Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, July 04, 1832, Image 1

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wm EM telegraph is published every We,I %r W'mlng^ MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1832. f.-inliP? Office on Mulberry Street, rn«! aid. —Three Domars n year, if paid in ad- I t; tv r ^- rtlc «Iar Notice.* t.. r P*™" »•*«» RNJ indebted to the tnti,i to5S <,f ' ik \ * "'«"«»*" particular luvi. ..V. 1 nlK ** eM,e It 1 same, (at fair promisee firsts- l,,Kr * r * , ••• ■■■ .n,i,M, m cun ami nettle th i sam L orroDR noLMM, if nnipald before tliej will not pay uiy huuast debts.) %l,n year. Subscriber* living at a ilistancc j _ 1’cli 9 1 i all cases to pay in advance. Jofthe tryait-*' 1 s= ^ b= TWENTY-FIYE per cent, cheaper than ever! JOB MAG IE ,i pneniiic a very extensive am! splendid ns. ''V.m iit nf GOODS, which lias be>"i selected in w TH e NEW YORK MARKET .. ,;f from the latest importations, which arc valarly calculated for this market, and w hich wil I rum caira, * rtlian ever. These goods are of the lulret style i'L.i fadiionahle patterns, and are oll’cred to his friends and the Public iJdeiicc f„||y assured, that not only the sfyV ,|rM«ill fully meet their approlmtiim. Tlieir „iinn i< requested to tho same—a few oi the aril- mentioned, via: sinirces Calicoes and Prints, some very rieli. oni'me furniture Calicoes and Coiiimnii. cc« fine Pariah Muslins and Gicghams plain r j, firnrcil am) striped Mandarine, Saropus- i'vk nail purple Grodeswiss ami Italian rii'ks yd liroileaap, black and brow n mloreil do , „i (isuiira. Orleans Rohes, painted I'atmarincs w ,,„ Delnon, Mack and colored tiilk. UninMcts fri'ii'i'ltas. fine French Bombazines. Illolu! (iauzr l Vane estra sizes). Satin Straws, Scarfs Fancy ftivekicf* and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap anil , lliblmns new patterns. Thread I,m:i ? and Insert- !1‘ilgings and Footings, cliceked and striped Juck'inet. Swiss aud Cambric do., one case ’i Veartioil Irish Linens assorted. Long Lawns, n(Mmhries and Cambric Handkerchiefs, Super. ; ,l M i,l and plain Drillings and line French pongees and I'onge %intlkerr !iiefs, Ban Am- 111! Klais. Gloves and .Mitts assorted: "at dozen .Silk, Cotton, Randon Hose and linlf Hose assorted. 111 Parasols and Umbrellas, very neat and rich, fill pieces Mosquito Netting. ,,,! Hags sad Purses, Shell Tucknni] Side Combs, iVicaad Fnraitnrn Deiniliesnnd Colton Fringe., 's !>, 10, It and I2 by 4 Damask Table Cloths, l» Covers, Dunstable'and Straw Bonnet., Palm Hats Black anil Drali Beaver Hats, latest fasll- ,Travelling Cups mid Trunks. Ill Inles Sheetings, Shirtings anil Plaids, jjj |!is spun Cotton, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Cot- Ion Cards. Sec. M.aa intensive assortment of Perfumery, So.p. Powder, Powder Boxes and Puffs. Pensive IJaila, rae, llnney and Rose Waters, Olio of Roses, ,Vr. Alsu. i iU pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, and lot) pair Morocco and Calf Bouts, some very neat and tine. And n very large supply of addles, Eridlcr,. ESariingals, SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. &c. &c. Together Willi a general assortment of Hardware Sf Cullerij I kinds that is wanted in this market; nl.o CAR. THU'S TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMITH Cross cut and Mill Saws, Guns, Rifles. ,Vc. a, a supply of Crockery, China and Glass Ware Id dnzfii superior Calf Skins, Ginlng and ling Skin«, Sole Leather, flits Band Leather. Sic. ■ila <up|,lv of GROCERIES, FAMILY AIF.DI ,rs. Sc. iren. April 20 12!) (as fair promises T.. FITCH. Clothing Store. |HE sulvicrihcr being very anvions to re- ilure his stork of Woollen Clothing, w ill I very low prices. inhfr, wm. n. niiinsAT^. orlon’s 2?olmonic Bspcctoraat COUGII SYRUP, 10k Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, and Hooping Cough. A supply of this valu- Muliviac received and for sale bv, 23o°a’ & ^ioii rviAAzmo. A. c. IM RM A LEM [ 11 j :'as taken the stand lately oc —a. vj f ! n .l liccl *’y Me* S. Stanton, on -berry street, one door below A, P Patrick's store, where lie will enr- r ) on the> above business in all its branches. He solicits, ami hopes by faithful and an i emitted attention to business, to merit and ro ccive a share of the public patronage. All orders thankfully received and 'promptly attended to. . 