The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 29, 1866, Image 1

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®®l3THfCT - r*/rv ■ NUMBER 64 ALBANY, GEORGIA. DlfC atnoHUrs, Cromwell & | «KOK«51 Baker Coirtt'y. f‘ V . 'I™ 0 ,^ on *** 8 af,e: ‘ Jate application will be made JL *° tl<e Honorable Court of'Ordinary of said county, for leavYto Sell the improved land belong mg to the estate of Joshth Wkgkegtot’* Ut« of Mb> county deceased, for the 4»kf«fit»Cthe hairs and I Irrnitnrrfriftfatil C.t.t. rot :if«rst», .Vla&t-li Itiunly. i:»st#-iiuaitri> n*cijyt WHEREAS. K jC.-H.*rtUiek applies to me fo** tet ter* of Admiuisi ration on the ertutw/of J. Hard • >k late of raid county dt eeaved. f ■ The*# are therefore to cite and admonish, all and •iiigular ihe kindred and cvdeitorH of said deceas ed, to be and apjew at uiy office, wtthiu the time prescribed by la*, to shoe cause, its any they"can. v*hv let! tie of Adiuiniatration, on thfiohitt otxaW. A LL persons.indebted to the estate of Alexander r\. P- Pickett,'late of said county, are hereby toiiHcd fwlseiUe the name without delay, and those mving churns against said estate will present them !uly authenticated within the time prescribed by *Wv^>rYhfe notice will be placed in bar of their »• •oVery. mqr 8 LYDIA A PUCKETT, Adrarx C \FFEU their professional servit lte^'fe*n: Wu " 7 - 0,6 ; *• - : i GEORGIA—iURcferW~tfeai V\7 AS, John I>. fficaedWi J? ▼ .letters of .Dismission from t (J. Only,-late of said county. 4ecei These tire therefore to cite and j sons concerned, to be and appear t Saturday,. .Horning. 1 [’.-AT TIIE OLD STAND. ,erted at the rate of One Dollar square of Eight Lines, for the Scvonty-flve Cents for each —payable :ln advance. l() uuvertTBO longer than three ihe following rates:, ,i:v.s. i£mosO year PPLICATION will be triadc to the Court ^Oidtwarj^ef Baber coogly, ■ wtthe |gt regu Prepared t<» Advance-, I*., y Taxon, ‘nwtvifcifbr leave to sell the "iands belonging to th< estate of A. Q. White, deceased, late ot Edgefield District. South Carolina, for the benefit «f the lieirt- of said estate. A. J. WHITE, Adm’rx.- october 20, J866 . 604 H. C. DASHER. Ord’j Adnunistratcr’s Sale. W ILL be soil, before iheCof't H.>u»e door, in the town Ot Uat>^}!a, Worth co>»>*ty. tieo., on the first Tuesday iu January west, but a ecu 'he legal hour* ill Male, lot of land number )&»!) ;hree hundreda^d one, iu the sivh (•>) D.airioi ut said'county.' Sold as the property of Wiu. G*rra't deceased. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the d-iy of sale. DANIEL S. SUMNER, November 17t*i. 1806. ^Administrator GEORGIA—Irwla County. WHEREAS, Miles Fitzgerald applies to me for letters of Disraisfiton from the Administration oflliQ .estate of Perry Fitzgerald, deceased. These are therefore io cite aud admonish all con cerned, to he and appear at iny office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Riven under my hand and official signature at office, this June 4rh, 1806. L. M. COLDKRTH, Ordinary. Georgia, W orth County, S IXTY days after date application will he made t« the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell ib< real estate of Alexander S. Lippitt. deceased. Sob for the oenefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. FANNEY E. LIPPITT, Adm’n October 20, 1SC6 IT TIIE lOWKST 1‘RICCS. Alranv, Oc tober 2('f. l8*;ol ' tldec \L NOTICE,! ( ,rcir. J idatc? for- d IS ce ,* $ 10, Sc charged for lit regular ad- GEORGIA, Worth County. S IXTY days after date application will be made ; to the Ordiuary of said couuiy, for leave to seb 1 ot of land number (88) eighty-1 kr«e. iu the lot! District of Worth county, astho property of Siarucl Hill, of said county deceased. J. R. HILL, dc bonis non. Osfe and ih io%«6ry Plantation IT W ILL Rent 600 to (IWacres Oak Mi Hickory I Lands; and sell the Curb.