The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, December 29, 1866, Image 3

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3 P WEEKLY PATRIOT jcal Oolmiirt. Vi., DECEMBER 29th, 1866. "To Advertisers. . \ibas* Patriot is the Lest, lulver- itic.liu'" in South-western Georgia.—- the largest fayinu circulation of any Tm s’sEfriox. Terms of *dve|^*., f rc: isoiiahlc as ant—but ':must‘he fob is Auvaxcb, ob, ox I »ork neatly .executed, at Jt.vcoy . \y e arc now prepared, witb a fine ^colored Inks, Bronzes, Paper, Card- 1 yew Cuts, Type and Borderings, to v Kisn or Work, in any Color on „ n - awl at prices to suit ' everybody-^ quality and quantity. ; Ijj "7N S'()U NCEMENTS. FOR JUDGE. ■c auiliorizcJ to announce the namo of Col. LVsTKOZEF, of ibis city as a candidate for ® Sft 0 f Judge of the Superior Court of tlie ^ Wc.<i*rn Circuit. Electidn in January next. ■*" r St!, t’»6. tde 15,tfnil» fr •' FOR JUDOS. t authorized to announce the name of Hon. , j Scarborough^ as a candidate for the r; fJm ,ge of the South-wcsvem Circuit. Elec- V„ January next ' . Ide > FOR solicitor general. |fe»rf suilmrizcd to announce the name of N. |<M1TII. En • "f Aroericus, as a candidate for e of Solicitor General pf the South-Western ihe election in'January. Dec 1. tde—CO lf& |Si;ubri<i»:« We arc authorised to^an- iam« ofCapt. JOHN C. RUTIIERf6kD, a candida'e for Solicitor of the South-Western Circuit. Dec. ISib- —01. dentistry iMASSENBURG'-SpJf^dj HARRIS, WHOLESALE DRUGSiSTS, Macon, Gra. dealers in DWINDOIV GLASS, Perfume ry and Toilet Article s LAODRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS. t-Fh €6K To trace o f DecemWj5th,186B. - ■ 62-8m- s ■ Adn»InI»traloi’» Sale. . '“U bcrorc «be- Court Houso dohr, in Jca. belle,Wortli county. Gar, between.tho usual hours u n v h0£ /, St T “v ,Ja y luMarch next; two de- ,yln ? on Fliot Hirer end Abram a Creek, known us the TISON Plantation- one containing, by recent aurrey. 468 acres-more or less-tke other 611 acres. Map,of.thosed«i” able lnnds are the Court House for in- •peotion. Also lot of land number 112, In the 16tb district of said county. >. • ’ . ■ Sold as the properly of William W. Tison, late of said county, deceased. Terms on thednv of sale. I TI1EO. W. TISON. Adm’r. T, oo i o,* MATILDA C. TISON, Admr’x. . Deo 22,1866 . , r, :! _iOd Georgia—Worth County. . m , < ! n,Bs “h« r d" 0 Applfcation will bo made to tho Ordinary or said County, for leavoloseU the lands belonging to .IhocsIate'ofCalum Register, late of said county deceased, this December. 4th 1866. MATILDA M. REGISTER, “ •' Adra’rx of C. Register tJOd— dco. 22 NEW AUCTION HOUSE. Broad St. Albany, G-a. rjlUE undersigned, an Auctioneer of several years _ experience, respectfully announces totliepub- lic that he has just commencedbusiuessat the GRO CERY STORE OF f A. D. GAX.B, Where he will bo pleased to serve them tylc. All kind* of GOODS, PROPERTY AND MERCHANDIZE, , Jones & Reynolds. Ib-Eouso & Commis. Merch’ts» TAM, or Iisnni-s *»»«,).. C> c O r ffi a X > KSPF.CTFU LLY T £ V in form their friends* <<:, .tui.he pul lie generally £j*-l»:it they arc now p’-e-, <»nal attention to the * ImOB AKD SALE OF COTTON trunted l»» them ^ «W i anti or Adi.nig at Reynolds liberal patronage given to the above named houses, ar at lout ion