Newspaper Page Text
Volume 5.
»Tbe fif*** Telegraph Ij published weekly, by
.line Office on Mulberry Street, west side.
Thbeb Dollars a ye“f. if paid in ad.
ir roOK dollars,' if not paid before the
1 fthe rear. Subscribers living at a diutance
freqair?'! in all cases to pay in advance.
,w " hundred thousand i.lunts of
- - •wQ'AR C&NH can bp had low, if •«*»*!.
Number 17,
. v the first Tueaday in July next, willbeaold
} „ ,t, e Court Houae in Henry county, under
ir ler of the Inferior Court of Coweta county.
Ho *49. iD ,he 9'h sliatrici of Henry couhtyt
I the one half of Lot No. 45, in the I4rh district
h hj ii, being the real estate of John Harris,
| of Coweta county, deceased, for the benefit of
heirs and creditors*
L U. HARRIS, J admor, ‘
,19,1831. 12 * •
Ribe first Tuesday in August nest, will be sold
I is tbs town of Clinton, Jones count), agree-
1 wsn'order of the court of ordinary of said
the following Negroes, belonging to the es-
if Jobo Kirk, deceased, to wit: Dennis, a man,
•icht years old, Charity, a woman, thirty-five
Lolb, Aberdeen, a man, thirty years old, Anaca,
Inis,' twenty-four years old, Harris, ahoy, ten
I old, Willis, a boy, eight years old, and Wylie,
l years old—sold for the benefit of the heirs
'' ors of said deceased.
h 12. 10 aim'or with the will annexed.
r[LL be sold, on the first .Tuesday in October
/ ne:t tt Clinton, Jones countv, under an order
LInferior Court of said county, one lot of Land
| county, whereon the undersigned now lives,
Jut of about one hundred and seventy acres,
tor less, the property of the estate ot Henry Long
jits of said county, deceased—to be sold for the
It of the heirs-
fthe first Tuesday In December neat, one lot
Ijietbesecond district of formerly Henry coun*
jegingtothe estate of the said Henry Long
•erased, to be sold at the court bouse in Henry
■yander the above authority and fortbo above
[the first Tuesday In January next, three Ne*
1 Ben, a lad, about 19 or 20 years old, and a no-
Bally and her child to bn sold at Clinton, under
Lro authority and for the above purpose,
firth 18. 1 l-9t JAMES LONG, adm’or.
I Friday the 29th April, 1831, will be sold
[ all the perishable property of William C.
.late of Henry county deceased, viz. Hogs.
,, Horses, Cart and Steers, Household and
Ira Furniture, fisc. Teims made known on
to ef tale. ELIZABETH HARP, fie’f*.
ueb 17.1831.
10 hogsheads New Orleans Sugar
3 do St. Croix do
CO hags prime Green Coffeo
10 barrels do do
50 barrels Northern Gin
30 barrels Philadelphia Whiskey
10 barrels old Apple Itrandy
75 pieces Hemp liiieeing
150 pieces Tow do"
15 nieces Oznaburgs
75 kegs Nails
20 kegs brads
• 165 kegs Dupont’s Powder
50 bags Shot assorted sizes
“"gRinBtwine. Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Cotton Cards,
8hectings. Shirtings, Sattineft, Flannels, Hardware,
(’rockery, Glassware. &c and with many otV ar
ticles will be sold low for cash.
Aug 21 31 A. BFYAN.
jREEABLE to an order of the honorable
I the inferior Court of Piko county, will bo
■a the first Tuesday in J tine next, le the town
Ibulon, Lot of Land, No. 221, in the 8th dis-
lf originally Monroe now Pike county. It be
fit of the real estate of James R, Gray—sold
t litacfit of the heirs.
SEABORN B. GRAY, Executor.
frilS, 1831. H
uCOKUIN (> to the last will & testament of Field*
■In; 11‘Mullcn. will be sold on tho first Tuesday
(toil nest, in the tmvn of Forsyth Monroe enun-
: Plantation of said deceased, for tbe benefit of
linxtid creditors of said deceased.
pl4Uil831. 15 N. M'MULLEN, Jfc’or.
|l< persons indebted to the estate of Daniel
el-il .deceased are requested to make immediate
In'; and those having demands against said es-
|ili render them in, in terms of the law.
her 1
mark j
*h 18. 1831. IS
M County, j Ordinary
[BF.REAS Jacob W. Andrews and Johan-
na A. Andrews, apply to me for letters
Iministration on the estate of ll'yatt T. An
vile of said county deceased.'
