Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 19, 1831, Image 1

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)».-.*•>'A vii* ,.}•)( flit ,? ,,i. ii ■<* L Ut*’ X*wj! ’■ .!, tl> ■ I _ U1 :|. 3 -if*' r r „ . '""p, m roBLimiiso »vo edited bv j ' f MJTROlff BAaTJDDXT. weekly from his Printing Office on ".lide of ffutherry street, at Macon. Ga. **'«* 0.11*1**18 a year, if paid in adrtmee, :«• r "“ M jf nut paid before the end of the KUhloriber* living at a distance are requir- Incases to par in advance. L ^rfI3XB.AX0&3’ aA&BlTT PT’IL Tuesday in April nett, will be sold ['"^-Threourt House door In Talbot county, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1831 Number 12. SHERIFF’S SALES. " " the court House Qoorin imoo. vuuiiiy, ’‘ Jhe usual hours of sale, under an order of ifia "lfJS.iin.rv of Monroe county when sitting lor ig <*"•«! i» r T.8triflually WmooMi), now Talbot coun- M**"®* ?* ' ^„ Br ty of Bcnjnmin Buekner, lute of dH V,uulv deceased, dold lor tho benefit of i" 1 c j rrel |i|ors of said deceased. nb» *" d cre pAitll \M BUCKNER, adm’r. CBAwmn baxijos, On the first Turning in April next, V tylLLbasuld lisloretbe court bouseat Knoxville, Jjf Crawford county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: Out’ Loi id Loud No. 3, in the third ilia- SHERIFF SALE SHERIFF SALES. ... uuiai On the Jirit Tuesday in April next, W ILL lie sold belore the court-house in the town of Macon, llibb county, the following prone,tv to wit: Three Negroes, Peter, a man,, about tbirty-five or trlct of Crawford county—levied on as the property i fort y years old, Prlis, a woman, and Eliza, a girl: all the property of Thomas R. Coleman I of Nathan Brady jun to satisfy one small FI Fa in levied on ta the property ut H !*• Towns toaaIRfy cutinnln favor ot Thomas Uothard r- ..r i.k. va-—i. ... —*-* |t ra dv inn sundry fi. las Irom the inferior court of said county Cnlemartand James M. Ware—pro] favor of John Edwards, vs. said Nathan Brady jun. Tlte East half of Lot No. 93, in .he fisi district, originally Houston, now Crawford county- levied on us the property of Jamet Beasley, to satisfy sundiy inial' Fi Fas. in favor of William J. Wayn- man and olbers vs Bessly. One Loi in .lie Town of Knoxville, No. 53, containing three and a half acrea—levied on as the property of James Lovett, to satisfy one Fi Fa in fa vor of VV illiam J. Wuyntnan, die vs. said Lovett. One Negro Boy, named Ned, about 14 years of age—levied on as the property of Laban inferior vvouri R«wn/>fcAmn in utitiv ««tnriru vi Pza ||) favor of Beauchamp constable 230—levied on as .lit. satisfy two small Fi Fas Jefferson county, in h^gJifLEtoan order of the InferUir Coort Bsnuchamp, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas in I ,(\|anrua county. wheo siHi.ig, fir ordinary Washington Prrston and othen vs. said Bi k .ms will be sold on the lint Tu* ■•day InApril ; _ai| levied and returned to me by • const. Lull, court house door m *«*«h|<taMAbe | 0 .,e Loi of L .ltd No 23 * ' |)Ed. i ,ickfl Jf. I*" lizn a girl. about’14 years property Henry Key. to satii IJm 4l) years old. jud. g deceas- issued from a Justice's court ol .......... ... HENRY MOOIIE, Adm’r. 61 lar the purp«« «n on the day fcbl9 II i. be sold on the first Tuesday In April next, at the court home in Monroe county, a negro ' l,v the „ame of Jack, belonging to the estate I. iliars deceased-sold for the benefit of the CditOT. MOSES HARRIS. \ EftWI. ANN MIAR3 l heirs Adm’rs. r|LI. hr sold, ai the late residence of Henry Smith. Monroe county, on the first tSafur w,it next, the following property, to wit: 1 Mate and Coll, four Cows and Calves, a qtiaa- L || ogs , 2 feather Beds, an., oilier household [ kitchen Fiirniinre too numerous to mention— [the heirs and creditors of*Fielding M‘ Mullen, 1 NAIL M'MULlUN, tx’or. larch 5—10 NOTICE. on I, be sold, on Friday, the 15th day of April * it, Monroe cuuniy, at tho Into residence nhaninh Beal, deceased, the Household and ' v.iniiliire. a valuable collection of Books. family of CORsT AaMJ rOS9ilA, "i.tclt