will be given by us to the if PLANTATION SLTPUF.S, when A. ADAMS. A bate firm of 1*. REYNOLDS, / Adorns & Reynolds. i» il jones. :: •- 15, intiG. . - , Sra A1 UUULi iduOKS I birge Stock, embracing all -the Text Book is section. L, K. WELCH & CC. ■ol.D T AKiRiTESTTEOD |::,u l LY Ell WATCHES, Quid‘Chili fjsand Charms* Diamond'ilingSv'Gold Set Rings, lb-ouches, fear Kings, Fine Se»S of '•old and Silver Thimbles, G* Id and Silver *. Hold Collar Buttons, SleeveBnftbna lid Silver and Plated Ware,- always wnr- 1 represented. Ot UL Li ». WKLCH & CO, MESSRS. GARDNER I Next Door to Kidd’s Hotel, ALBANY HUCE OJRRENNT. IWn 1 ’’, P O 612.50@1C.'o6 Corn.perb^Lnl, 1.25@ 1.60 CornMca! Coiv Peas, ............... i, 25@ i_ 5o (TioundPeas,.per Bushel,...... i 0ft Bacon, per pound;.......... 2C @ - \l Lard, ‘‘by the. barrel.,. /, 10(u) 18 Beeswik, .....' "V.'.V ? 25 Soap, Turpentine, per' ft'.-. Siilt, Liverpool,per.sack,...... Sugar, Brown, per Ih Sugar, refined, Oofiee, Rio,. ; « Coffee, Java,......“. j.wwi 1 •'nacco, smoking, bale 5 lbs, 3.T5 to 4.00 Tobacco,, per ib, by the box... 50® 1.T5 Naita,. 14@ 16. iron,.-,................ 7ou>s> Powder,. ..... Shot,.. Cheese, “ Candles,...“ Gandies, sperm, per lb, Osuaburgs, per yard, Sheeting,... , w .... .1..... Calicoes, 475a 5.00 ' 15@ 20 25@ SO a'40 55 to fiO 1.50@ 2.50 85® 1.00 25® 80 40® ■ 50 .75 to 1.00 ; 30 25 to 30 Segars, per thousand, ... 25.00® 180.00 Svmp, cane, per gallon,,..... • Whiskey, Brandy, “••-i Wine,... 1 “. - Vinegar, CoalOi], “ Eggs, per dozen, Chickens,. Mackeral, per kitt, three doz. Codfish, per ib,...» Crackers,. “ Pickles, per jar, Candies, per Ib, Can Fruits, each, Oysters, Cove, per box, Sardines, per box, Sauces, per bottle, Nuts’, per lb, Macaroni, per lb, Vcrmacill,..“ Mustards, per jar Soda, per lb, Pepper, ground, per fb Popper, berry, “ Brooms, each, Lye, concentrated, per box,.. Fresh Meats, per ib, |5@ 1.00 3.50@ 8.00 6.00@16.00 5.00® 8.00 1.00@ 1.25 125a 1.50 20® 25 2.25 to 2.50 5.00 *AECADS BmLDING l COTTON AVENUE, .MACON. GEORGIA. . OHEAPEST BAT.LEnV SIT the CITV. CfTRANGERS ViatTiNa IO Macon arc invited .io call and examine our ele- gani* Carte de . Visites, softly toned lvoR- softly: toned Ivoryttpes, 1 delecately iinted Porce- eaines, and those pretty Kttle Gem Photographs The latter only §2^50 per. dozen, v . >: %-r v 't/'l . - Strangers yisiting the city can have Photographs finished in time for tho evening train, by calling at the Gallery at any time before.,11 o’clock, A. it.-. Particular copying and cnlarg- ing Pictures. Copies sent by, mail or Express, will receive prompt attention. Life-size * Portraits,- ele gantly colored, $76 v . ' . J, M. Lunqubst.' : : Lee Mallory. September 15, 1800 3m ‘ \ s: STRAUS, -£2 ¥ 0 ; OULD Respectfully inform his friends, and the citizeus of Albany and surrounding coun try, that be luis just returned from New York with a choice selection of the 20 20to 25 40 to 2.00 50 to 75 75 to 1.00 50 to 1.00 40 to 50 40 to 50 40 to 75 50 25 25 to 20 to 75 to 1.00 40 to 50 50 to 75 40 to 50 8 to 12A t prices to be obla : ned, and prompt Special attention given to sale of Real Estate S tock, &c., &c. _B. F. CAUTIIRON, Auctioneer. £3?" Be sure to cal! at the Grocery Store of Messrs. « AHDNEBt Kilt K JI A N ho have just received a well