The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 01, 1829, Image 4

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SHERIFF'S HALES. D t KALB Sheriti a nirtvvii'm 4 Tnn^ii si a i ru Tirasday In AUOUSTraxt. will herald *ibee«irthowse| ADMKNINTR^TUH » HAliEiN. Inthetown irfOrr**— a. k.iur,..ini». between the usual Hour* -■ - ■— ■ * iale, If Mi B ALDWIN Sheriff** Saioe.—OnXhrnfkm Tueclay »n AUOUIT next, will In* sold at the eotyt-Lonw; in the town of Mlltadgevilt*. Baldwin cotratT* within the ««Mtl Mur* of wile, the fallowing pr -parsy.iowrttt One negro itKtii iinintu Peter, about oil yfnn old IrvieU An ««the property of Barbara Wclntoxls iomUi- leiifaH from Mtlatort, Inferior court In favor of the Bank of Da- v* Mid Barbara ttclnto*!) ; pointed out by the plaintiff. 300 acres of oak and hickory turn), on the Water; of Tobkr’s er?rk,ad Joining McGehee end other*, levied on ns the property of Win. Hudson t.» uitDiy n ft fa In ».tenri»f John S.Xnom.u andGcor^cW. Smith,ndm’rr.he. v««n.d Hudson. s. uivins, sh ir. At the xan;c time and plate, Ctll) acres of land, more or less, wbercou ..tumf- reintiertmi and William Curry m-wr live, ndJotnln* Uml* pi Winsliainand other*, levied on a* the property of Durham hawento sntirty aft fa In favor of George New kail, the above Uml fUunder the incumbrance of ,i mortar. Postponed Sale,—446 acre* of land, more t>t Iriv, on the Kavt side of the ttenure River, whereon 8amurl Goode now lives, levied on n» the property of Markne**Ooode to - ^ - il! k l ow nsehd : pointed.nil by the de- WM. CiRitm.P. sVff. Mtffly nfi fa In favor of Hal! 1 J ASPELTShrriif’R Sulc. On the first Tuesday in AUGUM* neat, will be void at the c«n»rt- ImiIW in the tow n nf Utonti. rlhv, jasper count/, w.ihm the u»ual Boars nf sale, the following property, »• wit t 750 acres of land, in the 17th and loth •'.Strict! of said county, lying on t?<c Ocraul gee RD/T, ^hereon >.* a trrrylandmr, including the whole of John R. 1 P*«- (riitbnv on the Kan *ldr of the Oemulgec river, lev ini on«s hU ; rop«*rty to aathfy a fi t.i in favcirof J«etrph K. Mlbnrn vv VargUe, John W. Burner and John It. Carglle security •"•PP*»h IdtJhcrty pointed nut by John R. Curgile. William Cfnin’* interest in 180 acres of RDM, mom or le;r, in tl..- I Ith dDt formrjv Raid*In «ow Jasper '•bunty,ivbere.Mi i;ilrn: * 1(1 i.r.iin now hv. « t Icvle t-roperty if WHIl'.m Crda *o •••tDfy a fi fad r llooth v» John IL Him*. WilliamCr-dnaivl D ty pointed out by pfufntint attorney. 20*2 1-2 acres of land, more or less, where I Robert Turtle ww lives, ndjolnlne Chari* Webb and others, > • icd on n* the propTtv of Robert Turtle to« A /**?**’ v .rol AliY«*i dhoitci, indor >• c v» Stephen D. Crane and Robert Egr®" "*- “• ! .rotsm sKr Also 00 the first Tuesday in August next. r , nCjrOC^Deey a ’voipw"’* year* of ug*, Caroline a woman 20 roun of age, Jinny n woman 22 years ol tift, Andy a boy it 5 •>fns< ,Samabo/i*)car« nf.ate and J aryaboy 'i y'tirj uf ..**•, levied ou h* the property of James Martin to satisfy a hfa lajuvd on ihelorerlomroot a innriguge In fivorofthr executor* of Tho* inn* drum deceased vs ialJ James Martin, property p»»]ntvd out in tbcmorticace flf«. A. NKWi'dN, f>.<ti If. ,\ri:\\ TON Shrrili 's Sales.—On the tir»t L™ T'.irv'.'iy 111 MTdt'vr net, " ill lie roM 11 I hr rmrt- I.oiim. In the tnwn of Cn,Union, Nrwtnn county,»llhln tbcuiu* nt hjnr, of property.In wit: Four negroes, to svit : Dtlpliy nliout 18 nr. olil.Mnry I l.Itlll rtiarlclsml .ycnr< oM. nil Ic tlO-J 1-J acres of land, more or less, licing thclnt nf I.»nJ. wteren John Itlnck now ll*«. inthclfilh (tutnf ori^lnntiy ft> .try now .V wlun county, adjoinlnc Berry Rastdale and other*,ontbowm rtof Yellow River, well Itnprovetl, levleil »»n n* the property of John Black to vatlsfy nH In Infavorof John T. llutnpfiTPs vs John Black and Samuel Black security on stay; lu.'-prt/ jHiiidid out by the deiciulnnt. Oup sorrel filly about 3 years old, levied on a* thepioprcty of\ .irdeman Bennett tosntiilyallfufrom Walton superior court in favor of Jettc iloan. forth* tuv of M. I*. Spark* V Vardeman lie.met t; property pointetl out by Mr. Fool. jusLm waters, d. sh'ff. Also oa the. first Tuesday in August next. Otic bay ltorsc about 7 years old, three * ' > j ear ohl‘leer*, one two jreur old heifer, nod .t i t. all I* tivil on as tbv property of John theforreloiurrof n mortca^e K.iu couMy. bvtwean U.e usual property. t« w: , . , . ^ wv . of land, more or 1cm, i* w» D Jf •art »C M Mo 1P2, Ivlnc ■ a the south tide of J&J” Sat «f ortsb'Aily I ferny now !)• Knlb county, Iwkd on as iur property of Oeorcr Bruce to Mtlsly o B fk l» Uror ol jJjjStteal TkvreaU n|rain*iMiul Oaorce Braeeand Micharl Ik . Frrry S«cu- rhy, and for the use or said Michael W. Perry, security. One saddle, bridle and buflaloe skin, levt- nn «.(0rpr..p.nyof ( i. .rV, c. P. Dul.* f» !»'»• vor of James l.indley against sal«l .. . line lot of land, No 175, in the I4tli dist. of ori,, now D. Knit, roonty, IfVtrO on n.thc p* ip.f* ly Jams* M. Ilollrj to .. fi l« Id l«»ur of John CUu, »» l.n.nntl Ollier, I pamtoSoul 0, in, plumed; In.? (00.1. .loaf*" turned by u ton luhlf. JOHN HIUCJN, Sti ff. At the same time and place, One lot of land, No 175, in the 14th dist. (It ori.lnully Henry .v.w Or K.ll, eimnly, IrrM on », penyof M. Ilolly to uitiryaanrathni to f.vor of B. M. sss!" a " ““fesf jrgffi^rnVs*' T lfOSfAW Kberill’s Salts.—On the first Tuestlay in SEPTEMBER next, will be«*»ld at the court house In the town of Thomo«ville, Thomas county, within toe usual hours of sole, the follnivlitr property, to wit: 490 acres of land, No 32o, in tb« loth dist originally Irwin now Thomas county, Iwlvd on a* the property of J antes ffagwcxxl to -nlitfy sundry fi f«« in favor of Jamra Loylett., 490acres of land, No 4ol, in the 13th dint originally Irwin now Thomas county, levied on a* the property of Elisha Mo»cs to satisfy sundry H fas in favor of Junes w»yH*s- 490 ncros of laud, No 93, in the 14th dist. yluallylrwtnftnwThoma* county, levied on as the nroturtyof Andrew Hudson to satisfy n fi fa lu S*v«»r of JaBW T. Hnnvao. 260 acres of laud, No 309, in the 18th dist Sinally Kurly now county, levied on os the prwpcrtv o! Vinecnt Carey to satisfy sun*lry 11 la* lu f.tvor of William R. Cald* 250 acres of land, No 91, in the Ifcth dist nrlyinall? Early now Thomas county, levied on os the property u( Andrew Bu.*ht<» satisfy a fi fk in favor of Jam* * Loylett; all returned to me by constables. 490 acres of laud, No 111, in the 14thdist orig.nally Irwin now Thomas county,levied on a* the property of Charles McCalitter to satisfy a ft fa In favor of the Slateof Oi-or« glaj property pointed outbyJaiut-s Lovlrya, WILI.IAM O. PF.KLR, P. Sh’fT. FOUR MONTHS NOTICES. W ILL ho sold on the first Tuesday in October sett, In «ku town of WotkinavMr, Clark coon- JJ- f _ be made to the luferiov court of D* Kalb couuty. wkeu ,,,’beiwron-the u^tou.iof tract Of K^U.nin, SOmSSfUffOiS S! STuffffwSW. # .' SSU. Y *&?_ ANN vpuwp, er. sold county, lor dec’d. Terms c «• t of the creditors and lesnttws of «aitl WILLIAM McMICHaIbL, Adn.T. ,VOUIt montlis alter date application will Kalb cooMJ, »kn u a part of ike real HUM brlnb»der* V YOINO, E«',. tm»P. Ei'ot A PPLIOATION will he mode to tho Infe- im rlor Man of Boldwla count,, whoa llalni [or ordlMT, parpow.,foor OtoOttM otter (Uu. for l.n.r to toll.1110. of Vloccat *. Vlckcn,dcr'd McM.for (b. to'n,.;oflb.botnnrxl crodlton. a.\RDY P IIVMPHREY, Ailia'r. luly IB—wfws - Six mouths after date nppli- WToTIcE^ n « m mtloo will be made to the Bank of Darien for tke renewal ^ certificate No 147, dated Mb November, 1819, *&!•>•%?** of the Capital Stock of sakl Bank, in the name of BUjOk t-ingo— be mode to the Inferior court of Pu laski county, wbe® *11-, O N Uir first Tuesday in October next, will ‘• n ?' u ' ~* ~ : ,,w utz} ,».r heirs bv sokl at the court-house la Monticello. Jailer county, county, decU^r Elijah Umgo. hutw-«*B tke usual hours of sale, the real estate of labam llarri*. t ——- DU u| said county.deceitsed, tor the tienefttor tke belts and ere- di art. Term* mode known on tke day ot sale. I.ANSKOIID HARRIS, Adm’r. | f ^-=1— **"•». ! TiiTiT^ri ’^T,a.