Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, January 31, 1827, Image 1

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Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1821. BY MYRON BARTLET. Volume 1...... Wo. 14. \tf7= The Telegraph is published weekly i Mricon, Ga.—Office on Cherry Street, near Public Square. i TERMS-—Three Dollars per annum, if [{A in advance, or Four Dollars at the end B Distant subscribers must in all the year. , pay in acloance. F /tfvertisements inserted at the usual rates. SULPHATE OF QUININE. rirsT received and for sale by * f LS1 FLUKLIt & COLLINS. MACON BANK, November 20, 1826. IlHS Bank will retrieve for discount, on Monday, . Wednesday and Friday of each week, Drafts XAueusta or Savannah. All paper offered must be E, «t the Bank before 10 o'clock A, M. of the afore- Id days JAMES REA, Cashier. >v 28 - COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscribers having formed a .connexion in the COMMISSION ’l.INE, will attend to all business addressed to either of them, hereaf ter, under the firm of Hill & Stone. PARIS IIIL1„ J.&S. STONE. hramiah, October 30, 182C——2 ' FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. ■tflE undersigned, having formed a connexion in . the Factorage and Commission Business, in Sa- J^iah, under the firm of STILES & FANNIN, tmler their services to their friends and the public. r ' BENJAMIN ED. STILES, A. B. FANNIN. [ Their Counting Room is on Hunter’s wharf. } BT The Augusta Chronicle, Milledgeville Journal, Iccorder, and Patriot, and the Macon Telegraph, (ill insert the above once a week for three weeks, ml forward their bills, to the office of the Savannah (epablican. . • dee 10-—3t 8 FACTORAGE. THE subscribers continue to trans act FACTORAGE anil. CO.MM1S- \ SION BUSINESS in SAVANNAH. | All produce consigned to them, will be »insured -against fire, after it goes into ., without any charge to theoxvner. Storage on Cotton will be eight and a half cents per bale for the ht week, and six cents for each succeeding week; jut if it remains a month, twenty-live cents only xvill ■ charged fertile month,-and twelve and a half cents r each succeeding month, i T, BUTLER & CO. fnavemher 1 eotf- 1 HEARD & COOK, Factors and Commission Merchants, , AUGUSTA, FEEL thankful fo^the,liberal pat pronage they have received, | speclfuily inform tficir friends and the public generally that they continue 1 nusinesss at tiled - old stand on AI‘In- bshstreci. Their Warehouse and Close Storagcs%re h good order for the reception.of COTTON aud UckCtiANDIZE. Liberal advances will be made on' Cotton, when I their undivided attention* paid to the nnu ...... ,,V .«,»,« Nov. 1 2m—-1 FLUKER & COLLINS H AVE removed their DRUG STORE to one of the tenements in McDonald’s building, on Mul berry street, where they will keep constantly on hand, A General Assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, Surgeons’ Instruments, Glass Ware, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c. All of which will be sold on accommodating terms,. IQ—jan2 MEDICAL. THE subscriber, having associated with him Dr. WILLIAM B. ROGERS, form erly <>f Milledgeville, and well known as a practitioner of Medicine in thut place. They respectfully offer their services in t the different BRANCHES of tliei^ PRO FESSION, to the citizens of Macon apd its vicinity. AMBROSE BABER. WILLIAM B. ROGERS. nov 28——2in M m; if plication. DR. A. L. ACEE HAS removed to Murphey’s Building, near the Market-House; and still offers his services to the diseased part of this community.—He has, on hand, the inva luable NORRIS’S POWDERS, which my medical friends only can have by ap ian 17 3t 12 MERCHANTS' HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Comer of King and Society Streets, SKIN—RIS1NO ?VN, Immediately in the centre o/ foe Wholesale Dimness, IT is considered sufficient to add, that this well known establishment is still un der the immediate direction of the sub- scribe! - , who is evergtateful foTtlic liberal patronage lie has received for five yenrs, during which he lms been engaged in the business; and that he lias encaged the personal attention'of Mr. CnnisTornr.n Miner, of Clinton, Georgia, whose un divided attention will be given to his guests. ' . 