The Macon daily confederate. (Macon, Ga.) 1863-1864, June 14, 1864, Image 1

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VOL. 11. DAILY CONFEDERATE Aubicription ami AdvcrtUinK. TKRMts op stnmctiFTioN: Da ’y Con'ertarate One Month ? rt . 5> Daily Contoterate Tiro Month* 7 •,: * Thru* Monsna I*> (** So received lor a longer period than tfcr?e Months, Tlv A Mark signifies that the time paid ’or has expired. RkftS OF ADVERTISING. Tor one Square— ten line* or U*» -each inaertDn Two Cellar. tar* Term* Cvh, No attention pai lto any order «ale»s accompanied by the utoat>. t«ik iKti.i.Ncj r< runs. TiicJ’aris corrcspondcn. of the New York IJeralJ, writes as follows ouder d.ito of May I3tli : At no time ducit J Ihe [>«(. vo»r hare tlie rebe ls who kwailu ,in j*; ri. seuiied to be i.i sue: e »1G i'qyqr a*>u ■ >' I'onfidetit ot iT:e near :if'- JiluH li o! success of llielr tnv L< I scheme, imy e::*? great cmilid ttiec. and m some cases have even otter ii bets upon the defeat of (Jen. (/mat's army by Lee; ami eve* aoticip: ;c Lie capture of Washington by the p hosts. This done, they asset.. List France and England wnl iinntec iately recognize the Confederacy, au.l that be fore the year is closed they will have at least twenty in u olad vessels, now imikis iig in European p irts, atlas,, and peev ing oil our coinmoice. If tin, present campaign, however, docs not terminate the war, they state bo! l.y that it s the intention of the rebel Government to place i nil3 In the hands of a quarter ol a million of negroes, who, iluy nsse it, will be delighted to light for the inde pendence of the “Sunny South." The correspondence ot tie MnO'eiir, which professes to coino fiom New York, bit wliicli is really nude up here in their foreign olli :u, contmiiaily repre scuts our foreign ait'uir* in the very worst possible light. The letteis pub lisbed witiiiii the last f.;W days make out a ilcsp rate case against us, and it is, evident that the Government, desirous as it is that wesboi'l fail, is strong y induced to believe »!-o tli it wo w ill. With tlie present pn 3- p 'Cts of peace in li ;rope, volt mav i.m assured that ii Napoli-..n can find nnv reasoiiahle pretext lor if, lie, w ill pivi li is Southern friends at least the tner.i! aid of a recognition of their existence as a nation. 1 hazard the prediction that, should Grant be beaten, a mouth will lint elapse before Mr. Slidell is received I in li is official capacity at the Tuilcrics, Fait EnjI'OII JOS TEN Pcllaes— j One night uot long sicca prisoner a' _one ot the prison prut in this ja'.y fijribi U,,, the sentinel, ash« thought into an w quiescence to his escape, and threw id itn a ter dollar “Grei aback" to clou the bargain. The sentinel took it tip ! and uoddiuw, Yankee cominciictd clan: o j cries' out of the window and lowering, himself down. All. at once he was’ challenged by the sentinel, who drew a dead “bend' 1 on him. “Get back there, gone dang you, or i'll blow a butt n through you. The Yankee reminded the sentinel of bis bargain, and inquited if he didn’t agree to let hint go. “Yes," replied tho' audacious rebel in rags, “but von have got far enough lor ten dollars. \\'o roll it by the foot here. Get back there” So the Yankee “got hark." | and tho speculative sentinel commenced his‘ lonely round" turning over in Ins mind the probable premium on "gr ct . bucks,” and the mm to !•.<■ r -a!ir. I in Conl'edtlate "promises.”— Mich. ns -» A M-mtri al correspondent of tin C arleston CounW say-> : ! According t.> Aiioiuion papers, N w Yo k olty—timb r the udmiiTmunti n r.f tin n .-w Mayor G.nltrrj Climber, an nvow ■ I Sympathiser wi ll Viie SotlUi—is getting t j be a not lied ot icljilbim Twenty finals and Sum tuners Iron it conquer,-d turiit.. ly me said to be living tlu-te, toil tbe s v- I enty thounui I democrats in that city are ; ctimved with being tpiite as rampant steer- . sionisls. 1 runeiiibei tbat when 1 peso-, ttiroujli New York s r n 1 w.-iks ;t e- . i heard 1 1 >0 ‘heajtli o! Ji If Davie and slice, s.- , Ol the Confcds’’— the toast more than mice, and I udly given at that—in he bit' loom ( I tin- St. Nicholas Hold. One aight id-oiu twelve o’clock, 1 heard a party ot revellers ( pass down liroadway, singing the “I3onnio , lilii -F. ig’ at the lop of their lungs. On an | i thcr occasion sonic leminine was boi'iny tb« hotel piauo with, “My MarylanJ" i t j vocal are -an pani ment. George YV ilki-c Al.olb-ioa e.'