The American union. (Griffin, Ga.) 1848-186?, December 14, 1860, Image 3

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••r\>r k/. vvk .M-inv ii •. w r r ALEVI\I)EP> (i. ML-RR.IY. Eililor ami I’ropriitor ■■Tilt’ Star Spangled Banner 1 op, itwi.\ i - vun OVr tin - hind iif the tree uni the home of the btux • - tIRII’FIN’. Cl A. : ]• ii !:iy Mortiiiii*. Drfriulirr 7. I ‘WJ.. “T , ” hi’ undersigned nhnriitners hint-ell a candidate ior In the oilier ’ “g”- ’ nf .In,lre us the Sit|>erii.r Court- ,! tlie Hint Circuit, at the eiectinu to ! e hel.l on the fr-t AA’i-dncs.lnv in next Jatvarv. .. ‘ Xov. 2H, Kbit). ]•;. (!. CABANISS. Mit. EnnvHtc —As the voters nf the Flint (hr- tit i!l have to ellose a Judge to pre.-ide in the Stipe* rior Cn trts, ntt the first Mon lay in January next, ve t will please .lolm J. FhVxd, ot Xeivtnn. at the earnest solicitation of friends of all parties, has consented to serve if eh-, n- 1, and it is Impe l that no partv matter will he made of it, fnt that all the people will rally to him, as he is beyond doubt the choice pf the | **l •’ lt *. -MANY VOTERS. NEW l'.ooK'S! Nemesis; Marian llarlan i's New Work. Household of Botiverie. _ The Three* Clerks. . s El Fureidis. Rutledge—Buehdi. Su-re.l 11 rt> ; 2nd nppen-lij? Sliertyoo.fs Gazetteer of (ieorgirt, Nex&and Im proved Edition. r.UAWN.EK\h- IT ’I'NAM. - LARGE NEW sT<) i: F-.-HIIn Hill -tii*. are now being filled with ,,f gaols of till kills; an 1 p irlieulutlv hoots nil shoes at HANKS, w iiere he is .-1.-riu _r tin -1. -rfi-ng . (•, .ft hr ,i at greatly n.-luce-l prie.-s -negro -’i-.e-1 ■uni hoots . in !„• bought of hint; tor ’ t'As. /, hover i.Ti-'-ihle to i|’tal;'v than an •• place into ~-gi f.'-ese no ‘mie m- i; piy.n y• ee- ~-|r, while the .. i'e.: 1 :-:it is in. / WII Mi IE 1’ ) ill Ei STAND'- Tie e - inty met-:i■ Ile ‘| ; , :('.r:r; li : i . <e lin no Sat :ni iy, tin- -- h in-i in*. n,-u,'.n M !l ‘IV M” e; a'. l Wt: • 1,-.X| *. I) ;|;v. N;, f.’ i ie- S; .;. i ’ -:u ■ in. ‘Hi- ‘ M ‘• e : , v ,... ‘S- 11 ’ ‘‘’ ; i \ Vofit-■- .W ■ . -1., . e o , “t l-f,c i lie.l ntj 1 s-ypi ;; .■ un -*. . A. . • J *l,”- , • .. . v . : 1 <•-. •’’•!* to !• • : . ~.*; ; ’ ( . ! ;.* \<#‘ .* ! *r \V <’ li* •;? ; ’• : • •*. ‘ •,- tvv :• r is? ei h ‘ )’• : Ji'-lt ■- :i(-‘ Hi-.* . i* \ t-. .•: .I i • ‘ . - r ; ■ tlii‘ - re :m :..t : . • •\. It lUul t Inn : ; ■ . : r 111-- i •:< ) . ... lit'*. I iiy w i.:v ;i in.ji • i.•... 4 lioinil itr ‘V *• 1 1 i!f ~ m <•-> i >M l•I -• * iii ll ni* < ’ •<. i vx •\ liiii* u• \. ; • tin .i r ‘ .• ! .. • ‘l’iif* ♦ j.. ;t . , . . W-.Ti; f!it* five ;;.: i•*’, ‘, ‘ • -• j r hit. Til id, One . f the I- . a i. is tin:; reads :,s fop. “Th .1 G-oi-ifia hint h s L’lijon, nnd j : n■.,• ~ ; else ot’ ihc.t ri. lit” r-tulh. Met. M •- ... j* >:i, >,i*. ! fijr it - !; o ‘.•*•-!,; j. ; -. , ti s le-iriy apftf'-e.:,:id ‘! ■ .!> .. v . •i*H fttu ll -f •• .. • . ‘ . •I . I ■ i.e til 1 iftli, Toe 1/ ! r . ~..- ... , n:*.ii--ii.s. say :-o -.h- . , ‘,; .i , .. - -•l tes'.statie*- i* •. . -h >!” -s •. .. -.1 -Mi --..M0 *r aiiil.i), worry are ■’ t. -m, and it tie- | eoph* ai'e fni—sen s- j. .o,.llie>’ w ill, of < i-irv, von- ; Mi .r | f> . - ;pe If tlfiy pr. a r to o’- ic !;< -for lidru in. and coi.ii nd r .; • i.-i i. ;• , ip- i. . li.- ■- .t■ ■ uj.i 1 e.* . ije -\- e --. .hi ih S.— ..Med.i :,t .\e V.I: ty |.e, we u u ’ i .lr.l llie , llli. -!n .| ie:: ! V. . ; t. l)ew la IIV. W ip.-ii V. j;, i. ;. d'his . I 111 111 • I.s in thee- 1 ... :.. ,|| :f ■. • li,, i ; J‘*r iii !.l< i r S( i‘i >Mon. iii !, ji,. , :; llotljJC 1 1, • • i. . , , ii | j i.i • ••. Irttcr. t hey say “ S.-es-ssirm is •• ;;o . ;;,I-;I; jjtt • • ; ; ; le-lrtss. ( l'iiey nipri's! noolher.) They ‘•in her li.e S a e has Hu* l'tifiit to seee !e pi aeeaiily, and ja-t ( tu,so exists Jin i ie- exei i >e of that 11 ■ Id.” la one pail of Ihcirfotcr they -yyv -we -hall.he for the rleiits and honor of Gynr vt in the L nion of oar fathers, if they can hF- ohtained ; !mt if hope fails us in that quailcr, we .shall 1 e (or her indc pendenee out ol it, ’ ar.d in attoi Ii r ] ■<-ition of jt lliey sjK-ak of a•• tixed deu tmination of an ov< r wlielming sectional majority to subjugate the peo ple of the slave States.” This, if true, cuts oil’ all hope, and they, by their own showing, stand ready for secession. •MASS MEETING IN FAYETTE At a large and respectable meeting of the cite z.cns of Fayette county, without distinction of party this day assembled at Fayetteville, on motion, Dr. William A. Beasley was called to the Chair, and C. M. Arnold was requested to act as Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted, to wit: Ist. ltfiolred, That we are in favor of demand ing our rights in the Union, and ftpon failure of Northern people to aeeord to us every right to which wc arc entitled under the Constitution, wc we then in fovor of setting tip a government for ourselves, ■'* . Cteao!red t That we are in favor of the Conven 'wm shortly to assemble, to determine *!'iin tin* time and measure of redress to vMitc'.i we are inti llPd, and should said Convention say that immedi ate accesssotvjs the proper mode of rrsfstanre, to that we el'wrfullv ae(|uieee. od. That we an* opposed to tramme!