The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, February 06, 1810, Image 1

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Ijn H JLu JOURNAL. ..m.imw+.j’ m - tnravjflMafen VOL. I. MILL E !) ■ 1F. V l L L K, TUESDAY, FEIHUTAUY G. IS in. rfarvaaiiUM . UBLISHED BY SEATON GRANTLAND, JVR INTER TO THE STATE,) ON JEF FERSON STREET, OPPOSITE THE NORTH END ok THE STATE-HOUSE. TERMS THREE DOLLARS PER AN NUM, ONE HALF TO BE PAID IN AD VANCE advertisements will re tiiank-Jrs the property iTiff’ij /Jsitk- j To Rent, WILL BE SOLD, on the lstTuea.!The;.V7T0A?£ HOUSE, fronting th duv in March next, in Laurens pciolic square, and on Wayne an. between the usual hours, .Washington Streets, belonging to Two Negro Women, MIS CELL UN RETROSPECT OK EVENTS JN I HE YEAR 1809. THE slow, the-silent and un. Washington ,the estate of John Peterson, dic’d. Lor terms apply to A. M. Devereux, viating wheels ol time have acsoin nained brace and Leper, levied on Esquire. jpiished another revolution ; and thei Laian Cason, to John Crowder, annual round once more commences, l ULl.Y received, and PUBLISHED satisfy an execution in f avour of Wil- tue customary prices. Iliam M’Griff.—Condition* Cash. AT J a mi ary 30 14—4t On the first Tuesday in March next, WILL BE SOLD between the usual hours, at Monticello, One Lot of Land, No. 215, in nineteenth district of Baldwin county, now Randolph, le vied on as the property oi Jos. Hole- man, William Phillips and William Hammett, to satisfy an execution in favour of Eleazar Jeter. ALSO, One Negro Girl, named Lucy, one likely Yoke of Oxen and Cart, Four good Feather Beds and Furniture, one Sorrel Horse, Seven Cows and Yearlings, and twenty-five head of likely Hogs, all taken as the property of Joseph Carter to satisfy sundry executions against him ; property pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, One Likely Sorrel Horse, levied on ns the property of Nche- miah Harvey, to satisfy an execution in favour of Samuel Lancastor property pointed out by the defen dant. ALSO, One Lot of Land, No. 19, in the sixteenth district of Baldwin county, now Randolph, Isaac Kirkscy, Sheriff.; DARIEN, |Although the laws of nature are fix " .ed by the Unalterable fiat ol’thedeitv January 9 T \ rrj in nn a ayrum ;n 'V co-partnership, under the firm of lt m:i y diere.oie , lurJuJli JL AL v JLijOva.^ r'.f r. • j\ i -a fi ;to review the revolt] '.^ v IVton, Dunham, O 1 .taken place in rclario *■ w The Subscriber informs his friends i —- —— — .yet the political and moral world an. 11 tds 'file Subscribers ha\ htg entered into subjected to vicissitude and change. • r ‘ therefore be deemed ustnu utions that havt taken place in relation to human so- with a view to transact business in the cietv during the last year, in order ji \ fi foil \QK that we may fairly proceed and vi* ^ ± ’ gorouslv pursue the sieps of u old fa- AN1) titer time” in his,present and fuiur. COMMISSION LINE ', 'progress. A general survey of al and the public in general, that he has will receive and forward produce to^] 1 ^ nations of turn earth affords bu; purchased the house fonuerlv occu-'any port in the United States, oh li;t!: scope lor reflection. In ever pietl by Major Edwin Mminger,l«?asopable terms. Having large and f i UiU ter | n ;,,L “ "or.a mankind ap- where he intends to continue his for-'convenient Ware-Houses, they will l K:a |.' to P 1<)J u;1 ^ ustt.u, round then receive on Storage all kind of Goods u *“ Oi m, dull and vegetative c.rcle. and produce, at reduced rates ; they RiUiaugn in thj gross we perceive intend keeping a general suppiv of |! r , tu , L ' u j tc our astouis.imont, yet ‘ ’ jin the ue-Uul our feeungs are rrgii.a- vil Odd U Sj [ted and our minds instructed bv the and other Merchandize suitable for|moinentous changes ofevery passing the back countrv, which they trill'season. mer line of business, and ltopes In due attention and industry to merit their patronage. Royer Qlmstcad. MHedgeville, Jan. 9, 1810. 11—tf Yv anted, A Lad from 14 to 16 t ears of age as an apprentice to the Carriage Ma king Business. Apply to H. 8; E. GA I LS, in JMilicdgeville. January 23. 