Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, August 01, 1832, Image 1

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pas* *T^ h , Mart* Tstcgrayh ii published eveiy U’cd morning. ^ IV'ii,,. Office on Mulberry Street, east side. JTLItuskk Dollars a year,ir nnM in ml *1 , r rooa dollars, if not paid Before the B*, veer. Subscribers living at a distance j'jvirtil in all cases to pay in advance. PROPOSALS ; piBtlsniMJ AT MACON, GA., AN AOr.lCUL- n .uc newspaper, to be entitled *HB SOUTHERN PLANTER. HE SOUTHERN PLANTER will be devoted • • to the Agricultural Interest* of/tbo including Horticulture, management of of Wi It making of Wine ond fcilft, tinrdeniug, I)o- 5,’ EcnnoBT, useful Arts, Household Kipenscs, j,| Fruit Trees, Ac. ic. Ac. I,’ill h« issued («t Hist A every other week—on* Jjgm steel, and quarto form-roh good pnper -nnd lype. procured eiprcrsly for the purpose. To improved and enlarged as the estenl of patronage A*farm "ill be eonrenlent for binding: mid reeb line will bn accompanied with a copious lode*. frliticnl and sectarian subjects will be excluded. t jj ;be design of the publisher to tnaku the work enitin; In a!U classes of the community; partied, a to loose in any wise connected with farming, litslng. mechanics. &c. Cwim'inirntions are solicited. Agricultural Soci- friends of the planting interest generally, rqnesteil to nid us In our undertaking. ■,,,p <m Ian, medical and scientific aubjucts, will Snhists will he giren for the best written essays imrticnlar subjects. Any well written cormntmica. JOB say subject connected with I bn objects of this lUcatioa, will entitle the author to a year's subscrip ts pohlisber will lie assisted in the Editorial de ment hr soreml literary gentlemen. dollars per annum, in advance, or jj at the end of the year. To snlncrlber* to the con Tclejraph the price will he one dtdbtr mid a (inutb'ance. ortwodollnrs eg the endofshe yonr. epa|ier will he commenced as soon ftt sufficient onmyrment oilers. ilitnntlirnugliout the Southern States nre respect- r rcuursicd to giro the above a few insertions. torn, Mr*. 1833." _ M.BAftTILTT, SIRS. BRADLEY’S FEMAIE SamZSB&EL'E, Xcwnan, Coweta County, Georgia. THE semi aunual exami nation of this Institution, took place on Friday, the loth iustant. Ou which oc casion the students w ere cri tically and minutelycxani- ined on thu various branches which had occupied their at tention during the preceding session. The precision and : /icuitv of their recitations, tho promptitude accfiracy of tbeir answers, to the various in- i-atc.-ics, evinccd^n our judgment, in no II degree, much in9try, talents, and it nq tics- dc acquirements on the.part of the Iuslruc- reflect uot a little credit ou tho promising i of the students, and must have been pecu- gratifying to immediate relatives. Tho cx- atioa was succeeded by an exhihit ion, in h the students sustained their respective parts such singular ability, as to surpass the ex- itimis of the most sanguine. Tho order and deportment of tho stiwcot., «hn1ng-*tio >v liutu t period, clearly evinced the most judicious pliae. It is with much pleasure that we in- th; public, that the uoxt session of this trill commence on the Grst Monthly in Ju- t. Voting ladies from abroad may ho nc- eodited with hoard, ou reasonable terms, in tlablo families near to tbo Institution. The i of studies, in this Seminary, comprises oil I'jrlns necessary to a useful and suhxtan- ueation, together with such oroamentnl is* as aro generally taught in other inslitu- of a similar kind, iucluding all thu Variety of and ornamental Neodlo work, those who aro acquainted with the talents, iplidimcnts, and amiable character of Mrs. slet, it would, wo presume, he superfluous “dasolitary remark ns to lice competency to Is over an institution of this kind. ; Tito cx- ee which Mrs. B. has had in this avocation, tol with the universal satisfnctoui which she ■tillered, during her residence in this place, impartial perilous, fully authorise its to state, anno will lie disappointed who intrust 'their M'is to her instruction and discipline. ■ • JOHNI). HINTON, J. W. PRNTIOOST. GEORGE PF.NTICOST, SILAS REYNOLDS, »*, 1832. 