The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 08, 1866, Image 1

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m -TATE E. Hl3 ,1. :}» v v . -IK LST TBI rSOPLB BBSS. ■- ALBANY, GEORGIA. DECEMBER 8. 1866. t, rN.ADTA-kOE Ufiirl Saturday sT ._AT THE OU» STAND. Alredldai. ‘ ■ ibe rate «f O»o Dollar ‘ of Eight Lino, for the “f/l S"" 1 ?' 6 ." ? ettU for '. *’„_ 0 »j»ble in adranoe. 10 l0D * er Uu * lfcr “ fU 1 ,! the following rate*: * ... r Y |3 rooaO tt '"Z *6 ooisis .12 00 20 00| SO ...118 ool 28 00 40 00 >4 001 36 00| 50 00 :)0 00 44 001 60 00 35 on GO 00 70 00 40 00 55 ooi 75 00 45 00 & OW 80 00 50 001 70 001 85 00 5.5 00 75 OOl 90 00 Drs* Cromwell & FFER I heir professional /-'VFFER lheir of Albany February 24, and rlclnity. I860. sendees to the citizens Office on Broad St. 18—tf HERE AS, John D. Keaton applies to me for letters of Diamisaloa from the estate of Wm. 6. Oaiy, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to eite and admonish all per- seks concerned, to be and appear at my office with in the Oiqr prescribed by law, te show cansc, if any they hare, why said letters should not be granted. Giren under my hand and official signature, this 2d Jdly, 1866. H. C. DASHER, Ord’y July Jlh, 1SGG. C '.t < 'a»— .*10, UiclAh SOTICB. nrttl of candidates for charged for at regular ad- f .L to be p»id in advance. K eight line., of brevier, make one ■ irtweots that make o,er eight Uuea t lines, counted aa two I*ill war! • - GEORGIA—Irwin Canty. WHEREAS, Milea Fitzgerald applies to me for loiters ef Dismission from the Administration of the estate ef ?*s>w, fitagerald, deoeeaed.' i These are therefore to cite and admonish sll con cerned, to be end sppear nt my office within the time prescribed by law, nnd show esnse, if any they hart, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given nnder my hand and official signature at office, thla dune 4th, 1866. L. 11. COLBERTH, Ordinary, dune 16th, 1860. 36- CEORGIA, Baker Connty. t, 1 Months after date application will be made the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said , for lease to sell the Improved land belong ing to the estate of Jociah Winchester; late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and Creditors of said Estate. October 13th ISCG. MART d. WINCHESTER, Adm’rx Oct, 20 1866 *60 Notice Fer Leave to A PPLICATION will be made Ordinary of*B*her .eo.unljr, 4 term .after the expiration -pf two months . notice for leave to sell the lands belonging (o the estate of A. G. While* deceased, lajd of Edgefield District, South. Carolina, for the benefit ef the heirs of said estate. * A. J. WHITE, Adto’rx. October 20, 1866 604. Georglt, Mitchell Connty. LL persons indebted to the estate of Alexander D. Puckett, late of eeid county, arc hereby * to settle the same withont delay, and those claims against said estate will present them dnly authenticated within ihe time prescribed by law, or this notice will be placed in barof their re eorery. nov 8 LYDIA A PUCKETT, Admr’x 1TOTICE. 0 months alter the date of this notice I shall „ . UtheCeartefOrdinary of MitcbeU county for leayo to sell all the lands belonging- 4a the cs- tats of Sarah Mcl cod. JOHN HA11ELTON, Adm'r. Gets. 1866 52- Georgla, Worth County. S IXTY days after date applicatibnrfflBKe made to the Ordinary of said county for.lefPe to sell the real estate of Alexander E. Lippitt, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. FANNEX E. LIPPITT, Ajm’n , their advertisements! GEORGIA—Irwin County. WHEREAS, James Ponlk app’ies to me for letters of Dismission (Vom administration on the estate of K nuares they wish them to occupy. t |»“ fl>r individual benefit, will be James Boykin, late of said county, deceased. “ a4# * • *'— These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all nnd lingular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lobe and appear at my office wit fun the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why mid letters of dismission should not be granted to applicant Given under my hand and official sig nature at office. L. M. CObUEKTH, Ord. August 4,1866. 