3 CHARLES H. JW0T7 nov 21—3m M i i PLANTERS' HOTEL. ill THE subscribers huving rented that well known, House, on the ----,- ' r — THE SUBSCRIBER IEGS leave to return (honks to his friends and the J public forthe liberal patronbgohuhasrcceiv- ii in his Line, and informs them that her continues to ■ausaetthe . ’ ' • ] ■’ WARE HOUSE • y and ii- COMMISSION BUSINESS B bis old stand, occupied for many years past by fimself and Holcombe & Brother, und solicit)) a kmlinaance of their favors—His Warehouses for the pception of COTTON arc in complete order, and is personal attention will be given to itrusted to his care ; aiid ho hopes from strict alien m to give general satisfaction.—Advances on pro ace vail'be made to a liberal amount whenever re ared,-and a sufficient amount will be kept ivsint- r 011 Cottons in his Warehouse to cover nny pro- r t,,s ' 0?s that may be sustained by fire. , JOHN C, HOLCOMBE. I Augusta, November 1. 1820. WARE HOUSE v ' aso' "OR ' COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber having taken an i extensive and coriimodious Wurehouso J in Macon, is now prepared to receive f COTTON. A close Warehouse is also .... ^attached to the establishment, which Ini be convenient for Receiving, Storing, and For- H'"SG° 0 DS. ” i [All Orders directed tothe subscriber.will meet the ■ed prompt attention. j A „ G “ d Supply of GROCERIES will he furnish- ..which will be sold for produce or casli on the reasonable terms. / • ' ■• *bJWd a ^ vance5 *111 be made on Cotton when DjC, subscriber solicits n slfnre of patronage from fenlM a ". d Me-cliants, wlio visit fho place; and p nieages himself to consult the wishes and interest his customers. ; t v - , JESSE STRATTON, ireuembej 1, -iggc. [Their M'KINNE Sf CO. HAVING recommenced the FAC TORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS iuttlic City of Augusta, re spectfully tender their services to the public .general Commission Merchants. , c |!® r ?cs arc governed by, the present.low Cotton. Instead of. 05 cents to >!? 12 1-2 oitli’« ,nslwul ot, ss» cents for tlm first Btcy will as? 12 1-2 cents, and for es P“ e > being one half of the present ill , 8 other iVarehmfses in this place, linst i„. ffioy may. receive will he fully insured Mped fire ' without the owners of it being uw&m ny ? hin S fop,uc ' 1 insurance. By this nr- Itc X .1, ’. s! ‘°uld every bale of Cotton they niay PromiMJ® P?"J ssion > be destroyed by fire, it wifi n" c i,i y . l V uldforat current price of the day ^accident should happen. "• August 29 3m—l. f AMES FINXGAN, COACH, HOVSE, SIGN, nr**. . ANP ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, , ^TFTI.LY informs the citizen? of Macon its vicinity, that he executes PAINTING an as *' re i atRS to Houses, Coaches, 'Viiihr » s, g n s " ith quickness and fidelity; and MWfivlV. 111 i or :i s ^ mre their putroimgo. 'had u-m ' Al RONS, A c. &c. designed and ! *r ‘;q * C3S an - l:le 6? nc “ hairs. ’ / A*e\\ Clothing Store, AND HAT WAREHOUSE. P JUDSON & CO. on Mulberry street, near J. • II. Wick (( Co. have just received und wilt keep constantly on hand, a general assortment of Fine and coarse CLOTHING, ’ European and Domestic DRY GOODS, Consisting of Blue, Black, Olive, Claret and Drab BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and all other articles usually kept by Merchant Tai lors. TAILORING. All orders in the Tailoring line will be. thankfully rcceived'and punctually attended to. Having receiv ed Workmen from New-York, with the latest fash ions, they will be enabled to do their work with neat ness'And despatch, and liope by strict attention to bu siness to merit u share of public patronage. N. B. They will receive quarterly the latest- New-York Fashions. HATS. They have also on hand, a general assortment of Imitation Beaver, Fine and Common Roramand Wool HATS, and expect shortly a quantity of Fine Beaver Hats. Having experienced the _ inconveniences of having Hats brought out in a finished state, they.will advisedly have their Hats principally finished in this place. Astliis branch will be conducted by a professed finisher from Now- York, they will be enabled to offer their Huts in a fash ionable and saleable condition, Wholesale and Retail, ■as low as they .can be bought in Savannahor Augusta. Merchants and others are invited to call qnd exam ine for, themselves. Merchants tfaving Hats on hand in an unsaleable indition, caii if they wish • have them blocked and dressed in n condition to be salcablo, , OLD HATS dressed over on the shortest notice.'' A liberal price allowed on second h’apd Hats and Clothing in exchange for new. » . SHELL COMBS. 