13-—tf II. &; E. Gates Respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, thev have taken the shop directly opposite Mae jor John Howard’s in Mnledgevillo, here they carrv on the oarter lor produce on liberal terms. V. H. Vivion, IV. A. Dunham, Geo: Street. December 19. 8—lit GEORGIA, ) Fre i.-iiL uieir[ " * II ashmgton County. ) honor-., Ecu- QJ . (b rv Slappv, Francis Tennell,Tnomas Face, Francis Boykin, and Frede rick Cullen—It appearing to the court that John Tomlinson, Admi nistrator to the estate of Buiiamin Tomlinson, deceased, hath notified Blacksmith’s Business., ... . - f i i in one of the public Gazettes oi this levied on as the property of William.Gentlemen planters anil others can 1 W. Lennon to satisfy an execution,he supplied with Axes, Mattocks. in favour of Barrett and Sims ; pro-iPloughs, &c. of an excellent quality perty pointed out by the defendant.!on the shortest notice. Any orders ALSO, the one hall" of a Brick from the country will be gratefully Kiln, containing about received and strictlv attended to. 120,000 Bricks, levied on as the property of Josiah Goolsbey to satisfy an execution in favour of Augustin Harris ; the property pointed out by the Plaintifl’s January 23 oraey, levied on by Jesse Lvans, , r . , ... ,, vx ci t a i cn iUhean for Cash, Clean Cotton, Deputy Sheriff. ALSU, •- * ’ ■ ’ / ' ’ lYoung Negroes, that One Book, one drawing knife, Valuable Lot of Land, two augurs, three small hammers,' No> 1Q fourlcenth district Baldwin one writing desk, one Umbrel la, one Club Axe, two pair of hinges, throe fifes, one snuff bottle and box, and two pistol barrels, levied on as the property of Icabod Nelson, to satisfy an execution in favour of Ishain Huckoby. ALSO, One Lot of Land, ‘No. 8, in the fifteenth district of IU I o tlliu Wlliun Ltlll . t II i IT , , ;. T ^ , state, that lie would aopiy to the lu- th Axes, Mattocks,:- . ... 1 1 } „ t ,■ Lerior court of this countv, in terms un evr.p.llent nnHliIvi . . . . • 7 oi tne la:v ior leave to sell 202 1-2 Acres of Land, lying in Morgan county, 4th district, No. 30.), being a part of the real esnte of Benjamin Tomlinson, dee’d. for the benefit of the heirs.—In pursuance thereof it [is ordered, that the sale thereof be ranted him accordingly. Signed by order of the court, Ja nuary 1st, 1810. J. IRWIN, Clerk C. 0. No. 15. i, the centre of the’ *o!ar svstem, li her planetary orbs and their sa- dites n ovi ig round her. Victori- in all quarters, by the energies CfjV Their Smith is supposed to be inferior to none lor SHOEING of HORSES 13—tf Fop Sale, ■ now Putnam—ALSO Lot, No. / in the 21st district Wilkinson, now Telfair. For particulars apply to the subscriber in Milledgeville. Horatio Gates. January 2. 10—tf Baldwin county, now Randolph, levied on as the property of Jacob Mercer, to satisfy an execution in favour of Ransom Swincy. Conditions of Sale, Cash. P. Fitzpatrick, Sheriff. January 28 14—tds <§>ale. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tues- in February next, in Laurens county, between the usual hours, Three Horses, levied on as the property of Francis Holton, to satisfy an execution in favour of Thomas M’Griff.—Condi tions Cash. Isaac Kirksey, Sheriff. January 4, 1809 11—tds For Sale, An elegant Fowling Piece. Enquire at this office November 28. 5—-tf. Sale, 0J a The Agreeable to the above order, will take place on the first Tuesday ii March, at Madison in Morgan coun ty. JOHN TOjIURSOX, Adm. January 9. 1 l—a-!A Notice. The Subscriber will attend at the house of Mr. Samuel Buffington on the 3d Saturday in Febiuary next, in order to collect the Tax in capt. Tarratt’s District for the year 1809. C. MUR PUT, T. C. Ii. C. N. C. The Tax Receiver will at tend there at the same time. fanuarv 23 13-- /DtCClft’h cS>alt. On the first Tuesday in Februai \ next, in the town of Clinton between the usual hours, WILL BE SOLD One Lot of Land, No 47, in the 10th district of Bald win, now Jones County, taken as the property of John Cook to satisfy Allen Pemberton’s execution—Gdn- . ditions cash Jas. Riley, D. S Janu irv, 1810. 