Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 16, 1831, Image 2

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/r.Vfl itss a mate, wnh a short tin jajmned speaking trumpet In lib litndi igrcli scratched .»:id deconih'il ivii’u 5M eutbh!att,tun. .is foul imchan, A.. & :. See. (Tie work RO d-rubt of an UIb iioar ,-t > often occurring lo a dock u Hi car in these lioi climes,) “citniyou sea (lio vessel round •Sa C.i|»c yoff” “Ye* Sir,yes!" vv .-. thu reply. •' flii'ii lioiv docs she head?” “Anont three points under our lea!" “Very well, coari wrist ho held, whilst with his holt-knife, dull, und his strength almost gone, ho s.iwcJ its blunt edgo across the ^ir.ite'itlirdut,—tnd tho se veral arteries gushed tltoir crimson streams in streaks over the sailor’s arm. At last victory was given to the jnst, and tho surviving twenty- h ‘til " ■ (Ur live, on bonded knees andoarnost supplication wen) granted quarters by their . conquerors, under- our tee;- ••very win, com s whoso force was loss than their own, having from aloft, and lend r. hand to work, lost fifteen killed, and many wounded, in this the reasons of Sir Charles Bagot, whs) seems to think the British hate gained all they want ed. The reasons of his Majesty, of tho Neth erlands, or of the‘‘Illustrious arbitrator,” as President Jackson styled hint, aro said to bo of a curious and extraordinary character. A se cret session was held in the Senate on I' riday forenoon, oil the reception of tho communica tion which was immediately transmitted by the (Governor; und oppareutly it was of some im* ship.' 'fills eiuizor I stated, was a British vessel; b*‘r rig was that of it'cutter, and bur name the Grecian; ,her forco' was four, gnus, and crew consisted of forty |tteu and officers—all told.— Tim Buccaneer of modern days, or rather Pi* rate, then in sight and at aucltor, waslhecel- obrated Sarragotiana, nlaigo topsail schooner, niouu ling one long heavy pivot-gun, with a crew of ninety of tho most cruel and determin ed murderers that the records of piracy con* tain any accounts of. Shu had lung wngi d a war of extermination on the traders of those teas, and in some cases had even audaciously exchanged shots wi.h CruiZCrs, and put them at ilcfi met! by Iter almost supernatural speed.-— Thu Grecian, iisr antagonist, ^as on the con trary, rntlier a dull sailer, und it was only iu the’ continuance of -the then existing calm any hope of capturing this tormidaldo freebooter seemed probable. “All hands shorten sail, alioyl" tusounded from the throats of a rough honest boatswain and his mate—and the sails of the cutter were quickly brailed up and haul ed down. “Get out the sweeps, and run iu the guns clear fur sweeping; hurry, and get grummets on!” Tim Older was obeyed with alacrity, and, ere tho land was perceptibly clour of the morning's misty veil, tho cutter moved nt a rapid rate, propelled by the pipings und cheering efforts .of as lively a crew as ever graced the ducks of a man-of-war. “Give way, my bullies, and we’ll got the fox out of his holo before broakfist—and give gallows* poim such a decoration as it lin- novel had!— Give way and they aro ours;" exclaimed tho commander, encouraging tho exertions of his roon. “Mind your helm and keep her N. E., that will run us dear of the Cape’s shoals, sir,” said the Captain to bis executive officer; “Aye, nye, sir.” By this timo tho sun was out, und (ho fog broke and scattered itself in small col* umns urouttd tho undergrowth of the Capo and edgo or the horizon, rendering plainly visible tho object ol their search—the during Sarrng- owantt—then deliberately weighing her anciiur, and with u part of her mon aloft casting loose her sails. Tito - spot she cliosu for her tempo rary harbour was a small nook or bay, so horn- mod in by shoals that tho only outlet‘was through tho narrow channel tho Grecian was theu entering by, so that no probability oxisted of her gelling away from them in the minds ot these hardy Britons. “Uubocket your grum mets—lay in your sweeps, nnd run out youi guns,” cried the < Akers—'“And pipe to quar ters, Mr. Cntharpin.” The -order was obey ed, arid the men mustered at their respective guns. "Lay off your aprons und cut tompions —rant homo a grist ol grape extra for these fel lows, they like forced meat balls better than cold rolls—prick yonr catridges—prime—cock your locks—stand by. Second Captain,"— ‘Sir’—‘handle your matches—am they lilt’ —‘Yes, sir.’