50 dozen superior Brazilian SHELL COMBS, for sale low as above. 13——jan 84 & fronting the court house, und mine vari ous improvements therein, it b: opened for the ENTERTAINMENT of HOARD ERS and TRAVELLERS. ’Personscalling in them', will find their accommodations as good as-* any es tablishment of the kind HI the up-coimfrt. JORDAN & DILLON. Monlicello, Ga. November l (iw LANDS, RENT. A GREEABLE to an Act of tiio Legislature, as sented to by his excellency the Governor on the twenty-seventh day of .December, eighteen hundred -and twenty-six, Will be Rented to the highest bidder, at the Old Agency, on Flint Birer, oil MONDAY, the fifth of February next, All the RESERVE and FERRY at said Ageney. " Also—on THURSDAY, the eighth of February, will be Rented to the highest biddti, at General Ware’s, oil Flint Rtver, 'Fayette County, All the cleared LANDS, BRIDGES and FERRIES, in the Coifnties of Cowcta and Carroll, that are Reserves and Fractions, and nolsubject to be drawn for.jn the contemplated Land Lottery. The . Renting to commence at ten ofclock, A. M. and continue from day to day, till all is rented. Terms of Renting—Bonds or Notes vitli approved se curity,- made payable on the twenty-fi^h day ofT)e- Gembcr next, will be required. JOHN THOMAS, Cmmissioner. jan 1C——2t ‘ - ' TO REN T, A ROOM, in a central pai[ of the town, JUST RECEIVED, tiryns nybaatJUiingSlntu, Barrels Irish Potatoes 25 do Sugar . 20 do .superfine Flour , 5 hogsheads Whiskey C tons Iron ,J. 20 dozen lions id barrels best Rye Gin Powder, Shot and Lead—For Sale low for Cash, by - STONE - &COIT. All persons Indebted to the firm of .Stone S{ Coil, ei ther by Note or Account, are requested to settle tlic same without delay., : jan 24 ESTRAY.! - ’ . T , On the 15th of the present month, the subscriber took lip, in the Creek Nation between Beech Creek aid New River, on the Cliatalioocby.a hindsome black GELDING, about 15 hmds high. The Horse is left under the care of Capt. Arron Talmadge, at Forsyth, Monroe county, where tie owner is re- qucsted’to call for his property, pay tjie proper char ges, and take him away. ■„ ■ -,|i jan 1-—3t SANS N. CLARK. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. ■ STRAYED from the subscriber, liv ing in Clinton, Jones county, about the first of October last, a likely Bay'Mare, ‘9 or 10 years old, with a white streak in , the face, and one hind foot while. . It is probable said Mare may have been stolen.— The above Reward will be given on her deliveiy to me, and any information, on the subject Ihaukfully received. Clinton, Jan, 17. 3t ' NANCY JONES. MISCELLANEOUS. TOLLAND COURT HOUSE. Thursday night was a very colcl one, particu larly in Tolland. The Court had been in ses sion all day—the lawyers had finished tliftir ‘bar ineeting’—the landlord bad rakod up bis fire, the landlady had bolted lier door, and the “multitude of counsellors,” wherein is sq^d to be safety, had gone to sleep.. The cry office, alarming every where, but especially in a place where there is neither engine to put it out, nor newspapear to chronicle tho disaster, came up on their demurring slumbers like a sur-rebut- ter. Where was it? Not in a private dwelling —notin the jail, but in their workshop,the Court House. . “Oh, * then and there’ was hurrying to andfro." A descent in shirt tail was mado upon the kitchen,—the learned brothers, well knowing the truo definition thereof in G. A Stove ns qn •heads, page 10 tit. Law, where a kitchori defined to he camera neccssaria pro usus cook- arc, cum saucepanhis,stewpannis,palisque^bvick- etaltlis, Syc. proceeded to dip', fill, draw, e.v? haust, pump and drain from a certain piece,of rock or- land covered with water, called a w oil, and forthwith to apply tho samo to the use and behoof of the said Court House first above mentioned. Tho fire, though abated, filtered for costs. Wc recollect but uuc placo on re cord where a courthouse ever goton fire. It was in Middlesex ss. Middletown, where' the great anxiety was not so much to put it out, as to stay the flames until a model could be taken of the building there being none other like it in the wholeyvcirld.