Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 04, 1827, Image 3

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gttarott 8ryr&r*9$«. 1557 f SS== \Vofurtherkiarn that the Antoinette tylJ lying oflftheBal«c |in the pos. tiD ° f on the seizure of r±V of pi-,.*- «..d robbery. To •nSd ty and adroitness of Capta.n ' . fortunate event is in a great moas- |f ’J‘ attributed—a*, had he obeyed the 10 , 'heave to, or had ho proved craven " rinse through a contiuued shower of ,' C ' his vessel with her valuable cargo ^.1 been captured, and the plunderers tit hate made their escape: nor is Capta.n „ without his claims to praise for the S,ude with which he pursued andboard- \ Bolivar ' jjACJON. .Monday, June 4, \S21. tendeth to know, have beeu literally lost, and the soil, in many places, borne oil’, leaving no thing, not even gravel or pebbles, save the na ked ruck. Numerous buildings, dwellings, out houses, mills, etc. have disappeared; but we have heard of no lives being lost, owing proba bly to the gradual swelling of the waters. Ma ny years will be required to repair tho losses sustained: the bottom of onr valley is literally ruin. The devastation on Flint River is said to be enormous. .1 Our Country .-Our uhole Country." , ith reg ret that we have to state, that the lion } „ poOLY, Judge of the Superior Courts of Lrthrra Circuit, departed this life, at his rcsi- ) in Lincoln county, on the 2Gth ultimo. UL. \v v counties have at length been settled and F c ;] in spite of Mr. Adams, and all Ins tram of Kem, Special Agents, Major Generals, threats [til arrest, and of Military vengeance.”—Georgia They have at length been settled [organised—and had it not been for Gov. 4jp, would in all probability have been so i, sooner. But, strange as it may appear Lsc counties arc decidedly republican, de- 1 to the Union, and lmartily opposed to jp }f Treason! At tho recent election Unity officers, a majority of the anti-Troup t in every instance prevailed. following is the result in Muscogee Lnf—Janies P. Portress, l/rri Superior Court—F, S Cook. \krk Inferior Court— Atkinson. lilacs Inferior Court—Henry H. Lowe, jiP. Blackmon, Wesley J. Franks, Michael Perry, Luther Blake. Icumr Tax Returns—Birds Young, fax Collector— Austin. i Surveyor- - Dean. lurReturns from the other counties are not COMMUNICATED. DREADFUL FLOOD, iring the greater part of May, rain was eat and heavy; and. towards the conclu- tlie streams above Macon and below, rose ,ly,—not so much from the increasing lit of the rain falling in a given time, as the ground being saturated to the maxi- iind the clouds preventing evaporation 'ling the sun. On the day of the 27<h iter of the current, convulsed by the in- ing impetus of the body in .its rear, broke |usly and constantly into foam, whilst its Wens lashed the shore angrily, ns if the ■of the s'.ronnr were bent on revenge for its bondage. Towards midnight, the show- <w scattering and heavy, and the eye was lf d by portents of desolation in that som- nd baneful grandeur of the elements which i«s to spirits ‘that brighten in gloom and in havoc. Nof a leaf moved, save when | cn by a drop—from their home of blue, tors, through rents, shone with languid :—the scowling clouds appeared to bo on the bills anti spanning the vale with ch of terror—the frequent but sluggish bv dishing in its murkv womb, ndd- tnc appalling prospect—and tho hoarse F: n e* of the thunder, reverberating among and drowning the roarings beneath, ™ to urgo tho progress of tho raging might came; and tho sun rose over _ r '‘tot bore, ns it were, devastation on its F aad omnipotence in its centre. It was P, with a shoot of boiling rod foam, de- F lls "u« from the soil of the low lands, ^tended from the base of ono ridge to tho Rads, revolving by the unequal impe- of different strata, brought nptly to the !c "°n the stormy pastimes of porpoises, n and trees, descending with less rapid- r .