1 1 - REPAIRING dqpe at the shortest notice. Macon, April ill). 131 vinegar. BALLONS of first rate, three years ,, . old VINEGAR, fur sale at the Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 Jf)1 I lcn—jrisc Slcd«ccr\ CF, Will be delivered, on application nt tho ice house, during the day at 8 cents the pound -May 18 M2 Vol. YI—No. 27. Carpeting. FH1HE subscribers will sell their remnininp stock of CARPETING at very reduced prices, haying a large quantity on baud, and wish to discontinue keeping the nrticlo. Jan 20 A. SllOTWELL Si J. g. SMITH Spring- and Snmmcr Clothing. T 1IE Subscribers have already on hand, and are about to receive, a more general and elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOMH1XG than they have ever before offered April 3 A. SllOTWELL & J. S. SMITH. A v sxzsts. N assortment of colored atul black SfLKS just received and for sale by lV « v 17 20 WM. II. I5URDSAT.L. Negro Clothing. T HE subscribers liavo just received n large and extensive assortment of Negro Clo thing which will he sold atn small pro ft. Dec 5 A. .SllOTWELL &|T. SMITH. . ___ a Garden Seeds, A rJ.LsIl supply, just received nnd fur sale fa. |>y ELLIS, SllOTWELL & CO. April I t 124 S ,.„ Circulating library. LRSCRIBERS to the Cirenhiling Lil.rarv ran uotv hr furnished with hooks. A large collection of Miscellaneous works will he appropriated to tho Library; and a number of periodicals, irgethor with many other valuable works to afford general interest," w ill be added as soon as practicable. Persons wishing to become subscribers, will please rail on Air. John II. Ellis, (who will act as Librarian,) or at the store, where a catalogue of the hooks can he seen. April It) 121 ELMS. SllOTWELL & Co I Alum Salt and lime. (ffo Bushels Alum Salt - wJe ># 100 casks Tliomnston Limn I or sale by REA & COTTON. Feb 20 82 Badgers' Gunpowder, A GENERA I, assortment of the different qua xSL litics, direct from the Factory; for sale by Jan 1 C. A. HIGGINS. Whiskey, Huron, Salt, fyc. K, Pi BARRELS Baltimore Whiskey, ©J? Dlliluls do do 10 hints Molasses L5 qr casks .Marseilles Wine 4 pipes Holland Gin J'OO bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 1000 do Alum Salt 20,000 lbs Bacon tIO Boxes Manufactured Tolmero Hints & bids N. O. & St. Croix Sugars. For sale by May 1.5 141 PEA & COTTON. Fancy Clock!?. jp OUR good FANCY CLOCKS April 10 128 for sale log C. A. HIGGINS. COTTON RAGGING, OX COXSI0NMKNT. T HE subscribers have on tho river, and will receive in a few days. _ 2000 pieces Samp Sagging. They have made arrangements with their friends i;i Savannah and Charleston to he regularly sup plied throughout the season, and they w ill at all times ho prepared to sell at the lowest market prices nnd on a long credit. Mat L5 141 REA & COTTON. Bills or Savannah. JB 'YABLE at sight, for sale by Dee 10 40 DAY &• BFTTS. ov 23 ELLIS, SllOTWELL & CO. 28 0 Plaster of Baris. BARRELS of superior PLASTER OF PARIS, for hard walls and stuc- rk. just received ami for snlehv ly'-- 1.52 C. A. HIGGINS. .... Just Received, BO cases l-'imcy Dunstable*. _ Bee 17 4!) WM. H. BlHtDSA I.I.. _i_, lands fb? Salo. t , tin. loliowing 1 raets ty Land lire oflerou for sale, on accommodating term*, bet No. 208 in 10 district Dooly county, do .57 in 1!1 do Lee notv iitewiirt. do 88 in 14 do F.nrly do 111 in 8 do Lee. do 7.5 in 11 do Lee now Stewart, do 33 in 27 <fo Loc. — * 102 in 1 do Houston now Bibb. ROBERT BIRDSONG. Hn up SllOTWELL &. J. S. Siil’l'll have just *, n ' , lv ed a huge lot of Uncy Bnnstable Sennets, aencral nsiortinnnt of Carved Shell °f the first quality. And two boxes of aSAVLE. HASS wirmr quality, i I2G do do <!o do do lirt PT’y :o V)U. I. EliLIS, ttlNt, determined to settle permanently 111 Macon, respectfully offers his .;; y G icssional Services '■ iiaitantsof tho town and adjarentconn- . 