The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, February 14, 1837, Image 4
SHERIFF'S SALES. w r WIlklMM Sheriff Sales if sold on the first Tuesday in MAHCI1 i f next,between the usual hours of oalo, at the court house in the town of Irwiuiou, Wilkinaon county, the following property, to-wit: «... 101 14 acres of land, well improved, in the 4th diet, of Wilkinson countv, number not known, token as the propenv of ZcddocL I>yks to satisfy sundry fi fu* in f«- vor of Nelly Vinson mid others issued from ajnslices court, Nelly Vinson vh.Z. Dvke: levy made and return* ed by a constaldc. B. MURPHEV, Hh*fT. Morgan Sheriff* sale*. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, 1 before the court-house door in tbc town ol Ma dison, Morgan county, within flic usual bourn of sule, the following property, to wit: ! Ono negro man by the name of Bailey, about HO year* of age, levied on as’tlm property of Edmund Taylor, >r- to satisfy a fi fain favor of Edmund Alexander v* smu! j Taylor. Cfe nerrs of land, more or less, lying on Indian nr«k. it being npart ol the ri al estate of John Robert*, de ceased, let icd on to satisfy u li fain fator of I bury Brewer vs said Roberts. . _ LEWIS GRAVES, D. Sli ff. ADlflllVIffTKATOirS SAIK». 1 TNBF.R an order of the Inferior court of Morgan J county, when sitting for ordinaiy purpose*, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, .it the court* house ia Ware county, l.ol of I.and Mo. 1^» . , in the 4th district of Appling non Ware county,belong ing to the estate of Richard M. Gilbert, dee d. Hold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol -••id Gilbert. fcb_7 A. FITZPATRICK, Adm’r, W ILL be sold at the cniirt-bouse in Laurens couii- ty, Ga. on the first Tuesday in Apiil next, IMHO Arrcx of LiiimIi . lying on Rocky Creek in said comity,a* the property of Cue late Aimer Itavis, dec’d. in pursuance of bis will.— The land will be sold altogether, or in parcels, as may be deemed most advantageous to the estate and accom modating to purchasers. Terms to be made known on the day of sale. ANDREW R. MOORE,) JESSE II. CAMPBELL / Ex’ors. EDMUND LOW, > fell7 ELIZABETH DAVIS, Kx’rx. FOl lt MONTHS NOTICKS. fRAO the Inferior court of Jasper county, wnen sitting .1 for ordinary purposes, four months nftor date, np plication will be made for leave to sell Wade Wigging*’ lntererlin 177 acres of land, lying in Jasper county. N. G. SLAUGHTER, Guardian jmi2I for Wade Wiggings, insane person. F ioril mouths after date umdieation will he made to tin' Inferior court of Baldwin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,for lenve to sell the real mid per sonal estate of VI illiutu W.Carnes, d'-c'd. nov ‘22 ELIZA CARNES, Adin’rx. I NOCIl uioiilhs utter date, application will be made to the Inferior court of Baldwin county, when silting tor oidiunrv purposes, for lento to sell the laud* lx - longing to llenry F. Covnc, minor. nov 15 ’ IIENliV F. R(X)KEU, Guardian. 1.101 R months after datr, application will be made to l. 1 the Inferior court of llniieock county, when *.t- tmg for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell 3ft5J norr - of laud, lying and licing in said county of Hancock, ad joining Ingram and Grceu .belonging to the eMateol of Thomofl L. Edwards, deo'd. THOMAS C. Ill I I S, nov 15 I1ENIIY MITCHELL, W 1 Postponed Mato. the court-house in the town of Carrollton, Lot No. 177, ia the 5th district of Carroll county, it being part of the real estate of Win. Askew,dee’d. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dee’ll, feb 7 TANPV W. KEY, Adm’r. A UREEABLV to an order of the Inferior court of Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the eourt-lmusn door in llmnilton, Harris county, on tbc first Tuesday in April next, Lot of’ liHud No. 20*7, in the IBtli district of formerly Muscogee now Harris county,containing acre , belonging to the estate of Tliomss A. Banks, dec'll, late of Elbert county.-— Sold for the benefit of the heirs said dee’d. Terms cash. THOMAS JONES, ) WILLIAM BAII.RV, > Ex’ors. YOUNG L.G. HARRIS,) O' The Columbus Enquirer will publish the above till day of sale. inn 3| U NDER nn order of the Inferior court of Putnam county, when sifting lor ordinary purposes, will bo sold on tlm first Tuesday in April next, al Estoutoii, A Negro Womiin intmod Molly, for tlm purpose of making a division among the heirs of Tlios. Low, dee’d.; ulso. a negro woman, llueky, belonging to Wm. Low, orphan of Tho*. Low. jail 31 __ ^ II. MOSEI.V, Guardian. T TNDEll an order ot tlm Interior court uf lluld win U comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, Mill be sold ut the eourt-lioiiso in the City of MilledgcviUe, county of Baldwin, on the first Tuesday in April next, (but part of The llcnl INIiitc of John Msrler, dee’d. known as Marler’s (formcrlv Prosser’s Mills,) on Town creek together with the lunifs appurtenant, being about 7000 seres. Terms on tin-* day. Hold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. jim II ANN MARLBIt Adm’x. U NDER an order of the Inferior court of Morgan county, when sitting lor ordinary purimsns, will be sold in Madison, oil the first Tuesday in March next, Tin* Pliintiillon whereon Burnell Russell, dec d. of said county, former ly lived, containing 070 acres. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said dee’d. Term* made known oil tlm day of sale. BENJAMIN T. RUSSELL, Adm’i. ' jau 3 de bonis non O N the first Tuesday in Mnrcti next, will lie sold ut the door of the court-house in Baker couuty, Lot No. ‘JS», In the 11th district of Early originally, now Baker coun ty; sold as the property of Jeremiah Warren, late of Hancock county, doc.’d. and hv nil order of the Inferior court of suid couuty, when silting for ordinary purposes. JOHN GRAYRILL. dec 0 JKrtSE (i. BUTTS, S K " r " - U NDER an order of the Inferior court nf Putnam couuty, when silting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the* first Tuesday in March next, ut the court- house iu Muriuu, Lot No. 1IG, In the 27th district of Twiggs county. Hold ns tlm pronerty of James Shearman, doe’ll, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors—Terms on the day. ELBERT BAYNES. dec 8 JOHN 4* SHEARMAN, U NDER ail order of the Interior court of Elbert couuty, when silting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at tk* court-bouse in Lowndes county, on the first Tuesday in March next, A Lot of Lund, No. 117 in the Ititli district of Irwin, at the timo of tlm drawing, but now Lowiuies couuty. Also, at the same tune, will be sold in the county of Esrlv, at the court kouNc of said county , A Lot of Litiiil, No. N7« in (lie fitli district of Early. All sold as the property of Barnard C. Heard, late of Elbert county,doc’d. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash, dec 0 THOMAS J. HEARD. Adm’r. Adm’rs. U NDRIliin urderof the Interior court ot Houston county, when sitting lurordinary purposes, will be sold at the emirt-kouse, iu Eatoutoii, on the first Tues day iu Mureli next, a very likely Yotmif Nbtfro Woumii, and Iter two children, belonging to the estate of Robert Flournoy, dec’d. Credit 10 months. dec *7 JOSI AII FLOURNOY, Adm’r. U NDER an order of the Inferior court of Warn* n coun ty, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, w ill be sold at the court-house in suid county, on the first Tuesday in April ucxi, IOO Acre* of Pine I.and, more or less, lying ou the Rail Road in said eoiintv.