The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 29, 1866, Image 2

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m TRIOT. ['■ Lokmc At "J ‘ rAhhrfc fiHnw' iAsvxTOf.*-Dr. Green’s- annul rt.-.-r; .^report rfiowBj’Baya tho SlilleclgevUle Rccor- der, 3G7patients. inthe Institution—sores • near equal.' Paupers, 290. Discharged, 94 . -^iiad,S3, Expenseofsustaining it. thro’ ~ ,, ;theyeiir, (frohi4ififerent^soorees,) <75,776 65 'A.• 4" The Institution is a credit to the State. A C3F" General Grant has received a dis- p&tch.from General Sheridan confirming the ' report tliat. General Sedgwick had crossed the Rio Grande. The dispatch adds that Sedgwick has been relieved from command and placed under arrest. A VTashington correspondent says that the developments at the trial of Sanford ‘ Conover will be of a nature to astound any nation of people unswayed by the insane prejudices and'passions now^inaddening a large portion ofthe population, of this. The facts to boirought to light will beinvalna- . ble, ho wever, to the future historian when * - ho coincs to tho ohapter of onr republican career and Christiari progress. V Jefferson Davis. ' Jthe resolution introduced in the Georgia Legislature in behalf of Jefferson Davis, are words from the heart of the gallant people of that noble State. Florida, moved by the v ; same sympathetic cord, almost simultane- r ”*'i ously through the resolves of her Legisla ture, uuites her voice of coudoleuco and af fection and anxious solicitude for the great captive. But why do we speak of “States ?” Every where and by all men of Christian virtue the prayer is unceasing. “Set the prisoner free.” 'The resolutions adopted by the Florida v.- -Legislature, were submitted by our talented . Representative, lion. A. J. Peeler, whose efforts to relieve the victims of military des potism spring from a generous and maul y heart.—Tallahassee Sentinel. A In tile United States there are 37,000 miles of railway, which cost 41,3.80,000,000. In Europe there are 30,000 miles, which cost 83,500,00 0,000. There are about 00- 000 miles of telegraph here and 00,000 in ■Europe. The Future of the South. We utter but a trite sentiment, says the Xa tioilal Intelligencer when we say that th futnru oftho South is in the hands of the young men. IIow many of them arc ijiiali- • ' Tying themselves to manage its factories, control its’ railroads, mine its ore, work its ‘ A 'machine simps and cultivate its plantations ? Professional men it has in abundance—able lawyers^ accomplished pliyscians, eloquent 'speakers. These have their uses, but the growth of a state depends less on them than on the character of the men who manage it» industrial enterprises. What is most needed, in the south to-day is that the young blood Which fought for it so gallantly should "work it as determinedly. On the planta- . . tion; in the shop, in the . factory, there the south is to effect, its truo restoration. The ■ youug men who due trenches and fed on y nominy aud pork, wno ’ went clad in home spun gray and slept in cold or. rain or shine under the eanopy of tho heavens to further tho fortunes, as they believed, of their na- . - tiye land, can-now ao noble service by lay ; • i-inghold, of its plow-handles, turning its lathes, guiding-its spindles, handling its lo comotives.. . But there is want of capital. No matter. .They have youth, health, . ., hope,'ambitiin, ariwgood abilities. They have every incentive.for which t< DISABLED SOLDIERS, .f’-Thpse who have Cecil so unfor . _ by the fortunes of war, to’lose a limb in the service of the State or Ooutcilerate. service, - willbepleasedtolearntbatftj' 0 late 1^^ ia'tijro has, by act of amendment to forufer act, removed, the “property qualification, by striking out the words “indigent circum stances,” <tc., and providing for the payment in money, of cost of limbs, to those who can not uso them. This is but an act of simple justice, and places all who suffered, on tho nno level irrespective of circumstances. The contract heretofore made with Dr. -filjr to furnish artificial limbs, will be con- tiniled,_and those of this section who need them, will bo pleased to know that Dr. W. A. Love, of tide city, (having been furnished by Dr. Bly with the necessary blanks) will forward thoirmeasnres for the same on ap plication to hint. He at this time, has blanks for measurements for legs only, but will soon receive blanks for artificial arms also. The rule at the manufactory Will be, “first come first served.” Dr. Love will be pre pared to give all necessary information to those who may .pply. k , Fred Douglas. A Northern exchange says: We never heard Fred Douglas speak but once. On the occaeiou to which we allude, in Philadelphia, his ltarrangue was violent made up. chiefly of descriptions practiced upon slaves by their masters, and wrought a very decided effect upon tho crowd. Per ceiving this, Fred took his advantage at the flood, and went higher into the realms of el oquence. “My friends,” said he, “I do not speak from hearsay. I stand'before a living—I was going to say a bleeding witness to tlie truth of all I. relate. If you beheld the scars and stripes on my boek ” Just here an Irishman vociferated: Honld on, Freddy, darling—is it truth that you are telling us ?” The darkey, orator lifted bis finger tragically to heaven in tlie affirm ative. “Och, murder; did they larcerate von?” Frol answered they-, did. “Did ?” Fra, rand Jury Presentments, «i:OHG»A—uotlaliorly County. ’ The Grand Jury for,-Dougherty County, sworn iu at tho December Tcrnt of said county, bog loavo to ‘ make tho following Presentments: except , , been worked for tho past year. Tho Bridges are in vory bad order; tho ono at Pino Is land lias ucon impassable tor the past ten months, and in consequence the agricultu ral produots of that section, and a_ -largo TRADE TJ|7-E HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND ARE * ’ offering to the . - : mm TO THIT FOR CA*SH, OR; they thumbscrew you V” Fred answered they did. u I)id they buHc you like a shoat ? Fred answered that they'did. 4 ’Be gorre! roared pat, ‘if that be true, you must have been a d d bad nngnr!’ It closed the meeting in a general row. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Broke X»oose from a Post I N FRONT OF THE DOUGLASS HOUSE, on IVcdnes-!s.v night. 2Ulh inat.. a very t»iuaii Dnrlt Brown Pony, natural pur-er; and ahum 7 your: person findinjr sail Pony, ami 'lolircrin in Albany, will bo liberally com penult oltl. Any Dec 20, iSift kdwin McLaren. Mortgage Sale. W ILL be ,.>M nil ill. ti.-l T i v-.I-iy in March <’«'• i-.WinUic.ily iff Albany, Dutigkerly cuiiulj. Gi, between llw usii .1 . ns ..f .-.iL*—A iUmmc mill Lot siinjlci .in BnniJ .Siibc:. known a- In' number ,)| e j the •• I3AISHLL.V’ or -URUvIMEV IMl'SE;” levied on in favor of the Fanners* .v Mechanic,’ Bank. for Hi- nil- „f D. A. Vason vs. G. IV. Crani al ey. Properly pointed out in fi f.i. J. S. IlltOWS, SLeriff. Deo 29, 1866 GBOnOm-'VOHTH COUNTV. • WHERE IS, li.-nji in in Willis applies to me for' tellers of dismission from nd-uinUtriuiua on the es tate of J dm Willis, deceased : Tliese arc llie.viorc (o cile aol admouisli all and smg-ilnr C.o ki:i 1-el and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ui> o'.Uco vtiilim tlie timo pro scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, by said letters should not bo granted. Given under my band nad official siitnalure. this *20th day of Dec., JAMKS '.V, HOUoE, Ordinary. Cl—Cm -to work.