-Fodder and Stock on .he place,.if wanted. Also, tho/;*Plgp!’ places, • . £ - JAMES II. HILL, Albany. Nor. 10. 1806 . St Dougherty Sheriff's Sale. ’tT'ILL be sold before the Court House door in V the ciiy «»f Albany. Dougherty County.. Ga. the first Tuesday in January next, between the ;al hours of sale—City lots of hind in tLo City Albany, numbers 22 snd 24. on Residence Street, the propcrty\of II C. Fiucheiy deceased • levied by virtue ot ii las from Dougherty Superior urt—T. P. Qlfeer vs. S. fi. Fincher, Vlnir'x of i-j deceased, aud Nelson.Till •*. S. E.. rt of li. C. Fiucher.dec’ll. Property v Plaintiff’s Attorneys. V JAMES W. KEMP, Sheriff. Dec 8,18t>0£» Mitchell County Sheriff Sales Atjinioistriiior’s'Bale. in ndvarfcc. . -. of brevier, make otic i make over eight dines el as two square*? their advertisements fish them to.occupy, rhinal beuefit, will be r each insertion..';' -V Cards per year $20 00. ,» in advance $20 00. - WILL be sold be!ore the Court House* Carolina, on the first Tuesday in February highest bid<Ur. all the Lands belonging Estoie of Ara.B. Ford deceased. .«?OBistinj nnimrroved lot. coutaing- .■* two .hundred ai 2‘>0 acres Eo. 342, also, 72 acres of the thr d ud »ud siiuy four, containing about 2 > * * good watt of cuhiviitioti. W’th log • u Id in the I lili district of Mitchell county- Ga., M. C. Fincher. < Fincher. Adiui*’i poiuted out by Lirge Sfock.^ embracing all t! e Text -Rook used in bis section. L. E. V ELCH &. CC* b-gaf advqrtise- NEW HOOK.?! G OLDnud SILVER BATCHES, Gold-Chaihs.-^fl Keys and Charms. Diamond .Rings, (jold Set and Plain Rings, Brooches, Ear Rings, Fine Se»w.of v-% 1 . Jewelry, Gold und Silver Thimbles, G Id and Silver spectacles. Gold Collar Buttons. Sleeve Buttons and! Biuds. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, always war ranted os represented. Ot 13. L. E. WELCH & CO. Georsia« Irwfri ( ouaty. W HEREAS, A. P. Clements applies to me fo letters of distnissiou from Guardianship o the person and property of Daniel Kronen. Thee are therefore to cite and admonish, all and ain^atu to be and appear at my office within the t>«ue pre scribed by law. to show came if any they have, uh said letters of dismissiou should uot be granted.— Given uuder my hand and official signature. October 20,0»i* COLBE11TH. Ordinary. W ILL t>e sobi before the Court House door, the town of Camilla, Mitchell county, Gw , the firit Tue-day in January,neat. be:w>exi thw gal hours of-gale. Four hair# ut cuttob,' levied «< i he property of Jatoes Paitillo. to sitl*f> •*riou us is-utnt irotu the Superior Court ot Mitchell co ty. in fuvor of tlie officei»of Court and others Also, one gray horse, levied o?i as the propwrt S. G. Wood, to sati>fy one Superior Court fi t* favor of James Mau^fiold vs. subl Wood. Also, at the .<-uae time and place, one hou^a lot in the town of Camilla, knowu as thn Jehus Vilen tlrricery. to satisfy one Justice Court fi Fred. »«. «:i>l Jehus tL Alleu- Also, one snd u half acres ot laud, known as Thotuas place, part ot h.t of laud number 316 the tOtiT.district of MUeheli county; to »»<i.