Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 05, 1869, Image 4

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V<wMly,f t II ■!«■«« * " ****#> —’■“ Wi^fe^JrJJnauj jjjjjjgj” j airv , uv:. » i I At a dedui Mr are* square of ItUnaa or u«*, ***•*****>«’' aySHSSxrj. ass?£ss ■&.TKW - » ^ «*...**,* "fet-'H?' gattasegirttj *°ui , fc!v»<SSS«». <* »»U" JSS3SsR.ES I oksrgsahfa ot tha retort L w; BMPrartcs owmnr. kbdwine * For column. l, h. biubfebld's column. TBST X BRABFIELIFS Great Remedies Hurlay’s Ague Tonlo. (Vo Arwair-No Mnraryr. tiUU H Vl»» ss Sg§jj§jjs^“S **-£ ^ t |„, t r uU> of U»* Ste!r^?«fu it fall to cure, Ufa* dtrwVcM sre state* Mi'cU doe* hw iwwsty rents per U V«U"Ury wwlf>»tnM, containing lutoretUng < ■spartan i ovi, asttctfad from arery anaffir lirfiWiTOO lk« various counties of tke Httic < THE ERA OFFICE it in tii brick Btra*i>nro on iuiima tTssrr UOAP AMD WHTMHJ. 58. K1 usmi! FORE $TjQ U E E N . U to tho only prop~«u— yt discovered that *i prodno* hair o«» the bald head. It kM boon tented l* Atlanta. Mk. m£v~«u Of A-fa, and dandruff from the * eU itching and heat of the scalp. ' > dean tad holtlir. *tko hair (tom falling out M . lot* tod eye brows to grow luxu riantly. [■ It hasp* the hair from changing color (row age. It produoM a full set of whiskers sod mustache say naan of mature age. Prepared only by OR. R. 8. POMEROY, No. 17 Alabama Street, Vp Stair*, B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, THE SAFEST AND HOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR WORMS That hu over been <ttsoover«*l. This celebrated > fully given certificates testifying to its superiority. It is used extensively, for the simple reason that Notkiac ksi yet bees dlteovered which can be substituted In Its place. JUsd It fa given without apprehension, because every oue knows its perfect safety It has now been before the pablio for over "Fostv Yxabs,” ami has attested ts superiority in thousands of esses, throughout U parts of the world. Ills the Imperative duty of every pa. rent to watch the health of hUchild, and •vide himself with this potent ape- Be careful to observe the Initials of the name, a ae that you get "B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE B. A. Fahnestock’s Son & WHOLESALE DKUGKilSTS, . PITTSBl'ltlJ, l»A., sou nwninou. —PT—iy JAMES M. BISHOP. A1TORNEY AT LAW, IfAnMi.ttlLhr^ bfcUlMilA. J)BACriC£8 in all the counties of the Blue Kiu*< id paiu In the side. 8om<-- tbe pain Is in the loulder. and is mistaken HHHnMWKfcr rheumatism. Tbe stom- s affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bow- els in general costive, sometimes Alternating with lax. The head la troubled with palu and dull sensation, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with pain ful sensation of bavtug left undone something which ought to have bean done. Often complaining of waak- peaa, debility, and low spirits Sometime*, acme of I H^lMBlBMUBBfathe above aymidoma attend ffitho disease, and at other I IUCD Htlmcs very few of them; LIVfall ■but the liver is generally ■the organ most involved.— (ggmgmBK'iire 'he liver with DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REUVLVTOR, A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no lujnry to any one. It baa been used by hundreds, and known for the last Mk years aa on* of ILe most reliable, aOcacUraa and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffer ing. If taken regular!/ and persisteutly, it Is sure to headache, jaundice, eo«llv*-u«#s, sick | heads* he, hronic diarriuna, (factions of the bladder, imp dysentery, affection* the kidn<y«, fever, — ... iptriu, heartburn, S bowels, pain In the head, fever sod agua^ dropsy, boils, pain In back and limbs. Asth ma, arysypsUs, female affections, and bilious diseases gsuanDy. .... been sufficient fas a cure, and whola have baaa cured by a atugie buttle, with a par fact raatotnUoa of the general health- It Is, however, ■niilt, and to every case mors aartais to cure, if its «Be to aofattaMMd to smaller doses for a wsek or two af fas Iks dteeaan has baaa ohaakad, jaora eapjcially to tkartia uedk ina, altar having taken three or four *- at of the Tonic!* single do- of BUI J/N VEGETA FAMILY WLLd wlttfe* sufficient. Dr. JOHN BULL** Martg*l Oflfaai No. 40 Kink <'ro«» 8lr**t. f Ills. KontuoUy HMU'KOTI.Y M&IABUC. Til* only remedy for Chilis and fsvar, or Agus and Fever, that Is or can b* depended upon is Hurley's Ague Tonlo. Than have been thousands cured by using D who have tried tho usual remedies without bansit, WORTHY OF ATTENTION. ityoo, gain- lus per Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United Scutes and WorW Wide Headers. av* received many testimonials from profeaaloual and medical men. as my almanacs and various public catlona have shown, all of which are genuine. The following letter from a highly educated and popular physician to Oaoifto, Is certainly on* of the moat sen sible communications I have aver resolved. Dr. dem ent knows exactly what ha speaks of, and his testimo ny deserves to bo written In letters of gold. Bear what the Doctor says of BULL'S WORM DESTROYKit: Yillamow, Walker Co., 0*., June SB, 18. John Bull—Dear Sir: 1 have reoently given your “Worm Destroyer" several triala, aud find it won derfully efficacious. It baa not failed in a single In stance to have the wisbed-for effect. 1 am doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use (or some article of the kind. I am free to oonfass that I of BU Mined? recommended by the ablest authors ■ so certain and speedy In it* •«•«*•. On the contrary, they are uncertain in the extreme. My ob ject to writing you fa to find out upon what terms 1 can get the medicine direct from you. If I can get it upon saay terms. 