The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, December 25, 1851, Image 1

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A. G. MURRAY & J. H. LOGAN, \ 0 A ME Ml. (flj? Sliiuwnti tiiiimt. lCtsLl.<ltUl) EVERY THURSDAY MORXUG, BY Ml'lilt AY Y LOGAN. Office on Broad Street. West end the New Brick Range, (up-stairs.) te^rlvTs: Two Dollar* anti A i.alf 411 Ailvftncr Oi* ‘1 tlrcV i)u!lar< at the otid of six months. Xo subvcrijttions ta %en fat lea? than one .voar, unit*?? paid in. adv&neo ; ami no paper wifi fee aiscoulinued tiH ail arrearages ure paid, Except at the optiou of the publishers. 4 11 vl%i;il ** *; u jv.n ts Conspicuously inserted at OXl* DOLLAR per square tor the first insertion and FIFTY C/FTXTB for each ■qasut continuaaor; A square in the L T \i >\, is the space *of tea in small type, coutaining, a<U does,one li un bred irords. All advertisements sent without specifying the number of insertions desired, will be continued outil ordered out and n. r. oil real estate, must be publisncu iSTutivs, s2.”>t) Peraouftl property Under mortgage-ti fas. mast be published #9O 5.00 Citations for letters of Administration, 30 days 2.7.) Tax Collector’s sales, todays, Notice to Debtors and Creditors, 40 ** 2,h Sales of personal property of estate?, 40 “ d.iKi Sales of Land or Negroes ‘ 00 *• 1,50 Applications for leave to sell Land or Negroes Bi'ist and published weekly for 4 months 5,00 Notice for Letters Disinissorv by I ixecuto. s or Administrators, monthly for ii months LSO By Guardians, weekly for 40 days, -1,50 | lvjtrays, 2 Hecks, .l. M’ (Orders of Court of Ordinary to make title to Laud, ac companied by a copy of the bond or agreement, must be 3 mouths HARDS, lc. H<VKIiV If* Alt ■) r?i e u at Aaif. 1 Ilawkiiuville, i’aUiki Go , Geo g;i praetiee j in ail the adjoining counties > ; ’ uiln .I*l ’ , .i y • i.u A L 11 >k nuns, Gridin Wu-t Haiihls Zebulon. . • March 5, 1 Sol l U | lU'. -* i • Att-oidcy ai •• 1 • Will j j. practice in all the counties of file Mint l netnt. and ! in the cttuntics of Fayette and Coweta, ot tin* ( ovvt t; j Circuit Also in the supreme C<**irt at Macon and Luca ! tur. W All business entrusted to his care, will meet nrompt uttcutiou , T j 0 Refckkncks —lirowu, Horton k > o , .sew York. Ja ns j A SiuipJOii, Uliurlc.stu.i, {South Uaiuliua. C 1 .Kss *v TiiatvSii Alt it Law, Mo t Done ugh, Ga , will practice n lM eouuties of NJon J roe, Pike, ilenry, Newton, Fayette, Dcivaib, Campbell. | Meriwether and Hulls LITIIER J. aUK * , 1 •SKiIl A Til • *HEt: j November li), 1848 R W. Meet N *i, Attorney at L nr, ti utli. <<a <-ff • fioe pp-stajrs, in Chapman’s Brick la-xl d*or west of lledd & Cos. _ January Hi, Iysl *" l ‘ v \ ) t \ . (. voLAN, . TFt t L 1J (la , having formed copartnership, ‘MI i; ‘ :i “ ‘ the counties of Monroe, l*ih. Fayette, Ji• : ; y - j Haiti, \j'.v oa and ‘ljriwethv A l ** into’ .''•np.eni . f .'ourtia Maeon and lleeatar All husin ss eii rn oeM l” j ttt'jir care, wdl iu *ct v/ith jrouipt t'.il.'H A pat ii solicited. 4-. T it'Mi., 5: Slay 11. Ims Pi V l'i • iVlil’ W.V Alt I ii*-/ it i- i■ 1‘ 1 ton, Ga. iLtoher, J >i7 i. -ti Hu..,... t.itiitiA uy* r-'i ks. Jtt -i -■ -u />*> • David X. Maktin, Giluin J Gr. .. 1 > ’ 1 ■4. - u&AJUtg: May 2d, li>l. j yUItEM CU:'DTt4 Utlt A ufttoii. £• if HATS aid tTAi’.S, W.c.. , J “ nLW YUiGv. S.*pt ( *:ub r 4. I Sol. v C\ \V. C. U'iCl Hi , continues to . p.n- vVu;.:i . j* cs and Jewelry, iu the city of GriUin—No east side ol* iFH Street Th inUlal for past favors, li iU a eontinuaiice of patronage. July 14, ldfil. RiIIKRTS, cv Yi i -*ii .i. , Wholcsah ltealer* iu mu! JhuK'tic Fry O .>A . JSavannnaii y-i ‘i .'.w HIRAM UDIOrn’S, W. O F'LITK, L \V .M Aj:si!Al,l. \pv 10. DM r %\ x..... v*. ... Wiiui.'i.le aim 1 ttfll letail Store, ’ • :i ’ jH lealers in Uju-’i *, M Vnrs. G. uc, ics. It. K ii* )TSI K L -'MISU: August 1. IvM _ 4w ;L v j I j :j.i v v'.ii I*. flirt Ufi U tut l-i rim: ~l ii AlCi I 13 ch'int*. Savannah. Georgia r u UK 11 v, of Savannah t- i s i'i of !. i’ ■ • *■. ‘0 j August li. DM *!zh _ i Hv. UtAiW. 1W vv.., H'u U'sUie Ui-Lti.'i, •, (i0r,1... *. A CRANK, T 11 H ;V. >: | ,! . K August 1), 1 N>l Jwmjtti V. % OWI-Ut Vl’ i'W * ‘ - G 1 ’•'•••’ n • Merchants, Savacuah, Gcu gia /. V. CMN.NKIfAT,•. • J August 14, lvil. (•J gii Will idi’i w co., <1 ah -inii ll •• ■ J. qxttrs, IVine , Cigars, F, ht, F.'Li*, F C'unftctir/Hurus and G mien JHetds ; als > all Muds °1 * 1 * wndtlYSTFltS, when in season t;*) Julia., aud 101 Bryan Streets, (Waiitig s building.) 4 ‘ l ** (i nglu. August 11. Lvd. ~*L *. v j~y qWla.u) A W islliii it ‘) ticncral * ■ tnU'-'-i u JLV Merchants amt Facktt Agent .'• l •— y ” Savannah, tieorgia. mrC-> rr >n forwarded by our l.n.e to New York, Boston aud Baltimore, lice ol commission te shippers. JC r. K ROWLAND. 11 K - WA>IIBTT.N. August 14, 1861. jUt!/ *myr i. HBILI) Grocer, fcavanuah, JV|# Georgia. August 21. 