Newspaper Page Text
- m •' >'"■*'
, fljn Macon Telegraph Is published weekly, by
nav aoaor baxitiiEtt.
„lj n . Office on Mulberry direct, wo«t eiilo.
E^LTu»** Doliakb a year, if paid in -ld-
' ,rroUB dollars. ,if apt paid before the
ij sfthe . ear , Subscribers living at a distance
Inquir'd in all cases to pay in adrance.
, ibe first Tuesduy in July next, will be sold
1‘j, we Court House in Henry county, under
1 AT Hl)d. ol Prime N.' O. Sugar
J-Oiido. & Molasses*
W bis. green Coffee . t
_ . *** domestic Liquors for sale by
niarcli 12, 1631. 12 DAY If BUTTS.
Number 16.
genera! assortment of DR}
uOODS, and for sale at reduced prices, by
'*P"*8. 15 WM.H. RUUDSALL.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
W ILL be sold at the court house at Camplclllon,
Campbell county, between the usual hours of
sale, the following property:
Two Negroes, Amoy, a women, twenty-fire years
•id, aiid Seta, a girl, eleven years old -levied on as
te property of Caleb .Field to satisfy two Fi. Fas. is-
8 -^ lvv ° hundred thousand plants of
SIT9AR, CAiffH can be had low, if eppli-
ea lor soon at my plamu ion on Tobesofky.G miles be*
ow Macon, ect 2d 44 ROBERT COLLINS.
Flour, Mackerel, dec.
I « . nmnn J
Lief of the Inferior Court of Coweta oouoiy. I A A BLS. fresh canal FLOUR
Z. *49, in thf 7th district of Henry county; * 20 do MACKEItVl,
' ‘w one liali of Lot No, 45, in the 14th district
,cKatb, being the real estate of John Harris,
ol Coweta county, deceased, for the benefit of
heirs and creditors.
L B. HARRIS, • $ odmors.
19,183b |2
aSibe first Tuesday in August neat, will be sold
T in the town of Clinton, Jones cuuuty, agree-
lo to order ol the court of ordinary of said
I, ibe folloiring Negroes, belonging to the es-
jJohn Kirk, deceased, to »1l: Dennis, a man,
eight years old. Charity, a woman, thirty-five
lid. Aberdeen, a man, thirty years old, Anaca,
■no, twenty-four years old, Harris, a hoy, ten
J0 |,j. iVillis, ahoy, eight years old, and Wylie,
. years old—sold for the benefit of Ibe heirs
lersditon of said deceased.
reb W- •<> aim'or with the will annexed.
An.n ’J u,t received and for sale by
'ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Octohtr
J gest at Clinton, Junes cuuntv, under an order
the Inferior Court of said county, one lot of Laud
Aid county, whereon the undersigned now lives,
.istJug of about one hundred and seventy acres,
tor less, the property ottbe estate ol Henry Long
| late of slid county, deceased—to be sold for the
Ljt of me heirs-
s the first Tuesday in December nest, one lot
mdin the second district of formerly Henry coiin-
•i longing to the estate of the said Henry Long
(deceased, to be sold at the court bouse in Henry
Vj- under the above authority and-for the above
4 the first Tuesday In January next, three Ne-
-i. Bcu, u lad, about 19 or2!J s ears old, and n wo-
t daily and her child to be aold at Clinton, under
Jab ivu nntliurits and lor Ibe above purpose.
| March 12. I i-Ot JAMES LONG, adm'or.
Ln Friday the 29th April. 1891. will be «old
* .ill the perishable property of /filliom C.
y.loieof llenry county deceased, viz. Iloga,
s, ll ir . 's, Cart and Steers, Household and
ben Furniture, Six- Teims made known .on
I nay nf sale. ELIZABETH HARP, Bifrx. 17.11131. _
GUEEAllLE loan order of the honorable
be Inferior Court of Pike county, will be
o i the lirst Tuesday in J nne next, in the tuwn
t-nulun, Lot of Land, No. 321, in the 8th din-
el ungmally Monroe mnv Pike county, it be
lli. irt ol the real estate of James It. Gray—sold
ibe benefit of the heirs.