L * «*, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
rlht kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
year at my office, within the lime prescribed by
anno cause, if any they hare, who said tellers
Im 4c granted:
l tn “nuer my band this 25l!i of March 183!
•4 H. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o.
finni^A—Houston County.
I'EREAS Alien B. Chastain, applies to mo
I lor leuers of Administration on thn estate of
I R. Blanchard, late of said county deceased
l« nrc therefore, to cite and admonish all and
' o the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
r*appear at my office, with in the time prescrib-
l"ito,fo shew cause if any they can. why letters
1‘iiMlr.r/ion should not he grunted him.
under my hand, this 29th March, 1831.
114 CHARLES H. RICE. c. c. o.
Ciird D canliehadlow.ifannli-
ea lor soon at my ntanla too on i’obesofky.C miles be-
ow Macon, oct 23 44 ROBERT COLLINS.
Jl ^ •'eceived at (be Macon Clothing More, super
31/ line blue brown, black, olive Broad Cloths, blue
brown (range, drab, slate mist and huff Cas.iraeres,
Ve'vet and Valencia Vestings, a handsome assort-
ment of fancy Cravats, Stocks. Suspenders, buckskin
Gloves, Horse and Beaver do. Umbrellas, Caps, &e.
Also, a handsome assortment of Heady made Clothing,
made in tbe best style t Cloaks of a superior kind.
An elegant and new UAROUCH. for one or two
Horses. Enquire as above. nov27 48
f | HIS establishment has undergone considerable
m repairs and is in readiness to accommodate Boar
ders and Travellers, at lower than customary rates for
this place—the House is spacious, the Stableiug excel
lent. We have extra lots with water in them tor Dro
vers, we also have a Blacksmith's Shop on the lot and
keep Horse shoes and nails ready at the shortest no-
t ce, and any other work that may be wanting in our
line This establishment the Public may rest assured
is such as will make theTravellersandtbe Boarders
comfortable—this establishment stands on Bridge
street, abore tbe court house, one hundred and fifty
y«rd». . RODGERS & Co.
October 6. 1830. 41-tf
The Subscriber.
ri5>AS REMOVED from his late stand on Mulber-
—— ry-street to bis New store on Cherry-street, op-
losile Robert Coleman's and above Ralston & Jones,
Store, where bo opeuing and has on band a gene
ral assortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES,
On the first Tuesday in May next,
Vy ILL be Slid ot Fayetteville in Fifyelte ooun-
” " t), (bf- following jiropeiiy to wit:
One sotr.'l Horse, saddle und bridle nnd one
Clock—levied oo as the property of Jtmtt V.
Head, to satisfy an execution in favor of Robert
Collins vs. said Head.
One bl n k Hi ist* .mil lot of L.mtl No. 113,
in tin’ fifth district of originally Ilcnry now Fayette
county—levied on as the property of Claiborn A.
Mann and John D. .Mann, to satisfy an execution
in lavor of Richard Strickland vs. Claiborn A. .Mann
John P. Mann, Ransom Kitchens and Jeptha V.
Smith. WYATT HEFLIN, Sh’ff.
March 26, 1831.
On the hirst Twsdny in May Tint,
W ILL be sold before the court house, between
the usual hours of vale, at Perry, Houston
county, ilie following property to wit :
One Lui ot Land, well improved, whereon
Osborn Wiggins formerly lived, in the 9th dis
trict of Houstun county, now in the occupancy of
David O. MnttU—levied on as the property of
Hugh A. Smith, and David O. 'smith to satisfy a
Fi Fa in favor of John M. Moore.
One Lot of Land, in the 13th district of
Houston county. No, 81—levied on as tbe prop. *
erty of John Thompson to satisfy a Fi FqSn lavor
of Edmond May—levy made and returned to
by a constable, I
April 2.
HENRY W. RALEY, sheriff.
IM1E Subscribera once more take the liberty to in-
I form the citizens of M-<con and public generally,
that they hnvean additional -(apply of Ladies’Gent
men’s, xoulhs'ant! Childrens Hoots and Shoes, top
numerous to enumerate in an iidvertiscmrlit, which
mnkesasgood nn assortment ns has ever been offered
poi mhmh
cr, do Lnini
manufacturing the above article—all of which will be
sold at small advance above cost. Planter!, we are
confident will find it to their advantage to call and ex
amine their stock of negro shoos, a superb article,
which will be sold low for cash.
