The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, November 08, 1867, Image 1

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Ilit gjaity fntttUgnurr, o i ' »•' i €' n i rllK »( IIU>in»»K HllllMNIt. ,Whitehall sited, between (*’ — ' nml (Ik Itsllrosd cruetlkg. -ill i) daily AMD WEEKLY BY IARED IUWIlf WHITAKER, fro prUtor ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Friday Mornlnn, Nov. •. IM7. ti rrlllr M«rM In T*xwn~.TI»# FityD on Verge oi AppMl lor Help. I !,,, |„t(. t.-crilU'. storm id Texas Iim Inflicted vol. xm. Mtoeoliunomio ATLANTA. GA.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1887. AU vertlMumontM. ,, „ t .uul onlleriiid llio oi that *cc- it,A A gentleman writing from llratne, lays I p,,,|ilo tuno savin! nothing but euoli , , rt s iiiey bail on when Ilia hurricane broke ,„,| HtMoLnely no provision* have becii MVl ',l cxeepi such its may baye boon lonmt 96th SEMI-ANNOAl EXPOSE. TOTAL LOMK8 PAID, «ai,aTi,OTa r»r Mlooellnneoun Advertlaamenta. Great Neve-Glorious News. KINS 00TT0M ALIVE AMIN I monc in" ............ Hi,' liio Grande (Xainer says ol tbe llroivna ' riii'iv is uoi a baliltaliou which baa no'felt ,l lt . irrriM" force of llic ttorul, while the majority I ,mr imsincsi houses are lu ruin*. \liii,ni:;h wu devote the preaent number ex , lii'ivelv io tills truly awful calamity, wo are tin j,j,' t,i pnriiouUrirn many inalancea of iudlvid attli* lo pun itUltirim Iimin maiMivn ui iuuiviu u ,,l |,,$s and suffering, and the many tltiuiug ex- sm .,|es ol heroic aell-Mcrltice. Ii is tor the people ol Hie K ut, West aud Y'lili to come to ottr aid and help. yur ,lo the houseless and homeless poor ol Mataiiioras less address themselves to the aym- ihiii-i ol the world. \y,- were in the eleventh hour of our deliver- si,,,' from the scourge of yellow lever, aud ow- to the lotip continuance ol a rigid qunrau- uiie, busino S being completely staguaut, the v„ r people are alioady much slraiued by loss '.I rmplovincnt, and tor that reason this blow i ills more grievously upon thorn. People who have never experienced n similar mislorintic can form no adequate idea ol this i, Hipest which blew with fearlul torce alxmt Hires hours, when a little More midnight it <rased, with an ominous lull ot about one hall hour only, to recoil Irom the opposite direi'ihm mil, iiicnasod volume and loti-told lury. It would need the pen ol an Oaaian or a Dante t„ ,!>■-scribe the "phtrinamortis imago" of that ii, .v, r to ho forgotten night There were those whose lip-; were long unused i,. pinycr, who, warned by impending death, i.iirlt down w ith most passionate fervor to thut power which in the beginning gave, aud haa a tight to take away, in Disown g(X>d lime and tnanuer We have grown toigeilui ol our obligations to Divine Providence, and " need the wrath ol the wild, unchained elements to teach who rules them JULY 1. 18 0 7. A N S K T M (.41 ilailtt ruler.) Cub on hand amt lu Bank Real Relate Mortgage Burnt,.... Bank Black U. atale., State and City Stock, and oilier k'uhllc Securities $ ftl&.KM 3# Ol 00 1,*M),400 00 Urunt lUcltonant at tho FRENCH BAZAARI By E. BLOCK, Mo. 4, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia.* l.ltiltlMUca, t'luiiim uni due ami uuad- juaicd Net Afiacta MS 14,060.088 T> 877,WiS 4t* f4,mWU M »ini: AND IMiAMl NAVIGATION RISKS. MfAirenele. In all llie prturt|ial cities mid towns In ike l, lilted states. Appllratlim. for Insurance will he promptly atleuded mUK FRENCH FAMILY la coming ia a faw day a. X witk a large stock, conststlag or DRKM8 UOOD8, DOMESTICS and FANCY HOODS, CLOAKS aud SHAWLS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATH and CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. All of tho katost Importation I t have the honor to Invltotvtry one, big and small «'‘<1 an to examtaa my Block aad convince them S. lves that this Is positively A OMB PRICE STORE. W hoi,...I, prieu tan net coat, cheaper than can be had .