Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 02, 1831, Image 2

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From the Columbia i rtc Press ancl Hive. STATE RIGHT BALL. Tne grand drama is over—the State Right Call in ' Charleston, a pageant which every irn.i uf aou:;.l political morality-mug! contem plate with imnu of disgust limit approbation. At thi* *' entertainment something liko di vine hocurs wero alir.ven to bis Excellency by u few minions of power At is, tho las-! ions of patriotism that worn exemplified by «ta fathers of 1'ui snbr day* in Charleston, havo boen forgotten by some of tltoir descondnuts. They aio scckm* after strange gods, that their fathers know not. The shepherd lias dcpartod.from Israel, and the -people have erected a V olden Call' as the object of wor- • ll! p. Tins spirit of tho political revolution of 1800, once shed its Jight over the people of tli*t,ciiy, 80 famed in the leviilii iouary story for its pat riotism. But a new generation notv occupies tile theatre of uciion. Are the people of Ch alesion doomed tolse led lilto die servilo minions of a despot by u few designing and reckte-s politicians! Little more than half a dozen winter snows havo whitened, the mtum tains, since Governor Hamilton, with Mr. Hiyttb and ifco Prtteeu Editor of the Mercu ry enlisted the citizens of Charleston in an un holy political crusade against Judge Smith, avowedly ou the ground of his Stute Right doc trines. . They Were then die loud and clamorous ad vocates of (lie splendid system of linern d Iini provenient, Hie favorilo political bantling of Mir. Calliouii; lint was nursed into i rtion with So much paimr. il care by Mr. M Doffi - inihe House of Ropioseinaiivus, and Mr. Hay lie in the Senate. They wero enthusiastic suppur tors of this scheme of robbery of tho South; this most odious branch of the American sys tem. Judge Smith unmasked these political he retics.. He brought public opinion to bear on them through the Legislature of the stale with no much power, that they were driven from their unholy doctrines—a sudden light shoue On their benighted understandings. Behold- a miracle! Governor Hamilton, a gentleman of the most profound erudition, who hid been engaged in political lifo, and aihgted with tho first polinciuns of diis nation for tho greater portion of the days of his man- IiojiI; who had served in the great councils ot the nation, during the period when the two branches of the American System (the Tariff and internal Improvement} underwent th< most thorough discussion till Constitutional grounds by tho first meu of this nation; when the great republican leaders of.tlto Jeffersoni an school brought all tlm powers of their migh ty minds into action against the system: Gov enter Hamilton, whilst all this light wus'shm around him, remained in utter darknoss. Aim never did the light of truth burst oil his benigh t'd mind; till the people of this state proclaim ed more tiian once from their legislative hull, in a voice loud and commanding, the semenc* of,condemnation, against the unholy doctrine.- that lie had been sustaining with so much zeal. This produced the miraculous conversin'- of Governor Hamilton and his coadjutors, Messrs, H tyne -and Pinckney of the Mercu- ry. Governor Hamilton drew largely on the cre dulity of the good people of Charleston, wltoi- ho proclaimed that ho lud labored unt'er natural delusion,” and that the light of iruih for the first timo hurst on his understanding.— Pooplo of Charleston, this “trio” once led through mires and quicksands, to.tlio political sacrifice of the man who was engaged in the glorious strife of bringing this stato back to (In good old doctriuus of the republican iarnily ol 1800. Li a succession of numbers written by Mr. Pinckney, under i ho signature of “A Rppun- licau," and published in the City Gazette, in 1825, this Protean politician assailed Judge Smith for his opposition to the splendid schemes of Internal Improvement by the General Gov ernment. In hisspeoch before the Clariosophic. Socie ty, in the same year, this same Proteus of the Mercury delivered the most splendid encomi ums ou lito system of Iiiieruul Improvement mid of Domestic Munufnciutes. Tito conversion of these men to tho true political faith, proves that the mind of Judge Smith was clear and luminous, whilst theirs wero clouded and benighted. It proves that Judge Smith was jight—whilst they were all wrong. They h ive, however, never forgiven him 'or removing the scules from ihnir eyes.