—‘Then mind, vhen the order is given to tiro, you apply them—I don’t liko to trust to a flint.'—‘Aye, aye, sir.' By this timo tho vessels wero both fast closing, the pirate having got completely under weigh with the foresail hanging in the brails, so as to fight ihoit Long Tom. The Grecian hoisted hei jib nnd hauled out her mainsail, which brailed up (in tho place of lowering like must sloops,) and was laying off and on tho mouth of this channel, wailing bor antagonist, whoso intentions be- spoko contempt of her, and her preventive powers. 'Hoist our colors sir,' said tho En* ssoguinary encounter. • Where is your Cap* 1 portunce, us they were with closed doors a lain,'—‘Esta nqaie,' said several pointing to a jgood part ,qf the forenoon. Measures of some thick set man who lay dead across the breech interest, iris rumcrcd, were adopted. 1 Ins of the tong gun*. ‘Etta est el Capital qut fat cominuiiicatioiffwas transmitted to (be House, Senior,' cried all t|te Pirates;—he was no doubt a brave fellow in a bad cause, and on the waist of his duck trowsers was written Mitchell: hut no further could they glean of their prison ers, who, after they had confined thorn in irons, and buried their dead, ns well us tbeir own, they secured their fore stay and rove fresh gear, took her in tow nnd proceeded ou to Ja maica with the largest Piralo prize that had ever been captured for many years in ‘.hose seas. Tho twentv-fivo prisoners were con demned to be executed on Gallows point. Old Port-Royal. And never sinct? lias the world been troubled with the bloody detail of thu Pi rate or Buccaneer Mitchell—the action lasted for one hour and a half—tho greater pait of (lie time nearly within pistol shot. LIFE LINE. (The foregoing Tale, which is founded on fact, is from the forthcoming volume, entitled -'Sketchesaiid Scenes of Sea life. By an American Naval OUT- ere."] GIBBS THE PIRATE. ty . piracy und murder committed on bo.ird tho Biig Vineyard, has tnude to his counsel, since his condemnation, a confession fraught with hotriblo and frightful atrocities. Among other acts that lie confesses ho comitlcd, lie says, that sjme two or tltrco years ago ho was tho com mander of a piratical vessel which sailed from thu Island of Cuba. That whilst out on a cruise, ho captured a valuable American mer chant ship,' with a numerous crew and passen gers,-‘nil of whom excepting a female, tho wife of ono of tho passengers, ho put to death.— That ho lorccd tho fomalo to his embraces, for some wooks compelled her to be his wife, but ilio cruise being up and it being necessary fur him to mako a port for u fresh supply of provis ions, for fear tho female might expose his atro cities, ho cut her throat and threw hor'ovcr- buurd. The story of this man’s lifo stands un surpassed in the black catalogue of crime, and it will bo remembered long after the histories of Pierre, Lc Grand, and Kidd aro forgotten. Tho name of Gibbs, which tho man bears, is an assumed one, to which, for (he sake of his family ho set up n claim. His real nurne is known only to his counsel, to whom it was communicated with the charge of profound se- ciccy. Ho is a native of Rhode Island, how ever, and is known to be attached by affinity and consanguinity to one of the most respecta ble nnd ancient families of tlio State. No punishment which Hcaveu lias yet show ered on the damned;—no punishment which the ingenuity of m in can conceive, can bo com mensurate with tho foul deeds of this domon, who despoiled a lovely woman—then murder ed her, and in tho latter moments of his wither ing career, boasteJ of his own villany, and un provoked acts of brutal violence and uupnrallel- ed ruthless butchery.—Providence Paper. the latter part of the forenoou; and n session was ordered iifthe afternoon on purposo to dis cuss the subject matter. it pr i of it Maine by the late arbitration of the King of tho Netherlands. Her Legislature has taken up the subject warmly; and a report of nearly twenty pages has been made to the House ol Reptcsentatives by the Select Committee.