Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, September 19, 1832, Image 1

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:>r * wv t- Jjv MyRun Bartlett. VM9H Telegraph's published over)- Wed- f rj lrniMg- Office on M ,llberr . v s<rcf t ' en,t s,<3e - ' r * 3t,B ° Th’ iKS Dollars a year, if paid in ad- "dollars, if not paid before the ’• ' ir ear Subscribers livin" at a distance J oft .* j i0 ^11 cases to pay in advance. j&TXj .va» -AT* AS® BSZSS. ’me subscriber respectfully informs the pub- & «s- y sT sboexAs fi-is residence, within one mile of Macon, v »s Kcomplete and successful" operat.on. in K to other machinery he is prepared with a rj?Mir for ripping I17.1t lumber such as |c i Sasb, W«»F. Laths, &c. In of the heavy expenditure incurred 'l- mipat, i: ?s necessary that ne shoe ibL ih"r cash or bankable paper for his htm- icb ha U disposed to sell at a fair price. n { t h e public patronage is very respect- yeofUiep r BE v F . GY/EN0. grat rato SAWYER, may, by an- &cdiHlcly,obtain good wages «nd a per- onse- in its mid re- I ■.. kjU situation Poparts© V.'nAMj t tf A?. .nbscribers have this dnv purchased the “e^re stock of goods belonging to ; Sf Fort in this place, and will continue the L at the same store on the corner of Sec- ?t r Vet and Cotton Avonue, opposite \\ ash- liill under the firm of 1 VTER, FORT & WIMJT. w hlV e on band n general «sortment of 1,/nod* well adapted to the town ann country L which will 1.3 sold at low prices and on li- |MK bf the y»rd, pitc* or package.,- [.-solicit a continuation of tne patronage of L**>mtomers and the public generally. Lorcustomor. T jj 0 MAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. FORT. L AIRD H. WILEY. ,hcsn, July 1,1832. L>1 ?UF, subscriber having withdrawn from the / late firm of WiLy, Vaxter Fort, and sold interest to his Brother, Laird K. Wixet, rc- ctfully ask* a continuation of patronage from ,' : »nii5 to the new firm of RAX lER, X ORx Ey. LEROY M. WILEY, f aeon, July 1,183& lfil Sissslution. Copartnership heretofore existing nn- i der tho firm of Wiley* Baxter ?,* Fort, is 1 <hy dissolved by mutual consent. The cn- j bmti s* of tho concern will ha settled by (aTER, FORT & WILEY, who will con- lie the business at the 5?mc.stand. LEROY M. WIT.EY. THOM A S W. F> AXTER. ROBERT W. FORT, ihroo, July 1,1882. 161 T.-s Cfoli Sashs tor »ais. iNo. 21, ia tii3 11th district of Lee county. • 21, “ .321 “ “ 2^4, “ rOth “ “ £20. “ ICih “ “ DAY PUTTS, Agents. fsrnn, Tniv £7, 1 532. .164 j!’!E Howard Insurance Company of Nei t York continues toinsure COTTON, whe Ried on rood Boats or Boxes, against thgp n of the River. Rates of Premium arc 'lerate. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. Pm 20 r.i « Ncgrass Wanted. IHEsubscribers will pay liberal prices fora few likelv men, young and of good rhar . ' BLANTON & SMITH. |h?25 J44 C/oo Iz ?.sd Glotlisn [bbt received at the Macon Clothln- Audi 12 121 LEWIS I I Ston A* uzf k.Ov 3 , "*7 RE, hv the author of Tremaine, Jaqusline of Holland . Aanstasius, by T. Hope, Sketches in China, by Vi. W. Wood, Philip^ Augustus, by the author of Rich elieu, Journal of the Rev'ds Tyerman &Benuet, being tho 1st, 2d and od Nos. of the li’-rary of religion 1 knowledge. AiiTSTitiisfor 1 SSS* iha Amulet, the Keepsake, Lterarv Soavt«jjr. Christmas Box, Juvenile Forge* 'no not. The Musical Gem, Musical Biiou. W 39 ELLIS. .• iiiiTivr.ij & m. ray K cm now be famished with books. F*Sf£e collccttoii of Miscellaneous works w ill appropriated to tho T.ibr. rv; »nd a numtiert.! together, with many other va’u.t it- » 10 Tf! general interest, will be added a.