Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, August 01, 1832, Image 3

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. reviving effect* of Lord Groy’src- /ematfd for it has been extensive, 10 bags and fall” *7 From this it appears that Wider Lord W* £ cotton: but that during the late po- it changed its nature, and sharing Duse of Wellington, ioo.sted. ■^^tvo/; ’, —:—.■ lL”mi^h? W h ,1 ® r,elr f ™ m lho Union whensoever te P dtit , ?o gE Geor d e *ii Q,mCdiatCl y after SUXtt brelrnti ?„ ,u g ’ m com P°"y with CLC. Cam- urcleug, tn the summer of 1*528^8ml ha* ever since been maintained, uniformly bv him md partizanr, w itli tho hope thercdjy of lorstaUiugand ■sm**#** ™«a®s alile political heresy, emauated from tho nptti- foger of Kindcrhnok, may be proved by recur rence lo Ins letter, dated at Washington, In rep'y to the New York legislature, on ttfo occasion of hi* re-election to tho United State*’ Senate. In that document, he remark*, that ho shall exert all telegraph, rflACOW, ftEOBOin > ^ESPAYTTuG. 1. 1882. October election. authorized to aunounco tho following .. i *„ n a , candidate* to represent this county Ejaetf State Legislatures [> bs B For Senator. TIMOTHY MATTHEWS. * For Representatives. LUKE ROSS. ROBERT COLEMAN. CONGRESSIONAL, TICKET. L DANIEL NEWNAN, of Henry. - ml JAMES C. WATSON, of Mucogee. ml^OHN COFFEE, or Chertkee. mfjUIES C. TERREL, of Fraiiktfn. Sltr GEORGE W. OWENS, of Savannah. SySprJi Ufc- havo invariably voted with the disciple* of Nullifi cation, ou every question involving that doctrine. 1 hew facts show conclusively to whom the re- pubhcjis primarily indebted fur the insurrectiona ry spirit u.lvv pervading a portion of tho popular mind at tho South.” • . FOR THU HACON TKIECIIAPII. APPEAL. The time* have never lieeu more portentous. While ouo ot iho u.ost tcrriiic diseases that have assailed the banian ruceis advancing rapidly alld snrely, thero are men among us, yes, men pro fessiug to be servauts of lho God of Peace, who, as if (tiiiiking the pe»t too merciful, arc invoking civil war to come in and swell the carnage. Tor this purpose they have rout into pieces the parties hitherto arrayed in local politics; burying their personal auimotitie*| thoy are fraternizing with jhRWlldpst jpiUiusiain , cm! .uondhig aloud the tocsin of sedition, Rre calling to anus, net against a foreign cucmy, but against tho institutions erect ed by their father* atif* tb« /»f theii own heldmg meetings to retUt tho Tariff, cither by Nullification, a iSouthern.Coiivcution, Secession, or any other mean*, so that it is tfl'cetual in re- inoving this l.uriben from ourpcciple. l?ut tlicrc is so much npalhy in Georgia, in fact, in all the Southern States, Soutb CnroIina alone excepted, that I despair of doiug’any thing by the uuion of the South; nil my hopes rest ou South Carolina; if her ardour cool*, and »be become* lukewarm, I shall give up tho ship; 1 have no /oaf* that she will he put down by the other at.-Uq*. I have every coitfidciice in Nullification, or, nuy other strong measure that she may adopt; weak men- have been tried long euougn; my hope is, may persevere, mid'Georgia, and all the South-will ultimately rally around her, for the cause she it fightiug is a common eaUM, Hojliug niay spend the day pleasantly under the cir- tstnuces, 1 am, gentlemen, your most obe- it, JOHN MOORE. TAe Cherokers.