Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 04, 1827, Image 4

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138 ZEBCLOJf HOTEL ?ga gnwnflL Ton THE TSXZ01UM. A FAREWELL, TO A FAIR ViSITAHT AT UACCt. Farewell, Fair Maid: again the lyre Would strike it* cord* to cheer thy way; Though light the verse, and dim it* lire, For thee '(would beam one friendly ray. Time’* fleeting breath, how soon it goc», l/Oimuibered a* the gentlest wiudj As quietly as the streamlet flows. Leaving no passiug trace behind. When, from thy friends and kindred dear, The call* of friendship bid thee roam. May they, with filial feeling, cheer * Thy satis return to dome, sweet home. The flower*, fond objects of thy care, May thev have tclt no withering blast; Again may they thy culture share, And bloom more lovely then the last. The fnv'rit* song«tcrs of the grove Hall thy return with sweetest lay*; Again awake their note* of love; And charm thy path with warbling praise. OaCAH. MEN RAISED BY MERIT. Dr. FBAN KLIN, who, from a journeyman printer, became one of the greatest men in tho civilized world; and whose life, written by him- t. ( .l|, is » beautiful illustration of what may be effected by industiy and application. Watt, the improver of the Steam Engine, and there by the donor of tlte greatest gifts ever bestow ed on the human race hy man, was a mathe matical instrument maker, in a very humble sphere. His labors have boned ted mankind to ho extent of thousands of millions; and his laindy, by upwards of one millioii sterling.*— Si? Richard Arkwright, the great improver of tho Cotton Mill, was a common barber.— Tlte great Dr. Hutton was a coal porter.— Hijodart, an eminent mathematician and mo dulus., and known from his improvements in tho manufacture of cordage, was a shoe maker, Brindley, a man brought forward by tho duke of Bridgewater, from the humble condition of a common laborer, unablo to read or write, be came the greatest Civil Engineer of his day, for tho construction of canals. Bramah was a common joiner, and established himself os a m ichinist in London, where he became cele brated to Ins various inventions, among which bis Hydrostatic Press, and his Locks, stand pre-eminent. Leslie, who fills a Professor’s ch tir in the University of Edinburgh, was a common Shepherd-Boy. Stevenson, who h:iili thu Light House on Bedrock, (which is drv only once or twice for a few hours in the Nt v,) a work of groat difficulty ami merit, was ■a Tin-plate Worker.—Calcutta pamphlet. * It is calculated that Watt's improvement of the steam engine is at present an annual saving of labor la Great Britain of twenty-five millions sterling! And that, with a papulation of fourteen millions, she U c* qu it in resources, with tbd assistance of the steam en gine. to a population of one hundred and seventeen millions! This will explain the power end the rank which Great Britain holds among the nations of Eu rope, being in resource* actually superior to all that could unite ngahiit her. Post Office.—From tho 1st of October, 1826, to the 31st March, 1327, <104 new Post Offices were established in the United Stntes, viz;—In Maine 14, Now Hampshire 7, Ver mont 5, Massachusetts 9, Rhode Island 2, Con necticut 6, Now Jersey 6, New York 54, Pennsylvania 34, Dolawaro 1, Maryland 3, V.rginia 51, North Carolina 38, South Caro lina 19, Georgia 16, Florida 5, Alabama 1C, M :.s's»ippi8, Louisiana 3, Arkansas 4, Ton- ao^ce 29, Kentucky 19, Ohio 31, Michigan 2, Indiana 9, Illinois 7, Missouri 5, China.-—In an oracle in the Now Monthly Magazine, it is remarked, that moro close exu- ni nation has proved the fabulous nature of nriny of the accounts extensively credited, du ring part of the past century, concerning tho populousni'ss, magnificence and fertility of Chi na, nnd the civilization and enlightened condi lion of the inhabitants. ‘'Recent travellers, 1 tiavs >he Editor, “found vast deserts as they itp'pvonchod tho capital, which sqrroundod it un all sides; and that the wealth, resources and population of China have been ridiculously in -unified. The date of tho foundation of tho Celestial Empire, which tlte Chinese pretend h.ts existed for ninety-seven millions of years, nnd which even Voltaire states at five thousand years before Christ, scarcely reaches the fifth ■coutury before tho coming of our Saviour.” Washington Irving, Author of the Sketch Book, iVe.