The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, March 21, 1866, Image 2

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ass cm BVinm directory, * bWflo.M* director* I urn oni niH'rlmU t, the n»uir»ifu'ill»»PI«s»rtfromUiVicUyiUrc«toVyT C LARKE, R.N.. -Wholeudo Grocer nnd Commission Merehant, Whitehall street, g'-ILAYION, ADAIR A PURSE, Commlfsloa Mer- Yi chants, Alabama s(re«. ig-lOX & 1IILL, Dealers In Tobacco, Wines, Liquor*, Ac., Peach-Tree slreel, • ~ , •riDWARD JCi »treet. noao, Dealer In Clolhlug, Ac., Prior JJKm^OA^YtlKN. D««l«rMn Clothing and Met- H[°JUr * CO., Car Builder* and MacMnfel*, J. M. Dealer In Hat*, Vallac* and Carpet H^Sfrtetaliffttnh jOTKLLIGKNCKU Book and Job Printing om«\ Ala* J ackson; x< elou Merd OKN A CO., ComwlJ. TOnNSON, M. W. A J. n., Wholoaalo and Retail G to il- eatSSwxr-—— 011 L ANGSTON, CRANK ACO,, Oommtaalon Merchant*, Alabama *treet. T OWE, W. B. A CO., Dealer* In Clothing, llat*,’ lloote, Ju Btrow, Ac., Whitehall atreet. T OWE A TORASUSB, CommlMlon Merchant*, De- JU catnr etreet.. ’ | ThfcDANIEL, I.O. A CO., CommUslon Merchant* and I JML Prodnco Dolor*. Whitehall atreet. HfcNATiGI '. ORRMOND A CO., Dealer* In Ham- Uory, Ac.,Whltehall atreet. M cCAMY A CO., Dealer* In. Drag*, Medicine* Ac., Alabama itreeL M ASSEY A mhtTY, Dealer* In Drug*, Medicine*, Ac.; Whitehall atreet. . ■ . M. A CO., Dealer* In Tobacco and hltehaU atreet. iiragf* W. A BRO., CommlMlon Merchant*, [ £VBHB _ iCrSw; Wholesale Grocer* and Comtnls* ,t«. Marietta itrcct. iDDAIL, Commteslon Merchant*, Ala. I TjntKLE A HUDSON, AncUoh _*nd CommlMlon ller | XT chant*, coi | "DRATTK, EDWARDS A CO., Forwarding and Com. IT mlMlon Merchant*, Alabama atreet. PEASE, P. P., A CO., Forwarding and Cotnmleslon Merchant*, Alabama etreet. IICHAUDSON, F. M., Dealer In Stoves, Tin Ware, Ac., corner Whitehall «nd Iluntcr etreet*. 3EAGO. A. K., CommlMlon Her chant, corner 3 at d Mitchell etroet*. • Forsyth S COTT, nunuon s ntttsami, Jnaira iu . Medicine* and Dry Good*, Whitehall street. . A FREEMAN, Dealers In Drum [ gTEADMAN, SIMMONS A CO., Grocer*, Marietta , ROBERT A CO., Wholesale Grocer* and Com- ‘ I Merchant*, Alabama Mttefi The Soldier** Graven, Tho following nhto rocolvotl by yesterday's mall, wo lay beforo our lady readers: ft Cot.DMUiiP, Ga., March 18,1800. Mt. Editor—Aid us, wo bog you, to Imittgu- into Hits day.' Wo lovcdthcm while living, may them when dead.' Tho within our feelings, and by your Inllrtonco. we bopo to maka It a national (lay, and you will celvo tbo thanks of - Tnn-Ladies of Columbus." Explanatory of tho foregoing, and accompany ing tbo somo, was tbo following ortido which ap peared in tho columns of tho Enquirer. tiik graves of tub soldiers. ;)l r Enquirer—'Tho ladles ore now, and liavo beoit for jaoveral days, engaged in tho'sad but pleasant duly of ornamenting and Improving thftt portion of Uto City Cemetery sacred to tho memory of our gallant Confederate dead; but wo foci it an unUnlsncd work dnlcss a day bo set apart annually , for Its especial attention. Wo cannot robe monumental shnlU and inscribe thereon their many deeds of heroism, but wucatt "tcop nllvo-thp motnory of tbo debt wo owo them ly dedicating at least one day In each year W tnbclisbing their hurablo graves with flowers.— Therefore, we beg tho asslstnnco of the press, and tho Indies throughout tho South, to aid us iu our cflorts to set apart a certain day to bo observed from tbo Potomac to tbo Rio Grande, and be handed down tbiOugb time, ns n religious cus tom of thpeountry, to wreathe the graves of our martyred dead with flowers. (We ivould proposo tho Out of April, as at that time our land might bo truly called "the land of flowers.”) Let every city, town and village join in tbo pleasant duty. Let all be alike remembered, fhmt tbo heroes of Mon teas to those who expired nndd the death throes .of our hallowed cause. We’ll, crown alike the honored resting places of the Immortal Jackson, in Virginia, Johnston, of Hhlloh, Clc burne, of Tennessee, uncltlio host of gallant pri vstes who adorned our ranks. All did their duty, and to all wc owo our gratitude. Let the soldiers graves for that day at least lie tbo Southern Mecca, to whose shrine her sorrow ing women, liko pilgrims, may annually briti) their- grateful hearts and floral ollcrings. Aw when WO remember the thousands who were buried “with their martini clonks around them,” without Christian ceremony of interment for tlitflr beloved bodies, wc would Invoke the aid of the most thrilling eloquence throughout the land to inaugurate this custom I ' XITELLS, ADAIR A CO., Forwarding and CommlMlon VT Merchant*. Wfrltelian street.* > [\KTELBORN A I vT thing, Ac., n^IISON. A 8! Ac., Peach-Tree Deala! * itreeL in Dry Good*, Clo- Grocer* and Produco UrUlTNER, J. C., Inenranco Agent, TV Co.’* Drag Store, Alabama Street at 'McCamy A ffljjf jftih) gntriltflciwr. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. [ Wednesday Morning, March a l, 1866. The Political Situation. From the Washington city correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial we are encouraged to believe that the "political situation” there is more favorable now than it has been for months past ; that it Is more cheering in all its aspects, so much so, indeed, that the correspondent of that journal says, “tho country may be pronounc ed oat of dangor.” Among the favorable symp toms of tho past few days, the detent of the Civil Rights Bill—for its re-committal amounts to a defeat—the postponement of an unmeaning Con stitutional Amendment in the House, tbo rcjcc- tion of the representation amendment in the Senate, and last, but not least, the distinct dis nore on the part of such men as Fessenden nd Wijson of any intention to make negro suf frage a condition precedent to the restoration of tho Union, are set down by this correspondent | He might, too, he says, include in this list also indications of disagreement among the radicals themselves— n quarrel whether about principle or expediency lie don't know,.but a quarrel any how, for which he returns thanks to the Giver Of every good and perfect gift. Certainly these are all favorable signs In the “situation" at Washington and not over drawn by the Commercials correspondent, if the state ments from other; even radical sources, are isn- tltled to any credit. That there is ditcordance prevailing among the radical members of the House, and among the radical Senators, If not open war, there is no doubt. They are not cer tainly agreed among themselves—are do longer a unit—and that they will ditide ere long we by delivering on the appointed day, this year, an eulogy on the un- hurled dead of our glorious Southern army.— Thoy died for their country! Whether tlicii country had, or had not, tho right to demand tho sacrifice, is no longer n question for discussion with us. We leave that for future nations to de cide. That it was demanded—that they nobly responded and fell, holy sacrifices on their coun try's altar, and are thereby entitled to tlicir coun try’s gratitude—none will deny. Tho proud ban- ner under which they rallied in; defense of tho noblest cause for which heroes fought, or trusting women prayed, hns been furled forever. The country for which they suffered niul died 1ms now no name or place among the nations of tho earth. Legislative onactmonts may not notv ho made to do honor to their memories, hut the veriest radical that ever traced his gcuealogy back lo the deck of the May Flower could not deny us Use simple privilege ol paying honor to those who died defending the life, honor and happiness ot the Southern Women. We take great pleasure in thus complying with the request of tho noble women of our sis ter city, who will doubtless ho co-opomtcil with by tbeir sisters of the South, from the Potomuc lo the Rio Grande, in their work of love and veneration for the dead—a work that needs, wc nre convinced, no further appeal limn that made iu the forgoiug extract. InstcnJ of tho 0th, as proposed in the article wc have copied, a Subse quent communication informs us that the L'lllli of April 1ms been selected "as the anniversary on which all Southern women nre called on to decorate the graves of their deceased soldiers.'' From tlio Richmond Examiner. Pair Play—'The laano Between the Kxprcaa Com panic*, Wc arc the lovers of justice and fair play,and this journal has known no period when ii was not the advocate of both. The articles publish ed in this newspnper relative lo the |iositions oc cupied by the National mid Adams Express own, nre left at this untimely season of tho your, without employment, which many of them aban doned to take positions so temptingly offered thorn, with an nssuranco that it would-bo per- unnent In company, gotten up. so tho Mlglnntore said, 1 expressly to glvo employment o tlio bravo soldiers of tho Into.Confcdcrnio ser- * And how many brtvo sokllcire lias It gjivon fiSi- ployment? And how mnuy sleek ami pampered idvonturcre—who ncVor heard tho lira of. the Inomy’s guns and who wore ensconced in boiub- If the National Exi ‘ ito r -jy had kept Us plcdgo to glva |(s situations to tho poor, Impov erished soldier who had lost and sulfered all for Ids country—if it hod dona tins, as it promised, no iiaper In tho Smith would liavo supported If witli more ardor than tlio Ricimioml Examiner. Was Mr. Fieklen in tho war, or did 1)0 make Ids million of dollars by'bldckmlo running f . If the National Express Company can dispense with this-regiment, o( its employees in a day, why werb tllo.y ever appointed und employed? This stnlomeiu of facts ought to satisfy all as to what tho Southern public lias to expect fVmii tlio “Natioiinl Company” organized,so it,was trump eted, to givo work to Southern soldiers and afford the Southern pcoido an opportunity nf piilrmilit- ingu company Imlopendeut of those-"bloated monopolies" who, having served tlio public faithfully, were to lie wiped out and glva place to tlio new fdypj^c", , " French AVlve*. French laws ami customs respecting marriages, although they cannot erase and obliterate t he na tural distinction oi sex, confer complete cqihdity and fraternity. A French woman is not only a wife nt bed imd hoard, sho Is also a partner in business and a joint proprietor, without whose consultation and consent no important step can he taken. She knows when a hill is du% ns well ns, or licttcr than her husband.. She can consent to or lorhld her children's marringu. She never sinks tier maiden name, but attaches it lo tlm! of her spouse in u lornv very-little differing from tliut of commercial associations. Mr. While starts a concern witli Mr. Black; they announce ‘ White. . M. the LOOK TO HI Examine Our Advertising Rates! BTOUAGK, NTOBAOK, I HO. W. BJWWSf. %. Qr WBUA. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. s tils ^■iqm^s^hrad^jiracnili and i 1 have no douji then there * When this division takes place, outd. V i yffTTie -open, war between tbo two I .wings of the late Republican party, “Union and Restoration” uniting all the conservative clement which will stand by tho President. Such ap pear* now to he the “ situation ” at Washington, and from it we augur the approach of an early { disruption of the Republican party, or a with drawal of the radical members from it which ; must insure the deient of any measures they may | propose humiliating to the South. UeUlns Smaller by Decree* Senator Sumner—him of Massachusetts | whose “assumocy" is unparalleled In tho Senate ot the Vnitcd States, or in any other deliberative nbly In tlio world—Is being fast abandoned tqr many of hi* old compeers in nnd out of that body, and even with Horace Orteley ii growing “•mailer by degrees and beanlifolly leas." He cendy this vain, fanatical radical, addressed the Senate In un elaborate sgeecli against the Constitutional amendment which provides that no part of a States' population which that State disfranchises shall be counted as a hails ol Federal power. This he asserted to bo a license or authority to disfranchise. Now wlietber die Massachusetts Senator was right or wrong In the .position he took, Is a matter iojUfferent to us at the present time. Old Iforace, however, says of It, that It “if just us true a* If Isa bad argued that a legal penalty ot thirty lashes, or three months' imprisonment for petty larceny, Is a license to cteal'-tiiat “nine-tenths of thesiieech are devoted to proving that no man should be disfranchised beotusoof his color, and lo are excellent p hut Mr. Sumner perhaps never before ancreeded so completely in delighting the soul of every, rebel and copperhead in the land aa ha did in opposing and doing bis utmost to defeat the Constitutional amendment." Till* split between end the 'jyi/iuM augurs that the former is losing ground as a lcAder of the radical forces which the latter marshal* In the field. And when the Massachusetts man is abandoned by Ids party, or abandons them, bow small will be become I Governor Vancba-Wc are pleased to see it stated iu some of our exchanges, that Governor Vance, of North Carolina, who lately sustained a paralytic stroke has nearly recovered from Us ef fects, and is again able to be out The paralysis only a fleeted the facial nwre*. Interesting to Landlords, Judge Mason, In tbs Snpterae Court of Now } York, gave an interesting decision some time ago. [ A guest at the Lafarge TTonse wse robbed of a j watch, his ringfandsajifpl i in money, I proprietor set up in defense that the mle or the ISC (under statute of the Stale) required value- i to he deposited in the safe of the oflin— The Judge, however, charged that this did not apply to a watch, or such Jewelry as a man usu ally carried about hi* person, nor to such amounti of money e* were usually carried in the )»x.keu «Ttmvefers to supply .ordinary necessities. The t in a Y'-r.lict giving the plaintiff five y.flve dollars. Companies were prompted by a spirit of fairness, mpclied by those motive* of candid dealing which ever actuate us; and any one wild insinu ates aught to the contrary is a base and coward ly calumniator. We liavo no private or corpo rate schemes to advocate; make the intcri'st of no man, nor bci of men, our own; wc aim directly at tho public good, and advocate tliut which, in our own judgment, seems likely to promote the welfare of tlio whole community, and not a minority of iL To say Hint, in our strictures upon tho organization known as the National Express Company, wc have been in fluenced by unworthy motives, that wc have ignored facts, and given way to prejudice, is too despicable to call 'tor more than an emphatic denial. In this spirit wc have to iriludo to un advertisement in sonic of tlio city papers over the signature of General Johnston, us President of the National Express Company, which con- tutus a statement so extraordinary, and a state ment so Insignificant, that we call public atten tion to both. We have so often slated the facts connected With the liberal advance of money made by the Adams and Southern Express Companies to the railroads of the State, for the purpose ot rebuild ing and restocking them when couiplotclr pros trated by the war, that wc need only add that these companies by this liberality have gained tlie entire confidence nnd good will of the rail road companies, and arc entitled to Hie thanks of tho entire population of tlm State for thus enabling these companies to open and work these arteries of trade upon which, more than any other means, depends tho present and future prosperity of the Commonwealth. This adver tisement would havo the public to believe tliut these railroad companies have made' grants to the two named express companies which urc ex clusive in their character, than which nothing can be fiirther from the truth, nnd in order to cuahle tiie public to Judge we will state that tho clause in tho contract which is denounced uh exclusive provides that railroad companies shall not-vol untarily grant to any other express company than tlie Adams or Southern, as the case may lie, the right to curry express mutter over tlie vari ous toads upon other or better terms tlmii are granted to those companies, and that all express companies shall be put upon like and cqunl terms In all respects. It will he perceived that so far from tlie cluumi being exclusive, it is founded unon oueol the best known and most uscfhl maxims of equality that “equality is equity," and tlie object is to put all parlies similarly situated upon the same fool ing, and any different provision would strike at the foundation principle* of equity and cnnuium law of railroads. No lair, disinterested or unpre- Jtidiccd mind can full to see that any complaint of so equitable and just u provision in a contract of the kind tliut must exist between railroad und express companies must proceed from a quarter in which fairness und justice are blinded by self- interest, and In this case it i* made because tlie National Express Company, in dutluncc of tlie plainest principle of common sense, have un* dertaken to commence a huiincsi as rivals ot companies with largo capital and great experi ence, without experienced olllccrs, and without obliging tlie subscribers to pay up its capital, re lying upon tlio fame of its generals und tiro well knuwu sympathy and luroru with which Its ex istence commenced, to supply the place of these two Indispensable qualification* for tlio siiccm- ful prosecution of it* business. As might be expected, tills company finds Unit * " pete with tlicir joint undcHnking oh Block & while. . White married UiiMdlle. Ulnek, are known to world as Whlte-Blnck. A- hyphen or an nqd makes Die only difference.' Tlie same kind of fraternity also frequently occurs—quite as a mat ter of course, existing in the nature of things— iu tlie talk talked, in the books rend, in the sougs listened to, nnd in the doubtful meanings laugh ed nt jointly by a Frenchman and his wife.