1851 il-J\ * liobinson *V VYaSkri. Di:ALL ItS in Maple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries. Jt.v, corner of Broadway and New Oilcans Streets, Ciriffiu, Ga., Oet. 15, ’sl—it OOUE Si MDUiiB, Attorneys at Fair, Griffin, Ga , will practice in the Courts ot the Mint Circuit, aiuliu Meriwether, Fayette and Coweta, of the < ovveta Circuit. Alio iu the Supreme Court at .dacou and Lecat ur ANDREW R MOORE, ANDREW M. MJ 1 AprdJ3, 1N44 z lZ n A. Bsckaer A Cos., HYVE ju.t rceiMvi/iTtUeir winter auin.lies of Fancy Dry (ioatls, Hits, Shots, Groceries, & • k . -m w Ur leuu. Street, (iriffin. <a , * s *~“ i\ i. j, iiA.'it.ii, Griffin, Georgia g#“Ofljtc in I J tho New Brick Building on New U* leans direct, op* posite the Planter s Hotel August L l>r. Knott still in Giiiiiii^ AND would respectfully inform his friends and patrons, that having sold his house, lot and shop, lie has re moved to the New Drug Store on Hill Sticot, (toiim ily occupied by White & Johnson as a Grocery.) “’here he may be found, except when professionally engaged. August 10, iSol. r ll T\ I. H. W. BROWN, Griffin, Georgia Office J 3 on Street, opposite the Baptist Chuicli t 4) .April 10, 1851. ~ lt h. BSTTS, Importer”"iuid Wholesale DKY GOODS DFALFB, -.1, Heeikn*.*., Lharles fcon, South Carolina. July 10, ISSI ♦ J, MAYNAHJD, Book Binder, Athens, Ga Bind • ing of every description executed with neatness and despatch. Orders received at this office, November 14, 1850. - v SBTH w. PARII.Y3I, Carnage Maker amt Repairer, west end of Griffin—north side of the Railroad All jobs neatly executed at short notice. Please give Bin’ a call. January 10, 1851. A. & J. C. IIF.EKS, dt*ah rs ii 77)/ y GoodZ Greet te*, • Hardware, &c., corner of Broad anU llill Streets, Griffit, Georgia. J. A- BEEKS, J C BEEKS. Januaay 9, 1851. ’ TobarroJ jSffY boxes of Tobacco assorted, to which we call the at tf\J tontion of merchants and the public generally, just received and for sale bv C. 11. JOHNSON Sc CO., Griffin, Nov. 13, Hill-street. NOTICE. —All persons indebted to tho firm of Rose & Salmons, fr Merchandise in 1848, will please call Immediately on T. H. Bray, for settlement. July IT, 1361 -ts JUJUBE PASTE—A fine article just received by Griffin, March 27, 1851. LONG & BLISS. A ii. 11 blit Hit'i\ -■ —■—v | A and Commissi n MenLcni, corner of Hill L * A 1 and Taylor Streets, Griffin, flco-gia } Ally.. x Juno 2b. Dal ts j Palmetto Waietiouse* V ——Y ‘l IH'. undei-signcil will carry on a general I Farr- [ D &lu;uscund Lt:nn:i*si n hir incss. the ensuing; >season, under the turn. Lame aid style of *• *•. 3hi •* i at the Palmetto New ; Orleans Street,Tonnerly occupied by P A Lawson, and the las? season by GaulUing. For rill and Cliapniau long exj eiienec iu the business, aud strict atten tion to the interests of their customers, they expect to de serve. as tliev hope to receive, a liberal share of i nblie pat ronage * JONLS. PlllLUPrf & FERIMLL. Griffin, August 1!. 1851. MaiTlmsi e ‘Si mni)iiYion HiiHini^. v,- BU'Ol WORTH & SARGENT having tu ” r ‘ A ken the Warehouse on NewOileans Street, for . iN. oecupied by N. W IHuodworth, beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, that they propose dosi g a general Ho; r . Q\“ -and Cvtnnussivn Itn > incss All e.rirustnL to tlu-m, shall meet with prompt ■mid particular at tontion £s* All orders for Good or t!ifieerics, will be piximptiy ex* ruled. * • 0I .M- • vnmtt,- 14. l-Sol. -ts | ii re pvoof \\ i% l ehoiGo, ---—yG'AI L!d\G KERR ILL & CHAPMAN will •Jl continue the Y\ and I'ominission Bn. i i.VXv-s.ness. i I all its branches, at their Fireproof Buil dings, near the corner of tlill and Solomon streets, where they will be happy to see all their old customers, and ma ny new ones tin ensuing season The superior accommo dations which they otter p i , lV * j wr!l. they trust, se cure for them t liberal share patronage \ A liU LDING H \V I'KKKILL, V. W. CUAI'MAN. Griffin, August IS. 1851. / William 11. y f J ’ > WILL continue tlie Wan* house ami ‘L, • • t’uinmission Business, at his old stand • “N. on B oadway. contiguous to the J-epot. , j ), 1851. | Life liDiirn n€<*. THE North Cumin u Mutual Insurame ( oiupa- , • *y will taji risks on the lives of .% “rAi ie.m .b: iu.y number of years, and Flavor vom 1 to 5 years, at .easouuble rates 4iji'*One half cash on YY Lite 1 cirons, and annual puimei.ts for Slaves WILLIAM L GORDON, Agent. Griffin, Ga . May 29. 1 >*>l. i .%ai2~naL M 1 ss -u*aiiui* Com- : t>aiay. b ]* RiiTi.\rns in, Prv'idcnt 1 A Nor.i.iSee y. , f | Nil. under.- .;md. Agent ot the above (Viupaiiv. .1 pared to take risks against Fire on Muildb >. Stocks, ii . oil the mo i favorable terms. G Dui-dINS, ; Griffin, August 8, 1--C0 m-ts Agent. ( oiupG <it)i lilt? §.bIN of RiiMtM'Yi. i ) . ii. i. *•, M- n, Ga., over J J&.S- i’ Rit*haul's Book More, Cotton Avenue, earm-s on It tun: liL\l t\G in at/ it’ branches. P-ht'niln, ultra. ! u v.iitf la tifwing Pc i-dicuts, wand MWfli Rotks. ■ tA. nik Ji k * f in kind* main/ c!:ticd t >.idcr. A vctttU t 1 1 -—3 m : < . ... .... N ami r-i.i.-v ('■'t!.. G... 1 . Will Ftivrt, G.Hliu, ~a . , C 11 .1 .In -• & •uuU next door to J A ii J * lkaks'new store ... S S.l l *.\ s j m.NOILES li e Til. 11 _ : . . < 17aUK, i><fist. SHOULD r ■■ liFily intmiu those Who | i- ,?V: f ;-!i I >w uoiie that his rooui ,], ro li” will ‘*<• h.| |v t in -t thcin Ik -on -i <r , . l uii my j it ilk i;,! [•. • :h, “ . and do ’ •’ Jo e;.!! a-d rx.Min e 1 o J •- i lV plan af :t;i i.n g tie r;.. *hie.h for durahiltf v, eoinfo; t i | lui.juty. ( i: mmiihs whoie it can pc u; j lid.) is nc .twleilgt ii ‘.;i i or to all others now in Vogue I .1 ‘ i TTi iNT 1* ■! 1 hysiciai s. Meelmiiics, a-. .... h. a.i is il.kiy v<eciviig a fine t,a.i! pj. of Paiot . f hE, Glas-, Putty. Brushes, Dye-Fluffs, 0. 