The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 03, 1809, Image 2

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Warsaw, ptda 30. fty command of tb<« Gnpefror Na poleon, general Bronikowski i9 Form- Uga Legio'A Urt the Danube, which is to consist of Austrian prisoners win in Poland 'St. Pete- shine'll, July 29. ’Vigate Constitution, commodore Ro Perhaps it may not be amiss on this occasion, to anticipate the bury wr itilitv of conjecture, by offering parte. The old gentleman must cer- thjn anJ tulcnts . be in his dotage. Ihetewas time when the fulminations of hisj few ideas on what will probably b< the course of our government in re- Ihe day be fore Vesterdav a Te'lation to the new di])lomatic charac- Deum was celebrated bv the french ter. Vml.a.M.lor, <m account of .hv n .j Our country, as « neutral nation,' Holi carr i e d tvith them into fo-. vent n tones obtained I,y'enn take no share m thetlo.pMte. nl- . [rl univei-st.1 terror. the French armies. flicl igcrcnt nations. It is not for the 7 . \ , 1 ,'1 k .. >> , . , T A . .. 1 • and the monarch wlio nail ctareu An English squadroh continues United Statts to nucstion the exts- . .. ,• > ,, ,,„ia < .1 , 1 . 1 • . 1 o . , . , to brave his displeasure, woulu 11 the Gulpn Ot Finland; five ships tenet or pre-exi‘tenet 61 eitheh of the . . . .. * • • . 1 . ,t J f.i, i- ‘ 1 ,, ... .. 1 , . ,0 ■ 11 • , 1 , have paid lor bis temerity by trie, 01 the line and three Ingatcs he at Kings of Spam, whether it he Joseph anchor before Revel; as yet lliev at Madrid, or Ferdinand at Orleans'. .. , .„ , * „fou . . , - •• .... . . .. ... . been, when the crowned heads Ot w y have r.ot tla-cd to make :aiv attack, I he establishment of peace w ill set- ,. .. , -. „ . . victories, 11 . • r ■ , , , . ir. Europe considered it an honor to'"- 1 '""- 3 ’ as all tit preparations nr defence tie the question as to the future pos- , • • . , consider liimsclt implicated by our Might) truths nVo tremendous thyn. I 1 ill J •{) t R5A ) it strictures. We certainly do r.ot tn- tiers which oveVw Feint tyrants. Louis i tertain a verv favorable opinion of XI Vth amidst all his grandeur, felt FRIDAY\ No vemsiir 3. t j, e British Ministry ; but we will the bolt o.f truth. Happy then, was ~~ “ 7 do them the justice to believe, that Fenelon, who, inspired by the geni- ihe Pope, as appears lromouv late thev wou j t | not cm p] 0 y in that set-us of reason, dared to pay a profound papers, has excommunicated Hona- any ot } iers than men of e'duca-jhomage to nature and truth ; tq yoH THE GEORGIA JOURNAL preach the rights of man, his liberty, and his repose ; to thunder against political superstition# ; to predict the progress of reason ; to announce to _ posterity, in the transports of a tender FENELON; philosophy, calmer days, virtues firm- Louis XI Vth was jealous of Fi>jf t r an <J more vigorous, men mope en- 1'he time has nui.on. The writings'of this virtu-j'j^dened, more feeling, and man lessened the glorv ol his.i liSt preparations Mr defence tie the uucstion as to the future po.,- -. . . , j 1 ‘ 1 , ... . , • 1 ..-serve hurt in a menial capacity hate been made on every porut. sensor ol tbe efhnent authority cl 1 - • '1’he crews of koine English Hoops Spaim have ventured cm shore and Seized| Possibly tbe fame course will be c attle and fresh provisions , blit they now pursued as was pursued in an always retreated on the approch oicarly stage of the French revolution,! troops. vital merchantmen have when th*: minister of the republic and! been taken liy the English eriii/i is ; the minister of the Bourbons both . , , , c p , • and yet, a few clat s b:uk, two llus-oflered credentials to the President 1 ltU . 1 ‘ C S ."