The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 30, 1845, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII. MILLEDGEVILLE, TUESDAY, V DECEMBER 30, 1845. xso aaonozA jowmiai I II FIIIMIHtD TWICE * WEEK Ill'HINd THE «E««|nK HE fllK LKOIlL.VrUNK, A'll* WKItKL Y NIK KKNAIRDKIi or TIIK Y«AK, I*V i* i: i i: it s o \ t ii w «' a i t , KUITOR AMI PROPRIETOR, AT rilRBK » lU.AHSfKH ANNUM. IN ADVANCE UR. FOUR IHILLAIIH AT TIIK BNH OP THE YEAR. NiMuliA'rlnilnn willb. mo.W.ilfor ImMtwn k jcnr. nor will »ni- tt».*r lit* li.niinlitmnd untilnil nrrenrnre. are pitiil. I'll, hi l.r williiol In’ ,.nl In Any p.r.on mil of I In' Sinin, until nil*«iiiicri|HHHii«oa«.vi* |n>iii In »il»«ncf on«ali»fi>cioiy lefcreiice nivsn. ADVK'l I'l.Sli'lBN I S ar* nmerlmt nt 75c«nt»p^r*q«nTf for tin drill in.nrtinn, nml 50 chiiik prr miimre for eui-li ia.rrnouCM. reader* A .quart inth.Joiirna! i.n »p»i*. nl ieii |„.94 i„ 4 mill vnn.i OllluillillE n* il iIiiee »n« linnilrril irnril. r q, It, s ,|n. Ilf I. \ NO A,hv Vi|:niiii»ir»liirii.l'.»i*i Iiiiirr, urUimr.liniiK.nru required hy law. loli« held on the fire- T.iEi lnyiiiihe inontli, between th" linure nt ten in Inn rnre noon nii.l liirnp in the nfternnnn, at the CuutMinusr, in lilt V in which Ilia lain! in nit tinted. Nolle. nr tliea.e «nlei mna ,be eivmiin n public gnaelte SIXTY DAYS previuu. to 1 "sn'lc« i'p'/nEOUOF.S inn.I hentn public auction,on ill. firm TniM'lav untie month,lialivcen lha u.uni lioiireofanle.ntlhe pinna nfp ililic nnlcniu the county where the Intern team tary.of Y'liiiiiiUHratiiiiiorOiinrilianahip.iiia, havaliaengi el, liratei.ingSIXTY HAYS in.lice thereof,In one of he politic gnr.ettai. ol thin Slate, anil nl the dour ol Ilia Court lionne. where nuch aotea arc to he held, Nmiccfiirthc.nlanl Pot-final Properly, moat lie given in tilre manner. POUT Y da. « previnne to the day or.nle. Notice to ilia Oehiore and Creditor, of nil 1**kiui« iiiiim lie CHCAP CASH 'TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A'»* 17 WliiiMkcr-slred, Suvuimtili. (Opposite IV If May if* Co.'s Saddlery Store ) HAMILTON & 3VMONS would inform I heir tVieiitln nml lln* public, ihui in addition In their pn* Hcnt Inrjrn nupplv of RE* HY DE ||tpy littve i linsed, mid ore now opening h Inrun nml eb'uont HMtmrlmmit of flic verv best quality of EngUsh and French Cloths, Cnssimrres. Vestings. And FANCY ABTICI.ES, cuila - blr l»» (ieuih'inc ’s wear. All of ■o order . .>• imtu ch guilt umi f.ishiomible style, mid nt the BlmrlcMt notice. Their lock in entirely new, mid beinp connected w ith the firm of.I C Booth Sc On. 11*7 Broad w»iv, Now York, iIum w ill he furnished with the most fashionable m uch*?, as tlw\ [From the Washington Constitution*] 1MPOUTANT DEBATE IN THE SENATE. I tie Debate in in Semite ye* terd.iv nn ?I»r* re solutions of Cion. Ca*.s in reference to Hits tlefenc* •* of iho country was «x« windy interesting. U«* reviewed ttie Oregon question and tha present siafn of the negotiation in regard to that territory. The ground which the President assumes in his Message upon that subject, he considers the true* American ground, and he goes for supporting him to the fullest extent and at all hazards. He referred to. nod quoted parts of the speeches of Lord John Russel and Sir Robert Peel, upon the grounds of our title to Oregon, staled by the President in bis Inaugural Address. His comments were most dignified and striking. In truth, bis whole speech was able, Patriotic, and just, and will meet with a most ready response from the people of the whole Country. Its delivery too, shows, wtmt some doubt, ed thul Gen. Cass can speak, as well as fight, and to the Court nfOrdinn* i'iM he published tor FOLK Notice t published Ft)R I’Y dav Notioethst application will ho ry firl-Mtve to sell LA.NI> ^Notice for leave tn -nil NRCItOM, inn.l !..