1 shall use a great deal of ik I am aware that the aso of such articles is contrary to the teachings aud practice of a great majority of the regu lar hue M. D’s, but I sec no Just cause or good sense in liscardtog a remedy Which wa know to be efficient •Imply because we may be ignorant of Its eombination, F * my part, 1 aha!! make it a rule to u*e all and any means to alevlato suffering humanity which 1 may lx- able to command—not hesitating because some one more ingenious than myself may have learned its «-f feet* first, and secured the aole right to secure that knowledge. However, 1 am by no moans an advocate reply aoou, aud Inform me of your best terms. I am, o*t respectfully, JULIUS I*. CLEMENT. only by J. II. ZKILlfe A CO., Druggists, Macon, Ga. Pries 81; by mail 113*. Tbs following highly raspertabla persons sen fully lUMt to ths virtues of this valuable medicine, and to ML Mm.. Sheriff Bibb county; J. A. Butts. Bein- bridge, G*Li Dykas A Sparhawk, editors “Floridian,'' ■ iLv. J. V. Burke. Macon. Da.; Virgil Powers, Ksg.. Ssporintoixleut 8. W. It. IU. Daniel Bul lard, Mallard's btaUon. Macon k Brunswick K. it . Twiggs enuaty. O*.: Orosuviils Wood, Wood’s Facto ry, Vaeou. Oa.; Rev. ILF. Kaatorttog. P. R. Florida Ooafaraaea; Ifal* A. F. Woofay, Kingston, Oa.; Edl- tor Macon Tatograph. may b-dbwfiui XUITABIiISBirD 1860. SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD /ry STRICTLY W\UV MIVATV Tw To Dr. '1 bum a* A. Ilurlcy: sfiiaAs^amu&iiu „ aevaral popular modiciiu.s with bat temporary relief. On reaching home the disease returned In a worse tyj if possible, when my mtadiael attendant ordered ' »ne In Urge d«e»s— fraquruDy as high as to jpwi dav. and which must hsvs ooat us nearly |100. i con sulted Dr. Hinith, of Louisville, asd found hepraaorih- ed quinine and araeuiu combined, which I refused to take, preferring to Ut the disease taka tto course, 1 was almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and pronouno- M with aalarged Liver and Bnleen, About this lime, the advertisement of HurUy s Ague Tonic appeared in a city uepar, and I datorniinad to give it a trial. I did •o, and have no reason to regret It One bottle restored me oomplotely, and since that time 1 have seen uteri/ ' * with aagaliy happy ily racoiinuendhas prafofs- i public. * MARTIN, Ingiucer. l^tuisvllle, Ky., June nun iirnini Woman’s Best Friend. rpiui nlukl. M^lUiUi. 1. prapuM lu, Wimu 4. Swlnla, m4 to b. ml t>, nn> u.i,. n u HtgM miliillj to Uux. ™« vh.r. Uw von. u auui*M6. ul will cw. ut travttt It, to to. -m «m-UMfttaaHk •* "VUJ» * opm. Boo. li&mlialtnnnnn, Uu >uuu Woo. umoLot olaoXiulwuUimlimUoo. lu.mddw SSjotth.'Hii.tUr«U»| Bomoou. tn.iUii.ot mind, or llko ~flVTt. il ish Mho • charm, by kasroaiin tax BmohASoji IM mw SASTAAog, thus relieving tin fever, headache, pain in ths smell of ths back and “low- ar stomach." fioahm of heat about the faoe, ohlliy can- ■atiooa. boratog of tho o/ollds and general reatfaa.- naaa. Takas to lima all them symptoms peso away Immediately, without injury to tba oonsUtuUuu. Fre. Ouently, however, tho propw remedy is not applusl in tbua. tha dUaaaa baoomaa chronic, aud tha fouudatlau laid lor numbertooo arils to ths constitution of the wo man. Tha next 'turn" oomas around and there la no “•how," or parhapatho “whites" will appear. Thera will ho some uneasiness about the womb, but very lit tle or none of ths natural fluid saospiug. Ths com plexion becomes sallow, bowels swollen, e sort of green ish oasts about ths faoe, constant dull aching pains about ths head, weight to tha lower stomach and back, with or without whites, palpitations of the heart, pal- lation, indigestion, weariness, languor, acb- i the lotos, loss of appetite, pain in left broaet, across the chest, cough, aud giddiness, if ed to go on “great! etekne**' ’ will be fully de- lb* headache becomes sovsre, with less of memory, diminishing sensibility, rieg stomach, dys pepsia, no relish for food, loss of flosh, increased flut tering of tha heart, swrl’xhu ov thr rxxr, legs and body, aud ocsasional spitting of blood. Ths aligbtest effort eauses nuahuto mxxsTHixu, almost surrooa- tiom. Ths akin is flabby and a “doughy feel.” This is a sad picture, but it is tha oondlUou of thousands of woman between the agoa of fifteen aud forty-five who are brought to ths verge of ths grave by fgner anoeor negleot to taka tha proper remedy. To all wh are afflicted with any of the symptoms above mention ed, to connection with an Irregularity of tho “muuthly slckncas," w# earnestly say TAKE DR. J. BRAD* H FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounoes tv patience you i remedy has been extei Of twenty years b PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. WITH IODIDE OF POTARR. Affections of the Hones, Ilabltval Coatlve* ness. Debility, Diseases of the Kidney*, Dy«|wpi)la, Eryilpcih, Female !r* rejsalarltlas, Vlitala, nil Nklii Dlsenaea, Liver t’oniplnint. Indigestion, Piles, I'ulmo- nnry, Dlsenses, Scrofu- In.or King’s Kvll, Syphilis. Hurley's Harsaparilla i subject. JfeSS fy daughter ha* been aillict'Hl with skin diaease sturuMs of the joints lor several year*. I em ployed the principal physicians of the city and they could uot cure her. 1 gave her your Harsapartlla uol expecting it would do much good, but to my great as tonishment she rapidly got well, and thank God con tinues so. Had she been taking any mediclue I would not give this oertofioato; but your Harsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt ot its medi cal qualities, aud that it alone cured her. (Signed.) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth and honesty of the atatemeiit, will find x i.l Walnut streets, Lou ivIHe. f rvatdeui'4 r Ninth HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. i remedies known to me. with but partial aiircess ' my children. I was a.Uisr<| to try T. A. Hurley i<l since using it uay children have become quite ell and healthy. Ths childreu would eat It all the v Hie, June 13. I MM. HURLEY’S STOMACH HITTERS. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good Reason Tor tlie <'apfninV Faith. BEAD THE CAPTAIN'8 LETTER AND THE LETTER PROM Ulfl MOTHER. Bjewtox Bxiuurx'ii, Mo., April 30. I860. Da. John lluu—Dear Mr: Knowing the efficiency of your Harsaparilla and tho healing aud beneficial qualities It possesses, I *eud you the following state ment of my case: I waa wounded two years ago—was taken prisoner, and conflued for sixteen months. Bring move,! so of ten, my wounds have not healed yet. 1 have uot sit up a moment sines 1 waa wounded. 1 am shot through ths hips. My geuetal health Is impaired, ami I need something to assist nature. 1 have more faith in yonr Harsapaniia than in anything else. I wish that that Is genuine. Plaaae express mo half a dozen bottles, and oblige, Capt C. P. JOHNSON, Ht. Louis, Mo. F. 8.