'i'® s'Jtisfaetion of those who nre uhne- 1 " ,, tb him, lie thinks proper to state, that _ regularly admitted to his profession in e iv i-1° 'I'ttlW* aud regulations ol tlto , '"'.*"rk* find time most of his time _>t period has hcen devoted tb nn exteu- By n faithful discharge of his pro- he hopes to merit n liberal pat- L' lis residence nnd bfilre nre in the house , ) "eeupied ny Air. Birdsong, on Mulheiry Jan. 14 2 sf u , J u 3t received A i\, ^ t# l*oito Rico, and Now j.jT ‘Mciins SUGARS ; x' 1|W c,llT '>e Jil ia ‘Molasses 30 ^‘bem Rum, 60 do Whiskey *’ ?,'' 1rtcr cask. Malaga Wine ' "dnac Brandy, Holland Gin is **®»tca Rum 15)0 c h«U Tea, 40 kega Nails DO!) English blistered Steel J®wder, Shot and Lead "tcities, ami a General ^Assortment -W/ee, 8P r^ lN ® OOODK, W&Halt, Sltot;s, Boots, Sec. hj |7 by GEORGE 31: WETT. HATS. J UST received a few cases gentlemen’s fash ionable Beaver HATS, dec 22 S3 WM. II. BUUDSALL. Bacon, Sugar. Coffee, &c. W EL ROSE & KIDD offer for sale, 30JM0 lbs Baron .50 hlids Sugar 300 hags Coffee .501 billsN. E. Rum .50 bids Whiskey. April •> 118 d<»v STEW COOES. W ILEY, BAXTER, St '’OUT, arc now opening, on the cornoi if Second street and Cotton Avenue, opposite die Washington Hall, a genccnl assortment of European and American Goods, Consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery and Glass Ware.’ Castings, Leghorn and .Straw Bonnets, Fine black and drab Hats, wool lints. Window Glass, White Lead, Cotton Bagging, Bagging Twine, Sic. Sic. A large Stock of Negro Slices. Ladies, gentlemens, boys ouu children a fine SHOES, Sic. Merchants, planters and the public generally can now bo supplied from-u stock inferior to none in the stale. A\ ILEY. BAXTER & FORT. CARRIAGES. A NUMBER of Barouches and Gigs, rcceiy* M. cd nnd for sale by May 25 144 ELLIS, SllOTWELL Si CO. 144 A May25 Fain ill/ Cooleivg Stores, M ILL Irons and Cotton Gin Machinery for sale by KLI.IS. SllOTWELL & CO. May 25 144 • saicK. 800,000 day*notice, fo. salo by C. A. HIGGINS. N. B. Tlu> almvo arlielo can lie had In qium- tities to" suit pnrehnwn on contrai l, by giving short notldc to tho subscriber, who nets as agent for an exteusive kiln iu the neighborhood. Juno 5 147 c - A - IK . NEW GOODS. J UST received from New York, n large aud splendid assortment of SPRING GOODS, Consisting of a variety of plain'sud striped Ging ham*. plain and figuored Swiss, Adelaide . tniie, Striped Chamliray, Victory .Muslins. Thread l.a- . r . r - . " tl| „_| y ,,f ees, do. Inserthigs nnd_ Ldpiugs. Blaek Italian & Boo 'f 8f J£VtS, Saddlery Sir. *c. 100 do* Palm Leaf Hats. SnrsiucL Sinchcw aud Gro do Nanlo Silk. C olor- od Florence do., Black Italian Crape, BiresejT Diaper, Colton Wadding, Musquito Netting, Midi Muslin, Lace Cap pattmti*, Black Bonibsxine,do Silk Froggs. Crape and Ganse Shawls, Green Barege and White Game Veils, Plain and Paint ed Feather Fans, Ladies and Gentlemen’s Gloves, plain and berdored Cambric Handkerchiefs. 1 Alio, a general aatwltneut of RIBBONS- A.'BllOTWELL & J. S. SMIIIL April 17 126 GROCERIES. Hlids prime N. O. Sugar 1 20 hlids St. Croix do 40 do Molasses .50 hhls Whiskey fiO do Gin (Phclp’s brand) .50 do Rum 20 don. Clinmpaigno 10 bbls New Ark Cider, For sale by C. A. HIGGINS. May 20 145 Itlolasscs, Slum, Gin, &c, Just received by boat Stronger. t BHDS N. O. Molasses, IV 20 bids Rum 20 do Gin (best brand Si good proof) 20 do Whiskey (N. O. high proof) in sror.ri. 10 biffs Alackeral No 1. .50 do Whiskey .50 do Gin 10 hlids St. Croix Sugar 10 doN. O. do 25 bids Alauliadcn Fish .5 tierces superior Rice. For sale by C. A. HIGGINS. March 28 112 _ CO WON BAGGING., pieces heavy Memo Bagging ill instore, for sale by' C. A. HIGGINS. N. B. Arrangements are so made with the n- gents of the manufacturers, that the Plautcr and ,Merchant eau he constantly supplied with the ar ticle of Bagging at its low est prices, and on liher al terms.