Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, July 11, 1832, Image 1

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MACDH ny jIybon Bartlett. r Ifrii'i'J |jVr*i ytaon Telegraph ii published every Wed- ./morning- Office on Mulberry Street, en«t aide. * t h rbe DoM-ars a year, if paid in ad- l *'' ro0Il noi-tARS, if not paid before the ■■■ ” car , Subscribers living at a distance , i all cases to p»V In advance. It r*r i ■ ■ Dissolution. up Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers tinder the firm of 1 i- Jonei, t» this day dissolved by mutual 9 The unsettled' business of the concern l./tended to by David Ralston, who can be * t L store of Robert S. Patton, (their old , orSer of Cherry and Third ..reels. ) corucr o p^viD RALSTON. 82 JOHN L. JONES. iFfbxL 5£jVNTON 6l SMITH, WARE HOUSE, AND LaMMISSION merchants, -\KE liberal advances an Cottou in store and on shipments, also on notes and oth- rmrertv deposited iu their hands. JT ^ are Houses are more convenient to the ““'art of the town than any other, possess- 1 advantages of a wharf, and are more ex- froin danger by fire, than any o her m Ma- May Zo h* ii riN WARE MA NUPACTURER. HuioKBHr. tSEAll THIRD STREET. .ip subscriber manufactures aud keeps con stantly on hand, a general assortment of Tin Ware. r , , he will sell wholesale and retail at fcavan Lh or Aususts prices* lion WORK done at the shortest notice at 1 t«m on Third street, next door to Ellis, Shot- . 7r 0 WILLIAM S. ELI.IS. (tiers sent to EW», Shotieell If Co. will re- , prompt attention. [Nov 11 17 MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY II, 1832. Yol. VI—No, 28. DISSOLUTION. HIE copartnership, heretofore existing ua ,ler the firm of “kELLUM & HOUGHTON, this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Liucss will be conducted by KELLliM individ- allr—all contracts raado by the firm will be set- i by Kcllum. R £ LL1]M & HOUGHTON. Tho Macon papers will givo the above a L insertions, and forward the accounts to For- kth, for payment to J. R. Houghton. I LaGrange, Troup county, Juno B,, 150 May Negroes Wanted. HE subscribers will pay liberal prices for a 25 144 Wo Rent. , THE dwelling over tho store or .4. P. Patrick tf Co., well calculated for : a private Boarding House, at present koccupiotl by Seth Lewis. A Iso, the htore occupied by W. T. Sage. Possession given [fter the 1st of October next. Apply to MELROSE KIDD, or to A. P. PATRICK. | June 55 155 tf Notice. I leave E.L.SIIF.LTON 'bb my agent during my ha senco from Georgia, who is ‘duly authorized to collect tho accouuts of Lewis Pitch and i tf IVordin; and 1 would once more invite boss indebted to call and pay the same, (as long Mits will not mako long friends.) MacnuJuno 1 147-4t LEWIS FITCH. TWENTY-FIVE Ter cent, cheaper than ever! 1 JOB MAGIE » just opening a very estenstve and splendid as- sortipent of (.001)8, which has been selected In . the NEW YORK MARKET by himself, from the latest importations, which are (Mrtienlarly calculated for this market, and which will be dispoicd of fully twenty-five run. cem*. chenper'hnn nver. These goods are of Hie Intest style and most fashionable patterns, and are offered to his Friends and the Public with confidence fully assured, that not only the style hut prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention Is requested to the same—a few of the arti cles are mentioned, viz; 200 pieces Calicoes and Prints, some very rich. Extra fine Furniture Calicoes and Common. f>0 places fine Parish Muslins nnd Ginghams, plain and Striped, figured nnd striped Mandarines. Saragos sa* black and purple Grndeswiss and Italian Silks Watered Grodenap. black and brown colored do , Hcrenni Gauzes, Orleans Robes, painted Pntmnrines and Crape