—The following waa written April HO, 186a. by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson: Da. Bull—Dear 81 r: My husband, Dr. O. H. John* m, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Centra] New York, where he died leaving the above C. P. John son to mv care. At thirteen years of age, he had a chronic dlarrhma and scrofula, for which 1 gavo him your Harsaparilla. It cubed him. I have for ten veara recommended it to many in New York, Ohio and Jowa, for scrofula, fever • ami general debility. perfect anooesa Waa _ tended it. The sores affected in some cases of scrofula aud fever sores were almost miraculous. I am vary anxious for tn> son to again have recourse to your HarsapartIU. He is fearful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to you for it. Ilia wonuda war# ter rible, nut I believe bo will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOlfNHON. Appetite, liysprpsiM, ror!)l.onW Weakness. In- There are no hitlers Unit in removing these distressing com; or cau bo had at any drug ‘ ‘ “ motor irith the* ipUints. For salt In the United Htates. •IAME.S RUDDLE A CO., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. heard liorlav * Ritters highly spoken _ bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and to my aurprlac’and joy, before l finished one bottle. I felt a great deal butter and firmly believe that one or occsaioua it waa the means ol 'saving and prolong- AND COLOR WOKKM, HT. LOIJIH. “O^ODIHJTfl of Otto ssUbUahuM->4 guaranteed equal I to quality to Um baet Misaft,^lartsl In Um com*- Cf. Pweetaby W. A. LAN»t>W,t. W NOTICE. to the toataaf Osorwia, titor - * pleeee- VUrMeffft * to lanrato—< v toflie inlrn eele MICWAIL O'lUlU, AUoree^et Lew, 8flth Ward JUet Pittsburgh, l»a HAMALAON Nil KM I FT HAILfi. O H ths fieri Tuesday tu Aegwri east, will be •old b* flnw toe Oewt Howes flffor to Um town of Itoctufi •to Ot., wttoto toe fafffa faetuff of eels, tos fottewtog WfiBLsaaa. SSI ssld leads In the far. e haring any lends for Mis SOIL’S CEDBOO BiTTEBS AUTIIKNTIC DOCUMKNTH. .inK.uxt, iitumit ntn.ii, Tmtlmnii)- ul Nnllrjil Mi-ii. Hrit.iev I'oidt, Whlu (Vi . Art., M«, 2,1, |MM til.m alw.y, lo uk fill uo other. You can u*< will benefit others. Y Louisville, Ky., Dim JOHN W. DIXHON. y years by many of tha mu ul physicians of Georgia, peat that DU. J. It RADI by Wornou only. A trial la all wa ask. Prepared aud sold In any quautity by lTh. UHADFIKLU, WHOLESALE DRUOOI8T. Atlanta, Goorgia. Hrice $1 50 per Bottle. fl9> Sold by Druggists generally. Atlaxta, Ga., December 39,1B68. Dr. J. BBAnriKLD. Dear 81r: I take pleasure in stating that aome time previous to the late war. I used, with the utmoat success, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared then at Rradfleid’s Drug Btote, West Point, Ga. She had been suffering severely from aui * ‘ Idne aoou reatprt In-law, Professor Rutherford, of Athens, Gn This I think, been diseased for six years.— use servant, and seemed cured up to the JNO. C. WHITNEB. STATE OF GEORGIA, Tnoui* OoPXTT. This is to certify that I have examined the receipt of Dr. Joseph Bradfleld, of this county, and aa a med ical man pronounce it to be a combination qI Medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases Sects of your Fornale Regulator In this neighbor WM. H. FINCHES. in my family, your Female Regulator, and have in _ ery case, mot with complete success. G. L. DAVIH. I also prepare and have for aslo a YF squal to the best, and for much leas j I also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, n oy of the heat housekeepers in the city, amt prt nounccd by them to be very superior. L. H. HUADKIEL]), I)r«ifficitot, Atliinta, Git. Hole Agent for GeO. M, Hay's tomoULJ UNITED STATES LAWS. Fund at Ike HmmA Station ut tb* For- tleth ConrroM. flootaa. to flu Ml vaoenolea whieh have occurred or may hereafter occur therein. Approved, April IP, 1809. Punuo—No. 17. . ^ 11 kkn **e House of Represen tatives of tha United Itetae of America In Uougreae as- sutnbtad. Thai tha sot of the legislature of theTerrilo- ry of N»w Mexico, of February third. dgLteeu hundred aodaUty-nlne. and all othar Uwa and parta of laws of aaid tagtaiature iinpoatog a capitation tax on bovlue cettia introduced into tha said Territory from other Territories orbtetae, or the Republic of Mexico, bo, and the aamo era hereby, disapproved aud repealed. Approved, April ]0, 1869. Punuo—No. 18. An act to aiueml the Judlolal ayatoin of the United fltatos, He H enacted by the Banate end Hotiao of Uepreeeu- tatlvee of the UuIUmI Ktatea of America in Uougreaa sa sh all conatituto a quorum; and for Uie purposes of this - there shall bo appointed an additional associate pointed . w _ and sliall irmmkwi the same power and JnrladioUon therein u tbeiuaUce of tha Supreme Court allotted to the circuit The circuit courts lu each circuit ■Mil L.i held by the justice of the Supreme Court allotted U> tna circuit, or by the olrc.ilt judge of the circuit, or by tho district judge of tha district sitting alone, or by tha Justice of tha Supreme Court aud circuit lodge sit ting together, in which case the Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside, or in the absence of either of them by the other, who shall preside, and the district judge. Andaueh 4’.rta may be held at the same time In the different districts of the same circuits, and caeoe may be heard and tried by each of the judges holding any such oourt sitting apart by direction of the presiding justice or judge, who shall deaiguate tha business to be done by each. The circuit Judges shall each reoeive an annual salary of five thousand dollars. Sac. 3. And be It further enacted, That nothing in this act shall affect ths powers of the J Dittoes of the Supreme Court ea Judges of tho circuit court, except in tho appointment of clerks of the circuit courts, who In each circuit shall be appointed by the circuit Judge of that circuit, end the clerks of the district oourts ehatl bo appointed by the judges thereof respeotivslv: Provided, Tint the present clerks of said oourts ahsll continue tu office till other appointments bo made in their piece, or they be otherwise removed. Btc. 4. And be it further enacted. That It shall be the duty of the Chief Justice and of each Justice of the Supreme Court to sttond st least one term of tho cir cuit court in each district of his circuit during every period of two yeses. Use. 6. And be it farther enacted, That any Judge of any oonrt of the United States, who, having held his commission as such at least ten yean, shall, after hav- lng attained to the age of seventy years, resign bis of fice, shall theroafler, during the residue of Li# natu ral life, receive the same salary which waa by law pay able to him at the time of him resignation. 8ec. C. And be it further enacted. That this act shall take effect on the first Mondsy In December, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. Approved, April il), 1869. BSfa MW' | ijswwWQ«lM« W»*w tmn- SV2KSKTJSlwSwir PUDLIO—No. 19. Ana Be it enacted by tha Senate aud Houao of Represen tatives of the United Htatos of America in Congress assembled. That in the District of Columbia the right of any married woman to auy property, personal real, belonging to her at tho time of uarrlago, or qulred during marriag in any other w»y than by gilt or conveyance from her husband, shall be as sbaoh ss it she were femme sole, snd shall not bo subject the disposal of her husband, nor be liable lor 1 debts; but such married woman uisy convey, devise, aud bequeath the same, or auy Interest therein, thessme manner and with like effect as if she w< unmarried. 