-May 29 145 Brab Beaver Hats, fkF the first quality, just received and fur sale 17 by WM. 11. BURDSALL. Mareli 13 0!) sale by April 10 lamo Oil. GALLS, best quality LAMP OIL just received by boat Navigator, fo' ELLIS, SllOTWELL &• Co. 121 • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Books, Zftusic, &c. ET.T.IS, SllOTWELL & CO. A RE now receiving and opening nt their BOOK STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, of a rich description, and a variety nf other Mu sical Instruments, with Instruction Books and Music adapted to the same. A large collection of New Music for iho, cmbrnciug all tho Music of tho colebrated Cinde rella Opera. and a variety of Engravings, Carica tures, Prints, &c.—also, A large assortment of Boohs, consisting of fifteen hundred volumes: a cata logue embracing a considerable portion of which, is published in tho Christiau Repertory. A great variety of STATIONARY and Mis cellaneous articles. A large assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, Bordering, Fire-Prints, Sic. &c. They respectfully invito the attention of the public to the above, and request them to call and examine. Juue II 24 jVL'ir SPRING GOODS. E. CHAVES fit SON „ A RK now receiving Irom New York anjl Bos ton, a large nud fresh supply of SPRING and FANCY SUMMER GOODS, cousistingin pnrtof 6t)0 ns Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Ginghams, Printed Muslins 100 ps Indian,Grnricnan. Sinchcw, Snrsnct.CImn gentile, Figured amt Fancy colored SII.K8 200 pa Corded Muslins. Cambric Dimity. A c Firces Figured and plain Swiss Muslins 100 do Irish bilious mo do Pongee and Fancy Silk lldkfs 200 do Raw Silk do 100 duz Fancy Dre»s Shawls and Fcarfs 300 do Cnlliin, Mndrnss, ami Head lldkfs l.inen Drilling Gentlemen’s Stocks and Cravats, Brown Linen. Bowen Ca*simere, lleaverteen, Bane up Cord. Circa,sisns 5t)0 do* Hosiery and liliives, 300 du Spool Thread 50 iloz Ball Thread, 50 do Spool do 150 iloz pr Suspenders, 2U0 do Tucking Combs 51)0 do Sido Fomin.Torlolsn Shell do Dri-ssinz Combs, 100 ps Mosquito Netting. Fancy Baskets, do Boses, 100 lb Flax Thread, Sewing Silk. Leghorn and Dunslnble Bonnets, Umbrellas—Mar seilles. Silk, Valencia and Velvet Verting*—Bleach'd Homespuns. Plaid do. Furniture Plaids. Checks, Stripes. Ticking. 20 bales brown llionespnns, {0 ps Osiialiurgs, Rm •ia Dock, do Sheeting,. a general assortment nf SUM MEIl CLOTHING consisting of Coats, Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons, 4 or mpletcassortment nf HARD WARE ami CUT LF.RY, GLASS WARE. CROCKERY, dtc.Ac. Tb* above Goods were purchased in New York and Boston, a few weeks since, (of recent importa tions,) at twenty per cent leu than former prices, and will be sold nmuually low. Alto.—trill receive, next week, a tirte rtemlp of GROCERIES, iron STEEL, NAILS See kc. For sale at above. tt'iOO His primts BACON, march 31 IIS Report of Edinburgh Hoard of Health ox tuk mods or rnttvKXTixo and treating TI1E CHOLERA. Nov. lCj 1832. The Edinburgh Board of Health having ma turely considered, wlmt steps should lie taken for checking tho Epidemic Cholera, if it should ap pear in this city, are of opinion that .the proper tilde has now arrived for mnking public the fol lowing directions for the guidance of the inhabit ants. I. The ’L-ard arc satisfied, that tliedisensc may arise spontaneously from hidden causes; and that it may also become contagious in circumstances not yet ascertained. But they arc fully warrant ed in declaring, that, when it does hccomo conta gious Ihe risk of its spreading in that maimer is very much diminished if duo attention lie paid to cleanliness and sobriety. And they therefore in- treM the inhabitants of Edinburgh, in tho event of die disease appearing here, mil to he misled by exaggerated notions of its contagious nature,— the inevitable tendency of which would be to leave the sick helpless, and without that attendance from friends and others, which is more pressing- ly required m this disease than in any other. II. Experience has show ii, that the most essen tial precaution for escaping the disease is sobrie ty— that jutoxication during the prevalence of tho epidemic is almost sure to ho followed by nn at tack—and that those addicted to drinkiug are the