43*- jnuar. for each insertion. iWcrtional Card. p«r year $20 00. JTgife. p.yable in advance $20 00. -at A d vertlscsitcistn. I our rates for legal advertltt- October 20, I860 GEORGIA, Worth County. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell Lot of land number (83) eighty-three, in the 16th District of Worth county, asthe property of Samuel Hill, of said county deceased. J. R. HILL, de bonis non. September 22d, 1866. Administrator** Sale: W sold, before the Court Hotue door, in the town of Isabella, Worth county, Goo., oh the first Tuesday in Januai7 next, the legal boon of sale, lot of land number (801) three hundred, and-one, in the sixth (.6) District of mid county. Sold as the property of Wm. Gerralt deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of mle. DANIEL S. SUMNER, November 17th, 1866. ♦Administrator , .ef le»y of eight tines or lets-* 8 00 /at Fi- Fa. ezlez. per levy.... 5 00 ,5 00 .4 00 .4 00 utiiismissioD from Admin , S.tea per W~ r.i.n -jf Administration. Lir” “ f Guardianship GEORGIA—Worth County. I IIESK are to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors and all others concerned, to be appear at my office within the lime prescribed 3 00 by law, to show cause, if any they have, why Abel •nrrora uuar- I M. Cox. Administrator de bonis non on the estate .....a- 4 00 of David Cobb, deo’d, .should noi be dismissed from 7»eil Land «—6 00 his mid trust. Given under my hand and official 1 nd Creditor* * 0*> signature, July 6. 1866. L„ r , liuarc 00 1 * JAMES W. ROUSE, Ordinary. • —« oo’ -July 14,1866. A 40— STATE OF GEORGIA—Worth County. ..8 00 £ble properly, ten days 8 00 i,»ixty days •••— . above rates will be required in $ ROtCS. Georgia, Irtrin County. WHEREAS, A. P. Clements applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of John. W. Walker, deceased. All and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are notified to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why mid let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature of office. L. M. COLBERTH, October 20th, ’66 Ordinary. Georgia,irwlYi County.' W HEREAS, A. P. Clements applies to me for letters of dismission from Guardianship of the person and property of Daniel Branch. These arc therefore to cite and admonish, nil and singular to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted.— Given under my hand and official signature. October 20,60 * L. M. COLBERTH, Ordinary. Musical Instruments G OOD Stock always on hand, and any Music or Instrument ordered for customers. Oct 13, ’60, L. E. WELCH A CO. NEW BOOKS! PRISON LIFE .OF JEFFERSON DAVIS—By Dr. GUT DKVEBSLL—ByJ. 8. U Fami. LIVINGSTON'S EXPLORATIONS TO I WOEAIUDA—Rj Prof. Holton. ' •E or *• STONEWALL” JACKSON—By John Eaten Cooks. * • THBWAR OF' THE REBELLION—By H. B. Foot*. Jnat received and for sal* by S. & WSMS a oo. August 4th, 1866. «— ;on and a pension of, iim all his life. Bat as The Disabled Soldiers of Georgia. Lecial notice. w BLANK BOOKS! L EDGERS, Journals, Day Books, Records, Time Books, Letter Books, Copy Books, Pass/Memo randoms and Dairies, Ac , Any style Blank made to order. L» E. WELCH k. CO. SCHOOL BOOKS] A Large Stock, embracing all Ibt Text Book used in this section. .L.E. WELCH ACC. IIEREAS, Wm. C. Yajicy, Adm’r with the Will annexed on the estate of S. W. Yancj, decM, represents to the Court in his petition duly Administrators, Executors or filed and entered on the record, that he has fully «rf |uired by law to be held on the administered S. W; Yaney's estate, jj i» each moath, between the hours of. This lx, therefore, to cite all parsons concerned, liitaoou nnd three in the afternoon* at kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they in the county in which the proper- why mid Administrator should notuahm^Ux Police of these sales must be given charged from his administration, and receive tellers GuMie forty days previous. 1 ef Dismission on the first Monday in. February ► of peraouaY pcupsrty mast be This July 10, 1866. through a public gazetts ten j. w. ROUSE, Ordinary. eday. ‘ ' Ju^y2l, 1866. 