— Sold as ilip property of Samuel B. Reddish, deo'd. for the benefit of the heirs sml creditors. A field of about 10 acres, uow rented, will be reserved for the use of the rente* this year. Terms—credit until Christum* uuxt, with notes and good security. jsn 34 E. BCR8QN. Adm'r. O N Tuesday the 14lh dav of March next, will Ih» sold at the late residence of Joiiullmn Stanford, Sr. de ceased, of Warren eouiitv, . All tho IN*r«oiml Properly of said decM. consisting of burses, bogs, cattle, geese, household, and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, Ac. corn, fodder, imrk, seed cotton, da . and the plaiitaiiou to be routed. Terms uiado known on lliednv of sale, jsn 34 El.lSHA BUKSQN, Adm'r. FOR MALE, T HE HOUSE AND LOT. with all its apnurtetinn- ces, furniture, fitr. formerly occupied by Mrs. Jen kins,ami more recently by Win*. W. Carnes, as n public house, in ibis place. The buildings have \ erv lately un dergone the most thorough repairs nnd alteration*, ami are now in good order, ami can accommodate a large number of hoarder*. Their are several lots attached to the premises. Also Furniture of every description ne cessary lor the business. This property will Ik* sold up on a credit of 1, - ami 3 years, nod unquestionable titles made to the purchaser, and immediate possession given. chase in time to ojien the bouse for the reception of Mem bers aud others. the eusuing session of the Legislature. ELIZA J. CARNES, Adin’x. MilledgevilIe, August30. 183fi I'li.WTKKS' HOT El,. flNHE Subscriber lias leased McGehee's verr large » Brick Buildiag, known us the PLANTERS* IIO- 1 El.,of Montgomery, Alu. which has been in successful WP 2£ ,,0 u U,U 'V' hi* management for the last six months. iuis Hotel »► a couiiiiiMlious building, of excellent ms- tenaJs omlt'xUuurdmarv size, uiul conveniently situated •ear the Court House, l.uiul UiTu c, ami Bunk, ami imme diately •pposite the Past Office. He has both the means and disposition to giveamph satiafai (ion. Mrs. WELL BORN, late of Lexington, Ga. will aid in the superin tendence uf the ilousu. Tb< Stables nr. . xcelleut uml well atteuded. lie sulichs a loiitiuuano of patronage. Msutgeuirrv. Ni-v £ [ " l,l K,U KT * THOV Hill-. T HE umlersigaed informs bis friends sml rimae of the late firm of CmUar Jr CaraareiL (list he intend* re- aumiagthe Warehouse if CYmumhh Hikiniii, st the store next above the our recently occupied by T. J. *'kace,ua live aisraia of East Macoa, know n ss the town of I roy. lie further informs the public that he has MOfhl bis Goods,At*., and having now on tbe way from New York and other places, t>ry Goads Rrscrrin. together making his stork complete, which will In* sold low for reedy pay. lie will ready to receive Cotton •«rlv io Ik. (•!.«■* b. pr*p.,rj Ml, Hilt ant 1 ,,. II. »ouM n.rtK iiUHy WIK. u> hi. fri.Hd.ilK ((Ml tdr.B- IUM hi. Wu*MM k..f,,„ (Imm. i„ ,hr> ilntir '*• > -ut.. i„j <, ** * 4UUl * C * ' ,0 " > or b th* great advan- i»srt ihnr any street or lane H. s*. CUTTKB. Adm’r*. I .IOl’R montlis ufter date application will be made to . the Inferior court of Tattnall county, when sitting for ordinary piirnoscs, for leave to sell the real crtnic of James Joyce, lute of said county, deceased,for the be nefit of tin* heirs and creditor*, nov 15 JAMES PERRY, Adm’r. new MUSIC, musical Intilruuiciits, and Music Mcrdiantlisc. J UST received from Europe, Ac for sale at ATWILL'S MUSIC SALOON, (sign of the Golden Jyre,) tost received from agents in London and Puris, a very vulua blc assortment uf New Music A Muslcnl Instrument*, which together with an extensive stock on hand, embra ces uh largo an assortment of Music, Musicul Instru- 1 incuts, a mi Musical Merchandise, as tan be found iu any cstablisbtricni hi tbc U nited Htutes. Among the Music from London, arc the last composi- ^ lions of eminent masters arranged for one flute—one am 1 two flutes—flute nml piano forte—two flutes and piano lorn—entire Operas (or the flute—selections from Ros- I sii.i’s Operas for two flutes—Trios for three flutes, dec. Among the Musicul Instruments ure the mticli tuliuir- j « d Accordions of various sixes, Spanish Guitars of cve- n style and jntttern,varying,ill price from fli to ^100. I’rencli ami Gerimiu V iolins and Ysolcnccllos Bass Horns ami China Bells; Serpents uml Keyed Bugles, (’oncert Trumpet** and Horns, Bugs and Cases for Guitars, Violins, Flutes and Ac- cordions, (’ytnbals, Bassoons, Triangles, Horns,Truinnrts, i Tuning Forks, Tuning Hummers, Hunting Horns. Steel Wire, Violin Bows, Violin Bridg* Strings lor V iolins, Guitars, ami Violmcellos, Reeds for Clarionets, Oboes and Bussoons. Finger Boaids, Tail Pieces,and Pegs for Violins,&c. In addition to the above, the subscriber is constantly receiving from bis manufactory Superior Piano Porlet, uiniitifiictiircd expressly (or bis establishment, of various putIrrns of Rosewood and Mahogany, with the Grand |^VM R months after date, application will be made to ,\» lion, Harp Stop, Metallic Plates, Ate. embracing the the Inferior court of Jasper county, fnroidimiry purposes, for leave to sell die w;ii; T ti.. licit silling »al estate of William 'J\ Wclhorn minor, (or the In nefit of said mi nor, of winch nil persons interested will notice to file their objections if they have any DANIEL McDOWELL. Guardian. Jnu. 5, 1337.—w iiii I.IOUR months from date, application l< the Inferior court of IIuncock county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part of the n*ul estate of Joseph Roberts, late of said < minty, dcc’d. BUItCH M ROBERTS, ) .. , (iru nor 18 JEH8E M. HOBBBT8, 5 M or, ‘ latest fashion of furniture with tablet and hollow-cor nered (routs, veneered legs and Grecian scrools. All of which arc waaranted to be made of such materials and so well seasoned us to stand tho test of every climate, and can be returned if any defect is found in the instru ments. Price from 1150 to 1650. Piano stools of vari- j ohm patterns to correspond with Pianos, of Rosewood, will be made to Mahogany, Ac. Piuuocovers of every variety of colors 1 2101 Hi months after dute application will be made to ' the Inferior Court of Hancock county, vvlicn sit ting fur ordinary purposes,for leave to sell a lot ol land, No. 55, in the I7tl» district of originally Muscogee now Talbot county, bolongingto tbc estate of John Roe,.Sr. dw'd. ZAUIIAKIAII ROE, Adm’r. nov 15 UIII.OE ROE, Adin’x. I lOIIH months after date, application w ill be made to 1 the Inferior court of Baldw in county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lenve to sell the real estate of Alvali Steele, lute of said county, dec*d^ Adtii'ra. B. P. STl BBS. ABIJAII STEELE, I .IOL’R months after date, application will lm made to 1 the Inferior court of Fayette county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Godfrey lletsill, lute of said county, deceased, fortlic benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said deeensi d. sept J7-W Im JOHN D. BTELL, A.Im’r. 1 .10UII mouths lifter date, application will be made to ^ the Inferior court of Jasper couuty, when silting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell tit** land and ne groes belonging to the estate of Charles Morgan, dee’d. Oct III SARAH N. MORGAN, A,Imt’x. I NOl.’ll months ufter date application will be made to * the Inferior court of Morgan county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a negro hoy, Bur- well, belonging to the estate of June W mills, dec’ll, ol said countv. All persons concerned will please take notice and (ile their objections, if any they have, dec Iti WILLIAM WOODS, Adm’r. 1 NOUR months after date application will he made to 1 the Inferior court of Baldwin county, when sitting for old mar v purposes, for leave to sell lot of laud No 10, iu the :;th district of originally Lee county, belonging to the orphans of June Poindexter, dee’d. jail in j as. .siiKiTiran, Guardian. fllO tbe Inferior court of Wilkiu*ou county, when sit- M. ting for ordinary purposes, application w ill bo made, four months after date, for leave to sell the negroes be longing to the estate of John Nunn, dee’d. BcptVlO—wlm JOHN BROOKS, Adm’r. A LL persons linv ingclninis against the cstute of John Hamrick, dec’ll, late of Upson county, will please render them in, legally proven, iu terms of tbe law, umi all persons indebted will make payment. JOSEPH HORSLEY, Adm’r. dec 13 NANCY HAMRICK, Ailin’x. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Tor rence, late of Warren county, deceased, are re quested make immediate pay incut, uml those having de mands to render them in properly attested within the time, prescribed by law. jau 10—w4m SEPTIMUS TORRENCE, Adm’r. A ll persons having claims against tbc estate of Win Askew, dcc’d. Into of Jasper county, will please render them in legally proven, iu terms of the law, and all persons indebted will make payment without delay, net 18—It TANDY W. KEY, Adm’r. PROSPECTUS. I quuiitie Piano Forte Tuning Forks, Ilninmers, Ate. Ate. In struments of every description tuned, repaired, or pack ed at short notice. (Ty Purchasers will find it to their udvatiMge to cnll nnd examine tin* above. J-'/tifia, (.'Inrtonet*, Oboe*, Ploffcofrt*, sincle nml dou ble, Octnvv / '/nfts, Picti/oea. I'ifi n, A.<\ (LJU The sub scriber manufactures the celebrated ('ocoirood I'/uiet, with the ivory joint, silver mountings, keys, Ac. Ate. as used exclusively by all the principal Professors of the Instrument throughout the country. Also, constantly published by thesubscribcr all the new nnd fashionable IIIusic, which, in addition to bis recent large ami increasing Catalogue of Standard Music,— Instruction Books,—Gamut Settles, Ac. Ac. constitutes tbc most valuable assortment of Music iu the country. Purchasers will find the cnuntercovcrcd with nil the newest nnd most favorite Hongs and Pieces—ulso books of tbe same bound for the convenience of persons lea r (In* city. PRIIPEITlfl or THE American Literary Company. rilHE object of this Company is to elevate the general £ standard of literature in tne United Btates, by in troducing into common use, an improved uniform scries of elementary books, and stimulating nutive talent, by securing to authors the publisher’s profit on other than school books. The plun i*. the organization of n company with suf- geient capital to publish all books w ritten by native au thors, winch inuy be approved by a committee of publi cation, at the riskol the company, who shall pay over to the autlmrall profit oil the sales, after deducting the and piintci’s charges and incidental expenses, aim ! It is proposed to manufacture the paper used in print ing, and thus save tbe expense of drying it for murket putting it into bundles, ti;.in pollution to market, com- niHsioM,interest and guaranties, equal al leust to twin ty percent. A greuter anv ing enn be made l»v the employment of hoy sin composition, 'ibis, with tlx* profits on periodi cals, reprints,and elementary books, "ill secure to the stockholders u good div idcinl. By requiring cuch clerk, foreman, paper-muker, jour ncyinun, proof-reader, and all others connected with the Company*, to bold a i cituin amount of stock proportion- i cd tu their salary, which, when it bus not been paid in advance, will be liquidated by a sinking fund out of their 1 earnings, ami held subj< < l to’bo assigned to tbe succes sor uf each, upon condition that sucli successor shall be j i allowed to pay for it by a deduction from bis earn-j ings, each person attached to the Company becomes a , stockholder, and, to the extent of hi* stock, interested in the success ot the institution. This fiutme will be ri-! gidlv « minced, and in case any one in the cinplnyment ol la Coinpany shall, for any cause, be dismissed or leave . it- service, liis st.u k w ill bo assigned to bis successor. Agencies will be established in the huge cities, where j the Company's books cun always be bad at the w hole- . sale prices. Booksellers and countiy ineicbunts who I *••11 books,now pay a profit to the paper maker, another ' to the printer, and u third to tbc publishers. a Those who subscribe stock in this Company will rcseiyc l ooks to l!ie amount uf the stock so subscribed J it being under stood (bat tbe dividend on their stock, to the amount ol six per cent, per annum only, shall be charged as inter- ' e «t, and that all dividend above six per cent, shall be paid to such stockholder*. The Company thus guarantee to bookseller* a dividend of six percent, per annum on the amount of their stock, and tlm paper maker’s profit, tbe In addition to the assortment of Music, are all the rious works on the science and composition ot Muvic,hy Barrows, Cutel.Cah utt, Mason, Ac, The price of Music, ns sold al this establishment, is as low (if not cheaper) as at the oilier shops about town. Seminaries, Music Dealers,and Aitisti of the Profes sion, supplied on tbc most reasonable terms. Orders from any pail of the United State*, or clsrw lure, attended to with the greatest care and despatch, l»v addressing JOSEPH F. ATNVH.L, Musii Saloon, sign of ilia Golden Lyre, *JUI Broadway, ( • - near St. Paul’s Church. ! which early impressiot. | must sec the importune New York, Feb. 23—wfim Oa'leliiorpc l nivri>ity. FI1111S Institution was organised nt the lute meeting I ol the Board of Trustees, by creating the Offices of the Faculty, and the courses of Lectures, and ulso appointing part of the Faculty, as follows. FACULTY. Rev. C. P. REMAN, President and Professor of Natu ral Philosophy and Chemistry.. ! juteri E. A. NISBET, Esq., Vice-President and Professor of ! H j vt » Belles Lcttres and Mental Philosophy. { prod Rev. C. W. HOWARD, t.'linplnin and Professor ofMo* | wav.- nil Philosophy and of Chrisliu- | um | j nitv. | tern Rev. S. K. TALMAGE, Professor of Ancient Lnn- j gunge*. N. M. CRAWFORD, Professor of Muthemuties and Astronomy. (Not yet filled,) Professor of Modern Languages. “ “ “ Professor of Geology, Botuny and Min- •rnlogy. “ “ '* * Rector of the Midway Seminary and ex-officio member of the Faculty. “ “ M A competent nuinher of Tutors. Provision Inis also been made by tlie Board lor the de livery, gratuitously of a Course of Lectures oil each of tho following subjects, viz : Municipal, Civil uml Inter national, Physiology and Anatomy. The Corner Stone of the Univcrsitj’biiildjng is to be laid with suitable solemnities, mid nn Address hv Col. J. II. Lt vii •kin, i* to he delivered during the Annual Meeting,nml under the direction of Hopewell Presbyte ry, which j» to convene at MilledgcviUe, during the lat ter part of March, 1337. A sum which, in the opinion of the Board, fully ju*>ti- fies them ill tnkiug efficient mcasmes, hu* already hecu subscribed to the Institution, ami several Agents have been appointed, who arc instructed to make prompt and •igetic dibits to see utt: the complete endowment of printer's profit, nml the nublifdier’aprofit, over uml be yond their own profit as booksellers. Tin-advantage to the Company is, that nil tbc stock holders will be interested in gutting work for tbe Com pany’s office,and thateneh stockholder w ill alway s give a pi’eference to the Company’s pnpcriiiid the Compuny’a hooks over those of other makers nml publishers. Such an arrangement "ith the booksellers will enable the Company, by menus of a circular addressed to tlieircor respondents, enclosing the report of their committee of publication, to know how many copies of any new book can bn sold, and thus protect them against all loss by ascertaining in advance if a proposed work can he sold ; , for if it cannot be sold, the Company will not print it.