Deleon. Hark and colored Silk. Cnmblets and Prlncettas. fine French bombasines. Blond Gauze Veils (some extra sizes). Satin Strews Scarfs Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap and Belt Ribbons new patterns. Thread Ijicrs and Insert ing*. also Edgings nnd Footings, checked and striped Muslins. Jaekonet. Swiss nnd Cambric do., one case ern«s bleached Irish Linens assorted. Long I.nvvns, Linen Cambrics nnd Cambric Handkerchiefs, Super Vestings, plaid and plain Drillings and fine French Linens, Pnngeesnnd Ponge Handkerchiefs, Dandan- na and Flags, Gloves and Mitts assorted. DO dozen Silk. Cotton, Randon Hole and half Hose assorted. 100 Parasols and Umbrellas, very neat and rich. 100 pieces Mosquito Netting. Rand Dags and Purses. Shell Tuck and Side Combs. Cambric and Furniture Rcmities nnd Cotton Fringes. 6. 7, 8, 0, JO. II and 12 by 4 Damask Table Cloths. Table Covers, Dunstable and Straw Bonnets. Palm Leaf Hats Black and Drab Beaver Hats, latest fash ions, Travelling Caps and Trunks. 10 bales Sheetings, Shirtings and PInids. GOO lbs spun Cotton, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Cot ton Cards. &c. Alto, an extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps, Oils, Powder, Powder Boxes nnd Puff*. Erosive Balls, Cologne, Honey and Ruse Waters, Otto of Roses, &n. &c. Also. 3000 pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, and 100 pair Morocco and Calf Bonis, some very neat nnd fine. And a very large supply of Saddles. Bridles, I&artinga] SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS, &e. &c. &c. Together with a general assortment of Hardware Sf Cutlery of all kinds that is wanted in tills market; also CAR PENTF.R’S TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Cross cut and Mill Saws, Guns, Rifles, tfc Also a supply of Crockery, China and Glass Ware Also 10 dozen superior Coif Skins. Gining nnd Rinding Skins, 8ole Leather. Gin Bend Leather. &c, And a supply of GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI CINES, Ac. Macon, April 20 129 u», C9 can notv be furnished with books. A large collection of Miscellaneous works will i appropriated to the Library! and a number of periodicals, together with many other valuable works to afford general interest, will be added as soon as practicable. Persona wishing to become subscribers, Vvill dense call on Mr. John H. Ellis. (who will act as librarian,) oy at the store, where a catalogue of the books can be seen. April 10 121 ELLIS. SHOTWELL&Co HATS. J UST received a few case* gentlcmdn’s fash ionable Beaver HATS, dec 22 53 \VM. H. BURDSALL. COTTON BAGGING, OS CONSIGNMENT. T HE subscribers have on the rivcf, and wilt receive in a few days. 1060 pieces Hemp Bagging. They have made arrangements with their friends in Savannah and Charleston to be regularly top- plied throughout the season, and they will at all times be prepared to sell at the lowest market prices nnd on a long credit. May 15 141 REA & COTTON. Cabinet BSakor’s Shop, The undersigned hnviug purchased tho interest nnd taken the shop lately .occupiedby Mr. C. Coupee,on Cher- ' ry street, a few doors above Clarke’f Hotel, take this opportunity of tender ing to their friends and the public their [ervices in tho Cabinet Making Business. They will at nil times koep on hand a good sup- sly of .Materials, and ho prepared to execute ev- ^ description of work in their Hue. “Mebonrds, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bookcases, •s, &c. Ac. raado to order. Every description ofTURNING done as above Blaving a largo and excellent Turning Lathe, (the ply one of tho kiud in the place,) they will be ppsred to turn HOUSE COLUMNS, Ac. at diortnoticp JAMES A. HALL, 17 52 JOHN MORELAND vinmaAR. 