The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 22, 1866, Image 1

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; flgTATE E. EC. ECIEK-A.isr. #U I- , ( , V1 ...J Saturday' Moiiiliis, $ mtx » ST—AT TIIF, OLD 8TAJft>, • ,^i Ailrcrll-lns. *’ -•e<l at the rale of Ope Dollar fr s .,...ive of Eight Lines, for llic “ vjJ Seventy-fire Cents for each |>;iyal»lo in Vdv/tbce. ** uivorti-SnjQhger than ^.Iirec j folloirainf rates: r ' fiftor inos. 11 year rnm $g uoi$i2 <w $2<mw . ..... 12 00 20 00i 80 00 ia ool 23 OOl 40 00 24 oo; an oof *>o oo . ... 20^00| 44 0*>| CO 00 :#5 -OOl o> Ortj 70 00 ;10 ool **> oot 7.5 6a j ..... 15 00 Oo 00: 841 00; *! 50 Oih 70 001 gj 00' ........155 OO! 75 00]’90 00 Cromwell & Coniially .«EOK GIAvB . lker CollIlty . .V. . „ . ,. J rgAWO Tlonilis after date application will be i itlieir professional sisrricc, to this cilijcm A to llio.Honorable Court of Ordinary of 0f» ^d riointly. offico on L-rond St.. February 24,18C0. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. \X7 IIERBAS, John P. Keaton applies to me for YV letters of Dismission from tlio estate or Win. G. Gary, late of said county, deceased.' These nre therefore to citoand admonish nil per sons concerned, lobe and appear at my offico with'' 1 iv tlio time prescribed by .law, to show cause, if any they have, whysaid letters abouhHtot bo grauted. Given under niy hand and official signamre. thi« 9,1 July, 1806. If. C, DASHER, Ord'y July 7ih, lSCG. 30— rE ; j A L NOTICE. v ..... of caniidates for offico/$10. charged for at regular ad* paid in advance. ' " i:cs, of hr GEORGIA—Irwin County. IVII EKE AS, Miles Fitzgerald applies* to mo for' letters of Dismission from the Administration of the esi atu of Perry. Fitzgerald, deceased. ’1 heso nre therefore to cite ami admonish all con cerned, to be oinl appear at my office withiu ihe time prescribed by hiw, and show cause, if anyihey have, why said letters should not he grauted to said applicant. ^ Given under my hand and official signature at office, this June 1th. 1866. L. M. COLBERTII, Ordinary. June lGth, yr,-. Jl«rn ght line* j j UHORtil.l—Irwin Count}*. *ii\ i.-k u!i their advertisements I W HKIlKAS. James Paulkupp’ies t< nc' thev wish them to occupy. of Dismission from administration on t\, r i:i lividual benefit, will be! James Boykin, late of said county, dc uare t«»r each insertion. J Those arc therefore to cite and adn \V.a’j,)i.:il t' lnls ncr year $20 (X). j singular the kindred and credit rfrs of ......y- in advance $20 00. I to b- and appear at my office within - scribed by l tw. to show cause, if anr ^,.,.,1 \ ;|%’;»rlasA*lis»2lH« ; said letters of dismission sho il.l not* ? for le; made — . a,,. Ordinary of said county, for lcav.e to sell the improved land belong ing to tlio estate of Josiah Winchester, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the hairs and Creditors of said Estate. October 18tli I8HG. MARY J. WINCHESTER, Adm’rx Oct. 20 18C6- *G0 Notice For Leave to Sell Land, .A PPLJCATIOX will te made to the Court •JljL Ordinary of Baker county, at the first regt term after the expiration of two months from notice for loave to sell the lands belonging to estate of A. G. White, deceased, late of Edge District, South Carolina, for tho benefit ef the 1 of said cstAto. October 20, i Georgia, Worth county. S IXTY days after date application will lie made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate of Alexander 8. Lippitt, deceased. Sold for the oeuefil of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. FANNKY K. LIPPITT, Adm ix ootober 20, lSfiti GSOHG-IA, Wcrth County, n will be , _ „. for leave »t of land number (88) eighty-1hree, iu t he loth District of Worth county, us the properly of Samuel Hill, of said count y deceased. J. R. IIILL, de bonis non. September 22d, LSliG. S IXTY Jays after date npplicalit to the Ordinary of s TOTICB. . after the date of this notice .iTffiall irt of Ordinary. of Mitch el’, county all the lands belonging to the cs- cleOd. % . dministrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold/before the Court House door, in the town of Isabella, Worth county, fleo., on the first Tuesday in' January pext^between the legal hours of sale, lot of laud number (301) three hundred and one, in the sixth (G)n&islrict of said county. Sold as the property of Wm. Garratt deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. DANIEL S: SUMNER, , v November 17th, I860. ♦X'dminigtrator PRISON LIFE OF JEFFERSON D, J. J. Craven, U. S. II. . ELSTERS FOLLV—By Sirs. HcmT Wood. LAND AT LAST—ByJiamulM Yatca. GDY DEVERELL—bJHTS. Lo Fann. T.iviwnsTMWi. explorations . to zampjkl .f . NEaV'GEAN ADA—By Prof. Holton. . LIFEUF‘- STONEWALL Pi JACKSON—By Join listen Cooke. . *. a THE WAR OF THE REBEftlONv-By II. S. ‘ Just roceited and for sale by . r* 32^ WSL0R 9l OO. August 4th, 18GC. IsT O T.I CIB. y . Feed, Sale and Lively Stable, . Just Opcnftdy; Corner of Droad legal udverti -j npj.ucv 1 and . lSu( .lies, per levy...- ftKO'UilA—3Vcri!l fouoly rj^IIKSE are to uotify nil and s::.g | and crediting and all others cu jttiul appear at my office withiu the 4 t>0 4 00 Admin- [ and appear : iG 00 1 by law. to sin»w. cans | M. Cox, A dm i nisi rat .....4400 0 06 ■ hift sasu ; aigWVA'O. July rT.rJ d Cubb, dee d, should 1 1 under my hand and offi ell days... ,.~3 QO 00 will hi rcijutfcd in NOTICE. T uistrators,* Exeentors of be Jiehl bred t»v law to be iitld on tnc j-,dini-aistcvcd S. V m .iliii, hetween the UojW9 O.fJ This n^, taoicFv •'-Jltry'j J, 1RGG. sfATSor IUBEA3, 4V annexed .on . eprest:i!.i t: filed «n'd ente*-c l c admfaislcred S. W. W § Yaucy’: aOeruopU, at ’j in the county in whifch the 'pyoj>cr* N<uUe «»f thooo sales must be^tven 4-MO forty d »ys previous. . j. *.u: of persona! property mqst be uiHiji-. tiiruagh u public gazette ten 10 >;i’.c day. 1 ■Uror> and oXau ortattj must ..44V days. I ,u ; di ;atida wUl bo-Uzade t<>ihc Court! r leave t«» icj Land must lie publish- ' r lottnAkkf Adiuinisuat'^- Gtter'Jjftu- i Ik* published.thirty days—for d»s- \«i iiiu.stratiuu, laantlUyeitt mhn*.ki^» hoUffall p-n-i kindred and credit 11 r.s. t can, why said Administrator should not !>«• dis charged from hi» administration, and receive letter, of Dismission on' the first Jfonday iu February next. This July l‘.», 1SGG. . • * . J.' W. HOUSE, Ordinary. .July 21,1804. 41— GBOB&XA—uornheuty oountv. WHEHEA8, Melvuta M. Godwin, Administratri: of 1 hosuas GL QoAmu, re}u-esen*s to the Court 11 lior ;nuiti»ti duly filed atid entered ou record, tlm slu U:>4 fully administered Thomas G. Godwin the estate oft reaped. '(iconffa* Irwin ( ouu(y. 0 u Sl !. a ! lan , d l WHEREAS, A. P. Clements applies to me for , u ‘ i Ct,Jlsu ‘ * plotters of administration on the estate of John W. ,1L • l .- Ie wl°*! ' Valker> deceased. All an.l singular, the kindred i. !