Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 05, 1869, Image 3

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row EHA, MOiuraTO. JktiOTOT «Tui» OITY. I W. a Ism*, 8tot» Sun l c4ij at prwMi. i raCraahin* abowat (all /<*• •BUaaalif thin** and oool- LjtonnaphOf. I to Soma—Or. L. H On**, . ra th, aw—> ami oaf th, At teawtsstts *" Fl, »—• k—Mara bulidln* la in p-o*rc»t . now lkv> .KM waa baton at „ Tba paojlaappaat to hftaajaatdfa- tkat tliara ara not naarlt enoagh I Dm oitj. and tanaaU an ir«lnaing I aadaa Um praap^t cf ndsoad nata. Ue abMB«« of a CITY UCDfiEt. Ok Viwthl—Dr. Vnatar map be ~witlltd at kta zoom* in tapir* Block from 8 a. *.*till Oaaraaaa aa» Cataim. — Or. Foator U oonaaltad horn 8 till 0, at hU offio< ■mptia Blook. Oowroll him at ono*. SPECIAL JTOTICBS. »wpt« atnta Lottary.tar ts. mvnuai Emm and rpM inkAid • Orpbaaa’ • la poo ban Oatarrb In lha Hand. aanmlt Dr. Voatar, InEcnpin Blook. Cooault him at ones. I» poo taro any affliction of the aw, eon- anil Dr. Foatar, at hit offloaa In Empire Blook. Oonault him at onoo. a—Owing bjPwwSill t mooting of tba Board of Dlraoton* Hurt Library iaaooUUon waa rSoadajr night A maating la oallod tHooJay night for tha trananatlon of Ds. Fuoraa, Empire lllook. tnata any dia- anaaof tba Hoad, Note, Kw, Throat or Ohaat Oonault him at ouoo. t Ionian- , . It will , tharo wilt bo a .otai oollpso ana. Tb« llooof totality not raoohtng I South at Mlaota, at oanno tha oolipao > only p**ttf'“**■ £•«»*», * Biwator ■ of lha aaah diao will ba obaoarod than g»rwafa -groatar. iadood, than will ■ hi Into homupherc daring tba proa- f . Tha exhibition wUT lx, a raro ting ona, if thaaftMaooa bo a clear llaiotta-Ox-"—The writer of a ootntnu- la la tafOronoo to Boa Bill, oigned aa [iareminded that we pnblUb no anony- ribotlona, npou any oooditioa. Wo > naaao of the writer of each i that appoaia in tha Kaa—not r for publication, bat aa a pledge of —and tulau artioloo aro thua ao- , It need not be eipected that tker r in onr oolnuna. -A Lookor-Oo 1 ’ i u by eendhtg bit name nr celling LXaiu Aoaih. —In the Ear box yeoter- r Tting we found paekagee for the. Cbn- . lnttUitfMctr end Franklin Printing Tbit tun not occurred before within Ooi worthy uud ettentiro Poetmee- • ia et hif poet early end late, will Ieeareoue tbeae trouble,, and the mails, i no doubt, will be delirered with t and accuracy. The duties are 1 and cannot be mastered in a day. Lodge.—On Tuesday evening r Isaac a Pilgrim installed the follow- asm of Floral Lodge No. 4. I. 0. Q. T. I ensuing quarter : John D. Perdue. 1 Chief Templar; Mrs. L N. Pilgrim, T Vice Templar ; James L. Crenshaw, t Secrete! y ; J. Id. Hairston, Worthy hi Secretary; Mina Esther Cock, ter; Rev. W. A. Dodge, Chaplain ■ . mil. Marshal; Mias Strike Johnson, a Guard ; Jeona Williams, Ontaida Guard: Nolly, P. 0. T; Misa L. M. Wood, L E 8 i Misa Georgia Prince, W. a H. i Kate Bees, W. D. M. IOuknarcr — A paragraph appeared in t yesterday morning, ia reference to earth through the streets in loose I sad wagons, which offered a modest, i-humored stricture open tha City Of course there waa ao intention i him farther than he is denied; end • since found that bo promptly not/ > parties affeclad by tba passage of the '“i, but that the matter was entirely , because the people knew that there |onbuaoce covering the metier. Henoe in that the Marshal has dons his duty, I Council has not—or there would bo linanoe in tha case which the U.rah.i would take pleasure in enforcing. piarxr Lira Immawcn Company. .Home j ego the statement was telegraphed all oouutry that a certain —— Ballard, of the "Security Insurance Com- ‘ of New York, was a defaulter to the ex- r some sixty or seventy thousand dol- I In order to oorroct an impression that out, it is well to state that the Bal ms Secretary of the Security uranee Company, of New York, and te "Security Life Insurance and Au- I Company," represented in this city by p regard to it, because it baa no infernal praon with the • ‘Security Fire Insnranco [’ and is not affected by tbo defalca- . Ballard. The two are separate tinct companies, and are no more cou- |with each other than Labrador in con* vith Patagonia. xrciau—Hereafter, we promise mer- ■aod our readers generally, more cere- “ifcion to local and other markets. In ore the Era, daring the dall .summer j has been somewhat remiss; but now, »Pkii trade is about opening, we will >r» labor and care to that department , and endeavor to conduct it ao as to I it of aerrioe to our readers, os well as a t to the general trade of the city. In eg op this department, we aboil rely | our merchants for the information that t acquire elsewhere. Oar reporter b calls daily for quotations, as well as a] state of the market. Favor# in I conferred upon us will bo reciprocat- r our giving a report that will do credit > city and benefit its trade. We are de- 1 that no paper in the State shall excel i respect. Hereafter, therefore, our i may look to the Ena for all available ■dz i of this kind. Exckuuob is our > in all things. I NR.—The newsy character of the is enlargement has rondered the • U so great that onr counter sales stad onr daily supply, although it tereased with each issue. Hereafter nor ease our edition as to avoid such and parties will be able to get co- Ena. no matter at what time of tho ell. This unusual demand for the Mt gratifying to us, and oonvinoes the enlargement of the sheet, aud . increase of reading matter, we to right, and eater all the more successfully the public taste. Our ambitiou is to please, ith this end in view, we will from timo to fe add rook other features as ws think Will •ns nod bensfit the public, and no opportu- y will be lost to make the Isa a lending ps pnper. We nee perfectly aware that we rn made some reforms in Georgia journal* i. We bed the boldness to step aside from > old grooves that long ego were worn hub- ip, and enter apoa-n «. line, more in iptag with the progreesive spirit of the age. tecs nave endeavored to fall into the saw* Luna Brnw served at the National Hotel Restaurant at 11 o'clock to-day. R. B. Pond, au « Proprietor. J. H. lUnsrrr, Auctioneer, will sell this morning, st 0 o'clock, a Urge lot of House hold and Kitohen Furniture, and other vain able goods. aug6-lt Plus* and ms Wir*.—Choice plum English Peaches and Whitney dear-seed Peaches in aug3 P*a»b and ms Wife.-Those celebrated Burke and Richmond oounty melons ; 200 in to-day of tho noted Rattlesnake melon. aog3 Pease and his Wife have purchased the Peaches of two large orchards to be delivered to me in AtlanU every day—20 bushels in to day, choioe aud seleotsd. nng-1, Two Hundued New Books have been added to Wilcox’s OirouUiing Library, inolnding all tho late works of Mrs. 8octhworth, Charles Dickens and A. 8. Roe. Terms, GO uouts per month, iu advance, during whioh time sub scribers are entitled to as many books as they can read. jy 31-5L Ir you waut auy kind of a blank book, go to Hanleiter. If yoo want your magazines, music, law books, etc., bound neatly and cheaply, go to Hanleiter. If you want auy kind of ruling or binding done, go to Wm. R. Hanleiter, Granite Block, Atlanta MANTUA-MAKEIt. Mna. H. C. Baeeow announces to her friends of Atlanta and vioinity, that sho has opened a Mantaa-making establishment in the Empire Block, Whitehall street, 2d floor, where she is prepared to do all kinds of Dross-making, with style and promptness. aug4-3t* •ful. The day is not far distant when th<? olntion Hint the Bea has begun will bav« m completed, and onr pnblto prees will bo nre sprightly, instruoUvs aud acceptable to t people than ever ft has bean before. ’auai.TY to Ambmam. —Every city ought to re some law preventing cruelty to animals. 4 a day passes that the crime, in some of various phases, is committed iu this city. — Mutism draymen cruelly beat their over- rdeuad mules or horsss, albeit tho animal willing to labor te its fullest capital/.