— To y h .to him will) die more mietucness, be cause no brought them from darkness to light. On whose understanding ought you now to rely! On iheso now converts to .he failh,(if thoy in truth aro really converted) or on he judgment of the Political Patriarch, whoso understanding was uevor misled by false lights: The man whom the Richmond Enquirer (die oracle of die republican Family ol Virginia) de clares "never has heeu wrong on a great Con stitutional question. ” " Are you again to be led away by the extrav agant and wild doctrines of dio “irio” tlmi lod you astray in former days! Are you to bloto hoi and cold at tho bidding of Messrs. Hamil ton, Hiyucand Pinckney! Are they the ora cles that uroto mislead you feiever! Are your Senses to be captivated by a splendid pageant! %i Thc State Right Dull." To whom given, and who moved die secret wires of this dra matic exhibition! The answer is plain. Moil, who but the other day proscribed die doctriuo of Stale Rights, and denounced with political vengeance, the man who endeavored to impress it on this state as tho true political faith of the south. The -violence of theso ever changing politi cians have done inconceivable harm to the Cause of reform at Wiisliiugtou. It is deeply Jell and lamented by the politicians of the whole south, whose imerast is identified with our Own—that the people of the onlightened city of Charleston shall fly from ono extreme of politics In the other at tho bidding of a few wild and inconsistent politicians, must he a matter of wonder and regret to the wise and vir tuous throughout this union. But thanks are doe to the God of nations, thatfbere '* yet a goodly number uf the inhab itant! of the city, that view this subject with tho Dyes Oi'-jrhxloin, aid who have not yet bowed down their understandings hoforo this unholy alliance. Chester, 19/A March, 1331 The Washington Globe, the organ of what. boon brought forward in Piiiliameiit on the 1st is called tho “Jackson Van Buren party,” has I March, by Lou! John Russell, with the unun- '.ow taken n decided stand against the propos- imous approbation ol jbe Government. Al- terous doctrines of Nullification. We. copy tho annexed paragraphs from that print, iu.ex emplification:-— “We liavo seen enough of privnto letters and public papers to satisfy us, that Mr. Calhoun’s ill-advised attempt to bring bis private quar rels imo tho political discussions of the country, has utterly destroyed all chances for his polit ical advancement, which his "nullification" ha left. “Tho nullification party unite in tho scheme of the Coalitiou, and strivo io persuade the peo- plo that they do not assail the President, bu those to whose arts they pretend he is a victim. They would havo us to believe that he is un der control, becauso they found on a memorabh occasion, that no artifice could deceive him, nor any influence swervo him from the great cause of tho country, and induce him to give his countenance to the interested schemes of partisans, however they might profess devu- tiou to himself. The public havo. not forgot ten the celerbrated Nullifying Dinner got up under* iho protenee of commemorating the principles of the patriot Jcflerson, and 10 which tho patriot Jackson was invited to lend the sanction of his presence. Toasts and speech es wero prepared to recommend tho new .doc- irines to which the Vico President had com mitted himself in tho South, and they were so artfully disguised in the garb of Stato Rights, that it was supposed, amidst the oiithusiasiu and applause of surrounding friends, the President from sympathy,.would catch (ho contagion, uud unite in procl iniing the principles of Nullifica tion, or in other woids, the-right of ono State to dissolve tho Union. A copy of tho toasts were placed at tho plote of tbo President,'that lie might be prepared to join in the spirit of the proceeding; but □<> sootier had ho run his eye over tho paper than he endorsed oil the back of it his own commentary, and put his veto up on it. This was like the night attack on the ( enemy, on tho twenty-third of December.-— He rebuked, at once, tho politicians who sought to entrap him, through thu consenting feelings natural to such nil occasion, by his premptory oust—-“ The Federal Union mutt bepreserv- d." From that moment Mr. Calhoun felt hat his principles wore out offavor; and lie esolved to tnko the ground that the President was the “victim of political intriguers," when '■e found him superior to all intriguers. He liiund that no (littery nor management on tho iart of hi itself and his friends, could bund the loblc-minded and single-hearted patriot, to givo he weight of his character and station to the losigh of artful and ambitious partizans, and ho i ts sought, through every avenue, to destroy iiat influence which he could not propitiato to 'is purpose. Tho good sense of the people nil foil him in this, ns tho good senso of the President foiled his first attempt.” The doors of the Bank und VauSts were found | abjure it, and call it on Monday morning closed and locked as " I'.