Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 05, 1869, Image 2

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Jade* l«i, luilniitmtou pa iliou atory of the oil* gad radeneaa NcprtatororamplorMlnlfc.NxwBuO*- r to oootraet Mk of MV Mad or oheraoter, tb b* ItqotdOMd by tbo i of thla papal Wt 'iieoharf# all irtosEsstsa*; Democratic oigana whloh navar allow as « porta oily to paw fot making a Ale* at I aad rax Ikdt owa i TH1 WKW ft- Tbo law OommtKui k adwrtlatag tor ok Bax. A. la Hauiittow. IX ft, Praeldaat of Andrew rimili Ootkra pbyaioal training- la B. Tooaear, ooiorwd, boa ima mode a alack la ftaBatonaoh foot office. Wo. fttoa* aad H. IX Boodun bon boon ■fUMititort Cniud fltitei iMpxiirm ai ulooms- bowta and hoilura at (Savannah. Tbo Grand Kneampmrnt of Udd-Mlom, of Gootgl*, omombkd in Kama to* Taeaday, and tbo Grand Lodge on yeotordny. nooko of »oo golti bon booo peering ont ——x tor two or thno dayo Several hare Tbo aropo along Um lino of the Wool Point * AUantio Retimed* an quite flattering. H io mid that Qccrgq Peabody, whoao monetary oaolrttwtkm la the enoM of aduio- tioai nod tbo relief of the poor ban won for him ao mock fame, will viait Georgia tbu earning PalL It now tarn ont that oar entirely oorieot. No rapoaUH by the dye eeoe Inaapirod ; and Judge Nolaon, himaait ha*. it not, deemed the aiasder of aafteleot Importance a* i« the ilaaial <4 I to trath through the i 1 * Jbmaal toper publiahed aidoop- molowo, Judge fWaoo'a ylaoe of loaiden#*. go muoh tor thla bit of Domooralie malignity. TO* PretWtal amt the rreae. TbeN. Y. 7ele/jram -grundohlld of Banuctt'H IfaraU-hra gallon into Uno with tho ddtur- Hoar ood the N. T. An in low ahaae of Prooidont Grant Well, It woa not expected that every mau. who happened to oontrol the rolauina of oome third rate BopwbUoan paper, eoald be aeeomo- dalod to afBoe, and hence the defection ol oil each woo not unexpected by the fTieuita of icfiidenL A man whose Kepublioaniam deeper than hk net poeketa ia of nry little aeoonnt anyway. Oen. Grant will tin in tho affection* of tka American people when all raah croakere are dead and forgotten. On Saturday loot, on Albany German woman, named And**, attempted euieide by Jumping into tbe Thronataeaka. She Twain new freight care were cent op tor lha Macon A Brnnawick Railroad on Friday, by the Dawaca Monuteoturing Company. The Maeon rrtgrwp* haa bean donated by Mr. 1. H. Otto, of that city, with a beet which weighed, when taken bom the ground, twen- ty-eonn pound*. The aeed of thir beet wot planted in Hank. The Tdtgrtfk report* that the roof ol the Oonfedarena Armory, near Maeon, haa been gradually tolling in ft# part week, and on Thanday night a large portion of it fell with a craah that Honied lha natine in the neigb- r “Old Time*" hoe a eery able and oon- elualTe article In lo-daye Kaa. to-wit: "Can the colored membere be re-aaatedf" The let ter ia brim full of inooutroreetible fteta. nod ought to he carefully considered by every her cf the Legialature. Boat haa appeared in eoiue of the ootton Aeldo in Jon** ooanty, and will probably ex tend to a general evil, if Um prweent damp and showery weather ia protracted. Tbe Baiabndge Argot aaye Drury Bambo, of Decat or county, haa ootton ao full of holla that some of the stalks are broken off by the weight. It k from the Dickson used, and manured with gaeno. Ha ia exporting to make two bales to tbe acre. We learn from the Greeneaboro' Herald that the recent general rain boa done the crops much good. The Dawson Journal learns that John G. Lee, who was recently tried tot the murder of two citizens of that pkoe. bat which reunited in a mistrial, wot killed in Jail by a disguised party. We learn from tbe Southern Hamer that colored girl about fifteen years old, living with BarroU Weaver, near Bovaeville, in Hart oonntT, about two weeks ago gave birth to Are children within the space of three days. All the children were still-born, and it was thought that the girt would die. The Savannah BrpMSaar record* the death of Wm. B. Gao. an amiable young gentleman of that oily. While ia a stale of temporary aberra tion of tbe mind, at about one o’clock yester day morning, be passed through the window of tua room, in the third story of the boarding house of Um. Boaignol, to tb* roof of the stoop, from whiok he fell to tbe pavement below, producing n concussion of the brain, from which he died at atroat eleven o’clock The atot X,seats Pvtavs wff Osergta. The material prospects of Georgia were ever better. Crops ore large and abundant. Breadstuff* and the norms rise ol life will tor exceed tbe home demand. The ootton proa part was never better. Nearly every farmer wOl have some to sell; and, having prodoced all Urn corn, sals, potatoes, wheat, and