41 — 4<biors »nd creditors of an estate must forty days. «»pplicaiion will be made to the Couyt for leave to sell Laid. flMat be pahlixU- j Georgia, Irwin t'onnlj. G EORGE YOUNG applies t> nt for letters of administration on the estate of R. M. Griffin, deceased. These are thereforeto cite and admonish all and singular, to be nnd appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should uot be granted, i »mWr my Uaadaud official signature, ober 20th, CU .-j_L.AL COLBERTH, Ord’y. -W^IR/IEOTIISrTIEID G OLD and SILVER WATCHES, Gold Chains. Keys and Charms, Diamond.^ Rings, Gold Bet and Plain Rings, Brooches, Ear Rings, Fine Sets of Jewelry, Gold nnd Silver Thimbles, G«.ld and Silver Spectacles, Gold Collar Buttons, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, always ranted as represented. Ot 13. L. E. WELCH A | .'lie sxle it Dinner. »*le day. OEOBaCUA—DOUGHERTY COUNTY. WHEREAS; Mslvina M. Godwin, Administratrix j of I homas G. Godwin, represents to the Court m Lk 1 Af *.iminlatration Guardian- her petition duly filed and entered on record, that ^^ukMdMF fuH * o< ' dwitt ' s w.Uimnistration, monthly six raont l fhiils Ihereforo to cite all persons co&terncd, _Ca!7Vorttuts*muu be kiWred and oreJiior*. to zliow cause, if uny they Jnt. foreclosure ur Mortgages rau» why aaid AdminUlratriz ahould.not he dis iMiklj for four mon — 0Il ih. fow charged from her Administration, aud receive leltere Itolhe foil .pace of ihrM OontM-tor noath*second MouA« » February, 18fS5 W. H. WtS, Ordinary , 14.1866 • Aim- Octobc life r- GEORGIA—Worth County. k’ days afterdate liereof application will be ^ e to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the real estate of James Noles, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. G. D. WHITEF1ELD. Adm'r of James Nolcs, dec’d. Oet 6, 1866 62- r.ip«^KP a JES & HOBBS, GEORGIA—Worth (ounly WHEREAS, Snxah C. Shine nnd S. P. Jones, np-, for letters of dismission from adminis tration on the estate of A. J. Shine, late of said county deceased. Theso are therefore to cite and , ■ „ t v f R a i admonish, alt and singular, tho kindred nnd redit- Al.tSA.v X| «t» . _ of said deoeased. lobe and appear at my oflice. ftdiee in Itougherty and the J w j,hin the time (nneeihed by Utn. tests* »•» if "intieti. in tl*e Superior Courts of U», have, why said letters of dismission should United Slate* Circuit Court al *>*v aD * J. JJJj ^ granted to the applicants. Given under my Georgia, Worth fount?. Wkwrcas, WLUiana G. Lavender applies t»m letters of Adndnistration, with the will nwncxed. on the estate of John Long, of mid county deceased.— These are therefore to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors said deceased, to be and appear nt rav office within the lime prescribed by law, teshowtoamse if any they have, why saidleltcrs- skM&dXiOt be granted to the applicant. Given un- Jier my baud and official signature, this O. tober 20, 1866 JAMES W. ROUSE, Ord’y November 3d, 1866 * Attend to busiocM in Sonth-We*'™ Ip-neriUy, |.y ppecial agreement. \, 1866. al, September the 12th, 1866. J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. September 15,1866, ” Notice. TWO month, after the date or this notice I shall .. ,,pply io tho Court of Ordinary of Mitchell conntj AT LAW, forteare to «11 lot of land number 342, andI .2 acre, off the vest side ef lot numberSU4, all in 11th district of Mitchell county, aa tho property of Wm. B^Eond. laioolaaitLoonnly. dooeaaed. JOHN C. ORINEB, Adm'r. M Oet 0,1806 - . , 6 -- IGHTfifc WARREN, (OltNEYS, oA- >.) ^p.etice it.i fie several Courts of Lauzsml iU St ile and the Circuit Courts JtM States for the Sute of Georgia. I’ rc'iai zuentien given tu the purehut ana ValE-u.e. iim. 19.18115. —37 Grover & Baker’s SEWING MACHINES, T Manufactures prices—dimply freight added, From an article in the Xovemher number of “Scott’s Monthly Magazine,” under the caption of*In Honor Bound”—by “Salem Dutcber, Esq., Augusta, Ga.”