The Macon daily confederate. (Macon, Ga.) 1863-1864, June 14, 1864, Image 2

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D6Uik I'ACON. GEORGIA. Tlixtif mrnrmlmm* Jvoe 14, H. L. FLASH FnoriutToß aai >n for thk 8 vrruriKLo iucijicf a%- lottmon 1 have appointed the f< Rowing Agents for the iUtilefivM Relief Association, *od urgent 1/ request the citlcevt of lh*ir reeprctlvt eua. tiee to deliver supplies to them, who will fore ard them tr me by Express. * tiaixsox Cot*r*—D Solomon. Ur W M T*t »« r BF Rorer end Col Jonathan Rivers. I Ne«h aud Ur U upree. J vee—F S Johnson end B T Finney Oluwroan—Ret Wesley Smith end Rev H C Cleveland. I iLttiMJfe Weiker end OC Qorne. >» n iexoN—Ihe Battlefield K.bcf Commit. Nucrnax Cnu.ts§, J !>«. M. B R. A«'n. 1 i aiUitjoa lo ik> >U>«* tli. D.|x>! Ajml »!> nll,t C.ataal, 8oi»U \Vi.t-rn. U feoff, JSriin.wick, .11(1 kU.un it Wl.tero JUiliu.d, *•"* • U,W1 “' 1 10 f -i*« coGlriluti..,.., ..J Lr.ard tli.m l,y Kiptrt. Battle Kixd Rh irk AeaoctxTiojc. TANARUS! . ladle. are requrstfd i„ , en< J t 0 th« .torr *if Winsblp tbi« (Tucd.y) morning »nd ob t dn fliur »nt Urd to l»ke light bread (or , UCMriigrr who wlli go to tho front to-mor i o*r morale*. J- rt V njlry will rent) up a femmiti* ol ibrfo with .uppiio. on rnit i hurtj.y morn llou.ton counly will ,*„d . rommitle o! U bo oh S.tmtd.y morning with rupplie*. Air.rlii., o! in, r.nrtnj. .No f«» b» n-n pior. j*tont to th. *,« oi'.herlrillxod worid, „y, U, Kichraood " ,h »n tbn b»rb*rous uocitiltr. and end ’ u ' !,n * ll »" fliArAour of the w.r co,«j 7 oat mtm ' n T ll * rauenn-r, of lb > y»r.kiM) nation «u never so fully re vrA.ed, M hou.. ~.d .bio.d, «. now . Bj thi empJujniint of negro*. ,nd (Vroigner, t< Hght .heir i.ltl*, ,hry have 11 " r Co "* rdlV » the world. B, thmr !» *. ind perfi le. they demon-(Voletbr w »kne.» of Ihnir ch»r»ei„r. By ihelr lh »fu nrion, r. P M.pi:.g*.nd r. r i n . U p ulld , f . n^’ ‘V* c " lr '' r " l '"*J m **te for (hnmfelva . m. .hick, for .11 , 0 cora ,_ wi „ b( . rrgnrdrd M th. of »!] vhlt I. brul.l ii buuiAr, lafAUou. tnd me.n. The hi m,’ OMry ol chun.-ber, toe ( d,.bon*. ,r ’* r*c«lAtton» of ihmr high n. end ci»,l_U.r unchMie .nd „,i„. c gAiiAt ng In.tinct. of the r womon,-.!! Indio«te . foutreni „ ld rotten d-c,r t» ,f "' } ,wl “ , "“ 1 “"”‘*l fe.£uro ol nMloD.i VV » r '• l<* l* » purify,rg ri-n-V ,r /°' " tT * r * P* 0 r ,,8 turb a ' if piico.A more imperAtlvely tI„ D 1 .nkrrwiioß. WM'e the?ouih | ; '\ n p un 'C It* t.eet Wood, the .'fib I,«, been getting ,id „! |„ „„ ru ' * W*t "** K nere„,:y p, tt , Norll) _ for I * «elf pro,, The ,|. w . , 0 „ * *" 3 l *‘' lotta, .nd eo* i.i leprotirr i n tiiev bAf" be. u ...lleoting end bot j 1 •"« "!• ‘tit"' the Arrir.l of the Mnyflower , J otn.rd tl e uicldooi »ny n«,ion' ile’ieiiws, i.eoe-kAry to dirorl the tie e., u-'tire i InnifntA to Another qu.rter. In or • •T the! their .nd energy might be • ipended,. di.Li.ce, far Irom the' econo. „f ,beirg,"iiy birth .nd growth. , tfle.! to ~««« them..ire., by i.M'.raylng u», Aueceod r Clod, N.inre, n ] ..tory »r.J h UB) ,n oxp.ri.nee eo.wor- So! The Mi of rutn.d h-m-H, dreoletwl I‘o'ur, the bienohing bor-m of our ni.riyred ! i.eroc, On.ere!. 1.e., IfoAuregArd, ,| u hn. | Hun, ADd lit. Coniinj.iAle Armiee, nn.eer • •No. Wl! « the mercennry wntchn • l.'it -r Iron, on til,i. the g»te, of thl»*Aplt.l. ‘witnotit tho power or cour»go to br.'.Ji ihrough tho being w.ll before them, ( J- A*n t " me. i lornlrg to trued them out , u/exMerre Uor. potent then »toel end louder then Artillery ere the »o!ce« of Dod'e ‘"A",leg nnd .enyee-ee. The erle. of ..ur sh. ng child r»n, the crr.meof our iav. b<el women, lb. .moke from our turning tu liie.tetii., Are gof.g up to lle.jen in our It tielf. t lAM'leneo make, cowerdiy i-ur inhumert foe. Why do. e In i.ot come on ".u in’Clhit het.vl city? .Why doe. he ) Any, end give tl « ..* to hie >Ate pro. In,,ne<j v Clone* end loud ‘«jonn~« by h,e»ct|„n«? JJeCAUie hit c. ur r it nearly run; On,nr.' j.oe i„ front -1 him, (Jed >a over h'm, the d"‘ i' i. under him, and the prey*M «l hungry » nd fath.-rlerr chi.dr.n and pale in uis rerr, a»k:og J.h.v.h for T„n a OAiice . anC, e«: ce. *TT Our lldilyll id 111 |,< f A*», c ation 11,c oil., r dny ernt s; cil box of jiroyi ► an 1 deceit >« lo llie dia‘in tuished < in-n.vdrr ul tie AiUiy ol Ten,riser 1 ;e n rrr nv rg It (fen. Jtihnelou expressed I «« unit Ihanke, and r, m irkrd :lint the uiclirf AxrorlxbonA no re worli tin •hous m.J u.c , to lux .r,nr. t 4B*Tbe rretfflir.g K'der. of the Mobile ?.!-vh rti.t Oo„fer-'oee nteel .t Greensboro, A e., , „ the ( h ol July, and thorn of the .V 'ginnery Confrere »t I' r,A la , on lit*, -tl of July , for the pur|Hi e of and v,r -- g „ p’an f, r n,n enpporl and ediitAtion of the ctpham of ticeraerii ■> Cirri. The weather ,a abrminible. For two d’ye and night. ,t hat r.iwd ,n. e» .01- 1; arjd the tern; era'.u-r j, mora ilk. Notem- , her than June. Oe.reooti an I wb .ky are in d 1 in ,! I We wi,n ;bo yank re wou.d kc j. C.ur weather at home. tar The tjoulh Caro htlao, while it pi of' ‘aex to know nothing n* to tl,e diaohe- ' < ir cr of ordrrvwt'fihmed to Oen. Whning in the late halilc near ,' oieraburg, »ta'c« . J...«:ilve!y ,has the Geucral wa» nut diunk nud JuntlycaiU np>3 ,h« impel a that have (ivta to Wiisrumor publicity to deny it. i?r i.a*t year there were $ '.1,.",00 OCt> Worth of alike, ..d .tnbr.'derte. im-i ] orled into th. Norih— .1.0 fiabOO.tOO 1 Viorth of wiuea, aplrlta and irgara. On it, ' b uc-.e1.1M . *0- Tl# nu»ruitr of tithe Irown lti couuiy, .Ma., tmount* to 10>,9fiC j j*o«nd». Uit thought that tho Suto will! furm*b a !n la ktaj at bmv to ibpamJUDt j ff jHiHl*, tuac rio!i, Tha uiegrams ctate that both Convene '.loot have nominate! Liccola ad And} John ton. If tfcu b«to Fremont trnut Lave wTttidrawn and the track ol«ar. Woah*.