bacon that ha will need, will be able to invest the surplus obtained from tho proreeds of bis ootton crop This fa the beginning of sub stantial wealth. It k tbe groand-work freedom and substantial political equality io the family of States. Another year of bourn tifll crops, sud Georgia will be independent in a commercial sense. This will carry with it mors important po litical results than we ore apt to imagine, Un der the new dispensation, our representation ia Congress, and, par oonseqaenoe, oar polit ical power in tbe Union, will he greater than it aver was before. Our staple product, the great abundance end oheapneee of oar Inode, cannot toil, under a dispensation of l’eeoe, to divert the tide of emigration from the sterile Northwest; and, tha Union ones fully restored, the time ia not vary distant whan the Golf States will rank among the wealthiest and most populous of the Union. Thin k our in evitable destiny, providod w# cease to live in the past and look to tbe future. to order n special election in July “tor the sailed ii takas " At this sleetion Oaibarne and Ghokoa wets chosen. They appeared to the House In September and took thefraasC A lioa as to their right to sit was soon IjAba aufcjae' vu> referred to a oom- • ; the earnaiit..w reported a resolution the skiing members were "duly elected of the 36th Congress,” and after a prolonged and warm debata the report of the committee was adopted by the House on tbs W of October, im Doling this debate, It was contended by Ur. logos# and others, friendly to tbs report, that the effort of adopting tbe resolution would be to five the •Htlug members tbvir seats tor tbs whole term—that tba Governor had the right to at- der an sleetion because tbore woe a vaoanoy ; but had no right to restrict the sitting of tbs riveted members to the sailed aesstou, and therefore hie restriction was surplusage and In November tbe regular election was held, and l'rentiaa and Word were - hosed. They weut Io Washington and claimed their seats. After thorough discussion, the House, on the Sth of February. ISIS, passed three rceo- laUons, as follows: “ffrsufeed, Thai (ho resolution of tliln House, of the 3d of Oetober lest, declaring that Samuel J. Gholson and John F. H. OlaT boros were duly elected members of the wliat I saw on tho 27th of this month, a man six feet two inches high, .-laud, and with a cane throe feel long, toneb forty-four can of corn. I saw tbo same man, with tbe rtiek over hie head, toil to reach the rilk.whru standing sreol and close by the base of s stalk on the some plantation. ” The Quitman Banner says some of our citi zens an ooaaiderobly exercised, because s few caterpillars have made their apjo-srsoce on several plea tarings in this eunnty. We have mode diligent inquiry, and have yet to learn of tbe pianist who has, thus far, suffered from the depredation <4 tills insert. It is ad mitted that be certain portions of the county sap ear ally where there baa been an extra quantity of rain—the eatarpUlar haa -“dt its appearance, hat we contend that they hare coma too lets in tbe season to repeat the de vastation of last year Usenet Covott. — A Houston cuanly plan ter thinks ike crop of that eoanly e fortnight behind when it woe lost year at e eurrmpoad- l *tt'»si k goner ally email, bat well trolled, aad will melts s lair crop if ao muiortoae be- ‘ “ At persist, U shows Impseat sad ■ sagas of rest, wblcb may pvors very 90 prods, t Generally speaking, lbs akhoagb ttoaro eve looaUUre whieti b»#Cid treacly rises U>r„* the season It Is sap- gem.1 that so lAeqaeli supply uf sera will be Moose Ml ep.wZyXatoAirt'inVu lust te e i f idjtl tkhUnn Iffffiitfb ggag CMjftli aad w* hotel a stealer my that itrtlag, la a small troy, weald eammia ■ ot eoais pleats teams tbm wash. John F. U. Claiborne nm! Samuel J. Gholaon are not duly elected members of the Tweuty- flfth Congress. "Jlesolvtd, That Sergeant 8. Prentiss and Thouius J. Word a re not eutitle<l to scats iu thia House ai members of the Twenty-flflh “!*S* That the Hpeaker of the House do oowmaoioate * copy of tho above resolu tion* to the Governor of the State of Missis sippi.’