The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 15, 1866, Image 1

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4 every Saturday JI#riiHis. * broad ST.—at TtlEiQLD STAND. nai/To Adnjrl&iU ' inserted attho rate cf One Dollar- sc ° t :r s i’ure of-Eight Lines; for ilie n,l Cerenty-five Ocute for each 1 Lirin* 10 advertise longer than ‘.Dree ’ k ’Z« .De following , WW =-.-. f A moeC mos.lV year rr S« UU.S10 oo son 00 IfECI AL ^ *1 T 1 1” jounceraoD's of canJidntca for office, »10, aJiance. ' ■ I , " Jj w3 to he charged for at regular ad- , M _to j>c paid inadrance. , of wit} linea, of brevier, rmke ono :vl ; tl«u yugti&b „5ficcn lines, counted twiwo *qu ill ut trk on ihow: advernsementi ;1 .»res they wish them to-occupy: •ic*i»>*n 9 for individual benefit. yrill' be l Vi m'r -qunre'for eiicb io»erii<% * i.ftwfLslonal CanUperyearWyO. irite. payable in advance S—O OtJ. j \ ilf wrllacmont*. •ue our rates lor legal advertise- 0rs. Cromwell & Gonnalfy 7 FBKjh*ir profesjtosnl services to the citizens of Alfcooy and vicinity. Office on Broad St. bruary- £4, 1866. 18-xtf GEORGIA—Mitchell County, "Wfo O. £c^yn applies to mo for tt£f» of Dismission from the csiaU flfJift- . l*fo of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish aU-jier- ?.9ns concerned, tube and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by la vr, to show cause, if any .Utey Lave, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signore, this 2d July. I860. ' • & 0. DASHER, Ord’y July 7th, 18CG. 39— GEORGM t Baker . f | tWO Months After date application will be.m: X f o the Honorable Court\t>f Ordinary of said county,Toy Jp^Yp tQ soil the improved land belong- WS fo *“0 estate of Josiali Winchester, late of said county 4cgpased, for the benefit of tho heirs and Creditors of said Estate. October 13lh 18^6., MARy J. WINCHESTER, Aditfrx Pct.20 1£CC *00 Georgia, Mitchell County. rsons bujebted to the estate of Alexander ~ ett, late of said county, qm hereby notified to settle the same without dcley, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. or this notice will be placed in bar of their ra coyery, 3 “LYDIA A PUCKETT, Admr’x 1., A Cr Wvy of eight lines or losi-S 3 00 #r: .,!, S c Fi. Fa. sales* per levy.,..., 0 00 ■ir'a Sitcv per levy.;, 00 irlciwti if AJriinistraQua.. ...4 W» rUuera nf Oiurilianaliip^l....;. 4 00 !i., ; ija of dismission from Aomiil- __ ~B 00 V:f or ihsmissioti front Guar- - - ... ~......4 00 itnrcunl Creditors 4 00 oo M>D: properly. lejJayS.....3 00 fftto'nfcmt roihVmK'li'e reiptins^ij at notes. ‘ >' t »aCl.VL NOTICE. . i,.| by Administrators.. Executors or GEORKIA-IibId Count?. WHEREAS, M?lp Fitzgerald applies to me for letters'of Disnij^jd^ ftom (be Administration of the estate of Perry Fitzgerald. deceased. ate therefore to cite and admonish g|l con- earned, to be and appear at my office within the 1 tiptc prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said lettersahoul J not be granted to said applicant. Given under my baud and official signature at office, (his June 4th, I860. GEORGIA—Irwin County. WHEREAS. James Poulk appMas to mo for letters of Dismission from administration on the estate ot James Doykin, Into of sr.itl county, dco?^^. 