of Cattle, a well broke harness Horse. fire \ll of which will »e sold on u credit until the liitav of December next. fcJIk A N. 11. BEAL, Ex’or tN the first Tuesday in August next, will he sold in the town of Clinton, Jones county, agree l„ „ n order ot Ibe cuuil of ordinary ol said l„ty, the following Negroes, belonging to the e» nl John Kirk, liecensed, to Witt Uounis, a mar. rty-cight years old. Charily, it woman, thirty-five liold. Aberdeen, a man, thirty year*old. Anac» . man, twenty four years old, Harris, n boy, tee rsold. Willis, a hoy, eight years old, and Wylie. Ly.six years oltl—sold for Hie benefit of the heits creditors of said deceased. ’ WILLIAM FREEMAN, liareli H Id aim’a,- with till will annexed. 11,1, he sold, on tho first Tuesday in October next at Clinton, Jones county* under an order lie Inferior Court of said county, one lot ol Lane Lid county, whereon?the undersigned now live- Lung of nhout one hundred and seventy acre* reurless. the property otlhe estate ot Henry Long . late of said county, deceased—to be sold for the iefit of the heirs- 9n the first Tuesday in December next, one lot [and in die second district of formerly Henry coun- [belonging t*> the estate T>f the said Henry Long L deceased, to be sold at the court house in Henry |nty under the above authority and for the ahoxe |)n the first Tuesday In January next, three Ne- , lien, a lad, about 19 nr 2d vears old, and a wo i Sally and her child to be sold at Clinton, under lib \v nntlanits and lor llie above purpose | Match 12. Ii at JAMES l.nNt,, adm'or. [‘.ilTiIRd totlie Estatu ol Zeph iniah Beal, Me 1 n Monroe County, decen-ed. are requested to • immediate paymcidi and those li.ivitig demands [lost said estate will present them according to * NATH/ feb 19 4 IAN H. BEAL, Ex'or. I IX persons having demands against the estate ot L Just Hills lain ot Crawford county,-deceased, ^ reader them in to the subscriber in terms of the i and all persons indebted to said estate, will he immediate imynji'lit to “> tltt. 1831 BRYAN BATEMAN, adm’r IjtOlUilA—L'owetn Count!/. TllHHEAB William J. Griimmy applies to me for letters of yiliiiiuislratiun off the es- ■d Mrs. Murinh Colton, lalo of suiil county, teasnl. .... Tine are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and jthtr the kindred and creditors of said deceased, fp be }"pptar at mg office, w thin the time /itesenbcd by \.le shew cause, if any they hate. ifAv raid letters Meet be panted. riven under my hand this-I3tii February, 1831. | S1HUN lluUriE. c. c. o. GEOIltil liults Countu. /HEilEAS Samuel Walker, applies to mo for letter* of Adininistrution mi llio estate ut T>rtl Patterson, late ol said county, deceased. u a,e therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- wthe kindred and creditors of said deceas'd, to be i appear nl my uffirr within the time prescribed by law. any they hate, why said lellus should men under my hand ibis 24lh day of Feb. 1831. 10 JOHN M-COltD, c c. o. on by a constable. March 5. WM. B. FILES, sntriff. HBwra/sr sAXisa. On the First Tuesday in April next, W ILL he sold before the court bouse at M'Don- "Ugh, Henry county, between the usual hours ot sale, the following property, vi2: Three Negroes to wi : Milley it woman, 411 years old, Ben a hoy, 11 yean old,'Sam a hoy, 3 years old—all levied on as the property of Ueorgc II'. Farrar, to satisfy a mortgage Ft ra Albert Bears a- gainst the said George W. Farrar, property pointed out in the said mortgage. A stn.ill Negro Uirl by llie nnme of Caro line, 6 or 7 years old—levied on as (be property of Ifilliam Qrimet to satisfy n FI Fa in favor of Willi-m- son Roliy uisil Frederick Ward, surviving pseentors of Josiuli Higginbotham, deceased, vs. Afily Higgin botham and William Unmet. O no Negro Gnl by ihe name of Milly— levied on es the properly of Willis Perry to satisfy a Fi Fa from Jackson Superior court, vs said Ferry and Robert Moon, in favor of the executors of Ephram Linly. deceased. Lo. No, 84 in tin* eighth district of Henrv county—levied on as the property of Francis