‘ L ^ '* 1 r'c" sian vessels, w inch have been lving'of the United Slates, File laws of f.. , 1 « - ,, . . Since then, the Papal jiower has been fast declining—and ol late of his buildings, and. of of men will one day in ,[ his sumptuous entertainments, Yet :it _ it was not Fenelon that censured his haughty government : It was th while' cor, l body which reads in silence, he mounted his ho. se. ‘ ‘ j' vlii ' ;h >'“Jons ^ kings, k Jlenry the F.ipiv.i. of England was,b lltl ^s them, not by tpeir payees and we believe, the first prince who architects, hut by the tranqui- moro Happy age ! the gi eat family jon a particular occasion, he tended by two powerful monarch#, ■each of whom held a stirrup, at CVon -acU several months, and hospitality We re extended Were prohibited sailing, have rer cd permission to leave the port. At C’ronstaclt several vessels have a’.vs 01: to both, inti the government 'received cveri communication which did not go to involve the neutrality of the natic n.j years the I J ope has been little more than Bishop of Rom arrived w ith goods front Tcneriffc.iOn questions which involve the dis- In Arc Itange! also a great quantjtvjputed authority, our government will| t*eneral 1 ^ td colonial wares have arrived in A-maintain a rigid neutrality. On mat-| i5ti -' n ordered to the seat ol govem- Clcneral Wilkinson, it is said, has at of govern If amnion di fiierican vessels. A commissionerjters w hich refer to civility and the u-j’^ent, and Col, Wade Hampton has been appointed for the examinn-pages of polished nations, nothing ’* c tvd u take cciinirvund of tion of th.c ships papers of neutral w ill be clone to wound either of the|R is to be hoped, that Cittn. vessels arriving at Arciutngeb Two days before the Emperor returned hi ther. on the 2.1.1, from Finland, the Minister for Foreign A Hairs,-.Count Jkomaiv/.ow, had arrived from the name provincp, Ki-mfjtrn, Aug. Ci. 1 lie Voralh,rg insurgents, who were hitherto in possession of the mountains and woods to the Gout!; oi this place, have suddenly return* i d to their homes, amid loud curses 01 their C iders and the Austrians. Only ft few bands ol vagabonds ram ble, about, intoxicated with brandy, j plunder the hamlets and detach- louses. Ai Rent /, all the persons flu the I Her district, who had been nrrested by the insurgents as suspect < d persons, and dragged thither, have been set at liberty; with the declara tion, that as all resistance was over, they might go where they pleased, 'lb-morrow Gen. Picard proceeds with a considerable force to the Vo- raiberg. l.tndau, Augusts. Intelligence being received, that , cm army of ;10,<y*) Bavarians and Lan, P 1 Frenchmen had entered the Ti rol, competitor powers. l’ 1 ^ be employed longci in ihe^sei- We leave purposely out of vdew v ’ ce i tudess he can dissipate most the present discussion of other ru-|s'>hpidmis which so generally exist to the intended or Supposed n ^-'ining his connection with Burr. mors, its to live mtenctect or supj intentions of England, in promot ing this new mission at this time. 'I lie wisdom of our national councils is competent to weigh and duly esti mate w hatever may have ft relation ,'f that kind. Pith. Adv. MARYLAN1) ELECTIOX. \Yc have heard the result from fifteen counties in all, leavii: four to lie beard from ; and ti.t: re mit suTords cause oi congratulatiot. to republicans.— ihe Conilnandt r in Chief should Ik ike Cirsar’s v. iie, not only virtuous,; tut unsuspected. The Editor of Mi nerva, after exit' North-Carolina •.'ting Jroin th* ph which 'Flu; represen: • islature, from r.tand thus— Republicans, Federalists, at ion in the nt xt If-1 titese counties, tvilij 4.1 21 and had already advanced to In spruck, yesterday the Y’oralberg in- surgents surrendered at discretion, i he notorious f). Scljneidea Iiimsell v cut to the Bavarian advanced guard, within a league of Bregenz, and de livered in a written submission, from the collected deputies from the pro vince ; he demeaned himself very humbly, and appeared to be lull of apprehension. Paris, Angus* 8. M. De Chainpagny has just set out for Haul), to fix the last basis of the peace. August 10 Letters from Bavonne state, that ine English have disembarked at Ali cant some detachments, with muc ammunition, artillery, See. Vienna, August 5. It is said that an English agent hus appeared at the head-quarters of the Archduke Charles, but he could not obtain an audience. LYNCHBURG, Virginia During the last three weeks wej have attended the quarterly comas ol 1 11, Amherst, and Bedford, oni the first (lav of each term ; and ol j the multitudes that attended those! courts, (not lea:; perhaps than be-! tween 12 and l.iOO,) not one in ten wore a stitch of British (f other />-| wauitfuct:< < e. Where a British Baltimore Whig a pnragi states, that the British Ministei JacksOn bad been treated with neg lect at Annapolis and that his 1.ft;y | )Ut lhad h.een burnt at Norfolk, make: the follow ing comments ; “ II, as aijove stated, tin- efligy < ' u ?.!)