— Dec 20,18CC GSWIVu-IA —WOHTlt COUNTY. WHEftK US. Oeili% E. Huokelew applies (o letters of dimniHslon from tlie a>lm:aistr:ition ~ot. James F. ILiukelew, •!#»< These are :lierefore to notify all and singular tho kindred and creditors of s tld doevnsed, t<^ be and appear at tny uffiiu within ihe tune proscribed by law, tc show caiue, if uny they havo,.wliry~'»aW let ters should not be grained, Giron imdm 20th day of Di JAMEd \Y. 110USE, Ordipary. - -Jlf-Bm Bcgitvwjth a will, and success will crown Th^n irt’uS.oae and all adopt the pint- ot-m of “the Nashville Gazette,” and work np to it with a wilL Let tlie Southern people ho- .sure to pro- duee,as they eaSiiy; can; aft. ftbnndant sup mm •f provisions, manufacture their own . .imber and iroti.into all-tlie implements • - they need, spin and; weavq-uH the cotton Let tltem do whatever may bq -neceessary Dec 20. 1SGG A .liiii nisi in l.. i-s saisi. '' WILL be sold on tbo first Tncsnny In F.brnnrv next, before the Court House door in the town of Camilla, Mitchell county, Ga., within the legal hours or sale; one hundred end ecrculy-fivc ncres of land ournlicr 381; also 90 ncres of lot" number 382; oUo 123 acres of lot iiunibor 33S—all Improv ed, and lying in the 11th dht- ict or Mitchell county. Also at t:.-3 same time, before the Court House door in Baintiridgc, Decatur county}- Ga., will be sold one-third iitiercsl in tln-oe houses and lots the town of Bdinbridgo, known as tho bouses and lots formerly belonging to Stephen Swain, deo’d.— Sold as tlie'property of Nathan Maples, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms made known on of sale. - . . . : ISRAEL MATLES, Adtn’r ‘ Dec 29, 18GG , " : ; . e4 tottimcrcial trade, itas bee^ diverted from our county town. Tho Bridge ftvor Kincli- afoonee Creek will also soonibolmpassable. Tlie Kiokee Bridge needs repairing, and we earnestly recommend that the Inferior.Oonrt proceed at once to put; these Bridges in f ood order. The Chickasawhatcliee Bridge, uown ns Gwinnett’s Causeway,.>vc learn has lately been rebuilt by private subscrip tion, and we recommend that the Inferior Court refund to the subscribers the am’ouut expended by them iu the construction of said Bridge. Wo find that no action has been taken by tlie Inferior Court to the recommendation of the Grand Jury at the June Term, in re lation to the free passage of the citizens of the county across the Flint River, we respectfully call their serious attention' to this matter. The county funds are appro priated in building free bridges in other sections of the county, while by a monopoly of the passage across Flint River, a large number of our citizens residing on tlie East side of the River, are subjected to a heavy tax to bring their produce to market, and to attend to the jfttblic duties required of them by the county, and we again recom mend the same action as taken by the Grand Jury at the June Term. The Committee on Public Records, have examined tlie Books of tlie Clerks of the Su- S prior and Inferior Courts and Court of Or- inary, and find them neatly and correctly kept. . The Treasurer of the county reports no receipts or expenditures of money, since his report to the Grand Jury at the June Term. He also makes thq s_me report as Treasurer of the Educational Fnnd, consequently the finances of the county are without any change. The Clerk of tlie County Court reports that he has received for fines and forfeitures during the present year, 8755 50, ’and lias expended 8754 42—leaving a balance iu his bands of 81 08. The Committee on Public Buildings, re port the Jail aud Court House in need of re pairs. The Grand Jury at the June Term called the attention of the Inferior Court to this matter, and specified the work necessa ry to be done to make the Jail secure for the keeping of prisoners. We find that none of this work has been done, and contsequent- ly a number of prisoners have escaped.