We forget not nttlic samo time, to present onr cor
dial thanks to our patrons for their liberal support
Heretofore, and respectfully solicit a continuance of
the same. ., -»
Making and Repairing, faithfully and punctually at-
faded to. at (lie shortest notice. - <
Macon, oct. 29. A C. PARMELEE & Co.
the public in this region; they have also a good as-
irtmcnt of Sole-Leather. Call Skins and wax Leadi
ngs and Bindings by the skinor gross, spun-
: Knives, Awls, Thread nnd Findings, for
ti'FAVE lately received their tall and winter su]i-
Jli ply of GOODS, comprising a general assort
ment of silk, woolen, and cotton Coods, new and
Fashionable clothing,straw, open vvn-k had Leghorn
Bonnets, Dunstable lints, mens and boys fine fur
Hats, wool Hats, Indies and gentlemens fine Boots
and slioes.Negro shoes nnd clothing, cottou and wool
cards, saddlery fije.
On hand the following articles, a good assortment
of Hardware, crockery, cotton Bagging and Twine,
Liquors all kinds, lump sugar, st crolx and porto rico
sugar-, coffer, Tea, Spanish sugars, lamp Oil, swedes
Iron. Plough Moulds, German, American, English
blistered and cast steel, cut and wrought Nails, Brads,
sole gin-band and upper Leather, calf and tiningskins
Feathers, fire. The abtre Goods scsll be sold low: old
customers may rely npon haring their Goods as low os
at any other house 45 Macon, nov 6
On the first Tuesday in May next,
AX7TLL be sold before the court-hoise in the
v“ town of Macon, Bibb county,the following
proudly to wit:
The interest bf Willtrim Humming in one
lot of land oh the east side of the Ocmulgee, contain
ing ten acres, more or less, known as lot Ns. 6, ad
joining 3. Denton’s and A Al’Grcgor—leviel on and
returned to me by acun-table.
Also wilt he sold as alionc,
Three Negroes, peter, a man. about thirty-five or
rty years old, Felis, a woman, and Eliza, a girl: all
levied on as the property of H. L. Towns to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. from the inferior court of said comity
i. said Towns. April 2. W. B. CONE, Shff.
Also, will be sold as above.
Two negroes, Klioiia a woman 35 years old
and Caroline r girl about 6 years old—levied on as
tbe property of George A. Smith to satisfy sundry
Fi Fas issued trom n Juitices court in favor of
Thomas Naider vs Eliud -Harris, William P. Harrs,
,M. It. Wallis mid George A. .Smith—levy made and
returned to me by A. Richards constable.
Muiy mid her child—rlevierl on ns the proper
ty of 11’illiam P. Harris, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas In
favor (it John S Hooter, vs Wi'liam I*. Harris nnd
Joshua Jordan—levy made and returned to me by
Burwell M’Lcndon constable
April 2. II. H. HOWARD. D. Sh'ff.
’ On the first Tucsduy in May next,
W II.L be sold nl the court boose, in Mncdon
uugh in Henry county, between tbe usual
hours of sale,
One liny stud Horse—'ovied on ns tho prop
erty of Elias F. Wilson, to satisfy an execution in
favor of Robert Tueker. I). SMITH jr /> sh'ff.
On the First Tuesday in May next,
W ILL he sold between the-uaunl hours of sale
before the Court House at Forsyth, Mon
roe county, the following property to wit:
-Out’ Lot of L.iii'l. In witd county. No. 71
in the Bill district—levied on as tho property of Rich
ard Kenady. to satisfy two small Fi Fas from a Jus
tice’s court of Bulloch county, in favor of Cbarnock
Selpli—levy made by a constable.
Two ,icik Lots in Forsyth, with improve
ments thereon, wherean William Brown now lives—
levied on as his property to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor
of Beall & Rainy, property pointed out by plaintiffs.
One buy, Mnre, saddle, bridle, and saddle
bags. 1 bedstead. 1 folding table, one cot and bed,
one desk—levied on as the property of Bud Marther,
to satisfy a Fi Fa In favor of Jfohn G. Moss, for use
of Benjamin Holland—property pointed out by B. F.