—Hartford llirror, Jan. 1 Arctic land expedition.—Letters have been rived at Makenzie’s rivety at its junction with the River of the mountains, in August, 1825, and finally doscotjded to the mouth of the Ma* kenzie. “From Garry’s island, lying'twenty- eight or thirty miles to leeward of tho river’s mouth, they had a wide prospect of salt water ^a — I....... .1 ! a. * n i. al .. nvM ..iT.Ia.. suitable for an office, store pr shop, hr f rce f rom ,- cc an J abounding in seals and white ; d2ii. whales. This' was ^clioeWntj-prospect^ EST RAY. I remaining a day on tho island to ascertain "by TO THE PUBLIO.- 9TRHE subscribers having purchased the Store Jate- iL: ly occupied by Mr. A. E. Stratton, togetlier with his STOCK of GOODS. now offer them on as liberal terms as they can be had at any store in tho County. The former customers of MT. Stratton, and the public generally, are most res' pectfuily solicited to call, with this assurance, that no exertions on pur part shall bo wonting to render them every, satisfaction. A good supply of GROCERIES will be kept con stantly on hand. ‘ Additions to the present stock are, daily expected. 'Liberal Discounts will always be made on all pur chases for Cotton or Casli. TAYLOR, MURDOCK & CO; Hillsborough, Jasper County, Jan. 1,1827.’ BOARD OF PHYSICIANS Of the State of Georgia. T HE following extracts from the Bylaws adopted by tlie Board at their first meeting, nrc . made itilic, tor the information of candidates who- may in lure apply for License to prnctico Medicine, A c. 1st. Applicants for examination shdll be required to write anil present a Thesis on some medical subject, and hand (lie same to (hr Dean on or before each an nual meeting of the Board. 2d. The Board will require of each candidate a competent knowled-j of Chemistry, Anatomy, Mate ria Mcdica, Physiology, Surgery, Midwifery, and the Theory and Practice of Medicine, and will not grant n license to any candidate who is materially deficient in any of those branches. ; ' 3d. In future, applicants having Diplomas, shall .be expected to send them to this Board lor examination, and that in no case sitall a temporary or permanent license be grunted upon the testimony of a member of this Board, or any other individual, without the Di ploma. 4th. A re-examination xvill be granted by the Board at the same session, to rejected applicants, on the sole condition, that the second examination lie held pub licly, and the questions and answers recorded on the miiiu’cs. ■' The order of elimination-xvill be so conducted, as to commence with the first name enrolled, and pro ceed numerically, until the list is gone through, and if any applicant is absent, xvheti ids presence is required before the Boqvd, the next named shall be presented in Ids place, und the name of the absent placed at the bottom of the list. • < • Applicants ore notified, that letters addressed to me in Lexington, Oglethorpe county, post paid, request- ing’lheir names enrolled, with their residence, aud-ti tle of Thesis, will be duly attended to. - ( ALEX, M. JONES, M. D. > * { Dean of the Board of Physicians of the Slateof Georgia. Milledgeville, Dec. lfe23. * RULES OF PRACTIcKmM W ILL lie. published, by j the subscriber, in fou - | xveeks, the Rules of Practice at Law and I'iM tv, established by the Judges of the Supreme Courts of the State of’Georgia at their - annual convention held in Milledgeville. Attorneys, idul others can be furnished with copies at fifty cents ea | > Milledgeville, Notembtr li, 1820. - 50 DOLLARS REWARD Strayed or stolen from tho subscriber, on the 2d inst. from I | Macon, a blind, gray MARE, about five fodl high, eight or nine years old, in very good order; has a lump on o'ne of lier hamstrings, occa sioned by a cut. 