•; Jackson, ‘‘ burnt on ti “ beat i in his viett> n at Norfolk, v greatly pity that weakness which can rema.iu any lunger ignvrtiu! a- to the rad views 01 those jacobim which*' eoumiitted this outrage, as well as of those who, with an air o. triumph have published tlie trans action.—It will he In vain to pre tend that they wish any thing like a treaty with Grcat-Britain. Should they ever so grata Iv assert, that u anything short of open and direct u war vJ.ii that nation will satis! “ tin m, this very outrage will giv Ci the lie to such assertion.” There are none more disposed to respect the rights oJ /;dors or diplom coat appeared, it w-as not a new one.i, r , . , 11 , , .other foreign diplomatic characters, Jt was a graltiving spectacle to be-;, , , . , 1 than we arc—if anv personal tnsun hold a well looking hardy people neat- ty and cheaply dressed, by female di ligence and domestic industry, in the nroducts bf tlu-ir own fields and has been offered to the British Mi nister, we iviould ceflainlv disap prove the conduct, although ;va (arms, the a'vr. annual cost of night not censtli the ;?.’: 01 even' tiling, and bv cverv bodv, it . 1 . • . ■ ’. Ifangemcnt with our goveniment. must terminate in our perlect tnde-k j • r . . . , , 1 ... . ,,have exited a spirit ol resentment, .j, ami 111 the humiliation of; w p- |( .j J DOIVI KS’TiC VERMONT F LECTION. Nearly the w hole returns of the late election in this state have been re ceived. From those received, the following is the result :— Gore nice. For Galuslut, (rep.) 12,842 For Tichcnor, (fed.) T 1,051 H0use of Rr/>uentail:n:s. Republican members elected 118 Federal ilo. C9 each of w hose dress in British goods, 10 years .ago, could not have amount ed toless than 50 dollars.’ This spi rit gains ground : if cherished itil’j”^ those who have offend; ins majes tv’s Plenipotentiary’. The outrage committed on our commerce bv th i tain added to her unparalielkd con latiVe to Mr. F.rckine's ar- our perfidious oppressors.—(Star.) REMOVAL. Peter Menard respectfully people will not relrair from expressing ; though the sensi- “ bib tics of Mr. J ackson ntav be wound ed by the manner of doing it. Fhe gentleman speak of jacobin, and French Agents—where will hi be united. lily and happiness of Ihe world at large. The English; who are just estimators of moral and literary fame, have jiltvavs honored Fentlpn : Why ? Bee auso his 'Eelcmachus breathes a sentiment of peace, a wish lor the good of mankind, which touches the soul. He directs all thi powers of the state to patriotic ol:- gratcuu jects ; if his ideas are not profound, tns one they are at least useful. This pre ceptor of the Duke of Burgundy has divined the scit nee ol politics by his ow n heart ; for the heart, as much as the most re fined understanding, is deeply impressed with that know- 'edgv, w hen it is truly animated tvith and will thenceforth form but one and the same society : then will the codd t of natural lays be the only authority required to, guide the nuilt’tiu!