most subject to take cholera, aud the most likely to sink under it. In liko manner, strict attention to personal cleanliness—to cleanliness and vcntil- latiou of dwelling houses—to warm clothing—to regularity of hours for sloep—to keeping as much as possible within doors at night—and to taking food heforegoingoutin the morning—may he ro lled on as important means of security. III. The Board are providing, thntshould the dis ease appear, several hospitals shall Ira opened o- •ver the city;—also that stations shall bo establish ed, where, as well ns at the hospitals, medicines and heating apparatus may be procured at all hours of the day and night; and likewise, that if necessary, all night watchmen shall lie supplied with medicines for the immediate use of any who need them. By these means it will lie in tho pow er of every ouc to procure instant aid. Notice of the situations of hospitals and stations for medicines will be given the instant tho disease mnv appear. IV. But to prevent the possibility of delay espe cially nt the nend of night, when the disease is ve ry apt to begin, the Board recnuiincud families to provido the following articles: 1. Mixture—Take sulphuric ether nnd aromat ic spirits of hartshorn, of each half an oiiuce, compound tincture of ciuimiuou, oue ouce: mix and cork up carefully. 2. Laudanum—An ounce to Jjo kept in readi ness. 3. Pills—Take opium twenty-fourgrains, cam phor one drachm, spirits of wine and conserve of roses enough to make a mass of proper consis tence. Divide into twenty-four pills. 4. Clysters—Take of Laudanum nn ounce, tincture of assnfmtidn two ounce*: mix for keep ing. Before using, mix three tcaspoonfiils with a wine glassful of thin starch; and retain it, when iujeeted, liv pressure below with a warm cloth, as long as possible. 5. Mustard Poultices—Have always at hand four ounces of powdered mustard. A fourth part of this, spread over porridge poultices, will be suf ficient for one patient. 6. Hot-air Bath—The Board hare approved of a hot-air hath of a simple construction, which maybe seen at tho Blind Asylum, nnd made hy any carpenter, price about ten shillings. Every family who <• •• afford it ought to havo one. V. No ti-.-.e should lie lost in sending for medi cal aid. But when tho disease commences sud denly in a violent form, it is dangerous to loso c- ven the time which must pass before such aid can be had. This form is at once known by sudden weakness, a contracted ghastly countenance, blueness of tho lips, and general coldness, nc- companyingor proceeding vomiting, purging and cramps. In such cases, the friends will, without delay, give n table spoonful of the Mixtures, No. 1. with fit) drops of laudanum, in half a wine glassful! of cold water. Follow tills with a table spoonful occasionally of warm spirits and water, or strong ly spiced wine. Repeal two spoonfuls of the Mixture, with 30 drops of landamtm, every half hour if the first dose fail toreliove.—If die mix ture ho vomited, then give two Pills, No. 3, and repeat oue every half hour if tho first two fail to relieve or he vomited. But after tho vomiting and cramps cease, the Mixture or Piils must not be repeated without medical advice.—Tho Clys ter, No. 4, should he resorted to also from the first, nnd repeated once if not retained.—[N. B. The doses nf the Mixture, Laudanum, Pills nnd Clyster must not he exceeded. For children of fourteen half tho doses mentioned, nnd for chil dren of seven one-fourtli is sufficient.]—The Hot air Bath—nr, if it is not at hand, dry neat over the whole body in any shape, such a* hy hot blankets and hot bricks, sand, salt orbottlos of hot water, together with constant rubbing of the whole body, should likewiso ho resorted to from the first.