Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, September 12, 1832, Image 1

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reel , v T he Macon Telegro } :i is Ev nu ,rn,n K-‘ ' ' Office on Mulberry 2.Ti/rek Dollars a year, i or fOUR poUiAESr il not pai ‘f V, e year. Subscribers hvin t r ,i ia all cases to pay in a ast paid befe hie in aa-| re the I 112 at a dialadee | vance. : ans>/©»££$? m: subscriber respectfully informs ET<H V ItE i SICAI. INSTRUMEN'I v wSSt^[ Socks, BEnsic, &lc. HOTWRLL & CO. pn-i-v aiui opening at their BOG a STORE.A mimlUnf DK. L ELLIS, AYTXG determined to settle permanently in Macon, resuecifuliv toilers bis Professional Services to the inhabitants of the town and adjaeen try. I or the satisfaction ol’those who are nnric quaiuted- with him, he thinks proper to state, that he was regularly admitted to his profession in f.804. agreeably to the laws and regulations of the btate cf New York, -and that most of his time 1 since that period has been devoted to an e~\ten- llpahmcut, it is necessary that he should re- L^ ^ither cash or bankable .paper for his him-1 1^ diich be is deposed to sell a.t a fair price, j ? <H " ! " t|,e public patronage is very respect- BENJ. F. OWENS. her. \ share •§ r-A first rate SAWYER, may, by ap- | iviDTT immediately, obtain good wages and a per- \ Copartnership. subscribers have this day purchased the 'I' e’ltire stock of goods belonging to -Wiley, r t. for! in this place, ami will continue the I* 31 . l if . at t | if . same store on the corner of Sec- Tufpeet and Cotton Avenue, opposite Wash- !jLa Hall, uudcr-lbe firm of BAXTER. FORT & AVILEY. Tiicv have on band a general assortment of ■ 1 roods well adapted to the town and country Sc which will be sold at low prices and on li- Ajl’terms, by the yard, piece or packsgo.-- >y so’irit a continuation of the patronage of omer easterners and site public generally. .jraier ci.sw THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. TORT. LAIRD JI. WILEY. IG1 A ccli 1 large assortment of Books, sting cl fifteen hundred volumes: a cata- •ariiig a considerable portion of which. epertQvy. April 19 logue en is published in the Christian the I 'Jrh Newton great variety of STATIONARY and Mis- nenus articles. mrge assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, r 'rinfs, &c. &c. the Bo _ ’1 hey respectfully invite the attention of public to the above, and request them to call and xoaroine. ‘ June 11 24 .&and in iMewton, RACTIONS No. 333 and 334. in District originally Henry now ounty, are for sale, Apply in Macon to Dee 1 33 M. JiA RTLETT. TAVENTY-FiEE- .... 3?er cent, cheapo? than ever l COACS r il ' Mnron, July h 1832* . UE subscriber having withdrawn from the j gres, Barouches auj Carriages, they fee late firm of Jf’ifljj, Baxter Sr Fort, and sold 1 orient of pleasing customers both in articb :! interest to his Brother, Laird IL Wii,**y re- r„»lv asks a continuation of patronage from gS, to the new firm of BAXTER, FORT .utifY. LEROY M. WILEY. 183a- '«! Dissolution.; »rstjE Copartnership heretofore existing un- ' SL dcr tin firm of Wiley, Baxter Fort, is .A ,: , T dissolved' by mutual consent. The en- busiirss of the concern will be settled hy f\XTER. FORT & WILEY, who will con- ; n ne the business at the same stand. LEROY M. WILEY. THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. FORT. Macon, Jo’* 1. 