Harris. JOHN REDDING, Sh’ff.
Also, will be sold at above,
45 acres of Lund, beine pan of lot No. 124
In the 6th district of said county,.edjoinlng Brown
and others—levied on to satisfy sundry small Fi Fas
in favor of Tlinmns B Gorman and others, against
llalhins Taplty— levy -made and returned by a con
stable. T
The Store house. Dwelling house nna Lot,
Love and the Student.
tapp'd one night at the Student's door—
lie rose to see who was there;
And he saw the boy, wiih his pinions tore,
So he drew him from the air.
"ftly lad, how came you in such r fix?"
The kind hearted Student s-dd;
^ replied, with his tognish tricks,
That he'd "been abus’d by a maid!
"Ami turn'd mil nf rionr\ at this time of night,
1 o seek for a place of rest;
V on d be surpris'd that a Beauty so bright,
Should have so cold a breast!" ,
The Student cherished tho boy in his arm?—
But oh, th’ ungrateful return;
Next morn bo lit the fire with his rhymes.
And laugh'd to see them burn! OSSIAN.
The Sea-Island Mother to her Infants. ,
There’s fnry in yon smoky cloud,
That sweeps along the sky.
The breakers on tho beach are loud,
The sea is white and high—
The sea is white and high, my babe?,
And rises on the strand,
And nought to save us from the waves
Except this ridge of sand.
O! why. my babes! your father left
Us unprotected herr.
Girt by the sea, of hejp bereft,
- The prey of doubt and fear,
I cannot tell: for sure he might
Have taken us to land
Above the ocean's greedy lips
And piles of changing sand.
He said lie would return before
The plover made her nest;
But ere he come, this aching heart
And your's will he at rest,
The eagle scream.our requiem,
The sea-weed be our bier,
And your father be again without
A thing to love or fear.
No tongue to sooth his bunting heart.
No tear to cool his eye.
He’ll loaibe bis life, and m,td!y think
It luxury to die
Upon my breast, O! lie ye still!
The flood gains on the land,
The foaming waves are dashing o’er
The outer ridge of sand. .
Cling (lose, my babes!—though human power
The miphiy waves deride.
Thus doubly clasped, nor death itself
Shall you and me divide;
Bui hark! what crashes in the cloud?
The wind comes from the land!
The waves recoil, and, hastening oat,
Leave bate the bittcrcd strand.
nv I
The bee is on the wing, U r \ v
Beyond the fen the hunters shout,
_Ff9trL.oak8.the mock birds einRi—■—
"Your (Tiber’s kneeyou'JI climb again,
And prattle at his hand:
For God has saved from wind and waves
E’en on the fickle sand. r-kdjt
Few men suspect, peritups no roan compre
hends, the extent of-the support given by re
ligion to every virtue. No man perhaps is
nnare, how much our moral and social senti
ments are fed from this fountain; how power
less conscience would become without the
belief of u God; ho’v palsied would be human
benevolence, to auicken nnd sustain it; how
suddenly tho whole social fabric would quake,
and with what a fearful crash it would sink
into hopeless ruins, wero the ideas of a Su-
pi erne Being, of uccountableness, and of a fu
ture fife to be utterly erased from every mind.
Once let me thoroughly believe, that they
and sport of chance; that no
and that, al hough so remote from us, tb*l g
j cannon hail shot diroctly towards it, apd ipoin*
(anting i.s full speed, would be twenty year* it)
reaching it, it yet affects tho earth by its attrac-
tion in an inappreciable insiant cl time? IVbO
would notask for demonstration, when told that
a gnat’s wing, ic its ordmury flight, beats many
hundred times iri a second? or that there pjv
ist animated and regularly organized beiags,
many thousand of whose bodjos laid close to
gether would not extend an inch? But what
are these to the astonishing truths which mo
dern optical inquiries have disclosed, whiefj
teach us that every point of a medium through
which u ray of light passes is affected with 9
succession of periodical movements, regularly
recurring at equal inteivuls, no less thou 500
millions of millions of timas in a single second!
that it is by such movements, communicated to
the uerves of our eyes, that we see—nay more,
it is the ilf'-iencu in tho frequency of their
recurrence which affects U3 with tho sense of
the diveisity of color; that, for instance, in ac
quiring the sensation of redness, our eyes aro
affected 482 millions of millions of times; ofyel-
lownrss, 54.8 millions of millions of limes; and
of violet, 707 millions of millions of times por
second. Du not such things sound more like
tho ravings of madmen, than the sober con
clusions of people ill their waking souses?—
Thoy are, nevertheless, conclusions to which
any ono may most certainly ttrrive, who will
only bo nt tho trouble of examining the chain
of reasoning by which they have been obtain-
ed.—ilerschePs Discourse.