*' I" 11 *’ H . ^ j and creditors of said deceased, are notified to be and 1 appear at my efliee withiu tlie time prescribed by 7, law, to show cause, ifauy they lave, why said let- * J ’ ’ j t era should not be granted- Given under my hand ‘ * " ; and official signature of office. L. M. COLDKKTH, I October 20tli, Mb ()rdinary. lit km.ircd| GcorsSa, Irwin I'ouniy. icd. to be. "VITUEUEAS, A. 1*. Clements applies to mo for prescribed* ft letters of dismission from Guardianship of why Abel ! 1 Le person and property of Daniel Drauch. These the cstnte 5UC therefore to cite am itssed from | t0 be and appear at my office within tho time pre- jial • scribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why j said letters of dismission should not be granted.— (nxYiuarv. i Given under my hand and official signature. •iu— j October 20, GO L. M. COLliEUTlL Ordinary. (icor^ia, Irwin County, G EORGE YOUNG applies to toe for letters of administration on the estate of U. M. Griffin, dfCcrtsed. These arc therefore to citcand admonish all and singular, to be and appear at my office witli- : in the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature. October 20th, GG L. M. CULUEUTII, Ord'y. Worth Comity. Adiu'r with the Will te of S; W. Yancy, dec'd, ionl; that ^be* has fully GLOKUU-1V<m4Ii County. S IXTY days after date hereof application will be made lo the Ordinary .of said county for leave to soli all the veal estate of James Nolcs, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. G. D. WIIITEF1ELD. Adm’rof James Notes, dec’d. * Oct 0, IffiiS 52— s:np .lays kindred . »i iUY- 1, aofilirec ,.f Mortgages must - far f<»nr jnonths—f«»r\c4ablishtng c in - ^ full sp tow o4 three i*o***h»—for ; c-^vrgcl tn lim Executors or Administrator**! . "• Gisratsst ieen given by• the" deceased, tbo^l mouths. ' 4 j 1 ihsrefojre 4o olto nil perrons < crtHlitors, to. show cause, .if l AiliuinistrauU should ti .bar Adawi^Mlmlion. nxsl rec 1 oti 1 hr second Monday in February, W. It Wild)El’., Ordinary. August 4, 1ST.' 4;; : nibt.vuD ! ttunns' fiEORGi V—Worth I’ouniy. &. HOBBS, llOENETS AT LB IMV. HA. ' All onlaili£uLvi-, III. kiadl ,i„ iK.i.tfbeflj and or,..r«,M dco-avcl. la bca..d npp.: es. iu iji>Superior ul tiw -. ed States Court ul Suva..- » n 3 tUc } hnxo. why ten I to business i;» 8oiiili*lVet! spciVJi a*jn Georgia, Worth ('oanty. Whereas, William G. Lavender applies to me for Vetters of Administration, with the will annexed, on J* the estate of John. Long, of said couuty deceased.— ‘’y • These are therefore lo notify all anu singular the • kiudred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed ' by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to the applicant. Given un der my hand and official signature, this Oi tober 20, 1SGG JAMES W. ROUSE, Ord’y November 3d, ISfiG rs f: Dougherty Sheriff’s Sale: W ILL be sold before the Court ^House door in tho city of Albany, Dougherty County, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale—City lots of land in the City of Albany, numbers 22 and 24, on Residence Street, as the property of II C. Finciter, deceased' levied on by virtue ot fi fas from Dougherty Superior Court—T. 1*. Oliver vs. S. E. Fincher, Adtnr’x of H. O. Fincher, deceased, ond Nelson Tift vs. S. E. Fincher, Adinr’x of II. C. Fincher, dec'd. Property pointed out by Plaint ill’s Attorneys. JAMES W. KEMP, Sheriff. Dec 8,180G