1*32. lffl j 7S1 HE Subscribers still continue the business .SL ar. the old stand, corner of Walnut ami Fourth Streets, where, work will be done accord ing to order. Having a large assortment of arti cles ordered from the North which will arrive iu the course of the summer, consisting of Gigs, Bu- con articles and prices The have now on hand'an assortment which will be sold low for cash, such as fciulkevs, Gigs, and Barouches; besides several splendid sets of Harness, with Laces, Garpeting, Morocco, Springs of different kinds’, Joints, Bands, Loops and Bows of all sizes. Orders for Carnages punctually attended to, and warranted to please or no sale. - .BENTON &C BACON. Wanted as an Apprentice, A lad about fourjeeju or fifteen years of age, of j steady moral habits. B. & B. - May 4 138 ' * V . . Said fos* Bale. J.,t N'n. 21, in the 11th district of Lee county. ,4 :u, “ 82«f “ “■ - • r.i, “ 29th *• ‘J20, ** 10th “ . “ I)A Y fc BUTTS, Agents. Macon, Julv 27, 1832.. 1G4 - 'NT* Goods and CftotMng’, 1ST received at the Macon Clothing Store Apr.! 12 121 LEWIS FITCH l&RW SOCKS, v.,. ■ EVVRE, by the author of Tremaine, Jaqueline of Holland ». - Anastasias, by T. Hope, Sketches in China, by W. AV. Wood, Phiiip Augustus, by the author of Rich elieu, • -.x - ■.•••• Journal of the Rcv’ds Tyerman Ic Benuct, beiug the 1st, 2tl and 3d Nos. of the library of religious knowledge. london Annuals for 1832. Tbo Amulet, the Keepsake, v . Litarary Souvenir, Christinas Bo.t, Juvenile Forget :ne not, - • ' >-~ Tlie Musical Gem, Musical Bijou. March! 69 ELLIS.-SHOTWELL <fc CO. COTTON BAGGING, O.N CONSIGN MKX T. yi j subscribers have on the river, and will M. receive in a few days. , 1080 pieces ££emp Sagfgingii They have made arrangemem^ with tbeir friends in Savannah and Charleston to be regularly sup plied throughout the season, and they will at all times be prepared to sell at the lowest market prices end on a long credit. May 15 MI . REA & COTTON. (Ph --CK fk BRICK, .Idiver- 74 'ZJ %Pe 'A# able in a lew days notice, for sale by C. A. IliC/GlNS. N. B. The'above article can be bad iu quan tities to suit purchasers on contract, by giving short notice to the subscriber, who. .acts as agent for an extensive kiln in the neighborhood. June 5 117 C. A. H. Alum Salt and Sjime. ~g / f? Bushels Alum Salt %ji' Ij 100 casks Tiiomaston Lime Tor sale by . REA & COTTON, p eh 20 82 HATS. | IgTST received a few cases gentlemen’s fash- i ionable Beaver If ATS. ft \VM. II. BURD3ALL. T HE Hoicard Insurance Company of Nile ! I Fori continues to insure COTTON, when 1 shipped on good Boats or Boxes, against the dangers of .the lUvgr. Kates ; of Premiana are moJcratc. Apply to C. DAY", Agent. _Dcc 20 , r il * ^ ^Circulating library* SUBSCRIBERS to the Circulating Library U can now be furnished with books. <V large collection of Miscellaneous works wih be appropriated to the Library: and a number of periodicals, together with many other valuable ' Cf ks to afford geueral Fatcrest, will be added as •ooa as practicable. • - ' • # | Persons wishing to become subscribers, will j Pkasecall ou Air. John H. Ellis, {who will act as j wofariaa,) or at-thc store, where a catalogue of Lia books can seen. i April 19 121 ELLIS, SET WELL & CO. .... I ■ o/a staiidy corner of. (Jher-ry cnul Second sis* Bo now receiving from New York and Boston, f*- a ,rc i>b supply of Goods, which, in- addition o those'0q baud, will make his stock very larj ,. c °aiplote, which he offers or. as reason; •erins as they can be had in this maeket. llie oOOds comprise a general . Assortment of Groceries, Viz—]SO bags Coffee, 45 hhds St Croix, Porto Rico and N ■ffJS'AVE received per Boat Rebecca, and offer jaL for sale on reasonable terms, -1000 bushels Salt .10,000 lbs Bacon 20 tons Swedes‘Iron 20 hhds Sugar 200 bags Cofieo G hhds Molasses f>0 bhls prime Pork 25 bbls No. 2 Mackerel 25 bhls No. 3 ditto . 