.ilur Ol the Cyx; t'f the T calls loudly l- r Beast Butler as Mi'ilury Governor ot New York. jy The Homing P id comm, nt'ng n-pon | the Federal paclice ol foisting forged di ( li men tson 1 ■ M.-j.-siy’s government, con eludes its at ;ele w ith the lo'lowitig gentle but significant w arning : • For the ai-cond Line this sprcics of fraud baa been Bucces-liilty practiced upon tiie Government and |-e. p!o ol Great Ur.tain. to cast a grave shadow ot ib uni over OJimuun’cat oin of a similar cbaracler which may be here*lter made l.y Ihe United Slates Government. Inlcrnaiionat courtesy may rMpiife that statements made withs Hindi gravity should be icspecifully onsid ered, out Lie frequent use of such imana a v.-.-re empl yed ie Lie two cases relerrc l to, to Bli mu I al' Lie I! itiali Governnutiil to net upon evnle-ii-e It.-. i-1 cd by l-Tged papers, is well c.a euK'ed to rn ate a distrust an t a reserve tvb'Cli cannot f.d in li e < nil to pro dm c unpiea.-aut, il not mine ituious conse qucuce.-.' ri-'.*Tii op a ScovNDiiKi..—Col. Andrew J. ItulliL brother ol Lie Bcasl, d.eil Slid di niy in New Yoik on Ins return from New ! Orleans. Tic 1-ft a v y large j i-r --ntl ptopcly so t it- New York ll' fti IL us. valued "t two niillio's ot dollars. This be got by si ding and robbery in New Ot baas, in which the beast was doubtless h s partner; in proof of which is I lie* tact that he )ett half o' hla property to the Beast, one quarter to his own wufow, and one quarter in trust for lus son. iduchun mushing rsseai ly has rarely b»en acted in the Lee o. the world. Stkeie’s Movements. —A correspon dent of the New York Times, in speak ing of n irters in Atkansas, says that Steele’s movements so far have been a cotnple'o failure—a disastrous one, bar«- '* saved Uosu being » perfect rout, UJK«JII' I.iswawi-' _ -wr— n -«r-« -rr'v 4 YK » riiif i n im a i 'iam t> all y (Pifi y ffWl) KR A Sfi a .1. llh id ri Uui 1 1/rll.iJ 1 LJi N L ±hu jlij* n(»ni t it r. mok i :i The Ilia Iny* 'r:.r ol t’c4th ins*. ?R) h : Tii.- NorM.orn people profess t » be •till eluted w.tli Grant's surerss, au.l ei oal ttial his march up b Hie lao».t adnow j mi uiiinL-iiip'e.l sunns ol L.ump's. Tin j /„,.•>/ .'. stilus that the Gof#maieu: Ir.s’i it O ved to - e,e.;,itiale ns lores, eotiei t "tic.i an verwlu-iinlng ton e TV to | rend- r it phv-h illy on ihe reb el-, to and . I'd it sure. - turfy, t opo 's ,01 roll e ; 1 i .'slit ouii rl-n.u ve’eiaii ‘ iroops. Hunter ..also ,Lug in Li- di,".,: tioo, through T-.e ( alley -t Viigin'n, aid ortitT ni l ot v.l. vl. the |*arl.i*olu » ►l'l u«»> •jlvfii wit >uon i iii c ,v.tU ihe araty Ot l*iC i* tounc. A \ n . -uiioM of r,utlcr*!» c i-vp ap pc<*. - in tiio . Atiieti h i*» tv r. rvi c-’Uliy , M p.m 1 t. ;Ui ii.ili l'- knoivloUlti j iipi roYui li la i-taiuunl that lV.itlcTh ih Hcevnif li-bcit ;•'! iii it \\di f xjhwl •! him, | he Iti. * o to fi-Gp: Uu«i« », j re.*U waii , utui n-.i ihilh'f. Jhuh 'j ' bvcweil u b4i: <■ ; JciicN liar, him'ittfuu i\ i ; till’ v . .1 '* IO C" . • -f-trv-P »»rr • TTn-a.ii Ii I ; : Uv»f V- “1 ‘ M ' ,i? “" i. it \v i, - * lemUroJ «-ii is V U ! ! i ► lue ii.- '(>»' twenty-, tv utiil ut j l IC.-'U"! illitfy; i'.oil-ly ildlfo fi*V «U<t' 'iliuul.d , : Ui oi ihuhfi f tiiroui t » i.ectMijy.! -n linn i PcstiuM lum lo oep In* r.v.Uiiad in ;- . i j'.iiiYo lor <r*v, n»l \ J , lor in n ivic'iim'i.u ! xvoul i l in in.' l>ut Uig lime \ I 1 ho \S I H‘l' pi lilU'd Ilia t O.UliiU ilC'-lUUi', Iwvjj' , f . ii ii li.t v b l;li» t. i • p>tM , f' 11 G - tiUl iiau tlUi. >'C!\\\' l«- ! •Ti wi'-iu-\ 1 nU> stale* «h *t luttler iia tun.'t 1 his pO'U on aiH-r hiihdfe h<uT i from •: » -i.t ol Drury liiuli, m.ttmttl hi- , itutiHt ti. M', id i built poiiioon U’i •j, . .(„ \] ’Mf; »t '\. '1 I nt l'f* iiatl u>»»b : »i!r ’ ; :«1 1. v. miJ imcM.fhni Ol tin; Very 1 niVt >‘i lii v '‘P'bi which a pin niptoM o:u4| . •.. ~ j,, j- j im lo jt’i lorce Ot ml, io ii. V. vu'-:iv ti).. 'bi’ht! ti u>i>a HC ÜB.-1 the I ,’vur ; IIM i.miui 1. ' Tli w t .'(»> k .\- ih it the ”‘i‘ v tMuei»l nui'i havr pi-ovio .-ue, „1. t.m t. O * i tich needed re mt-.rit-meotslor Giant .'aided the whole S’.:hi n» * . . , -ID rr-inhs tha f i (icftor.ers! fi.-m I- ainegai .rq-v -c.-uh, Vr him io tint ba'ch, : ,1 Him be:, were nr-.Ving every loain, .I'Pin wl.ieh it i ; aigueil 111 t to" relic, liny i- in a gicatty oca oKtuze ' 1 con ii- Ui)I» . . ihe Mi?a*>npi i repirtnif n* r 4j;*» Itr-i nI) *: a 11V n’»;:n .•’! • 1, ETiri A. J • in.y • r; ,‘wliub »».,.