*ttid vuppoaa that lnW ticket would xull tha Black Republican* crc.lltn Ijr well It it '.be tinlon of the fool ami the knave— the moi.k.ty a.«(3 tbef«si. Oen. and hU ncj/Tin robela will ruin, if they have out already done 10, the chance of Grant’s nomination bj anj part/ and Lincoln and Johnaon may be electod because of the oppofcttioa party being find a man to nominate. Lee, the rude Iconocleat, has * necked all the popular iao’a of the North into “pi.*’ Fur poliiiea* purposed McClel lan, the joung Napoleon, ia dead at bit n»intake wliote bonce Me under the dome of tho Jnxalui/t, In all the wide domain of tbe North there is no men lo bo found to take the field, with any prospect of auccer* againat tho Illinois rail-splitter. The only , nan that can beat Lincoln ia ho who can ! *>«»t Lee, and though a strict search hs-* ' been mad* through all yankeedim. tbe man | has not fcxrcn found, nor will he erer be. Lincoln and Johnson owe tbe r nomination lo Lee and tbe ar.ny be coninaands. Tbe Herald should cease abusing tbe Times fur iho di-le»t of (irant for tbe Presidency and turn i.s wrath,where it properly belongs, to the Army of Northern Virginia. As for oursslvei wo are quite sati*i!H with the t'rket. We hardiy thick It possi ble for the North to elect a man less com petent for th* duties of bit position than*n, or or.* that could do lo«« injury lo the .South. A now min might lend new hope to tbe yankre. an<i as th«ir expectation of subjugating the Confederate Slates is at its Irstgasp, we think it best that Lincoln should receive the .minination. Before the election tak**- piace, the complete overthrow of ihe anke*‘armies may iiiduco tbe poo pie of the North to run a m>B upon the platfirm of Peace and the recognition ol j ihe South In that case we sfcou'd like to j *oe LLicom defratei, hut as long as the *ar U-u tho rail splitter is our choiee. Toe Convention has a plank in their i p'a form which we are quite pleased to find ; there—namely, their declaration in fav* r iof the mvntermnceof the Munroe Doctrine Louis Napoleon and Raximiliian will bare a word to say about that,and Seward will hardly enabled to explain its purport away. There is cvibntly about to be a lively time at tho North. We Aha'.l take a front seat and watch the performance with much interest. The elephant is about to be exhibited. Little boys and woak-kneed patriot* had beit«rgct out of the ring. Tin: ait n iks iat viiifjnvi. Grant is dtgg ng parallojs and the line* in some placet are n* t more than oO yard* spsrt. So says the telegrams. In that case the dce : sivn battle in Virginia muat he ch ic at band. Two hostile armies cannot remain : within fifty yards of one another all iheium mer. Grant, or rather hi* troops, have gut l rod t l til* butting process, and have set j tied down behind entrenchments. Lee will be compelled to drive them out. ar.d when ' proper time c. mo, out they will go, ‘ po'l mell, their shauertyi columns flying Northward spinning round and rt und like pillars of Hand before the simoon of the desert. The army in Virginia are ac u«- i lorned to the Northern scum fVom iheir front and will not fail in the work when (ion. Leo gir«*J the ordor to begin. The army of the IV»tomac has lost so ; mu h bb»wt that its < becks are pa’c and iti knees weak—!iq mr in abundance ia required to sustain ft* failing strength aad its droop* lug courage, but all the whiskey that can be i poured down its thro it will not enable il to ! wii hstand the forward ru«b of the lion hea t cd veterans **f L\'—b.*ok ward h must fly with wbat strength i* left It nr prrish in It* Irack— ihe rebel# wll' take no denial and *rl I fnforrr the movement with steel*-f- nr teen inch** of it, on the end of a tru ty rlCe The campaign in Virginia draws to a close. There will shortly be a roar of cannon and a ratt’e of musketry which will wake every thing in A nertos, save the*#* who sleep un drr ih* s,»d, having tbrir fighting, and when the army of the Potomac d.saf f-r*m iho earth, there will hr seen standing ia its place the whilewinged angel of P«*ace, with a Mar on its forehead whose gl tter wil carry joy t j the beams of a free propit* ad l’gbt up the hills and valleys of are-* i deemed land. C<-Nn?ttl*a —The manifesto issued by CYc g r«. only a reiteration of the renti're iis of the j eople and tbr pres* since the coin* m-nccmei tof the »v..r. It vr;ll not, how •-ver, prove use. il if it give* ercouraf fmerit '.«> tb*- • 1 \ t-cate* of j rare and recognition at ihe Cor federacy is «s well underrtood sa bore hut we ar*- glad that tho r'prcfentallv**» ol th pe pie, in Corgfess assembleii, have j Le ej li:e of the nallox. on record, so ihat hereafter there can bf no misro- re#,-r.- tat ion in regard to the desire# and purpose «»f tho Corfednracr. We ask to bo let alun** for that we have shc-d tho be*t hio*xl of our pc*»p’o and t -r that we wlMshed tbe last drop that beats at the hu*rt of the South. U» an m. rsv or(u..-u.ui. I'rsi' rr.a —A bill to in**»-r«>« riie psy of all Crberal ofin • r.s, has )«a*»ed both ho u-es of Cong re** ands war. • tee Prrt-iilent a signature, t*b*<.nt« a »aw. h gl».