SEABORN B. GRAY. Executor.
prill 1831. 14
l b persons indebted to the estate of Daniel
L llnl.,deceased aro requested to muku immediate
Imriit: and those having demands ngalnst said es
k will rendertheui in, in terms of the law.
llirch 18. 1U31.
bar 1
<NA B. y. HALL, 1
mark - I
I.h persons linving demands against tbo estate of
L hue MilU late of Crawford county, deceased,
[under tliein in to Ibe terms of the
md all persons indebted to said estate, will
•• immediate payment to
|eb !M, till • BUY AN BATEMAN, adm'r
likultGlA—Fayette County.
7‘ilEUEAtf, Lewis J. Dupree Had John O.
linktun apply to me for letters ^fadmints-
»>, with the will auncxed, on the estate of
ynhetk Echols, late of said county dcceused:
>■« are therefore, to cite and admonieh all add
'nr the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo be
Y'l'l’cnr at nuj office, within lire lime prescribed by
• <* ihcw cause . if any they hare, why laid tetters
a t rot he granted.
|nen under my hand this Dili March, 1831.
1 W WILLIAM M’UKIUE, c. c. o.
PtOItGlA, 1 Clerks Office, Court vj
j*t County, j Ordinary.
7HEKEAS Jacob W. Andrews and Johan
na A. Andrews, apply to me for letters
lumiiiisirmion on the estate of IVyatl T. An-
|-S, late of mill county deceased.
|u(« are, therefore, lo tile and admonish all and
|“tnr the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be el my office, w.lhin the lime prescribed by
l/f ** e » emus, if any they hare, why said letlere
\td net bt granted.
wen under my hand this .S5th of March 1831
U H. G. JOHNSON, c, c. o.
4 RE now opening at the Macon Clothing Store, &
handsome assortment of Spring and Summer
Goods, and Clothing', consisting of superfine Bom-
"Mines, merino Casstmere, French Cambric, French,
English and Russian brown Drilling, white do. gran-
tie do. Cue India Nankins, quilted, white and buff
Marseilles (a first ratcnrticle,) huff Cassimcre, velvet,
Florentine and Valentia Vesting, silk net Suspenders,
web do, muslin Stocks, silk do. shirt Collars and Bo
soms, and fancy t'rn.ats, silk Hose, linen and cotton
do. Iiorso and buckskin Gloves, silk do. silk Umbrel
las. pslmtcaf and drab Hats, superfine blue, black,
brown, green and mulberry col’d. Clotba. Cassimeres,
we. All of which will be made up in the latest style,
Fine bombasine Coatees and Coats.
Russian nankin Coatees & Coats—merino cassi
mcre do do.
Lasting * Circassian do do-goats hair ramblet do do
Fine bombazine, merino cassimcre, nankin, silk,
drilling, brown, English and French lasting, cir-
catfian, beverct and cord Pantaloons.
Duck Troniers and brown shirts
Fine bombazine, Marseilles, velvet, Florentine and
Valencia vests.
Brown linen, buff and stripe short Jackets.
1 nm and Jerry short Jackets
Fine line and cotton Shirts—with almost every arti
cle in the Clothing Line—All of which will be
sold low for cash. april 9 3t 15
r PHE Copartnership heretofore existing be-
■* tween the subscribers, was dissolved, by mu
tual conseut, oa the 7th instant.
N. B. The business will be continued by the
subscriber, on his own account; to whom all per
sons indebted to the concern will pay—and by
whom all legal claims will be settled.