Mitchell County SherifFSales ILL be sold before the Court House - door, in t » the town of Camilla, Mitchell county, Ga. the first Tuesday in January next, between,the le gal hours-of sale, Four bales of cotton ; Wrie< lie property of James Paitillo, to «atisfy various fi as ismedfrom the Superior Court of Mitchell ty, in fawmpf the officers of Court and others. Also, oho gray horse, levied on as the property of S. G. Wood, to satisfy one Superior Court li fa favor of James Mansfield vs. said W’opd. „ Also, :u the same timo.aad place, one bouse and lot in the town of Camilla,, known as the Johns and Allen Grocery, to satisfy one Justice* Court fi fa, Fred. Busby vs. said Johns & Allen. Also, one and a half acres of land, known as the Thomas place, part of lot of land number 397 in the IO1I1 district of Mitchell county, to satisfy one Justice Court ft fa in favor of M. Camron, adm’r, vs. 8. G. Wood. Levy made and returned by a constable. HENRY SMITH, Sheriff. Dec 8. ISfio* - : • Administrator’s Sals. W’ILL be sold before tlio Court House ^loor *at Zobulon„.l’il;e county, Ga., between the usual.hours of sale, the West half of lot of land number two hun dred and fifty-three, in the third district of original ly Monroe, now Pike county. r -x_ Also on the first Tuesday in February next,'will be sold before the Court House 'door in Albany, Dougherty county, Ga., lot of land number three hundred and sixty-t hree, in the 5th district of orig inally Irwfn now ilerrien county. Ga. 80M by or der of the Court of Ordinary of Dougherty county, Ga.. foi the benefit of the heirs and creditors of K. L. Tomlinson, late of said cotin'y, deceased. This 24th November, J80G. GIDEON BROWN. ■ Adm’* December 1, 18GG GO ALB f A NT, GEORG If. Stock Boarded, and Sold on Commission. By GARDNER & KIRKMAN. * Sept 15, 1856 ______ 3m ~ J. E. iicll, *• »• n ®' I <i»«- - (Lateoj&iitoga, Gcoi-gi.i.) HULL & BRIGGS, C oitHpZe' actors ;>iC ssr se Commission »r,0,i.*Jl, tSf.i. 33— 4 deceased. ibed by Ii any they h uot bo granted to the aj^pii hand and seal. Sepfcnt,Vr the. 12th. 18GG. «L IS..RjjSJSJ&t Ortli)iarj.. .nf"jmiui«: Georgia, Mllchell County. late „f .-aid fipHIRTV Days after date I will proceed to ap- t.» cite and! point an administrator with the will annexed, 1 and redit- j 011 the estate of James Patillo. late of said county, at my office. • and all pcrsot.H-aro hereby notified to.file theu* ab- !i:tw cause if(jcv:ions, ifauy tl «y have, in my office. .>s the law ission should ; directs. Given under my hand officially,, this Nov. L-n under my ! 8th. 1RC«5. ' H. C. DASH Kit, 1 *' v. 10, 18GG. ■*£ ’ Ordinary. vp: embei'l.*, 180G, L. P. D. WAKRE5. 1 fftlGHT &. WARREN* ) TWO r HIXEYS' . rn vr A «r l“PP.’y • A LB* NY, BA. '•T-.Olir HOTIOS. Months nft*r Gw? date of this notice I shall ... 1 .n.1. the Court of Ordinary or Mitchell county, AT LAW, r,i,‘ leave to sell lot of land number 312, and 72 j acres off the west side of lot number804, all in 11th . „., j district of Mitchell county, as the pronerfy of H.n. »,iliewlB»lrt.(4 l«»« | iJ ; B; Ford, U-e of lou.l-cwiuJy. drrn.sad. Stile »m! tlio CioiiuLLVurU,; -• . ... JOHN C. OI.IM.B, Adw it lur the Slate <J Gi*urgi*.' ? ; < I * s * 4> _ ^ in! tt tu-i.tiei» given.t,o the ni!jyl;aseutul r .-'— *:\ T~ r Ra J K-i.;e. ,.r ’ ^ (icotfflav MitcBcH fomiiy. Hk 18. 18 i5. rr%i'~ 1^4 jikpiJfWU.s, iiuh'bted to the estate of Sarah Mc- --.^7} I.