— But-while the laws ot property and marriage do nil they can to rivet the chains of matrimony, there arc other Influences which work hi an op posite direction. Thus, moments of repulsion nre sure to occur between a girl firmly grounded in a religion of rUunls, scrupulous of small ob servances, and looking no Ihrlhcr, and a mnn who believes few religious dogmas, or, if lie ad mits their spirit, will not ho fettered by tlicir let ter. But above every other enuso likely to prove the gcrin of future estrangement, is tlio way in which matches nre made. Many of the French themselves arc fiir from being satisfied on this head, and have even the-boldness to quote with approbation tlie ndvnntngcs offered by tlio Eng lish system ns fur ns happiness is concerned.— Dickens' All the Tear Hound. A Lady mesmerist and an Unlucky Editor, Miss Poole, a lecturer on clcctrotffology and mesmerism, lately paid a visit to tho town of Car marthen, Wales, and disturbed font brief period Us wonted quietude. Tlie editor of the licportrr published some strictures on tlio performances, and offered, by a simple test, to prove that the mesmeric slecpars were in reality wide awake whilst supposed to he under her powerfol influ ence. The next evening Alias Poole vnried her pro gramme n little by commenting ution the critic, and taking a copy of the lieporlcr from her pocket, sho tore it into shreds bofore the audience. Short ly afterward tlie unfortunate editor entered the room; when the doorkeeper appealed to Miwi lhmle if tic should send fora policemen lo turn hini out, nnd she rcplcd: "Let him alone; I have policemen ot my own. We will have some some fun directly.” Addressing ntmui eight of the young men on whom she had been operating, lint Who were apparently awake, she said, “There is a person ill tills (luilieiicu whom 1 want you to bring upon this platform ; go and feteli him."— At this conmiaiid tbu .whole of them iHitmded oil' COMPLETE the platform and ran towards tho individual re ferred to, who was pointed out to them by the doorkeeper, und they laid hold of him nnd ear- ried him by main force lo the platform, tlie nu- INTELLIGENCER ... -; , •' ri » Iv i' •»*;« V ! CHANGES HER 8CHEDULE To Mqet tho Wants of her Patrons! THE INTELLIGENCER ISJ8JIR8 AN Evening Edition! THE INTELLIGENCER IB-THRj Best Advertising Medium! . i ;»*.*i • ttttiJi THE INTELLIGENCER In tho * OldoMt Pitpcr! THE INTELLIGENCER Is the Legal Advertiser! THE INTELLIGENCER DOES JOB WORK „.*„AW: hwmI flofrt. For tialu bjr •' In tlio mo*t approved style ! THE INTELLIGENCER (Hence cheering and laughing heartily, little un lichiiiiiiig wiiat would follow. But matters soon took a serious turn', for iis soon us lie wits brought nenrtliu platform Miss Poole, whose coolness and self-possession imd evidently deserted her. seized hold oi him by the hair oY Ids head and drugged him upon the platform, the young men still keeping fast hold ol him, ami there lie lav I’ora few moments, with the enraged lady puff ing Ida Imir in a furious manner, tlie audience yelling nnd hooting at her; hut their veils iinM hoots she heeded not The editor At last gained Ids feel, hut Ids revenger still clung tcimehni ilv to 1dm until some parlies in the audience mine to his rescue. The confusion was now intense, und nnddstthc hisses and the bootings of the au dience, Mias Poole proccoded with her perform ance. Summonses have bccn|issucd against Miss Poole and her coadjutors who Joined in tho af fray.—Toronto Trader. Tiikiii: was a grand Fenian demonstration iu Philadelphia, on the 17th Instant, in honor of General Mullen, Chief of the Military and Naval Affairs of (lie Fenian Brotherhood. New -A.dvei*tisefnent.s. NOTICE 1 8 hereby siren that nil claim* *galn*t Fleishman ,V Can from Nashville, Tenn., will ho settled until the Sin of April, IMS, at thu storo of Wm. Rich A ro„ aa th*l firm has dissolved. FLKI8IIMAN m H A. tI T2 . " " •o*l, lo doflo Fon A SMALL STOCK of (lROCKItlKS at nnlarnnsli'nincnl. Ml hlils Pink Kin I'oialiie*. at BU M) OIU1 HENRY JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAM. Ofltce in NorrroM’ Building, Muriel* si reel, Atlanta, Georgia. Rcrtlw to—Ron. Joaeph If. Lumpkin, Alliens; Cobb A ducksim. Macim: Jackson A Lawlnn, Savannah; lluu. Joseph K. Brown anil L. J. Glenn A Son, Atlanta. U cannot successfully compete 1 Its rivals; and, having signally faffed in its cfliiria to induce tlio Legislature at III late session to enact laws prejudicial to the railroad Interests, as well us damaging to tlie good faith of Hie Slate, in order that It might fetter the Adam* and Boutliern Im press Companies by unwise aud hostile legisla tion, is brought to confess in till* advertisement that it must "discontinue lls route*," "and confine itself to lion upon which there I* no obstacle lo feir competition!" Where route* are to be found more fully open to felr competition than in Vir ginia, it [» hard lo any, for the iiilllvnluin of rail roads has not yet armed, and