“.A' w»h tte oxmnUon of DomaaUcs and t oats' Thread. Country Merafiants are pantenlarly re iiuestod to rail and examtaa my stock or Dry Goods, f f*'”' 'harleslon Bills of Goode duplicated end forward- OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, on east stile of Whitehall street, ous door IVoiu Alabama, lyltr—lawly E. BLOCK, ••A U Villa Departs," l.ale of the Arm, Block A Lyon*. of Charleston, 8. C. N. L. ANHIEIt, Ageiit._ JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 DEV STREET, Mew York City, MaNDrarTirKEB AMD Dealeh in PORTABLE AND STATIONARY 1867 Du md winter 11867 Iran tla Southern Watchman. CouveiHlon—" Agrlcull urHl aud Manuler* luring of the Stale or Georgia.’’ This assin-iation was adjourned from Novem ber last to hold its mi mini session on the Kith ol the present month at Milleilgcvillc. rue time and place were selected in view of inerting cntempornncoitsly with the Legislature, to insure a fuller at tendance, to enlist the mem bers oi the Legislature iu the objects of the as- auriation, and to obtain, it practicable, and solar us might lie proper, tho co-operation ot the Stale in promoting and developing the material Inter- | fstj and resources—-indeed every industrial inter- i e*l of Georgia. ii it as no L-gislotnre will meet this fail, and ! js it has been supposed that, owing to the pres- j vat politic.,! excitements of the day, hut a men- j fie attendance could be bad, 1 entered upon u correspondence with a number ot members ot i t.iid association as to the propriety of postpon- ! ing ii- session to such tulure day as tho Legis lature shall meet. All from whom I have heard, concur ia the propriety ol postponement, nnd authorize nte so to advertise. (therefore give notice that the session of the •■Agricultural and Mauuiacturing Convention of the 6t <to of Georgia,” is ndjouvued to a future day, due notice of which time will he given through tlie newspapers. Hen*. C. Yancey, (’resident. Athens, Ga, Nov. 4th, 1807. 1’. 3.—All newspapers favorable to the ob jects ot the association, are respectfully request ed to publish ami call attention to the tact. STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, NO. 2150. Atlanta A(lvortftMment«. W. W. OLA rTON, AU#». D. ADAIR. CLAYTON Sc ADAIR. ONMinHM MIIOHMTS, —AMD— Wholesale Dealers ii Groceries & Prolace INSURE IN THE Southern Life Insurance Co. CHARTERED BY TIIK LEGISLATURES OF TKNNKHSRE AND KENTUCKY. NO. IE ALABAMA ST., ATLANTA, UBOHGIA 1 KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND: — -o FLOUR, BACON, ILAHD, COHN, HAY, SAI.T, TOBACCO, |COFFEE, SUGAH, SYKUP, MOLASSES, CANDY, SODA, candles, LEATHER, SOAP. Ac. CASH CAPITAL #800.000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. w EieHTY PER CENT. OF THE PR0FIT8 PAID TO P0LIGYH0L0ER8 !^I MEMPHIS OFFICERS. PrflkldTOt. BRANCH OFFICE. LOItlSVILLB OFFICBIIS. uklflKTani (Vlca-Frcaldenta. V- ». DAt^B. Treasurer. BEN. MAY, Secretary. • ATLANTA, GA. ('. V. 8PENCKR, President. .1. FRY I. A WHENCE, Vice'President. A. O. HOBOES, Tfeamuvr. E. T. HOPKINS, Secretary. _ D. C. O’KEEFE, Kxsmlnlne Surgeon, A llama, La. A. S. Z. DAWSON, Geu’l Traveling Agent. WM. FXAIm H^Over J. T. JgiiUiir A Co.V Drug ator«, Whitelmll Streei. ’ fif‘40—3ra bfkVpIrIIIN, ! Ge “ eral Agents. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SfeRS:: Waakly, • msatka Weakly, 1 year Uscto ssflM at tka matir MayU aspiest* Maw* Bora and A(«nt« • 1 10 s I HATES OF ADVERTISING. For aaeh square of 10 tinea or lea., for the flrat inter Mos $1, aad tar each aobeeqnent In.ertlon BO ccuts. Also, are Agents fbv the Gale ol YARNS, OSNABUROS. STRIPES, SHIRTINGS, lid Great Bead Co.’a Seales. DREGS FOR THE MILLION. The Largest Stock Ever Brought to Atlanta ! ! ■*100(11 ft «' 9 8 3 2 8 8 8 8 3 5 s 3 S S n 8 | « m ■tqiaomg 8388 8 8 3 888 s S U 5 s 8 P 8 8 ¥> -qtnom | 838 3 338338 SS83C383S3IS •*«t1 ft 8 8 8 8 8 3. S a a a a » j •samti u 3 8 3 3 3 8 . . . O? © f f» r*i *> •smn 9 8 8 8 8 S 8 ¥» ^ r ' *am„> j * I •ra-1.9 j \ il •.»-.t* 1 ll * * a a—--;' 1 m ■emuI 1 8283SS 8 11-5 | * ” B T « * jt j. i. ^ -sojunbf) j s o 6 S Special Notice., SO cent, per line flr.t innertloo, a,..I 10 cent, per line for each .nh.cquent Insertion. Advertisements Iri.erted at totervafs to he charged a. new each insertion. Advertisement* ordered to retuain on aoy partlrnlar page, to be charged a. new each insertion. The money for advertising conitdercd doe after Brat Insertion. All commnnlcation. or letter, on Imaluvea Intended for •hi. offlee ahonld he iddreesed to “The Atlant. Ibtil- MHascEB." JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Proprietor. Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying —THE— 8REATE8T WONDER OF THE AGE! FHO.V a TO 250 HOUSE POWER. M"»l approved Clrcnlar and Upright Saw Mills, Orl.t Mill.. Sugar Mills, and all kind, of M ‘ DHY GOODS! -- ...—.— Minlug uud PUnu. non Machinery on haud and bnllt to order. tST shafting. Putties. Lca'her and Rubber Retting, and all kluda of Irou and Wood working Machinery. .f* r " Machinery and Railroad .upplica tu store, and •hipped at the lowest rates auirfl—4m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HARDWARE AND IRON. 7 tz COIL9 MANILLA ROPE. * T5 dofoaShort Hand led Frying Tan a, _ .. trying r •40 colls Patent racking H to f lacb.i 9<)0 dozen Shovels and Spades, Ifchi dozen Pocket Knives, •AO gross Table Cutlery, JOHN M. GANNON, 1M boxes Tin 1 tum pounds Block Tin, Corner Whltobsll dc Huntor 8t,. liiuO pounds Bar Lead, *■"> hags Sh it, 00 buudtcB Brlutc Iron Wire, SOU dozen Iron wire Sifters, fiO Anvitr, 75 Vises. •toon pounds Smoothing Irons, SOOU pounds UrilHn'e Horae Nails, US) dozen Files—assorted, •woo pounds Galvanized Sheet Irou, J tons Oust Steel, 30 tons Plow steel, BOO tons Swedes and Reined Iron, 00 tous Hand. Hoop, and Horse Shoe Iron, I® tons Oval, Half Oval, and Half Round iron, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, 35 tons Boiler, Plate, and Sheet Irou. t or sate by WEEDS & CORNtVELL, Nos. 150 aud 101 Broughton Street, Savannah, (la. Who Wrote Cotton is Kino V—This in quiry has been made in our presence, says the New York Ezprtts. The phrase “ Cotton is King” has been attributed •» no. llammond, ot South Carolina. This is an error It originated with the author <>l a book bearing that title, Urst published in 1855, nnd advocating the preservation ol the Union us essential to tbe prosperity o! the country. Many were urging that the South had become a burden upon the North, and that hy " kicking the South out of the Union" the North would become vastly more prosperous and powerful. The author presented tho economical reletlons of the two sections in their true light, for the first time. The exports of the country were sltmvn, so ns to represent the several com- niodiiit's entering into our foreign commerce. From this it appeared thut the North never sup plied of the products ol the soil more Ilian about fo5,000,000 to ii 15,000,000 worth, while the Soul b supplied more than thrice that amount. To itis- subv the Union, the author argued, would so di- miiiL-li our foreign commerce ns lo he ruinous to llie co nitty. Dissolution, be therefore concluded, '-■■•uid lie treason i > the lies: interests of the wu lion, lint he went lurther aud demonstrated that from the results ot emancipation everywhere else, the abolition of slavery, iu its economical results, would lie equally as ruinous as dissolution upon our foreign commerce. The author ot that work is Prol. David Chris ty, then ol Cincinnati, but now ol New York city. It will he determined in a few years whether his deductions were not correct. Apropos ol cotton the new crop is estimated imui 2.400,000 to 2,800,000 bales. The absence of early frost and the present fine picking wealh COFFEE. ‘Ifinn BAGS just received, from Rio de Janeiro, -w UUU n« Rrttt.h (Wft,BsrtlT;uRTrw-ALtr Nos. 15ft aud 1HI Broughton Street, Savannah, Ur. SOUTHERN Seed and Agricultural Warehouse i McROBERTS & CO., f £1A K KS pleasure lu Informing hie friends and tha puo- llc that his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS la now complete In every department, aad U one of tha largest and beat assorted ever brought to this market. All cash buyers are reepcctlhlly Invited to call and ex; amine this Magnificent Stock of Goods styles and prices cannot be anrpaeseo. u yon uonnt tt, call and yon will be convinced of tbe bet. One Price Only I QUICK BALES AND SMALL PROFITS! DTOBtliK, FOB WARDING, AND COH.VI3SIO.V HER CUAXTS, Aud Dealers in Agricultural Implements, Produce, Grain’ Field