^“tfower, either chafed the shore, " d every obstacle that offered rcsist- "otwfomitjimd increasing, and 1I10 de- >n ef the hridge wns considered inevi. s, ‘ll » manly determination to apply c reventive prevailed; and it was according- "b • I i rt,so ' u,e hands and hearts, that, ,v luck and partly bv intrepidity, sue* •,i in I'tming tho descending timber from i T’.f.' n " exertion would have been ’ '/* 'n the construction, the skill and 9 . 1 °* , ' ,fi architect, Alexander M‘Gre- tt°t exceeded his recompense. The the heighth of thirty-three foot a , mor ' ! than remembered by any inhn. v °y c low water mark of last sunt- ‘ . btidgo stands uninjured, except i<V\ Sl , n . ? a pillar during tho prcced, ,v ni " *ho sifiklnguf another about s' f a 0MBR tonpd by the waslii. i V j "** foundation. Tho wharvos, with- Vc *tige, u-cre swept impetuously ,. c 0 .tj** parted from thoir fastenings, ■.j,.’ 'J' 1 ” difficulty, recovered; Sodom I br», • ^ 0r polluted portion of the I 'ecn the brtdgo and tho base of the 1 ’ “nderwent a thorough purificu- ,. . t " cr y tuontent seemed to bo fraught icmr l '*’° W! tters, though at aftern lrl “ tdimjnishod in volocitv, and late „:j. nooi | *howod symptoms of recess! but j ' , y left ,n *ho low grpnnds oftlJl , °"» an '* h,vc phtnged ct0 "tobandman into bopolcss sorrow 1 a «d fences, as far as report pro' COMMUNICATED.* Mysterious Disappearance.—Somo weeks a- go, a gentleman, named Edward Seabrook (brother-in-law of the editor of the Richmond Daily'Compiler) came to Mhcon with the in tention of remaining until the ensuing term of tho Superior Court, and then to obtain a li cense to practise law. Ho accordingly sold his horso and gig, and, carefully avoiding debt, spent his time as agreeably as strangers do usu ally in a similar condition, until the 17th ult.— On the evening of that day, report says, that I10 visited tho gambling tablo, drank rather too freely, and was unfortunate in hi? ventures.— From the disastrous tcmplo of Chance, he re. turned to his lodgings; tarried but a short time; without taking aught except what he had on, wont out; and was last seen walking towards the bridge—since which time nothing has been heard concerning him. As lie owed not a cent, lie could have no motive to abscond, and as he was considered as having but little money a. bout him, it is hardly to bo supposed that lie was murdered for his pocket book. It is possi ble that he may have met an untimely fale, nm*ng the she fiends incarnate inhabiting our Sodom, the flat ground at the eastern end of the bridge; but it is much more probable that he all either accidently or voluntarily into tlie Ocmulgee. A hat, answering the description of his, was subsequently found in the river.— He appeared to be about twonty-six or twenty- seven years of age, and was a native of Vir ginia. COMMUNICATED. Murder and Fatal Accident.—By a gentle man recently from Butts county, wo learn, that Mr. Denton Daniel of that county, was mur dered there on tho 22d ult. The particulars, as far ns our informant understood, were these: Mr. Daniel and Mr. Ludwoll Watts, both rcsi ding near the confluence of the Towaliga and Ocmulgee, went hunting on that day, and call ing at a store to obtain some salt, drank more than a prudent quantity of whiskey. On thoir way homo, they wrangled, and on passing a house Watts was seen to rub his fist in Daniel’s face, and heard to swear that he wotthr blow his brains out. They had not proceeded more than a quarter o’f a mile before tho report of Watts’s musket was heard, and a short time after Daniel’s rifle. Watts went home; and Daniel with tho parietal bones ofhis head shat' tered by a load of buckshot,-was found by , stranger at the place at which the small arms were supposed to have been discharged. Watts was called on for information; and pretended to have left Daniel on the road too drunk a well as too unwilling to return home. Ho even accompanied Mrs. Daniel to tho store in order to procure a shroud for her husband. A Cor oner’s inquest was called, and Watts attended keeping at a short distance from tho jury and within reach of his horse. So soon as he found himself implicated in the verdict, he attempted circumstance of no proposals having been pub lished to obtain a contract for its Construction the minimum value of the labor, uccording law, usage and tho interest of the public.