selected slock of G II OCER I E S diffect from Baltimore. Also, a large lot of old North Carolina Apple Brandy. TOBACCO, OF ALL GRADES, • kept constantly on hand. Among-the rest, th GENUINE 'DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. AP*i*ny. Gh.. Dec 1,1 Wifi fiO— 15. A. WISE, Cherry Street, MACOIT, Gii., y ( ":; - - - DEALER IN — House Furnishing Hardware, SII.VEB-PI.ATEr> GOODS, Glass, GliiBa and Earrhen-Warc, Table and Pocket Cutlery: CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL. JONESBORO, GEO. 1 VIE Spring Term will open on the Second Mon day in January 1867. The course of instruc tion is more thorough, more comprehensive, and more practical than that of any other High School in Georgia, It affords all the advantages of the College—the normal school and the commercial or general busi ness school. It is also the CHEAPEST School in the State.— Two Hundred Dollars will pay for board and tuition for a year.' Board must be paid month ly in advance, and tuition at the beginning of each term. Circulars sent on application to A. D. CANDLER, A. M, * p . • , ' G. C. LOONEY, i l rmcl P a, i. Dec 1, 1860 GO-wGw ■Por Sale. ‘ OFFER for sale my Plantation c I OFFER for sale my Plantation on Spring Creek, Early ccun'y, in part or whole, and invite a partner to join mo in planting, in part or whole. There arc 2,300 acres, 1,100 cleared, $20 per acre. There is a good store on the place, and excellent business to support it. Address, J. A. MAXWELL, care E. McDonald, Cuthbert, Ga. Or call and see me at the place, Twelve Miles cast of Blakely. The offer made until the 2Gth instant. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Dougherty county, will be sold on (he first TIN axi) WOOD WARE, BRJOMS, BRUSHES, FEATHER DUSTERS, &c. Stoves, Hotiow Ware, Jiover & I3akev’s WING MACHINES, |i Manufactures prices—simply frc-igjit added, a v o uday in February 1807, at the Court House door said county, between the legal hours -of sale, the lots of land lying on Washington and Society Sts., city of Albany, belonging to L. O. Sutton,, late of said county, deceased—containing 5 acres, more less. Tcruis made known on day of sale. K. E. SUTTON, Admr'x L. G. Sutton. Dec 15, 18G(J 1 «i Mbauj Hook Stcie. I'M’MIU, Miscclto neous Books, and New toftlicl): L E WELCH & CO i obtaining the Ifrvices of able Tewtejqr. Iti ltzve sue , 1 Mi Experiencea'ana-ReUaL.. ... pfepureil to receive. Wntcbcs and Jewelry* ^im. We hold ourselves reap'ousiblc for j rk, :unl guarantee satisfaction. L. E;.WELCIJ i CO. [Husioal Instruments iBiiV s fersk(E- Siook olwaj-8 on hand, ami any Music or ailment ordered for customers. L. E. WELCH & CO. IA 'Oi, •lank books IJgers, -Journals, Day Books, Records, Timt 1 M^iicr Rooks, Copy Books, Pass, Meta »n*l Dairies, & c , * Any stvle Blan l. e. welc'h &QO. ; Cooking Utensils of Every Kind. Cherry St., Mncon, Ga. Oct 20, GG T3 r. TODD, "T^ETUUNS his thanks to his friends for their patronage* during the financial year just clos ing; and hopes I hay will settle their liabilities with him ns soon as possible, as he is in immediate neiy of money. * , * . . Office, ns heretofore, above Clark s Saloon. Nov, 24, T8GG 2m F. W. AJNSLEY. WATCH MAHER AND I'ttnltr. 