- ing our Delegates with insinn lions, hut de-ire to Sta'e I^Pm * ric ” !l< * <>r ihe best interests of the Ith. /?e.-xW, That Should sai l Convention see nt to refer their notion hack o the neoph- for their mtitieabon, to that we al.'-o sulis,-,ii„-. 1 lie meeting then proceeded to ballot for Delo rT'r'’ r,’ Convention, whereupon John Hide VJ. C. Grice, Esqs. w'ere duly nominated. . ‘*, ■ That the procee-lings of this meet ing be published in the “American Union” and Atlanta “American,” and such other papers as Del an interest. The meeting tliefoadjmimed ; WILL.IAAf A. BEA9I.EY, Cham’n. c - Assold’ >v Dnc*'mbr.r pv, pan’ * Ki-HI.Y (if iiENi.Y MooK AND ‘.V (. DEW 1 * f V NOTE ADDRESSED To ’■ - ‘- ii A NI'MEEi: oE CITIZENS. Gt ni i.i W! x —We heart, ly approve your “eai •, v -m V v iii‘ union of tin* t?i/* of u-.w , <■ *■ ’ j** r. in >‘list ipo nit inlitTs to fit you in •■ < |* i oiivt ntinn. .tii'i .. 1:1m. uit t:).:, :n t srlit inn n!-'w hit h will t oin 111; i;: i ] the i:nrihi4Jtot> •:!. ji*l nf :tl!. nr r!it*(-l fi! j\ hiv I-* lon* you Th* [M tin !pl s ihat wotihl L r <>\ -tn t ir action, if cl*< tc!. T!.i* ** <-“ v. iiit !j na* * tlciiumiU.d Ibf.* • ill of tin; 0-!t\cittfon ffliM ot l.****? -t* hr \ rw. and uimntnrul and t:nt t- ;h •. ;i tc, i* l t oiiic- u-, nil J.n::nl* r-t ;i J’h- ’n. It not the work of* a foreign Ido. ! *:it tho *:iL fi*’ of th*- l'onp’o of StaJi ~ with wlmin v.i u. i.nitcd h. >i • inn o itijcw i, for the of (and •. t *nny. nt: anti the // ih;. •of iht* a^ *->!ons >■* J. ; _< ]\ info tho difv t i \vii< |r|.osc j. r. • **! • t r dr Am immense common ton'ion >;> !„■ , . *|,- ? Oil In ra - o !>. ui! 11 ;: ( j. (U tit.-; •m i tin* lilaek ihp ;!.!a an> . i ; to ai>j*i.• tlio u lin!.* !•> t !m .-i f 11* Ir ..wn - { :. •, for t , V ,} J -1 ;,t\ .//, t,, tk,. ~t i| R . ,v ’. (~ S7d,.v. ; : •. v r •>J'fo 1 u* from the >ottlo nn nf o* the( i>a t]i : rw ;amlwoof tho South, wlio * *d')no r.uh inland it, know if is tho basis >f our J./af i< :i and praporty, and that it alone can hilly do\ jojto oiif resotircos. Wo knm it i> the I*< rekit'.w ooi;difji*n of tho white* ami hho k raot-. U o know tho infoi ioriu of the iio_ r r', ar.d ■ ids lilnc>s to occupy tie* place of a slave. Wo 1 now tliat to .•snhm.t to l.( cfjuali/- and with 11:* no -cro i- degradation— onuiiL-Ji t< <;< :r v ,nd’ iidain’ ’ zo, any white race. Ail the.-e tiling”, wo k tnv; and yet the h: tckdicarictl lb publicans of tho Nolin and Wed have seized tic reins ot* pow er, to roll u~ f to;r ?!uhv la the wit de of the Ter ritories, and !o tree o;,r sia\c> ami oipiali/.e them ■ iiin-a'i u . Thosi* are the known p :rposesof w li.i\ •• a- ! arw.ilif ri^li• !-y acfctln a*far i;-.r to t :i* people, ami to. naincro is to be in d-d o: ii’t ofVtljiUl'i.x afToTT itivT* Tlii>. !’ > tie pt-oph* \vh * b ivo t’i is •1. appeal after aj j . d t waruim; after warning threat ifi r throat, lia.% boi*:i a Idro-'•• i by Ia udlatnres by snl onia ( oavoat.o,:-. by ail 11 1 • national p.irtio \rtielt oi.o- to-t an I: *• ’* are now t;• -*!?•••! m oho C ej W reel; .. r! t li* l!;-nlf.o’ all this for 5 •• J mi p “ ‘i ms : li*- p ;r: *f the S ;tii. ; ‘ l. ‘ ’ r .i oa i-i’ ;iu over*'helming > : -nai •. •; .to w ; :,j : - ,-,* p,.. p,,,f t!;o ‘ .V r.* n:v w !• . - . !.• '• •<- • ‘ -■-.1; Ur r;i . ■:N o-h t and t i ■l : : ; is--’ i>; p Mta-;i p.if ty, an l a‘o;n. ~t *• •■• • -to i- j.| ail rr.- -fora <i - ■ i igi luted -’ i 1 ‘ * • ‘• ‘ re -. i • ;eli iri •, •i*i ■ - (/•■ ■’ - !i - *-i’ -1—111;:..- - ~ h re s ‘ 1 ■ • .in nt • u.l .. i>- ..... -p;-. : ■ ■- ~( And hen.--.- n • !. • ‘I .... . , H.,. (■. ,;v; • ‘ vkmeiits,* cunte from-:. , .-i .: ;v, V. .• -In, id g.,,. .ir v • .-r ■ 1 * .'i’ 1 1 - ■■ - <•: th'-'-iis'.-,.. ot’ this n.i ----• 11 ! ■ 1 •:•*'■ - 1 .: iy !-■ !i;.t';i.oii;/e tile Ctt ■ ’ l! -d e-'inm ‘ . lid :,;:. .-. unm eby the : kit >*•••!■ 1 if purpose • - : th. it.-ty :t ll .l • *• • ’ : ‘ it. i It! si-l. r - ‘ ’■ !'■ i it.