2. An i may _ uarno, in all matters having relation to her sole and separate property in the came manner as if she were uninarriod; but neither her huaband nor his property bound by soy such contract nor liable for any Tiny . ( t i a 1 recovery against her in any suit, but Judgment may .Sure Cure for Inteinpcrnncc. enforced by execution against her sole and separate um 1 ..i-imII v >»<« m U.O “0.0 u It .hr w,-ro tulc. DR. 0. S. PROPHITT’S Approved, April 10,1869. Family Medicines. * to the State ol v certain grants of land to the State of Uuited Htates of America, in Congress That ho much of tho grant of lands made of Alabama by thu act of Congress, ap CONSISTING OF HIS CELRRATED LIVEK M K 1) I C I JN E, Anudtnr Paiu Kill It, AGUE FIXhIhS, State lino, lu a direction to tho Mobile and Ohio rail road, with a view to connect with tho said Mobile aud Ohio railroad,’’and “from Gadsden to connect with the Georgia and Tennessee and Tennessee line of rail roads through Chattooga. Will*, *ud,UJPkPUl.YMl'V5»u'.’ dltiona and restrictions contained in the sot referred *' ict to tho further limitations that if either railroads is not completed within three ] years from tho paassgo of this act, no further sale | uhail bo made for the benefit of auch railroad, aud tha ; lands unsold shall revert to tho United Btates: Provi- j tied. That tho lands granted by the act hereby revived, except mineral lands, shall be sold to actual settlers ucrel lands, shall be sold quantities not greater than one-quarter section I --| purchaser, and for a price uot exceeding two dollars'and fifty-ccnta per iPusrnleri/ Coreliat* I t male Tonic HEC - 2. And be it further enacted, Thai the right, ’ power and authority is hereby given to tho companies building the aforesaid railroads to take from tho pub lic lands adjacent to tho lines of aaid railroads earth, stone and other materials for the construction there of; and the right of way is hereby granted to tho ex- tent of ono hundred feet in width on each side of said railroads whore they mry pass over tho public, lands, 3?imiFYiiNro nuiis a connected I 1 at any ono station. J Approved April 10, 18G9. 1HK excellent remedies of O. 8. Prophitt, M. D-. I Public—No. 21. An act concerning the Attorney General. reputation fu Georgia and the adjoining Htates. As the majority of persons living in theHouth are predisposed j r 0 r enacted by the 8enato aud House of Ropreaeu- to disease of the Liver, it is granted by ail intelligent fattves of the United Htates of America in Congress as- physicians that moat of tbo pains and acheaof oar peo- somWnd, That so ranch of tho “Act making approprin- -■«-re due to organic or functional dorangomeut of | Uou , for tho legislative, executive, and Judicial ox- mportaut organ. Prophitt a Idver Medicine and penaes of the government for the year ending the thlr- iilltoiia Pills strike directly at the root of tho evil, noth of Jane, eighteen hundred aud aeventy,” as ro- r c ^?, tho £!**• !£ icl * ln 'i ne ***** °° / t , °w tc “’ ( I*'*'* the second section of tho act of August second, at the bottom of the Coughs, Dyaoepato Colic. Hick eighteen hundred aud aixty-one, entitied “An Headache, Rheumatism. Gonstipatfon, Menstrual Ob- corning tbe Attorney Gcnerel aud the attorn- structionx, etc., so common among our peoph ache, Toothache, Acute Rboumatiam, Noi and bodily pains ol every kind floe before Hffalff FrtoWafasti *. Mr aon in law who waa with me In Ui« afore. . baen flow* with rhaunseUara for aome time, c«inmau«> *H » n toa Nlltrrs. asto soon imusd his gatmr*l hts‘ mvvovvd. or. Gist, who has hoati In bad health, tried tin m ha also Improved. Dr. (!oRr«, who has been In bad heatili for s« »i y«-ar* atomarh and llvar aff.w te.1 he Improved v surn-h tiv tha naa of your BlUera. Indeed, the Omlmu fatten baa given you front popularity In this aattfa. ■“*•)» 1 think I oomU nail a greet quantity of your faronnaa thfa fag. aa|wc)ai;y of yonr tfadron Hittar- Mdjfafaa^iiu. md|> ns* via. Matnplila, rare Ulrkatt o. b. WAMun. AU III. «l»*. mnnil., for Ml. b/ L. H. BRADFIELD, UHDOOIMT. WWjTKMAU, HTBEBT, STUNTS, US NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. SEABROOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Ua« lu the future only HEAUlUKfK'H, a comblnatio quite up witli the advancement of the age. pleasant t tako, harmless In Its action, efficient aud reliable in a: Invaluable lu the following disaaan: Gives health to tho child and rest to iSt taolhrr, Tkmn., Feb. 12,1858. Jan. Kiid.ll" k Oh., LnuiariUe, Ky. Whan living in your city I uaadaavnral bottles of Dr. Senbrook n In fant Soothing Hjrnip, and found U to «lo ’ny child more goml aud it would real batter after using It tlun any other remedy I ever triad. I ejwi nay with confidence, it in the iH**t medicine for n t known. I wish you Would gat tlie drugglstii bofo to keep it. If any one <(«•«, pfahae fet me know; I! not semi me one doeen by axpre**. and I will |«y for It at Um office h'-re. Writ* wa when you send it, and oblige MttH. HAEAfl L. RAMHiLPH. DU. SEABKOOK’S Elixir of Pyrophospliate of Irou and Oalisayo, This elegant combination |>oaeesaea all tha Tnmo propartiaa of Peruvtau dark and Iron, without the dia- agrceble Uata and ImlI affects of elthar, separately or In olbar preparations, of these valnabla mndinluea. It should Ini taken in all eaaea when a gentle tonic l ., preaaioN Is retfuirnd after cotiVSlaroonce from rave . or debilitating diseases, or In tboaa distressing Irregu tart I Ins |MH-ullar to famalea. No female should In. with! eut it, if liable to such diseases, for nothing can Jamos Ruddle & Co., l’llOPIURTORS, Oiboinforif .Vo. -n, MlifUfI Sirrrl Louisville, Ky, AU U»a above goods for aata by HKD Will* 4 FOX. IMS- Ar,AN ' rA * Vt^Uu, r Propliitt’fl Pain Kill If like chaff before the wind. If you have Indigestion or DyapopMla in auy form, or auy othol chronic diseases, use Prophitt’s Liver Medicine. It is safe and reliablo; pure Vegetable, and a liquid ready for uaa at any and all times. Price $2 a iHittle— 33 1-3 per cent, discount by the dozen bottles or more. If you got snake bit, uto PUOPIIITT’8 PAIN KILL IT. joining tbe Attorney General aud the attorneys and E*r. marshals of tho several districts,” be, aud the same is “tata. lioreby, rem-aled; aud aaid aecticn is hereby declared to lie in full force; and R shall be the duty