« . iih HinH 1 rend: ( : ren nut- f~ r Mu rirw.u. ; siit-i ii i„ i- sai.t til n- pro r,- : ving admira.j b\, a-.; h - pi"- 1 e<-- lor ihe c ofureelrtl-| ..L.t. at sad mbe ,-r it I but tbe L..’colu go?. ( t'inim c. and ! cep, . Tin- I '.mt C l- n w . .ell met in Bnitimore j ve»l< i .-t.'n is -b. L-d w.. .n-uj j i . .:i- i -i .-1,, .or i.i tVe-idei'.e.y—in lieT n | is a-s- ieu ono .u acr 1 ame was thought | eo'. l . :pr, nin n' men wire spoken! in ivnn .-ini. t.iih tbe Wee 1 'ns.deucy l— ittne - tutis were Li t* oi JJamelr'. liiek I'n, i ,\33 quoted the 2.1 at $'.,9 i; a sl,Ol. —t-ou. 111 . ,t \ OS' ,V STICK! I I'/. On the ad day if lVcembcr, IS.d, j ; rot Ln L-m ot AuaterlilE. Its light re- • , tea,ml ;o Napi.lcun the certainty of the | i .-it.t . viotorv vfthnt tlay. lii3 forced j i eelisiateii of* ifol CO men, occupyhig * i ot heights. 'I lie ulliim Aus- ; Irian nrmy, 9(i.t00 strong, had iolo, twenty lour hours previous, 8 position ' i eij'tui.y strong, on ti.e heighls of J'ro-i loan; on’., t.y s.iillui mauoeiivei mg. | Nnpoliou had ilultleeil them to believe i that lie leaied a bailie, and Dow, a,! ..l eak of day, b , beheld their army, like a huge heft, bating unwound its , coil, g its Gow, poudi roda lettglli mound it* lieu:, in orupr to attack bis ngbl wing. Hie Frei eh nt'itiy raw, with a leail or'» eye, tbe blued.r of the ,adit s. Tho ; , leiig.n ot tin if Inns were exposed, while ! Napoleon, from the turn cucle, could! .aiincb i lie ot the spokis of Lis power 1 lo attack ibuu m any or all quarters, iii.- q- ■ i.iis IVlie eager to begui. “Usd twenty m n.uti sod N'npo- I l-. -in; • when ihe c-ncm v is Tnk-l.g u'ftls-; i :nCv ■ they rmr* i ot be iuterriipieil." '1 I • t«e ity niinntt s o'.ip;cd, tho mo', ,‘ini'i.i »a* u| lute, tiro blunder ir» i'l'triev a. iiii.ii N'poieon -inotmtctl his hoi'-e and sai lto Ins Loops j , | i-i; •*. to-Jay we will finish tlie \ campaign." At An same inn., the order of attack was giv» n, v and the mij»litv. livir.g ana- j i gondii '.a • cut to pi.i t. e UuMiaua, aHe i • tb . egg! at sbiughter, wute re-; : trenting acto-s the t’n-z- n lakes. Na-i i P ’icon iiale along lire, and shout- j ‘ lii:. bpli them ! ciignlph them!'’ J he a' lblerisls elevated their pieces, l and by (hopping their balls from a| height upon the ice, broke it up, and ovcrwli' lined the tiling enemy. it;:- wa* Napoleon'* greatest victory i ; and most brilliant stroke cf genius. [ After-,'v.-ird, on the eve of any battle, lie j ha'd only lo mu nil the soldiers that the i ; .stin of .Vi's., r i’z would look down upon ' heir a lo inspire tliain with the mest ntl.i, divt-tio cociage. The pu'stigii of some saclr achieve incut i.s a highly necessary stimulant lo tbe ..! troops. It inspires them with confidence in their own prowess,! pride their Itadt-r, and a sublime, haughty joy, in the certain'*’ of victory utidei bis eye -'. iitrhhnrri Itrpnhiieun.' I'.il.i'ln: n—Rev. Mr. had traveled nr ;-i j re. h Inn congregation a. . At i :rr tie' sentxin, ii- waited very patiently. ; ev ■ leu :y i vnc iirg -in' 0 of the brethren to ( i vi:e :dn to ili"!'.or. 1 i lids tic was dfs sj.po i. Om alter the oilier d.parted until tl e bo I e vv-iS neatly as empty as the i iiihdslia V s oniccli. Siinnuoni gr, solution,' ho>. evt r. lie w.-n ml up to an eld ily gen j tleln.ut an i g.'avi iy said : ; ‘W ii von cd home lo dinner with me to> , dav bro lier ( ’ “Where do you live f ; “About twenty miles li tn this st." “No;" said the man ueioiiujj, “hot you ' mil t go w ill me ” “Thinkyo: 1 will, cbeetlullv.” ( Aftiriliat time the minister had no ujrrc tpoiinle about dinner. The Wait Sriitir Wantno at the North.— The New York 'l imes of the Ist has a notice cf the report of Super visors of New York city : The conclusions oi the committee with respect to volunteering appear -to ! be tbnt this popular system of recruit ment is exhausted here, and they sug gest that, as they have but about i'soo, Odd at command, aud uo authority to j raise any more money, this sum be re i >etvtd to fslim poor met), having MACON, UA„ TUESDAY MORNING, -U'N K 11, LSOT, gfianulii's fio support, who mav hereafter ; he drafted. I! may be teti ark-J, v: j jnissanl, that volunteering de lmt- wilir il.e cosMttiutt of -liie’ payment' l of I'ye national bounties. jsu ri’t:Min Avi: n>it eto u Ttie pr'. lent ILrUir’s gap. bine » , wo ul n wlnintci via'rr.iay . oTi'', oj rum >r'nil thi"e wss * Win on '••be 'i n old * lUjwtcrciHS nwir Li, jr- —au.qviss i lo Ii me sir." cave rum ly v o-U l.y ym itiiglrllli W i> i'll fh-ket. I tic C i- • > tn-'e.l to ».