Macon, march 29,1831. 14-St
r|AIIE subscriber has this day connected himself
I. in business with Joseph 8. Smith. The busi
ness will herentigr be conducted under the firm of
A. hliotwcll Si J.-S Smith.
Macon, 29th .March. 1831.
f N c B , uil1 * el1 a! ***7 low prices principally
HAIIE subscriber having completed the entarge-
■ meat of one of his Stores—will have the other
dune in tbe same way, by the first day of June next,
end will Lease either of them from one to three years
—to give possesion at or before that time. The
peculiarly advantageous situation of either store, is
such, if ever equalled, can never be surpassed by any
ill the place Being about to leave for the North,
the Dwelling over tbe stores can be rented, and im
mediate possession given if required^. _
March 27. J4 A. SHOTWELL.
LONG IA—Houston County.
HURRAS Allen B. Chastain, applies to me
for letters of Admitiistrniion on the estate of
7 R. Blanchard, lute of said county deceased
use art therefore, to cite and admonish alt and
ilnr the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
mi appear at my office, within the time prcscrib-
|*y law. to shew cause if any they can, why Utters
subsist ration should not or granted him.
hen under my hand, this 23th March, 1831,
>4 CHARLES II. RICE, c. c. o.
JEORGlA—G’oirefa County.
• IIP,REAS Robert J. II. .Miller, applies to me
for letters of Administration on the estate of
Whatley, lateof Morgan county dcceasrd
J are therefore, to cite ana admonish all and sin-
r the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
'ypeiral my office, within the time prescribed by
alii* cai,n ujj an 3t Mey can,) why said letters
Siren under my hand, this 2!itUMnrch, 1831.
SIIION HOUSE, c. c- o-
BUR months after date application will be made
lothe linn.Inferior court ol Bibb county.w ben
F"l lor ordinary purposes for leave to sell the re-
»tt belonging to the miners of John Hamlin de-
for the bcnr.fil of said minors.
K imberly & chisiiolm have lustre-
ceivrd pr. boais Two Brolhers and Velocity
300 kegs white Lead, 10 bbls. linseed Oil, 10 bbls
lamp do S bhl* Potty, 3 bbls. Varnish, 50 boxes 8
by 10 window Glass, 50 boxes 10 by 12 do. 5
bbls. S, Turpentine
100 kegs Nails, 20 do. cut Spikes
35 tons Iron, 800 lb. cast Steel
3000 lb German do. 100 do. Blistetd do
10,000 Ciistmgs, 150 nr. best wrought Traces
50 doz. weeding lines
S00 acts wagon Boxes
50 bbls. Portland Rum
50 do. Norlhrrn Gin
so do. Rye Whiskey
200 boxes Table Salt
30 kegs Rogers’ l'. Powder
100 lings patent Shot-25 bags Bucltdo,
300 lbs. Lead, 5 bbls. Coperat
10 llhds. Sugar, 10 do. Molasaos
k* 50 bags Coffee, 5 do. Pepper
5 do. Pimento, too boxes Cigars
50 colls 'Par'd and Hemp Rope „ •
100 pieces Cotton Bagging
12 boxes U hittimorc’s cotton Cards
10 Kegs Tobacco . " • _•
Sctlho Blades, cutting Knives,Rasp Hooks, Steel
corn Mills, Hinges, Chalk. Whiting,Logwood, In
digo, Salt Petre, mill, cross cut, and whip Saws,
Epsom and Glauber Salts, Patent Medicines,
Hoop Iron, band do. Nail Rpd, sheet Iron and
sheet Copper. In addition to the above we have
on hand an extensive assortment of Dry Goods,
IlardWarc, Ilats, Shoes, Saddlery aud Earthen
qVare—which will be sold low for cash, or Colton.
Planters and country Merchants will please caH
slid examine.