^y bore is * usual. G._A. VV ORTH, Gastiltr. tlc , you. We. City Bank, New York, March 21,1831. LATE FROM ENGLAND. Charleston, March 26. By the British barque Mary Catherine, arri ved at this port last evening from Liverpool, whence she sailed on tho 14th February, we <i ivo received London papers of the evening of lie 12th, and Liverpool papers of the morning d' the 14lh ult. Maticis appear to bo quite unsettled on the 'eminent. The Duke do Nemours, second ion of Philip King of lito French, had been ■Iecicd King of Belgium, but the French Gov- ■itmiem have rejected the offer, thus throwing nek on- thu Belgian Congress the question winch they supposed was settled. Tho place was not filled at our latest dates The British Parliament assembled oh the 3d ii February. Tho Chancellor of tho Exchequer has pro posed to Parliament to lay a duty of ono pen- ly pet pound onuli raw Cottons imported, with i drawback duty to tho same amount on all manufactured Colton exported. , In-conso- qdciica of this proposition, it will be seen by - eference to let tors under the commercial head of this morniug’s Courier, that the raw article had advanced 3-6d. in the Liverpool market, As letter writers have given different con structions of the intention of the British Gov- vommeut on this subject, we copy below the I uiguage used on the occasion in tile Houso of Commons, by tho Chancellor of the Excheq- ui'i, as reported in thu London Courier.— Whether a pcuuy per pound is intended to be dm whole duty, or so much in addition to the six per cent, now le-'ied, we leave to our rea ders to determine. In Committee oflhe Whole oftho Huusj of Commons, Feb. 11, the Chancellor of the Ex chequer said: “The next tax he was about to propose was one to winch ho anticipated objections, which objections would Imwover, be counterbalanced oy the advantages. Ii would be objected, lie expected, that a went to impose a new tax on jrnn of ourstuple manufactures, and would, be sides, be attended, by the inconveniences con sequent upon a drawback duty. He admitted, lie repeated, that these were objections; but besides his unwillingness to ta'mpor with a sta ple commodity by imposing a new lax upon it. the sum would be small, and only intended to meoithe loss which tho reduction of the duly uu the same article in another form would oc casion. The committee was aware, that by re ducing tho lux on printed Cottons, those con sumed by the poorer classes, there would be a loss to the annual revenue uf £500,000; and they were also uwaru that the ground of that reduction was, that the tax fell more particu- lurly ou the less wealthy classes. (Hear, hear.) Now he proposed to throw the tax over nil tho consumers of cotton, instead of one part, us tho duty®nt present pressed—(Hoar)—and thus save the revenue, und relievo iho poor consu mer of (lie article. (Hear.) This would be accomplished by a duly of Id. per pound on all raw couons imported, with a drawback duty to tha same amount on all manufactured cotfun exported. Ho had admitted (He objections to this drawback duly, and to the tax no the raw material of industry, but put to tlm Comroittoe whether the advantages, on the other hand, did not more than counterbalance ' (he objections. (Hear.) H" would take tbo revenue to bo thus derived si £500,000, judging by the average impoit of cotton for the last-few voars. The ; mport the last year of all was 179,200,000 lbs.; hut he would lake the average of tho preceding years—namely, 119,500,000 lbs. which at Id. per lb. would produce £497,000—that is to say £500,006 in round numbers." cy of the cause in unfavorable times. . r - (he - Thete were 191 oiombers present, absuluio Majority 96. For the Duke of Nemours 89; Hukoof Louchtenborg 675 Archduke Churlc- 35. None oflhe Candida os having tho major- y required, a second ballot was made, when >f 192 voies, the Duke of Nemoms had 97; iro Duke of Lcuchtenberg 74; aud Archduke Charles 21. .... Tho Duko of Nemours having the absolute majority of votes, the President prnclaime- Louis Charles Philip de Orleans, Duko oi Ncmouis, King ol the Belgians, Tho President then read tho decree of proc lamation, declaring the Duke King, on condi tion of his accepting the Constitution, and ta king the following oath:—“I swear to obsorve die Constitution and laws of the Belgian people, to mnniain the national Independence, and the integrity of tho teritory.” (Long and loud acclamations proceeded from the galleries and all parts of the ball, und wero repeated by the ciowd outside.) T.he cvem was announced to iho