Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, July 18, 1832, Image 1

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By Jlvnun Bartlett. M.,n,%eo,"Telegraph is published every Wed- if; morning. • .Office on Mulberry Street. ea« TmiKK Dollars a year, if paid in ad- <*T‘ . poLLAns. if not paid before the .!• I" ’ f Subscribers living at a distance •^',,1 i„ nil cases to pay in advance. J&mbjnation-free trade. rthcnvjare, Glass, China and ‘looking g gasses. ^anuAS J. HARROW & Co., Importers ,H aJ Wholesale Dealers, No. 83, Water York, offer for sale a very largo mid i ...nrtmeot of Earthenware, Gian, Chi- MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1832. Yol. VI—No. 29. TIN WAltE MANUFACTURER. MULBERRY, NEAR THIRD STREET. m HE subscriber manufactures and keeps con* stuutly ou hand, a general assortment of Tin Ware, which he will sell wholesale and retail at Savan nah or Augusta prices. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice at the shop on Third street, next door to Ellis, Shot- «eli & Co. -WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shoticdl tf Co. will re vive prompt attention. Nov 11 17 „r ,is usual at free aud unshackled prices, * _ 1 ...pntiinpp,. Thu nttentior ., Cush or city acceptances. The attention ^luads generally is.uvited to our Estab- Herein iraeot ,;lit the mil plan of busiuess, as calculated to ' - O .11 .Innlluaa III tins ISltn TWENTY-FIVE IP or cent, cheaper than ever I JOB MAGIF. '3 just opening n very extensive and splendid ns! sortmont of (JOOI)S, which has been selected hi THE NEW YORK MARKET by himself, from the Intent importations, which are particularly calculated for this market, and which will disposed of fnllv , awENTY-rsvB rua cunt. me ■■.».— - w , . , cheaper than aver. These goods are of the latest style attention itill he paid to all orders by and most fnshionntde patterns, and are offered to hit A our Southern-friends, pledgiMr- “ ‘ ‘ ~ “ i 1 J . I fl Vis si t s f\*n Irt films* „io;mo,,s by giving them the newest style . j. „„d nutting them down to the very low- f - ■ -Jta. Tfj. R ARROW & Co., Cab price. -gg fy ( , ter si ret t, Sew York, .. York. July ■!. 1832. Jy, .pi,,, Georgia Journal and Federal Union ,, Teie-raph, Colmnhus Enquirer, Wash' “ Ycivs and Southern Banner, will publish V,ovc o,ic3 a week to the amount of $3J, and (jri j t ), e i r uccouutJ to this office for payment. Ctjigia Courier. 29 . THE PZEBMONT LUXE OF STAGES I UN SING through the upper parts of South V and North Carolina and Virginia, to Wash- [Jj oily, and which, at its Southern end, ro- itly terminated at Powelton, Ga., is uow in full I complete operation. this recently been exteuded to Milledgoville, a, which place it departs on Tuesdays, '^hur* a and Saturdays, at 4 A. M. ,. narticulars see bills and the Milledgevillo WM. SMITH, laipcpper Va., May 13, 1832. 21 6m SIUS. BRADLEY’S SEMINAR'S*, Ntwnan, Coweta County, Georgia. THE semi annual exam! nation of this Institution, took place on Friday, the 15th instant. On which oc i casinn the students were cri J ticnlly and miuutcly oxnm fined on tho various branches i which had occupied their at ^Jtention during tho preceding " session. Tho precision mu I [spicuitv of their recitations, tho promptitude jl accuracy of their answers, to the various in- togatorics, evinced, in our judgment, in no nil degree, much industry, talents, and unques Inkle acquirements on the pari of tho Iustruc , reflect not a little credit ou tho promising lias of the students, and must have been pccu. It gratifying to immediate relatives.. The ex. I’nsiion was succeeded by an exhibition, in fell tho smdeuts sustained their respective parts I such singular ability, as to surpass tho ex- Ititimis of the most sanguine. The order and II deportment of the studeuts, duriug the whole lie period, clearly evincod tho most judicious fipline. It is with much ploasuro that wo in- tho public, that tho next scssidii of this si will commence on the first Monday iu Jtt ixt. Young ladios from abroad may be ac piuodatcd with hoard, on reasonable terms, in jpectablo families near to the Institution. The ) of studies, in this Seminary, comprises all I branches necessary to a useful otid suhstan- I eJucatinn, together