— | Tims the intern* of authors, publishers and booksellers | will be reconciled, by creating a community in which the rights of eac h w ill be secured, the public henefitted by the introduction of a uniform sc ties ol improved school books, and tbc South protected against the introduction of any matter tending in the most remote degree to as sail our institutions and property. And when we take into consideration the lin t that these are now held against the prejudices of the world—that a society with more than live hundred auxiliary associations spiend over nin ny of the State* of this Union, with immense sums foi the gratuitous distribution of tructsnud painnhlets, have dee I a red universal emancipation, remember tne influence luive nn the matured mind, all of gunrding against the admin- into our eh'nientary hooks of any matter which may j mislead the feeling or judgment I iKisnineh as tho Bale «»l ?•» bool hooks is much greater, and the value and profit depends much more on the pub lisher, the Company w ill divide the profit with the uu- 1 tlmr or compiler on all elementary hooks. Thisarrangef I incut will place, all author* and compilers on tbe same footing ; and inasmuch as the Company will huve no st in tbe copy-right bey end a contract foi tbe exclu- iglit to publish until a better or improved book is iced by some other author, tbe Company will be nl- iuvitiiig, and in fact ottering a premium for better and improved books. As it now is, every autboreneoun ter* the competition of publishers who have the copy- rights of rival bonks. This Company will be an impar tial umpire, ready to place, each new competitor on the aainn looting ns the most favored party. It* object be ing to publish the best book,and the profit being the same on either, flu* preference will always be given to that which deserves it. DUFF GREEN. Washington City, August 2d, 133(5. the University. The exercises of tbc Institution are expected to com- A T the late meeting of the Alumni of Franklin (’ul lage, it was unanimously resolved to he expedient menee early iu (lie year I33H. to make arrangements to issue a monthly Literary Mu- | The action of the Board has 1 guziuc, to be culled TBS ATHENIAN. The undersigned were appointed by the Society a com mittee of publication nnd joint Editors of the work, un til the next meeting of the Society. We have no inter est iu the work, except that which wo take iu the welfare of the country and the honor of the State. Wo, of the South, have too long depended upon foreign part- lor our Literature,and neglected our own talents. Weshall he weak so long as we think w e are weak ; and depen dant until we make efforts to he independent. We hone all the friends of Literature iu the State, ami especially the Alumni of Franklin College, will patronize the en terprise both by word and deed. Stale pride, the love of Literature,out interest in the euuse ot general Edu cation, all cull upon us to sustain an euterprize so tie- cessurv to ouriinprovcment.aml the honor of tbe Scute. A. S. CLAYTON, JAMES JACKSON, U. D, MOORE, WM. L. MITCHELL, C. F. McCA V, SAM’L. I\ I’RESSLEY, 11. HULL. THE ATHENIAN sbnll issue monthly, on fine pa per, stitched and covered iu pamphlet form, and shall contain sixty-four pages roy ul octavo. Nothing deroga tory to religion, offensive to any denomination of Chris tians, er uf any political party, shall appear in the Athe nian. Its pages shall be honestly devoted to general trieted for the ut to the measures above stated, by the want of suitable candidates to fill up the vacancies in tin* Facul ty, us w ell us by the want of adequate funds. It is their dcf-ipn to' create a l niversity, which shall be of tbe highest character—an ornament and n blearing to the " hide South. Their success in the attainment of this end will he wholly dependent upon the liberality of the Christian and benevolent public. * .Mr. 11km vn will continue to conduct tbc Midway Seminary, during tbe next year, assisted by Mr. Mk.aij, and additional Tutors, as they may be found necessary By order of tbe Trustees. •lee (> B. P, STUBBS, Secretary'. FOR NAM':. The lloiiwe anil f.ot, I N tbc town of MilledgcviUe, at present occupied by the subscriber. Tho House i* iu good repair and suf ficiently large for the accommodation of a genteel family. The loi is 2101\ 11 square, with a kitchen and other ne- ccssnrv buildings. Any person wishing to purchase can liuve the propei ty on reasonable terms. Application to be made to the subscriber,or to General Mitchell,at La fayette HuE. MARY ANN ROBERTSON, dee 4—t 8ioo REWARD. FJ1IIE above reward will he puid for the apprehension I of my man WILLIAM, sometimes (tilled HILL BLACK. Willinm left me about the 25th December last; lie i* a verv bright mulatto, about 5 feet 10 im lies Uiu-mturc.'llie Mil* of B'lui-ntiim, lliu RsHcw «l m-w | high, thick k. i.I'iiII fm-«d. .mall rc(lormlliorblooi|.sl««t- y es, and stinight yellowish hair. I have no doubt works, and notices of improvements in Science, Arts and Agriculture. Price Five Dollars, per umium, pay able on tbe delivery of the first number. [fT* All communications will be directed (poatpaid) to tbe “ Editors of tbe Alheiiiun.” Alliens, August -1,1336. i:\TERTA I\ tlENT. fllHE subscriber would iutmm hi* friends and the I. public, that lie has taken that well known stuml, on the road leading from Milledgeville to Macon, fifteen miles from Milledgev ille, known ns Cox’s old Stand, iu Jones county, w here he is at all times ready to accom modate those who may cull on him. This Stand is half way between MilledgcviUe nml Macon, furnishing u suitable resting place for travellers. Stage proprietors of lilies on that route would do well to cull on iiiui, lie would be willing to make hii arrangement iu which ull parties w ould find u mutual convenience. Dec. 27—tf. JOHN SHARP. iiLlIBi: TAVERIN, TIIOM.iSTO.W UKOIWIA. Ta FI1IIE subscrilier having purchased tho aln £ lately occupied by Mr. A. S. Bry ant, is pared to accommodate Boarders and Tr subscriber i* well aware of the great complaint of the accommodations at this Tavern for some time past, but lie trusts those who may cnll upon iiiui will meet with such n contiiiodutioi) ns will be snli-fio lory. He soli cits a shun* of public patronage, of w bieli In* vv ill endea vor to render hi* house worthy, by an ample stock of the bestsupplies uml the strictest attention to tbe wants and com'ort* of bis customers. WMS. F* JAUKSON. jau 10—w4win3m \orui:. F|1I1U. subsi ril»ers have assoi iaied themselves in the £ Practice of the Law, nml opened iiu office iu La