50 hbls N. E. Rum 50 bills. Gin 80 pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Sperm Candles Window Glass Nails Cognac Brandy Holland Gin Malaga, Madeira and Ten:riffe Wine. Together with a general assortment of ™ jDry Goods, Hardware, Saddlery able CROCKK ItY, HATS, SHOES, BLACKS MIT ITS TOOLS, &c. &c. &c. June 18, 1832. 25 Orleans fcugar, 21 bbis Loaf and Lump do 12 q.- chests Tea 20,000 lbs Iron J0 1, ids .Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 40 kegs Nails Jamaica Rum Cognac Brandy Northern Gin, Northern Rum Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, Shot, &c. &rc ALSO, WI 7 £ cods; Hardware, Cutlery, Tti Croc>f. Boots, Shoes, BLAXKETS, saddles, jttg 43 d:c - 4lc - &r - . -Por or Ezehange. ^ I IRS T raa? ciose-bcdy CARItlAGt, ^S‘, Dta riy r.ev,'. in good order, and well made, r,f ' st'l-d r.'asar.ablv, or exchanged for a good ' ^ baise. Apply to C. A.HIGGINS. 8 hr * 1 3 P r ,n . ^eaioii 55yrnp, . eaie by ELLIS, SlIOTWELL & CO Ma y 25 144 NSW WOSES, INOTT S Elcmcnu of Physics Evidence of Prophecy Rev. Robert Hall’s Works ‘ _ . Essay ou Formation and Publication ol Upi- -nions _ . t Efsavs on Truth. Knowledge, Evidence, ccc. Pitcairn’s Island Otahietc, &zc.—last Family Library Ambitious Student, by PR L. Bulwer Life of Stepheu Girard Hall’s Lectures on School Keeping Romance of.Reality Sister’s Budget ; . Whispeis to a Newly Married Pair Reports on Locomotive aud Fixed Engines Eleventh Edition Henry's Chemistry Alexander’s Bible Dictionary. Brief Itemarker Medical* Syme’s Surgery Larrey’s Surgical Memoirs Gooch on Females GoocK’s Midwifery Bell on Baths aud Mineral vv aters Carpenter’s Essay on Materia Medica Co star’s Physiological Practice Peurpera) Peritonitis, by Dr. Baudelecque Ryae’« Medical Jurisprudence With a large collection of Medical. Law. fttis- eellaneous and School Books for sale by 2t> 4t ELLIS, SHOTWELL & Co. JOB MA&m f 3 just opening n very esiensive and splendid ?.s sortmeni of GOODS, which has been -elected in THE NEW YORK MARKET' hv himself, from the latest importations, which are particularly calculated for this market, and which will he disposed of fully SWfiKTTTr-FITO SES. C33&TT. cheaper than over. These goods are of the latest style And most fashionable patterns, and are offered to his SYiejids and the 3?nfeiic with confidence fully assured, that not only the style but prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention i= requested to the same—a few of. the arti cles are mentioned, viz: 200.pieces Calicoes and Prints, some very rich. Extra fine Furniture Calicoes and Common. 50 pieces fine Parisli Muslins and Ginghams, plain and striped, figured find striped Mandarines, Saragos- sas black and purple Grodeswiss and Italian Silks Watered Grodenap, black and brown colored do., Hernani Gauzes, Orleans Rohes, painted P.dinarines and Crape Deleon, Hack and colored 6ilk. Camhlets and Princettas, fine French Bombazines. Blond Gauze Veils {some extra s ; zes), Satin Strews, Scarfs Fancy Handkerchiefs and Khawls, very rich, sett Cap and Belt Ribbons new patterns, Thread I.nces and Insert, bigs, also Edgings and Footings, cheeked mid striped Muslins, Jackonet, Swiss aud Cambric do., one case grr.«s bleached Irish Linens assorted, Long Lawns, Linen Cambrics and Cambric Handkerchiefs. S.uper- Ve.stings, plaid and plain Drillings .aud fine French Linens, Pongees and Pons'e Handkerchiefs, Bandan na aud Flags, Gloves and Mitts assorted. 50 dozen Silk, Cotton, Randon Hose and half Hose assorted.- - 1 ■ 100 Parasoh and Umbrellas, very neat and rich. TOO pieces Mosquito Netting. Bead Bags and Purses. Shell Tuck and Side Combs, Cambric and Furniture Demitiesnnd Cotton Fringes, 6. 7, 8, 9,-10, Li and IS by 4 Damask Table Cloths. Table Covers, Dunstable and Straw Bonnets, Palm Leaf Hats. Black and Drab Beaver Hals, latest fash ions, Travelling Cap3 and Trunks. 