0 ; > i..1.. •; all kinds, whicli lie otters on reasonable j ! , il;1 , .1-tha ca- b. h:d in any soul he; nin a- ‘ iu ( *i:k •. “a i: o:;*!W;i\ “a U iiiicin. < ki . Apiil 3. I'd H Ymv Spiittu UtMxls. \- r AI - : GMj. ... I> • *>r\ | ami l.adi- -. U..d a lingo U-.-o. t meat ot M A i i*Li.i>BY (*(JOB.-’ and GROC ■ D>. whi. h they an j .it n . I.t!, .•; to sell at low ) i.fits Tliosy wishing to | ur- ; ..; ; a - . would and” well to e*dl m ! examine for themselves j jyjpi ‘on,, ot lkoailwo v artd New (>.ljans Ft “and 3 | ! 1 B-’ws** W'ILE be so! 1 i;j . - lib- ‘a and aceomino ; - , . _-.E ~ gM” ms. th- Ftabil i (1L t. i.ow used j “ * *“ by tile Ftogi t ompai y AU • oedweliogj house aad lot ut''prevent in the oeouj ticy* < J l> Fhei ! rill, i..0 ii : w sliing to buy. “1. • .*ll oil the sub j Miio-I. “g a 1i..:.! < ‘ \ MILLLR, Agent .1 1 mi. . The 1 üblic .: ■■ inform and that tin* subscriber is agent lor t!<- .-'ale “1 1 *r. . lmr • woods VeJel.rated AL.gin-Uc Runedics for the cure of i l.hi-onio Diseases of the Lungs, Ftoniacli and Liver M hev stand without a rival iu the catalogue ol medicines. The- suhscfibor with many others he might mention, are In mg to their Milue in the emo o! these dista -cs lie i.- constantly supplfcd with Gold Dills and Mag netic Plaster He has al.-o two which he will s. ll at less, than New Y ork cost, to close a consign ment Per ons iiftlieted with Fcrofnia, or laboring under any of the diseases above named, would do wcli to make :muiediute aj ] heat.on for the 1 Mis, which can he sent to any jart ol the country by mail F. F. KEXLRR.K. Burnesville, August 8, J -At)—ti Njk* e :® r undersigned having disposed of his interest in tin- Gioee.y Business to his late partner, Mr Gloi’Gk F i J ALMKs, and J sm 11 W Wei’.s j -.K, of the late firm of Fwiß. Den.dow Webster, would re.-]ect‘‘u!ly solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm Favuiinah, June 19, Idol A \V LLLS. <opaist.h;imssp. THE undersigned having bought out the inter lV :>t °1 M‘* A wells, of t lie 11:in of Messrs A jQrara Wells &Cos , have formed a copartner?hip, and Will GluliiiUC Ujc \V sa . r..n y *.> i 1 under the firm of WEBFTLK & PALMJ.F, at the old stand of A W & Cos , and respect fully solicit a continuance of the put.uu;igc of that lit in. ami of the public generally. Ihey have on hand and for sale 300 barrels of Domestic Gin, Ruin and Brandy ; 2d half Pipes Ot aid, Lupreys Cos ’s bcC Brandy ; 8 Pipes Holland Gin ; 80 Hilda lair and choice X Orleans Sugar ; 30 11 lids Ft Croix and Porto Rico Sugar ; 40 Bbls Monongahcla Whiskey ; 150 “* Western 100 lihds Bacon Sides and Shoulders ; Together with every article usually kept in a store of this kind They Will also have a heavy stock of Gunny Bagging and Hemp in time for the fall trade. ■ j .[. W. F. PALME'. Savannah, June 19, 1851 -ly SELECT S VMM (POL, rril-IE next term “ ill commence oh Tuesday the fisrt day X of July next It being necessary to limit the num b.-r of pupils, it. will be expected that those who enter the School, will continue until the end of the session. ‘l '.* -ei-XM Elementary Branches (per session of 5 months.) S s Geography. Arithmetic and Grammar, 12 00 Natural Science, Geometry and Algebra, Id 00 Drawing, (extra.) 10 00 Incidental Expen.-es, -'MI No reduction will be made for absence, except it eases of sickness M C. CLIZBE, Principal Griffin, June 16, 1851 -ts q a SACKS Superfine Flour, from the Pcnficld Mills, just received aad for sale by < tT 2. 51 A BUCKNER It (0. LONG & BlASSarenow receiving from New Y ork, a fresh supply of Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils. & . to which they invite the attention of their friends and put ons Griflin, March 27, 1851. I>I^M)LLTIO\. TIHE firm of Knott & Freeman, was dissolved on the Bth of August lust by mutual consent. E E Knott will pay all demands against said fiim, to whom all those indebted will make immediate payment. The li in name is only to be used in closing up the busincs* of the linn. J l FREEMAN K F - KXOTT. Griffin, Oct 23. 51 . Mii'iiN t*d or stolen, FROM tbe subscriber, living at the Steam Mills > in t)„ Inner of this county, about the loth ■—of September last, a small light buy HORSI', j Ml'!.!-;, three years obi .last spring. A>y | erson knowing ‘of su.-h n.l scribe.l ionic, will eh-r inborn me by letter : dirceted to Delray 1* -st “tbec, tp onuy. t ia j JAMK6 B. WALKER . Oct 30, ’3l-laa GEORGIA, THURSDAY \LORMNG, DECEMBER 25, 1851. EL tS. KS. Stinice, by subjecting the laws <f chemistry to the stkugbi | m nt. fus centrum ted to Ins ficufth ana happiness, by /? ; ping the most react and *tirre jxengs i fpam muu insti ft I anil rilling the most obstinate chronic complaints IN ,/ FEW HOURS. ISitduavN Kciidv BStdirf, INTER X YIJ.Y AND EXTERNALLY INsTANYAY ; .-TuDS I’AIN, ANDsPi-D.i ILY GERES ITSUAISK It is warranted t give relief to the following pain* iV FIFTi-ILS MINETi.S. And to speedily cure the disease ;i ti ennui t Dm, Lumbago, AH Summer Complain^. Paralysis, ( holie, Stitt’ Joints, Gh"h-i a Morbus, Hysenttiry, Path in t*c Limbs, * Diarrhoea, llcart Burn, Grumps ami Spasms, 5 Sick Headache, Neuralgia, SorencssYn the BoHC-s Tic JJoloreux, Chill Fever, Ague Cake, Sore Throat, Colds, etc. Pain is j he warning given of the presence of disease, of the nieut of the ncivousand muscular system. Bi order ts*cntc d:>ease and rid the system entirely ci it eftiise, our first groat desideratum is to stop the peby**- strengthen the neivus energy—invigorate healthy —tho functions r.n.l ■ er/tituis of evr 'iy *igan in tlio tein ; this vye ’ )> Vuj’ f,v the nai-'•- ‘iohh . cEunsiur- Jovig'.