-a a r t nt-rai $ .tai per month, a lieulrMitl (L ueral ♦-•Vii, a M*-jur hfeneral $ CO and a ' Mrigadir: (ienerai Generals in com tnaud of an army to recent fiiCMi a month in adJiii -n, and all others iu the field SV». Ihe bill to increase the pay of soldiers was amended by the Senate seas to rmikc it appli cable only to one ytar, instead of a permauant arraugeinent, sod in lhat form haa j>as**d both urauches of Con|*esa. The oßic-ers and men of the 26t1» k i* <i«ui pi Kej ia.ont unanimously agreed lo give one half of theh rations, for two days, to the jioor and suffering women and children of ilithmonJ. Tli!a ia a noble ex«rcple and ( should be foilowsd by ihoss at home having ' ao abundanc*. fi9T Over iivo thuu'.nd awlifiora wound rd in th* rei-ont batilna in Northern Vir ( ;ini», have been ecot batk front the hea fiitala in i.jarhl'urx (o lb<-ir r> g nienta. tmr~ Miltnn'a i’aradi,, I,oat has bean translated it to French, bjr M do l)ieu. Iho torsion U highly praiioi Iy JCjropoan tfilid. J t'«<Tl»j»AiJ»lw <•/tht A»uhl% HhuUIuU^mIIH. LKITKBI'Nhn MICHUOXU GiIAKT'a HOAD TOCXLt) tfAIUI R—Ot K TO sitiow —Tub mgutuki on tuk ncdtw— Gordon's hiucuue -Tuk ham.K or cold uahuoh—heut or thk kuihtiso —l)kiu*erat> aasaclts rroN ovi hioht —NoHckdax nonTiso rouTHKTAxrRKS —Gkouoia Caslai.ties—Kr* rßiso- NX US TAKEN. Richmond, June f>, 1864. Kim Co??.TTTfm i.nalist On reochint llanovrrtown, iu bit progrras souihward Irom ihe Junctioa, il waa at first aupptsei that Grant would i»iy the pasaage of tV Obicltaliominr, via Jleadow Bn Igc, this louts, herrlolure deaeribffll, ronaliinting tho direct road from lianorertown to thin e.tjr. Striking, however, lurlh-r off to the aoulli and writ, the jankea advance was made along another road, leading lisa direollv from the I‘ainunkrjr to Rchmond aad culling llie (,’hickahominjr at New Bridge, alrooat nuniediale|y east of the oilT. Crona* lng the r. t ’prtnmy, or. as it »o!ira < ailed, l ouitoiny ci< ck, and pusliln? on passed the neighborhood ol Old Church, famous lor the many cavalry flgbla occurring in Ha neighborhood, Grant kept aleadily along L:»road, wh ch, alter leaving <> and Church, tiendi directly «o dltweai to ihe cipilal, un l.l o i Thuraday last the head of bin column arrived at Cold H ih r. in anticipation ol un advance iu thin direction, Lee had by rapid movement* puealAlied hi* opponent in reaching this podium,aud improved tbe tine gained to atn-ugihen ’ hio-aelf with breastworks and rifle pi a. Thus entrenched, our line extended along the north Dank ot the ChicUah. inioy, with its r glil lasting mar the York ii«er rail road, its centre appoints Cold liarb >r, ind its lilt stretching on’ toward Meadow Bridge. ‘ Tiger’ Andnrsr n, <e i ortrainy in couimand of i.engalrscl’' iuvincihloa. Held the untie ; Kweii. with ida uw i and A F tlui’a corps had tua felt s\iug;and Hoke, Dreckiurnlge, Wilcox Mahone a. and other diviaiuii coaunaudecs wu as’iancd lo Die right. In cloaa proximity to this la’iei |ior'ion ot our line was Hie old battle held ot Gainrs' Mill, where our Irimps acitered an severely in *iarialag McClcitsn'a Drcaai works, and near which, curing the greater part ol the o, erMious ol i uursday and Tilda) last, G<n. Lee cslabliaUed til. head, q i iterA Having thus mapped nut, ai accurately ai la now possible, ihe pnaitloa ol our lorcea It hut remain, to speak ol the h-iitie itself, tb, hail being opemd na usual by that worthy aucc< axor ot Stone aad Jackson, the untiring Kwalt. Adva ring toward* evening on 1 hursilay, the Si mat., that nail iut comri andcr attacked tc. >*a«e«., i at Art with w siugie dir,son, aid aftt wards willi the whiainleft *a ing of inti ar* ill), conMding, aa before Slated, of bta own enure con a .nd tlela’a uivitkui ol A. F Hill's, diiving lliein hick over a mile willi great loss, and utterly tiriigmg to nnu. lit lueir aiieiupt l» flunk our left, which croughl ou the engAgrmeai. In lire bill- lacl stlsii the eighth pruise on nil tides j is giver* to (Joroou’s Georgia brigade, al j ready a > famous tor their dinting chsige at the battle ol the Wilderness, cn Tliura ; day, the Sin of May, jusl exactly four ae.ks to th d>y prior to li e iI. I; U cot olien that any p, r iun ot an army ia ao re peatedly an t bigtdrlyc unpllnieniej as th’.a gt.lanl mu »d*, and Georgia may well be proud of tlie blo'd houflit rtputnlidn of cer gallant s»oa, the teterant ol ihe ldili, Jli h, 601 h and "l*L Tue result ol the operations on our left wing being to advance that portion ot our iu,.-, a pa" ul ihe light was also pushed | lorwhrd nl er dusk on lbs same evt ninj, gain og, with but htile loss, a commanding ; pOM'ion in Irontol’ Mill. A* thus j lOuatUu'.ed our Wing* l«y slrglill) in ad | v.uce beyond the centre, ami iu this po silmu the dark a'.’d ra oy hour* of I huredsy night paased away. On Kriday, ; a- the Uuu light ol e.rle morning sirug ; gl.ii, uln ost m vain, sith iho heavy v.ipms hit rose ir on the sod i«n earth an 1 hllril tue misty sir, tlie tir.l gun was bteo ; and in a lew moment* ihe roar ul aitibcry and tue rattle of small shoaid that ihe work o' death was b.i*uy going on. Kear ltd ul a prior attack liom us. and deairous, above ail things, ol rseaiiiing the liei-hls La kill .at* on hue p ceding night, the y>n aces had inai elh- a-sa dt, sod li-ur alter hour meir deusr Imre Line came rolling up upon our biaaxiworke lias tie a'g ry waves ol the sen, and ban ih ise wave, on ly io Hod their lury spent in ag imat an luviue h.e beaiter. Our right wl ig was par icuiarly the o J cl 01 lueir furious at t.icks, ti.ougb tin Guttle raged more er lc*a hotly all along our a x mil* line oi faille. T.ioUgn made With a toad sod rfrr|wr*lti lury that. In men during lorn better cainc, might hwe bee.i called valor, the rc|>esicd assault* oi 11»* enemy wire repilsej time ami >gam, the inUi.iry and artillery mow- I x them iiuv*u as they caute on and the urullrry alone clra irtg Iht'lr rank* ivith ,bell, oauUler, ami grape aa ilt'y tied bo yolid mu-ket range. Protcc e.l »a our uteri acts by breastworks our lost wsa wouder fu ly nt.d, «a one account viel! asy*, “idirac u!oJ»l) small.” That of the r istny wisirn hiunsc. From the nnnn* at l »i their dense Cl UIUL* catt.c wit in fair range of the tut I kitty on the Advance, till d.r ailil'ery ceased lo play upon their r treat, it was to them Dot a battle but a massacre. In rraipari*on with the a slighter of tbe S I of June, that ot the Wildernr*. on the slit, or ol sjKttPylrania Court Unp-o on the 12 It of May, fades into in'iguyflcancc. Uu some portions ot ouv lutes, stx, sever, nine, a'd, i t .me, even lourloeo, a.