— It is ordered to be printed, and a copy to he transmitted to the President of the U. S. and to the-Governor of each of the States. It de nies the validity of tho decision upon two grounds: 1st. that the late King of the Nether lands having lost the greater part of his king dom; and become peculiarly dependent upon Great Britain, is m> longer an independent ar biter, and his decision is not binding: and, 2d. That ho did not decide tho question submitted to him, and his decision is therefore n nullity. Tho report concludes, that the Federal Gov ernment isnot bound to ratify a decision, with- Gibbs the pirate now under sentence of oat violating tho constitutional right of Maine, death in the city of New York, convicted of From the Faycttcvile (N. C.) Observer. We have received from Mr. Kenchor, Rep* csentativo in Congress from the Salisbury Dis trict, in this State, k copy of his circular. The following is an extract from it: "Nullification.—Having attempted to un mask some of tlia unjust und oppressive fea- giisli commander, ‘and give her a gun across I >ures of the Tariff, 1 feel it due to the occasion the fore-foot, sho may be a Spanish cruiser.' to stato that I am equally opposed to the means •Aye, aye, sir;’ mid the woaihm bow gun rung ■" »'*J*t>t>«j» Si-i* •- —••* a wido teveillio on tho placid sea, while the shot hissing and trapping the waters, dashed <hc briny wave, it struck under the Pirate’s botv on her deck in spray, f The wind from tho N. and E. had now commenced, —and first favoring the Pirate, she luff'd, and brought the Long Tom to bear on the Gre cian. A bright tl ish, a crash—-and tho Pirate’s iron messenger of death preceded the loud re port of ilieir thirlv- w-., for such were Jteir guns' calibre, and cut iway their jibstay, and crippled the tn-isi head of the cutter.— •Ready? ready? all ready sill' ‘Fire.* And British sailors (might the bold outlaws they ne ver new how to rciurn such marine civilities, u c.iraje was heard, and sho fired ngain, she slew some four poor fellows on tho Grecian's deck, and wounded several others. 'Load and fire my lads, briskly, give hor mariners u touch of musketry,’ exclaimed tho captain, and the bat tle waxed close and Warm. ‘Mr. Catliarpin,’ said tho sa ling-master, ‘gel a runner on the end of tho lore-slay, und boose it up for the present; sail-trimmers haul in that main-sheet and drop the peak of tho main-sail,' whicit was soon done, and tho men ordered to their guns again. ‘Give her language my lads'—‘aye, aye.’ ‘Bravely done, cover, hurrah,’ shouied tho British tar;, as the fore-n;ast of iho Piruie, tottering, fell ovor the buns, declaring they had them at their mercy. Fur a moment or so a death-like stilness prevailed on either sido, and a crowd of men ou tho schonnor’s decks, with hatchets, cutting away ihe tigging that held the wreck of the fore-mast alongside, sitowed they wero getting it doarof their long gon for further hostile purposes. 'A good uiro rny live- lies, among thoso red shirts—ready, fire,’—and the Grociun’s last broadside carried donlh to at least twenty of these desperadoes, of whose bodies some in agony wero hurled on the wa ter, dyiog it with thoir blood; and others drop lifeless across the head mils, with their hands hanging down liko fenders over her bows:— (his was tho homo thrust of tho Grecian's suc cess. 1 ho Pijale completely sideways by (ho J^ r ? ezu i fell along side of the Grecian, aud the Britons, headed by their officers end cap tains, boarded (he common enemy. Tho Pi- caies fought, and owing to ibcir still superior numhors, forced tho bravo tars of old Englend back to their vessel, leaving some eight or ten Wounded and dead of their numhors on the Pi* *ato • dock. ‘Rally, boys, rally,—at it again.’ Way, attempted in a neighboring State, to resist its operation. Sou'h Curolinn, feeling herself greatly aggrieved by the Taiiff, contends for (lie light of pronouncing tho law unconstitution al, und thereby nullifying it, so far us sho is con cerned. Site claims tho privilege of remaining iu the Union and enjoying till tho benefits, und at the same time, tho right to nullify overy jaw winch imposes on her unwelcome burthens, To mo such a pretension appeals most unrea sonable. Our Federal Coustitution was the result of a spirit of compromise and concilia tion. Some rights were to be given up for the more effectual protection of others. It must then have been foreseen by the framers of that sacrod instrument, that from the exteut of our country, and her diversified interest, almost e* vory law passod by Congress, would bo une qual in its operation upon the interest of vari ous sections. But if ono single Stnto has the puwer of nullifying at its will nud pleasure, tho acts of twoniy-foiir, the legislation of Congress wuuid be vain aud useloss; for there is scarce u single law, which would not bo nullified in sumo ono of tho Statos. JBut such a doctrine, if adopted, would lead directly to a disunion of tho Stales; my mind, involves the very worst of political .evils. The pure aud exalted patriotism of South Carolina, and her noble suciifices and sufferings in favor of the Union, forbid the idea that such can be the wish or intention of that magnanimous State. But such would inevitably ho its effects. To me, the Union of the States is sacred; and I am proud to believe, the same devotion is deeply laid in tho Items of those I have had the honor to represent; and no act calculated to under mine or destroy that beautiful fabric,-should receive from us, any thing but our displeasure. Every patriotic heart must respond to the sen- timeutof our Chief Magistrate: "The'Union ‘ tl must be preserved." That tho Tariff will be modified, and made more acceptable to us, in a few years, and pet haps at the very next Con gress, I have no doubt. Every day’s experi ence, and every moment's reflection, convin ces my mind of that fact. Let us then appeal temperately, but with firmness, to the patriot ism and justice of the nation, rather thaa rash ly “fly to ills we know not of.” Mr. Rancher isa Candidate for re-election. Northeastern Boundary The Portland Advertiser statos that on Thursday last, the official decision of tho Ex-Kiog of the Netber- d they rcboarded the Pirates, who now gave lands, was brought to tho Executive at Maine, I’ - * a jl' >0U *°" of a b h ' kil1 him i' b * a Messenger from Washington r0ln U i1'° T “? hacko,) and J his decision, it is reported, does not differ theh d .m 0,r <V " y ,,,rou « b ' ho motJ y « r °up of from the decision as published in the British Jdk Lv u R Sr ' "I'"’ ??• T I (Wpe "; Rad “Pi* 1 in *° papers of this coun- XV" JT" ' M , h n ad cleft , b y 8 I '!. ai *° "ported “»t a protest was of- r with a woun'ifcd Pirate, w lo^o f r- by !\ - PreMe, in which he recapitulate* We understand that Judge Law is to preside at the Superior Court in Tattnall county ou Monday next, nnd among tho cases for trial at that term will be those of Bell and White, for tho murder of Sapp, which occurred about six weeks ngo, near tho dividing lino between Tatt nall and Montgomery counties. Bell we un derstand to bo a man of considerable property, who has cherished a long continued grudge a- gainst Sapp, in consequence of the manifesta tion of suporior bodily powers by the latter.— Some short timo previous to the homicide se ven balls were at niglit fired into the huuse of Sapp, who, in consequence of having no arms, did not go out to onenuntor his assailants, lie afterwards procured a rifle, and late on tho af ternoon of tho'event walked out in company with bis-wife, and on returning, be taw two men * mounted mud: with "arms—ho obseived that these might, be tho persons who made the attack upon him, and that thoy might have re turned to renew it, and desired her to stand back while he advanced to see if it were the fact—he advanced but a fow steps, when lie was shot through the body and in the foot.— Ho survived but a short time. White is suid to have been employed by Bell to aid him in his designs, nnd to have received for that pur pose, seven hundred dollors and a horse.