—On Monday, tho 23d inst. (Ju ly) the Cherokee chiefs were to meet at New Ecliuta, for rite purpose of taking iuto considera tion, the terms proposed by the President,’Tor an exchange of their lands. The lottery commissioners convened oh the same day, in Millcdgeviilc, by order of the Gov ernor, fur tile purpose of making the requisite preparations, for carrying tile law of*1110 State into full effect, as early a* may he practicable.^* Federal Union. Bank Arrangement.—Tho Banks of-tip*,city havo unanimously agreed to pay demands'on them, only in their own bills respectively, in bills of the Bank of the United State* and in' bills' ' of tho South Carolina Bank*. Tffeyhaya agreed, to receive tho hills of tho Bunks of titbiuterior-df the State, only in payment,' but not on deposit. In consequence of this new arrangembur,' ex- chanro on”- "e.iy ' By a notice front the Secretary of the Trea sury, the three per cent stock of the United SfateS is to fie paid off—two thirds oil the first of October next, and the remaining third on the first of Jan uary noxt. ,'v ;v ’• . Wm.MTi.vase, Esq.'Cashier of the United States Bunk, tendered his resignation to the Boa d of Directors at Philadelphia, on the 17th inst. - —*-.rrr~--Ti-r-'— a—,.-——-. D2arric£, Atthe Methodist Church in Cnlumbus. op Wed*- ncsilay evening the 2otb inst., by tin- ltev. L A. Few, Geu. Jamts N. Bethune of Columbus, to Miss Frances Gunby of Columbia couuty. ■ On tho 12th July, in Twiggs county, Mr. )t'il-_ Ham J.'F. Mitchell, ofWilkinsbn county, to Miss Alile A., daughter of the Roy. James Lovrry, of Twiggs comity. » . Died, In Savannah; bn the 18th iust, Edward Il'ichs, aged 33 years,-iqitch regretted by numerous ac quaintances. . In*Mucon,'On the 2Ctb July, M^Mortimer R. Wallis, a native of North Carolina, but an inba- bitaut of Georgia for the last fifteen 3 ears, in his thirty.Bfth year.- A widow mid orj ban child sur vive him lo experience mid deplore the lo., < f a devoted husband mid tender lather, while the community iii which be'.Hved bptir testim- .> u> his faithfulness ns ah officer, sincerity n»a friend, and as a man his undeviating limn sly. Ou the 20th July, in Baldwin county, the R. . S. R. Townsend; of tho Presbyterian church, t native of Rhode Island. {.,-•• ];r. I-flAV irilELOMCY vi» a candidate for Elector Of President and President, as friendly to.the re-election ol drew Jackson, and the election of Philip P. Bar- . -V „*v*,.-*l*» r> S*‘".r - ■ Xatlu Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold on tlic first Tuesday la SEPTEM BER next, before the court bouse,in the town of Ja'kson, Butts county, between the aruel hoars of •ale, jJt&ASrfpf One nefro fellow named Jack, nbout 55 or CO years olil—levied on as tho property of Hugh Hamit lo satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a Justice’s Court in raid county, in favor of John Hull vs Huyh Daniil—levied on end relumed lo me by a (.unstable. * Olio iii-cro eirl named Murv, about 4 yoars 1 1 1 ■ 1 .hi tl« | i-cfu-rtv 'il Hvglt llamil lo sat isfy a Fi Fa issued from Units Pupciinr Court in fa vor of. Anthony Dyer and others vs Hugh liumil—- I j:11e-J (Jin liy t'l,.intiH. July iff IJ. UATFLEY.ftsrjf. POSTPONED HALF,. ;. • Alto, will I e told at above, 101 1*4 aft eg of Lauds more or less, il be- in* Ibe south luilf ol Lot No. 57, in the first district originally llenry now Bulls county—levied onsslbu property of Grt-rgr IK l.oieery, ty sslisfy*three PI Fss issued from a .