~L.1^i Irfint nulHarxIi nakaattd F.liiati nuke. illClitimatCS ol the Said UJINETY diiy* afterdate application will . .w be made to tb* Inferior coon of Mi>rf«ncooiil,,»t>rn O N tlie fjixt Tuesday in Octolicr next, will ■2 , Aj r V ,D *tW l fi *^kr> be ,.,ld « the cur, bou« in .he town of M.dta.n Mor- «*“"«• *** '« ^ bSK mi, cMate.UAoemoflonri. n»,rr or Ic. bcl,n„i B , to (hr ,rt.ic | WILUA1I PALMER, wu. of Rntieri I'eiilck, decM. mljoining the lands of Joseph llresuaral other*. Terms made know non the day. JQ9EPH P. PEN1CK, J F ,. orl july 23 BAHTLBV AIK1N, 5 i l OUR iaontli!i after date application will lie mode lo the Inferior court ol DataihemM} .wSgtertW; nikr^f Anbirrb.fcbrln«'te IhrcuacofEtlwInCTOnm. fur or.lln.rr purpoto., for tcarc to to_U lolNoitB^tbrtoto ^pnj.doc’A^AII pc non, concerned are required to Hie tbelr ob- any they have. may 2A—wdm* F OUR months after date application will be made to the Inferior court of De lkaR» cojmsty, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot No 35, wwan JiWL court of De Kolb county, sitting for ordinary pnrposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday In October next, nt the court house in snld county, the billowing property belonging to the es tate of David R. Sillivan, late of sakl county, dec’d. to wit: sever luts of land, containing 2U2 1-2 acres curb, Nos 45, 4t», *2, 83, and lio, inth** 1Mb district, and IJ3 la the Nth dbt.aH originally llcj Dr Kalb county ; also one bait acre lot la the town of D« said county, and tw negror*, Hereney ami her child- Sidd for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.- Term* made known on the day of sale. THOMAS J PKRKF.RSON. > Allm , r Uly 1R AIHirSTlN W. HILI ILL bo »old on tho firnt Tuesday ir _ _ August next next,at the eourt-honte In the low n id Mn dlson. Morgan county, nrrceable to the Inst will and testnim nto John Morgan, Sr. of sain county,tlec'd.onelot of land. In the 4tr dist originally Baldwin now Morgan county, No 230, rcntaimni 202 1-2 acres—Also one other lot of land, lying in the Shhdlsto Lee county, No 252. containing 202 1-2 acres. Bold to make a dip trltmtlon amongst the legatees ofsaidcstate. Terms made anowi on the day of sale. JAMES fl. MORGAN, llx'or. JyJy.«» W ILL be soli! ut the court house in the town of Monticello, on the first Tuesday In Orto. ■—•* I | * * — sot land, lying ity, when on Jo town of Monticello, on the first Tu< . thefollowinx p*o|>crty, in the IMh dist formerly Baldwin endervon atKlntlici •eased, by ordiv of t Cti\v> ami cal sole tldrl/ saw cotton \y. satlsty lu levorof l^mdlrt ji VATTERS.’lf. M OlUiAN ShcriH’.-t Sale,—On the first Tu t'Uvin AT ; Ol 4 i'neit, wllllie sohl.sithccourt-housc to me town ot MedI*on, 'Forgan roiinly, withm Ike usual hours ol sale, tho following property to wit: Otto gray titnrc, loviett upon as the pro|>«r- fr of James Studard to satisfy • fl f.t in favor of Jcise II. L K. B. Arflolo vs said htinlaiil | property pointed out by J. If. Arnold. Six hcuJ of hogs, l.'victl upon ns the pro- r erty of George hides to • »ti-fv a Ufa In favor of Jonathan Day i George Side* ami John Hum*; property pointed out by Harris. Bryant Oneal'* interest in ami to l.oviit PTrwin’s c*tate consisting of and negroes,'’to satisfy a fi fa In nrur of Thun* is swifi uu! othet* vs raitfOncal; property point ed ojil ty JtJcnU T. Camp. CARTER VY. SPARKS, V. Sh'fl*. .tr the same time and place. Two negrors, Ann nboiit 35 or 40 yenr* t>f age, Lucimln ulMitii7 yeats old, levied on as the property of ol John In Moody to -.ulsfy a li fa In favor uf Juturs Wade | ;irty nolittetl out liy the th-iettdsnt. Throo negroru, Charles nliout 18 years of ifgBiXeatry 15.Sbrky tl years old, levied on as the property r # kvillloui Beall to «nl*»y a fl la In favor of John 11. Wellborn It C p<vnfrfy pointed unt by theilcAmJant. IlEt BEN MANN, D. rwff. Alston the first Tuesday in August next, Hix negroes, JJimey 38 year* of age, and |n*r child Martin 1 year old, Harriet III’years old, nml her child tindlrey 6 months did. Petri ,:i «e.irs«dd, ami Mary his wUh S3, V mar<* unties, n st*r»« I and a bar, 1 bay hor*c, l brown bay imrse, i fin el mayo. 1 h.iy nily, 11 head ot rattle, 40 bead of bugs, all the UonycUpM and kii. hui furniture, conslstfng of 4 baft*, uedMrmia and luriil(Urr,i *et iunhoganydluln«i tables, I'Jsefllttnmom chain- and uircrsQlher articles, uuo road •aggon an.f ttvar, and all the \ irftl-ig tool*, .ill levied or. e» the property of Benjamin ti Ogie- * to uuisljr t\e.. tl I is 1'i'iiniU‘d un the foreclosure of a mortgage, (Ho in favor ot M tllinm Ib nrd. the other In favor of Abnu».u Key ; tUcrrep'-rfy naiued In snld ft fx« RBfBKN MANX. "U’fT J ONES Shcrilf’s Sales.—t n tho firit Tiundij it,AUUUdYt). in th'J town «»f Clinton, Jotin of tale, the f »U«w lug properly, 0:ie negro woman, Rachael about 35 years pi* agv. taken as the property of Andrew Huff to satisfy three ti 1 u \n i.ivorof WillUm Bariona :aln*t Andrew Huff. Issuing out If thsl unices court and returned to me by a conttulde. 30;i 3-1 acros of land, more or low, whore- uidlcr now livv, adj liairg Thomas n«tcnmre and Ltkaa a* the protierty *»f Henry a. Candler to satis- y «xecuilonsl<tulng outnf the ju-ticv» c««rt la favor of Parser, Annua R Moore, A. MoBryde k llrotlivis, ull Is- ‘ tiers cnui l axa.nst llenry A. Candler, amt ro ll. TR. i n ILrnrr A.C wdOomral.t i .. .ted to me by a cuasbiUi bouse it* the town of Millnlgeville, Baldwin county Jietween the lon’i^day. a>iwl hours of sale, the following property, to wit; 1 • ■ — - Ono negro man by tho unine of Salem, le- IM ujw*n n. I& nmp.rtj of Jainn H. to .nlUfjr n « C, in favor of George S'em hull DAVID 1IKNDERHON, Kx with the wdl annrxcd. P°" ,, " ,W,, {f J S:'oRloV». D. SV* bXrEfrroh’irMTLli^WiirK: th.fir.t Turbin, in AfOVST net, nt tin cmirt- house in Montgomery county, within the usual hours of «ale, the following property, tots it: Lot No 421, in tho 7th district formerly Wilkinson i ow Montgomery county; sold for the taxes of IKSMk Jims CONN ELI., T. C. <;UF,KAHI,i: to the last will and trstn- L mint nr John M.n-nrrt.iI-cM. will h. in Dnrrirn, Don- iTnmntr.nrillir f.r.l T.i'-.I'O In Oncr.nbrr nfl(, nil I Ilf rrnin,. tale helotiglng tosild dee'd.consisting of two ealuaMe wjuaresof land, lying in the third district of said county, on the waters of Big crack, well Improved. It Isthought not worth while to say any thing lurther nhout this valuable It Is presumed all € 10LLHCT0U\S SALK.--On the first J Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, will be sold atthr court house In tlietmvn of Madl«nu, Morgan ro*mty, bvtwoantBvusuul hours of side, the follow lug property, to *\ it: ‘203 I-‘2 ncrc* of land, Hccond quality, ly- Inc In the l«t dist of Henry county, Nofft, or so much tliereof, ax will satisfy the lax of John M. Davenport for the year 182*. the same being taken axtU* property of said Davenport-Tux dueO dollar* 24 1-2 rant*. JOHN BKLLAH, T. C. 4 k(S LHTHORI^ ShorT^S^e^o7i the first Tuesday In HEPTRMBRR next, will be sold r*l tlie court-house ia the town of (.exington, Oglethofperimntf ,wlU»' InUtvaassNlhoursof sale, the following property, to wit. One negro woman, by the name of Pa- Hence, about Iffyrarxnld, levied on as the property of William Davis to satisfy 9 ft fax Issued from a rangistrute'i court, I in favor of P. T.Bedell, linlaror of Mentor It RfrKcnley, 1 to favor of JuhnIf.Cox.*a IViiJIamDavDj lay made ana/efurned fame by a constable. All the interest of George W. Ciycr in the undivided extote ol Georg* Cryer.dec’d. levied on ns tho pro perty of the sold George W. tlryer to satisfy aft fa In favor of Cartls Lewis vs George W. Cryvr t levy made and returned to me by a constable. WILLIAM LUMPKIN, sh’ff. At the same time and place. 30 acres of land, more or loss, in said countr, on Cloud’scr*M>k, adjoining Micharl Johnson und others, levied on as the property or John M. Ponder totathf/an execu tion la favor of Alexander Junes vs Johu M. Ponder. Onsi negro girl, 11 or 15 years old, by the name of Rh^l/il^b’d onarthe propertf of William fl. Weaver to satisfy sundry “gccutkins in favor of Lewis J-Dupree i others vs William B. Wravfv, Issued from rrturnesl by a constable. jpr 'mm a justice** conn, Iwtlrd on an BRITTON STAMPS, D. Hh’ff. thing lurther about this valuable those wishing to purchase“ to the day ot sale. Terms on the day. WILLIAM H WIVARD, STEPHEN BARVARD, DAVID SCARUOROt'GH to an order of the Inferior County, ■“ - r-sitar in Auxust next, in . tbr July II-^U 1-2 A QRMAbLb i ill Court of Oglethorpe purposes, will be soUl on the nrst Turwu town of Lexington. Oglethorpe county, name of Grrvti, tl years old, belonging u w. Currither*, dec'd. Terms made known nnthedar. June 15 SAMUEL WIIITEHEAP, Adn.’i ITndkr an order of the Inferior court mJ Greene coftt;»v, when lilting forordlnary purposes will sold on the first TurWlny In Anroitnext, "l ihn eouM-housi Wilkinson county, one equal haltdf lot. No 287, k fraction No lying la the 4th dist of WlJhlnoon count*, op the Orancr rivei Sold as tbr property of Thomas Greer, Jr. deed, and for »*«nrtlt of th. ' day of sale w GKO. HEARD. AdnPr Jesse Vaughan,dec’d. In Wilkinson coitatr, on Ttiexdn »f September next, three lots anti a hnlf of land. 1) lag o « r „v« River, In Wilkinson county, well improved, and on lot In Lev county, No 40, In the39d dDt. and 101 acres nan Dlan on the Oconee River, and two small negro ilrls. Sold for the hi - - - - - 'Dors of said dec’d. Terms made know JOHN VAUGIIAN, ) JAMEiLOW*. may 2 JAM!,! TIIOS. T. PRE5TWOOD,* P utnam 8heritr« suic».