The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 13, 1809, Image 1

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V r OL. I. MlLLEDtrEVILLE, MONDAY,"NOVEMBER 13, 1809. No. 3. yiTfMSHED bv seaton gr antlaxd,! Alan” might have remained ignorantracttr, hi; Would, for that species oljtoast ,jv jcFfF.RSON street, orposiTK ot the vast powers ol his mind, hadlnum, be universally, regarded as a Tiiu north end of the state-not the oppressions ot. Britain ruu-jpersoii of a very good understanding ; HOUSE. T- rRMS......THREE DOLLARS PER AN- jiUM, ONE HALF TO BE PAID IS AD VANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS WILt BE thank fully RECEIVED, AND PUBLISHED AT THE CUSTOMARY PRICES. - - .* PROSPECTUS* * or THE GEORGIA JOURNAL. sed his indignation and called forthlcull him a legislator, a rcasoncr, and his latent genius to assert the rights;the, conductor of the affairs of a gre genius of the American colonic lWi — x than 500 miles, bounding in deep bays, admirable Ijftrbour-., and disaffected inhabitants; Your blockading ships may be forced to come home for provisions and re pairs, or they may lie blown off in a a- parallelled, desperate; anti infamous conduct, while We reprobated their behavior, unawed by ilieir power and ferocity, we discharged Our duty and removed the mask from our unfor tunate and deluded Countrymen. The baseness and depravity which stamps the characters of the abettors That news-papers are productive it public utility, when they advocate die rights of the people; and incul cate sound principles on political and moral subjects, is a truth too evident io require illustration; Whether the opinions of the Edi tor on political subjects be correct, hi: will net pretend to say; nor should he be considered the proper judge of their orthodoxy—-He can confidently assert, however, that the\ arc founded upon honest intentions’ a sincere love for his native country, and an ardent attachment to its con- htituiion. In his political sentiments, W lie differs at ail, he presumes to think it is not widely from a ma jority of the citizens of Georgia: Foi the Editor is decidedly in favour of that forth of Government termed a Democratic Republic; where tin administration of public affairs i: vested in officers chosen at short in tervals by the people, tlnd conse quently amenable to them lor the honest execution of their official du- lies. lie is the admirer of Republi can institutions, hot merely because his ancestors preferred them, but be cause he is convinced of their supe rior excellence : And did a doubt exist in his mind on this subject, it voud at once be removed, by con trasting the situation of our own country hvith the condition of the monarchies of Europe. Here, we ♦njoy all the immunities of a free go vernment ; the necessaries of liter are abundant; and its superfluities attainable by almost every one who Xvill make an exertion to possess Ahem ; we are not burthehed witi oppressive taxation, and as yet we are exempt from the calamities ot war. There, stern tyranny issues its imperious mandates, and the peo ple crouch at the frown of a tyrant waf, the great scourge of the human rack; bus become familiar to the un fortunate European; the son i torn from his parents, the fathci from his family, and hurried to the scene of carnage ; the ambition of ideipols has desolated the fields of thf agriculturist and crimsoned them will the blood of the cultivators. , If there be among iw, any “ choice surits above the dull pursuits of ci- vJ life if there be any who would prefer the turmoil of the camp to oir present tranquil state, let them Urn their attention to the continent of Europe, bleeding at every pore, la- otrated and harrassed by incessant war for twenty years past; If we unfortunately have among us any ot the friends of monarchy, we vould ask them to reflect seriously oi^ the condition of those countries "jjfiich are under monarchical govern Vient; let them view the poverty and alfiect depression of the common people in nearly every part of Eu- i ’ rifle : Looklat Denmark and Spain! Ilukpotism lhs there paralized the opitit of industry, and debased the faculties of lie mind. The Editor docs not entirely con cur in opilion with those who de- f precate thd prevalence of party spi- vit, as hustle to the prosperity of our Republic* jlie would ask if we have ever been vithout parties since these states acquted their independence ? Tiie record! of history will prove, ■ that partieslhave existed in all free governments; They will exist J/here there a liberty; and when not too virulent, IperhapB they' help to preserve it. *1 Bf the collision of different seiltinrnts, says an eminent philosopher, spooks cf truth arc struck great nation, and it seems to me as absurd e should feel less sensibly thejas if A butterfly were to teach beei-gale of wind and compelled to bear inconvenience of party spirit, if politi-jto make honey. That he is an ex-away for their own coast :—and you cal as well