— :efn, others are eeeo driving animals through * street!) that evidently for long years have •m atnufits te ft bounty of corn and hay - uoat too poor te walk steadily, and yet com* find te draw heavy loads through the streets. m whip (cheerily laid a poo the bare boaes toriurod animal with a degree of cruel- ‘ ' shames* humanity. This of abusing animals should If there mi not enough ol „ f in the country to irn it down. Law should interpose its eng arm between bestei mnukosd and tbs tee erection, and protect the Utter from > furious cruelty of the former. There is a Master for this manifested opou the streets sty day—uay almost every boor, and it mlA be but ehrieiUoJy for tho City Council eonte an ordUaoee sUyiag the bond of < woeful IshumanUy, aud compelling men «pur* and protest their own animals. No m Is more faithful te man than the hone; I stew frequently than auy ether do we see noble animal abused, hasten, half-fed ! wurhed hard when eearoely able to arove n* suflMantly to crop a meal M grass. » Authorities ought te think about this The law fa primarily designed tc and If brute animal life is em it would all tbs more l Communicated.) DIRECT IMPORTATION BY THE LIVE JEWELER. New Yons, July 20, 18G9. Mr. (Jeo. Sharp, Jr., Atlanta: Drab Bie—Wo ship yon thin day, by South' era Express, a caso of ladies’ gold watches, imported direct to your ordors, and r ccording to your fancy. We expected them two weeks sooner; hope the delay will not cause you any inconven ience. On this lot of watches, If you sell them at the profit yon say, yon ean under sell New York retail prices by at least twenty per >nt, gold. Your package of gold arrived in due time. This will leave a balance in your favor. Shall we remit it or place it to the credit of yonr next importation, which will reach yon about tbe first of November ? Wishing you much look iu von uew enterprise, we remain your*, S. K A Co. TO THE PUBLIC. I desire an examination of thiA largo stock of WAtebes, also of my diamonds, jewelry and silver wore, whieh is ouo of the largest and best assorted in the State without doubt, ean sell lower than tbe saineolass of goods can bo bought elsewhere. WHY ? Because I sell at a small profit, aud moke quick sales snd plenty of them. Iu other words, I turn my capital over and over every fow months; keep it moving, aud watch my chances to boy goods, and keep aud soli nothing but flrst-olass goods. Parties in purchasing from me can rely upon goods being just as they are represented. On. this I stake iny reputation. Geo. Shabp, Jr., Live Jewslry Store, aug3-Gt Whitehall street. Country 18^19 i. clear WX&ll Side*. O. R— 2QX<$iOX 8houlder* l«X»17 >»«*»■*- V Jd. Kentucky 23®M Gunny 3S®27 tale Rope—p lb Machine-made.. 10® 11 Hand-nude. Bran—per ton $23 6tK»25 Batter—ft tb Ooehen nominal Country Coffee—ft lb. ~ Prime 24fcj Good Ordinary.. 21&22 Java 38® 40 P lb. 17® 17),' Para A nr 40® 40 Drags and Dycatnffa Alum p tb I"--- Borax, ref. p lb... BlUMtone ? tb..lS®2u Brlmatone tb lb... 8® 1C V. A. OASKILL, ATTOIMEY AT LAW, Heal Estate and Insurance Agent* S PECIAL attention paid to the Collection of all kinds of “ ATLANTA Oarriago Ropoaitory I HAVE now in store, of my own manufacture. Car* risers, Bufffiss, Ptuotons, Wagoni, and ftundowss, equaltoany In point of finish and durability ever of fered in this market, which, in oonaequcnce of the monetary stringency. I am offering at Greatly Reduoed Price*. Curia*. Hariri reppUad .1 oknpu rate* U>*n (I bo where in the city, fill early and secure bargains in good home-made work at prices suited to the tfinee. All new work warranted for twelve months. A. T. FINNEY, ft Orauitc Blook, Broad Ht. f Atlanta, Qa. aug Ldlw . FRESH TURNIP 8EED. T UHT SXCE1VXD, WO round. “ BED TOl'. ABXBUKE8. rtATDOTOH, HANOVKR. WHIT* OLOU1 YKI.LOW UL/IUK. BOTABAOX, XOBFOLB, VIUXOW BTOX*. And Other Vwriotlo*. Oril and pnrchM^ or Mad la /oor ordm wrly. p. W. J. *0H0L8. Afrimltural VmImw red *Md (lore. nrore turret, by tho Brid*.. IJ. H MAKSIIAI.’N »*LE. TTXDXR sad or rlrtao of a writ ot flora ftclu treurd U oat of lb. Honorobl. tho Diotriot Court ol tbo Catted Htelra for tbo