3 © IB W 31S5 „ Broad Street, Albany Georgia. • (Opposim the “Paris Hotel,”) H WTNG had an experience of orer twenty years in tho repairing of, Clocks, and Jewelry, 1,0 feels confident of rendering satisfaction to nil who mny favor him with their patronage. t&~ All "Work WilHUANTED. Albany. November 10, 18fa6- BUTLER & PETER8, I 1 ® WoTk Boxes, Dressing Cases, I l^l Ca8 ~’. Card Traveling Satchels, *• ,.Vort To let Photograph Albums w . ?.- eaclu d ftm «a Bofigers and Wosfen- l Da JVJ7*** Raxor * a hd. Scissors.'.Com'bs, .? ckct B °oks. Pipes, Pino Tovsj &c.: ALBAN YlhiOK STORE, ALFBjn>i. irousq. JT&YODNG, factors ATLANTA, GA. PVER VL Agents for the City Flour Mills of At- *«2 e ‘if7 ta . ^£ n on].imd!fora”lo aMheVNert.mrket prices, ^..rnockthau erer otfered/bere.. Calf g^^Mtcnfed' 4 ^ m August 11^^ mmriniijiTi -w- WILL PAY THE niGIIEST PRICE .For. fcsow HSfiP* „ ran- f. ]VJ Administrator’s Bale. IT virtue oft REFINED KEROSENE OIL, Njv. 17tU 18GG. L. F*. WELCH. AN or LINAGE. B E it Ordained J>yt d « Mayor & Council of the City of Albany: That the Alley in said Cify. between Kidd’s Hotel and the Store of Richardson Talbort & Co., and be tween Broad & Pine Streets, is hereby made a pub lic side-walk, and subject to tho same laws, regula tions and restrictions as all other side-walks in the City. v. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances mutilating against this Ordinance be and the same arc hereby repealed. Approved Nov. 17th I860. G. J, WRIGHT, Mayor. Attest: J. F. CAllGLE, (Berk. Albany, Nov. 24th, 18GG. 8t.~ TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Finest Gold and Silver Watches, Keyless Ciibonomkters, the most accurate and perfeet timekeepers made for the Pocket. Patent Levers and Horizontals, by the best Ameri can, English and European Manufacturers. ELEGAUT JEWELRY. Ladles’ ami Gents’ Fine Gold Chains. Signet and Gem Rings. Pins, Sleeve-Studs and Buttons^ Brooches, Seals, Keys, and Masonic Emblems. ^Wedding Rings, GOLD AND SILVER THIMBLES, Superior Gold Pens with Diamond Points. Silver and Plated Ware. Rogers, and Wostcnholras’. superior, first class Cuttlery, Dinner and Desert Sets, Razors, Scissors, Pocket Knives, &e., &c. 3 PA 5vOv S§3.© Writing and Dressing Cases, Wallets, Pocket Books, Toilet Sets, Combs, Brusnes, &c., &c. arrant d Genuine Meerschaum Pipes & Stems Umbrellas, Walking Canes, &c., &c. Musical Instruments, Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Flutes, Accordions, and MUSIC BOXES. % PISTOLS, of Colts’, and the most approved Manufacturers. Caps and Cartridges, nil sizes, and of bbst quality. Clocks and Regulators, Eight day and 30 hour accurate Timekeepers Bgy* Arrangements have been made with the leading manufacturing houses by which special orders for Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware, Diamond and Gem Jewelry, Fire Arms, &c., will be executed with accuracy and dispatch, and on the most FAVORABLE TERMS. BggT All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jew elry Cleaned and Repaired la an efficient and economical manner. Gold, Silver and Specie Bouslit. Sold and Exchanged. v Watch and Jewelry Store, BROAD STREET, - - ALBANY, GEO. S, STRAUS. Albany, October 27,18G0 v. ' lyr c3tly Sig-pfftrcCES^pR TOr—r - JONES & CUTLIFF, A T ,-R A TXT~V~ J QA. Hi part as follows: 50 bbls A, B and G, Crusl 2 hhds and 5 