The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, December 30, 1845, Image 3

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«■ hf" P*""'" If™*"* ,llr ' Vi r or n "' ,rcllv c "" Sl2t.iV, -III. »r . »• wMI «* "IM'7 «.n plovlir*««r "'"•I «t -Ei«MKimiifcolor,««ll>ori»l#* «• ^»r»nililn(f «h«* Mine, ■nil •M5wJ , u u„.ml |ir.’.«ribl«* punlllmnmt lor vli.Ulinf iin »ol 191. I'»8. Tocnmimnsttte Grand and Petit jurors for ilia countier t.r Ffiml rtn«l Jn< k*nn nnd to nnilmiige th* Justices of ill* i (’i iiti in Jf\ \ *«n c*xtrii Tax fur iIiht pucp me. 197. To allow nuy person ur persona apply iiift fur a grant»»r frnnii* to any levelled lot or lot*. under tho an of 1H13. lo lilt an nITilInvit of tlmir imriilifiii tosrttlrihe lot applied for, and to civa preference tosm-h applicant, nnd lo niter the prlan* ol grunta ns herein pro\idtul, mul lo extend ilia lima for graining ul ill*- present price. 193 In relation lo proccrdings lo recover debts not dim. 199. To provide for the service of original process upon corporations. ‘JO ». Kor Ike relief of James \V Reese. 201. To incorporate ike town of Gumming in Forsyth conn 202. To provide for thr removal of the county site and pub- lie litillcliiiim of Scri»*-n county, to fix n new site, to build n new Court-house, and for other purposes. Sljr Uoumal. MILLEDGEVILLK: Tupsrtay I^Ioi'iiinK, Dl'Cfllilifr SO, INI.V Ik*'P nml «n«<«*l.» «* '[V'* minor ehildran. I* 1 ** An ui't in liicurnoi.l, lit, Nuicbim Cn.» imd ito uunfeb bn mnv ulolmnihn prn.lnun* nt the «wr . I >3 An ncl lo ohnnto ill* linn Iwiwcnn ill* cnninirn ol llun v .nil ril>*.»""" in mill Ini. No. 193 .ml I'M. in llm 3,1 Jdlilslrii'lof ll*ur» cnurily to tin comity nf I'lko. nnd to nlmnnn ill* m.iilnucn of cerium onisnn* Uirrein nninnil. 1214 An net for Hie mlinfof Ahnl l.nnin, nf tin county nl Bnrkn, nml III" .ecurilici »»d nlan William \V . Snaln,on «cm Hn i oiol'^, |(j enrinin eleellnn precinct. in the counties lb-rein li.meil, nml to remove nnd nundrjr •llinr .lection precinct, therein .pccDlml. # 126. An aet tu iudorporate Unity Lodge, No. 3u, ot Jack- 127. Ai» net to authorise llesekinh R. Foote to build a mill dam across the Clmltahonoheo River, nt or near the plan* where the Western and Atlantic Railroad crosses the Mine, aad to authorise Johnson P. Wellmrn of the County ot Lniou to (mild a mill dnu. across YVokloy River in Urn county or ^'iliaI An act to repeal an art passed Oftlli Dec., 1831, to keep oponthe Centre! liateliee Creek in Heard county, aud lo te- peal all laws militating acninM the same. 129. An net to authorize the In'erior Couris of the ronn- ties of Telfair and Ware to appoint fit ami nr .per persons to iiavo the line between said counties run and marln-d out plain ly # 130. An act to raise a revenue fir the city of Columbus., amend ilorv of an net to impose a special tnx.&c., assented to . Dec.. 1851, and also to make provision for the poor rending in said city. 131. An act toautlmrixe the Inferior Court oT Flout county to assess an extra tax outlie citizens of said county, am compensate \V. 11. Moore,county Surveyor of said county aidiug in running a line between the counties ol Floyd and Uhatiuoffa. 132. .An act to remove and establish certain election pre cincts in certain coumien named. ► 133. Ail net lo authorize Eustace Speer, Cline. L. IN«, JamesT. Nisbel and I Immas YV. Alexander, Jr., top. -.idami practice law upon certain condition* prescribed. 134. An act to authorize Martha Mattox to build a miil daiu across Raoad River on her own laud; and the owner ol lot No. 266 in the Kith district ot the 3d section, now Cass j bo coinitv, to erect a mill dnm across Etowah River. 135. An act to repeal an ncl to iueorpointe inn town of Da-1 viaville, in the county of Pike^'Str.,n®«pi3rd to Bill Dec. 1841. • (FT 3 The amount of recent legislative appropriations is WillG CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS, DLlrid Xo. 3, UK. .VttfiBKO*!? fillflIKK, «»f liiiin county. (O’Wo owe an apology to our esteemed Correspondrnt “A Fhikwpt.i Truth” for not inserting his eommunicatiui addressed lo the Ed for of llm Fcdernl Union,before. It wit* d to | received, nnd laid by f.»r the purpose of puhiishine it; hut a press of business caused us to let our publication day pass h v without inserting it- Wc hope ho will pardon the omission ashing- anoili i Q j* For interesting news relative to Oregon, at 1 I ton City, nnd on the other side of tlr» Atlantic, sei i past of our paper We liuve no time fur comment. QjF’ See the LIS I' OF ACTS wliic h we piil.lisli. It may msidpred ns a summary of Legislative Proceeding*, e omit n pur'iun, for want of room. 136. An county ol Pmst ill. llm nliet of \\ illiuin Robertson, J r.,ol llm I $216,42J 63. Add to this amount, interest on public thin quorum, Mr.Lewis rose, and for the pftrpoae lie said, of ena-| blind llm House lo prnractl to other l»uslnasa,ao aa toadiourn flint night, lie would imivo to withdraw his moliun, and iIimI llm proceedings relative to the matter, be not entered upon the Journal Them being no objection, the motion prevailed. The following are the gentlemen supposed to have left the llousnattlie time, from toe tact, that, hut five minutes before, they voted against Inking op the report. Anderson of ('hatham. Armstrong of Bibb, Baugh, Beall, Beltvln, Bryan, Butt, Cahiuess, Crook, Field, Cisulding of Pike, Cray, Isreen of Crawford. (Jreene of Rabun, Jackson, Keith, Kenan, Kilgore, Maloney,Moon. Robin^ou of Early, Smith of Cass, Smith of Hoard, Smith of llenry, Strong, Sweat in con, Thornton, Yurbnrntigli. Our renders have now before them what will not appear upon the Journal of the House—they have t!iasubstance and fact*, in relation lo what bns been expunged from the record* •—nnd before we close we would offer a few remarks more re lative to