Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 07, 1827, Image 1

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Wednesday, FeY>. 1, 1821. BY MYRON BART LET. y» The Telegraph is published weekly ^con, Ga.—Office on Cherry Street, near c Public Square. TERMS.—Three Dollars per annum, if i,l in advance, or Four Dollars at the end the year. Distant subscribers must in all t« pay in advance. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. GARDEN SEEDS. pjjE.sH assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, i * colum .' SULPHATE OF QUININE. VST received and for sale by ■ FLUKER & COLLINS. te. 12. MACON DANK, November SO, 1820. I HIS Bank will recieve for discount, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each weekr Drafts August* or Savannah. All paper offered must be stthe Bank before 10 o'clock A. M. of the afore* Id days. JAMES REA, Cashier. STONE <*• CO IT HAVE just received, from Boston and KeweYork, andur&now opening, A LARUE ASSORTMENT ov JD SEASONABLE GOODS, jlxoso which, ajis tub roitowiwo: iner Broadcloths and Cassuneres tic black and mixed Satinetts uj mixed and white I'iaius live fustians Ifile and point Blankets Id and U nite Flannels hid and cnmblet Cloaks Town and bleached Shirtings Lucsiic Fluids and Checks 'ood assortment of Calicoes and Bombazets ■inline, chocked, Jaconet and book Muslins til, figured and sprigged Muslius lane and line Cambrics Jovvn and colored Cambrics Station and buff Cravats Ik and cotton Handkerchiefs lacy grean Scarfs and Shan Is kis de Naples and pink green Handkerchiefs . Jick Sarsnet, and Levamiue Silks Kite and green Florence Silks x “ jmereand worsted Shawls ied Batiste, and Augoia Tippets juton and Italian Crapes Lured and iNuukiu Crepes T-siun and Scotch Diaper Idles' kid Clove} ldics’ black horseskin Gloves lutleuicu’s beaver and liorseskin Cloves Ighbrn aud straw Bonnets Ittua and worsted Hosiery Irk and flohnee Robes Iglisli Uingbums, Ribbands lady-made Vests, |' ll and burn Combs hionalilc beaver Hats -ihioiiable roram Hats Lick and drab wool Hats Intiemea’s common and fine Shoes ■dies’Morocco and prunelle Shoes ' ' —" i, misses and children's Shoes " i, Salt, Caxtincs. nnd ■ f-'icm Baeaituf erv. Crockery , end Glass Wans , ley will also receive, by the first B6at«, a large jortiueut of GROCERIES—all of which drill bo Id fur cashoaly. 1 WANTED ... Jve hundred bales of COTTON,'for which cash jll be paid. . ; nov 7 O N MONDAY, tho 19th of February nest, we shall, in pursuance of tlie late act of Assembly, expose to sale, at auction, on the premises, A larger number of LOTS in the town of MACON, and of more Various Descriptions, than hare ever before been ifftrul in any one year. Ten.of those called WATER LOTS, (being such as adjoin the River,) will be sold, embracing nearly all tlie most valuable Wharf Sites and Landing Places within the town None of this description, except ing two, have ever heretofore been brought into the market. We shall also offer 30 Half Acre Lots, lying in va. , Family Besides these, we are further directed to lay off and sell 20 Lots, of Four Acres each, about half a mile from town. These it is presumed, will afford a num ber of pleasant situations for such persons as (nay pre fer to reside in the vicinity. Terms—Purchasers ore to pay in hand one fourth of the purchase money, in specie, or iu bills of the Ma con Bank, or in bills now at par of any of the char tered Banks of this state, or of the United States; and for the residue,, will be required to give bond with f ood security, payable in three annual instalments, f any purchaser should fail to comply with the terms within such time as maybe prescribed, the Lot will be resold at his risk. Tlie Sale will continue from day to day until com pleted. ' ABNER WIMBERLY, WILLIAM HAMILTON, JAMES SMITH, \ Com'rs. PLEASANT PHILLIPS, OLIVER H. PRINCE, Jan 17 ■ 31 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. SffnHE subscriber offers fffi 1 sale the HOUSE and <iL LOT, at present, occupied by himself, in the town of Macon. The House is of two stories, on the corner of Walnut and Fourth streets, (between 'Mul berry street and the Warehouses,! and in one of the most pleasant and healthy situations* in town. The upper story contains four convenient rooms, all hand somely finished for the accommodation of a genteel family, and now commands a rent of three hun dred dollars per year.