as religious- tolerance,Itraordinary waiter of Small poetry,'will observe; that the very same windjaffd contrivers of Copenhagen confla- were more liberally exercised bv in- and a diner-OUt of the highest lustre;Kvliich locks you tip in the Britishfgrntion, was but too apparent in the I do most readily admit. After Channel; W hen you haVe got there,{accursed policy, which, with preme- Gcorge Saltvyn, and perhaps Tick-'is eminently favourable for the inva-jditated guile, dispatched our brave, ell, there lids been no such man for sion of Ireland; And yet this Is cal-otlr valiant s&’.diers, to be butchered this half centurV. The foreign Se-!led Government, and the peoplejand destroyed upon the forbiddeii cretarv is a gentleman, it respectable,'huzza Friar Perceval, fur continu-'shores of Spain ! The Voice of pa* as well as an highly agreeable man in ing to expose his country day afurtriocism has been treated by the private life ; but you may as welljduy to such tremendous perils asjtools ol power and the adherents of feed me with decayed potatoes ns thesis ; cursing the men W ho would corruption as the ravings cif the console me for the miseries of Iiv- have given up a qiiestion in tlieolo-'alarmist and the disaffected ; but land by the resources of his wmrjgy to have saved us from such ajnmidst the whole tribe of SLA VES and his discretion* It is only thelrisk. 'File British Empire fit this and Su'OLTvDETLS ; the whole ppblic situation which this gehtleman moment Is in the state of a peach-'paek ol minions; who, like bees in holds which entitles me, or induces hlossorit ; if the wind blows gently jtlus hive, inlest the court, and swarm me to say so much about him. 11c from one quarteiq it survives ; if lu- about the ministerial haulits, exists is a fly iu amber, nobody cares ilioutiriously from tile othtl* it perishes.{there one wretch that Will not admit the fly : the only question is, llow! A stiff breeze may set in from tue our language to have been just, our dividuals towards those wlio differ from them in opinion. And why not l since honest politicians of all parties agree in the essential principles of freedom, tho 1 in particular cases we may happen to disagree about the modes of their application. It is in genuous to believe, that the two great parties which divide Us, have the same end in view, that is, the public good ; and that they differ only about the means of promoting it. The Editor will hot decline the discusson of political measures, 01 other subjects of general concern, where truth may probably be elicited by the enquire. Yet, he will hot willingly’engage in controversy with the publishers of other papers ; much less will he condescend to expose to view the personal foibles or private vices of individuals. These, howe ver detestable they may be, “ have not dignity sufficient to attract the censure of the press, unless they are united with the power of doing some signal mischief to the community.” Strict attention will he always paid .is Well to the latest as the most cor rect sources of intelligence j and when important news shall render it necessary, an extra sheet will be is sued. Flic Editor will not refuse publica tion to any Essay written with decen cy and taste * although he nlav iiot accord lit opinion with the author ; vet he will not debar himself the right of discussing or commenting Upon die tendency tlf its principles. Seaton Grantland, November 3; lHCJy. north, the Rochefort iquadron will be taken; and the I rial' wiil be the most lidlv of itten : If it comes from some other point; Ireland is ghne ; we curse ourselves as a set of mo- At present, see what a dreadful hastic madmen, and call out for hive state Ireland is in. The commonltUiavailirig satisfaction of Air: Pcr- toast among the low Irish is, the fcactjccvcl’s head. Such a state of pdllti- of the pass over. Some allusion to cal existence is scarcely credible ; it Bonaparte, in a play lately acted at the devil did it get there ? Nor do I attack hint from the love of glory, but from the love of utility; as a bur gomaster hunts a rat in a Dutch dyk , for fear it should flood a province The following.extracts are taken from a pamphlet lately published, re presenting in animated language the oppressions of the Irish Ca tholics. THe work abounds with satirical humour, and does entire justice to Mr. Canning and others of the British Ministry—Air. She is the reputed author. (Georgia Journal.) MR. CANNING. distrust ol‘wickedness & Imbecility to have been well founded, our feelings justly aggravated, and our indigna tion well applied l It is a question of some importance to determine, whe ther the mischievous measures of the public servants have originated in ULAKNEbh or in GUIL7’, ami whether they are henceforth to be re ts h'A R ABRAHAM, In the correspondence which is passing between us, you are perpe tually alluding to the Foreign, Se cretary ; and in answer to the d.ui- gers of Ireland, which I am pressing upon your