Itorihora Dlotrtrt ol Ooorate, la fcyor of tbo pUloUfl, Jo—pk D. Uoltor, tbo follow la* creo, to wtt: Jnoot>h D. Uilter re. lobo c. Brawor. I hore teriod opmi re tbo prenorty of Jobs O. Brew- or, oil Uud treat or porori of iood, tuwotbor with oU tbo Imprarrenrete tboreoo. attoate. lylu* tad bote* la tbo Iowa of ABtloob. oreaftoo of Tootp red Booel. oaddtetrirte of AaUooh sad Alrioo. Mate of Owirete, aooWota* art acres more or Ire., boturited-aMh by load of Utrebota Laos oool by JoSmoou Twrtrer, oowtb by John T. Boykin red wool by Jotnao Honor, red bout* tbo ptaoo whore J. C. Brewotp now retddos sod tml oril tbo toaoo at pabllo reottow, of tbo Court Howre, la tbo auy of Altewte, ooaoty of Poltea, Os, oo rirod Twdny Is Aw*w.t lott, hotwire tho lawful bout, of tote. Preparty rotated oot by ptolatUTo oUoreoy. noted oTaarets uoornts ». t«». . lyt-wtw irr.MnTH.P w MArebs. PUL.TON NIIK.KIFK'H HALE. yy ILf. bo oatd baton tea Ooart tfoooo j ret or parrel of load, bate* pari Mouth duootel of iri^oiirH . —, tew oowaty, Os, breodod as Mtewoi ft iiiaiiiln, at ipotal Uteri treat of reriltao of MM ^ 'IS nreau* BOOM m 0*10. teat, tbreo. Writ reo Ires tboreo oootb IIP 00-100 taowrebare to >o*terere potat ooo tret, ow arid tot ttrere are tw. areofl reos- STta*poreoMre of W. W. MoAfcs mt latecori teriod oo oo tbo prewacty of » A. Joborea. Ig rlrtao Jibwt Pro, orfy pofwtad oat by W. f. MoAteo. it, i.vm w u uv , Jt lt0 ^ Mart*. Boo* Aa*.r. UM * TO - Tbdfcilowtn, wore tb. draws HOWARD * OO, Trio wotly plsco la Atlsata to (at a Brat- olooo notaftaph U Kaka'o Oaliory. o**f mine Oar* fhatoarapko, as *owd aa aay atada te tho Cal ted (totes *1 Kutui'o oolobroted Oollory. otift-umoui Oaly •« par down. H. Marshall, Do.tut, Whitehall , orer Lowoho’o Jewelry Store. ’WJ.'.-JB! M. O. MARKHAM, DSAIfUBIN sm mmms 9 LOCH RANK A CLARK, Atlersey.^Of. fioeon Broad street, over Echols* Seed Store. Prsctioe anywhere in the Stole. United SUtrs Supreme Court, and Superior Courts. i y oilai- Benwtlfal Wonau,—If you wowlif beautiful, use Ragan's Magnolia Balm. It gtv*f a pure Blooming Completion and roatores Youthlul Beeuty. Its effects are gradual, natural and perfect. It Removes Redness, Blotches, and Pimples, cures Tan. Sunburn and Freckles, and makes a Udy of tb/r- ty appear but twenty. The Magnolia Balm makes the Skin Smooth aud Pearly: the Eye bright aud cleer; the Cheek glow with the Bloom ot Youth, and imparts a fresh, plump ap pearanoe to the Countenance. No Lady need ooaplali of her Oo nplexlon, when 7» oents will purchase thli delightful article. The beet article t drees tho Hair Is Lyou's Kathal- -a . m July# L. B. DstvU, Gtneral Inis novlH-ly L. U. Da via. Agent Grower dt Baker Me w- L. U. Davit, Real Ratate Agent and Auc- an ® er * uovl8-ly FINANCIAL. Offioi Daily New Kb a, i Tuosday Evening, Aug. 3, 1800. ) Buying. Sellling silvxu afi. so COMMERCIAL. ATLANTA WHOLESALE TRICES. :ee—dox .$15016 Tierces A bis. A2i ; y K ‘ s 8 , and Caus22>;®23 8010 . 28035 UV ft. 6‘4®i llgo Y ID. fl 2001 GO dderoWtoKrofiRn Iadi Madder> lb. Pot byd. V lb. $6 25 Quinine V ox. $2 75 Saltpetre * lb. 12020 Sweet Oil Y dox1.6006.00 ‘ galf 1.4603.50 pta. doa$3.00 '''rt:..* Br. Sh. 4-4 15016 Bl'd 8h. S-4.... 0018 Bl’d 8h. 7-8.... 12018 Bi'd Hh. 4-4....13i,03O Bro. Drill 16022 Bl'd. Drill 1S022){ Ticking 13)^045 Lprinta— 19 Sprague's.. 13013H Merrimac.. 13013^ American.. 13(^13^ WamsutU. 0 9H Ducheas li. I5{c9lG Arnold's... 10)4 Rum, Jamaica 4.UO06.OO American.. fl.r^-" Whieky- “ V pel. II.; fiod doftl.l Rye do f1.3505.00 Itobertsou do $2.0004.00 Bourbon do$1.3506.OO do ft dox... Nectar do Scotch do do Y gal... Wine Y dox Maderia... $2.6006.00 Sherry (2.6006.00 l*ort. $3.5006.00 CUampaiguo Mackerel— No. 2, Y bbl. • $18 00 " 3, do 16 00 " 1 Y X bbL 2 60 ttbars—now, do, ex. family 4 60 do, family 4 00 do, Fulton XXXX family 3 75 Dodo, superfine 3 60 "o do, Georgia XXXX family 3 00 do, ahlp stuff 1 60 unp’d... Grain—Y bu. Oorn, White.... Yellow 1 iuseng 65075 Glass—> box. $3.600100 ■powder Vkog. Riflobf. keg $4.60 Rifle qr. keg 2 50 Blasting keg 6 0006.35 Hay- Y ton Hides- Y lb Oreen Dry Salted . Dry Flint .. Iron- p tt>. *lb. Leather—Y lb White Oak Sole. Hemlock Sole... Country Sole Country Upper.. 