Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 27, 1832, Image 1

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CORT p,y HIyron Bartlutt, twenty-five for c cnt. cheaper thsa ever! JOB JIIAGIH . .' • rfnncntnc » very extensive nnd splendid or. of GOODS; which I...S selected in THE NEW YORK MARKET i„.slf front the latest importatimn. which are * , calculated for this mArkrf, nitd Which tvi'l K, loffnllv JJfffiissif-s’itrn mr. «e:j7. * lhnlt ever. These goods are of the latest sty te f* Miionnhle patterns, and nre nli'ercd to tils '"’ffiends and the &abl*c . nnfiiienee fully nssiired, thnt tint only Hie sty'e u iH fullv nteel their npprohntion. Their r" lt refliirsted to Ihe same—a fetv of Hie tsrti- vizi . n . Jnisces Calicoes and Prints. sonte Very riolt. lifinfFarnilnro Calicoes and tlmnnnin. i nieces fie* Per" 15 '’ Nf"etins and (iin«hnm*, plain itined. fifUtedand striped Mandarines. Sarneos- £ ami purple Orodeswiss and tlalian 8ilks _ | (jrndenep, hlack and lirmvn enlnred do , Causes. Orleans Robes, painted Prtlmnrl'ip? JJ c Deleon, hlack and colored .■'ilk. Canihlets .al.ettns. fi"« French llnmbnr.ines. illoml Cense i?wme extra sixes), Satin Str-ws. Scarfs Fancy jkerehiefs and Slmwls. very rich, sell Cap and Kibbons new patterns, Thread I,ares mid Inserl- ,l«o F.dgings and Footings, checked and striped ' Jnckonrl. Swiss nud Camlirie. do., one ease bleached Irish Linen* assorted. I.nng I .nuns nCambriesand Cambric Handkerchiefs. Super. L, plaid and plain Drillinis nnd fine Framcli m Pongees end Ponge Handkerchiefs, Bandtqi- nJ Flags, Cloves and Milts assorted. at dozen Silk, Cotton, Rnmion Hose and half llosd assorted. ion Parasols and IJmhrellns, Very neat nnd rich, yno pieces Mosquito Netting. U Begs and Purses. Shell Tuck nnd Side Combs, Me end Furniture Demiliesnml Cotton Fringes, i h 9,10. II nnd 12 by 4 Dannwk Table Cloths. | e Covers, Dunstable and Straw Itnnnets. I’nltn [lists Black and Drab Denver Hats, latest fash- Travelling Caps and Trunks, in bales Sheetings, Shirtings nnd Plaids. 500 lbs spun CoHon, Tickings, Osnahurgs, Cot ton (lards. &c. tio.nn extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps. Powder. Powder Boxes and Polls. Erosive Ralls, 9»ne, Honey nnd Rose Waters, Olio of Roses, 4c. Also. jnilO pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, and 100 pair Morocco and Calf Boots, some very neot and fine. And a very large supply of aiMles, Bridles, War x Jngals, SADDLE AND TRAVF.Ll.tNO BAGS, &c. &c. &e. Together with n general assortment of Hardware Cutlery I)kinds that is wanted in this market: also C AR- STF.R’S TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMITH 91,3, Cross cut and Mill Saws, Gnn c , Rifles. A’ 1 '- [so a supply of Crockery. Chinn and Class Ware so 1ft dozen superior Calf Skins. Cining nnd msSkin*, Sole l.oather, till! Band Leather. Arc. a!osupply or GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI TS, drc.' •ran, April 2ft 129 ' MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1832 GOODS. M. II. ItURDSALL i« notv receiving nnd opening n general assortment of . Soasonablo Goods, w inch lie offers for sale at the most reduced pri ces. amongst which are the following: 1 blipcrfilic Saxoliy blue, black and colored Cloths. •Merino Cloths. nine, black nnd fancy mixed Raliiiuctts {'•tike point ami rose Blankets. Red, white, green and yellow Flannels •saxony and Canton white gauze ditto S and 10 rjr. Ilnmask table Diaper Birds eye and Russia do Mciino Circassians Black and Blue Rotrilinzett* and Circassians Irish IsiiioiH, I’ lomidli Sheetings, Cotton Ozua- ^ lilies Negro Cloths, Lins’eys Thread Laces end Shell Combs Pongee, Spittalficld Black Italian Lustring, black Sarsnnct and Sin- clietvs, black tiros de Berlin, hlack Gros de Naples, Colored do do Mandarines and Florences, black and colored Italian Crapes Gauze and Satin Garniture Ribbons ami silk Velvets. Merino and Cashmere. Thibet Wool, Dnmnsk Silk and Crape Shawls Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies diamond