“ ?** Practicable. , CR fi w Lhing to become sii'-scribers, *vi!i rarh‘ i >lr - f' jhd lL LWs - (who w:!i act 0- ,u, n ’) or at the store, where a catalogue o; < ?/? ® an be seen. 1 131 ELLIS. SITTWELL &CO. T du FALI.S OF COOSA, ^labasRa. Slt< v; l‘‘ cl1 t ° r * time has 00- .* ie ft the many thousand Tid 1 nri - m ‘ ’! ri | S '' W u> h i ,ve brheiri its advantiigeous aadhnruaded locatmn. by the recent acquisition of ec-of„^ em ! ry,in Alr,han ' a - i3 becoming an ob- ' ? f i great notoriety, that the proprietors hav. '•etc 1 mined to offur the same for sale. 1 MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1833. IIP cu men of on olthe or o.ry -tze, on Monday, 4th Fehrnarv. Ib33. .... I!rs °nsudn. have visited the m< st attractive points u here an interchange ot the products of the interior commodities takes place, are unanim ous u, the declaration, that this place possesses pre- cint:tent advantages over any other in the Southern ronnti v. Situated at thrextrenie head ot navigation nr. the Coosa, a river navigable to this point, by steam [lOatsof the laigest size. Forconvenienceand healtli. i," location t c unsurpassed, presenting to the eye a i er- lert unbt. k< a plain, having a declination sufficient o; !y •-) convey off the super* bun dent water. In t, ni . !t ?tn the river in a bold bluff, graduating on itsiippcr arui lower extrr inities. into tlie finest naN iir I In;■* —on poet TWENTY-FIVE Per cent, cheaper thaa everl JOBMAGIS J 3 just opening a very extensive and splendid as -™- s °rtmen' ot (iDOI)ji, which has bepn selected in THE NEW YORK MARKET oy himself, from the latest im[ ortations. which are particularly calculated lor this market, and which wVi be dispoiad of fully r jCWE2M2?‘Sr-2'I\rr PEa CEUTIT. cheaper ban ever. These goods are of the latest style and most htshionahl? patterns, and nre <»ff^red to hU Trientls and the Public with co an deuce fully assured, that not only the sty ! e bi.t prices will fully meet their approbation. Their attention is requested to the tame—a few of the arti cles are mentioned, viz: tjufi pirces t'alicoes and Prints, some very rieh. 1 xtra fine Furniture Calicoes anc Comnion. o'l niece* fine Parish Muslins and (iingharos, plain md striped, figured ami striped Mandarines, Saragos- as iilack and purple Grodeswiss mid Italian iSilk? y extend- of conse ui ir tut; only depot for the fupply of a w del «-d up-co’intry, with merchandise, it muse.. quence become the mart for the production ot the fe.-.o • .allies of the Coosa, the Tallapoosa, and the I p, er CbattHhoocitle, together with the salubrious 3i.i very productive uplands of. 1 Talladega, the latter of which will in nil numan probability be peopled bv a m -re dense population than any country of like ex- tent s v»i* It of the Potomac. The entire hill country o: these, regions, abounds In quarries of Marble,'Lfenc. stone and in fact all kinds ol mineral wealth. As re- snects the contemplated connexion of the waters of tho Tennessee with those of the Alabama; if by Canal, it will have its eihbonchment; if by. Rail Road, imme- diatelv at this spot will terminate orie of its extremi- ri«s. The well known advantages of this place len ders further remarks unnecessary, other than to sav that to the capitalist it offops s desirable oppnrtuoity f'* r profitable inve«;me::t-— to the mcn-hant it offers advantages for an extensive trade—to the mechanic, the allurement ofxvhat must soon becomp a Eonrish- iuff town not of ephemeral existence.-but of n perma nent and dai!'. 