20 3t cow TheFederal Union is; requested to insert ovc three times every other Week.' IRS PXBDMOtf 7 Heard of Visitors. UjVE of stages INNING through the upper parts'of South 1 ""''NorthCarolina tmd Virpuin, to Wasli- BCih, -«.l t. r.i fity, and which,‘at its Southern end, rc- krminated at Powelton, Ga., is uow iu full omplcte operation, inrcrently been extended to Miltodgoville, "mch place it departs on Tuesdays, Tliurs- 3 »d Rtlnirigyt, at 4 A. M. particulars seo bills suit tho MillcdgeviUo WM. SMITH. JPJNwVa., May 15,1832. 21 firn ■JAMES fC. BENNET, Soot an V£ihocma!sci’, , HAS commenced busiuess in McDonald’s building, (near the «*■« Macon Telegraph jUJfie,) whore i he will-be found ; ready to atten'd 1,1 customers and others vvho may call pu BOOTS ami SHOES manufactured to "] »ne best mamier. REPAIRING aRo 'lone. . Two or three JOURNEYMEN can find ^employment by application toJiim. NOTICE. having sold bis stock of J'OODSto 0 ZuT*amn°1 Howland, d'oHbu.incM, Bolicits for lnm tlic patron- ,,,, * l ? eB “S and former customers, nud ra- ,f q WI J? "re indebted to h'un, to call at the i jj 'T- Rowland, next door to Messrs 0W i ,v B erc be will be found for tho 0, ma j'ngBeulement,. 1 ISAAC i; owl. A NIL i^o and Summer Clothing. lip , u wwainer viouun» . ^ 'ubteriber lias just commenced r'yceiv 5 an stock of spring- and Summer Clo . e assures the public that bis stock wil , ?°ne, is determined to tell Ut lot I tav lt «« purchaser, r,ll. tou. n. uriti's m i.. lY A^S*, cn t ^ vann ah. ClU f0r Sille h >' SSIU • don\v Till' DAY & BUTTS. trEGRGI.l HOTEL. Cr.incsviilc, Georgia. teKKWt”*-*" HOTEL i. situated on the corner Outlie public square, ltd, spacious, neat, end com-' gfijWS;■ ,V,’ "J3 1 ' 01 HonUy. the iudtvidu.l tree nllcr,the datty boarder, ovtlm fashionable viiiter, the Georgru Hotel will present accommodations inferior western part of (,'enrgia. Our stables will bo bountifully supplied with the best of proven- der and aUenlive ostlers. Gaines, ille is one of the most flouiashing and grawing villages in Georgia. It is situated immediutefy^m (he tipper Federal Road, nine miles from the Cherokee line, atid about eighteen miles fmm the Cliernkec Gold Jjines. It is the most direct route for persoiiit;wi4(ing ta explore the Cher- okge country, wlm live in the eastern end middle counties of Georgia or Carolina. Persons wishing to slop in Gsinesville; can be acromraodaicd with private conveyances to anv part of the GoM region they may wish to visit. The line of stages running from Augusta to Athens hna also hern estendedto Gainesville; and from llienecto Morraysville, twelve miles west of Gainesville, which gives as great facili ties in travelling .to the Gold region as to any other part of the State. We believe froin.thelocal advan tages which .Gainesville possesses, that there is novil- laeo in the Stnte that is belter, calculated to render those comfort able and pleasant who may wish to spend the summer months in tlie up country. IVe are daily refreshed with mountain breezes*-the nights extremely pleasant—and Uie best and purest of pump or spring water. All nccrimmddntion-stage line will shortly bd running fiom Gainesville to Clarke,viile. Persons from Gainesville wishing to visit tho foils of Tnlhiola.ornny other curiosities located in Hnber- elimp, enti lie eonyeyed to and from on reasonable terms. By’ niir personal and unremitting attention, we hope, to be able to render all who may favor us with n call,- comfortable and easy. We therefor ea. nestly solicit a share of public patronoge. • ABSALOM BISHOP. WM. N. BISHOP. Gainesville 23d, June, -1832. 26 Ot TIN WARE MANUFACTURER. ' MUI.KKIIUV, KKAR THIRD STREET. T HE subscriber manufactures and keeps con- stoutly ou hand, a general assortmenr-of ‘Tin Ware, . which ho will sell wholesale and retail at Savau itali or Augusta prices. ' , JOB WORK done at the .shortest notice at the shop on Third sttect, next door to Ellis, Shot- rell & Co. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shoticell If Co. will rc- i .live prompt attention. Nov 11 17 TWENTY-FIVE Per cent, cheaper than ever! JOB MAGIE S 3 just opening a very extensive and splendid ns" bv himself, front the latest importations, which nre psrticnlarly calculated for this market, and which will bo disposed of fully Ewasffire-rrvu ksb. cess®. cheaper than ever. These goods are of the latest style and most fashionable patterns, and are offered to bis Friends and tho Public with confidence fully assured, that not only the style hut prices prill fully meet their approbation. Their attention is requested to the same—a few of the arti cles are mentioned, vi*: •.•IK) pieces Calicoes end Prints, somevery rteh. . Kxtra line Furniture Calicoes and Common. 50 pieces fine Parish Muslins and Ginghams, plain and striped, figured and striped Mandarines, Baragos- sas black and” purple Grodeswiss and Italian Silks Watered Gmdeenp, black and brown colored do , ileruam'Gauers, Ortran* Robes, painted Pnlmnrlnct nud Crape Deleon, black and colored Silk, Cnnitdels nod I’linoellas.fine French BomhaBinrs, Blond Gauze Veils (some extra sizes), Satin Straws, Scarfs Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, very rich, sett Cap and Belt Ribbons new; patterns, Thread Laces and Insert, bigs al«o Edgings and Poolings, checked and striped Muslins. Jnckonet, Swiss uud Cambric do., one case ura-s bleached Irish Linens assorted. Long Lawns, Linen Cambrics and Cambric Handkerchiefs, Super- Ve,lings, I'laid and plain Drillings nnd fineFrciiah Unfinv Pongees and I’onge nandkerchicfs,Bandan- ua bud. Plugs, Gloves and Milts assorted. • Oil dozen Silk, Cotton, Randon llosc and half Hose assorted. 100 Parasols and Umbrellas, very neat and rich. llK) pieces'Mbsqilitn Netting. , „ ■ Bend Bag* and Purses. Shell Tuck and Side Combs, Cambric and FuriiiturJ Penlities and Lotion Fri nges, II 7, S,0, 10. II nnd 13 by4 Damask Table Cloths. Table Covers, Dunstable nnd Straw- Rnnnels, Palm Leaf Hals, Black and Drab Beaver Huts, latest fash- inns, Tr.yellinrC.pi.nUTrt.ekB. • .: - TO THE PESTILENCE. Illy shadow darkeus rouml us, Thy form ia in the air; Thy fatal voice hath found us, * Thy bauquet will be rare! A sudden fear hath bound us, \\ c kuow thee—and despair. Thy gloomy wing is flappiug, Impatient for thy prey; Thy breath o’er all is wrapping A shroud of sad decay; The sullen grave is gaping— • Thine eye doth light the way. Avenging messenger! r Whcu will thy eottrse be rim! Whom hast thou marked? Art near To mo, relentless one? When will thy dread career * Of punishment bo done? The glowing south, the icy north, The vale, the desert bare, Tho eity, and the mountain sot, Thou visit’th every where— The mosque, tho idol temple, and The Christian's place of prayer. Thou hast swept in all thy terror, The regions of the east; Thou hast bid the mighty wither! The loftiest and (lie least; The brave, the foud, the beautiful, Alike have been, thy feast. The patriot, the tyrant, Lord, vassal, friend and foe; The victor's arm hath sunk besido The victim it laid Jow; Tho hosts that met for mortal strife, Have fallen without a blow. Before tlieo thou hast cast thy shade, A frightful chill it bath; One moment is the storm delayed, The next it comes in wrath; - Then helploss, smitten things, we fade Aud wither iu thy path. , Knoxville, Crawford county, July 4, 1832. The Committee of Arrangements for thb 4th of July at Knoxville, respectfully tender their thanks to Hiram Warner Esq. aud solicit a copy of his speech fur publication. B. HARVEY, H. B. TROUTMAN, SILVANUS PRINCE, * F. SIMS, JOHN L. HARP. ■ Knoxville, Crawford county, July 4,1832. Gentlemen—I have received your note, re questing acop.y of tho Address-ma'de by me this day, to the citizens of this county, for publication. Although it was not written with a view of its publication, yet if you think it contains any mat ter worthy of publicLy, the original is at your service, with all ifs imperfections, uot having time to prepare a copy. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, HlRAlj WARNER. To Messrs. R. Harvfij, II. R. Troutman, S. Prince, t\ Sms, and John h. Harp, Committee if Arrangements. I raveUiiifvep* unu i runas. ■ IQ bales Sheetings, Shirtings and Plaids. • 000 lbs rjinn Cotton, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Cot ton Cards.