• lor Fit'ill ’l*>S HI-»,hefore «ny order absolute shallbe tnnd«* thereon l»v the Court. , , , CtriTloxsfor letters of Administration. most bo puhlicheil thirty 4 tyi —tor dts.mtsiion f'ltm ndministrntiou. monthly **x month*— for disinis-«iou from fJiiardtausliip./orfyd/rys. Hut Ksfirttic mure of tlorlsmeo must t»c pno!islie<| month!il hr four months—furniitiilili-liing Inat |mpn«,/nr the lull nance nt three month*-hr coluprlling Utlpa frnm I .xecii- tora r Ail uininratorE, wliere n Omul baa liven piven b> ihe decaaneil.fAe hit npnee of three months. Filblinali'ini ivill nlwava be cnnumieil neenrilmg to lliese the leealrequiremeiiie, iinleaaotlierwieeiinlerpd. All'ineinee, of :lti« kimlcnnliniioa tn rereive prompt nlten- linn nt Ihe Ollioe nl 'lie UKOIM1IA JOURNAL. 2 NO. CHEAP SIDE! JYeifi Unootfs olrriving I9aily. — - - . .Port TMurcovudo, uml New Orleans—120« lbs double re fined Loaf For sale by W1UGHT&. STBTtiUN, CJIKiAICS—20 Hlids, c.oneistitig of pi hoe O Rico, Muec.ovu 'TttFFEII—I (if) hags, among which maybe found heel silt, Java, Rio,Cuba,and St Domingo. For wKitiiiT &. s rirrsoN. Aiuirrloi«-a~ superior article— needn but u trial to be appreciated. For sale by \\ RIG f IT & ST FT SUN. P V old lioveruineiiti sale by c 20 boxes Adamantine ale hv WRIGHT & STETSON. Sperm, pnr’ment of busitte trcttiiitf the very tienl fit*». Orders fromibecountry filled promptly, mid no deviation in price, ns we me resoln d to approach .»H ne trl v as possible to Northern rete« 13 if TERMS CASH. arrive in tlie market Air. S \. OLDS, lute forrmin for Price Sc Vender, and °' 1 well known t» n -uperior t'utter. will have charge of this de> WPII6. that our customers may rely upon | lie.was followed by Mr. Mangutn also in a very able and striking speech. Mr. M. did mil approve nt the resolutions, because he prefered any such subject as that looked to bv the resolution*, to come immediately from the Executive himself. lie would Ik* ready to meet such a proposition when ever it was made from that quarter. He proved and hoped that the difficulties between the United States ami Great Britain might be settled without war ; hut if they could not, and when war was de lerinined upon, he pledged himself that there would not be an anti war man in the United States He believed, after all, that the dispute about Oregon, was not the real matter of diflT reoce between the two countries. The cans** of mi*iinders!H»»dirtu STATE OF OFOItOIA, Py GEORGE IV. CRA WFORD, Governor of said Stale. \ V \ liuvmy occurred in Ihe 29tlt t-ongipsi* oi the Uniicd .Slates hv the resignation of the l|.im>ruhl< WASHINGTON IM>E. no nd.rr elect In in the Tl. ol Con grespioiinl District nl titik >u tr. I ilo hereby i^om* tbit*, no pioclamut "ii. nqnjting On mlv tiulhmi/.cd • i.t mb District to n.|,| an ^ki.tion in their te*pei live cnt.i.lirh. m MON DA V •'■t* 5th day « f Jnnnurv, J G-ftl. in in an tie- nml f ; n an by law p nn d om, tn fit) huiil vncuticy .aid that t|-» \ gii* certificate!* thereof. Given under mv Imnd and seal of the Executive Depart tneiif, at the Capitol in Millcdgevillc.thisilie Kith duv of October, A. D. 1HI5. GEORGE W.CRAWFORD. By the Governor: John H. Stkkle. S. E D. 4 if If'll TASSFS—New Orleans mid Culm. For sale bv ltl WRIGHT &, STETSON M O' SALT —350 sucks, large size. aokekel-no.i and 2 in whole nml half Fur sale by WRIGHT At STETSON. A PltOCIi.i.H ITION. STATU OF VEOItOlA. Hy GEORGE IF. CR I WFORD, Governor of naid State H AVING received information that a iituider with comm I- ted on the 1st day of August, in tha cnuutv ot Lowiules, upon the body of Samuel .Maui.pen, hv DAVID \\ KING, who lots tied from justice, I have thought proper to issue this, mv proclamation, oflcriug n reward of Onk Hitniihkd Dot. Lars, to any person, or prisons, who may apprehend nml deliver said fugitive, lo tlift Sherifl, or Jailor, of Lowndes county. And I do morenverchnrgennd require all officers, civil and military,to lie vigilant