Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 05, 1869, Image 1

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ATLANTA, GEORGTA, THURi R8DAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, i860. HUB BTATIt LAVS For ths tilth often lot "to bo paid to them or * P— seoond article treaty I dred aud fifty eight, M I for this amount, to be of the Pmtident In fund* OUjrtM i f pannanout annuity In etlvor, par fourth article r third August, seventeen hundred and nluety- ■areo hundred and twenty-four dollar* and Mr- 1 permanent annuity in ailrer. per third article r thirtieth Bepteniix-r, eighteen hundred and seventh artel* treety October twelfth, eighteen hun dred and sixty-threo, on* thonaand doOnrs. SIX NATIONS OF HEW TOM. For permanent annolty in eloUrtng and ether useful artistes, per sixth article treaty seventeenth Novmn- ber, seventeen hundred and ntaety-Juur, four thona* end Are hundred dollar*. 8'KLALLAMfi. For laat of four instalments ou aUty-thoueand dol lar*, (being fourth series), under the direction of the President, per fifth ertt^e treety tveatv-rixtli Janna- jfe permanent annuity in eilvor, per third article MBraeooud October, eighteen hundred and elgh- 9m •«* thousand eight hundred aud eleven dollars ed ninety-three oeate. For permanent annuity in money, per second aril- '* *—- * 4 — u 'phteen hundred and tundred aud forty- nine dollars end fifty-tour oeate. For permanent annuity iu epee treaty twenty-ninth July, eigh 1 ** ty-ninc, eleven thousand flvo hui doUamend thirty-three oeate. For fife annuity to chief, per third artiole treety ******* °«***' •%**« hundred and thirty-tw* two hundred dollars. For life annuity to chlefo, per third artiole treaty twenty-riith September, eighteen hundred end thirty- three, seven hundred dollars: Provided, That mtlafho- tory evidence shall be shown to the Secretary of the Interior that th* chief or chiefs provided for by aaid article* are still living. FaeedumUon, duritg the pleasure of Oongreea, per third arUclo treaty of October sixteenth, eighteen hon- dred end[twenty-aix, eeootkd article treaty September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and fourth article treaty October twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, five thousand dollar*. For permanent provision for the payment of money to lieu of tobecoo, iron, end steel, per second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen bundled and twenty-eight, aad tenth article of the treaty of the fifth and seventeenth Jane, eighteen bandied and forty-six, two hundred and seventeen dollars end for ty-three cents. For permanent provision for three blacksmiths and SMlatants, and for Iron and steel for shops, per third article treaty sixteenth October, eighteen hundred end twenty-eight second article treety twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and seoond arti cle treaty twonty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand forty-two dollar* and nine ty-four cents. For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per seoond article of treaty twenty-nfnlh July, eigh teen hundred and twenty-nine, three hundred and sev en teen dollars and nlue cents. For interest on four hundred and aixty-aU thous and and twenty seven dollars end forty-eight cents, at flv« per centum. In conformity with seventh article treaty of June fifth and seventeenth, eighteen bun dred aud forty-aix, twenty-three thousand three hun dred and one dollars end thirty-seven cent*. To enable the President to oarry out the provisions of the third article of ths treaty of November fifteen, S hteen hundred end eixty-oae, with the Pottowato- e Indiana, as modified by the treaty of March twen ty-nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-eix, by paring to certain in am ber* of said tribe who have elected to be- oome citizens In accordance with said treatise, the proportion of the oaah value of the Pottowatomie an nuities to which they may be entitled, the sum of two hundred end thirty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-three dollars and eighty cents, in currency, and the turn of one hundred end twenty-three thousand ill the com twenty-fir* five, oueth For led andjoiner 1 *ixm uocooer. tugnecen nunoraa ana imy-nve, one thousand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalment* for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, former, aad a physician, who shall furnish weed I dees for the sick, per eleventh article treaty twenty^UU October, eighteen hundred ofthenor seoond article treaty twenty-tow* December, eighteen hundred end fifty-ft to, twelve MISQUALLY, PUYALLUP, AND OTHER TRIBES AND BANDS OF INDIANS. For fifteenth instalment, In part payment for re linquishment of title to lands, to be applied to bon- rftaaal objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-aixtb December, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ono thou sand two hundred dollar*. Far fifteenth of twenty Instalments for , ‘“ are,, “ 4 For pay of carpenter, former, blacksmith, miller, ed Mvmar, mV Leaf* unirl. u« ik eighteen mentof