-- sand were made, and marie u* in he..vy columns of lines ol bailie, a ilia;mutton ahlcb fn-m ita exrestive exp 'Mire, i*i |. .'.un adopted by mdiiuy leader*, though do »and fit fly t ff.relive when aucmafol. lo shutl, mill tits exception oitime, filace, ami toe vastly greatest tlattglilrr of y*ukees tl. this second baltio of Gold ll.vib ir was but a refsti'lun m the bboidy drama ennetwd in dpotlayfv.anis. anti like it, f.trill- rmo c, in Itits, teal at only one point aisa our tine broken, on the memorable t.'.h, it will be reuiambcred, tut a brute I ice s” tar prcVsil-il a* to carry that 1 poruou of our vuirenchmenia he and by John ! s.*n a division; and on tiii* t*c-sioo, too, , tli* .ante we.gbt of numbri* tirokc tlnougii one ul QrcckinrHge's divisions inj, likesnjjrj lieer-*,lo tlie z P, Finnegans , •w.iriliy, keeu * jcJ Fl iiuri«<J ib'm •tf'lrc.i upon ihe enfuir, an*l dashed him, hiuedmr, tro.n tae works lie had trinpom ' riljr woe. Al oilirr poinis hl<V»|? Ihe line, * *uiall bedits ol blue coits <ff cto<i iodj iUt-Dlt, Mul onlr lo tnll dea(i in ili#*ir track l , | or be. in.-UnlHLicuus!}’ off as prUun* era lo the rear Oi.-sei of unM-c color# re, l**r a mumVst. planted un **»*r work* I htii rt.tK and bearer were and >*n » i . t i;e'h I er. The elandard i <•* kerp* comp-nr wrn * me §ro;»*« of other ftrluirun raisin “rebel” ' imnd«, and the rcstn wiili ftindry 1 odd tboucand# of fi*#co-.iradc« < n ihe ouler side oi « ur Irt rxdies in iLnovrr. With Ujc-e exi eption# the fus-on* assaults j nf the enemy were entirely without succese, aud aboit; the middle ol the day the infan try drew oil Hie artillery, aqd sharp shool eii a!on© continued the conflict. Ever, tins, later io Ihe day, died aw*y until af er dv k, when fast ami furious t..e battle re « |M*ncd, the flashes of tbe cannon Jig ti*g up tl»e whole fact* of the heavens, ami ihe musketry beating ita U»a< roll with terriffle vigor. Foiled in bU efforts during tbe d*y •f ainat the eueuiy hnd r otVCJ il under cov»r wl night, but win like suc re#.. to hia more open efforts After three hours hard fighlmr, *he roar of bailie again ceased, and our exhausted soldiers -*"Bi«k on *h* fr-uiul orer|* n,rw ’*d, Thp wear} to tuetp, »».4 the weunded to die.** During Ibis ni-ut aflatk, Freckfnrirfgr, Finnegan and bit Iternea, and liokr, of Ply meutb fame, we e Again engaged, the form el* Gsntral bav<ng hi* kor«e shot Irrtm un der him, al which melancholy o. currcnce, of (he cby J mrnidt represents him a* l.urtli g fnnh tuDi an eleirtac panegyrl.-, Sic»r and illy to B«acbo Psr,Xx's rung. bis »m Dapple. Tr at. with k sgail at men KUpflkii bfuiiud islth, y'jjji v. Stem* ridge would atop to bewail a dead horse, I* to highly improbable, that It caonst but bo that the writer Ol the moree/u allowed lo must have been misle : by his informant, htnee tlie last attack on Friday night, the enemy has remained cotupa atively quiet up to date. To- tsy, in particular, has been marked by an unusual absence of Incident, it hav ing been tor tbr<e ycat* past a curiiaa! point with the jankee General* to make no .Hack uu Sunday. Bit nrtfy after their crush lng defeat at tbe first Manissaa. July *2l, 18(11, a deputation ot yaakee clergymmi prc.cnled a petition to old Abe, setting forth (hat the Ute disaster lo tho Uaion arms was undoubtedly owing to the tact of McDow ell’s forcing the fight on the sabbath, and E raying that for the future no mure bailies b (ought on the Lord's day. lo gracious response to this address, whined forth through the ctrrio none, us it doubtless wss, Abe r.jomed that thereafter no battles should ue (ought on (he babbalb, except when necis-ity required—that is when it was thought tbe yankers had a sure thing of it. With this tdllyiug response the deputa tion retired, andatnc* then il is ob>ervable the leaders ol tbe Puritanic hosts have sel dom joined issue with our troops on lhat d*y. Among iLe killed, mention bet been infeic of lb* brave General Dole*, of your Bi*ie. General Lew, also, ie severely, but not din- wounded, *ndC*pii.m M.licdgr, of ibe Aagusta baUerj, is wouiided with sue 11, in tlie arm. For u week paal y*nk«e priaonera have \eea coming In by #<j4juL>, varying m nuui her trum one bunuiad to ball s floxeu. From ilit nature of Uio ligbliug, which be#u almost excl-.sitclj in few of the enemy Lave ever reached. tb«* num ber ol ctplurt 1 * is !<*r irss ihnn uausi in an engagement of such magn.iuic *• L-oIU (laibor, but, as some soLtico lor Ibis lari, it msy be elated iuat ihe pr<»p«)riu>e of killed and wot n ed on the yaukec side is tullj twelve Ui one of our own, and ihoutrli we Lave slrswu the fields of Hanover with corpse*. 11 s n*»l Ihe lexst pleasing reflec tion that ihe circuiUblaicen ot Ibe ballis were such aa lo p elude our being t.aiuper e.j with an immense beard ot hungry, dirty, ravenous, grumbling prisoners lo tat out our sub»taDce And seriously perpb x ibe question ol excuange wi b then- impudent lueodac ly. Trhonk Powers. Importent Order* iron lien. Slocum. Hu. Qua Dur. *»r Vickabdro. f V vkaburg, Mias, May 12, 1804 f G r ner*i Older* No. 6. L The L ulled Stales Government having Atlupvtd tue policy of leasing abandoned ,»Umotions aud git iog emp oymeut lo Meed mew, it is t e ouiy oi tbe military authori ties to give protection, us lar as possible, o the b-boe* *Dtl lap nr. This protect ion cun only be g>vcu by holding ie>pQu.