bbls Muscoa 15 sacks Rio Coffee. ^ 6roLW‘-‘ Java Coffee ' '75 bbls an l 50 saoks and half sacks Flour. G bbls Cuba Molasses.' . i.'Oh1>l8 Sugar House Syrup, r/V 200 cKoacq Hams.. . Kew Mackerel, in barrels, half barrels, quarter barrels, and kits. ‘ - In Fine Groceries, our Stock eaniiot be excelled. ' ^ j LADAS’. DRESS 0QDS, : SILKS, MERINOES, WOOtr-DwtANES. PRESS CLOTH, EMHROloeRIES, ' . LACES, RIBONS, HATS, ARTIFICIAL. ' " ’ BLOWERS, BONNETS AND HOODS, HOSIERY A N D S 11 O E S, DRESS TRIMMINGS—all colors, AND OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONS. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, <fcc., <fec, r &c. A General; Aasortmeni of , ' . ' „ Boots, Shoos, Hats and Caps, ; Ready made clothing, —Gent’s Furnishing Goods,— Fine Cloths and Cassimeres, SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS, Together with .everything usually kept in a first- class Dry Goods and Clothing Establishment, all of which I-will.sell at Savannah Cash Pnicxs. < Give me a Call, and I will guarantee satis faction., , ' ■ E. ZACRARJAS. South side of Broad Street, at Jones & CutlifFs ' Old Stand,'Albany, Ga. Soplember 8th, 1866. 3in. T H JS BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. J.G Hi ME S, Is now prepared to uiake to efder Gentlemens’ fine Boots and ; Shoes, out of the finest and Best j French Calf-skin—also, French Morocco Shoes for Ladies. All work warranted to’give satisfac tion. Repairing done promptly. Call at South Side Broad Street, _ up-stairs.ip McGuire’s brick block, opposite to Dr Jennings’ office. Albany, Ga., August 25th;i8GG. Staple and Fane j .JL, Articles are too numerous to,mention—but of the very best, quality, and at the Tk^ry Lowest Wo offer Ten Barrels of ^Georgia Corn Whiskey, at $2,5G to $2.75 per gallon, and good Bourbon at ' . : ; $2,25 to'$2,50* Bourbon for $3 to $4/ ' • • •; - if We also offer a large stock of -F*in© and. ILiaTiors, and os wo .buy. and sell ouly ron CASH, we offer BARGAINS. : x, r ’- >' i '.u. MB ..,,.. JIB §M : , OPPOSITE LANIER E0X7SB 3 sxs^cacE>s-r e Sep 29. 66 - .... ; ’ wSa .Vi. U; j, n. ANDEUSON 5 LOUIS F. ANPERSOX, .J. T. V _ R E EflY A L- “ imtimmm& J. H. M. a con,, G- a ., -. '. vV:\' S ’AVE romoveil from (heir »ld eland fo their ' - .NEW STOREon Pdplaretreet, between Second : Third etreot«,_wbere they keep ^constantly on ~H .US. 1 hnnd a large and coihpleteVstook of GROCERIES,.. PROVISIONS, and PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Agonta for Pratt’s COTTON GINS, end IRON TIBS—BAGGING and ROPE, always on.? and. ■ ■ We solicit consignmentaof Produce and Cotton, and are prcparal "to. receive ‘and sell Cotton Tor v ’V'l MM O...I !.?■!.. Cl n • KttT . M MM ■ .. y ”' r ‘ , ■' ^ Plauteru. Commlsssion nr Storage, 50 cents p*r bale—Selling 1J per cent. ' - ' - Macon, Sept 15,18GG. - . 8nF W. J. LAWT05, J. L. XDXOBDSOS, R. r.LAWTOK.; . " ' ' '' Jrown House Street, • Macon, Q-0t>rgiav W HOLESALE ^ealees iv r Bagging,.Rope, Corn, Bay, OatSi Bacon, Flour, Sugar,, t Coffee^ I«eather, Mackerel, &c,^.