in endeavoring o upprehemJ the said KING. in order that he may be tried for the ufieuce with which he. stands* charged* Given umtrrmy hand and the great seal of the State, nt the Capitol in M illedgevill .this 15th day of September, A. D., U515. GEORGE W. CRAWFORD. By the Governor: N. C. BARNETT,Secr*v of State. DESCRIPTION. The said KING is; about 23 years of age, thin visage, swniiby complexion, blue eves, dark hair, has ii down look and is about 0 led high. Ibi iMlclitioii to IIh* Governor's Kvwitnb will pay TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOt LABS for the delivery of the said D vVID W. KING to any one ol t, or the Shcritr or J uilor of Lowndes county. A. MAUI.DEN, J. GROOVER, T. J. DENMARK, IM. GROOVER, J. LEE, 5Ptf J. S. GROOVER. B' ■ighing 2 pounds to the mi WRIGHT Sc ST E T<0\ —Ift tons of Sweed und English, Cnat and German Steel. For sale hy WRIGHT Sc S TE TSON. N A I! LS—1D0 kegs wurni cut, rpOBA('CO-A tew boxes of superior Gold Leaf Gen* Tl V A XE C S—10 dozen milierit.l' eml .te.d I'm nnlr l.y WIUC.HT i STETSON. ROdKKIIV and RMS* W AhF-» lor*, ns.i.rlmeiit. For.nlrt.y U It 1.1II I' .V > I b. 1 ’N. VV ATI-lit Oi l RI. 1 * sctstS " I J ,1.1. by WHltiOTAt STEfSON. llient. For 4i. Ii* liv WIIIGIFI & STETSON. A C TO H V Til It K.4 O- i.r I,.. ... i; B »:i)-coitl>*<, sitot* Tlii'fiiti iiiid Mail 1- 1*0,IS—nil .op.'ri.n nltiolrn. For 8..I.* I»v WKItniT &'STETSON. P AItldM Uk, tJOIRUlTk, IIA41.11 CHS. SI - ■ ■ ' SltKl I II.MV Mr. Niioa said li« would »ule lor liie rCEolutiuiia. wliicli were more resolutions of enquiry, nod inno cent enough in* themselves, but he regretted iliut th* y Imd given rise to tt ttebtte in tviiielt SoitalerH hnd departed ll.e object of the re.olulions to discuss the merits of the whole of the Oregon con troversy. In teply to the remarks of the Sender from North Carolina made yesterday, that he would leave the whole matter in the hands of the Exec utive where it belonged, lie, Mr. N. would suy that in his opinion this matter was no longer in llm hands of the President hot with the Sennte, and upon thru body must tile responsibility now rest. Mr. Niles suid the President hud performed his duty in bringing tlie negotiation to that point where il was broken oil', umi communicatin'' the result to Congress. Ho could do no more. It was our duty now to place the county in a condition tons, serf our rights and niaiiitnin lh“m. Wo niiist at least, suid Mr. N., extend to our citizens in Oregon llio same protect inn tliut is enjoyed by tile British inhabitants from their mvn Government. Mr. N. for own part did not anticipate tiiat a war w.iui.l g'oo out of this question. He thought it probn tile that when Great Britain suw that we »«ro nut to be intimidated or bullied on. of our rights, she would he gi t.I to compromise with us on the terms ..iFered tn her i.v direction of the present Executive —hut if war should come we should tie prepar’ d for it. and lie hoped, therefore, that the Resolutions would pass. “Our policy is pence— But we fear not war.*’ Mi. Cnlltuitleti said in* would vote for the resolu. lions. They were resolutions which inipht he prop erly adopted in a .itna nf pence, and were still more appropriate when there was a (!oi)ii< geiic\ ol war. lay deeper, and was 'nr more important, than the ; He would not make tiny remarks upon the reeolu NEW FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE, .JlflCOU, into. THE umlerHigned having erected n F ♦ £& Brook VVAKK-HOi sK.siliiuied ot the lieinJ <>f Cotton Avenue, tenders bis services to bis friends and the public uenerullv lor the sto r«t:e of Cotton and Merchandise and the transaction of Commission Business in ail its brandies,pledging himself to use every exertion to promote ihe interests of, and render satisfaction to, those who tony confide busin< ss to bin charge. The storage and sale of Cotton will be under the direction umi control of'Mr. JOHN JONE.S, who has long been known in the Ware house business, and will give particular attention to the sale ofCottonand the filling of orders for goods. Liberal advances w ill be made on Cotton in store or to be shipped* ithope,.and think, together with any other articles, will ho furnished customers at the lowest mat Wet price. N. B. Storageund Commissions nt customarv rates, JERRY CUM I.KS. Macon, 2Jlh June, 1845. 