-*iuk tue emirre s ;n wb««-u t> uds oi gucr itlas, wuohr- constantly c o nmi tii gde, > ed»tnm« upon them, are o.g*u ze aud eucwur . 11 it is therefor* ordered ihs», hcrea.ter, in every instance where a Government lea «*• is I'oobcti ot property, the commanding officer oi nearest imliUG shall b«wd a .‘Uiflcient fwree to the locality, with instruc tions lo se.zj lfA*ml Uisioya. citizens property sufficient to fuMy indemnify the lessee, which prop© ty sijaTl be sold at public auc tion, snd twe pioeeed# paid lo iiie injured person. ,ii tbe crops cf s lessee are or »nary niasuar Injured, crops ot the ourne kind will be aud iiarvestcd tor the Deuefit ot tbe ibjuiod li any lessee U k l ed by guerrillas, an <t.-»c«»me!ii ol 0 will »i one be levied u,m a Ihe di iovrtl people r«s:ding within ihiity ntiies o. i(j«- place where the offeosf was cofuuiitlcd. Pro party oi nay kind will be seized and sold ior the purpose, a» and the M»uouut so iissv-s*eU w iil be for tliv Lcn#flt of ta*» family of tue lessee. Full reports of all s«* zurcs sn*j sales of property under ties older will, in all esses, be loi w arded dir*c: t'» these headquarter*. 111. Iu deciding upon theJa-s ol puisons *tn be atsesscal, it oliottid not be lorgolt* n that Ihe U“th of allegiance is not *n iofulli bie lest ol loyalty. If a citizen lias rela tives and lii«nds a i ong these; if be bar bur* or pr tec'k them ; or if, having means o. doing so, he fails to inform ilie lessee oi their a; proat h he must be held accountable. Men mn»t l>* judged t>y their acts, not by the cailis they have taken. By coin maud of 44*J. (»en. 11, TV. *Slo cum. 11. C, I OOORRO, A. A. G. Fonr.Boio.xus at tub No*th —TV* find IbeNiMihern pr««i, Republican and Demos aratb*, filled* uemn psi»n, with foreboding# ol du*-ter : *lt seems lom easier, *’ #sys the New York lFar/'f,-*To *Ute reason* f. r festing that tha oountry is on the of a terri ble c»tft*lrcpl*«, thsa for bdisving that the hour of its reden ptlon drnwoth n gh. If Gen. Grant's campaign should result in dis aster, who does Mi t »«e that tho country would be st once overtaken by a financin' torn do, prostratine everything’in its path !* Tho Sprmir&o and Hr publican agoveininent paper, makes, if pj»sibio, a more gloomy record. It cays. * Things begin to look squally. A gov ernment dollar is worth i*ut 661 cents; specu avion it running up the prices of the n«ce-#fO- ch of if-* <*van faster t an the gov err.nient paper runs down ; the wealttk ol the j country is passing from the many to tlie few : and the laboring classes are f-ccoming di«piritsd h and >n! (-n. The nation is spoken ol as • tia-sinc through terrible struggles.” Tho N w Y*»rU T . mrn, the organ of .Mr. Seward and udvoca ea for the re electioi • of , Mr. Lincoln, storms at Congre-s, and »ukf if the of the country is caused hv iheir j “iniosatMiy or treachery ” Ihe New Y*»rk Journal of (hmmtrec, one I <>f tl 1 ' most conservative ol yankvejournals, »#yn: Ruin is before ss s peopl/y * natiop, a Uni >n. if w«* go »»n under pr> sent pui'larce, with the princijtLa which now j revei, in the hails of Cusg pw and the rrn dent's I liou«e. All the protnis - ami p-ophci-ic* of the men w‘h*» l«*J ihe radical party Hie hula t > just what sucl. men promised i and prohcciod fur other nation* in oiher t rn**«, and the end always was, as il will now o* —destruction. It is useless to speculate on what a few [ weeks may decide—the rc&uils of tbe emt ! paign m Virginia—but it my be doubted il any possible sux*ces# < f Gen. Grant can ► av# the North from repudiation, bankrupt cy and rum. “Litti.k Patti ’’—Adelina Patti the charming young prima ilonna is having a •eiies of briiiiai.t success in Paris. A eor re-pondent from that city writes: Bf particular rsquoat, she appeared for the !aj*t tim** this season in * Il Barbicre.” On this occasion an admirer, a young Rus sian Prince, who wo nd not be found in the common herd, installed himself in a box all to nim«elf— having previously suppl ed hims self with a provision of bouquet* of the most costly and rare flowers. As soon as Patti appeared the gentlenr n commenced the scene of the benefit night all alone At first tnis sort of thing was received with disfavor by the house; but at last the audience fi und it test to take tbe alf-iir good'humorwdly, laughing as each bouquet was landed at the feet of the embarrassed yonng songstress. Not less than fifty or sixty were tnrown, several of them containing cases of valuable diamonds and pearl bracelets, necklaces, rings, Patti stoo<! the test admirably, •nd presented her treasnres to her father, who handni them over to the thoatiical manager, M. Bagier, to be returned to their donor. Staos tor thk Kino or Italy. —King Victor Emanuel has received twenty stags from California. They cost, voyage and all, little lets than 8,000 francs apiec*. XtiM >Uf* »r* ttPioul «4i/ w»r »»*♦. BY TELEGRAPH, Rnterrd according to *«*.t of Canfre** !■ Hi* y«*r l**.i If J. B. rtir*.<l«ei\ in th# Clerk** Office of the niMri.t Ccurtuf UifC. 8., for tli« Northern DUtrict #f(i*orfU. REPORTS OF THE PREM ASSOCIATION. Eicimosn, Junn 12.—Tin* n-pirt tart Shtridau U muring towards the canal I* not cpnflrmed ; on Ilia c.mtmry it l» ed that Hampton's cavalry attacked the midera last evening near Louisa Court Hourc, capturing a bal'cry anil a large number of pr aouera. No official in form t lion has been received, but the report it arwM’-v. Another parly of raiders from the valley attack the Orange and Alexandria Railroad yesterday near Arrington, in Nelson Coun ‘T- Tlie enemy have doubtless oejupiod Las mgton and apparently are aiming foi Lynchburg. FROM KTCMOND. Ricmtosn,.Jt'Kit l*th.—Accounts from the front represent Gram bury digging par allels. Some altirroi bin* yesterday and to-day but it has not amounted to anything. The liues in s uie places arc not ovoi 200 yards apart. NORTHERN NEWS. PnT«i;sttiiio, June lltb.