— The Mustard Poultices should, as soon ns possi ble, he applied over the belly and on ihe soles and calves, nnd kept nn till the pullout complains of the smarting. By the time these measure* have been put in force, opportunity will havo been given for procu ring medical advice; which is indispensable for the treatment afterward*. The Board think it necessary to Apprise the public, that where this disersc H.4Y prevailed, bloodletting, W hen resort ed to witliiu the first, second or third hour from tho eonimmiceniimt of tho attack, lias been very generally found useful along with the other reme dies. notwithstanding the appearance of sudden wcakucti and excessive sinking already mention ed. VI. By following three rules, and taking prompt advantage of the provisions made at the station- points, the Board are convinced that in many ea se* it will he checked nf the oe'sot. Jlna, fit the same time, they strongly exhort the Inhoring class es to convey their sick friends with nil speed to the hospitals, rather than try to core them at home, where they can seldom have the proper means at command; The hospitals will, it 11 hop ed, ho so numerous, ’hat one shall lie near every man’s habitation: nnd carriages, to serve at the snmo time as dry-heat hatha, may ho found al ways ready at tho hospitals and station*, for the instant removal of putleift* nt all hours nf the day and night. The Board feel assured, that by quickly’ availing themielve* of these provisions, working people Will get tlieir sick friends hronght sooner and far more effectually under treatment than in nay nthor wav: that they must uot forget, that every minute’* delay it highly dangerous. VII. The moment the disease is suspected to have appeared, information must bo given to William G. Cunningham, Esq. Clerk to the Board, at the city Chambers. .* *id should it es tablish itself in the town, medical men nre ex- prrled tu scad to the same quarter, every morn ing before halt' past nine, a report of each m..v case, death or recovery, specifying the name, age, employment, date of seizure", nnd date of thee- vent. The Board anxiously look for punctuality in this respect from every medical person. Hperimcii* of the labels are here annexed, for tho information of medical prrsoris mul others in tile cuuutry wliojnay he applied tutor the article* rccouiuTtbdcd by the Board, No. 1. CHOLERA MIXTURE. A table spoonful with 00 drops*of laudanum, in half a wine glassful of eold water. If this fail to relieve, repent two spoonfuls, with thirty drop* bf laudanum overj half hour. Half these doses of mixture add laudanum, foe children of fourteen. One-fourth for chUdrob of ijvon. No. 3. CHOLERA PILLS. ( _ To be used if the mixture No. 1 be vomited.—* Two pills nt first, nnd then one every half hour; if the first fail tu relieve. Half these doses for children of 14; one-fourth for children of 7. Do uot exceed the doses prescribed; nnd stop when the vomiting mid cramps cease, unless you bar* medical advice. No. 4. CHOLERA CLYSTERS. Inject three tea spoonfuls in a wine glassful of of thin warm gruel; aud retain as long as possible by pressure below with a warm cloth. If uot retained, repoat immediately, but otherwise uoti Half the dose for children of 14; oue fourth for children of 7. No. 5. MUSTARD FOR POULTICES. A fourth part is enough for one person. Dust it thickly over porridge poultices, of which apply a large ouo on the belly, and other* bu the sole* nnd calves. Remove whou the patient complains much of the smarting; Extract from the popular instructions at to the Cholera Morhus. Observe the strictest cleanliness both in person and dwellings. Avoid all chances of being chilled, and keop iho body warm, particularly the stomach, bowels and feet. Avoid placing the feet upon the cold floor. Workmen obliged to work io cold or damp pla ces, would do well to Wear wooden shots or dog*, Abstain from sleeping with tho windows open, Return home nt an early hour, iu order to avoid the cold nnd damp of the night nip. Avoid at much as possible excessive fatigue, Whatever may he the weather ortha season do not go too lightly clad. Sobriety cannot he too strongly recommended; consequently avoid all excesses of eating and drinking, for it has been observed that drunkard* and debauchees have been most exposed to the at tacks* of tho cholera. Let your food ba principally meat and meat soups; eat as little as possible of chareuterie and salt