39 2Ct UtLlAIlK & BEALL, JFACTOKS I Am! Commission lUorclianls, No. Til, Btiy kti'i'vt, Sitvniiimh. C A. tiHKINEB, W. A. IIkam.. 51 If Snpt. 17. ^WASHINGTON HALL. MACON, Ga. rn HKumlereisrned have bo unlit out the interest ol Mr. St. I l.ANtEU in lluA well knmsn estntdishmem, »ml design making it wortliv oftlie liberal patronage it has heretofore olouiued from the |uihlju. Every exertion will he. made t<» ir.ake (ho sojournofeitiier the permanent or truu«ienl hoarder pleasant and agreeable. Tin* sleeping apartment's are com fortable and eummnaious.nud fitted up with neat hnd clean furuiiure. 'The lithlcs will he furiiii>hed with every luxury oiiruwii market,and those of Savannah can supplv ; and ho etVoits spared (u make the house deserving of public pation MOTT At NEWCOMB. Il—if IMitenn, Cot. 7,18-15. ■RROAD andH.iflnsIliitf Hn»ciief*. Fnrsni J> I.v WRIGHT & HPE l SON. F.EIP SHI! % H»i, CutiyCombs, Apsides O and Shovels. For Huh-hv u RIGHT iV S TETSON. c I ’M ia Locks suid wiimIow Sprinirs* O Foi sine I.v \\ RIGHT Sc. S I 1.1 M»,\, liyii; Fc HtiWhi Irons, siimI WRIGHT Sc STETSON. I KTTEll PAPER—V fine article, Foi rail b\ WIlHill T Sc STETSON. * /lO I TO|\ ( and Ploif^h l iticx V forMnlaby WRIGHT <5 STETSON. si'/.F, l.lmnnnl Suit. A few reeeiicd ai d foi sale bv WRIGHT .V- STETSON. Nov. 25, 1845. II 2Bir®gj»m8 2 2 2 BROGANS!!! LlltG jit*** reei I SHOE Yogi'll Slides Mli IT HOOT AMU rum:. \ !1 perHitit. pnrrliH.hig 1 .t * .. ell t*. cive u call, uk lire .!. termm**’l ti, -**11 CIIKAP. E..IU1X VMJFIl & (to. . U.tBIS. 3 it WiXIIBUK.V & VVILBIOEC. aTiTI ioiCTOttS AND MovireHamits S IV I \ !\ Ail, 44 I JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN R. WILDER. Aug. 12. 46 26 FLOYD HOUSE. MAI ON, Ga. rn II F. Subscriber, in annouueiiig to his friend* and the pith- I lie, by whom he Ins been no liberally puIroni-ed. hi* Fontiiiueueeof the above Eelahlirtlimeiit beg* leave to assure them ol hi* determination to>11*1,101 the well e.«lahliehed rep- utaiion ofliis house. Instead of falling off, then shall be a progressive improvement ; ami il a liberal outlay, a well furnished tuble, with every delieacy this ami other mar* siirplv; clean beds, comlbrtahle rooms, ntieclive and the will to please ami nccoinodatn will merit patronage lie expects to obtain it. B. S. NEWCOMB- .Oct. 7, 1845. 11— tl ASULKSiT A UIO.1lATAItl, ATTOliMES AT LAW, Iviiloiiloii, On., Will practise, in till the Counties of the Ocmulgcc Circuit. 13 tf n .vir anil ns i Motile < ■ other II • lie pan V:i3iutl>!<* Hotel lor Sale. 'THE undersigned is desirous of *p|lin»r his l uge and cominodiuti* HOTEL at Knoxvili. t’rawford eoitniv. AMaclied to the premises a good out houses, stable*, hack lots, guldens. Sic. > lltoel i* the only one in the village of is on tin* main road fiom Macon to Colombo* and erv, Ala., the t iisioin given ills much belle els, in villug, s dilfereutlv situated. Term*, to suit J.J. CARSON % f-rd • . Nov. 21. 1815. 10 tf AptilaGticolti,Flu., July, INI5. r |NHE undersigned Mill continue to lrati*act a GlvNER (I. I COMMISSION BUSINESS at APALACHICOLA mdor the firm of BIOW A tl BS <V leUTlIl lei'UKB. 