—Til e Herald of the Vtli wee, vetl. Lincoln and Andy .Johnston were nomin ated by both ol the conventions on the Bth Inst. The Uemltl thinks the ticket wi 1 have a bard road to travel. The lltli resolution declares for the inaintainance.ol the Monroe docuinc. A vie ory is claimed lor Hunter in the Valiev. From Information gathered exclusively from Soutlirrn sources Morgan is said to harecaplarid Mount Sterling, Kentucky, on the Btb, destroyed bridges, tore up the track of the Kentucky Central Railroad, between’aua and Pan*,tapt ired pas senger tiain, occupied Paris and destroyed important t, cstle wi ik at that joint. Hi. force Is tsllu aiod si (wanly five theusand men. The JTtUild pi ches into tlie 7',men ol Tuesday for the publication of a long ac count of tbe battle beincvn Lee slid Grant. The l'.iae* claims it was the must impor tant b'Ule ol the war—Con lesses Grant was bad'y beatin and tli* rebels undoubtedly l iccetsl jl. The Ilcrald says it was pub liahed solelr to defeat Giant tor the Presi dency and succeeded in doing it. Gold, closed on tbe Bth at IVG{. A telegram from Sherman, dated Ac worth, Pass 7lb 15 p. m„ Safa he has been to Aitoona Pass arid hnds it admirable fur his porpose. It is the gate through the East or must Eastern part of the Alirghantos. He says the etemy ars not in his immediate front, but their signals are seen at List .Mountain and Kenne»aw. A dispatch lrom Grant dune 7th, op. m., says, all has hern (juiet to-dax. MAN'FES TO F..tnt CONG HE j 9. I rCfinoND, June 12—In secret session on Frid ry nirht Ouogrcsa adopted n ms li fealo dectaileg that nothing a,,** moic ar dently desired than peace. The sirs n| successes with which it has j leased the Almighty to bless our arms since the open ing ol tbe pietcnt campaign, enables ts to profess this desire in the interest of civil • satins and humanity without the danger ol bavin i our motives misinterpreted. The w»rld must now see that wc can i ever lit conqnrred. Will not our adversaries begin to 'erl that humanity lias bled long enough and devlst tronj a longer persev rsnee ti a wanton and hopeless contest. The war on our aide has bean strictly delei'sive. \Yc do not wish to Interfere with lit# pescc swi prosp rlly ol the States nrnyeil nganst u* —all we ask 1- the undisturbed enjoyment ol tl • rielitt wliVh our common anmtcfs declared as horiUfgc to al, panics in the S' clal compact. If our adversaries, deaf to the voice of reason and Jus'ice, shall determine upon an indcfiuate prWlongniion of the c- ntrst, upon them be the res ousibility <> lad cigiun so injurious to mankind. We have no fear 1 1 ot the result. Rmimonh, June 13.—Telegraphic com mqulcation with Lyrchnurg unbroken. Nothing additional from Sheridan. Heavy firing at Uottotn’j P.ridg* tliU morning. CONFEDKU\ I B CONGRESS. nicuitoND, June 13.—The most Jnpor tint r.cii'in iu either house was the pss-agr of a til! amending the tax laws reported from the Gommittco of Conference. Among the provision i of the hill *s pas ed arc the ollowiug : Land purchased an,; occupied by relugrcs to be assessed at the nnikc! value ol IS ,U ; property a*sets of Corporate Associations to he taxed the same as prop, erfv assets o! individuals : Ux to be paid by companies ; provided that no hanks shall pay tax upon depo its, the stoc k of c rpor. ations. A associations and all property will,— in the enemies lines exempted from ta.xa t on ; five o«r ccat tax upon all specie b.lls, exchange, etc., to he paid in sjiceie nr its eqnivolent in t:en*ury no'es additional tax ot thirty per cert levied upon the amount of profit of Mle mentioned by the first two parajrSpha of the fourth eec'irn of tax net from February 17th to July ]„t. OH fivo dollar bibs to lie Hxe.l one hundred per cent alter tbe fir I of January. GRANT ON THE TRAMP. Richmond, June 13th.—Graut has again , changed liia base. He began moving on our right last night, and atiout dusk began i crossing at Long Bridge about twenty l m lea below Richmond, on the Chickakcm- j Iny. This meaning o"r cavalry fought the enemy's advance near R ddell sSnop, about fifteen mile* below hete. Owing to superior numbers ol the enemy, wo wire compelled to givs back. Hie enemy were lancing supplies and rein forcements just below Madison Hill last night. | No general engagement to day. About ISO prisoners were captured to day in the enemy V abandoned brea-twoiks, and have been brought in. EOF RUSTS VICTORY. Rictmosn. June 13th.—Official dispatches from Ger.. S. D. Lee ray* that the ba'.tle of Tishoningo Creek wa* one of the moet impor taut victories of the war. The enemy 's entire wagon train and twelve piecee of artillery were raptured. The ronte of the enemy was i eomjfleiv, ffiiftrt w*»» ste* p»4it, I' FROMTRANS-NT -i-o IPPL Cu\ips, LJune lSlh.—Tl.e iomnar.L of! Harks' *r»ny i* on th* w<*t nine ot die iiv t r j near Pa»rt UiuituQ. Constant skii ti*U ling !» twetn thorn and rur forc<* in tho * *r. i‘ iu: j Catipu Plrlsij, by order of the v.nk< e. < «:m> ! founder, ha* Won demjhitW- hou~. . .-pvjwi.Aiid thing lurut, ami the pot ; \ have to l.i j: 7, <Jy MxK C*tlelt # has iccu k.i'ud i*y the cne oi y. li.eyartkees ar-'’ nrul dt’*orliug in nurabtrs, telHjig tholr hoi> s r.n-i eq»»ipmente 'or whatever tiny .i . grt. Throw thmi-aiid troop* hatr c ;;i. up fi • Xrw Cnlwen* to reinforce tho r: c?:iy who uiv. conf'.aut’.y dreailing ftn Atlanta, Jnn* 13. —'a\iv *oes ;r. ;n f ct ?.\V ; that rtrtriit rair>« wade ron-U a!, .-t. blr, saAprrulnif; til n:ot « of !>otb armies. Nti' her has fii r 7 a gnti for two days. Yankee trai.ij <rc* running to Acworth, t*> •lav. TU*r« inuieAtion of anew flank t Diuvfm»*iit cQ lU part, of thojnnk' fa. Dnr line* ’m strong and trotipa recover!