\'ion-, the i ive .rn ae ona' ni ,hs ohm-us vap* rs issuiio; li'um t-.o..«'peniag ol it. Tbe ladies. God tfi.-ss >m, ev- ri s-!v to resoe dto lln-,c e.illa ot luinia ■ :\ lii'.riie/., ii HicTx-sCUe, nut ilieir tmil-.-.l i -e a w.-ic iiisutuciout-to, i Niriipue tbe si rer. hi.-, | , ,\l iTt-s, inedie.antifc. ti.r i. L'i- divfi-t ion, and Stugeen powi'is ut ' Ar 'ny • M •■)'- S'lt tor, lolcr V : I'll*. -•-• ',l : 1.1 bdjel, Ue) P')"l' b) W VV-.3 n..:- ! Ug.'in ' g - ,m>,. -i:., w* - ill! '-it - r»e Ig r.;-.-d .13 J-.1.-I ll.irdsmi j,-. U - « ir;-e'inl tii* Li.s u.itnrti.iu i man was " i.>,lii- ! 'll [l ie love a* -ni lac mi,id Bin A . u-i, i*y Ii- Ii libl-r >vil-i I-- ee.en wiu • l lllim l : ar: v. a ..! i.e ii .a Vin i J tbeie ev l si' C i M l- n tvksn on' he wiw cn in lv lie'ptcss i .mis leec. I i.i i,h.::i."l ti y iil.ini, was ; a no: v te-tiiun: o iisu and mi : toelo. He , \\,d not be al ltoL-i II 3 Iroi e in’e 'll - nil ring's b-r yen'-. l,l)» li" s .-iiiii,etl "ip . ev.stcni'e i l "lien 'link unlati uni l ive' - ini Ihiee quiiuis "1 a year, isa-,i stiuo lot - ne it.ideal lu pli-ysiiiegy. — l ni. aqoigj iTomir" Llbtvalf Jlanufafturibg auJ .lliaiiis lottipnu). r ] la Etowah iliuuUGiuiing J Mkdng A. Ooni|)»*nv "f l.tuwili, ini , opt'uU ; i»n oft! <*, t. niJ»..ißiiiy Vii fcuilJ.i £ foi iiuir j !> (iff the li.< Dunk of ! \niiiratk, at t,Mi* I'Ute tor ih«* pui’ ■■ «*-e »ii j \uf uj» liifir oij * A./ jni-’oi..' i..(Wht i cl io * id Coti>[miiv or Using eiaimtf s 1 t.hohi aro r* <{;> sicti to chik! ?■ < 1«* e«t* 1 ) ; ax }iractici»t>ie. It. 'it *DK\ , S«c*ry .itid Ilnur. Macon, Ga„ June D, il ' Wanted to R- ut. VI >w KLLti\e* id -Ucb.nU“ttfo u>r a jKfoiiiy. Aluniui»vti ui.*’ir <J. Aj* !jly .At/ K. »!»'l \ . 00.. ! jv’!..»y-tf SavMurtMit H»*uk! | _ I’oFSaio. “ N’ v IDS of asJ vice*. '-MU « .'t •''tv*:!, AJid‘h'r’l £j«, *»ijd !»<»(“' JlLi „T - • '• , *1 gaovt, ilfloon, G.i., tluiiA Srh, ' susar for mm: M B I ;TIiNL'E fiKi'AK l'V.t» l', | 'hi .V .y . I ti. I. \ ihrtvt* ft }t»c ot but nr wti‘i I wtpii so t-xoLaiikie .‘ttr Ilaoiui, luf tU« U'** of th*' a) luy. I wiii >/iv it f uuud ot :>ugiU' lor u pound n»id a haif of linron, (Vii foou J OIN IV O.RR, may 29 -’2 w \i H ;m.M: S Tobaccj aad Lait. M; Lid.aoc.. A UoA«t »iivi Liverpool Saji, For s ill- by ; lie IIKL & ' 'HTHA juu- a-.I ConiLaae.l rcslpoaeiitont SIX PER CENT B3?«S, to T \ Kk ri.4< e AT COLUMBIA, S. C ( , l/A. ‘iVHupei X, JVA'ii xl, tSfif. TltfcA I ‘.V i'Li'.HiT -ILN f, ) l’i I d.'M», -li.ite 7, ! ]) i to a » "iitiimnOvj v t ■* t-.u. >. f V r |«o-ii.on» -non'*-, Uie'pnf Hr* -of tJ!>\‘ dauA m vSjX i'iJ; DK.N i. i- > \ whh-i. w.’V'A iL'Uti’fDia I >i l lie iJ| li Utu 4yj , •■nmtrKMuV, ,;a* v . | ‘l 1 .. •« olfrr i <: Df,.. i'vicotor.u ;o inn- h i' Tin v i.i*v.- iiiUirY io iun, boar an Intvroit "f r;X \ v 1 annum, piynoi.- li us t v<-ariy,- a::d are JiD (»L'»xiD> l.y a j leagu ol an i ,'u ‘ ti.i’o du'.i v-. iVii’. pnnci(>ai ana \ t»-rt;ct m l » for. i- tiO >'• .» Aa « 1 IV-N.’-d D. 'iLfl*o;-i :ir« :n )'t*i i y Uiv Uw r«j al to :.N, *.:ty nirnt ui Jiiilt? * it li.ij .•rip, w.ich area/' low bid t<* Ue paid only in coin, liing ex ulntiige, or iho coupon* of tbtao i -da. CU.NDI iiUw\ Di .SALK- The sales w iii he made in lota (o nuit pur ciuuei's. i\n pur oenk on Ihe aim itrtt ol t lt.i. and inu.’l be dtpoaitud w ith the ’i rcasuror or. iL day of salt*, to he lui fVii.- lit i- lerun aye not cotnplkd with, and the hah. be paid nt the ir« .trill y within ten days, 'i i.< jwvy meufs oi ft be made in lUe li’eaeury u ot ihe new i-Lvir, i.r oi the old i-ruo ol . .c Uy£eu.i~ na iDos t;«dow one Imndred doll. , rnif-d at Uh l l.u Ub ot the atnoULt pron and uu the face. V. ti, Ui.Ul Ji i A Ohii, Secretary of tiie i rcaaury. Sub] >".ned is a coi y of the itcltoofcol the act .TtiiboM/dfig Hi and ue tissue: ;%!< n lfiut to pay the uxp«* *rs of the tiovt) nmeiit uot ut.i i w/m; |or, the Secret airy oi lue lieusury i» Ueivoy author* I/.- and to i-siie tix j rr cent bonds tv -vu oa.ouut not hundred inibiei - ol t.ic |>;iucipai and interest whereof rdmil be Jrc© ir<*f» taxation ; and to the puy unint oi the interest. tUer»»ou the entire net r< • ipU ol any export duiv h«*reailir hud oh any cotton, to biiccound i aral fcUres which shall be exported from the Confederate Main «i, or so lisucir there* of an limy bfe necessary lo pay annually thcin tei cel, nrc !i«i«Uy PfKcia.iy pyedjfeH. i*ruvi«ied, that the duties now laid npon ports, aud it ere I y pledged, thatl heieaUei re pil'd in tpocu-, or m ctviiifug txohange, . in coupons ol »ti'i boOvis. hoc. 8. The bonds authorised by the OIU see ion of this act in*»y riiuer be or coupon t *onda, as the taking them may elect, and Uiey may b exchai I for eivcl»‘ oi lier umitr elicit ‘.ions as : > Sskeitliry of the T rea in j lu.ty prcici ibc; t. cy snail be for one hundred doll ms, "i uouie mullipicof one hundred <i6Wt r*, and shall, the coil* pons th.