The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 21, 1809, Image 1

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5-5 ", VOL. I. MILLEDGEVlLLE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1809. No. 4. PUBLISHED BY SEATON GHANTLAND, ON JEFFERSON STREET, OPPOSITE THE NORTH END Of THE STATE- HOUSE. TERMS THREE DOLLARS PER AN NUM, ONE HALF TO RE PAID IN AD VANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE THANK FUM Y RECEIVED, AND PUBLISHED AT THE CUSTOMARY PRICKS. ■ ■■■■■ jr Man’’ might Have remained ignorant generation was as rapid a3 the pfedis- that the patient, while he receives the of the vast powers cf his mind, had not the oppressions of Britain rou- ed His indignation and called forth his latent genius to assert the rights of the American colonies. We should feel less sensibly the PROSPECTUS. OF THE GEORGIA JOURNAL. That news-papers are productive of public utility', when they advocate the rights of the people, and incul cate sound principles cn political and inoral subjects, is a truth too evident to require illustration. Whether the opinions of the Edi tor on political subjects bfc correct, he will not pretend to say; nor should he be considered the proper judge of their orthodoxy—He can confidently assert, however, that they are founded upon honest intentions, a sincere love for his native country, and an ardent attachment to its con stitution. In his political sentiments, if he differs at all, he presumes to think it is riot widely, from a ma jority of the citizens of Georgia: For the Editor is decidedly in favour of that form of Govermrient terriied ft Democratic Republic; where the administration of public affairs vested in officers chosen at short in tervals by the people, and conse quently amenable to them for the honest execution of their official du ties. He is the admirer of Republi can institutions, not merely because his ancestors preferred them, but be cause he is convinced of their supe rior excellence ; And did a doubt exist in his mind on this subject, it woud at once he removed, by con trasting the situation of our own country with the cond.tion of the monarchies of Europe. Hrre, we enjoy all the immunities of a free go vernment ; the necessaries of life are abundant, and its superfluities attainable by almost every fine who will make an exertion to possess them ; we are riot burthened with oppressive taxation, and as yet we posing causes were favourable ; and thus, while the vital powers rallied at the centre, and the blood, yet cir culating round the heart, preserved the \ ital principle, the extremities, in which all pulsation had Ceased; were inconvenience of party spirit, if poliu : dissolving into their primitive ele- cal as well a si religions tolerance, were more liberally exercised by in dividuals towards those who differ from them in opinion. And why not ? since honest politicians of all parties agree in the essential principles ol freedom, tho’ in particular carles we may happen to dissagree about the inodes of their application. It is in genuous to believe, that the two great parties which divide us, have the same- end in vieiv, that is, the public good ; and that they differ only about the mearis of promoting it. The Editor will not decline the discussion of political measures, or other subjects of general concern, where truth may probaly be elicited by the enquiry.' Yet, he will not willingly engage in controversy with the publishers of other papers ; much less will lie condesend to expose to view the personal foibles or private vices Of individuals. These, hoAve- detestable they may be, “ have not dignity sufficient to attract the censure of the press, unless they are united with the power of doing some- signal mischief to the community Strict attention will be always paid as well to the latest as the most cor rect soursces of intelligence ; and when important news shall render it necessary, an extra sheet will be is sued. The Editor will not refuse publica tion to any Essay written v, ith decen cy arid taste, although he may not accol'd in opinion with the author ; yet he will not debar himself the right of discussing or commenting upon the tendency of its principles. Seaton Grantland. November 3, 1809. EXTRAORDINARY CASE. From a Dublin paper of the 22d Aug. On Thursday last, af seven O’clock in the evening, fts a man was passing bv the lime kiln of D. Gosson, near are exempt from the Calamities of Finglas, he sarv, in a hollow below war. Then*, stern tyranny issues the wall ot the kiln,’ a person in a its imperious mandates, and the peo- grey coat lying on his lace on the merits, and the whole surface of the body exhibited a mass of animated corruption. lie was brought into an out-house, and laid on some hay ; the loath some objects were removed, fts far as that could lie done ; he was wash- d with