Macon, Jan. IS. 3
(BUR months after date, appllralion will be
OsdMo the hoimrahle Inferior Court ot Mon-
county, while silting for nrdinary purposes for
r*"•••II*11 Ik* land and negioes belonging to tbe
i.l. Hall, deceased—sold for the benefit
the heirs. her
18, 1831. 13
F RESH Mackerel. Hyson Tra,
loaf and lump Sugar, brown Sugar,
Whiskey, II. Gin. C. Brandy,
Malaga Wine, Teneriffe Wine, Claret Wine,
Preserved Ginger, Swede Iron, assorted
from one and a half to nine inches,
Amcric'.ni blistered Steel, German Steel,
Cast Steel. Hollow Earthen-ware, >
Bagging Twine. India Twine. Shop Twine,
Seine Twine; Blank Books. Writing Paper,
\\ raping Paper, together with Homespuns,
Feb 13. 7 T. T. NAPIER.
lUUSf received at the Macon Clothing Store, super
V fine blue, brown, black, olive Broad Cloths, blue
brown, crange, drab, slate mixt and buff Cauimeres,
Velvet arid Valencia Vestings, a handsome nssort-
_ mentof fancy Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, buckskin
sued from 'Campbell superior courtin' favSr’of John a " d Ueavcr do. Umbrellas, Cans, Ac.
W. Tomraey. B. EASLY, Deputy Sheriff'. ' . ? h " n d»ome assortment of Ready made Clothing,
marah 19 12 P V 0 made in the best style; Cloaksof a superior kind.
On tht first Tuesday in May next,
YlfILL be sold at Fayetteville in Fayette coun-
ty, the folloniog property to wit:
One sorrel Horse, saddle und bridle and one
Clock—levied on as the property of James N.
Head, to satisfy an execution in favor of Robert
Collins vs. said Head.
One black Hurse and lot of Land No. 113,
in the fifth district of originally Henry now Fayette
county—levied on as the properly af CUlbOfD A.
Mann and John D.Mann, to satisfy an execution
in figvor of Richard Strickland vs. Claiborn A Maim
Jobu D. Mann, Ransom Kitchens and Jeptha V.
Smith. WYATT HEFLIN, tSh’ffi.
March 20, 1831.
On the First Tuesday in May ■ next,
W ILL be sold before the court house, between
the usual hours ofsale, at Perry, Houston
county, the foliotviug property to wit:
One Lot of Land, well improved, wheieen
Osborn Wiggins formerly lived, iu the 9th dis
trict of Houston county, now in the occupancy of
David O. Smith—levied on as the property of
Hugh A. Smith, and David O. Smith to satisfy a
Fi Fa in favor of John M. Moore.
One Lot of Land, in ihe 13th district of
Houston county, No. 61—levied on as the prop
erty of John Thompson to satisfy a Fi Fa in favur
ot Edmond May—levy made and returned to me
by a constable.
April 2. HENRY W. RALEY, sheriff.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
W ILL be sold before tbe court-house in .the
town of Macon, Bibb couniy.tlie following
property to wit:
The interest of William Camming in one
lot of laud on tbe east sideoftheOcmulgee, contain
ing ten acres, more or less, known as let No. C, ad
joining 3. Denton’s and A M'Gregor—levied on and
returned to mebyaconstable.
Alto, will he sold as about,
Three Negroes, t’eter, a man,about thirty-five or
forty years old, Felis, a woman, and Eliza, a girl: all
levied on as the property of II. L. Towns tu satisfy
sundry fi. fas. from the inferior court of said county
vs. said Towns. April 2. W. B. CONE, Sh'jff.
• Also, will be sold as abate,
Two negroes, Rhode a woman 35 years old
and Caroline a girl about C years old—levied on as
the property of George A. Smith to satisfy sundry
Fi Fas issued from a Justices court in favor of
Thomas Napier vs Ebud Harris, William P. Harrs,
M. R. Wallis and George A. Smith—levy made'and
returned to me by A, Richards constable.
Maty and her child—levied on as the proper
ty of lyilliam P. Harris, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas in
favor of John S Hunter, vs William P. Harris and
Jbfbun Jordan—levy nude and returned to me by
Burwelt M'Lendon constable
April 2. H. «l- HOWJIlP, 8.«y.
aamv iaui.