- Tueadayin AUGUST next, wIIIIm* rohl nt the court-house t.ithc town of Eatonton, Putnan* county, within tho usual hour■» cl u*D, the fullowliig property■ luw t Josiub Jones’ interest in three negroes, to wit: Sukejr.Nen nml M*ri ah, levied onto aiitMyufi fit in fa* or of M-mhew Whii/ivhJ v» Jusiak lone * ami John Morton; levied on wrd returme.l to me by a ronsLntde. Ouo negro boy by the niuno of (7ulch, Ic- s ltM on a* thv prop**rty t»f Nuuery Jones to satisfy two fi fas in f.tvor «d Carter i»»*«*r«l vs Nuot-rr Jon«w andothtrfl f.*s against %.d<i Jouesj levied on andreturucU by a ronjiablc. 3U acres of laud, more or less, adjoining Wiliam S evj*r«, Lomftetl and other*, leviedon as tke property oi Daniels uhUm-s to satisfy n i! f.» in favor of Israel Beckwith for Daniel S indent: n.>lntc*l out by Mat. 3. Ili fl P UTNAM Sheriff’s Sales.—On the first TuewDy In ftF.PTKMBKR next, will be sold .it the court house in the towu of Eatonton, Putnam county, within theuyual hours of aale, the following proper!? to wit i Ono negro boy named Jim, levied on as the property ol Jonathan Wln«lett to «ntltfy n II ft In favor of Joel Hurt v* Jonathan Wlntlcttund ftolumon Olbsm. John Williams’ interest in a negro man named David in the (ttMovtino of Jeremiah Lvverltf. Dried on ns ihpProperty of *ald John WiHlumito satisfy a fi fa (a favor of JokjjC. Mason It Co. vs John Williams and William 8. Wlllhtm*. Nathaniel Peter,' interest in a negro girl named Lrnthry, levied on as the property of oak! Nutnar Icl Pr*- Irrxto satisfy a ft ft* Infavorof Jovian Ktuart an«l fdher A fu* vs Nathaniel Piters. THU. HARDEMAN, Sh’ff, TOTSWTON Sheriff’s Sole. On the first il Tunalay in NEl*f EMBER next, will bt sold at thocourt lioose In the tnwn of Covington, Newtou eoti * ummI hoar* of sale, tho fniiowlag proparty, to One negro girl by the name of Eady, about 14 years old, tsvlvsl on a* tls property of Oakrl«4 Guo*to satiety iwefl Isx, one in favor of Campbell It Wjfcn*, the othar In flivor nf Tlmmas W. Cobb vsssld Gunn; property (minled out by the defendant. too Hcres of lnnd. more or less, whereon John i'ox now live.*, a/ljoii.ii.u lands of J arm's Glass snd others, levied on ax tbr property of william It. Wilborn to satisfy a fi Ca In favor of Iru In It ilrynn vs said Wilbnro. DAVID MORROW, Sh’ff At the same time and place, One hay marc, 1 year old filly, and nine hand of the property of Jcsve Peters, and 102acres of land, more nr less, known by fraction No.311, In the 4th dist ori ginally Wall in now Newton county, whereon Isaac Bentley now S avor of John Msirombe, Ibr tho u«e ... . . Teter* and f*a;i« Ib uth y fecurlty on stay ; property point ed out by the defendants. 202 1-2 acres of land, more orlc&>, being lot No «rt. In the ’.Uh dDt of originally Henry now Newton coun- tjr. levied on as tkopropvrty of Jorl Flanigan, dec*d. to satisfy a fifo in tavur cf Soltuuoi* (have* vs the sdiutnDtrator* of void Joel Kianlgau, dic’d.; puPdml out by pUlntUT* attorney. 100 iierei of litnd, more ov Ichb, boin^ ibc Bouth half of lot No &J, In the 10th dist originally Henry now Newton county, adjoining lands of Martin and Allen, on the wa ters of Yrllow River, levied on as the property of Harris Ilodgvs to xatiufy it fi fa from Cturi Superior court in favor of WIIluuu Stroud *s Harris lludges; propertyj»olnte«l outbv lloukln*Jfoil- * JOSEPH WA ITERS, D. Sli’ff il rlor court ol Palaskl county, when tUtingu poxes, will be sold to the highest bidder, at the llariPird, In said county,on the firrt Tuesday in /tugu*< nr»i, uu- Plantation whereon Caswell Ball, late of said countv.dec’d.llv- EJ. AsVbDis a very dctlrahle place, and will probably be sold much Mow the Intrinsic vg!ux, p-ffons wishing to avail them- selvrt ol a rood burgaln had better rxnylpe the tiremisra previ ous lo tftr day of *aV. The plantation is II nil.*«below Uartforrl on the main rood. Terms mide * * *nay IP—HIfl if kN the first Tuesday in Hc| will he sold at Sandcrsvlllc, In Wnsli aero of land, belonging to the estate of Wm. county, dee’d. lying on both side* of Ltmesto lands of Brooks, halter and Whitfield. Sold 1 heirs and creditors of aald dec’d. NATHAN N. LEMTER, Adm’r. In right oflils wife, may Il-m2m H. Blfilior, Adm’r. N IDC MIM nans, in i*c . - IL A. GREENE, Adm booD ou the estate of E. l-ingo,dec d. JAMBS DM-MMOND. F.i or. DEBTORS 8t CREDITORS. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of James Llmlto,, law of Wllklwon Cuuntj,dic’d, .re rmractcd to L or court of Pike county, \ will be sold at the court-hot tween the lawful hour* of xale. «i sold dec’d. Termx made known on the day. JAMEft snADIX, Ex’or June 22 MAUNPt JONES, Ex’i betog’the rraleHnto of Jeremiah Ootlwln, fate of Putnam cn deeVl Hold by order or the Inferior court of Putnam count; the benefit nf tho hrlr* and creditor*, may 18 JULTUfi A. ASKEW, Adm’r. debonl* r Wuiplold. THO. VilDK.MAN, Sh’ff. O .KKKMi SherifVd sSulea.—Oil ibu fin»i T*.-'«.lay in AUGUST next, will betold ul the COmrt- f.aaro in the t.iwn of Greoiitf«!ionmgh, Greene rounfy, widdn tho *. mIhoursbf sale, thelulhiwing property,to wit: Tbrott tracts of land, lying? anti being in 4';’ •• *.»ty nfOrecne, thofirtt lying on the waters of Town creek, u 1 !• in2 • ’. haan snd other-, coi biiuiux tea acres, more or bet.*, #* - • one otVr ?r*rt or pam I. f la nl, lying -mi the waters of Ilea- vcrU.». i creek, ait;<dulng Winfield and other ., roni.iininc ;:rr 1 2 in *re ,rl--", kuowu .tsiheOhl Jlill tract; abo oik* other j . t *l lA . on Hlchland cre«*k, containing 4A5 itcrrv.nll I •?*•»! .in v »3u property uf Wdlmm »*. Griino t« s «tl-fy a mort *■'»„ : »i f* in lav ir v»f the Bauh of the SUtc ol Gvorgia vs William WOrUsw. Oau tract or latid, lying in sun] county, on th* waters of Airldaiiillcreek,cttuininlug lul >IU*cn*t,lcvirtl i as she orop.Tty of Vner t’Jark to satis;/ a oortgoge tl f-i lo tcybr of v* »lluun Arroer vs Pen r Clarke. Ono house nml lot nml out.building, ad- yV.nlnf Myrick and others, levied on u»i he property «*f John Hen- orek* to satbfy a uiortg.*D B fit in favor of Jmo-ph O. Adkln. -In* IL’udfickr- 30 acres oi hind, more or less, in the fork nl lleaverdam ami Richland creeks,utijoinlng Bryan and other*. »e» iret «•;* a* the properly or Jon.tthan Baker; properly pointed »4*t by pUmtiff; levy mode and r* turn' d by a constable, 200 acres »f land, adjoining I’alracrnnd le*UM tin a* the property of Oarrvtt WoodUain t<» satisfy > » ii tasi-tietl frouinju*ticesc.iUrtilifa\or of Archibald Colton si-srxuc vs C« irrett Wuodbun, levy made and returned by aeon- sulde. 10J acres oi land, more or li ss, adjoining v*'P- n Pape and o;uer», levied on ns the property •»>' I*' w slluui t*i satisfy two jed Doit* a Just ice* court inf Wilbim Armor ami John * . I’ve! vsOarrvtt Wuwlh&mt rod* .1 by a Ml the rights title, in(ere»t :iuJclaim which Nathaniel 11 Parris lus iu the »ro livlu-4 e*tuu of Joe) Parri* fee’ll botbrvri! ami pervna),-id ,ec« to the 'in* estate of Rhod PuftX protu’ffy itob ied out t> Anthony M-uldov, L-vird on a •u - proain ty of N t’A mid IT. I'nrrDvoxatDty an ewutiou in fa- •V ix\s>.,ry tote'*;*.*( Sli I N *tl*aut.-I H. Carrl.. GliOJlGB DAWSON. sVff. U the same tune and place, Ail itiu right, title, inter, «• and cl.urn of WtUsatn ILduiard ***, of an l to the tract ol land, whereon ht *e», r.,-tuiu,'tc .>» acres, i»r the »aiue in . or le.«, adjoining «;rawmrd,EolPdd and other.-,levied on a* hi* property to satjxty u u *m *•* ttvjr «.f Will,amatol Laudol J.tlro -on vssa.u llubb-ud. 121 acres of land, he the prune more or n J'dm o i Porter it v.v Uv*-, H.ljoininv lauds «if Ely, jy*t*fa *>f John M.-rccr v* s »l* W. (SilKER. D. Sh’ff. D E ItALIt Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in NEPTEMUEIl next,mill Ik* hold utlheeourt house In the town nf Decatur, De Kalb county .between the utiuul hours nl ».ile, the followlug property, tovvdt: One lot of Iniul, No 30, and the East hnlf of lot No JT, lu the l?th (ll*t of originally Henry now De Kulb county, levkal ou a* the property ol Oeurga Tlmmiam to satisfy nnvxvcutioii lit favor of John Keener vs James Onmlwiu.Gexirge Ttionilson and Johu Goodwin security; levy mado ami returned iv by a constallc. 100 acres of land, more or lc.