till* disgraceful a (fair. A Vcmorrntic majority in llm .Senate, it is well known, re* Wised lo do justice to the Penitentiary and its able man agement by llm present administration. In the House, tliia could, and would have been dune, but for the withdrawal of a J action u* above staled. In no other way could the adoption of the repot! of the majority of the joint standing committee outlie Penitentiary, have boon prevented, ft large number of tlm members having left for their homes. To this then, did |hc minority coma at hisi-to|wiihdrnw nnd leave tlm Imll with out u quorum in it. But not satisfied with this, they went n stop farthoi. In "mimicking'* tlm action of the Whigs of the Senate of 1040, this faction went ahead of every precedent in our State legislntuic, uud forced upon the House, an obliter ation of its recorded net*. (Lent sticklers for llm Constitu* tion whan before the people,they violated one of its requisi tions when they refused to allow a portion of tlm regular proceedings of the House to appear upon its Journal. And why was all this? To prevent tlm people from knowing tlmj. the Penitentiary had been ably managed—that a majority o tlm committee had so reported—ami that while a democratic Senate hud refused to do justice to its management, n Whig llouse, with democratic members in it agreeing with the ma jority, was prepared to do its duly faithfully and impartially! Vain effort! But this was the true reason, and will account for their action! Under the circumstances, the majority, though not a quorum, did as well may Im ns they eould. D was tlm 'ast night of the session—an adjournment li.-ul Imcu agreed upon—auothei day, which many of the minority wanted, and llm expenses of legislatin'! would have been ad ded unto another thousand dollars—nnd they yielded a point, (w limit we never would lmv«» yielded ) of permitting a portion of the record to be obliterated. But they acted for tlie best we lutve t o doubt, and tlm refractory members nave now all the glory of defeating tlm adoption of a report, which nine hundred nnd ninety-nino honest men of every thcimniul i t tieorgin, party or no patty, will, upon ihvestignliot:, ap prove and sanction. Such laurels may no Whig ever wear J We are done for tlm present. Protnstauta were making common cause in ptaparing for li e common calamity that appeared hi be awaiting the ronntry Tlm Irish nnjiers are as usual, fully occupied in recordug crime* of all descriptions, embracing many of the worst c tar- acter. Li vr.npoor,. Dec. 3.—Report for the wrrk ending Koocm- 5er2l.-—The market lots relapsed into the same depressed state trout which it had apparently recovered last week, and the slight improvement in (trices then obtained lias bent lost again Tlm increased value of money, and the prnspm t ol no early import, have more iliau counteracted any effects which might have been anticipated from tlm hostile tendency of the intelligence from tlm United Slate*. Egyptian contin ue* to bn pressed upon tlm market, and the decline in Jd ner lb., whit h had been only partial i* now snfiiciriiilv general to justify the reduction made ibis w eek in tlm quotations. Spec ulators have taken 3000 bales American. The sales ol llm week amount hi 15.540 bales. Report ul the teee/c rutting Nor. 28—Tlm market lias been throughout the week, pressed bv anxious sellers r.f near ly nil descriptions. This state of things bus been gci»eiall\ attribute.| to the increased value of moiiev ; nnd the necessi ty of meeting engagement* of n firaneial nature; nnd the can be no doubt that the narrowed faeilities for holding t-oiion have been abundantly in existence to urge on tlm sellers aud from the same cause, to repress the enterprise ol tlm spec illative buvers, ns wr ll as abridge the puri bases nf the cum •miners, i'rulmhlv, had we been relieved fiom this cause of depression, the subject of Oregon, and the dispute which may ari-*e out of that unsettled question, would have been more fell in our transact ions; ns it is, the speculative demand f founded thereupon, nml which existed ton fair extent Iasi] week, has been gradually diimrnwav. nnd we close out week lv report with a reduet.onof id per lb. fiom llm quotation* of Friday lust. The current rate of fair quality of American will now stand nnlv |«1 per lb. higher limn the lowest rales in previous period. 12.500 American have been taken nu speculation. Tlm Boston steamer of tlm lfitli inst, isnow off. '1 he sales of the week amount to 87,870 bales. Report of the t'of ton Market. Dec. 3.—To dnv we have bad a fair demand from the mule, and about 4000 lo 5000 hales have been sold—previously this week there Inis been less done the buyers lia' e an ubiimlnut choice of quality. The mark* ihei g well supplied with nearly all descriptions, prices Jd lower than Fiidiiv lust, nnd this niqilie* to a 11 sorts of- j Tw^An BBi7ir"h» r.’lirf <«f r.. \V. Cmllelmry, nf the conn j ®I04,«.«0 OH. For lloiil. Irving. iV On., *j0,0ll!l 00. For ill ly ofFor.j lli.nnd IlnnriplU Wuiun oH:niml..iini>nul^. 1 Ovnl nml Dunih Charily 11,001. 00. Fur llm Univorsily Of * 133. All unt liir llm rclifl' of John Temple*, ol Franklin c.corglrt $9,0(.’0 1)0 —utiil ive h ivi* the I'xpi’tirti*nf (jovertiineni , f . . rn | ,| pn-llm pnliiivul venr llllti, tn wit: i$37.l,0*J)| fill). TUliBl’. 133. Annul lo niimnil the nctofiimnrporimmi ofOgletllurpn | 1 1 • Univ*r*ily,uml llm eeverul nctn in relntiun lo ilia Cnrialtuni IIIM’IIM) AM) M.\ t.N I 1-1 llltl.K IIKIUnAMI, Aeniii'inv,m I'nrriiltnn in Cnrrnll eniiniy. ! NINE U"M»UEH AND TWK.NTV-TIIUBB DOL1.AIIS, 140. An net lo iiuihurir.e tlm I nlVrinr Cmtrt nl Cohh rntinty I .\jij(i SIX 1’V BID I IT CENTS ! ,0 ur°m»o** , |I JreiiM* , " , } h * ci,h “ , ‘* ol s “ i ' 1 l! " u '"- v fv CC " ai " Of the rrn.ure.niif the Shite, we shnll nprnk hereafter. Ii PU 1 i’i'. 