— The non-observance of this preliminary causes many to attribute its erection to' on order from His Excclleucy, with the intention of deposit ing in it, the munitions of war promised by him to the Sixth Division, for the purpose of attack ing the United States’ troops. The site of tho structure proves the error of tho inference.— .Ono discharge of a mortar placed on the height to tho cast or the north, would lay it in ruins; and, though a carpet of earth might protoct it from a shell, yet two i.ine pounders on each of the said heights would effectually command its entrance and render it untenable. Hence, it is obvious, that no military intention is mingled with its design; and, consequently, the Govern or has had no agency in its erection. Guided by the rule of probabilities, it fol lows, that the structure is intended for a civil use, and,.ns this is limited, tho sole design must be tho reception of gun-powder, to prevent, by its storage, explosions accidental or incendiary, that might result in the destruction of life, of merchandize or houses: And the object has my unfeigned concurrence. But, as equity suggests, the law commands, and justice requires, that, in order to economise the resources of the country, every public work should be completed on terms the lowest con sistent with utility, and as this point can only be certainly effected by competition,—why, gentlemen, were not proposals issued, and the contract given to the lowest bidder? Why was the law of the land, the usage of most civilized countries, dispensed with on this occasion? Did it promote the interest of the citizens? Tend to enforce the observance of the statutes? The urgency of business require it? Was it equita ble in relation to workmen? Or did the skill of the Architect in the “craft and mistone” of building entitle him to tho exclusive right of laying bricks and turning a dome for the Cor poration? To these questions, it is cxpectod, gentlemen, a satisfactory answer will be given. They are not unkindly meant. Individuals are masters, to cronomso or squander their own property, but every man in a publ'c office is a pub lic servant, bound to explain all his offi cial acts to the satisfaction of his employer, so;far. as faith and reason are concerned.' It is, therefore, expected that a succinct and satis factory exposition will bo published, not to in dulge idle curiosity or party malice, but in jus- ticeto youi-selvos and respect for your constitu ents. I repeat, that nodimg ungenerous is in tended. I can applaud as warmly, as I Cain censure bitterly: and I will not be deterred bv fear from til’s, nor prompted by gnin, to that:—my solo object is truth and justice, apart from the rancor of party and the asperiiv of en vy. OLD RIFLE. committed to prison.* The friends of the deceased determined to employ council to aid in the prosecution; and with this intention three of them started for For syth on tho 26th ult. That night in crossing tin Towaliga in a batteau with a horso in it vessel upset, and tho doceased’s brother Egbert P. Daniel and William Scott were drowned— the third saving himself by swimming to the shore. For tho accuracy of tho st noraent all its parts our informant does not vouch— such, he says, as is circulated in that netghbo hood, without contradiction. It is rumored, (says the National ImoUigon- cer of the 11th instant,) that, at a late date, the negotiations between our Minister in London and the Britisli Government, concerning tho Colonial Trade, were about to be resumed.