-is, on the ttc>utli-«iut tUt “f Nance’s erei bring part of lot No 3W, lo . ... .. p t , rul j n ty. tukeu UtlOl fm court of Osl Durpoxcs^wlll be sold i’*iwiiiiniiuwuii lira hi*i i u^**lay il of Islington, Oclclborpe county, the the estate of Joseph wise. Intv «f bald county, *1 the benefit of the heir* nml crrrtltor*. may 11 SHERWOOD WISE, Adm’r with the in August next, in tlie \\ August next, at the court-house In tho town of fca Uni, Putnam county, one nefto flrl hy the name of Charlotte, i bout 8year* old, lielonglng to tn* esinle of Jane Jackson, dec’ for the benefit of thv creditors of *uld dec’*!. Burelrjj JAM. W. RICHARDS, Adm’r rrwm Morgi .... junty, named Edmborough, being port of ‘ ‘ '* ike illstrl- de known ■ i*or. II ANN AII It ALL, El sold at the court-bou 1 August next, one negro mun named Edmborouili, the personal property of l«**lnh Unll, decM. Mol»l builnn among tlie dDtribuU’esofsa’nl v«tate. Term* on thv dny of sate. JOI|L B A LI wjiFiLi.'hmrTn ▼ w lrwlntt.., ... S istnext. one equal hnlf of lot No287 and ftraetii t* 4th*ll‘tof V,'i|kln<on county, on theOcom sal-.* will be mode known on the dny. Jul7< SJOUR montlis after date application will J,', W b? made to the Inferlor court of Jackson county, when sit- ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot No 25G, In the 14th | • ilistot Lee county, and lot No 201, in the Till district of Owinnett 1 . county, lor tl»e benefit of the heir* and crrdltors nf Jonathan I Hemphill,eve’d. PI11UP W. HEMPHILL, Adm’r. L 1 march 80—w4m *■ j lrtoLR moiiilw afterdate, application will ^ ' JT l»e made t*i tlie Inferior court of De Kalb county, when sit : l r.r. r ^r^a r rn , 'teV>-.rr‘}‘r 11 nVu-nTiVD 0 .' i j h, ; i "M:V7""‘ Ur ‘- JOHN W L UOOPkR, I l i Idol'll months alter date application will ; JF be mail, to the Inferior emit of Owinnett count,, when sitting for ordinary Purpose*, for leave to sell tho nywiw- J lonjln, ,„0.e mh«r heirs of i»» ^NN '{SoWaS! S.*"’' . WNOL'R months after date application will ^ JT be made to the Inferior coin! of Jones county, when sit- ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to rail tlieiicgroesbclong- lngtathepst.vtr of iletfiamln AV. McDaniel.decM. I mHjJ-whn .INO. II r[RANTl.R\, Kt’nr. i XJOlJR months after date application will . i K. he .nn.lelo Ihe Inferior court ol llaldwln roulllr,»lien »lt- < tin, lor onlinnrr (mrpote., for Icn.e lo tell nil the eUate,both t realnnrl pA’r'onal.nplonfingto tbeestateof Elijah Ling**, dec d. -„.ll Ji R. A. tlRKF.NK. Ailin'r d* lionlinon. Mj^OUH montliB after date application will Ml he made to the Inferior court ol Twice* county, when I T sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to roll the real estate ot f Godfrey Ron, dee d, for the benefit of the Iglrs and creditor*, april (il—hmr SAMUEL ADAhlfl, Adn* r. ! XJOlIR months afterdate application will be mndr to the Inferior court of Jacwon county, whoa sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot “o 2whin the 2*kl dist of Muvcogve enuntv, drawn by the orphans of Thoma* Johnson, deceased, for the benefit of «aid orphan*, april l3-.v4ni JOHN WALLIS, Guardian. [ m^OUK montlis after date application will V W be made to the Inferior court of Jasper county, when r hitting for ordinary purposes, for Jeara to;wHiM real estate ot richardWrner f f Ifi'OUH months after date application will 1 MT he made to the Inferior court of Jasper county, %hen*U- * ting lor ordinary nurpn*e\ for leave to sell the real estate of wu- * Ham Hrott, late ot said county, dec’d. v * april 27—w4m ALBERT O IIAYNL5, AdltiT. « WAOIJR months niter date application will c he mmle in (he Inferior court of WllVrn,onc<wntjr, when (iltlnitfnr ordinnr. purpo... lor lon.c lo tell four nepwc, nciani. f in, tolh... .late„flcnlur 7.. nurhhalter.l.teof ,nldcnunl/. (tec d- 1 innyll K.Psr.V n. BURKHALTLR, Adin’,. * M30UH month* after date application will •; JT be mad*’ to the Inferior court of llald win county, when slt- ing for ordinary purpose* for leave to sell a house and lot In * Rrottshorn’, in said county,it being the property of John Rennie n Fulton, minor. To be sold for tlie^iujmvooVCS^OuMdil# may 11—w4m ■ WAOtJR montlis after date application will M be made to the Inferior court of Walton county, wtotislt* ting for ordinary purposes, for leave t»* *ell a l*U ol land, No41, lo » the first dirt of Baldwin .’ounty.os theproperty ni wmiani Hex- ' ley. late of Abbeville District, South Carolina, dec’d for the bc- : nefit of the lu*lr* and creditors <ff*ald dec’d. ri June22—w4m BERRIEN WILLIAMS, Adm’r. V^OUK months after date application will fl JT hr made to the Inferior court of Og|eth«»rpe county, wrhen sluing forordinnry purposes, for leave to roll the real estate and two negroes belonging to the estate of Moras IVnn. lata of said county,dec’d. \V\LIL M, BIRD, Adror. • Jun. 39—wtm . _ «i lL^OUK montha after (lute RppllCUtion will * M In maue to iho Inferior court of Srrlvcn county, when sit- tine for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell a tract ofland. in the 2d Hist or Wiwlon rounty, known by lot No * 4 *’, acres, Iwing the real estate of WUUam Tailor,dec’d.-All persons concerned arc desired to lake notice. iupc^2—w -Im NANC\ TAIIDB* Adm’x. >- XIOUR months after date application will ' m ho toad, (n Hi. Inferior court ol Joiper count,, when ,11- ' l(n, for ordinary porpote,, for Ice lu tell (he real dale ol " OeorieM. Men Iwether, dreM/Irln, to Jaipercountf. i S. mrrriwether, iulr 4 LL'CV A. MERRIWETHER, Adin',. lt*OtJR months after date application will j r he made to the Inferior court of Puloant county, .hen Jll- ting for ordinary purposes, forleave tp sell lot No 211, Is thet»ln dDt of Troup county, drawn hy the illegitimate children of Nelly * Sander*, for the benrfit of said children. L j„t y ii WILLIAM STONE, Guardian. EJOUTk months after date npphcution will r he mado tothe Inferior court ofO,lrthorpe rountmailicn r tUtinc far ordinary purpote,, for leave tu soil a lot of land No SW, ' lu the IWh dirt of Loo county,di awn by Jool Tarpley. dec*d. SoM l for tho benefit of Ihe heir, aad creditor, of o ( U lr 11 JAMES HIJTLER. Adm-r. the Inferior court of Jones county, , B. whenilttlng for ordinary pnrposes, application will l*« made, four months after date, for letnc to sell the real estate ol tl Stephen Justice, late of said county,dec’d. .. , Julv • r v—w4ni APl’LKTON JUSTICE, Adm r. a- raiO the Inferior court of l’ntnam comity, 11 Ji- Phon.ltline for urtllnory purposes, application will be mode, lour monlhs after date, for foaeo to sell iho reel estate ol William Peurlfoy.dec'd. fortVrebenefit of the heir, and rretlllors of solddoc'd. JlcCARRELL I’EL’KIl'oy, Adni^. ' july 20—win, prescribed by law. 8AEAII LINDSEY, Adm’x PERSONS who have business with the norm mysvlf of e Ban*, nnti will render ever; unay need It, In nrrangin* th*’ir JOHN A. /ONES WM. B. MALONE, Adm’r. (•EKSONS indebted to the estate of Tho- I. mas Collier. Sen late of Laurent county, dee’d. nre i* u. -ted to make immediate payment ;and tho«e having demand* gainst said estate will render them In properl) authenticated rtthln the time prescribed by law. JOHN SPICER. ) joly 25 THOMAS COLLIER, I li>KOrit ’ ilOTICE.—All those who have any de- mands against John Neves, late of Baldwin county, tier’ll. ,111 present them duly authenticated lor settlement, on ur before be 25th of December next, to the subscriber. may 18 CATHARINE N_EVES^ B ALDWIN Court of Ordinary, May Term, l«ft_»uLE NISI. L'rt 'N lh, appllr.tion of Thom.. Moufhmi, ricculor of lb. last will and testament of Jesse Sanford, dec’d. and administrator oi* the estate of Martha G. San ford, dec f d. stating that be has fol ly and finally administered said estates respectively and pray lag tobe reaularly dlsmDsedtherefrom—Ills ordered, Thnt a copy of this Rule be published once a month for sir months in one or the public gaxettes of this place, and if wyobjectlon be then made said letters will l»e granted accordingly. A true extract front the minutes, this 4th day of May, 182®. may II—n*en»R. A. GREENE, Clfc. 0 ALDWIN County, Gcorffia.—Court of Ordinary. March Term. I82<k—RULE NISI. UPON the application of James t'rnnnk aud R. II. L.Ruchanan administrators on the estate ol P. F- Jalllet, dec’d. stating thn they are alxiut closing the busine*« of said estate, and wish to be dismissed therefrom—It is therefore ordered. That si* months notice be given or this application, by publication In one of tho public gaxettes of this place. and that at the expiration of said term, upon proper examination into the administration oi said es tate, letters ol dismission w ill be granted, unless cause be short* to the contrary. A true extract from the minutes, this 2ti March, 1029. march 1C—nitun R A. GREENE, C. C. O. B ALDIYIN County, Georgia.