8 An IICM» elnnTcertitin privilege, nml imutiiieetii the )S enuugli fur llm prereni lo mty, Hint ii 1* well for the people- Columbus Guards, a volunteer Inlautry Corps ill the city of | and the Stale, that, at the helm nf affairs there is one who Columbus. i wifi husband e»ery resource, nnd whose practical economy ut ° r shmft ' no "" s '| «'■*- 143. An act to authorize the SherifVof Dooly county load- j it of Georgia. Thai he will do so, wo most confidently as vertise his suies in his J udicial Circuit ur iu the city of Mu- j eert. 144. An net to amend an act entitled an net to alter the! IHL LA8I NK«11 I Ol’ I HE SESSION, time for tlm election of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city | Both branches of tlm Legislature adjourned oil A\ eduesdny of Savannah,to reduce the number ol Aldermen, to make the j n j_| |f | IIBt . niu | Pre (his the large majority of them have reach- Mayor i*l.'divahy llm imupl*. «ndIto pr«« r-ln; .1I ,|„. ir | 10 , ne „, ,,,<■« to ren.h-r nt. neon,,,,, of tlmir noth. •* to provide for the election of certain otne.ers therein mimed, ; ... . . • . assented to 25tli Decemlmr, 1813, so fur na regards the2d,Glii | and <luinsa while representing llm people a interests, in the and 7th section* of said M-t. j councils of the State. Many, in d»>ing *o, will Im greeted! nton, and nddrcsucd consecutively * lie whole asRCinb!a£C 145. An act t<» esuhlish additional election precincts in; with “well done good and faithful servant,*' and many, we rc ! of Wlrjr.** tiu'rc. V»m heard Air. Berrien say lie saw the countirsnf Chiroane nnd Mure,.gee, nnd to remove cer- , „ r01 Hav , „ill, if lliey lltcin.liemltorwire Mr. Ctny hill once —ihnl Mr. C. Clay made no speech Tlfi.'^An ucMfit'tho*rehVl of juuiv's M. l)avi»,of the county ' greeted. we wi-li n ltnppy return lo their homes j in lii* proence-.thal they did not speak from tlm satin of !*«• ILot. i and i«, in the discharge of our duty iu hereafter reviewing their plalhuui to the satip* iiiiii.encc— but that addresses were- 147. An net to resolute empanelling of Orntnl nnd P elil j Ul „s, either sepnrnlelv or collect ivelv, we shniill deal, iu tlm I del, vend ill I lie even,11/ to Different portions of tlm im" AnirtSffil incurred hv Jantc. J. Davi.J opinion .fatty one nl 'them,too severely, ,1 that | \VI„*.-ll,a» lo one of those portion. Mr. Berrien made 119. An net for the relief of surah MeKeeo. it will proceed not from noy personal nnkinducss, not heenuse 150. An ncl to oiiH'iid an act entitled an net to amend nn “wc love (\iesur less,lint Romo more”! The associations of net to alter aad fu the time of holding the Si.p.-riur Cmnts iu j , ,, moll ,i, 9 the Eastern District of tlm Stall*, n*8*Mited to 20lh December, .... . 1837, usKMiilt-d lo 23d I>•>< emher, 1810, | To the Editor of the Federal Union :— Sir—1'. it* undi-rstoiul that you worn present at tit deiiv»*ry of tin* s(»c*i eh of Mr. Berrien to the Whig* of tlie L>-<*isdluro after Ins re election lo the United Status Senate. /Wum iig tins, until contradicted by you, to be title, I ask you. with what claim to the char acter nf a fa.r candid, and titan, can you ;«s. sort that Mr. Barr en sat “side by side” w.tb Mr. Cacsiii* M. (Lay on tin* same platfnrin *m Boston C«m left with u* no unpleasant re flee ! lions. We at tlm first of tlm session met with many old ur 151. Au ncl to alter ami fix the lime ol holding the Supe- * qiininlnncea and fririids, and w*c parted at the close with them, rior Cotiil* in the comities of Burke. Jt flerson and Richmond, H11( j , nonv newly formed ones with regret. Two vents hence, I '"lit > ..n ri-r court! " - « '■»P« M«1h •<> »*. •«! I- -an Horn tony | of (he county of l.ownd-rt to appoint i ummissioiM r* to ni'ike titles to lots sold in said comity, mid lua«*ll unaohMot*. 153. An net to relieve Jam* s M. Ware. Henry Kingsbury, Jonathan Long, Joel F. Flanagan, and l* II. Cnstlcburv, of the county ofTuiildiiig, from u payment of u recognizance or peuul bond. 154. An Hct to iimrui] nn act tmthmising the estalilishment of the .Southern Botanic Medical College of Georgia, mi as to aullmriM* tlm Bourd of Trust* e* cifsui-f College to remove ii to the city of Macou, whenever in tlu ir judgement it shall appem to said Board expedient or conducive to tlm interest ol tniiil iiMtituitoti, . 155. An act to extend llm corporate cxistsnce of the Pie rideui, Directors and Company of the Bank ot Augusta, nml continue in force certain acts of the General Assembly there. iu mentioned, and to regulate its issues iu future. J5G. An auto amend the 12th section of the J udic iary act of 179.1. 157. An net to apportion the Representatives among the several comities of this .State, according lo lim 7th sceliui of the 1st article of lim Constitution. 158. A ii act to authorise A. II. Ret-se to erect a mill-dam from tin* Western Bank to an island iu * lie bed of llm Chatta hoochee river; ami to authorise James Low to erect a 'I oil Bridge noioss tho Cualtuhoucheo river. t L r »0. Au act tu incorporate the Flint River Steamboat Co. | j,. J( j upon tlm desks of members—bad In 16U. An act for the relief of John C. Ediiiundsou of Wilkin i |„„| no doubt tin* mind sou county, uud Elijah Reamer Young of Thomas county. subject, lie saiu that 161. An uet lo iueorpointe tlm Augusta Manufacturing j c „,,- ec , • jr was due to the Principal Keep*’ Company, the Richmond Manufacturing Compuny, uud the Georgia Manufacturing Company. 162. An nci to miihoiisn a grant to i*sua lo Elisha Smatl for lot No. I7n iu the 13th district of Dooly comity. 