^od, late of said county deceased, nre hereby L&W TTOTTn'R nontied to wills the ramtt without-delay, and those r "“Vt ouiiuri. yJ*9>mMSlj I MOUfi AN w ill practice law innil tfi^Cnnrts duly authenticated witldn the tune picsct t ei »y he South-Western, in train of tfieSoulh- law, or this notice will he fdaeed in vjr «r t •*? r » Aj.pling of the Brunswick, and most cbvery Nov 3d JOHN HAMJLTfX%, Aat»i.. •“♦txcftlie l’ataulaClircuits. ■ V- ^ — * ' * «pp«»Ue'cRORtil i— .Vllchcll tiennty. ly-^fXTV c,iya aftcrA'ilo npplicaliijn will mode '• Fu-. April 2», 1805. [hr, ^ H. V. Callaway l.o-iUCo^rl if Ordinary of j».d roun.j. for 'vo lo icU 175 aercii oflorof land nu.nber ..81; wn'JacrwoUotnnmboraKJ; «1m l-o aert* of Q N Ihc I Wm. 1 n. L*vwi GEORGIA--MilcheU County. he first Monday in January next C. C. and m. Lawrence, Administrators on» esiate of Livwrcnoe, late of said county, deceased, apply to-1 he Court of Ordinary for leave to sell all the real estate belonging tosaid estate. JOHN W. PEARCE, Cl'k Court Ordinary Oct G„ 18G!>. 52— Georgia, Irwin County-. WHEREAS, D. J. Fcnn, applies to me for letters of dismission from administration on the estate of Willis J. Banc, deceased. These are therefore to cite anil admonish* nil ami singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said WiUis J. Bane site old not be relieved from, said, administration. Given ruder my hand and* official signature at 0 flj cc . L. M. COLBEUTU, Ordinary.. October 20tli CG fJO. <11, OABLtOKBEIiET STREET. NEW OKLiEANS, Louisiana Sep, ember 20, 1866. v2m. Apples, Or* uses, I’etatoes, Onions, and C A, .13 33 A. Gr E S. C jOUNTRY DEALERS wanting auy of the above, i will find it to their advantage to order from me, as t will make it a speciality of my business this season, to' supply tho above Cliolca, Preah and Cheap, having made arrangements to get*, tho: - goods selected for me in tbo Nortlrnnd West. A< dress your orders, with cash enclosed, or ojty refer ence, to iienky horne; oct 27i 3ms Ga. ROS S' & AMO^ - TO STRCET.f,J,,'„ »(l ' —JOHN L. JOSES' OLD STAND- 1>£AL£RS IS ' r- CLOTHUsTG AND . ~'- Gents’ Furnishing Goods. . Trusts, Valises, Satchels, Umbrellas, And everything usually found in a" . t- FiltST CLASS CLOTHBKi! H3&VSE. Nov 10, <*8.3m T AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Alftany, October’. Oak and Hiakcry Plantation T WILL Rent 60Q to G50'acres Oak and Hickory ■ Lands, and sell the Corn, .Fodder and Stock - on the place, if wanted. Algo, the “Pitife” JAMES’ 'Albany, Nov.'lO, I860 ■" WILMNS^BWILSON &' CO., COTTON FACTOR - -AND- ■ General^oiiimission Merchants. Agents for the purchase and sale of all kinda if - Cotton, JBomesticSn Liberal Advances made on Consignments Office No. 3 Stoddard’s Lower UAsax/^ff?L J 11JHHH BAY, STREET, SAVAKXAH, GA. U* B. Wilkinsor, of Newnan, Ga. B.' J. .Wilson, formerly of Okcefuskce Cotton Mills, • Alabama.- . ; ^ / - P. H. Wood, of the Into firm J.'W* Itabum &-Co., W: Special Bailiff ’s i ale. ILL be sold before the- Court House door of Dougherty County, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the lawful hours of sale, On# Spring Wngou; levied on r.s the property of Jackson II. Merritt, to satisfy the costs of an ex ecution in favor of Thomas K. Hampton, against Jackson II. Merritt, principal, and Thomas II. Clark, security, from the County Court of said county. Judgment ob.'uined March Term, 18GG, of sriid Court. Property pointed out by Jackson II: Merritt. JAS.. J. MAYO, Special Bailiff IX C. Albany, Ga., De^ 1, 18CG 60—tds . . Musical Instruments . s:aim* N fcj§ifii OOD “Stock always on- hand, and any Music < VXI ^ T EDGERSv Journals, Day Books; Records, Tirtis | j Books; Letter Books, Copy Boqks, Pas9, Memo randoms and Dairies, &o., Anv style Blank made to ordesl * “ *'L.