—The lower part is calculated and finished expressly for a Dry Goods and Grocery Business; for which it is now occupied. The Improvements, uttnehed to the House, are a large and commodious framed Kitchen, eighteen by thirty feet, a Smoke House, and one of the finest Wells of Water in the place, within ten yards of the door. ■ - As the object in selling is to settle an undivided in terest in the property, it is offered a bargain; and should it not be disposed of before Monday, the 19th of February, it will, on that day, be positively sold at public auction. For terms, which will be libera), and a farther de scription of the premises, apply to .. NATHANIEL BARKER, janftl—~*3t 14 Dll. BUCHANAN H AS located himself in Macon; where he may be found as a PRACTITIONER of MEDI- CINF- jan‘31 ■ 14 HEARD & COOK, Factors and Commission Merchants, AL’GUSTA, FEEL thankful for the llberkl pat- l rouage they havo received, and rc- I snectfully ipferm their friends and tile- public generally, that they continue tmsincsss at their old 1181111 on M 4 ln- rh street. Their Warehouse and Close Storages are I good order for the reception of COTTON and IKKCHANDIZE. , |Uberal advances will be made on Cotton, when fliiired, and their undivided attention paid to the finess of those who may be pleased to patronise, an. Nov. 1 2in 1 FLUKER & COLLINS H AVE removed their DRUG STORE to one of the tenements in McDonald’s budding, on Mul- berry street, where they will keep constantly on band, A General Assortment qf DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, .Surgeons’ Instruments, Glass Ware, Dye Stuffs,^tc. &c. All of which will be sold on accommodating |erms. , ' ' 10—jan 2 Lp nubl LuihisUi THE SUBSCRIBER EGS leave to return thanks to Ids friends and tlie iblic for the liberal patronage ho has receiv- Une, und informs them that he continues to t tho - — J WAREHOUSE COMMISSION BUSINESS t his old stand, occupied for-many year* past by imself and Holcombe & BnoriiEn, and solicits ■ Pntinuan'cc of their favors—Ills Warehouses for tho ceptinn of COTTON are in complete order, «ml * mrsu.sal attention will be given to. all liusir — '“Med to his caret and he hopes from strict nt to give general satisfaction.—Advances’ on pro- 1 will Iw made to a liberal amount whenever rc- ed. and a sufficient amount, will be kept utsCA- 1 on CoUons in his Warehouse to coyer any rno- “U loss that may be sustained by fire. . . JOHN C. HOLCOMBE, November 1, 1820. r i'v. WARE HOUSE ABO COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber having taken an i extensive and commodious Warehouse Sin Macon,Is now prepared to receive " COTTON. A close Warehouso is also •attached to the establishment, which I be convenient for Receiving, Storing, und For- fdiag GOODS. - - ill Orders directed to the subscriber will moot tho ’■ attention. *' * Good Sunpiy of GROCERIES will be furnish- i winch win be sold for produce or cosh on the rn^ e4 !° n( ! b,e terms. * m •q bed 6 ^ vanc * s bc “tide on Cotton when he subscriber solicits a share of i from .Hi*? Merchants, who visit the place; and If nUcusto *° conlut Gm white* and interest JESSE STRATTON November l t FACTORAGE ~ COMMISSION BUSINESS. undersigned, having formed a connexion in .. l ^“otorago and Commission Business, in So- under the Arm of STILES & FANNIN, r 4 " their services to their friends and the public. BENJAMIN ED. STILES, ™. . _ A. B. FANNIN. tnebCountiog Room is on Hunter’s wharf. S.TLj™ Augusta Chronicle, Mllledgeville Journal, kill-’ V 11 ' Patriot, and the Macon Telegraph, ,„ j ‘htert the above once a week for three weeks, ■ttonvard their bills to the office of the Savannah PoMiCitn. tlec jo O’. 