of the At torney General to report at tho commencement of tho next session of Congress, aud to each succeeding so*, cion, tho names of all tho persons rmploynod for the apply the PAIN KILL IT. pnopmrra Anti-Billious Vegetable Tills, I'ui’ISiiUve untl Kelirifum-, 1 A. ul-1)1.or .11 kind.. ri’fvb UK. O. 8. PHOPUn-T’8 VKOKTAIII.K AUtIB 1‘IM.S, A safe and.rortaln remedy for Ague and Fever. Chills and Fever, and alt kunls of Periodical IhMsatm, aud ts safe and reliable for all to take at any time. dr. psopHrrrs COMPOUID BYSEITERY CORDIAL. A safe am! goniiino remedy for all kinds of Bowel Pis. eases, Dyseuteriea, IHatrluna, IIUmmI/ Flux, &c may he given to ail sizes, egos aud sores, and a liman, with perfect safety, where I hero In anythin that claaa indicated. t-'einnte Tonic, PURVEYING PILLS Approved, April 10, IRttO. An sat making >f*fl*Ms an afprewgtiflnfl Mretoforo mado tor flrxlktre for tha FrwOMttal MinMow- Be II onactsd bt tha Bawfaa mfl Botifa of Bapreum- tatives of tha Unftsd Btataa of Awaria* In Cougri m aa- Mwhlafl, That tha sam of i wanly-fire lho«azi« dolfaro, approfstattoaa for aoaflnr drii axpaaaas of tha gov- sruioMt lor tha jaar adding Jus thirtieth, atahtaan bondrofl and aavanty. and for other purposes,” for tha porpoaa of “refnrnlahiug tha FreaOaaPs Hottaa," fa hare by made avallabla for aaah uurpoaa, without. In say event. Increasing tba amount of stiff approprls- Puauo—No, 26. An sot to establish oartala post roads. Be it enacted by tho He net* and House of Uapraaett- ' a HUtea of America in Oougr eaa aa- AUIZONA TERRITORY. M Sonoi . Oamp ( and Oauip McDowell, to Wlohanburg. ALABAMA. From Nawbaru to Cottage Hill. ILLINOIS. From CUebanse to EidridgevJUe. From Hhelbyrille, via Todd's Point snd Prairie House, to Moawequa. From Fairfield, via BpriugerviUe and Knltaid. to Sacra wan to. Krow Maredoala to ltaardatown. From Carriu, via Roland and Elba, to Equality. From Fairfield to Flora From Louiavllla, via Xenia, Keenviile, aud Long Prairie, to McLeanaboro. From Maaon, via Flamsburg, Winlerrowd, aud Gib son's store, to Newton. From Moore’s Prairie uoatoffico, via Spring (Jatden, DarMVllle, aud lVililamsburg, to Aahloy. INDIANA. From Jerome to West Liberty. IOWA. From Washington te North English. From Tallyrand to South English. From Spring (told to Victor. From Belle Plain to Waterloo. From Moulton to CeutrevUla, MICHIGAN. From Norwood, In Emmet couuty, via Antrim City, From Hubbardaton, (onlaeounty, to Alma, Gratiot ooiraty. MINNESOTA. From Lake City, via PelL Forest Mound, Elgin, and iota, to I From A1 America. MI88CJRL > Fort Scott. From Neosho to Seneca. From Wheeling to Alpha. From Carthago to Sarooxie. From Neosho to BentonviUe. From Bosco, via Htockton, Dadeville, Oroenfiald, King’s Point, Mount Vernon, Marionaviiio, and Gale na, to Berryrlllo, In Arkansas. From Marshfield to Dallaa. From Pryor’s Htore to Gainesville. From BtewartsviUe to King’s City. From Boyd to Hand Springs. From Watson to Peru, in Nebraska. From Competition to Ptato. From Queen City to Unionvillo. From CbUlioothe, via Alpha and Lindley, to Winter- From Iron Mountain, via Edgar Hill. From Lebanon to Mountain Grove. NEVADA. From Balmont, via Hot Creek, Silver Springs, and Fro ton. From Argouta to Anatiu. From Twin River, via Silver Peak, to Palmetto. From Palmetto, intersecting tho Aurora aud Hllvor Peak route iu Fish Lake Valiev. From Austin, via Hamilton and Treasure City, to the State From Beatrice, Gage county, Nebraska, via Caroline and Cub Crock, to Falrbury, Jcffentou county, Ne braska. From Liu wood to Coiiimbua. From Ashland to Columbn*. From Falla City, via Arsgo, t Craig Station, Mia- Froin Susan City, via Bicoville, to Wells’ Mills. NORTH CAROLINA. From Ralem to Jerusalem. From LeakesvlUe to Penn’s Store, in Virginia. From Jonesboro, via Harrington, Norvell, and Hi: morvillo, to Ilarnell Court House. OHIO. From Somerset to Lancaster. From New Holland to Pancoastburg. From Marion, via Maple Grove, to Middletown. From North Liberty to Benlonvillo. From Lancaster to Somerset. From Corsica to Steam Comers. From Elmore to Diowittvilh*. From Marietta to Cow Bun. OREGON. From LcwUviUe to Elk City. PENNSYLVANIA. «4S-w Warn*; iiKfii Centre Mills, in Ceutro From Geuesf, in potter couuty, Pennsylvania, by way or West Brigham and Brigham Centre, to Ulys ses, In Potter county. From Binlthport, via Aunln, to Port Allegheny. From Bowman’s Creek to Tnnkhannock. From Troy, via Webler’s Mills, to Lyon's Mills. From Sari well, via Port Allegheny and White’s Sum- 7"fed ’IfaTHsouvjlle, 'u im Money, via Wolf Run, Huntersville, Bar bour’s Mills, Plunkett's Creek, aud Elk Cieek, to El- From Mapletou, Huntingdon county, via Usrrts Val ley, Saltillo, UsHcotteviUe. 80UTH CAROLINA. From BounettavlUe, via Parnassus. Browns Selkirk, to Clio. TENNESSEE. From Waynesboro’ to Boyd’s Landing. From Mouut Pleasant, via Laughing Water, to Ash land. From Waynesboro’ to Chiton. From Linden to Waynesboro'. VERMONT. From Marshfield, via Hookcrarille, to Esst Cabot. WISCONSIN. From Rockbridge, vta Ghotnley's Milts aud John . oo Ik.' pirt ot UMI ra^tkl. "STttMtn. h. Utwnra iku i.mnw. * Onat, oiSSSJ uS«St* 33 Jk!». In <8* )Mf ot out lore out dr»! 0/4 WHr nUl. cat H Om Kull-d M.U-. tL. Dlo.t/.totirtl). BjSwVmKUnl Hy the rraMeat of tke l/iilted SUIm of Am trio. A PROCLAMATION, Whereas an additional article to tha oonvaoUou for tba aarrunder of criminals, brtwaan the Dnltad State* and Hta Majaaty the King of Italy, Iowa: i Majesty _ _ . signed by their raapaettva plenlpoti nttarfes at W I l ng ton, on the Slat day of /an nary, stab Uaa hundred and alxly-ulne. which additional article l►ring In the English and Italian language*, is word for word aa fol- salaried, to tha detriment of their employers, whan these crime* are anhjact to infamoma puafahmeat aa- oording to tha taws of tha Uni tod HUtea, and criminal punishment aceordlng to tha taws of Italy. In witoaaa whereof tha respective plenipotentiaries have signed tha present article in duplicate, and ‘ affixed tilarato tha seal of their arms. ware exchanged at Washington on the 7th instant : Now, therefore, be it known that I. U. 8. Grant. Free blent of the United IMataa of Amertoa, have caused the hsU additional aiticla to bo mad* public, to the and that tha Mine, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by tbe United States and She citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, sod caused the seal of the United States to he affixed. Done at the city of Waablngton this eleventh day of May. in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and •ixty-nlna, and of tha Independence „f u Uuited States of