(nsllfr's Court In said county, two In favor of Lawrence (Jnhagnn, und one in favor of F.rinlne Case vs said cry—levied on sad returned In me by a constable —This properly is improved fur farming with-a dwelling houvr, Ac. July 21.1P!«. II. IIATF.LY. Sheriff. co2vyjB2tf TIO »r t» the, ■ ■ Macon ’ •4«£«*e6, J !m, fthe meeti ‘‘S.^invited toMteiV. Tra “ sie “ X f the moon! ——■—ur: hewspepers in Schools.—An esteemed fneud, he couducts a Seminary in this town, informs v, that bo lias adopted tho plan of introducing tho titling of Newspapers among his larger scholars; id uub a hcncudal effect. It is pleasing, he ob- rvci, to see how fast nnd with what interest iey acquire information in this way. C«ro is ta- tn tu exclude party mid sectarian principles; »J no paper introduced but such its is approved j tlio parents. Wo shuuld like to hear of tliis Im beiug moro generally adopted. Whilst tildrcn are looming to read, they can also be anting something about the world; so that when ey enter upon it, they will not by nlu^ tlicr so ;tiorant of what is going'on, as when a cou- ary course b pursued. Jack Jones has got a new qrotchet in his head: a is determined tu ho notorious, any how. Ha. ing tried politics and poetry to no purpose, as a at resort, be bns taken to writing fibs for the ewspapers! But Jatk, though born to be a great tan—fu his own ostimatiou—always wanted iscretion; city, ufter being mulcted m n fmo of WOO for lijing,'ho would ho careful whom lie died “liar;” uud ha cautious how ho used t!ie tard “coward,” until he he has tho courage to c an honest man! In the account given, in this paper, of tho An- tvetsary eelcbrntioa at Foraytli, Mouroe comity, ttno obscurity exists ns to which of the two Orn- w dissected "the doctrine of Nullification. We n requested to say that James M. Smvth Esq. tas tbo gentlemen; and (hat the tonsts credited. »lho “Orator of the Buy," were given by him. Politics in Louisiana.—Tho New Orleans Ar- ;m of July 21, says, “The well ascertained Clay najority in our Legislature, on a joint ballot, is line votes, and sevcrul aro doubtful.” . Cholera in New York.—During tho 24 hour* °“ W R «t 11 o'clock A. M. the now cases were *»> and deaths 82—20tb. new casos 228, and 'Mills 1U0—21st, new cases 311, deaths 104. ■otil number of deaths reported, since tho dis- * “ret nppeared, 851—being more thin equal o ttro-thirus of tbo deaths in Loudon, D UO. Lon* ion contains 1,200,000 inhaldtants—Now York. Wore the ‘ ' " r “‘ — •.a. .Mv,...... ^nOiu io irrc-mm dio by the institutions of our fathers. Let them bo followed. E I’LVRIBUS UNUflI. irao-ftTmodged onT nie sitm'tfr nnrnirjojnm|' .-tcniv irnm kiiirtlw nisunloFAfut! Ill tllRUT BIOVR- sfure the appearance of the pest) 215,00tl—at »t at 140,003—an awful tlilVeretice of uiortnli- 1 ho diseaso lias been nioro fatal in Now ,r * than in Paris. ’ The diseaso is.on the iu- IJ . M '■> Albany, nnd extending itself to many of i inter*"- — ' "iierior towns. • • . In New Jersey, it is sbo exhibiting iuclf in sc- ret mwos, caused by fugitives from the.eity of new cases m Philadelphia; and no case » "> yet appeared south of lho Potomac. Martin Ran Burtn.—To every unprejudiced [Wit must be niatiicr’of astonishment, that this bvtilunl should in Georgia be brought forward u candidate for tho Vico Presidency oy tho Inter party, since they enqrot deny that it w-as 'rely through his iiiQuoncc nnd instrumentality t n j It*}*.