—Journals, page360. A new aloction was hold, at wliioh Prentiss and Word were ohooeo. Now, notice the first of tbo shove resolu tions. U distinctly rescind* a previous reso lution declaring Gholaon and Cluiborue duly elected. It reverse* a former decision of the aawe House, At a previous *e**ion of the same Congress, ou tho right of members to neats. The Constitutionalist attempts to wenkeu the force of this precedent by arguing that Claiborne and Gholaon wars only elected for the called scssiou. But it will bo seen that the vious resolution ia not decLrnd to t beeu limited in it* operation to the sailed aiou (as would have been the cose upon the theory of the Constitutionalist J, but is absolute ly rescinded, and its affirmation that the mem ber* were duly elected is expressly denied. It i* moreover tbe fact that, at the called sas- sfon, Claiborne and Gholson and their friends claimed that they were elected for the whole Cougrrssional term. At the regular session, beginning in December, 1837, at which they were fiuuliy unseated by the passago of the above resolutions, they claimed the benefit of the doctrine of res tuljudicata. Mr. Claiborne, in his elaborately written argument in behalf of his claim, contended that the decision in his favor on the 3d of October was “ a grave and solemn adjudication deliberately made by the competent and only authority." Also, that “the decision was final and oonclasive, and a bar to all further proceedings." Also, that iu October “the whole cose was settled and con cluded, by virtue of a judgment of the House.” How similar is this language to that now used Lead me ’rnong the bioeeom* tfbito In tha early amber light, Away from teasing Care, And let theoharmed air, With luaclons tone. Soothe me with strains unknown. ored members Yet, Mr. Claiborne wus ororrutad by tbe majority of tho House. Among thoee yrho voted to rescind the former resolution, we find the names of Johu Quincy Adams, John Bell, Thomas Corwin, Caleb Cashing, Frank lin II. Eltnoro, Miliard Fillmore, Hubert M. i. Hunter. Dixon H. Lewis, James M, Ma son, Francis W. Pickens, Waddy Thompson, Jr.; Henry A. Wise, uud two Georgians, to- wit: William C. Dawson and Seaton Oranl- land. Beconotrurtion hoe become » stole word in Tb«c toots » e Iront from the journal,, ol r, , T . .... , - - a- .. the 25th Coogroea, and llie report of too corn- Georg.* Iu .U political atgn.Acotfou. it ha» mlUw llTmro Document* Kepnrt No. 379. long since ceased to be scnitAtiona). It had : After such a precedent, and such au array its origin some five years ago with the oppo- ' grwt namas in favor of the power of a leg- news of what was then known ns the “Geo*. MMto IxMj to reverve it* deoiiion on the .. . . i right of members to seaU, there is uo difficul- gia policy ; and that “ pfliUy had its origin 1 ty in tho way of restoring the colored mem- with the ill-fated peace proposition which enl- j bers, if onr legislative I iodine are (imposed to urinated in the Hampton-Kbodea Conference. After the surrender, it was taken op and moulded into a political formula by Audy Johnson, who succeeded in making it dingant- ing by an intimate association with his “poli- ! l * on lo precedent, cy.” And when “ My Tolicy " went by the Dimrii, in l»ul. it entered largely iuto Con- | gresaion&l plana aud discussions. In 1KIT7, it became the popular synonym of the Hhcrmau ! bill and its supplemental acta ; and thence be-1 came tbe partisan countersign of those pro- 1 grefcsivc aud liberal men in tbu State, who ad- j led portion of T&Sgmph bios ik>no good service to the cause of truth by calling atton- Ou» Timka. rut (oaarf vocatod tbe a<ljastnjent of our uutioiml difll- j each J<siRrii E. Buowit, Chiof Justice. 11,k.u U \vix«n. | A*eocm*4u.tio*w Ortl<*r of Circuit* and number of cuscu from 22 ease*. coltie* ujkju the UrtKii of the ptan propos'd by ] CougiosM. We nrc still nnreconstmetad -aiill without the |»ale of the I’tiiou, and dcuivnl tu rights and privileges ; and this for tbe reaao;. that, in a moment of |uiiitical excifeiuent, and act ing under hopes inspired by the Democratic party North, our State Legislature denied rep resentation to tbaae who were enfranchised by the Bee oust ruction Acta, and who, in virtue of those acts, participated iu the formation of lbs new Government Is it not time Io dismiss this monotonous word ? Our I^Matar* may do Ibia, and ra- ! -are th- ritoi. to hat toll xe..(too.hi„ to th, | ^^ZrtA to Loioa try out Mai pi. art. Let (hen toll In | th, hvol of thooireoit. Itoia, ami we will b* mail., aetvoea k, lb* (rat- No. 2, Jordan va. Th, Mtata—Itnifflnry Irani inf a-oaulouy tor perhaps two were U> ,otue. I Hneeofee, WMnrgovd by W. P. lUoteey. Keq.. Whet do the ucut. a.v on thto nolnt) D„ the. I ,ur P I »" I,|B ,n »""• »«•< C"! J- Thornton, wnet do ike people tty on this point? Do they , Holiotlor Gcnvral, lor dotoudaoi lu error. PutnnU (lirenit Southwestern Circuit Middle Circuit 7 " Eastern Circuit 2 “ Cherokee Circuit 14 “ Blue ltidge Circuit.... 