'IT*Tbev have also determined to establish a COMMIS SION HOUSE at NEW OI(I.E\ NS, the eo*uing season ■vliere one of tin* firm will always be foun I. Their personal -ttentiviu will be given to nil business wuk which they ma\ a* entrusted. The u»nnl luUauces will bu made upongood ti stnro or Cotton consist 1 ‘ 47 tf Yll \< KER B. HOWARD. ADOLPHUS S. KU THF.RFORD. mere q'lestioti of title to a strip ol land on the P Cificcoaat. It was the |gren( questimi of R*j)nhii* Chtiiain on the one one side, and the question of Monui'chy, absohiP* or limited, on the other. Dia* Ruise it as wo nii^ht, il resolved itself into litis.— When it came, he was r ady to meet it—not us a member of this or that party—hut as a citizen of the United States. He disapproved of the resolu tions however. He was for leaving the matter lo the Lx- eouve, wlm was the responsible agent of the count ry,I" recommend such measures as in his judgment lie might deem necessary to protect our lights to Oregon, or to defend our citizens there or elsewiieie. He thought, however, that the mattei should still he left in the hands of the President, in whom, so far as the management of our foreign re lations was concerned, he had the fullest confidence. Ilo might, indeed. diiF*r, and did differ, most wide, ly from the President and the Democratic party, in r-'gard to domestic questions, but, upon this sub ject, the people of the United States hud but one mind. He was followed by Mr. Allen of Ohio, in de fence of the resolutions, and of the ground taken t>y Gen. Cass, who introduced them. He showed that there was nothing in them novel or extraordi nary. That the stale of'the negotiations upon tin* Oregon question called for the most decided action on our part. That in a similar crisis, in reguid the Northeastern boundary. Congress placed a« t e discretion of tno President, fifty thousand men and ten millions of money. And. for himsult. lie was willing to assume the responsibdity ol ink inn the highest ground upon this subject, whicn the nature ol the case seemed to demand. He rejoice- ed to hear the sentiment advanced hy th** Senator from North Carolina, that when the final step wan taken, thul thete would not be an anlLwnr man in the Union. He Imped it would he so. And tl, indeed, ii were true, we should be able toe pe sue c»*8sfully, not only with Great Britain, but with the whole hosts of royally which opposed themselves to Republican piogio*. .Mr. Arener,of Va., followed in opposition to tin ml »p\ion of the tesotuiions at this time ; ulinmigl lie said, it pressed to a decision now, ho altouiu vn|i* in favor of them, i In considered il an untie pessary display of patriotism, to introduce them in suc'i haste, even lietore the committee was appoint eu to whom they were to he referred. Geo, Cass rose to reply, when a message fron the 11 oust* unnoonci d th<* death of Mr. Prjtnn nt Peunesxee, and the .Senate adjourned. Gen. Cuss, ha** of course, the to day when lie will proha. bly reply to so much as has been said in nppositioi to his resolution, and fortify them still .stronger hy tin* vast resources of his experience and well stor ed mind, and the prompting* ol that true A meric feeling——that ardent and pure patriotism—whicn have so much distinguished him. But it is understood that Col. Benton intends to idler a resolution at once to authorise the arming and "quipping two hundred thousand men, and to hold them in readiness for any emergency. This, n is suid he desires to do without argument or blus ter ; but in the spirit, wh ch "asks for nothing but wliat is right, and submits to nothing that is *G>iig.” [CORRV.SPONDENCR OK I'M K B \L ri MORE AMERICAN.] UNI I El) ST A I cs SENA'I E. THE NATIONAL DEFENCES—OREGON. Washington, Dec. 16. 