-vi* ■* g .and oris* pftimsooMfUig |.A|ir ( ertiVs ol’ lladv.av skR .-.dy Relief. ‘No matter what the I cause of pain la—ls it arises from nervous prostration, muscular debility, disarrangement of the functions of the Ever or secretions of the skm, whether it be lheuiuatbiu. neuralgia, sick or nervous headaelie, nervous irritability, .-pasuiodie attbetions, cramps, diarrh'.ea, bowel complaints eliills and fever whether it originates from intermiliU rangemeuts or external iiyuvies—Rmhvaj ‘s Ready Relief, taken int.-rydily and applied externally, will speedily uud cfleetua By stop the and cure its cause. Rlll-.t MATI."M —li>o,ooo ca*cs nurd in 1860. r H>c must cm utiating pain st pped in two lo urs —Railway ’s Rrady Relief is the juiekest. .*afc*< midmost etteetual rem edy for the cure <t’ Jiheumatism in all its forms, in use : we state only what we know. It will stop the must tor turing pains of this distressing complaint by one applica tion. We have never known it to fail in giving instalit relitf. Iu every city, village and town of America it bus cured some of t lie people of this cruel complaint. In every ease we warrant it to do as stated —It will instantly relieve the sutlbrcr from pain, and speedilv cure its cause. Si KAN I) Nliß V t and SJI i, AD A ('ll Id. —100,000 persah* ran d:n iSS i It wi'! gicc relief ia fifteen minutes. —Rall- way A Riady Relief, taken according to directions, will -pe*edily ai.deffectually cure thiseoinplaiut. Taken inter nally, amlaj j i xternally, it ref eshes the senses, clean sis the stomach, stops all irritation iu the nerves, veil ids, fibres a-;ol • . lions of the head and brain, and relieves the suiVeie* imi pan: in lifti iu minutes. It is now curiijg bumlnds daily “t the sick and nervous headache. N t.l it A ! /iIA.— l'M),0t)() .Xcurulgia cio.cs nurd in J.vy If if id t j> the o. st vi-lent ]hi ins in fifteen minutes —Tie I cruel ai.d exeiutiuting pangs of pain of this distressiijg I t in*!! hiiiit are ii.v.antly arii sii and by Railway’s Ready Re | lief * The haj py and iovigoruting ett'eets it products on ! the nervous .system, rendt rn gthe i.'n'es iron proof, ipiiek ||y rest or s tlieui rvonscneigN and cure r the disease Rad ; way’s Ready Relief is the only remedy lliat has ett'eetual ilv i ured Neuralgia in its worst forms, i * J I\R R I i(EA —2t!D.OOU jHismis eared in 1850 —pains i .*/ m<i m J'fteni minutes —tDniway's Ready Relief cured ■ more cases of cholera murbus, dysentery, cholic and all bowel complaints the past par. than any other remedy in use. On the banks ol the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois and Ohio liters, in New Orleans, M Louis, ( iuehuiatu, j Detroit, Ohieagu, MilwauUie, (ialena and other jJae s i where the diarrliaa, cholera and dysentery raged so fat all \, ’ Railway s Ready Relief was used with the best succor-- • jl: will in 15 minutes stop the most violent cramps and I spa.-ms. impart a genial ln-at throughout tlie whole systtio, | allay all irritalion. .-t"i> the painful discharges and relieve the patient ftni'.i all j*ain. i liAM!*’ A \DSIMSMS A t-n-povuiful of Railway’s ! R nly taken in’ ernully anil'by mitbing exteriialiy. ; -..i1l i.: u i. w minutes stop im most violent (.’ramps and : r j u.-’iss. li: nu'.ny eases where the ext remit :.*.-*• Slave lost all 1 where they were erdd and numb, the limbs dist* .- j ti and iu and shrunk, tubbing with Railway’s Ready Relict bus j always bioughi baik l.f< and action, and a quick and lieal -1 thy e‘i. uiu: ion id tin* blood. you find u per.-on ! ahlicteil with Gn.inj sand Bpnsnis ajl-ly Railway’s Ready Rebel umtn uiati !j . iu 15 or 2D minuies it will relieve Die suflerer I all pain. j V-’i •Ei J< ‘nT v -Jfyim hi e nain in Hie Be r.* jv'elleu ri'o.ii.-, w • ruess ; TCvi noiseies—H you hiNiJG. •praii.e! iilli;> . v,idled legs, hruised aim, sore head, or R you burn oi scald yourself—llatiwny’s Ready Ucliof ff|l ;i..i;e out the ii• v. the pain and swelling, gi\\ j . tn. g;!i :n -l cm. .gy tu llie musiLs, and entirely free >o|. [ from ain. ! Jl Ml'l.Gi TO( TU ACHE CI'RED IN ONE SEC j<N 1 > All aches and pains, back ache, tooth aches, face J ache, cm acl:c. Ht in.ich ache, pain in the blubs, the imt | (le. tin 1>";: tlie feet, ami (he arms, iadwa\'- ; Ready l.’eln l .11 instantly cure. i l’.\j .l-1 L 1T( HiNt is.—And ail cutaneous eruption), J are relieved from all irritation by bathing the parts wiijh j tho Ready Relief SFINAL t < lUFLAIXTS —By bathing externally the 1 <■..'■<] of the neck and spine, it w ill strengthen the spine. f ! \; e bn * kno’.n many eases of Rosteiior and Anteiiar ‘ i urvattire of I'hc Spine t” be entirely cured, and the di - ligincd object to regain his proper shape, by the use ts j Raiiway’s iU IN f. j ( HIRE FEVER.—Ouc tea .Spoonfulid Radway sßeady : Relief taken on the first symptom of (.hills, and bathe the head, ne k and .■- boulders ii iheie ns any pain exj eriuiieed, and it “ill entirely pieveut ( lull fever BA li BRl.A'l’H —Jieart Burns, Sour Slomaeli, Flatu lency, Wind. , are ijuickly cured by adoseol Kudway’s Ready ReLerl, ti(ken internally H IS A I>ELR R iL SGUIiDIAL. Imparting strength to every oigan and function of tlie body, and health and ha] pine - to the mind. t A l Tlb>.\ TO DRUGGISTS.