10 baies Sheetings, Shirtings and Plaids. 500 lbs span Cotton, Tickings, Osnaburgs, Cot ton Cards, &c. Also, an extensive assortment of Perfumery. Soaps. Oils, Powder, Powder Boxes afid Puffs, Erosive Balls, Colbgnd; Honey and Rose Waters, Otlo of Roses, &c.<Sc. Aiso. 3000 pair Shoes and Pumps assorted, and 100 pair Morocco and Calf Boots, some very neat and fine. And a very large supply of Saddles, Bridles, llfcariingals, SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS, &c: &c.&g. Together with a general assortment of Hardware <§• Cutlery of all kinds that is wanted in this market; also CAR PENTER’S TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Cross cut and Mill Saws, Guns, Rifles, cVe. Also a supply of Crockery, China and Glass Ware Also riO dozen superior Calf Skins, Gining and Binding Skins, Sole Leather. Gin Band Leather, <fcc. And a supplv of GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI CINES, &c. ' Macon, April 20 120 . YBU' SPRING GOODS. ss. an&vis dt sosr RE now receiving frooi New York and Bos YjsL ton, a large aud fresh supplv of SPRIXCl j coun ‘ j and FANCY" SUMMER GOODS, consisting in j ! part of - j i GOO pa Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Gingiu ins, Printed Muslins : 100 ps Italian,.Grodenap, Slnthew. Sarsnet,Chan | j geable, Figured and Fancy colored SILKS 200 ps Corded Muslins. Cambric Dimity. A: c Pieces Figured and plain Swiss Muriina TOO do Irish Linens 3Oil do Pongee and Fancy Silk lldkfs 200 Go Raw Silk do 100 dPz Fancy Dress Shawls and Scarfs 300 do Cotton, Madrass, and Head lldkfs Linen Drilling Gentlemen’s Slocks and Cravats, Brown Linen, Roweh Cassimcre, Beaverteen, Bang up Cord, Circassians 500 doz Hosiery and Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread j 50 doz Ball Thr'er d, 50 do Spool do j 150 doz pr Suspenders, 200 do Tucking Combs rT500 do Side Combs, Tortoise Shell do j Stressing Combs, ]00 ps Mosquito Netting, Fancy- Baskets, do Boxes, 100 lb Flax Tliread, Sewiiig Silk. > Leghorn and Dunstable Bonnets, Umbrellas—Mar- j seiiies. Silk, Valencia and 1 VelvetVestirtgs—Bleach’d j Homespuns, Plajd do. Furniture Plaids. Checks,! Stripes. Ticking. 20 bales brown Homespuns, CO ps ! Osnalurgs. Russia Duck, do Sheetings. | a general asso rhr,en tofSUMMER CL O THIN G consisting of Coats, Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons, Nc. <S:e. A large supply of Shines ^4 Hoots, Hats, Saddlery »ic. Ac. . 100 doz Palm Leaf Hats. A ecmnlete assortment of IIA118 WARE ana CUT i LERY, GLAS8 WARE. CROCKERY 7 , Arc. iV c.» ! The above Goods were purchased in New York j and Boston, a few weeks since, (of iccent importa- • lions,) at twenty per cent less than former prices, ! and will be sold unusuolly-low. Also,—itill reethe. next >cee!:, a largo sitppiy of j GROCERIES, IRON & STEEL, NAILS &e S:c. For caie us above, G000 lbs prime BACON, j march 31 115 ■ 1 LINES WRITTEN AT SEA. The Sea, the Sea, the deep green Sea, My fortunes now, arc all on thee: Thy placid brow is smooth and bright, Reflecting back the golden light— But deep within thy bosom reign, The spirits of the angry main; And but a breath it needs to raise Their anger to a fervent blaze; To wake them from their dreamy sleep,. Aud rouse the fury of tho deep. Deceitful Sea, deceitful Sea, There’s no dependence e’er on thee; Thy face so mild, thy mien so fair, Embosoms’dread destruction there. The ripple? o’er thy surface move, Like dimples on the cheeks of Love; Thy heaving bosom, tip’d with white, Like beauty in her robes so 'light, Thy crested waves, that onward rush. L ike war horse to the battle's crush;— H ow beautiful, how fair thou seem's;, A s ever youthful Doet dream’ St. A udyet, great Son, devoid oi 7 heart. 