*! •nd. 0BV°ui tariff of 1323 yt» “Hod on lho nation. Can it ho possible, that, nle they qro heaping curses loud and long on “opprcfiivo tnealuro, they am HMaring m :ir fi 0| uago aud rendering him their services for 1 elficicut agency in its passage? It were un- urtcousto suspect them of so much duplicity— t to no other cause c.nn we altributo their da- uon ti> him, unless it ho the one mentioned in t appended extract from tho New York Amer- to Advocate, which goes far toshbw his staud- },SP™ prospect, in his own Slate: las doctrine, that a State possesses the con utioni! right to nullify any l^w.of Oqngrtss ithiucTiSlate may judge jiucnuitituticanl, nnd From the Milledgccillt Recorder. At a meeting Af tho citizens of Lexington nnd its vicinity, on Saturday, 21st iust. John -Moons Esq. being called to the Chair mid Gkohoe H. Youso Esq. appointed Sccrc-tury, the following preamble'and resolutions were huopted:- Witoreas tlttf citizens ol Georgia have waited patiently, uud looked with anxiety to ses sion of Congress for relief from nil unequal, un constitutional uud oppressive Tariff; hut this, their reasonable hope, has been disappointed—Au nd- jourumeut having taken place, uuder the distiuct anmtllcutiou that tltis odious measure is to bo re- tmued, uot only as a canker upou our'prosenl in dustry uCT labor, but Id bo perpetuated us a badge of our servitude upou our posterity. Bcltoviug therefore as we do, that further for bearance would ho criminal—Jfeso/tvrf, That the citizens of Oglethorpe county, of all jearties, be i-tvited to nttcud a public dinner, on 1'ridny, tho 3d of Augu*t.utxt, tu this place, to take into con sideration, the sufferings of our people, mid to de termine oa.'ttud recommend “the mode and mea sure of redress" proper to be adopted.^ Resolved, That our Senator* and Representa tives iu Congress, tcAo voted against the bill to re gulate imposts, Sic. and such other persons u* tbo committee may designate, bo invited to nttcud with ns on that oceasiun. „ ' Retained, TbatJoliii Moore,Jno. BtllU|t*i Gao. 11. Young. Dr. J. B. M’Jutikiu, Jno. Bunks, Au* I gniuts Alilcn, nml Jo*. H; Lumpkin, be nppumt- i «d n comuiitlco to forwurd invitation.' lo guests. —And tluit noUert Freeman. P. \\. lfntibinson, Bur. Pone, Jos. J. Moofo. Isnnc'CoUier, Robert Hubbard, ». W. llultbard, John Winn, John lowusead, Jesse Bell, Elisha Strmig, Britmiu Stamps, Win. J.uiupkiu, Clark Taylor, Mark Andrew, Alex. Thomas, Samuel Luutpkm, Dr. 8. Glenn, Mid.lI4ton Pope, Jno. M. hteveus, tt. T. Uatisou, Edward Coxe, l. W. Cook, Dr. A. S. llill, B. F. Ilarduntuu, Titos. U. Andrews, 11. p •Hill, 0. W. Totten, Jos. Moore Jr. Dr. J.S. Sims, Wui. L. MTCinleV, Geo. W. pndley. Win. 11. Smith, Tltoz. C. Billups, Peachy 11. Gilmer, John Landrum, Henry Jordan, Jos. Jiuktus, and llobt. Gillespie, he a comniitte to prepare toasts, find to make suitable preparations for tho.oeca- \;ResokeJ, That tho proceedings of this meet ing bo siuttod by tbo Chairman aud Secretary, aiftl forwarded to tho public Guzcttesof tins.. lute generally, with ^“jloO^El'c^rmnn. Geo. IL Youmo, Secretary. The following letter written' to the crlebradou committee nt Snmtowu, Oglethorpe county, will throw light on the .temper aud Object of the pro posed dinner: Jjiinglon, July 