Onthefirst Tuesday in May nut,
YX^ILL be sold at the court house, in Mncdon-
v v ougb in Henry county, between the usual
hours of sale,
One bay stud Horse—levied on ns the prop
erty of Elia* F. Wilson, to satisfy an execution in
favor of Robert Tucker. D. SMITH, jr. D. sh'ff.
On the First Tuesday in May next,
W ILL be sold between the usual hours of sale
before the Court House at Forsyth, Mon-
see county, the following property to wit:
One Lot of-Lund, io said county, No. 71
in the 5th district—levied ones the property of Rich
ard Ktnady, to satisfy two small Fi Fas from a Jus
tice's court of Bulloch county, in favor of Cbaroock
Selph—levy made by a constable.
Two acre Lots io Forsyth, with improve
ments thereon, wherein William Brown now lives—
levied on ns his property to satisfy a Fi Fn i* favor
of Beall A Rainy, property pointed out by plaintiffs.
One bdy Mare, saddle, bridle, and saddle
bags, 1 bedstead, 1 folding table, oae cot and bed,
one desk—levied on as she property of Bud Marther,
to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of John G. Moss, for use
of Benjamin HoHaad-pro^ ^ed out ^B. F.
Also, will be raid as abate,
45 acres of Land, being part of lot No. 124
in the 6th district of said county, adjoining Brown
and others—levied on to satisfy sundry smalt FI Faa
in favor of Thomas B. Gorman end others, against
Watkins Tapley—levy made and returned by a con
stable. .... , ,
The Store house, Dwelling house and Lot,
situated on the south wi rtcornerol the public squire
ln tbe town of Foray lb. whereon Nicholas B. Wil
liams formerly lived—levied on as tbe property of
said Williams to aalUly sundry Fi Fas in favor of
Hall, Shaptereod Topper and others vs said N. B
Williams April 2. A. COCHRAN, D. Stiff.
tin wark Manhflkctory.
Nearly opposite Chapa
lllE subscriber lias now on hand and
, corner.
vail keen
constantly, a supply ol TIN WAKE, which
sdl -ell wholesale or retail at Savannah or Au-
prices. \v. 8 El.1.18.
’ ilrd.-rs i-ui to Ellis, Shotwtll tf co. will receive
"l tUcution. 25 june 19
Spring and Summer Clothing
VMFAri fust‘commenced receiving his slpek ol
IfH Spring and Summer CLOTHING, which he
will sril on the molt liberal terms. Among the arti
cles already received are the following.
Super Black Bombazine Coats
ditto Merino Cloth ditto
ditto Lasting d , i '<°
U<‘wen (’ttssinipro auto
ditto Froclc ditto
Black Bombazine Pantaloons
Easting dillo
Brown French English and Irish do
While do do do do
Changeable silk Vests, a splendid article
| Figured London Marseilles do
Willie do do . . .
1 hulfand white Valentia do Ac &0 Ac
I March 12, 1831.
for family pm,
rJfa 7 6 ° wl ‘ a “ eQ DAY*eife
On the fist Tuesday in May next,
-nalELbe sold before the court horuse at Knoiville.
Crawford county, between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, viz: . '
One lot of land No. 230 m the ?ih district,
or Crawford count-levied on as the projierty of Herb
ry Key to satisfy two small Ft Fas issued from'a
justice's court •fJeffereon county, in favor ot Rus
sel Kellum vs said Key—levy made and returned by
a constable . .
One lot of land No. 188» m the 7»h district
of Crawlord county—levied on as the property of
William Dszby, to satisfy one small Fi Fa issued from
ti justice's court in favor ol John Kicks vs said Dig-
by-returaed to uia by a eoosUbLi.
8. WM. B. I ILFS, >h€r\ff.
I SOUR months after slate, application will be
' msde to the honorable Ibe interior court of
Montoe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell two Negroes belonging to the eitafe
of Wiliam Allen, tote ol Jones county, deceased.
April 6 1831. 13 UEOKGE BENNETT,
* Guardian af Ike )usn.