7 increasing imuortance—to the filnnter, a desirable and pleasant town residence convenient to the alluvia! bottomsof the Coosa, the Alabama and the Tallapoosa. In addition to which, it will un doubtedly, at no rnnoTi n iod, become the location >>f ije State capitol. fo* .vhich it offers greaterindnee- ment, than any other j iint on the Eastern waters of the State. Turing or Pathkst—Gne ard two year*. Snips to take piece on the premises until iho lots are di«po«- ad of. GEORGE WHITMAN, A og. 25 5t ra 35 A gent for the Company MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, is. !5?-joks, r?2^.sic 5 &.Cm EI^EIS, SHOTW15EL* & CO. fi.. .Rrl now receiving and opening at ibeir BOOK STORE, a numberof PIANO FORTES, •f a rich description, nnd a variety of other Hu- icnl Instruments, with Instruction Books and lusic adapted to the same, A large collection of '■•fr.w 'rhe PiarrO f emlxrncmg all the Music of the celebrated Cinde- **o-? ! Opera, and a variety of Engravings, Carica tures, Flints, &e.—also, JH large assortment of BooJiS, consisting of fifteen hundred volumes: a oata- J *goe embracing a considerable portion of which, is published in the Christian Repertory. A great variety’of STATIONARY end Mis cellaneous articles. A large assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, ■'ordering, Fire Prints, &c. &c. They respectfully invite the attention of the nubile to the above, and request them to call and xaamine. dune II 24 CO A BSA'ar.mGi r’s §2yS ZKT&ZT, n t of v herrif and. otedndsts .), - — Stand, corn itrl j[®C6* v i a 6 from New York and tiosten. th CiQ a5lJ P'»dy of Goods, which, in addition - 1::u d, vcill make his stock very Erg. 3u-V.c'’* ,v ‘ llc ‘ 1 c *^ cr:i oa *> reasonable caa ^ )e t ai * maeket. Ili» ^ a general Assortiri'nl of Groceries, Coffee, 45 hhdi 8t roit, Porto Rico and N . JrI eans 8.*y.r, f, bbls Loaf aud Lump do qr chests Tea Iron sseo 12 *O.0O>3 lb jr^ ‘-iolassi bushels Sar.t E Subscribers still continue the business at the old stand, corner of Walnut and f ourth Streets, where work will be done accord ing to order. Having n large assortment of arti cles ordered from -he North which will arrive in the course of the su mmer, consisting oH : igs, Bu gles, Barouches and Carriages, they feel con fident of pleasing customers both in articles and prices. ; * The have no'ir on h ind an assortment which will bo gold low for cash, such as Sulkeys, Gig nnd Barouches; besides several splendid sets of Harness, with Laces, Carpeting, Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bands, Loops and Bows of all sizes. Orders for Carriages 1 uuctu: i!y attended to, and warranted to please Lr uo 8-le. BENTON & BAC ON. ^Trai^ed as j£i Apprentice, A lad about fourteen or fifteen years of age, of Steady moral habits. D. & B. May 4 Ri3 __ ■. JZASS. - l-ST reroived fin.l for sale hy ihefi.WriberB several cases of Brewstcr’ff 3lack ac 1 33*rah Reaver Eats, Not inferior to any in the Market. Aisa A general assortment of DRY GOODS in addition to their former stock: which will be wb: »ow. A. SHOT WELL & J. 6. SMITH. J my 13, 1332. 160 Sugar, Coffee, &c. 4 GRAVES & SON have just receive tiP ss 103 40 piece* Hemp and Tew Bagging, tags Nails Jamaica Run, Cogmc Brandy Northern Gin, Northers Ran . *> hiskey, ^PP?e Brandy, Wine, « owder, Shot, &e. Hardware, Cutlery, Uts Hoots, Shoes> w* 4k. &C, Cooki tng Staves* 0 the following articles: iZ hhds St. Croix and N. O. Eugara 10 bbls Loaf do 50 bags Coffee 40 bbls Rum 20 bhls N. Gin 20 bbls Whiskey 10 hhds Molassee 20 bbls Potatoes 2 pipes Cog. Brandy 2 pipes Holland Gia 2 nbds Jam. Rota 25 bbls Whie 20 bbls Cordial Cigars Boxes