3 MEDICAL. THE subscriber, having associated with him Dr. WILLIAM B. ROGERS, form erly of Mllledgeville, and well known as Tir^'reipejrie^fc^iJfffi-ta that place., the different BRANCHES of their PRO FESSION. to the citizens of Macon and its vicinity. * AMBROSE BABER. WILLIAM B. ROGERS. nov 38——2m JVew C\oth\ng Store, AND HAT WAREHOUSE. P JUDSON & CO. on Mulberry street near J. • B. Wick 5p Co. have just received andurlil keep constantly on liand, a general assortment of Fine and coarse CLOTHING, European and Domestic DRY GOODS, Consisting of Blue, Black, Olive, Claret and Drab BROADCLOTHS, CA881MERE&; VESTINGS, mid all other articles usually kept ' by Merchant Tai lors. TAILORING. All orders in the Tailoring liiie will be tianlfnlly received and punctually attended to. Havitg receiv ed Workmen from New-York, with the latest fush-. ions, they will be enabled to do their work with neat ness and despatch, and hope by strict attentim to bu siness to merit a share of public patronage; N. B. They will receive quarterly the lateai Nnv-York Fashions. HATS. } They have also on hand, a] general assortment of Imitation Beacyr, Fine and Common Roram and Woo; IfATS, and expect shortly a quantity of Fine Dearer Hats. Having experienced the _ inconvenienees of having Hate brought out in ir finished state, they will advisedly hive their Hats principally finished in this place. As tils branch will be conducted by a professed finisher Jr;ui New- York, they will be enalileffto offer their Hats in a Hurt.- ionable and saleable condition, Whaitsalc aiul Retail, os low as they can be bought in Snvannahor Augusta. Merchants and other* are invited to call and exam ine for themselves. Merchants having Hats on hand in an unsaleable condition, can if they wish have them blacked and dressed in a condition to he saleable, , OLD If ATS dressed over on tlie shortest notice. A liberal price allowed on second bam) Hats and Clothing in exchange for new. SHELL COMBS. 50 dozen superior Brazilian SHELL COMBS, for sale low os above. ' J3-J—jan 24 THE DROVVJVEJ) JIARPOONER. Many and itrongO'aio the accidents and ad ventures tiiat attend tlmso amphibious beings who traverse tho outstretched world of waters inquest of ocean’s unctuous monarch. But tlie most perilous incidents aro encountered by those mariners, who aro engaged in tho cap ture of that species of whalb called Spermaceti —pursuing tiiis groasy monster throughout all his favorite haunts and distaqt retreats Tu tho broad and fathomless Pacific. In gcnoral, tho Unwieldy leviathan exhibits no symptoms of a choleric temperament; and appears altogothpr unconscious of tho system atic warefure' so zealously waged upon his tribe, by the insignificant occupants of tho su- porincumbeut element. He knows nothing of their long and laborious crusades in machines moved by wind—he dreams not of their egg shell shiplings, in which, bout on death, and at mod with the picrcirg javelin, fasleucd to end less cords,, they pull themselves into his pre sence—nor does ho often heed the slight skiff as it slides towards him likoa six-logged gnat along TO THE PUBLIC. . SffRHE subscriber* having purchaxed thc'Storo late- j'y occupied by Mr. A. E. Strattcjb, together STOCK of GOODS.