1! ow false, how doubly false i thou art- 1" d sooner trust thee, cruel D< sep, V hen al! thy powers are waked from V, rhen air am! sea arc irixt in cue, Family Cooking Stoves, ILL Irons and Cotton Gin Machinery for . sale by ELLIS. SHOTWELL & CO. May 25 144 ■ Sugar* C?o^fce 9 &c. GRAVES & SON have just receive the following articles: 12 hhds St. Crbix and N. O. Sugars 30 bbls Loaf do 50 bags Coffee 40 bills Rum 20 bbls N. Gin 20 bbls-YVhiskey 10 hhds Molasses 20 bbls Potatoes 2 pipes Cog. Brandy 2 pipes Holland Giu 2 hhds Jam. Rum 25 hbls YVine 20 bbls Cordial 50,000 Cigars Boxes Soap, Candies Pepper, Pimento, Ginger Tobacco. Pearl ash, Copperas "Boxes Hyson aud Black Tea 50,000 lbs Iron and Steel 2000 lbs IIoop Iron Castings, &c. &r.c. All of w hich will be sold very low. April Il r 321 - and Negroes Wanted. T HE subscribers will pay liberal prices for a few likely men, young aud of good char etcr. BLANTON & SMITH. May 25 144 KEW GOODS. UST received from New Y orkj a lar splendid assortment of SPRING GOODS, Consisting of a varietV of plain and sn iped Ging hams, plain and figuered Swiss, Adelaide Stripe, Striped Chambray, Victory Muslins, Thread Iva- ces, do. lnsertings and Edgings, Black Italian Sarsinet, Sinchew and Gro de Najile Silk, Color ed Florence do., Black Italian Crape, Birdseye ! Diaper, Cotton Wadding, Musquito Netting, Mul j Muslin. Lace Cap patterns, Black Bombazine, dp ; Silk Fron-gs, Crape and Gauze Shawls, Green I Berege and White Gauze Veils, Plain aud Faint- | ed Feather Fans, Ladies and Gentlemen’s Gloves, j plain aud bordered Cambric Handkerchiefs. • Eso. a peneral assortment of RlLBONis. A. SHOTWELL & J. S. SMITH. April 37 126 Bills on the Bank af Macon r AKEN by the undersigned a* 75 per cent discount, in payment for Gooes. „ Aug. 14 IBS I'k E. GRAVES & SON. just deceived, T YVO eases Panov Dumtobhs. Dec 17 49 \YM, II. BI RDS AT L. NEW SPUING GOODS. LEWIS FITCH, TP&£.•£'£Yxi. AJBS9 TLxXIaO'SL, S now opening at the Macon Clothing Store, a new and splendid assortment of Bummer G-oods, consisting of superfine Bombazines—brown, slate, black, mixt, white and buff Merino Cassimeres— plaid do. {a new article for pantiloons) w hite and brown Drilling—brown grass Linen—Prince’s Cord, Nankins, buff and white Yalentia v estings —spotted anti white Marseilles do. Satin Floren tine 1 do. black and figured Velvet do. with a good assortment of cloth, velvet and bombazine Stocks, fancy do. SpitalSeid lldkfs.-silk, net and cotton double end Suspenders—English silk half' Hoes, Random do. white and brown, linen figured Cra vats, Italian do. Bosoms, Collars, Stiffeners, Buckskin Gloves, black do. silk and brown linen do". Epaulets, Ball Buttons, &e. &c. N. B. L. Fitch will receive in a few days d handsome assortment of SUMMER CLOTHES’(3 TAILORING carried on in all its above—having the latest New Y 7 ork and London fashions, his work shall not be inferior to any. Fie returns his sincere thanks for past.favors, andso- Uits a continuance of public patronage. March 1 Just received fP ,PL hhds St. Croijc,. Porto Rico, and New Orleans SUGARS 15G bags Coffee 35 barrels Molasses 70 bis Northern Rum, 60 do Whiskey 30 bis Gin 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica Rum 15 quarter chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 lbs Iron - German and English blistered Steel 5,000 lbs Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, aud a General Assortment SPRING GOODS, Cutleru. Hals, Shoes, Boots, eye. And spray and mist obscure <H?sun, And when to heaven thou rear’st thine arca : Tuan in thy still and deadly calm! Off Cave Ilaheras, July 11, 1832. BOOKS. On buying books Lorenzo long was bent, But found at length, that it reduced his rent; His farms were flown; when !o! a sale comes on, A choice collection. What is to be done? He sells his last, for lie the w hole will buy; Sells even his house; hay, wants whereon to lie.