-fy ! -Justice Court-fi fa in favor c! M. Csairon, wd vs. 8. G- Wood. Levy made and vewned b Admin- Grover & IlAker^ SEWING MACHINESl EXI-L0KAT1OSS TOr THE uaart »i».i—>v LIFE OF *- STONEWALL ” JACKSON—By John Esten Cooke. • ' • ’» ^ T11E WAR OF THE REBELLION—By H. S. Just roceived and for saleh«f 3S. r. vysi'sa, & «*o. Angus 1 4th. 1806. 43— T Manutactures prines—simply freight'- i days... ........3 GO Jt oo will be required in a,t Albanyvllook Store. Ilfdrjria, Irwin County. G EORGE YOUNG applies to mo for letters ot ndmiuistratiou on the estate of' K. M. Uriffin deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad'moaiaw all and singular, to be and appear at my office eith- in tlie timo prescribed by law. to *ho« cause, it an., they have, why said letters should not be gru ted Given under my hand aud official signature. October tfOth, 06 L. SI. tjOLDfcKTE. Ord’y. STANDARD, Miscellaneous Books.; and 'Nen ^ Books of the Day—alwaysjon baud. Any Bool Published ordered lor customers. " ‘ Oct 18. I860 L E WELCH % CO :\\ annexed on theestau- of S. W. Yancy, dec’d, » » represents to tho Court iu his petition duly file*! an l entered outlie record, that he has fdlly wdrninmtcred S. W. Yancy's estate, i ‘This is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to «Uow cause, if any they - ■ . [*•»*». wti^-. v aui Adilillllslul..r abuulj not be dis- be given charged from his administration, and receive letters •! of Dismission-on tfio first Monday ia February P?, next. This July lit, I860. zcUa'fcnj J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. ^ ^|: :jply 2\, 18flo. 41— fh, Executors-or lie held on the! oen the lioui's of j \y E have succeeded In obtaining tho Setvlc* ft of- * » An Experienced and Reliable md am prepared to receive Watches .apd'slewe'ry, Repairs. We hold ourselves responsible for woodwork, and guarantee satisfaction. [ Oc* i8, 1806 - L. E coastrtbl read, sate ana Jitvery uia»ie> J. Just Op.m-J, » Corner ol Li-otitl L ' . c«Li Ail, HAN S' . <1 p O, lt;0 I A. Stock Boarded, and Sold on Commission By GARDNER & KIRKMAN. Sept 15, 1866 • 3m Dec 8. 1866* GCOUliU-WoriH S IXTY’ days after date hereof application will be made to the Ordiuairy or said county for Dave to sell all I lift* real estate of Jaiues Moles, deceased, ■for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of wauf deceased. G. D. WIIITEFIELD. Adm’r of Jxmes Noles, dec’d. Oet G. 1866 62^ Admiaistratoi’# Sale. WILL ho sold before the Court Houst door ZibuLm. Rik* Ciionty, G »., bo wern Inc mtu«l hu ot the Wert half of lot of iwit-1 nwaiber t wo h lied aud fitly three, in the third district of origit ly Monroe, now Pike county Also on the first Tue-d iy in February next, i be sold before the Court House door in Albn Dougherty county. Ga , lot of l tod number -th huntredand si sty-three, in the 5th di*i rict'o oi inally Irwin u»» Horrieu county. Ga. Sold by J. n. HttJiL. K. B. BRIGGS (Late of Columbus. Georgia.) BULL & BRIGGS, Cotton Factors (fommisstan iBn'fl)an<s t as. CAr.orsriiv rssaoBR. N KW OHI.fciANis, J_ouisiana. September Jil, lb66. - ' . - ir2m.' t>r*^PS, 1‘otiioes, Odioit', ani • CeA l i n. A G .K UWTKV IIKALKI! .Day Cooks, Records’. Tim. s, Copy Boqks, Pass, Mom c , &., Any style Ulan. M/.-U IVDLCIt &CO. ....... ALFRED I. TOt-XO. Special Bailiff’a Salei s W ILL be sold before tile Court House door .of Donjherty County, oti the fir«t Tuej-lny in Jawunry itrxti b‘«J•?».» tU** la*f«*l hours Ot sal i , (W»e Spr.Hjj. ; levjnl on a»*tlie property of J tekson 11. Merritt, to the <Kwte of an re rcution iu favor of Trimu.