Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, November 12, 1823, Image 1

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\\ A. h ‘; iIC MESSKNGr.R, IS rrfILXSHED WEEKLY BY OS?.&itOI3UTSON, I ,l,.liars a year, in advance, £J. Jollard if not paid within <ne will be inserted at rL.nvß cr*ts per - n, r ir ,t insertion, and fifty cents i each'coil timwncc. Advertise,nents t Hn ,i, e a when handed in, will be pried till ft>rbil - Notice of sales of land and ; r * * bv Administrators, Executors, U.>” required t> law- < . heriised in a public Gazette.staty vs previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal pro rtv must be given in like manner ■hi davsprevious to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors estate must be published for •/ii (lavs. , Notice that application will be made the Court of Ordinary for leave to |! land, must be published (or nine inths. 1!IE subscribers have opened a Store in Macon, Bibb county, di ;tly on the bluff, near the ferry, in j store of Dr. Ingersoll, where they hr for sale, low for Cash the follovv : .articles, —viz— -100 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bcon 00 bush. L. I*. Sait, 10 bbSs prime Pork, 10 do Whiskey 3 do Gin, 6 hogsheads Whiskey 5 hints N. O. Sugar, 2 do Molasses 2 bbis Jamaica Sugar 1 do loaf do, 10 bags Coffee 2 chests Tea, 2 kegs 1). P. Powder MO hags shot, 6 boxes Candles 4 boxes Soap, 4 kegs Tobacco 2 casks London Porter 7 do Nails, assorted nugh Moulds adeira, Teneriffe & Claret Wines tnair.a and Northern Hum gnac Brandy, Holland Gin f/’per, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre r Lead, Plow'Lines, Vied Cords ace Chains, Grade’s patent Hoes id, stock, and closet Locks otron Cards, Curry Combs fockerv Ware, assorted irn, tortoise, bone and ivory Combs assorted, Pins and Needles do at!, mould and metai Buttons do m, pocket, and Spanish Knives and Forks, assorted ulies morocco, leather, and prunella Shoes, do, Gent's Shoes & Bootees iascs gentlemen’s beaver, imitation, and merino Mats, assorted )se Blankets, Blue Bucking “een Baize, Cassirneres, Oznaburgs anruds, assorted jtton and linen Shirting do i'll, Russia, and cotton Sheeting do nng Lawns, Domestic Plaids [iron Checks, Bed ‘Ticking ussia Duck and Drill alios and gent’s Hose, assorted tihlrens do, Ribbons, assorted men, cotton, and Oznaurg ‘Thread apes, cotton Cord, Bobbin allies and gent’s Gloves, assorted won and cotton Cambric do allcoes and and Ginghams, do orsuckors and printed Muslins irnituve Calicoes and Chintz ambric Dimity ull,book, and jackonet muslins oriuo, } ulencia and silk Shalls •Ron and Cassimere assorted do ioncia Scarfs, Inserting Trimmings ‘-lin Dresses, Tamb’d Muslins ‘■rolineand imitation Plaids unbazettes, Union Stripes, French, Nankin, and Yellow do. assorted • lf k Sinchews, and green Florentine . a:ik, n ‘"id Canton Crapes ana Barcelona Handk'fs •■k l tnbrelias nganly and Turkey Red Shalls ’"'•''da. Toil’t N Marseills Vestings ‘cnilemen's Cravats “gel her with a number of other ar- Uf,s ; ,ow numerous to mention. ’ ‘ hi ral price will be given for Cow ID *s, &c. Kc. J. & A. BENNETT. ,, r/ or Sl *b‘ by the subscriber, ” h'bo'Ving tracts of LAND. • ■’ , ‘.ith List. Houston 2024 acr. 5 “ Dooly 202} lob 7 u £ ()0 j c'-I 1 “ “ 202} -J- 6 Henry 2()o$ < Early 250 ° llc hand COACHEE, ILir p** 11 ', IJDRBK, which will be sold lor Cash. JOSEPH BENNETT. A ‘W 4. 