&c. , ' extensive assortment of Perfumery, Soaps. Oils. Powder. Powder Boxes and I nils. Erosive Balls, Cologne, Honey and Rose Wuters, Otto ot Roses, Ucc.jeo. Alsri. , , 3000 naif dimes and Pumps assarted, end 100 pair Mororro and Call Boots, some very neat end fine. ■ • , ' And • very large supply «r ■ Sa lales. Kridlcs, ItaartiDgalSs 3ADDLL AND TRAVELLING BAGS, &c.&c.&c. Together with n general assortment or Uarditare Sf Cutlery And n snpply CINF.8, &e. ' Macon, April 20 120 To Rent. • • THE dwelling over the store or A. P. Patrick fy Co., wcllculeulotcd for a private Hoarding lloiise, w present occupied bv Petit Lewis. Also, the StoreToccupied *rW. T- Sage. »6' vcn A. P. PATRICK. Juno 25 155 . . . tl . ADDRESS, Delivered by Hiram Warner, at Knoxville, Craw ford, county, Ga. July 4, 1832. Friends nnd Fellow-Citizen»—Fitly nud six' times has the sun performed his annual revolu tion, the American Colonies were declared to bo free and-independent—Fifty aiul six was the number of those unexampled patriots who signed that Declaration of Independence, just read in your hearing, 4t a crisis, too, which tried men’s souls, plodged their lives, their fortunes, and sacred honors, to support it. 'How many of them now remain to speak forth their noble deeds of other days? Alas! but one of that immortal band is heard on earth to answer to his name;— and, ere now, his spirit may have fled to Him who gave it; for this is a' day on which our heav enly Father delights to call those patriots homo. Time, which no human arm can stay, has moved onward ia its -course, until fifty nnd six years have rolled away, since the American peo ple declared themselves emancipated from the thraldom of British tyranny; and wo aro, ns yet, a united, prosperous nnd happy people. Let all our hearts bo filled yitll gratitudo nnd thanksgiv ing to that God, from whom all blessings flow, for .... his kiiulnoss nml protection. But, while we have abundant cause to rejoice that wo aro yet pre served ns a united, prosperous and happy peoplo, we havo nlso cause to mourn. There has bcou n dark cloud gathering around our political hor izon, for some timo past, which threatens de struction to our Union, prosperity and happiness. That there has boon a deliberate plan formed, by ambitious and designing politicians, to dissolve tbo Uuion of the States, most sincerely bo- liovc—That this plan is In the progress of cpn- summation, but little doubt is entertained—That regularly organized meetings have been held m which this subject has been gravely discussed, is nlso believed. Disregarding the last farewell ad monitions of the Father of our common Country, certain loading politicians iu a neighboring State, secretly countenanced by men high in authority in our own State, ore, at this moment, mdustn- ously laboring to prepare the miuds of the peo ple to cinbraco their baneful doctrine—a doctrine unknown to the Constitution, perfectly at war with that instrument, aud, in its practical oflect. entirely destructive of that Union of the States so essential to tho preservation of American liberty. This now-fangled and dangerous doctrine i* call ed Nullification, a namo quito significant of itself, for the purposes intended to he ttr,comph*hcd by tho authors of it. This doctrine of Nullification (in its general received senso) is understood to bo tho right of a single State to judge, for benelf, and pronounce upon, the constitutionality of the acts of the Congress of the United States, or, m other ivord., that a single State has the right, m her sovereign capacity, to judgo of, aud prououuco upon, the constitutionality of a law of the Con gress of thu United States, without anv refcreuco whatever to tho/arms prescribed b » lh * CoRiti- tution for that purpose. and to resist tho operation of that law so tar as such State is concerned. In ever, well regulated^ov^rameat.d.cramu.. W Ucavm E.