Soap, Candle* Pepper, Pimento, Ginger Tobacco, Poarlaah, Copper* Boxee Hyson and Black Ton 06,000 lbs Iron anti 8tool 8000 Ibe Hoop Iron - : ' Costings, * _ . ry rich, sett Cap Belt Ribbons new patterns,-Thread l,ai’cs and Iiixert L'lghigs and Footings, cbeak^p swh! strlpt-d Muslins, Jackonct. Swiss cud Cambric' do., one case bleached Irish Linens assorted, Ixiig Lawns Linen Camt>cics and Cambric Handkerclik'fs. Super- Vestings, plaid and plain Brillinss and 3ne Frenali Linens, Tongeesand Ponee Tlaiidkeroliiefs, Bandan na and Flags, Gloves and Mitts assorted. - 50 doz^n Silk, Cotton, Randort Hose and half Hose assorted. 100 PRrasolr nnfi Umbrellas- very neat and rich. 100 pieces Mosquito Netting. Bead Bugs and Purses. Shell Tuck and ShleCombs. Cambric and Furnitcr? Deiftities and Cotton Fringes. 6.7,8,!), 10, I I and 12 by 4 Damask Table Cloths. Table Coves, Dunstable and Htraw Bonnets. Palm Leaf Hats Black and Drab Beaver Hats, latest fash ions, Travelling Caps ami Trunks. 10 bales Sheetings, Shirtings and Plaids, i ,500 lbs spun Cotton, Tickings. Osnaburgs, Cot ton Cards. »S-c. Also, an extensive assortment of Perfumery,- ?oaps. Oil* Powder Powder Box**s and Puffs. Frasive. Balls,- Cologne, Honey and Rose Water:, Otto of Roses, >X'.e.&c. Also, 30‘t0 pair Siioes nnd Pumps n**orted.-and 100 pa ir Morocco and Calf Boots, some very neat and fine . And a very large supply of Saddles, Sfcrz&les, ^> ? art?!5.e‘a!s, SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BA*GS } (fee. &c &c. Together with a general essortment of Hardware 4' Cutlery of nil kinds that is wanted in this market; also CAR PENTER’S TOOLS of all kinds. BLACKSMI r j|l TOOLS, Cross cut and Mill Saws, Gijns, Rifles, Ifc. Also a supjdy of Crockery, China nnd Glass Ware Also 10 dozen superior Calf Skins. Gining and Binding Skins. Sole Leather. Gin Band Leather. &c. And a supply of GROCERIES, FAMILY MED1 CINF.S, &c. • Macon, April 20 120 Dil. t. ELLIS, , A VINO determined to settle pennanentl-, in Macon,, respectfully offers his ^rsfessjioaal Services to the inhabituutsef the town and ndjaeentcoun- try. For the satisfaction of those xvho are unac quainted with him. he thinks properto state, that* he was regularly admitted to his profession -in 1804, agreeably to the laws and regulations of the State of New York, and that most of his time since that period has been devoted to nu exten sive practice. Pv irfaitnful discharge cf his pro fessional duties, he hopes to merit a liberal pat ronage. His residence nnd office are in the house formerly occupied nyMr. Birdsong, on Mtdbeiry xtreet. Jan. 14 2 rancy Clocks. OUR good FANCY CLOCKS for sale It bf C. A. HIGGINS. April 39 128 NEW SPtriNc GOODS. LKWig FITCH, f S now opfeniug at the Macon Cloihiug Store, a new and aplendid assortment of Summer Goods, consisting of superfine Bomhaziues—brown, slate, black, mixt, white and buff Merino Cassimeres— plaid do. (a new article for pnutiloons) white and brown Drilling—brown grass Linen—Prince's Cord, Nankins, buff and white Valentia Vestings —spotted and white Marseilles do. Satin Floren tine do. black and figured Velvet do. with a good assortment of cloth, velvet and bombazine Stocks, fancy do. Spitalfield fldkfs. silk, net and cotton <!ou:>le end Suspenders—English silk half Hoes, Raudem <io. white and brown linen figured Cra vats*, Itali in do. Bosoms, Collars, Stiffeners, •luckskm Glove*, black do. silk and brown linen <fo. Epaulets. Ball Buttons, tVc. &c. N. li.. L. Fitch will receive in a few da vs a handsome assortment of SUMM ER CLOTH3 NG TAILORING c.arried ou in all its hir.nehes as above—-having the latest New York and London fashions, his work shall not be inferior to any. fie 1 turns his sincere thanks for past favors, and so- • its a coutiuuauee of public patronage. March 1 Xiand in S^ewton. R.ACTIONS No. 333 and 334. in the 16th ’ ‘ District origiually Henry now Newton ounty, are for sale, Dec I 35 Apply in Macon to M. BARTLETT. l*or or Eizcliaag'e. FIRST rate close-body CARRIAGE, nearly new. in good order, and well made, ill be sold reasonably, or exchanged for a good Gig or Chaise. Apply to C.