—Purchase Radway s Ready Relief only of the authorized agents, whose names j are li: -< rted iu the paper. Our travelling agents have a porer of attorney signed by us Before purchasing, al ways ask to sec it. Price, 50 and 25 cents, huge bullion tit: L % ‘k k • Gompli xions richly tinted with the bloom of health, With skin as puie and fair pariau marble— :~of’t and sweet as the fragrant rose— Teeth as sound and white as alabaster. Breath of sweetest fragrance, and lips of coral tint, With flowing ringlets and glossy locks, Luxuriant tresses dancing gracefully o’er the swan like neck, No dark m-pulsivc- spots to mar the pleasing picture, Or to east Dull shadows o’er beauty s place. it.i no .;. j, t wit ..‘a t i> mjA 1* Composed of the most delicious, rare and fragrant gum , (>1 extracts, oils, and costly essences— Os flowers, roots, trees, and oriental plants, Possessing wundeious virtues o’er skin diseases. To T£i:. iO.iil'JjGXJ .. I ’a. .* UEAITI. Bv cleansing the skin from all aruptivc matter, .vfakes clean the pores, gives action to the capillaries, By which all poisonous humors are ejected,— And a healthy action to the skin restored. , To the teeth it gives whiteness and prevents decay, it make - the .* ’;in toft sweet and smooth, TransfotUis the most repulsive and disfigured visage,— To a clear and beautiful complexion. ti.ii) vi /. i .* V h a assI.V.Y BALM* Imparts nutriment to the hair, — Makes it strong, glos.-y, rich and luxuriant, Cleanses the scalp from dandruff, —gives action to the bulbs— Fastens the hair upon the scalp, and forces it to grow — Like guano to a barren soil, it makes it rich and produc tive, — To dress the hair make it smooth and glossy, — Miung and beautiful, ice. Rut way's in cassia n Jialni is the “nc plus ultra •’ Kit Price 25 ( cuts per bottle. RADWAY & GO., Practical L'hetnifiis, If 2 Fulton street, X. Y. X. B Agents wanted for every Town and City in Geor gia. Sept. 18, ’51.—12m in \ LazcßiXJitno Conliiil* A DESLHABLK AND EFFECTIVE MEDICINE J7K)R male nn l female. It restores the impaired vigor . of nature, and effectually cures seminal weaknesses, and those diseases to which females are liable Sold wholesale and retail by JL'DsON & t 0., Xo 57, John Street, near William, New York, sole agents lor the United Stale.}. ifh’ l'he best remedy of the Age “'Aft For sale in Griffin, Georgia, by LOnG & BLISS. Sept 4, 1851. Bin-43 TAKE NOTH E. ALL thos? indebted to Word & White, either by note or account, are requested to make immediate pay ment to J. M WoKi), who is authorized to settle up tho business of the concern. WORD & WHIUL. j Griffin, Oct. 9, ’51.-tf )/) REWARD ! —i o\/ Gt limy : I—The above reward will be giveu to any one who will prove thut the remedy contains any thing hut vegetable matter. UiF The above medicine is warranted to cure Fever and Ague iu it’ wor t form Try it ! For sale by Griffin, July 24, l-wl.-tf LONG & BLISS INGVMVAYVMJ LI>—LDM BER —ThesubseTi her has now in successful operation his sieum •’uw Miu.M ! miles west of Griffin. Orders for ail kinds of Lumber i will receive prompt attention. A. B. DULIN. ! July 3, 1851. -ts Srwo il - ngf**l !<• MihM * ■*.—MagnetisvD R:i ter aid Magnetised Gold Pills, for sale by A (Hi AY I on Broadway, near New Orleans Street, Griffin, Ga. 1 I March, 1861 -dm ** fVovc all i* l#, 4l g g . fftst that wlilcli Is goott.’’—Pavl. FOR THJC AMERICAN UNION.- To < nt * YYc'll Ijght the brilliant star of hope, And bail its precious ray. No longer in the dark we ll grope, But shine the night away. f \Ve‘Jl seek a home in some sweet spot, On the calm and silent shores of p ace, 4f Where the willing troth is ne’er forgot, And mutual love can never cease. Beneath some towering forest greeu, Exiled from envy and distrust, Where no fate can intervene, To change the scene to dark disgust. \Ve ll bask benagtli tlie genjal t-yiea ‘ I a ,OL tiivori'ca returns übovo. And fix our liopos amid the stars- - The plane sos our love. “Henceforth we ll be so very true. No ill our faithful hearts shall bear,” To time and sense we'll bid adieu, And breath ou lives out sweetly there. JULIA. Griffin. Dec. 9, 1851. U_ _ Msrdlntiw. .\ w Vui lt Corn hjioi.ili iu r ol the Aitiulcan Union* New York, Dec. 1, 1851. In this you have received the news brought by the Steamer Cherokee which arrived from Califor nia lust Saturday night, with her pile millions. The intelliiienee. you will observe, is more than Usually rife with shootings, stabbmgs. hangings, /horrid affairs,” eto. The three largest Shipments j iif gold dust received by this arrival, are for Adams tCo's. Express, .1. ..§590,445 | American exchange Bank 553,312 aieebee tc Cos. 140,000 Total, received by these three concerns 1,28:1,757 This does not look as if the gold produet of Cali fornia was falling off. \Ye shall not be at all sur prised when we hear of the discovery of viens deep er and richer than any yet found, and the return ■of the gold fever. Mining is all a lottery. A few days ago I had in iny | ossession a imckit-hinulkurcliiel I nil of gold dust, belonging to two brothers who had dug it out ill Salmon river in six weeks time; obtaining §IOOO worth in a single day. These young men are the sons of Mr. Wiley, a bank-letter in !