-! in'iinr -■! | ‘ • • : :i lu-y. e ,!t be j i ! * ■ u -r i ipiiirtcr, we ■ ■ . ‘ e- Hit of it ; and it i t ’ - ’ ‘ : •> :.y te • win .-ire nppnsed to re- : - ■■ ■ -U; e>: :n rni (~iji ei to tie-posit'o: . : ■ - proui-m-ut in- i ■ t • nf iv !n—. We j ’ ‘ S'-t. h H.r T-i.t i -ed’- ji re .by, .-■• ! j ; :-: . .br the e ..-iv’se of tlutt i : :.t. ;:1 ‘. l i ‘ I’.ji-nnire Ito ni iini.-tiii im- 1 j ’ll;--.:::’- -:o:;, astiieo-dy mode of [■< Iress, wc ! b” id . iii'.'v -;i-. ■ x Ev;:y d;tv I 111 tlii-to • * I'*’ - **i-i: •i: ol til- (■ *i v(*n;.. ‘i'. iuiw \r, v. iii. ” V. nil Re !i.< 11. inti ; - :.(tion .| r 1 * ” -- ‘ ‘• •■’ .me i ft-tv, the --me ’ .!• 1 ■ r. .ind i’:.e e, --t-. i.i mi.-.; . i.d will ’ e::'. i, .’ }-i-r,-!i ,n idiort ; .;n.!. : : o::;- i-j-iuioll. i..'•h'Z-.L.eL.,::! 1j luaFf. ■•'it ..! •: r; , i!; t'* tu-atlojti a p*h ’;> t.- im ■ •• ;!;••<< j-. moon (.; .1 1 hi r - -vr S1 - 1 h -! fill .'.l m; t i.i: I etl-viutil •-loili.ii .lion • 1 He •'..•! Wewdlt •: lule Ibis ri ply willi .the-ingle nddi ;: ii ! 1 t;i;i: • !;:it rn.ler no i iieuin-.':;':. is w but oa r \\ .if; u(be w di.i. j i ineprtt the w iii ot . U'._pt v. .0 td-f-od 1 • , -tad wo viiei n)v j. .it ‘ i:a! e\, u : n.v . ,i'. . wl.kii • aji 1 f to •_ \. rn “'(1 ■> n ob . : . ! t.nie” itTciM s :■ f o;.r ‘• •' ’ .t ‘ :.1 tow b. tote i.s, tlmT you m : .!;lit ibii- ; I . . V ■’-’ -< ■ I of wh;,t would 111 • ■ : • tit < Irrrn: Ib-i-v.iftdly, *1 lIENICY -MOOR, W.M. G. DEM DERRY To Messrs. I*. Eason ttiid others. From Hie Cbronich- A- Sentim 1. GEORGIA MET 1I( >1)1 ST CONFERENCE—AH KOI NT RENTS FOR laR. At i.i sr.v Disrnu r.—Jositib Lewis, I*. F. Augusta—St: John, XV. 11. Hotter; Anbury Mis-j ■ sin, O. H. Means; St. James, W. F. Cook; Trinity Mission,„to lie supplied. 1 j S.ivannah—Trinity, John 11. Caldwell; Wesley Chapel, W. S. Baker; Andrew Chapel, J.tines T. Lowe; 1 Ie of Hope, finis. M. Smith. Springtiel.l—Francis R. Davis. S; lvatiia—T. S. L. H irwell. Hetliel and Colored Mission—Miles AY. Arnold,: li. J. Williamson. Waynesboro'—li. H. Lest er,and one tube *uplied. * Burke Co'ored Mission—David \V. Calhoun, one : to lit supplied. Looisv.lle and Colored Mission—John AY. Me-i Gehee, N. D, Morehouse. j Columjiia—J. lues M. Austin, and one to sm>- 1-lied. Rtclimond and Colored Mission—llobt. A. Con ner,ll. D. Murphy. ’ j Warrentoh—Wm. A. Florence, t Glasscock Mission—Samuel A. Clark. A t in:'** Distiw iWames O. A. Clarke, I*. E. At!ieiis--*aos(.|>ii f Key. ; Athens Colored Misstou—Cfeeio A. Mitchell. M itUiii-i die and Colored Jlisslon—F. F. Rev. nolds, John R. Parker. Factory, Mission—Henry CixmforiU. a Madison—William M. Crumley; Morgan aiul Colored Mission—James Jones, M 11. llebbard. Greensboro*—Albert Gray. Lexington and Colored Mission —Tyre B Ilar ben, W. C. How land. Washington—John T. Norris. W-4Ueaod iadoreaiAlUsiim—James M. .Dickey... one to be supplied. Broad Kiver Mission—W. T. Norman. ■ J.Lncoluton—Goodman Hughes, one to be sup . rb^ L.berti-a ni.;, ! oiored Xi-ssii l !?—John 11. Gro g;oi. E. ‘ - ‘! ,ir:'iU. .M.i-'ison F, tn:b Oll.-f James L. Plena-. I're, i'h lit ; \\ ni. ft. Foote. Profes.sor. 1 1 \!i! * -ni;.. \ Distiiict--Itoliert W Bighani. I*. E D.iliiouega -A. M. Thigpen. Da!i!one-M Cimiif —Sans.-rd I. .*.k. < ‘iiinmitu ■ Bolm rt A. Seale. ( darkest II!*- John A. Reynold-. Biair-ville and .Mor.anloii Mission—M G. II tin by. L. I*. Ni se - -lUvwicTT’ Ms—- 041 o T- >-(-Tbit;-T ---V L. Britton Sunders."- ’ --i ‘I. F. Malsliy. J.d.ti M L*u rev >• lie -b. I.:: 1/•- <} ill” in. M .--ley 1. . < ulTx'iiile —Jof. jdi CleUlil i ;s. . Cieyton M!—ioii- David E. St.irr Hot. D.-i::n i-d. M . Glenn, HF. 1! am: < j oted Mission—.T. W. Hinton, one hbe di/j. ( ',iv. ■ 10-tpli J single-ton ! • ■ • .Robert 11. JoiKs. ( ’-at’ f->i\ - Geot’ -G. Smith. ( Do.iel ,L Mytiek. 1. bailee Miss.on—Geo. !,. W. Anthony. j Calhoun—A. Crowell, M. G. Jenkins. Spring I ‘lan- M ni. Brewer Daltoi;—John W. Turner. M iiiUlidd- Benj. F. Breedlove. La Fayette John W Brady. Ringgold—lf. 11. Porter. Summerville—Jas. I) Anthonv ( ;.s-i :Tle I'euiale (.’<*l!--“i■—[J Arbagast. Htesi . dent. A'ii.axti DtsTituT—John W A'arbotsittgh, i* K. ! Atlan a. Wesley Chapel—W. J. Scott, A. Mean-, super,mmi-iaiy. Atlanta ( oloted Mission—L. J. Davies. Atlanta City Mission Jas. B. Payne. Fulton- Rielitu J J, Harwedb— Decatur—John 11. Mnsliburn. Covington—Thomas F. Pierce. • t.xt'.-d \\ iiiiain 11. Evans, George W. “Yar ; briuigb. i. iwn-neei ille—W \\ Oslin, Jas. L. Fowler Motll'im—John E. Senicil. Marietta; —Alex. GrahiUU. . Alpharet'a—Daniel Kelsey. Powder Springs—And. J. Denvors. Dallas Mission—John M. Bright. Emory College- W. J.d’arks, Agent. I.aGuano!; Di-ritK r—J. lilakely Smith.’ I*. E. LaGrange Caliti W. Kev. fro p— E. I*. Birch, and one to be supplied. ‘I - l’,;:’ —Win. A Sim iii-ms < ‘(die- Lew is L. I.edb -’.ter. ( ■ ■ . J h. M. Marshall. .X- uua-. -(h. L-. \. F dla-md. V. Ih t (..m. I'■ :t J-.ditl J Mor r.:.i. Ca t-I • >ti Cb'.c •’ -Juimo L. Lijiiv, (one to be! -:; : : f.l H.imr".'. Will M. D!! nd. i : upb. :.’ -.-I—l bo-'. J. Euibry. * . o:: si 1 A it.--worth. I - 1- :t VtiTimr .A. lu ck. I • I , C leg- G. J. Pearce Hiesi ii ;jt. M ss!i loii x lo Chinn Young J. Allen. Gi ii x Dt~'i mi l". Waller R. Branham, P. E. (ft tbn and Colored charge—Wesley H Arnol-l Zei.uloiis—John W. Knight. Fayetteville—Hit-hard II Waters. .lone-boro Hea rM. Kyburn. T!i-imaston—Waiter Knox, Thus. II Stewart. s'lpcrnumerary. I ;-s’ m- James Harris. li.i.-...-x ill-*—Ecmue! iy R \Vi-ri'ilTS Jackson —John W. Reynolds. aj Monlit-elio ,-ind Colored Mission. —M. A. Clouts. 1 W. F. Holland. . McDottongh- Robett \\. Lovett, i Gtidin Fein,-Jr (’oi'ege —U. A. Rogers, Frisident. ; ( havlain U. S. Navy—Cltas. \V. Thomas. M.uo- Distkii r. -James E. Evans, P. K. Maeon. Yitievllle and Colored Charge —Alfred 1 T. Mann, James 11. Reese, riiy M -Wi -b y I*. Pltul^rr. Miil-.-.lgi -;:h- and Hiihel—ll. J Adams. 1 Sparta--A. (i 11 iy good. Hancock—Tin-/. T. < hr'..,tian. Col ii .Mis-ii.'/a —W. W. Tidwell. , K -u- Alex. M. Wynn. _____ i Hut..n -uni i dor. .1 Mission--Wm. G. Alien, and tdm Mrtrj 1 - . Ci.i.■•••!; ii. idoie-.l M imi-Jim. I*. M Gehee, T. V. P.ta:: _ b-.ia vfe TaJev F . i •: • / <h\o. • ’ • hitke. I *s -t -u-v I ):.e ni lie supplied. J -"•* ri “.t >!. on-One to be supplied. C *-Vra J. Cotter, c ii: i ‘.ei .u -I Kno.wilie .Ml':--n-Morg.*ti Be'lali. I’ -sy;!i G o.C N. Me D untell. Forsyth Circuit—Hoiiert W. ,I)ixo:i. Hawkinsvilh- Ed. .1, Rentz. \V e ievan Feaiadr Cobegr-—John ‘I. Homndi President; F. X. Forster, Professor. Book and Tract Agent—John W. Burke. Southern Christian Advocate—ll. 11. Mvers, IM -1 ‘ itor ‘ -( Coi.t mops Disrnu T—Chtis. R. Jew ett, H. E Columbus—St. Luke —II 11. Parks. Columbus Colored .Mission—W. W. Robinson,- Girard and Pierce ( Impel.-—Thomas H. Jordan, j St. Paul—Amriiitiis Wright. Factory Mission—lsaac X. Craven. Talbotton—Geo. 11. Patiilo. 1 * llamiilon—John 11. Harris. Will less ille—Jackson Ruslp Ellavilh—D. <>'Driscoll, Buena Vista—Ed. A. W. MtCehee, YF. Tignor, siipermmierary. Butler—A. J. Dean, G. C. Andrews. Cus set a and Col. Mission—J{. H. Rogers, (one to be supplied.) 1 Centrevilk-—Leonard Rush. Harris—Columbus W. Howard. Bellevue—Henry F. Hitebford. Muscogee—James Armstrong, M. 11. White, su pernumerary. Agent for Sunday Schools—Lovick Pierce. Amiuiii is Distuict-s—Joseph T. Turner, P. 11. Americas and C<l’d Mission'—,T; W, Spear, W. W. Stewart. Sumter—Dm ;J 111 i’-'ck. Ji -- e ID hat Ison. •C Dawson—Wdey G Parks, e- i1 G lines—Jn-. It. J.trixsoTl.’ R in-lo’.ph—J an sR. Slew-art.. Ci.tbb. rt and Emni iu- > .ni'l A'ltiione. L-n.ipkm and Green i liii—l > (lliel D Cot. Stewart— VY C. D. Perry, L. It. Redding. M istoti —Robert F. Jones. Chat’ diooeitei- Mi- —Win .I. Wardlaw. Siarkviih Mis.—John B. Wardlaw. Vienna—John I*. Howell. Isabella MU.—Alfred Dorman. Oglethorpe and Traveler's Rest—J. P. Duncan.’ Georgetown and Col and Mis.—E. N. Boland. Andrew Female College—Morgan Calloway, President. S.\ndhiißvh,le District—Lewis B. Payne, P. E Sand^rsviUe —W. S. Turner. Washington and Colored Mission— L- Q. Allen Irwin'orv-.Tobn F R^rrv .! ! t i r illt*—lV rtij'Jjy, v I >*:*lin—C*l;is, \. M<•!(*. l..t'!v-i<ii\ilk and lNiktJski .J**.-.ih k'V. K. N Aim’im w ■*. I !d"\ill* —l>uvi.d !{ Mi William* ‘V J* (’onlcy. *up*rnnnicTarv. Munt Vtnion Mission- R N Colt* r M.Tli ill* and (<ilt!*d Mission —W . Mails. I* ir n To Im* •-ujtjilirt l Ji JI’I ! CriiHMM It. y\ ~*i- •!: - Tin IM.*’ ’ ;l •...-li.. M i-sion r’< I. ’ala!. i.. ‘ ’ .''V. . • ..P _ \ *,j \[ •M. 1 :t- -! p. B-i-b-y w.-ll . bes if-it sfi-rred to T ( r'ta C‘”. f'-rer. -. 11.1 ‘. nppoit te p ei W A p.trks tr.i'-.i rt 1 : fT- - ( Ml 1 TlNu; IN ill. . |;Y Mi I> ■-.(-f a, pi . ’ l'sib> ‘1 lie e.lizi-tis ot Henry C-ituit . mt it tie i rt lb-is.-on ’I a-sl IV Till- t'li . -t.. to take into j salera'ioti oif Fi-dt i-d Re! i;-.|is, ,Ve . wKi’eli will . mori-T:’.!. a;.;..- ,r in lie • ti.j..;t*e.l r -...ljit: ,n • 1 ’ii motion, the meeiing w ; ,s .-•.•.anized 1-v nd j ing Thomas M. Speer t-. ihe ‘Chair, and Joint Stilwdl, Pep. rerpt'-s'i-d to a.-t Seeretarv. The meeting was. then ea’iii and to order by the Chairman, and on uio'inn, Col. George M Nolan Was called upon t-i e.xpla !1 the object of the ll;■*!