\e'i moral equality w ill no longer lie a problem: relative liberty and indivi dual security n jll be essentialv secur- d to all • and universal order w ill one day be established, because the system of reason must finally prevail. Such was the charming and sub| lime philosophy of Fen. lot'—If Ihe iirct right of man is that of existing, the second is that ol thinking ; the latter is unquestionably ihe most —But he w ho dares to attack or tlie other oif nds equally 1 gainst nature and reason. Ail the excellent writings which ■t this day illuminate France have wen anathematised b'- «b if bn .jumatutv. jy the priests^ or condemned to be "burnt bv the Hands of the hangman, as if desn >- .ism had hoped in their fiame^ tq stifle the cry of ages; and to ext n- guish the consciousness qf the hu man race, The immortal author of Tclemaeluis was persecuti d, and his ! ook long underwent the severest prohibitions. But the epoch of revolutions in go vernment, in science and philp opuy i-> arrived—after ages of slave v and error, people have felt the nc.essity of acquiring know ledge ; and reason revolting against these tyrants, rom- bats in clef t nee ol human ilitmity, an<f ptomtses the earth triumphs as yet unknown. The American revoiuti- on contained within it a volume vf principles, and ushered upon mankind a world ol new ideas. Under its divine influence, philosophy accom panied with the engraver and the printer, will descend from the Tanais to the Bosphorus ; it will open the lie pure flame Fenelon appears throughout, an c- nemv of luiyii y ; lie regards even artificial multiplication di our v ants ts a beginning of depravation, w hich perp: tiudiy increases ; such is the lunger ofluxury ; it never steps and becomes by little and little, an exclu sive nod disproportioneil ta.-.te, Our . aural wants are limited ; as soon as vc ’pass these limits, the imagination '■ inafed up. becomes depraved ; soon io all the vices germinate in us ; and Fenelon teaches us that every excess f enjoyment, even soft and delicate mode of life, corrupts tire mind >f man. His opinion is founcl- (1 in sound sense, when he indig nantly censures all the numberless rtists, wholly occupied in tlie sur- ucc of things in preparing superflu ities. ’Fhe earth W ould quickly as- stmie a different aspect, he savs, if we could dry up the source of all these artificial operations, which art gene rally iuinous to the people, such as statutes, pictures, decorations, proud monuments, Lc. Ike. ; if we cgtild Y«,ounce those fcetitiom arts v.hich The Editor is aware, that the cost so much time, care ami palm, to sket clies of political characters pub.' the tapiry ol the use ol -and produck bc , a j, the prl , tw cr o the ■ive arts. V. e ought to tltstutgmsh } ollrnal »ill nflt l)t . J ue eimp.e arts Irom those co K ,,hc n -| Msre ., d „ s , x% |>; t ‘ u |, of ^ nc J ,ed ones, .or the lew, create Hamilton may probably conceivi tnd the porch gates ol ttie o iragho, and oi ine Divan will resound in half a century tvith the. oracles recorded iq the declarations c( the rights o! map* PLUTARCH. with infinite labour, pleasures that fall r.ot. to the share of the general mass ; perhaps the time will come, *0 ardently desired by Fenelon; when enlightened by a sound philosophy,b that entire justice lias not been paid to bis in. rit—or, that his vices 1 v.vyp . .. „ .colours, it is certainiy a more grateful task en pourtrayed in glari cuug.ueucu bv a sound ph.l., s ophy,j io » c.lchrate the praise, of hunuud- 1 " S'f y, lha ' “ «lRe the vice, that. "'“"j lbr t' !, 1" deform it." The character of Genet informs his friends and customers,.- . ,1, 1 , , • , • , , , , . ’ titicl ukci : w e know oi none ;n this country, and our acquaintance, per haps, is not less extensive than his. But we could readily inform jur. that he has removed Itis < icons to the corner house of Jnyyr.RsoN ritrir, north sid t!;e pulilic u here another description of persons, square, opposite to Mr. Fredi ujc.k no * b’ss obnoxious, and muclj moia S ivinoittfs store, and adjoining ihe l t ^ an S l ‘” 0li, i n:a! J be found. V> c al- new established Printing Orricr. lut,c .to British partizans, to British of the “’Georgia Journai., November 3. 1 ,uclt a self denial consists a real o pulcnce. It is luxury that destroys all pro portion in the distribution of ihe la bours and productions of the earth ; his, Feirilon has asserted in all his writings ; but he mistook the cause, of Gen . 