March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred end sixty-four, tea thonaand dollars. For tixth of ten lnstalmenu, per eighth article tree- S , for the purchase of provisions, under the direction the Secretary of the fntartor, ten thocaend dollar*. For the purchase of Iron, steoi end necessary tools for blacksmith's shop, as par tenth article of aaid trea ty, two hundred and twenty dollar*. For pay of blacksmith aud assistant, as per asm* ar ticle of seme treaty, one thonaand one hundred dol lars. For Insurance, transportation, and general Inciden tal expenses of the delivery of goods, provisions, and stock, ss par same artiole of same treaty, three thous and dollars. UMFQUA8 AND CALAPOOIA8. OF UMPQUA VAL LEY, OREGON. For last of live instalments of the third series of an nuity for beneficial object*, to be expended as directed by tbs President, per third article treaty twenty-ninth .CHE, MUACKK, CAPOTE, WEEJ GRAND RIVER, AND UINTAH 1 ^ of in- „ — — medicine • tick .carpenter, and former, per tenth article ■ twenty-el-*h Deoambw, eighteen hundred and our. five thonaand dollar*, fifteenth of twenty instalments for the support kgricultnral and industrial school, and support Ith and carpanter shop, end providing the neoee- oole therefor. In conformity with tenth article of ’ December twenty-elxth, eighteen hundred and teen hundred and sixty-eight, thr* For erecting an agency bonding i the agent at each of the agencies, ft lar* each, per fourth article treety B hundred end sixty-eight, three thm ■ixty-eight, eix thousand dollars. For construction of four bufidli tanner, btoehsneMh, and milter, at NAVAJOR8. Fur such artiole* of clothing, or raw materials In lieu thereof, for eight thousand Navajoo Indiaus, not sxoesdlng five dollars each Indian, In oonformity with eighth article treaty June first, eighteen hundred end sixty-eight, forty thousand dollars. For seeds, farming Implements, work cattle, end other stock for fourteen hundred families, in conform ity with seventh article of above-named treety, ono hundred and forty thonaand dollars. For survey of ths Navtioc Indian reservation, In conformity with fifth article treaty of Juue first eigh teen band red end sixty-eight thirty-six thousand two hundred end twenty dollars. For Insurance and transportation- or tlio fiscal year F*r life annuity to chief, foments! treaty twrety-f and red end twenty-nine. For this amount to supply a dafi Pinny in the ap propriation for pay of oommtmtonere to be appointed bv the i'restdent, ea per terty-atoth and fiftieth art* dee treaty April twenty-cighth. eighteen hundred end sixty-six, end ftenato amendment thereto, with the Choctaws aud Chickasaw*, fifteen hundred end thirty- eight dollar* aad forty-seven oeuta. For this amount, interest da* the Choctaws and Chiokaeawa. August eighth, eighteen hundred end etx- ty-eight, on three hundred thousand dollars held in trust tor aeSd fort tana, under the third article treaty K solzsaasr" ~ u "‘~ u For this amount, or so much thereof a* may be 11 coeearT to enable the Secretary of tho Interior to pay unpaid vouchees audited and allowed by the Indian poMecommteatoa, twenty-two thousand five hundred For thi* amount, to be reimbursed foam the pro ceeds of tholr tends in Kansas, for suheteienoe of the Great end Littto Oeege Indians, thirty thousand d. J ter*. For this amount, or so mach thereof m may be ne cessary to pay expenses Incurred In ma>«m» and pre paring homes, furnishing provisions, toads, and form ing utensil*, entile, end tarnishing food and tmapor- teflon for bands of Indian* with whtab treaties hare been made by the Indian peace commission, under i the eupenrlafonof Brevet Major ^Ooneral W. 8. liar- and'sixty-eight, four hundred xnd eighty-five tfcona^ end seven hundred and eighty-fonr dollars aad twen ty-one oeuta. For the payment of [snehj damages sustained by the citizen* of Niobrara township, Nebraska, by the action of the government in moving the Baa tee Sioux upon their land* in the year eighteen hundred aad sixty elx, m shall, (be toaad toss,) after proper terestt- gstioa under the direction of the Meoretery uf the In terior, who shall appoint a commission te eererteln and report the amount of tbe damages anstiined, not exceeding fifteen thonaand dollars, to be divided are rate In payment of the oteiae* to be found due, which shall be e final settlement of said claim*. To supply deficiency of aiHwopriatiea to pay for de- nredaiiou* committed by Indian* in northwestern Iowa in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-eereo, ten thousand nine hundred and six dollars and thirty-four omits. 