— We would respectfully call the attention of the Court, aim urge upon them the impor tance of having this work done at once, and put these buildings in good repair. We re commend the purchase of two dozen chairs for tho- use of the Court and Jury Rooms. The change iu our social aud labor sys tem, forced upon us by the results of the war, make it now an imperative oluty and necessity, to direct our earnest and prompt attention to tlie education of the entire white population of the county. To neg lect this subject now under present circum stances, would be, on onr part, not only an inexcusable fault, but would amount to a criminal indifference to tlie interests and welfare of the country. We therefore recommend, if it has not al ready been done, the appointment of three competent gentlemen, as provided by law, for the examination of teachers, and that they, with such other intelligent gentlemen as tho Inferior Court may appoint for the purpose, be requested as early as possible, to devise some system for the county, so as •to give all classes tho opportunity of in struction, or at least, the elementary branch es of an English education. Wo beg leave to tender to their Honors, Judge Irwin and Judge Vason, our thanks -fots tbe-faithful and efficient manner in whicli they liave'dischaiged the arduous duties of tho-Court. ’ , We also, tender the Solicitor, D. II. Pope, ‘our thanks for the Ainifonn kindness and cofirtesy that has characterized our inter course during the present term of the Ccirt. JOHN B. WHITEHE AD, Foreman. Youel G. Rust, E. J. Barksdale, Crawford M. Mayo, Milton Creighton, Taliaferro Jones, MJE. Vason, APPROVED PAPER, ON SHORT TIME, - ;■ - the FOLLOWING au.iaxv, «.-v. WOOISN Encourage Home Industry! |»r.E nre now manufacturing af Albany, Georgia TV a variety of / ; ." . ; ' : ;■ Woolen Gi-oOtls Twilled arid. Plain, Colored ;apti White. WAREENTED PEORPEOT, —, And of the— r — : V- Sultable fur all classes of Working People, which we will Sell at Reasonable Prices or exchange- for Wool or Cotton, ' We ask tbri attention of Merchants, Planters and others, insuring them that we ate determined to make it to thcir interest lo purchase onr goods. We shall bo prepared by the 1st of May to Card Wool and make Rolls for Customers. • N. & A. F. TIFT. Albany,March 31, 1866. 22- ALBANY GRIST AND The Albany SteanvMijla ijrynow in operation. Making Good Meal and Flour. Customers will be promptly attended to and freely dealt with. Our Customers will not be delayed. The Grain will be weighed in and the Meal weighed out, (which will require hut a few minutes) unless the parties prefer to get llie.,Meal from their own Corn. Corn should be sent as free from cobs and dirt as possible. All the Corn, as well as Wheat, that we grind, is fanned through the fan and the trash is not accounted for in Meal. N. & A. F. TIFT. Albany. March 31. IRfifi. 2! GROCERIES: 50 bales Gunny Cloth, v )00 coils Rope, 10,00.0 lbs. Arrow Tie, ' ^ ’j lbOboxes Soap—assorted, - ^ ? 400 boxes Tobacco—all grades, 50 cases assorted Liquors, 40 bbts. Whiskey, 50 cases Cove Oysters—1 and 2 lbs. 40 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Raisins—and wholes, 200 kegs Nails—assorted Noe, 100 BOXES CANDY, . PLAIN AND FANCY, 25 boxes Macon Candy, 25 bales Osnaburgs, 20 bales Macon Sheeting, 10 bales Augusta Sheeting, 75 bags Rio Coffee, 1,000 lbs. Maccoboy Snuff, in jars, 100 doz. Bottles, do, 150 setts Knives and Forks, LARGE ASSORTMENT POCKET CUTLERY FIR,E-PK00F W A REHOUSE 200 thousand G. D. Caps, 40 M Ely’s M 40 44 Cox’s u 100 casks Pickles—qts. half gal. and gallons, 100 gross Parlor Matches, 25 cases Saidines, 75 BARBELLS