1 •• Taliupoowa Cirouit 9 •• Atlanta Circuit H •• Flint Circ nit 9 " NeHijrtfa Circuit H •• Western Circuit 1 " Chattahooohuu Circuit 12 “ Macon Circuit 7 “ Ocraulgee Circuit 3 ** Home t'rcuit 4 •* Wkdnksiuy, August 4, 18412. Tbe following oases from the Cbattahoo- waul mors wrangling, more delay, more It# ruction f* If not, Mini will Uiwy not as- sswIaIm llieiiisff lviN In primary meeting*, and of th«ir poblio servants that thts wrangle ba brwdghl to an Uiiccremo- ftfcMM knit ' Tkn way is plain H»l they Wan. Ilenry L lienuing lor defrii 4km* MO* mi OatoUr, IWili. Mrs Hbarurau Uii #•4 ••* s«p|4< mjvsU would havs B*v»r bad an ( mlsaad ijaaanss (be evnleuo* therein was not i Motors liamsey ami Thornfou for plaintiff in ! tiros, and N. J. Hammond, rettrascafing Iu- j gram and t'ra»f<in|. for dsfemlant in error No. 4, Htainhrimor vs. Coleman, signed by ; Messrs Moses and Osrrard for plaintiff in Oh! hasp tbdk ^ And the oeok vbeeeto 1 He. Anoortelu'd most dalioiouaiy. With odor* del of • «o, With row-light ood low melody; Fot I would dream, unlit earth mem* What onoe It promlaad in my drum* Oh, radiant land I wher* my yonng oyoa Saw Annals in the rainbow vkle* And Mlt Love’s anna In all tbe air. And heard Hope ringing everywhere— Sweet land of boyhood 1 Bose unblown I Delioiow heart-enfolding zone I How Boon—loo soon 1 The burning Noon Drank all thy dew from bud and l«af, And tent'd tna bower* of Yonng Belief. Tb* drifting made before me epreed With mnrky rodnew overhead; I total with fighting Wrong and eln; To-day, oh let me enter In The garden* beautiful of yore. Aud lire egein my Uay-lim o'er. I may oome forth more Arm and atrong, To deal with error, blame, and wrong; Upon my heart freak dew ahall lie, And Heaven .com. nearer to mino eye. BY. TELEGRAPH. sMmocia tzd fmmmm dispa rents. NOON DISPATCHES. Washington, August 4. —The Revenue De partment has intelligence of tbe seizure, iu the Norfolk, Virginia district, of three illicit distilleries in the Dismal Swamp. Treasurer Spinner thinks that the first spu rious legal tender taus were purposely issued as a defection or bliud for more perfoot coun terfeits, now elroutating widely. Boston, August 4.—A Major White, said to be of Tennessee, killed the wife of Dr. Alviu H. Hobbs, in tbe presence of her husband and child. He was arrested. N*w York, August 4. —Marshal Barlow has seised all the Spanish gunboats. Tbe cause is variously attributed, but tho most plausi ble one is, that the boats were intended to operate against Peru. Barlow refuses to allow Cols. Ilyan and Courier to return to the United States on parole. Montoomkby, August 4.—The eloction if meagre. The vote, as far as heard from is much leas than last year. The probabilities are in fs- vor of the electiou of Parkinson, Democrat, in tho Third distriot by a handsome majority. Tbe oonteNk between Worthy, Democrat, end Baektay. Republican, in the Second district, will be much closer than was expeoted, and the friends of the latter are fearful of his do- feat on account of the great falling off in the ro vote. OBiLE, August 4.- Mann's majority in Mo bile county, as far as beard from, is 1,469.— Several preoinots to hear from. The county will probably give him 1,800. At the Court house, Baldwin county, a negro Radical mob took possession of the polls and beat one white mau badly, aud prevented any Democratic ue- groes from voting, and were very riotous.— The sheriff could not control them. That pre cinct give* Buckley two hundred and twenty- two majority. Pollard, the capital of Escam- bia, gives Mann one hundred and nine major ity. Claiborne, Monroe county, at 4 p. si., had polled throe hundred and eighfy-three— all for Mann. The indications are that Maun is elected by one thousand five hundred ma jority. London, August 4.—Tho Times in its money article says, that rumors are prevalent, and pin strongtb, that preliminaries between the Jnited States and Spain, for an agreement aro being entered into relativo to Cuba. Madrid, August 4. —Thore bavo been several sovnro encounters with the Carlists, who wero defeated in evory instance. Havana, Augost 4.—The Spanish recon- uoii«anco mot a party of iusurgonts near Clinco Villa, and klilod thirty. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washinoton, August 4.—Revenue to-day $874,000. The new tobaooo stamps, registered, are ready. The unregistered will l>e ready ten lays hence. Secretary Cox postpones action in the Mc- Garrahan matter until Congress meets. Radicals here think the tost oath will be exacted from the Virginia Legislators. Among tho sohemes talked over to secure a quorum is that of giving a certificate to the next highest candidate when the person elected can’t take the oath. Montoomkry, Ala., August 4.—Kuoughre turns have been reoeived to indicate the cer tain electiou of Parkinsou, Democrat, by sev eral hundred votes, in tho third district.— Buckley, Radical, is elected iu this district. Galvrston, August 4.—Tbo Bryan Congres sional Republican Convention unonimouHly nominated Gen. W. T. Clark to represent the 3d Congreaiiional District in Congress. The nomination is considered equal to an election. MADaiD, August 4.