8*0. a. And be it farther mooted. That all goods and merchandise furoJebed any tribe or bend of In dian* under the provisions of any sot shall be tinned over by the agent or superintendent of such tribe or band to the chief* of the trtbe or hand in bulk aad to the original pnekana, aa nearly ae practicable, and hi the preeenee <f the he*Amen of the tribe If practicable, to be distributed u> the tribe or bend by the chiefs in such meaner ae the ohtels mav deem beet. In the praseac* of the agent or superintendent; Provided. That anld chief* have observed their treaty obligation* with the government ea hereinbefore stated. tec. 3. And be It farther enacted, That the unex pended balance bow standing to the credit of the Kan sas tribe of Indian* on the hooks of the Treasury De partment, appropriated for or heiengteg te them for educational purposes, may be used under the direc tion of th* superintendent cf Indian affairs tor the central soperintendency in tbe purchase of me u arti cle* of food end etethtng ae may te hie filanwUtm be thought necessary to relieve the most ureusing wants of said Indians, they being in a destitute end eoforring condition. «^gJ|MeJ^lrtielh^elghteen hundred and seveuty, For deficiency in the appropriation for amount of deficiency expended In subsisting the Navsjoca at tho Bosqne Redondo, according to the contract made by Theodore H. Dodd, from the twenty-vecond of May, eighteen hundred and tixtv-etyht, until tholr removal to their old homes, one thousand one hundred end fifty-five dollars and ninety cents. 8I88ITON AND WARPETON. For survey of reservation for tho 8issitou and War- rston bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians, as per third. fourth, and fifth articles of the treety with said Itidi nineteenth uepiemoar, eighteen nunareu ana im; three, flvo hundred end fifty dollars. .WALLA-WALLA, CAYUBEj, AND UMATILLA CAYU8E, TRIBES. For lest of five instalments of second aeries, to be expended under tbe direction of tho President, per second article treety ninth Jane, eighteen huudrod end flfty-ft vo, six thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty lnstalmonte for tbo purchase of ell necessary mill fixtures end mechanical tools, mod- lolnea and boepltal stores, books and stationery for school*, and furniture for tbe employees, per fourth article treety ninth Juue, eighteen hundred and fifty - two, two thousand dollars. For tenth of tweaty luataltpeute for the pay and subsistence of one superintendent of farming opera tion!, os* far mgr, two mUlgfi, one blacksmith, ona wagon *nd piougn-make*, *»«• tjm.r~~.-~ -«a fiifc.*, one phyticlan. aud two teachers, per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousand four hnudred and fifty dollars. For tsnth of twenty Instalments for the pay of each of the head chiefs of the Welle-Well*, Geynee, aud Umatilla bands, tho sum of ft ve hundred dollars par annum, per fifth article traflty ninth Jane, eighteen clothes, blank eta, and such other articles ea he may thin* proper and necessary, per eleventh article treaty CQASTA. *XfTO». AND UMPQUA INDIANS March two, eighteen hundred end sixty-eight, thirty thousand dollars. For annua) amount to be expenJed, under the di rection of the Secretary of tbe Interior, iu supplying ssid Indiaus with beef, muttou, wheat, floor, beans, found to be capable of sustaining themselves, per twelfth article treaty March tiro, eighteen hunderrd aud sixty right, thirty thousand dollar*. Forthl* amount, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in providing each lodge or head of a family to said confederated bauds with rtffo eertia A«r**»vte**w ****f*‘T*‘* > 1“* *****” ordinary Mexioau or Texas breed, aud five bead ot sheep, per thirteenth article treaty March two, eigh teen hundred end sixty-eight, forty-five thonaand dol lar*. GENERAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE IN DIAN SERVICE. fourth article treety of June eleventh, eighteen hun dred end fifty-five, eight thonaand dollars. Per tenth of twsnty Instalment* for the support of two aeboota, one of which schools to be au agricultural and industrial school, koeptog in repair school build ings, and for providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty ele-enth June, eigh teen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employment of ooe superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treety eleventh June, eighteen hun dred end fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dol lars. For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re pair blacksmiths’, tinsmiths', gunsmiths', oarpentara' and wagon end plough-makers' shop*, and for provid ing neoeseary tools therefor, per fifth artiole treaty eleventh Jone, eighteen hundred ami fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of vv«nty Inaielmcnt* for the otnploj nu-nt of one superintendent of forming, and two farmer*, two millt re, two blacksmiths, one tinner, one gun smith, one carpenter, and one wagon aud plough-ma ker, ner fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousaud five hundred dollars. For tenth of twcuty instalments for keeping in repair the hospital, and providing the necessary medicines and furniture therefor,per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-fire, three hundred sou of Plo-plo-mox-mox, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred and flfty-ftve, one hundred dollar*. WINN SB AG DES. For luterost on one million dollars, at five per cen tum, per fourth article treaty first November, eighteen service In the territory of Arisoua, presents of goods, agricultural Implements, anR other useful