America the ninety-third, janaf-l 0- *- Grout. By the president; Bj the l'r<wl(le!it of the- Unllt-i] SUO* of Aucrlco. A PROCLAMATION Wax&KAjt. A convention between tho United States of America and the republic of pern, providing fc adjuatmtutof claims of citizens of either coi against the other, waa concluded and signed by respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Lima, o fourth day of Decamber, in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fight, which con vention, being in the Knglisb and Spanish languages. the algnatare of the decialona ol tbe mixed coin-mia- aion which met in Lima in July, 1863, been made the government of the United States of America, by by citizens of Peru, and have been made by dtizena of the Untied States of America on tha government of Peru, aud whereas aome of auch claims are atilt pend and equitable settlement of ell each claims will tribute much to the maintenance of the friendly feel ings which subsist between tho two countries, have poteutiaries to coufer and agree thereupon, that ia to tlary of t*e Uuited States of America near ihe govern- u.eutof Peru, and the President of Peru names ht* excellency Doctor Don Jose Antonio Barrenechea, era. feuud lo good and true form, have agreed aa fol lows: The high contracting parties agree that all claim* the part of corporations, companies, or private indi viduals, citizens of the United States, upon thegovern- mentofPern, and all claims on the part of corpora tions, coinpamca, or private individuals, citizens of Peru, upon tho government of the United HUtea, which may have been praaeuted to elthor government for its interposition since tbe sittings of tho said mixed com mission, aud which remrln yet unaettled, aa well aa any other claims which may be presented within the time specified in Article HI hereinafter, aha)) be ferred to the two commissioner*, who shall bo ap point* I in the following roauner, that ia to aay: Oue commissioner snail bo named by the President of the Uuited States, and one by the Ptesldent of Pern, case of the death, absence, or incapacity of either conuniaatonor, or in the event of either commieslouer omitting or ceasing to act aa euch, the President of the United States or the President of Pern, respective ly, shall forthwith name another person to act a* com mtisioner In the place or atead of the commissioner Punuo—No. 22. unity miles of aaid road. togvthar aa a full preparation, aa vra see lu *~ iy have given perfect satisfaction in lay |i tart twenty years, lu all him that they * 1 (Or. The Pills may ba Uk»i iu the Itlils practice fol arc recoin onuuoettoa witli the Llvar M•••Irina, without the Tonic, when there la auy indication for them, auch aa Hliortncaa o. Breath, Hwalling of lb* Feat or Faoe, or a Pale, Weak rate of the Utoud, or • Ftahby slate of the Miuclce, as generally follow Paver and Chills and Fever. AU of the above Medicines sold by Druggist* and Merchants generally throughout tke Southwest. Hold by W. A. iauiadoll, Itodwtne k Fox. Curtis A Lloyd, Pemhertou. Wilson. Taylor 4 Co., Atlanta. Ga. Prepared calf by DR. 0. V. FBOPMITT. Covington, (la. AU tha above reined fee for sal* by L. H. BRADFIELD, WIIOI.KMAI.K DHl'UOINT. R® U enacted by tho Scuato and House, of Rep tatlvee of the Untied Htatiis of America in Congress a*, sonihlod, That an act approvod July twouty-eight, eighteen hundred aud alxty-au, entitled “An act to re vive and extend the provlsiona of •‘An act granting tho right of way and making a grant of land to the Htates of Arkanaae and Miaeoarl, to aid in the oon- fttmctlnn of a railroad front a point on the MlaelMlppi river, opposite tho mouth of tho Ohio river, via Little Rock, to the Texas boundary uoar Fulton In Arkau aaa, with broncho* to Fort Hinith and tho Miasiasipp rui . .... > the Little Rook and Fort Hinith Railroad Company, tor hnilding tho first aectlon of twenty mile* provided for In tho aooond acction of mid act, for Um term of three years from the thir teenth day of M«y, eighteen hundred aud sixty -sevon. Punuo-No, 23. eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Be It me' ted by the Honxto and lioneo of Repreaen tatlvee of the Uultod Htatre of America In Congress as sembled. That aoetlon alx of an act entitled “An act granting lamia to aid In the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Central Pacific Railroad. In tkllfornla, to Portland, in Oregon,” approved July Iwanty-fWe, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, be, and the same la hereby, amended so as to allow any railroad rompany heretofore designated by the legislature of the State of Oregon, In accordance with e of Oregon, I S flast aectlou of said act, to file Its l .... • • i the Department of Uia Interior within < >nl to such n one year from the date of the passage of this act; and such fil ing of Ita assent, ii done within one year from U»o pas sage hereof, ahall have the same force and effect lo all tuteuta and purposes as if aach asaant had been filed Within on* yoar after tbe passage of aaid act: Provided, Tltat nothing hereto shall tm)wdr any rights hereto- fffamwi—‘rad by any railroad company uaidor ‘ ‘ ‘ this amendment he » construed to WBITBilAlX ■MTU -aaffly MTREET, ATLANTA OBOlRJIA. s<-»|Uired hy any railroad shall aaid act or this etnat entitle more than otta eontpany to a grant of land! And provided further, 1 hat the lands urautad hy tha a<'t aforaMhl sliall ba sold to actual settlors only, la quan tities not greater than one quarter section to one pur chaser. and for a pries not exceeding two dollars and fifty oenta par sore. Approved, April Ift, in act to diaooaUano fault flta. Maria aa a port of en try In tha Huporlor district, and to aaUhltah Mar quette In lieu thereof. CONVENTION nSTWKKM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND FRANCS CONCERNING TRADE MARKS. Ii) Hip l’lTsiiU nt of tho United Hinton of America. A PROCLAMATION! another person to act as com- JC pia.