'T have, good reasons to believe she was stolen by some person from a rack. She had an old saddle on, the pad very much xvdm—a blanket under the saddle—plated stirrups, hnve.been the first rstc—a plough bridle. If she was stolen by. any xvldte person, l will give fifty dollars forthe mare nn’d conviction of the thief; or five dollars for the mare alone. And if stolen by a negro, ten dollars for the mare and conviction of the thief. Any information on the above subject thankfully reeciveu. • * NATHAN BRADY, Cruufard County. TSt'tbfOI GEORGIA—PIKE COUNTY. Clcrkvf the Inferior Court’s Office.'.-, HARLES MoDOlVI.l.l,, of Cant. Scott’s dis trict, tolls before Getugc IV’. Derdin, fc-q. one black HOUSE, supposed to be 8 or 9 yews old, four feet higli, racks well, lias a snip on bis nose, some saddle spots on his back, right fore foot white, and Ims a knot on tiie rigiit check—shod ail round. Appraised by Wiley and Willis Manghain, to one hundred dollars, this 3Jth Nov. 1820. dec 12 7 II. G. JOIINPON, Fieri;. _GEORGIA—Montgomery County. W HEREAS Calvin Quin me top Let ters of Administration on the estate of John Qtiin, late of said Coun'v, deceased.' 2Ve,'-< are tlurifure k, rilr ar.d aitnx.hi. 1 ; utl "nd >in- gular the kindred and creditors of said dieeascd, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by taw,to shew cause, if any they can,why said tellers should not be granted. ' ■' •’ "-V-- -T'., Given underroy hand, tills 7th day of January, 1827. LUCIUS CHURCH, jan 2-1 Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY. £3 Clerk's Office of the Inferior, Court. FSiLAS LIZENUY, of Captain IVoon’s. district, tolls before Matthew Sikes, Esqf a dark Roan Horse, * - ' * * —'— *• ~’~^tTncJ>ni imbcrly ■I .... Ruu9W cember, 1826. > JOSHUA PATTISHAI.L, jan.17 Clerk of the Inferior Court. Jupreo FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. fttTOLEN from the undersigned in Twiggs county, K5 on Saturday,'tlie 30tli ultimo,* Negro Wench, nnmedMINTA; about five feet fiveinchei high, light complected, handsome features, itenderperson, about twenty-four years old, and seven months advanced i n pregnancy. As she took aivay with her several suits of cambnek, caliciji, - and coarse cytton, it is impossi ble to describe i;er dress’. It is supposed that the xvas stolen by n young man; of the same county, ami who was believed-to lmxrd kept her ox a wife; and i( is pro bable, that they will attempt to reach some of the free States. Fifty dollars reward xvill lie. given for the ap prehension of the wench and thief, so that the ono e recovered aud the other prosecuted; or twenty-five dollars for the wench alone. > „ THOMAS JONES, jan 9~ 3tp 11 . - sfc n.L-4 - - observation its position, and which they found ito be lat. S6 deg. S9 tain, north, Iojij. J35 dog. 41 min. west, they ro- itsconded the river, and - joined us here on the 6tli of September. The expedition, tip to, this latter, date, had travelled from New-York 6,lS6ralles, or‘fi'0th Ijjchotangiusbchb, tho orit- post of Canadian settlements, about 4,444 miles from the 23d of April.” • Capt. Franklin ^id, not riot see any Esqui maux oh the son shore—but met xvith several encampments, apparently recently erected, at which bo left preserffe of it ou work—which it Stnce appears, were kindly and gratefully n - ceivOd had tho voyagers, were informed through a neighboring tribe, that the residents of the s’ca-coast would bo prrfpatesf to gixfo them a kind reedption. next season—that is the season la^t passed. The, discovery of juhahitatits and of.a sea clear of- 1 ice, In this high latitude seems to add something to Syntmes’ theory, ,ut least so far as to shew a miider climate bevor.d what Mr. Reynolds calls flic “ity circle.” It isnowns admitted, by the discoveries of Parry and Franklin, that this part of tlje Polar Sb.i ts per fectly navigable, as. it xvas free from islands or ice so far as thb eye could reach, at an elevation of two hundred feet-. The’London'Quarterly Review seems jealous lest the Americans should take tip the subject, and ascertain the long hidden and zealously sought for coridilion of the earth at the pole. Capt, Party was about to Icax - e England on a now expedition, which will bo fitted out xvith all that can lie done to insurc'succcss to it, so that the pole shall;be. readied by-land or water as may he necessary or convenient.