*E..WELClL&C<X-.. Georgia, Dougherty Ecnnty. WHEREAS, John F. Burney, of the county of Twiggs, in spid State, applies to me for letters of administration do bonis non, on the estate of Amos Ball late of Dongherfy county deceased!*- _> These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and* iw , [ i < ( i b , singular, the kindred and creditors of said' dcoeas- piam Rings, Brooches, Ear Rings, Eine'Bbts of cd, to beand appear at my office within .the time jewe^, « 0 id afiffSilver ThimMes, Guld and Silver ' ; t .1 I... 1.i... tn slmw f'AIIAO. if nnv tliev ll.ivo. ' ■ : rsT. ^ n. W _ o, . . W-A-IE&IEOTIJ^TIEJD Hew Stock of Family Groceries B. A. WISE, Cherry Street, MACON, G-A., — DEALER IN—' ' House Furnishing .Hardware# V SILVER-PLATED GOODS, ' Glass, China and Ean-hen-Ware, - ; j Table and Pocket Cutlety. 4 TIN AXb WOOD.WARE, BROOMS, BRUSHES, . - FEATOER DU9TJSJIS. to. -J.’: ^SBW Stoves, Hollow Ware, ' A Ml GrFocex*ies, which they will sell to the public at as reasflnab*< rates as- they edn possibly afford. Their stock c J. W. F3LHSTT & CO., XX TUB OLD STlSD 0> '■ . 1- ;& ^ ^ % H AS now. otv hand* and are constantly receiving, a large and fresh supply of _ Family wh nisi - Bacon, Lards Flour. ^Cgar, Coffee, Butter, Cheese, Crackers. Pickles, Sauces and Catsups; also, Can dles, Nuts,- Raisins, Preserved Fruits in Cans, &c., kc.l togot her wit h a large quant ity ofJVM* C h«^«ir- ittjZ and SuMJUMf Tokizece,'.and Cigars . of the best brands.. Also, Wines and Liquors Jby the bottle, gallon or'barrell, with, the bestof Ch/tm.- Jjaghe/Ale aml Porter^ Buckets, Brodnyj, BeiVes; Tin. Ware, and many articles too numerous to men tion. * • ^ N ‘ - The highest market price will bepaid for ollktnda 'of COUNTRY-PRODUCE, eitherin CASHarbarter. • Our city and oountry friends will findritdccidedly. to their interest to give' us before purchasing qjsewliore, as we intend to sell- as LOW as the LOWEST; . • ' J. FLINT A CO? r u ‘ Albany,' Juna 2, *1865., Si-Gm... F.ItEOEUIUK, J. COI'ANT ........ ALFRED I. YOUKO. ^COHANT: &'YOUKiS/ COTTON factors Dr. Tu xj u , XYETURNS- liis thanks-to hi'* friends for their Jx, patronage during the finnucial year just clos ing, and hopes they will settle their liabilities witb Ihim as soon os possible, as ho iV iu immediate need oTinouey. ■■ Office, os heretofore, above Clark’s Siiloom -V v, Nov; 24.1866 2m ■ «-j : ¥. W. Ai\,' ; LKY. ‘:siAK Hand 57 <2> H3.JUI3 33i, Broad Street, Albany Georgia. (Opposite the “Paris Hotel,”) HAYING had an experience oCb-^ee-twenty years, ini’thcrepairing -of -Watches, Clocks,• and’JleweFry he feels* confident of rouderingr satisfaction, to i' who'may ftivor-him-'with their patronage., fiST All Work. WARRANTED. Albany» November 10. 1803. BUTLEE & Pi COMMISSION MERCHAN . ATLANTA, GA. G OLDimi StLYER;WATCHES, Gold Chains. General Gemmission Merchants. Keys and Charm?,’’ Diamond Rings, Oold A Sct 39 SOUTH STREET, 3ISW YORK B©rTay close and-particular Attenfion to sales of Cotton, Tobacco; Wool,Hides, &c., &c., and'-tho ' 'Vorth County. faV" 4 *'*"* '« es'atoof Alc*.'6i Oc t 0, (u com* ? county dsccnsed, nre tio* ■ ■ Im.mfdisiiSSal'! $ irPMCGU—illflcbcll t'Onnly. --SLa— sxss.