citizens by proclamations from the Provisional Govern ment, and from the Burgomaster, and by sa lutes of artillery. The London Courier of tho 12th February, publishes, in a second edition, an important communication from its Brussels correspondent, dated Wednesday night, which states, that n protocol from tho Congress of London, dated the 7ih uh. had been communicated to the Pro visional Government that evening; and that it not only declared, that the Fruucli Govern ment is resolved to reject the offer oflhe crown of Belgium fur the Duko of JMomuur*, but that it adheres to tho protocol of the 2(Mi January, and consequently disavows the letter of Count Sebustiuni. It further states, that, in the event uf the Duko of Leuclileuberg being again pro- C osed and elected, lie will not bo recognized y any of the flvo powors. Thu samo corres pondent, in a letter dated Thuisday dVening, states, that M. Bresson, tbo French Minister, had declined to sign a note sent to tho Provis ional Government with tho ubovo protocol, and that tho diplomatic commission had refused to lay the document before Congress, having re turned it to Lord Ponsonhyl There appears to itave been no regular figh ting between the Russians and Pules. A few trifling skirmishes had taken place, which were altogether offensive on tho part of the Poles, they havo mado incursions into tho Russian territory. It is said in tho English papers, that if thu duty on newspaper stamps und advertisements should be reduced, as proposed by the Chan cellor of tho Exchequer, newspajiers will bo sold at sixpence instead of sevenpence, and short advertisements will be inserted for four shil lings instead of, as now', six shillings and six pence. It is stated'i&‘ it London paper of the 12th February that policies havo been taken -at Lloyds' in which £5 is given, to rccciyo £20; if a declaration of war shall be made by the 5th of April. The sfieculators in oil aro likely: to make a losing business, whale oil having lately fallen iu price $10 per too. ’ — Liverpool, February 14. Mr. O’Connell and the other traversers have, it will be seen by the intelligence which we insert in another column, pleaded guilty to the fourteen first counts of the indictment which had been preferred ugainst them. Thus ell sjroculations with regard to the issue of tho tri al is at an end. The traversers have, by their plea, tacitly admitted, that Lord Anglesey was right nnd that they were wrong. Wo suspeci, from tile way in which the trial has gonu off, that tho wltolois the result ofu compromise be tween tho traversers and the. Government.— Agitation is, for the present, at an end, and*!he Viceroy’s triumph over Mr. O’Connell com plote. heresy. But we w,ij Wd . Verily here is a revolution in the wheel of tics for you. We, who have been, durinn c whole of our editorial lives, opposed to Mr Pr houn and his doctrines, are now found side hr . j with Inm, if he is accused truly, ih thedoclii Mollification—so called—though our's ij ti b side I ‘’tuff I ihough iiut a Cabinet Minister, ho was solctcd Cny Lank, New \o.k, March 21, 1831- , for the task on account of his assiduous advoed- There are no m irks of violence jpercepliol of the cause in unfavorable times. on any of tho doors leading into the bank, ot Tiio election of a sovereign took place in on those loading to the vaults. Active mea- mnlific; . a Belgian Congress; on the 4th February, sitres were immediately adopted by the Board actly the same sott of a thing that goes , ° --- ' 0 f Directors to trace out tho villains; but wo do ; name in South Carolina. And the ancient aa, not loam that they have, as yet, inale anydis- ' saries of Mr. < rawford m this State, t j 10 'a- ... 1. ■ have been unceasing in then opposition to h: • I season and out of season, are now found'b , i?| side in the doctrine of anti-nullificaiion!! “I this is a bran new predicament lor ua a fft 0 I, ■ , l It almost induces us to ask, as an acquaint,.' " | our’s once did an eminent lawyer:—"Jf y ou c (| man till the appellations in the world/and i i’I from him his consignment, what what „:n , I offered next?” ” 111 *»l Really this is a singular tnuliod of troatm, a grave a subject, and a most ludicrous attend I get out of an ugly predicament. T| le jour n ,i '-’I a >itil 11fie r, hut ‘not exactly' of the aame »i, m . “I thoso of South Carolina—siill the naiu re o! - difference is not hinted at; and the reader i, SI to discover the truth, by guessing! Verily s 5v| indistinctness bccomclh not a writer celebrated f I 'I 4iih>>il:iiiiP tfipl n I’ malhnnt'ilipal iIaiv.. . ** 0 covery which enables them to direct their pur suit to any one given point. So ingenious havo ihievis becomo of iato, it would really soent that locks aro no security against their depre dations. ■: New York, March 22. Most Extensive Robbery.