-X. SHELTON fV tny ageut during u.y ha- icncefrom nuihorizwl to collect the exist a supreme laW;making power, commanding what is right, nml prohibiting what >» Tliis power, by tho Constitution, isi vested in the A e .ui Itnltn.l Stairs. The grant IS ex- Congress of the United States. The grant prcssly made in tho Cor.stiuition, by tbs dele gate. if the several States. Tbo compact is rr- icuted, aud each State is a party to it. It there fore equally biuding on all the States, or it -ts liinding upon none of them Ench State, on-the adoplion Sf rhrcowritution, yielded up a portion Fitch L- Wordin; and I would mice move invite those iudehted to eitfr and paflhe*«UI«' ,0 “5 roit - • flPflSHWKR to K ,h. -koi,. strument was tlio’reiult of mature »e*e«tion and cmmirnmisiL for ihe purpose of forming a more lierfeet Union, to establish justice, eusnre i.omcstic Irauqifilitv. previde for the common defence, pro- jnoto the general wrifzre. and secure the bli sstngs •f jiberu to those who framed it and their posterity. We must lake the Coostituttou *» it 1,-1 wiri. it ta be. If the ,wo P le of any State dislike iu provision*—if they aro tired of h-. .. c under them—they can either resort to thb cJiwti- tutionul mode of redress, by proposing tho call of a Convention for the purpose of amending the Constitution, or, if thcy-chooso'to do so, can throw oil' all allegiance, nml be in an open at'ato of rebellion, both to.the laws and’Coii-itilUliou; but I do couteiiil, there is no middle grouud be tween submission' to the .Cmwtitution/and .open rcbellidu, dinguixo the mode of operation ns yoii please. According to the doctrine of Nullifica tion, one State can control the action of twenty- three. by tbo interposition of hor sovereign pow er. ' To admit this doctrine, for a moment, would bo entirely destructive of tho mniu object hud in view iu tho formation of tho Constitution. It would also contravene ono vital principle inci dent to nil republican governments, that a majori ty must govern—wherons, according to the ground assumed by the Nullifiers, a minority would gov ern—one State control tho action of tweuty-three. This mongrel doctrine has no w arrant iu the Con stitution for its oxercise, aud is alike subversive of the Union of tho States, as it is tbo offspring of bosoms fermenting with disappointed ambition.— If yoa ‘have a written Constitution, you must conform to its provisions—you must bo within the pale of tho Constitution, or you must be with out. You cannot claim protection under it, when tho same suits your convenience, aud disclaim its hindiug effect, when the samo does not exactly suit your purpose. One State cannot be a mem ber of the Union today, nnd without it tomorrow; or, accordiug to tho late discovery, half w ithin, and half without. She must either bo for the Uniou, or she must be against it. That there are some men who honestly entertaiu this illegitimate doctrine, is not to-be doubted. Tho Apostle Paul thought .ho was right when he persecuted the Gentiles, but when bis eyes were opened, as to the consequences of iiis strange conduct, he saw his error, and confessed his bids. However in- tiocent those may he who surrender their opinions upon this subject, without an investigation, de pend upon it, tho leaders in Ibis grand drama caunol plead such an excuse. It is their object to wean the affections of the people from their constitutional government, under the specious pretext that they alone nro tho sole champions of their rights. Tlint the Constitution, framed by Washington, Franklin, Madison,, and others, whose names are dear to the American people, is uot sufficient for that purpose. Great la bor lias been exerted to show, that their favorite doctrine of Nullification is perfectly innocent in its consequences<#.This is highly necessary to ensure success. What man or-set of men ever plotted tho destruction of any government, who did uot pqrsue a similar course?. First, poison'the public mind by their pretended innocent measures Until they have acquired sufficient strength; theu to the accomplismont of their unhallowed object. Could thq immortal Washington aud his aisoci ates be permitted to appear before the people of this mighty republic this day. with that holy fire of