-re to attached, be in sun ionn tnd oi auoh Hum .-..ti cation as the atroretury oi tne Tr.-usury may proscribed; the int. rest shall be payable half yearly, on the lir.'t ol January and July in <»acii jwu; the pr incipal sh&'.S bo payable not h;» than thirty years alter date. June 9- ids Cotton Cams ITOIt ea.e ii>w, by the dneeu or 11131’. MflUUiibL <X BMIIII3. June Bth, I3il-tf EvD«A3i.k NuTlufke. i. UiCBHOHD, Va., Me. 3J, 1854. A,l Conle.lerutc officers auil men who have been delivered at City I’uint, Virginia, at any lime previous to the 20ili ol A lit, 1861, arc hereby declared to be duly ex. changed. UO. OULD, jeS — 0| /gcal vs Fx^bMige, nvi.'i and HIH.ITIUY 1/IREtTORI oJ Tlt« CITY OF MACON.| h'vm-t /)' m’A'j'J JlX+iy (ai'niiiiandleic Tost. St reel over ti'e 1 T**t Udice. ■ . ts-t! n:t. AL.A-3' f >', JTovc*t Mars-lml. i OJn» ‘ Stri'i'l «*WIKT 5U ot t. il*j. >ten. ItOWKU. iV/'». • CumM’g Geergis Neserv.- 1 erpa Oflle.'. Hank WrnrgKf W*lq»t eat . Major /. U 1 • i : i.-t l. Al' I ■ --.irg a 1t..3i-r -e Co)*p*. j Gfl'u , otN-i.or Milii.i fry- over R Hartley Nil vu I Metti!;KVim». Cn/itsi; <; II A HMXJIpy. Uiiii , X.I MUV.-1, '••rn. r llWkaimth’a T/b •' ’ 4! 1 duMtlt <' > l.C|mr!tuenl. i:. Atui-.v .u. x j Met’ Cal di M e'idl . Ht!. (jAtiid.i 1 /v I.A \!l* /* /. • Puy i.'V'icr i»n-i iiii iirn Stor* |\66pt*i . Ortn- 21 > w«-xt to li-pMsi uuixili. • C .' C .\ i %AL I.Aii.vA lt»K\ . I Lienl Coi J L MAieLi. /", Comma tiding ! (’yin,** H* xS" MrAtALy Iv.\«»!i!-tv*r and Military M tr-' K*-- jW'i*. Oliii's,B(i huift* -uthcrvi Ljrpresa#* O. K AKMOIiV. Colonel JAB Ji Bl Ji'i'V V. v ’up?rift tint dealt L >evt t ')]A K LJ.S BA C J I AUV. Jr. , JNivinastwr nnd Military K***p6r. Os lie n, ColliHi A venue at old Macon dr V\ rcs teru Depot. ttßican. CMntl I I'M M JHWH \K, * Ali O ti- the I'reevdenti Chief of Con*. Hption of the Mate. Office, ’it! Street n»*,ir Mulberry Street*. Major A M HO Commandiiut Cun j» of Instruction. Office, ‘Jtl Mr* * t near Multarry. Captain J At MOOK& i M and ComVry f.-r y imp of Tn. a trt:<. tiorr.. Uttice, 2d sue* t two. doors from Cherry: QniuTeriiKiHioi’M fffprrdueat. Major J (J AhCltA KL<H I'BK Y, Dost O'uu ic! mast or. Office. MuiLcrry Street, just below Lanlcs* ni'U-e. Captain S C ft HAD, Q M I »r llic Arroy nf T< nne«i»*'e. Office, Cherry ‘M.ri -t . b. rbniets HotcT Cap a.p A nich'KKsoy, Tii he Q. M. fur 4ih Cotig regional District. Vrnm|*ov*Ktioi» Dcparlniiiiil. Major J G Mil HKhOft'BK Y, chief. ; i Ofc-1 MilL«*rr\ Sir cot .below I/infer Uousv. WJ.P BKhV/fhit. T v rttii«p<*nati»>n Agent for tl>** Ar.iy Tenn. ('th.ic, Uhefry strict, just below lTrifiter* i i lluivL C'»'fi»lDss , ir| Drparlmrnf. *n u c ccyytyaiuM, ( upiu p,L| a;id C’oiiitJicatry. —v Street, next door above the Ofti't. 31utb-.i Lnihr Ut.ii«i’, oyp Tr Captan, ./ 11* .CM/n /’A , ! Jjju/V.llca. Sup t vii in 11 lit) hi id lorwuixi.. ' '»,hcrn ! Utiit e. St ieet, nexL below c*u. prew Uihoe. . I Ji cdklt 1 9>npu 1* lliril I. Surgeon JAB JihHt hii O'Hi.h .V, in charge ol Ho>|>i(al«. OfKoo, in Ualston s Building, corner 2d and Cherry s:r*et«i 1 U)Vi» liOUSh. Surgeon Ji J HU A til, - In rhar «. OlF.oe, corner *uJ MuJD ny sireru. ui v ■'Uct.i l 1 a L. Surgeon 8 &' OJJAa.-jOju, In eliarge. Ofli ;e, corner id and Walnut Sir*eUx Cli‘Y It ALL HOsMaU Surgeon L L SAULSDKRS, In charge. . Office, corner Cotton Avcmio aud Vopiar SlreeU IVLINI) SCHOOL IIOSI’H Al* Burgeon 0 it* Vii li H b' (JO Ol* H, in charge. Office at Riind Deiionl. ,iUM\ >..