straw and Leghorn braid Bonnets Misses diamond and chain Bonnets I.ncc and gauze Veils, figured and plain Bobbinet Flagg and Bnndannn Handkerchiefs A general assortment of coarse Shoes and Boots. Men's and Youth's Fur Hats Fur. Leather, and Hair Caps, &c. &c. Nov 5 II) Vot. VI—No, 26. NEW SPRING GOODS, : fKWW FITCII, 1 draper and tailor, 3 now opening at the Macon Clothing Store, a new and splendid assortment of u , Summer Goods. consisting ofsupcrfihcBdmhnzines—JiroxVn, slate, hlack, mixt, white and bulf Merino Cassimeres— plaid do. (a new article for pantiloons) white and brown Ilrdlmg—hrown grass Linen—Prince’s Cord, Nankins, hull aiid xvhito Valentin Vestings ——• pot toil n ml white Mattniltas ilo. Satin Floren- tiue do. black ami figured Velvet do. with a good assortment of cloth, velvet and bombazine Stocks, fancy do. Spitalficld Hdkfs. silk, net and cotton doub e cud Suspenders—English silk half lines. Random do. xvlute and brown linen figured “a vats, Italian do. Bosoms, Collars, Stiffeners; Buckskin Gloves, black do. silk and brown linen d"* F.naulets, Ball Buttons, &c. Sic. N. B. L, Fitch will receive in a few davs a handsome assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING 1AILORINO carried on in all its branches as above—having the latest New York and London fashions, Ills work shall not ho inferior to any. Ho returns his sincere thanks for past favors, and so licits a continuance of public patronage. March 1 AW SPRING GOODS. X. CM?ES £i SOW IE imv. receiving from New York and l’os- t.'», a large and fresh supply of SPUING MV’Y SUMMER GOODS, consisting in - C 'iioeex. jondoTnshiniiatde Ginghams, 1'., t.-.| .Muslins in-Gv.ileiiap, Sinrh-xv, S«r«ne't,Chnn . '-it:, Vi;;ir.*d anil Fio'i'v colored tSILKtS Corded .Muslins Cnmhrin Dimity. Ac T" * Figured nnd plain Swiss Muslins •i Irish Linens I’.oieec nnd Fmiry Silk Hdkfs ■!•> It ixv Silk do •Is Fancy Dress Shawls nnd Scarfs •!,* tint,on, Madriiss. nnd Hend lldkfs [tilling Gentlemen's Mocks null Crnvals, i Linen, Roweii Oassiinere, Denverleeti, ■pRnril. Circassians ft d .z Hosiery nnd Ulnvcs, 300 do Spool Thread M iluz Bidl Tiircad, fill do Spool do "ft dpr Suspenders, 2UI) do Tucking Combs M do Side Coinhs,Tortoise Shell do • vs'og Combs, IIMI ps Mosquito Netting, Fancy i'ts, do Boxes, 100 |!i Flax Thread, Sew ing Silk, horn and Dunstable Bonnets, Umbrellas—Mar K '•'ilk, Valencia and Velx’et Vestings—.Bleach'd mespuns. Plal,| do. Furniture Fluids, Checks, 'P's. Ticking, 20 bales brown Homespuns, tops nlmrgs, Russia Buck, do Sheetings; matassortment ofSUM MER CL OTHIS G wtingnf Coats, Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons, «c. A large supply of iocs & Boots, Hats, Saddlery Ac. Ac. 100 do* Pnlmt.'-iif lints. '•nplrleassortment of HARD WARE nnd CUT |m,CLASS WARE, CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. ns xhove Clouds xvere purchased in New York BoUmi, a few weeks since, (of iccent impoiln- HJttwenty per cent less than former prices, sill be sold unusually low, rrreirc, ntJtl icerl, n hrge tumilu of fOCERlES, IRON & .STEEL, NAILS **•, Fur sale os abox-e, CilOO lbs prime BACON. ly^-M nr, Just received a pe hluls St. Croix, Porto Rico, and Now O Orleans SUGARS I.’iO hags Cofieo 35 barrels Molasses 70 Ids Northern Hum, 00 do Whiskey 30 bis Gin 25 quarter casks Malaga AVino Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica Rum, 15 quarter chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 lbs Iron German and English blistered Steel 5,000 lbs Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, ami a General Assortment SPRING GOODS, Cutlery, Huts, Shoes, Boots, A*f - For sale by GEORGE JEWETT. May ID TT2- Dissolution. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween* the subscribers under the firm of Ralston &,■ is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business of the concern will be attended to bv David Ralston, who can be found at the store of Robert S. Patton, (their old stand,) corner of Cherry and Third streets. DAVID RALSTON. Feb 25 82 JOHN L. JONES. . DR. I. ELI/18, AVIN’G determined to settle permanently ■ {ft Macon, respectfully offers his .Professional Services “■einhahitaiiLsof the town nud adjacent rnmi- v'lribc satisfaction of those who nromrac* ""‘ ft w dh him, ho thinks proper to state, that «ax regularly admitted to his profession ill ■ agreeably to tholaxvs and rcgulntioiis nf the ' e of New York, nnd that most of his time •nat period has been devoted to nil exteu- £»«•<*: By a faith fill discharge of his pro* ,, 1 ,7. t,cs ’ l 10 hopes to merit a liberal pnt- ** l ‘ rcsidcucemul offleo are in the house {••yoccupied ny Mr. Birdsong, on. Mulheirv Jan. 14 g IVotico. I leave E. L. SHELTON as my agent during my ab sence from Geygia, who is duly authorized to collect the ... recounts of Lein* Filth and fti itvi i° . and I would once more invite litxJii lo C!> " aud pny the same, (as lung LJ', 11101 make long friends.) 147-It LEW IS FITCH. * manufacturer. HE. tiFAR T,, " lD ftTtlKKT, ,t‘ [i scr tber manufactures and keeps ron- •auiy ou hand, a general assortment of ho win 7 in Ware. A or **■• wholosolo ami retail at rlavan prices. tdioonn on.. ,^ 0n8 ** tho shortest 1 notice nt |/f> “ ‘bird street, next door to Ellis, Slint- WILLIAM 8. ELI.18. 7!“ 10 EHfa, Shot,"ll tf Co. will re- l) ; ll m l ,t ftttsntion. SiA^TOrJ & SMITH, WARE HOUSE, ANTI COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, M AKE liberal advances mi Cotton tu store and on shipments, also on notos and oth er property llicir hands. Their Ware Houses are more convenient to the business part of the town than any other, possess ing ihe advantages of a wharf, and are more ex empt from danger bv fire, than any other in Ma con. • May 25 144 ““GEORGE JEWETT, Al hit old stand, (vrntr of Cherry and Sccondsts. 5 S now receiving from New York and Boston, a fresh supply of Goods, which, in addition to those on hand, will make his stock very large and complete, which he offers on ns reasonable terms as they enn he had in this mucUct. llir goods comprise n general Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 hags Coffee, 45 hluls St Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar. 21 bids Loaf and Lump do 12 qr chcsts-Tca 20,Odd lbs Iron 10 hluls Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp and ToW Bagging, 40 kegs Nails Jamaica Rum Cognac Brandy Northern Gin, Northern Rum Whiskey. Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, Shot, &c. &c. ALSO, Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Crocket'y, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLES &c. &c. ic on 22 4.1 • ir.i- Election. bc hul 'l ft* tho Court house in fiT 0 ’lacon, on the first BatutvKy in Wuin’r^Jr?.;. * co ot 1,10 Inferior Court for in J®*Bdd,. to serve In place.of (S. Wll- r 31 i ffttigned. Bv order of tho oourt, 146 M. 6IMMONS, g. i. e. A Teacher wanted. Person of good moral character, qualified to teach a small School in the country, and the English and Latin Languages, is want ed to take charge of the Telfair County Acade my. Salary from six to eight hundred dollars. A line addressed to the Trustees will receive at tention. ' April 27 135 _ _ VIFIEGAR. Ta A A GALLONS of first rate, three years W old VINEGAR, for sale nt the Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 102* THE riERIftONT LINE OF STAGES R UNNING through the upper parts of South and North Cnroliua auil Virginia, to Wash ington City, and which, at its Southern end, re cently terminated at Poxvclton, Ga., is now in full and complete operation. It has recently been extended to Milledgcville, from which place it depnrts on Tuesdays, Thurs days nnd Saturdays, at 4 A. M. For particulars see hills and the Millcdgeville papers. WM. SMITH. Culpepper Va., May 15,1832. 