—Tho City Bank, in t.his city, was ontered with false keys between Saturday night and Monday morning, nnd the vault! robbed of upwards of two hundred thou sand dollars, all in bank notes, except 200 doubloons. Tho particulars, us far as yet as certained, of the amount taken use as fol lows:— ■fljfr-- 138,911 dollars in notes uf various Banks iu dejtosii is the property of the Bulk. 26,012 dollars in bills of tho Morris Canal Batik, a deposit of said Bank for sufo keep iog. 40,000 dollars in bills of the Lansingburg B ink—i deposit of said Bank. A trunk containing about 14,000 dollars in notes of iho Orange County, Nnivburg, Ru land, md Morris Banks, belonging to Messrs. S. & M. Allen f 200 doubloons, a special deposit for safe keeping. The Capital Stock of tho City Bank is $1, 250,000. The tors of so large a sum us $138,- 000 has created a pauic among the alockhidil ers—and the stock which was ut par on Saiu day, is offered at 85. The utmost vigilance is, and will be used for the detection of the rob' bars, and it soems hardly possible that the vil lians can escape with their plunder. Tim following handbill has been issued by tho Bank— Five Thousand Dollars Reward. Tho City Bank of this City having been colored by means of I-lie keys, between Satur day afternoon the I9<h lost,, and Monday morning, 21st, and robbed of a large amount of Bank Notes, flee, the above reward is offor- od for-thu recovery of tha property, aud a pro portionate sum for any jrart. The following comprises the whole amount of lira robbory, including deposits for safe keep ing: Abou- $40,003 Notes Lansipgburgh Bank. 26,012 do Morris Canal Banking Co. 2.500 do Rutland Bank, Vermont. 3,000 do Orange Couuty Bank. 2,000 do Newburgh B oik. 2,000 do Morris B ok N. Jersey. And $130,000 of Note* of the several Banks in this city. Also, 200Spanish Doubloons. jyxACOwr telegraph. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, IN31. (jyw COTTON, 0 a 8 cents. The Public Hands at work on the roads near Macon, under the superintendence of Major Pace, have progressed about six miles on the road to wards Clinton. The distance will be considerably shortened; and, considering the inequalities of the ground, the road, as far as thoy have gone, is be lieved to be as good as it is practicable to make it: Air. Moses Collins, who has the immediate charge of the hands, gives genera! satisfaction as a push ing and industrious overseer. A root of Rye, having several stalks, (the tallest over five feet in height,) fair'y. headed out and bo* ginning to blossom, was left iu our office yester day. It grew on rhe town commons, in a field be longing to Col. A- Durragh, and is said to be a fair specimen of toe tv: ole. Charles J M-Donald.— I his geutlemun has a- gainjand^again been charged by an anonymous wri ter in the Columbus Enquirer with having written several articles under the signature of “Common Sense" in the Macau Telegraph, though the an tlior of those pieces promptly corrected the error. We are now authorized by .lie author to state, and we Anotn the declaration to be true, that Judge A1‘ Dooald neither wrote nor dietated the articles signed Common Sense," was privy to their origin nor had any intimation of them until they had ap peared in print. Sharp Shooting.—Tho following extract of a letter, dated Forsyth, 20th ultimo, mentions an in stance of close shouting, winch, we hope, may produce emulation in other places: "Tbe Alnuroe .Musketeers had a shooting coolest on tins day I'm the prize plumes, and 1 think the average shooting better than any I have yet heard of. The average shots of four of tho members of tho corps aro, the first, two and a half inch, s; the second, three and a quarter inches; tile third six inches, and the fourth seven and a half inches. There were many other good shots. I ,tive you this information, that you may ooticoit, if you like, in your paper. It may probably create einulaiiun iu other volunteer corps in the citate, not only in shooting but in general discipline, and thereby do some little good io rais ing the miliiia above its present very humble state. The distance was sixty yards, and off hand— threo rounds each.” : —— r The Alabama Journal states that "the smallpox iS- Ttrpidly spreading in Georgiabut gives no au thority for the statement; and none can be given; for at the present time, we are justified in saying not a case of the variolous disease exists in tbe State. ‘ The Alabama Journal of the 20ih ult. corrects the report which we gavo a week or two sitfee, concerning the opening of a road .'hrougii the Creek territory by the