\AA!L\INa BOAKD. Floyd jiou.M’ il*> pi;ul, ( Ucinulgto llwepiUi. y K. J. Roach, Sr. Sui t?. ) n K K. CbaUle, U ™; A AV. s. 1.00. J City II II TTofpilHly I Bbuti J'Otd l iu. j Ul. i bey. S. CooDcr, Si. Surg.) p h '* t fwd 11. M- t iHi’kson. ) CO.K JIUYr KAAMiMKO BOARD. Surgeon Ji U H i LAI Oil H t I'resident. Office, corn r nad Mulberry Street?. ciiiKi asuulv. CA>Ascßirn>L:rr. of oh. Burgeon LIBS HA ie WJLBOA. MihILCAL J'LiiV LVOIL Dr I YM li HLiIULJiA 6 , (ifiic •*, Cotton Avenue between Cherry and Mulberry 6 ire eta. iUodiral and Dcpart ttuhl, lilt Oialrirl. MEDICAL LaDOI.AToLV, C. b. h.A AMI V BUREAU OK DISTILLATION. ) Suryton li'J/ 11 UlllOLliAU, Mcdionl Purveyor C. S, A, Officos, Ko. C.nud lu, ColUiii Avenue. Soldier'* Ujiyxide Home. KEY Dll CAS S'ON in cl a>’4 A . Office corner Mtilbery ani .Oth Streets. C. S. Brpoidloi}. WTLU'iM H JOJISATOS, Ofljcf. Mulberry Street, thiee doore abov*. Lauier House. r»M Offi* e Bepuilmeut. WASHINGTON POX, To?t Ma* ter. Office, on 2d Street, next to Mcthodiai Book Store. OFFICE HOTJT.K Open at 8 A M, for drlivery of mail? coming by Central and Muscogee Kail Road. Close ot. 1 Y M. Upon at 8 PM, for delirory of mails coming -by 51 aeon tfc Wcetern Rail Road. Close at 4 P M. Open atP M. for delfvrry of mails coming ! by South Weatcrn ltailrc-ad. Close ad P. M. CLOSING THKM.UUm. Mails for S. W. It. it. close at O.UO A. M. Train h i»v. s at 8 o’clock A. M. Mails ior M. A W. XL li. close at 6 A M. Train Dares at 0 o’clock A. M. Muile for Aius< ogee it. XL closest# P. M. Train leaves at ft P. Al. Mail* for Central B. .It, close at 7 T. M. Train leaves at 5 o’clock A. Al. Office open on Sunuay from 8| to A. M. .7:idiciui)'« o A : loan:ask , Juoge of Superior Court, Jus T Nikbet, Jnr W Stubbi, I Jud ** 9 a tha Infers Hlt Howard, j or Lewis J Groce. J u/vSalr?®** 4k«lf DIIIItMIIV < <»YTIYIfE». j J Ji>: l.i’li j.i (N, p,.,.*i,- til,«-rifT. ak(> !■■ U!h» . ). J Xtiiu-a, l'lovit U'.uso l>uil'Uii(s, coruer 3i. j Slivit. .i.i,, ■ .v jtfii! p.ij.'y, Coroner. a p noao, i'l«ik of Supnrior toiii'L I -rtifi' nl Cum i lo.usiv WIU.IAM-M iii LUX’, Ordinary. ORtrr at Co' ' Hi'i:-a. JOUX A -If. b.ijVi'.S i ici k of lafervir Court. JAM* /’ S,M - Tax Collector. i 'kice. C! .:i I I reel, hetwe. a 'id and SA j y M LAdtiHii.el, Tax I’.eoiiier. : J t;tcl*trai«*. X V OP.’Xh 3, , : Itftth I‘wtricL f*/Tl • ' on ?d brrrt, nAr Cluiry. AS Kill V Ji >Y YCItH, » 574th Ibatf.cL DR- <‘h* v v Street, ti f*t CoUun Aver*nr i ‘ .in ’.:L't :i T 5- ifi vapli t-OittßU** ' .1- .1 llOtt ■K i >1 onager. lißlea, V.."ray Mr. t. i>.'lw3>»o ml nud 4lh Lllior I. ilea lu.m 1 A. M. io v T. M. fin.uda; II*): 1 I A M lo -'- -J* .. IRMto 1) 11.I 1 . il. | City Gnveraiuvul. i srxtoncx c'o: i.ixs, ’ Mayor. sreTf Aien cron. ('li-rt aad Tiftsmer. • ■ ‘EOT.V nTV UP IX, , , I C-BC'IiW. Marshal. It jnnXSO:f , _ \ Deputy MaisKah GXUDL.I X /. -ACB> i Kofuri * I’libUr. IT iV D.-OUJJ’ : h 'HSHHID, ){ 3 I.A Xlhie. Uh.O V 11 lih AC. J 1.41 .G- i. KIP. J, it cl d,/U: HUIC, it il MUKhI. J JJ 1.1011 J I our. SoutlMi U ilxiirctM Company. L CIA YI.iSP, Agent, Office on : and ‘ trevv, 'between Titi'.ar * n< ' Chi" i \ Stre.L, L..,iv Kxpie."- (SuiKlaye exeept«v) ter «h goiiit- r-outh ad F.ns „ via C.-mrul Cil T itoad nut bi aiiefi*' , • i." » ST, 4L , l-'.illy t'qi 3*n,l.iv3 exci'i't- and) sq» all oLlitr ji.'iht in 10 * C-eHifeJcrui'.y, Lose ti. f t\ M. iiotivm. 1 i: ji cr.A 5 ,'i v A- co„ , Chirry .nu .t, between Hd and 4th. I JSO H HAtiKHSHAM A CO.. 'triangular Block. I J XI SMITH <4 CO., Cherry Mr. 1 1, i.«-; weju Sd and llh. UUPXH dt WAi.SU, Gher w Stic t, between 3d aud 4til. Ratikvtiud Batikcn. MANUKA nURKIUj BANK. ) n\ir t cttMtTrr; President* JO/LV B LIGHTFOOT, Cm bier. A W, corner 2 ! and Cherry ?IreeU* t «•< i:w: v sAVIN US if AN K. 1C Pitsr, jwb„t. R IK CVBIIKDGE, . On hi.'?. Ofll -iiJ Street, Between Mulberry anc Cherry Sired*. MACON SAVINGS BASK. J J GRESHAM, rrcrfJent D F ROSS, Guilder. Office, 2d Street, between Mulberry an i Cherry. AOKvVV STATE BANK. j n r wasalxetoX, Agent. Oflbr, f.d Stnet, between Mulberry ar.r Cherry Street-' liietlrsnee Compitnlo*. GHEAT s<M fIIKKN INSURANCE Cu. ir a joiiNsrox, President, C DAY, Secretary. Office, Mulberry Street, opposll* 1 drier llonse. CENTRAL GKOftGTA INSURAN ECO. I B F ROSS', President. A R FRFEMA X, Seeretnry. Office. 5.1 street, between MulUrry an*' Cherry Streets. KMPiKE STATE INSURANCE CO. GKO S Ob FAR, President. HENRY L JEWETT, Secretary. Office, at present, at the Central Georgia Insurance Company. Itlnroii «ps l.lglit Company. J H HOARD MAX, . President. a i. srcgFm.'xxr, Secretary. Office at Gas Works. Kailrtiad Companies. SOUTH WESTERN KAIL KOAD. VIRGIL TOWERS, Superintendent Ofll e at Depot. MACON i, \VEStERN KAIL KOAD. ALFRED L 'I Y LEU, Snperlntendoat OQioe at Depot. CE.NI wAL HAIL KOAD. GEORGf. IK A DAMS. ■ Superintendent Office, at D. ft,- Host Macon. MACON A Bi.UNSWIOiC KAIL KOAD. GEORGE A DC RE, Snperlntendcnt JJJ( >Blce at Dt pn . MUsOoUEE RAIL ROAR IK A CLARK, Superintendent, Office at ColuDibue, Ca. H tiU'is. LA NT Kit MOUSE. ICG AX A HEAR A, Proprietor* S FRANK WARREN, Clerk. Muibeirry Street between ‘yd and SiLJ BItOWN HOUSE. JAMES LLOYD, Proprietor. Oppoaite Paocngcr Depot. 