163. An act to cli of David .Smith. prosperity attend, tin But itwus to the last night of the session u e intended alone | to refer—or rather to a particular action of the House on lli** a it address. No speeches were made from that **piat form” by either Mr. Berrien, Mr. Huntingdon or Mr. Cassius M. Ciay. Now I ask you— bow you can consistently, with th pretentious you nrako to condor a»»d fairness, quibble and shew ymir expertness nt endeavoring to make Mr. Berrien guilty of an equivocation—a suppression of a fact —when you knew at the time of your comment upon flint part of Mr. Berrien's address, that the facts were not as yon have slated them. You, moreover heard . , . . | Mr. Berrien, if you attended the meeting, say rmphati- In*, mein of il.o scs-uun when we I ,I,.* nri.cln, „ „ |a| „„ .rnDmonts were uttered in his mill fiom " I'liiU wo liovo aliiiii*, ly wumloreil. I B(| h|)VI> nH , crtl .j A *cci,e whs ,ho„ preoemod „i ,li« l.ol.ol.ler*, vvl.icl, require* | \ V ,ih’,he geneml review of Mr. Berrien’s speech do in giving ii <n >!w people. It m> | S p,.,,(il|(. St you may amuse vourself ae much ns you ,hu„ expunging a par!,on ol the Journal ^ ic( , fl „ m But when you m that no dab thing more of the House—an act brought about by a refractory minority Wo Imve, therefore, determined to pivev bat lrsb(»ono//L7c/vi- fed by such act ion ,und to oner a few comments in relation thereto. Wc hope that they will not pass without that no tice. on tho part of people w hicli su jIi conduct deserves. We wiite from a personal observation of the extraordinary and disgraceful proceeding*. Let our renders note llm following! THE OBLITERATED OR. EXPUNGED JOURNAL. Mr. Lewi* mm ed to take up the majority Kenort of tlm Joint Standing Committee mi ihc penitentiary, lie said that lie wished mi discussion at this lute Imm -that the subject had been discussed at i arioiis times during tlm session—that the i joriiy nnd minonty Reports Imd been printed sometime — u upon tlm Ueska of meinbe u for sale. The sale fr< inclusive, amount to 12,600. i tlm 28th ult., tilt the 3rd inst., Macon, Dee. 2 1. Our market during tho past week lias been in an iinirmnllv 'toiled stale. Holders arn verv confident of siill higher pii e*. ami they have partially succeeded in influencing buyers. qiKiiulioiis are from a j to -| higher than this day week ago now q-mte a* ruling price" yesterday (if a 7} ct« —a very ill lii In lias i,ml will hi ing .’I ctR.—av* rage sales 7 j cents. BALDWIN WHIG NOMINATIONS. For Clerk of Superior and Inferior Courts. JOHN H. Bit OWN. For Readier and Tax Collector. LEVIN J. SMITH. For Counht Surveyor• JAMES 0 WHITTAKER. M ILLEBGEVILLE PRiCCS CURRENT. Doc ember lf>, IN 15. Corrected Weekly by Wright if Stetson. BAGGING — Kcntiiekv. i t in \ d 16 < B \LE ROPE- Ih 7j BACON- In l'.'j a H .Sides Ih ih a 12j Shoulders 6 u III BUTTER— Goshen, prime, ll> 28 n 31 roiintrv. 14 a III CANDLThS—Sperm 31 n 37j Adamantine, 33 a 37 j Hull .V Sou’s, 18 it 2;» CHEESE—North*n 12J a 15 COFFEE— Jitvu,primn Rio, M OOTION- FISH— Mackerel, No. 1,11 5ft n 15 “ No. 2, 12 06 it 13 j FLOUR—Canal, 8 50 n « (-ountrv, 6 5ft a 7 5i GRAIN— (Torn, bushel 62j a 7. MIDES—Dry,' I N \ ILS — 18 Cm, 4d to 50d Ih Cj i 12J I OIL.S— pal. 1‘Jjalll Hi a If I tij a I ft OitGj inter atr. I, : 8 a 1,5ft ' Fall, 87 j .. !,«»(• I Lili-eed, 1,25 a 1.37 j j Tanner's 75 a I (hi PORK—Fresh, lb 5 u 5J I RICE- n 7 I ftlti A R— Porto Rico and .M. Croix, I ft it 12 j I New-Orluans, 8j a U Loaf and Crushed, 15 u Iti SA1, I*—Lit erpool, ek, 2,12 — i»r rather wlit ii you omit to elate fads of winch you arc cogtnzaut—eepecia'ly when tine is done with view to prolong unjust and unfounded prejudice—you must permit mo respectfully to ask you to make an ear lv correction. Il, however, you mean to make a ques tion of veracity with Mr. Berrien, as to the occurrences a! Boston, be’ pleased to do so distinctly. 1 wish m» evasion from you by saying you quote from "the Bo.-ami Daily Advertiser.” A FRIBND TO TRUTH. The following are the stations, for the ensuing Con ference year, ol* the Ministers and Preachers of the .* of members wan- made up upon llm j Methodist Protestant Church, Georgia D strict, as ap- ha believed the majority Repmt to bn : , )<M „>d | )V tIm* Stationing Committee of Ministers, aud i road—and he 1 least should refold their vot* 1 moved to lake it lip. Tlm motion was opposed by Air. Ja« kson, who deprecated the agitation ufthe subject at that lime—lie wim under the ' tlm nuitm of David Thrash to that that the House had passed the subject over for the balance of the session—but if it lia«l not. lie was opposed to 161. Au act lo change thn place of holding llm^ Justice 1 * j taken up. 2 it h militia ili-tiict iu liie cioiutv of Glynn. ' yj^. G-tulden i Courts of the 165 Au ue puii' in the I’ily ..i t'oiundius, to I* 6"" t»nn v of lim City of l ‘olambiia .’' 166 Auuct to amend the s. verwl tu ts heretofore paased nnd now In power incorporating and rehab g to tlm t’enii •! Railroad and liuokiug Company of Georgia, and * tlm said company to coutiib . „ | Mr. Gsiiiden of Stewart, fid lowed Mr. Jackson, and In his iporab! «he Columbus Witter Lot Com-1 coincided wild Mi. Lewis, in his views relative lo tu- ailed M 1 Im \\ uter Lot king tip llm report. After further discussion, llm vole was I then taken np -n the motion to take up the Repot I—and it «ui carried, yens 46; nuy - 36, n*» follows: Yeas—Mcssi*. Amlervon <•: Warren, \nn _ AniHld, Baker, Benv, Bird, Bivin*, Black, 17rt*ntTv, Bollaid Hinson, Buttrnl, Caihiwm .Cldtou.(hawford ol Harris, Du-j hignon, Fh-mmiog, Gaiihleii <»l Stewart, Goode, Graham, 1 Greene *if Macon. Guyton, llni.-ell, I lari is of Bahlw iu, Harris 1 « f Moigm, Harris of Troup, Hill. Howard, Ivey, Jenkins.! j Lewis. Living-ton Lumpkin. Martin, McMullen, Mnstian, ' I o«; .bv. |Vm, Bcter-um, |*i\or, Rotdnsou ot Lauren*, Unit . Su toni, .*• iiocUlev, Smith of Oglethorpe, i the Cliullahouche id* of this •' front the county of Bibb City of Coltitiibut*. 167. An act to commute the B redemption of the bit. r and liubilitl Georgia. 