patriotism burning in their bosoms which so fearlessly prompted them ip action; in seventy- six; looting round upon thoir descendants, should call upon them to rally nrouml tho standard of their country’s glory, a’nd receive the blessing a- warded to the faithful—do you think the Arch Nullificr and his tgsociates would bo permitted to .have a place among them? . No,-fellow-citizens: they would be hurled from their presence, as the rebel angels were hurled from thtf court of Heav- cn, aud be eternally consigned to that place w hich the sober judgpicnt of tho American peoplo has long sittco prepared for them. Can it be possible, we shall ever hecomo insensible to the incalculable benefits which we annually derive, under our happy form of government? Can the i- dea bo indulged, for a moment, that wo shall lie so lost to n sense of gratitude towards those who offered up their nil upon the altar of their coun try’s .good, nud more especially .tow-ards Ifim, who by his guardian enre, led them safely through tho perils of the Revolution, as to presume to ealculato the value of that Union which has secitr- ed to us such signal blessings, and communded tho admiration of the world? Shall wo now, while the lamp oflibcrty is fairly blazing, when that fabric which cost our illastrions ancestors so much toil, blood and treasure to erect? Better would it bo. far a millstone to bo banged found tbo uecks of those dhorginiicrl of llio govern ment, and ihcv thrown into the middle of .the o- ocoan, than tills happy coumry should ever lib- come a “howling wilderness" to satisfy tb-ir in satiate ambition. It cannot fail to cx-.-lte rii- deepest couccrn in the bu«ml of every true pat riot who has tho welfare of the country of heart, to witness tho daily nttacki that ore made upon the free mstiintioni of his country, by different classes ofinen who have been cherished and pro- tectad by them—institutions which, iiy their *n- lutnry influeuca aud example, have enosed; the bands of tyranny to be loosened, aud the mon arch to tremble for his throne. While tho Chief Magistrate of thetiatimi, who is the organ of the people, placod on tho watch- tower of tho government hy them, annually pro claims, that our whole country is prosperous and happy, yet there are to he found thoso who strive to inculcate the Idea, that wo are n miserable, wretche.d and oppressed peoplo, the evidence of our own senses, to the contrary notwithstanding. Cast your eyes over tho map of tile world, nud say where is tho nntiou. on the face of tiio earth, with which you would ho willing to exchange your condition? Compare your aituation with, that of anv other people, knowu to tho cmlizcd world, having a regular organised government, ntld it will ho frfuud that you pay less tax nud en joy a greater share of human happiness than any other—oven the most favored on this terrestrial globe. • Tell mo, then, why these things are so? Why is it, in tho latter days, tho work of thoso whose deeds wo have assembled this day to celo- brate have fallen into such disrepute with somo of our countrymen? I* it because they, wlio ccn- inre and abuso the government at tins period, nnd labor to convinco the people that they ore oppressed, possess n better knowledge of the pro visions of the Constitution, than those who fram ed that instrument and first acted under a? Or is it because there ore so many ambitious politi cians in the county who find it necessary to cre ate some groat political excitement, to secure th«ir elevation to powqr! These questions, partyco- larly at this time, deserve a serious consideration. The careful observer cannot fail to notice, that those whose vociferations nre loudest against-the government of our common country, oml who fa vor this.illegitimato-doctrine of nullification, may, with propriety, bo divided into three general, classes: First, tlioie talented, nmbiiiaui, design ing, diJ-ilipn/'d'-dpoliticians w ho contributed much to sustain the government, so long os there teas any prospeet of their elevation to power under it; but whoso hopes of success, being now forever blftted. they direct all their energies