—Tho government will shortly call the reserve*. A formidable Carhst uprising is reported io forto*a and Trevel. The shooting of twoC*rlist pruouems con tradicted. 8PECIAL NOTICE DR. FOSTER’S Appointments : Madison, Aug. 9 and 10 Marietta, - - - Aug. 11. Dr. Foster may now be daily con sulted at his permanent offices in Markham’s Empire Block 1 alahon, August 4.—The Chambers adopted resolutions giving concession* to cable com panies to aud from Portugal. Han Francpoo, Augunt 4. -It is NtaUd that twelve millions in gold coin is locked up in I the Assistant Treasurer’s office, to the injury I of the business community. Tho Coroner’s report shows 39 suicides, 11 | mirdt is and 82 fatal accidents within the year. Nkw York. August 4.—The Ktoamship Chin* took half a million in specie. Cortez, the alleged (!uban patriot, was urrnH- tnl for httompting to pans a forged chock of three thousand dollars. Th« President, Fish aud Piarrepmut will .. , . - i conaalt about the seizure of the NpantaU gun-I Ntajl, lb»ooey «■. Grant A tJo,, waa d^l | M nU« In MOfittw Kt. Loris, Augiut 4. Tki Marine aud Firo j ^Datad atflavaanah, Oa. this M day oftafari. A. D.l JAM KM MctHKBSOK. augS-lt In Bankruptcy. Id tha matter of i ARTHt'B BLKAKLKV, ( Id hnnkruptcy-Vo. IM. haoknit't.) miUE aald Bankrnpt havtaf paUUooad tha Court for OonrtTbatoia Albert OfEaStt.toq!, ten of mid Const ta baakwiMar, at Uoak, 14 Moat, mom Ho. Linatuon graatad. Aa<t farthor aotioa la haraoy gtv«n that tha of Oraditora will ha beta at ia trmt umo aoc piaca. Datad atflavaanah. Ga., thla tha M day ot Auguat, JAMK8 MuPUEIiMON, Clark. augl-wlw In Bankruptcy, In tha P.slriot Oowrt of the United tuataa for the (*l» Northern DUtrlct of Ooorgla. LCPMAN WAHN tit, { In Bankruptcy No. 657. Bankrupt.) _ fftH£ aald Bankrupt having wetitkined the Court for X a dlach*/g from all hla debta provable under tha Bankrupt Act of March ad. 1SS7, notice la hereby gl\ to all panona intoreated to apj>ear on the Sith day Aoguat, 1809, at 13 o’clock m., at Chambers of said Diatrfct Court before Albert O. Foster, Eeq., the Reflate re of aald Court in Bankruptcy, at hla • Voi 1 warren Block, M floor, room No. 4, Jackaon at, Auffusta, Georgia, and show cauae why tha prayer of tha aald petition of tho Bankrupt ahouid not ba gran tad. And further notice la Hlvan that tha aao- ond and third meetings of tho Creditom at the i and third meetinga of tho < the mubc time aud plaosa Dated at Aavaunah, Oa, thla 2d day of August JAMKM lfoPHEBBON, 1809. aug6-lt Clerk. In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United Ktatoa for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of i ISAAC MICHAEL, | Iu Bankruptcy No. 623 Bankrupt.) i li aald Bankrupt having pt ... discharge from all hla debta provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d. 1807, notice la heroby given all persona Interested to appear on the 34th day of iguat, 1809, at 11 o’clock a. u., at Charsbcn id District Court, before Albert G. Foster, Keq . tha ttefflaters of aald Court in Bankruptcy, at ioe at No. 1 Warren Block, 3d floor, room Nc. . Jackson street, Augusta. Ga.. and show cauae why tin G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. Executor’s Sale of the Horton Estate. Forty Lota at Auction 18th of August. A T 4 o’clock, 13th instant, I will sell, on the prem ises, that nue Block known aa the “ Horton Property,” Only one square north of Decatur street, and very near Peck’s Planing Mill. It is divided into forty conven ient lots, with ample street accommodations. 1 have plenty of plats in my office. This sale ia for the Kxec- utor, who has authority in the will to acU ou the ground. Terms cash. G. W. ADAIR. J. H. Barrett, Auction and Commission Merchant. -AND- Roal Eatato A-*out, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Qbouoia. ( lASlI advanced on Produce, Merchandise, Jewelry, J Aa, Ac. 1 have Fine Farms and other ltoal Estate for sale.— Bassett. If you h»ve Reaidencea or other City Property to rent, call and see Bauuktt. A small stock of goods wanted, for which will bo fllvuu (801 fifty acres of good land iu Morgan county, within a quarter of a mile of a prominent depot ou the Ga. B. R. For particulars call on J. H. Bamuett, Auc tioneer and Real Estate Agent. I wtil sell real estate aad other property at auction a as reasonablo terms as any ono olac in Uie business. I have a large consignment of k'urulture to be cloaod at at a sacrifice.—Bassett. Two barrels A. No. 1 Vlncgai for aalc.