21 (im Notice. B ENXET ADAMS is my authorised agent during my absence fi'orn tho State, aud all persons indebted to maare respectfully reques ted to make payment to mm. 12 24 3tw CHARLES P. PECK. June 1 INDIAN STRINGS, Mni, 21, 1832. T HE subscriber having returned to the IN DIAN SPRINGS, nis establishment at that place is now open aud ready for the recep tion and accommodation of Boarders aud Visiters during tho present season. • Erwin’s Hotel, In Macon, will also be kept open under tho su perintendence of an experienced and attentive agent. A large addition to bis former establish ment has just been completed. 21-Oin L. A. ERWIN. OJ* The Georgia Journal, Savannah Geor gian, Georgia Courier, nnd Charleston Courier, will insert the above oucc a week for two months, and forxvnrd their ncronnts to Macon, Ga. New Cabinet maker’s Shop. The undersigned having purchased the interest and taken tho shop lately occupiedbj Mr. C. Coupee, on Cher ry street, n few doors above Clarke’s Hotel, tako this opportunity of tender ing to thoir friends aud the public their icrviccs in tho Cabinet Althing Business. They will at all times keep on hand a good sup ply of Materials, nr.d he prepared to execute ev ery description of xvork in their line. Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bookcases, Chairs, Sic. &c. made to order. Every description of TURNING dono osnbove. Having a large and excellent Turning Lathe, (the only one of tho kind in the place,] they will he prepared to turn HOUSE COLUMNS, Are. at p - 1 -• JAMES A. HALL, JOHN MORELAND. .UME8 R. IJENNET, 33oot and Shoemaker, HAS commenced business in McDonald's building, (near the Macon Ttlegrajdi Office,) where . he will ho found ready to attend to his old customers nnd other* who may call on '"REBOOTS nnd SHOES mamifaenwed to order! in tho best manner. REPAIRING also ' Vi K* 6 Two C or three JOURNEYMEN can find regular employment by application to'him. jan. 25. 3f> __ Georgia Negroes for Sale. T ilt subscriber keeps constantly on hand a supple of Georgia Negri** lorsale. Ihcv will he fntiinl to bo of such age or sex as will suit purchasers. He now has ten or twelve on hand Flo will also purchase 1'ouivr .Vgrats for whoni chslt wiH bo given. *»• * • S, ‘ A *- 1 h ‘ 1{ ' East Macon, I eh 4 *>° . LA FAYETTE HALL. To tho Public. The subscriber takes this me then of informing his friend* and the public generally, that he has taken the LA- F-YVETTE IlALLm this place; and mres tho Wie. that no person or person, are either-lirertly or inrfirret/yco«en.e«« •» ,a,a *" w ^abke, M7<OR sale by J 4 May 25 fy®?LUS^foTYVEEL&CO 144 DISSOLUTION. T 1IE copartnership, heretofore*existing un der the firm of KELI/UM & HOUGHTON, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The husiucss will bo conducted by KHf.LUM individ ually—all contracts made by the firm will be set- lcd y Helium. RELLUM & HOUGHTON The Macon papers will give the nhovo a fexrinsortions, and forward the accounts to For syth,"for payment to J. R. Houghton. __ LaGrangc, Trout) conuty, Juno 8, IB32, A. P. PATRICK & Co. H AVE received per Boat Rebecca, nnd offer for side on reasonable terms, 4000 bushels Salt 16,000 lbs Bacon 20 ton* Stveeds Iron 20 hhds Sugar 200 bags Coffee 6 hhds Molasses- 50 bhls prime Pork 25 hhls No. 2 Mackerel 25 hhls No. 3 ditto 50 bids N. E. Runt 50 hhls Gilt 80 pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Sperm Candle* Window Glass Nail, Cognac Brandy • Holland Gin Malaga. Madeira aful Teneriffe. Y\ incs Tog, tlur icith a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Saddlery CROCKERY* IIATS- SHOES, 11 LACKS.MI TIPS TOOLS, Sic. Sic. Ac. Jn'rie 18~, 1832. 25 A Sor Salo or El FIRST rate close-htfriy C; nearly now, in good order; nird Well made, will be sold reasonably, or exctaiTged tor tt good Gig or Chaise. Apply to C/ A. 111GGIN&/ The foe, Away—thy winning foe hath come! Away, and turn tbco not to him! For ho will desolate thy home. And fill thy woo-cup to the brim. He comes not with a glittoring bl»de— His weapon is a deadlier thing— Nor ns the tempest is arrayed When borne upon her darkling wlugi He comes not in a war array— ^ A xvilderness of glittering steel; No silken banners o'er him piny— No warriors follow ot his heel, lie comes not ou tho foaming wave— ■ His home Is not the rolling sea; Yet ho will crush thee to tho grave, And leaven scornful name for thee; lie Comes with midnight festival, Where wine L, poured and songs are sung; Oh, turn thou from his earnostcall— Trust not the smoothness of hi, tongue, lie hath a maduesa for thy son!