with such ornamental Inches a< are generally taught in other mstitu- ;> of a similar kind, including all tho variety of o and ornamental Needle work, an those who aro acquainted with the talents .nmpHshments, and amiable character of Mrs. adlf.y, it would, wo presume, lie superfluous Md a solitary remark as to her competency to hide over an Institution of this kind. The ex- hence which Mrs. B. has biiil in this avocation fleeted with the universal satisfaction which sho } rendered, during her residence in this place, f'l impartial persons, fully authorize us to state. none will bo disappointed who intrust their tighten to her instruction aud discipline. JOHN D. HINTON, J.W. PENTICOST, Hoard GEORGE PENTICOST, ’of Visitors. 8K.AS REYNOLDS, 180,1832, 26 3toow ’The Federal Union is requested to insert itfiree time* every oth»r week. NOTICE. VIE Suhreribcr having sold his stock of GOODS to . Mr. Samuel T. Xtoy/land, Meclined business, solicits for him tho pitrou k of his friends and former customers, and ro <ts all who are indebted to him, to call at tho m of g, *j\ Rowland, next duor to Messrs [*• Cowles, where ho will bo found for the isc of making settlements. , e 24 1 6 ISAAC B. ROWLAND. Georgia Negroes for Sate, HE subscriber keeps constantly on hand If. 'i’pply of Georgia Negroes fortalo. They I . e found to be of such ago or sex as will suit MJen, H e uow | ias ten or twelve on band *dl also purchase Young Negroes for whom *>H ho given. S. F. SLATTEIl. Macon, Fob 4 . 68 To Parents and Guardians. T HE Subscriber invites the attention of Pa rents and Guardians to hi* Seminary which is at present conducted in a very large and com modious room in Mr. Cutter's building, and will bo continued there Until an academy shall bo built for his accommodation. Havingbeen several years successfully engaged the business of Education, and intending !** mnko the most untiring efforts to advance his,— pils iu their studies, he will uOquestiouabl"' ceive n share of public patronage. A Board of Visitation and Examination been established, composed of the foltowiu sons:—David Flanders, O. B. Warsaw, _ Ross, Esq., II. C. Cutter, A. R. Freeman, ‘. Baber, W.J. Gibson. The Board wjli visit the School cither im_„. dually or in a body whenevor they may think if advisable—will attend the Examinations and.irc- port respecting the proficiency, Sic. of tho rftu- dent*. It may not be entirely inappropriate to insert the following testimonials-, which, with uumcrou" others, have been given by individuals where thi Subscriber has heretofore resided: FOURTH OF JULY. AT FORSYTH. This day was hailed by the citizens of Monroe couuty with gratitude ami joy—gratitude to Hea ven fur n coutiuuation of the Uniou and tho liber* tics wo enjoy: and joy to behold some of the sa ges of tho Revolution yet in existence. Tho cere monies wore commenced by «u able and devout irayer to the Throne of Grace by the Rev. Mr. JIardt of tho Methodist Church. The Declara tion of Independence was then read by Captain Akderso.’i Baldwin, hi a very able mnnuor; and appropriate Oratiou delivered by James M. Smyth, Esq., to a very e;*.vdcd ahditory. The Mouroe Musketeers participated in tiie celebra tion of the day, and preceded the citizens iu the reading of. tho Declaration of Independence by Colonel Thomas N. Beall, aud an Oration by Marshall Douolass, Esq. Tho military opera tion* of the day were very ably nud handsomely conducted by t5apl.CAm.aESS, commander of tho Monroe Musketeers. The citizeus were also sue- “ trf * a b y ,? lo< « u *? t .. a ^ r . e “- b /, the . IleT - Mr - m By NithVn Philips, Friends and the FubJic with confidence fully assured, that not only the style but prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention is requested to the same—a few of the aril cles nre mentioned, viz: 200 pieces Calicoes and Prints, snme very rich. F.stra fine Furniture Calicoes and Common. 50 pieces fine Fnrisli Muslins nnd Ginghams, plain and striped, figured and striped Mandarines, Saragns- sns black and purple Groaeswiss and Italian Silks Watered Grodeoep, black and brawn colored do , Herpani Gauzes, Orleans Rohes, painted Palmarines and Crape Deleon, black and colored Silk. Cambists nnd Princettas,fine French Bombazines, Blond Gauze Veils (some extra sizes), 8ntin Straws, Scarfs. Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap and Belt Ribbons new patterns, Thread Laces and Insert- ings, also F.dgings nnd Footings, checked and striped Muslins. Jackonet. Swiss aud Cambric do., one case grn«s blenched Irish Unens assorted, Long Lawns, Linen Cambrics and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Huper. Veilings, plaid nnd plain Drillings nnd fine French Linens, Pongees and Ponge Handkerchiefs, Bandan na and Flags, Gloves nnd Mills assorted. 50 dozen Silk, CottojLUandon Hose and half Hose assorted. ' *-’• 100 Parasols aud Umbrellas, very neat and rich 100 pieces Mosquito Netting. Bend Bags and Purses. Shell Tuck and Side Combs, Camhricnnd Furniture Demities nnd Cotton Fringes, fi. 7. 8,0, 10. II nnd 12 by 4 Damask Table Cloths, Table Carers, Dunstnlde and Straw Bonnets, Palm Leaf Hats. Black nnd Drab Beaver Hats, latest fash ions, Travelling Caps and Trunks. 10 hales Sheetings, Shirtings and Fluids 500 lbs spun Cotton, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Cot ton Cards. Ac. Also, an extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps Oils. Powder. Powder Boxes and Puffs. Ernsive Balls, Cologne, Honey nnd Rose Waters, Otto of Roses, »Vr. Ac. Also. aoilO pair Stioes and Pumps assorted, and 100 pair Morocco and Calf Bouts, some very ueat nnd fine. And a very large supply of Saddles, Bridles. Martingals* SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. See. &c. Together with a'gcnerel assortment of Hardware fy Cutlery of all kinds that Is wanted in title market; also CAR PENTEIt’s* TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Cross cat and Mill Saws, Guns, Rides. Sc Also a supply of Crockery, Chinn nnd Glass Ware Also 10 dozen superior Calf Skins. Glning nnd Binding Skins, Sole Leather. Gin Band Leather. &c, And a supply of GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI CINF.S, &c. Macon, April 20 129 BOOT & SHOE IKAISH&G. A. C. PARMALEE S ilas taken the stand lately oc cupictl by'Mr. S. Stanton, on Cherry street, ono door below A. P Patrick’s store, where he will car ry on tho ubovo busiuoss iu all its branches, lie respectfully solicits, and hopes by faithful and un remitted attention to business, to morit and re ccivo a share of the public patronage. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPAIRING dono at the shortest notice. Macon, April 20. 131 Uardt upon ilia subject of tcmperaucc. All was conducted in tranquillity and quietude, with the exception of oar or two who appeared to Mr. Caleb 11. EUiott, jlie hearer hereqf, iWHAt^g-dleil and fretted under the discussion unfa- esteemed graduate of this College. Ho tonkins poraMeto their/otortfe'Mcctriue ofTf unification. first degree at our late Commencement in August. He possesses good talents—ranked high in his class—aud has always I believe sustained an ir reproachable moral character. lie will offer him self as an-,Instructor ot youth; and as be has had no little experience and has succeeded welt heretofore, I doubt not that he will give satisfac tion wherever lie rnav be employed. H. Humphrey, President. Amherst College, Oct. 1, 1826. Clinton, July 15,1829:—This will certify that Mr. Caleb B. Elliott has been employed for a long timo as a Teacher in the Clinton Academy, and has during the time faithfully done his duty to the entire satisfaction of the undersigned Tustees of that Institution, and has been of good moral character during his residence in this place, and leaves tho Institution with our best wishes for his welfare. James Smith, Esq. 1 Gen. Wm. Flewellan. I Dr. AV. B. Stephen's, k Trustees. Dr. HonATto Bowen. ,1 James Gray, Esq. j C. B. ELLIOTT, A. B. Macon, July 5,1832. 