-e or atead of tha commissioner already named. The commissioners so named shall meet at Lima at their earliest convenience after they have bean respectively named, uot to exceed three months from the rsttiicatiou of this convention, and Jasute Daily ar-’ #-n- ■- - -- • ■ their, a fear, favor, o •nch claims a ■ tbe governments of the United States and Peril, re- •pectlvcly. aiid anch declarations shall be entered on the record of the commission. The commissioners shall then, aud before proceed ing to other business, name some third person of some third nation to act aa an arbitrator or umpire la a cast s on which they may themselves differ opinion. If they should not be able to agree upon the —jof auch third person, they shall each name a person of a third nation, and In each and every case In which the commissioners may differ in opinion aa tc the decision which they ought to givo, it ahsll be dr tonnlned by lot which ot the two persona so named ahall bo tha arbitrator or umpire la that particular os ao to be chosen to be ar bitrator or umpire ahsll, before proceeding to act aa auch tu any cause, make and subscribe a solemn decla ration in a form simitar to that which shaU have al ready bevu nude and anbacribed by the commission- era, which shall be entered upon the record* of their proceedings. In the event of the death, absence, or incapacity of auch person or persona, or of his or their omitting, or declining, or oeasing to act aa such arbitrator or umpire, another and different person shall be named a* aforesaid to act aa auch arbitrator umpire In the place and stead oi the |>arson the investigation ol the ctalma which ahall ba present ed to their notice. They shall investigate and dacidc upon auch ctalma in such order and in auch *u*noer aa they may conjointly think proper, but evidence or informatiou aa shall ba furnish' bobxH of their respective governments. They shall 3g3EK3BBg-gsn 35SSK5SHS Dorn lo Lima, tha fourth flay a# y#ar of oor Lord one thousand ? *• faxty-aUJH. ^ ■■Maafl and fcU auoomotnouo^uuotMUmoWZmTiJi •UU..U-1 luUtUmooiwhorool I horo , __ •ulMMdlk.aBlartJwUMMIIHM to UoimZ as»sMwa«jBS™! mmm 'Brandreth’s > not ‘AyarV-not >Wrfa.. BUT ISSIUT llllif Pill t tba ptaoaaf all alheia; ayma «•*•*> Md of astaaoaflCfa •Which fa bound ly vegetable FlUl efficacy for Coati' __ aches, Nervous Debility, Positively tha b Thousands of Boxsa n _ All DTOgflMt III kTLXtni toll Uim. -Tltot U>«gh will kill TOO," Try “CoourV’Cooch It.m.o. -Colds and Iluareaaisaa lead to death" J Try »rt;«stnr**” < angh Hrnstdr “For Croupa—Whooping Oonglui, he.,’ 7 Try **Cwstnar*.*» tM|k Urns eg., “Costar anya It fa tba bast to tb* wtd* world—nfa u He aaya ao—U’a Trns—It’aTr •—It's Tres; and W* “COSTffll’8" Standard Preparations ABC HI8 BEAUTJFIER. BUCKTHORN SALVE! HU MCostnr**” Hat, Kaaeh^e., Kxtarmlaatara. “Coatnr’s” Med ling KxUrmlaators. **Coat»r*a” (only pure) Insect Powdrr. Addraaa ‘•Ooktab,’’ No 10, Crosby at, N. Y, Or Joun t. U«sY (8uocesaor to) Dsium Barns* It Go., 21 Park Row, *. Y. ffifFor Sals by J. A. TAYLOR. L. H. BRADFIKLU and othar Druggists In ATLANTA, il l. KEDWINZ A FOX, agents, Atlanta, Ga. febQO-c AYER’S AGUE CURE, B TOT KPKTDT CCTU 0T Intermittent Ferer, or Fewer and A|n, Ucmlttcnt Fewer, Cfalll Fever, Daak Agnr, Ferioflleal Hendacfae, nr Blltsm lag In blllaary (Israagemrat, canard by tbe Malaria of mtmsanatle eonntrles. proof, tiul uo harm can arise from li That which protects from or prevents this disorJw must bo of immense service in tha comma' where it prevails. Invention la better than son the patient escapes the itak which be most run in vis- lent attacks of this baleful distemper. This “C'cxi" exiiels the miasmatic poison of fim end Aour (roa tho system and prevents tbe development of the dis ease, if taken on tita tint approach of Its pranoniusy symptoms. St Is art only tha beat remedy ever j« discovered for this class of complaints, but also tbs cheapest. Tbe targe quantity we supply for s doU** brings it within tbs reach of everybody: and in billos* district*, where From and Ague prevails, everjbetj should have it snd nse it freely both for care snd pru teetton. It ia hoped this price will place it within tfa reach of all—the poor as wallas the rich. A great m- periortiy of this remedy over any other ever >' era! for the speedy an.l certain euro of : fa, that it contains no Quinine or mineral, c ly It produces uo quutsm or other injurious « I whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by u are left a* healthy as if they had never had the dime Fever and Ague ia not alone the consequence of tb miasmatic potaon. A great variety of disorder* wto from Ita Irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Hfecs- uiatUiu, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, tor se he, Catarrh. Asthma, Italpitation, Painful Affectios of tha 8plc«n, Hysterica^ l^rin in the Bowel*. Oth, which, when originating in this cauae, put on the ia- termittent type, or become periodical. This «Ccar* expel* ths poison from the blood, and eonsreneolh cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrant* and persons traveling or temporarily re g| Hf nsstarious districts. If taken occasmoal- ilo exposed to the infection, that will be - the system, and cannot accumulate is sufficient quautity to ripen into disewse. Hence Ii k even more valuable for protection than cure, and few will ever suffer from Intermittent*, it they avail them selves of the protection this remedy afford*. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Hold by Red wine A Fox, J. 8. Willson, and all Uts Druggists In Mscon. Also, by all Druggists snd Deal- ffi everywhere. jyl-deodAw-ani siding in the mala Iy or daily while e excreted from the $10 ii work, in light Great induce free. Address feb2J-wtilaug2d EMPLOYMENT ! JAMES C. BAND A OO. Whkhkah, A convention between the United Htatos of America and bis Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of the French, waa concluded and signed by their ington .n, being iu . follows languages, is word for word The Uuited Htates of America and his Majesty the Emperor of the French, duelling to soctire tit their re- spcctlvn territories e guarantee «f property in trade marks, have rsenlvcd to oonoluds s special oon von Uou fur thla punHNte, au<1 have named as their t.leui- potentiarias: the Prealtlent of tbo Uultol States, llstu- llto" FfalL flaorotory of Ntato. ami his Majrety the Emperor of tha French. J. Borthoaiy, Oonuusmlrr of the luipartai tinier of tiio Legiou of Honor, Ac., Ac Ao., accredited aa hla envoy extraordinary and minis' ter plouljvofentirry to the United Htates; ami tho aaid ^leutpotonUariea. after an examination of thoir Every reproduction in on* of Uie two countries of trade marks aft!zedlu the other to cortaiu merehan- P rov ® »»■ op1«I» *»»ff quality, la forbidden, ami » Hive ground for an action for dimages In favor of Injured party, to be proaocuted lu tho oourts *f Uieoouulry in which the txmmerfell shall i»o proven. N»«t ths ptaiutlff were a subject or cltiacu of that rountry. The cxclitalva right to use • trod* tnsik for the ben efit of oltiaeus of tho Uuited Mutes tu Frouoe, or of Freurii aubjscts in the tarrltonr ut tiie Uni to. I HUtea, osunot sxtat ftir s longer period than that fixed by tho taw of ths oonntry for tie own clltzena. If the trod* mark