&c. Having removed to our Commodious .Store on ; . Fourth street, and having ample storage room. we - have concluded ta oocept Consignment of Cotton, ^ ; ^ ‘ '* 7 Bacon, Flour, &o., &<r., in bulk. r Cash order* promptly attended to. Lawton, Lawton & Co. -. hfacon, Sept. 15, 1866 3m I 2ST' QUOCSSISS AND SAM’L P. dell, QEO. W. WYLKT, IIENRT X. OIIXTStlAN BELL, WILEY & CHEISTlAi^''V OTT c nfact°ks ; v 15) - -. - - ■j"'- v '- General Commission s IS NOW UNDER WAY AT J. f. SEYMOUB’S, Cherry Street, Maoon, G-eo. of all disoriptions of Produce and Merchandise, ' and liberal advances made on consignments to’us,_ : or friends, in Boston, New-York, Philadelphia', Bal timore and LiTerpool. . . t -. September 15, I860 la» •' Hardeman & gumas, - R ENEW the tender of their services to the Plan-' ; ’ i ten of Georgia, and the Public generally, a* Merchants, Planters, and Others May Find it to their Interest to Give Him Jl Call. HIS MOTTO IS CHEAP FOR CASH! Ware House and Commission ’Merchants/ and are prepared to receive, store, snd^ell'.CoUon. ', " or other produce entrusted to their care We flatter. < ■ ourselves that sn experience of thirty years in the business will enable" us to give entire • satisfaction' - to those who entrust their business in our hanus. In the sale of Cotton, especially, bur knowledge of the markets, and particularly of those' who wish to purchase, and the quality and grades of cotto»‘ ' desired by them, will enable: us to sell cotton o» ' .. advantageous terms than the ^producer can—; He is now Receiving a Heavy Supply of Western Produce snd our reference is to planters from erery see- : 1 tion of the State, whoso interest wo hare for years struggled to mainWin and promote. ‘ Out 12th 66 ' V 8m \ - ^ AND GENERAL GROCERIES* ■ ■ - “ HENRY HORNE, r*rrfr- O FFERS for sale at Lowest Macon Prices, for BRfffflDffj Ib 0 P Gj Olid • X’W 1II 6^ CASH, “■ ”* • *- ■ GROCERIES. Family and Plantation Medicines. Cologne, Pomades, Soap, Combs, Brashes, Knives, Cigars, : Fresh. Garden Seed, &c., &6- at Wholesale, at Very. Low Prices. L. E. WELCH; Druggist. Albany, November 17, 66 -Ty. ■ >tf WILKINSON, WILSON & 00,» COTTON FACTORS -isit- . . General ton Agents tot the purchase and sale of all kinds of Cottdii HomesticSy Fancy Hams, Beef Tongues. A- B. C. Sugar, Crashed and Powdered Sugar, Powder Shot and Caps, Flour, all grades^ U. '2 Grackers. nil kinds, Cigars of all grades, Smoking lo- ; bacco, Chewing .To- ■ bacco, Copcras, ' - - and Salt, . - Mackerel, Cod Fish . - ' (?* Herring; Blue Fieh,. White - i.’-o- Fish, Bluestone, Matches.^oapS, - Sauces, Pepper, Playing Cards, Spices. Gjifectioiieries: Mnooh. stick Candy, Northern stiok candy, Frenoh stick candy, Gam dropsr-Liqdor drops. Cake Trim- mingSi CoCoaiWts, Aimimds, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Figs, Citron, VCorrants, > Raisins, English Pioklps),American Rickies, Jellies and Prcscrvcsz i^QUORS:; „ jl.' . By Barrel, Gallon, or Botile, 6tard, Dnpuy & Co. Brandy,' first quality 1‘inett, Castillone Co. Brandy, first quality. American brandy, Holland Giitv American Gin, Cabinet Whis p. . 0 **USET, XiEW YOR2 —— 0 A T> Attcntiotrto sales Albany Loogo JNO. 44 r By.V John Jacks m; Alb any, Ga. W. H. Young, Columbus, Gti. 1 Atkins, Dunham & Co. Apia F - “ • * 0l >ng & Woods, Eufaula Vliis *Lodgn. arc < Oct 27,: • - ’ 18C0 Jofi Work executed at t>ed of v s < yle. Also, btankfi very description. [ •. ’ 1IIF, regular rirtt Sviid fAii^ Friday nights ‘“ne brethren will please. lake^dM notice and govern < iremaeWesaeeerdinz.y. n.