—Court of Ordinary. March Term, !32t»-RrLE NISI. WHEREAS SimeonKemmadmlnDirnror with the will annex ed, on therstnte of Tamsey T. Pine, dec ’d. applies to this court to be dixmi«sed Irom said adminDtration, nlledging that the said estate ha* l*een fullvand faithfully administered—It is therefore ordered, Thnt the legal notice lx- given of thD application, and that, unless cause he shewn to the contrary, within six nn>nth< front the date ol this application, tbr said administrator w ill bu discharged from hi* said administration. A tnieextract from the minutes, 2d March. )£?& march 1ft—mtiin R. A. GREENE, (\ C.jO. B ALDWIN Countv, Grorpin—Court of Ordinary, Mnrcb Term, 1 S3—RULE NISI. Medtryy, l> disposed of, It i* therefore ordered, That the legal notice te® kiveiMif thi* application, nml, uni**** enu-e he shew u to the cot:- tvary within forty days front till* application, the said guardiuu will he fully released front hls^aid guui dintiship. A true extract from the ntinutrs.tliD 2d March. ITOf*. march 10 R. A. GREENE, C. C. O. G eohgia, Tnlmlrrro County—Inferior Court, May Term, 18211—Rule Nisi to rstiddish lo«t Note*. Present their honor* Archibald Gresham, Thomas Guest, Mui- eom Johnson, Edward Jane* and Rogn Q. Dicht-rtmt. (COPY) On or before the 2olh day of Dcc» nM*er next, I promise to r<r.T Jesse Dar*!en or*’nt).five dollars, tor value received, (dated nhotiO 15th Moy, 1828. (Slg^d) PRESTON BAILEY. (COPY.) before |he 25tli day of Deenitl ei next, I prmr.itc to p.y joiin vauoiin, JAMES l/)W, TIID9. T. ERE ST WOOD, } E ’ r OTICE—Persons indebted in tlie Mil- ledgeville Book Store, either by note or open account, nr* artfully requested to come forward and make immediate pny f Imperiuu* necessity demands this call, and it is hoped h will meet with prompt attention.lunr 27 I LL those indebted to the cstntc of James Bullard, Jr. late of Jasper county, dec’d. must call and make immediate payment, or they will find their note* L account- in the handt of Ike officer ; and all those to whom tlie estate i* Mlebted, are ftereby notifietl to prraent their accounts in term* of ielaw. JAMES BULLARD. Hen’r. 1 »., ni r . Jul,l« JABMONKY O. BI1LI.AKD, t MONTHLY NOTICES. for sale in the town of lrwlnton, Wllklmon rcmnty.on the first Tuesday in Au qual half of lot No2>7 and fraction No UMylng in JOHN W. O GREF.II. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in August next, nt the_ court-hou*e in Monroe, Walton . ounty,fnir uegvoe*, a fellow about 15yt abmit the same ago,two hoys Nam and w •vill be sold on a credit till the 55 * scrtgivloRS July 11—-.‘X if age, Jntln a wonts ir.UD. The above neuroe 25lh Dereml>rr next, the r^rcha- r 19th Ut,I C! oflSln«ll, Usiiij So rrojtorty of John ;,‘-“nlwin to nill.f, nwtrjr o.ocuilon, in fu ror of jTohii KM.orTl'. ooo2wtn. Oeorjs Tbosilton .uil John Goudwlu security ; levy made and returned to me hf A W>|. n. MALONE. D.kk’lf. P ULASKI Shtrifl’H Hale.—On the first Tuewhy In SEPTEMBER next, will he *o!d at the court »e in the town of llnrtford, Pulaski county, betw een the usual rs nl title, the follow ing property, to w it: 101 1-4 ncrcs oak and hickory land, Ivin# in the 24th dist formerly Wilkinson now Puimkl county, and ad- joining InimD with Thomas Nutt on, nml Rivves, No not known, le UhI onku> the property of Arehilnild II. Rltllry t«» satisfy sundry I fas In favor of ll**U>rt N. Taylor vs told A. 0. Ridley; levied on and returned to me by.» ronstable. Albert G. Tucker’d interest in n tnict of land, 1> ing iu the »Dt district fonuetlv Wilkinson now Pulaski county, known ;*• the place whereon IL»t>crt 8avage now llvv*s, No not known, l*vie*| *m os the property of *ald Albert G. Thick er to satisfy sundry ft fas in f.tvor of Robert N. Tayl*»r vs Albert G. Tuck** i ; levin) and returned to me by a const tide. 405 acres well unproved null und hickory il, on Jordan’s creek, being l«»t* N<> 121 and Ul.luthv JlstdDt formerly Wilkinson now Ihdaski county.levlod on n» th«*proper ty of Archibald U.lUdley u*saUvly sundry A fas in favor ol II. H. Tarver A Co. vs sold Ridley ; levied on and returned tome by mutable. 1-2 acres Well improved ojik nml hick ory land,on Shelstonn crook, whorronTheopkllU* D. Boothe now lives, iviug it* the 24th dUt fo« met ly Wilklnsou now Pulashieoun- ly, lcvle*l uita» the property of 1 hrophilus D. llocihe U» satisfy sundry ft laa In luvor ol llanly Brow mind other* >• stid The*>- phvlu# D. Booth* ; levied and n turned tome by a cou>table. 101 I-4 ncrcs ouk iutd hickory land, part of lot No03, In the 4 th dDt formerly Dooly now Pulaski county, letted on a* the property of David Ho*trh tosatDfy a fi ft* in favor of John Tully vs suid David Roach ; levleU_ on and^ jnrturtird_Ui i*tah|e. JAMES »|. WARREN. Mh’ff. Barker audotiwr , iwiedoo u» l»is pr V ie fare. i.»n*re of a ntcrtfbi<- tu f*\ . urt^r. W ILKINSON Sheriff’s Sale.—Will be sold at live eourt-ho * •, lu the town of Irwtntou, Wil- 1 jivon county, *••» the fir.i Tu* -day In AUGUST next, withl < usual boat*-*: *oie, th • f«fi'. ..wtng proper.y, to wit: 50 ncros oi' pine land, in die 3.1 district of AS kiii*on c unity No^not^knonn, *v hereon Patsey Berry O KEENE Sheriff’s Sale Postponed—On the flr*t Tuesday in AUGUST oegt, will Le void ot the cc'-rt-hiHueliithetowunt Gru«s*e»korotigh,C4reenecouuty, w ith in hours of .tile, tlie following property, to wit: James about 30 yenrs of age, Ned n boy i*b*>ut 17, teviisl on a* the property of Newell Stoughtlaginlre, (lac’ otiAy a r*fainlavor of lUtbert W. Alston v% Elaunah Tally. John Robin*, and Rllxalieth Uoblo*,e* , X. und Nathan Tal ly ex’or. ol Newell .Nt'mxlitir.cmirr. tier’d. Daniel A Urnjamlr s..nford and John*on Walker aecuriiy on vlay, und other fl fu* v said Tally and dcfcitoanu; property pointed out by John llabiiu Or.GKGK DAWSON. Sh’ff On the -ituiog IWM Math ll and , t * kei the • p«r y*#i Kirhani Herrvi.* * aisiy afii«luia*oro* Jar.Av’yn*.; ; toperiy pointedout by plaiutifl. U02 l-‘2 ncres uinc Und, in the 2-kl dist of AN i’Juti«on c.-inty, No not known, well Improved, whereon Wll- l uu II *ic*»*f now five*. Ievie.l on as the pis-iterty of Wm. Hatch* * rvosatujj two U U» **>ucdfroui theSu. *-ru-. court of laUceiu- ty U>r cost. One lot of Ian*], \o tJOii, in the 23*1 tlUt t»f **• ;vin*n« c*»uury, where*!it Hc-jjmin E 11*11 «u*d M tiuatt* W I* ,um ow live*. 'ai*en*» the property ol' J-»«T Daverport to v«- » *.v two fill* i**»u»-«ti'ro n a I*' ;;«••* r.*url In >Aitl c* * " « uv *r^« If v*.lo«-l Da* •irt-rlprincipal ai r. v . */ ; l.vv madr «tid i. turned oy y .’AMLJ I1G3B, D. kk’R. w rt-hov*; ILKlNsoX SlionTTfi Rnle Tuevlny in SEPTEMBER r • il be void at the cunty, ket« W ILL be sold at tho late residence of Tleint ** Conc.decM. in Da Kalb county, on Thursday thr 18th of Auvu-I next, all the perixhalile property belonging m the estate of said dve'd. *ate to continue from dny today until all is sold. Terms ou the Uu> of sale. PENELOPE CONN. Atlm'x. Inly 11 JOHN EVAN A, Adm’r. ^(iREKAHLFi to the last will nml le»tn- tooD, and a number uf ether articles too i Term* «n I be day, hy july 11 B ALDWIN County, Georgia.—Pcrson- .11, lieformw In op,n court. K. Trice, la, dull (.urn, ,»!th lhat he til In the noMculon ul e (la. bill made iir Wm. it'.>,er..a>>d daletl thn SM Septett. J8, for the sum of 198 dullafa. and that tbl, de|..aeat b. lo*! or mislaid said note, sometime in Nv vemror. In the year I8.> rahtchbot.«h«bteare,ul.rl,pub.|.lte,: MBs R TB)f , E Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 25th February. 18251, .?* open coart. . WM. J. DAVlS, Clk. (COPY DUE RILL.) 11*0 Dolls.—Due James K. Trice one hundred nml thirty-six d*d lar* for value received,this 22d September, 1828. (Signed) WM. ROGERS. ..appearing to the court that Janie* K. Trice whs lately law fully possessed uf a certain due bill, of which the above D In sub stance a correct copy, and tliot the name has been lost or inltlalo that it cannot now be found, It D on motion ordered, that the -cgniug affidavit of sain James K. Trice, and the copy of sain due bill be published once a month until the next term of this court, and unless the said Wm. Rogers shew eause to the contra ry, that the said copy shall at the next term ol thD court be es- tablDlied and taken In lieu of sold lost original. True extract copy from the minute*, this 19th day of March, 1C291 WILLIAM J. DAVIS, Clk. march 00—tnOut <nty dollHt* ved. (Signed) PRESTON RAILKY. The petition nnd affidavit of Jes*e Darden, having shrtv n tothe *uit.that hewn* awfully and richlfuliy in posstwsloii of said promissory notes,at the time vpccllird in sold affidavit, and the ueareloMor midftid,*«> thnt he cannot control th*n»—Tt I* .