'Pile Senate then proceeded to the unfinished bu. siness of yesterday, being the resolutions of eu qiiry into the condition and force of the Army. Na vy and M Hit in, heretofore offered hy Mr. Cuss. Tim following are the Resolutions: Resolved. Tim* the Commit lee uu Miduirv Affairs lie instructed to inquire into the condition oftlie iiaiiotiai lortdicatimis and of their rmameut*; ami whether other dofeii*ive works are neeensnry; and into ihe condition and quantity of the military supplies And into tin* stu e of tin* means po^essed by the Government for the defence of the country. Resolved. Tliut the Committee on the Militia he instructed lo inquire into the present condition of tiiat great branch of the public service and into (lie slate oftlie militia law ; and tliut they Im furlh*r instructed to reyurt sucli changes in the existing system as will give mure experience and efficiency to that arm nf defence, and will place it in the best condition for proteC iug the country, should il be exposed to foreign invasion. Resolved, That the Committee on Naval Affair* be instructed lo inquire into the condition id’the navy oftlie United 8 ales and into the quantity a*d Condition ot sunplie* now on hand, and wuether an of thorn is not necessary to the efficient operaion oftlie envy, mid to its preservation and augmentation, and generally into its capacity for defending our coast and our commerce, and for any service the exigencies of the country tuny probably requirt. were il not for the remarks of the mover of the resujiuiou.*. If he understood the Senator cor* rectly he staled yesterday that if we gave Great Britain the twelve mouths* notice—and In- thought we ought to give it—that war was inevitable. Mr. Cass rose to explain that what lie did any was that if Great Britain continued her jurisdiction over I lie country after the expiration of the twelve months notice, and he believed she would. War was inevitable. **h is my onininn,** said Mr C., that we are upon the verge of a war—no* mime diately, but ut the expiration oftlie twelve months* notice. ** Mr. Crittenden resumed and deprecated the ef fect which such remaiks must have upon the husi- and commercial prosperity of the country,— For his own part he could not bring his mind to Ihe belief that war could take place between two h enlightened nations a* England and America. If we are upon the path of war let us march silent y and firmly upon the path* It we are to give the notice requited hy tne I presume we Ido not well see how we can avoid it. let us iir ino ieratiou and forbearance, nod extend Die period of notice lo two years instead of one.— By this we shall show our strong desire for peace. Mr. Webster *nid that although u did ur uppenr to him that the resolutions ch .ig* thu Comini<he* with tne execution of any new duties, in-v»*ilhele*s 1‘ogretled tiieir iotlo'luciiou accompanied by the remarks ol (he honorable Senator Lum Micnigau. Every unnecessary alarm about thu state ol the public peace is a great evil and is severely felt upon Die busin *s of the country. Mr. W. did nut ap prehend war liinnetf. nor did he think from the Message of the President, that he had any such up. nrehrtMon. There are two ways, said he, in which the Government may proceed—we may create great alarm and apprehension of war without pre. paring for it- -or we may proceed in quiet steady, statesmanlike way to prepare ourselves to meet war should it come. Mr. Sevier followed, and said his opinion was that we should have war. and he would no'., as wig gested by the Senator from Massachusetts, “keep dark,” but would speak to England in a louder key thuu lo tiny other nation upon the face of the earth. England never yielded her pretentions when other nations showed the slightest disposition to submit to them. Me. Mr. S. was in favor of giving her twelve morphs'notice nod at tin* expiration of that time to take possession of the whole territory umi maintain it by •'gunpowder.