— The British Government would gain esteem in this country by coming to n good understanding with us on this subject; and, if tho disposition professed in Mr. Canning’s Note, to cultivate friendly relations with us, be really entertained, which we nrc not disposed to doubt, the rumor is probably not without foundation. married, * own ’ 00 Wednesday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Stiles, Mr. Pitsu P. Rocxwxu.,t<> Miss Cynthia Yuwno Simmons, both of this place. In Marlon, Twiggs county, on Thursday, evening last, by Henry Bunn, Esq. Mr. Sencs H. Clare, to Miss Elizabeth Barton, 03" The citizens of Mecon and the surrounding country are requested to meet at Roger*’* Tavern. TOMORROW EVENING, 5th inst. at seven o’clock, to make arrangements preparatory to the celebration of JULY. June 4,1827. of the FOURTH, ILr 1 A Card. The Moron Telegraph went into Alt eration on the first of November last, mid has Issued Us 31st number without interruption. Notwithstanding but little pains were taken eillier by the editor or bis friends in its behalf, it has gone into’extensive circula* tion, and Iras on its list a respectable number of subscri bers, most of whom have paid in advance. W« be lieve its circulation in the western parts of the slate o- qirals ! f not exceeds that of any other paper; and it v is weekly extending in every direction. The fact tiint Macon und tho extensive country of which it is and must be the mart can support two papers, is pretty clearly ascertained: And it the same liberal itv is shown to this as to olher branches of industry, tciff <lo it. With regard to the political character of this paper, it advances the claims of Gott. Jackson for the Presi dency: at tho same time it is disposed to render every support to the government, und is willin'- the present Administration should be judged by its fruits. It joins no "combination” to put it down—nor “conli- tion” to keep it up. Devoted to the union of the States, and the perpetuity our Republican Institutions, it opposes every scheme to weaken them. - It ha op posed the present Executive of Georgia from this prin ciple, and It will continue to oppose any succeeding onethat maintains similar doctrines. As tho stand assumed by the Telegraph lias made it obnoxious to the party opposed to its views, the editor expects those who behold things in a similarlight with himself, will not be less active in its behalf. Receiv ing no patronage “by authority," from the “State" or “United States,” he suhinits his cause entirely to the n lc, and is willing to be rewarded according to his ilness. Advertising patronage is solicited. An advanta geous medium is offered through the coloumns of the Telegraph. COMMUNICATED. According to previous notice, the political friends of Col. DUNCAN G. CAMPBELL met at the court house in Monticello, on Wednesday the 23d ult; to make preparatory arrangements, for the approaching anniversary of our Nati-mnl Independence— When Cornelius !>. Terhuve was appointed Chair* mnn, and Thomas J. Holmes. Secretary. On motion it was Resolved, that Lucas Powell, C. D. Terhtme, B. H. Darden, Peter Grinncl and John C. Gibson, lie appointed a committee to oleetthe offi cers of tjfe day; ’ That Stephen D. Crane, Moses Champion, N. B. Powell, John W. Burney and Peter W. Gautier, jun. be a commmittee to prepare toasts suitable for the oc- Wo arc authorised to nnndhncc WIL LIAM CUMMING as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county, at the Election to be held on the first Tuesday in June next. May 28.- Qj*’ Wo arc authorised to announce RO BERT COLEMAN, Esq. as a candidate for the Sen ate from Bibb county.. May 28. 03 s * Wo are authorised to nniiounco Dr. RICE DURRETT ’as a candidate for the House of Representatives from Bibb county. May 28. (tj?- We are authorised to announce GEO B. WjYUDLAW as a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county, at the Election in January next. May 23 {£?