>.; l'or two years prior to this lucky strike, the younger of the two brothers (now a line rugged healthy looking youngster) had been mining at Deer Creek, with so little success, that when joined by the other r 4-. Tt-rt'Vr—t—Kit-- t-’m — . ’- -ih irt. 4 rmwiths ago. after a passage of 5 1 , months round the Horn) lie was in debt, and just recovered from a lit of siek : ness. They immediately repaired to new diggings at Salmon River, and were so fortunate that in a I few weeks, they obtained “ a pile” commensurate with their moderate desires. Then with oommeu- I dable prudenec and good taste they struck a bee line “ for their home in Massachusetts, where they ! arrived in good order and well conditioned,right side I up. It is pleasant to have such an instance as this I to record, for to one like this there a hundred just |at tho otlior extreme. In 99 cases in 109, those who go to California are sadly disappointed.— I Driven to the direst necessity by ill uecess, some [ become desperate, and pray upon the more fortu nate. Some of these would shoot a man. or cut a throat for five dollars. Others sicken and die for want of nursing. Hundreds become dissolute and licentious. Even those who “do well, and pre serve a degree of respectability, and return to us with their morals in as good preservation as they were when they left us—l have observed numer ous little indications of this fact even in men who you would have; believed, had moral independence and strength sufficient to preserve their liahits of thought and body, manner of expression &c. &c. free from contamination. One of the best cases that 1 noticed, is a man who was correct not only in liis morals but in bis language also: together with his pi cos gold dust, be has brought home j with him another acquisition, I uuan the vulgar } and wicked habit of swearing. On the whole, j therefore, 1 think that young men will feel quite as well in the long run to stay at home. Dr. Spring preached yesterday the fourth of his series of discourses u, on “The Glory of ( lirist. His theme this time, was “Christ as a preacher, and his text Matt. 7 chr., 23 and 24 verses. The project for “preaching the gospel, on suita ble occasions, in the streets and the market places, and wharves and parks, and vvhe ever congrega tions may be assembled to hear, in accordance with the municipal regulations, to which obedience is due,” is not yet in operation, but is maturing. In consideration of the facts that about 10,000 arrests for criminal conduct, are made in the city every three jnonths ; that 0,000 rum shops (cither brilliant or beggarly) are open every day in the week; that the Sabbath is almost systematically desecrated, by Sunday excursions, dance houses and “Sunday evening concerts : that millions ot irreligious foreigners have landed at this point during the last 10 years; that there exists among | a portion of the natives a spirit of opposition to order and to laws regarded as obnoxious; that hundreds of the German population are professed Atheists, declaiming at their Hoboken conventicle and their three places of Sabbath meeting in the city; that “there is no God;” “down with the ’ church ;” “down with that lie about religion!” | “down with propertyand that at least 100,000 adults in this city, never attend public worship ; it would certainly seem to be incumbent upon eve- I ry truly Christian citizen to make energetic and extraordinary efforts to regenerate New 1 ork. The 32nd Congress, convening to-day, is looked to with profound interest, by our commercial men and manufacturers, but a still dee or interest is [ felt by those who have no mercenary desire to serve, | and who. actuated by the purest patriotism, have the integrity and harmony of our be ovod country jat heart. Firebrands, from the North and South, ! will seek to re-kindle the almost smothered flame of disunion. May true statesmen, anni hilated ! As I said, at flic time of liis c’ect vhoyov sliql look with some interest to the coilr e of Charles Sumner, of Boston, Mr. VY inthroj*s jbalition suc cessor. /f. ii,: * Stuudliig Committees of th llsiA of Itepreseii - fntives. V Mr. Speaker Boyd Ims appoiiitM ! ho folio.vini> standing ."committees in i lie House'* ■ f llei reseiita lives: ’ .Pi ’!’ On Elections—Messrs. Disney w Ohio, Ashe ol j X. (/., Williams of Tenn.. offilJ., SSelier me*lt< r aof N. Y., Cu'skie of VaJßw lug of-Ky., D.i vjs'of Mass., utid Gamble of EdM < Oy* aiul Ales ns—... A'!” of N- Brooks of. V Y . Jones of J’a., AppTeton “f Dunham of lnd., and Phelps of Mo. On Claims—Messrs. Daniel of N. C., Edgerton of I Ohio, Uow'e of Md., Soimour of Conn., Bauton! of Muss .Sackedof N. Y.. Curtis ol l’a., Smithol'Abi.. and Porter of Mo. On Commerce —Messrs. Seymour of N. Y., John- | sou of Tenn., Stephens of Ga., Fuller of Me., Dun- J can Mass , Robbins of Pa., Martin of La., Aiken ot S. C., and Walsh of Md. Oil Public Lands—Messrs. Hall of Mo., Cobb qt ! Ala., Bennett of N. Y., Orr of S. C., Watkins ot! Tenn., Freeman of Miss., Moore of Pa., Ilemi of ! lowa., and MoCorlile of California. On the Post Office and Pe.-t lloads—Olds of Ohio, • Pehn of La., Fowler ol Powell oi Va., School-; cruft of N. Y., Scuny of l’exas, Gray of Ky., Mar shall of Cal., and Clark oi lovva. For the Di.