60066 Tenn. Upper 60066 Northern Y dox. $42 (JO Ft. cf. Y dox.,..$40050 Am. do. Y dox... Dom. Y dos Bridle Lea Y dox . Harness Lea Y lb. 45 Brandy Fr.. $7.00012.00 Amur $1.6002.00 Peach $3.0004.00 Apple $3,0004.00 Gin, Holland $4.0006.00 American... $1.6002.00 BOOTS -A. I3ST XD S IX O El S , SOLE LEATHER, CALF 8KINS, SHOE FINDINGS, fcC., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA OEORGIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS W01 find it to their advantage to examine my stock, as it is ■ XIXifflOTfflS WX TBC CHIBAT rt a tx Hi And purcliRscd exclusively for CASH, From the Best Manufacturers. Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens.’ FINE GOODS a Specialty. M. O. MARKHAM. MEADOR & BROS., T O B A. C C O C O.M MISSION M EiR C.H ANTS | —AND— Manufacturers of Cigars, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. 3,000 Boxes Various Brands, Styles and qualities of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, MANIIFACTUREirS PRICES! c A V (SU0CEB8OB TO JACK k DAVIS.) fiixuXftotu 0 Y S S T XbABOnATORY FharmaceuUeu! and Analytical Chemistr y. Whol«*ttle DruggiwtM ami manufacturing ciienimtn, Atlanta, Ga., A usc L engaged in the manufacture of do ts $2.6i VUN, We make Cigars of the Best Material, and Guarantee the Smoking Quali ties and Workmanship as Good as any made in the United States. Solo Agents Tor E. T. PUkinton’s Brand* or Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FRUITS AND FLOWERS. COMMONWEALTH, AC. ^^au^Ldgm Meal—p Mesa Pork-fl bbl. ■"ffitWiflnni Florida 75 Bu^ar Houso $1.000^26 nils-* keg 3d $7 00 4dto40 6 OOgdJ.25 Olio—Y gaL.. Lard OU $1. LiuseedOil.. 1. Coal Oil 480 60 Lubr. Oil 1.1603.00 Osnaburgs — Y Babbits $14.00 ►atty-Y »b... . 8040 Rice—Y lb 11012 Salt—ft sack. . Liverpool $2.76 Virginia 2.30 Patent Buck Soap—** m. Turpentine. Steel—1* lb. Plow. Oast German Sugar— V lb. . #38040 2010 Bweedea . American bar M <• Demarara 17018 Refined A 18018 % Refined B... .17*4018 Refined O....16S017 YcUow Coffee. 16016,^ oda-Eng. 1* 169^010 Starch—Y lb...110128 Tobacco— V lb. Unsound 25066 Sound 60000 Extra fine.. .1.0001.36 Smoking.... 6001.00 Varalsh—$* gaL Copal 3.6004.0 Japan $3.00035 Coach 6 06 White Flail - Jfthalfhbl^JlOJl^ DR. HUNTER 1 plete.^ ... suiting from ssir-almse, producing unmsnliueaa, ner vous debility, irritability, eruptions, seminal emia- siosa, and finally lmpotonoy, i>ermanently cured.— ' '—gh ‘ trioate, and long- are p ditely Invited to oall for cousulUtlon, which costa nothing. Experi ence, the best of teachers, has ensblod him to perfect remedies at once efficient, aafe, permanent, and which In most oases can be used without hindrance to busl- m. Medicines prepared in the establishment, u hich ibraoee offleo, reception and waiting rooma, also, M0UUM * apartinonta for pationtii requir- ntion, and vapor and chemical hatha, thus concentrating the flamed mluerai springs. Both eoxae, married or single, suffering from ludiacre- Uoue. iodulgenclee, or exposure, may apply and be cured. No matter who have failed, etate your ease.— Read what Ue aay a in his Dambhlet, sent to soy ad dress free. Thousands of cases treated annually at of fice and all over the country. CousulUtlon free, per sonally or by mail. Olfico, No. 183 Third Street, be tween Onen and Walnut, near the PostoAco, Louis- vllle, Ky. Office hours, U a. M., to 7 p. m.; Sands; jg M., to 13 M. t.; Sundays 1 U i-4iy Old Tin Xlooflnt k. d this morning, at 9 o'clock, in lots *. O. rOWELL, July $1—11 suit pur- >L, Auctioneer. W liar (bon SborllTi Sale. next* at tlie Court House door In tho Buchanan, lu the county of Haralson, between the lav ful hours of eals, lot of land No. 61, in die 8th dis trict of originally Carroll, now Haralson county.