— His arm is reeling o'er thy head; Tas - e not the poison of his bowl— 'Twilllay thee witli the sleeping dead. Away, or woe shall wither thee, And crush thy household and thy kiri; For love of them, I hid thee flee From that foul noiirishcr of sin. Forloveof God. turn thou away; He hath a lightning in his eye— The soul is ruined 'neatli his sway, Through life aud ill Eternity! ' SCOTCH COURTSHIP. Young Redrigs walks xvhere the sunbeams fa'; lie secs his shadow slam up the xva'— WP shoutlicrs sae braid, and w' waist sao sma’, Guid faith he’s a proper man! He cocks his cap, and lie streeks out Ins briest; And lie steps like a lord at least; Aud he cries like the deevil to saddle his beast, And »ff to court he's gauu. The Laird o’ Lnrgy is far frae linme, But his dochter sits at the quiltin' frame, Kamin' her hair xvi' a siller kame, In mony a gowden ban’: Bnuld Redrigs loups frae his blaxvin' horse, Ho prees her mou’ xvi' a frccsome force— “Come tako me, Nelly, for better for worse. To he your niu guidman.” “I’ll no be harried like bumhee's byke— I'll no lie handled unlcddy like— 1 xviiina hu’e ye, ye worry ill’ tyke, The road ye camo gae ’lang!’’ He loupit on iri‘ an nxvseme snort, « He hallg’d the fire frae the flinty court; He’s ntf and axva’ xvi’ a snorin’ sturt, As hard as he can xvliang. Il’s-doon she sat xvlion she sitxv him gao, And a’ that she could do or say, YVas—“O! and alack! and a-well-a-day! I’ve lost the best gtiidinnii!” But if she xvns xvnc, it’s he xva, wild; He garr’d a* frae his road to send; But Gloxveriu’ Sam gied thud.for tlittd, And then to the big house ran. The Gloxvercr ran for the kitchen door; Bauld Redrigs hard at his heels, lie sure, He's xvnllop’d him ronn’ and rouu’ the floor, As xvha hut Redrigs can? Then Sain lie loups to the dresser shelf— “I daur ye wallop ray loddy's delf; I daur ye break hut a single skelf Frao her chccny lioxvl, my man!" But Redrigs' hluid xvi’ his hand xvas up; He’d lay them roither for crock nor cup, lie play’d axva' xvi’ his cuttiii' whip, «\ud dooii the dishes dang; He clatter’d them donn, sir, raw by raxx'; The big aucs foremost, and syifo the sma'; He came to iho cheeny cups (ast o' a’— They glanced xvi’ goxvd sae thrang! Then bonny Nelly came skirlin’ bntt;. Her txvn white arms roun' his neck she pilt— “O Redrigs, dear, ha’e tint your xvut? Are ye quite and ‘lean guild wrang? O spare'my. teapot! O spare my jag! O spare. O spare my posset-mug! And I’ll let ye kiss, and l’il let ye bug. Dear Redrigs, a’ day king.’’. . . “Forgi’e, forgi’o mo, nxy beauty bright! Ye are my Nelly, my heart's delight; I’ll kiss add I'll'lnig vc day and night, Ye are my Nelly, my heart’s delight; If alnng xvi’ me yc’U gang." “Fetch out my pillion, fetch out niy cloak. You’ll heal my heart if my lioxvl you broke." These wards, xvhilk she to her bridegroom spoke, Are the elidin' 6’ my sang. A Scotch blacksmith being ti»kcd the meaning of metaphysics, explained if as follows:—'‘When the party who listens diniia ken xvhat the party who speaks means, end when the pftrty xvho speaks diima kcu xvhat ho moaiu himself—that is metaphysics.” ^ While a deVvise xvas preaching at Bagdad, one of his hearers seemed vastly affected. Proud of his power,-tho pronchor asked him ho<v his dis- -.-i course hnd touched him so much. “Oh! sir,”-ro- J “° plied the other, “it xvas not that; hut your beard put mo so much in miud of a goat I had lost, that "F J« uuo8 148 SELLS O N New York. Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa xratinah, and Angiistn, in sums to suit pur- Ch Nox"’l0. r * WILEY, BAXTER & FORT, f ut mo i could not help crying." Anecdote.—A cerium physician nt sfin, tnado great use b( sen-xvater niiiong his patients.