*! from re cent follguo. Si a mi’s Pahm, .Turn -2 -No clr\ngc in the rtliMlve silua ona <>i the two urinic? stive ortilhiy itiid ru-tiv** r!i \!pb!tvo;im?. On tho port <;i t!i<* er.c ry n-•tiling doing. So<mt« ri*;'.r>rt Giant lo Ik- traiing up t!»t York Iliver Hnilrond. Ora; t ia very hmvily fortifi< 1 on ''nr 1 front and hfs lines in gon.o j .Ituxs within! fifty yard* «>f «*u;«. Ati.anta, June 13- i‘- >’r.on f r.fT ir - ir. lrom unekMug.d lor two days with <*-,!yoc casiottal ►kirniiahing uoJ fir ip_* on working parties. Hun.ors o! a »>•;! n A’ton’n v‘i H-ps- ronehe ! In.-ru S iturdivV. iVniplo prop aration mniie :•* rect iv« thrtr. No hfon? of their npnonranc • at the pn s nt tirno. Wc-ither Very ml ar.d iiu;< sunlly wet for Uu- past urn dav*. M\i*M Tift: Is* Tns Field, nkah y-.fli: ; a, c, a,) •T i n* lti, f ! The cretil Inl'le for tlin p— t > :<>n «>' At 1 lAiitn, and f«r the howi>»ncv <>t ;«».*» }»•»n. cl ihe Oonft'd* r’*cv h *- *. m t!iv» e-oi In,!. ■ of tl;e Mh*- ; wippi fi«»m u. • *''! t •> boriierhi.. 1 «*n the Ai’aniie, is s h pi n ins:— Im’u i-ig fire. Many conjedtuir.i i- t o! -» ki>- i iv#». ! for the intrench < xliiSited by the enemy. It i* s-»-d liiif i! » y hit »u ,i’i imr letufo: r en?rnN ; that il v: nrv delay fan: only until il*c h« !Le a is die fi o.vah shall he rnniplefid ; and i 1 t the repulses met ; n the asaauhs on Si w t, Ni vv Hope ( liuir)i. and .m o,- ii. it, c iin»>■ --ed of Oinfi buryand Gov tin’s Inijiuies, live taken the cd/e from their courage Ti e enemy arc evidently i» eked, ad not s». h«)Jd and dn«hy ns when first atlaikid ;us at Hesaei. Whatever the iuas< u *uny ' he. this i> the fact I E*er since the O<V nt y«* *v IT > r rhiirHi tho encmv’ keep immivuverng; to cufi.nk us on th * tilth'. Fo bsr ihrv have uiu ,\s tound Oenera! J'dmst 'ii . inti.ii' i r ami I do bt not tile yur.ktvM a e !••■ :in .ii. to think we have a me-:: ov 1 -■ !u .■ ; foroe.or :h:it our troops im*vo w idi woudei i lul CCletitT. A n.wusoM 1 ’lr :o tt::-: ( ,:v We have bi< R a li -ami m;. \ • • ?.*•(» mono unit to the lm-iin ’ v «and Get». S. •: <•- , wall .lackj-i'-n, pi« *.• » i< and vc-:*iiKy 1o llic Oi y ol (,’hii!Um*ku], thrc’i,*;h the .Siavu, hv ♦ tir iftivp .-»! 11! «■ n»• • j • i-i I-** i; ], .i> •i t 1,. I lirowil. H ill) hil- rI. 11, \ , . • ;1 1 ii . (t« dera'e port. '1 , • m"i.u ~1 <. ne -r \v j Nrt-s'.n, wh r«* it was cm stiucied by ll»t‘ ; j ini ianors nnd ing miit v 'd a Canadian | and hN- nKi Car.tlii.ian. It. i- ahoul nine I Let t two if cjirs in heir 1: ! . sm! c insists of | the nu»f lastelnl ami elat-orat- '-bell work. • li is really n very udtnirah’e Irih :te to the j memory of the great s »!dier.“ii» '' hesc hotp ! “nt *.vu» made and will and ib'ic-'S alwaye he p izvd by the cit /.eiiA < f <i e.-ton. The face f>f the Bionumeul bears the fol lowing Inscription : To the Memory of G i NKra :* Ston ka a ii, J ans ON, Who ft!! : « Chn? ccil.ircvitle, Muy 2, !’shi, f)r Ih ft fofl fire are !:.c nh! Cor/rdri-nlr and the H otlr filsrs. ( tossed, wi; li the fob lowing *i.scriptii»u : "Do )«iur duty snd Jrnvn ihc for Pray ide.iCa.—All» *—J k I>s ui, Ou thr revenw are rrcorfit and the names of the I attics i.i iv hie b the !,«• > Mnnass** fi«llii>|? Wat«v. Wiueb< ster. Gross Keys, Cedar Hnn, Tptl rks; nr; am) KieUnjond, and ou ;Ue rgiit lace is the fol lowing : Hid va.!< <•' !itc fi* id, A host iii * pres i cc, and i- .v.u m a shield. As he liycul he died, i 10-iou ]y, Motiuin *n:nl Cenct.r b, pjc ented !»y Capiain Utorjjc fi Brown, 10 ;bo Mayoi ami Ci.ixjus ol LLarJivsti n. The mnrm.ent can be reen nt *V Or l>ti-,u H*e ami will repay a visit.— C.i ■••* 1/e-cu y. Items Fllom v o::;n; F . \ w . nun name tk .i !imm* iti >, -i i. .■ i; ; Urowklvn, N«u Vurk, until r t •: the r>;tl 111 Ma V, -.IV b rill , . ••<■•l, three bi>snut! li rut. leal m.ito *,l Ibuii live«t l» eiHy tmir lea i < ul I r ei.tini -,i r: 1 ,i Os New V | i- -liii to tie Pm.' a |i ,1 . died Hinusuml it" :ir in .: -toa r , Fe ll Aveune, iu which tu ■■ ler in. r ;.meus I rurie, -No less than Ulfifn) rii! >al mi ' is were f hIiUH-d i’ l.i v : . to: N . -.v V,«k, I’liiludeli'lim, Jlostrn anj i'uriiiiLil, re ► ides tnirly-tour tons o: oi.lninie.. mii.l ord nance stores, in 1802 ; 11 317 i.OJ in cus ion caps, i. .1 a tow J.iuii-.g j.'.. eWiirds and pist-ls. Ti. . ■ is no -u: ••>>,:• ’ of the like materials di-pa’..-lied to the Coufi dr rales. I r>*.ATlt op A a— Colonel j Andrew J. lituior, btv.lmr of the It- 1, died atiddetiiy in New Y :k on Ids re [torn from New Orleans. JJe ldt "a Ivory / urge personal propel’.v,” so til,' Now York Jhniltl tells its. val.ietl at ' two millions of dollars. This Ln cot. by slealirg and robbery in Nuv Or I leans, in which the Ji. ast v*a don't ties* | partner ; in proof of wliirh is the fact | 'list- he left half of his property to the I Beast, one quarter to bis uw n widow, i nnd one quai’ie.r in trust for ills own son. .Such tub:lulling ra-calilv Ha-* rarely ; been anted in the face ot the world.— far. AYt rs. I Aw Ixoottntaißt.u Js-tes.—A private ’ |of the Troup Artillery, Caheii's bt.tal ion, by the name of i., dbcltcr, tviio »a known as a great jeater, wa« severe!v aoauded through tin- lung nt Spotsyl vania by a Jtl tinie ball. When hts comradea tooel l.itn up to carry him from the field, he said to them : “Well, boys, they’ve gofme; it was had against IjtdheUtr, but lead rather J got ?iic idler of it! ’ HF* Twenty-one tmudrvd vankee prisoners wore to leare Richmond for ;h<South, UA the j «!h and P|h tq.f, Arfnf rn iKiZiiD -Tbe Washington C/Iron •i*»: s lb.-* t HMittnir Iho prominent n.crn <■ r* «•; tl:*i Grtbni (A ':• • 1 itior ) Sihlh Con*» vi iiti *a «'f K» nl . 'Kv. x.