It will lie most dif ficult to find any route on which cnorgy, ox|icri- cnee and substantial capital Is not more Ilian 11 nd sobetantiai capita) is not more llinn 11 match lor military lame, Inexperience and ninety Hire per cent ol aubecription to flvo tier cent |nld up cash. If we owned any of till* pi ‘ . , If we owned auy of lids preclou* stock we aliould follow the example ol the leg endary rata, and quit a ship *0 evident ly sinking. tdary rata, and quit a ship *0evidently sinking. Now lor some tacts concerning tlie National Express and Transportation Company. It luu, we understood, recently undergone au entire re organization. The principal original stock- holder* hare become fo much dissatisfied with the management of Die aflalr* of the coiniMiiy, and of Die way In which their fond* were being disbursed, that they preferred lo forfeit their stock rather than pay the further instalmeuls on their subscription, which wa* being so loudly anil jier- sUtcntiy culled for. Thu contra! of the lustlluthm has now fulicn into tlio bauds of new partliM.— And wiini was thelrtlrsUct? Tho appointment 0! Mr. Bfiqjsmla fleWh, ■ J AUCTION I AUCTION I Thursday, ttOth lust., at 10 o'clock, A. M., tt'u will Will In oar atom, No. IS AtatMiu* ulriMt, without Tutor s-v, for cuaJi, a atockot Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, STATION Lit Y, NOTIONS, AC. Arranni-il lit lot* in *ult tnorchsut*. Tho gmnl* will be wild on account nf an exerniar t>f * ih-rcaml merchant. other partle* tle*lring Good* wild at the raiue lltno will nsvn 1 Item In Unn br Wcdnenlay, tho Wilt. Sato nni- llnued until sit are wild oat. , OLAYTON, ADAIR ifcl'UHHR, C'ontmlaMnn Merrbanl*, nmaa-twe ■ Ne. is Ais^sm* «t^«t. Window Stiades I Window Stiades i S. S. KENDRICK & CO.. Alabama Street, Are Hit* day Iu receipt of* hamtiomu sauirtmonl uf WINDOW SHADES, ' ctiltVAIN DAUAAKS, GILT CORNlf.'K aud RANDS. Curtain fixtures, Ac. AI«i, a new and elegant supply ot . Cni'imtliiKMt IVtjlt UngM, vVq. nirtrto-JI A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. J. J. & B. P. RICHARDS, AT HOMS, Hank Block, Alabama, sircef, HOOTCH nnd M1JHIO t BOOK-BINDERY THE INTELLIGENCER IS WELL SUPPLIED WITH MATERIAL Iu all It* Departments t RROItUl.t, Milton Couxtt. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY rONeSIIN. J UKI. K. MORRIS, of Cobh county, Itnvlng applied to me for letter* of adiiiltttelralloii on lint estate ol Drury IlsMorrla, tale of raid eounty, dm-aanl— TI1I1 la lo cite all amt rlu.'ular the credllora am kin of raid drmteed, to la- amt apjatar at nty ottli H W before thu Itrat Monday In May next, util , any titer can, why raid letter* aliould not be gmuted lo " i- applicant, Gtvcu under my hand andaDIclal slglta- re, tilt* lr.lh day nt March, 1000. fit WO montha alter date, application will lie made to J. the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county for Spencer .at or iho arch tath, mart',—Slid (iltOIRKA, t'ATOoa* CoVNTr. 'll monlha after date, 1 the honorable Court of leave 10 veil all the rent property of Iho ealate of Riley, late of raid county, tlecearcd, for Ihe benel heir* and credllora of raid deceased, Thla Ml... ... IMW. JAMES II. ANDF.IISON, I THOMAS B. COX, I A,n " iitnrtl--am I-i.m.a.) Frluterla fee $11. UliolKll.t, llsAUDCounty. rilWi) month* after dale, application will he made to the A Court of Ordinary ur Heard eounty, Un., for leave to rull the land*, mid all tutereil In laud*, belonging lo the eatalu of John W. Dnvl*, late of »ald county, deco**eil. March IS, ISM. W. L. MOZLKY, Adtn'r. insrti—Mil Printer'* fco ID. UBOItMIA, DiKalh County ' ' TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. T IIOMAH MALL hnvIngSIcd hi* petition In proper form to me, prayiug IVir lelter* of ntlmlniitratlon ill Out ill non, with wifi num-xed, on the ertnte of Uartbolo- mew Sleet, deeeared— Till* I* lo cite all legally tntcrcMcd Iu the execution of thl* application, ircdilur*, legatee*, next pf ktn, and other* lntere*led, lo lot mid appear, at the nexCMsy term of the Court Ordinary uf raid eounty, aud ahowcause, 1 1 any they ran, why teller* of admlulalratlou di tool* not with w ill annexed, thould not he granted to raid Thouuu Mall. Wlltieaa my Itand nnd o|Uclal rlgnatUro, this I5lb March, 16MI. J. U, WILSON, Ordinary, martl—Utd , l'rlutcrT f*q tA Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL perroua Indebled to Iho ealale of Thos. T. Gar well, deeeaevd, are Itereby iimUed lo seltlu Ihe same Immediately; sod all person* having claims sgsluat raid deceased wifi prerent tbeir demand* to me, (liny au thenticated, within the tlrno required by law. February 11, IHM. LAURA K. UA8WKLL, Administratrix. jaiartl—tOil Ij.n.a.]' _~ I'rlnlt-r'rleu ORORGIA, Oatoosa County. TO ALL WUOM IT MAY CONCCKN. 1(11108. II. WILLIAMS applies to mo tor Iho guardian- X ship of the penon and property uf John IL L. Sow ell, s mluor, under tho sgeor fourteen year*— TIicm are therefore to die and admouUh alt and *ln- gular, the kludred aud cmlltoy* of utd pUnor, to be and sitpear at my nfllye, within the ttirto pretertbed by law, and triiow cau*e. If any they can, why teitert of gnardtanahlp rltould not bo granted to utd applicant, (liveu under my hand and official slgnstura, thl* March lnth, InW. J. M. ANDKK80N, Ordinary. Itinrbl—and .. ., | . ^ iTIuler'a fee |;l. Notice to Debtors aud Credllora. A LI. persons haring demand* saalnst William H.SFer' 1\. gurott, late uf Camphetl county, deeesaed, are hen* by iiolTAed tu prereut Ihe route lo me, duly sulhcutlcsled, within thu time prescrlbud bylaw; —* debit'd lo utd deeesaed are roqulr Iv tlio Ultdsnlglied Imuiedlslely. " 1ILLIAM C. FAR! From T. A- M., till II, I*. M-. every dsy, N. II. No postponeniJut on anoonnfof UiaYtojiher' _msilll- . ^ uto w. uxi.ns. uiMimnL | \V r . H.. O lr£ A. S K* I OF (IKOItOtA, WITH L. APPLEBY SONS, Commission Merchants, j AMO MANVrAOTVOSM or VMS llAIUtOAl) DlUaV; MNtfli’f'IHfl ANU lir.ALKItt IN j Leaf. Smoking & Manufactured Tobaooo, cia.iits .vfD uvouws. ^ *n»- 133 Water A 86 Pino St., Now York. Ol illil com- MOH*|liON.NAI.I,K*IIANHI)N, Agent*. ?A,hw *' I, nurtl—tud Hui'l Frlulct'* A Diqi NISTII ATOB’8 SALK. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordldsry of I'aulding county, U*., wilt hew'' ‘ " him** door In the town of Dallar, wtl Mold s* Ibe property of Henry A. HI ding county, deceased. “ Mle. Thl* march JAIL. martl—td (ss.m'u, ADniNinittamt R^. B Y virtas of *n ordsr of the hoaonUe the Court of Or-, dlnsry of Milton county, I will officr rot •*)•, on tbs p door . r »M,lu >ms 10 ^purSI—Id . ADRIINIIITBATOB'S HAMS. B Y vlrtno of an order from,Os Osnrt.of OnRasry of FsuMtug county, (I* . w ilt 1st *«ld h*foro the court hoiite door In Ihe lowu ol lull**, wltMu the la ' !» I dlstilci and llitia imsUuil tlukl ** lhe pnuwrlyof lltnry Rtrer, Into olisht couuiy. d«-v*Md. Hutd lor lb* twueA I of ihe heir* end creditor*. Terms m*de known on thy o I win. March IS, It**), ivi.’.l s .tV.YJTI mart.-,,. ■ j HOOK BtlAHBV VOB HA LB. w ILL Mil haU InUrwt ol * moil(*l«ahtsMotkq*w SrSiT nuoarVUMMiue. WhbsUlsiwai. **pl»-c_ Muloi and Wagon for flalo. F^MWiickaNtaB!*' ' 'XTUIXlVITUKtE.'"* • Cooking ffto+c*, CrocIteVy hitd (ffti»rwaiili,‘ ‘ . 1 flne llnirrel* Carjiet, I -• ' jTRrt«iHyC*rp«t,'iV< all .! i.nli.m ■ Either i LOWB * TIlHABllKR. lanoulclfall. Uuder Msaoulcl! ioBACCb. HEWING AND HMOKfNO TOBACCO, choice LOWE A T1IKASUBK, , Uuder Maaoulc llall. 0 brand*. For.rlitu hy inaraa-c' OENTBAL HOTEL •' Ivy :Oebrgia. NEAR I'ASRENOEIt’ bHfW-STRAiall'l' COURSE. Located CanirqUy oqd ,Cpnvoa|«nt to BasInM*, mtlK FroprlMnr I* determined to srieUIn the retluta- X linn Uto llotiru linn *o generally Hindu for Good Fare, Clean Red* and Guod Order. Clerk and Porters at the Train-Call them. N. B.—A New Thrce-BInry litilldlng with entire outfit new aud ucaL Hoycral .excellent room* for boarder* .by Uto month.' Board, without lodging, furnished at re duced rate*. ' rfcb1B-am Rkv. J. tv. HINTON. Proprietor. PEOPLE DIFFER on many points, but nil agree Hint SMOLANOER'S EXTRACT BUCKU . .. I KIDNEY DISEASES, RHEUMATISM, URINARY DI80RDK1LS, GRAVEL, WEAKNESS end 1'AlNSIu the. BACK. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, and dlrcaee* arlatng from EXCESSES, more quietly and effectually than an Fluid Extract llucku Iu the market. TRY SMOLANDER’S TAKE-NO OTUKIt: Id by nil Apothecaries. Price $1! BARNES A CO., Now York, and BARNES, WARD A CO.. Nctv Orlcait*. Southern Agoul*. BURLEIGH A ROGERS, Wholcialc Druggiala. Boston, Mae*, General Agent*. mars—3m* Talley, Brown & Oo. V lues* home <m tack bv tvranly '' (TPAKE pleatnre In aiinnmictng Hit* morning Id thetr X Mono* and customer*, that they ant now prepared ' to* 5HSSS Ui exhibit, their New and Idlcgnnt: hStoolc oft, ' SPRING & SUMMER COOD8, COMI'HIslSU, IM r*UT, TIIB rOLIdWINO ; ' Faucy Silk Dro»* Pattern*, , . Grenadines, Morainhlqiie*, '' Poplin*, Clianica, Muslin*, I-awns, Iteregc*,.Organdies, IsiulicH’ Hill* lliiHiiucs, StlkSaqne*, Berege Circle*, Lace Point*, ' EMBROIDERED SLEEVES tint! COLLARS, Drea* Trimming* and Urea* 1 BnUotti of every d‘-»rrlpllpn, IjuIIch’ lloae, Silk and Lisle Tread, . /aullea’ Glove*, UtdloB’ Dross and Walking Shoes, Congress GalL-ra, ; Glove Kid Gultera, Ac. PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS. Also, n large lot of Bleat-lied ami Urowu nOJVIEH'I'lCH. FA CTO ll T Tit HEAD, And n well fcli-rled hphoHinenl or YANKEE NOTIONS. mirlH-e CLOTHING, CLOTHS, orm: (Over VesVrs. Morrlroti.Nalto'A Ifenron'iVliire,) Pcudli-Treo Htroot. PROF. J. M; SEARL, The most ueompllahed PRESTIDIGITATOR, AKD ONLY KATVRAUVOm VENTnil.Ot{UIHT Now an thl* continent, will give two of life. Select EAtefthiftme'nts taihealtovgIl»ll,a**)«te<l|iy r -:; j -/pi . MIHH IDA D'MONT, Tbo Hylphln Pageatld Second SlghtHyUI, <m Friday and Saturday, Iflqrelt qint i lih Also, Saturday Afternoon, tor Lillies, Children aud School*, at half price. ADMISSION—$1; Front Reserved Seats, (IAO. gSF-Negroe* positively notadmitted. marlg-ut Caseiiiieies, Collars, -'SearfJ,’' Sttspenderit,' VMljng*', Shirt*, Gloves, ‘ Hoelery, ' Itrawers, Neck Ties, FOR SAL K, Tdfion street. BO Acres of land UX inllcH from the car shed. 1U0 Aerca Woodland 19 mile*'from. Atlauta. All eheap, very cheap, if sow Mold. ^dveral liwellings for sale; Hevcnil Dwelling for relit: * Ono of thp lM?st dwellings in tho city for sale: Several vacant lots, very low; Several Plantations; Several Mills. Also, a Good ltrlck Yard. Those who wish to sell, rent, nr leaso real estate or have collections made promptly, will do well to rail ou GAS KILL & THOMAS, Attorneys at Law nnd Heal Katate Agents. marJrt— lilt Settlements with Northern Creditors. 