\ now offer tbenvon as liberal terms as they can be had at any store in the County. The former ijustomers of Mr. Stratton, and the public generally, at: most re*-' peclfully solicited to call, with tiiis assurance, that no exertions on our part wanting to render them every satisfaction. l A good supply of GROCERIES will lie kept con stantly on band. Additions to the present stock are daily expected. ‘ Liberal Discounts will always, be made on oil pur chases for Cotton or Cash. ’ " TAYLOR, MURDOCK & CO. Hillsborough, Jasper County, Jan. 1,1827. JUST RECEIVED, RE Ah By boat Rising States, lyxr Barrels Irish Potatoes ' 25 ‘do Sugar 20 do superfine Flour • j 5 hogsk-ad* Whiskey G Ions iron 20 dozen Hoes 40 barrels best Rye Gin Powder, Shot aud Lead—For Sale low far Cush, by STONE Si COIT. tnA , by*www indtWedJo-fli«.flrm pf Slone St Coil, ci- same without delay. . ' 3?tt|e the Vo\vwt\e 15. SELECT TALES. LANDS, Sic. to RENO'. A GREEABLE to an Act of tRe Legislature, as sented to by his excellency the Governor on the twenty-seventh day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, .... , Will be Rented to the'highest bidder, at the Old Agency, on Flint River, on MONDAY, the fifth °AlUlte ItESER-VE and FERRY at said AS A?.s£-on THURSDAY, the eighth of February, Will be Rented to the highest bidder, at General Bate's, on Flint River, Fayette County, * All tho deared LANDS, BRIDGES and FERRIES, hi the Counties of Coweta and Carroll, that aro Reserves and Fractions, and not subject to be drawn for in the contemplatqd Land Lottery. The Renting to commence at i*n o’clock, A. M. and continue from dnyto day, till-ail Is rented. Terms of Renting—Bonds or Notes with approved security, made payable on the twenty-fifth day of De cember next, will berequi red. - JOHN TII05IAS, Commissioner. ~jan 16- ‘2t JAMES FINXGAN, COACH, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, in uiuo, «i mr u. i, ii.ii.™ — — mu "! Chairs, arnT Signs, with quickness and fidelity; and he will be grateful for a share of their patronage. MASONIC APRONS, Ac, Ac. designed and finished, witit promptness and elegance., dec 2fl.i -2m — 9 COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscribers having formed a connexion in the COMMISSION LINE, will nlteud to all business addressed to either of thcnw hereaf ter, under the firm of Hilx A Stonk. PARIS HILL. J. AS. STONE. Savaunnh, October30, 1826—2, PTOUAGE and COMMISSION BU i 8INESS in the City of Augusta, re- speclfully tender their services to the public os General Commission Merchants. Their charges are governed by thh present low prices of Cotton. Instead of 25 cents for the first month’s storage, they will ask 13 l-2cents, and for selling 25 cents per bale, being one half of tlie present prices charged at tho other Warehouse* in this place.- 1 in mo.i.ia will 1m fill v IntnrfiH All Cortot, they may receive will he fully insured against losses bT fire, without the ownejrsbf It being charged any thing for such insurance. By this ar- rnngcmcht, should every bale of Cotton they may have in their possession, lie destroyed by fire, it will be promptly paid for at the' current price of the xiay the accident should bappes. Augusta, August SO 3th—1 NOTICE. W ILL be sold on the 2d of March next, all tlie PERSONAL PROPERTY of Jeremiah Tomp son, deceased, consisting of STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLANTATION TOOLS, and tlie like, too tediuus to mention.. Terms made known on the day of sale. THOMAS B. GORMAN, Adtn’r. Forsyth, Jan. 1824. 14 LOST or MISLAID, ■ A Bundle of PAPERS, among which arc several small Notes, made yablo to. myself; also one or two ,’ccipts given by N. Shirley to II. _ Crew for -Notes placed in his hands for collection. As the makers have been advertised of their loss, they can he of no use to any one but myself. Any information thankfully received, jan 17 It JOHN P. BOOTH. FACTORAGE. THE subscribers continue to trans act FACTORAGE aud COMMIS SION BUSINESS in SriFriAWAH. All produce consigned to them, will be insured against fire,- after it goes into store, without any charge t6 the owner. Storago on Cotton will be eight aud a half cents per bale for the first week, and six cent* .for each succeeding week; but if it remains n month, twenty-five cent* only will be charged for the month, and twelve and * half cents for each succeeding month. - . T. BUTLER & CO. november I ■ —ootf——I . GEORGlA-^-HOUSTON COUNT?. S Clerk’s Ofjtee of the Inferior Court. ILAS LIZENBY, of Captain Woon’s district, tolls before Matthow Sikes, Esq, a dprk Roan- Horse, about tea yean old, four feet seven or ci high, nearly blind. Appraised by Perry and Jesse Dupree to twenty doUurs—thlsl,-ihDe. comber, 1820. * jpSIlUA PATTISIIALL, Jan 17 CWritof the Inferior Coast. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. CITOLEN from the undersigned in Twigg* county, £9 on Saturday, tho 30th ultimo, a Negro W ench, named JUNTA, about five feet five inebe* b/gh, light complected, handsome features,slaaWJPtreou, ubout twenty-four yean old, and seveo months ( in prcgnuucy. As she took away with her several suits of cambrick, calico, and coarse cotton, it h impossi ble to describe her dress. It Is supposed that she was stolen by a young ra*n, of the sems wunty, tad who was believed to have kept her as awtfe; nml it is pi bable, that they will attempt to reach some »t the tree states. Filly ooilurs reward tvill be given ior thn ap prehension of the wonch and thief,. *o W the one to recovered and the other prosecuted; or twenty-five dollars for the wench alone. JQ ^ Jnn 0- 3tp"—-11 NOTICE milNE months after dete, application wi | be mad* la to the honorable the Inferiur Court of_Monroe County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to aril the Real Estate of Elijah Curry, deceased, for the benefit of l jan 17—>9m e heir* of. I HE1#4N, DURJ Guardian. RULES OF PRACTICE. ■**71LL be published, by tho'subscriber, in four v the Ilnl«9 of Practice at Law and E«jur- ty, establislied by (he Judges of the Supreme Court* of .the Stato of’Gcor.;ia at their annual convention held iu MilMgcsilh-. Atn>re..)» «i.«t othirs can be furnished with copies at fifty ccutseacli. . OfMEACHtuIi MilUdgtvillt, November if, 1826. lance stings him in tlio shoulder, or the horn of his on.-my, tho sword-fish, perforate bis rotund 6c oleaginous sides, no exasperated demon could evince stronger indications of wrath, rago and madness. At first, ho plunges incontinent into the deep abyss—then, wheeling upward, ho urges his immonse body at full length into the air, lashing with his ample fluke tho foaming wave, and rending to atoms every substance, within his reach. In tho inonih of December, tho summer of the southern hemisphere, a Nantucket ship was cruising for whalos on tho coast of Chili. Nothing could exceed tho placid smoothness of the soas,or tho pellucid azure of the overhanging firmament. There, was just enough of motion in the atmosphere to propel tho vessel in hor course, and to invigorate her crew with the spirit of dntorprize. , Every sail was sot, and every bosom swelled witit the hope of a speedy accomplishment of tho object of ihoir ex pedition. Tho continont, and all the usual abodes of mortals, were far, far away. Home, and its sweet endearments, woro remembered as a by-gone vision; and considered in the fu ture, os saints think of heaven. The occasion al scream of au albatross, circling in tho tiluo expanse—tho monotonous dash of -tlie ship’s stem through tho scarcely resisting waters:—in termingled with the varied tones of a few hu man voices conversing familiarly on deck, wore the only sounds which distinguished that rogion from the primeval roalm of - ■’Silence coeval with Eternity.” ...^uddealv,.H. JUalW.liissing eructation like dying volcano, broke upon the ready cars of the seamen. A cry from the mast bond announced the appearance ofthoir prey; and at tho same instant the crew found themselves surrounded on oil sides by an oxtonsivo shoal of whales, floundering and spouting, and blowing, like so many English trumpeters at tho battle of Wa terloo. Forthwith, three boats were lowered manned, and supplied with all tho usual para phornalia, harpoons, lances, towliucs, waifs, oars and paddles; with n sail, a' bag of bread and a keg of water to each. They hud but ti short distance to row, ere they enmo in contact with their mighty enemy. Tho boats were severally commanded by the shipmaster and two of of his mates, assisted by their respective boatstecrer*, to whom tlie duty of strikiug the tho whale is ordinarily assigned. Tlie lar board waist boat, undor tho second mate’s dj rcction, contained in its bow an nctivo^young man who bad obtained tho esteem ot all his shipmates, and whom wo shall .introduce to our readers under tho name of Jonah Coffin.