inhabitants ofl’ike county and the laying off a town on the western side of iho Chattahoochee. “No such town (says that print) has been laid off. The road was opened under the authority of an .ct of the Legislature, and no re cent disturbance has occurred.” Wo ate glad to hear it. ' : Look Out! A mosquito, with a villanons coun tenance and a lung bill, was seen coming towards this placo the other evening!' Wo would rather see thq.smallpox—at a distance. Conundrum. Why is a man with spectacles on like fish glue? Do you give it up? Bccauso ho is ci/cs.ingtass.' Flea Market! A good deal of activity was ex hibited yesterday. Several parcels changed hands, by a considerable rise! yet holders of large lots seemed anxions to sell, at a trifling sacrifico! EPIGRAM. ’ All day, tho Ladies street yarn spin! All night, tho men are rerling in! JJ John C• Calhoun.—The correspondent of the Charleston Courier, under date of Washington. 22d ult. writes: “Wo ure in daily expectation ol a pamphlet from Air. Calhoun, containing his disa vowal oflhe doctrines of the nullificrs. Should lie not publish, ii is understood here that ho will em brace an early occasion to declare Ins 6|iinTons at some public ojiportunity, io order that lie may no longer be r^nnecled, in tho public sentiment, with • party, whose doctrines aro so pernicioiit'in them selves, and must have such withering influence on his prospects." VVe should be gratified to find him fully exoner ated from iho imjiuialion. Bur his disavowal, to satisfy us, must not be confined to the present time, but have likewise a retrospective bearinp.diQ- i Ijlmtiig the aufhorsbj;: of tbe expose of 1828, and shewing that his hands have never been polluted wiih the abomination: for our respi'cl for men must always yield to our devoiedness to principle and the integrity of the nation. _ The Georgia Journal is dissatisfied with the dc- cision of the dOpremr Court in relation to theju iMIeriott of our State laws over the Cherokee ter ritory Nothing seems to please that print that is done by any dejrartment of tho national govern- meat—not even although lira act admit our claims and justify war principles! Diogenes himself was less of a carper. a superlative tact of mathematical dernonsin,:.„ and causelh me to reckon that his faith is so h u /.'' backed, that lie fcarcth to expose it naked t 0 7? public! lie is also marvelously grieved at Bail * himself in his editorial life atrnyed in principle gainst Mr. Cranford— but wisely laketh heed to mention bit natural life in the case!—forh e rccollectelli that until lie entered the office of i) Journal, ayer-even when benched in the L'nir er ,' of Georgia, his love for ntf. Crawford anfljf Crawford's friends resembled the cat’s affection f red pepper, and this burning kindness often L,tu Cut not only orally but hi writing! He oii"hi , therefore to feel greatly alarmed at finding hi r'* pitted agnui9t mr Crawford, but, consistenth to his principles, denounce the old gentleman an! urge his removal from office. Such o|,'iio,'j," could be no thorn to his conscience; but to bar/' the resumption of a habit which interest cant/' him to doff and which now both principle a 0 j 1 terest allow him to don. Such a summerset would not look singula, i, his political carser. Wo all know that not mint years ago he scolded General Jackson and catw him hard names, bin confesses now the olu er is a preity clever sort of a body. It j, j ll(h however he will manago with mr. Crawford in i|» same way that lie gets along with the I’rejnh call him a fine fellow, rare patriot, and an P statesman, but abuse his pnociptcs—not thathtH jiar'.icularly scrupulous as to tenets, bgt to aeok provoking tho establishment of a few more try high-pressuro nowsjiapers to deplete Iffi liuuns of administrators’ notices and ahe-wr.' Aye.’a the corn that would keep kin running out of the path or lca|>ing fences As charges to be believed ought to be accoa jianied by proof, it will, to show his easy habii as to principles, bo proper to advert to the live session of 1827. As both before and si lie was then denouncing the protection of r.on qc mannufactures as not only oppressive but constinonal; yet he most patriotically aod m ly advised the Legislature to loan a portion of public funds to pul into operation spinning by c-hinary in tho Stale! Tho State Excise, iff. in 1828, he warmly espoused and inculcaifd,' though, to use bis own phrase, its cunslituiiooi. ty was like a chestnut burr in his mouth, jet, irhi lie fouud it had gone to wall, and received tb mat sicker stub from n gentleman ofhls OHM twhose independence is equal to his talents, ti partisan tcelings aro subordinate to the wtiffit the country) Ira very jocosely evinced his com tency, by confessing its unconstitutionjliii be made out with as much ease us tbe moiii of a billiard ball! It would, however, be unjust to deny him o sistency in ono respect. lie sutlers no ocei to pass him without endeavoring to nurture.. •tonal antipathies, to irritate the people against Very branch of the General Government, and wit draw their confidence from ii—in short, to eft separation of the States! His claim to suchi sistency is indefeasible. Yet he denies being a nullifier of eiacilr saino stamp as those of Souih Carolina; and ■nay be coirect in the statement, though lie ii tainly as bad as the worst of them, lie ssyi should do more, and talk leu!