SUGAR, A, B, C, CRUSHED AND POWDERED, 100 doz. Colton Card*, 45 doz. Axes, assorted brands, 500 pairs Trac e Chains, 300 doz. Hoes, assorted sizes, 3.000 feet Rubber Belting, 2 to-22 inches, 20 bbls. Blue Fish, 50BBLS. MACKEREL—Ni^f, 2 and 3, 40 half barrels Mackerel, No. 1,2 and 3, 100 kits Mackerel, No. 1,2 aud 3, 00 kegs Soda, 100 boxes, do., 50 kegs Powder, 500 bags Shot, 50 doz. Mustard, * 50 DOZEN YEAST POWDERS, 40.000 Cigare, all gradea, 150 boxes Cheese, Stale, Cream and English Dairy, ^ ’ •, 10 casks Potash, 100 cases Potash, 100 HALF BARRELS AND BOXES SODA, BUTTER AND OYSTER CRACKERS, 100 bbls. Pink Eye and MeTcei Potatoes, • 40 bbls. Onions, white and red. s 50 cases Drake’s Bitters, • 50 doz.. Selves, , * ^ 50 dez-Brooms, 3.000 lbs. Lead, - MK KEGS SALTPETRE, SPICE, gtfcin tujH ground, PEPPER, grain and ground ^ •’ . GINGER, race and ground, NEW FIRM! BUST&J0H MSTQIL T HE UNDERSIGNED respectfully beg to nounce to the PLANTERS and MERCHANTS of Dougherty nnd adjacent Counties, that they have this day formed a co-partnership under the firm name and style of K(JST A; JOHNSTON, to engage in the WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION business, occupying tho Fire-Proof Warehouse of Sims & Rust, and confidently trust they will continue to receive that generous support nnd pa tronage heretofore extended to each of them, r v. 0. RUST. T. II. JOHNSTON. Albany. Ga ,* June 1st. IRtlit. Jin-wfitn B AM E T T & C O," COTTON FACTOR s) Grocers and General Com, Merchants, APALACHICOLA, FLA., £ COLU.MBUS^GA.' * ^ New Liberal advances made on J* N. SEYMOii WOULD invito a can - T in this Market. P ROMPT attention given to alt Co^gignmcHts and Shipments of Cotton to New Orleans and Liverpool, consignments. Forwarding & Rocoi’/ing House, APALACHICOLA, LI . . D EAR SIR:—Wc respectfulljrcall.ijour atten tion to the fact, that w r c have establislied a house at Apalachicola, Fla., for the purpose ing a General Commission and Forwarding business. Having established relations with some of the best houses in foreign and domestic ports, we are. pre pared to offer unusual advantages to'shippers of cot ton and other produce. Special attention vtilL be given to all cotton sent u^for sale, cither in our own or any foreign market. ■ • *. In addition to our Commission business, we will keep consthntly on hand a large stock df' ‘ G-ROC E -Et ips, which will be offered to rocrchants nxnl planters at prices in the Northernarid Western markets, mere ly adding costof transfjjrtaiion^ We will bo prepared to.accouimqijato on? fyieuds with advances on cotton sent us^foi* shipment: or sale, and to furnish thenj with Bagging and rope- ' r thecoming crop and during .the entire schson. ,k “ *it4l5 S ana p,^ anJ he ia a *ftittt He has on hand ; 100 coils liopo, 200 sacks Salt, 250 bbls Flour, 75 bags Coffee, - 4 .\' 75 bbls. Sugar, IQ lihds. Molasses, - 200 boxes Cheese, f 20 tubs Butter, « 20 bbls. Lanl, / 20 bbls. Iluckwinat FI Qar 10 oases Tabic Salt, 600 kits AIackerel--N 0i , „ : A,so ’ !! o.2MM|i a , 1 M " 500 packages 1-1 i.o wl ■ 'I, 2 and 3 MaeketcU*. < * * - 25 bbls. Wne Fish, : rojtslf bbls TVItit, Firt 10 half bbls Lake Trout . - 25004bs: Codfish,' ’ • ,.i 50 boxes smoked Herring, l 5Q cases Sardines, 25 hlids. Bacon, 10 tierces Sugar Cured ' 100 boxes Soda and butt, 200 boxes Tobacco, (all pub, i ° 25,000 pigars, 1.0OO lbs. Snuff, 500 lbs Smoking Tobae:o, . 