— Whatever disease enme ou, a dose of tho nause ating liquid was first thrown down. In process of time tho doctor fell overboard. A great hustle consequently ensued on board, in the midst of which tho captain camo up and anxiously enqui red tho cause. "Oh, nothing, sir,” nnsivered a tar, “only tho doctor has foil into hhs medicine chests’. Pulsations of the Heart.—If tho hraln be an electric pile, constantly in aetioir, it may ho con ceived to discharge itsolf at regular intervals, when the tension outlie electricity developed reaches a ccrtnin point, along tho nerves winch coimnunirnto with the heart, and tints to excito the pulsations of that organ. This idea is fully suggested by it view of .thut elegant apparatus, the dry pile of Deluc, in which tho successful ac cumulations of oleetaicity are carticd off by a sus pended ball, xvhicWKept by the discharges in a state of regular pulsation for any length of time. We have witnessed tho action of such a pile maintained in this way for xvholo years, in tbo study of tho above named eminent philosopher. Tlic'samo idea of tho cause of the pulsations of tho heart appears to have occurroil to Dr. Aruott. and is mentioned in his useful and excellent work on physic: to w);ich, however, we aro not indebt ed tor.tto suggestion, it haviug occurred to u» in- dupoiidcntly many yean ago,—Dr. I/irdncr's ■ Cyclopedia.- Bastardy h» France—Wt Mat* on the authority of a French ministerial paper, that, “thurt are a million at children bom every year itv France. o! whom more than one hundred thousand arede»:rt- tho metropolis affords a still more hideous pro- portiou; of thu 28,587 children born in Pans irt tile year 1831, there were not less thah 10,00(1 born out of wedlock; ntid of these last, seven thou sand seven hundred nnd forty-nine (above ohq fourth of tho whole number of helpless infauts] xvere abandoned by their wicked and unnatural parents to the horrors of destitution, or the chance of compassion by tho passer-hy, Mr. Bealo a .citizen of Washington, has invent* cd w-liat he calls n “safety carriage," By siiglip Iv touching a string near the foot of the driver; the horses aro instantly disengaged from the car* ringe, While it is in motion, ami passes out of thft shafts without the slightest difficulty, aud with nothing attached to them but the harness, A Doctor of Hamburg is said to have invent ed a surgical instrument, with which a diseased leg may be amputated in loss than a second, The pressure exercised, so completely benumbs the part, that the patient suffer* little dr nothing un der the operation, Jerusalem Reformed—And by a Turk! In tho month of February, Ibrahnm Pasha, the govern or of Dgidda, addressed tho fotloxving firman to' tho Mollah, the Sheikh, and other magistrates of Jerusalem: “Jerusalem contains temples ami monuments xvhich Christians and Jexvs came froth the most distant countries to visit. But these nu merous pilgrims have to complain of the enor mous duties levied upon them on the road. Be ing desirous of putting an end to So crying an a- buse, we order all tho Mussulmans of tho pash- aliks of the Saidc, nnd of the districts of Jerusa lem, Tripoli, &c. to suppress all duties or im-. posts of that nature, on all the roads and at all tho stations, without exception. Wo also order' that tint priests xvho live, in the buildings belongs ing to the churches in xvhich the gospel is read; anil xvho ojlicinto according to tho ceremonies ot 1 their religion, be no longer compelled to pay the arbitrary contributions xvhich have heed hitherto imposed upon them.”—Lit. Gas. Colonization of Algiers.