meats, and "ahstaiu entirely from heavy pas try. Abstain from undressed food of every descrip-* tion. All eold drinks taken when a person is heated; nro at all times dangerous. Tho water used a* a beverage ought to be clonr. Filtered water is better than any other. Instead ofdrinking it pure it would ho better to mix it with two teaspoonsfitl of brandy nr ahsinthe to a pint. YVator lightly mixed with wiuo is equally good. Tile excessive use of strong liquors it very per nicious, nnd taking unmixrd hrnudy when fasting is equally so. i’ersont wlto have contracted the habit of doing so, should at least, first cat a piece of bread. The snmo objections apply to drinking white wine fasting. All boor and cider of bad quality ought to be avoided. Every person who feels himself suddenly affect ed by dull pains in tho limbs, heaviness or giddi ness of tho head, a fooling of oppression, nneasi- itcss of the chest, heartburn, chnlie, should imme diately apply to a physician, or the next Bureatf ile Sccmtrs. FersniMthus affected should immediately go to bed, ami take, quite hot, an infusion of pepper mint nud flowocs of the lime tree, and heat him self l>y every possible means. Prepared chloric solutions being universally re commended as a useful precaution against infec tion of any kind, it may be desirable to give the) following receipt for mnking them. Take one ounce of dry chlointe oflime.aad one quart of water, pour a sufficient quantity ort the powder to make it into paste, and then dilute it with the remainder, strain off the solution, and keep it in a glass or enrthern vessels well stopped; a portion of this solution should be poured into it shallow howl, and placed in every room in the house. g The chlorate of soda is near as good; it is to b# used in the same mnnner, in the proportion of one ounce of chlorate to ten or twelve ouaeei of wa- tor. ■■ —— Cure of Cholera Tho London Times of May 4 contains a letter, of which the following is a co py, recommending a mode of treatment, svliich tho writer states to hare been hitherto Utmost uu- f filing in the cure of cholera! To the Editor of the Timet! 81 a—The treatment of the cholam, which hM been so strikingly successfnl iu Coldbath-flold* Prison, having already attracted considerable puh^ lie ntteniinn, I hasten to request of you to give the requisite "publicity, through your widely cir culated journal, to arcinedy ns simple as scientific/ It is needless now to enter upon tho theory of tho practice, which, on sound data, has been sugz gested by Dr. Stevens, but suffice il to say, that experience ha* assured mo of its efficacy and v*-' hie- After premising that upwards of one hun dred cases more or less malignant, have occurred, with the lots of only seveb; (tho first four prior to the adoption of the treatment,) I shall at ouce de scribe it. Tho usnal enre must be taken to promote warmth by friction, hot dry flannels, hot watoi' bottles to the feet, and mustard poultice* to. the chest and other pnrts iff the body affected by cramp; but the main relinuce is upon tho follow ing powder, to be administered every hour in half, a tumbler of cold water, natnoly, carbonate of soda half a dram: common salts 20 grain*; oxy- mariale of potash 7 grain*/ However rrrilnblo the stomach maybe, iho common Soidlifx powder or effervescent soda dranght, ttllk io most ra«c«, quiet it; but, when it will retain nothing in quanti ty, a tea-spimnfld of the carbonate of soda should be dissolved m half a tumbler of wnter, nnd giv en in such quantities a* the patient can retain, from a tea-spoonful and nptvanis, until the sto mach i* sufficiently settled to receive the powders. In cases of cholera, however, tho most unceasing watchfulness and attention to thepaiients are re quired. The successor this treatment, Whicff, in many Instances, wa* perfectly surnmme, induce, me to hope that It may he oxtensivoly adorned? nnd, I am sore, you willehnfot' a great benefit <>n the community at large by its pubi-ntton.—1 have >. *. * I. r/i»fJo,nn rintf. RoOtuIrk Square, Mag2. P. S. We have, happily, no urgent cases re-