50 boxes Star Candles, ' 75 bbls, Liquors. ^ A. Li s 0, A General Assortment ot-Tj Canned Fruits, Piet Lobsters, Raisios, Soda, ] Aimoads, etr. With almost any thing usually Grocery and Pismioj I am tnoreAiderniined :hantiertntL. Just give me a call ifyou -want “Let Vofir JiostT Bodk*! j n. sumo Nails and M v 1W) kegs Nails, • 25 cases ConcentratcdTciJMlf *< 3(f casks Rook Potash. For. sale by . J. IT. I Mac on t GfL-Xoverahcr 21 MM B. G. SILTOTT, P.M.RA ’ . -Savannah. Ga. UtonI rande Y Whole Sale Gro© -' ' AND DEALERS IN Wines, .Liquor t»3 BAY STKEUT, S.4VHJS I NViTE the attention of Dealers and complete assort meat of - G-rooezies and Liq which they arc prepared to offer*t tk^ ketrates. . . V Old iilonon.Taiifl.i, Rje ail - Bourbon Wfcia constantly on hand. ■ Agents for the celebrated‘•■M’Jfljl Hazard’s Gun Powder, quarter kegs, ami ca*< Dissolution of Co-Fail T HE" Cripartriership hercloforeexbii A. D. CAIN find W. C- riiusolved hy mutual c ousent. Tk -- .UAIJfl John 1 Geo. Lyons,' John Wright, R. N. Andrews, James W. -Mayo; A. W. Cosby, James Sutton, Thomas G. Cooper, E. C. Helms, John W. Flint, Joseph Thorn, - Pi E. Duncan, • J. M; Rendall, ' B. Q. Keaton. STDCK v - : of V. DRY GOOiB N. B.-^Our house in Columbus, Ga., will _ _ tinucil at tlie old stand, oorrier St. Clair niul Broad heretofore known ns A - Streets. •' - . Barsijetx & co. - -Itl'itS?’!' ■ Juno 16th, 1868. 3U-tf.. December-8th, I860. joying: their .-Constitutional rights in the ■ Federal TJuion. So employed, let them ■.- . manfully.mriet whatever destiny may beiri V-'5store for themj secure at least ini the posses sion of their own selfocspcct. • ' The New Orleans Picayune makes the fol- !-.- lowing romarkson the future of tho, South: There arc somo evils which, however pain- w /VtlfWltilstr.aior’sSale. ILL-be u.ld on the first Tuesday iu February next, before The Court House door In tbo town of Camilla, Mitchell county. On.. Sev- enty-fivo acres of land, off of lot nnuibpr (16U) one hundred and sixty-mao, in ;ho eleventh diMricl of said .county of Mitchell, as the property.rtf 'X'bsuias II. Ciunbie, deceased, for the tern-fit or tho heirs and creditors of said.deccascd. Terms made known on of etrio. - SIMEON BECK. Adni r Deo 29; 1868 ' , • 64— till while they last, are self-limiting; and this is the case with tho.existing situation of i the SontlcS’Sn'fair a domain as thisLdwer Mississippi Valley cannot suffer a perma nent blight. Heath political, or any other death, can have no lasting power over, i{s beauty.- Time cannot write an ineflheahle wrinkle upon its b.ow. ‘ It may lie long in a trance, induced by wicked cnpliantmcnt, like the - princess in the fable; and bones and desolation may mark the rash attempts - of blundering statesmanship to penetrate its mystery. But the predestined foot-steps and touch will.como at-last, and it will awake to bridal effulgence and joy. It is in destiny .that the whole .Mississippi Vnl- - .— will’be tlie seat of political andmatcri- nesssnt-has tite world has rarelv,' i - und Netv Orleans, 1/y right of pi-imogeniture, must he its chief to Rent* . On Wednesday, Jan. 16,1867 ': - AT THE AliLEN" PLACE, Miles. South-East of Camilla,. Six . _5icken^Ubu^^eiig: other serial story. Tin cd fitr St>ma months. BStffe- — lU. Qt, tl consisting of 31ulcs, 1 Marc,. Cattle, Hogs; Plows, 3 AVagons, llockaw.ay, IlarnuiT, Blacksmith Shop,. Bellows ami Tools, ono HID gallon Sugar boiler, and Plantation Implements of all descrip tions. ‘'The Sale is to/bc without .reserve, l': —Also will t»o Retiletr— - The saidPWnt.atiori formerly known ns Ibc Allen Place—COiupristng til),) acres under fence—Tor of goad Hammock land, yvttii n good House, N’cgro cabins. Barns, cribs, Caltle sheds--—all in good der. Fencing all newly repaired and cleared, i 50 ACHES {iOWU’LAS.TKD IN. OATS. To a good, Tennant tho terms wtU he ~EX- TP.UMEUY LOW. E. McDONALDKAg’t, on the place. • ■ '' -‘ 68-tils A trite extract from the minute ofDongh- ertv Superior.Conrt, Dec'ombcrTerm, 1866. JOHN F. CARGILE, Clerk. Dec. 29th, 1866.; - V j. N. SEYMOUR, Clxei*r*y Street> 3KLA.OOH’, O-SO. ^Yj»£als largely ijr ' GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Which he Sellsrit WHOLESALE md’RBTAIL. He has on hand— M BACON, LARD, FLOUR, CORN, WHEAT, RYE, WHITE nmi BLAG OATS. SUGAR-,-COFFEE, SOAP, STARCH candles, candy, molasses, salt , MACKEREL,. LIQUORS, 0Y3TRRS,— , SARDINES, TEAS, l'OWHER, SHOT, ' LEAD, PERCUSSION CAPS, NAILS HAGG1NC, ROPE, and TWINE, llo also keeps a, large snpply of CURXTINQ TOBACCO, of all grades; various brands otQIgars. Lorillard’s Scotch.and Maccoboy Snuff, and many other articles in ids line, which nre to be had bn Reasonable Terms. j , * J.‘ N.- SEYMOITR, Sep 20 3sqw-»m Chferry Street, Macon, Ga D. O. HODGKINS & SON, jY--- . Dealers in ' SPORTING GOODS, Sons, Pistols, Cuttlery, ImunitioB, Fishing Tackle, and Gan and Pistol Material. M A. C O 3ST , G _A.., ■ At. The Same Old .Place.” Complete. J. B. ROS» <fe SON Would announce to the Wholesale Trade Only, | That their Stock of DRY GOODS id now complete, comprising a great varietp of , DRESS GOODS, SUCH AS: r - DriLAiNBSvof all grade*, SCOTCH PLAIDS, in Foil do Chtvera, and All WOOL POPLINS, . I PLAIN POPLlNS.ahd . ‘ ■ EMPRESS CLOTH,' - ; SHEAPPARD’SPLAIDS, MELANGES, in Brocade nnd Plain Ottomans, VALENS1ES, and all Class of Drees Goods, .BLEACHED GOODS, in every variety of width and quality, • . .. BROWN, do., - • 'LINSEYS, ULiNSEYS.&c., JEANS, KERSEYS and SATINETS YANKEE NOTIONS, T-H CLOTHING, IIATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. This department is on onr Second Floor. Our Senior is New York, and buying heavily at panic prices, and we think «n exannnation o'* om floods and Prices, will convince pun hasers ’twill lie uselesp to go farther in Bcarch of BA’RGAIXb- . J. B. ROSS & SOU, Wholesale Dry Goods and Grocery Merch’ts No. 96 Cherry and 55 Second Sis., Martini Dic.mber 22, 1836 . - gg in ” a-JP J0UN V. ATKINS, J, L. DUNHAM, "W.' U. BKALE. “■ ATKINS, DUNHAM (SjCO.^ Cotton JFactoi’s, nA Commission and Forwarding P?1ITPIEU^^ ■ rpms mmitaiioh is no» m ■ APAX.AOBXCOZ.A, rXiOOXSA. J pt afford young *uen * Agents for the Ncw Orleans Line of Steam- ,n ^ 8 °. r » THOROUGli COM*®-, fa Ships. October 13, 1SC6." th,* auV^r^™^^ IHHHHliillHM hTn7u>^x had »the kUtagc'at 623 per fod,-'v«ablug. &c., about ^4 per L. JI. Merritt, McKinnel New Orleans, j.G. C hfcKionellrV Jo'lm b.'AikinV t Thos. H. Smilh, 1.1. L. Dunham, Hazclhursl, Miss. ] W. C. Bcnlc, ; kpalacbicoljj, Fla - Merritt, Dunham, Mclinnell«Coi, COT TO N FACTORS- Pc-nfiddl Ga., d« lSdudW^- of Jn nuary, ;1867. Disabled I teued oircumstanees, win - . gratis. - For'furthcr infurmama »Pfi t'fil'l COMMISSI^I&FORVWRD I Ng'm ER^HA NT S, SX.O* 47, CARONDELET STREET * ssr cs-xSRy CE> Df» - a,® 3d m ss » L DusnAM, of the above firm was an old andreliable citUen of lhia place—latterly efApa- taelncolo, Fla., of the firm of Atkins, Dunham & Co October 13,,1866, v w«m» A. K. SLOAN, • tl, V. RTClIIiS. SLBiH, STUBBS COTTON F-ACTORE, rs.«A~ 1 -1-i ant j* M C Ss V neywi& ar ° -°” aU " ,Pri *° d LiberaL Casll Advarictss on Consignments of Cotton to Us. Rcvenue^Duty tor iqauters! ei " ilS r ‘ y ^ Referenee ly 2\rmission . ' ' Messrs. Ku9t & Juhnston, ; o. W. Rawson, Esq., . • ;4H- ... \ Sale ,ot - a v* — jgui STATE OF QE0RGIA-B»8 1 J WILL bo said on the 2Cth between-tho usual hours of property of Iw*G. Sutton, lat® -consisting of. 1 wagon, PlwfW' TtW nA and kitchen ' Pe° 1°. 1366 ---- Notice to Debtors^ - OEORGLV—DooGli ert f- TICK is hereby *iw» ‘“A,,!, made out, wiiliift tho lime to show thoir choracjcr-and _ sons indebted to saiddccc^ to make immediato payment ^ r: - .• Adar^^“ Dec 15, 4966- ■ notice. . GEOJiGiv-BakcrCo^ A LL persons having olaj»>*g4, Josiah.Wiuchcsler.W« ri , |jip ,,tl arc requested to. hand ia ,he ‘ ! r of the law—and all persons } a wfll pay up at^ouce. ^ - Ree l, im