1 STUnPLEFIELD HOUSE AT STUBBLEFIELD, Proprietor, Mulberry Street., between Ist and 2d. GRANITE HALL. B F DENSE, Proprietor, Mulberr Street, V*tw« ad and and, ( onL du atf < T'U‘‘ bl>t of tl;o '• • j will c.'m'ntMn-** on thO‘lt*'h «and F*-l^t'a r y nd'Nt. Thh fodowinif D.» tors c*»e< t «*nl ilu. c huidm. over, with il.c i )(‘ur Hiiiux-sd iii wi -U t. - •' ii-spcviiw' tcTinsoi niUev <’.\pli«,; K.ii i\l»U»nvy c.-u h yen?); tilao a H-t -•!' 11.0 ii'.mbw •'< tbe IJoiiae ol IteiuC-ciHaCves, n» thl *8 a® tel'Uiiueil; J.LT K VIKWIU.US. SKNVTK. Prrsiilet't—* li x 11 :'n I li' l.» .'I ( le-r - Clerk—-J 11 Nusti "I KC. N ut Atm- 1.a1a... Hi: il F'- - -b ' ; I" A ihatha Cleincul ( Cliiy, HobrtTJeiiit- I sun. .t’l-Virtit, 3r»'"i':fL I inwlfjc Wai’ite, tSTO .' \Y C Watson, l s l' j lt.)t>; dcmisetl, IS'IS A<j U'l'Wll, !»' . .U'-rnih* A:nnii'i t, I ito' W JViht.w’n, 1870 18. b I has it V. iuiui A, 18 O lM ; I dlt/rhla. Avi lii <r ■ i .his M Baker. U'V WA l ■ uJ Tb IA h aia.\aoU, MHki Gl 1 •>" *W* | I Cemgut. ' ( '*•*• I iii v Jobi-ui, foi - x*’*" , \'j: 1 1 lit'lij H.llii., fodi it '' ' ' '■ ' A.-.- ... * 1870' : i 11 C HnnieU, fobs L t Ufn m'S labs /aXfu.jiua. 7i'.t-m. !Kd St arrow. I"'"’ W [' w ' Sl ’,' 11ms J bvamus, foi,* t. t )' 1 " lll > . ) i V«"< '- 1 11 M’s Hunter, ItK'- X 4 viqiciUTbfod' lIOUSK OF tU-.ritiv:-: ' TATTrt KA MuWl 1 Tiios.l Fosltr, 6 \v c '-Id! OH, a wm it 01011(1, * , v l " 1 ’’ I ; \V L \\ l Ol b. 8 dnS l I 'm . j l .to 11 O-mbhanUs, U *J. t* Dn ku.oou. j Jj i cue is & Lv »m, A' kfliit'if- tVe have no lut"rmatinii of ihe electioti 1 of Uej-ltsimaliWa U> H‘« Uuxl C-ougrtaß, ttr.rUta. j 1 St Geo nescra. SH H i 1 ti.uii ,w euuitb. ' ' Matk H i»««tiwd, 8 Oco N ijvwvia oj 1 .'-•ll* KtuO.iChfi. - 7. H \T. J’-nii-e, 1. W. 11. lluik., “ U Ala l.'li, 2. AioiLs. , ' l; iU(« 3. jf. L Head, -.1, J •i. G. fC. Kivti.jr, 1j ,1 tv. A,,., 5. J B. CliriMUfin.l i. 'it l* li. 6. 'i JL Huiiictr, IJ. J M tiiiuiL ' ’ Lo-i.'.uaa. 1 t has J Villi ro, I Liu-ien ,f Dupre, j 2 Cuus Al Leui»»i!, oil my .iiai.iiab, i J I) 11 Kt'iiuel ii JuUi* f'erb'in, jr,, AJv.l w 1 .1 A Orr, 5 O R h { .* H Ij J I.J .lIT, (i j J tal k*♦*!:».}o, and tovUl’, ?J 1 1. ju;>txiU» 1 4 kl V t'hauibcis, AfifMtni. The present dctcgitlua were elected to tool J .. mini Hit i: rue.u'ss .*« nero i.’eet cel. T tie question of q ialimtiiioii will bt decided by die i.cit i ungues. AerlA ( * r.ihtt ,t. \V 11 :> Smith, fl John A Gilmer, El 1.1 low by, 7,'>*in’l II l hiiMuin, J *'e, b .J .uni s O 1 vullioey, Those, Vi It r-(..oiher, Josiall Tunitr.'jt;, 10(Jen W I, gun. Si'Hl't Cdrvtyut. . J 11 JVitbcrspoon, 1W D Simpson, \V i‘ M.ics, A .las Km row , Lewis M Ayer, (1 \V W Boyce, r Itnrente. •JR TTefslie'l, 1 j,m McCnllnm, W.nUSwan, S I hotfi'i-, A S Cel l cr, 1) J 0 C .1 ilk him, .lohn 1' .Murray, lu Juo V\\ tight, II S Ki oie, li David il cuirin. E A Keetole, JV.-ii JnO A Wild*, ’ 4K R *n\ton, C U llerheil, 6J It Huyhir, A Ai Burn eh, Bill Morgan. Firyt'oia. It L ‘twite, fl Ouwhl F' -eton, Unlit II V- iiilciiehl, 10 K W 'I Holliday, Win l' Uii kuian, l.i Julia 11 Baldwin, Thus 8 Giioison, ja \V K siaiiii-t, , Thos S lioeotk, FlFnyc'l' M.-Mullen, John tl..rule, jr. 14 .-ainoel '•ll!er.- Wiu C Lives, 15 liulu it Johlistoa, DC Dijuniettee, iuChusW Knss. 11, gjUCAIt AND IT,. UK, f excellent qus’.i- Cd tire, for cult by MltVlllX A SMITHS. Enron, Go., Mny In, lMti-lf l or VNo. 1, milium M uit*, n! \ Oie one HoW I anyone two 1 !c: ne V nggoi. moy Sff-P’t* W .1 M Klii»>Y NEW AUG 1 ION ILUSE. No. Id! l.llia Mrerl Augusta. A. WUAW, Auctioneer. solu iieu WTElioie ann>l« room (or the of \y will Bell Furniture, To! n.ico, lJor*e*. OnrHuge*, Rrnl IVit« nsl pro pot ty in kititiß, mi't mrtre jni t ictilni ly ne ltujiiiit'B ir g' ngK. Will LolU rrgiuUt pul- - i»t tie Miirkvl iho lii»t Tut- Uj i*i inch niwittli. RKFKnfVtTS. At GfBTA ffan Rlf Mny, li W Onlnn, Al' ,1 T rhi winiike, .hulg*» A l ens. Hamulru, U.-w*Wmi iSpSew, iJi J W I'tokeß. SavaNsNau (« W Wiley. I'ichmonh Faoit". v.—A J6nr .mu, TANARUS» Hack. (.', S. C.— A McHutle, T A i»oy, (. H <s'i»kt*i». j* ionMo.Ni>, Va,—Lee & Lew man, I'ft Daw* eon. iTuifiiß Ala*l D J A Ccalrnan Cov xtti*; (it - k H L Blott. M. NTooTKcrtT—>* firown A <V,T A PoWell Atlanta. (iA—Colonel Cia.w.urU. juue 11-lr A Home au«l commninif two a err# of ground, with Fruit UichnrJ, in the iieighhorhood of VineviiU*. For | arikul«re «nqhlte of the mi'3d»igned. may «7-2 w» W. J. McEEUOY. CORN AN 3D B ACON, Aliy (tuaKiil), \\ T A NiEi) iniu.ciiiol. ]y, forth* Georgia TT State Trooi B, Apply nt Fort VaWeyT to W. W JOHJWOTb riircliatlng A*ent for state. Fort Valley, Ga . jnnnflh, 1864 fit* LEAF TOBACCO. ms CASES Superior Wrapper* and Killer* for t) *ali> cheap t« oloie eoinignmert. junto 10-iV* i>. U, Vt'JUGLEV, i . * BUTTS’ HAP OF C: t vl roller, and >. prehM r ' ' 'J { / J. Yl. Ls wav « May Vli, l-fi4-l'v* IKON SIHI L ANl> NiUUS, i ... C,„,’U and Flu. Id.:<f. . M •etlr.