4,1632. Clntlcmene—l received your friendly inyitatiou to partake of u public dinner with the citizens of yourncighliorhood to-day. 1 fed under obltva- timts to you for your kindness, but am«T o deditte the invitation, and hope .my excuse will be deemed good w hen m»do known. - .Several years ngo, 1 deterimucd never to par- ku of n public dinner qu tlid 4tli of Julj. until steep, were kindly ncccleriitcu tit their move ments by the military orm, nnd politely assisted to an eniinenco, from wheuee they *cw their do- voted town fall n prey to tlto devouring flames. Thus terminated the stonn, capture nml hurtling, of lrwlnton.—Short its existence, blit brilliant its histor^.—Columbus Enq. i* Uvo P sj»tcin nbandoued by CougrcjS; I, i defer- np , : n ,i 10 uniuion of others. 1 have tnougut tlicrc was something ridiculous in cc,c ^. l i" , j l ^.“ u 8 r freedom, and rejoicing over tho 'P ar J^“c 6 ' when wo have more reason to mourn °T" ® u lost Freedom, and unite togetltoi UjJimmtltBUofl and prayer, than to make ourselves glad *x*g4h» rj-'-i.-ttoe Fatlt. free. hti. toonrxhamc be it spoken, tkeir sun* areliot. . 1 cannot, th fore tiitile wit!, you In cvU-brsung this d» • I i.,;: unite wi’h you, or any ether iM*-v> On Saturday, duriug a thunder squall, a house on tiio South Common, the residence of the fam ily of the late F. S. Fell, wns struck by light ning. Tho injury sustained was trivial, only tearing off'tbreoof the weather hoards—none of the family were the least iujured. On yesterday, our city was aguiu visited with a thunder squall, which proved more destructive; the lightning struck tlto schooner Jane, lying atthe lumber yartf, tirnl shattered her foremast to pieces,—Na- vamtah Republican;'• ,-v- ■;.*.> ; ' r. . It it reported, that by mi accident to tho Sttige, we believe ou tlto Upper line; in Nortlt .Cproliua, ottr representatives, Judge Clayton and-Mr, La mar, with the lady of the former, have Wei) scri- ously hurt. Airs. Clayton is said to bavd hi>r col lar bo no brokcii, aud Air, Lamar both ankles fractured. ilj* Since writing the above, wo learn tbnt Air. Lautar InU rcaclicd this eily, much bruised; nnd with one ankle dUlodated and the other sprrtiucd. Tlto accident happened near I,aureus C'oui-t House, S. C. ou Suudny night last. Air. Edgitr and lady of this'city were posscugcisin the stage, ■ v,. i’i- sli^btlv in'iu.vil. Air. A. G. frrnim, of Washington, 'Willies county, was also hurt. Ciii, Cri-fut of tin.- Simlli Carolitir. U l. ; alu htul hi* collar liouo.brokcO,- and most of the pas scitgers of wlioty thereWere niauy, were more or lex, injured,—.Ii/^m.’o Ccmier. -Wc understaud, that the Bill which passed Coitgrcss providing for t|\o payment of interest on tho advauces of th<5 several State's to the United States during the war, has been retained by the president—along with tho Harbor: Bill. It is said that ho had no time to prepare his nlijeglwds to these bills, before the adjournment of Congress —but that ho will return them to the next Coti- gress, with a message stating his objections to both.—Richmond Compiler. Tho uncommon length of lhe session of Con gress, has made the members particularly quXl* ous to return to lheir homes. They bad vanish ed from tli.