Grange, Gm. w here one or both muy at ull times Ik? found. They will alteml promptly to any business that mnv be entrusted to their care, in the < omnia* of llurris, Meri wether, Troup, Heard, and Uow eta. ORVILLE A. BUI.!., jmi lfl—w3m JESSE L- BULL. will change bis name and try to pas* himself for a w hite Ilian, w hich he may he able to do iiulct--* to a dose obser ver. He was formerly the property of M. Myers, of this place, nml travelled with him through the iin-conniry last summer. The wIhivc reward will he puid lor bis ar rest, if lodged io o aafcjuil so I get him. aug23—-eoft,w V. (4. PICKARD NOTICE. S ’PRAYED or stolen from the plantation of Thomas Jui ksou, in the couutp of Wilkinson, on the loth of Jnuuury last, a /» I F A/.l/vE, I years old, both bind feet white, a small mark of it saddle on tbe l ight side of her hack, about the sizeof a sevenpenee, and about 14 hands high. A reward o( $15 will be given to any per son tlmt will deliver the soul mure to me, liv ing in said countv, or for advertising the same, so tlmt I get her again. BENJAMIN KEMP. II. ci J. NIIOTWI’ilsls. llrtiKuists, Mut’oil, (Ri, F1AUE Subscribers (former partners of Ellis, Shot- f |,|,% £ wdliV Uo.) have resumed their business under tbe Hers. Tlm ! u ^° ** fi*ni, uttlieindd stand,opposite the Brick Ti NOTICE. I OS I’ or mislaid a certain nroinissorv note, given by J Tlionias llumphristo Jcse IIoiiinlnis, amount being $2,1(15 25, the amount due on the 25tl» of Deeem- her next, dated some time in August last. I herein lor- warn nil persons from trading for said note under pcuul* ( tv of the law. This 15th Jauuai v, 1837. jnn 31 —9t JF.>SE 1IUMPHR18. CAUTION. A LL persons are hereby cautioned against trading for ' a promissory Note (written a* follows:) Dollars 1416.—By the twenty-fifth dav ol Det-euiber j next, we promise to pay Isaac Watkins, Trustee, (im Mr. | Sheppard,) or heater,fourteen hundred nml ten dollars, I for value received, nml not punctually paid, interest Irtuo date, I lib Jauunrv ,1837. will keep a general assortment of Drug ci.. «, Suru'icdl and Mtdicnl Inatrunirn/a, Ptiinli nml 1 U.», „i oil kin lx, 11 imloir (Sldaa,ttaaorhd aiiea, (Sluaa- H are for nhop Ini nihtre, J\t turnery, J'tiney Art idea, Urualuaul t rt * y description, hotonic and Patent Med»- vim s, t'arpeuter's /*reporatioHa,alno hia I'.aanya on Mo- terio Mcdicii, lh/e Wooda, mid Dye Stiijfx, and a great vnrietv of Miscellaneous Aitielcs, wliielt they have re ceived a large supply of, and intend keeping their stock constantly replenished, sobs to be able at ull times to supply Dealers, Physicians, Planter^ and others, wlm may lav or them with their custom. Intending to be permanently engaged in this business, the subsi ribcrs, from their long experience, hope to ren der it worth) the patronage of old und new customers.— Ordeisl y h-tu-i will meet the same attention us if made in person. IIAR\ \ SllOTWKl.L, JACOB SHOT WELL. Macon, March 8,15.16—eotf NEW BOOHS. *• civ cd, Roderick Random, illustrated hv tank; Humphrey Uliuktr, do. do., Tom Ut.-, Paulding* John Bull und Biotln r Jmia- 1’.de* of the Good Woman; Hia.ine's Melli- itxtt**, the Pirate ot the Gulf; Rambler iu I tlluobe ; the Pool Rich Mail, iitul the Rich , the Desultory Man ; Gmfui al Baiuieki*, Herodotus, tiniislntcd by ’ K« v. W. lb lor ; Piotestanl Je.iiiliHin; Bryaul’s Pm'ius; llieroglyplueiil Bible,with devotional Phi i * ; Fairy Books for B'.'7, wuh many new iniii*lalioit»and beautiful New Year’s Proseiit*, lor anient the sign of the l^trge Ittdftr, hv J«" I C. A. 1.1 I S. J l C. inik- linmpe ; Mi xu o. Poor M PROSPECTUS OF THE SOI TIJB RN illKDICA L AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. 1'0BI.I8HKD IN AUGUSTA, GA. FIlHEthe object of this work is to convey practical A. and useful information upon all branches of the profession, and to give nil earlv circulation, in the South ern country, to new fuels, and new modes of practice, whether of domestic or foreign origin. To accomplish these objects, the editors have engaged the services of ninny distinguished members of the Profession to contri bute original articles. They have the pledge of support (join the other members of the Faculty of the Medical College of Georgia. They have ample resources of do mestic and foreign information in tbe periodicals of this country, Great Britain, Gcrinauy, France and Italy, und from private correspondence from Paris. The editors forbear ottering nny considerations to show the value of a periodical which shall convey to the Physicians ot Southern climates tbc experience of Southern practi tioners, and spread before them the* earliest information derived from ull'quurtcrs of the scientific w orld,pcrsuud- ed that such a publication as this is designed to he, has long hern esteemed u great desideratum liy the prol'es- lluving stated the futilities at their command, they confidently assure themselves of the patrouuge of the profession at the .South. Indeed, the editors, undertaking this laborious duty w ith no expectation otimlivduul emolument, hut prompted thereto by the desire of advancing the intercut* of a pro fession to w hie h they nre devoted, feel themselves eoli th d to claim the support of the liberal nnd highniinded ot that profession—not t imply that of their individual subsi notions,but of their contributions to the work,both of which they respectful!; solicit; thnttheio tuny be sus tained among us u Journal that shall afl’ord opportuni ty to the ninny enlightened piuctiiioners throughout the Southern States of roniiuunicntiiig the results of their observation, which otherwise would ho lost to the pro fession and to Society. This Journal will lie issued monthly, in numbers con taining about 64 pages, 5vo. neatly executed, ut $5 per uniinui, payable ou the delivery ol the second No. MILTON ANTONY, M. I). JOSEPH A. EVE, M. D. 03* Subscribers " ill please transmit their mimes nnd places ot residence to the editors, with till convenient despatch; and friends bidding subscription lists are re quested to forward them as speedily uh they couvenient- ! v can. june 14 THE I.VIIIAVS PAW ACE A. I ^IOR the cure ot Rheumatism, Scrofula or King’s Evil, Gout, Sciatica or Ilip Gout, Incipient Can cel*, Salt Klieiim, Sy pliilitii i.V Mercurial Diseases, pur- ticnhul) I h er*and painful alVcctions of the hones, Cl- coral* d Throat and Nostrils, Ulcers of every description, Fever Sores, and Internal Abscesses, Fistulas, piles Scald Head, Seurvey, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Eivsi- pelis, Blotches, and every v ariety of Cutaneous AlVoc- tion; Chronic Catarrh: lleadaelie, proceeding from an aciid liumor ; Pain in tun Stomach and l)\sjic|if:iii, pro* reeding from vitiation ; A flections of the Liver; Chronit Inflammation of the Kidney s,and general debility, cans cd by a ton-id action of (he vessels of the skin, ft is sin giiturlv cIncurious in renovating those eonstitutious " bieli have been broken down bv injudicious treatment or juvenile irir ;ularities. In general terms, it is recom mended in all those disease* which nriso from impurities of the blood, or viliuliouof the humors,ol w hutevername or kind. Some of the above complaints may require some tri lling nssbtnni applications, which the ciremiistanccs ol the ease will dictate ; but for a general r> inedv or Puri- ficalur, tun more the touse, In t. I.mhan’s Panacea will geneially be found snfl’u tent. Taken in propt i do.