- ing, b> which call be re'.poteled lit a few Jtfict agd pertiie-iit words. (in motion, the Chair ippoifiled a CoiiiiiiitU i of D-, e-itisisiing of t|ic following genile-uu-n, iiz • 1 M N Stair. G W ■McMllllan, ■’ bn II ii'. S. 11 Maddox, John M. Ponder, l-.dali D d-oti. 11. C. Merritt, John 11. Low, Joseph T. Ailiert, L. II Turner, Jaeksoti Smith,. Jidm Juinwni, .Dr. Hitch, ; and B. Pettit, to report -business for the action of tie- meeting.’ Committee retired for a li-w mo. . incuts, and returning repotted through tln-ii chair | man. Geo. M. Nolan, the follow ing prnVtwblu and i resolmions: . WiiKiiitAS, in view of tin pre.--nt pnlilienl ebsis j that hangs like a dark and threatening cloud over | (|:ir devoted country, liii tig the minds and hearts : --I patriots and philanthropists, with anxious : thoughts and gloomy forebodings, tin- Li gisiature Iris passed an act reijltiritig the sow reign pc- pie of Georgia, in their respi-etivC eoiinties, to elc-et aii-i send !>e!( gates to ■, t to ussetnble in Milledgevllli- on Jbe Kith Januarv rt< *. to ’ -’elilierate and art f.-r be da :.u -t inti ri sts of (b or x ; a and tlie Souib. ’1 ■ • wn ■ -<• o Hu-,n'r-Krin >f • ’la . -'( • • . • ■ , y . x :S ■ •” . ‘ rK:V i Ha .. ly !-■;.• , • • tbe g a\e ! 11. ; a:r - ! t. '■>, ■*! • i ,Vr - ’ T'r ,• • - ofthe Repnhij.atti p .1 ty I ,'. of tiny man t-> ‘ie- ( t.i- f Mngis:r;Ty ot the Una : upon a plat 10.-Tit id ;u im .pa sin diua : . antagonism . to o-ir rights, is rale :hit 1 “to lire ;he SoyH I era heart •” and engender the ileep-est li clings of resentment, and that not a e iv.nty in th.- Matt o; Georgia, nor in tin- whole South, is more ta.i •dive to tin- great wrongs,sal more deepiv re-let I the eleetion of Abraham i.ineoin, than doe- Heni v ■ county ; but that it is.-tbtx -t-n-e ul this tneetine. ; thiit'the simple election of any uyin to Hie Pn si deucy, if eonstitutioually cte. led, i-. n >! nt ! cause for llif’ dissolution ot this Union--tbe de i struct ion r>f tiiis Gcvettinieiit. lUwltid, That in an emergency lil>v tie.-. w<- , should be a./"/, hitl him* ; ‘ill'liltt/trt/’ hn! It’- , - j tlent, n"i run/ i-pthai pas-ion and prejudice slioulij,; not (-iiisiiiptlietUetittesoi'tiein-rjudi-wu ut. ‘n,„t ... ! should, in the Convenient t-i assemble, in addition j to Ihe liliie-honored priuei(des laid down in the’ <ienrgia J’lalf-jrm of demand ol’ this si-otion . al party at the North, a clear recognition of our r Constitutiianal rights—a strict observance of th” ‘same; the enforcement of the Fugitive • lave lav. i I by the Generol Governmeiit against the Stales that j have practically nullitied said law, bv tlie nutaet meal of their Personal Lib tty Hills; that in ,•,;!! | federal enactments t> :) ic.ifiN s! sh il. I 1- f-Jiy eons’ tried bis pi - Hy H.- Ni-: H.,-; ’mob intiik <C e.(. and that die . egt t .- • -a to -ita.l not, iii !- Icr.J 1 1 r •;-. i j , e. rip;.’ of, y.Vx Til a: v... f-jr ti.'-'Uf ‘r-n ot >.. .- -•'tale-, made by our X f; • ;.e ;; u, eoliipi'o;-iis,-- riinl eo!.ee.".oii-; *tii.i’ w p.iit l nfbli w li.eli cost li;t- It .ii, i: [ :l . p. . j Hie ]a; r.iits ot and that we Will ( bug to i:, at,d tight our battles ijaM.'n.- ( “do i, nut ! ;v e t fiu. i remedy for ii pr. (ciintim; slmli It,axe be, u ! exii;i'>'cd. Ih .'nil, Tliat xvh'bt w ■ w, .; I dig 1 re any liasv and impolitic aetii.-n iy tl • -.•i.euG'ia t > -i—emb.e, yia, having u most .-otih ,* : - • an the , itu-, v -dntti, an ! (o uagi- ( f lier people’ ■ p.cdg-- onr.-’ ivos to ‘Star, i to and, rat. . g H,< .r “bias expre'-.d ill t la! ('oavent iuu, wha;-'.- 1 j thill li;ay be. /mWi-w/, li; our iudgment, >be approai h'lig < ‘oavent ion of Georgia, ought'not on rely to adopt j j measures temporary in ellcrt. but- -el, ~s wid bring tie- slavery agitation to a tinality. and as tie- b--t means <*! d.nng tins, the Sou-b.m State- g ,ou -1 bold a consultation and net in concur*, so ns to se.- cure tin- right-, the interest-.- ntnl tbe safety of tin :9o illi, ill (hr l.'pi.'H if tiny rap—out of it if ‘/icy 1 rn.’.-t ‘ ■ * i * ‘ ■ i i /f-'oNJ. That we ap;-.ii,t Saturday, tl,,- r.tb. : ins’ , tt- the day for the rs speetive Militia Districts to semi up to the ( o'irt Hotisi-, titree alt-legates, to : nominate candidates t-> represent Henry eomitv, in : tin- approaching ('on vr nt ion. -■ - i A set of resolutions was then offered ns a * lb-ti- j tutu to the report of Hie ComniiHce, which upon licing put to tip: meeting were promptly voted: j down. On motion, the report of the Cnmnhtteie was ! then received and adopted n- a whole by an almost i j unanimous voice of the meeting. On motion it was t. -of-ci’, tint tbe proceedings of Ibis meeting be pnbh-V din Hie Chronicle A j Sentiiid,” “ National Atmt • “ and “America-t i i Union.” * . j | Ihe ine'-t ug He- ; (- .iraedi *'x- j ‘1 IK *9. .