- So high the generous ardor of the man For Remans, Greeks and Orientais ran. When terms were drawn, and brought him by the clerk, Lorenzo signed the bargain—with his mark. For sale by May 19 142 GEORGE JEWETT. Headymade Clothing- UST. received, a general assortment ol Ready-, made Clothing, .ofyorysuperior.quality, anti made in the most fashionable manner; tho work of which is warranted. A. SHOTWELL &J. S. SMITH, July 17, 1832. 161 * ; GROCERIES. Hhds prime N. O. Sugar 20.hhds St. Croix do 40 do Molasses 50 bbls Whiskey 50 do Gin (Phelp’s brand) 50 do Rum 20 doz. Cbampaigne 30 bbls New Ark Cider, For sale by C. A. IIIGGINS. May 29 145 English 3Tcrinoes LfTERINO SQUARE SHAWLS just re- f Jt ceivod by WM. H. BURDSALL. Dec 23 54 ___ . VIl-IEtrAIt. GALLONS of first rate, three years old VINEGAR, for sale at the Confectionary of • JOHN SMITH. March .15 102 —-~L One Hundred dollars Reward! ANAWAY 7 from the subscriber, about the 7th July last, a hired negro fellow by the name of DAVE, who belongs to Thomas Price. As this is not the first time said fellow has runa way after being hired out, it is believed he has been furnished with a ticket, authorising him to go off to a distance and hire out his own time. For the apprehensiou of the negro, aud proof of this fact, sufficient to conviction, I will give one hundred dollars, or twenty dollars for the boy a- lone. Said Dave is a tall black fellow-, about 30 years of age. It is probable he is up at the gold mines. DAVID RALSTON. Aug. 24 372 Caring a Hypochondriac.—A gentleman who bad for a long time fancied himself dying of a liv er complaint, was advised by Dl\ Crawford, of Baltimore, to make an excursion into tho State of Ohio. After travelling three mouths, he re turned home, apparently in good health; but, up on receiving information of the death of o. tw in brother, who had actually died of schirrbous liv er, he immediately staggered, and falling down, cried cut lie w-as dead, and had, as be always ex pected," died of a liver complaint. Dr. Crawford being sent for, immediately attended; and, on be ing informed of the notion which had seized the hypochondriac, immediately exclaimed, “O yei, the gentleman is certainly dead, and it is more than probable his liver was the death of him.— However; to ascertain the fact, I will hasten u» cut him open before putrefaction takes place.” He called for a carving knife, and w betting it as a butcher would to open a dead calf, he step ped up to him, and began to open his waistcoat. The hypochondriac became sc.horribly frighten ed, that ho leaped up with the agility of a rabbit, aud'crying out ‘‘Murder! Murder! Murder!” ran off with a speed that would have defied a score of doctors to catch him. After running a consider- able distance, until he was almost exhausted, he halted; and not finding the doctor at his heels, soon became composed. From that period this gentleman was never known to complain of his liver; nor had he, for more than twenty years af terwards, ar.ysyrnptoms of this disease. •Some queer fellow in Philadelphia inquires of Mr. Chandler of the Gazette, the tneaning of dry wine. Wine being liquid; it "strikes the inquiring gentleman as a little out of order to cali it dry.