—He is a Very well dressed, good humored louking man; if not haudsome, at loust very prepossessing in appearance; though his comuunance bus uot that intellectual ex pression which his writings would lead one expect, Tlte most remarkable feature is bis eye; it is large and full, with a very soft drea my expression—a look of indoltnjfrepose in it, which strikes one It first sight very forcibly.— I scanned it, and fancied that Mr. Irving could never bo nccused of early risiug; and I have suspected that h : admired Gray’s description . of Paradise, “to lio on a sofa apt! read new no vels." But with'all this, he possesses a keen perception of the ludicrous, and if any object of phrase presents itself winch excites his feel ing, his eye lights up with an astonishing brilli ancy: tha dreamy, dozing look gives way to an expression of wit aild humor, of talont and irrcsistiblo mirth—it is not ill-naturod enough for satire,—yrhich makes doe ready to laugh with him.—London paper. New Surgical Instrument.—M. Delau, jun. lately presented to the French Academy an ins rument, by which he states that ho can, no cording to circumstances, either produce ii tha internal oar, currents of air, calculated in a great many cases to remove deafness, or t ces sion in tho interior of that cavity a vacjum, which in other cases is no t less useful. TP solicit* furnished will attentive Ostler; and Stable* well 'provided with Provender. And it unum charges, are sufficient inducements, I expect at least my share of public nvow JOHN C. MANGHAM. Zthulon, Pike County, May 21, 1827. 30 MACON HOTEL*. The subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by R. Coleman, Esq. and made considerable improvements therein, is now prepared to accommodate BOAR DERS and TRAVELLERS, in the most genteel and comfortable manner. His accom modations are extensive, and no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to his customers. TIMOTHY BRUEN. Macon, December 12, 1826. MANSION HOUSE. SHERIFFS’ SALES. On the jirst Tuesday in JUNE next, ■om/ILL be sold in the town of Perry, Houston coun- W » ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: 202 1-2 acres oak and hickory LAND, well improved, in the Uth district Houston county, whereon John Wimberly formerly lived; 70 acres S i or less,) pine LAND, adjoining the town of ; one half acre LOT in Perrv, whereon Gen. jorn now lives; twelve thousand pounds seed COTTON, more or less ; and twenty bushels CORN, —oil levied on as the property of John Wimberly, to satisfy a FL Fa. in favor of the executors of Richard Smith, deceased, and sundry other Fi. Fa*, vs. John Wimberly. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attor ney. v - 202 1-2 acres of obk and hickory LAND, in the 11th district of Houston county, No. 93. levied on as the property of ll'iltiam King, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of James Washington. Levy made and returned by a constable. 202 1-2 acres of pine LAND, in the 10th district of Houston county, No. 128, levied on as the property of David Murray, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of William P. Beers. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. 