28 3w GEORGE JEWETT, At bis old stand, comer of Cherry and Secondsts. I S now receiving from New York and Boston, a fresh supply of Goods, which, in addition to those on baud, will make his stock very, large and complete, which he offers on as reasonable terms as they can be had in this macket. Ilis goods comprise a general Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 bags Coffee, 45 hhds St Croix, Potto Rico and N Orleans Sugar, 21 bbls Loaf and Lump do 12 qr chests Tea 20,000 Ihs Iron 10 hhds Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 piece* Hemp and Tow Bagging, 40 kegs Nails Jmnnicn Rum Cogifac Brandy Northern Gin, Northern Rum Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, Shot, See: Sec, ALSO, Dry Goous, Hardware. Cutlery, Crochery, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLES &c. Sec. &c. Oct 22 43 , . ■ IN SUB AST CE. T HE Howard Insurance Company of New York continues to insure COTTON, when shipped on good Boats or Boxes, against the dangers of the River. Rales of Premium are moderate. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. Dec 20 51 COACH MAKING. Summer Goods and Clothing) iTUST received at the Macon Clothing fctore t) April 12 121 LEWIS FITCH T HE Subscribers still continue tho busiuess at the otd stand, corner of Walnut aud Fourth Streets, where work will be dono accord ing to order.- Having n large-assortment of arti cles ordered from the Nortli which will arrive it the courso of the summer, consisting of Gigs, Bu tics. Barouches and Carriages, they feel con fidout of ploasing customers both in articles and ^Tho havo now on hand an assortment which will bo sold low for ensh, such as Sulkcys, Gigs, and Barouches; besides several splendid sets ol Harness, with I.accs, Carpeting, Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bands, Loops a,id Bows of nil sizes. Orders for Carnages Duuctunlly attended to, and w at ranted to please Sr no snle. BENTON & BACON. Wanted as an Apprentice, A lad about fourteen or fiftccu years of age, steady moral habits. B. Se B. May 4 138 • To Bent, THE Store nnd Ware House on tho eorher of Mulberry nnd Second Street, opposite the Washington Hall Possession given on the 1st of Octo her. DAY Se BUTT8. Macon, July 3,1832. 158 A: EAWi . , a fTJNHF, Subscriber has removed froiU Milledge- 1 ville and located permanently in Macon. Ho will still practice in parts of tho Onkniulgce nnd Southern Circuits as heretofore; His office for the present is on Second Street in the build ing next above Washington Hall., 158 2tsw 4tw JOHN RUTHERFORD. Jr. Dissolution. lllF. Copartnership heretofore existing be - tween tho subscribers uuder the firm o V Jones, is this day dissolved by mutual ,, n t- Tho unsettled business of tho concern - w attended to by David Ralstou, who can bo “? ** tho store of Robert S. Patton, (their old M corner of Cherry mid Third streets. DAVID UAL8TON. 82 JOHN L. JONES. mANTON 6t SMITH, WARE HOUSE, . MMISSION MERCHANTvS, are liberal advances en Cotton in store - imd on shipments, also on notes and oth- 'P* 1 }! deposited in their hands. _ , ,lr arc Homes aro more convenient to the Part of the town than any other, possesx- '“vantages ofia wharf, and are more ex tern danger by fire, than a*y other I* Kay 25 144 FEMALE EDUCATION. Mrs. Mary F« Ellis, G RATKPUL for the very liberal patronas has rewived, respectfully informs Ibe cl of Macon and i* vlomlly, that the Second qaai her school will ipinmcnce on Monday, tue 2d of A '"gias, F.ius h* the pleasure of informing her pa- Iron* that Mrs. BALLEY GODDARD, whose quail fications are wiqndpoaahlt, has contented lo give Lessons in Nusic and Fainting to those who may beueilrous of acquiring either ol those elegant accomphhaicnti. march 18 10- Stbeej: JAMES lt.BENNET, Boot and Shoemaker, HAS e%ime»eed business in C I MeDouald’s building, (near the Macon Tthraph O.'fct,) where ho will he >°ud ready to attend to his old customers and othci w Bo may call on '"'fr?*BOOTS and SHOES m^ufactured to order, iu tho best manner. BBvSjuNG also " fiT^Two or three JOURNEYMEN can fi u< | rvgdar employment by appbcauon to K Tan. 25. 59_ ,-S vorsa ?A^S?°rncs "Tho Alhambra, BY WASHINGTOK. IRVINO, 'EMOIRS of Duchess D’Abrantcs. . Treatise on Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass.' New Piano Music. Just received and for sale by . ELLrS, SIIOTWELL & CO. July 11.1832 28 1m New Firm. , , T HE undersigned having purchased the en tire stock of Messrs. Cook tf Cotclcs, offer tho snme for salo upon liberal terms, and assure tho old customers of,the Houso and tho public generally, the snme liberality which has been re ceived will still be shown July 11,1832. 