—we extract the following, and regret that want of space will not admit of the insertion of the article entire. After a few preliminary remarks, the writer quotes “the act” of the General' Assembly of this State for tho relief of maimed and indigent soldiers, officers, and citizens of this State, and says: “This act is fully operative so far as it goes, hut, as will he seen by its terns, the measure of relief contemplated by it, is re stricted to “indigent” soldiers and officers alone. In legal acceptation this term “indigent” is considered as almost, entirely, convertible with “ panjeu, ” and in this view there is required of all applicants for the limbs provided by this act, an oath of utter inability to purchase- the same on his own account. In ort*ir words the disabled veteran of Georgia is re* ■ ired to sue for this measure of snrgieal l as a matter ot charity and in former pszn peris, thus making the presentation to him of an artificial limb on behalf of the State de- _ at Albany Bcok Store. pendent on the state of his pocket, and not on the fact of his mutilation in her service. Yet it is this£*t alone, it is conceived, that gyres hint any title to the benefaction pro- Miscellaneous Books, and New dways on hand- Asp Bo, ~ Published ordered for customers. Oet 13, 1606 L B WELCH & CO QTAKDARD, Books of tho Day— ¥ E have succeeded in obtaining the services of An Experienced and Reliable Jeweler, and am prepared ro receive Watches and Jewelry for Repairs. Wo hold ourselves responsible for good work, and guarantee satisfaction. , Oc*. 18, 1806 L. E. WELCH A CO. ROSS & AMOS, 70 MULBERRY STREET. —JOUS L. JOKES’ OLD STAND— Georgia, Mitchell Counts’. T HIRTY Days after dale I wilt proceed lo ap point an administrator with the will annexed, on the estate of James Pntillo, late of said county, and all persons are hereby notified to file their ob jection^ i£aay they have, in my office, as the law directs. Given under my li&ad officially, this N«fe 8th. 1866. • H. C. DASHER, Nor. 10, 1866. * Ordinary. G EORGIA—Illitchell Lonnty. f\S the first Monday in January next C. C. and Wm. Lawrence, Administrators on estate of Allen Lawrence, late of said county, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary for leaTC to sell all the real estate belonging tosaid estate. JOHN VC. PEARCE, Cl’k Court Ordinary Oet 6, I860 ,62— DEALERS IN CLOTHIITG ■A KD Gents’ Furnishing Tranks, Valises, Satchels, Vi And everything usually found Sat a. FIRST CLASS CLOTU1IG HOUSE. Nov 10, 2s3m DRIED FRUIT l WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR DRIED PEACHES, pealed and onpea£d. J. N. SEYMOUR, Nov 10 8t Cherry “Street. Georgia, MiUbtil County. ^^LL perzona indehted to iheezlale of SaroJi Me- . _ Leod, Isle of laid county deceaeed, orvrilereby notitied to settle the came without delay, and ihozo against, said estate will present^ them duly authenticate* i wii ““ LAW NOTICE. Will practice lamimalXlkaCMwta duly authealicailS withht the time prewriBed by lk « Souih-We.iern, la Irwin of the Sooth-1 law, or this notice »Ul be placed,m\bar of their re- a »4 Appling of the Brunswick, aadmoat eorery Nov 3d JOHN HAMILTON, Adrar. the Pataula Circuits. • Fukingtoo Street, opposite tha Ezpraaa- [>■ On. April 28,1868. |r.R V ^ , ?? professional services totCa eithea Tic ^ n ‘ l J* t 144A ) to Debtors and Oredrs '.Worth fomty. Mmiai indebted to the estate of Alez. 8. LfT' °f Worth oouut^dwaesed, are no- J^fMVMdamhmakteilMmatottSHe ?*“ hzvtng claims agaiMh soil eitata * mem. in terms of the Taw, or they-will |H »ANSBT E. LIPPITT, Adm’n. 1 454. cEtiHEM-MiUheU foamy- S TTT eays after date appUeation will be madk. lo tioCoort of Ordinary of aaid county, for a to sell 175 aonaa of lot*of land number 381 j also 90 acres of lot number 882, also 126 acres of ... . let number 858. all improved, andilyinrtn the 11th. , ihgo i„ t ,h e district of said county. Alao.ono-third Intercsi in e j_,o he «nd -cribedby 1 u vzz SndJredilors. ISRAEL MAPLES. Adm’r Oct6».18S6. ficorgi»» Irwin fennly. WHEREAS, D. J. Fenn, applies to me for letters of dismission from adnunjstration on the estate of Willis J. Bane, deceased* Tlveo*. *r« therefbre to cite and admonish, aJJ;and singular, the heirs and oroditors of said dtcea£?d, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed byJaw, to show cause, if any they have, why sa?d Willis J.