-is F. . Hampton, against !L Merritt, principal, a^d Tfanwi; H. C ork, xocuriiy. froa* the Upytty Uwhrt^of 1 said Property pupated out by TockvottH‘,7 J AS. J. MAYO,.Special iliulift D. C. , Fnr.l»E tUCK J. cos ANT CONAST & Mitirgia, NitcHfli tomity. f|TlflRTY Days after date 1 trill proceed to ap- | point au administrator with the ; *UJ annexed, on the estate of James Falillo, late of aaitl •oun’J. and all persous are hereby notified to^file lludr ob jections, if any they have, iu my office, nt the law. directs. Giveu under pny hand officially, this Nov. 8th. isos. li. c. dasher, . Nov. 10, I860. r< J fjmi<r. in i><-Uijheriy uuJ tiw* surround- ■Gwwief. iu toe Snp«*rujr (>uirf_-* ©Ptfte [l-vViunl Ma!«‘a L’lfi .iit GouH Si 54hv«h- nl.l attend to busim*©* fih St> r^'f. v -uri ial ttgrreuicut.-^ • *- • 7 ■ liii i• .* ° - - . . «•» Jack«on r H. C.s?V.“AL. r _.. , ..... . v .. # .... . .. . t or-uaiy, Judgment <d»laiued Mareh Terwiri!»'16. of. said Court. Proper*/ pu.uied out by. Jaekvotf'tt’.' Merritu. ; ‘*3 " ‘ ~ Albany,' Ga.-, Dec 1, 1866 ; A<im ! nistnUor’s Sale. •- TTNDBR end by virtue-of" an order from -the l_I Court of Ordinary yf Dougherty ? county. Ga., Wm * .e sold on A *TU ii ,‘Mjf. n l) CC K M l» E ll 1 n - slant, at the Albany rrLMtug tbSce, in svid county, the one-btU tbw A boy Nrioi Printing tMfice.,. iiydivling-the T/pe**. Hv teriah and Fixture^.>fn;; said . offire, rin a-blhian thereto of ,So>e Type*, to 1m* entd aa.lhe periahahle pnrjlWvy* of E 11.' Rioiwin. late W Du'njhw.iy c-viu y. Jdr the of". 1 he I er«r-i.t»»r* ,! s»a*d K.^»**e.— i*v4rx'- it-.,- ^ - »anting any of the abr* ail) find it to their* l vantage, to order frotfi 1 Wl edhiiijikt It * « * *■■■■*'" seusoh.'to supnly, Jh«- above Cheap, having made . arran« ... goods seleoled for'rye in the North and West. ’’.A- ChcIc^Frexh auo ogeiueutr to get tbosi Vorth nml Wt*9t. '*A'I ' enclosed, yr city refer UENiar HORNfe, . « kJ...-Macon. Ga.- ROSS tL AMOS, “ .niit.»KyjsT - 1 * r is met.- —jofi.v L.ZjosiS' or.o sr.txp— * . •..-es-.t.vitr-;t-- -.--.'1 v. CIs'OT IAU . " - , Geat^.;J , anu*:n5.;0a^ i Tr-.i^v-t .U-f'i }« I •5winiS t - Wl r*—yftiLl'* DM.ll, I.hi»I in »■ Li •- 1 rj’. r n s.., * *...;r ui>u-tyr»»:. No, li>; - * .I»tm . . 1 «K0KW.l~M«ftrU ««««J. O N lh« Sni Monii.y in »»«t C. (J. nnd S>. I,nWr«M«( »n Alk-n La.rnooc. 1*1.ol ..ill count,. ~t i. «iU .ppljr 10 1 be Court ot Or41uurjr for.. lt*w to »U tbe real ostute belonging tofwJti «**te. - • J(>HN W. 1‘iJAUCE, Cl b Court Ordinary , Ocl«;.1686-- . ' . ' - J- '■ 7?-. S3—.. ' • ' ! L' r. D \V»ItTlE». IG3T & WARRRN, - k y s -.AT' Law. alihsy,«a. ul tiSiuijo ef-liwVnJ .i -ili.t t ’in.iitl I'nilrlN Columbus." Ga, Oct 27, 1866 - .* mf.nwuyia . .. nnpW io w'c Court of Ordumr,- of MiteMi of UfuA uuetber »«. und• ?- itert-s off Ibe went oiUeoflol nooiberSOf; »U in Illli tlistriet of Milolicll ctmiUjr. »» tbo rrojicri* of Wm. li l-'ord Lie of said couutj, decrarod. ’ ; JOHN 0. UKINER, Adm’r. Oet 0, 18;10 ... S-' • <>8 ~- • •3sTOTIOnSTS! W -- . -.r.LE . KITING DESKS. Work Boxes. Dressing Cases, I Elui Cases.