10—tds 25 fa.! It r. l no a ntly print r. D, FOR SALK AT TiliS OFFICE Notice. On the second Monday in Febru ary will be sold to the highest bidder, Twehtv-Five Lots or more in the town of Hartford, ai the Outchc Ford on Ocnmlgce river, being the permanent scat for the pub lic buildings of the county of Pulaski Terms, payable in four equal annual instalments. Purchasers giving bonds, with approved security and mortgage of the premises. A. Jones, II. Fulgum, m J. T. Thomas, A Comra’rs. E. Hogan, V Wanted to Hire, A NEGRO GIRL, from 14 to 15 years of age Apply at this office. January 30. i4— tf Notice. NINE months alter date applicati on will he made to the honourable W. A. Harper. January 9. 1 trl«, A retrospective view of continen tal Europe and its isles, affords no i fling consoling to the philanthro pist. Elan in every corner of tha ill-luted i lime is degraded—his right? re eat ini hid-—the progress of tin ihumen mind is arrested, lie is th- •mperors, kings and princes, or the dupe and minion of soul-freez ing superstition. It requires man faith than generally falls to the lo »f the irhn.1 of freedom and the lov er oi mankind, however enthusiastic, m believe that a speedy resin rcctioi a ill be effected, under the pivsen ante of thin js, from that political and local dentil to which she has unfor- dy been subjected, through the igcncy of those despots who once vere the masked, but are now th ipen and avowed murderers of hu- nan rights and human happiness. Tlie rude and uncultivated Mus- oviie and the Russian have impro red their condition but little moo han the bear, the inhabitant of thei i forests. The chief, however, tha holds despotic sway over that un wieldy empire, lias poured forth hi) hordes <4 slaves to combat the sn! jects of the proud and sluggish (),- toman, who are likewise slaves to ai absolute and tyrannical master. J’or- rents ofhuiiian blood have* been shed to gratify the ambition of the two tyrants—bun the result yet hangs sus pended ::i die balances ol fate. Svve den, after deposing one imbecile anti infatuated sovereign, has bended hei ntc.k to another; and has yielded a large and valuable portion of her t. rritorv, to the gigantic barbarian that lords it over tile Rushan boors,' as the price of an ignominious peace. Denmark, although terribly scourg ed by the ravages of the great b, lu- gerent riv.ds aiul stript oi its navy by tlie ruthless tyrant of the ocean, still retains its territorial dominions undiminished. Prussia is now a na- • the mighty mind of her military he; she is mvuln.-fable to die at- teks oi a world combined against cr. Napoleon might now truiv be- >me the liberator of the human race, and render himself greater in the es- t million of mankind than a Cincin- |R us, a Doria, or a Washington, by u rendering liis power and laving b.s trophies at the feet of his coun try. But ulus, it would be hoping igainst hope to expect this co; duct from tlie mo u illustrious usurper that :vcr lived tn tntide of times. The British isle;, unliuppily for heir brave, industrious and hardy i .habitants, are cursed with a govern ment that, is rotten to th: very core, at the head of which is a superatinu* tied idiot. Toe cabinet i; now more i.rlid ous and corrupt than it was in die days of tlie celebrated Walpole. Its c im s and ti mu have drenched t'u: four quarters of the world with human blood, and cloth ed humanity in mourning. Defeat md disaster h ive attended all its ex tensive projects ; and the nation his arrived at preni u ire decrepitude. The navy, hide d, still ride; trium- jtliant, and retains Neptune’s tri- dent; but alas ! in the hands of a cor rupt and profligate ministry, it has become an engine of despotism to foreign na.ions, and of slavery to its own. Land of our forefathers ! lio\V we pity thy desunv ! Instead of a nation of high-minded freemen, who formerly brought a tyr uit to the block, oy the corruption oi thy government a virtuous and moral people are pre- p red to become a nation of pirates. B fore this happens, we trust vou will rise in your strength, and shake off the vipers that gnaw upon your vitals ; and imitate your eldest son, die inhabitants of the genial climes if Am rica, who by his valor obtain ed, and by his virtues inherits, the birthright and the blessing of his an cestors. Asia, once the seat of the arts, and Africa, whose shores on the Mcdi- erranem sea, were consecrated to commercial enterprize, are now the prey of despotism and crime. 