- <i's “* rapidly as i>.,-si!,I,-. \<iy few were left the day after, they rose. Not more than 30 appeared iu the House of Representa tives 00 the morning of tho mljournuieut. filr. Siicutcr iflcvcuson t ea. lied he. house, in this ci ty, on Wednesday utoruiug- Mr. Benton ppsked through Georgetown on Monday, ou his way to the west. Of course,. there wae uo danger up- nrohended of u rencoutre between Mr. Clay tmd hintsclf, though no recoueiliattun had tiikettplace hutyveen them. It is said, that Air. Clay wjll in a few days.visit the county of tJooehtaud— and thence he would pass on to the A trglnla bpi mgs. It w as expected, that the Prcstdeul woold set out yesterday on his tvw to, ieuncsscc. Mr. Vru Burtn would leave AVnshingtei. m fiye vr six day* for New York.—Richmond Cewjg&r, mkJvlyMt - / . -.i> sKbuf(l~ntenlibn tha poXoflleo'td WbicU ihcffuih- bers should be directed. -.'Tba whole work will contain about 40Q page*, aud cannot be afforded nt less titan 85 to .subscri ber,., paid iu advance. •' — UiUtdgeit lc. Bibb Sheriff sale. ■urwriLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in SEP. f f TEMBER next ill tlieeourt Itnuse in Jfactm, Bibb county, between tbe juwful ltotirs of sale, tbt following i^-bpctty: Twelvo acres of. standin? Corn, nioro or less, and ttvo acre* of standing Cotton, more or lest—levied on ns the property of Benjamin Allen, to satisfy one Fi Fa issued front Bibb inferior cunrt, Josenh-Gainer Versus UenjKniin Allen nnd Clement ClcmmV—properly noinled out litjeskbis Allen. ' 11 3 II. H. HOWARD, sheriff. July 3|. 4S38 HI - Pike Shoriff Sale. W ILl. be sold on the fir»1 Tuesday in SEPTEM BER next, before the conrt Home in the .town, of Zcbulou, l’ikc county, between tbo usual hours nf sale. . Lnl of Littid, No. 53. in lho sefond d,strict cf originally Monroe now Pike county—levied ones tho properly of E. IK J. ftnmiitv. to s«li*lj- two sniull Fi Pei lit lav'or of John U. Coot V* said Romney— property polnled out hy Even Sliannoti—levy imide anil eetnrnqd to n coiisti'hle. July 21 J. ft. Ct l.PF.PLR. Ds71. sheriff. Dlcnroc Sheriff Sales. W ILL he told on the first Tuesday in SEPTEM- next, iit lilt; court house door in tbo town of Forsyth, Monroe county, within the usual hours of sale, the followln| jironei ty. viz: 405 itcics of Laud in (he sixth district of Monmc county, ono uiito north of Forsyth, whereon J I?(tidh Chapuinn now lives, the. numbers not known, u pit improved; nlso the following Negroes: Jacob a • moo Hit ycHrs old, lMnc/ ' ism years old, Honor J u w<>iit<»tt *J ji »trsv 1 ft \>uy 10 years old, Ipnry Loy . « ^ps c)d, sauc'd i*t InVor CM sold " 'VCnrT.Z qcrcs of L;tnd, being Lot No. 154, •*.' if Mont bo county—levied on ns • Vson Haler, to satisfy a Fi Fa In * - . j Gunn vs. sold Baker—levy made >f Land, being Lot No, not ties Turner nowiivci, In the third rnnly—levied on ns the property - satisfy n Fi Fa issued in favor of * - • ministrntiiv, &c., for the use of -> * ITarner.. tnd, in the sixth district of joining Eljngton and Whitton, I • , thereon, one Negro Woman by v ff years old, and her Oitild three / linitity of Goods consiitlng ofvn- , ircliandise—nil levied on ns the • —' v timet jr:, to solisfy sundry Fi Fes nac Norton and others vs. said viz: Giscn n woman 22 years fDyCBrsold,Lcticeagirl lOycars ty 12 years old—all levied un as • i/i 'Pitman, to satisfy sundry small jr of Wilkins Hunt and otlieis vs. lade nnd returned hy a constable, if Lund, being Lot No. not Im. Blair senr. now lives, in the - . jroc county, adjoining Hail Gold in pile Road