7i A A GALLONS of first rate, three year, IWW old VINEGAR, for snlo at the Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 102 lec—Price Reduced* CE will be delivered, on application at the ice house, during the day at 8 cents the pound May 18 142 BRICK. 300,000“KfC days notice, for sale by C. A. HIGGINS. N. B. The above article can be had in quan tities to suit purchasers on contract, by giving short notice to tho subscriber, who acts as agent for an extensive kiln in the neighborhood. Juno 5 147 C. A. H. A. P. PATRICK & Co. m AVE received per Boat Rebecca, and offer for sale on reasonable terms, 4000 bushels Sait 16,000 lbs Bacon 20 tons Sweeds Iron 20 hhd* Sugar 200 bags Coffee 6 hhds Molasses 50 blits prime Pork 25 bbls No. 2 Mnckerol 25 bhls No. 3 ditto 50 bids N. E. Rum 50 bhls Gin 80 pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Sperm Candles Window Glass Nails Cognac Brandy Holland Gin Malaga, Madeira and Tencrtffe w incs Together with a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Saddlery CROCKFRY, HATS, SHOES, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, Ac. Ac. Ac. Juno 18.1832. 25 A SHOTWELL & j. s. SMITH have just e received a largo lot of Fancy Dunstable Bonnets, Also—a general assortment of Carved Shell COMBS, of the first quality. And two boxes of D3. A33 dt MIi ACS BE AVER HATS of superior quality. April 17 126 I...., LAW. I u&T received in addition to thoir former »up- r ply: Alabama Reports Equity Font IJlanquo English Corn Law Reports CngILh Ecclesiastical Reports Holt on Libels [lovendon on Frauds Bnscoe on Evidence Story on Bailment . Todd's Johnson h'.'titworth on Executors resey’s Chancery Reports Yelverton’s Reports Baylcy on Bills Story's Commentaries Condensed English Chancery Reports ‘itarkic on Evidence Massachusetts Reports Roller’s Nisi Prius Rmhcrforth’s Institutes Ingersoll’s Abridgment Russell on Crimes ho,tor’s Digest Constitutional Reports of South Carolina ELLIS, SHOTWBLl. A Co. i . A /°—Docket and othor Blank Books, suitable ,af Court,. June 26 26 4t Teacher* wanted. A Person of good moral character, qualified to teach a small School in the country, and life English nnd Lntin Languages, is want- oil to take charge of tho Telfair County Acade my. Salary from six to eight hundred dollars, A dine addressed to the Trustees will recoivent tentiou. Apn|_27_135 W tI wraw goods. ILEY, BAXTER, A t'OTlT, are now opening, on tho comer f Second street [ C’otton Avenue, opposite tho Washington p' n general assortment of European and American Goods,, , of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery n/ Cilnss Ware, Castings, Leghorn nnd Straw TthX***’ Mark aud drab Hats, wool Hata, B, ". 0 " Glass, White Lead, Cotton Bagging, Twine, Ac. Ac. , . l ir go Stock of Mogro Shoes. gentlemens, boys ana children s fine I v nl: ' P' rm,er * nnd the public generally In i)!! 0 * ’'applied from a stock inferior to none 1‘i‘kitare. \ViLEY, L'Dte. WILEY. BAXTER & FORT. ft Bills oa Savannah. AB.LE Wt sight, Mr sale Bjf DAYASOTTB. DR. T. ELLIS, H AVING determined to settle permanently in Macon, rcspcctfnlly offers his Professional Services to the Inhabitants of the town and ndjaccntcotm try. For the satisfaction of tboso who are Unac quainted with him. ho thinks proper to state, that ho was rcgnlarly admitted to his profession in 1804, agreeably to the laws and regulations or the State of New York, and that most of his time since that period has been devoted to *“. “**" tive practice. By n faithful discharge of his pro fessional duties, he hopes to merit a libera! pat ronage. His rcsidenco nnd office are in the house formerly occupied ny Mr. Uirdsong* ou Mulbcirr street. Jan. 14 S Clothing Store.. r HE subscriber being vent anxious to re duce his stock of tfoollen Clothing, will 