-! “1>; ‘I i i;matt.. John Stii.wehi, Hca-jr - OT: \ND JU': ‘• r-t. S Sf,.:.#No t .... —f A N *v*• m. . .T* -. ; -Ul. >(-I for.the 2nd .week of Spalding :•<, or (•. u r *. Novemla-r Term’ IViO. lag leave to make the fid l>\v *:*,*_’ I* : In conseipience of the litigated matter befirre th- Court, our body for the lir-t four or five, city*, w ere enabled to transact little or no U :-i , I lie Jury of the first week of the present Term I having examined the books ot par e unity officers, 1 i the condition of the jail etc., we have not thought it necessary to go into any further investigation, so (ar at ’emit, as relate# to the item# ic;mrled upon i , by them. AYe concur, however, with the body of last week, in the recommendation made by them, that Hia Hcjor. T'tdg# I'ViVivd'-. appoint r, fornrrii'fe* isf 1 auditor-t-.i “ex .ax. ni.., bring tip :?! the count*.*) ..Ids fiotu Ihe'otv.n:/ H-1 ,('•!„■ , .Py *. tie I*r- -eat Tc.m, -n.-I r, j .it up., the e ,-t thej next T'.rin ,-t Hr- Courtnml w, woe,id ad-', m II . if pr.H ‘ Cable In tile pto; it net l,oi it h- ; m,.! j ‘! any det drai - should npp- n | M . j ‘> u ;rt --m i ’.I idu ip- the n,.titer. We wo-.thl’ lake , ic,oiun at,, so t.i a nu kte w, , r have l< ’ • -ip| t;z !, i:o r-tui-'t.- sor dertb I onh,t : ‘ti- : _ i-er county <•!!",• (gj>;- H. ■ .. n- ; ‘I- a... mi do to- harm, nml may ■ * ! r - t P - ■ ghtniid proper that j ’-i • ‘ ('tl .if m:t - o'.nty • l.oliid la • “ oiied into ut all 1 i ! *- -id I 1’ ig. :• -t to the In *• • r ’ ptopw-. . a# w,i; .- im; or?am-i , ! pet i ti ti.i w i.-'i.v, - -J -),< ( II - *1 hi I eop'.e of 11.. i-oiu.'y i.aVi-tieen b'lr ’ b • , and v. -Hi la ivy tax, s to i reel He I uilibi-g ; it i; taw i. :,ip!( H aml v. ii! -’and t r i.:- t- , ,n: nr, I I- ::N ot'e.itui i.t :.ntl at) honor to ti.i- tHopb- ot! Sp J-litu*. and e\.iv |h ssible mean 1 1 : •tl t-. pp-strv :‘ .1 .* s pre-etil batl-N. U'|C (aun for::.:. . , : lit on We regard ti.i- eid !.■■:.a! - x I ] •:.-(■ c! bin.-! -n matter of ivom-iiiy. and id ,n---t ind’-; ( nsiiJv tieec-. ,ry. U g x- md in, r* e -llitin nd tiiat i:it..|j(- Ar-iitc!.- and 1 :!( P li-’-I ----b ■ t in. bed each lin-'pi.icc hi tin Conti jf-.-te,., - ! Tiny im) rt.jiit to Ha -at . ; the I, ‘Ming ‘ I'h* re al. also v.itai hr.s in li.e roof V.hiidi 1 ought to In-look, l atter. - \\ i- teeotiitia.:!'! th it it • -.;i t!i< M u-oa ’ Bond betw.. n Joii. - Boy i-i: j; • ••', ! j ex mu;- 1 A! a tin- - ,’--i .m-:i Hi, Plan 1 : It ml 1 betwica Gt.-tl-n am! Mb Zi*n (’..:.ip gt-en, ‘ Also; tie- l-i., !•%■- F ,nt It.x. 1:i. , -i> rce'-* | t-rnlge. A’ o H-.- to.ul from Grillin by xx -of. U.-il*- nid Parker sto Wolf Gn-ek, A! -. HP-- vr ; road to Jotui.+ Boyd’s. Tln-se- ro ids and br.dgcj | tire in bad eniidition, atnl need Ininu-diH'e and J prompt attention; some of them arc ahnuy ha j P"s- able. We x-.-o-tbl also ivgi ■ t that tbo .e w|iol.:,xi tin- Patrol law unit* r tltcireuntrol, xxill se. to it that adm (•::; t. loeiit of the 5.. t.-i, h. ob.-.rxed. M-u-h trouble m.iy la- saved i-ur < it:.’ -t:,. by vigilant cad prolllp! m-liolqi;! f ltl.ri U e xvotiid se.rmiiu-nil to our nietil'xrt of the i Leg..-.! .ti :li. i’ they i: -• th- ir infltn-nce it; having 1 :::i Ar* pa Ini d.itlg it ii-g .l tliat on!x oi.e ilax V i ’• .. tit be v.-ir i- • t..’ I. .'. t . wo-it unite!,: - .t!iei e-eill* x . i- ‘be J; V. luonelary j < st.t- h v.U'ch, xx.- an- . w . ,-i;.g, xv ii t • - ■t. : -in , t i -i/.••!-., e-jii.-- ! •ia I M| ot! the p ~■. . . . I- .(Ulid till- p:c.c j : • t ‘ * r\ .. •* ,v i.;- • - !. •-._•**!, vim*:- 1 4 • ‘•••* - * ■ ’ • * * i < i* ii>< rr -s-i! 1 *int!n! ■ : ‘<■ •!;'■’ a* t!i.m in.-mw j'r>iu : - ‘i ; r t'if n. *:.?v. thn ■ t <r. thb ; ; ‘ i:. \\*VD'l! ! i -i M f !i* * I lb! V Tn*USill'i.T, *•:'*♦ not l("*n > fit** • M to ]*•;-■ ill*- !>i !:*; ujiOn ]♦.— - r ii *'-: . *:y t! • 1 hh, u.v of th - Drttf.H *^* • ” ‘ i ]• rn u < Uvi ‘.lv c*in* • . la dto d.-ja-so of them to pr vale individuals, td ■t-'u-tx;. 1 ‘’ A- tie- m liter hi h ngs e-xclu’ sively Imlribr U-u:rt, we that tb j !in k ■i’ : . b!e, Jjtj.lj ;!;■ defici ency. so A’ i- 11 . i mn.i in! that tic peop'i if Spalding j countv, in ot.iiiietici to the call of lie Legisi.iti.te I :*’el the P: rim oa Hi-M ul’ the Gox • tin v. semi to thej ('..