1 HIK subscriber tender* III* service* to partlos owing . debt* to Northern ftrni* which they desire to have adjusted, compromised, or settled on nu equitable bail*. Ilf* personal knowledge of the condition nr Alta Southern Stales—having lately traveled over Ihcm—hfa acquain tance with thu old house* Iu New York engaged Iu tho Southern trade,, and hi* experience In effecting settle ment*. tend to insure successful effort* In that lino. Berms to—Wluht,"Meador A Co., Atlanta, Georgia; W. A. Daniel, Tnllmlton. Georgia; M. J. A. Keith, Sel ma, Alabama; Dr. W. L. Cleveland, und others. A. G. JENNINGS, Of the Isle well.known Ann nf Jennings, Wheeler A Co., •IT Chant her street, New York. tnarIR—Atnwtflhnayl 'great barcain. Tjn-K offer, for sale a good PLANTATION In Cobb 11 county, Ga,, one mile from lllg Shanty, ou tho tv. A A. Railroad. I ails Nos. 101 nnd lthi, and Any ncrcs of lot No, Kry jn Ihe Ailih district—nil In one body— making-three hundred and auventy acre*; eighty acres cleared; Ibe balance In Ihe woods, heavily timbered— tuoatlly oak timber. Our price I* (7 per acre, in green- luck*, good* or groceries. Address uto at Thomastou, Upson counter, Ga, i. o. m'daniei.. a. a. kuiiols. I. O. MCDANIEL A CO., WarehoiSi ami Commission Merciiaiils, Whltuliil) Street, ATLANTA, ...... CiKOttfllA, HKAI.KKM |.V lcioiir, (Ji'iiin, liaco'n, mid ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. C-tiulgiimcntaanil order* are rea|icrirullysn||cllu<l, and wll) mi-el with prompt Htlentlon iimrUt-Am DISSOLUTION NOTICK. T HE partnership heretofore.existing undue the twine slid style nf MraFKE'ASHARP Is hereby dlssnlred by imiluat consent. JAMES 0. McAFEE. felett—lawlm • (IHO. SHARP; Jn. T IIE tjliderslgned will cnnlinno the Wlidleaitle Liquor business as herelofnre. All llahtlitlca of the late Ann of McAfee A Sharp will 1 bo {laid by- hio; And all |wr- sona iuduhled to said Arm will please make paytucut to the undersigned Immediately, fetes—1m . ' GKO. SHARl'. EDWARD' HOGG* A CO., ' I'ost onice Ihilldlng, Pryor slreeL AClantii, . » , .... Goorgln. ■yy RGLESALK and Relal^Deuler* In Clolhlng, Geut’i Hal*. FiinHshlng Goods and Notions, Boots, stioe* sui We also have a htrgcand splendid assortment of Ladles' Shoes, which we wifi sell vl-ry cheap, for cash, ricctlt—tlm . IRON AND CANTINON. QA Dllil I.BS; IRON, assorted, including Wagon, OU.UUU Tiro Band. Horse Shoe. H lol.V Inch Ronnd and Square Iron. -1,500 lbs. Hollow Wale. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Helves, llruum* ^.h», Prune llruoiuii, Ac; (X). I A|«0 Tnblc nml Pocket Cull AUO.B00 febtT-*c JUST ARRIVED. • ' O ft BOXES ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, superior, O O -to half hsrrels Mn ' ' '.U quarter barrel 15 lugs very Aue feNalll, at Holt's Chop Axes, , lairge lot Hollow Ware. For sale h/ SAl.MQ^H, SD^IONS A CO. 'to THE rmiinc. Wiuship's Iron Work* and Planing Mills A HE once monTinopi-retlnn.' We are uow prepared to Dress Lumla-r slid make Sashes, JtiMirs, llllmls, Ac. We would Imi pleased tp^cqnUqfour old citstputets, and *• mady new- ones as wlA favor us with a call, marlft-lw* , J, WINSIIIP AIX) Konl Estats for Bolo. E liave fur sale 110 acres bf LAND, heautllhlly Id eated for a private residence, on McDonough road, ■proa i>f U’lutil Iaim( aiut larwa I*.>■,<!> lire! ‘ * each Orel limit*, w! and the not .....j we balance acres of WiHiil land and than IX miles from corn are authorised to sell for $1,500, hall on time. For paritcniam, call «M - 1 •if i - JENNINGS A11ARK1S; iui*rl&—lit . ■/ - "i Real Bstaie Agwite, FOIt haLk, Thla well-known place Is a must lovely etuiatlou for a ' is* residence aud Atrm-routb. main highway from :ce-Uoorgla lo the Gate Cliy. " ‘ . HELL A 1IEI.L, , Beal Estate AgcSs. UNCl.i; fiOIIER'l LUK. , Tirmr-rig miyrriillriMii '■ Jnit received rat ronslgnmcnt “ " CLAYTO'If.Tt' 'nUmw-Oe' OQEN!. : CbEW! 15.Q ,'fiWftltLB OF CORN, lit etoro and to !.illjtlV$« Wc have-effected ui arrangw whlcVwo will Voil^by'the'car load hr SSrtfiou : p,jWastUf,* vupply.ofV'orn, GRKLFVHD 300,000 BRICKS FOR 8ALE. S wb'ltUNnRRKD THODBAND Men hantahle llrtrhs, I alSlh™ 1 ' *| ni i * projioUluu auiwrlor for tom- At L CotiSh's, 1).! tie APfiy to. marlf-at*,, JHIMU TOTATOKN, 50 U mrat »*«* iM4<> wMaal|u- 'JmjjsJr Tallnra' Trimniini;«, Trunks, VaIIhcs, UmbrellsM, Guntrt’ Furulshlng GiunIi, . Hunkcrchfefs, READY-MADE CLOTHING-, Manufactured from NEW and CHOICE FABRICS, and ofvnequaled extent, variety and etyle. Contains all the choicest products of SEASONABLE FANCY FABRICS, as well (s STAPLE, from which we are prepared to make Garments to order, In the most elegant style. Gentlemen from a distance desiring to order from us can have Samples or Goods seut them hy mall, on ap plication. PRATTE, EDWARDS & C0„ Forwarding & Commission Merchants, AND SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GLADDEN LUBRICATING OIL COi ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Hsfzbkncki—J. If. Llndcnbcrgcr, Cashier lfen-lianls’ Bank, Louisville; J. U, Bowles, Presklent Bank or -Louie- ville, Louisville; Brandies A Crawford, Brady A Dirts; LoulavUle; Von Phnl, Water* A Co., D. A. January, L. A. Benolst A Co. Banker*, Ja*. U. Luca*, Banker, Nt. Louis; H. M. Bishop A Co., Cincinnati; K. M. Bnire ft Co., Augusta, Ga.; Ilalliday Bros., Cairo, OL; Galbraith. Stewart A Co., Memphis, Tenn. In Store and for Sale, T EN thniitind bushels prime While Coni. 10,W» bushels Mixed Corn. .. 01 tons Hay (prime Western.I AJO barrel* klln-drlcd ladled Meal. 2000 bushels Black and White Oats. 80 boxes Star Candle* (full weight.) 5110 barrel* Superfine Family Flour. 10 casks Clear side*. 10 cask* Ribbed Bides. 10 cask* Shoulder*. 10 casks Stag Hams. 50 barrels Cat bon ull. 4-1 barrels Lubricating Oil. 850 keg* Nalls (assorted sixes.) •XI barrels Hydralnlc Ccmem. 1 lisle Hospital Tents. 