^ Bane slwohl not be relieved from said admi7*ialration. Given under my. band and offioial signature at office. L- M. COLBERTH, Ordinary. octobex 20th 6& Ccorgia, Dongbcrtj County, WHEREAS, John .F. Barney, of tHwoownty of Twigg* in snidt State,- applies to mo for Tetters of administration de bonis non, on the estate, of Amos Ball late of Dougherty connty. d< These are therefore tootle and admonish, all and kindred and creditors of said deceas- v-| appear at my office, within the time law, lo show cause. If' any they have, why saicFletters shoiddaooi beugranted. Given nn- dervnv hand andtoffi&ial signature at office, in Al- bany, 7li>Ndvembcr, 1866, w tT twf,T ' w,> nov 10 * J. n. HULL, X. B. DBIGGS 1 (Late of Columbus, Georgia.) HULL & BRIGGS, Cotton Factors ss-ed Commission Umlauts, UTO. ««v OARONDELET STRUCT. NEW ORLEANS* Louisiaawshw September 1SG6*. w2 W. H. WILDER, Ordinary CE0RGI&—Kartell Cctuty. A ll persons»tbnn Maples, dc nrs uereby notified to oemw forward and n jent—and those having cUimn.ngamst satd ‘fused, axfcvennestedilo present.them in terms pf eMSSfe.iWh w ISRAEL MA«JB8f.Adm.r. Webtedu, Lks estate of E.. H. His- I«n7? w * odlfied that they mast set- •» persona. hAlin* , present them within ' w> M»thy isw, or they will be barredi JOHN F. CARG1LE. Jhh, \uC in ^ hSfote K.JB. Hics*n,de.'<l. TWO months after dsteapplicstion will be mode. lotheC^Irt of Ordinary of Mitchell county, for !ea« to sell sll the estate of ,l>. A..Uostici, “* a ** W j'p;gsK POLLUCK, Adm’r. Oet 6.186® *~V»rUi Ctiitp, l^cSL^^'sppliestlo.,- T sfsatd Connty. for ttsiUnJ/," *“* County, for leave tesell 'ttJrii!!«o Ales. 8. Lippitt iate ,Sftk, E. LIPPITT. Adm’rx Georgia, Donghcrty Connty. WHEREAS, John It. 11111 applies toms for letters of sdmioislration on tho estate of John H. DanfortU lute of said county, deceased- „ • These ererherefote to cite and .sdmenish. ail and singular, the kiodtea* nnd’ereditors of said dteens- ed, tebeand appear at my ofilc, within thetime pre scribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should, not be granted. Given under y hand and official oijpiitiirejot office, in Albany ovemher7th. 1860^ W. IL WILDER, nor 19 « r Ordinary. CaEOitOIA—JUlchc 11 County. w lie first Monday in November nest Simeon rB«k will apply to the Court, of Ordinary of Lifc county for letters of Guardianship of the mi- •'**“ ZtX.i. orobens of Thomas Cumbio, deceased, nor children, orpne » „ ^ ivjbiieh. Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia,.Wort is County. 'tTTILL be sold before tlio Court IIouso door in \.\/ Isabella,.in saidjeounty, on tho first Tuesday VI in January next, between the lawful hours uf sale, lot of laud number eighty-fire. (85) ini the I5tli District of said couaty..ns the properly of Samuel Hill late of said county deceased. Sold subject to widow’s dower. Terms made known on the day of ,sle. j. K. HILL, adm’r, de bonis non of •Jar ’itli, 66. 9- H'"> >ioc d the roils at Washing green-bhAzinadgtven 1 only a Georgian,the defender ofabeaten peo ple, the msamed soldier of a lost cause—his ird('.ilat,nu is bnt incidentally considered,and . a sworn pauperism made the main ground for extending to him a small measure of the public aid. Were the disposition of those who make thelaws responsible for this dis creditable anomaly,'the General- Assembly of this State were jostly amenable to a charge of black ingratitude. But Bach-is not the caset” - After qnpting the Constitution, and show*. ing wherein it has been misconstrued by the members, (thus indueing.the restriction in the gratnitous distribution of artificial limbs) and briefly reviewing the former ab» tions of the State toward her noble sons who had been dismembered or disabled, the writer says furthermore: “The law, as it is now interpreted, affords no relief to the citizen who, at t he bidding of the State, leapt forth in the field to defend her, and there, while presenting his breast as her bulwark, was robbed of his limbs by the public enemy. No reliefis said, because as compared to the entire number of those to whom-the State owes this debt of honor/ there are hut a very, very few who by this act can reoeiv'e the payment of that sacred obligation. Some that, perhaps, are really so destitute as to be fairly within the pur view of the law, are yet withheld