7hcsc ura Uterefurc lu ciiu admonish all and singular the kiudred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tho time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of dismission should not bo granted to applicant. Given under my hand and official sig nature at office. L. M. CGLUERTII, Qrd. August 4, !SG£. ** 48*- It atiee Fov Leave to Sell Land. ^^l|l^LlCATION^will be made to lhfe Cpurt of lenii after the cxjiir.i^tn of two months from. this notice for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of A.'G. White, deceased, lute of Edgefield District., S<^j(b Carolina, for the benefit *f the heirs ofaaiij palate. A. J. WHITE, Adrn’rx. October 20, 1866 60d Georgia, Worth i'oanly, S IXTY days after «^|a application will be made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate of Alexander 8. Lippitt, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de- ««ed. FANNET E. LIPPITT, Adrn’rx October 20, 1866 GEORGIA, Worth Comity. ClIXTY Joys after date application will bo made pi fo the Ctrdioary of said cogpty, for leave to sell *ot of land number (83} eighty- three, in the loth District of Worth county, asthe property of Samuel Uill, of said county deceased. J. R. HILL, do bonis non. September 22d, 1866. GEORGIA—Wortb Ccnnty. FJUIKSE are to notify all and singular the kindred I and creditors and all others concerned, to be turn appear at my office vjiiUin tha time preset" by law, to cause, if any they have, why M. CoS, Administrator de bonis non on tlie estate of David Cobh, dec'd, should not be- dismissed from bis sai*A Given under my bund and official signature, July 5. JAMES W. ROUSE, Ordinary, f?July 14, 1866. • 40— Georgia, Irwin touaty. WIIEKGAS, A. P. Clements applies to me foi letters ctf mlruiulslralign o,a itj; estate of John \V tjweww- lingtHufe the tipJre.i anil creditors of sanl de^eauj, an notifisAls; fce anil appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,. Why l?t- t«4iWo«ld not be granted- Given nndcr ray hand and official signature of office. L. M. COLBERT II, October 20th,'6b. Ordinary, Georgia, Irwin County. W HEREAS,. A. P. Clements applies to, mg fey letters of dts^dSMCta ifvam u&rdiunship of the person and property of Daniel Branca. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular to be and appear-at tay office within the ti^e pre scribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted.— Given under my hand and official signature, ouster 20,66 L. M. COLBERTII, Ordinary. STITE OF GEOUGH—Worth County. 7 HERE.VS* AVm. C. YnV&S. Adm rwilh the Will annexed the estate. ^ Y{. Yancy. dec’d. reprrserA^ to the ^VAW\ Isxa petition duly ] filctl and et>tgtfu\ on tLe record, that he has fully i i<j,y require^ bj l' 1 ^ to*. b° livid QU^i ndo^t^t'erctl S. W. Yancy's esi ■dtv in c.ich urwtth. between the hours of j This is, therefore, to cite all ind three in the afternoou, at ( kindred and-creditors, to show cause. 4.C ihe county in which the proper-.| Ciiri , why said Administrator sliojujfd n«4 ‘l\s- lice A»f these sales tuua* be given • charged from his administration, and receive letters • forty d-iys previous. *. | of Dismission on the first .Monday in February • 7m q«t be;next. TV^ill», 18,^ le or personal property must •r. through a public gazette >ale day. ^ - - J irs and creditors qf an estate must J July 21, 1806. ipiilication will be made to the Court >r leave to sell Lind must hn publish- G30HGIA —DOUG HERTY COUNTY. | WHEREAS* M. Godwin. A4puin : stratrix i of i homas Godwin, represents to the Court in ' . ansrilbnJ her petition duly filed and entered on record. tha»'s O. I, WHU'istwtroPi j Y|,i 9 i 8 tD.refore to cit, nil person” ^wicnrncd. Ounnllvwl'ipfHty aV^ J j Jiinilrct m4 credit.,m. lu nD... enuns. if nny they t ih? t .rrolu.urc .it ca „. , b , » ni d Ad,nlt.l.tmlri A -Jw»M not be di, duMUly firf.iiirmoillDa ' lf s charged Iron, htr Adminly rCiliull. and receive letters lull spice, of ,h ; c “ „f bismiision on the m^nd Mondny in Fel.rnnry, '-<ccu.., r S or Admm,»trt-ors , IVII.DEU, Ordinary. *1 Dn.e l.een g.een by tb. deceased, the ,0 A ' U „ U „ .