—Marshal Clausal hai sent a circular to each, of the members of the Chamber of Deputies, informing them that, they have the privilege of tlaming one family front their respective clcctorial arondisseinents, dispos ed to sottle at Algiers, to whom, on arriving, al lotments of six hectares, or 12 English acres, xvilt he assigned,’ at a rent of 15 francs for eacli hec tare on the const, nnd 20 francs In the plain, bo- sides expense of measurement, oh lease for9 or 18 years, at thair own'option. These settlers aro to furnish themselves with provisions for six mouths, with suflicicnt tools or implements-for the xvorks they mean to curry on, and cloth for making a tout for their nbodetill they have erect-. . cd a more substantial dwelling. Tho marshal ' states that the autumn is tho most favorable sea son for emigrating. Ninety thousand dollars were received last year , by tho city of Netr Orleans, derived from licenses to gambling houses xvitliiu the limits of tbo Kty. * Lott now; May 3. . The Rev. F.dward trving.—Yesterday a crowd* ed nietting of the 1’reShytery took place in the' Scotch Church, London ivallr—the Mhderator (the Rev. Mr. liro-xn) in the chair—to take into consideration the case of tho Rev. Edward Irving; The reverend gentleman having been hoard at greqt length in his defence, in xvhich he allied to the topics bft introduced ou tho former occa sion— The meeting adjourned for a fottr hours. Ort its reassembling, the Moderator addressed the Court. The question was, hnd the Uev. Defend ant complemented, or was complementing, tho trust deed! The Rev. Gentleman was a sincere mini, hut lie considered his Rev. Br.othcr was la boring under a strong and mournful delusion—thnt Ids nmitible character xvns carrying hundreds from .the path nf truth. Was it to ho said that threo or four women, because Mfi. Irving said they spoko by the Holy Ghost, should overturn tho xvholo system of discipline! The idea wns vain, mon strous, and abominable. Truth xvas the same at the corameifcenicnt of the Christian era, nnd re mained so in 1832. It xvns a delusion of the xvnrst kind—the delusion of Satan—mid the de fendant had violated his tfnst deed by allowing the service fit he disturbed. , Tho Moderator rend the sentence:—Tt stated the grounds of complaint On tho part of theTrus- tecs, and that though Mr. Irving had been ex pelled the Presbytery before pri heresy con-, cmiiing (he doctrine of the Human Nature of Christ, the Presbytery had proceeded no farther then; lint now having heard the complaiut, ns well ns Mr. Irving in dcfenco, tho Presbytery had come to the conclusion, that by nllowiug tho ex ercise of alleged supernatural gifts in the Church, lie hnd rendered himself unfit longer to bo a Minis ter of tho Scotch Church, and that the Usual pro cess should be taken to enforce the decision. The sentence xvas unanimously adopted/and tho Court adjourned nt II o’clock. The Louisville'(Ky.) Foeui, of tho 25(f hit. has the folloxving: “Three years ago, Gov. Hamilton of South Carolina, whose prejudice against tho manufacturing interest is strong and ihcradienhle, inspected several of tho cotton and woollen estab lishments in Connecticut, and expressed his most unqualified delight nt tho manner in which their operations wfcre conducted.' The tenants, instead of being “miserable, ragged, anil starving drudg es,” are xvoll satisfied with their situations, and have every reason to he so’. Thoir ialior is far lighter than that of the laboring class of citizens, xvho are engaged in agricultural pursuits, xvhilst thoir remuneration is mnre than twice as great.— A hoy ten year* of age, or even a girl, employed inn factory, obtains ns • groat wages as an able- bodied man, xvho labors in tho service of a farm er. We state xvhat lias fallen under our own ob servation.” The Tariff.—In Niles’ Register of the 2Gth lilt, he defends th) Nexv England States against tho charge of having fattened the Tariff system upon tho country, and furnishes the following roiuleiu- ed view of the rotes given upou tho three last Tariff acts, at evidence of tho irnthof his asser tions: . E The Tariff of 1810 wns ptisied by h vftte -of 1XT to69; that of I$24, by 107 to 102; thatof 1828 by 10.) to 01. f 81 £ 1824. 3828-. For. Ag’st- For. Ag’rt. For. Ag’tC All the Unit- _ 1 era State?, 19 14 15 23 17 23 Nu York, - N. JctMy, PetupijTva-. • tila, Ken- •' - vr ♦*** : tu^kyV’aud' ‘ 1 Ohio,-' At C 70 0 88 7 So that tho aggregate Totex of all the r.r-siern States ou these Utroo protecting Taritfbilla, xvore