163. A it act in relation to affi lavit - «*f illegality 163. An act fur the limitation ol proceedings in caveat mg . t;ji j \\ , will*. 17ft. An net to authorize the issuing of Grants to •‘licit bits of land and true lions, iih are embraced in the sevmal eoiuun * of this State in tlm Land Lotleiienof 1821,and 1827, h.u! ttie Laud and Gold piovisions louetofor** mad** f«»r granting—and to such other lots (oiidoueed in the aforesaid l.und and Gold Lotteries) n* tlm granting of which lias been urreated by Exerulit e oideroti nce.oiinl ol fotcioj, atterstion*, uud Erusuresupon the hunks of the Executive De- pnrlmnut. 171. An net tocnmptd llm Banks of this State to pay u tax | |,„ on the liiglmst ntnouid of Bank stock hereafter returned by j ,|, them im * abject lo taxation within the limits of tlmir respec tive charter i, 172. An net tube entitled an a* l to define the rights and power of Administrators t, de bouin non?' | yi 173. An aet lur tlm udmisrion of certain evidence in cases] therein mentioned. 171. An act t«» prnscrihn tlm mode of signing Judgment* <«*,nId*, aruijbsiiiug Executions ngaiinti etidu 'V:i*liiiigtnn—4f». . A idei-souofL'huthutn. Armstrong of B bb,| l. lit. 1.v• . Bryan, Bolt,Caliiiie**, t'aiition, Gnrl j , Fi.i l, (building of 1’ike. Gray, Gicen of • n v, .l.mksoii, Johnson, Keith,! my, Moon, RobiiiHon of Early, | .il. Smith of Henry, Strung. , Whitaker, Yarborough— 86. the floor, Im again opposed . M f Kab Ken in, K oil ill. Ivn. >rr Smith * f ('ass, iSiii.iii Sumner, Swearingen, I air. .luekson lot*mg • action upon the Repot I. an I having cnuclinh d. Mr. Martin (*alleri for tin* previous question, which, i: Httstuioed. would • cot «>IT*i11 deliato mid w -uhl have reqttir d tlm f louse ei« to reject or agree to the Renmt. Tin . ul. t. r tho previ ous question was siisiiiinnil t niid on the ques; • m h -i:.g put t • agree to the Reporta\i I RON— Swedes, Hoop, LAUD— .MOLASS ES— (’uha, “rI! Now-Oileii 5j „ U 8 a I 5ft Bushel, Alum Misli. SOM'—Bar, lb TALLOW- TEA—Imperial. G niipowdcr, Hyson, Black, TOBAUt O— Cavemlish, prime, 7 1 AS 5ft n 75 1 ft a 25 18 a 2.i T\VINE -Bugging I’ll READ— Factory, bundle, 95 a 1,(10 VINEGAR— Apple, gallon, 31 a 37 A Negro Roy or €«irl Wanted. ANTED to hire for the year, a negro boy about 16 >eui * old, or a girl of about 11 or Hi years old ; for w hom good wage* will he given, and paid monthly in advance. Enquire at (hi* ollico. 2U il VA i uct* r r th»’ time Idr the elet lion of Electors I’lesi lem imd \'ic*> Bresidettl ol tlm United Stales. 176. An net lo exempt joinuey men Mechanics and labor ol ihim Stain from the G uiiinlimr-ut of their wages 17/. An act tu umeiid the n**ts establishing a general * tein ot eduuittioii bv common schual*, so lar a* relates Lowndes county. 178. Airaei to amend tfio patrol laws. 179. An uct to pfovide for tho eollccti-ni ol fine* i iip'.^ed b\ ('unitsof Enquiry. 18ft. An iic i toufpliin mill amend cert iii the linbilitie* <#(' <*c.-mi*i.*«ir on appeal.Sic. 181. An act to amend tlm Dili ol the pen il code. 1!.'. An net to explain the 10th section of all uet to protect the cmulcs uf o i phi us. 183, An net n relation tolu*nlvenl Debtors. 181. Au aet t.i authorize the luleiior (.'••urt of Lowndes eon at y to ili-p of cotitily '.utiil* ut Fraiici-v ill**. 185. A'lHctlo allow lathe late Tux Uoticctor of liwin c*»uoty3i i« cut Ibt. B»6. An act for tho relief of ||. T. Dicken. 187. A n ad to change the time of holding llm laud court id disbursement id to define ctiou of dm 10«11 division •15 -Me-srs. Ailde lerrv, Bird, Wo Callaway, Urn of Stewart, ell. IL. .is follow s t ml' Warren, Armstrong of<* ,Black, Iti.tntIv. Bollard, It) II,i uf II inis, Diiblgtion, Fie 11 turia of Tump, 11**1, Mow iugs'ou. Liimpiviu, Aluitin. I’.-rry , I’eteisuii, 1'iyor, R„ W il* e» Ro• ul, Saitfut I, J nml Ware 1,1 Madison—45. Nays — Messrs. Cant,'»„,('’, at \\ hitaki (i aid-' in.’ H ints , i Morgan. | Ivey, Jenkins. Lewi*. Liv- MnltiUi, Mustiun, t)g|eshv,l m uf Lauren*, Rohiosou ol Smith of Oglethorpe, ckle lton.Gtieirv, J olinson. Kendall, ft! L* i the call < ol left tlm lions’ untie members. I he (Hoik having gone through with the id ii t> *,and then* being but 52 voting, llm.” •lie members that the lit* i proceed furl he i until the cu instances, the i hem could hu lidcilt* of C. ».nova county to pay id Court of Oidinar, 13 f. An act to compel their tax in said county • ,189. An uct tu c*talili*li nnd rineta. 190. An n. t to enlarge mid extend the puw tni**iuue»s of lim Way n,‘.'liaio A<*ndemv, in Burke cnnnty, 191. An net lo eli utge tlm mode uf electing tityofliceis tlm city uf Mill, *l“,-viils. R'i. An a-t inmuporuiitiff tlm Talbot Gmrd*. iu the coun ly uf Talbot. 193. -No aet to authorize and require the Justices of the In 1 ’ <>f tlm county of Uniidnipli to pay J*din B Sevell, I was to iKijoorii lr« m <hi\ to , House. The roll of the ll„ | was made tu adjourn, which was lost, j ri*. then remarked, that ns Democratic i Hall to prevent llm adoption of tlu* r**p* I ed out or run awu* front tlm qnestioj j have tlm matter passed ov. r,pun i.b d tl I ed up'in tlm Journal. Ilctncrefi the proceed Mr.' I’lie — ns they lr d hark Im wu* satisfied d facts coillil be enter nl that tlie rierk en the Journal—that the subject bo i ii*h i:d ti c House proceed In oil er busiim-s. The yea were i ,||ed ler.icd on tlie adoption oil he motion tie Ykas—Messrs Anderson of Wurien of tlm Com-! |jivi„g, Black, Bullard. IWon. BntlrnM pom’Pd bv tin* Stationing C Lavinun of the iant Annual (’ inference. M. Tuckeil elected Uics’dent by the Conference. Meriwether Circuit—G. Harlan, Supi.; P. Ogielrec Supernumerary Assistant, Newton Circuit—J. Thurman, Supt.; Isaiah C. Wal lace, S. A. Columbia Circuit—Isaac Rosser, Supt.; J. Shields, S. A. Henry Circuit—W. W. McCutchon, Supt., S. Rob- inson, VVilbam Gr.fila Titos. Thvvealt, Supernu g of Greene, j momry Assistants. Twiggs Circuit—J. W. Davis, Supt.; R. A. Blount. S. A. Cherokee Circuit— B. R. Bray, Supt.; \V. Mitchel. S. A. Randolph Circuit—P. L*»gn, Supt.; AV. Myers, J. It. Swam and !'