28-31 G.W. PERSONS Se Co. Cotton Bags. „ , j Ready made Cotton Bags, 5 and | Si yards eech, of tho best Inver ness Bagging, for sale hv i REA Se COTTON. JnlvlO. 159 New Cabinet Maker’s Shop- The undersigned having purchased ,u tho interest ami taken the"shop lately occopicdby Mr. C. Coupee, on Cher ry street, n few doors above Clarko’s Ilotel, take this opportunity of tender ing to their friends and tho public their services in tho Cabinet Malting Business. They will at all times keep on hand a good sup ply of Materials, acd bo prepared to execute ev ery description of work in their line. • Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bookcases, Chain, See. See. made to order, Everydescription ofTURNING done as above, Having a large and excclleutTurning Laibe,-(the only one of the kind in the plaeo,) they will be prepared to turn HOUSE COLUMNS, Ac* at short notice JAME8 A. HALL, Dec 17 SB JOHN MORELAND. They scraped and twisted considerably. After the conelu.ion of the Rev, Sir. Hardy's address, the citizens returned to the Mausiop House, where a most sumptuous diuncr was pre pared by the landlord Be.mkr Pye, Esq. After participating in his bounteous supplies, tho cloth was removed and tho following regular and vo- luutccr toasts were drank. Colonel Lewis L. Griypin presided ns President, and Cuthrert Copier Esq., as Vice President: REGULAR TOASTS. 1. The union of the American States—Framed upon the ruins of tyranny and bought by tho blood of our gallant ancestors. Nothiug but the most wreckless ambition and the most utter des titution of patriotism can ever destroy it. May God preservo it for the salvation of the human family! 2. The decision of the Supreme Court: resisted iy Georgia because of its palpable unconstitution- alley—tho dictum of a few who acted without au thority, ahd hot the lawful enaetmont of our na tional representatives, which should govern iu this great Republic. 3. George IVashington—Tho Father of olir country. His namo reminds us of ail that is great aud good, and excites our patriotism, gratitude and-rPVetntlce. 4. Nullification—An unconstitutional remedv for a constitutional but oppressive law. It would suit the age of feudal darkness, but can only ex cite the coutcmpt of the present enlightened age. 5. Thomas Jefftrson—Branded with tho epithet ofNullifier upon grounds wholly destitute of truth, and for reasons commensurate with the intellects of those who worship the snake alias tho devil. 6. General Intelligence—The only means of giving to our people correct views of their institu tions. Give them those views mid they will not waut virtue, love cf country, firmness and vigi lance to protect their liberties and preserve their union. 7. The University of Georgia—Its joint govern ment by tho two great political parties of the Stato, entitle* it now to general support. May it prosper and boa blessing to our state aud ebun- try. 8. The Patriots of the Itevolution—Amcricabs in their present repose and happiness may forget the trials and dangers they encountered; hut look to the bloody field, look to tho broken hearts of rcinlivcs anil friends, aud say if gratitude is not too weak to equal the extent of their services. Peace to those who sleep in their graves, and honor and praise to those w ho still live os a link between us and the Revolution, 9. General John Clark—Although ho has left the State, there remains behind him those who mlvocato his principles, who rightly estimate his patriotism, his talents, and his general w-nrth. His friends in. Georgia wish him every prosperity in this world. May his dccliue of life bo nappy and his death serene and pearefu). 10. His Erctlleney Governor Lumpkin—Distin gitished patriotism, extehsivo .abilities, amiable character, and devotion to tho intorcsts of bis na tive Stnte. hnve raised him to its first offico; how ho has fulfilled his duties, let the present prosperi ty of tho Stnte determine., 11. Liberty, confined to America— 1 Tho only hope for man. May it soon flourish throughout the world. . . , . . ' 12. Martin Van Tlurtn.—Though a majority of President Jackson's friends support him, there is a laige minority who depreento his nomination for the Vice Presidency. 