—Sa vannah Georgian, 8th inst. Captain Charles E. Hawkins, accused of mur dering M'Crae, has been discharged from custody by an order of the Council of Florida. If ever a man deserved to die a violent death, M'Crao me rited his fate. A number of members ot the Virginia House of Delegates a short lime since appointed a com mittee to invite the two senators in Congress from Virginia to a public dinner to bo given complimen tary to the part they took in the Senate in oppo sing tho appropriation to compensate tho egent appointed by President Jackson to negotiate the Turkish treaty. Mr. Tazewell declit ed the invi tation on the gronnd that ti e occasion would call forth expressions “not well calculated to sweeten tho natural acetbity of party feelings,” but de clares that, as a representative of Virginia, he will never forget what is due to her, nnd will ever strive to maintain her rights and interest, in striving to to maintain the federal constitution, such as she believed itto bo when she adopted it.-- Mr. Tyler declined the invitation on account of the sickness of a member of his family, but expresses political convictions similar to those uttered by his col league. Such political farces have no good ef fect, and ought to be discountenanced. Tho NoHolk Herald of tho 4th notices, as en titled to belief, a report'that Mr. Ingham lias been removed from tho treasury department. We con- aider it to be unworthy of credit. Lieutenant Byrne .struck Som<- time ago from the list of officers, without trial, for being concerned in a duel near Philadelphia, has been restored to his rank by the President. John Randolph,(aceordingto a Virginia paper) Is expected to set out for the capital of Russia on or be* fore the month of June. Stiver the form of friable stone has Intel- been found In great Henry and Fatricl. counties, Virginia. Aiyet It has not been analyzed, but from the size of a goose's egg, subjected to a com- mt-.i blacksmith’s furnace, aboutthe value of twelve and a half cents of pure silver lias been obtained. Tho New York Daily Advertiser of the 2d inst says, “we are informed that tld Hays himself is now in prison on charge'of being concerned in the "abduction” of the money yet unrecovered bv the City Bank." The Legislature of Louisiana, by a .recent act, licensed sixteen gambling bouses in that Slate at the rate-of seven thousand five hundred dollars each, thus deriving a revenue of ono hundred and twenty thousand dollars from a practice that the penal statutes of every State has fruitlessly attempt ed to suppress. The Germans in Ohio form so large a portinn of (be population, that the senate of that state has passed a bill authorizing tka publication in the German tongue of nil laws of a general nnture. Tho commission appointed by the French gov- ernmentto examine into the American rlaims on France, are expected to report favorably to their sllowanr.o, andan early adjustment of them is an ticipated. Advices fiom Liverpool arc to the 24th Februa- vyi at which time potion had advanced one eighth of .a penny per pound in consequence of the pro posed duty offive eighths on the pound. O'Con nell had declared the statement of his pleading guilty to the first fourteen counts of the pro-ccu* tion, to be false, and denied that he has ever said hejud 'elinquislied the project of dissolving the union of Ireland and Britain A report was circit- lating that Don Miguel hud been dethroned by his subjects, and Maria Gloria declared qeeenof Pur tugal. Italy continued in r'ommotion. Some dj . turbanccs had taken place lilt' Paris The:r p pression led to tho detection of a concerted pi A of insurrection between the ultralists in Paris ai.d La Vendee. The leaden Were under arrest. Hy the Brussels papers it appears that the Brig* n s are to hare for their sore-e gn the bro her of he king of Naples. The Russian army entered Po land on the Sth February; ' It consists troops of the line, in four divisions, V V,? unt Diebilsch, and moves upon .Modlin, whither the Polish army was retreating in order to decide there the fate ol Poland. The TELKGKAPH. POACOIff, CHOOSLaXA, SATURDAY, APUIL. IG,1831, fery were concerned in the canal project u commissioners of the railway; the obj-ct ''c* 1 lottery iv;is as studiously ilHgnigfcd as circum ! ccs permitted; in an advertisement, j n (| le i.’" Messenger, signeWtfy’ the commissioners a n ted “Macon, September 19. liliO." not S said about masonry, or a chapel, but it ircaaaSI “Brunswick Improvement Lottery/’ 'll,!, a time wheo tho presses inGeorgia we re -.""l under eulogies, by William IS. Davis c, 1 '? ' Brunswick Canal, and several of the co'niti ■ era of the lottery being known as engaged iJ"" canal