! Smith, Supernumerary Assistant*. Florida Mission—M. Wh.tberger Smith, Supt.; T. (). assist ml & M. Nash, H. Saxon & N. Lin- 81*v. S. Asst*8, 'Hill Mission— W. Nf. Bigger*, Supt.; J. O. Kelly, S. A. Home Missionaries—L Bates* W. H. Cassels, 1). I Inukms S. Moor* 1 , Isaac G. Mitchel, left in the hands of the President. G. Wilson, J. Stokes H. Baker, Superaniiated. Detegatf.i to the next General Conference—M. W hit- border Smith and l**»inh C, Wallace, Ministers—John Wohh &. John Bass I,.tut'ti, A Itenmto/,—R. A. B mint & B-itiis 7 (r U. B ay. Mm *tets — llczckiah Magrudcr (Charles Kmnon L'tytren. Next Annual Conlerence at Cross-road Academy, Newton Coumy, to commence on the Friday liefutu the bet'iiul s.ibnath in N**\ember next, Drr inbpr 1^45. Editors ol newspapers in (icorg'a & Florida will please copy. fFKOM THK NEW YultK COUItlKU At F.N'qi’IUKH.j Nkw-Yohk. Dec. 20. FIFTEEN DAYS LA PER FROM ENGLAND. The Aetidiu "leaiti packet uriivrd at Boston at «nm o’clock y cstcnla v mortiioi: .Irom l.iverpo**!, w Imuce slm sailed on tlm 4th iii-t. By thisHirivcd our London files lo tlm 3d D eem her and l.ivoipo.d papersn* tlm*lay ul llm atnamar'a depur- tore . . 3 lie commercial and general inmmgrno** is interesting, nnd in some lespects impoHnut—lie ugh tlm political news is lint nl iinv sturtlinc *»r decisive cliaiactifr. Tim eullou muiket is ion very depressed state nnd a de cline had taken place, ami juices had nenrlv reached tlm wlbrd * ft II ii-1 lowest figme at which il bad ever been quoted. The iiilbr- s had left the ; inaiion Imm llm United States ol a full crop and of a supply eqim 1 to of last year, wu* iu some measure coitnierautud | bv the b Inherent slate ol public leeiing in this country nnd | the aj’|.r* beiision (ifwar, so tliit some activity prevailed in tl.e nun ct nuiong purchasers on speculation, but prices de- ] dice note i.hsiuuding. t J 3 b> ie dors not appear to bo nuy material change in the grain aid provision market, since tlie la*t advices from Eu- J rup*-.tiiout:h it will be seen by some of tlm accounts that llm • pule bo serious as it liod been represent- I CUItlvTM/tS C N Utf TOM ERS wlm have mauo uecoiiuts wi»h me tlm past J year,will say to ihcin tlieir BILLS uro now lead) fm examination. Early intention to thesume will milch oblige E. W BANCROFT. Milleilgeville. Dec. 25 1815. 19 If I'f hiiary Ptifiixiiik Mirrili’* Stilt*, W'l : ‘ ilm moI.I b loro llm I'ourt Imitse door, in Ealontnti, next ouiitv.on tit** lit Ml Tuesday in FEBKL’ARA following pro,.eitv, to wit: A negro man named Dick, told under a dreieo of I’ntnnm ■SuperiorCourt,al tlm suit of VY m. June* v* I'reslev I! I**ilc!i» aid. J AS. W. M AI'I’LN, Rlierifi. Fniuam countv, at the ensuing Juiiiiaiv election. Doc. 30,1845, (9 U YYilkiiixoti February SSutHS ’s Kales. n j II.I, be sold at tlie Court bourn door in the town ol lr- vviiilon.oii the first I'lmsdiyin FEBRUARY next, between tha usuul hours ol sale, ttio Ibilovvnig projieity, to One negro man l*cn. idmut 6ft \ ears old, nnd hi-* wife N'nuey about tin* same -also, negro woonn Milfv, aliout Ift vearH old >«i ii i;• * ihr■. i c. ii.!i’ii — also, Alary, a girl about 18 your*old; Ann, uhout 15 years old ; t’nsli, about 12 years uhl ; also, Margaret, about 23 yemsold, and her cliiulren, \\'iiioy, i’io react*, Mallos, aad Martha, from one to six veins old ; also, Nancy, about 4ft y«m* obi, and her two cliildrstt, Warren, about ID vcais old,uud Boh, aboil 6 year* old; oim negro j woman \fina, alioui 10 years old, nml hci cliildien. Solomon, , Frank, Lemuel, Eliz i, Fanny , Nelly and Jacob, from one t< fifteen y eor* old; oim hoy D i, about 11 ynara old; olsti Aiiiler*on, about lUy.aisohl ; also, Bose,a liov 12 years old AI It'll, a bay ihoni II v.* ir* old; non negro woman Winny about 1ft years old, mid ln*r chiid ; one negro man Istium iilinui 5ft years old ; uuc negro mail .'■mil, about 5ft years old also, all the land* ly ing ou I'oncr's Greek, containing elevei liiindied aud torty-livc acres, mote or less, wiili a good »*iv an.I gust mill ilmren ,; also,3()ir acre*, more or le*s, w n *ieoi 3(aoiinm Viii*>ill now li,i.s ; also, 135 ucres. moia or Mi (’unitel ni.w lives ; also, 202j MAGNIFICENT SCHEMES. ron jAxruARv xs«e. 9. a. oasooxv *l CO., Manager*. ALEXANDD1A I.OTTEHV, Class 3, for 1846, Tu bu drawn at Alexandria, I). C. on Saturday January 17, 1846. 78 NUMBER LOTTERY—14 Drawn Ballots. MAGNIFICENT PRIZES: ■ raiatul 1 Spii ixi Crizc ■ ,i» l <lw 1 Prize of l <lo I <lo 1 do # Prizes of t» do do <lo do do sVc. do.oeO Dnllnre. Dollar*, l.v.uoo Dollars. 10,000 Dollars. 9.000 DoOars. N.OOO Doll:-t s. 7.000 Dolltu •> .7,179 Dollars. 4.000 Dollars. 9.7.00 Dollars. 9.000 Dollars. l,ooi* Dollars. COO Mollurs. 700 Dollars. ic. Ticket. *jtl5—Halve, *7 70—Quartet. #8 77. —!)*a,S*r 1-4. t'erlifienlpsi ol 1’uckilgea »t'*4fi wlmle Ticket., $191. 00 i.o do 96 Halve, do 95 00 Ho do 9b Q.iHrte.suo 47 50 Hi. do 9fi Highlit. S3 75 ALGXANDIIIA LOTTERY, Clus. No. 4, fur llt-lti, To be drawn in A lexnnd. in. I>.t\, an Saturday, January S4ih 1646. GRAND SCHEME: 30,000, *12,700. so,OHO. *4,000, „ S3,777, 3,000, $9,000.' O IM izi-s ol'. «k',000 ® <lo 1,000 o do 500 &c. kc. &,c. > i\ L AIDE It LOT IERY-—12 Drawn Ballots 3icket*$IO—Halve* $5—(Quarters $2 50. Certificates ol Packages of25 whole Tickets, $1 3ft Do do 25 ball do 65 Do do 25 quarter do 32 50 ALEX INDICIA LOTTE HV, ( Ins* 5, for 1816, u im dinwn iu AIcxnndriii, I) (’., on tfuturdny, January 3l*t, 1816. GRAND SCHEME: 37,000 Dollars I 10,000 Dollars! 7.000 Dollars! 3,171 Dollars: 3.000 i.ollai s ! V.700 Dollars ! 