1 b*]e Hospital Files, arltt—c In Store and tor Sale. Om* Pi'Ioch Hltnll 1>c as Low Aa any house In the trade. HERRING A LEYDEN, mart*—dm Glass Front, Whitehall street. sillily Flour. PRATTE, EDWARDS A CO. PRATTE, KDWAH Jackson, Moyers, Cleghorn & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLlSAlsK DEALERS IN GroecriON and Produce, Pctch-Trco Street, ATLANTA, GKORKIA, O UR Mr. J. M. 5IOYEHS will ,|ieud s good portion of his time Iu New York, and the Western cities, which will glvo its advantages over most southern mer- | clients. Consignments solicited, and advances made on all goods In store, Raranmicxs—Baldwin Starr A Co.. N. York; Johnson ft Bridges, New Orleans; Jas. Metcalf, Cincinnati; John Snider A Co., Louisville; Foster Brothers, Nashville ; Willis A Chisolm, Charleston; MrCallle A Jones, Macon; ! Hon. W. P. Chilton, Montgomery; A. Itelsp A Co., ! Memphis; Wctherfora, Thomas A Co„ Mobile. marir,-Xm_ > ■ IBB, T. L. STEPHEN!!' CHEMICAL AGUE COMPOUND, AND DR. T. L. NTEPHENS* CHEMICAL EYE SALVE For Free Distribution to sor.nreRs, soldiers' families j friends McCAMT A Co. Sole Agents. A NEW HERNIAL TRUSS for the cure of Rupture. Physicians respcctliilly Invited to examine. liisrlli-Gt McCAMY A CO. i.. a. t-iiiKf.x. w. j. iiuuson, PIRKLE & HUDSON, GEMKKAL Auction and Commission Merchants, (-oriici .Miirit‘Ui>«uil lVncta--Treeflllveti*, ATLANTA,; , 1 ; . . . . GEORGIA. HF-WHI give protnpf alli-ulkin lo atiy hH*rnc*s en trusted lb us. Regular salu days. Tuesdays, Tluirsdaya and Saturday*. Auction every night, mart dm WM. M. HILL Anclhmeer. S. S. KXNimiCK. n. u. MOTT. S. 8. KENDRICK & CO., WIIIII.CSALt AND llXTAIl. IIX41.X1I* IN Ca! RPKTINU, OU. CLOTUH, •MATTINGS, WINDOW 8IIADEH, I*lii nu CbvnriiiKN, Jfc o'., Franklin Ihilldlnj,'' Alalwma Street, ATLANTA, ...... UKOIDil.t. marlT—Siu FOR HALE, A NO. I BUSINESS LOT ON WHITEHALL STREET. milK undersigned lanaut* hi common of s lot »u Whlte- X hall street, have rnuM-ulisl lo sell the same nt pub lic ontcry, ou Ih* Ural Tuesday Iu April next, at the Court House door In this city, bclwfon tbu hour* nf tfl o’clock A. M.; aud d o'clock P. M. Term., one-lhlrd rash, ooe-lhlnl six month*, uul one thinl twelve months, with lulereat. T. c. JACKSON, mgrt-td* KHZ A UOSWORTII^ 7 HIDE8 AND TANNER8 1 ' OIL FOR NAI.E. 5000 DnT I,,DK>i '' lil - 111 ,* u * h6hvy. OHO Green Sailed City lkiliher>*l Hides. 11)0 barrel* Tanner*' OIL- . JAMES A. IIOLT. " No. ID SSeoul at, bet. Main si. mul Ihe river, ty«rl) -lin Uittl*vil|e, Ky " shearer, morbton a CO., 'UnElnoein ami Miu'IiIiiIsIn, Mtnutaeturers and Repairers of all kind, ef STRAIT EXOIXKS, MILLS, ROLLERS, Ac, Railroad Street, opposite Georgia Railroad Shiqs ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ._m*ta-thu*_ . . n I olivm. a. v. wouuatU OLIVER A WOOOAIL, CoiituilHion MerulinuU, Poruer Alabama ami Forsyth Slrevts, Atlanta, Ga. 1WAII business entritaled lo Utelr care will receive lhal^|vreonalalluillou. Cotplguun-nl. solicited "'X3rTJciiM.Ms‘. (Formerly of Atlanta, Ga.,) Conim,l|ii»iou. Mp^Dhuut, Wat aid* ot Hilt atreet, QrUBn, 0». solicited au) atttnded to with ( Will *1*0 OoUact Notes, Drafts, ft touinllng rountry. AUCTION! CmtalMmc ^ |<c ttou. our W1|> u> w A DA1U Having an Aaetlan Lleenae, will **U proparty of arory .".r- - OUVTO &iiliil^a?u.! HW-lm NmJgAhbama.trtat \Vo aro now Becaivlnj, and in Bt«ra: | 1000 ?IA)UU—various Uraods, ADAIR A CO, STILL RUNNING! 200 bids Flour—all grade,, 800 kits Fish—all numbers, 100 bbls Sugars—Cruihrd nnd Extra C. 500 bushels extra Seed Usts, 111 bids pure Petroleum Oil. 20 kegs Goshen Blitter. II*) sacks C'oni-vcry cheap. SHU lb. Buckwheat F our, 60 bbls Irish Potatoes, J5 bbls Crackers- all torts. 50 boxes Pickles—Onion* aud Chow (.'ho 10 boxes Rsislus, loo lb* Kaizens—for pudding. JU-. 3000 lbs Sol* Leather, 600 lbs Upper leather. 100 Ih* Coni Hlarvh. 500 Ih* Black Pepper. 25 rase* Starch, 2(1 boxes Bahhctl's celebrated Soap 5 bids su|ierlor Vluegsr, 5 doz heavy Wei Burkrls. 25 Imxes Tnlaiceo—from 4-- lo vv. IdOtUO choice Cigars—assorttsl. j . 10 Jars Maecaboy Snuff, 10 nesta Cedar and Yarnlshed Tub,. 20 doz Shoe Brushes—a,,orte<L 100 dor. Mason's Blacking. 2 colla One-Inch Hope, 600 eases siqicrior Wine. 20 kegs Ponder. Platter Paris, Cement And an Immense variety of oilier goods. All of uli! are off ered at wholesale or retail, by M. W. ft J. II. JOHNSON, Commission Merc*am*. _ni*rW~e__ Alabama street CHEWING TOBACCO. A nother urge lot or tobacco just Wwivrd day. IV* will sell cheap, for rash. Come and i lull. * — amine'll. Uur slock now rouslsts of livcnly uoitd brands—Iu all almul three hundred bore*. R. M. MCPHERSON. Whitehall tlrcri. ‘ i AlUnia. Ot HAY I HAY 1 W E have a lot ot HAY Ju*l rerelvnl, that we will eeil at coal, or less, owing lo the fact that iho Kale, an uot lu condition lo ship. r m. McPherson. Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga I'OtrUKR. J^IFLK POWDER by th* keg For sale hy • r. m mcphkrson. Whitehall vtret t. Atlanta. «!.* TD nKUCHANT^. W E havo a large clock of Cottou Cerdt.Sifter*. Bu. k els, Tobacco, (of all grades.! Sugar. (offer. Ilrooma, Flour, and a rood slock of Fancy OrorerUy, queen,ware and 0las,ware. Call and examlue onr ,u» k. and you will gel twigalus. .. r. m. McPherson. White hall sueel. febiT—e _ Allama, Ga Athens" yarns. r. m. McPherson, Whitehall ,neet. AtUala. G* UAUUAINN. N OW Is llw time to love,l money prollaMy- Aftrr ihe explrstiim of this month, all tobacco manaffutiired «111 ho taxed *0 rent* per pouud. Hood sonud Medium Taheceo, that will keep, is ihe thlug. Call snd nv eur large slock. .., „ 11 M. Mi PHEUSON. Wbilchall tinsel. Atlanta. (1*. It. IU, StePlIERNON, A GENT for Virginia Tobacco Manafrrtorle*. A KM boles Just received. ^ Whl-Chall elr.-ei, AlUuia. Ga. tobaccomamflkn that of sample sent. „ j,. MePHERSON. W hitehall street. mhrh-e . A«SS5f-»J3k A* w, niTctuu.’ a- mwjehu.. A. W. miTOHELL A BRO., CommiHsiion Merohaiits* At A. W. Mitchell'* Okl Hund. Corner Whitehall oad Hauler Itraata, Atiuta, O*. tWAII hhslaea* snlrtatsd to Ihetr earo adll re*(v# Ihrlr (irijaual attentluu (Ninslgnmeat* wfErtlcd. w. a. wwa. j x. **n*»*bx. u i. nmi» W. B. EOWE A CO. wwouwaua ami nirau tuuLkni ih Clothing and Oants* %nrniihing Qoodi HATS, BOOTS, SUOKS. Ac., Whitehall Street, Atlanta, tseorala. J.nSJ-im J f-i.-Ni-r- ■VILD1NU LOTS. opfeted to be roht UUYYTON. AIUIU fr.f