202 1-2 acres of pine LAND, in the 5th district of lloustou county, No. 244, whereon John ston Wellborn now lives, well improved—levied on as the property of Duncan Nicholson, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in tavor of Nathaniel Williams and others. Levy made und returned by a constable. Ono mahogany Secretary, 1 walnut Bed stead, 1 pine Slab, 1 Trunk, 2 glass Pitchers, 1 set Castors, 1 Clock, 2 Lookingglasses, 2 mahogany half Rounds, 1 set of Scale? and Weights, 1 pair Cart Wheels, one Oxcart—all levied on as the property of James At. Kelly, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of D. W. Shine, for the use of II. !l. Tarver and others, perty pointed out by the defendant. NED, a negro man, 30 years old : CHA NY, a woman, 22 years old; BETTY, a woman, 30 years old; and her girl child, ELIZA, 2 years old— ull levied on as the property of David If. Mann, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of George Walker. Prop erty pointed out by defendant. HENRY W. RALEY, Sheriff. sprit 30 On the-first Tuesday in JUNE next, W ILL bo sold at the courthouse in the town of Zebulon, Pike county, between the usual hours ot sale, the following PROPERTY; Two huudredtwo and a holt acres of LAND, (more or less) kuowii by Lot No. two hundred and thirty* niuc, (239) in the first district, formerly Monroe now Pike counfy, whereon Littleton Long now lives—le vied on u* bis property, to satisfy o fieri facias in fisvor of John Johnson versus Littleton Long and Jos se L. Long, security on appeal—property pointed out by the defendant. Also, two hundred two and a half acres of LAND, (more or less) known by Lot No. one hundred and fit- ' y-one, (161) in the first district, formerly Monroe now ’iko county, whereon Walter Beall now lives—levied on os the property of James Beall, to satiny a fieri facias iu favor of William Smith—property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, one sorrel HOUSE about eleven years old, three COWSatfd CALVES, two Work STEERS, and six bead young CATTLE—ail levied on as the T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has taken that well known establishment, front ing tho Court bouse iu tho town of CLINTON, Jones County, Oa. formerly occupiad by II. II. Slat- ter, Esq. a* a Tavern and Boarding House, and having mnde various improvements therein, he is now prepar. edto entertain BOARDER8 and TRAVELLERS in a genteel and comfortable manner. His nccommodi- tions arc very extensive; and his table, bar, stables, See, are at ail times well furnished. Unremitting exer tions will be made for the comfort of his customers, and he solicits a share of (he patronage of the public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms. SOL. IIOGE. CLINTON, Ga, April30,1827. 27tf COFFEE HOUSE. or half year, will be. received at $12 50 per month. Sian end Horse per day, at 81 £ furnished with pood l.IlfUORS, nnd his Tabic with the best the country affords. His Stables arc large and airy, and will at all times be supplied with plentiful PROVENDER and an attentive Ostler. JOHN DOWNER. Millcdgeville, April 30,1827. 27 GEORGIA—Pike County. W HEREAS William V. While applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Charles Hinson, senior, late of Conecuh county, Alabama, de. ceased— These art therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and-creditors of said deceased, to be ““ i the and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by taw, to shew cause, if any they can, why said tetters should not be granted. . Given under my hand at office, this nineteenth day of March, 1887. f II. G. JOHNSON, april 2 6w Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. .2 LAND FOll SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale SHERIFFS' SALEs] On the Jirst Tuesday in JUNE n f >, \frvalLL be sold at the Courthouse in it,.. 'M Zebulon, Pike County, within the ilS? ot sale, the following Property, to wit: One lot of LAND, No. 167, inth c district formerly Monroe now Pike countv J?* 1 as the property of William W. Martin, to small executions in favor of Samuel B. Twn vy made and returned by a constable. tr ' One lot of LAND, No. 199, in the district formerly Monroe now Pike county |. as the property of Aaron Williams, to satisfy ^ cutions in favor of Isaac Bailey, one ani/J e Williams and Aaron Williams security wirtH!? cution; the other against David 8. Wnn.