-ixenti; ti railed lo niit .ti Jamnty i.c .t, er j u i ami b - t ji:,-ti—l.) re-,) e, Hx t of part ‘• j —tm-t; ‘ •if -••md mid ilelib.-i- it” j: ’ gtnenf. AVe ndvirf i •hi ecu • bei-.ius-xvebtfiex- t’ e r glr#- ft K-?uUih *; liave ln-.-n infringe I npoii a.! tr.inipl-d on jn.ig I ■ -non :ii. .md tied now is H.e Him.- lor action. V.'. - - x “ tliat tin- Simill xlin ill act, and net [ rout | it •> (o- I u*—Ji t -l.itniTiigly. AVe -want m.thina hut ‘•'l'i ib’y i-n th,- I un-ii, tin t x,e demand, and we -i1.1,1 la-- .11 i-I Hd I XX. it ll tn-'dl.llg h-.-r. , IiM.U , : ill X’.j- ol 1: ! I J'li* -i- (,’,lb.tills-, .w< to i-: u u o'ir - in;. • tbank, f.,r Ills kind ne-s Hi si, it dur.i'g tin er, -i-nt Term of Hi s < -ijjrt. AAe i t-ike # <• i-t'-T to savin conie : -;y(--:iee id tie- l :id ii , t,.ia:t of riJ.i e uxffiri , wd-itm- ;. HI :r , ft’i C , :rt, that he has ‘’ - ‘ v, a, aij f: ire w i ,:.• t a:i !I. ippi ii- e-eed a t a-i a man, aud-the sound jmlg ■ T ‘’ :m:> nt H t-i m - r i-i -x-’i'. it lie- has d'-eld- I ed, .J ~ , u. ii: i’ iot b: a ;or'idjudii tea x- J ‘-.—• ! 1 :1 ’ ’ tl, bat ei l iK-d him to m-att f! “if p"u. - e in - u is of friendship tliat eatniot f*oo;t! f.'r ‘ tp a. ‘oh'-ti.i r he- re’ -ns to tin- |,!u. •• , , , _ 1 :. ■ “■ i". , “f tips po-dinti xvitli tin- Bar. i! ,*:i! - xv ii tie, iys li.; 1 in him nn ‘fi. right Jmi a . ii"t” -• .-rid f.tithfii laxvvei mid/u true and ,h - ■ voti 1 frietid. f Ti’ tV- ill- ilor G ti-r.d, ('.•! II ini*i’..,. 1. wc re - t ;:i .i- .- l-,r a prouiptt’e.-s at ail t imes in ; giving us xt-'i bifirm-iHo.i as in-J, Hr. J ia the, pro- ‘■ and “ftof •,-•-. T.hc tiwl“itf\\i’h xvfiii-h _ i.i and. . r: .’-i'h sofh - < fit.-e. .. a r.'i-s the I •i.-prol. ■: .a of I i-itize-is. II D until ing in ! -i- lii> c')tiii-i to lu-.i.’ ‘.Header- against tin* i-.-v „ut j-t • -I- -I-Id pro • - is in all 1 .-,-s xvitli I"t t.a- fix. • •*, < ,i. i Ax e ree iiiitiieii , ilia’ the-e P.e ,cri!iaeats be pub. li H e i in tie- t itx patiers. JOHN 1 D AKIN" S, Foreman. John AA* li.iinrnil, Hi-nrv T. BraWner, Ti.omasl. Hunt, Furney Good-on, J dues 11. lj .g- n. Henry G. Hoh-otnlte, \A illtaiu B. Field. Riediard F. AL Aia.’in, Thomas J Hl-ioiHvorth, Jonas H >yd, Tiiomas ( tgh trec, AA’rlliain A. Scandre't, Jaine- Bent/, John Go-sett, Wilbaui ‘ .Net - . NewoKti B. L’ a!<. Hilaries L. Dupree, William B. Chambers, AN liii , 11 J James W. Vatigli in, r. ! Samuel l'di.-hairy. George Malone. , Ordered and adjudged by tire Court, that the j v.iihin (Jetieral Piescntmenls f the Grand J-pry be publlshetl at their re.pii st-ua the city pap-r-c A. I). HAMMOND, Solicitor Gen. j True extract of Hie Minutes of Spalding Sup- - - rtor Court. November'Trim. ISfiC. J. M Br.oopwoiiTii. CTk. S. C. ehc (loltou rS;cmUet_.^ I IVgelpfs 11K>:>, rate- WfC q ■ i: ~ are ato U cents. Bit*•••: ii. Ts tt ii •- 12 The t: nr .e*. 1 ail g. liar. (•;-•- tie:. • : : . f()j Are.-srv, DereniVr 12 . f •- ••• I .Vi',s. lb- eipts light. J^uotntion#: • J’ - < b-. T i l'k* Vi! rs if Npifelim County. 1 - lli| cat! IkU*- f r T k Coll etor - 1 Spalding couidy, . d.Jcet to the notn.n.v aof n Union Co:;- xent:o i, if one is held. • g AM. W. LEAK. f.KOit I V> ( fttf'.o • m ty. I AAA ID DUNSON api'llts to me for Letters of ! *’ Guardianship fur tint persons and |*rojiettv oi John, James, Joseph, L--a!i and Cli.irjo fe B ,ii-j knight, minors, under fourteen years of age, res , dents of said county ; j Thee- are. therefore in notify all permag c- neem-H i ed to Im and appear at my oilit e, Within lue t u pre#erd>ed by law to show cauae, if any u..i= . wtiv sai-1 Letters should not be grunted. <Jix*en utt-'er my hand, at ofltce. PeeemVr 13th. ipno ► v r xrvntT ‘*• ’lnurv. i II A < LI-RGY.MAN s TESTIMONY. Pittmtoko, Vt., Aug., 1, IWB. I in-ceby <, rfify that my hair br eatii, ijmtH prey, It. -*',l lleim-treet's Hair Restorative , jnepsred by ” 1 Ilagan, of Troy, N Y.,) for f, ;r weeks, and t“y hair in that time x?ns restore, l to it e,rigm#l col or I'-an fully rrcvr neruf the art-ele to Ik all ft * WM KLVGStET. IVtor of the Baptist Church, lhtuford, A's. Retnemi,. r that this r, oilt was j-n>d,iced hy , 11. i t no i.r* /ritmitablr, tfa vrifinql and only ro Vo'.h Hair Residrative. *'"! ! ‘ very w here—price SO cents, and $1 shuttle ‘A V. II MAN A( o . Proprietors, Troy N. Y. 1 \ I.R A s | M.MER the demand for Hostetter'a j rated hi,,macb Bitlt-rs increases. It is fovnd ’ 1 nly <*rnin preservation of bodily ngtli, a jH-tiovl when the atmosphere I* , H dat<*d to imhtee a ,,f I#ssit,ttl* and in .