2.000 Dollars : 40 Prizes ot 1,700 Dollars! 50 Do 100 Dollars! &o. &« 75 Nos.—12 Ballots Tickets $10—Halves $r>—(luartera $2 .50. CertifU'iiteHuf Packages ol 25 Wholes, $130 CO Do do *5 Halves. 65 10 Do do 25 Quartern, 32 50 (drOrders for Tickets nnd Phare* ami < criificntes ol Pa* k* e* in tlmatmve AJaonikici.nt>(Hi nns will receive pinu pt teiition aud an account of tlm Drnwiug will be sent iinnm* at -ly aftei it is over to n I * who may orih i frill* ns A«ldie$s, J. G.GULGOUl A i o., ^CiiingerK. \Y ashiiigioti Cttv. I). C. Dec. 30, 1815. 19 «J ro tlio Voters of ILildwin Couniy. ' I LLI A »3 S I'l.Ll.i: respectfiillv iiiiih unces lidute for re-election to tlm Clerkship the Superior and Inferior Court* ot said county. I hi n for the lib I tlioi * tickets, W disposed to support hi n for the above nnpoint* tire first expres* -III* Will fit outlay in January next,as follow For Clerk Superior Court—STEELE. For C.erk Inferior Court—STEELE. Bec.9. 15 if \z?*rr SAMUEL BUFFINOTON. Ir., fefiqv re ; pecifully announce* ilmt ho is a Candidate fur ‘"'■it*' l!ieutlien ol Slierilfol Biihlwin county, nl tbeelec* .n in January next, with oLlYER ii. P. BONNER ns his *»p*ity. 15 if i SA?II LL H. II(JC4IIEK respectfully nmioniiee* tliat lie is a ('mididuie for re election to tim oirtce of Receiver of Tax Returns and ('oiler* of Baldwin County, nl tlm election iu Juimury i De 15 tf AY'e are niithoiiscd to auiimince L» S. - . , ’ 411*1 ns a caiididaie for Sheriff uf Hancock county, at tlm ensiling January election, if elected, 'IIN D. ANDREWS will be his Deputy. Der. 10,1845. ' 17 tf A HEW riBING. rUST received, Freemun’s genuine RAZOR STROPS, ' which r* quire only ten or littccn strokes to product* n in per edge upon n razor thitu any other kind ol strap ever •line ufTu’cd to the public, w it Ii live times as iimrh labor.— iiy mm puichasiug >hia iii tide, uud does in>t find it na rerom ended (when Inning used it according* to directions) will ive the amount paid for it refunded hy retiiruing it. Price* Om* Bullnr pucIl Tu In* had wIioIhhiiW*iiiii n tail ot tlm manufacturer, R. P. UEE.MAN, Augusta. Geo. Gao, ut Br, LilSlP’s Dl tlg ‘ytoiM*, Milledgeyills, a. Hi *it Dec, 13,184ft BOOTS! BOOTS! ! HOOTS !!! JUST received and opened at tlm New ■rif-. JUS'! received and open* I Boot and Shoe Store, V-J AUk Gent's Supr. fr. cf. Boots, -yi*** 3 .. ci. ."S«ii. jo. pegged do. Bo Ba I’ll Ill'OgHliS, Ymilh’f 1 -inlit‘8* Embossed Kid Slip®, •* Ui I’d Boots, Oc. Trunks, Carpet Bagx, Snlclmls.&c k;e. lie. Milled rcvil'e. Dee. .5ib 1815 *,wlie on l i...s. N. Be.vll of 11 vviiiton wiicrci. tlm town uf livvint uho BiinIi former lv liv ruoriim. I Uder the cir do Inn one thing, nml that until u quorum was iu the mm then culled. A motion Baker, Berry, Bint, nntotua toils all, Calloway, Clift ,d. Ther a teacher of Poor eJiildr* u, Ids aceotnit f.»r i-Miehing poor •lien m 18)3 and DM9 from tlm poor school or Education fund, and to .uilhotize tho J u-tiees of tlm Inferior Conn ot Stewart comity to rcuiuurnte Samuel Ailam* lor money paid out by liim 6,r teaching poor diiidit-u under llm cuiuuion aclmul law of 1839. I'H. Aii act tocAilo l«> llm United States of America nil tlm • ’.)••, t ii|<* a*nl interest oftlm Spite oft•■•••rgii, in. to uiui ov or - " pr»i* of twenty .v*rcs of laud nil tlm Gland of Cockspur, I.* III** Savannah R j% or, and also tlm jurisdiction thereof. 19 ». a ii n«*t to a ii'miize llm several (*ouris **f Ordinary *»f ibis Slate to appoint their Clerks and Guardians in certain eimgi a id for other purposes tliereiu nnnpMi. lord of Harris Hemming. Goode, Giuliani 11 i Greene of Mucori, (»u\ ton. I laiiM'll, liarris ol Baldvv u, Hi. i• j im of Morgan, ilmri* ufTroup. Hill, H ward, Ivey, Jeokiu-, *' Kendall, Lewie. Livin‘r*lou, Lumpkin, Maitin, •‘McMullen. Oglesby,Owen, Perry, Peterson. I’rvoi .Robinsi n of Lauieim, Ruhiiison of \N likes,'Sanliiid, btnhli ofOgicthovpv.aud \\ me uf .Madison, Nay*—Armstrong of R Jib. Bcl'vin,('annon, ('arlion, Julin- uoii, Kilgoie, Mnsinin. Sonnier, and I liornton—U. 3 lie absent nmmners still l*< n*g oulsitio uf the bar of the House, iii tlm lobby, Senate (lliuinbcr. vNc..!.. there was still noi a quorum. A Iter no hour «»r mi hour nml a half Was spent in ir\mg to get a quorum and proceed toother business, it was understood that,if Mr. I.ewi’* would w ithdraw hi* motion lo tain* up the report, nml all the proceedings relative to the mat tcr.bc stricken from theJuumal, the absent members would r»turn to the House. The Speaker announced tint the pro ceeding* by tin* llotisu upon tho subject could only be Hrick- en out by unanimous consent. Alter further remarks from different geoilointn, the roll was limn called and tlmre being a some Trade in Mall depiesto d Tlm tail Tlm di*u(T’ction on the i inprovenrent in the money market, hestcr uud the manufacturing towns dive. panic had not subsided. Illi Dist ; Anthony Seals 1 res, more or I* ss, ly *ug oil tin* en*’t si de of! , wimi -oii Sumuei Biadv in vv lives; ul-j go.ul house nml iol well improved,vvlieio. | • w live- ; mi • ho i*o aud lot in tlm town | Sam lit* l Beall live* ; one liuu* • uud lot in j , wliflieon Ulmrle* Mcldr lives; nl-o, one J road wagon and six miiloa, two yoke of oxen and curt, twenty (lend st • h U wattle. 5ft head of Img.