B Dick- u«m to satisfy a Justice's court execution irom Wilkes cuuniy, Luke Turner vs said Dickinson. Lo. 5 in sqitate 6, in the Town of WncDimiiugh—levied on as (he property of James Kimbrough, for his tax for 1829. Out- ircre L*>i, mure or less, with tin* iiiiitdings thereon, adjoining the Baptist Church and x. Spencer's—levied on as the property of Jacob P, Wifin. for bis lax for 1829. Tin* ilnee lust levies made and returned to ■no by a constable. POSTPONED SALE. The North hull ol Lot No. 227, in *Ito 7tli ti-ti-ict of said county—levied on as tho properly of Lark Laois, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Washington 8u- ,-erior court, in favor of Isham d, Saffuld vs. said Lewis. JA8. LOVE, Sheriff. Also, will be sold as above. One lot of l.tnd, No. 114, m the.3d district of Henry county, ler'sd on as the property ol Rich ard Fori), to satisfy tiro small Fi Fas in favor of Bads & Mutulorville property pointed out by Law rrncr (Jaliagan. jan. 28 THUS. J. JOHNSON, D H. BUSH'S SAX.23. On the First Tuesday in April next, y y/U.L he sold belnrc Ihe court house at Jackson /J Butts county, between the usual hours ot sale, the ,uilowiiig property to wit: 202 acrea of Land morn or less, known by Lot No. one hundred and sixty three, in the first dis trict ot formnrly Henry now Butts county—levied on os the prupi rly ol tlilliam Moman to satisfy suiidiy Ft Fus issued Irom n Justice's Court ot .Harris coun ty in tsvnr of Joel Baloy—property pointed out l>> plaintiff. 202 1-2 iicrt-s of Lund mure or less, known tiy Loi No. one hundred and three, in tho first dis Irict ol formerly Henry now Bulls county, nod i(ol>- ert Brown’s interest in Lot No ono, in*square No. twelve in the (own ot Jackson in said county, front ing on Ihe public square, with n valuable two story building, uccupiedat present am house ol entertain ment, with other convenient buildings, and n mml Waggon end Harness and three Mules—all levied on as the property ut Robert Brown, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas usued frum the Superior Court ol said county one ill iHvor of William Roberts vs K. Brown, and Hetty flaleley and L. B Eubanks and others v> It. Brown. 202 1-2 .ictus of Land more or less, known by Lot .Xo. tweuty-ouc, in tho first district of for merly Henry now Butts county—levied on‘as Ihe property ol Janies Morris tosatisty a Fi Fa issued Irom the Superior Court ot said county, in favor of John (t. Cargdu vs James Morris. 202 L-2 arn s mine or less, known by Lot No lurly-lhree in tho fourth district of formerly SI nroe now Butts county—levied on as the pro|ier- ty ut Edward ll’erer to saiid> _« Fi Fa issued from tin- .-viperioi i olnt ol said coonTy, in lavoi -,l llmw, II Ji.iksvst. vVeveraud .Needham Lee and Dawson llcalh; property pointed out by John Hendrick 202 1-2 acres of Land more m li-as, known by Lot No. one hundred and eighty-four, in tho Hth district ol formerly llenry now Butts county; levied on as the property of Thomas Keys, to salisly a Fi Fa issueo from a Justice's court ot Libert county, in favor ot Jane Uarvan, cx’rx; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, John Robinson's interc-t in a lowi; Lot in Jackson in said county, known in the plan of said town by lot No. 2. in aqnare No. 2; levied on as the property of said Robinson, lo satisfy sundry Fi Broke Jail, ” Sunday evening 28th February, a Negro < tujohn ttrrie^ " arn ‘* ^»Arr. .ayw ho br»- Pu V*£d from a junco's court of said county, In nek In v. ?• a, , Lf>,llal iJ' 1 1 n ' n,ul !* ,r y ,0k * *“ favor of Fiarpont l’hilips, vx John Robinioni levied Carolina. John is a large Horn „„ ttlld retur al ( l to mo by a constable; properly puint- h!,,, on whiskers, speaks grossly, also j ^ 00 , (iy piaiunff’s attorney. “J ' n ° cc asms made nut o'tow leather. Bang- | Alan u town Lot m Jncksnit, known in tln> panuinons and blue coal. 1 will give twenty plnn o(said town by Lot No. one. in square No. one, ire"kkl*. 8nd a " ex F en ’ l ‘ s 10 my person to vriih a valnalilo building thereon, occupied at pres- “ *!