^ 1 *] ron Williams security on stay of execution ** Twenty COWS and CALVES,!^ as the property olJohnH. Brodnax, to satisfy t» cutions, ono in fuvor of James II. Jones y, Sjj Brodnax; the other in favor of Co6k & V»»? lien vs Brodnax & Danelly. BURREL ORR, Dei opril 30 1 property of Joseph Bauglin, to satisfy a fieri tacias in favor of the Justices ot the Inferior Court of Pike County versus Joseph Bauglin. tax collector of said county, and Daniel Kent and Burrell Urr, his securi ties—property pointed out by the defendant. WILLIAM V. WHITE, april 23—2G Sheriff of Pike County. On the Jirst Tuesday in JUNE next, W ILL be sold at tbc Court House iu the town of Zebuton, Pike Counly, betweenthe usual boon ot sule, the following PROPERTY: One HOUSE ana LOT, in the town of Zcbulon, whereon John II. Brodnax now lives, knownas Lot No. five (5) in Square letter E —levied on os his property to satisfy an execution in favor of Barrett & Sims versos said John H. Brodnax—property pointed out WILEY MANGHAM, On the first Tuesday in JULY nett ■WR71LL be sold, at the Court Hots* Ti County, between the usual hours ti»t" ing PROPERTY, to wit: “ Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND or less, whereon Benjamin 8hepard now lire, if by Lot number sixty-five, (No. 85) In the stsMi. triet, formerly Monroe, now Pike county leviT; on as the property of Daniel Newton, to satisfy 0 * executions io favor of the Executors of Seaborn!- deceased, versus said Newton and others—m pointed out by Thomas Wright. r Also, two hundred two ana a half acres of L more or less, known by Lot number three, (No!s3 the third district, formerly Monroe, now piU-J levied upon as the property of John Hudson, tt3 fy on execution, - issued from n Justice's Court bu vor of J. A. & N. II. Green—levied on andrtfc to me by a constable. Also, ninety-seven six and a half tenths a of LAND, being the west half of Lot numbered one, (No. 81) in the seventh district, formerly! roe, now Pike county—levied upon as the prt-e™ of Joseph Smith, to satisfy a fieri facias in ut*l the ofiicejs of Court of Pike county. * Also, one Note of Hand, made by David On ton, payable to Nathan Vinson, for forty-six d bcaring’datc 5th September, 1825, due 25th D her thereafter—levied upon as the property of N Vinson, to satisfy a fieri tacias, issued tor cost, Ufa of John MVDamel and wife versus said Vimoo-t- poiuted out by defendant. 1 WILEY MANGHAM, Dijra'yStfl may 27—31 1 On the first Tuesday in JULY not, W ILL be sold, at the Court House, in tkttj of Zcbulon, Pike County, between tie b hows of safe, the following PROPERTY: Three NEGROES, to wit: Esther a womu,I girl, and an Infant Child—levied on as the p of Broduax & Dauielly, to satisfy a fieri ui- : foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Jcal Gray versus said Brodnax & Danieily- noiuted out iu said mortgage. WILEY MANCHA* I april 23—8t—26 Deputy Siejfj On tiie just 1 ULSuay m J ULI titii, VvyHU. be sold at the Courthouse iu the !m| XfJ Perry, Houston County, between the t hours or sine, the tollowing Property, viz; DANIEL, u negro man, supposed to lei or do years oi age; AMUB, a bay, 17 orlejyetnd i.ltLLN, a boy, seventeen or eighteen yen tj Alt levied on us the property of Arthur A. Jueqal satisfy a mortgage Fi. Fa. in favor of Burton hr burn. Property pointed out in said mortgsre fill HENRY W. KALti, april 30 2m by defendant, april 23-26 Deputy Sheriff. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Pike County, will be sold, on the first Tues day in July: next, at Decatur, in the county of De- Kalb. Lot No. 40, in the 14th District formerly Henry, now De Kalb county, as the property of Elizabeth Westmoreland, deceased, for the benefit of tbc heirs, Ac. It. WESTMORELAND, Adm’r. March 19 21 hia PLANTATION in Twiggs county, lying nine miles below Mncou, on the Ocmul- gee river, on which there is a good Duel- lug House, Gin House, and other necessa ry buildings, and about 100 acres of cleared land, all in good repair; the place is known to be one of the most eligible situations for a Practising Physician, in this {section of tha eouatry, ami would be sold low and on accommodating terms, or exchanged for good Lands in the counties of Bibb or Houston. ROBERT COLLINS. Macon, May 14 If—-29 On the first Tuesday in JULY mil, W ILL be sum, iu the Town of Pert), But county, between the usual hums oi sak,4| iO.wjvviugPuUPEK't'Y, to wit: Two buudrod two und a halt dcre* Pine LAM the firth district, Houston county, number twist}'* —levied on a* the property of David Murray,to* 1 iy sundry fiu.i f iciusts in mvor of John As made and returned by u constable. One Halt the interest in the LAND, GRIST,« SAW Mills, when on Peter V. Guerryuowli known by iot number eighty-two, in die tout- , district, Houston county—levied on os the ptcp tn Jl Theodore Guerry, to sutisiy a fieri tacias ui James Parrott—property pointed out by detteto Two hundred two and a bail acres PLNa t-^' 1 in the ninth district, Houston county, hundred and twemy-iiine—levied on as the ;r>f'’ Lliaa Harris, to satisiy sund.y fieri incases ml: Harris Allen—levy made by a constable. One hundred one and a quarter acres of Putt 1 iu the tenth district, Houston county, number sf* seven, well improved—levied on as the proper*., ^ Lewis Hunt, to satisfy two fieri faciascs,■»“'*] D. VV. Shiuo and others—levy made by a cocite* 1 Two hundred two and a bait acres Oak ana I 1 ry LAND, in the thirteenth district, Houston c number two hundred and sixty-seven, well i®i —levied on as the property of David Ship, two fieri faciases in favor of John TullywnB other fieri faciases—levy made by a conilebh- J Two hundred two and a half acres LAJm'J* thirteenth district, Houston eonnty, number o*, dred and seventy-five—levied on as the —With this Press, when in complete order, two good WUltam Webb, to satisfy a fieri facias l» 111 ] l -- J ■ •— •— -—^ DO u_ d , W.Jackson—levy made hy a constable. imr in Two hundred two and a half acres Pm e . 1 s - - with a good Grist and Saw MILL therton.^j eleventh district, Houston county, number 1 dred and four—levied on os the property 01 Nicholson, tosatify sundry fieri fnci,if»l n 'fJ?‘lJ W. Shine versus Jonathan Polk and Duakea' • •on—levy made by a constable. ’ ■, ml One hundred one and a quarter acres * r* Be J Ih district, i STOLEN, O R taken away by mistake some time last sum] mer, from near the Post Office, a large Strong built CHESTv:\lh a good Lock thereon, and contain- iug sundry articles of Merchandize, apparently the remnants of a store. Any person giving information where said Chest and gooes can be had shall be libel rally rewarded. FLUKER A COLLINS. Macon, May 14—tf—29 \m\)vo\e(\ Cotton Vvess. T HE subscribers having put into operation in the vicinity of Columbia, 3. C. an impro Press for Packing Cotton, offer to the public the building of PREBSES, or the c of building on their pfan, on reasonable terms hands and one boy can pack trom 340 to 360 pounds “ M ’ 10 LOSl\ O N the Federal Road, between the house of Collin R. Ezell, at Old Fort Perry, and Spain’s Stand, at the Uehee Bridge, on Sunday, the 25th ult. a large calf-skin POCKET BOOK, containing about one hundred and eighty-seven dollars in money, and several Promirsory Notes. Ono promissory note made t'y George B. Whitfield, for thirty-five doilara; one ditto on John R. Taylor, for forty dollars; one ditto on James Curgite, and two ditto on Stanford A Lloyd, amoants not recollected; besides several small notes, made by different individuals; also, a bill of sale, executed by Aaron Shirley, for a Negro Wo- man, named Mary, to tha aubscriben with other pa- pers of no use to any one but the owner. Whoever will return said Pocket Book to the subscriber resid ing at Knoxville, Crawford county, or give any infer matron respecting it, shall b • hanrlsomely rewarded. „ HIRAM WARNER, april 2 23 NOTICE. N INE months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Monroe