-, 30U huslmls of corn, more or les*, eight stuck* ol bidder, one buckstiiiih shop nml tool*;! also, one i iirri ige ; nil levied tilt iss.ilm properly of Samuel j Beal! I" sit.s v ti Ii fa issued fr iii the Superior t'oint of said j coiiihv in f’ivnr of Urno D.ivi*, AduiV- amt Nancy Pilliiimi*,t Adni’x. on the estate of Buckner Piitinnu. deer: sod, Vb Cui- I lr US, Beat* 1 .V. I'.O'll, and Snuioel Beall ns - curily. Also, oim haif of llm tiuitH-* uud tot w hereon .Samuel .1. ; Bush now lives; also, 150 Itimhel*ol corn, more or lee*, four I slack* ot fodder.hix Imnd of stock cattle, twenty head of hogs, more or less,one ox earl; one negro girl Fisuices about iilieen year* olit, one girl Siiiioi. nluiiil to years old, liouschold and J kitchen luruilure: all hvi doa ns tlie propnitv of Tim*. N. ■ Beall, to snli*fv the sum* li la. Also, nil tiu- houS'diold and kitchen tlm proper-1 tv of Sunil. J. Bush; levied ou to satisfy the same Ii la l*ro- 1 party poial< d mil l>y Gitcu B. Buraev, indoiser. ^ t r c>. b. Murphy, D.sheriir ! \Vilkiii)><M> T'l'briini-y Sltcrifl ’» Siilrs. ! W r ll.l. he *u|d before the ('ourt house door iu iiwintoii, \V ilkintou coiiiily,on the first Tuesday in FEBBU A-; *liiiii tiio legal hours ofsulo, the loll-iwiog proper-1 i the pontifical Stutes would seem to Tlie new* emried out bv the Cambria, which arrived ni j Liverpool on the 1st inst.,had somewhat cooled tlm war pan* I ie, which lm*l previously been rather rife. We must now wait for llm effect of tlm President’s Message upon tlm people of Great Britain, and he prepat ed, we suppose, for a renewal I of the . xcitemeiit.aml for nnv account of British thunder.— Greut energy is still exhibited in tlie warlike preparations at tlu* dock vnrtis, in the surveying of the coasts fur fortifications, uu l is strengthening the steam navy. The most serious apprehensions weie felt not only in Ira land, lint in England, of llm con«equanses of the failure of the crops, and famine in it* wmsl forulp seemed lo be looked upon iu some quarters ns almost inevitable. All parties in I lelnid, Repealera and Orangeman, Roman Cathodes and Olio hundred bushels of corn, more cm less, and eight hun dred iii*. fodd<*r. nml one sorrel horse about nuio years old ;1 levied mi as tlm propnitv of Nathaniel .Mitpkd, to satisfy a IL -I res* warrant ictunmfde tu tlie Inferior < 'out l of s ml coun ty, in favor of\V illiam Ityal* v* said Maples. Also, one half ut n Iioiim* and lot siiiint** in (lord m, as the propei ty **fS. J. Daniel; al**i o:i«« half of a lot of laud near Gordon; levied on as the piopertv of S J. Daniel, to sstisfv two li la* i-sued from ii J notice's Court in favor of Samuel Bragg, Adin'r on the estate of Curnidius liacbn or, «le**«a*ed. vs Joshua Bachelor mid Mr* S. J. Daniel, Adio'x in her own wrung un the estate of Jackson Daniel, deccastd. Levy made and returned to um by a constable. Al* », one brass dock, ten head of liog«, five Imad of s'oek cattle; levied on to satisfy n 6 (•• is«iied out of (tie Superior Court in favor of Green llatclmns %s Edmund I luneoek, udmr. on the estate of Joseph tlaucoc k, decesfe t. NY. \V. BE YLL, Sheriff. Di#. 27 1841. 21» VtiLLlAitl R. BH.UALI LARIL1) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 5Sl:ikt*Ey, Early Cotntiy.Gco. RBFF.itF.NCK* — Hon. Seaborn Jones .Hon. W.T.Col j. i,7, Hon.A. Iverson, Hon. Joseph Sturgis, John Sc hie j. ♦ •// Henry L Henning Esqrs. Jim.2, 14 tf ftiEtfCEn i STvfiwTFfj .111 Ji Uiiiveisit v C'onpri-es a rheological, UollcgiAte and 1. Academical Department. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Faculty.—Rev. John L Dngg, D. D., Pmfessnr of Sya- nintio J Imologv; Rev..l. L. Reynold-, A. AL, Professor of lilicnl Lilernluie; Rev. N- M.Oravvfoid, A AL, Professor •feel) of Ecclesiastical History. Pirn course m studies in thi- Dep'ir'meiit einbrnees all the inch' * usually taught in Theological Schools ul the first der, including llehiew nnd, if desired, (Miahlce. ('<tl.LEGI V I E DEPARTMENT. Faculty —Rev. John I. Dngg. D. I) , President; Rev, P. f . Mel I, A. AL, Prof, of Language*; li. O. Peirce. A. M., , rof. of I'lmmistrv and Nirtitrnl l'li'losopliv ; S. P. Sanford, M , Profes-ur of .Mathematic*; Rev. S. G. I 111 Iyer, A. Al., I iof*—«ur (i»| -cl) of B-’llcs l.eltre*. I lia course ot Mufti. * iu the College is as full as iu any I .nilred institution in the South. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Rev. Thomas D Martin. A. IL. Principal. The Siiideui* in thi- Department am prepared for College id^r tlm direction of the Fneuliv. I.XIT.N-E*. llm Cn'legiale Di’P'Oiment, $35 for llm erhrdna- i - >ear; in ih«* Piepsratory Deportment.$.6;in theTheologi- *.l Depm i ni' iit, free. Bom .1 from 7 to $8 per month. Washing, Room rent, Jcc., mm $2,ftft per mouth. The fust ses.-ion commence? on tlm 9d Wednesday in Art ist, nod eloses on the 30lh of November. Tlm 2nd session begins on the I5tli of January, nnd clones it It the Commencement Exercise* ou tlio2d Wcuimsday iu • ilv. For the course of studies in tlm seveinl depnrtmenls. in de- • il. ider to (lie Cliri^liuu Index,ornpply to one nf the Pio- —urs. IU)* Tlm ('hroniele nnd Sentinel.nnd Constitutionalist, An- •ista; tlm AV hig nml Banner, Ailmus, the Sonilmrn Recorder nl Journal, Aldledgeyille; tlm Repithlienn and Georgian, rviinuah, ami tlm Enquirer nml Times. Columbus, are re* d». md i ;• p it hi i-li tlm above oii**n n inoiith fur five inoiilhe, idlorw t'd their neemints for sutilement to the Treasuier, liomas J. Burney, Aludisuil. Sept. 3Uth 1815. 1 mStrt OBLLTMORP9I IIYIVf RM1Y. 1 3 HE sch'i'iislie year of till* lu-titiiti<ui will be opened on llm 1st .Monday in January, with an Increased Faculty f instruction. tuition rr,R annum: College I'ft Academv—Languages, - • • 36 - ' English, ... 23 Buii.1 per iiiui,ill, • ... 10 C. \V. LANE, Scc’y BM of Trurteca. Dee. |6. 17 ft TURfRT&Rl ANO HOUSE CARPENTRY: OOBEitT D. II \LL (uuccrgtor of IP. Lord.) bus con- i l MtHiitiy on hand, uiMkes tu older, ami repairs u11 kinds of eurniturc. All kind- nf llOSUE CARPENTRY done in the best manner,and All kinds of Paints can lie had ready for use, Glasscutto any size, mul Glazing dune. Also, (Has* for Picture frames, Ac. of various sizes; Hard ware Trimmings for Furniture, Ate., and .Mahogany and Black Wu Iu ut Draw Knobs, lev. will please cull nt Mr. Newell's Store, where they AJillcdgevilia, tf