towards the destruction of that Uniou over winch they have not been permitted to assume any share m uiaex- ecutive control. It is the policy of -urli polinci-! ans to sour tho minds of the common people a-1 interests. Indulging the hope, that, by persuading tho peoplo they me grievously opprcsqii, tk«y will he able to work a 'revolution, w bicb will pro duce anarchy and coufu-iou, whereby they inny . he enabled to possess themselves of tli# supreme poweroversome of the brokcn Jraguieiiu.. Sncli are tite-amhitioue and tffprawLiratures of sonio then, that they would rather rpign in hell thau en joy n happy obedience iu beiu-eu. There it another class of politicians who ought to be no ticed at this time. It it those whp have bht llt- .tlo merit of-their own to recommend them to pub lic notice, .although gifted with lofty ideas of their own worth and consequence, who know,as little about the practical oparation ofthoeaactmentsof the General Government as n llotcntot, but who havo been extremely active for their party on all oc casions; consequently, claim lobe elevated to im portant stations as the reword of their supposed se rvices. Such men aro always tlmmost clamorous about tho people’s rights, as if the people did not understand theiroum rights tbemseltws. They talk loudly of the oppressions of tho people by the gov ernment,.a.s if tho people Could not ascertaiu tliat fact, (if it existed.) without tlicir nssiitjiuce. I incl- fy wlicii you como In learn tlu-ir Gw character, they . _ nretho merciariruiiicntsbf those talented,dcs-lgR-* ing-poiidcians. who always si lect sucA demagogues - to promulgate nnd trumpet forth tltelrncasonablu ilnntvinnj llllv tlicir vi.irp via mnv Ifnmv llit*rr».** doctrines. “By tlicir voice yo mny know them. Tho second class of persons who censure and a- huso the government most extravagantly, aro those village politicians comprising the pettifog ging lawyer, the quack doctor, the broken mer chant, and tho lazy of every profession, who nre to ho found lounging about the streets in ell the- villages of the Stafc, without any visible means of employment. Those sago personages, “ wiser in their ow n conceit, than can render n reason," assume to tliemscivos the prerogative of acting as censors over tho Conduct of those who administer tbo government of the nation. The people, say they, are most shockingly oppre*-; sed by the unconstitutional enactments of Gent-; i gross. Wo wit! hot submit to sueh tyrannical u- surpation of our right*; our vital interests will be' destroyed unloss some prompt: nnd decisive men-' sure* be adopted. Aud when their torpid syrttmr 'become excited by copious draughts of Cognac brandy,.they talk ol nullification nnd ahoul fight ing tlicir rights, and are as valient as Falstnff -wneioe encountered tho men in hu'ckratn suits—' while ra truth, and in fact, tlwy have no substan tial interests to bo affected by any government. One government is as good ns another for them, although, 1 have no doubt, a majority of them yvoitld prefer a gnvqrument without order nud without laws, as justice, administered according to law, iaAho'imly oppression which iaqh nj«x really dread.. The third nnd last general class of persons' -who aro so much dissatisfied with tbo laws of their-own government, aud Rrs continu ally iiivoigliing against iU oppressive enactments, are: those who have been raised in'tho Inp of lux- without a correct knowledge of cither laboj- ■ or economy.’ Their pnrcHta, anxious to provide for the welfare of their sons, had, by practical in dustry aud economy themselves, acquired hand some estates, of which their sons become posses*-' cd at tlwir doath. As thoir parents have taken great pains to raise their sons gentlemen, I wM, therefore, hy'way of distinction, denominate (nr, class of persons gentlemen farmers. From .tho '• hard earnings of their deceased parents, they are enabled to purchase the best land in the neigh borhood where they settle, with a sufficient num ber of hand* to work, it, as well as every other thing necessary to carry ou their farms wruli u>r-. coss aud profit. But linving been raised gentle- . men, they have no practical knowledge of man-*., aging their business in a husbandilke maimer.