from an application by a fitting that we cannot bnt' honor. They an the soldiers of as gallant an army as ever made the earth qoakewith the trend of i iosod. There are, as is stated to the writer >v one in a position to know officially of tbeirnumbers, somethining like two thous and men in the State of Georgia, who, in breasting the storms of war in her behalt, have been more or less mutilated in bodily member. Some have lost but a hand, oth ers again sn arm, others a leg and some few have lost bothann and bg together. In a few esses those who have suffered this hon orable mutilation, are amply able to provide for themselves the most approved style of artificial substitute, and weankl not, did the Law proffer it, avail themselves of the public aid. Going to the other extreme, there are alsoa number who have been'so wrecked by fortune that, in their crippled and help less state, it is so far Sat impossibility they should help themselves that they are xather in the lamentable condition of Betinsrius, who, after a hey-day of gJ»»y T sat in his age and decrepitude by the roadside to entreat charity. But between' these extremes of the rich and the poor tie- the great bulk of those wl» have suffered the- horrible an- ; trash e< dismemberment for the sake of their Intely destitute, nor yet by any means over burdened with this world’s goods, these brave men are in such circumstances that, white they vanld not swear aa absolute i bility to purchase, such purchase would weigh most greviously upon their stratened means. Some such cases the writer knows of his own personal observations, and doubt less like instances will occur to the mind of almost every reader. Thus, to particularize there is, where it is the fortune of the writer daily to see him, a citizen of Georgia who, iti one of the fierce battles of the war, was so erucliy mangled as to necessiato the ampu tation of a leg. Uncovering by virtue of a strong constitution—for he is in tho very prime of life—this man faced the world with as composed a courage as he ever looked >n hostile bayonets, and is. today honor- thanieal its triumphal onsei They have fow>fat tswder the eye of world-known lead ers, and for the-stiRe of principles as dear-to the heart of freeman, as the cliiro of her babe-isto the another’s heart. Ragged, ill fid^feck-sore-, and ytnpiless, they stood to : thaw colors better than the best household itraon*ef Enropq, and were faithful “unto this-tost” for the- :snke of patriotism, State pride and honoratfcne. How can suehmen- !be called.on .to smveil their crncl poverty, that, li&e-ahegiwj’stsore, it may cxtprt from charity somef.XufeY Mach as’ they need / there limbs, therenero hundreds of them, as pewaspoos eaB&e,who will sthmp abrat forever on thenrevutclies rather than sveuelt tkematikes before witnesses, and in. the- . right of Hentvan, as on the level of tho alms' house pauper. They never spared life ,r limb for Georga^znd it is as little asthe- State tm tfe-utew to spare their feelings.—• It wa» aat aTwayo thus that they were limb less aori poor- Many and many a one of them bad a comfortalfe living and a sturdy frame ere, h» the one-summon sacrifice,'mem ber nnd name; scare gallantly laid down Otherstlicre-. are, too, and not a few of them, who-me- iu- somewhat better case than these ef'tSieir brethren, and' yet by no means able to-vesture-otr live pnrehas of an artificial arm erleg. Having some little means, or nt IhaW an* awcation that gives them a livelihood}, tJHay could not, nnder the terms of tbreset, apply for its benefits', were they even to disposed. Were it so framed as to pcmriPtfipnt’ Fa'ptsjr a part of the contract prieeaacU receive the deficit from the State they wotrfst gladly embrace it; bnt now, hetweentlknr own inability on the one side and the rigor of the law on the' other, they too, liaveth drag themselves painfully about—mtmumeotb'afonce' re fute heroism and publio neglect. Throngh- r meat of the first class prevail, and in the cities- and- towns those of the latter; bnt, however dUfcfite in the cause, the affect of the law tetBtnwsm equally the same. Some that oonlfPswuotv. will not—some that might