-' ani Crefes.® ffe", ind «i>lcd lo Ihc estntp of E^IE IIlii .aasKrcaaBI , John f< gaiuiii.e. , 4IY f. w#r *l | County, will b, made K!S^6w7u j for leave teitell 1 *?“!», dMca.elf ‘ nS 10 Alel - ’ S - Lippilt1*10 '•.•Jlk,I8C« PAS ^ E- LUTITT, Adm'rs. . • ’* . 8t. g ■ .s&ySBBKMli Georgia, Dooglicrty ■l«dlERiiA|S,.John R. Hill applies li! mo tor lcllffl!S.| ” odniiuUtvntibn on'tllo ostiilo-of Jullu 1C. Dmfortli lole of sold ooanty, deceased- . . . j These are ihcrcfore 10 cile and admonish, all and singular, (bo kindred* nnd. orAdilAfa of aaid doooass. ed, lo he and appear at oiyoBroe sitliin.lhe (iuie I scribed bjr U», to show epuseif any i|»erjHgggN*J said-lenera'shbuld. not be pranted. - (,iv„a ouder ■nario - V. •.'•.^Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale- yfr T >Rvnnfaclurcs p«ccs~simply freight. Added,. /V at,/^lbaiiy Beck Stone. -. ’ “ - ‘ITANDAIID, Miscellaneous Books, and New y^&dol&Q^tire D«cy.--always t ot»haad.- Any Book Published .for customers. ! Oct ] : I) H WELCH a CO \ y E have succeeded in obtaining the services of » * An. Experienced' and- Reliable Jeweler, and am prepared lo recejvo Watches ond Jewelry for Repairs. Wo 1 hold - ourselvc3 responsible for good work, and guarantee* satisfaction. Oc* 13, 18GG L. E. WELCH & CO. DRIED FRUIT! ’or'cboCn alllha 1 .misbolousi.'g to tl.o of l. A. JVOSE I’OLLUGK, Adm’r. ; OeorEia. WorlU County. . 62— ] TTTSILL Rc sold b.-foro Ibe Coiirt. House, door in. Qol «. m I \V Isabella, in slid eounly, on tho first Tuesday . _J- , ’ . VI in January h *xt, between the lawful hours of ^^;“* r B t C M*ndT; m November next Simeon |T WILL PAY tUE HIGHEST PRICE: FOR ; =5S=:» 5 L “” Salr ’ . ' m TJIII J..M 1 Van 1ft tu. . jj Cfl 1 '■state ' Y\/ Rirao DESKS; Work Bfisos, Drrssi, U Eltii.Cases, GArd enser, Trav , *- Jbvfcl Boxes;* Toilet Boxms Bh from 81 tf each. Jrinu-s U.n! hoi ms'Pock ct. Knives, Jlaiors and'Scissors, Ci Brushes Pocket Rooks, pipes, Fine Toys. &c., &c. JPQT Bh*‘Jor stock, them- ever offered hero. Call and sco, at the g^p^LB.VNY BOOK STORE. /r-ifENERAESgoniirforHie-Cily Flour WHIhof At-- -\jplant»h ’Klburof all grajl-fa. ft^sh ground, con stantly on liand for sale at tlfo lowest market price- Orders promtly attended to ; - - "f* . August" II, 1866 44-3m THOiviAS J v FLINlvi . Wholesale'and Retail Deales In * _r £IUXA, G-LASS AXD CROCKERY WARE, and House-Furnishing Goods, Mulberry Street,. Opposite Lanier House, ~|7 M KEP constantly on hand, Glass Warc ofl every. I\ -. description, House-Furnishing Goodh? Led-' ' .' *t : .itoom Kelts,. Diuing- Belts, Polished". Stone Ware, \ •• ;-i Willbw Wave, Toillct Setts, Fancy Articles, Travel- "Jgfc-yw • g 1 > ll»»n Tnlllfl R...U^a and Brooms, Dusters, of every -description, Coudyj Jars, .Lamps and Coconnuts, Bar Bo, les, Decanters* HK3 II. TISXO & €0., Bankers and General'Oonmnssion- MERCHANTS,, , of Thomas Cnmbie, deceased meilEli. Ordinary. savannah. GFOROtA. AM FTILI. BITTING I lull Trices. WOOL, and paying . -y- • Charleston, S. Cospicr, Jexsisc.s & Co., D. Jessi^os & Co., 4 NcwYot i? —~j great yariei}| | I«Yton£N ; -edJe9,Ph,. Ti road i ’ l L. F,. \VhLC(f CQ,. ^ Rlgucd to w ... 'Our'bwiVhouses, 4 to any E«ropean'J4nvk<^» ; ’ - Arrangementsffiave beeU'niadc for the Savannah, of the Revenue Tax upon all "