■" j enl as o store house, fronting the public square; lev- W. B. CONE. j icd Oil as tbs pro|rt!rty of Thomas R. Barker, to satis fy a FI Fa issued from the inferior court nfsnid coun ty, in favor of Lawrence Gahagan vs Btiija - ' ' r> " ucr him to March 5 to ud v ' v o'rit;E45SSS^ i iy t in lavur ui liuvjuih'u umio^ph »» uciynMim *-*«-«» [E bonks arc now open for suhscribera to ' son and Thomas BfWJF'JJlffiLCS! 1 ''! 1 * ® ul the stock ol the contemplated Hotel, to he j by the plaintiff. R VV. HAKKNLSS, D. S. “poll a large ph, n , made fire proof, And erect- Also, will be sold as about, pon the corner ni Mulherrv and Third streets. 1 Two hundred two .ntd a h df ar.ies ol L ind, •[‘J'* ix divided' into shares of 8100 each, moro or less, known at lot number forty foui in the Wj*"Ma|rt»Hion ortho stock was immediately fourteenth district of originally Monroe^now' Butts scribrd for, and those wisliine m secure alures c-ou/ity, whereon James C. Dunseitb live**, and two * apply immcdlMoU r hundred Uxo and a halt acres of land more or less, 'ar. 5 'in |.'tiiJ Jiil.nMirfi . r*» known as number forty-five, in the same district; and MIU 1 \\ LlaLi <Si v^O# j 0 | number lwenty»eiRht, containing two hundred ]j a tw«» ««<i « !)a!l'acres moreor !»**??». in Ibe midi* diMritj; T L n Knlsi, . I county i. said Towns Lot number three and improvements, in squire for ty-four, in the (own ol Macon, containing one ball acre mure or less: levied on as the property of Jobu W. Roberts, to satisfy.« fi la issued boro the Comp troller's office of ihe itnli- ol Ueorgin vx. said Roberts, George U. Wardlaw and John Fbnpot. Lot numliertwo hundred and sixty-six in the fourth district, originally H-uislon now Uibh county: levied on us the property ol James H, Rodgers, to satisfy a fieri facias issued Irom n justice's court ot xaiu coun ty, in favor of rtpenerr Riley vx. Rodgers and John I.’. Hamilton: levied on and returned lo me by George Vigal, constable. W B. CON E, sheriff. maich&—-10 H -UHTOItf SABSS. On the First I’utsduff in April next, W ILL be sold belore the court house, between the usual hours ol sale, at I'crry, Houston county, the following property to wit: One Lot ut Ouk »in> H.»k'*iJ Laid in llio 13th district ol Houston county, No lMi levied on as the property ol James Sanrieford to satisfy a Fi Fpi in lavorol Juhn Holland; property pointed out by E. 3. Shorter attorney for plaintiff. Ono lui of Loud in ilu- lSihdia rict of Hous ton county, No. 17(i; levied on ax the property of Daniel W. Roberts tosatisty a Fi Fa in favor of Ed ward Uutiler. Om Loi ol Piiii* L-iid in the lSili district, Houston county, No. 277; levied on as the property of John IV. Barkwell to sutisly a Fi Fa in favor ol H H. Tarver: levy made and returned by a constable. Out- Lot of Loud ni dm sixth district ut Houston county, No 156; levied on as the property ul John Boug, tax collector of Gauiden county, to sat isfy two Fr Fas in favor oi the ritate ol lieorgia; property poiuted out by T. U. Howard, comptroller geueral. Om; Loi ol Fine L lid impiuvdd, wlioicun John Tincr now lives in the tenth district, number eigluy-eigbt, Houston county; one other Lot in the tenth district, number seventy, improved, whereon Joseph darker noxv lives one other lot ol pine laud, improved, whereon .vtiiicr S.inturd formerly lived, in the fourteenth district, Houston couuty, number sev enty-seven; one lot pine land in the tenth, district, Houston county, adjoining Tull and others, with a { nod grist mill thereon n xv in the occupancy ut >av id jimuson; one other lot nl laud in the fourteenth district, Houston county, number one hundred and tw enty-fire; one Sorrel horse, tour y ears old, with » while lace; one blind mure, twelve or thirteen year, old; one ox-cart, one leather bed, under bed and fur niture, one bedstead, twenty bushels corn mure or lest, one remnant «-f humbums, one remnant of tint- tinet, one do, striped calico, one do. collun northern C is, one small lot ot sugar, coffee and box, one k, one small lot ni crockery ware, three