County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Elijah Curry, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. SHELMAN DURHAM, Guardian, jan 17 f9m NINE MONTHS AFTER DATE, A PPLICATION wiilbe made to tlte honorable, the Court of Ordinary, of Twiggs countv, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Charles Thompson, late of said county, deceased—for the benefit of the heir* of said estate. MARY THOMPSON, April 30 —9m " - 27 Guardian. yards ol Baggi nine minutes; and after the bale is sewed anacorded, can elevate the follower to its former position, in three minutes, ready for the introduction of Cotton into the packing box—and with a set of active hands, two bales per hour may be packed with ease. This Press also presents other advantages—it is ea sily put under cover, either in a Ginhouso or under a shed by it;-it is not liable to be impaired by use, as screws urc, and may be used in anv weather. JAMES BOATWRIGHT, I8AAC NATHANS. Columbia, S. C. March 8. COPY NOTES. ON or before the first day of Januaiy next, we or ei ther of us promise to pay Joel Rushin or bearer twen- ty dollars, for value received, this 10th January, 1825, [Signed] JONATHAN A. HUDSON, HENRY WILLIAMS. COPY. WANTED to PURCHASE, L OTS No. 103 and 103, in the 3d District, origin ally Houston, now Crawford county. The per* son* holding said Lots, may obtain a fair price for the “ at thu office. Lot No. 103 was same, i f on application at thu office. Lot No. 103 was drawn by John Bryant of Laurens county. No. 1U2 it i, believed, was drawn by a man by the name of Scut- brough, place of residence not recollected. May 14 It k9 LAND LOTTERY LISTS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. In CRAWFORD SUPERIOR COURT APRIL TERM, 1827. JOHN M'DONALD ) tw. 1 > Libel for Divorce. - FLORA M'DONALD. S IIEREA8, it appears, by the return of the 8he- W riff, that the defendant Is not to be found in Crawtord county. On motion, it u ordered, that service be perfected by the publication of this Rule once a month for three months in one of the public gazettes of this State, and that the defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court. A true Extract from the Minutes. C.M. ROBERTS, Cirri. Apnt 4,1627.w»3tlin-w23 r twen. ',1825, » [Signed] JONATHAN A. HUDSON HENRY WILLIAMS. BIBB SUPERIOR COURT, v February Term, 1827. Joel Rushin Jonathan A. Hudson J NISI, and Ilenry Williams / I T appearing to the Court, that Joel Rushin was possession of the original Notes, of which the hove are copies, and that they have been lost or dc- On motion, it it ordered, That they show cause, on of thu rule be published one! a ionth for XK months previous to the next Term of thD Court, one of the public gazettes in this State, or sen personally on the dclVmlnntu True extract from the .Minutes, this 3d March, 1827. „ o., HENRY G. ROiS, 31—»3tlia Deputy Clerk Superior Court Houston improved, in the eleventh number fifty-two—levied on as the prop® 1 '!, Finley to satisfy one fieri facius in favor « v. Smith, and sundry other fieri faciases—l**)' 01 constable. , ..wt Also all the Interest of William Jordca in^ LAND whereon he now lives, known by two hundred and sixty-nine in the thirteenth Houston county—levied on as his property^v ; n fieri facias in favor of Moses Yarborough* 1 ‘ and returned to nte bjra^eonrtabb*^^ May 23—31 W On the first Tuesdayin JLLYntf'^ ILL be sold, nt the court house initw ^ Forsyth, Monroe county, between ot ten and four o’clock, . .It The State’s INTEREST In Lot number"^ dred and forty-two, (No. 148) in the CKh ^1 said county, being tho south half of said 'Jig ing one hundred one and a quarter acre* division. The condition of nale is, one fo®£ .* purchase money in hand, and the balanc annual instalments. WILLIAM llUCKABh, ^' may 28——31 On the first Tuesday in AVQVrt.f&i W ILL be sold, at the Court Hoo*. ” # ty of Pike, between the usual hol lowing PROPERTY, vlr. sure of a mortgage in favor of Egbert^tj^ may 27—31