—Babbktt. If you want bargains, go to Baubett’s Auction Room. augC-lt of Ostorrbu Its Nature, Treatment and dure. {KMrart from Dr. PostsPi “ TrmUnm Jfn*l OoUrrh.") CA-OTHINC AT COST. « Avmotori*rtto.ri^rt.rara*rt» >« DEAFNESS, -k if'W-M »*•* Inns MIMmi w mmt JLeasety Lnm U tow rtrii, eeri the koto emu. —a Iheuuuu. tri** ffeoAuert 4. Ceuta rtiri treat .», .ciri u ytuiaat * Ui. to a* ton vrit act r**M An* haaJroU Maria M* rtriahi man aa.asrt ot. you- riaaari la mom I* aaafJ; the < aaaif, mm Mmo* MS oat h* a h*M team aI tuBem ae*4» to tat me** Cteeat to flra-r r- I Iomm laa Kaa . Iff Oort, 4lot (Irt ah . tty. -etat tttaa tat aa So* at aeri a* lha l**ri *aa atk mam, W a* at. he. am ha. aeaah aha otto IXthito*aUto,riaroril aail th. WalroJ.. aaiuHorti.. j rtareeyeettA tu lha bill of axaaffriaaa or ra«- 11 nirT t\our\auy. ot feo.ia, Illiaala, ha. I *o4 4*rrltr> .J lb* lari Iwa yttn *<miU bare , ** , .l^* ^" l *lf" , ***"». I .innian.lul. baao aakboaxi Wbas »HI aa toora al.I.a I - llmry tUlpauutt of tmll nrrlru .lolly from UtM CATARRH, WU. .HI .. Mara rt-lrt. | till ffltl 4- m taHnurruw Uie Court sdj<rtirttf«l Mali Frauctaeo for tho Rostorii luarkrU Mm I. *ft4 frAlia 4itSAW»y ta »tj«w Mlriig taftfriSfl Meal Is Usw4e4 Iu Me* r» isyfl a *4 Mta IhStarih sa4 Use >4 tho twt tmnkm *4 Kb* OUNtai Asm *44f, (all *4 u|»«e4 Itataa U*4 4*4j«*4«4,i *• l«euu4 km la lea » Isave B* • 4ml* | a fttffct |4«* UI.CCNAFH MARKET REPORTS CoUon ilttll, un rs’4*e*i|»f •* unlit ,« » Tarpeiitlnfl :w|. but ••••• hltasrtas i tiigiHU »*«*III6« i—M*r«»hKee< «l»n M»«s- <lActaJ hwsMerae haa frequsuMly Uought us j «re • lee ties Mae*4. tiaee- sIiiimsm. Mb. rito-rtto. .Hb M. Job. I. i^y Tbo.# 1. MboriUtol .uihoett, f.,r atari,,* ! SlTffta Mala Ulatntt wl a. ton ban thmte* tb- , h „ u f (i r ro- r> | Oaabff |->rta l«2 late. *Hh lb. muemttap U ba. WMltoH q-e all j Mbw~ip|., au.| bl. .apataadar. b, lioa- | WiMli*.m.», Augri.l I aaaooMoa TW Woto ItAamy. at »«A b k.|« „ ulru; |„ ( rt.Uua I. rb» «<*•"> <#» »'« « Tb. hath. O). all a.U .. *| w ,o,Mrai„M,u.. la.I .Kill, M la ab« ■«-1 l'«*»X *•««« l -Dolloli Hnuar <torri.«4 rI.a, I Wal,, aril ba gabb-l try in ritarti-a» U-ut (toortal Nbaraia.,, abu ha. lb. Mri«. It..rtatem , t’» orialn aodrt hla >0.11-1 bj lb. law, aa4 m fallj Ihn* <re.ha Mari ,ri lotora O-Morri ftaabjr *111 ha »■*•!» la —algala hi. rreAut r-utaatnum <h> tutah *4 IN, .lartwa. ,-arri.rt-M, Mi l aaa Mu* -4 the laqlri.lal* lha Mill , mm) I,) ihri Irt. ha la.arabl) i-«al»i4 l.arilag h‘» •* Iu ’Jhv l«tMihisiie *m ihSii u4i* it* V113M1U as* sstle- I CSS, *• 17 tori lha! lb. tort rath mill M ha cImInI. |nj l.< IrtJ. b*’A au-l lha |i.qm.ri fori.* .4 bulb )ri> a*. Iom iu, Awuaal I WhMh) tl IX, In I 117 tk. -a*. <4 lha hart nebiua, ,4 Ihi. i-eoil quid al *31 'A Ihuutu quiet, abuol tonlha,rtaar alriaa lUa, aaaaf-aaraH baM.'il I..UM 10*4 qdrt al 1*1 to I to lau’ririiia. Aa«ari 4 • Hbauhbi Un all al L Kaaa |-ufc alriaa |4| b. I Ir* iMsffis, Mri«i I tmirnK imthisg ihiiuR, suh’N 12 hul«w: hvh||Mh 1(1 bulriw, UetehlltaiK SI 4*. Mi.biil, AsjmH I C-eetlmi NAtlllllff iliNie, r<uta|ft« M InMm. Raw Gumum, Augu•< 2. tkiit«!ii isiltw 4S4I hulas. Flour ilull, su|irrtlii* IA 7’i, ilouhlo . »lra M 37, lr*4*le Mira IN- Whlto unrn #1 10, GalsTita llrstt 41. Huy srurtu»,. frty J*.!! .*&£**. frftioil of (lie lalHuf ul IA, IN), Is to. Tlwri Urd Nl to 2lr, l<> 2V Citmmm huger II b» hh IliNelnirgeN from the Km*. Nnlset. In the Head, (Kfeu- Nlve llrealli, ANthma, llron- chltlM, Kerofiila. or any AT- Fori *i Orton fort*.NUN* ra* , cknc III |fl I ft |*. | trim. I a.# I -at la yea- nohat ffawham fox *#;**”■■ . Imun. 8X1 to XJ| K.-a. |.,ih Mpriq Um4«oath Aa«uri 4, Wbto* ■UrfUtai Mtatasita . , aba, ri4- luia, bow. nil to 8)| b« e ft* *•> Wbtrt) l». ytae alri I HEAD, EAR, A CHEST. #4 mm mm -4 I ■iMffUhkfe lm*4 If I* mmm in mn mm* «ttoh *4 rise, ta Shrift s»*-*h«we « •Mari aari Ibw'W •• * MM,, hrtto.a.aaOMf hrikaart, h-,. *»» «* 1 . orrthoal toy toriaaaaaCM, aari yuUu I ‘•to*’ «a* ew. Mritoo ri triaa la«*ril Inn* , l teeter ra, ftqaaal 4 - Uaaeoli Hffll ,b«4a Mm. M, Itortarit b*> .riftri «ha Hm4| e4 riirtf M *ft|. Toltoa 4ft. *4 to 44* *• -‘•sr’ 4 < iw.*.. ** Tt£ t’ii £?l£rJJ5, 1 ATITO *•••* 4 UM " m • Iefre and grow fat. The Post-office Saloon G IVIS A FREE LUNCH to-day at 11 brands of Liquors, Wines aud Cigan SEMI-CETfjffNNIAL EXPOSE. ATNA INSDBANOE 00., HARTFOBD. JULY 1, TOGO. Assetts, .... Liabilities, - - - $5,352,532.96 267,082.33 Of all UAkdles, tbsru is nous aors prwv*- Isnt, deUitafioos, and jot mors wtglsifi, Ikon Catarrh. Tbs torn plaint la frsqasatly oa«asd bj an ordinary sold. It bsgiM with the flynp- taau of a sold ia the bead* in aaooaipanisd with a wutary discharge from tba not ritates tbs oriftss of tbe uostrito, makiag tbsm red and sore. Tbs nasal paassgsa sasfli vary sensitive, and a feeling of fullness it expert- ‘ in Um bead. One, and sometimes boik, tbs nostrils become stopped