| 18 VJ nicduiot GEORGIA—Worth I’onnts, of sahi . j WlIHltEAS, Sarah C. Shine nnd S. P. Jane: I HINES &. HOB3S I piles to me |„r loiters of dismission In,,) fclBNEm AT LAW , ^ county deceased. These*,W» vUwicfere te cite and «M all and singular, the kindred and redit- • ft-' V ,1 .1 . „H,„d “f sai.l deceased In be and appear at my irli.em Dimaherty ami the yWWg-1 , kM , lbe ,irae prescribed by law. te^, fauw ,f [■fbmnties. tn tne >,iperior ,u In. j ili.v liave. why said Icllersef dismission should •ills Uni'ed Stales i:ire«it fjnnrt at 1 no , | 1C gr , inlc ,l to llics applicant., liisi-n under my »ld attend to business in S<in:Il-'Veet an j scaIj September tlie 12th, ISliti. Georgia, Invia tounty. G EORGE YOUNG applies to me for letters of administration outbc estate of R. M. Griffin v deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish till nnd singular, to be and appear at tny office with in the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should uo$ Vp gv in, «'l- Givcu under my hand and official signature. October 20th. 60 L. M, COLBERTli, Ord y. UlBilKtilA—VA«.nll Con:il*i S IXTY days after date hereof application will be made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate of James Notes, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of a/yfl deceased. G. D. WHITEF1ELD. Adnt’r of James Nqles. dcc-'d. Oct 6,1866 62— JTOTICH; TWO months after the date of this notice I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county for leave to well all the lands belonging fo the es tate of Sarah Mcl cod. JOHN nAMELTOX, Adm’r. Cettl, 1806 62- Administrator’s. Sale. TTTILL be sold, before the Court House door,in' V/y the town of Worth county, Geo., on * I -the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of salo, lot of Ijind number {3<flV three hundred and pne, in Che. sixth (0) District of* said county. Sold ns the' property of Wm. Garratt dcgeftsgda fsa tl>» benefit of the' heirs and creditor^ Terms made known on the day of-sale. DANIEL S. SUMNER, November 17th, 1866, *Adminislrator Dougherty Sheriff’s Sale. TTTILL ha said iTefore the Court House. door in f Y the city of Albany, Dougherty County,' Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale—City lots of land in the City, of Albany, numbers 22 nnd 24, on Residence St rect 4 the property o.f i{ (J- ffechcr, deceased • levied by virtue ot ■ fes. from Dougherty Superior Court—T. P. Oliver va. S. fi. Fincher. Admr’x of H.C. Fiv^, degoased, and Nelson Tift : vs. S. E. Finch«? b Adsvr’x of II. C. Fincher, dec’d. /Property pointed 01 .^ Ujl Attorneys, NEW BOOKS! LOCATIONS TO THE FR1SON LIFE OF JEFFERSON J. J. Craven, V. S. H. ELSTERS FOLLY—By Mrs. Ilcnry Wood. LAND AT LAST—By Edmund Yates. GPS pEYERELL—By Jl 8. Le Fatw. LIVING3TONS El ZAMBESI. NEWOM»ltI>A*^jH,f. H«to^ h.'.T.m, ^ LIFE0.F.‘•STD.NJEW^W 4 IRW*—ny«n« nrttlCT: E "TnE °\^AR OF THE REBELLION—By" 11 ■ S. Foote. . ' ' . ittat received &nd for sale by . X.' E. WELCH & CO. Augu** 4th, 18(50. thc'lack of this very educator, that the char-! , cterof both North and South has, all this line, been going downwatd. From such spentanee and forgiveness, ■ Peace would have come; long cre.tliis' i and it would have been a permanent, because a pure peace.— Such a peace can, now, hardly be looked for—a peace which cannot come until each section shall condemn .itself and forgive tho other.” i j- Next follows some good advice for Geu- 3STOTICE. Tee^ate jgid Lively Stablej Justi Opened,. • Corner of Broad and .Jackson Streets, A Ij BA NY. OEO RGI A. Stock Boarded, and Sold on Cci^mlssion. By GARDNER & KlIHiMAN. Sept 15, I860 3° Dec 8,1800 AaMES IV. KEMP, Sheriff. 4. n. hd(£ l n. ib-amaas- (Late of Columbus, Georgia.) HULL & BRIGGS, Oottoii DFactors : - jsx.