notice, you have nothing to urge* but the confidence which you repose in the discretion, and sound ense of this gentleman. I call ou- v say, that I have listened to him long, and often, with the greatest at tention ; 1 have used every exertion in my power to take a fair measure of him, and it appears to me impos sible to hear hinr upon any arduous topic without perceiving, that he is eminently deficient in those solid and erioiis qualities upon which, and upon which alone, the confidence of a great country can properly repose, lie sweats, and labours, and works for sense; and Air. Ellis seems al ways to think it is coming, but it does not come ; the machine can’t draw up what is not to be found in the spring; Providence lias made him a light, jesting paragraph-wri ting man, and that he will remain to his dying day. When he is jocular he is strong, when he is serious he is like Sampson in a wig ; any ordina ry person is a match tor him ; a song, an ironical letter, a burlesque ode, an attack in the newspaper upon Ni- coi’s eye, a smart speech ol twenty minutes, lull of gross misrepresen tations and clever turns, excellent language, a spirited manner, luckv Dublin; produced thunders of ap plause from the pit and die galleries, and a politician should not be inat tentive td tile public feelings expres sed in theatres; Air. Perceval thinks he has disarmed the Irish : he lias no more disarmed the Irish than he has resigned a shilling of his bwi public emoluments. An Irish' 11 ' pea sant fills the barrel ofliis gun full of tow dipped in oil, butters up th lock, buries it in a bog, and allows the orange bloodhound to ransack liis cottage at pleasure. Be just and kind to the Irish, and you will indeed disarm them ; rescue them from the degraded servitude in which they are held by a hatldful of their own ounti yiiien; and von will* add lout millions of brave and affectionate aiento your strength. Nightly vi sits, protestimt inspectors; licences to possess a pistol, dr it knife and a fork, the Odious \ igouv of the evan gelical Perceval—Acts of Parliament, drawn up bv some English attorney, to, save you from the hatred of fotu million people—ihc guarding your selves from universal disaffection by i police ; a confidence in the little cunning of liow-street, when yon might rest your security upon the e- ternal basis of the best feelings : this is the mcaness, and madness to which nations are reduced when they los. sight of the first elements of justice, without which a countiy can be ho more secure than it can be health)* without air. 1 sicken at such policy and such men. The danger of an immediate in surrection is now, 1 believe-,] blown over. You have so strong an army in Ireland, and the Irish are become so much more cunning from the Iasi insurrection, that you may perhaps be tolerably secure, just at present, from that evil: but arc* you secure from the efforts which the French may make to throw a hotly of troops into Ireland.’ duel do you Consider that event to be difficult and iinpro hable ? From Brest Harbour to Cape St. Vincent, you have above three thousand miles of hostile sea coast, and twelve or fourteen harbors quite capable of containing a suffici ent force for the powerful invasion of Ireland. The nearest of these harbours is not two days sail f rom the southern coast of Ireland, with a fair leading wind : arid the farthest not ten. Five ships of the line, for so Very short a passage, might carry five dr six thousand troops with can non and ammunition; and Ireland presents to their attack a southern is the action of a mad young fool,garded as 100! .V or KNAVES'! tan'.ling upon one fdot, and peeping That their characters must be stamp- down the crater of Mount Aitila, ed with one of these HONORABLE lot the conduct of a Wise and so-jdistirictioris, we apprehend; the ha lier people, deciding upon their best sest wretch enlisted undei* tlicii* ban- and dearest interests : and in tin* ner , will want impudence find re name, the much injured iiame of Heaven, what is it all for, tlral we expose ourselves to these dangers r [s it that we may sell more muslins i Is it that we may acquire more ter ritory ? Is it that we may strength en what we have already acquired : Nj : mulling of aii this i hut that one set of Irishmen may tohure afio- dief set of irishmen ; that Sir F!ie- !im O’Calhigan may continue td whip Sir Toby Ai’ i'ackle, his next dooi neighbour, ami continue to ravish hi*. Catholic daughters | atilt‘these are the measures which the honest and consistent Secretary supports ; and this is the Secretary whose genius, hi the estimation of brother Abra ham, is to extinguish the genius of Bonaparte. Pompey was killed by i slave, Goliah smitten by a ptrip ling, Pyrrhus died by the hand of a vonlan; tremble thou great Gaul, Vom whilst lie ltd ail armed AI hur ra leaps forth in the hour of danger! re mbit*’ thou scohrge of God, a pi. a *.ant nlan is come out against thee, md thbu sha'.t be laid low by a joker if