— Levied on as the property of James Westbrook, to sat isfy a A fb lu favor of Lewis Tumlin, against said West brook and compauy, issued from tbe Justice Court for the 1678th District for said oounty. Levy made and returned to me by e oonstoble. N. 8. BARRY, Jyl7*td Deputy Sheriff. (luauti for Turnip*, Etc. DIE public ere notified that I havo Just received a fresh supply of Peruvian Ooano, Dissolved Bones, I's Bone HuperphoepheU and Manipulated Ouano. Turnips, Greeeee, etc., el my Guano Depot, ftroed MARK W. JOHNSON, Guano and oommiseleo Merchant, jy-lft-dly Broad street, Atlenta. 1 . H. M«n»har« 8mU. orvic# U. S. Mabsnal, »osm«M Dim. or Qa.» Atlanta, Oe., Aug. t, IM. | Y virtue of a writ of reoditionl exponas, issued (root the Honorable the Dletriel Court of the United tin the Northern DiWrist of (Hct^Wl *1U be . O IE AMBMULIN, hern District o* (is NOTICE TO TEACHERS. A LL School TesteF?***’ 8 July 28, 1869. ton county who expect’to pomcipiMf Ytr^uAr ZtjQx School Fund for the present year, are notified to pre sent themselves before the Board of Education for ex amination on or before the 38th of August. The Board will meet at 10 o'clock a. m. every Saturday. The law will be atrtcUy enforced, and no toacher paid who falls to obtain a certificate. By order of DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jonx T. Coopxu, Clerk. July 31—d2twlt NOTICE. 8vrKDINTKKDF.KT'S OFFICE, aKOROtA R. R., I Auqurta, Qa„ July 33, 1869. J F OR the accommodation of parties visiting Athens during the Commencement Exercises. Ac., a train will be run oa the Athens Branch every night from the 29th Instant until tho 12th proximo, inclu sive. Haid train will connect at Union Point with tho night trains on main line. 8. K. JOHNSON. JulySl-7t Superintendent. MONTVALE SPRINGS! 18 6 9. T his favorite . •ort, situated in nesaee, will be * first of June. or ity, Ei open for reception of visitors Liver, Dowels* Kidneys and Skin, and the Care of Chronic Diseases, attest their Medicinal Properties. The buiidiags at Montvale aro now being ropalred refitted and repainted, and everything put in apple- pie order. All the accessories for enjoyment and recreation at the best watering places will be found here. Tbo facilities for roaohirg Montvale this season are Increased by the extension of the Knoxvillo A Charles, ton Railroad, and regular trains arc running to Mary ville, whence passengers are conveyed iu coaches to the Springs, nine miles distant. RATES OF* BOARD, Per day $ 2 60 Per week ig 00 Per month 60 00 #7* Address for Pamphlets containing Analysis snd descriptions of waters, Ac,, JOSEPH L. KINC, Jy-3-lm Knoxville, Tenn. U. S. AlaraliaPs Sale. U NDER and by virtue of a u rit of fieri facias, sued, out of the Honorable, the District Court of tho United Htaies for tho Northern District of Georgia, In favor of the United Btatee, in tho following ram<, to wit. Unitel Statea vs. Judge R. Harris aud John 8. Blalock. 1 have levied upon aa the property of the defendant, John 8. Blalock, to wtt; One undivided half interest iu one Mill and lot of land, lying and being in the towr of Greenvtlle, oounty of Meriwether and State ot Got r- gla. containing five (5) acres, mors or less, bounded- north by land of Bobert A. Heard, south by land of N. B. Itovstt, woat by land of Ell Perry, west by land of K. 0. Maifitt, and known aa Blalock’s Mill, Aud will sell the same at public auction, at the Court nouse In the etty of Attsnto, county of rulton and BUte of Georgia, on tbe First Tuesday In August, next, between the Uwfttl hours ol ssts. CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard and Birk< Street*, Philadelphia. * .c-ltndflt, four foot atxoke, 45 feet long. 1 Beam Engine, 18-inch cylinder, fonri feet stroke, iuado by Sutton, with 3 boilers, 36-inch dismoter, 38 feet long. 40 Roller Looms, 42-tucb, C, 8 snd 10 troadlea, 1, 2, 3 and 4 shuttles. 25 Crompton Looms, 42 and 45 incb, 12 and 24 Har ness, 3 and 2 boxes, pick and pick, and also 4 boxes. (66x48 1st breaker,) Mule 1 Set woolen cards, J 48x48 2d ' f 40x42 Con ( 40x42 1st I 36x42 3d 30x42 Condenser. ) 1 V-in.R’age (60x48 1st breaker,' * 2 •• '• 148x48 2d (48x48 Condenser. ) lJi-in g’age J Mules 360 Spindles each, 2V*tnch gauge. 