spirits and vinegar ; had cor dials poured down his throat, which he swallowed! though with some dif ficult}'. In fact, every precaution was taken by the worthy people, by whom he was discovered, but with out effect ; the putrescency rapidly increased ; in ft very short time the spasms in his throat prevented his swallowing ; he gradually became insensible, and at 12 o’clock the next day he died, ) i a state of total putri- solufion, having lived in that dread ful situation 12 hours, from the time hr was first discovered, and the great - r part of that period in fail posses ion of his senses-—so much so, that he at several times inquired eagerly for his pocket, in which he iecollect- ed He had put some money, and which to a small amount was found. That Herod, Sylla, Lc. were devour ed bv worms, whilst yet alive, are facts recorded by the ancient histd rians, and that the worms engender in the flesh and in nuclie, ike. is also true ; but those are not parallel ca scs, as they were the effects of ufior bid pendeiitcs, and specific disorders. The only case in modern times, per haps, of a human being living under sucli circumstances, is recorded in the romantic adventures of Iscerre Viand; and even here the incident throw's a degree of discredit ou the authenticity of the work, although it was attested by the annexed affida vits of persons who had seen it. Yet, in that case, the worms liftd on ly engendered in the lower extre mities, while the head and the vis- :e*ra, necessary to animal life, were free. But here the most essential organ of the animal economy was dissolved, while yet the living being walked and talked.” benefit of the fire, can neither burn himself; nor the chamber in which he is confined. Persons of rill conditions, whether affluent or indigent, may be accom modated, according to their respec tive situations in life. The cells are niade Strong, and the confinement rigorous in proportion to the violence of mental derangement and the Cor responding bodily disorder; Care is taken also to sever the servants of the house who attend the kitchen and laundry from all communicati on with the patients. None are to be admitted to them hut the needful and proper attendants* It is intend ed to place the maniacs who arc re ceived in this asylum under the care of a special physician. It will be expected of him that he should stu dy the various forms of insanity with the strictest attention : and by a steady perseverance in the pursuit, it may be reasonably lioped he will icquire more than usual knowledge of mental disease. Where consulta tions shall be necessary} the consult - plivsicians of the New-York hos- ple crouch at the frowst of a tyrant war, the great scourge ot the human race, has become familiar to the un fortunate European ; the son is torn from his parents, the father from his family, and hurried to the scene of carnage ; the ambition of despots has desolated the fields ot the agriculturist and crimsoned them with the blood ol the cultivators. If there be among us, any “ choice 'Vnrits above the dull pursuits of ci vil life if there be any who would prefer the turmoil <pf the camp to our present tranquil state, let them turn their attention to the continent ol Europe, bleeding at every pore, la cerated and harrassed by incessant war for twenty years past. If we unfortunately have among us any of the friends of monarchy, we would ask them to reflect seriously on the condition of those countries •filch are under monarchical govern ment ; let them view the poverty and abject depression of the common people in nearly every part ol Eu rope : Look at Denmark and Spain ! Despotism has there paralized the spirit of industry, anil debased the faculties of the mind. The Editor does not entirely con cur in opinion with those who de precate the prevalence oi party spi rit, as hostile to the prosperity of our irtal will nlro be the medical coun sellors of the Luiialic Asylum. Ou the 16th of June, 1808, Archibald Bruce, M. D. was appointed the physician. 'Fills building wa§ erected at an expense of at least fifty thousand didjtt's. Its architecture is well suit- ecWif the intended purpose, both as to tiie design and execution. Its object is to relieve mankind from one of the heaviest afflictions of life. And it may be affirmed with truth, diat the Lunatic Asylum of New-- Y ork does honor to the city in which it stands, and the country to which it belongs. The eve is not offended in this institution with the sight of pad locks and bolts, nor the ear by rat tling of fetters and chains. And it is believed that the proper discipline can be established itirioijg the mani acs without the use of the whip. A report will be made annually of the ’unatie Asylum, and of all the patients it con,taiils. This will have uic de suable effect of giving information to families and the