An elegant and new BAROUCH, (ot on© or two
Horses. Lnquir/t ag abore. nor 27 48
Fall and Winter Goods.
A RE now opening, on the corner of second street
3L and Colton Avenue, opposite the Washington
Hall, a General Assortment of European and Ameri
can Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and
Glass ll'are. Castings, Leghorn and straw Honnets, Fine
black and drab Hals, wool Hals. It indoui Glass, White
Lead, Cotton Dogging. Bagging Twine, &c. &c.
Ladies, gentlemens, boys & children’s fine Sbnes&c.
Merchants, planters and the public generally can
do v be supplied at low prices from a stock, inferior
to none in the state Macon, 1st October, J830.
P.8. We shall be receiving New Goods weekly,
unjll the 15tU Nov. WILEY, BAXTER If FORT
fiTFAS received within the last two or throe weeks
2JLI from New-York. a considerable proportion ofbis
Fall and IFinter Slot h comprising a General Asiort-
ment of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,
t as black, blue, bf >wu and mixt Ilroadcloths, (
From a volume cf .Songs by Mf. Hogg, ihe El'
trick Shepherd, now Jint collected.
Lang I sat bj the bioorn sac grero,
An* O, n\y heart was eric!
For a^e this stjain was breaihcd within,
Your laddio will no come near ve!
Lie still, thou we bu fluttering ihiug,
What means this weary wavering?
Nae heart returns Ihy raptured spring;
Your laddie will no come near vci
His liefu’ N,ing the robin sung
On the bougli that hung aae near me,
Wi* tender grief my heart was wrung.
For, O, the strain was dreary.’
The robin** sang it could uac be
a hat gart the icnr-drap blind my e*€;
How ken*d the wee bird on the ireo
i bat my laddie wad no come near ice?
The new-wean’d lamb on yonder Jea
It bleats out through the braken f
The berried bird upon (he tree
Mourns o’er its nest forsaken;—
If they ure wae, how weel may I?
Nae grief like p<inc aneath the sky;
The Tad i loo iic ».ires na by,
Though my fond heart is breaking!
Enthusiasm and its effects,—There uro ma*
ay people who are never easy unless they arc
attending some religious assembly; hearing a
such as mack, blue, or >wn aud mixt Broadcloths, cas- .7 . " ' .
simeres and satineits, Flannels, liaises, Blankets &c. S ?, rn J° n, 1 d ® ClUre ! 01 u P ra ^f• going about to
Merino, Thibet, crape and cassimere shawls and fan
cy Handkerchief?—’4 handsome and splendid assort•
mentof figured plain and changeable silks—silk Ging
hams, Oscarines and Arro shines, Circassians, Merino
do. super French calicoes nnd Ginghams, Lineus,
Lawns and cambric Handkerchiefs—leghorn, Dun
stable and straw Bonnets. Thread and Bobinet laces
and Edging!, lace Pelerines, crazy janes and capes,
Gloves and Hosiery—also, a general assortment of
Hardicare, Cutlery, Glass and China Wart, Crockery,
Castings, saddlery, Hal*, shoes, cotton, raids, fur seal
and leather cans, chinchilla do. copper Tea kettles.
Blacksmiths Tools complete, cross cut and mill saws,
calf skins, lining do. cochineal Roans. Hat linings and
Trimmings, sole leather, carpenters Tool*—also,
Guns, with flint and percussion locks, double Hnd sin
gle barrelled, etc. etc. Also,
A general assortment of Groceries.
Tlw. abate Goods, together with his whole stock in
trade, will bt diirioie l of upon reasonable terms; and
his friends nnd the public are requested to call and exa
mine for themselves.
Macon, uov 6
(sf^K Patent PLOUGHS, lust received and for
sale by ELLIS, SHOTWELL fir Co.
March 5.