-A.HIGGINS. june 8343 OR salo by El May 25 144 on Syrup, -LI3. SHO hV WELL & CO B 3Tnst received hhds St. Croix, Porto Rico, and NffW *2 Orleans SUGARS 150 bags Coffee 35 barrels MolasBee 70 bis Northern Rum, 60 do WhiskOT 30 bis Gin 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin — Jamaica Rum 15 quarter chests Tex, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 lbs Iron German end English blistered Sttfft 5,000 lbs Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, and a General Assortment SPRUNG GOODS, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Hoots, 8?c. For sale by GEORGE JEWETT. May T9 142 , 1il.ea&y!ii5£tl'D Cioisiimg’. UST received, a generalasstirtmentoflZeaiL/- made Clothing, of very superior quality, and made in the most fashionable manner; the -work ■>f which is warranted. A. SHOT WELL & J. S. SMITH, Julv 17, 1S32. 161 GROCERIES. Hhds prime N. O. Sugar 20 hhds St. Croix do 40 do Molasses 50 bbls Whiskey 50 *do Gin (Phelp’s brand) 50 do Rum „ 20 doz. Champaigns 10 bbls New Ark Cider, FoAale by C. A. HIGGINS. May 29 145 • English Merinoes ERINO SQUARE SHAWLS just re ceived by WM. R. BURDSALL. * 23 54 G A l ,T.ON S of first rate, three years jp old VINEGAR, for sale at the Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 102 Ods £Etmdred dollars Rewards AN AW AY from-the subscriber, about the 7th July last, a hired negro fellow hv the name of DAVE, who belongs to Thomas Price. As this is not the first time said fellow has runa way after being hired out it is believed he has been furnished with'a ticket, authorising him to go off to a distance and hire out his own time. For the apprehension of the negro, and proof of this fact, sufficient to conviction, l will give one hundred dolb rs, or twenty dollars for the bov a- loue. Said Dave is a tall black fellow, about 30 years of age. It is probable he is up at the gold mines. DAVID RALSTON. Aug. 24 172 jrOQUZS'B BOOK XOS’ZU EAR. Tobceofk."p, on tlie.2Ist inst. a small lea ther POCKET BOOK containing FORTY- THREE DOLLARS in Bank bills. A reward of FIVE DOLLARS will be given for the delivery of said Pocket Book to the subscriber in Bibb countv. August 28 174 3t DAVID RICH. NEW SPRING GOODS. r. graces & sos? RE now receiving from New York and Bos- ton, a large and fresh supply of SPRING and FANCY SUMMER GOODS, consistiugin part of 600 ps Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Ginghams, Printed Muslins 100 ps Italian. Grodenap. 8inchew. Sarsnef.Ghan geable, Figured and Fancy colored SILKS 200 ps Corded Muslins Cambric Dimity. A c Pieces Figured and plain Swiss Muaiins TOO do Irish Linens TOO do Pongee and Fancy Silk Hdkfs 200 do Raw Silk do 100 do* Fancy Dress Shawl; and Scarfs 300- do Cotton, Madras*, and H^ad Hdkfs Linen Drilling Gentlemen’s Stocks and Cravats, Brown Linen, Rowan Cassimere, Beaverteen, Bang nn Cord. Circassians _ 500 doz Hosiery and Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread *10 doz Ball Thread. 50 do Spool do 150 doz pr Suspenders. 200 do Tucking Combs 500 do Side Combs. Tortoise Shell do dressing Comb*. 