'Tin- vast southern continent of the new world is similarly circumstanced. Travelling over the immense extent of the territorial limits of these three l irge sections of the world, we per ceive that degraded Immunity has experienced no favorable change dur ing the lasc year or last age. The iron yoke of civil and religions des potism h .s manacled titeir inhabi tants, and almost brutalized die ma jority of the human race. From such seene3, with satisfac tion we return to our native land. Her., with no common sensation of pleasure, we behold man progressing in ail the arts tint render so. i tv a- greeable and happy. Civilization and the* arts have indeed lie gra dually progressing, for past "ages, from tlie east to the west; and tv.* trust that thev nave at last fixed their tion only in name; and ancient Fo-lpermancnt abode w ithin the limits of land is blotted out from the map of lour rising empire, independence- Holland and Sw:t- To detail our rapid and astonish* Zetland, formerly the habitations offing marJ) since our bivth, to future For Sale, a good HIDING IIORSE. Enquire at this office. January 2. 11—tf For Sale, Three fractions in the second dis trict of Baldwin, o:i Potatoe Creek, adjoining Tinsley, Smith and Kanes, containing 375 acres, well improved, with two Grist Mills, and near one Lite Inferior court of Randolph coun- hundred acrcS of op J n Land, great tv. Inr lfciivft to sell one tract oi land. r .1 • V.. » 11 . tv, lor leave to sell one tract of landj of the best quality an d well cal- lying m the county of Green, on the lated for pubIic business. 'Fhe jvaters ol Bevcr-Dam Creek, a: join-L rmg will be made known lay ap ing Ligon, I inward and 1 ‘ ^bpplyiog to the subscriber on the pre- containmg ninety-seven aud one half or at this office . Acres, it beingthe real estate of John Cochran, dec. to lie sold for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors of said leceased. SUS A XXAII COH ? 1 V, A I nr. DUD LET CO HR AX, Admr. January 3®. i4—9mJ Jeremiah Bonner. January 30. 14- Blanks, Neatly printed agreeable to any form at this office. freedom, Italy, and the vast confe deracy ol the Rhine, are now tribn- aries to the colloss fi power of France. glory as a nation, is not the purport of this hasty and imperfect essir,. Suffice it to say, that the last anntt; Spain, too, degraded and infatuated revolution of the seasons has been Spain, long a prey to contending tv-‘extremely beneficial in rendering u ; rants, is at last subjugated to the partially independent of the cupidity of foreign nations, by calling forth the native resources of our own. Dis coveries have been made, during th it period, of immense importance to ;he agriculturist, the mechanic and the naturalist. Domestic manufactures have increased in a ratio that is al most unparalleled; and while com merce on the ocean has been cramp ed by the tyranny and injustice of the belligerents of Europe, tile active industry of our fellow-citizens, in stead oi’ being thereby parnlised, h is found new resources lur titeir capital and their genius, within our own territorial limit ;. Our political horizon has been by no means unclouded during the la*- yoke of Napoleon ; who also in his adventurous career during the last revolution of the seasons, lias clip ped the wings of the German eagle and prostrated its independence in tlie dust. The conflict was sanguin ary and the havoc prodigious. Bui ambition glories in such scenes, and revels in tlie accumulation of human misery. She is a butcher, that spares neither age nor sex. Her viedms are ignobly sacrificed on her unhallowed altars, to immortalize the* memorv of some sceptered villain, or elcvau to power a wretch, a fiend in human •.hape, who to acquire her eminence rides on the necks of his fellow crea tures, and unblushingly tramples on the tombs of murdered millions, who were placed as steps to enable them o mount the precarious ladder. Imperial France is now like the tain justice from the two powerl belligerents lias been unavailing.— Might, the law of ty rants, has am