scheme, the two objects were so verve ' ally confounded, that the term Brunswick r Lottery then obtained and atill continue., could any other result be, expected from th» ' tion of the advertisement-—“Brunswick l n 1^7 went Lottery." How could a place, with oy COTTON, e-1-2 a 8 1-8 cents. —— — whiskey shop, one boarding house! ami Spring and Winter seem to have a hard wrestle three huts, be said to be improved by eren* 1 ■ it. While the laughing damsel is endeavoring ••masonic chapelt" The improvement m*2* I to pelt him off with roses and fruit buds, the old 0 n the people was the canal. The wri ei ri codger is treading on her toes with his frozen travestv therefore did no more than use ih»° " heels, and spoiling her apron with his spurs! Wff ■ lancei of_that time am! what also is the pa'ij has Utely received some severe blows from his fist • now both in the up country and on the sr.iV!! ' 1 ' —the ill-bred churl has torn the flowers from her | The next point is, that the site of l! n ii . hair, and was caught stealing fruit from her bosom! being fen feet above high water mark c »m This is not all—his icy foot has made the corn- overflown in huriicanes. Tho waggish writerk fields sqnat; and the snap beans he has snapt offi that daring hurricanes the salt water i, » But we think Spring will bo able to trip up his - ---- • - al heels at Inst: ’(is the nature of the sex to have tho last word—and their own way in the end! Mr. Charles A. Higgins of Mnron has, by Major General Beall, been appointed ard-de-ramp. with - securi'ii V, '1 raised more than twelve feet, and that die the harbor over every other port in ihe State fudge—-Davis himself having proposed a lab- place, in the creek ot the upper end oftoKn cotton boats, for tho purpose of seeming ’ ! from (lie violence of tho wind and waves' 6 the rank of major, in the place Af William P. Hen- i river, «Inch would swamp them two day. rv. resigned. A • three the whole year ronnd. Ten fen ebote I,] ry, rexigned The"Orand Jury of Fayette, a. will be veen by ! "l'' their presentments in today’s Telegraph, recoin- ! a hurrinnf thn w tor rn«n ihn i^* NT 33 ^ raeodthe withdrawal from the College _ at Athens a n h e outward islands, lint'the m me wunncnwai irom in* college ai Ainens n f t h« nnttairrf i?,.« T” « of the public money annually given to that inslilo- ? c henr lit is thV travostv °, CI ?»° W 11 tion. and suggest the distribution of if amon* the. ^ fhe^ntof^ ?n several cpnnty academics in the State. Though, ! watcr wo ..i r j t i e „ !rov A *®*J n —*^ er sums so small would bo of much benefit to any of the academies, it must be confessed that tho proposition is more equitable than the present sys tem. The idea of bestowing largo sums out of the public treasury on a srminary designed to educate the children of those able and willing to bear the expense, whiln thousands nf children in the coun try are, by poverty, excluded from the blessings of learning, carries with it at least the appearance of injustice. .Vete Paper—In today's sheet will be found pro posals, by N. B Jnban, for publishing at Gaines ville. Hall county, Ga. a newspaper to be called the Gainesville Advertiser. The importance of this new town and its neighborhood, both as to popu lation and wealth, would attach to the paper, un der a man of ordinary capacity, considerable inter est, hut in the hands of one of Mr. Julian's abili ty and Devotion to the permanent union r-f the States, it must at once assumo a character afutili- ty to the farmer, merchant, mechanic nnd patriot, equalled by lew journals in Georgia, Mr Juhan being a sound politi-ian and excellent writer. A most dependent on his personal indnstry, aro s guarantoo that all his energies will be exerted. ' Most Amiable.'—Tho principal correspondent of the Columbus Enquirer, spraUng of the Gen eral Government, vociferates. “I^ay, and say it boldly, this Unioncannot. ought not to last.” \\ hat lf*“ " “ next! The rattle-snake flag and a mnsket? The Augusta Courier will have the goodness to credit the first article in the third column of the second page of its sheet issued on Iho 11 ih Instant, Georgia Journal instead of Macon Telegraph. We have no desire to father tho language or senti ments of others. Duhliu, Laurens county, Ga. was. on the 8th instant, visited by a tornado, which, though only of a few moments dur.tlon. did considerable dam age to Ihe buildings, fences, shade trees, &c. No lives were lost. Bishop Eugland ofCharlcston intends to preach at Milledgcville on the 28th instant, and thence proceed to visit Clinton, Macon. Knoxville, Co lumbus, Ncwnan, Fayetteville, Covington and Gainesville. University of Georgia.