-es, Tiik Indian's Panacea ope rates a* an alternume and detergent; a diaphoretic, di uretic and laxative ; uu autipasim.die and nuodMic ami in propvreuses,as u .-toinaebic audcinmenagogiie. Geu • r»ll' t it iniTPu.r. ull tlio tu, i, ii„i„ „„J exeretioi.s. gives tone to the stomach, and excites m lion in the glands iu a particular manner. From these priuci pies it* operations muy be under.-tood. It is little nioie than three years since this prcparutiuu wus piescuu-d to tlm | nldie: hm in that short space ol time. Home hundreds ot poisons might be found, wlm would sol. mny declare Hint they believed Hint their lives were saved by it, nml in most eases after they had tried many and pe,Imp.-, all the common remedies in vain — vv In-ri'v • i u i- know n it i* rapidly coining into use, and tin* a th.i ilt, the i.:oM substuntiul ami coiiv iitciug proof of its merit*. * I he \ a I lie of the Panaei a is mostcon<picuous in those lung standing and -ypliihlic and scrolulous aflectioiis which havi tied. .1 nil oihi r inn. dies, and partieulnrlv iu those la-es whc.e m.-ri-urv l.ns been so h.’ used as to rause distressing pain* in the hones nodes, mercurial .derangement «rt tne dig. «ti. ( organs,^. . These and iu nil cases it entirely eradi- id the i il. i t*uf ineiciiry,renovates the patient ^oiiui! and well, u I h-erated Sore Throat, its happy Fr«p««lu. *r Hi* S.niheri Review. nio 1)0 published at Wnfliington, quarterly, In an 1 8 vo. No. of 275 to 800 pal.a: price per an num payable in advance. The place ia cliown not onlv for ita facililica nf information, literary, and political, but becau.c it ia that at which the Southern States can Ik united upon the undertaking wi'h the greatest cnee, and with the greatest freedom from btato or party ** Of the matter, three fourths (say 225 p. p.)» ahnll r° n « #>ibt ot regular Jfivieirr, making about JO ol J) p- ea« h. These shall, ns to literary works ut least, return a- a gen-nil rule, somewhat towards that older method, now nlmo.-t forgoUcu, aud give a regular Abstract of the hook reviewed, if it he of anv merit. In / o/ittca, i,nd upon Oceuaiuiiiil Snhjccta, there may be a greater liberty of deviating into mere disquisition. In this portion of the Review, there w ill be given, in each No. :i paper historical of tbc Politics and general events til'the dav: to serve us a J/ia/orieal 1*eitister. It* execution will always be committed to the strongest bauds only : and its purpose to give a unity mid consis tency to tlm public doctrines of (lie Review, such us can scarcely be so well u flee led iu any other manner. Occasional Retroamclire Revictra will also be embo died in this part of the plan, with a view of favouring in a certain dr-eiec, the more curious studies; or to revive the know ledge of iuqiortuiit hooks, forgotten i:i the con fusion of modern learning. . Writer* will he led of regular purpose, to give their papers, w lienev.-r the subject will permit, the forni ol u sides; in order in t only that they may thus nfl’ord a more complete body uf information, but serve, also, to re-print apart, for popular circulation; u method that will mm h augment both the reputation und the useful ness of the Review. A body of MinceHnnUa—some 50 pages—w ill form the subordinate and more amusing part of the Journal. Its contents will be soinewbnt various, but vv ill, for the most part, consist of short Literary *\utieea; litb/iu- graphical aitielcs; a eriti< nl list ol new publications, foreign und domestic; and general Literary Intelli gence. In communications, the most compressed mode ol writing will be every where required. Papers in which tbc word* do not bear n just proportion to the informa tion conveyed or tbe efl’cet intended, w ill be either reject ed, without scruple, or abridged, without mercy. To warrant this execution, tbe usual rate of compen sation to writers will be advanced to 2 dollurs per print ed page; a price that will oiler fair remuneration total- cuts and labor. For, in this sort of undertaking, we know that, “adenitis itiidiurum prtemiis, t’iiam utudia perilurn Uf this Revival of a Review of the South, the pur pose is, to give once more to our region—now eminent ly needing it—nn Interpreter and a Defender—tbc coin mon Representative ol our Institutions and of the Mind itself amongst us. Such, in that great Congress of Opinion, where tbe fates of civilized nations nre now so lurm ly settled, we do not possess: and we have already stilVeicd much for it. It is time to make ourselves un derstood and respected theie. The Journal which shall do this, must combine the general strength of ull w ho, in the South, love their country, nnd arc capable of do ing it until actual service. It must, then, be, not the champion nr the propagandist of local opinions, but tbc friend of all that pursue the public good. Into tbe vul gar methods of Politics, debased by partisan rancour, or corrupted by the interest, orovcicornc bv tbe popu lar passion of the hour, it must not fall. From it, the pride of the Nullilicr must receive uo diminution, the fidelity {of the Unionist no reproach, lt mu.-t be uo vantage-ground to either party; nor seivc but as a com mon field, where they will only contend which shall most adviiia e Hie cause of the iSmitli. To vindicate, then, our peculiar institutions: to repel with argument, lest presently we he forced to repel with arms, all external interference with our domestic condi tion: against the wild rule of mete Chance and Cor ruption, to uphold a Republican and Federative, us dis tinguished from a consolidating administration of tbe National alia its: from the disorders of the Central Go vernment—where Reform i:-t hopeless, and even useless, ’till yiiii have given yourselves stronger and wiser local system*—to direct tile public view towards a home-poli cy of the S/aLs, • apr.ble, through itsoll, to confer upon our people those blessings of well-ordered Liberty w hich we expect in 'nin from the Federal power: from tbe de lusions of Party politics abroad, to call borne the atten tion of our people to those arts by which the w ise aud brave have often raised petty States into noble and pros perous commonwealths: to attach men, if possible to their birth-place, and convert them from wandering, and selfish adventure*, into citizens, the lovers of civ iliza- tion: to re-animate public spirit, and give it purpose, as well as energy : to bold, over parties und politicians, the tribunal of a public opinion far difl’erent from that idle and corrupt one, of which tbe Newspaper Press is the voice: for these purposes, to ^ivediffusion through the land, to sound and well considered Public Doctrines, spreading wiiii them Knowledge and Taste, their natu ral allies—such will ho the constant effort of tlmt litera ry league,among the best talents of the country which bus been sot on foot, iu Hie present undertaking. Of its Editorial task, it is not necessary tlmt we speak minutely. Its general aim will, of course, be to guide ! popular taste towards know ledge, in its best source 1 Elo the . oquont letters, in their truest models. Its judge tnents will, however, follow the literary merit only ot each author—not the accident of his temporary renown, nor tlmt of his birth on this or the other side of the Atlan tic. Towurds the few good writers tlmt, in America, the dearth of cultivation bus yet permitted us