and Garden Heeds, Farm Wagons, Threshers, Ac., Ac. Agents for Wood's celebrated Reapers and Mowers, No. AO nnd 44 84. Market Htroot, #ep«~3ui NASHVILLE, TENN AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE CJUAYJACKET8, And how they Lived, Fought, and Died for Dixie, WITU Incident! and Sketches of Life in the Confederacy Send for circulars. Address Junes brothers a co.. otltt—lm* Itroad street, Atlanta. Ga. ~ X.C. JOSLIN. R. I. tUNKroT J. W.;’ BURNET HOUSE Those principle! In trade I find, from past experience to be as Immutable at troth Itself, when strictly carets out. They shall In the Ihture, as in tbe past, bofkUhfull adhered to In this Establishment. Every article In this house most cell Itself, as wa will not in any case resort to the trick of elllng one article ataeacrlBoa and ma king a double profit on something alee. We guarantee every article we sell to be what It la represented. Merchants are specially invited to examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere. We hare always on hand a splendid RESERVE STOCK in every Department, an will sell them to Dealer* cheaper than they can lay them down from New York. Hpac* will not permit more that- mention of a few articles In the different Departments. C7.VCYY.V.t 77. OHIO A. C. J0SLIN A CO., Proprinters. tr have raised tlio-a ’estimates, (man average, /AN the 1st of September, we bought from Capt. 8. F ub uit 300 000 bales Miller tbe entire lease of forntinre nnd fixtures of Joke on a Constable.—A “cute” State constable, meeting a tin peddler, asked him il he Luil a license to sell. No,” was the reply. The consinhle hastened to procure a warrant, uud after a long day's search, found the offend ing person and brought him before a magistrate, when lie was asked, “ Guilty or not guilty ?" " Not guilty,” he quietly answered. *• I l. tix’r ('on nmlillit nnnrla amnnil tiPPD V 11 'Don’t you peddle goods around here ?” asked the judge. " Yes, sit.” “ Well, then, sir, have you u license to do so?" “ Oh, yes!" ‘ Why, did you not tell this gentleman that you had uo license?" No, sir!'’ said the peddler. " Yes, you did," shouted the tipstafl No, t didn't," quietly replied the man. 1 auy you diil," vociferates the officer "l swear I didn't,’’ repeats the peddler. " You asked me if I had a license to sell, and I told you | hadn’t; and I haven’t a license t<> *ell,;h, t ,c„„t it tu /Kittle with /» /V Coi.oitKi) Voter.—Ed. , a mend id' Mr. lVirymuii, of Polk county, voted the straight-out while mail's ticket, saying: “I’m u nigger, and don't want to he a white man ; all l want ia to have my rights protected.” Alter voting, he turned round lo a crowd of Ida own r-i' c wlm were kept at the |hiIIs ns • standing guard to intimidate any ol their race who might mi disputed to deposit f imservalive votes, and 'h'-y said to him, “MayIn; you think Jim Wad- cell will carry you to Heaven.” “Well,” said i ' * bad riillu-r go to Heaven with Jim Wud- Uvll tutu lo hell with ll.gelow."—Home Courier. the Burnet Houte, anil we will continue the Hotel bust nest In this well known establishment, novi—liu a. C. IOSLIN A CO. Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. 6TIMMBL & CO., SOS and. 810 West Green Street, LOUISVILLE, Kl'., Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of ah kluds of DRESS GOODS OEFARTMENT. Black and Fancy Silks, Plain and Fancy Poplins, French Merinos, Hops,Empress Cloths, All-Wool Delaines, Cbene Poplins, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Mohairs, Ac. BOUSE GOODS DEPARTMENT. 8. 9,10,11, aud 13-4 Bleached and Brown Sheetings, V, 7, 8, 9, and 10-4 Bleached and Brown Table Linens, All the favorite brande ot Bleached and Brown Shirtings. Napktue, Doylies, Towels, MatselU quilts, 49 Inch and 5-4 Pillow Case Cotton. IPTUIah Orders promptly Oiled. Consignment* so "iS: aug4—3m PRATTS, EDWARDS A CO., Commission Mercnants, Forsyth Snoot, Atlanta, Qa. JN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 90000 pounds Clear Bidta, 10000 ponnda Clear Rib Sides, 5000 pounds Shoulders, • 35 barrels Lard, 14000 ponnda Arrow Cotton Tie, 60 pieces Kentucky Bagsing, 300 colls Rope, 50 barrels Rosendale Cement, 