Wagon, two Btills, , A . (q;s~*all levied on ns the projierly r., to Satisfy a Fi Fa issued iu (u- said piafr, id, nioro or less, being part n, in (lie sixth district of Mouree limes' Mills-m-c situated, adjoin- ton nnd others—levied on as the bherrpand GilesVeisberrytotal. Fas 'it favor of George Whitton Inm Dewberry vs said John and iy made aud returned by a con- A. COCHRAN, - - Shtr'f. — Sheriff Sales. W ILL he Sold on the fird Tuesday in SEPTEM BER next. before the court house, in the town of CnniphelUon, Campbell county, between the usual hours of sale, One Lot ol' Lund No. 147 in the fourteenth district of originally Fayetto now Cnmplicll county —levied on as property of Balai IS’. Prewitt, lo satis fy sundry FI l-’us vssmd Prewitt in favor of William Brandom and clhers-lcvicd uu and relurucd by a constable. , , -, Also, tlie abova Lot of Land—levied on ns Uio property of James Hicks to satisfy two Fi Fas in favor of James II, Perryman vs said Hicks. July 30 JAMES GRI8IIAA1, sheriff. ■ Also, will be sctil as alore. Onb bay Mure nnd three Cows—levied on ns the property ol George Moore, to salbfy one mort gage Fi Fa Issued from DcKnlb superior court in fa vor of Daniel Slants vs said Moure. • ' - Fust Lot No, 3G,in tlto el|hlb district oforipnally Coweta now Campbell county—levied on as lire property of George Uloore to satisfy a Fi Fn issued from DcKelbinocrior court in fnvoruf Doniei Stone, administrator of John Adutns deceased vs said- Moore. ‘ • - Lot of Lntifl, No. 107 in tbo ciglitli district of originally Coweta now Cam^bHI county.—Icvird oii ns I lie property of ll'illiom O. Hurl to »Mu»fy a il F« In favor of Cbufchcll Gibson'vs said Hwt B. LASLx, ' Jtdy.28,1832. Dep.Jeherf. Houston Sheriff Saljc. IRflU. he sold on ttiu firs(’l’uetdny in SEFTEM- V Y " BUR next, m the court house door in Perry lluustou county, between the tisunl hours of saic, mmwero sugimy ...jure. ..... - —, Liu oak nml hichmy jLaild, well itli of Wasliinctou, \Vilkes county, was also lulrt.— nrdved, iu, the (wr.-lftli dUtcict of Houston county, Celt. Griffin of the South Onrolinn Delegation, wher.-uu Ififtu ni tl now l.vcs-ltvied On us will; unaai V. _ , 2 t hi, iirnpi rty, fo s..l.s y a Fi Fa In favor of \\ illiuui tfiHlUoofc, peurer, v*. cs.unucl -11# rfm’nli, principal, nud (\ illium Wiugute and Wiilieni B. Smith, st-cu- lli i!ot of Land, No. 2?, in the fourteenth dis trict hf-Houston rajunly—levied on as the property of Jeremiah Culls lo satisfy several FI Fas issued I nidi a Ju-licu’» Court iu favor of Genrgo Patten vs Jeiemi- , h cuis. MAIAU CUAJA, sheriff. , Jnty 3d. 1631. Slenry Sheriff Sales. W ILl. he sold on tho first Tuonlay in SEP* TEJIBER next, between the Invvlnl hours »f vole! tiWore the court house dnorintliu tnwiiot Mne- dbtiuugh, llenry enuuty. tbii following pi«>p< rl>-, vixt 'Flip i-Hst luilf ol lot No. 209, in the first district of Henry county—levied onas the property of lliltium Cox.tiuuti.-iy « Fi Fa issued from a Justice s court in li.v nr of-Anthony Dyer v». A- Craw turd and said Cox. nnd sundry other small Fi Fav issued tu fe- v^V of Ilpnry Suaierlaiid 'and others vs. Joshua J. Hood, the land being claimed by said Hood. The cast half of lot No. IOC, In the eighth uirli ict of Ut-nrv county—levied «n as tho property of John JSarthmau', to witl.fy sundry f i I'as issued from a justice’s court in favor of Johnson nnd 1 eck.oixa o- Ibers vs: said Jlnrehuinu, . JAML3LOV E, Aug: |. D - bhertJT. French claims.