to huve, we shall know how to be respectful. But iu Literature, as lately in Trade, we shall insist that no man’s bad com modity be forced upon us, under no matter what patriot ic pretences; upon all that class of our w riters, whose works, for want of every other merit, attempt to make themselves one out out of the verv fact, that they are not English, ru unsparring war will be waged; nor less upon tlmt other great Division of the invading army of Dollies*—the endless compilers of laid nnd illiterate school books; a sort tlmt drive out nil sense or eloquent e, by poisoning the very fountain*, where thev pass. Over these and whatever else penurious, tlie Northern Press pours out upon us, n “triet supervision must, for our very safety he maintained. Upon the literature of mere nmusement—Novels, Ver ses. Hie Travels of ignorant and impertinent people, or tbclike: uiiou Anniversary Orations. Inaugural Discour- cc8, and those volumes of Indigestion which pass for Public Speeches: upon tbe Biographies of cmieirintes for the Presidency and of all other illn-trious and tiero- ical persons that are still alive : upon C’Imrit v or Mission- arv or Temperance nr Anti-Masonic Sermons or Re ports: and upon all Aweful Disclosures whatever, our current criticism must proceed by notices justlv pro portioned to the brevity of existent o enjoved by this lit erary grass, which flourishes greenly, in the morning aud is cut down and flung aw ay before tbe night. Life is too short, Art too long, and Learning grow n too prolific for people to occupy themselves more tlmu an instant with bad books until tlu-y shall have read all the great ones in the world. Communications tuny he addressed to the “American Literary Company,” at Augusta Georgia,or at Washing ton City, D. C. P. S. Those who prefer it, by tbe payment of fifty dollars, will rneivo one shine of the American Litera ry Company and the Southern Review, without other charge in lieu of dividend. Safety, expedition and Comfort. New Arrangement—Jnn’ry. 183j THE PIEDMONT, Or South Western Mail FOR WASHINGTON CITY, ’ W ill' hereafter Irnvc MiUnlccviUe, Gro rvrn. OTHER KAY.iintm'.lintd, after th, a,H. E ,' V , the Mail from Columhii. oml iMnutenmcrv ; /'/,2 i " r Wathingtm City in 7 day, 19 kauri, allowi.,. ,7. “ I.VDItY NIGHT, WHKN TIIE ROiD* WILL ADMIT. ' U "' Faeaengera by this I.ine will reach HAI.TIMOUF. ill 7 days aud S2 hour. rilll.ADlCUMHA 8 “ a ' ‘ NEW YORK 8 •< 14 „ Fartlo II ■athinytm City fin 75 only—7 ct,. per mi! ID” Travellers South of MilledgcviUe, wishine this Line, should be careful not to enter to August* ^ Days of leaving Mitledgevillefor the AorU, JANDAnr. 2, 4, 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, If), 18, JO, 22, 24, »fi oo i ehuuakv. ’ ’ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, il, 18, 15, 17, 19, 21. 23 or, m MARCH. ’ ’ i, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 111, 21, S3 S5 o 7 ^ „ APRIL. * “*• 2, 4, 0, 0, 10, 12. 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 on MAY. 1 > ov ‘ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, IS, 20, 22, 21. 26 2" an JUNK. ’ ’ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 07 nn JULY. ’ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, o 5 2 - AUGUST. * ’ "h 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 on septf.mrer. 1 ' ’ - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 "a OCTURER. 1 *-• 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25. »- n „ NOVEMBER. ' > 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 21, 20 2" an DECEMULR. ’ 2,*f, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 2n In ^ The year 1838, w ill continence with January 1, (ji„ 0 This Line, known at the North as tho South-MW Cine, leaves Washington City for the South (,jn t „ derickshurg, V u.) on the same iluva as above si re ‘ I’LC’K, VVliLLFORl) &C 0 . , Croprietort. (D”'Him is the shortest route between Milledeevir nml Washington City—The dido retire of two duv.i favor ofThe Lower route, is owing to the sleep nilunH on tiiis Line. ID” Office at Lafnuette Halt, and one door Su„ih ,i 11 'ashinpton Halt, ililtedgcville, (la. 1 _ January 31—7iii| «treal V»iTlii-ni and Nitiilluin DAIEY HI All. ROUTE. rpilEl’etersliurg KailllondComnany informthepub Jl In- that their Kend,extending from Petenburg Vi to llliiki ly, North Cnriilina, on the Kemioke, a distance of 60 miles, and constituting a part of the Great Hail. Mail Route North and South, is now amply pros idea with superior l.inomntivesand Cars, to accommodate til the travel that tnav oiler. The Cora leave em h end «( the Rend daily entlie arrival of the respective Mails — Travellers with their own equipages,can have their horses uml carriages transported on this Itnud vv ith le , ■eel safety and convenience; and thus pcifoim in 5 0 ,,; hours, while resting, a journey which wind! ot in nv ise require (vvoiluy s to accomplish. The Itlnkcly llotel,ntthe Soullimi termination of tin Rail Rond, Inis „ecn re-lmilt of brick on an enlarged settle, end noiinins will he spared to rentier its uccom. latino such as will give satisfaction to passengers aid travellers geuerully. Besivlfs the daily lino of Mail Com hes from BlaVHv for the kSuutli, via Raleigh, Fayetteville, &e. there i* a line \ ia Turborutigh three times a week, cOunected with the Mail Lineal Fayetteville, ami ul»o a liue from tbe Rail Ruud ut Relficld to Clarksville, Milton & Danville.' Another tri-weuklv line from Blakely, passe* throueh Warreiiton, Oxford,&c. und connects u line to Salisbu ry. N. U. in the course of the season, a branch will be o.-.ewd from the Petersburg Rail Road al Relficld, to Wilkins' Ferrv at Gaston on the Roanoke, from whence a Kail Road to cross the river by u bridge, is now about to Le constructed to Raleigh. The Rail Road from Ihiltiinore to Washington is new in operation, thence pi Potomac lauding, the line j mB . tinned by Stcum-bonts, thence via Fredericksburg :o Richmond, n considerable portion of the Rail Hoad is finished—and the remainder is in n rapid course to com* nletion. The line continues from Richmond to Cetera- burg, by a Turnpike Rond—nnd thence bv tbe Pet.rr- burg Hail Road to Blakely, us before nUntitmed, io \Vt main and daily mail route between Boston c New-Orleans. april 5 7ni LE LITTERATEESi ITKANFAIS. A CHEAP FRENCH NEWSPAPER, with then- hove title, ha* recently been commenced iu Bos ton, Massachusetts. . The proprietors of this paper invite the attention of the public to the enterprise w bieli they have undertaken. They propose to prov i.le a ireeh/y journal in tin' French language, ol an itistnn tivc and attractiveelinraeter, at a price ro low as to place it within the reach of all who muy desire to peruse it. While it will he specially adapted to the benefit ol those youth who arch orning French iu our schools and colleges,U will hethouim of the Editor to make it like wise a source ot inforiiiution and utnuseiueut to those who may be thorough musters of the language. Parent* and teacher*, it is supposed,cannot hut he gra tified by being enabled, at so small an expense, to pro sent thou children and pupils with a weekly sheet enn- tainiti!