--Hoo. and he w.,rsi eaw*# of Diurrlnva and Dv*- giv. o before its potent intluenee. in rram-r dile per-ein#, who are m.w ulivc and well, ” *'• ’ *•"* ‘b goverer of this preparation that I -!; '.v bave not iri sxre-pt away in tbe harvest of j ‘'*’ ri Bitter-: in re-coininctidcd by the Ireat !’•’ - ■’- ’ ‘h,-! unb This in Ho, l#f ezldenca -•! -O il value, beeattse, as * general thing, they ■i o and ,;k :i w-rd In favorof advertised pre • ira. H” The*- 1. at latyttctimpclltd tjacknowl- j ’ the cl dm* of the Bitten updo the- comtnunl , ty. :. H i bv all druggists. j * lIIK lifU. \ T FMILIMI f?r A} rrT . lilt ■!"• Da v v mil- n CINLLBR AT £ D FEMALE PILLS. j **•* “ v **’ I* ‘ ‘i.t.DC i* ulilmUh Ji \u tlic burc us aklt I r : * * D.‘ ii inl tltnifttiuiM ii.clUvfot lo la* (• j : •. i * *i.t :ttl! •. • : ;’ i nit! cz’ r. f>*. u . i r‘*;n i vci ul uWtruct ! *• 1 ■ ,* ’ • • c*irw m*j L .. r t? , TANARUS” MAHKIEIj LAIdflS t. );-rulluily *u,tJ. It Hill, in H hur lhaa.hrfrf •Ti, niviithly p r; <! # th regularity. CAUTION. / r-< 1 ‘ ■it i/.i ni.t tr l ilcn ty /,/.,/*, thill art yt rf* •!.■>'tgHr nnsr rimi:t: momjis, <.tw, ’ “ ‘ ‘ ■” ‘ ‘ “ Morai ring. , ; bat nt nr.y cfV/ “r, ni l i.i fi r> / • ‘‘ir* i-ti's, 4t* jt, ft* f}y toss. ■ *:. ,J £prn*T FaU ‘l 1.-.'.. 1 ;, i!t avtucsj*, Fntigac vo tii|bl ’ • 1 i*/,i • ! i;o of spirits, i•- ■*,Mi V‘l n*lio. Wbitf.4. nu<i all th |3ibfvl * O'on.l.V u | a *. • i • t ; t-tir ■ \\ i,. t tU .ii’icr iiti-Aiu Lu.a c i a nr i : ti,# in thr f>ain|ghUi iAtoun*! * .irh sacks gi 0 • 1, *’ ■>• j!• 1 i•• v - . fully prvAcrvcU ’ • r~ j,i!’*. aijJ r.circ!ti witi tW ♦••Ai !i.i, .* , f k* Ntt por t ! ’ ’ *’■ ! : 1 *• }■ ** f j,.; -*t *•••* a- 84..! Cactda, b.U.inViN k CO., Kochcn#r, .V V , i-vT**Uhj \v 3. -KAV. P'M* .*rtfTin ••< • J ■i. ‘*i. j -•'-, , As <•) , 1 harVafttfi. S Cj. f |{e . ‘* ‘ l <l,. -• t At Cos , a £U*f4, , vV'J* | :* -'’ ‘ vh MORi: ABOUT THE jilßlubS PIANO. jJ 1 1 ■ . :'- :i d. j 5 ’■ ■ j *t;f!,,.,-a r,’ .Sid •* ff *At-JAt h t tj*. A t ,r% ft ’ - * f j il*l!| 111 \.H \ t{ v* . .♦V; ;UjIJL --* ; • K-A *, r. , tu | 111 fC I’ ll .1 1.,1 C : t tD ‘? i w * i bff ftl* l ti 4 | .-.vr j .*>u* *f ll -i>Mf (I ft/ 1 it. 4ii urcli. t'vi'Vm)ii| itlA *1 I. I I * *.• H !•*•! of 1 he *f **” Int !.n. fiii'i # r ioi £ I'o<*||C of noi| -j.. (2<rl4 •- 1 , *-'’ ♦’(•nit innitl** : } nut, f Jt* J*itiDO Cinif*! nil!* •t'V, ,'j tit.# ftrvhtv.t bottom, ijt| cjinnol #;-^u ’ *•** *•‘<! 4 ! < iiinjr *t, uiih it in. On* ol f*>* l~ J’i intis hni ,t | tl! tr•:u a ir*y ill Mitcow, rt i Hui'ii itO i g ;. . xcrjtf iLii.tdfftr't: f!.* lumitMrr ’">iue*hrt< V ! I’ll •*!:■* *“ Mie r* P. ll)Ot* <■&% hl*C lh% ii* It;. Mf> j'wfui ■; <. :.,•!*• oi, ~:d* ? fl.i!. t tin hoi . c i fc/Tf • j “ ’• - *a'•'*’ l* ni *4 •. hi in 1 rn inv ’ * ,4 V ■* ‘ ,! / i Uncoil \*t idyohipiv nr ouf. in ti! ;j u ,% . r w*itD I fV iJircwt il to ii. UICK, MaOoo, May J|, ,**>,; f“‘^*f ; - AME filG AN UNION ~ MW iiß 3PPIISS. -• ‘!■*'( Vtl to .nr Toll OTlcc th# fINH -ni *i \ .w ami f.i;Ai;iima.ioßT\Pi; # |P • >}{ hi.K “ , <l 1 *■’. , which ciimhio* u# In do m et.itj um| •* nitv njih ** C;n *c tiou in anjiiimbr of j fi* • in Ih? *^fmt*•. ‘A . 1., I At v i > ‘j.Uful for the rert UHrrftl jmt . *,. ttTnfirn* # \i. fih .I }*# u<, uini ia*#-l rvyv.otluliy •nlicil | j ’ i 4 ■-'•*• of i in; ► I||C. • Bn* f* .1 • >‘*n V It* I'liouieiMtr |H* kinds of priming ! * in :n.V nf a jtih, fioiii til# emtllfH r . *rn tn t \ir vrry hi -j L i ,s: l*it!f it *rt >hU*H4 l* tin wtrk cl>p - 5 • J * ‘i. 4 thnu lit ai>blbiT ni% t. ‘.Ms r* * tiun of c (ant y. A O A! PR RAY. 1 . ?n., A|-r !, I*<-4 ) HOLLAND '~~p AT PORTEiI’S OLD TRlOffs f —— & : I HAVE pnrtbashed Rfc-- - - 1 „f Mr. J. N. llsultra I 1,i.t,-utiie intereaf In the I #g , .siu-Hi *t',,i)., on Ho, mut re •l iiy aoiicit a liber . ■: .re of public- pat • 1,-i-lin - assured . tt, ,t I e.m give entire MiiafaetiM to alljMro may i, xor me with their palrtmage."* _ M All kind* of work In Iron and ■Wlffroin Tha ■ very finest to B-.c plaincat, cucawff in the beat rrrYaff 1 numtur, at||t# shortestpoa fibhi nWffC Hug-gv and !I •„ C arriage Reiiairine, Flanta- * “ ’j HQRS&SHOEINO, ; *li- liit -ry R pnirliig; and. In feet, anyHiirtr that . can b<- dotiy at any similar establishment In the i Union. :r n iurut hi,nr wosu R::'tr.r,r:n that 1 V J I shal! take poi-as-lon on the 23th of D:natter, ami xv ill run accounts from that tim till tUt 3-*,tl • t D ■ tuber, lfifit. F. M. HOLLAND. : I Griffin, Georgia. November H. ISfiO.—‘f. ■j l. 2, W3IIE k EE. I \iru-iai.ff. r, Ct.r fhi NLXT TUIRTV Uir I \\ ei tint t >rk ls ! b !,hT il !NO _| Abi, #— ■1 ■ •• . a NEA/i YO-vK GOST ! X’ * ■ c ■'.■gl . ‘.MV- Vi ‘nt- TH. tso._*s