13. The day ice celebrate—May it continue to be celebrated hy United America nutil timo shall emerge in the deep bosom of eternity. VOLUNTEER TOASTS. By tha President of theday: The government of these United States—Happy, free, nrtd independ ent. This Federal Union is the ark of our politi cal safety, for tho preservation of which our mot to should ever be, "our God and our Country, By the Vice President. The union of the Ste formed by our fathers and cemented by their blood* Let traitors learn that the Federal Union must be preserved. By tho Orator of the day. The seniors of our ttfoie citizens who dine toilh us. Patriotic and ex perienced, they auimnto tho young by their ex ample and counsel iln-m by their wisdom. By the Reader of tho Declaration of Independ ence. May the People of South Carolina, forsa king their heresies, faithfully cling to the union of her sister Slates, and may they patronise the ad ministration of Andrew Jackson, for he has given the best guarantee for the people's safety. By Alfred Brooks. Nullifies—Tories. Sytf- nymous terms—The fervid pairiolism'rml rcpuli iicauism of ou.r country will put them down, and tho union mill ho preserved. Bv A, I). JI. Kiug. The memory of Alexan der Hamilton. , By John Spratlin, Esq. The Citizens of Mon roe county, bold and energetic in resisting Nullifi cation. Mny they never ieaso to revile it so long as revolution is contended for. By Doctor Thomas B. Gormon. May Nulli f.eation, like ortbel angel, 6e driven from ihcEJcn of liberty. By Allen Cochran; Esq. The Hartford Con- tcntloners and Me Kullificrt—hl subject* of con tempt for nil true Americans, By Miller N. M-Craw, Esq. Andrew JacksVii and Wilson Lumpkin: tho able and successful a<l-' vacates of the people’s rights. Let the people sustain those men m their measures, and the U- nion must lie preserved: tho Nullifiers of South Carolina and Georgia to the contrary notwith standing. By \Vm. II. Torranoo. Mny ho who oppose* the rights and liberticsoftho I'uucd States, be sept ime hundred aud uincty-Ioven leagues from land iu stone canoes nnd with iron baddies. j . _ By John T. lluckaby. A down hill rede, a wooden horse, aud percussion saddle far the NuJ- lifiers. By Samuel B. Baldwin. Georgia. Site cher ishes a hope, that in the country of Washingtou there aro patriots enough to savo tho Uniou from tho wreckless violence of ihd Nullifiers.' By the Company. Ileaveu's last, best gift to on—lovely Jroman. By Nathan Philips. The Nullifiers of South . Carolina and Georgia: May they retract from the error of their Ways; - . - , By tho Orator of tho dny. John A. Cuthbert: • one of Georgia's most gifted sons. Faithful iu public-life, unshrinkii ifg from his dut£, liiliiTui il^t nnd amiable in private life, refined in Ids feelings, ardent, honorable and sincere in ail Ids profes sions; he has secured for himself tho affections of many of his fellow citizens. By S. Q. Durham. The people etf the United States. They have wisely chosen the Hickory, to helvo tho nxo that hews to the line of them constitution. By Henry Mitchell. The Clark they always triumph over the oppression 1 opponents. • By James Woodall. Liberty and Peace: the sources of unmlnglcd happiness. Success to the administration of General Jackson ns promotive of them. By David Johnson. Jackson for President and Lumpkiu for Governor, until they commit some offence to bo reprobated. By Samuel Patton. Success nnd prosperity to General Jackson nnd Philip P. Barbour. By John L. Djirdin. Washington. May all who love his namo obey his precepts! By Sterling Andrews. The prineivlesof'7G— May they he kept sacred until timo shall end. By Siiellmnu Durham. Iu despotic govern-^ ments minorities rule, in Republican governments mnioritics govern: union forever. Forsyth, July 7,1832. C?»'Tho Mcsseueer and Federal Union are re* qttested to publish the above. By Benjamin F. Harris, E*q. The Nullifiers of every State. Tliev Will “whistle in sight of tne camp and run before tho battle." By Wiliam C. Jones, Esq. The hero of New Orleans— Still Unchanged remains, And base deceivers counterfeit In vain; For quick the public mu,I the difference prove Between (he tmposterand the genuine hero. By Shellman Durham. Andrew Jackson and rhilip P. Barbour. May they bo elected to the two highest offices in the gift of the people at