article*, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, end sus tain themselves bv the pursuits of cfttlUed Ufe, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary o! the Interior, seventy thonaand dollars. OaUVOfiMta. For the general incidental expense* of the Indlau service In California, including travelling expenses of superintending agnate, five thousand dollars. ooaouado Tumurroav. For ths general incidental expenses of the Indian service In Ooloiedo Territoir, presents of goods, agri cultural implement*, and other useful artiole*. and to assist them to locate In permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by ths pursuits of civilised Ufe, te be ex pended under tbe direotiou of the Secretary of the In terior, twenty-five thousand dollars. DAKOTA TKMUTOKY. For lh* general incidental expenses of the Iudien service In Dakota Territory, presents of goods, agri cultural implements, au-* other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in p*rmanen(| abodes, end sus tain themselves br the pursuits of otvtliaed Ufo. to be dred aud thirty-three, ono thousaud dollars. For blacksmith end assistant, and tools, aad iron and ■ tool for shop during the pleasnrekofdthe Presi dent, per third article treaty thirteenth of May, eigh teen hundred and thirty-three, ono thousaud and ilx- ty dollars. For farmer, during the pleasure of tho President per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hun dred and thtrty-three, six hundred dollars. fifth article treety six- ■ad fifty-five, one thon- the direction of tho President, ea per seventh artiole treaty of August twelfth, eighteen hundred end sixty five, two thonaand dollar*. YAKAMA NATION. For last of five inetalment* of seoond series fur ben eficial objects, at the discretion of tbe President, per fourth article treaty ninth June, eighteen hundred end fifty-five, eight thouseod dollars. For tenth of twenty lnstalmonte for tho support of two schools, on* of which is to be an agricultural end Industrial school; heaping in repair school buildings, anJ for providing sultabU furniture, books, and sta tionary, per fifth artiole treety ninth Jana, eighteen hnudred end fifty-five, five hundred dollar* Far tenth of twenty instalment* for th* employment of one superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treaty ninth June, eightcou hundred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the employment of one superiateadMt of forming and two formers, tiro millers, two blacksmiths, one tinner, on* gun smith, one carpenter, end on* wagon and plough-ms- an agricultural and industrial school, and pay of snltm bio Instrhctors, per tenth artiole treaty first of July? eighteen hundred end fifty-five, two thousand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalment* for support of smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per tenth article treety first July, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, five hundred dollar*. For tenth of twenty Instalments for the employ ment of a blacksmith, carpenter, and former, and a physician, who shall furnish medicine* for the sick, per tenth article treaty first July, eighteeu hundred aud fifty-five, three thonrand six hundred dollar*. ROGUE RIVER8. For last of sixteen instalments in blankets, clothing, forming utensils, and stock, per third arUclo treaty tenth Beptomber, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, two thousand flvo hundred dollar*. SACS AND FOXES OF MI8818811TI. For permanent annuity in goods or otherwise, per third article treaty third November, eighteen hundred and four, one thousand dollara. For interest ou two hundred thousand dollars, et five per centum, per seoond article treety twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty-ecren, tou thou sand dollars. For Interest on otght hundred thousand dollar*, at five per centum, per second article treaty elevonth Oc tober, eighteen hnudred end forty-two, forty thous and dollar*. SAGS AND FOXES OF MISSOURI. For Interest on one hundred end flfty-eoven thous and four hundred dollars, et five per oentum, under the direction or the Prcsiuent. per second article trea ty twenty-first October, eighteeu hundred and thirty- seven, seven thonnand eight hnndrod and soventy dol lar*. 8KM1XOLK8. For flvo per centum interest ou two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid aa annuity, per sighth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For Interest on two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars. et flvo per centum, to be paid as annuity, (they having Joined their brethren weet), per eighth article treety seventh August, eighteen hundred end fUty-alx, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, et the rite of five per centum per annum, “to be uaht annually for the support of schools," ae per third article treety of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred end sixty-six, twenty-five hundred doilare. For interest on twenty thonaand dollars, at ths rate ) hundred and fifty-five, neven thonaand dollars. t tweaty instalments for keeping in re flouring mill*, and for