** Mr. Berrien followed in a speech of much ability. In which he went into the merits ot the Oregon question and maintained that as the negotiation had commenced in a spirit of compromise, it should ho continued in the same spirit. He did not con sider the negotiation ut an end—and if the twelve mouths' notice was to he given, tie would prefer Dial it should be jjiven by Great Britain iu*teud of this eou try, which womd place us in a more la- vorahl" pii'iliou before Die nations ol the world. Alter In ft her debate the resolutions were uiiuti imously adopted. [COR.HESPO.NDE.NCK OF Til K CHARLESTON MKHCVRY.] Washinuton City. Dee. 16 You will perceive from tin* report of the two las’ d lys proceedings in Die Senate, that the wings are trying to outbid the Democrats oil the war question, uil men of ali parties boiling over wdiii patriotism and love of country, and devotion to her interests and honor. W hat will most surprise reflect eg men, however, will be the unanimous vote given in the Senate to day fir Gen. Ca*s' ies- o utioiis. which look to the almost certainty of a w ir. Tim truth of Die matter is—li*gui*e it as you may—that the steps now being taken, are tn. ken us moves in a grand political game, in which the politicians are the gnuieMer.*, the people the instrument) to he played wuii, and the offices in iheir gilt, llm prizes which are contended for. 'This i* tiieiru" • x,'lampion of the course taken in the Senate. It is not because Senators are so especi* ally anxious lor tlm honor of their country that this unanimous vote inis been given, but it is be* cause some of tint Democratic Senators want to make political capital out of a war lever, and u w ar if necessary and if tlie Whigs w ill oppose th ir measures, they will raise a hue nod cry against them, and cast odium upon them ns li irvford Con* ventiomds, &c. The Whigs on their pari urc de termiued that they will not be put in tint position, and hence n« the Democrat!* have a majority, and will have the responsibility, the Whigs have re solved that Hie Democrats shall m»t have tno credit of proposing a war measure for the sake of obtain* iug popularity, with the hope that the Whig* wLl oppose them, and l»y nn union with u portion oftlie Democrats possibly defeat them, and so they have the honor of proposing without the responsibility their rn nsures would impose if successful, while at ihfMum* time, thu Whigs would load th»n»fvlY#« NO. 20. wi It the odium of opposition to measures declared to be necessary lo the honor of tho country. The Whig* have therefore, del 'rnnned not to oppose tuu measures proponed by Democratic Senators with this view, but to ullow them to pH** and tel tho party in the majority have the responsibility which will attach to these measures. The probability 'licreforc, appears to increase evt ry day, that we shall speedily be involved in u war. Washington Dec. 17, U. S. SENATE. On motion of Mr. Haywood, the Senate pro* corded to the orders oftlie day, being the election of the membeis of the Standing Committee* not yet balloted for. The following was the result : Commerce—Messrs. Dix, Sevier, Johnson of Md., and Davis, Manufactures—Sturgeon, Simmons, Colquitt and Speight. Agriculture—Semple. Phelps, Turney and Cor win, Mdiinry Afiiirs—Hannegnn, Cri’.teu-en, Dix and Speight. At this *!ttgo of the proceedings. Mi, A en said he had just received a subpoena to alien i the Supreme Court, and therefore a*ki d the unuui. uious consent of the Senate t•» allow him to intro duce his resolution to authorize ihe Pie*ident to give notice to Grout Britain ol the termination of die j'lint occupancy of die Ore gon Territory Mr. Webster suid the Senator from Ohio ought first to ask permission oftlie Senate o obey Ho* summons of the Court. This whs the ususl practice, and he therefore mov d I hut the Seuutor have leave' which was agreed lo. Mr. Allen then ri*»i*ivml Ills request, which b-itijr objected lo hy Mr. Haywood, was nut aceeded lo, I he Senate then proceeded in tlie linllot. Niivnl Affairs—Cameron, Diekiinun. Lew and M nnynm. Militia—B trrow, Fairfield, Semple and West- con. Public. Luwls—Speight, Wood bridge. Ashley Hnd Moreheml. Priratr Luntl Claims—J irnegaii,Semple Wuod- hriiign and IViinybhcIter. Indian