-'rirt of Columbia—Messrs. Ficlflin of j i 111 , Averett of Va., Outlaw 1 1 N. C., Hammond ol! Md., Allen of Mass., lliiiyerof Ga., Bell of Ohio, j Buell of N. Y.,aud Mace til Indiana. On the Judiciary—Alessis. MeLanahau of I’< inio. Meade ot'Va., Marshall of Ky., Venable of N. C .. Harris of Tenn., Meaehanr ol Vt., Bragg of Ala., i Parker of bid.,and King of N. Y. On Revolutionary Claims—Messrs. McDonald ol i Me., Stanton ol Ivy., Strother of Va., Gaylord of Ohio. Fuller of Penn., Rantonl, jr. of Mass., Mur phy of G.i., Yates of 111, and Dean of N. Y. On Pumic Expenditures—Messrs. Johnson of Temi., Sweetser ol Ooio, Schooumalter of New Y., Stratton of N. J., Letcher ol Ya , llowe of Penh , Alorehead u! N. C-, Babcock ol N. Y., aud Camp-j hell ol 111. Oii Private Land Claims—M, -ms. Jenkins of N. Y. Thompron of Va., Abercombrieof A a .Dawson of l'enii., Canq.b il ol Ohio, Nabeis o; Miss., Liu dry ol La., Snow ot N. Y.. and Miller ol Mil. On Mauulaclures—Messrs. Beale ol Va., Flo-j rence or Pcmi., Tiiompami ol Mass., Cleveland ol I Cuim , Win eor Kv., Murray ut> N V Perkins ol! ot N.ll. G.-eon of Ooio, and flan N. Y. On Agriculture—Messrs. Floyd ol N. Y.,McMiil-j .in of Va., Dockery of N. C., Cab.e ol, Slici-j tou of .V. J., lireiito iol la., Newton <4 Ohio, Duly of Wis., mnl McNair ol l’emi. t.*n Indian Alftir.-—Ale.-si's. Johnst'ii ot \rk iii.-ii-. Howard ol fexas, Briggs of N. Y. Jack so l oi Ga., Conger ot Mich , Filcn ol li., C.ildwe.l ol N t .. ..iarsliall ol Cal., and Duik.-e ol *<\ is.'insin. On Military Affairs—.Mc-srs. l'easce of N. ll.> ■Savage id T un., Kmg o! R. 1 , Dajfis of la., ilui-; ur oi O.uo, Andrews ot Me., liebard ol V r i., C.ia.-- lam oi tic., auu Wald ot Ky. On N ival—Messrs. Stanton of Tenn.. Bo- j cock of Va , Burrows of N. Y., Harris .1 ,la., i a oell, oi Fia., Ro-sot Penn , Peuniinun o: Michigan- VYtldrtck of N. J., and Goodeimw ol Ale. On Foreign Affairs—Messrs. Uaylyol Va.,Wond-j ward of K. C., Toombs oftia , Polk of Tenn , Tay-j lor of Ohio, Auph ton of Mo., Ingersoll ol Conn..! Chandler of l’enn., and Brecke ridge of Ky. On ihe Territories Messrs. Richardson of id... 1 loMiiilay oi Va., Clinghain of N. C- Stone ol Ky.; Giddinsr- ol Ohio. B uiv ot Ga., Sadder ol Mass.,St.u ; 1° i art of Midi., ami Lockhart ot la. On Re vi ,1 nt ion iry Pensions—Mes.-r- Milh-on of! V*a. Russell ol N. Y., Turk of N. 11, Townsend oi ’ Ohio, Brown ol N. J., Churclnvell of Tenn., Cotl-! man ol Md ,Goodrich of .Mass., and Allen ol 111. On Invalid Pensions—Harris of Tenn., Price ot J I N. J., Marlin ol N. Y , Molony of 111.. Eastman of j Wis., Jo in-mu of Ohio. Kilims ol Tenn., Jones of! Y Y., and Chapman of Conn. On Roads and Canals—Robinson of hid., Colr.ock of S. C., llowe of Penn., Mason ot Ky., Stantoh of; Ohio. Hart of N Y , Faulkner of Yu., Southerland jr. of I N. Y., amd Johnson ofGa. On Patents—Carter oft), Diunnick es l’cnn.,’ Ward of Ky., Thurston of R. I , and \\ line ol Ala., j On Pi,piic Buildings and Grounds—. Stanton of j Ky., Edmondson of Va.. Bowie of Md.. Doty o! V/ 1 -.! and Boyd of N. Y., On Revisal and Unfinished Business—Cobb of j Ala., lloiv, jr., ot N. Y , Bibigluins of Penn., Bushy ! olOiiio, and Wa-linurn, jr. o M i:nv. On Accounts—Mason ol Ky.. Morrison of Penn..! We eh ot ()., Ro-iio < f X.Y.’, and Duncan of Mass \ On Mileage-llendric.ksof bid , Freeman ot Mis- . i 1 flaws of N. Y., Let. her of Va., and Allison of Pen.. | On E.icraviii" —lJammondol Md ,Riddle ol Del.,! j and Miner of Vt. | ‘joint Committee on the Library of Congress—, Messrs, Chandler ol Pa., Woodward of S. C., and Maim of Mass. Oa Enrolled Bills—Messrs. “ ildrick of N. V., and B irrere of Ohio. On Expenditures in the Slate Department—Mes srs. Smart o! Midi., Ashe of N. C , Wells oi N \., Campbell ol 111., and Harper of Ohio. On the Expenses in the Treasury Department— Messrs Thurston of R. h. Hendricks ol lnd.. “ al- * bridge ot N. Y., Grow of Pa., and Allison nt Pa. j On Expenditures in the War Department.— Messrs. Diminick of Pa., Ives of X. 1., Bowne o! N. Y , Parker of Pa., and Chastain “I Ga. On Expenditures ill the Navy Department— j Met rs. McMullmof Va., Harris of Ala., H-rsloid o‘ N- Y., FlorenLeof Pa.,and Cah-I ol Fla. On Expenditures in the l’o-t < ttlice Department— Messrs. Penn of La . Ktir zot P i., Davis o'. Mass.. HaseallolN. Y.,und . uvageof li-m,. | On Exp “iid-ores mi ihe I’ ! -:i B'iildings--'l"<sS’ ; B irllett, jr., oi \ r l.. Haws oi s. V. Outia.v ot .N. C. ; I Ghnrchwell of Tenn.’ and Taylor ot Ohio. Editors & Proprietors. From the Spiritual and Moral Instructor. The Splr It Jlnolfc-tallona at Anhurm BY J. L. SCOTT. - * , ‘ ... It lias been observed that Mrs. E. A. lfdneiliei haa ” been the principle*” medium” foiyhose spirits wh i&- teach the docirlfie of redemption *t A"t>urn, and if may be well l add that although many others are now employed in the grout work in this city, _as well as elsewhere, site >s the “ medium” for those com* inuuications which tire, published in the name of A postles and Prophets, and which are presented to ! the world in aseuh monthly entit'ed “Dia j closures from the Interior, and Superior Care for, Mortals also fcp the directions ‘given to the Au hurti Circle as affecting their general movement, in ibis pyoqpljirgj. Hence* We feed itampera live togiveta jplatiop.. pTJier history ns jopneefed u b- t-l-p-fetoti tin smj ja hoi n int’f various instances connected with the phenomena as developed with us. . . . We are authentically informed that Mra, D. hid never visited a “ medium,’’ nr heard a sound called “ spirit rapping” previous to her hearing them at her own house, with no “ medium” save herself; that until mouths after site was known as such she did no’ hear a sound,ln the presence of any olaef ‘'tne* dium.” She first heard lhc“ rappings” April, 18-19, which ; were made on the side ol I lie house, and under the* I first step of the stairway. The sound was unlike any j oilier with which the family were familiar, and at ■ times so loud as to he heard some distance. ’They removed the stair steps am! made diligent search to discover their origin, not admitting them to be spir its. Still they became more constant undin the im mediate \ ictni'y of .Mrs. 11. until it was supposed that she was the *’ mcd’iimßut as she did not admit it, and not believing her presence necessary to the sound, she often lelt those who were investigating l in this way the manifestations proceeded for some mouths be lore any mode of communication was es tablished with the spirits, who are now endeavoring to lead us in the way’of peace aud holiness by this method of instruction. Mrs. Benedict desired to conceal the sounds as soon as she an ;criaimd that she was recognized as a “ medium, ’and often avoided quietude to accom plish that object. Bui in proportion to her passivi ty the nearer the sounds appoached her, and the more uniform tlie intonations, until finally by the ad vice of a fe\v Iriiytds she resolved with them th en gage in the investigation and ailbrtleviry opportuni ty to the spirits, or whatever created the sounds, to inamle-t themselves through ties procedure to the world. Alter this, continuous intonations, were of ten heard like Close “• calling ior the alphabet,” but no one understanding their import, they were not heed and. i it; June -..Towing, Mrs. i*r;cs*, of. -c lui'ry.-fajy ’ ’ | calieii at Mrs. Benedicts, and oil hearing the 1 .-uunds, thought ilk tn analogous to those with which her uncle Jonathan I'iosser, conversed when she was hut a small girl, and she enquired if tire spirit o; Him uncae was present, if so to rap the atiirum tioii a.- me spirits on.l lu him ; this was loliowed by ! three raps : she lii -n desired k.m to give lire nega tion, and one rap was tlu r. spume. This introduc !ed uie mulhod ol communication with the spirits at | Airs. Benedict's, and also lurinshed an absolute test", uu mg i his interview Mrs. i riest, mtormed Mrs. B. t!i;u tier uncle while uu ins last visit at tier fath er s, caned the children, and a tier seating them a i round a taule, remarked that lie Wished before Isav -Img lu inlortu luum concerning (lie lulure. lie tiieu | said tie Sued vorvur.-ed witll spirits ol the departed 1 lor many year-, during which lime he had been utl i der tin ir constant uclioii, and that some of those children would probably live until a great spiritual m inilestatio.i sin u.d lake place; tliai be bad been informed by spirits of such an approaching event.— idui ilie spoils who iommunicated with Inin, wished him not to :t to me world, lor ilie people were in n prepared to receive lie iniclligence, as the time j nad not come, they would not hear, •“ they would not ; he.ieve though an angel declare it unto them.” Al ; so ilie development would most likely occasion much excitement, and perhaps persecution of the earliest believers. Many important truths in relation to man as lo Ids present condition, and that alter death, the final reign oi peace on earth and ultimate of the race, ! would be uMolded ; that the world would be uuiver -1 sally nll'ected by the spirits of the departed, iio then r..p,,id on the table, which he said was „o call the ! spirits ; and il they answered, they responded by | raps. If no answer came lie did not urge, and pa ! liently waited another opportunity. While the lady was relating the foregoing, tiie spirit purporting to be that of her uncle responded, and mtormed them iiow lie conversed with spirt s while in the body, and that tiie present was the pe riod referred to by himselt when site last saw him. Thus was introduced at Mrs. B‘s. tiie method of j hold ug couveise with spirits by questions which ■ into lit be answered yes and no, and was the first sat i isfactiou obtained by tiie sounds. Jt is not however, | claimed that tins is the origin of tlmt mode, only as [ c.onnucied with this “ medium,” and this occurred m June 1849. In September loliowing, a gentleman familiar with cimimiioicutiim by alphabelt *'isited them,and iuturm ed them now to communicate Ihruugh that method. This mode altlioi gli lamiliar to many, requires expla nation ior the benefit of those who are not already informed upon tlio subjeci. Hence vve observe tiiat a succession of sounds equal in lime anJ iiitona iions indicate the call lor the alphabet, and then an individual calls it over commencing at the first let ter, and continuing until tire letter desired is named when the spirit “ raps.” Commencing again, ‘elter after letter is repeated until tire next is named, and lints continue until the word, sentence, and para graph is spt lied. Should a wrong letter be set down j me spirit immediately repeats a continuation of : pounds as It calling lor the alphabet, or in a confused manner, wait h indicates a mistake, and luat the one t who calls the alphabet, should “go back’ and begin;in ; tuis way errors are corrected; and this is tiie inode iof communicating by alphabet. As the time and sp ice w ill a low us we shall hasten in this history | gleaning only tno leaui g incidents until we arrive !>u the “ present,” in ’he great movement. NUMBER 7.