VgfjAVE lately received their tall ami winter sup-
Jjj ply of GOODS, comprising a general assort
ment of silk, woulcn, and cotton Coods, new and
Fashionable clothing, straw, open work and Leghorn
Bonnets, Dunstable Hats, mens and boys fino fur
Hats, wool Hats, ladies and gentlemens fine Boots
and shoes.Negro shoes and clothing, cotton and wool
cards, saddlery fire
On liami tile following nrticlrs, a good assortment
of Hardware, crockery, cotton Bagging and Twine,
Liquors all kinds, lump sugar, st croix nndnorto rico
sugars, coffee, Teal Spanish segars, lamp Oil, swedes
Iron, Plough Moulds, German, American, English
blistered and cast steel, cut and wrought Nails, Brads,
sole gin*bandand upper Leather, calfand liningskins
Feathers, ire. The above Goods will be sold low: old
customers may rely upon having their Goods as low as
at any other house. 45 Macon, no- 6
'IfflE Subscribers once more take the liberty to in-
1 form the citizens of Macon and public generally,
that they have an additional supply of Ladies’ Gentle
men’s. Youths’and Childrens Boots and Shoes, too
numerous to enumerate in an advertisement, which
makes as good an assortment as has ever been offered
the public fn this region; they have also « good as
sortment of Sole-leather. Call Skins and was Lrnlh-
er, do Lnings and Bindings by the skin or gnus, span-
ables,shoe Knives, Awls, Thread and Findings, for
manufacturing the above article—all of which will be
sold at sm.ll advance above cost. Planter*, we are
confident will find it to their advantage to call and ex
amine their stock of negro shoes, a superb article,
which will be sold low for cash.'
We forget not at the same time, to present our cor
dial thanks to our patrons, for their liberal sapjiort
Heretofore, and respectfully solicit a continuance of
Making aud Repairing, faithfully and punctually at-
teded lo. at the shurtest notice.
Macon, oct. 29. A. C. PARMELEF. & Co.
The Subscriber.
r*r>A8 REMOVED from his late stand on Mulber-
1ft 1 ry-street to hit New store on Cherry-street, op
posite Robert Coleman’s and above Ralston a. Jones,
Store, where liu opening and has «" h*nd a geoe-
rnl assortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES,
viz: „
10 hogsheads New Orleans Sugar
;t do St. Croix do
60 bags prime GreeM Coffee
10 barrets do do
50 barrels Northern Gin
30 barrels Philadelphia Whiskey
JO herrels old Apple Brandy
75 pieces Hemp Begging
160 pieces Tow do
16 pieces Oxuahutgs
75 kegs Vails
20 kegs brads
165 kegs Dupont’S Powder
50 bogs Shot assorted sizes
nazzingtwine, Hats, Shoes. Saddlery. Cotton Cards,
Sheetings. Shirtings, Salt Is Ftanoel., H.rdware,
Crockery, Glassware Ac. and with many othv re
ticles will be sold low for cash. n»v»v
Aug 21 M A
I i'OURinoothz after date, application will l>e
made to tie honorable the tnferhw court
of Fayette county, when ritting for ordinary
DuriKMW*, f»r leave to ■«»! otre fourth part of
bo Nro 12 in the I2'h dizirict of Monroe eoon-
,y finite benefit ^rnfa Ann W. G.igp, or
phan of Wilie Oripc*. deceaaad.
1 BRYAN GRIGGS, guardian.
March 22d t 1831. 14
all kiads of tuissiuoury nteetiugs, aud ull sorts
oi clerical iaveuiiuns, receiving exhortations,
und pei Imps making them; lisicumg to the reci
tal of experiences, and then in turn reciting
tlieir own; crowding around a show ol Chero
kee children, or conversing with u convert
from New Zealand; never easy in fact, unless
while they are trespassing on their real duties,
by tlw fruit toss performance of imaginary ones.
They must have the hell of the meeting house
rung every other day, und the doors of the
school houso opened every other night; but
their own house may take euro of itself.