11 at very I March 15 n at veryjow price,. wi _ n<mTill)gALL . Plaster of Paris. I A BARRELS of superior PLASI LK L V OF PARIS, for hard walls nnd stu Just Received, Carpeting* T HE subscriber* will sell their remaining •tock of CARPETING at very reduced prices, haying a large quantity on hand, and svish to discontinue keeping the article. Jan 26 A. SHOTWELL A J. S. SMITH Whiskey, Bacon, Salt, Sec. W g* BARRELS Baltimore Whiskey, i 13 hhds do do 10 hhds Molasses 15 qr casks Marseilles Wine 4 pipes Holland Gin 1500 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 1000 do Alum Salt 20,000 lbs Bacon 30 Boxes Manufactured Tobacco Hhds A bbls N. O. A St. Croix Sugars. For sale hv May 15 141 REA A COTTON. Fancy Clocks. P OUR good FANCY CLOCKS for sale lot by C. A. HIGGINS. April 19 128 CARRIAGES. 4 NUMBER of Barouches and Gigs, receiv ed and for sale by May 25 144 ELLIS, SHOTWELL A CO Landscape Paper Hanging. A SPLENDID assortment, just received nnd L for salo by ELLIS, SHOTWELL A CO May 25 144 . Family Cooking Stoves, M ILL Irons and Cotton Gin Machinery for sale by ELLIS. SHOTWELL A CO May 25 144 E „ Sugar, Coffee, 6tc. GRAVT.S & SON have ju,t receive i * the following articles: 12 hhds St. Croix end N. O. Sugars 10 iibls Loaf do 50 bags Coffee 40 bbls Rum 20 bids N. Gin 20 bbls Whiskey 10 hhds Molassci 20 bbls Potatoes 2 pipes'Cog. Brandy 2 pipes Holland Gib 2 hhds Jam. Rum 25 bbls Wine 20 bbls Cordial 50,000 Cigars Boxes Soap, Candles Popper, Pimento, Ginger Tobacco, Pearicsb, Copperas Boxes Hyson and Black Tea 50,000 lbs Iron nnd Steel 2000 lbs Hoop Iron Castings, Ac. Ac. Al) of which will be sold very low. April 11 121 To whom wo are imiebted for the subjoined ef fusion, we kuow nut; but it is evident that hd has the pye, ear and imagination of a hiird. 114 is welcome to our columns. ton THE MACON TEtEORAPn. "Here comes the Lady:—O. so light a foot Will ne'er wear out tbe evcrlarting flint.” SltAKSPCAIt. And there came by n Maid in joy that was smiling! With a rose ou her cheek, aud a ray iu her eye) And she seem’d like young health aU sorrow he- NEW GOODS. W 31.11. BURDSALL is now receiving and opening a general assortment of Seasonable Goods, which he offers for salo at tho most reduced pri ces, amongst which are tho following: Superfine Saxony blue, black and colored Clothe Merino Cloths. Blue, black and fancy mixed Satinnctts Duffio point and rose Blankets. Red. white, green aud yellow Flannels Saxony and Canton white gauze ditto 8 and 10 qr. Damask table Diaper Birds oye and Russia do Merino Circassians Black nnd Blue Bombnzetts nnd Circassians Irish Linens, Flemish Sheetings, Cotton Ozna- burgs Negro Cloths, Linseys Thread Laces and Shell Combt Pongee, S.pittnlficld Black Italian Lustring, black Sarennet and Sin- chews, black Gros de Berlin, black. Gros de Naples, Colored do do Mandarines and Florences, black and colored Italian Crapes Gauze nnd Satin Garniture Ribbons and silk Velvets, Merino nnd Cashmere. Thibet Wool, Damask Silk and Crape Shawls Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies diamond straw and Leghorn braid Bonnets Misses diamond nnd chain Bonnets Lace mid gauze Veils, figured and plain Bobbinet Flagg and Bandanna Handkerchiefs A general assortment of coarse SLoes and Boots. Men's and Youlli’s Fur Hats Fur. Leather, and Hair Caps, Ac. Ac. Nov 5 13 NEW GOODS. J UST received from Now York, a large and splendid assortment of SPUING GOODS, Consisting of a variety of plain ami striped Ging hams, plain nnd figuered Swiss, Adelaide Stripe, Striped Chambray. Victory Muslins. Tbrend La ces, do. Insertings and Edgings, Black Italian Snrsinet, Sinchew nnd Gro de Naplo Silk. Color ed Florence do., Black Italian Crape, Birdseye Diaper, Cotton Wadding, Musquito