— Poising his harpoon, ho firmly awaited tho or ders of his suporior, then seated in tho boat’s stern. Before him, forcing itself furiously on ward, was a huge mass, alternately omitting, from its glosjy protuberances tho sparkling ef fulgence of a meridian suit or partially descend ing below tho temporary surge, forming little, vortices in its wake, and puffing from its nos trils tho encroaching brine. Long and patient ly did tho oarsmen tug at their stations—“pull away,” said the officer encouragingly—whilo ho drew towards him thehandlo ot his steering oar, .pjjQ"y*ry cyn of tlio nxonstev was now iu sight —**noW dart,” exclaimed tho matef and Jonah, with tho effort of a Polyphemus, drove the fa tal weapon fust ihto tho body of his gigantic on* tagmns^ ^ aw f u j raom0 nt; and tho adventu rous fishers had made every customary prepa ration for its approach,. But tlio.OJ.iect ot their toil, instead of dropping instantaneously iiito tlio depths beneath thence again to emerge, after some moments, for the sake of breath—or in stead of starting off horizontally, as K frequent ly the caso, with tlio velocity of lightning, drag ging his presumptuous pursuers through thcylis- parting wave, which throws swiftly upon either sido of their frail piuiiauce a transparent aheot of spray surmounted by gorgeous rainbows, rolled backward, and with preternatural frenzy, made for tho boat—his enormous jaws distend- oil to their utmost limits; and Iris tremendous tail now curving upward, and vibrating like a ligh'houso in an earthquake,- and anon falljng with horrid ihp upon the level bosom ol tho soundintr deep. The u>tomsIicd. sailors wore instinctively about to rush over board, when, with a convulsive bound—it was tlio leap ot a mountain—tho lacerated monster sprang entire ly over the boat, his unearthly dimensions strik ing principally upon the opposito side, and partly upon tho lr.igilo tlung ltsell, spilling it- contents, and grinding lb frame tosplintors. Tho mon wero .-.11 good swimmers, and save ono, betook fhcmi lve. without farther calcula tion, and with exemplary precipitancy, to tho profitable exercise of *thbir arms and leg*-^- whorehy Ihoy soon reached tlio boats of their comrades, aud wero out of danger. Not so with poor Jonah. In tho tumult of tho mo ment, lie had become entangled in tho tortuous coil attached to his harpoon. Not an instant had boon allowed to him, whoroiii ho might have seized tho hatchet, or unshoathod his jack- knife* and freed himself from so ungracious u predicament. Ho felt himself drawn by an ir- rcsratable power, down, down, nmidst intermin able caverns, and bottomless profundities.— What greatly surprised him, was his ability still to brouth, 1111(1 to see. Passing with tho rapidi ty of thought, along immeasurable distances, ho had opportunities to scuu hut fow of those vast gulphs.—Hero lay an extonsive forest of coral, inhabited by shapes indescribable—there mov ed an intmenso mass of gelatinous matter, cn- compassod by myriads of submarine prodigies, to piscivorous man hitherto unknown. Tho seadovii, with his oinorald horns: tho tartarcan crab, with a million of claws, each a furlong in ,n ugth; tho ponderous synimesian oyster, whoso icll opens wide enough to admit a seventy- re, sot in countluss diamonds, may bo soon nt depth of fivo hundred fathoms; sea-gorgons, hydras, griffins phoenixes, and all manner of beautiful reptiles, wero quietly feeding, or frolicking without noise, in those unsearchable regions. And horc, some philosophers may he dispos ed to obtrude a doubt touching honest Jonah’s capacity of vision and of