-'.f- labrrs? m.-l \ i:..p* tint b-.r-ing. Lor Ml ow bv .ViUHlvI, A: I .A. id b.h.w F.»|.*« Va.-or. Gii v:6 ’• U 'g'otKSVVO Dt»tl N*» i. I'' 1 I, x* 1 »hi of itthnoiio, * l.i\ *n ooi mr.L ... . , T£s K„r *•,!. :-w * i MtV.TILI. J -..ids. Mason, the, Jiay th.Tfi. 4 tt MITCHEL Sc £f U'. COMSIISSION ?IlUVv' ' r.d’.stoa'i. Granite Bans-, "'ut. and he. •■7 it t •. f A. K.iin vv r«. oi. - Wii-.u. aik' sr.roavL, I .-:.- !«»•'» V.e- Cclun. ut. pP I ... 1. H "s.R I *' ■ . _ ~ t. :i r•>l ror l \ M • l .MMi.l M. •*. 1„ , K A A . I I ■ b i I r-e.ts C’griiu *v FoMrtsr. « ”, . . J ;,,n an " N i.l i.vb UvA Vh 'KX , n...\ 8 Tim ..... I T«tt« e ttr HrlUt'i' :u:«t 4 ft dltot 8 ! f y Ki'ttGlA. Ihrat owr I\ 1 All pH-ou*"t.d ' r '*'* ' a,..,11 Jitb.«* Uu o' *ald . .1 V ncc hmhl >i" ~, , ~and it. 11... 1. “ illju.'".lute I'll" . »'•“ lh ‘, hailig.lMnin tu oi Ccntederatc i_TcoiF.o. \NLW iuvtution, in*ui« of \> uo Oi | y»r‘.’2 Iffil I** 1 Nnti. e tu l»v l»t*»7iM iii*U « t« <Utoi« ' , i 1 .ft. IA. B<r» c„ivn. I« ahiii 7; : • • u ' 1 '" 11 '“‘i*;' g. 1., lu.bu 0i1;,, „,.,c.bu„ w MAV-SL. | *,«■ to Uv-dhl I x-snter.^ ' ilAl'Ujl'H p. feabe, --ALt; CIIOCER WHGLIw. * * act AM# 1 COMMISSION «jtRCi UKAlJ'.ll IN C’OlTuN, R< 11 E. sUKETj: J, 7 FIIRTK il, VA UN i-.S AND IXI.ME- «h t I M v t'AKulJSi lun.v ■ niuthili's Iron I ruiii A I B>Aj\’l'A, <Jf:Oß<ai %. I Pkifrkmks.—Miuh»l. «t Farm, j (t’a., 1 '.win I luitico, .“* m \ unitH h. i■ t , MvJur;- j wA vt Iruy, L' nohl uig. Va., Kent, 1 *iyuß <t Cos., LipluiM*uu, Va.. J KMrw>ni., Mont - . .. *•- ry, Ak, L ii ik lu., Au-utia, lot , W . nl> .t Cos.. Mobile, Ala., i., mt;. 1 iVet-1 8, J’ett'iattui'g Va., J A Eunlo*, Chat Icatou* C. UlA> K-ul#* IMirtlcc to Ilehtoifiiuitl f nilKoi*. /.1 lASjtkU LA» I'ru kki Coim v. % VT Ail jHiv-fiifc ujeltk \*-0 ta ihc of John A. Young, thi'tastTvi, h«»c ol fjjui i «, are re<pi«*§t 'ci to tnake !:nn.«-;*1 it. jtaun. ui lo the unu* i sigiKil, anti 1 host* ha\ir.g cld.-ms to I'lUtit.r liiciii in lei tut ol lii« law. JUIH\ IL JAYUiU. \Z- Uv/ 40J . .. i Dior. r t lib Ujg,iual morht i j /mho -vvi.i puid 1 for nil kitnJ» of udiveji.i, or .others i#e sent it* tilth ciTici; iu um.uaaLciA quaanlics. Macon, Dec. 10Mf. Express Notice. OiFiUL Mmcou, La . Fob. li, M rCIT copU’lninV bt-i*■ o»»jbi i f thactUyi by this O'Uj.nn ill foiTi ai li:nj r> elmh'Wsf, lain to itiverp.«« that thvi U..i08 ol 11*14 Conipiiay require »h«t (»'«»v fruno ut I'ncliiig. .aii pi Fn is«« uirt a.l oilnis, his■! mxf : • «'iF r j a.-ka^r -t for war.b-tl l.\ irlOlJft-iiftd u •OriHlliii.r !•» tF# Of* rit ers ami tooidntrs in-the tkslil or lb * ta - •TliC 01, t i vance ol Uus LmU together inr liuntf il Fftt ililies for mui'l a .ih . .>4a4,»ly **utisf • delay in tilt- ! ig of tor MeruLauU auJ othws, L. CLAYLA.^D, 81 —ls A^M.t. JUST rUBLISJIKD. IE Kl’ I* A NATO 11 Y NOT K S MR?. SALLLE m! SMITH'S MARRIAGE AND ITS COHSEQUENGES T'K UAU<»N \Qfi kv iiM>lKO$CUi .U#r* I»,-l c e_ One Dnf’ar. A liberaliWsrount t j O.e trade. To be Bail al Ihe Rttikwic! irirA.l.Ur«~ UIA7-. a. r **n. Mftf D, tin. B. H. WKIGLEY, Oommissicn Merchant:, ILUO.Ii, t>'A. Parlicular attentit7n paid to pnrr! fr and pile of Ffodtww If ' < jiloilco co Ili hfoMiMKl / 1 KOliiHA, Hirii Oovvit. All person* itKlthtedto the '"fs'enf Oco. B. Forreettr lnte of Miitl county det va efl % arc required to tunke iminedutc p«\ mer t to the rend* r them in t< rffis of law. tf£o. A. Dl’llF. t,pr 9-1»* w -40 J Aclui. [liiiitlinf; Needles. BV ihc sett or tnc larcer quanilty. »l a Tory low rate. J. IV. libUKE, .‘.g u Mar Tl. 1*64-1 w* ' CUN FEDERATE STATES Os AMKWOA, 1 Msdk .m. IHmxKroui Chinn. 4tb 1 i't., > llacgti. Ga., May 27th, IB'I ) r IJROrOSAI.S will he rcc.ivrl m **'" "'•> fi. c until June 4th, ]M* '.tannWjq luring KIVEHUNDKIito»«OsmALBt MCE SamplcaniajfJ^-^^^^ Surgeon and Medical Purveyor, may 27-1 w 4th Bbti-lct ro tn i AA ABLE bodies NEGRO MEN, IV/U be cniplojrd in a sain locality, for the balance of ike year. Good ration.' and quarters furnished. Varties having touch jfegro a to hire Will please call car'v. Enquire o| B, 11. WKlUl*tt'<,