— The Editor’^ answer is very satisfactory. H« says dry wine, means wine imported in empty bottles. For Sale or Rent. A NY" persons wishing to rent or purchase the Houses formerly owned by M. R. Wallis, ou Mulberry street, iu the town of Macon, will apply to Scott Cray Esq. of the Bank of Darien. Aug. 28 4tp . A Mare Mule, O F a yellow claybank color, with a black streak down her back and across her shoulders, be tween three and four years old was taken up by the undersigned living near Robinson & Cranberry s store, (formerly Raines's,) Twiggs comity. The ow ner can have her bv proving property and paying ex penses. sept 4 3tp JOSEPH RAWLS. ;. landscape Paper Hanging. A SPLENDID Assortment, just received and t$L for sale by ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO- May 25 144 Amelia County, Va., Aug. 11, 3832. A Snake's nest.—Whilst fallowing a field, one of my ploughers turned up a nest of eggs the co lor of turtle’s eggs aud about the size (uot larger.); On breaking them I found in every egg a live snake between six and seven inches long, and nearly as large as a man’s little fiuger. When the snake r. as out of the egg, from its size you would have thought it impossible: it could have been enclosed iu so small a compass. There were thirty-two eggs. Several gentlemen aud myself examined them together, and were of o- pinion they were the kind of snake called Moca- sin. On examining Nicholson’s American edi tion of the British Encyclopedia, I find it stated, “some serpents are viviparous, as the rattlesnake, the viper, &c., whilst the innoxious species ar* oviparous.” It is well known that we have u« serpent, amongst us (just above tide-water in Vir ginia) that is more noxious than the Mocasin. If you think this communication is worth its room in your paper you are at liberty to insert it. Richmond Enquirer. Cholera Anecdote.—-The following anecdote i« in circulation and saiu to be authentic:—An indi vidual of fortune being awoke by a severe cholic, fancied himself attacked by the cholera and sent off immediately for physicians, desiring his ser vant iri tho mean time to rub him with a flesh brush. When the medical gentlemen arrived, they found their patient of the most terrific ap pearance, having turned quite black from head t@ foot; but on a closer examination they found that the color was not that of the skin, aa it cam* off on being touched, and at length it was dis covered that the poor servant in his flight had laid hold of the blacking brush, and thus varnish ed the body of his suffering master, who. after the administration of some usual remedies, and the application of a warm bath, soon recovered his health and fair complexion.—French Paper. Cholera among flies.—It is a singular fact that wherever the cholera prevails, the flies die. Ne ver before were there seen so few flies in Liver pool as at present. Butchers, grocers, and pro vision shops are quite free.—Liverpool Journal. We hare observed that flies are less abundant this summer in New York than usual, though by no.means so scarce as they appear to bo in Liv- . erpool. Some other species of insects flourish re markably well in a Cholera atmosphere; particu larly a worm three quarters of an inch to an inch in length encased iu a sheath except its head. This, however, is an essential part of the insect, as it answers the purpose of legs, hands, anti mouth. With it the insect walks, lets itself down by means of a thread manufactured for the occa- . sion, from whatever object it wishes to descend, and devours an immense quantity of foliage. There are 12 or 20 larch trees in Prince end / Greene sts. so completely possessed by these in sects, that mo3t of the leaves have entirely disap peared and what few remain, look a» if they had passed through the fire.—Joto of Com. I' i i * h