Rice.—'Th# culture of this great staple arti
cle in South Carolina, was introduced by ac«
cidf n . It is said, about tho year 1695, a brig
from Madagascar, touching at Charleston on
her way «q England, anchored off Sullivan’*
Island. The Captain invited Landgrave Smith
on board, and presented to hima bag of Seed
Rice, with information of its growth in the
East, its excellence for food, and its amazing
increase. Tito Governor divided it among his
friends, wlro made experiments will: it, which
fullv answered expectation, and from this small
i.fimiiui: woo or me great staple arficles
of South Carolina and Georgia,—Charleston
. ... , Ms tho work , , — —
su l>erior intelligence concern, itself witlthu-
ih in*, t vi • j • . , _ ... m:.t* uft«tr«* ih»t u ihcir imurovemmi s ncr-
Cotrefu County.
T’ll.iU.AS ItiliiTtJ. II. Miller, applies to mi’
LiLro** ,er * Administration on the estate of
pta >> list lev. late of Morgan county deceSscd.
J*T! merejore. to cite and admonish all and itn-
w kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
WPtarat my office, within the time prescribed by
|*V" c ** < * (v any "they can,) why said letters
rn ondrr my hand, this 25th Mnrcli, 1831.
SIIION BOUSE, c. c. o.
50 sale by
March 5.
Patent PLOUGHS, just received and for
» , f ®° n *h* after dale application wilt be made
Inferior court of Bibb county, when
I T , ln * r y purpose! for leave to sell tbe re*
l’ to the minors ol John Hamlin «!«:-
I, lor the benefit of said minors.
date, application will be
iiuii!» ° 1 •? * lonor »blo Inferior Court of Mon*
Eaitol'JT.i* filing for ordinary purposes for
Inf V»** B< L« a d negroes belonging to the
(ktirx!****^ Roll, deceased—siyld for the benefit
• ‘ murk
John*, 0Urba*,
1*1831. 13
YITFAS received within the lest two or three weeks
J n I frnmNew-York. a considerable proportion of his
Fall and Winter Stor * comprising a General Assort'
ment of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,
such as black,blue,brown andmixt Broadcloths, caS'
stmeresand satiuetts. Flannels, Baizes, Blankets &c
Morino.Thibet, crape and caxsimere shawls and tan
cy Handkerchiefs—a handsome and splendid assort
ment of figured plain and changeable silks—silk (iirig-
hams, l)s«.irincs and Arm shines, Circassians. Merino
do. super French calicoes nod Ginghams* Linens,
Lawns and cambric llandkt rehiefs—leghorn. Dun
stable and straw Bonnets. Tbrend and Bobinet laces
and Edgings, lace Pelerines, crazy janes And capes.
Gloves and Hnsierv—also, a general assortment of
Hardware, Cutlery, Glass and China Ware, Crockery.
> Adm’ort,
. aion *ks after dale, application
* 10 tho honorable the inferior court of
“■ST’ when silting for ordinary purposes,
ism * wo Negroes belonging to the estate
R '>!£». late of Jones count), deceased.
- Guardian of the heirs
' Don, * , * l, f ,er date, application will bo
1,8 10 B.o .honorable the inferior court
B „ PltYAN GRIGGS, guardian.
!^!L22d, 1831. 14 6
iinms formerly lived—levied on as the properly
said Williams to satisfy sundry Fi Fas in lavor
Hall. 8hapter«nd Tupperand others vs said N. B.