* Wo are authorised to announco NA THAN C. MUNROE as a candidate for Cierk of the Superior Court of Bibb county, et the Election'll) Jan uary next. Mny28. to escape d., horseback, but was overtaken, and A , a Rat „ H „ nry Dilloni Edward BaIdwin> Edward Hicks, and Robert Keltam, be a committee of arrangements. On'motion,.it was unanimously resolved, that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Geor gia Statesman, Georgia Patriot and Macon Telegraph. The meeting then adjourned tine die. C. D. TKRIIUNE, Chairman. Thomas J. Holmes, Secretary. COMMUNICATED. Steamboat on the Ch.ittahoorhic.—A gen tleman,. from tho Falls of the Chattahoochie, has politely furnished tho appended article for publication: Tho steamboat with a full freight, and a barge in tow, ascondod to Fort Gaines; at which place ihe barge discharged her load—from 275 to 300 hundred barrels—and tho steamboat landed a part of lior cartip. Without any cer tain knotvlodgo of tho rivet , and dependent al together on sounding, she again started with tho barge in tow for her destination, tho Falls of the Chattnhoochic, and proceeded without hindrance until sho’got upon a log about fifty miles below Fort Mitchell. Tho obstacle (ic ing speedily removed, she ascoitled to within three milos of the Ferry at Fort Mitchell, and thero grounded in the rapids from ignorance of tho river, as the principal channel contained double tho necossary depth of water. Tho cargo was immediately transferred to the barge, and, without accident or delay, landed at the Falls. The steamboat, having part of a freight in cotton engaged near Fort Gaines, descended the river about a fortnight ago, and will return .and ascend to tho Falls with tho first freight tilth offtTs. Fort Mitchell is seven nnd l half miles by land below the Falls, and about twelve by wn ter. It is' believed that .no eroatcr impediment to navigation exists above the place at which the steamboat stopped, than those she had sur mounted, though much concerning tho river has yet to be learned. From the success of tho first -experiment, the presumption is, that the Chattalioochio will ho found sup'erior for steamboats to any othor river in Georgia. COSIMUNICATF.D. To the hlendanl and Commutioittnof Macon: Gentlemen—Tho sudden commencement nml completion of an arched brick building, having tho nppeiirnnce of a magazine, on the lower end of Mulberry-strcot has occasioned much speculation, nnd at tho present moment is tho cause of somo apprehensions, especially among females. Suspicion is fouuded on tho GRANTLAND’S GLORIOUS RETREAT! From Ihe Southern Recorder of the Wth ultimo. ;‘(EF We cannot descend to the level of the Ma con Tric-raph—much less will we condescend to no tice its dirty correspondent*, the "Paddy Carrs," or any of that clou. Our Pressmen, (who have' not tho pri vilege of appearing in print) are. the .only persons connected with our office who would not be degrad ed by coining in contact with such antagonists.” FLORIDA. ,1 Colonel White was in St. Augustine on tho I6tb ultimo. Ho is commissioned by tbo Gov ernment to ascertain the disposition of tho In- iians respecting their removal fretn’ Florida, and wns to hold a talk with them for that pur pose on the 20th ult. at tho Agency. Colonel Whito has been re-elected delegate to Congress, by a very large majority. The latest news from Key West, at St. Au gustine, is that, tho Commodore’s' Flag Ship, tho Libertad, is now the only Mexican vessel of War in tho Port—the smaller ones arc cruising; tho Bravo has, says the Herald, taken three prizes—one of which is reported to be of the value of 130 or 200 thousand dollars. It is said that a Company in Philadelphia has sent out a steam engine, and that a saw m ill will be immediately erected at six ntilo Creek on the St. Johns river. Respecting tho Florida Cqnnl the St. Au gustinc Herald of tho 16th instant has the fol lowing: \ ? "W» aro happy to state that that ablo nnd active Engineer Gen. Bernard, hasalrcady re turned to this placo front tin inspection of the Country in a direction towards till Appalachi- cola, and from tho observations of that Gentle man, so far as ho has gone, the