ap, rendering r^e- piration through them difficult. In m there is a strong ioolinatlon to sneeze. Allot* few Jays the inflammatory symptoms subside to a degree, and the secretions or discharge* grow thicker, besoming, at times, quite of fensive to tbe smell. A great deal of this me- eus passes down the threat, and imperceptibly affects the lining membrane of tbe sir pas sages. After a time, this mucus will adhere to the throat, just baak of flu* above tbe soft palate, requiring considerable effert to drew or hawk it loose. Sometimes filthy lumps of this hardened muens, having tbe eomistencj of glue, is blown from tbe nottriis—its very sight and smell sickening tbe patient Tbe throat will, in time, become implicated, and more or less irritation will bo present daring the entire winter. If neglected too long, this inflammation passes down farther, snd pro duces either Asthma or Bronchitis, and even Consumption. Most patients have a dull, heavy feeling or pressure across the to/owe—others have heat and pain on the top or book el tbe head. The ears, and often tbe eyas, suffer very materially. Qatarih Is also one of most prevalent causes of noises ia tbe head snd partial deafness, more partfefllarly in one The disease being located in tbe head, in such close proximity to the brain, it natu rally injures the mind, and consequently the patient complains of weakened power* of mind or loss of memory. While afflicted with Catarrh, tbe entire sjre- tem is sensibly affected to a more or lees de gree. Besides tho symptoms in the nasal cav ities, nervons headache, confusion of mind, and morosenesa of disposition, tbe party will also experience an indisposition to labor, a pain across the back, a capricious appetite, disrelish for pleasure, irregular or costive bow els, and, in the cases of most females, many Complaints peculiar to their sex. In many cases a tendency to Scrofula is ex hibited by Catarrh, and indeed we have treat ed many cases that were Scrofula in fact, and the Catarrhal symptoms were merely its exhi bition. Catarrh is, then, a disgusting, pernicious, and often (by merging the patient into con sumption) a fatal malady. Few, indeed, re alize the fatal consequences of negieoting it till it reaches the lungs, when a slight hacking oough tells a fearful tale. To the mass of phy sicians Catarrh is an incurable disease, but this is duo to tbeir devoting no time to its special study, aud thus tho malady, its cauae, nature and effects remain in almost culpable obscurity. Some few have, indeed, taken the subject up from time to time, but they made only feeble efforts to master it, found it obsti nate and tedious, and finally abandoned the study nltogethor. Most physicians also regard Catarrh in tbe head or throat as a merely local affection. Close observation, and a practice in its treat ment of over eight years, have taught us that the disease is both local and constitutional. The family physician, when consulted, not willing to admit his ignorance of the disease, often asserts that ‘' Catarrh can never be cured.” Owing to this ignoranco, thousands are dying of Consumption in the morning and mid-day of life, who can look bock a few months to tho time when it was “nothing but Catarrh,” aud it may be safely asserted that, after hereditary predisposition, Catarrh is the most frequent aud important cause of this fatal complaint. That Catarrh cau be radically cared, if prop erly treated, has been amply demonstrated by the uniform success attending oar praelice this specialty—to which ws have devoted the study and practioo of many years. Tho pa tient experiences ramarkablo relief upon the very first application, and in a few woeks is entirely and permanently cured. firs UMkst | READY-MADE CLOTHING riMrii. IpfOOri, fa, Hri ooxt (tort, da,* 48 tkow HaN w. m. u»wb * co. toff Aria PUBlaljO^ SALE. AygfciWa.taBUEaaft °to«. ~ J-Tto ri.,ri.4foau.a*: Ito totorta. Three Horn*, Om Mal*. kstHsMsf «H. i. H. Bassett, kTrtrmwr. FACTORY. J toao;ari computed afoN(«aa4 Tobacco Factory, la Atlanta, On., wIms* X Ml olTobaaoa. “ popnlsr bra . flnsst Virginia tost. A IL Hattso4’» Cskto.Xwtot, H» H. Holland's Fin* Affto Twist, A H. HaPsmTs GoMsn A«e, 8. K. Holkad’f Indian Q u*». C. M. tabMfs A No. 1. WkotnwolH dsotarw will And H grmUj to tfctar tat, «4 to soli, as I will SMMdSctsra any ■ptatal bmmd tot ot toWoeo. wlta toekr wat mA gta« ot »— kwafli I an escR b—. if «r4w»4 ta —*■( mmm —.a*. “^stfirs* ESESSB®f«» 9REATTHR0UGH ROUTE! Carrying the United States Hail AND ADAMH’ KXPRkXH, FOR THE NORTH! North Carolina Bailroad IN DIRXtrr LINK TO Mode of Treatment. iSelracI freer Ore l.trmiteUt* rf Dr. IWIt'i Tretlim ITS PAST. '■'Uff their f ruits yt know Itlem.'