—The Commissioners appoint ,dt.)i irr\ i.;i...ff.’.’tlhe l:.t- ( ho nveen Franco and tho United rttates. will meet in Washington ou tho first Alonday ot August cu- su'.ng* Amcricon oil StouiM n. uutinecs that in LotitsaCn.\irgtu.a, there is a quarry, belonging to'Dr., of oil s^ne. o a quality V. ry superior to any heretofore known. I'ayolto Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in SEPTEM BER next, before the court home in the trtwnof Fbji ltnvillc, Fayelie county, belwqi;u the iisu-d huursof sale, ’ Lilt Ilf Lund No. 3, in tlto fourth rfistiRR of formerly Ifctfr* qoW Fnyetto county—levied on as the iiroperly ol .-H>roiii Borders, to sutisly a *i r# is* tm u from n Justice's .Court in favor of John Kcio bearer vssaid Iturders—property pointed out hy do feudaut—levy undo nnd returned to mo hy u cunsla- ' Otic half of Lot, No. 81, in the fourth dis trict of formerly llenry now TuycRc county, where on John II. Bhicktlone now lires-levied on as (tie nroMrtV to satisfy a Fi F* Il favor of William i • »> u- loii nnd oilier* is said Blnckstone-propcrty _ pointed out by the pliiintiff—levy mude and returned to me by a conaluble. . , . One itecrD gi 1 hy the name of Harriet—le vied on ax tho property of Phomas Mackoy to satisfy sundry Fi Fas'in tavurnf \V. A.Mangum and \\ m. Word v. riioinav Msskoy—levy miide »nd rel'wmd lo me hy h conilublc. 1A l ilLw LlPi, July 21.1.-32. f»/y. i>Set\ff. ta-gS ILL bo sold, on the first Tuesday in OCTO- V V BEK next, agreeubly to *ri order oF lue lo- ferior Court of Hburtou conuly, w hen silling for ore illmiry purpose, at lho court houio door jo lerrv, Houston county. „ v, tot of tand No. 170, in the fourteenth JBstriet of said coonly-lo be sold ax tho nroi'erty uTiU.Mtv R. Ulascuxuo, decerned —dower excepted. Terirtl oi» tlm day. ’ i a. B. CHASTAIN, adm’or. August 1, 1632 31 « GUEEABLF. to the Inst wilt and testament n^ i\ (Jhadiah Phillips, deceased, w ill he sold at thW court house in Gw innelt county, ou the first Tuesday in OCTOBER.irxt, , „ _ tot of tand, Line in the sixth district of Gw innelt county, known if, ,No. V>|), conti,iuing 2W acres more or les : . 1 ci ins .nadc pHir j. IPa . Aug I- 31 EstcauU. Bax Collector’s Sales. W ILL lie sold on the first Tund.y iu OCTO- BEK next nl the court bouse in Clinton, Jones couuty* between the hiwfut hours, the follow i»K P^°- perty, or so iimcli thereof as "will [my >ne t«»w uue tor le'.tf «nd costs: v 202 U2 tieres of Land, sec« nu qujtity, IN a* 9J, In the fifth district of.Cow eta county—to be itdd nt the property of Edicin Bowen to pay Ins lex for tbo year 1831, ?G cents 7 1-2 nulls and cost. 318 neves of Land, third oii-ility, m Jones county, udjoinlng White—to be sold i’« of Jain H'vnans, lo pay hi. tax foVlhe year 1«J1. §12-38-4 1-5,and costs. . , .. 710 acres of Laud, second and third quali ty, adjoining M-Ala<h, Glody creek. In Jone* cuunty —to be sold ns tires property of John R. M'hlalh- ney at law, (o pay his tai for the year 18-1, • 1 1-2, mid cost*. . , , 101 1-4 acres of Land, second oualii.v, ad joining Illy, in June, eo'unty-lo be sold a. lb* pro- |>erty of Uenjnmiu Heath, (» I'*-’ ’!,V fel*' i j-ii s, i f O ', i* and cost*- GIDEON MA.f*ON, Auratl 1832 Tux Coieetor. Jsr.ucount,. J April 12 121 . LIAM-' HTGH F oao.,f, e S??s®F'Vere & oo May 25 144