hollies, oue|iot and hooks. I oven, ono trying pun,one skillet, one pair smoothing irons, uni- coffer mill, one pair ol trace chains, cullaruinl plough, lineslsmnll lutot farming utensils, ono small lot oi bacon and lard, two axes, two silting chairs, three beaver traps, tour plough hoes, two w eeding mid one grubbing hues, one tin pan, one small piggin, one bug nod sail, one hag •mu rye, one sitter, one breadtray one table, IW< empty barrels, one inkslanU, one note o,; R C- &av edge tor eight dollars, one ditto bn Kiehard iio.hrrts for Giteeii dollars 7 head ,-t stuck,' cattle 15 hean *-l hogs: all levied on as the property ol John 'liner, (ax collector ol llouituo county and Joseph Uurkn, Miner riaiidtnril. Joseph Mims, Allen sullen. Rich ard Roberts, and Murk Cobb, his securities, to satiny one fi ri laciax in favor of the rtlnie of -Georgia, and i wo in favor otlhe Justices oi the Inferior Court tor the use of the county ol Hnuxtoii, march 6 HENRY W RALFY, sheriff. BZOSTRUB SAZiXiS- Oa the Firtl Tuesday in April next, W ILL he xuld between the usual hours ul sale before the Court House at Forsyth, Mon rue cuuniy. ihe 'following propert\ to wit: Two -iris- Lois m ilie town ol Forsyth, wuh nniiriivemcnts ihereun, and a negro woman Easier, i V vears Id age; levied on ns the pre|ieny or Ihtiiiw. uruwn to satisfy two Fi Fas Irani a Justi ce's euurl in lavur ol Mark i’atterson vs. William Uruxvu; levy made l y a castable Also one liiiinlii-il liuMii-ls.iif Corn, more or less, pari nl Hstack of Oats, one stack ol Fodder; levi ed on as llie property ot John Uaulding to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor ot John Jones; property pointed oul bv Archibald Uaulding March 5, JOHN BEDDING, shff. . Also will be sold as above. One negro Got by tin* nniu'e ot Sdv.i, It) years old; levied on as (he properly ol Richard Hum- lett lo salisly sundry Fi fi'S in taxor ol Henry Lee ami others; all levied by Aneswortb Ilardeway con stable, and returned to me March5; WM. HUCKABY. D stffi. Also, wilt hr told ns nbou, Forty-five ncies ol Lunl, Imiig ihe sou.h- west corner and part ol l ot No 124. in the 6th dis trict of Monroe county; lex ted (mas Ihe priqierly of Watkins Tapiey. to sati-ly a small Fi Fa in favor ot «srsMiii am: Goodwin vs said Taplrx; h-xx in de tiy a constable, march 6. A CfHTIRAN D. 8. .. on Common Hall, March 8, 1831. lone negro man named Lewis, twenty-one years old; mr 1 ? . I " f tho honrd. present Reuben Tnr- a negro man named Dave, twenty-five year* of age; -I,, '"‘‘’ndant pro tern TBomnl G Bates, Da- Pat. it woman, thirty years of age; Fillij a girl, eight- '““J Archibald Darnell, Ordered. 'I’hat een year* of age: all levied on as the property <d j having any buildings, fences nrany.oth- William Smith sen to sntisly sundry fi. tas. from Butts on ilT." "’hstever in any street, sid.-xvalk or supe>i*ir court, lo xvit: one in favor of Allen M-l.en- , osized^ic* n ^“umfons', which Is by tin in un- den v>. James C Duiucllh and William riinith; ano- j ofAi„'i il( Btey remove tho same by toe first Iher in favor of Dafllel Grant,Thomaa Grant and l e- r that li no *’- or, in rate of fnilure, the Marshal, ter Grinned ex’rs ifova. Jas. C. Dunseitb, Wm. Smith | oi»n ''t"* shall be authmixed and required to sen. Robert Smith and William Smith jun; another ii fiioJ ,>lnc f° r thwith. in fxxor of William H. Crane, bearer, v. Jam. * C. origin dly tow eta nosv L ampf ell countv—levied „ '. h *L 0rrf "-«d. that the ahovoordei be pub- Dansnilh and William Smith; pro|-erty pointed out a* toe properly ot T omoi Pare, to satisfy ore Fi rn II MM>«n g er and Telegraph, for the hene- by James C. Dunseith and William Smith sen tram lie ,rv .-uptrior Court, in f*vor of John rial ttih2L t S7£ d -., A ,r »»“ n "y from the minutes. JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, sheriff, .tors vs. .