* I.0NSKS I'AIII IN FIFTY YKAIIS, #i35,53‘21,4H5.87 1 TH l \ la fcrt IH JsT ■ Sri/ft I Mi ICwlTi rttoffi «'* M I Urn.* Him no. N A. M. till rt I*, ft] i U.Mi.laffr ami Tn.«Uy* .m a|itoil ) “ iff# mat ytrmrmtilnmlr," Thi’ HonI Sucmurwl Fire C'a. In Anin li'a. ■ot«, ris.aan.aoa.oo. TliriM'.fiiiii llix tiro In.urunrr Cpih|miiiIi-. ibarterrol lute railed, |ir*tlnx ml.talioa anil dlMenUlea In a proremlen baaeri an r* lamltr and mMairlune, ttllh nn Imporlanl l«rl of II. deteiaptnenl In Ike apkere af krvad hnwan berirtaienee. It la a rare and Hweatotoon r?eat far one of tkaan InoU- UUana I* mate II* FIFl’IKTH re. pari, and Ifcal a uUafoetarr aae aarther of lift 1 . pUlneal old leaaan., *• Aa Jan aanr Ifcal •kali fan reap.” I TI4 F U T U n IU |l*eAilne*a and dal, mnxt be ahapad and meaanred onl, kf Ike wealth and ffrawth of oar r#«Nlrj. $5,085,450.63 “ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO. J* Horo.oforo th* K rro. i«.p«lia,*ot io Ih.^ ccnfal ttertment of Catortb in tbe boad wm tho luiibility (o roach all the cariMea af tb* nxiiil pasaage* In fact, to tbe maa of phy- •icikii* the liuiun membranea of tb* bead aro ntlerly inacocatiUa Knowing of no other rouiody, they apply »nuff«, or inaafilarion of Uqnula, ot ereu treat by injection, from a ayringe. IuNtoad of effecting anything like a core, it girt-a only temporary relief, while, ia aoiuo caaez, it e«en injure, the patient by irri tation of the membrane, beeauan of the force required to dinlodgo the lump* or eoabe. All ,neh application* are partial, imperfect, irri tating, ami couHcqnently unaraitiug to effect the deeired end. To effect any foiling beoedt, or make a iMiraianeet care, every part of (he lining membrane ol the uxeal eavitie. imi.l be theroaghly reached. Tbe mellnni employed by 1>* Fostkn ia new, pbilaeopbia end comprehen.1T.. and ai once recommend, iieolf Io the patleut. Theappii cation, are mad* with an iagenioaaly oon- Hlraoted nppnratn., and eleanae* the entire poflaego of the offcu.ive matter, aud briagt U>* mediealnl rolutron. In dlreel eontnel with tb* diaoxcHl* The xpplie.lion. do not ennae the IcanI iuoouveulearo nor uuplenennl ooumIKhm, and ton be made rt bom* with complete euoeaae aa.1 wltboal mlerruplion Io burin***. 8a cltortto* l> Ibia method that lb# relief la laeleatanaeoa. Iba vary tirt xpffHto Hon Im eking ap tb* dime* at one*, ramor- Ing ihn bad amril, kaallag up lb* nlearelad earfaeaa lu a few weak., aad ptovaating th* loratalloii af ngkariro mailer rreae aflarwarila lu till, maanav Du, Fouxtu hoe troaled Ik* moal olwliuala eaaaa of Ckroaie ('rtarrb, with arioNiriilug Mroeaa, after »H other rtletoplu I tad frilol In fuel, aflat a few day*’ mat in wt, Ik* polloal feel, that tka dtueaeu li fttUttniltpSTto* -»••■ —r, aad ikai, eoa wy aaa aeei mJOr.bIH .04 ratou.ori riMrtir I nymptom of tkia euo. kialkaeme aad doNgae oua malady I* gradoolly yrt wrriy riloeppear and ka .gartauu Ih* aallafoatia* af ill I* a PETERSBURG, RICUHONU, PORTSMOUTH, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK aari BOSTON. To the Northwest aud West, Raleigh, ( kartell*, CalambU, k Bay Uae> nil is a Bare meat S. O XT Kzjeeel Metre. T E FOR THROVCa TJLf r'EL. THROUGH TICKETS SOIa IJ AT Now Orleans, Charleston. Richmond, Mobile, Columbia, Portsmouth, Montgomery, Charlotte, Baltimore, Jacksonvilta, Salisbury, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Greensboro' 8L Loom, Macon, Raleigh, Louis villa. Augusta, Petersburg, IndianapoiK New York AUK OOOD ON THIS ROUTE. The North Carolina Railroad Connects with tha Wibaington A Weldon Iiailrond, Raleigh A Gorton Railroad, Richmoud A DanriUc Railroad, Wealern North Garolina Railroad, nd Charlotte A Soeth Carolina Railroad. The Cauifert af Panoatgtm raaaaftrd. Their Baggage Cheeked Through aari ria- If Cared Far. Experienced Engineer*. Prompt aad Efficient Conductor*. Hegaal OriMfcea. Palace Sleeping Cart AtUched. Oooawoto, No rarer or Trort* Wort*. *04 lha ea- nrinmrinaai oMN. Bead ee ea Io aeaora e ■afo, ftgraeaxble and QUICK TRAVEL. AU Aiwil MU. IMS. J-OmsTP^lML, BAUU AND OUWWKUnoaMR, MARIETTA HTBKET. 1 uturturr* OtakAMk safl Mtafs ALL KINDS OF FRUIT Anti s |wiw>l smscMmidI 14 WINKS, USUORIi ud (.'1UAMS. ir n-fo. OHOIOE GROCERIES AND WARMLY MtaLMI CRAWFORD k BRFCff rater ■**«’» eH rieot, ATLANTA W P. PATTI 1X0, l>. H. Mmlial'. Hale. ""•“•‘.htor&snwiwi koowtog that II will • ry. fhle arthod. them of tofftoal aodKol •Itoiirttla**. to lalmriaead kg Da Fotam. rakdoto th* «*MM moot adudraWy, kyto-ew lakUabing a pattartly keallky earth** aad a aunuel eurutUia* ol Ik* argue of *to*H. tod ft hi aaary a#*** of thawaad, a Th*** nwmMmftitob baft purely rogrtoMa on ihrt Ih* I foot ou injary from Ibrir non JtSBSjrl — toriMR. Wto MR SritoMriC !MNU"OI N— of rririLmri-riMariTma to S ata'SritoSt M, riri «*’