1 Sargent's Burr Picker, large slxe, nearly now. COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hodson’s make, largo slxe, speeder 36-inch, 3 Spinning Frames, 2-lnch rings, 108 spindles oach. 1 •• •• l' 4 '-luch •• 180 •• •• With shafting, belting, Ac., Ac., completo to run th cotton machinery. Warping Mills by band and power. 1 Balling Machine, for candle wick, Ac. 60,000 Bobbins. Will take part COT rON In trade. Ju 30dood3m WHOLESALE, 20 CENTS PER POUND. AND Crackers WHOLESALE, 8 CENT8 PERIPOUND. CORNEKiOF ALABAMA AND WIIITKHAI.I.JHTREET8. ATLANTA, GEORGIA JORDAN* HOWARD & HARRALSON, TOBACCO COMMISSION MEKCHANTW, WHOLESALE DEALE US IN LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c., WBITKBAIiIi STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. , Manufacturers’ prices. Finest FURNITURE, Cheap FURNITURE ! CHASTAIN 8c FOX, Wholesole anil Retail Furniture Dealers, GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GA. drugs and chemicals. T »*o«irroco ot Utelare, Uiiaia. M.r- «i»t—0.1. CMtafSKa"faurer. “•.** aural*. oi Ulvar, <».lartd. •' “.Id, H.lrlt, Ot «M„, f,r. i't^rV l 'iJri. Br °' nl * t ‘ “ . Jobbing made sspeclslty. CaU and axamine stock and prices, at the Drug aud Chemical House of PEMBERTON. WILUI0N, TAYLOK 4c OO. Perftnnery, Perfiimery. OH. TAYLOR’S PREMIUM COLOGNEj OotebroUd sod unsurpassed in quality by any celebrated French perfumes, void by paasnos, wzllson. tavlok a c TEA8^ TEAS, TEAS. _ 1 HYSON, GUN POWDER and received, end for Ml* by PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR A CO. COMPOUND EXTRACT OF QtmxiNrs z>KjxaBT, I S warranted to cure Scrofula, Chronic gh*m«i«ff*ini Diseases of the Liver and Skin. lUngworu, Pim ples, Blotches, Syphilis in all its forms. Asa renovator and purifier of the blood, it hiu no equal. It quickly restores tbe system to perfect health and purity. For sale, wholesale and retail, by PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR A OO. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, AC. ■y^E keep large stocks of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, Window Glaia, Ac. At tho lowest prices. PEMBERTON. WILLSON, TAYLOR k OO. July **• (may l*-9m. I -:o:- FLOUR PROPOSALS. Atlanta, Qa., July 29, 1869.) Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 40,000 Pounds Extra or Family Flour, (which Is to bo stated in the proposals,) to bo made from good, Bound, new Fall Wliest Bidder* will state whether it is proposed to furnish the Flour tn Sacks or Barrels. Tbe Flour to be delivered at the Commissary Store- hOuse at McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Oa., on the loth day of September. 1869. .des of Flour, In paper or tin boxos, must ac- oompany Ute proposals, and the name of tho bidder Samples unpany tl . be marked on the box. The coutanta, name of contractor, place of business, aud date of purchase must be marked upon each pack age of Flour when delivered. Proposals to bo in duplicate, Indorsed "Proposals for Flour,” and addressed to tho undersigned. T. J. HAINES, Brevet Brig. Gen. and Chief C. 8. Jykl-Ct Department of the South. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND J,4-wlw W. H. ( Macon h Wxstxbr Railroad, ) Atlanta, July 1,1869. | W X have arranged a regular system of through tick ets from Atlanta to Now York, ItolUmoro, Fhll*- drlphn, JflckiionYUlfl and Tallahan- mo, Florida, rla Saratmah, Ite***** ohtekad terougfl. Or!, or. ohanga of care south of Atlanta. Also, a system of 2btour«ion Tlolaota At very reduoed raise, good from data, until the first day ot October next, from Atlanta, Macon and Inter mediate aUUoni to the Indian Springs (Forsyth), and altar data applloattou will be made to the Ordl- ffJNntaM --—*- US**! mtLSLt July Mi julyta- waty, Georgta. for leave hi eeti the the estate of Bea bee Retd, de* — te. fl-retaarejtojre- T Plctistirp Sockors. IIK. only direct route