*i3 Pace. 3 ** MARTIN SIMMONS, Secretary. March S JO I Fel > 19 . B * LABLY, D. sheriff. OAMfBBLL 3AwuXlS. | . On ihe first Tuesday in April next,! sntuslLLbe sold before the court house At Camp bclllon, Campbell county, helxveeii the usual hours ol sale, the lulluwiiig properly, to wit: Loi ot L.illtl No. 70, in the SL-veudi dllirici ot originally Coweta'now Campbell couuty—levied on as the property of II illiam Mason, to salisly n Ft Fa issued Irum Hall Superior Cuurt, in lavur ol Hol land M. Ueurden. Loi ol L ind No. 112, in the ninth district of originally Fayette now Campbell county or *o much thi-ri-oi as will he sufficient, to satisfy one Lxcculion issued by the Tax Collector at Putnam , ounly vs. Lemuel (Juinr in the year 1822—levied on and return ed to me by a constable Lo. No. 166 in the xevi-mh district of on- ually Coweta now Campbell county- levied on as ,■ property of Ussiat Baggct, t) satisfy a Fi Fa In favor of Thomas E ,Vllliamson.vs. John Gilbertand said Baggcl A Nl-ciu Womun, 21 year* of age, by the name ol Winny. levied on as the property ol John llewit, to sutisly 11 Fi Fa issued limn Dr Kalb 8upr rior court, in lavorof Willinm Baker, and riamuel Baker, administrators of Christopher Baker deceased, vs laid llewit, Green AV. Baker and .James C Reid. Ode sorrel Horse—levied on as the propei- ty of Thomas A Latham, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor ol N. 1) & II. D. Wredc vs said Latham. Om* Still mill Worm, tilM beet Tubs, om* parcel of Mill rock, one Mill Spindle, Balance, and driver, also, one lot of Land, known by No 61, in the 14lh dislrictVforiginally Fayette now Campbell county—If vied on as the properly nf Ephraim K M Lean, to salisly a Fi Fain fax or of Benjamin 8ims x said Me /.run Feb 80. N. NICHOLSON, sheriff Also will be sold as above. Lot of Lunl No. 69. in 'he eighth di.xtrirt of fAYUSSB SAX.BS. Un the first Tuesday in April next, VR7II.I, he sold before the cuurt house at Fayette- If ville. Fayette county, between the usual hours ol sale, tho following property to wit: On** yoke of Oxen and Carl—lovied tin ns : -«■ rs r... ) a xatjsfy, aa exe- I vx. Thomaa R. property pointed out by James M. Ware. Also, Fi.ictmn or lot No.. 179, in the seventh district of Fayette county—levied on ni the property of James Ryle, to sati*fy an execution in fa vor of Joseph Moss and Benjamin Brown, adminis trators ol Eiishn Nail, vssnid Ryle \Lo, l^iit No. 14, in tin* 7<h district of F ix ette county—levied on a* the property of Thomas Brawn, to satisfy'hii execution In favor of Thomas Carroll for Bin use of F*ekiel Ralchford, vx. said Brown. AImi Thrw Lots uf land, No. 187, 188, nnd 165, in the Cth district of originally Uenry noxv Fay. ette county—levied on as the prnjierty of James Mar cum. lo satisfy an execution in favoor of Jordan Gay va. «aid Marcum—pointed nni bv Jordan Gay Feb ID. A M'BRIDE. D. Sh’ff. PATENT PLOUGHS. 50 Patent PLOUGHS, j_u*t_rccoived and for ELLIS, HIIOTWELL Si Co. 10 4JL3IANACKS For JL83I. Received and for ante bv dec. II liLl.IB, HilGTWELL, & Co. svi^aziRroRss a. stodbahd g JAVI. jnit received a Irexli supply ol Northern POETRY. BEA BONG. Our penant glitters in the breeze. Our homo is on ihn sea, Where the xvind may blow or billow flow. No limits to the free! N*> limits to tho free, my boy:*. Let wind ami xxavr watt on; The boundless worltl of xvalers is, My merry men, mir own. One mnte farewell, one k)r>Ji-*:U wfici’o The bine sky meets the foam, Headland anil isle, fast fade liic while. Then proudly greet our home! Through wind and wavn we've-hearts to brave, Tho battle anil ihe wreck; For ocean is llio sailor’s grave, His heritage ihe deck. Or be it east or be it west. Or to the pole or lino, So, fire like se;i turd to lief r.'Tt, Our fleet ship cleaves the brine; Our fleet ship cleaves the brine, my boyv, As now with stun-saiis square, And royals light she seems to quit Her elemrnt for air. Cheetly, clieerly, my merry met), For merry men are xvc; From sun to sun still roving on, Ah Ihe breeze that wafts us free; As the breeze that wafts us free, my bays; My merry men and true. Where wind may roam, or billoxxs loam, Our native land, adieu! MISCELLANEOUS. Prison of Polignac.