geographical and other aptitudes of tho Territory arc favora- Llo for the project. To determine the oxponsc however it will of coarse be necessary to get together many details which actual measure ment and minute inspection can alone famish; thoso ore in progress, and wo feel pleasure in saying that the General has expressed much satisfaction in the manner in which the young Gentlemen attached to this service^ have dis charged the duties assigned them. This looks well, and wo may anticipate a luminous report on tho important subject from the Engineer Department, by tho next session of Congress. The General is again off for Vacassar Bay hy the way of-Tampa, and has a favorable soason for his expedition.’ 1 •*- -■ r sinmaER goo©s. DAILEY GODDARD, ON MULRZRRY 1TRELT, H AS just received a l.ARGF, ASSORTMENT of SUMMER GOODS, suitable for this Market, lie solicits a call from those Merchants, in this vici nity, who wislt to replenish their stock, ns he believer that such con be more ndvantnqeously served, than by going a greater distance; Travelling Maicbant*. who are not acquainted, and who wish credit, will please furnish themselves with letter* ol recomtncii station. Planter*, who visit this place, are respect fully invited to call. All orders will meet with prompt attention. , ' „> 5 pieces super black Cloth 0 pieces super blue Cloth 10 pieces blue nnd mixed Cossimere 15 pieces Sattinett, 7 pieces Casslnett 12 jiieces white, red and yellow Flannel 20 pieces Scotch Homespun 10 pieces striped Florence 10 pieces co.tton Cnssimcre 10 pieces first quality Irish Drilling \ 30 pieces second quality do.' 4 pieces French do. ’’i 50 pieces Irish Linen 30 pieces long Lawn; 5 pieces linen Cambric , 20 jiieces brown Linen; 5 pieces black Linen 1G pieces 4 quarter to 10 quarter Diaper 3900 yards Osnaburg 4 pieces Runta Sheeting G jiieces Irish Sheeting 6 pieces Dimity 20 pieces Nankeen > • 30 nieces Bombazette, plain and figured, assorted colors 6 pieces Bombnzine - 20 pieces Bcdtick * (170 yards Negro Cloth 300 pieces Calico 7000 yards brown nnd blenched Shirting and Sheeting 150 pieces plaid and striped Domestics •’ 50 jiieces English Ginghams v 120 pieces furniture Prints 25 pieces Battista 15 pieces Bnrige 15 pieces bluck Canton Crepo 18 pieces colored crape Robes 10 pieces black Italian Crape i 21 pieces white, pink and straw Crape 20 dozen fancy gauze and silk Shawls 5 dozen Scarfs and Mantles 35 pieces Sarcenet, Levantine, Sinchew, lustring, plniu and fancy Silk 20 pieces plain and figured Swiss Muslin 45 pieces Jaconef 35 pieces liook, India and mull Muslin 130 pieces Cambrics 120 dozen women’s white and colored cotton Hose 20 dozen men and women’s silk Hose G dozen first quality Gne benver Hats 12 dozen second and third quality beaver Hats 12 dozenTomm Hals; 12 dozen wool Hats 10 dozen tortoise shell Combs 25 dozen Brazilian shell Combs . 30 dozen cotton Cards 50 cases assorted Shoes 6 dozen Leghorn Bonnets; 4 do. Leghorn Hats An assortment of Valencia Vestings Silk, flag, cotton und Bandana Handkerchiefs Silk Umbrellas and Parasols ” . Thread and colton I .ace Inserting and Footing Silk and cotton Velvet A large assortment, of silk, linen nnd cotton Tit rends Gattzo Und silk Ribbons Men nnd women’s silk, kid nnd leather Gloves A small assortment of Hardware and Stationary A few crates of Crockery nnd Glass-Ware, Ac. 03 s * Liberal Credit will be given for Ap proved Paper. June -V tf 32 ■ ' DR. BUCHANAN H AS located himself in Macon; wherc*he may be found as a PRACTITIONER of MEDI CINE. Jan 31— 14 MACON CLOTHING STORE. K 1 Is. FITCH Sr CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, EF.P constantly for sale, at their store on Mul berry street, ' A General Assortment * DRY GOODS ' - AND READY MADE CLOTHING; which will be sold as low as can be bought in Savan nah or Augustq; and they solicit the patronage of thoir former friends and customers and the public at large. TAILORING carried on as usual. Having the latest New York