Williams April 2. A. COCHRAN. D. Sh'ff.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
FX/IKLbe sold helore the court house at Knoiville,
yy Crawford county, between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, viz:
Out- lot of land Nn. 230 mtlic 7th district
of Crnwford county levied on as the property of Hen-
rv Ke.y, to satisfy two smalt Fi Fas issued from a
justice’s court of Jefferson county, in favor ot Rus-
sclKellum vs said Key—levy made and returned by
a constable *
Out* lot nf land No. 188, in the 7tb district
of Crawtord county—levied on as the property of
William Digby, to satisfy one small Fi Fa issued trom
n justice's court in favor of John Ricks vs said Dig-
bv—returned to me by a constable.
y A| , r ;i -j VVM. 0. FILES, sheriff.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
\WtL1.b* Sold at the courthouse at Campbellton,
Campbell county, between the usual hours oL,
r7rfMM T ’i»?ifirs' Bit shots, cotton cards, fur seal sale, the following property:
^nd^ieMher caps^'chlnchi'la do. copper Tea kettles, T*»
■ 1631 '* ve< * 1 •pl'&dtd vertical Piano Forte
and leather caps, cninciiiiia 00. *m* ,,7.’
Blacksmiths Toots complete, cross cut and mill saws,
calfskins, lining do. cochineal Roans. Hat linings and
Trimmings, sole leather, carpenters Tools—also.
Guns, with Hint and percussion locks, double and sin
gle harrelied, etc etc. Also,
A general assortment of Groceries.
'Bit above Goods, together with liis whole stock to
trade will be disposed of upon reasonable terms; <•>“
Au friends and the public art requested to call and exa
mine for themselves. 45 Macon, nov h
JVettTFall and Winter Goods.
A RE now opening, on the corner of second sWeet
mid Cotton Avenue, opposite the Washington
A LA o 1 uv rv huvmav “
Ladies, gentlemens, boys A children's fine Shoes Ac
Merchants, planters ind thepubllo generally can
on « be supplied at low pi ices from a stock, lutarior
to none in the state Mncoa, 1st October, 1830.
P. 8. We shall be receiving New Goods waakw,
unfit the 10th N»v. WILEY, BAXTER * FORT
man affairs; that all their improvements per
isli forever at death; that the weak have no
Guardian, and the injured no avenger; that
there is no recompense for sacrifices to up
rightness and the public good; that sn oath is
Discovery of Indian Com.—Previously to
tho settlement of the Puritans in New England,
thoy formed patties for the purpose of explo
ring the country. Captain Miles Staodish,
who wus called tho "hero of New England,”
commanded one of them, consisting of sixtoea
nten. In their progress they met with several
hillocks, supposed by them to be burial place?
for tilt- Indians, but as they advanced, iladjog
many more, they closely examined them, ana
discovered that they contained Indian Com.
Beinfr buried in tho ear, it excited their curios
ity, and by some of tho party it was thought a
valuable acquisition, while others, who ate it
in a raw state, did not relish it, and thought it
worth little or nothing. They secured, how
ever, sumo for seed. In the ensuing spring,
a Syuanto, a frir ndlj Indian,instructed them in
tho culture of it, and it wus probably the mean*
of saving them afterwaros from famine.—ib.
Eggs will retain their ritoisturo and goodness
three or four mqntbs or more, if the pores of
the shell ho closed nnd rendered impervious to
air by some oily or greasy application. Lou
don says, ‘we genneiully anoint them with mut
ton sunt melti-d, and set them on end, wedged
close together in 'bran, stratum super stratum,
[one layer above another,] the containing box
being closely covered. Laid un the side, the
yojk will adhere to tho shell.
A Kingly Present.—Ibn Batuta, a learned
Arabian traveller, who explored much of Afri
ca, in the 14ih century, mentioned a flourishing
place called Mali, to the south of Timbuctoo.
But he complains of the narrow bounty ofp
mtentate in this district. Afier waiting upon
its nrjesty, he was informed that o present
was on bis away to him, nnd he feasted his im»
ginntion on tho idea of some rich dress, or gold
en ornament, instead of which the whole coru
sisied of a crust of bread, a dried fish, and sour
To preserve Cucumber plants from bugs
ami flics.—15 1 ak oil' 1 lie sulks of onions which
riEutness nuu »,v - V™* 1 I have ^an »«< <>"' "> the spring, and stick down
unheard in heaven; that secret crimes have - . . 1 . , ^ _
km nj.rmkln.lnr. .hr. h„ m on fivC ? r *'* '» eacl ' ‘"I 1 eOCUtobm,
•ad 3ri«. a girl, eleven years old—levied on a.
tlie’nroperly of Caleb Field to satisfy two Fi. Fas. is
sued from Campbell superior court in favor of John
VV. Tommey. U. EA3LY, Deputy tsherff.
march 19 13
On the first Tuesday in June next,
ornULbl sold before the court house at Camp
NjjT billion. Campbell county, between the usual
hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit:
Lo ol Land situ .rod in 'he 14 h district of
oriainallv Fayette now Campbell county, whereon
Jnm.-s Hicks deceased. Il.edal thetimeofbis death,
number not In,own-levied on as the properly ol said
Hicks to satisty two ft (as one issued from IfrKalh |
.Superior Court in favor of Heps Orsburn, for ike use
of William Branham vs. said Hicks, the other issued
from Cowetm Superior Court lo favour ol James II.