-refore ordered hr thecourt.on motion of s.C. Jeffrie*, nttor- y for petitioner, that the foregoing copies be • Mablbhcd in li* u the originals, at the next tmn of this court, unless good enuse be shewn tothe contrary ; thnt a ropy of this rule he inildohetl in of the public gazetto of this State, In such cn.«is made uml provided. GEORGIA. Taliaferro county—In open court appeared Jcftu —*-• *v lio being duly sworn,drposeth and «nit|i. that ti • fnrr- true copies of two promissory note*, which srviil p ur . about the 15th of May, 1128, i Da rile going a den had in ids |xjsvesxin that the said notes are lost or mDlnid, so thnt he , _ •nr- JRSflE DARDEN.”’ »rn to and subsended *n open court. Max imb, 1R25*. Attest. HENRY PERKIN*, nii. xtract front the minutes of said court, this tih .lar of. HENRY PERKINS, Clk. 1H 9H(* \i\ i'ountv, (xcorgm-— Superior J-vJI Court, March Term, 1829. Ann^Taylor, Co.n I ,l.,l„.n(, , (m Di , K , vrJ RcIU David Taylor,Trustee, ct. «l. ( Injunction. IT appearing to thv court front ihe return of the Nheiiff, tht.! the delenilnnt in thenbove case I* not to be found in Morgan enuu ■ ty, It Is, on motion, or ered, thnt service be perfi’eteil on *ni*i «S-- fendant in w*l*l caM«, by publicnti«>n In one ot the cngetie* of thi*. made a JOIIN W. PORTER, T. t *1. Me P UTNAM County, Georgia—In the Su perior Court of sold county. Whereas the petition ot Thomas D. Stubbs shevveth, that Fran cis Stubbs, on tbeflth day of Mnrch, in the year 1028, made, ex ecuted and delivered to the said petitioner acertaln deed of mort gage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the said Francis Stubbs, for the purpose of better securing the payment ol the sum of two thousand dollars, due and payable one dny af ter the date above mentioned, mortgaged tothe said Thomas B. Stubbs the real estate hereinafter described, to wit : all those tracts or lots of land whereon the sold Francis Stubbs then lived, containing nine huodred acres. ... . ... Anti whereas the said Thomas B. Stubbs represents thnt the sun* of money and the Interest thereon, for the belter securing the payment of which, the mortgage aforesaid was executed and de livered a* aforcraid. remains wholly unpaid; and whereas the said Thomas B. Stubbs prays for a Rule Nisi for the foreclosure of the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises, according to the statute In such cases made amt provided—There- fore, on motion, it Is ordered by the court, that unless the sakl sum of two thousand dollars principal, together with tbeinterest which has accrued and may accrue thereon, and the costs of this application lie paid Into the ofliceof the clerk of this court within six months from the date of thD rule, to wit • front the I9tli day of March, I82», the equity of redemption in nnd to suld mortga ged premises l<e thenceforth forever bar re* I nnd foreclosed. And it is furtlierordered.thntaeopyof this rule be published once a month for all month* m one of the public gaxettes of this State, or be personally served on the said Francis Stubbs, or his special agent, three months before the expiration of the time appointed for the payment of the money Into court as aforesaid. A true copy from the minutes, 19th March, 1829. march 30—nwftm AV. WILSON, Clk. J ASPER County, Georgia. Superior Court, April Term, 1829 Robert C. BeasTy, mortgagee, j Winston ti. E*tc*,mortgagor, S On foreclosure of mortgage on npT3 the Inferior court of Jasper county, JL when sitting f«»t ordinary purposes, application will be made, four month* after dftte, for leav the orphans of Churchill Rc*(»»*«, dcr’d. for .the benefit n! the phansnnd the creditor*, may JIJ—w lin where .. r well ol suniof one dollar, to him by the said petitioner puld.asfnr the better securing the naymeut of a certain sum of money Uierein mentioned, did by indenture of mortgage,bearing date the twenty seventh day of October,in the year 1825, grants Itargaln, sell, and convey, to said petitioner, his heirs, kc. by way of mortgage, nil ■ •.ht.iiMiinn tviii be l,,nl certain lot of land containing 202 1-2 acres, more or le*s,ly- ■ViiMn real 'estate ut l ogand being in thelSth dist. originally Baldwin, now Jasper • e AL.®.??a! ”.k2*° 1 county, adjoining the lands of Rich’d. Carter, Jacob Owens, dic’d. 9,1829. march Ifl ONHOE County, Georgia.—Ilonry H. Lumpkin, administrator on the estate ol EberTouiphin te* NJ. applies for letters of dbmK-ion from Ids ;.UmiaiMi atiuii • teiil estate— And Felix Lewis. otitnM*tr»loron the rrtnle of M rr. W. //(»{ ■on, tier’*!. ni*pli*M for letters of dismission front Lis nfimbieii tbtnof estate— Thi* i* therefore to r i t *-1 lie kli.drcd nml credimit of mid dec appear at n»y office witldn the time prescribed hy law,to she iu*e, If any they Imve, why mid lettersshuuld not be gruittviL Given under nn hard thb£th tiny of March. UW*.». march Ifl—ntCm ELIAS BEALL, V. O. ( 'J EOfttil A, Alorpui county In Ton t-a m Court, sitting for Ordiiuiry purposes, July t*. Present their Honor* Rodrick Leonard. Ebjah E Join*,uml John Dnwsnn, Justice*. The petition of Thoma* S. Honm-r, shew » tb, that William Yu rick, living then in life, heretofore, to wit: on tbr fith tlctob* i 1824. made uml oxer"lcd to your petitioner hi- obligation in wt i ing, which Is herewith shewn,wfieviby he became bound to man-- titles to jour netitloperton eertnln lot oflar.d, vit: lot No 468, in the 9lh tliot of li win county, ami thnt said AV deported this life without complying w ith snld b* t: log titles to your petitioner, In pursuance then ol, making provision therefor in a will; yoftf peiRUmrr tiierefrr<' pray* thnt the honorable the court of Ordlnar* of *.iUl county, \ > (lirect Thomas Watts,administrator upon the estate of ‘-aid Wit- pursuance of the statute in such coses modi Also,Thomas S. Bonner furthrr shewelh. thn wit: onthe 25th day ol May. 1021. Mllu* C. Nisi made and deli* ered to your|petlt!oncr 111* w ritten t mnntb», Id nvided. heretofore, t . then in U; tlon, which 1* h<- Ith shewn, whereby he I* tod warrantee title* rveyed bv James \A :i hound to » half acres,. . the So*ith Corner of the land f> adjoining*onr r.etDinner ; nnd thnt without e\ei’ntiiui tlth «to your petition' providing therefor in his last e nr.d .* *d lying in Mr*lf y.nnt bii has diet lo •*.• let I rn«', tinner therefore prays this court to »llrect Isaac 11. AValt<-n, nJm’r. of said Milux C. KUhet to make titles to your petition* r. I” pursu ance to *uid bond, to said trart of land therein de*r rif»e*i, ami thnt notice of tldsnppiicutionbe given for three mouth* in one uf tb - public giuettcs in pursuunrr to the statute in such rn«t s tr ade acd provided K. A. NlfiHP.T, Alio, for Applicant. Extract from the minutes of the Court «»f Ordinary. July 7th, 1829. JOIIN W. rORTBlI, C. C. O UALDW IN County, Gporaia—-Court ot U9 ()mllinrr.JuteTrrm.ll»-ni'l.E K'ISI. lithe petitioi Jifjohdll. Ilnr,c. leceeterl,did,in Id, life lime r bond for good nnd law ful title* in be made to a etrlnir. lot of lard. No 1M, In the 5th district of Wilkinson, draw n by said lfctfkinb Tabor and srnr.lcd to him on the 2f’ih September, 1805— ami that the said Ilt-fekiab Tabor b. *dep.'titedtbi*Ur*'without In d being n.’w ii >:\ AN iFrOWKI.L, Ou.minn. T O the Inferior court of Morgan county, when .Kilns for onlinarr F"rpn(f„, apnllratlon will bf made, four month* after dat*-, for leave to sell nil the real estate belonging tothe eatnte of Kli/nbcth Heaiers. dve’d.—All perhon* concerned are required to take notice. AWLSfcY BEAVERS, Adit the Interior court of WitkiiiKOti couii- •Itilnafor ordinary purpose*, application will ty. wbr m- m.« «.