50 barrels Louisville Cement, MO bags Wblta Corn, 10 bands Cldar Vinegar, Cast Flows, Manufactured Tobacco, Ac. ^AR cash oidera promptly ailed. Consignments soil. . «0P»»—3m PRATTE, EDWARDS A CO BOUGHT FOR CASH, C9~Dirootly tYom tlio Importern uurl Manufactiu-ers.. OILS, WINDOW GLASS LOOK AT THIS! 1 OFFER for Ml* my tbree-etory BRICK HOUSE, and which It stands, on Decatur afreet. In the senger Depot CltT ' “ d °“* b" 4 " - J** 4 * rrom »• Fae- J KIN B S°, 14 9. With nreplace surd two large windows; a dining room 43 feet long, otter bSii?eil'!SB“ 0 ^ bUlla * 800,1 warehon * for ALSO, on tbs river, being rich river land—on* houdredand thirty acres are cleared. It baa flne water fscllltlca, and a good Peach Orchard Is on the place. Buildings mode rate. AL80, Ten Lott of land in the Cherokee country, one being a gold lot that pays for working ft. “'' -rty WILL BE SOLD, at some plico. Term. This prop asy. Calfi oc-19—3m (puce. Tc R. J. COWART. Atlanta. Ga. WAILEY’S HoU'-Fcatonlng, Wi-ouglit Iron BUCKLE TIE! fOII COTTON BALES, «Sfco. Manufuctured and for sale by S, 8. LOW, Vnlcau works, CHATTANOOGA, - - - - TENNESSEE. Manufacturers of all kinds of Bar and Plantation Iron, Car aad Bridge Bolts, Car Axles, Ac. LEADS, THE LIVE DRUG STORE!' HEDWINE & FOX Comer Whitehall and Alabama Street*, ... Georgia. Atlanta, Putty. \Mr B £!£ bl *i 00fl £ r *° 9“ r TrUothe t>e,t atiortment of PURE DRUGS AND MEDIfTNEd Oils Paints fllas. Faucy Artlc loe, ever broaghtto t his ma^L-et!and'at 1I £ot\' 4 Ef! °’ t - Our Prescription Department luiiKenmte not to be rarpauti has Inst been revised and onr Chemicals all bought from first ... „ -. •“ nd *- *® d warranted pure. We are therefore able to fill Pre scriptions with satisfaction, neatness, and dispatch, at all hours DON’T BUY UNTIL YOU EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES I REDWINE at FOX, HALL'S CNIVliHHAL WA8HING MACHINE!! iiPBClAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. ITUslong been felt and acknowledged that a Warhme 4 "“bine would yet be Invented I hat wonld be sim ple, cheap, and more effective than auy of tho Machine, heretofore offered to the public. Km n a Machine is now offered without fear of competition. 1st. One woman will do more with a Machine than * ,x «*“ do without It. It will wash live dirty shirt, (including wristbands and collars) perfectly clean In from four to eight mioates—this we guarantee, or no sale 3d. It requires no skill to operate it, as a girl 13 years ONK*HOUH?^ < n A,Uuta) * : ° UK DOZEJrpiEC'ES IN - ,. *!/•*"• f* ,ea * t °® 6 thirst Ices soap, and win pay Avery year jn the saving of clothing, as it acts *°i«. e ^!. e ^£i n *be fabrics that bank hills can be washed without breaking—something no other machine can do. ‘ ‘imlucs in this place,and ahali TEN dollars, ‘bo «nae, p rite they are sold for in New York. There is no Wash Ing Machine on the market that cun he hnrmh- d®* Machine on the market that cun be bought for even twice tbe money, and no Machlno that will coia- pote with it in the performance of itt wor . Thee* Machine* in on exhibition In this city, at the Msaasa-ssss® to sell these Machines in counties and districts, or elate. Call on, or address, D. S. BKNTLY <fc CO.. 0TAny one —- ^Rouie, Ga. f rosecmedaccoi. Ion of the same, r one Infringing npon this Patent RigbtwSm i*ame’ d wln U,I ° m, ‘ ocl9—ty Comer Whitehall and Alabama Streets, Atlanta. Ga. GLENN, WEIGHT & CAER. 1 Great Labor-Saving Machine. in consideration of lie cheapness, the of the Machine, the ease and quickness of mn- tion iS^efcSf^SRjsP 0 * - * i f otp ceielrcd, and the protec- * bll * 0e c olhe *’ won,< i recommend it to a gencrov* P. M. SHEIBLY, J. A. BTBW’ART, WM. WEST, JAMES NOBLE, Ss., G. W. F. LAMPKIN, SAM. K. POWERS, •JOHN W. NOBLE. J. J. COHEN. Atlanta, May 7,18G7. 1 bought the first “Hall s Patent Universal Washing A 1 ! li ? ,a ’ and ttI ®. “.ow using it to my J'°®. ®nd recommend it to nil as a treat Lalror-Savlng Machine. Mils. CYNTHIA KILE. Above Tie and Iron for tale by McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO., oc89—lm Agents for tbe Manufacturers. MEADOR St BROTHERS, WOOLEN DEFABTMSNT. OR ACKJ]HS. Agents lor Stlmmel'e celebrated QUICK Y.