—(tom which ii pears that tho difference between him and consists in a greater desire on his part than for action! They seem by their conduct to thiakl moro safe to thruaten than to risk the rope by direct appeal to arms, while he a|ipc>ri to hi such circumspection to bo unmanly and ua*i and the dread of the gnlluws to be a derelicnot principle!—Yec his nullification is of a less u !i« character than that in voguo in Boulh * I'll'K:. * TOR THE StAdoX TELKCKANl. Mr. Editor—The subjoined article coraf» my possession by accident, it is evidently J} tody on a certain gentleman's late circular in hnj ol Ins projected railway; und though couu» perhaps rather to much gall, yet accords sod ly with satirical truth, as to deserve a Jilace in papor. ' UNN.ll To Me Cilitcnt of the Central and If'utern CnurJiu J You kuow my abilities und what 1 hare achm Though but one session a member oi the hep lute, I altered tho whole system of internal» piuvrmrnl Aly labors (lien and there musteO in till whole commerce ol Georgia, (*nh thed ception oflhe sea coast) at Augusia, and dueerB thence along the railway io (fliarleslon. u9k»J arrest it. Macon, .Millc.lgcvilio and alllheciM try towns must becomo pinches of jimson <a and poke, unless 1 undo what 1 did, by bills Willi iho tackle of my genius the trunk of yH Irade tuwards the mouth of Turtle river- ltf public liands at work on the Oconee aud OfSj gee cau avail nothing while the Alsiaondi* a* • ng up with logs, snugs ana sawyers, *itli 0 *i| axe or a windlass to leinove them. Inlewtw two years you will be unable to seud a bsleelj Ion by water to Lranen. You are io » predicament truly. J and 1 o ly cuo pre«"*J dieudfui catastrophe, and save your to»»* the dogs and desolatiu..v I’ll tell J3S h” ‘J do it. 1 own on Tunic river the site «( 1 •" that I obtained by running head rights, in dig of the machinations of aoolebrated Colonel I residing near ihe Chattahoochee. (You U my head is always right, except "hen P>J in Hie shape ol a hog laced lady, becomes bus, amt titles me from my pillow at Ihe hour ■ • to grind rhyme and write amalory sow then my head is trrorig, or coilon picklag j as I was a bom oriel! you. I wish Ihn towotnf'* pci: because 1 must prosper with it ll hasa|l The great question of teform was to liavo! securities held by tbo Bank, were taken TOR THE MACON TELEGRAPH. The Georgia Journal is received at Macon with perhaps more regularity than any other paper print- e' in the State. It is therefore matter ol considc pin oecsute t musi prosper wun it tins.' ra I e surprise, that ihe number issued bn the 17tli j bar anil fine hnibor, being subject to noincoi «- h “ nol « ,Ci,< ' he 'l this town, though re- 1 cnee, except io overflows in hurricanes. Cm* ceiv d at adjacent post office*, cs|ieci»lly as that i lowness of the land, which is in tact a real number is said to contain some curious imicles— as salt water is so infallible remedy for ten a » aicmeni sirengthenril by ihe following extract I chtgres, two ot (hr greslest pests in that pan r? 1 imm it, Which I have found in a South Carolina ! low country. Now this Brunswick of n r i i ^ ol11 centre ot Georgia’s seacoasl. s*d ' ynw 'ord charges Mr. Calhoun with being fourteen miles from the Alai.imahs. Bj a nullifier;—and neither Mr. Calhoun, nor any of ing my towu with that river by meaiwofi—- nis adherents, ready as they have shown themselves I (which would only coat about arxjf thoassu* lo be to repel wbat they conceive to be injurious 1 tars) all your produce would go to a Georfl* imputations on then patron, has denied it so far as port, were the Alatamnha to run dry; for7«** xl/ ( ,ur * tn0 '*le‘lge. Is it possible that rail roads are not impaired by dr* weather. No collection Notes, Che cks, or any other „f ihe "mil^7"?r- "i," * mi ] ll,ier ’ I,l i t tbo bead you would be excused from the degrsdati^ . ••’d b» so, there is, in tlul single expense of depending oh tha iorwgn act, reason to suspect the doctrine to be all wremr, Charleston, aod much fund* bo carried