public concerning the individuals who are the objects of its beneficence, and ol the success which may attend the attempts to mitigate trie hardships of lunacy. round. At first he supposed him to be asleep or intoxicated, but after some time perceiving he did not stir, he was induced to examine him more closely, when he found him in a certain sense, to fear nothing, apparently dead. On turning him They had the courage to defend the only from the date of our charter of Independence, but from Otir num bers, civilization,, comnierce, and in gredients for ntfftkirig war, or p'reser irig peace. The prophetic views oi the bisbop Of Cloytie sire rapidly hastening to full friiition. Westward the Star of Empire takes its way— The four first acts already past ; The fifth shall close the drama with the day, Time’s noblest offspring is the last.” Georgia Legislature: SENATE. Saturday, November ii. Messrs Henderson, Spalding aril Davis (of Chatham) Avere appointed a committee to prepare and report a bill to alter and amend the 31st sec tion of the Judiciary System. Mr, Jackson from the committee appointed, reported a bill to amend an act pointing out the duty of she riffs in selling lands under execution, which was received and read the first time. , , The hill to be entitled an act to authorise the Judge of the Superior Court of the middle Circuit to hold an extra session in the county of Richmond, was read the 3d time and passed. . > Messrs Foster, Jackson & Scruggs were appointed a committee on the part off fhe Senate on enrolled bills. : Messrs Hammond, Lanier arid Reed were appointed a committee to prepare and report a bill fo provide for taking the census off this State as required by the Constitution* Messrs Jackson, Talbot, Ham mond arid Carter were appointed a committee on the part of the Senate to contract for printing the Laws and Journals,of the present session. Mr. Powell introduced a resoluti on relative to the election of a Soli citor General for the Eastern Dis- tjict, Health' Officer, and Harbor Master for the Port of Savannah, Secretary off State, Surveyor and Comptroller Generals, which' was ead grid ordered to lie on the table. From a late London Paper. Political Courage.—Yh' tl.c time for a bold intrepid ministry. Happily for England, she cun at pre sent boast a ministry that may Ire said, turning back to ascertain who he might be, a sight the most awful and horrid presented itself to his view. Tire person was not dead, but on moving his coat, the whole surface of his body seemed a moving mass of worms. His lace was much dis figured, apparently fromsome bruises inflicted either by blows or by a fall; and from every aperture ot his head, his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, poured innumerable worms, as if the interior of the skull w ere entirely fil led with them. His eyes were dis solved, and the cavities, as well as those of his ears, mouth, and nose, were filled with a white moving mass, more horrid and disgusting than it is possible for imagination to conceive, without occular inspection. After some time, the miserable being re covered sufficient strength to walk, and so far recovered his recollection and vriicc, that he distinctly answer ed several questions put to him. He told who he was, where he lived, Sic. that he was returning home on a car the evening before, and having drank too much he fell off, and lav Duke of York—to desert him defend lord Castlereagh ; to resist Mr. Maddock’s motion, and to defend themselves—to write the king’s speech, and say nothing in itofthe re- p cent public abuses ^ Art Indian Cure for Tin: bite ok a snake. From experience on myself and others, I assert that the herb Sinakic to be a speedy cure for the bile of a snake ; w hen immediately applied it and will kill or extract the poison so tha> it will Ijc l.o more than the sting of a wasp—the place must be scarrifi ed, the root chewed or pounded ap died to the bite anil some eaten. Ju to turn Mr. Cur- it be some time before it can be pro- wen's bill from white to black, and then to pass it as the original one—to oppose every motion leading to par liamentary reform, and affirm in the House of Commons, that the great majority of the people tverc hostile to it—to put an expedition amount ing to 50,000 men under the com mand of Lord Chatham—to send down the German Legion to Ely to coerce the Militiamen—and above ill, to refuse the gallant and patriotic Ferguson a command in the present expedition. The ministry composed of such fearless men may yet appear to honest Englishmen a very fearful sort of government. ■The n‘ew cured and the swelling increased, it will trike a la*.