1 am pretty confident that motives of vanity
have considerable influence over this class of
devotees. It is not enough that they ate seen
in the house of worship one day in seven.—
Every body else is seen there loo, and they ure
not noticed in the crowd. This gives them no
distinction—they have nothing to do—people
aro on that day assembled together to worship
God, and not to talk about themselves; tlicro
is no opportunity to exercise any particular
gills, or to show off any remarkable graces.—
At an “anxious” or “intjpry” meeting, they
can measure their spiritual growth with muck
apparent meekness, and confess the vtleness of
their nature and the enormity of their sins, with
much real pride, and while they are calling
themselves worms, mean all the time that they
are the chosen of God’s creatures.
Another motive with u number of these con.
slant frequenters ol religious meetings, nitty bo
a love of excitement, change, novelty, anti gos
siping. That same restlosness of temperament,
which is tho root of ail dissipation, is also the
origin of its religious variety; for wlmt is he
spirit ar.d essence o( dissipation of any kind, but
a perpetual desire of Gliding that pleasure a-
broad, which cannot bo felt at hornet
A third motive, is the idea which m my enter
tain, (list there is positive merit in attending
rnligious meetings, apart from the instrurtions
which they afford. They may imagine that
this scrupulous und incessant attendance will
atone for other negligences and fill up some
ugly blanks in their moral deportment: and
that, therefore, it is a prudent thing for them
to compound for duties with ceremonies, mid
diver t the security of conscience und of Heaven
from the substance of the shadow to piety.
Some people are always going to church, lec
ture aud conference, bocause they have nothing-
else to do—that is lo say, because there is no
thing else that they will do; for if wo wero dis
posed to do all our duly, we should never lack,
I run sure that very many of those who assi
duously wait on the various assemblies nnd ex
ercises in connexion with religion, do so from
the persuasion that they are engaged in a high
and actual duty and are performing what it well
pleasing in the sight of God. However much
I respect the feelings of such persons—and 1
do most sincerely rr.sjmet them—I cannot hut
lameul their orroueou* views: I cannot give up
my conviction that their conduct proceeds Iroin
mistaken impressions.
1 mean not to disparage the institutions of
public und social teligkin. I delight to see n
village pointed out by its church spire. I de
light to bear the voice of praise filling the ItouSw
of God. I delight to behold those who enjoy
the blessings of Christianity, endeavoring to
diffuse them by every suitable means in every
possible place.' Bu; I hate to see a man leav
ing his business or trade to be instructed in the
doctrine of total depravity, or to talk solemn
fustian with himsoif; and I hate to soe a woman
take all her religiou to churili or conventicle,
and let her own house bum up ifit will, with
overy thing in it, while she is dissolving ie tears
at some shocking story about the Hindoo wid
ows who burn themselves. Oh! why will wo
not make religion tbe unreserved and smiling
companion of our hearts and our homes, and
our duties, instead of forcing Iter io be the ob
ject of formal, and mysterious, and lifeless cer
emony.— Christian Monitor.
The grey mist was gradually dispersing from
off the point of Cape San Antonia, when a Bri-
tWIi rruizer was to be seeu laying off and on up-
rBIIllSeitalilkhtnent has undergone considerable : ( j ur egs „ awaiting the sun’s doughty fore
J n l«o clear up the fog off this low Und. Her in-
vara, w«
keep Horae
lice, and any
Ran ^
l jfae^he el H 0 ”M U°.p«lou 5 n , 'he Subtoto* siwE jtention was evidently to so»rch strictly ,h «*“
. We have estre lotz wilt water in thorn for Dro-1 „f piracy and murder, ns she had been tnero
elzo have a Blseksialth’t 3hon op the lotand | a |j WIU a every precaution io elude ft!)-
rat-xhoe* and nallaiready pt■ nervation, by extinguishing all lights except her
flood of canvass, Us prevent its friable
“Inch ns w»l ujeka lb« Traitors endure Boufern
T ’&oterO.«SO, 414*
Humiliating her.position or bet ray sag Lhomslvts
lo the wmehe* they were in 'March of.-
“Mart-head there," stud tho officer of thoaffek.