respiration tho whilo. Bui lot it be inquired,, whether so huge a body, darting through tho soa with such outrageous celerity, may riot havo loft behind a sort of va cuity, nffording a medium, whoroin tho littlo animal in his rear mightoxcrciso tlioso faculties? And regarding tho accelerated progress of this * •nonstcr, it may bo aptly accounted for purely on lilosophicnl principles; every body knows iw. fast a dog will run with a tin kottlc— * *• But to our tale—Lot us hasten to tho catas trophe. After boing carried to. such lengths, and in such a manner our almost exhausted he ro found himsolf oil tho ascent. His wild aud turbulent conductor was again mounting to the uppor world. Embracing a moment of respite, whilo tho whalo was in tho act of turning upon its side, ho sought his knifo, bat in vain; tr new , motion disturbed him, lto was waved to and fro. with an impetuous regularity; his lungs labored, and his sight grew indistinct; his breath wont and canto, and went to return not without inhal ing also a draught of the saline fluid. Alas! thought ho I am drownod! Foggy images floatod on his brain, and gradually faded into utter suffocation. IIo awoko upon tho quarter dock of his own ship, under tho operation of dying strtigglo, and picked up near the place of his descent, by his anxious comrades, to whom he was shortly onablcd to lend a hand in cutting in and trying out his ninety-barrelled tormentor. —Nantucket Inquirer. INTELLIGENCE. Tlio following aro the rciriarks of General Root, on rekiiu: I lie .speaker’s chair in the House of Representatives of New York. GcNTiiisMCX—For the distinguished mark of favor shown me by the house, I return my .sincere thanks. Confident that I posses' not tho talents necessary t<> the simion, 1 will how ever promiso that my Lcot exertion shall bo made tu promoto" tho beneficial objects of this assembly. Diligence aud attention to sustain unimpaired tlio honor and credit'of tho chair, shall bo bestowed. It has been usual,.on oc casions of this kind, for a speaker to promiso impartiality in'lho discharge of tho duties of his station; but ifimpartiulity means a disregard of all thoso.distiuctions which divide our fellow ci tizen* on |"di!ii\d questions, let not tlio house oxpoct'impartiality from me. I atn elected a member of this assembly by a political party, and I urn placed in tiiis chair by tho vote of a political party, and wliou questions shall*arise of a political character, a majority of tho com mittees .to whom the consideration of the same shall be committed, will be composed of mem ber* whoso political opinions correspond with mtuo. When tt-qucMkm of -gteariucol inter est shall bo presumed, n cominittco opposed to tlie contemplated measure, will no) bo appoint ed, for tho child *b.ill not bo put to nurse, whew it will bo sure to lie strangled.'. But if by impartiality is meant a strict ndhorcriccto tlio rules of tlio house, and to parliamentary usage iu tho conduct of tho business of the house, I can with safoty promiso it.’. By those, rules I will ho governed, and:my political friends must not on this subject expect leniency or in dulgence from mo Iiccauso they arc my politi cal friends. In conclusion, I hope wo. may a.. prosperous and happy season.—Somp littfj vranglings may occasionally take place, h.ut A hope such contentions may not .ho pm milted to effervesce to tlm interruption of the busi ness of tho I10U30, which is of unusual, impor tance, as amongst other subjects which will claim tho attention of tho legislature is thr re vision of our law*. Bolivar, it is now said, lias prolonged liolpre- rogned tis Iiere'ofore stated, tho Uoiuross of Colombia to 1831. He had the constitutional power to; do so. A letter from Curtli. guna, December 3, says, that ho sot out from Bogota for Venezuela, November 25, mid that all tho foreign legation-, wore to be suspended, except a charge dcs ati'iire; in Loudon. ' Tbi. lattcc staieipcut is doubtful.