- ri' Iter. Dr. Brock iftri ; • il ■ . b\ K. VVflb.f.nA, Uon. >V. C. (i<*o«i:«»i*. t’oK»i;cl A. G ilolrcs, and many o h«*r o-iMitlwi cii who have lor.g occupied prominent j o-ili'-nH in the Sin e. At tho c (■<■' o: th" proceedini;*, Dr. Breekinri'lgo ni-tcle a j-j*, * h, in wh’ehhed* clarftl f->r Mr. fiir.c in. i « tho only Ituo K-yal who cou.d twr'y :hu Slue. «&+ Im ui.asi: of Hat. —The l»il’ j .ist c 1 by Gtsi>»:iv-s and now nwabirt; ihc HltV* ti.< I’iiki .(‘fit, :i Gi'itCi'M) month, si Dmuicutinl G«i:cial tjilfii), a GtDtiai sb.o, apU a Hiigadicr Gcii' crai i. i <M*!.i‘ in t in.i..viid »>( an a:* my .•> ic« a u in a .dil oa, and all others t'l (he fit Ti $3 ». The bill to incmuc tin. pay of sol. Hers was unit ode t by ihu Fe-'an-so us to in Ac it applicable only t«> one, ii sir i 1 ot a ; * i tit <n* in arnii; .en eM and in tint form has pa m •! both brunches ot Cong rets. “Th.. i* it a vest as::, v.i;: ’i i muchs-t.” Tin: i.:el leal - tiled iy G« n. vf-lm C. lirtek** ii.:’ ;i' r 'e : incc tl * war w. ic thed cm Ftis >1 *.y ni:!bt, ;; 1 iustUnt, on *'• uni «>1 tlio and *adi ot his Uv<>r'ito hor. t*. tlr.t bad cars lied him since thebiUic o:bhi!dh. yell) AhDfvtisnnculs. Wanted to Hire. on A t.. 1.. ,-e.p'..vr.d O.UU nt. >'lst:«n No. 4, Co.lrul t:.,. culling limbti l ; 'iorcrtuitcn' j tirp Fa r > am civ. i», I »- i 1 •»» iriliois, ch thinj, atd mcuicaV at*.emlnm- •, H> ISAAC IIA YD?:.V, > :a.;.cn, * a. or 1 1 1,. A. T.UvVfiU, A'/rnt Engimvi f> j-arlmcnf,, jnne 14-Fclrod* F-ypt, <;. 4 . iLMIERHOUSEiMOHi: | I Vt. J. A. t'l,l,('i(. J Y|„„y i. ..... .: t ,| IA * t bi.s week, foi iiir* la. 4 t ii.n liiin \ I Jt D know u iti many in thr «• ii v lliat !m* op* j -ra **» wilt p*.*ifret Mia’ihi for lAto*, liilula, ! ruornin. An-.. | tine *>t the Jin *} r< a peet»n!e p f i-'iebir? of j \ lie mly, hrouglo hni j; jhi,ni in i cimiuiy, i ‘iml b D t.» b - Inn ed. oli h.oing niiiiri’s j di.lftring Will (in hkrvi-.-. Tho-e who do f>! ni '.o i- ?* (1 operating :'bcudd n- ver ur.ia-i'- ukvil, .»« »li*.usood*tH\el,ten Iwnvrritilt ■ \ H.ost; Wim give in* ab.eiiium to ?i;ch di*s I. Ve- wii: : 0 \ a: (loir lie 'Till he . I alllgUShi 0!l tl 0 ] £>• 4k v nt tli <3 Piasters Hut.el. June 1 l-ts i vi'liaj;;, A»£»:•<-, 7-t>. A. lit’ I 'n'lxn. Va , June s, 1 biti. r riiE fHVi - .eel’,’ i- J -a „pe U „ I ceM tb.-Ur ii-: es I.XI’IJ AM.'K n.ada • ! ’.v (hi I'e.blMl a .Pi lid s, t .aril g dale ':. V ; .111- lSi.l. ee l is :-epp. L’ed by VBilJ Fidvrjl parolt-s eii tile in inv etiiit*: -vii. I. It i eiiteiierute efiions e.n-1 men who I hive "* '■’•-II lie):- 1” it hi t iiy I’, int, \'a . J.I'O . 1, ai. hereby tie. I See. All Cunf-derat# effieer* and men, and nil ■ ivilian* who Imve t b anpttired *»t I ijny 7.1 L»t li’.’it ' and W tneb.aic an, mHf.ts'w m.'ll <<t ; Vi Hi. lx. y 4lh, 1-::, ewenl sin-1, „* 1.. .; , v’boiig. .i l.v !.\ m, tie. -, mime, r.d us, set.ii mi l . i. hi. iji. crui, | jme 1-i- nt, Ag- tl. of Ka. ti’inge, lE ; \\ ' H will s. ti ltd- iii"v, at our iriio’.e, > > 1 ’I" .In, ar, 7. u •• (’.'nil ted. rate, rut t:p In 1 lb I'U. kag.s, 1 box nsfor'ed Hardn are. Ji dor. genitln.'e Elaekhif. in large lirx. * 1 oomph ti- T.x -it (id: rVanuh 01.1- X.*, together »il li -11 ’.Try otiurer. licit*. 'Site lit In li'el ek. F. if CL A VTOJf A CO, | June 14th, 1.V.J1-U* 'Notice to tlie Pnblic. | '■piiß | itbitn i- i’crei-y e.’HUion».l again-t 1 Ua.ling ter a dec bill of fl.iiUO, the sanrn I having lx eii ei’lil. ii, a ; vm to tlis Fnullirrii Kxj •’( ' r-impniit !■' <:. \V. Whit*. ('a.-lii<r. I jin. i i-3t MicrmcnN I'xi’iiEss co. SCYTHE BLADES. I / * / \ FA i UA < FfV''ne 81 1 Fm, for ii »V/ 9a\*‘ nt y I'uoncii, or iu for j VV I'Vi! »!1 frt\ Olid. It*. tt*l Did ' j'ine 12* li. IL WRUILKY. 1 ToB^PRINTINfI. 1 r pilK A! HAN V PATRIOT <1 I*T« fi bust hi ; 1 hrst JGBTV! R, nn Imo ; «nv < in the : ! lino < n hind, FLANK DF.TTK, * F.NTY I oFFiri:ihs !ifi.\M:s, ju -lit i; ani> mild i H\ s'ltl io ir.v (|ii(i:i!;t3 to suit imreti eei’f. tglJ AKI 7l;-MAM Mitrt mat nil jkef’ of C.iV’ i iau. i.l id.ii.k', jjrixited to orthr, , n i'll iu.|int. ti. ! t i>x * in r a large nipply of Paper—no Job a",!! t e .I-lav. 1. .Ml ■’ n’.e: - Ti.a.l. tt Itji us, will ! e .r; ended t. with ji orapi n. ss. A'! ','((> J. IV. UlAll’j A CO , - T-A'A. hco on( Ja Mac Oa. i7j 0 i x'.., L S Ol JNi i Ll’ vJ. j ■ \ CrAl I.: «.\ ' :p*‘,i.r fjuolily. 1V J 1 ■*< rale \* ; June l.i-lf MITAKFL SdFTlia ->‘)oi.) Ii E^VAIM>. I > ANA WAY on the 7th in>? from th wacp fii on lrain of tl. •• fitowah A!auufacturing a I'd Liiii" ' Company, *nc;;.ipod near Alucon, ’.iohti S l. 'i 'ehfs Mob, dark raudltt.', b : L-■ while Uvtli. ::■, short upper ie« hi !.,.i 'round fare. v. ry t.ljek, sji.-nk ■ I imkeii,' weighs »'>• »’ iV ' 25v...m„1 h is *- j pun*.! (hey are tiying to innlce their U, LV t" wioicthvy ihouali thtiy oi.ty AMHupt tor« ;u*li the ent-> f:»Y» !i *-s ;u tlu* direction of fitowah, tiv v have l o n more recently inplosed. The nbove row .rd will he paid fi r iho i>p-» pi< !or,;-u»h uad delivery of tin- a Low ties ci iD. »1 Negroes, at th . ofiiw of ihe in tliifc pine* l , or ouo half of that amount lor «itlitr i n<‘ of them. 11. TOUEY, Sec’} and Tivap., K owuh Ai. ik iL Cos. Macon. Ga., June 3* —ts \V ANTED. I 'PH buy ant at snail lioi;?r t wblvn tha i cmpnration of the city ot .Macon, f>:■ I wli ch a puodpriio will b«i j «n*|. Apply iniinediately to fiitili*, Sn,, ~ oc Go- J. V ATEN UNO. j me lo Ot* * KANAWAYT" ~ EpROM the urfli r i jned. a r*£?ro wcn'cn, 2. S*2 year* old, nearly white, hair cut short, about ft ffc»T six or seven inches high, and weigh* about 140 pounds. I wfu p.i v « ibiinl reward for her appre* h itsion aritl delivery to me, or her ooLtinen mert in any il where I can £rt her. Address Mit>. CYNTHIA MIMS, cr l), M. lIIUHTuVVEU, jun« ig-av* fit! Vftllej’, c;*.