-ssfis -■ Mitchell County Sheriff Sales W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in 11*<? few^gf Camilla, Mitcb&lcouQty. Ga ,r Q£L ike firal Tuesday in January next,-between the le gal hours of sale, Four bales of cotton; levied ones the property of James P:\itilIo, to satisfy various fi las issued from theSnperiar Court of Mitchell coun ty, in favor of the.offices of Court and others. ‘ Also, one gray horse, levied on as the properly ft? S. G. Wood, to satisfy one .Superior Court fi fa in favor of James Mansfield vs. said Wood. Also, at the same time and place, one house and lot in of Camilla, M the Jolivts an d Allen Urodwr-jf, to satisfy one Jostice Court & fa, Fred. Busby vs. said Jolins & Allen. . Also, one and a half acres of land, known as the Thomas place, part of lot of land number -397-in the lOlh district ofMi,V;hell county, to satisfy one Justice Court fl fa in fotfur of M. Cn.nron, adm’- vs. S. O. Wood. Levy made and returned by* constable. IIBNRY SMITH* Sh<s**fc Dec 8. 18C6* ’ v i ^ . - * HO. 44, CA&OHSKbET STREET. NEW ORIjEANS, Louisujna. September 29. 1866. , w2m. Georgia, U orlb t'onnly. Whereas, William.G. Lavender applies to me for letters of Administration, with Hjjrj. xj^l hiinexed. on tlfo estate of John Long, of-saiil county deceased.— Those are therefore to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the lime prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to the applicant. Given un der mv-hand and official aignature, this Oi fober 20, 1866 J A M KS W_ UO USE, Ord’y 3d, I860 SSminS- i lleorgla, IHi.KhfLl founly. Jf.l V. t'V ■ kWi. >J,»«». 33- HGrHT & WARRSir, * Forneys at l.a.w. ALBU^GA. - • p-irtic- uiili.. Kevor.ifi.'iuirtut f UlwinJ >St *ie an ! tho< urla “•M Sutft (nr the Staw cd Gr-.>rg ; a. Hil Httviuioit given tn tho purchase and —37 iV 13. 1855. Sw foTtOE. J. W. ROCSfi, Ordinary. V S-p'^mbcr 15, 1$f$ A m Stoticb. TWO months after the .late of this notice I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of i^hell opunty. for leave to sell lot, of InnA 3 *-\ «/>'» «/;rc5L off Urn wt»4»Kteot lot numbcr.M. nil in 11th Jjfttrict of Mitchell couuty, as the properfy of Dm. B. Ford, Ute of said connty, deceased. JOHN C. GRINKR, Adm r. Oct 6, I860 ' y ~— (icorgia, Mitchell < cnoiy. iL persons indebted to the estate Sarah Mc- « u,« «.r ou'ui cminiv deceased. hereoy fl^IkbllTY Days after date 1 will proceed to ap- I poiut an administrator with the will annexed, on the estate of James Palillo, late of said county, and nil persons are hereby notify* to file their ob jections, if any they hnve, in my office, ns the law directs. Given under my hand officially, this Nov; 8;h. I,'.66. H.C. DASHER, Nov. 10, 18G6. Ordinary. (iKOlUilA—MRcImU t ounty. O N the first Monday in January next C. C. and Wm. lotwrencc. Administrators on estate of Allen Lawrence, late of said couuty, deceascd^will apply to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell all the real estate belonging tosaid estate. JOHN W. PEARCE, Cl’k Court Ordinary Oct 6, 1866 - 52— A L.-mL Ute ot mU county ‘hcnwl. uy.5 licrcby Juried to nettle the eeice without <leUy. on.HhKJi. , . ifcxing claims against said estate tciII present then. will practice law inalilheConrls Uoly authenticated wi'hin the y f'it Ssuth-Wcstern. in Irwin of the South- law. or this notice TDif Ni Appling of the Brunswick, andmoet corcry -Nor 3d JOHN HAMILTON, Adtm. ‘"toftha Pzi.iulal^ircuit^. - • * * • «Mbiagtou Street, oppucltc the Expris.% M'-. April 28. ’.855. 1?> H. V. Administrator’^ Sale. WILL be sold before the Court IIouso dootr jfjebuloiv Pike county, Ga.. btt ween the usual houl of sale, the West half of lot of land number two bat, dred and fifty three, in the third district of original' ly Monroe, now Tike county Also on tho first Tuesday in February next, will l$5 sold before the Court House door in Albany, Dougherty county, Ga., lot of land number three hundred nnd sixty three, in the 5th district ot orig inally Irwin now Berrien county, Ga. Sold by or- ler of the Court of Ordinary of Dougherty county, Ra.. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of U. L. Tomlinson, late of said county, deceased, ' -This 1th November, 1806. GIDEON BROWN, Adm’i Bcoembci.1, 1866 , 6< Special Bailiff’s Sale, W ILL be sold before the Court House door of Dougherty County, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the lawful hours of sale, One Spring Wagou ; levied on ns the prdperty of Jackson II. Merritt, to satisfy the costs of an ex ecution in favor of Thomas F. Hampton, against Jackson II. Merritt, principal, find Thomas II. Cl«trk, security, from the County Court of said county. Judgment obtained March Term, 1866, of said Court. Property pointed out by Jackson H. Merritt. JAS. J. MAYO, Special Bailiff D. C. Albany, Ga., Dee 1, 1866 t - 60— tds Musical Instruments — AND — eigSUOIA-MIlf.Iidt '«*»«*. IXTY nrict .ppHoHiMj,bo IHipfi- S to the Court of Ordinary of Kts* oounty, for I to sell 175 acres of lot of land number 381: r J«o 01) acres (if lot number 382, also J%» iliren! lot nu»bcr^;«ri!,4MIS«EffSi to Debtors and Credrs „i arfaU ;Ms2* OTSJJ Georgia, Irwin County, WHEREAS, D. J. Fenn, applies to me for letters of dismission. frQn'.adfWoJ/tfjrjVioa on the estate of Willis J. Bane, deceaseji These are therefore to cite and.admonish, all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to be anil appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to show rj;ui£C, if.any they liavo, why said. Willis J. Bane ‘should not he relieved from said adminjgi*ai!on under my hand and official signature at office. L. M. COLBERTIL Oydjnary. October 20ih 66 - - diorffls, Doiigborty County. WHEREAS. John E, Burney, of. the connty of Twiggs, in said State, applies to me for letters of administration de bonis non, on the estate of Amos Ball late of Dougherty county deceased. . r These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have. "N OOD Stock always tn hand, and any MusicX X ln«trunicnl ordered for customers. Oct 13, ’6(5. I.. E. WELCH & CO. BLANK BOOKS! EDGERS, Journals. Day Books, Records, Time LL madj^fo.Qr,^. ,tlums nnd Dairies* &c , Any style Blank ' L. B-. \VELCH & C0 V ••Worth rooaly. pSaiti^nv'lHi 10 l,,c c * ll, "> s-]-out «, tm. I Fa* . , on ’ C0,,n *J’ dcccaseiA are up- ff^ltLn«-. rnake immediate scttlc- •tij. .l. : ‘. v,n P! claims' against said estate m terms ? f, he law. or they v<j|l f deceased, ^eira bany^Tjth No^fyr, 1.866,^ creditor,/ ISRAEL M4mS.Ad.g_ . « W. B. WILDER. Qraisar?. FANXEV lh Ul-plT'3, Adm i Wf?'' ois and K£^ n i Jel,e<l 10 U,e estntc'of E. II. Ilie- OEORGIA—-Mlichcll CfMtBiy. “^f ceased, uru rc i UM '“.'cliiv-i MAI’LBd Adi the i»w. Oct «. 1SC8 •‘■nnifd'i. P^/by' ar e notified that thev must set- a, cly—and all persons having •state must present them witbir. !° 1 3STO r TWO month, nf'rr (Into iho Court of Ordinary o priest them within ; u ... i,u ^1 the Und» belongi they will he Imrrcd. 11' 11 '.' ii„«nck decc.aoi. . JOHN f: CARGli.E. j D. A. Bvattclt, uccc JEga£ p0 .•■uai IJiciiiu.rtccbL 0ct 6 . 18C0 ; ,**”■> I'eiuiy, at ® a Ppi>cation will be made] 1 Lim.V! s:i "t County, for leave to sclll in glo Alex. S. Lippitt late! „ ^AN'NY p ; . LirPiTT. A.lm-r*, [ "° r ^ v’ 8L - j ' ‘ s'- Ucor£Ja>, Wonshcrly Founly. . WHEREAS, Jqhtl.R.'.'PA 10 m .