—At the meeting in A- tliens, on the 5th instant, tho following trustees wero present: A. S. Clayton,-, Howell Cobb. Georg* 11. Gilmor, Edward Harden, M illiant II. Jackson, Angus M. D. King, Wilson Lumpkin, Thomn-i W. Murray, James Nesbit. Edward Fame, David A. heese, Vritliam Schley, James TinsItY, Stevens Thomas, James C. Watson, Zachaiia'h Williams, and Jacob Wood. A contract was made fnr completing, by tho 25tlt December next, the building destroyed by fire. Tho Rev. Stephen Olio was appointed professor of Belles Lctlros. and two new professorships wore established, one of natural philosophy, and tho other of modern languages. The prospects of the college aro said to be flattering. Understanding that President Jackson may visit Georgia in tho course ofthe current year, Ihe City Coum-il of Savannah, on the 7lh instant, appoint ed a committee to address to him an invitation to visit that city, should he travel southwardly. are worse than the sandflies and moschcton that section of the low country. The writer in the Messenger is also very quit cal as to tho security of the money arising f, the subscription to the stock, which is to be dr, cd into six hundred shares, and the first insiaim ta bn five dollars on each, or three thousand ont whole. The money is to be retained in dicta of tho persons who open the books, until the: suit be known. If a failure, the money h to, refunded to the subscribers; but if the reverse,( which tho commissioners are certainly to bejn es) it la to go whither?—why, into the ham! Win. 15. Davis; and fioin il a moment, respots bilit* ceases; tor lbough Ins colleagno is, u opinion, a very honest man, and lam fait, questioning his own honesty, they both j without the science and experience rcquixiie the construction of railways, and unless 1 ki been misinformed, are not bound in their perse property, which however is of no great lata Besides, three thousand dollars are tnadequa the commencement of a railway. It may indeed bo asked, what motive cm Davis have for embarking in the project, a) many difficulties before him? Tho visionary of tho man's mind would bo a sufficient ui were not one more cogent ready. To undtw. his situation and views, reference must be iud the history of Brunswick. The site of that« was laid ofif under the British colonial gorcrnmi nnd it is generally believed that the lot j «i granted by the colonial governor. During li Revolution, some of the grantees were killed, there died, some fled for political r> asonr, and records, if any existed, were lust or ileitroyri that until lately the titles to lots there verc, few exceptions, nothing more in fact, «hi. they might otherwise profess to be, than ofthe lure nf quit claims. Notwithstanding tbe souk character of such titles, the hope of gain bm so strong and the prospect so specious, wkt» Brunswick bubble was revived by Mr. Dans'! talisman, that several men of wealth, and a them Colonel Jones, invested, through the,, cy of Mr. Eleazcr Early, money to a coniklt:.’ amount in the purchase of lots in Brunswick. II measures which tho Colonel devised anil used break the Hank and ruin the city of Darien, it dor to further Ihe speculation, arc well knovi worthy of their author. Thoy failed. The ti went down, Ueaborq's lovely piastres conn® unproductive, and Brunswick was seldom except as illustrative of fully. As surveyor, occasionally sheriff, &c. Vr.