Fashions and Workmen, Customers may depend on having their work done in the best manner and most fashonahle style, with neatness and despatch. We return our thanks for past favors, and solicit the patronage of the public for the future. N. B. Oil hand, 2U0 pieces of PAPER HANGINGS of different patterns, which will be soldiow. O* Old debts must be paid. December 5 SaU, JVloVasses, Sugar, Coffee, IRON, WHISKEY, &c. b- N3OT CHEAP &O0DS. T HE subscriber has just received, and opened, ot his store on Mulberry street, a 'general assort ment of • • SHOES, HATS, ^ Cvocker^, H&vdwave, &c. i He has also on hand n general assortment of GUOCV.VIWlS, CASTINGS, &c. Which will be sold low for cash. . u’ . R. COLEMAN. June 4 ■ ■— tf ■ ■ ■ 33 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. On tlie third Monday in JULY next, W sold at Hilbboroitrh, Jasper county, be tween the usual hours ofxiilc. All. the Personal Property belongiug lb the es’ate of Samuel Stearns, deceased. Terms of idle, cash. A. E.' STRATTON,' Administrator. June 4 Ot 32 NOTICE. CTnllE public are hereby cautioned against trading JJL for a NOTE, given by me, to Luke Ross, dated, onorabout the first day ofMnrch last, andptiyabb- at four months, for $99; ns the consideration of Jail note tins failed, 1 do not intend to be held responsible for the same. . ■ • s' JOHN B. CUMMING.. June 4,1827 3t 32 " boats and Voth the The subscriber expects by Corsair and American Eagle, will sell very low, if taken trail wharf, \50 casks Thoraaston LIIvlE 1200 bushels SALT 18 hogsheads sup. Molasses 6 do santa cruz Sugar 10 bags Coffee 0000 lbs. Iron 60 barrels Whiskey,i x 20 do Gin and Rum 10 casks Rice 20 barrels FLOUR Holland GIN Jamaica RUM, Sfc. —IN STORE— 05O»“~“°s«.i 1000 bushels SALT 10 boxes Salts • Castings 80 barrels Whiskey Brandv and Gin • Huperfine Flour Brown Sugar Loaf do •' * Hhds. Molasses Bags Coffee Keg* Tobacco Kegs Powder Weeding Hoes, Soap, &c- —ALSO ron SALK, ON nZASONABI S TZRMS— The \\e\N boat COUSAYR, Calculated to carry from G to 700 bales cotton. RALPH KING. V may 7 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Athens,'May 2:1, 1-C27. CTftHE filial examination ofllie Members of the Scn- -il lor Class in Franklin College, will commence on Monday the 18th of June next. The attendance of the Trustees of the University is particularly requested. Parents, Guardians, and Literary Gentle men generally, ore also invited tp be present. AS BURY HULL, Secretary. June 4 - - -32 t/, J IHE subscribers have settled their.Jolvaa perms- V nently at Macon, Bibb County. C : >< gin; and have united their professional interests- und'-i the (jrm of POX.HXXX & COLE, AW in Bibb and (he ad; ucent m iflav always be found iaton-n, imaii's piazza, next to Judge hurry and Fgurlli .treets, ferenccA ran be riven. john (>■ rai.niLL, CARLETO.’rl). COLE. ' —21 The Georgia l’olriot, Southern Recorder and Journal of Milledgevillc,Chronicle and Constitutionalist of Au gusta, andthe Savannahpaners will-give the above or 3 insertions, nnd fonvajd liteir accents fo ment. 4 .’mfxWI *, K They will practice Counties. Onq their olfi-ee is Strong’s, cornel . OjT Satis faetd Macon, April .**. * IV, C-ttlc* Bvveimu&G. „ T HE undersigned informs the inhabitants nf Ma con and its vicinity, that he Iras commenced the BUTCHERING BUSINESS, and will keep up a regular supply of choice Meats on reasonable and accommodating terms. He will be thankful for a share of tlie public patronage. ' , E. EZEKIEL. May 21——I'.O : land !OETER!T„ LISTS of tlie DRAWING may be had on application at this office, at .«3 each, payable in advance. march 13 NOTICE. ■%T'NF. MONTHS after date, application will lie -— J.'i lUode to the honorable tlie inferior Court of Monroe County, (when sitting for ordinary purposes) to sell a Ij<)t ol Land, number one hundred end nine- ty^eveo, (No. 197) in the seventh district, Monroo county—being tlie real estate of Jeremiah Tompson, deceased. THOMAS B. GORMAN, adm’ov. feb 21 Otoam 17