1 al Hamilton has been held up to the . rising generation as a perlect modi / lor imitation ; with how much pi j priety the public voice will deter mine. e have detailed with pleasure the list oi his virtues : 'I ruth axj. -31. DELL TAVLDX, M .wenusti'.r, vraoixiA.J ihat Cobbet (better known pensioners, and to the defenders and »% NEW-YORK. Y( stmlay the Spanish liigate Cor nclia aucfO v ed in the harbor of thi city. On paving Fort Columbus fired a salute of 13 guns, w hich wen answered by a simslm 1 muhiIkt liom Fort Columbus. The ambassador from’tin Spanish] Junta, acting in the name ot Fcrdi-j n and \ It.; vriva a! on board this ship. On h ut iiiudhe frigate he was salutet:| v uli six guns, and an equal munbet; en his landing, lrom the U. State*. The Set Chester, Vi Belt, solicits a chare if public patron age to his tavern, andih'edves himse/l paliiutors ol British aggressions— ire there any of those In the gentle man's neighbourhood .—We know Peter Porcupine) was employed bv the Bri- siding in .'/«>:-]tisli Ministry to traduce tbe best pa- at the sign rf l ! n triots of our country, and lor this .service if w as declared in lor the word luxury has never been justice require, that wc should pe- accurafely defined. lie saw e very j sent a reverse of the picture i tt wliere, the many obliged to feed and has not been distorted bv passion ip ai amuse tlie lew ; his sensibility re-ibv prejudice, voltcd, because he perceived that the) ’ The comments on Mr. Pickcri g most burdensome charges, the se-'require m>' apology—The man x V S verest employments constantly fell to for years past has given unbridle! L- tht * lot P°ore »t and most labo-Jcence to his passions in writing anil’* nous men. On whom could he layjspeaking—l le who has more \\iJ the blame ol these calamities, whenjonce vilified the best men of a- the true fundament?! principles of e- country, is undoubtedly fair gam: verv society ought to consist in the to shoot at—He must not flimfc maintenance of moral equality and from the lash of criticism. the security of the natural indepen- — ience of men ? Fenelon felt that the dignity ol the human specie. 1 ALEXANDER H ( tMTT.TQV a member of the House of Lotd ..... ,1 fhe late Chief ol the Federal parte*, iiught to reside m the perk ction 6.1.was not inferior in versatility of gen!- ■nmeirb- P'd'tmal law s ; he on this basis us or strength of talents, to any ch ,‘ y . Iiormed his famous novel,—But* 1 - • 1 ” • J s no' difference in tere racterin the United States—at un ear- reason, be tw een ly stage of our revolution, although -or- to use ever e.v< rtion to give sutidae-^ that he dtserved a statue of t‘'o/d."\ f u 1 1 , ’ . U 1 stage 01 our revolution, although tier.. lie Uv ts a constant supph/ o/|Can anv person doubt that there are! p n.o„_j utr ,a.c t 1 t.iie neiid.a foreigner, he espoused with ( en.- slu!G/ic best forage, good liquors und han\aot at this time British pensioners i>n * ^ A ! tK ' l . ' a, ' ( thusiasm the cause e>f liberty; and ....I, A W .. Y I > . G . ipenlvtake the nart of onnressiK :md tfi.. *-,1 1.:... 1 : du waiters ; raid his prices .are u \!east 2a per cent under those general Ihj charged i::, or aheut his residence, 'NA Til ARIEL cun. DERR Yovcr.ibi r 3. 1—12t FOR SALE, A good RIDING DORSE, Enquire of the Printer. our country, w ho under the prettneeip ‘’“f 1 °* °Pl )l essc(1 i,nd ^e confidence reused in him bv the of counteracting French infiuVnce l C ■ aUcd humanit - v a S auwt tyrants, Commander in.Chiei is no mean Wt- . ... - - . — mcan'crl- i or ^ must sink into an ordinary terion of his merit as an officer. minions and uncon'-! “ At tiie siege of York, he perti- are endeavoring to promote the inter-’ ists of their fo\ al master.' The' 1 • pust ui « North-Carolina gentle hum must not w the 01“ m.riously insisted, and he obtained ins teiiow creatures, and must feel “ die command of a Forlorn Hone, not that sacred fire, that consoling e f He stiuffied the redoubt ; but lei gy, which elan s bid clefianra to “ it be recorded, that not one single * The* ptnllfman probably meant cj-;-, (nltead of which., .before be prislBliip 1 t \t philippic, it would not be amilt;, if he were arrogant and perfidious fabilooJ 'o icTifc ins grantiour. juespotic and powerful j.^de. _ glc to,“ man ol the enemy perished. Hri gallant troops, emulating t!>c hero.-