swear, camntfp and it is due to them and to the State aitt, that mutilation and not circumstance should be the one requiremnt of the law. The feus Apples, Oranges, Potatoes, Calons, aid GJL B B A. G E R C OUNTRY DEALERS- Tranting.»nj of the above, will find it to their advantage toordor from me, as I will make it a speciality of my business this season, to supply, the above Gttotae, Ftos&andi Cheap, having madft arrangement* tougiBt- those selected for mo in the North end West. Ad- enclosed, or city r< HENRY HORNE, Macon, Ga* goods dress your orders, with cash enclosed, or city refer- NOTICE. Heed, Sale, and Liverj Stable}. Jtist Opened, Corner of Broad 4 and Jackson. Street sy. r Y, GiBiOiR'G I A. 1; and Sold omCommlsslon. By GARDNER & K1RKMAN. 8ept 15. 1866- WOOL, WOOL! I full- AM STILL BIJYJNG. lTov.10 3^. WOOL, and paying. J, N. SEYMOUR. Qhcrry Street [y intent upon his old mecl 'tion. Bnt as this world is bnt a cruel'one, and aa competition is great in all its branch- csiofiiiidnatr.y v tbis veteran,, who is proud to say he was one of Longstreet’smen, finds it no easy task to do more than meet'the ordi- arv expenses, of living. With a just and oble pride he would mdigaaaUy repel the nazortipn timt llo-was-a pauper ^and Ifessheb-J willing not only., to say it; lint to swear it,,the State will givejiim no limb gf steel andhroed. and leather, to replaca that sturdy one of flesh and blood'he laid' dbwn, iliko a good citizen and gallant man, upon the sacred-altar, of her. defense.. Now, this ought not to he. Sncli a man—and'there are hundreds like him q)l over: Georgia, from .Cherokee, to thestubaid—desenes betti loflHis countrymen, than. this.. Were he 'Frenchman, We cress ofth'e Legion ofllon or would glitter upon his breast, or’so many isbiniBg.franca, he paid down into his palm on every quarter-day; aanilife-long memen to of.ho w.'gratfrillyla belteF ranee, remember. fed her wounded brave. If ajvSn^ish’man, Chelesa might open her gates upon him, or;, iu .default, there placed'to itis cred it his half-pay, week alt6i','woolt,and. mpnth after month, year in and year out, so long as-ids saldiflr.Bonlshould linger in its scarr- ed.and mangled tenement. ' Or, if when the war-drum.beakts arms, he had preferred. .Federal allegiance .be, the seeviccofbls threatened State, hisuapae w.ould on wealthy men would not .he likely' to caH upon thi ~ itia gov- ie State; and even if they di their clear right, on every principle emment nnd by all the rnlesof eqt have what they desire. Bnt to thi w bulk of the disabled—the really' poormetr o'straitened means, ho w grateful would i the to receive either an ennreor pdktial fliffin this matter, on simple proof of citizenship in the first place, and, intfee second, of hav ing been maimed in the service of the State. Under this rule the expense mightbe great er; bnt, i£ it were, the State owes every cent of it, and a debt is still a debt whether preparation h* made to pay it or no. Theso men receive no pensions, no> Bounties, no other public aid, and should most certainly have titie,. Knowing that no etheir cause than a- misapprehension of powsTO'oould have led to the peculiar form oftHe-prcsent act, itis neither necessary norihttnritedto 'make any appeal to. the sentiments. Tho very suggestion of the topic carries with it it* own weight. The very thought of a wounded- fellow-citizen is an argument in ' litselft'. Earn there aro who have not some conception of what thos» brave men have suffered. The reader—ift'a. soldier, andonc that has fiilt the force ofa hall—mayneecdU what an exquisite torture the missile evokes: If a surgeon, it may cause-him. some sadness to think of the many who have bled under Ins., kindljr-cmel. knife- If a woman, she. will'rememBerthc scenes' o4 - the hospital’ and may thence faintly imagine the horrors- latifield whence the wounded arebornco tlio skill- And lastly, if a legislator- is scanning ti page, he, tliongh feeling tho pity of a ski -s_l — f .Vfcoic»ysician, may- yet;, like a tme brother of healing, experience some just thrill of* Large contributions are bekir mads up, throughout Kentucky ih aid oi the suffirera. in.the South.,