&A3J. seplS-lm STEANL6A8 WATER PIPKN, BOILER FLUES, |IT The hot aud largest assortment In the city, aud at greatly induced prices. Send for Price List. J. B. FULLEB, ang*7- 4m 47 Day Street, New York Ctiv. SALT! SALT! Liverpool Silt, Direct Importation, Always on bund end for suit- by WLMT Ol DANILLH, •epl7—3in Jonee’ Block. Havannuli. G* How to MAKE iloitsK.a A team ol two heracs, hitelieil to u wagon licavily laden with "ted, stalled at tlm lull n«ar Ilm Tenucaaee hmnil Iioiisi. vi-elcrilny, anil ail the whipping “td heating hy the driver, could not induce them w budge a peg. Just m the Jehu was nboilt lo * ** u l* tl'v contest in despair, an old country hi .f*! BU *" l *"-‘ lioracH, slipped the bridle, iu i r palled them u few timea upon with ilia imnd, and then giving the and .i ttniliml " moved off with apparent case c^j ; »Bd i"> lurther dilUcully oc- 4urill « <•»« ascent ol llie hill. Tlio old bwi. e> bU *. l,; ' 1 '’“ l be liud driven many balky n uL* 111 '' i, ‘ 'lay. and had never known lilxntm- latt** , 01 Ih'lueiug them lo draw faithfully to •“ ^Lynchburg Ann. *i"' : KI1010 or A “ Tainted Mauttr." Li’m-nin 1,11 Wl>l '-' ri ' P»l" r, apeukliig ol Mrs. ' h" ,USC language- Irtiinr-J 11 W ' ** k "‘"vu to tin: wide clrclo that tin* E*eeud»i K «i l1 *•"">«!’«• iu contact with iross v „i VB •" m-iiou, Unit its interior was a* h'lUw- t,, i ur ““! l ‘'‘MTUpt as wuipiMNihle for any *F*':tiiliilim ,> llut r ' lll ' u own a scmld im-e ol re- H*htaliility,' by «te(hi1?.! UO i ar , ,i ' ;1, ‘'l 110 ( ''l!lor 31 uiiiQu* lilmaell cisU... !? “KHiiUcil in»irtvr. M Mr Lin. h'Jn wa» .aimed martyr." Mr. Lin the center controlling power of thW alter tetno'tuL 1 ' 1 '', 1 ' l, ‘« devil might hava wt up OkrenSr* kkUj of bcuvsn.—C'iarfcwilli LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF CEN'L ROBERT E. LEE. By Jams D. McCaie, Jr , of Va. Tha Standard Biography af tha Groat Chieftain. I TS popularity la attested by tbe eale of over 10,(00 co- pfee In a ■Ingle muntb, which I* a sufficient guarau- Tall competitor.. Send for Circular, anil see oui Plain and Twilled Whit* Welsh, Shaker, and American Flannels, Plain and Twtlkd Red and Grey Flannels, A splendid assortment of Plain, Plaid, and Spotted Upern Flannels, 0 4 BUck end Colored Cloth, for Sock* and Cloaks, ti-4 Water-Proof Cloaking, 10, II, and 13 4 flne All-Wool Ribbon-Bound Sug- tub Bed Blankets, 5uu pairs Brown, Blue, and Gray Blankets— all sizes and qualities. WHITE GOODS DEFABTiKENT. Swiss, Jacconet, Mull, Nainsoek, and Tarlston Mnslina, Plaid and Striped Swisp Jacconet and Nalnaook, Dotted Swlsa, due Irtah Llnena, Heavy Irish Llneus for Ladles’ wear. Liuen, Lawn, and Cambric L. P. Hsndkercblcf*. CLOAK $BFABTMBNT. Ml beautiful Cloaks, newest stylet. Hsvlug prepared to offer great Inducements. All oar Cloau nr* mtde to order, sna nr* coneeqatntly much cheaper than if bought of jobbers. The finest a* well as the lowest- priced Cloak* mionfActured Tobacco Commission Merchants tUNDin UNITED STATXB BOTSt ) JWBBOTIONM fob use. fill wiVhh,^ , f rffitn °. ae or tlio maunine iwoTlftWM; l ^cfttfl?'(:l&rilg?'?(i 1 WittTt?Mmi l it le better to soak clothes over night.) then rub a liu! j sol* soap on all tbe dirty places; then put the clothes into the machine with the pebbles, uud always fill theruu- chtne half full of clothe*, shaking them out a* they are pul i®. then close up the door and tarn the crank'from three to five minute*, keeping a alow, steady motion un til the dirt tsout; then run through a wringer; then bo'l as usual; then put the clothe* hack iuio the machine with the tnh trill of cold water; give the machine eight i ten turns and your clothes arc re ;::r tite inuin- water, and then hang out to dry. Neve.