Netting, Mull Muslin, Lace Cap patterns. Black Bombazine, do Silk Froggs, Crape and Gauze Shawls, Green Bercge and White Gauze Veils, Plain and Paint ed Feather Fans, Ladies and Gentiemeu's Gloves, plain and bordered Cambric Handkerchiefs. \tio, n general assortment of RIBBONS. A. SHOTWELL A J. S. SMITH. April 17 126 - Alum Salt and £ime* -g /fl Bushels Alum Salt I fl_p 100 casks Thomnston Lime For sale by Fob SO REA A COTTON. Spring and Summer Clothing. yirfHE Subscribers have already on hand, and B are about to receive, a more general and elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOMHING than they have ever before ofl'ered April 3 A. SHOTWELL A J. S. SMITH. SILKS. N assortmcPt of colored and black SILKS Nov just received and for sale by 17 23 WM. H. BURDSALL. Negro, Clothing* T HE subscribers have just received a large aod, exteukive assortment of Negro Cto thing which will he sold at n small prefit. Dec 5 A. SHOTWELL A J. SMITH. Garden Seeds, A FRESH supply, just rereived and for sale .V by ELLIS, SHOTWELL A CO. April 14 124 GROCERIES. £* A Hhds prime N. O. Sugar O V 26 hhds St. Croix do 40 do Molasses 50 bills Whiskey 50 do Gin (Phelp's brand) 50 do Rum 20 doz. Champnigno 10 bbls New Ark Cider, ’ For sale by . C. A. HIGGINS.- May 29 145 . Lands for Salo* .. E following Tracts of Land arc offered for T" sale, on accommodating terms Lot do do do do do do -Appijtto A pril & No. do do do do do do 208 in 16 district Dooly county. 57 in 19 do Lee now Stewart. 88 in 14 do Enrly 111 in 8 do Leo. 75 in 11 do Lee now Stewart. 33 in 27 do Lee. 103 in 4 doHomtonnowDibb. ROBERT BIRDUONO. new books. D EVE RE. by tho author of Tromatne, Jaquelin'e of Holland Anastasias, by T. Hope. Sketches in China, by W. W. Wood, Philip Augustus, by the author of Rich- Jonrnaloftho Rev'ds Tycrman ABcnnet. being tho 1st, 2d and 3d Nos. of the library of religions knrwtedge. London Annuals for 1832* The Amulet, tho Keepsake, Literary Souvenir, Christinas Box, JuveniloForgetmonot, The Mnsicnl Gera, Musical Bijptu Marti'1 '80 fStf* SHOTWELL AGO NEW SPRING GOODS. LVWI8 FITCH, SRA7BR ATJXJ TAXZiOR, I S now opening nt tho Macon Clothing Store, a new andspleudid assortment of . Summer Goods, consisting of superfino Bombazines—brown, slate- black, mixt, white and buff Merino Ca-simeres— plaid do. (a new article for pantiloons) white and brown Drilling—brown gras9 Linen—Prince’s Cord, Nankins, buff and white Valnntia Vestings —spotted nnd white Marseilles do. Satin Floren tine do. black and-figured Velvet do. with n good assortment of cloth, velvet aud bombazine Stocks, fancy do. Spitalfield II-’kfs. silk, net and cotton' double end Suspenders—English silk half Hoes, Raudem do. white and browu linen figured Crn vats, Italian do. Bosoms, Collars, 8tifleners, Buckskin Gloves, black do. silk and brown linon do. Epaulets, Ball Buttons, Ac.'Ae. N. B. L. Fitch will receive in n few days a handsome assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING TAILORING carried ou in nil its branches ns above—having the latest New York nnd London fashions, his work shall not bo inferior to any. He returns his sincere thanks for past favors, and so licits n continuance of public patronage. March 1 That wnnder’d too near with a tear or a sigh: And who is this gay one, such charms to combine! Iu heaven she’s beauty—ou earth, Caroline. So young and so budding, so gay and so wild, As playful as mirth, as rosy at spring, ' . Mid the cold onesthou gocst, sweet purity's child, Like n Jlutl’rer just fled and lifting his wing: And who is this Maid, nil graced so divine! In heaven she’s an angel—on earth, Caroline. Mid the light ones, thy step is the lightest and fleetest; Thy movement a soul and a spell breathing grace! While thy gay heart sends forth its transports the sWcetest, To mantle thy cheek, and to hlush in thy face: And who is this stvoet one, with charms so divine! In heaven she's Hebe—on earth, Caroline. 