*•, four r 15th dist uf Cn . fit lot’No 51. In the My, drawn by Aaron Averltt, illegitimate. nnlh* after date, for lea T O the Interior court of Morgan county, i\hen sitting for ordinary purpose*, application will ha ‘ .after date, for leave to sell all the raal O iN Saturday thn 20th of AuauRt next, will ’ be gold at the house of Jam** Nowels, lu Walton county, nil the perishable property of William W right, Sr. late nl muu ly,d» c’d. consisting ol one gray horse, mu- saddle, bridle nml ingnle, ouerutor and rase, and our feather bed, l»e»lsten«l, kc. *1*1 for the benefit of the creditor*. Term- mad** know n on the day of $ale. JKSHE II. ARNOLD, Adni’r. July 18 O N S«tunl»v the 113*1* of September next willin’sold ia the town of Monroe, Waltonlrounty.onelu •s’ tool*, one trunk,ouo watch, one rnxor nml box, ni of Edniuud Dlckrnain. dre’a. Hold for the beneft )rxanu legatrrv ofsald»w*c*d. Term* rn«h. * W11.1.1 A M Mr MICHAEL, Adm’r. w of cnn»rnt*’ *»e tiro petit f tne rredUorx iuiy» ILL be sohlut ihe lute residence of Die vld Grogan, late of Do Knlb countr,dic'd, oil the per Mimtl property Itelonging to the estate of said doe’d. consistlog e hurra*, hugv, ca«le,Uruitug loou, hi u*elml*1 and Kuril. Itc. JufjM V. A1. H. .MALUM:, Adn.’i j^GRKEAHLK loan order of thn Inferior m. court of Morgan county, when sluing for ordinary purim. . will »h* sold In Madison, Morgan vnutity, on the first ruesilay intoticr negro girl about five rear* old named Caro, line, living a port ol Ihe personalr*tateof Martin 1, <.r- r*nssed. Bold for tho benefit of tb .1— July IQ HAMI'FL 8TOVAI.L, A*» r)|lO the Inferior court of Jnspor county, -M. who hitllag for ordinary purpoiM, apullMUan wllllw inwln. four (mmlli- :tftrr date, fur l. nv. In tell lb, teal Mtotcol inp'D the Interior court of Baldwin county, JL when sitting furordinary purposes, application will be made, four month* nfti , .Visa Allunis, lute of said county,d 1 april IA—w In* date, fur leave to sclltue real estate ol * r’d. IQIIN AI.LUM, Adm’r. FWto the Inferior court of Newton county, JL wheu fitting forordlnary pitrpo«es, application will b« made, four month* after date, lor leave tu sell the landsbcfong- Ing to the estate of Lewis Ilngg, late of «aid county, dec’d. nuty 2—w (m LEW1H H. FAR GABON, Adm’r, ru*() the Inferior court of Jasper county, JL wlien *it(iuxfor ordinary purpose*, application will he niutle, lour montlis afterdate, for leave to sell the real estate ot John G. Turner, laic of said county, dec’d. 11M) 11 SAMUKL HARRELL, Ex’or. pp.,„ _ . e lanasoi nicn’u.varxer, jncnD*»wrii3.u»» u. ami James Thomas, nnd D Known and distinguished by lot No. 95, In the Hist, aforesaid,to hove and to hold, vcilh ull and singu lar the right*, hereditament*, and appurtenance*, to thcenme be longing, as describe*! In said indenture of mortgage; nnd the pe titioner shewing that the time limited for the payment nf said sum of money *0 intended to be secured, bn* elop-ed, nnd that the ■urn of 1500 dollars of the principal sum, with tho interest accrued thereon, to wit : 750 dollar*, which was due on the 25th day of December 1820, and 750 dollar*, u hlchwnsdue on the 25th dny of December 1827 and still remnina due and unpaid, ami pruning for n rule for thD court In the premise*. On moton of Wiley J. Cox, Counsel for thepetltloner, Disorder ed, that the prinripnlnfort-srid remains, due.&tboInterest nr* rued and to accrue therm*, ami the Cost of this procedlng be paid nml the clerk* office, ot thD court w ithin six months from this time; nnd unless the said principal, interest and cost he so paid that judge ment will be given for the amount which may be due on said mort gage, und the equity of redemption of the said Winston Erics, of, in II tothe said mortgaged premises will Itc barred L foreclos ed, k the said premises will be sold in sueli manner a* is pi ccribfd in ruse* of Execution, pursuant to the statute in sue' nnd provided : nnd it is further ordered, that tld* IDhrd In one of the public Gutettr* of this state nt least ecuted said title*, the snld bond t: that a cop published t in court: it is orn* of the public g>« Ji ,. ...... „ . estate of the raid Hesvkinh Tabor to show cause, if any be can, why said title* should not he executed in term* ol thcsnhl bond, ami upon failuro to show cause, thr Slid cdmlnKtrator will be ordered tc rxccuTff* title* neflonllngly. A ttuc extract frim the minute;, tl M5th Julv. lf.29. R. A GRRENE, C’crk. (COPY OF TIIF. BOND.) State c.f G1-0rain and County of Oglethorpe.—Know all torn hy -*n. That l.lfeTcklah Tabor, ol the Slate and rrunty these pr*' . aforesaid, am held and firmly l*mird aforcrubl uml county of B dollar;, of law fill nmney cemlier, 1321, u ‘' “ ' undr**l L . .. paid on thv ?5t|* l)r- .... 'aid Johu If. Ifarvle hD hrin, ex*cuton - , administrator* nnd f *«ign*. by the ;nid Ti.bor, hi* heirs, ndmlni*- trutorsand as*>ign«, firmly by these prcsouD, as witntrs my baud and seal thl* 1-ftb February, 1P2I. (Mlgneil) Hit. TAD02f.rL.B7 T*‘t. JOHN MrCOWN. * The condition of tbeabove i.bligM'.on i*^urh. That ifthe hl.ove hound 11* x vkiah Tnhor.of county und State aforesaid, doth inafo- or^au^v to be n a*le unto *he *.iid John II Hat vie guod ami law ful titles to one eertnln lot of laid, No Ifl I, in the 5 th dirttirt eg anti grunted to him on thv made on or hr - month for 6 inonths'wutil thv time herein nppoiuted for payment! mlniatrafora ^ I^sisid it* iff said numey, or served on the said Estes orhD special agent, nt 1 ^,0^ ndmhd^ tors* an. i*sl«^ iMsiSnuinfkinrMlnui to th»tim» th*. mono* l«V«>r»tti : A u IOr*,«Umtl»lJW»tor8’ fogceard V hi UV ' Iff"** M|» * " " " ' ‘ lib. VaBOB. |l‘..s.| * ,ialy 13—Uk3ni ■ ,UI *”*c‘io one certain 101 01 ini u,wo u*», 1 wilkln.on, drawn l,y llriiliinli l'obor nnd . I ?''lh arpl.'ml.iT, 11(5$ 1 (lllr.liy ■i.l.l Tnbn SH.a.aS : ? :u > of bwcra'ter. by bi'nteir, Ul< leasts months previous to the time the money D herein directed be vSid, otherlvira A true extract from the minutes of Jasper Superior court, this l ' r | l ™ t nr,r ' jnVlN Mrciri^N 1 ^ 24th day of April, 1829. JOHN HILL Clerk. ‘ L --- ■ - april 27—mtim * “ — M ORGAN County, Georpa.—— Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes, Adjourned Term, B ALDWIN Founiy, Genrfria,—Court ot ,1:1 T O the Inferior court of Jasper county, when sitting for ordinary )iui-]k>m’*, npulicutlon will be made, four month* after date, for leave to sell the real estate of T O the Inferior court of Morgan county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, apiiiicatioil Will **c mode, four months afterdate, for leave to sell *hv land and ne groes belonging to tlie estate of firth Ward, dec’d. for the benefit uf thv heirs of said di c'tl. JULIUS A. ASKEW.Adni'r. T O the Inferior court of Washington coun ty.when sitting for ordinary purpose*, application wll be made, lour month* afterdate, for leave to kellouelot of land. No 02, in the 12th di*t formerly Irwin now Lowndes county, It bv- ■ r=r r ——r , . NoC2, in tlie I2tlidi«t fornterly Irwin uow be- J^EOlUilA.—To Hom»rtUH L.ove, Anncrl in* the real e>tntv of William Arnold. Srn’r.dcc’d. Sold for the XX Turwr. aril tYIrad o. l.ovo.l, •,«(.•.•. afJotephu, l f va I l» ; .a-ll(..r (ho,».hUivJ>,ur. of ».WI .Irc'jl. tier’d, re-iding without the Htate *ff GrorfU—T*k no ice, that I j THOMAS ARNOLD, Adn. r. ^ , Aof5S.7I^r^^rh“^,.?^«L!^l^kjr,J , “A55J5r*.r.! nro the Inferior court of Greene county, on the fir»t .Hominy iu Notendwr nv*t, for leave to sell «h** negroes i JJ. wh* n vitfiog tor ordinary purposes, annllcntion will 1m- lH*l*»unlng tothe evtatv ol Joseph*** Love, deed.—You and eaoh | ntadv, jour month* after date, tor leave to sell the real estate ol ;ioe*shouk uotbeg JOHN n. RAY, Adm’r C 'l EOKGIA, Gwinnett County — Kichnrd A when sitting for ordinary purposes, nnplicstloo W tolled b. fore «,. W. -a, (he tl*, the Inferior court of Pulaski county, > l e 10 years oltl. f»nip < • “ - p left hip, JAMES II. WARREN, Adni’r <b- aw. of T°' hc , Inferior court of Morgan county, nor lSS astirrei Mare, lightly mixed w ith white,both hind leg* > -M. when sitting tor ordinary purposes, application will be .t (Li white branded lightly thus D, on t»:» near shoulder, left , made, four months after data, lor leave to sell a - r * K - -*"* 1 Jea little M^ffblaxe Dev, some saddle *.,h>U, about 14 hand* estate of fo*ui« Maquvre.deeraseil. All persous -k .tteYiit 11 ,,r’l2 wears ol*t I required to take notice. ph.anout ti ur u year* 01 . , , 1 uiu i* xiniutn i.nt'i* maoi 20tJ 1-2 acres of Und, in ihe 4th (list, of Tlwlwrtei. a bwhroi * r«n 0Ml»u.l«s maw-ml ,il'l o-Hilitr. N.»i2.tovlnl an lh. prop. ,IT ol M. *’-ul l 1 * artlson tosatDfy aft fa from tbv justice* court in tavor <ff Nuih’L l»ra»se*l «o2U*l »Dr*,and th h . MALTBIK C. I .te.oMniak.toi./.n. fo v .r..i ■ _•,.(.....* July 13 *' LI n -L . ff^IjAfiKE County, Georgia.—John Par- ker.'ff <’ Vincent’s district, ro'tmt before Edward Con- nvr l>ii. on the ltfth insfoa hav fifly.avear* «.|d, » feet 7or 8 Inches 111 b ’ r! BoyKBT^j&N.'c:'.^. 