furnishing the is sod fixtures therefor, per fifth article lh July, eighteen hundred sad fifty |re, fiodars. f twenty instalments for keeping in' ra tal and providing the neoeseary medl- dture therefor, per fifth article treaty For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in re pair tbe buildings for the various employee*, and for providing th* neoeseary furniture therefor, per fifth ar ticle treaty eleventh Jane, eighteen hundred and flftj- lve, two hundred dollars. For tenth at twenty teetelaents for rite aalere of such person aa the tribe may select to be their heed chief, per fifth artiole treety eleventh June, eighteen hundred end fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For last of four instalments to enable the Indiana to remove and locate upon the reservation, to be expend ed In ploughing land and fencing lots, as per lint clause fourth artiel* treaty June ninth, eighteen hun dred end sixty-three, fifteen thousand dollars. For fourth of the sixteen Instalments for boarding and clothing the children who shall attend the schools, providing the school* and boarding-houses with ueoee- sery furniture, the purchase of ueoueary wagon*, teems, agricultural ieapUmeaU, teoU. and so forth, and for fooatag of sueh lands ae may be needed for gardening and farming purposes for th* schools, as per fourth okeuo* fourth article treaty of June nine, hundred and fifty-five, six hundred Ballard, guvernc idiau affairs for I report of all expenditures under this ap he made la detail to OosgreaM in Decani tor the purpose of enabling the Preeite the powers coulerred by this art he is ha teed, et hie dlaoratUm, to organise e boat sionere, te consist of not nrere than ten -tested by bbu from men eminent for genoe end philanthropy, to serve wtite compensation, who may. under hie diree MONTANA TfciuuroaT. For the general incidental expense* of tho Indian eervlo* in Montane Territory, presents of goods, agri cultural implements, and other useful artiotea, and te assist them to locate Iu permanent abodes, end to sus tain themselves by the pursuits of civlUied life, to be exiwnded uuder the direction of the fiecretary of tho Interior, fifteen thousand dollars. NXVAOA. For th* general Incidental expenses of the Indian service Iu Nevada, pn sen te of goods, agricultural im plements, end other useful articles, and to assist them to locale in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by th* perseite of eiviUaed Ufe, to be expended under the direction of tbe Secretary of the Interior, twenty IOWAS. For interest In lien of investment on fifty-seven furniture, tools, and materials, as per flitb article trea ty June ninth, eighteen hundred end elkty-three, two thousand dollars. For salary of two matrons to take charge of the boarding schools, two assistant teacher*, one former, on* oerpeotor. end two millers, as per fifth artiole treety June ninth, eighteen hundred end sixty-three, ecveu thousand six hundred dollar*. OMAHAS. For lh* second of fifteen instalments of title amount, being third of series, in money or otherwise, per fourth article treaty sixteen th Marsh, eighteen hun dred end fifty-four, twenty tho nosed dollars. For fourtii of ton Instalment* for keeping In repair e grist end lew mill, aad support of btaeksmlth shop, per eighth article in \ty March sixteenth, eighteen hundred end flfty-fonr, end third artiole treaty March sixth, eighteen hundred end sixty-five, three hundred dollars. For i*y of one engineer, twelve hundred dollars. For fourth of ten Instalment* for pay of on* miller, eorvic* in New Mexico, present* of goods, agricultu ral implements, end other useful article*, and to aaalet them te locate in permanent abodes, and sustain them- eel ve* by lh* pursuit* of ciftllasd Ufo, to be expended flvo, five hundred dollar*. YANUTON TRIBE OF WOUX. For first of tan instalments (eeooud eerie*), te be paid to them or expended for their benefit, eemmcoc with the year in which they shall remove to sod ecttte sod reside apon their reservation, per foerih article For interest on twenty tnouoemi aouara, at tne rau of fire par centum per annum, “to be paid annually," for ths support of Che Heminole government, as per third article treaty of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred aad sixty-*i«, on* thousand dollars. For this amount, being the Interest on fifty tlmna* end dollars from August sixteenth, eighteen hundred end eixty-eit, the date of the ratification of the treaty made with Uic tteminolse, Mart'll twenty-one, eighteen hundred and el aty-eix. to November twelve, eighteen hundred end sixty-eight, the date wheu th* payment of aaid *um commenced, two yeafo, two months, and twenty-six days, as per third artiole of treaty cf Marsh twenty-on*, clithu ,n hundred end •lity-eix, five thou sand five hundred end n tasty-seven dollars and twan- ty-one cents. eaperlatamleit*, ag*Ml > general tiwldr i Utah Terri tor; EN MO AN, MIXED BB10KUN AMD UUAl’AWR, OONFEDERATKiDI PM Marxian, wean, and pum^bnhai OF BLANOMAKD'H FORK AND 10CI AND CERTAIN WYANDOTTW. fourtii article i hundred end WM. WOOD & CO. To pay fur Uur SLt’vas";