jokes, and he shall talk his plea sant talk against thee; and thoit shal re no more ! ! THE BRITISH MINISTRY. merit)* to deny. It is, indur minds, rt subject of serious Considefatju^ whether die sending a second En glish army into Spain had origin in a personal or national feeling ; w ae ther our ministers, from Imbecility could fancy that actual benefit might: result from a second time exposing under the ferime allspices that' h id moved to one armv) our soldiers on tile distracted pehirisula ; whether they could, in their delirium ttnee, id the uEsnodaih. ;• pole>(t gertiUs of the Convent'* n lv night, quiuiiFs cif merit: which bad no place in the blind; and onsequently could Hot direct the conduct ol tile linfomulfite Moore ; or whether they were sufficiently ini quitous tosu.-tcr the influence of aii up- dart family to actuate their resolves) and from pehson'al considerations, consent Hi sacrifice a blare army at the shrine of interest tind cofruptibn, and to give an opportunity td inlaid if don or intrigue to obtain the vabuA >le the honorable appendage of a peerage ! Discbihfiture and morti fication lias oi will attend tic; two' armies to which the iiueruiod of the nation is naturally fit t’nir time di rected. How is it that ,tho* bravest and best so id id's in the world; while they are objects of admiration; arc The following portrait of the pre sent ministry in England is. ex tracted from the London Inde pendent "Whig of the 3d Septem ber last. also to made ooiects oi cbnipas Another iveek has elapsed;and no kind spai*k has been discovered to light the torch of hope, and kliidU reviving joy in the almost paralyzed feelings of Britons! No generous radiance breaks Upon the portentous gloom. Imbecility, treachery, pro fligacy, villainy,remain rivetted in our tops councils, and direct the conduct bf tiie men who, planted at the national helm, are steering the vessel of Eng land to the gulpK of rlespondehcv, to the abyss of horror and destruction ! dick at heart, dejected, and forlorn, \vc have no longer patience tb com ment upott the folly and the iniquity manifested in cvcRy action of the mi nisters of the crown; When wrap ped up in specioUsness, apd well calculated to delude the ignorant, the credulous, ami the uniformed, it was dtir duty (and we discharge it with In the accursed policy adopt • .*d by a corrupted minisln are all >ur disasters to be Attributed * Thus iiir Strength has Lfccii impaired arid bur resources frittered away liy wan ton and ridi' uldtls sncciilations—-and hits tin: intrigues of British minis ters have been devoted td tiie kind* lingoi discord end distraction in r- l*y portion of the continent, ;n,d the conclusion ol each blood)' tub is made memorable and emphatic, bv onverting fertile pastures into tomb: 1 for slaughtered and butchered Bid * So man who is not ultimately l l quotation, success in provoking did men, some half information picked. acc l ua “ ltct ^ with the Irish, can tel! up in Pall Al all in the morning what u curious extent this conceal- these are i our friend’s natural wea-j ment arms is carried. I have r t pons ; all these he can do ; here ljstatedthc exact mode in which it is outy and politia.1 light is obtained?'{allow him to be truly great : nav, I {done. The discussion^ produced by dis-.will be just, unci go still farther, it{ | I know too much, howdVef*, of similarity of opinjin are certainly fa-he would confine himself to these the state of Ireland, not to speak vorable to intellectual improvement J things, and consider, the iaccte, andtrcmblinglv about thi;« I hope to The- author cf *‘Tlw Rights of the pluif ,1 .o lathe basis of his cha-'God 1 am light. The situation of our brave coun trymen in Spain is truh'distressing; and, while our minds are a;,.imzcd with the most fearf'il suspefise for their safety; bur bosoms, swell w ith indignation :lt the treachery of the king’s servants T n thus sub jecting the defence* of the British empire to be immolated on the filtarof their own wickedness, arid of the na tion’s weakness find credulity ! While we' feel indignant at tiie cofidutt of ministers in Sending bar expeditions, which to no reflecting man ever held Zealand firmness) to unmask dcccp-jout all*.' other prospect than wind has tion, and, in its native deiornpty, toj un h a ppilv bterf Realized, viz. the expose iniquity and guilt; I he ial-L-xpciiditure of gt. enormous trea- iaty and the madness of those mea- SU j*e, and the massacre of bur best surcs which unprincipled adventur- a;u l bravqjt troops; wc cannot but, ers; Intuited as mini: t is, resorted tb,jwith the gl*eatest compunction, dc- aggravatecl our censure and i*ouzcd!plorc the ccedulirv of the British ( indignation. When this daring people ill suffering 'themselves tu be gang; fnade bold h\ impunit)*, buri- deluded by every phantom held out J d the weak or wicked proceeding ol by a w e ak, imbecile and treacherous *he.r jneelcct ssors in their own un-ministry, and in alio wing their ’ir* 5 0