1XK KALI* -County, Georgia Court of iTtiTT t r* * i ... it. * it _ Ordinary,July Term, lttjt—RULE NISI. I'l** LOOK Lt)iC8 eighty*three tloihirs Wheroas M*wv*Murphey. guardian «>l ihe orphan* of Robert thirty-seven soda half cent*, for value received, Dt Jam Itnrdln (afoenOaptdlc* for letters of «IHmD*i«n iron* said guar- 1 i«». (Jjgi e*u JOIIN ft. BIRD. dlansblp—It i« therefore ordvrv.l.thatfiutv days notice be gtvvn All pcr*on* are fo.rwarned frun trading for the above de>cslh-j in someone of thr public gatcites of this Sutv: and that said r,\ note, as It h** lit-eii p«il*l offby the maker. I fust Paid C*mK «i letters will be granted at the next term of this court, unless cause L'o|,>«.ui*d the*4 tt»«- maker paid me ml'.ai-d I have either last or ! be shewn to the contrary. mi«*aid it so that It canon be found. I A true extract froaitUc minutes.tM* ubJnlv. _ ::l:.;jn,Ua.Jmyjh-u ^ CLORGg L. BX^D. » ;Tyl| C. XURPBEV, Clk. RICHARD LOUIS MAQUERE, Ex’o Nvwsout vs said RichanlMii*; levy mode ami returuod by stable. 202 1-2 acres of |>inelam),No 163, in the *.th ’.iiHtrictof said county,nil. lining Merrit, Etheridge and others, u .•* tlie property Ol lelm Riley to tatUl'y li fa* from a court In tavnr of Littleton Aladdux ** said Riley; levy nuiii- and rctwnal by acou.ublc. |<A Jf three ilollnis vrJ, l-t Jam 1) T O the Inferior court of Putnam county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, application ** ill The math’, four month-, after date, for leave to self the raal < state of Ellas James, Die of said county, dve’d. Juhv 11 THKOPHILUS STEPHENS, Adin’r. A FTER the expiration of four month*, np plication will be made tothe Inferior court of De Kalb coun JulyJ8-wftn EDWARD WAPK. Adm’r. ^ PPI.ICATfoN will lie made to the Infr 14th March, 1329. Present their honors Dane Walker, William Porter, and John Dawson. Justice*. ON the application of John flilman, adminbtrator of Rcpjn- nin Sillman. dec’d. praying for letters *.f ilDmlssion Iroinsuid es- ate—Ami it appearing to the court that said ndudnDtintor hns fully completed the administration on bis Intestate’s estate—It b ordered, thnt alter six months publication of ibis Rule in thur Georgia Journal, the said John Sllivan. administrator as aforesaid, will be finally dismissed, unless cnu*e be shown to the contrary, of which all persons are hereby notified, to file their objections,! M \1,P\V IN County, Geortria.—Court of Otrthe n’pnlirntinn of Joseph M. F,vans, administrator on the Ordinary, July Tern-, 1829—Rt Ih NN; _ estate ol John C. Evnns.dec’d. praying to be rilMiiissed from die administration of hb iiilesDl*—And itappvnring satisfactorily to tu the court, that said administrator has fully completed hi* ad ministration—ItD, on motion, ordered, That after six month* notice be given to all Ihe parties In interest, by j-t-fibr at ion of thi Rule once n fi-r six mnntli*. tbnt rau»c may he shewn, if any exist* v^y *aid letter* should not he granted ; and uj on th-’ expiration of said term,and upon cxnn.inaiioniff the re(urn*,k< . of the tniil executor, no cause appearing to th* cnutraty,tbesaM letters *iDnd*soiy will be grsnted In term* of the law. A trueextract from the n.iuutc*. thl*Iflth Jul*. - - ii * r-nriirvu Inly 13—mUm . a. any:fsb, c. c r>. publication of thi* rule In the Georgia journal, said administra tor will tw dismissed, unDss cause Ite shewn to the contrary, of which all persons concerned are required to take notice. A true extract fromtheminutesofthe Court ofOrdinary, Mnrch IGth, 1C29. JOHN W. PORTER, Clk. marrhS^— mCm C 'J EOPOIA, Grcciic county—Court of Or- W dinary, January adjourned Term, lb29. tbr lie ^ * * Duncan, ceased, praying to t>edbmi»sed from their said administration-— And it appearing tu the court, their estates ha* *■ h« **n fully admin istered—It is ordered. That tliey be resprctleely dismi<-.-ed. after six months publication of this order iu the Georgia Jourmil, un- Upon theap*>riri.tinn of Joiin Kenuonand William Turner,m’L tninDtrntor* of Elizabeth Hines, dec’d praying to he regidarl/ dismissed from said administration. It b ordered, that thi Tru g notice of thl* application be given by publlrntion of H.b Itu once a month for »ix month*, iltatall Ihe pnrthsin Intm*t nt. have opportunity to shew cause, ifnnytherebr.whysnidlrt- ters should not be granted; nnd irpon tlie expiration of the s.i|,| term, and upon examination of the return* of the said n.lmini.-. trators, no cau**- appearing to the contrary, said letters dismissoiy i will he granted in tr-—-* r 1 A true extract fr* jwiy Ifl-tnf.m ft. A. GIt E ENK, C. G. O. July is m»ALPWTN County, Gi-nrsin.—Coun ot'| ■ 9 OrOiPnr-, July Trim, 1b5»- Hr I E MM. Upon the application ol Cornelius Mitrph.ey, HI. last will and te-iam* id *ff John Tomlinson, dee’d. «ta ha* complete d thr adniinbtrntion of the e*tnt« of his - d praying lobe regularly *H*mD»cd therefrom—H Is therefore > f . 1 dered.tJiat the legal roticr • f thisr-pnlirmion hr givin by puH<- cation of (hi* Rule once n nmuth for six month- iu ancifftlie pill • - lie gntettes of thi* place, requiring all the parties in inb show cause. If any they can. w hy *i»id letters should not bo grant- 1 ♦ d; and at the expiration «>f said term, n * 1 gfo ‘wJ the contrary, naid letter* will be i*«ued nrt A (rue extract from the minute*, thi* 16th Julr • I-ring ■ B . - ^A true extract from the minutes, thl# Iflth July. 1329. AIjPbiN County, Georgia—•'Court ol July is—mem r._a. gheene, c.q q. Ordinary, March Adiourncd Term, 1829. V OOK AT • --Tlis* WII ERE AS, (tb made the duty of this court to bsuc process ■ j 1 l, * 1 ‘ ; J frUDRCrioer ngainstalldefaultiux Executors. Administrators and Guardians, wishing to remove, will sell or lease, upon the most reason v\o shall fall to make annual returns of the state and condition ahleforms eft lierfor rash, or upon an ewUfeemlil.ln parcel*, u r nil or the estates with which they are severally charged, and it »p- *« l » purchasers,the pretnlraiwhereon he live* 5miles pearing to the coutt, that many such are so in default, and l*«ve! Northof Monticello, ont lie Athens road, eontnining 46 j acre.-, been for many years-It D therefore ordered, That allsucb de- I about half clear* d nnd n go mI repair.the building* ate largeamt * ” * ml Guardian-, make return comfortable, omomr wldchisa large Gin House, Gin and running ell in the yard, audit- amongst the nu»-t faulting Executor-, Administrator*- and i •eguli herein. tl*ey will lie dealt with, indiscriminately, at.-.— • — —, lS . law insuch coses made and provided. And Ills further ordered,I f>eellentStreqm. wndgoo*I neigbi>orho« That the Clerk have thi* Rule , the public gaieties in thD place, said. UTMieO. AWI II I* lurilirr unmni. l J*;’,"’ V**',","! 1 ," r"'- 1 * u '"' n*i*H-anu-« Il I«'I custom. Also No. publDIn-d twice a mnnih in one of ID), in the 4th dist of Momoc, in tlie nelgldairhood of tlie Indian until the next regular terraaforc- s Py n * fc -unimproved, tfhnnld theabnva projtrrty not beni pored of itefmethe fir*t «Dy of Sept*mbrr next, it will on that dny be leg. this 7lh Mnrch, 1820. R. A. GREENE, C. C. O, B aldwin Court of Ordinary——May Term, I82W—RULE NISI. UPON the application of R. W Fort, one of the administrator* of Gabriel Wynn, dec’d. stating that he Ddesirnusof rioting said ax'ministration and obtaining letters of dbmbMnnfnr himselfand Israel Palmer, joint admin Utra tor on said estate—It Is therefore ■ — f this rule be published once a month for public gatrtte* of thlspiare.audirnoob- ^ iu! letters of dismission will be gmuted In term* of the law. A true copy from the minutes.this 4tb May, 182*. may 11—mflm R. A. GREENE, Clk. sold on the premise*, to lhe'h)gb*’*t bidder, together with a|^ immovable* and stock. Persons w i-hinc rail and examine lor tlieniselve*, beginner*, who can have every thing on i house keeping in u seeming way upon thv r buy or lease, will *l<> n«l p.u ticulurly new e spot necessary foi I of Pikec N TRAYED OR STOLEN, on the ni-ht r> white about him, a sunk In-low < tv, when sitting four months after date, lor leave to svllan iw it*i *»»»* i •(«•<*' — — —•••* —"-hh* «m« »»■ ' John S. Worm*, late of «aid countv, der’d for thebeuefit of the] sionedhy a hurt. I will pay a reward of 10 dollars for the Horse ?ir*.ff said slertd. JOSlAll t*. NUNN ALLY, Guardian, or 20 Dollars for the Horn and Thief. KUjrif—wlni 1!U 12 jaly i-3» C IJEORGIA, Hancock county—By mi or ra derof Ibe liifrriorroprf of said rounty, silting for onlinarr purpose*, notice i« harehy given to the creditor* ot Arrhibald D. •IVTon. Dte of «ai*l county,dee’d.alien lo appear before *aid coutt tthln.lx m*»nth« from the date hereof, and prove theirdebts , II JONF.fl. Cl’k and F«. C U. FERGUSON. 1 july 18 J ASPER County, Georgia—James ltuch- auuon. ol Capt. Hand's di*t. toll, before John Vandegrift.f Ksq.ii >>ay IIor*p,fl years old,4 feet 9 inche* high, left eye out,] hind feet w Nile, Mime saddle spot*; apprai-rd to ’-0 dollar*. ' Aim, a bay Colt, 1 yrarobi, anprai** *1 to 25 dollar*, hy Sherro*! II. Gay atjd Wiu. Patrick. 29J ilfiy, 1829. '■" vl * . A. R. BUCUANNON, CU,