* matter ol u elinraeter likely to excite their inti't- I thus promote their initiation iu that beautiful ge which is so rich in it* literary stores, and is aespurt through nearly nil thccoun- Ihiii now, nioreot ti iesof Eun , But a few week* have elapsed since the first number oil, ami near t ao bundled subscribers ba\ e band- couiuiemhitorv notices have also!, their iiutues. Mui •ived. (ONDITiuNS-—tr Litterateur Franca in will bo published even ^aturdnv, (und urningeinents have been made to continue it nt lea.-t one vent ,) on a bea.ilift.l pu- i and bold tv pe, at the low price of I w o ilol- « * nt-a vear, or, it paid \\\ advance, two i POpir - -- AEW lOKK AN1) ItAKil V IjJfjVr. or Po'El'Kli TS. Bi bb: Amelia Siroirtr, Jo C/1 ACE, Master. “ Premium, mT ,. Mr. MA THE 11'S, Master. l\c\v “ Darien* ^ c. P. U UCKLE Y, Matter. “ “ Iffacon, A. IJ/HJIIXS, Mas Ur. Sciti'. I). IL Umiie, ^ T. MAKER, Master. A Ll. good and substantial vessels, well culculutcdfur J.A. the trade, w ith good (iccoininodutions for pnsMti* gen, and experienced commanders. One of the vessel* will be always bent each end of tho Line to receiie freight, and will sail regularly once a week. Shipper* by this line can efl’ect Insurance at five eights per cent umi they mnv rely upon tbc vessels being regularly de- patched. The subscrilu'is are also agents for n-veial pteiuuboats to run regularly during the boating scuson between Darien, Haw kinsville, anu jlliicon, and are in duced to believe that they cun give great facilities in forw arding goods destined for the interior ol the l>tnte. TUB WASHINGTON JT1IRHOR, V U EF.KLY Miscellany of Science, Art, ldterotnre nnd new s, has been published onl\ twenty nidiiths, nml has at present a circulation, considering this slioit period, iinjiaralleled in the history of the pcriodkul press. Rufus Dawks, Editor; assisted by many ojIkt tirst scholars and trri/ers of the country. The Editor and Proprietor being dc termined to spr.r no expense in giving additional intcm-l to the WaMI iNOTuN .Mihiior, ha* engaged tho corr-c-spomlencecH geiitlemun now iu Europe w hose letters from Pari*ln*'f been favorably received, lie has also engaged tin "f* rcspondenco of an officer in the service <*t the I ’. States to lurnish neeoiuitsof the Creek II or, during the pro- sent campaign. This novel feature of the paper will alone give important interest to its columns. ('nirc< poiideut* will ulso he engaged ut Uineitmuti aud llostou iu order to furnish n greuter variety til the latest intel ligence. To encourage native w riters, and to procure inb'i ing matter for the Mirror, tlm Editor otters the fi-L mg Prizes: Onk Hl ndrku Dollars for the best Tale. # ^One llUNDKKD Dollars for the best Poem; To be furnished for the Washington Mirror by thePt ol January, I1537. None but Americaii writers ^ candidates. Manuscripts to be sent, before Hint lin e, tree of postage, directed to tbe Editor; tin- award!' made by a lifterary committee on tlm month follow* 1 -- Tho nume of the writer should be iu a sealed iiolr.witu some mark corresponding with a mark on the Mti«l'- ,r coutuiuiug the name of the article. No paper* wilE' 1 opened but those accompanying the prize article: ‘ others will he destroyed. All the mticlca to l.e nt tue disposition of the Editor. Tiik Washington Miuror ispubllslicd cveryPn ,cr - dnv, at the Seat of the General Government. Three Dollars per annum, pn> aide iu advance. ICT Editors of ExeJiange papers nre requested to'°r T the above, and the favor will he reciprocated. iars nml fifty dollar* only, C 1 EORGIA M Vickers, state of VV if Wilkinson <’minty.—\\ hcren* ndiiiiui*tiutor in right of hi* wife, Hupsou, lute of said county, dc address for ten dollars plies to inn for letters of dismission— advance. Subsc riptions iu everv imtance I t his is therefion toll- (Signed by) As ih«' consideration F« en, hn* rntirely tailed, 11 jau 81 - It WM. U. WART HEN, T.J. WARTHEN. shich the said note wa*git'- i dcR-rmiiied iioMopnv it. W. It. WARtHK.V W Mewnrl Floyd, Em|. 7 ll.l. attciwl to il»i* prut -»inual hm iim «s of the i di rsigned, during ln« hum the Hint.' W. F. VA MsJj-uu, January 31—tf AN LANDINUHAM. ( T KOIIGI V, Twiggs county—Matthew ||og Jl before me, Samuel Tnvlor, a justice of the pcac I for said cviuuiv. imU’ivpt. M> ru k’s dtstm t, n bright bay Horse, about ti or 7 vear* old, witlia wlun -trntk down his forehead, the two hind feet white, and hi- left lore loot, two stonll w lute spots on tin- light side ot bis neck ; appraised h) Thomas S. Chnpp«dl and John i-’mu ford ) at $l*.». S.«idhor*i' ii?mvuI A n . t •• m-lie* hirh, nml iu good order,shod ull round—Tin- Ifllhof Jnnuarv, CLtri. SAMI F.L l’\N LUR. J. p. I A true extract from He E»trnv Rook. B ill d»v ol Jan* f UBi), 1317. lir.NU\ LUYLEMfit, l». Clk. jau 34-31 II coinjd dieates tbedisea-c* a the constitution, und In Klifumati-in* and clfectsarc not le*> apparent, giving almost immediate iu- I let* FOR Ml F KY w. C. POWF.L!., Agrnt, "I’" 1 - 1 MiUnittmUte, Pea. lUM kW LI I, A Alliiriii-y- in l.uu—.Miu.j.-,,,,:,. a •>l i)ml L -, , t imut—m ll ,i , K ,.f J 1 "' Mill,::,-T«„.,.,„ii l.iiiin n-.ul S..itili. l|..ii«ti.i,, li.tii. m. 1 rue, of the r hut tire nits—Ali Their Ofliec is 011 tin- llall. Iittl.l,,|l,r, (1 | 11 ,„ r . Order, « itl.out tlm „m- nov, to injurentleiiliori, should he post paid, ami l.e ac- immalwitli a good in,,, ,| M . vl \w\ V n\ > tl" H. A ' miml.Hr m,„ |„. W. II. 8. JOHJtAN, Huston, Moan. A Teacher Wanted. f |Mll-. T,f Kn &. I r.) .TEACHER furtlii!on* u-.niu i . ' ‘r , •",1.1.M.ll I „,, ,| T|„. I'is tt, j,re- hi 11 " )") t! ‘ I pupils uudei the fore to cite the kindred and creditorsol dec’d. to he aud appear at my ofliec w it It in the ti" 1 l 11 ' i criln il bv law, to *hetv cause, if any tin y huve.vvi.) - ll “ letters should not be grunted. Giv# u under inv baud m office, Jan. '* 111. Kk*7. jandl—6m ' JEREMIAH BEALL,c.c.o. 1 very ll" riileialtl, idem c . - nf 111 IV he:,|||, I).,- g""d 11- t'rit, p 'ib:ips u j’.i; 1 y !* * \ '' i* ^ i t . Hie village solMible .v? ill Id 1 .l» V - nddrosi • 1.-I.1 : of M, ii. 1 "tqdii bi v li. TtUsUis. I’.GRGIA, Henry eoiintv— Iu the Supcri 1.1 U' ilir £" said countv, October Term, 1536. Nancy King, ' ) v». > rETITIOX FOR DIVORCI I)i. ksou P. Iv in o’. J It Hppeariii" to the Court, that the said U ■ * i% ' King, resiil. - ImmouiI tin limit* of this »•'. therefore oidered,' on motion of Strong A llnib-v. loi* lor Petitiun.-r, that service he peril eted im ft 1 Di.-k u oii P. King. 1-v pub I icii I ion ol tin* Rub in ik' * ' in J i r I ' 1 1 next sitting of tbi*< (unit, requiting 1!"' id lv 1 peur and auswi r to said uct.on, or Ih? » oiiriueied • default. A irijf eopv from the Minutes of said (’unit. Drt- I Oth, I 134. ' ALEXANDER G. MURRAY, < I nov 1—niTfn, BMIM'ACKkhii*. UT* Tin- Georgian and tin* 1 and Const,tuliouuli I lie above li.rtc luuvsuud luiwuid Hivi, '-Also i« the Federal Court. l t * " WMMX It*'i'-'lv VV El .1.'," Al ' 11 rl; ilvV," »l L f' lli; - a ! 1 ii,:n J 1 Ivepitbli* Ull, Savannah; Hen* ill till ^ ( ■ Jot dun Sdthan Me r 1 * Augusta, will en*), publish sim t. , (ll d,.!ud V ."ViJ"'T,"" H "d il lor ward Itaur ac in in its. Chilian, 1 a ot fro < EofU.l v > lid e I Vpplinc Uou.i ui-11 m 11 >1 tm ilt« uttly, ,! c’il. u;i| Id r.—W'Iuti'h. J)' . tut. ut J>•!•'! I I r I. tt-'M t f ll NJ \ MIN min' im til lu r, ill line "II \ Th-'-e are Hieti-fori 1 1 rite and adnm oh" guUi th -kindled and er« ditoi* ol *i«t •*' aud app* ,*r at my ofl'iee wtvhiu th* time pi* law,to shew rau-e, || any (le v have, why •hmiM not b. f ranted. Gn* a under mv hand this ILtli dsv •>( * *• »■ WILLIAM A. aTLDIFAM. ort. IU—inCtii