—Niles' Register✓ with those of tho same—It-is a species of hu miliation to 1 women of sense to bo treated with thoxvliipped svlfdudi of tl ittefy for personal charms, with the linin' tondliu", commonly mis* earned g .Uand-y, as it would have been for Ju piter to have taken ambrosia from tho hands of his cup hearer, through a amif. When man meets his fellow, ho treats him as lie would wish to Ik- used—tin. - interests of fact, opinion, lit erature and the world, are discussed upon a footing of equality—wit is hrightenod by mu tual corruscation, anil wisdom is schooled from argument, and a sound expression of mutual opinion. But how is it that tho sexes meet? The greatest of our own sex. is itlio w.M agrcepblc to the other—argument, or a.cbriflictlon of sentiment bqtxveon tho two is deemed rudeness —a conversation upon scientific matters, sub jects elllier of the parties to a chijrgo of pedan- tp y* Tjie whole art of pleasirt^'the society of the fair seems to he acknowlgd^bjl ! . by ,all, as cpnsisting (in the Scotch geutletnanVphrase) “iit hoofng arid hobing.” Washington /m'ng.--Until a day or txvo since, tho last that wo Jtoard of bur countryman Irving, xvas, that I10 had gone to Spain for tho purpose of examining the manuscripts stil^ex- Uint nmong tho arthives of that nation relating to.-Christopher Columbus, preparatory to wri ting a history of his life,-hut ho hail afterwards abandoned tho project:; The latter is so fir true, that Mr. Irving, at first.phcing his prin cipal dependence upon the ancient manuscripts of Navarette,-n\v\ those falling short of his expections, for a time gave up his researches. But we arc now happy to have it in our pow er to say, that lie 1ms since.discovered other and received frond capt. Franklin’s party, dated nnpprtant manuscript documents, r - which have. ‘^Grcat Bear lake” lb February last 1 . They ar- encouraged him to recommenco'tlie highly' re- i-|—i ;-' i—' — : — :-1 - sponsible work pf presenting to the world a biography of the-discoverer of, the western continent, and that he is prosecuting it xvith all diligence. His Opportunities aro propitious, as he. forms a part of the diplomatic family of Mr. Everett, our Minister at Madrid, and xvc understand, ims tlie facilities nccessaiy for his undertaking. We congratulate our countrymen upon the prospect, and J li;i t a history, of which xve had djspaired, R jikoly. to devolve- upon one who has acqiiittfcd himsslf so creditably in whatever he has, thus fat; undertaken. The lifo of Na poleon, by.Scott, aiftl of Columbuj; t Irvmg, if well executed, will form two of tho,’most tn- .1 TEACHER WANTED. X(HE siikscrilier will.give liberal wagoj 10 n . Teacher to iutruct three children ir. tnq ENG LISH and LATIN LANGUAGES- TIiom; nhhing to undertake, and being well qualified, xvill be pleas ed to address me at Ashl'-y’x Mills, Telfair county, Ga. 'nov 7-——St WILLIAM ASHI.i.I. On the usefulness of Frogs in destroying Insects in Gardens. (Extracted from n jfrench periodical work received In exchange forthe American Former.J Gardners xvago tlie same war against frogs as with moles and other insects mischevious to their crops. But they are wrong in including frogs in the goncral proscription, since they not only do them- no injury, but render them, on the contrary, impbrtanwservices; for' they are carnivorous as well as herbivorous, and greatly] prefer insects to vegetable food. They are particularly'fond of snails, and swallow, them’ even with their sfiells on, when they are not too large. ' If you open a frog, you xvill find his stomach full of insects hurtful to agriculture, and especially snails. Tho shell they digest, or rather dissolve in tlioir stomachs, in the samo way that dogs doioues,.and turkies the shells of nuts. v’yLdJ [Wo once mentioned a fact which was j>or- Imps viewed as .1 jest though