-Cjira cases, Traveling Satchels, A" lewBbxes ...Toilet-'.Boxes*; Photograph Albums jom $1 to $30 each. . James Rodgers and Wosten- _ >o>ms Pocket Knives, Uazurs-and Scissors.. Combs, . Brushes,. Pocket Books. Pipes. Fine Toys. &c-i &c. - Better stock than ever offered here. Call iud-see,At the. ALBANY BOOK STORE. ' r a ■ • in 11, • seven 11;< urt.s of Uwan-I ‘ul is Stale HfiirCuUrti tor the State*' Georgia.; > . I" 1 “6' mini given to xhe-purolmseand W11* 1 , .; *» is. IK-i5. : • —?,1 (ioorfito, Jlilcltcll Enmity. A l.l. persons indobtod to tbo estate of S.rali Mc Leod, latCiipf said county dcceMed. »r« irrtby Uot tiled to rcilr tbe 'IN will practice law in all the Courts Sounli-Western, in Irwin of tbeSonlit- 1 -'ppling of ihu Brunswick, and most of ‘lie l’-iiiiula Circuits. " .. ^lungiou Street,opposite the Express t-- April 2S, !8ii0. . ' • "28—.; AM STILL-. BUYING ill Prices, ^y. Nov'in 3t GEOaeti—Ulllchcll Conaty. SSsSisasarAW^y ! lot nuwbcr;s58, •« impro"<f. und jhbl ln J‘« * U M 'f™ kx h z*£& !®&s ‘tSfisair :.-cWy Street V .-.’cv ' ; Wholesale and HetaU Dealer . In • CllHTA, GLASS sCVflj CROCKERY .WARE, and HpnserFumiBhing Good^ Mnlberry Street, Opposite Lanier House, K EEP'constantly on hand. Glass.Ware of every description, TIouse-Furnishipg Goods, Bed vu<iin Setts, Dining Setts. Polished Stono Were, • Yillow Ware, Toillet.Setis, Fancy -Yrticles, Travel-' v ing Cases, Shaving Mugs. - Table Cutlery. Buckets md Brooms, Dusrers,.of every description. Candjr’n ars; Lumps and Cocoanuts; Bar Bottles. Decanters . •to, etc now 24-. 66 ‘bidm profcsNional services to tbe'citizen * And vicinity. I _ 14—If ! Jo Debtors and Credrc •> I'ouRly. • ; •d«bi t <| io th. relate of Ali;r. S. or Won b comity deceased, arc no- ■*™ roako immediate aetfle- . o'mma against said cslale rVSS.S'>* w - Ofltlley will EANNEl E. LlPpitg Adm-rt. AN no-* on hand and nr*eon,tantly-r,cemn| a large and fresh supply of _ * hi.©Kt:i - U Bcorgli, WHEREAS, M. ii *a. -A l^*i?»iv*rv“or on the e-» »le ui S. *Y. Rotive, u..| 1»*^ i.» iu« fo*- i-ftrr* of.dismiavion, "hare therrfon-. to hyti!y tJre kindred aud creditors-of. said dveev* and »ppa.%r at.Dty offiew within ,the time prescribe.l by law to show^'cause, if any they have.' why sari let ters of dismission, should not be granted. Given umJer .iuy hand and official signature.— Dec. Ith.-’fiti ;>-• ^ J. YV.BOUSE, Ordinary. WILL mi-M. iCPO&COvy - A Bankers and General Commission MEKGdANTS,’ N lU IA’-NAf/.......... GFORGIA. , : — — ; — LONDteX, JUNXISOS & Co., p. JENNINGa.&rkJS^r ««.”l' I 'ar" l " > "’' !CS,i ' , * 0f E- "• I,ic - 1 n" 1 ‘ii* n " JS 'M nd pm-soiw having »rik..l»««l present ilionsWitliin barred. GSXKUOIA—DOUtSirEHTY COUNTY. ‘| WHEREAS. Bin. T. Wilson applies -lo me for letters of (luartlianship for the person arid proper ty ot John C.Boyjuon, minor child of John C. Boyn ton. late of said county, deceased. These aret therefore to cite all and .singular-the kindred of said minor, to be atid appear ut my of fice within the time, prescribed by loir, t« t show cause, if any they have, why paid .letters of Guac- | diamshipshould not be g—' _ '- i * ’ I Given under uiy hand 21st day of December, ll dalrapplicaiiou Will ba m. .... „f £ Miwbcll county, t As belonging tu.the c»'«i« 5 JESSE TOLLICK, Adm r. Administrator’s Sale. Ouorgfn, Worth County. .. TILL-be aobl before the Court House <1 Yy .a. in said oauuty. on the first T .JoUx-.,., twaieE, II llimau.dc roCAhH orbarte* before mjriJTiasin^ US tin • EjnNT&CO. ejv S1-6WT *fier date or wil1 he raaao be oneh 0Un .' y * for leRv ^ *« se* 1 £,T Z '° A1Cl " s - EippiH l»t« '.wsve. lippitt. Adm-ni" ^Tany European M,nrRt. >5- ArruRgementa have been made for thepayKjl ■iavannah, of the Revenue Tux upon all Coitoft^Kj digued to us from any portion of Georgia or Florf Nov. 24th I860.—4t. id Official