'Mid the creatures of earth, liko heaven’s own daughter, Thou wand'rest here, too holy for stain, Like the bird which but rests upon the blue water. Then shakes off the spray when she rises again! And who is this Maid, still so spotless to shine!. In heaven she's a Sylph—on earth, Caroline. Sweet seraph of mercy Who wand'rest so near. From God thou wert sent to cheat away pain; And thy minist’ring ended—aud pilgrimage hero, Heaven’s voice, them shall cull its own horn* again: Thou sweetest, add purist, and dearest, combine To lend each a charm for earth'* Caroline. " K. , c SNAf«SM AND TREASON. Two or three years ago, we recollect to hard seen nu extract from a West India paper, men tioning the arrival of an agent from the malcon tents in South Carolina, to consult the British admiral on that station as to the assistance that might be expected from the Euglish government in the event of South Carolina’s Receding from the Union. It was also intimated that tho ngeut would proceed to Britain for further information. The particulars mentioned in the following article- form n sequel to tbe statement, nnd remove all doubt ns to the existence of an understanding between the British government and the nnllificrs. Indeed, the frequent declarations made by the latter that Eugiand will never permit the block ade of Charleston by the navy of the Un* *1 States authenticate the existence of tho traitorous and degrading conspiracy. Yet they prate about their patriotism and chivalry, whilst suing, like repentant children, to be permitted to return to tho maternal cmhracc of mother England: The Secret History of Xultification.—Mr. Tho mas Hnlme. the author of the letter from which wo lake tho following extract, Called on tho odi- tors of this paper-on Tuesday morning last; and on being asked with regard to the conversation with the political character in Lbndon, to whonf ho refers in snld letter, authorises us to state that ho was INDEED ‘‘ONE OF THE GREAT POLITICAL CHARACTERS IN LONDON.” Wo are further authorised by Mr. Hulme to de clare that he is nowrehdy TO VERIFY THE ALLEGATION ON OATH, BEFORE THE BAR OF EITHER HOUSE OF CONGRESS; OR ANY OTHER TRiBUNAL IN TUB COUNTRY. Tba following extract is from Niles’ Weekly Register, dated July 3, 1830. The letter was For Salo or Eschaligc. 4 FIRST rate clone-body CARRIAGE, nearly now, in good order, and well made, will be sold reasonably, or exchanged for ii good 3ig or Chaise. Apply to C. A. 1IIGG1N3. juue 8 148 NEW SPRING GOODS. E, GRAVES &l SOM A RE now receiving from New York and Bos ton, a large nud fresh supply of SPRING and FANCY BUMMER GOODS, consistingin part of 600 ns Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Gingbnmi, Printed Muslins 100 psItnlinn.Grnditnap, Blnebew. Sarsnrt.Chau gei»hl». Figured nnd Fancy colored SILKS 200 n,Corded Muslins, CRidbric Dimity. Ac Piece, Figured and plain Swiss Muslins 100 do Irish Linens 100 do Pongee nnd Fancy Silk Hdkfs 2<>0 do Raw Silk do 100 dnzFnnry Dres, Shawls and Scarf, 300 do Cotton, Mndrass, end Head lldltf, . IJnen Drilling Gentlemen's Stocks nnd Cravats, Brown I.inen, Rnwen Casstmere, Ueavertcen, Bang up Cord, .Circassians 500 dnz Hosiery and Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread 50 doz BallTbread, 50 do Spool do 150 doz pr Suspender,. 200 do Tucking Combs 500 do Side Combs,Tortoise Shell do Dressing Combs, 100 ni Mnsqnito Netting. Fancy Baskets, do Rosea, lOfflbFIss Thresd, Sewing Silk. Leghorn and Dunstable Bonnets. Umbrella's—Mnr- seitles. Silk. Valencia end Velvet Vrilinew-BteRch'd Homespuns Plaid do. Furniture Plaids. Checks. Stripes. Ticking. 