- mm the machine wheu »1? XWllty. .lUHl I'tlU IHU I _ _ npty of dotbea, a» it brcHUt» th*: stones. Ii any ol tl.o L‘l)blca K "'* At pebbles bec ame broken, pick them out. For «ale by JUUNtfON & KCUOLtJ. mtiyd-tilj iUl WbitobnU Street. Atlanta. On. 6100 FOR 10 C1CNT8. to insure trated fauer, O NLY a few more subscribers are rcquiiod the speedy issue of the Great Iiltutratei THE HffiEKLY PRESS WbiAtoiiic and appearance will resemble HARPER'3 vVEEKLTi but in vuluo will far transcend that publica tion. the COTTON FACTORS, Storage and Commission merchants, Will be an embodiment of the spirit of tbe age. Each department will eparklc with the genius of the most eminent writers of the dny. An OBIGINAL SERIAL STORY ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ATLANTA GEORGIA. SITUATED ALONG BIDE THE RAILROAD, ENABLES U3 TO RECEIVE AND 4HIP FREE OF DRAVAGE R ESPECTFULLY announce to the public that they kaan constantly on hud u extensive assortment brand* known tothetiade, consisting in part, of RAOLAND 8 VIRGIN, RAGLAND’S VIRGINIA, OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE I* or large capacity, thoroughly FIRE-PROOF, and our lacUltlet for hudltng COTTON unequaled ty any in tbe Bomb. We will Stor* and Sail Hara, or ship from this or any other point, to RAGLAND’S HONKY-DBW, SETH HALSKY’S COMET, McCOKKLE A BOWMAN'S i!S I can be found In this apltn SHAWL DEPARTMENT. tee o'f It* superiority over all competitors, AOKNT8 WANTED.—I 1 —” Praia, Bitu AddreM ot!*-dluiwOt nmu» w . AtlaiiU, (la. A. Cough, a Cold, or a Sore Throat, Requires Immediate nttcuttnii, aud should he checked. If allowed tu c tuliuuc, Irritation of the Lange, a Permanent Throat Oiieaie, or Couuuptlon, Is otu-u tbe result. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL 1R0CHES J lavtoga direct lull nonce ou tho parts, give Immediate Isf. For Ilroiic/iilit, Atltuna, Catarrh, Ooiuiimp’lrt and Throat /Mssasw, Troches are used with always good 100) Loug and Square Sbawla—Black, Fluid, and Fancy, fifty different utylea and qaatlUea, con stating of French, Scotch, and American good* A large lot of Brsakfost Shawl*, Sontags, Nubias, Hrurfs, Ac. For Boy* and Gant*’ Wear. Black French Broadcloth and Doeskin, Gold aud Hllk-mlxed Otaslmere, Scotch Twee aud Ctuimerea, Sattiueli, North Carolina aad Kentucky Jean* Knglleh Feterebam Clothe, 6-4 Eng. Oxford Cloth DOMESTIC DEFAMTMBNT. Sing ere nnd Public Speakers nse thorn to clear and etrsnutben tbe rolco. _ .... Obtain only "Known’* Rnonraui Tnocnee" and do not take any of Urn uorUU^ a that in»y be of* ferod Socu XTIkTWXISX.orW—eodtm Smoking Tobacco and Cigars. A CHOICE LOT of Smoking Tobacco aud Cigar*, at Ikc-tory prices, to «l»« o^conet^jm.^ # )X) •VBAB. OK MLS GRANULATKD SUGAR, prime erttele. 46.Ve»-»e«hmp^ )aVH -j BW *00. 1000 piece# French, English, and American Print#, 30) piece* Field Ltneey, tut) piece* Bed Ticking, HO piece* Denims, Stripe*, Tlaid*, usd Checks, Btlue of Augasta Uhlrttnge, Hbeettngu, Otntbnrgt, Drilling*, French aud Scotch Otngbnm*. SUNDRIES. Mltsee' and Ladle*' Balmoral tad Hoop Skirt*, Fin* French nnd Domestic Co net*, Ltdle*’ and Oent*’ Paper Collar*, Lodi**’ English, German, tad American Ho**, Mi****' end ChUdraa*’ Wool and Merino Ho*c, Udlee* Merino Under Vest*, Gent*' ts* BagtMhHoU Hot*, BUk end Printed Cotton Handkerchief* Belt*. Uom, EmteoUaitM, BreU*. Ae. Alwty* o* band, t foil lHw ef MOTIONS. JOHN M. OAMMOM, ■— sssssssassst QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, MILPKR’S BLUFF CITY, FACE'S CREOLE. MATTHEWS A WRIGHT’S ROSE MOUNTAIN, HOLLAND'S GOLDEN AGE, *nd HOLLAND’S INDIAN QUEEN, AI*o, t*(ort*d brand* of CIGARS and SMOKING TO BACCO. All ol which tr* oSwtd to lb* trad* on *« tccommo dating term* u puebutn will And elsewhere ATTBNTION FAMILIK8 I JUST received n foil auortment of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, BRANDIES, WINES, EB8ENCE8, BAUCIS, JAR PICKLES, nnd PICULS in Barrel*. PRUNES. CURRANTS, CITRON, RAISINS, NUTS. CANDIES, OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, SALMON. MACARONI, VERMIC1LLA, SAGO TOPIOCA, ARROW ROOT, CHEESE, CRACKERS, Extra Gotten BUTTER, TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, CAN FRUITY, CAN VEGETABLES, BACON, «o. mSra AiKhRBM B CAERBLE. Of th* most brilliant character will be commenced In tbe first number. THE ILLUSTRATIONS The great expense end tabor involved in thl* enterpri* render It necessary that we ebonld start with an ENOBMOUS CIRCULATION. IlO.OOfrinsnmiof gtoo, will be dteuibntcd through tbe firet odltlon. To every given number of