°, for lelfera of administration on the Johu if, tyauibrth late of sajd county, deceased* . These are llicrefVre to cite and admonish, all and Tiilar, the kindred and cr^OiJpvs qfwiid dcccas- to be ana appear at my office within the time pre- •ihed by law, to show cause ifnny they have, why hould not be granted. Given under “ * * ‘ e at office. i^ ; Alban j, W. II. WfL'DKi:, Ordinary. SCHOOL BOOKS ! A •'Lafge Rfoak, vmbracing all the Text Book J u » cd i» ‘his section. L. I. BELCII & CC. •W A T?rT? , r r , ~NC r T T ~PT : P /^tOLDaud ilLV^Jk WATCHES, Gold Chain, IT Keys an;k Sharms, Diamond Rings, Gold-Set and Plain Rings/ Brooches, Ear Rings; Fine Sets of Jewelry, Gold and Silver Thimbles, G.;ld and Silver Spectacles. Gold ; (jQlJ^y .BuK«His, Sleeve Buttons and Studj*. Solid Sifver and/PInlcd Ware, ^always war ranted as rcprmnted. Ot 13. L. E. WELCH & CO. &■ J3akex*’s SEWING 1ACH1NES, A T prices—simply freight added, at Albany Book Store. Apples Oranges, Potatoes, Onions, and CABB A. Gr E 8. /COUNTRY DEALERS wanting any of the above, A* will.gnd it to their advantage to order from dip, as i will make it ^sipecMUiy ft* **y business this season,, the above CLolca, Frmih and Cheapt having made arrangements to get those gotods selected for me in tho North nnd West. Ad dress your otrders, with cash enclosed, or cify refer ence, to HENRY HORNE, oct 27, Sms iiaswjjM*, ROSS & A M O S, TO...... MULBERRY STREET. ...... 70 —JOHN L. JONES’ OLD STAND— . DEALERS It oiiOT ns:xosr a- AND Gents* Fuinishing Goods. Tranks, Valises, Satchels, rmbrcUas; And everything usually found in a ■ FIRST CLASS CLOTliUft HOUSE. No, 10, 2s8m ; Mr. l)avis iias indeed, . wronged his ooun-• try, and.through his misapprehensions of him has particularly wronged Gen. Butler. But so,’ also, have the country and General Butler wronged Mr. Davis. The country . —the North as well as the South—moulded ' his pro-slovery character, and is largely re sponsible lor what has come to him and his country from that-character. ' Oiir.gnilty nation, in looking upon Mr. Davis should rather pity thsurhatc its own legitimate .off spring. And-GeneralButler, instendofiu- vokiug punlshment on the head of Mr. Da vis, had bet ter fall on his knees before hint in penitent remembrance of his own promi- nent eonneetion with the exceedingly wick ed pro-slavery Democratic Party,” ' . •. ' Then, as to Jeff. Davis himself— ’ “Jcflerson Davis, is kept in prison because 5 the North still refuses to repent of her pro- . slavery wickedness. Upon that wicked- ngss fab more than upon all other causes, is the ruin of Jefferson Davis and of the South ' chargeabie. Jiepentance for it would quick ly, open liis too long closed doors. Surely, ' surely, if the South wilt forgive the North, - tlic North can well afford to' forgive the South.' But I ajii asked whether the North should foigivc the .cruelties of Anderson- • tiMc and the other terrible-prisons of the South? Evi-n ilia.-c unparalleled cruelties shoshould-remember were . the Crimea ot slavery, and that slavery was hevown'as well as the Soutli’s crime—aye, that her chra-ehes were-.blood red witlt .it; Tiie North, no. less titan the South, had the .mak ing of the iuonsteJo who ruled in those pris» V.n?»” ' - Next, as to the demand for the President’s impeachment: . “But who is there to impeach him ! With wbat decency could ,a Congress impeach kiUtjhoAh Hoiises of vyhicharo guilcy of the same injustice arid inhumanity ! Grant the 5 Presidents plan of reconstruction- ; s one wfeieh,if adopted,* would -throw the black savoira of the stupendously ungrateful and, . infernally wicked country..baekagain under- tip: feet of their old : mjisFessors. - So, too, ~ ' nal pla"‘“ ~ -ator'a Sale. ?"r u "pJlr-f” QTANiUU f). Mi.-cell.-memi-, Hook?, and New i^BapLaof the Day—always onhaixi, Published ordered for custom- Oct 18, I81W. and am N* More Ponishnent of Ibe Sou lb. A Cliaracterislic Letter from GerttV Smilb to. I’ro- fessor Lewis—Adrice to Beast Butler—The “Come stitntional Amendment, on Abomination"—The North Quite as Wicked as the Souths. . Gerrit Smith is out in a long letter to Pro fessor Taylor Lewis, of Union College, Sch- ucctady, on the situation of National affairs. He says: I see that yon continue to write for the salvation of that dear country. Well, yon may !