20 hole, brown IlqmespUhS, C-0 ps Osnaburgs, Russia Dock, do Sheelbgs. o general assortment of SUM St HR CLOtHING consisting of Coni*. Roundnhonts, Vests, Pantaloons Ate. As. A l«r« supply of Shoos 6l Boots, Kates JSnadlory Ac. Ac. 100 doz P»lm Leal llals. A Z mplefeas.nrtinrnt of HARD WARE and CUT LF.RY. GLASS WAKE. CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. The shove Good, were purchased In New York and Boston, a few weeks since, (of recent imporfa. tlons,) at twenty per cent lew than former prices, and will be sold unusually low. Also.—rill freti'w. veil week, n Urge ram/j of . GROCERIES, IRON &STEEL, NAILS Ac £e. For tale ns shove, 6000 lbs prime BACON, march 3f IK» Drab Beaver llatfi, fKF the first quality, just received and for safe LJf by WM. 11. BURDSALL. .March 13 P9 BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE addressed to Gen. Hayne, by Mr. Hulme, and was published by Mr. Niles at that time, taken by bitn from the United States’ Gazette, where it was first inserted. We have not room for the whole letter, which is highly important nud inter esting, and which, on sumo future occasion, we shall tako pleasure iu giviug to our readers. The letter commences intlio following words, vtz: To a Member of Congress— •'Sir—Your allusion la tho tariff in your speech, relative to ourpublic lands, reminds me of a con versation 1 hna With one of the grent political characters in London, in tho month of September last, which was as follows; fily friend was very dcsirOuS of having my o- pinion respecting the affairs of this country. I stated to mm that the uaturdl resources of this great country, were inoXlmustiblo! that the tariff of 1824 hail brought some of these dormant re sources into use, while the revenues arising, prin cipally from imposts, had enabled the’goVomment to pay mote than thirty millions of the public debt, exclusive of large advances for internal im provements; that if we enjoy poaco, and our gov ernment continue to eucourago the industry of the country, as I believe it will, it is my decided opinion that the United States will soon be'tho most wealthy, powerful and independent nation in the world. My friend admitted all I said to be true. •-But,” said he, “if wo were not so much perplexed witliourfinnccs at home, WE WOULD SOON PUT A STOP TO THE RI8ING GREATNESS AND PROSPERITYOFTHE UNITED STATES." “Am! how!" said I.— ••Why," *aid he, “WE WOULD INSTIGATE THE SOUTHERN STATES TO REBEL AGAINST THE OTHER STATES; WE WOULD CONVINCE THE PEOPLE OF THE COTTON GROWING STATES THAT YOUR TARIFF OPPRESSES THEM, AND WE WOULD OFFER THEM SUCH PRO TECTION. AND 8UCH COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGES. AS WOULD INDUCE THEM TO REBEL: AND IN LESS THAN FIVE YEAR8 WE WOULD PRODUCE A SEPARATION OF THE ONION/’ "But,” said L "probably yon would be disappointed; you cateutnied on the Eastern States joiuing you da- IIOW TO MANAGE THESE MATTERS; wo could With edr fleets protect them, sad oar merchants would take their produce and carry to them manufactured articles, duly fn*. for their own Use, and for the purpose of tmugglinr inus the other States, and thns, by these, and other means, (which I understood to bo a liberal appli cation of secret service money,) we wunld sos* put n stop to tho increasing w ealdi, powdr and ft*. dependence of yonr country." Mr. Holme is a gentleman of fort nan, engaged in no business, well known to the editor*. W*d ur* thus come forward, that the good dtixwks of tfass Uuitcd State* may know how Koglsad feels to wards us. la coojnnctioo with urn letter, w* think it proper to remind oar readers that Pissfee- sor (formerly Judge) Cooper Ism Baglisn— Ms was n«cfe uftpjwieMl is PbaosyDiatei wfed*