5m , :0 vor. v uawKiKS, (Georgian Wednesday, koveairer \•>, is-. r | IIE Legislature of this State hav- JL ing enacted that the house ofJohn Keener shall be the place of holding superior and Inferior courts, and oth er pub,lie business for Bibb county, un til (he Justices of tire Inferior Court shall have selected a place for thatpur* pose,and given public notice thereof- And believing that (he building now on the lot in the town of Macon, de signed for a court-house, 6lc. will he sufficient to accommodate said courts : It is therefore ORDERED, that from and after the of December next the before mentioned lot in tbe town of Macon shall be the place of holding Superior and Inferior courts, and doing other public business, and that the same be published in one of the public Gazetts of this .State. JOHN DAVIS, J. I. C. C. W. RAINES, J. /. C. M. ROBERTSON. J. L C. November 3, 1823. \onci N INE months after date applica __ tion will he made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Warren County, for leave to sell Owe tract containing 25U acres of land, being lot no. 166 in the sixth district of Early County— One other tract, containing 450 acres in Warren county, adjoin ing lands of Little Bryant and others. One other tract, in Warren county adjoining the beforementioned tract. ALSO— Two Negroes, Viz. Marga - ret, a woman, and Anthony a man—all being the real estate of Samuel tlien late of said county dec’d. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. S. ALL EX, Adm’r. March 20th 1823. ni9m Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable fnferiot Court of ‘lwiggs county when sitting for ordinary purposes tor leave to sell one tract of land con taining two hundred and eleven acres, more or less, lying in the county of Washington,’ near SandersviUe ; being the property of Josiah Vastier, deceas ed, lute of Twigirs county. H ILLIAM PERRY, Adm’r de bonis non. July 7, 1823 I6m9m A dmiuistvator’s V:v\e. tSHEJ ILL be sold at the house of V t Wm. P. Hardwick, in Jefferson county, on the Ist Saturday in Decem ber next, AW the pevsouai property belonging to the estate of George 1. Sloan, deceased.—Terms of sale, cash. Wm.P. HARDWICK Adm’r. October 15, 1823. *td*So A dvninistvatovs Sa\e. a G REE ABLE to an order of the nk Honorable the Inferior Court of .TeiVei smi county, will be sold, on the First Tuesday in January next, One NEGRO BOY about 17 years old, being the property ol Johu Pat i idge, deceased. Terms made known on the day ol Sale. JAMES T. HUDSON, Adm’r. Oct. 19th, 1823. fds29 3VOTVCE. INE months after date, applica- j tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordinary of Jefferson county for leave to sell _ t owe tract oV hand containing 202: acres being known by _ lot No. 209, in the 15tn (list. (Old) YY ilkinson county, it being the real estate ol John Pat ridge, late of Jefferson county, (1 CC^(J J AMES T. HUDSON, Adm'r. Feb. 21st 1823. I>l9n> ‘ isssr Write, Sheriffs Deeds, comtuon do. Sheriffs Y>d\s o\ Sa\e, dwvov's Summons, Justice’s do. do. VxecvWvows, Svd)\iowas, Givuiuts, &.c. V\>v sa\e at this othce. DlA'tN&lT 3H'©sfaa,* Mm. TPHE Subscribers respectfully in -• f‘nn their friends and the public, (hat the Macon Hotel is so far com pleted as to be ready for the reception <4 t raveliers and Boarders. It is sit uate on Poplar-street, immediately on the road leading from the Ferrv to wards the Agency, and to Forsyth in Monroe county, &,c. No exertions will be wanting to render the situation of boarders and travellers as comfortable as possible. BOOTH & WILSON. Macon, Sept. 1 st, 1823. t/24 Geovgui- - ’ vhcvson ( 1 oui\t\. M HERE AS Wni. P. Hardwick, Esq. applies for letters of administra tion on the estate of George I. Sloan, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credit ors of said deceased, tube and appear at my office, within the time prescri bed by Law, to shew cause, (if any,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of October , 18.23. John G. Jiosticlfj, n. c. c. o. 30—(>w* •\dm\v \stva\ov’s Sv\\e. ILL be sold in the Town of v Macon, on the first Tuesday in January next, Twenty-ow Kcproes \>e longing to the estate of William W. Dawson, deceased, consisting of Men, \\ oqien, Boys, Girls, and Children.— Sold under the authority of the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, for the benefit of the creditors of said estate.’ ‘Terms made known on the day of Sale. Ch,,rlt* ItaUoelc, j Martha a. JJausun, f November sth, 1823. Ids 33 Sheriffs Si\\v\ ON the first Tuesday in December next, w ii l>e sold at the house , ofMaj. John Keener, the appointed , place of holding Court for Bibb county 1 —between the usual ‘ ours ol sale, the following property, \ iz. ’i'w* hundred two and a half acres; of land know nby Lot No. 22G in he ; 4th dist. formerly Houston, now Bibb county adjoining No. 225 and 227. — j Levied on as ihe propert y ol Charles Langford to satisfy a li la in iavor ol llenry Biding vs. said Langford. —202,} acres of Land known by No. 110 ‘lithe 4th dist. formerly Houston, but now Bibb county ad joining No. 109 and 111— Levied on as die property of Benjamin Devane to : satisfy a fi fa in favor ot Stephen Cork- j er, vs. said Devane. —202} acres of land known by No. 35 in the -4th dist. formerly Hous ton, now Bibb county, adjoining lands of James Fitzgerald and others, taken as the property of Joseph Jcnes to sat isfy a Ii fa in favor of James Cleghorn vs. said Jones.—Levied onand return ed to me by Jeremiah Baugh constable. Also— 2o2} acres of land, known bv No. 40, in the 4th dist. formerly Houston, now Bibb county —adjoining No. 39 and Daniel Hughs,—taken as the property of Reuben Hightower to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor ol \Y oodly & Bell and others.—Levied on and returned to me by Jeremiah Baugh constable. Also— 2o2} acres o r land, whereon YY iley Dorman now lives, known by No. 271 in the 13th district, formerly Monroe, now Bibb county, adjoining lots No. 240 and 274—taken as the property of George Lavender, to satis fy sundry fi fas in favor of James 11. Kirkpartrick, vs. said Cavender. —Le- vied on and returned to me by Jere miah Baugh, constable. Also —Three Negroes,viz: Ilarri ct, a woman about 28 years old, Nelly a woman about 24 or 25 years oid and Harriet her child about 2 years old, all levied on as the property of John McMurrian to satisfy two fi las in fa vor of \\ illiam C. Phillips and Angus McLeod vs. said McMurrian. Terms ofSale — Cush. EDMUND C. BEARD, Stiff. October 28th, 182.3. tds—32 ®aa* r|WO good 40 saw Cotton thus JL fur sale.—For further informa tion. apply at this office. Aug-4, 1823. NrYu CLooU.ti. .1. &. S. STOJSE, Have just received from Savannah and Providence, and are now opening in Macon and New ’lown the follow ing Goods—viz : Jamaica and N. K. Rum Cog. Brandy, Northern Gin Malaga and Current YYine Brown and Loaf Sugar Coffee, Chocolate Dupont’s Powder, Shot, Lead Brown and Shaving Soap, Candles Spanish Segars, Tobacco M uscatel Raisins Writing Taper Nails assorted Dry Fish, Cheese Spice, Ginger, Copperas, &c. Domestic Goods—consisting of Sattinetts, Plaids, Checks Furniture Checks Bleached Shirtings Brown do. A large assortment of Shoe 9 and Boots of all kinds Men's lamb’s wool half Hose, white and mixed Ladies’ worsted Stockings Do. Cotton do. Men’s Buckskin Gloves I)o Beaver do. Fur and Wool Hats Leghorn and Straw Bonnets Br-mdi lotiis, Calicoes, Cambritks Muslins, Cravats Flag and German Handkerchiefs Point and Dufile Blankets Red, White, and Yellow Flannel. Also, an assortment of Cutlery and Crockery YYare, Medicines, Perfume ry &c. together with many other arti cles, and with their former stock make a general assortment, w iiich they will sell very low for Cush. Nov. 5, 1823. 33 Y’ WyUh\, §s©: BUSHELS OF /1< > X t \ uUA. Apply at this Office immediately. November sth. 33 ts .YoWee. ’VJ INE montlis after date, applica -4 tion will be made to the honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell lot number one hundred and twenty-eight, in the fifth District of Monree county, be longing to William 11. Connelly, a minor. In the mean time ail persons are cautioned against trespassing on said land. Littlebehry Bostick, Guardian. May 22, 1823. m9m. (ieoY£\a--.leffurson Camity. 