w - P. Easterling, Esq., was called to the Chair, from Baker and Early, he “introduced a bill »nd Ttwa. J. Williams, Esq , requested to act t» which became a law,” changing the time of Secretary. “holding tbe Judicial Elections to the first Mon- j The meeting being organized, it was moved by day in January next after a vacancy ” IB- H. Russell, Esq , that a Committee of five be Col. Clark was Senator from Baker and Ear- appointed by the Chair to prepare boainess—where- ly in 1849 and ’50. At that time tbe Judges u P° n H. Russell, B. F Bruton, D. McKenzie, were elected by the Legislature, and their elec- I M. Wilson, and G. B. Moore, Esqs., wereap* tion was not given to the people until the ses- pointed. sioo of 1851 and ’52. j The Committee after retiring a few minutes re- Healso charges that his object in doing this ported the following: * was “to connect” the Judges with “the other Your Committee report—They hold a genet*! party elections ” If this is true, the Legisla- nominating Convention, to be held in Albany, oo tore of 1855 and ’56 of which Col. Clark was Oct 12th next, to select candidates from the "e®* not a member, is subject to the same charge, ocratic party for election to tbe offices of Judge ano for at that session an act was passed making Solicitor of this Circuit to be essential; and tbit the first day of January the regolar time for lhe Chair appoint a Committee of three to cut tne holding the Judges' election. ^At that session vote of this qoopty in said Convention, the county of Decntor.svj\s.represented by the B; F Bruton, G.‘B;^Moore, I. M- •*us°n> olds and gnity, it is d upon th Bench without opposition. You will therefore UU name as a candidate. BLACK8TONE. Hon. Richard Sima and the Hon. B.’ F* Powell.. McKenzie—Committee. .folTr la - There is no evidence that either opposed this Tha!undersigned begSleave most law, and if they supported it, they did rights dissent from the report of the majority oftno • As the people are to elect the Judges, the time mittef, qnd not think Jbat a Convention fixed ought to be a time tyhe/i. there will be a necessary, or ought to be resotted to 1 ® full expression of public opinion. It . is we!) ing‘candidate* for thd^high and responsible o known that at all special elections the voto is °f Judge tod Solicitor. B. H BUSSE very small, and the popular will may not be Upon motion of B. F. B^oton, Esq, the M*jor y expressed. And tbis effect is the same, wbeth- report was adopted, and the Chair accowngljr*** er party enters info lhe calculation or not. pointed H. ii McElooy, I. M. Wilson, mod The same writer baa made a' worse mistake Bruton, Esqs., to cast the vote of tbe county in charging that the last Legislature “having!•***! Convention. : increased the salary of the Judges—that some I The mealing then adjourned, r ‘ . short time after the cloae of the session, it be- i. . W* F. EASTERLING, Ln Hon. Henry G. Lamar. It-will be seen from a communication over the a^nstt^ ^^6lack!i?qoe, , ’in tbb.wsuo, tbe Hon. H. G. Lamar is[officially announced • candidate for:Jndge.ofibp Macon Jqdipial Circ uit. W e think our ^orrespoqflant in speak ing in. such flatiering terma of Cpi. t-,paya bin a deserved and welLmerited compliment. ; ^ We do not desire lo mingle gan lo be ruraored that the Judges of the Sape- rioT Courts throughoat the State, would resign their offices,” and accept an appointment to get the increased salary, and that “this rumor u-aj/oiiotced by another", to the effect that Col. Clark teat about to remove from Macon to Dough crtycwuUjb! , v f . . j, v 'llte act increasing tbe salary, was passed at. tbe session of, J857—which did pot, convene i until the Wednesday after the first Monday of November. CoJ. Clark returned to Dougherty county in the early part ofOotober of that year, and could by pp pofsibiifty bare known that Legfslatoi Taos. J. Williams, See’y. Democratic Meeting io Baker Connty. Persuant to previons notice, the DemocraW party of Baker county, ,tnet at Newton, on i<» September 1868, to nominate a candidate for representative branch otthe General As»et»wK_ On mntion. Col C. D. Hammond <— UU uxxreiuu, VUti V. i/- Ainiuauu— . the Chair, nod Thoinaa Alien requester to *?•$ Sedrrfary.'.