Affairs—B.iglty, Pnolps, Ashley ami Jar* nignii. Claims—rVnnvhncker, J. M. Clayton, Turney and Johnson ol' Md. Judiciary—Bree.e, Berrien, VVesScoll and Web- ser. Revftlulionnry Claims — Humiegan, T. Clayton Co'q in n nl Greene. Post Office and Post Roals—Sturgeon, and Simmons, Sfinph* and D iyloii, Roads and Canals—Lewis, Corwin, Sturgeon and Davis. Pensions—Ashley, Pearce, Atchison and Bar tow. District of Columbia—Breese, Jenness, Miller and Johnson, Md. Patents and Patent Office—Ilanncgan, Plielpf, Stui g»*on and Lew i*. Contingent Expenses of the Semte— Breese, und Gt cenc. Public Buildings—Dayton nod Bright. Printing—(‘h'lmers and Upborn. Retrenchment—Atherton. Momhend Dickinson and Turney. Territories—^Cameron, Evan9, Chalmers and C«irw in. Engrossed bills—Chaim?ra and Jurnegan. Joint Committee on the Library—Pearce, of Md. Lewis ami Chalmers. California.—Wo Imvo placed before our road- eis rumor** from different sources, which seem to leave litth* doubt that one of the prim ipul objects ol the mission of Mr. Slidell to Mexico was to pro* seeuto u negotiation for the annexation of another foreign territory to the United Slates. The New York “Morning News” of Tuesday supplies soino particuiats of the proposed negotiation, which, con sidering the relation of that paper to the Adininis. ‘ration, are supposed to he of some authenticity. We therefore place them before our readers, us follow*, italicising w!mt appear to us to be the ma tt rial points:—Nat. Ini. •*California,—It seems to he understood that Mr. Slidell, our new Minister to Mexico, L fully author ized to arrange our boundary wi;h that Republic upon the mo»t lihcrtd (outing. Hi* powers in this respect air believed *o bo so extensive that under t urn he may negotiate a transfer lathe U States of the right of Mexico to Upper California. 'Flits would probably be t domed by making our line lot* tow tne course ot the Kio Gram's del Norte from ti Gulf oi Mexico unlit i> n aches me thirty sec ond degree of north latitude, i.ud iliri. ttin westward on that parallel to the Pacific ocean,'* Of course 'licit a result will not he hr* ngt t shout without a handsome compensation to Mexico bo her telici. qmshmeiD of territory. Our nuim against her for | indeoinificuiidti to our ci'tZHti* is now very large, I and no way is so likely as this >o secure its full and j immediate satisfaction. Indeed so far lis the con sideration which we may give her is bn Inured by tins account, it may he said to be nothing: for if wh give Mexico the fullest credit for good will in the premises, her dint meted und irupovi robed condi. Iton warrants but a siigm hope Dial she will very speedily pay us in money.'' Mexican Indemnity.—We find in the New York Tribune u letter from Gen. Santa Ana to Charles Cullnghum, Esq., merchant of Dint city, widen co.tiro •« the following parages respecting the missing Mexican instalment*: Havana, 19th Nov. 1845. The instalments were most punctually paid, in ready cash, during the time I was at ihe head of Government. But, as on the BUili of April of last y««i, i had withdrawn from public business and re. tired to my farms, and us bom the Constitution and mv character did not allow th« Presidonv to min* g e in putiiic affairs during absence, I confined my self to recommending the payment to the President pro tempore. General Valentin Canalize, audio the Minister ot Fjiiauce, Dun Ignacio Trigueroa ; sod when the oilier instalment of Juv 30, of which you .peak, expired, havn g then resumed mv lln c Mint* l d'Ctutod nil iho uecHsinrv measures, and j os’DVt*. Iv ordered tho Secretary of tho Tr«a*ury iQinnktt I Ihe payment in spt cio accoidh g to my on-trior I provisions ; so that, if. in defiance of my orders, I the payment was made in hdls oi df ills, that func* tiouary violated his duties by disobeying my com* round : ami the agent Dun Erniliio Ywi waa nut