— So th» management of their plantations must ne cessarily bo eutfurtpd to overseers, while they, ' richly attired in. British goods, (instead of their own domestic manufactures) are riding about tho couutry, indulging in every species of extra vagance. Two or three years elapse, when' they find themselves largely involved in flebt. Being j unwilling to acknowledge the truo cause uf their - arrears,, but anxious for some excuse, (a* meii while the lamp ot imcrty is tniriy mazing, wucu arrears,, mu nnxiuus iur »muu *»*«■*, yi* men.. the eyes of all nations nro upon u», by our intes-j , w ho neglect tlicir ow n business nlw ays arc) tlisy tine feuds, turmoils and dissensions, rend in twain] nttrihirto it all to the oppressive tariff laws oT Congress. During tho most busy season of lb* year, when every industrious practical fanner is entirely engaged in his crop, you can always find some of tboye gent.'- man fmiurs at a country piiit-olfii'O.oii mail dnjs, and other public places, c|iid iu superfine broadcloth, with a miUifieaiiim newspaper in one-hand, making viidint gesticu- ?</!foMl withlhe other, and desrautiug largely up on the oppressive euacmicuts of the government. Oh! tho accursed tnrill'! We shall in ale limbing by our craps' this ye»'ri. We bad much ralber live uuder (he-Blwli Rivcruineut, than cudur* such vrucl oppression!—Always ready to allege their.misfortunes to.afty other chu-c than ibatoi thcirownmi cundu-'i. Such an; the true sources v.-b.-uc,' t'w-e r. >t> rat’d eoiupluiuts of oppression oMlie part of-the government, originated. Such are the true sources whence this bastard doctrine of Nullification took its riso and continues to re ceive its countenance. • In the State of South Cnroiiim, where the doc trine was first promulgated, it has flourished much more luxuriantly than iu this State, or, indeed, in any other State. Although warmly contested there by some very able meu, the coinuiou jicoph apnearto have surrendered thoirowo opimons to abend of politicians. Without a thorough «x*un- nmion of the subject, and have been led sway for a time captive. A* yet, uullifiratioa lies no ‘fixed root in Georgin,'notwithstanding attempts have constantly hocu making to plant the noxious weed npon hor soil. Adverse wind* have scat tered the germ amongst us; but 1 tntat, the good sense of our people, their attachment to the I'niou. cemented by the pure blood of patriots, will not sufforit to tnko root within our borders. Geor gia, true to herself, in tho regulation of her own internal police, so'hr as respects nil those rights not delegated to tho General Government, wil. I , trnst, long remain a bright star in that const! lla- tioDt which it is hcrgloiy fo maintain, nml winch proclaims protection to the oppressed of every, nation wider Heaven. With regard to the con - stitutiopnlity of the tariff law of 1828, which ha. afforded such an excellent hobby, horse for a cur tain class of politicians to ride into power, mid which is the alleged pretext for nullification as wellns disunion, 1 shill say but little at this time. My own opinion is, that act was a fraud Npon ibo Constitution.' Others, much wi»rr than myself, think differently: who isright. it is unnere4snry now to discuss'. The only question for the peoplo to dotermino, is whether US effect produced upon, their interests, by thq operation of that law, iv sufficient to justify them hi open rebellion ngaic t the Government whico enacled it, or, to use tin* significant substitute, bdlHtoft? I address iny..df to the plain, prseUcal. mJ.Miiou. planter, and Ask him, how his interests have been affix te*l by the tariff! Ifyoor.interests have been seriouslyiaf- recte.lbyi..atwb,t,o,t 1 >u/. , ,L-ard,d yunTh^ discover co,iscim m*! Dowthere exist any necessity for yon to Pjtrcnase srt.rics of Cloihicg subjjct to tHnff dutiqpl V * n . ) ( UI .Uio cuuiuiuu J.x.i,*.*- « i • a , Inst their government, and for that porpaso maunfactaro doe ^ gradually approach them through their supposed 1 uough fur anj nesiic cloti., s*