- Itad long been acquainted with iho Innds in Gin county, their qualities and titles Ho and lh had been at some expense in the can. 1 proj-ti: surveying .ho route, in postage, publication). I and only ouc method to obtain remunerntium left them—to run up the site ot Brunswick> head rights, knowing that titles fiom the ft were better than quit clainls, und the land, <* without the meretricious aid of town and ta schemes, would bring a goo.l price as find corn and cotton hnunnoc. They did notr,t;k tlicir interest, as the following extracts froma*> vertisemepi by ihcui, dated Slay 1,1829. aoJf* iished six months, show; Poulsnn's (Philadelphia) Advertiser gives it ns a imor that the Cherokecs will avail themselves of the mode intimated by Chief Justice Marshall to brintrtheir case on its ineiits before the supremo court. MoBt of tho writers prevent al tho trial de ny that any such intimation was made. It is liard- Ml "Public Notice —The undersigned haw 1 tained l.RANTS from the STATE of OEO G1A to three hundred sixty-nine and one fmrtt errs al land Ivina in Glynn county, on 'I cub’ — J ’ “KUNSwr” er, and knnwh as the SITE of BI It K. ly ptobahlo that tho attempt will bo m ide, the ! “The undcrsignei] have grunts for vacant lid —they hs-« a perfect right under the laws of 4 State to apply for and receive these grants—'kfl claim only what the Stato had a right to giveJ —1/mds vacant and unconveyed. If it cun besM that they labor under a mistake, and that foot of land conveyed to them by the State k prospect of success being poor, and tho expenses been already conveyed to others by a goori heavy: Wirt is said to have charged ten thousaod lid title—cither ante or post revolutionary it 8 dollais. Since his return from Washington City. Mr. Calhoun has received a public dinner from his .?«* ani1 ne 'R hbor * l" Pendleton district. No nullification or disunion toasts are said to have been drunk at it, though the last bumper was accompa nied by a sentiment that had better been suppress, e.l -“The present Administration—It does not an swer the purposo anticipated by its supporters." FOR TllE SIACON TELEGRAPH. BRUNSWICK. RAILWAYS, t,c. In the Messenger of the 9lh instant, a wag of a writer, pretending to ho greatly incensed at the travesty circular “to tho citizens of the Central and Western Counties," printed in the Telegraph of the2jl, leeringly attacks me ns the daddy of that foundling, and in n most quizzical tone, roars out “forgery," “evil aiul malicious disposition, to mis represent and mislead.’ r &c. Sec. See. in the be lief no doubt, that as I had said the travesty ne- Im-, m,i — then lin- unilrisigm-d n ill at ojl draw their pretensions, nnd give way to the ofl and bcttci tills. “In conclusion, it is distinctly declared that'll rrly on their grants to give them lands vk»»J the time of sutvev,—that is ALL LAND u*l the SITE of BRUNSWICK to which loai8 title in fee simple cannot be exhibited; huiM want no man’s property in fen simple. Stri ’T they ure ready to defend (heir own rights t^Jl equally ready to respect the rights of others. VV. 1). DAVI.S lilt KANII8 DART- Here then is proof of the interest they h ,,f 1 Brunswick, and of the means by which it wa, JJl It is natural they should wish to turn tHepifPl to tho best account. Should the Brunswig * ble be raised a third third time, the Ion in wick will a third time bring a pretty handaj price; and the gentlemen put a pretty into their pockets, independent of the cmri ^ 1. .1—: z -TT ~Z~ *—■ r«*e- of the railway. Tho inducement is indeed »£* mailer mn«! Eli*• s Tf ,hln K one Who would not rather s. II hi) matter most have come to my knowledge, and that 1 would not be backward in explaining a few ofthe points which the citizens of the central and west ern counties do not fully nnderetand. I shall not .altogelhcr disappoint the joker. The pretended advocate of Mr. Davis will >iiM, tion as town lots to infatuated cits, than of it to a clear-sighted calculating farmer W'CT cultural purposes—a thousand dollars to one' ^ person can blame Mr. Davis for endeavomFL inako the most of his town; nor question the 1 of nnv man In nli! i. im in kiu urw.r-ii Irilion _ ..._ ,h« Imran, i i or legitimate child, without funds, and. 80 M Poles have organized 57,000 men, acd are raisin? ihr mmrJi., r 'V ° "'ll* l be railway and science, consistency and sound judgment t' f 'fl seventeen B ew"«Efitai*u" A b^le7a* exMC ed h C Alhhi , ‘n ““iM "° ajenc > in ce ">* d - ch/recter. He ha. an i»t***jl to be foo S ht on tbe m February. P 'oothffiL *80™ lr ,V. Yel " w i tai,,id b ? htad »**"■ >» » ot had .1 >*1 3 vu uiv *■ misunj. nothing. Some of the commissioner! of tho lot-1 tuary of Turtle nver, to which, for tho i^'l