not so intended— xve have learned from our mivy. officers, with perfect convictiou of its truili, that in Itally and ou the shores of the mediterranean, tur keys are fattened by feeding them on unbroken English Walnuts, which they have the power to digest speedily. As to employing frogs for the destruction of insects, would it not he quite as xvell to breed land terrapins for that purpose? They probably subsist more exclu sively on tho insect tribe. How wonderful the arrangements of Providence, wliicb'seoms to have created otic species of animated cx- istencics merely to subsist on anotlibr, anil that another—perpetuating the race of each by tlie same principle; for truo it is, that “Not taab Alone, but :.!l that roam the wood, Or win- the sky, or roll nlong’thc flood, Each loves i'-elf, but not itseltalone, Eiii'li sex desires alike, till txvo nrc one. j , ' Mind should be mingled xvith ntind, as much in the converse xvith the diffincr.t sexes, ;is teresting.features,jn',tho,literature of the pr.c- sentccntury.—.V. Y, Times. . Trotting Match.—A trottingjhatch against time, for a bo; of Urn thousand’dollars, took place yesterday on the Washington Rare . •Course, near this city, between tlie hours of 10 ’md 3 o’clock. The conditions xvere, that the horse should go fifty times I'.iuru! tlie course, (a distance of ono mile) in five successix-c hours; xvhieh xvas performed in 2,minutes and 14 se conds within tho time—ho xvas driven by a gen-, tlemnn in a«sulkey. In tho forty-sixth mile, the horse .broke into a cantor; in the forty eighth, he again trotted for thrette quarters of a mile, and then cantorod the remaining distance.-^- Tho excitemoqt;among the spectators became- intense the lust two utiles, „aiid km'-jiis cont- *■ ing in winner, a general.'acclamationrensi)ed ; t which alarmed tHohorse; at tho.-samo-unsi^t, E the bit broke, and ho, ran. xvitii much violence l toward - ; tin; city—the gontlcmon being eiudil- - to rcstraln.hirij, - xxiw thrown fioni the sulkeya short distance frpm tho .eourso; and tho liorso,; after dashing the vehicle in pieces,*an through^*, tho city for some timb, bofo{o.ho could be ar rested. One or two gentlemen x^lto.jxvorov mounted, p.ursuetl him .it first for some dis tance, hot xvithoutthe possibility of.ovcrtakjng. him. We are happy to add,^hat-tho gentle man xvho xvas thrown, and who xvas at. first re ported to.have been killed, is not seriously in jured. ’ VA'-i u .G MEDICAL PRECEPTS/, Health maybe as .much injured by inten- rupted and insufficient'sleep, ns by luxurios in dulgence. The debiliated require much more rest than till? robust; nothing is so restorative to the nerves as sound and unintetrupted sleep. . Tho studious need a full portion of sleep; xvhieh seems to he as necessary a nutriment to the brain as food is to the stomach. Our strength and spirits are infinitely more exhaust ed by the exercise of our mental, than by tho labour of our^'corporeal faculties—let any ono try the effect of intcitso application for afexv hours: he xvill soon find noxv much his body is.fati^oil'therelxy, although he is not stirred from tito cliatr he sat on. Those who aro candidates for health, must bo as circumspect in the task they set tlioir mind, as in tho exor cise tltoy give to Ilteir body. Tito brain de mands a much more abundant supply of animal spirits thuii is required for the excitement of mere legs anifarms. Those xvbo possess and employ tim poxvers'of the mind most, seldom# attain to great age. ^UnBSmiuu, dining together,^jf&etnlP noticing a, spot of grease on tho neckcloth of his compapion, Said—“I sco you arc a Gre- < i'a>i"“I’ooh,”'Saidtho other, ^’that’s fiir-fotclt- ed." “No, indeed," said thejpunster, “I mado it on the spot." ■, t A correspondent of tho Baltimore Palriot, anmrtgoilier speculations, writes, that the state of Virginia xvill tlirow away her vote in the next Presidential election, a statement which it requires more faith to believe than xve pos sess in letters of this discrintiongenerally, and that Governor Tylor, or P. ^P. Barbour will. bo elected by the Legislature of that state, Senator iq Congress, in tho room of Mr. Ran' dolpll. '*