1 )R7 HERKAS Robert Fleming ap y ? plies to me for letters of admin istration on the estate ofAdin Powell, late of said county deceased/—These are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law\ to shew cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 23d day of October 1823. R. B. SHELMAN, c. c. o. *6vv—32 YOT\CV.. f INE months from this date, aj i.Nl plication will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave (o sell AW the vea\ estate of John 1). Williams, deceased, late of said county. Timothy Matthews, Adm. de bonis non. 19th May, 1823. m9mlo Kot\ce. Vi 7 HERE AS Anthony R. Chcat • ham, administrator, and Cath arine 1.. Matthews, administratrix ot \N illiam Matthews, late of Jefferson county, deceased, apply to me for let ters dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad- j monish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, iu such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist day of July, 1823. John G. Bostick, u. c.c. o. July t. m6ml9 .WAV WATUb-UOl SE. ROBERT MALONE, AUG US TA G Eolt G Li. leave to acquaint his friends T ,0 and the public, that he is now en gaged in building a large and conven ient if Alt E-HOUSE, at the upper end North side llroad street, in a nit nation as secure from fire as any other establishment of the kind in this city, and in the immediate vicinity where the principal part of the Cotton sold from waggons in this place is purcha sed—lt is now in order for the recep tion of Cotton, and will be entirely completed by the Ist of October next. A tender of his services is made \o the Planters and Merchants in the up country in selling and receiving Cot ton in Store,the purchase and forward ing of Goods —Re assures tiiose who may favor him with any business, that a strict personal attention will be given to their interest. Augusta, Aug. 26. 25—6 t. JVOttCfc. VV ILL he sold at the late resi ▼ ▼ deuce of Jethro B. ceased, late of Jefferson County, on Thursday the 23d day of October next AW the property belonging to said estate, consisting of Negroes, one Horse, and Household and Kitchen furniture. — Terms made known on the day of sale, by Littleton Spivey, Adm’r. Sept. Bth, 1823. 27— * ids UV MOVAL. ROBERTSON & CRANBERRY jg ‘-i AVE removed their stock of s* f Goods to the Store lately occu pied by Capt. A. Meriwether, oppo site Mr. Coleman’s tavern Sept. 22. 27 We are authorised to an nounce SPENCER RILEY a candi date for the office of Sheriff for this county. w e arc authorised to an nounce JONATHAN A. HUDSON a candidate tor the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorized to an nounce HERMAN. H. HO"’ AMD a candidate for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorised to an nounce Capt. HENRY G. ROSS, a candidate for the office of Sherilf for this county. We are authorised to an nounce ISAIAH CHAIN, Esq. a can didate for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorised to announce JOEL RUSH IN, esq. a can didate for the office of Sheriff of this county. — -- - - - We are authorised to an nounce GEORGE GRANDER RY, Esq. a candidate for the office of Tax Collector for this county. We are authorised to an nounce Capt. CHARLES INGRAM, *a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Inferior Court for this countv. We are authorised to an nounce GEORGE B. WARDLAW a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Interior Court for this county. We are authorised to announce Col. D. 8. BOOTH a candi date for the office of Clerk of the Supe rior Court of this county. We are authorised to announce MATTHEW HOPPER a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this county. We art authorised to an nounce CHARLES L. HOLMES a candidate for the office of Coroner for this coutuy. IKLAaSB OF KVEKY DKSCRJPTION, Vov sale at this Office. •Vo. vn