P^rrvman vs. James HicWo. . .__
April 14 N- N<CHOL8°N, thtijff.
TIN W A EE ‘ Manufactbiy.
Keenly apposite Chapman's corner.
(■1IIF. subscriber has now on hand and will keep
I constantly, a supply ot TIN M ARE, whies
he will sell wholesale or retail at SavaanD: or An-
vast a price*. W. S. ELLIS.
* JP*'otder» sant to JEHis, SMwlllfCO. wniv*c«lv*
prompt attaulion. 25 J"®*
no witness but the -perpetrator; that human
existence has no purpose, and human virtue
no unfailing friend; that this brief life is eve
ry thing to us, and death is total, everlasting
extinction—once let me thoroughly almndou
religion, and who can conceive; or describe
the extent of the desolation that would fol
We hope, perhaps, that human laws and
natural sympathy would hold sociely together.
As reasonably might we believe, that, were
the sun quenched in the heavens our torches
could illuminate, and our fires quicken, and
fertilize creation. What is there in humuii
nature to awaken respect and tenderness, if
man is the unprotected insect of a due? and
what is ho more, if Atheism be trne? Erase
all thought and fear o* God from u communi
ty, and selfishness and sensuality would ab
solve the whole man. Appetite, knowing no
restraint, .and poverty and suffering, having
no solace or hope, would trample in scorn on
the restraints of human laws. Virtne, duly,
principle, would be mocked and spurned as
unmeaning sounds. A sordid self intorest
would supplant every other feeling, nnd man
would bccomo in fact, what the theory of
Atheism declareshim lo he, a companion for
The. Won dr s of Physics —What mere ns-
seitioti will make a man believe dial in one so-
nml the bug will immediately leave them. It
would be well ufter a few days to renew them,
but one application has frequently been found
to bn completely effectual. The common
chives or sives, will have the same effect witb
the onion If this method fails catch the bun
and kill them. Fires lighted in n garden in tM
evening will destroy a great many insects.
Highland English.—In the reign of Chariot
I. ol England, it customary lor the north
country merchants to barter their goods, geo*
erally fish, with their richer neighbors of tho
South. Two Highland Bailies, merchant?,
came to Edinburgh with a quantity of speldings
to exchange for stockings, doth,'dec. Sandy,
one ol them, on arriving nt the shop whore they
expected to exchange goods, said to Donald*
tb< other, "You, Tonal, can be spokit in
in.gooder English, and mack you a good sickor
pargain,” After the usual compliments were
paid, Donald asked the merchant, "Gen ye
please, Sir, will you bought for bought?”—
"Hoot, Tonal, man," replied Sandy, “me be
thought you spokit the gnoder English; she
means wiil you buy for buy'."—Scotsman.
Eiertisc.— Dr. Thomas Hcrris in luJfid-
dres-. delivered befote the Philadelphia medi
cal society, on tho 19th ultimo, said—"Vio
lent bodily movements,, or sevore meats) labor*
cond oftime, in one beat of the pendulum bf a ) immediately after a full steal, interrupt •)••
clock, a ray of light travels ovei 192,000 miles, | o> formal»c<* of the digestive functions. It>»
' ‘ indeed, a law of the anim-i! economy, (OM
when much of the vital energy of the bo^f l*
directed to one organ, there is a corrtkpeni
and would therefore perform the tour of tho
world io -bout the same lime that it requires
to wink with our eye-lid?, and in much less
titan a swift runner occupies in taking a single
stride? Whet mortal ntao can be 1 made to be-
diminutiott in tbe action of (lie.others; Tpmo
_ when the muarje* are activelyTOOTetL or ib»
li^ToV withouf'detfconsirtitiott, that tho suo is mind tofoifWy occupied, the digestive powers
almost a million time? larger than the etrtb? of the atoatuch ars impended, JE*ifatfMOU