has become public property I.. country of its origin, It slisll bo equally free to all In Uia otbor country. bs bound to receive and peruse ail written docuimnts or statements which may be presented to them by or on behalf of their respective govrrumsnts, in support ol. or in answer to any claim, aud to hear, if required, ono person on each aide on betuuf of each government »a counselor agept for such government, ou esch snd every separate claim. Should they fail to agree In opinion on any individual etaiui, they shall jail to their assistance the arbitrator or umpire whom they have agreed to neine, or who may be determined by lot, ss the ues* may bo, snd such arbitrator or umpire, after having examined the evidence adduced for snd against ths claim, snd after having beard, as required, oue person on each side, as aforesaid, and consulted with the commissioners, shall decide thereupon final ly and without appeal. The decision of tha com ml s- aioueni and of tho arbitrator or umpire ahsll be given upon each claim iu writing, and ahall be signed bv them respectively. It shall be competent 7*r each government to name on* nareao to attend the com missioner* aa agent on its behalf, and to answer claims made upon U. end lo represent it generally in all mat ter* connected with the investigation aud decision thereof. Tha President of tha United States, aud the Presi dent of Pern, litre by solemnly and sincerely engage t« consider ths decision of tho coumilstloners conjointly or of the arbitrator or umptre, at tha case may be, si altoointoly final and condustv* unou each claim dertd ad upon them or htiu, rrenectlvely, snd to give full ef foot to such decisions, without any objections, eva ■Ion. or ileisy whatsoever. It is agreed that no claim arising out of any trsnemilon of ■ ilste prior tc the faith of November, 1SC3, shall bo admissible under this oon volition. Application for Kiemptlon. . BORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. —Ordinsry’Offire • T July 21*t, 1NJS».—Wm. Dongherty Hutchinsb**»p- . ,—for exemption of personalty, snd setting apart «e.t i.poa ■ n<Ml valuation ot bomesti>ad, snd I will pass upon the " or on 10 o’clock a. ou 2d day of August. IMA si my office. DANIEL PITTMAN. Jj22-wft (IViutera fee#2 •> Ordinary. untie shall t>o established stoneri, or of toe arlutrator the cuminiaffiouera differing fu oui Ithcn In every such ran* the |wriod for prremUug the claim mar be extended to any iterivul not exceeding one mouth lunger. ‘ “hall be bound to examine snd i within rix months from the the eatisfecUon of the . — umpire, In the event the cominisatimers differing iu u^lnlou thereon, end ■'•inissiaaeas » am ajvry ctai ilr flret meeting. Ms it enacted by the Manat* snd Hoiiss of Repreaen- ttivea of the United Htates of America iu Ooagrea* as siobfad. That 8a«lt Hto. Mart*, in tha dfatrirl of fa- rl»e, la hareliy diacontinwad aa a part of entry, and at tha port of entry for the district ba. and fa hare- , eetabliahed at Marquette, at wkiek nlare tha art- ifocqf the dtatrirt ahaUra^saad a diq-eiy soifae- l»o. 9. And be It farfaer enacted. That all art* sad other* ouutry, they must deposit duplicate ooplaa of those marks la the Hatcat Office at Washington, end In theUInrk'a Office of tho Tribunal of Oomineroe of Uio Heine, St Farts. astioub iu. The present srrongamsnt shall taka affect ninety lays sftor ths exohange of retif.esUonf hy tha two rovernrasnfa. and sliall continue in for«w for ten yrore from this data. In oeas neither or the two high ooutractiug imiUos gives uotloe ollts lutfuUon to dtaoxuitimie This roa- vention, twelve months before ita axptratton, it ahsll remslu lu force oas year from the time that either of ta* high contracting peril** announce* tfa dtecontinu. • of this present arrangement shell The reUtfoetien* exchanged eA Washington, within fan months, «r reeffective ptantpofanfartea Um alilMnlk .1., or A,.,,!, i. afanei the *££sE AU sums of money which may be awarded by tbe rommlssionera, or hy Uie arbitrator or umpire, on ac count of any defat, shell be paid by the one govern mont to tha other, a* tho case may be, within four months after the date of the decirton, wlthant inter est, and without any deduction, a*v» aa apacifled in Article VI, hereinafter. asTioui v. The high contracting parti** agree to oonetdvr tha wault rt Ute proceedings of thl* coramtaaton aa a fall, lerfrct, and Anal eettlomant of every claim upou either wnewer or not the seme may have been nrmmfal to the notice of, aamto. preferred; or )*M badaro tha aaKI oniumleaiouere, shall, frxwu and after Um aanafaalnn of the proceedings of tke said and 1 rested m finally settio •dmfastbfa. finally settled, barred, sod therefore ti ASTTCLg VI. The aalarlaa of the coasmleatonera torlt-nro ktmdrMI MU, u,nu Mm r»<> MU. •Mh.JMrtJ. nu,UMMita Ml u)MW oe umplr, U»ll b. ,MraM to MM •M imltaHM dOMMlMUa IMMV Ho Mon Im ?u Uun ill MMkIMui I out »U1 bo MM M Ol mooUt' MS!. u.l uau »>■■■■■» ot O..M.IOH. Moll X tu UOfo* b r , oMbUMU od Uo iwwl ot tto •out iwM kqr tto hooMIoiii, oaooMM ot- -V*tto,Mb4,0onUooMall Mt onooltto nuot ■nwioolaikiHoeiwM. n, MoihUo <V. bo MMo! bj MM ATTENTION PLANTERS. only $6. shells, seeks, and er pare tea from forty to sixty busbeta per day, with the tabor of ONI man. Agents wanted tn every county. 8*tuples expreawd on receipt of price. Address WOTTEROW A TULKY, mty14-w9mdlm Near Albany, lndtara «K0. S. THOMAS, A. 11 o r ii o v n.t Lmv «Tl.Am, WA. or Ottoo, Brood -t..Mot. Brroo', InUna OO.IM) THOMAS G. SnOlsT Agent, om.f u tho Obxhln, <M «r. It. t,roo A CO. Atlanta, Uforjritu M III TBH STEM IKIH £8. Msunlkctitrer* of Kiiciuo lot Uts, I'luors, IUU (otters. l> rl«rht Ortlht, MarkittUbt' Tooht ot ■II lVvicHltUtMls. 4 UW). o.urobsluro sod mU ,«d wtO< lham- J V nr of every ttenwimton, and Mattoaary end Fcvt- sbie Engine, end Bottom, lfafant »0dretied faetttag. Isoetiterand Rubber BeRfag, and all article* aeedfol In machine or railroad repair ahapa. M OksmWe at. Mew York., GEORGS PLACE, Freatdeat- ;saSJjSK8k«a United States Mail Stage ATLANTA TO DAHLONKCA l UV» ATLANTA MONDAYS WRDNRflDATE end r»UdaYfa a* T Cotoeh a- M. Efage office In Atau> rt tke United Efafan Hefei, wkfak fa a tretiefase Hv4eh l*reprtetore snd Cterk* always ready and willing to aocowmodefa. Passengers ettr Tha prananl annvrtiMan ekafl ba cwllflad ky Mm Pres. Wtaatrt the Ontfad Mafaa. by and wtlh tb* aanaant of tba fanata tin mod, and by fan Fruldmt af Fare, wtik st tke Mfage affi Ufu Ksfafa * Oo*a store, on ftogreat^- l will,akreart as am*;- r****~*£L fim . (a Fsaaytit onrnrty. AAdrroa me •!<*»»** Nfatt-IF CALIFORNIA WINKS. raUMBTOM. WtUJOa. TATLOM ■ 00.