—for she is, this day, more fearfully imperilled than she was at any time during “the clash of arms.” I have read your pam-. phlet entitled : “The heroic periods of a na tion’s history.” I wish every one conld read its wise and high souled pages. Thero is however, one blot upon them. They fa vor the shedding of more blood, -You would have the South puiiisneiL, after she had laid down her arms. Sonic of her most promi nent men you -would have had puuishcd with death, I wonder that you, who arc so familiar with the writings of the most approved pub- '.ieits, do not fall in with their conclusions, that astriie, Which lias reached tbs declen sions and dignity of a civil war, and espe cially a civil war which, like, our own, di vides a (K-oplc into, district and completed national organizations, lias outegrowu tbit crime of treason. Their arguments for this conclusion, together with such as would suggestthemselvea to a mind as enlighten ed as, your own, niust, it would seem, lack, tiqtlungte convince you ofits entire sound ness. 1 need hardly add tliaL t Wisent from your defiiiit»on.ot.a war. It, is-ujiiinly. the fault of the Government, when ohe-halfof a nation breaks away from ihe other. Had our. government been ever wisttqn.d.tet,. tl)fi Great Secession; which has soaked.our soil, with blood, would not have been. When .one-half eflitiglaad, or Praaae, OK Spain,shall break away from tlfe other,.the world’s sympathies will pretty . certainly be with the insurgents—for the ivoiptf will pretty certainly feel that their , W.onld tho Congressional plan, Grant that the Presidents plan would, by refusing to the white loyalists of the South the shield of black voter; leave those loyalists to be de- ’ si rayed. So; also, would the plan ofCon- . grcss. It6 plan is ip/teed not so had as his. But in respect to" their gross violations of the principles ofjusticoaud hnmanitT,there is certainly too little difference bstweeu them to leave it at all decent for Congress to impeach tho President - . - , TUose greatprincipk'i feipeach and con demn both. Let them, not be so self-ignor? ant and shameless as to condemn each otli- At any rate, let riot Congref g impeach. the President until it has first tried the pow er of its own repentcijco upon the heart of the President. iYhilst for one of these fel lows in unrighteousness to cling to the Un righteousness is to lead the other- to cling' to it, the giving it op by the rime would more than anything"else, promote the giv ing of of it up by the other. I gfeatl v won der that the uoble and clear eyed AVcndell . Phillips, alwavs for working with clean tools, should urge Congress to under take, with its dirty hands the impeachment of the President.' The undertaking would carry with it 110 moral power; and therefore do no good. There would ho. noth'ng in it to inspire and elevate the people, but mueli to dispust and degrade them. It would not pass for a.commandiiig duty, but for an un principled party movement. It would not allay or prevent a hazardous popular motion, but would excite it,” Then as to the so-called' “Co Amendments.”— “Now, of aik political ,ah- --- know of none mote abominable than this Atoendment. If adopted, there will hr implied Constitutional permission fof State to disfranchise any face, Afi German, or other. And, is worse the Constitution pevmission, to strike race from all political count, a to as complete a politico’ were a race of brutes, i go with the Democrats meats to the Coustitutio Republicans, for sich a .bit bo this Amende; ‘ ” * * * I need say no mori Soatli 1 sh/wtoJcarmt as well tl which good.^ork, and j Qc* ,3, i8t;o