—Thu Edinburgh Ob server gives llie following account of the for tress of Si. Michtl, in Nui mainly, whtio (ha ex minniui, Pol.gnnc, is to icmain for tile. The Mute prison of Michel stands cn u lofty pyramidal ruck, si'uarcd in n spacious bay calf skins, do. solo leather and lining skins bearing ihe snme name, which srparatrs Nor- broxvn. bleached, and yclloxv shoo thread, assorted qualities. NEW CLOTHING. ^JUST recelvcdnt tiin . 'acini Limbing store. 8upcr do do - 'do do do do Frock Coats •• “ •* “ " <*. Coaitees, •< <• •* Over Coats, “ “ Blue and Fancy Pantaloons, Velvet, Velenclo, Flni**ntine ami Marsaillcs Vests, xvitli a fine assortment ol .uprr Blur. Black, Broxvn, Olive and Claret Broadcloths, L'nsimi'res. Arc. <Sc. FITCH & WORD1N. N. B. .Shall receive in a few days atiandsomo assort ment uf tardies’and Gentlemens’ Cloaks and Coarsa i loth mg, &c. oct.30. 44 SUGAR, &C. 20 hhds prime New Orleans Sugar 15 bts loaf .Sugar 5 Itbds Molasses . '50 hi* Baltimore Whiskey 20 do Portland Rum 20 do Apple Brandy For sale by Feb 12 7 DAY & BUTTS. ni.iudy Iron) Biitluny. Seen from :i distance, especially from llio sen, it greatly resembles tho rock ol Ailsa in tho filth of Clyde, Tho chuimcl that .sepniulus tlin mount from tho main fine blue, black, brox r n,oiive, claret dress Coats | land may be crossed by the pedes rinds at low J * J ‘ ad* J ~ dr ■*“ “■■■•■ r ’— ‘~ water, hm ftaruerous quicksands nnd the rapid ity xviili winch ihe ,ido rises, render n guidtv Orcessaiy. The ruck slloots up steeply on nil sides, .mil inuiiu the biso about ono luimircd liouscs till* clustered xvitliin the strong defensivu works. Stans cm m the rock, and carefully guaided, lead up lo the prison, which is near its summit; and ilio extreme pinnacle is sur mounted by a stalely itliby, about seven hurt- dreii leei above the level of tho sea. This edifice is esteemed n place of great sanctity, and is still a famous place of pilgrimage among the devotees uf the cllurcii uf Rome. As far hack as tin* days of William ilia Conqueror, Mourn St. Miditil .was a hi too ^ hold of note, and many distinguished men pined and perish ed in its dungeons. Ten iliuusmd troops, wo were assurer), cunhi find lecommudalions in tbn tuitiess.inu itbby ulune; mid ihu subterranean apartments, scooped in the outrail of the moun tain, *nd of which many bloody nnd barbarous traditions ate on recotd, form u labyrinth of xvlucli even tin officials do not know tin* boun daries. At the lime wc spook of (1822) about eight hundred pi iso tier* were immured in tho toilless, part of them fur crimes against tho slate,'and part for common felonies. Among ilio humble contrivances in this dreary retreat, there is un abyss called “Montgomerie's Hole,” ot prodigious depth, which is supposed to hnvo Ureu ,ni obligatory or concealed trap door, up on xvlmli, in barbarous times, criminals inimical o ihe stale, amt whose death it was deemed advisable lo cover xvitli mystery, were lured to step unwittingly, tmd so,hurried into eternity, in one of the dungeons, so late as the end of last century, them was a huge cage, constructed of strong wooden bars, in w hich many eminent victims (lined and suffered, nnd among others, Fiaucisiie l i Bii ioitnier, a printer of Leyden, xvlio was clandestinely seized in Holland, fol publishing >i sains? oil Louis XIV. and who di- rat to this iiomble cell alter a long nnd severe inpnsouiiient. Loots XL ono of tho croelesl •lift meanest despot* dial ever dishonored tho • ol France, had a grcit liking for Mount s Michel, and m tie fr qncm pilgrimages to iltlhnUu; .uni one ot his impinvemenls wae tho illation of mbheites, (pits, or “forgolteii iiiles,” xli.iped like iiivr*iled cones,) in which the wieirliud he aps innnuied in them coukl neiihei lie, sit, nor stand, and into vvlnch they xvi*to lowered with the knowledgo that they xxero to bo left to die of starvaiiOD. From the Charleston Courier. The following extract Irom those highly re- • peeiable physicians, Mitchell anil Dell, ou tho mtrinlcus disease, meets, we umli rsi.ind, tho views ofthe F iculijf in t!iis city, at tho