^r:c; SVEN J3th,.»«Ck4^-- Liberal Advances made on Consignments. , Office No. S Stoloxiid's Lowhk nixox, BAY STREET, SAVAYXAII, GA. Ui B.^Wilkinson f ofNewmin, Ga. zjjw v, . ' • B. J. Wilson, formerl^of Okcefuskee Cotton Mills, Alabama. V. n. Wood, of th, late firm J. W. Raljun & Co., Savannah. Oct G, 1866 52— NAILS, TOBACCO, . ClfiARS, \ . LORILLARD’S SNUFF, SCOTRH and MACABOY. SMOKING TOBACCO (various bands.) LIIJUvidj fm Ihiiavlo »»<* Vnian J^OP I» BUYlftS. I promiso to do'my best to please. - 1 have a strong force of industrious Young Men, ready .to put up your purchase?! with expedition, having em ployed additionnl help. , J. fi. SE1MOOR. Macon, Oct 27, 66 . - ..’4; t XlQ. MBTAUC BURIAL: CASES , of1857^very fine; pld Bourbon Whiskey; Tusca loosa whiskey, cheap grade; Parker & Co’s, whisky,. NOTICE. TWO months after the d^te of thtt notice I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchelt county for leave to sell -all the land? belonging to tfie es- taxejoC Thomas.Cumbic, deceased. 4 . SIMEON ^ECE, Adm’r. viiw.! - . >»v to—'t, cheap grade.. Fruits and Vegetables: Havana Oranges, Northern Apples, Western Apples cabbagesj onions, potatoes, lemons aijd grapes,. Having along experience in tlic Coifectioner.y line and having a person-selecting my Fruits and Vege tables in the North, I can offer very ments to COUXTRY MERCHANTS. Smallest Profits—QaicK Sales—Cash Terms yffi- All orders promptly filled. Satisfaction guaranteed.. oct 27 8m LONG. & THOMPSON’S Under the Printing Office ON BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GEORGIA. J? Georgia, Worth County. OIXTY days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of said county for. leave to sell tho land belonging to the cstf-tf of. Leroy Kenedy, deoeased. . JOHN M. KENEDY, A4m.’r. Nor. 17th, 1?** v - FINE ASSORTMENT of METALIC COFFINS _ _ from the smallest to thelargest sizes havo just been received by Qs, and will be kept always-on hand. Persons desiring Coffins of this kind can purchase them cheap by calling on LONG & THOMPSON. Albany, Feb 23th, 18G6. 14—tf Paper and Envelopes. J^ARHE.Stock, end very clieep, et lire Atben m- AltHAH, OBOq,OIA, < PECIAT,. Attention given to orders fer purcheie ^ iytftJ : e. LIBERAL ADVANCES made oq Cotton in Store. . -,. 1 . Our ^efforts will be to pleasothose qjto patronize '.,... • * M; We ere now prepared to de riMI - ■ '■ :■ ' 1 ■' .if 5 , ALL KINDS —r- ■’ -=■ ■■e'A C'fF 5 - • V • ■tjAT THIS OFFICE, {. ’, *>' * . •' ■ V.. ■:; a v v’j m With Neatness and Dispatch ■ * -••' —■ r ~3 1. •.vgj.'i ~ TO EzBUT! .. P »» ! IE “FLOYD PLACE,” in the First _ District of Lee county, will be rented 4 to the highest bidden at the Court House t in Starkville, on the first Tuesday in De cember next. - ; The place contains more tSi hundred acres' open land, in a good state ulti J. tion, and as good t if not - ‘ The Best Laud in Lee county, A comfortable dwelling, good gin house, gin and screw, and is as well watered as could be desired. Personal security; and mortgage on unencumber-1 ed real estate will be required. I am authorized state (hat seed-corn, cotton seed, anti stock os~ purchased on the place, if desired. Nov 10, St* K. J. WARREN, Trustee. 10 Thornbum’s CARDEN Now is the time to buy, AU>ioly,Njr w»b«r 17,1866