paper* t v. sy wfit be en w-tll te allotted. Every copy of tbe PRES) closed in* stoat^wrapper, so that the papers containing the greenback* wtH not be known by their extarnal ap pearance, and all purchasers will b»ve an equal chtuco for the money and gifta. Besides the 8100 bill*, order* will bo tnclosed ia cer- Uin copte* of tbe edition for the following lOSTON, NEW PHILADELDHIA, YORK, BALTIMORE, SAVANNAH, CHARLESTON, or LIVERPOOL, Making B LIBEHA1. CAM11 A DVANCKR.jR when desired. Under the Revenue Regulation, point of ship or Collector*t point The centre! position of Atlanta . focllttle*. and diverging Railroads, enables us to tlon, COTTON can be shipped to this place under bill ot lading, by culling npon As* shipment, without pre-payment of Rsveuue Tax. »nts offers many advantages, unking it au important Colton Market. With Banking J^“Ship Cotton in Any Direction. WE SELL THE BEST IMPROVED COTTON GIN8. Also, Batiiw, Hope, and Sweet’s Patent Iron Tie, tbe Best in Use. Portables Grist Mllla. SMUT MACHINES, for liand, Horae, and ritum Power. TURBINE HvtTER WHEELS, HICKS' STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS We Receive and Beil on Commissions, *11 kind* of PRODUCE tud PROVISIONS: Corn, Oats, Wheat, Flour, Baoon, Lard, Salt, &c., &o. Our focllities for Storing and Selling HAY ure unsurpassed. LIQUORS AND TOBACCO IN LARGE SUPPLY Of Vmiou* brand*aud qualities Agent* for tb* sale of PLOWS, and other Farming ImpUmrate. Georgia and Alabama LIME, tud Georgia ROOFING SLATE. Will te please , to fill order* for COTTON QOODS or otter Merchandise. aLGNW, WRIGHT Sc CARR, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HA. Gonnok cocktt. lAKKEIT.i . _, administrator of th* estate of Jacob hbott,having mad* application te me for letters R Rid dilNANd'ff Utltl - t to give nolle* to *11 conceited, kin- “ appenrat my oHce, within tbe i their oMectteii*, If uor the nay - t C. £. M1NN1CK, Light Carriage and Wagon Maker, 75 Gorman street, betweeu Psc* aud Euttw, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. GIFTS) 5 Grand Pianos iSleinway't.) value... Grand Pluos, iChickcring s,) value Carriage, from C. ' ' “ Gold Wal ' - 1 Carriage, fromC. Witty’s Repository. .0 Gold Watches 150 5 Melodtons ' 175 10 Lady's Gold Watches j,o 10 American Silver Watches ' 75 A Music Boxes 45 0 Elliptic Lock-stitch Bowing Machines!!!.' ! Co 3 Wheeler A Wilson’s Sewing Machines 75 4 Vt llcox A Gibbs’ Sewing Machines 44 50 Photograph Albums y u The balance to consist of Accordeons, Te* Sets, Silrer- w*re, Ac. No dollar Jewelry—no gift worth lest Uiau ten dollars. THE PRESS will te matted to any addren upon the receipt of price, 10 cent*, or eleven copies for el, twenty* three for ft, and eixly for $5. Addre**, STUART A CO., . “New York Preet.” nov3—lm No. 81 Broadway, New York City. GEORGIA, Hknut CODkTV. A BA R. BROWN, administrator on the estate of Henry Am* Bloke*, J*M of raid county, deceased, apptlee to me for letters of dltuluion from said administration— The** an therefore to give notice to *11 personeeo cerned, to file their ohjectlone ia my office, la term so tbe taw. If any they bare, why uld applicant *hould uo receive letter* of dlemlttlou *• prayed for. Given nnde my bond end official signature, May fig, 1807. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary . Printer* fee $4.50 mayfit—tamfim GMORGIA, CiaTTon Oocktv. *0 ALL WHOM IT HAT COXCKUK. mHOMAB JOHNSON, administrator ot ColviUe A. JL Cromblo, repreeents to the Court in bit petition, ?‘! l3 LSttS*ni*“i ,, S 40 “J^Y >^4 'f ,,u,, t * e •“* BiUyadmtu- tetered Colville A. Crombte’e estate— Thee* »r* therefore to notify all persons concerned to •Bowratee,« ft tfcvy tave, in terms of th* law, why soidadmtiUlrator ehould not te discharged from hit administration, aad receive letter* of dtomlseton on th* m*yl4—tamfim C. A. D^LLAtL Ordln Printer’s fee $4 GEOROIAs OwnraiTT Covntt, ^^ffWw,‘#J f i4Mr° n my 0n te% nnd official MgMtnro, Ma^fiT, 1M7. may39—tamfim KAKESTRAW, Ordli ITRAW, Ordinary. Printer^ fee »4 fo TRY IT A QUARTER 1 AM peeps red to extent* *11, order* tor Carriages i Repairing dene with r J Sukuilptia* ul Advertising Rites. S8SS