pretent i.' iy, and must therefore ho intetesting to one reader*: A careful perusal of the preceding history r f tin* eruptive fiivcxJu Pliiladelphia, daring tho years 1823 and 1824, xv ill, wo think, lend oer readers to join us m the following inferences: 1. That tho lover, folloxved by an eruption whichofidi*rwi*nt tho several stages, papulm, vesicular, and pustular, anil occtiring during tho hove years in persons who had never be«r. vaccinated or inoculated, or hud small ppjr, xvas, in its train of symptoms, general physiog nomy, and results, precisely similar to the null - in I small pox, as it has prev.ii)cJ and been de scribed in founcr years, nnd in other coautzics 2. Thai (his disease, distressing to tint pei- son laboring under it, and disgusting toull thorn in attendance, is usually violent, never witho; danger,- and always in proportion, unth. any know n I'rCiittnent, is of fatal termination. 3. That the* (insusceptibility of persons Wv . have once had the sm di pox to a second attacl though qf geneiul noioriety nnd troth, is not u niveo-id, and hm with us, as elsewhere, pc* ihus apparently protected, wore seizes 1VIBURLY & CHISHOLM have iust re- J^k. eeivrd pr. boats Two Brothers and Velocitv :I00 kegs xxhlte Lead, 10 bids, linseed Oil, 10 bids lamp do -5 bills Putty, 3 bbls. Varnish, 50 boxes 8 by 10 window Glass, 50 buxes TO by 13 do. 5 b’bls. t>. Turpentinp 100 kegs Nails, 20 do. cut N'pikes 25 ton* iron, tlOO lb. cast Steel 2000 lb German do. 100 do. Blisteid do ID,00U Castings, 150 pr. best wrought Truces 50 do/., needing tines ' 200 sets wagon Boxes SO bbls. Portland Rum SO do. Northern Gin SO do. Kye'VV Inskey 200 boxes Tabic Salt 20 kegs Rogers’ F. Powder 100 bags patent Shot 25 bags Buckdo. 200 lbs. Lead, S bbls. Coperas 10 llhds. Sugar. 10 do. Molasses 50 bags Coffee, S do. Pepper 5 do. Pimeulo, too boxes Cigars 50 coils Car'll anil Hemp Rope 100 pieces Colton Bagging 12 boxes Vx hitiimurn’s cotton Cards • 10 Kegs Tobacco Scxtlie Blades, culling Knives, Rasp Hooks, steel torn .Mills. Hinges. Chalk. Whiling, Logwood, In iligo. Salt Poire, mill, cross cut, and whip Sans. Epsom and Glauber Salts. Patent Medicines. Ilimplron. hand do. Nnil Rod, sheet Iron and sheet ('upper. In addition to the above xvc have on hand an extensive assortment of Dry Goods, Hard W arc. Hals. Shorn. r-a<|d!er} anil Farlln i Ware—which will he mild low tor rash, or Cotton. Plainer* and enuntry Merchants will please call and examine Macon. Jan IS. it VOW SAlaFa ET RES11 Mackerel, llyaon Tea, , E!" loaf ami lump Sugar, tiroxvn Sugar, Whiskey. II. Gin, C. Brandy, Malaga Wine, Trneriffe Wine, Claret Wine, Preserved Ginger, Swede Iron, assort*-* from one anil n half to nine incites, American blistered Step], Girman Steel, Cast Steel. Hollow E.n then ware. Bagging fNvn *-. India Twine, '-hop Twine, Seme Twine; Blank Buoks, Writing Papi r, ■ W raping Paper, together with Homespuns, DRY GOODS &c. Feh 12. 7 T. •’. NAPIER. Spring onel Summer Cfotfiing. WIUIA'iU: XX. B0RJJEAX.X. mAH just commenced receiving his »tock o! Spring and Summer CtjOTIIfNG. which he will sell oiitne moil liberal terms. Among the arti cles already received are the following. Super Binck Bombazine Coats ditto Merino CMoth ditto ditto liM«ting ditto R^\ven Cessimero ditto ditto Frock ditto Black Bombazine Pantaloons Lasting Brown French Engl*, h and Irish dn White da do do do Changeable silk Vests, n splendid e.rticlo Figured London Marseilles do White do do buff nnd white Valentis do Ac Arc &c Mn rh 1*2. 1^31. TIN WARE Manufactory. A'ecrr/y eppesite Chapm/in’t corner. subscriber has now on hand end will keen B constantly, o supply ot TIN WARE, which he will sell wholesale or retail at Savoncwh or An* gtislA prices- W. B* F.LLIB B3T Orders sent to Life, prompt uttvatiou wiih ihe dise.isc, of which some of them died 4. That innncnlation of iho xmall po*. tf' in general eonferr njon the paftonffubjatted i otwcU fi-will^wivs lhi3 l"' ocws * •'nmonity from the effects of vqri 25 j'iae 19 . t-!o-34ausigic3 ip ai.ur litc, cot csrvasj/'