to the ^N immense stock of NEW and WKLL-SELKCTICD FURNITUBE rivo. These Goods were sll bought cheap for cash, and will be sold at cxtreeiue Low Prices. Our stock Is the bost and Largest ever brought to Atlanta. There Is In llunihujs in its Manursieiure. Call aud examine our 8TOCK and PRICE3, and ycu will buy of as. AND WHOLESALE. G. H. & A, W. FORCE, —DEALERS IN— DOTS AND SHOES, WILLIAM B0LLMAX, DKALSB nr WATCHES, C(LOCKS, jewelhy, gold pens, SPECTACIjES, «jbC., Whitehall st, bet Alabama at and Railroad Crossing, ATLANTA, ,GA. ROSADALIS, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula in all its various forms, such as Consumption in its earliest stages, Enlargement and Uloeration of tho Glandes, Joints, Bones, Kidney*, Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism, Eruptions of the Skin, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ac.; also, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. X>1ssoasoi9 of W omou * Loss of Appetite, Slek Hcadarhr, Liver Complaint, Pain In tkc Back, Im prudence In Life* Gravel, General bad health, and aH diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, It is a perfect renovator. ltecoiunieudnl bj tbe Medical Faculty aud many tbousauds of our best citizens. ♦fir For testimonials ot remarkable cures, ue "lto- sadalis Almanac" for this year. Prepared oaly by Drs. Clements, Rives A Co.. Man ufacturing Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawrence A Co., Baltimore, Md. For sale by Druggists everywhere. Jy iff- WHITEHALL .j^TXj-A-lSrT-A-. STREET, - GEORGIA. Vlrsluln fflin-lnf*. ALL NORTHERN CITIES. t,V ZOURUION HkTUUM TIOKKIH te tel lh. Ootebrel- Tl CHESAPEAKE k 0110 RAILROAD NTO aTAO-IKTO. _ la and Trim. Lina. Appfy In Ticket OAoe, Psaaenger Depot. B. w. WRKMN, iyT-dlm. Gen. Ticket Agent W. A A. H. ft. J^OUTHftBN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA — Atlanta, Ga.. April It, 1969. To whom it oiay ooooerni Tbe uuderatgned hereby (ires notice of his •ppotatmeat as assignee of ABNIR 0. OILMKK, of GiuevlUe, Hall oounty, fttato of Georgia, ta eatd district, who bas been afij irSTCsra h " •" ?»- REDWINE & FOX ATLANTA, GA., fW HOLESALE And SoMaa-a la Paints, Oils, and "Window Glass, Th, r,KM, WVlteH, oa draaght a4 4k, » Lire U.a* straw Th, Warlte-reaowaMI RBLTIKU WAThlt, .a 4rea|kl at <h, •• R, P!aa" Th, C,l,hra4ral UllRKNMBN WATIH. aa dr,a*kl Oar. Whltahatl A Uahaara ■«, Tha Dallxhtfal Vfdlt V WATER, aa -Araaght at th, - Saga Wnt.r Da eat." .•-4 Rn* WALNUT R1IOW.OA*K-VKRY 1.0W. REDWINE & FOX, Aaiuitn, Ore. A T I. A N T A SACK FACTORY ! W E keep on hand constantly, and arc mtuiufaetar ing ail kinds of FIaOUK and grain sacks, Orders respectfully solicited. MITCHELL & BENTLY, jy3-3m Ooretr WkitokflU tad Hutor 3U. Valve Slattooary Kngiu<-«. Portable Kngtnes, Ac. Al>»>. Circular, M a lay and Gang saw Milts, Sugar Cane Mills Shalt tog. Pulleys, Ac., loth eu.l Shingle Mills. Whest amt Corn Mills, Circular Saws. Belting. Ac, 8eudfo* deecrli - Uve circulars and pnee lu-. UTICA M KM}. CXI.. frt.KMiw Pfltaa. «aw >trh. on. mcnAXTB CiOLDl’.N UKMKimX. •a Od i efdiw—rate *ay .tep.. l>r. RR-t.u’. tloLnts lu»va N.v 1 cure, UVrre. tlLreratefl Bora Vheat rai l Mrailk. Bora Ryra, Ootraw oa, or Skin KniRUoan Ooupra Oolond Ufotohra, Bra,, uora of tbo Rotlp, Soraflila tto.; tt Uto qrateote Item, rater. AMerattvo ,'ul lUooU Vuriflra ko.iwo. rratoraa tel .tiraara troiu U« .yMrao. rat* loato, tto btood | aro ^iDuirii’c. UoLetat fliteth Ho. 4 OOP?, MraoiiH.l rerea. diettm »>eceeary « Mftcataa proriag uriresi^ efibej^by theas Reared tee. Price of either 1 or Nfi. t $3.0# per befc SJ:A-rnrairibi,jJ.a. i>r. itanaao'e Got*#* Ruua Aaotm, a redteet k'ure ft LtoU«Tortwo Wtltaa tar $9.06 <mrcoei|H of price Remedtee will be ahlppedtc any ptaee. friiaHatteattoa raid ^ rerrearomteaba- It ratthetet iha oosse of M D$. RICHAU 8 <H?U>B1Sm«ID11CS. D. B. RICHARD**, l*ri>prt' rera.’Matretei ktaltouofkottew. a AMrara D. R.RIOHAUDB. The Piu'cni , Host and Cheapest sosa uv *u. cusockob. jaly lt-lly '1 --'J