tho en«iting election. By Pitt N. Milner. Governor Hampton. A fit companion for Aaron Burr. By William P. Green, tte Orator of the day. He stripped tb« monster Nullification of ita flimsy corering, and expound it in iu native ugliness. NEAR MONTPELIER SPRINGS. Arrangements having been made for the cele-'' t bration of the 4th July by a committee appointed for that purpose, n largo uutnbcr of ladies ami gentlemen to. the amount of five hundred and up', wards assembled at Major Black's, ncarMontpo- lior Springs, in Monroe couuty. The procession was formed by Sir. William P. Cotton, marshal of tho day, by files of two, and proceeded to an arbor fitted up for the occasion at Mr. Mathcio Lassiter’s; where the ceremony of the day was. commenced by n Prayer and Ilymn composed by the Rev. Sir. Cumjgsq suited to the day; after which, the Declaration of Independence was read hy Cabby Cox Esq., aud a very eloquent Ora- " lion delivered by Dr. William A. SIathews, em bracing all ihe achievmelits in the Old Revolu tionary and late wars with Great Britain, aud al so that with Algiers; in which he portrayed tha most distinguished of our American patriots in a very modest hut forcible manner, that left an im pression on tho hearers not easily to be erased from their memories. The committee having previously appointed Roger SUcarthy Esq. President of tho Day, and Ambrose Chapman Esq. Vico President, the company sat down to a very elegant Dinner. After the cloth's being re moved, the following Toasts were drunk: REGULAR toasts. ' 1. The Government of the United States, fro* and independdbt. . ' 2. The Day ire celebrate, and all that honor it. 3. The Constitution of the United States: tv* wish an amendment in it, so far si to expung• from iu records that oligarchy colled a Supreme Cotirt; . 3. The President of the United States—invul nerable to tho nttneka of Cabinet treachery, Lis achievements will never be forgotten by his friends: 5. Georgia—the first to assert nnd maintain tbs rights of tne States—the Iqst to dissolve the Uni on. lii avoiding tho Scylin of Consolidation, ih* will not run oil the Chnybdis of Nullification. C. The Governor of Georgia, justly entitled W the respect of her citizens. 7. The hlllitia, tho bulwark of the Republic,' with a Jackson lor their leader.- 8. The American Flag: iu enemiei havo felt' its strinek. 9. The memdfy of the greatand good Wash-, inglon. How unlike Cesar! IIo never passed.’ the Rubicon. . 10. TAc memory of our immortal Patriots and’ Hcrots, All were good, all were great! and all were brnVe. 11. Olir Members of Congresss they' deserve wet) of their ceuniry—to namo any of them would be invidious. 12. The memory of President Jejcrson, author of the Declaration of Indepedcnce. “Well done, tboh good and faithful servant." 13. The Fair Sex of our Country, lovely, ler- iug and beloved. VOLUNTEERS. By Henry Clem Esq. May Washington, Le- fayetto and Do Grasse ever be reniembered, and the memorable day, 19th October, 1781, never te. be forgotten. • » By Thomas Garrett. General Jackson, the he ro and deliverer of Orleans: may he be re-elect ed (lie next President aud be the preserver of our political Union. By Mr. William P. Cotton. By thq plain* if Tennessee, we'll breath gratitudo to the name of Jackson—by the jury-sword ®f Georgia, we’U bless the firmness of Governor Lumpkin. By John Parker. May the freemen of Ameri-' ca he always united In the bonds Of the Union. By Jonathan S. Lawson. May the mothers of peace and the father* of liberty ever frown upon- tho approach of tyranny. By John D. Smith. General Greene, tht com patriot of Washington in arms. By George Petty. Cork to tbe heel*, cash to thb pockets and courage to the understanding of all true hearted American,. By Thomas Gruliba. May the son* of liberty always support the government. By H. A. Baldwin. Andrew Jackson, the in trepid aod gallant hero, the firm and tnis patriot, tho able and bones! stutrsaian, the mtn vre boner and estrem: may hr be our next President. By f-'inilh \\ a Her t>q. 3 ht L'fiiin of the Stole* and Ihe Sovereignty cf the icuie, allfcotgh Ibe <fe- cis icn of the Seprt mt Ccnrt to tbe tiuiriry. By Dr. E. W . Jim*. “£*<vArigt is feteteJ W itb Li, ilt is it gictfeiity, V t at