*? quantity and more to be taken internally, and will have the desired effect. It is one of the 'finest plants which appear in the spring and not unlike the crow foot, it rises to six inches high, is distin guished from all others by its dark green colour ; it rises in a bunch with five notched leaves on each stalk is smooth on both sides ; it shoots to seed in the last of May, grows knee high when seeded—the leaves on each seed stalk arc rftore pointed than others, each branch bears three or four more burrs, which will adhere to cloth when ripe ; the root Of the seed stalk dies with the stalk—it Republic* He would ask if we have stunned with the fall till lie was dis- cver been without parties since these covered, lie could not account tor ' ‘ ‘ lthe wounds in his he being so far off the road ; but it is probable he had received the contu sion on his lace from the fall, or per haps the car had gone over him, and he had insensibly crawled to the place where he lay. The humidity of the air, and the heat of the weather had rapidly brought on a solution of the solids'in those bruised parts already predisposed to putrescency, and now v ’ vi UV.VII Tv iiiivm v w 4*1* states acoUired their independence ? the wounds in his head, nor lor nis I he records of history will prove, that parties have existed in all free governments. They will . exist where there is liberty ; and when not too virulent, perhaps they help to preserve it. “ By the collision of different sentiments, says an eminent philosopher, .s/wr/'.v of truth are struck cut, and political light is obtained.’ The discussions produced by dis similarity of opinion are certainly la- vorablc to intellectual improvement The author of “ The Rights otjeggs Lunatic Asylum in New York This noble edifice is ninety feet long, The width of the wings sixty- five feet, and of the central part for ty. Its walls are sand stone and granite, and correspond with those of the main building, of which it may be considered as an appendage, ft is fire proof from bottom to top, It consists of four stories, reckoning the ground floor. It contains about sixty seperate cells. Four of these are of large size, and ten of second rate. The rest are single rooms, 45 in number, and admirably adapted to their purpose.—-They are Suffi ciently airy for the most complete ventilation. Their Avails are liine- ■ lying in'contacfiwith dye moist earth., , f n this was speedily desposited the (washed Avithout , Being ■. plastered, fleers of innumerable insects,'Avhose'Thev are warmed in sutua manner Monday, November 13. Mr. Hammond from the commit tee. appointed reported a bill tp pro vide for taking the Census in this state as required by the Constitution, which was received and read the 1st time. . Mr. Barnett introduced a hill to alter the time of holding tho superi or courts in this state, which was re ceived and read the 1st tinle. Un motion of Mr. Runriell’s,, Re solved, that ajoin't committee beap- pointed to contract for building, a suitable dwelling-house and other necessary out-houses for the accom modation of the Governor of .this, state. Messrs. Runnels, Talbott anil, Moore were appointed ,a commit tee on the part of the Senate for that pur pose, , » : . ' , Messrs. Barnett, Da*, is (pf Cha tham) and Hammond were, appoint ed a committee to prepare and report a bill to repeal an act allowing com pensation to the justices of tho infe rior courts. ^ , , . > . Messrs. Walker, Spalding and Barnett were appointed a committee to prepare and report a bill to alter the time of tlic meeting of the Gene ral Assembly of tins state. * t. .i , Messrs. Foster, Runriclls Si Hurt perhaps does not seed till three years wc r c " appointed a committee to pre-. old. The root in which the virtue lies is fibrous and grows orl all sides front a small bnlb, is of a blackisli color,- has a spicy taste and smell ; the root when dried will ansiver the purpose.’ It groAvs in rich timbered land and never among grass. Th Mississippi and Missouri bottoms abound Avith it—I believe it is not bound to a certain latitude. D. ROBINSON 4 . Fort Osage, Aug. 12th, 1809. It is more than probable (says the Boston Centinel) that in the course of very lew' years, there will be three independent Empires in this West ern Avorld :—The American, Por pare a bill to amend, an act supplementary to an aqt to regu late the general elections in this state, and to appoint the time of the meet ing of the General Assembly, passed 1 11th Tebruary, 1799, and an act for the appointment of county officers/ passed 16th February 1799. A’ committee was appointed, con- sistingof Messrs Pray, Lanier and Watts (of Washington) to prepare, and report a hill to amend an act the more effectually securing the probate of Wills, limiting the time for exe t cutors to qualify, unci Avidoivs to maki/ theiri. election. , • , The bill to alter the time of thc^ meeting of the General Assembly,* tuguese and , Spanish.—Ours tHenj&cY was received and read the first ,vill claim place arid precedence, uotjtime '