100 ps Mosquito Netting. Fancy Baskets, do Boxes. 100 lb Flas Thread, Sewing Silk. Leghorn and Dunstable Bonnets Umbrellas—Mar seilles. Silk. Valencia and Velvet Vestings—Bleach’d Homespuns, Plaid do. Furniture Plaids. Checks, Stripes. Ticking, 00 bales brown Homespuns, CO p* Osnaburgs. Russia Duck, do Sheetings. a general assortment of S l. hi MI. R CLOTHING consisting of Coat*. Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons. Ac. A-c. A large supply of Shoes & Boots, SSats, Saddlery &.c. &c. 100 d >z Palm Leaf Hats. A c mpleteassortment of HARD WARE and CUT LF.RY. GLASS WARE. CROCKERY. &c. &c. The above Goods were purchased in New York and Boston, a few weeks since, (of tecent importa tions,) at twenty per cent less than former prices, and will be sold unusually low. At so,—xtill receive, next week.« large supply of GROCERIES, IRON & STEEL, NAILS &c S c. For sale as above, 6000 lbs prime BACON. march 31 H5 *0 Bent, AND possession given on the first of October next, the large and com modious Store and Ware House now _____ in the occupancy of George Wood— also the Store, nevr in the occupancy of James M. Hill in the same building, both in good order, mid situated on Cherry Street* near the comer of ChMrrud BmowtewitK Mechanics Wanted. Good House CARPENTERS can find con- • tant emploj murit and good wages, by ap- plyingto Montgomery. Alabama 3t aug28 II r* The Columbus Enquirer JIacon Telegraph A Mobile Patriot will givfi rli'e above 3 insertions, and forward their account-* to the office of the Planter’s Gazette for payment ' TWO POLE BOATS— RfdRover and Arid. The Ro ver is as goo I as new, as it has hecn but a few months since she underwent an entire aud good repair.^ ^ have had tho Ariel examiued by a gentleman who is well acquainted with boat building, and he in forms me that one hundred dollars will put her in good order for freighting, as her timbers are all good. Tho two are said to !>e very low at eight hundred dollars. I will sell them on time, and if a sale can be effected with any of Col. B. S. Griffin’s confidential creditors, I w ill discount four hundred dollais on his paper. Also,—A HORSE AND SULKEY and a Pedlar’s WAGON for sale. Also,—Two young likely NEGRO WOMEN. Sept. 4. 1832. 176 VV. B. CONE. lamp Oii. GALLS, nest quality LAMP Oil julstreceive : by boat Navigator, fo sale by ELlIS, SHOT w ELL Co. April IQ 121 . . To THE dwelling over the store of A P. Patrick Sf Co., w ell calculated for a private Boarding House, at present occupied by Setb Lewis. Also, the Store occupied by W. T. Sage* Possession given after the 1st of October next Apply to MELROSE &. KIDD, or t*» A. P. PATRICK. June 55 155 tf SAW. T HE Subscriber has removal from Milledge- ville and located permanently in Macon. He will stillpractice in p.irts of the Oakmulgec and Southern Circuits as heretofore, his office- for the present is on Second Street in the build ing next above Washington Hall. 158 2tsw 4tw JOHN RUTHERFORD. The following lines were suggested by rokd- ing a description of the Stone or Roc* -Mountain in an old Macon Telegraph which I accidentally picked up two or three months ago ; and altho* I have since visited the scene,and clotnb the moun tain, and fiud my idea of it a little different from the reality, yet it is near enough for poetry; and so if you think the effusion contains sufficient me rit, you will gratify a subscriber by giving it a place in your miscellaneous department* N. B. It argues uothing agaiust the piece, that it is an imitation, and many of its ideas borrowed. DE KALB. STONE MOUNTAIN BALLAD. ITT us go. Lrtss'm, go. to the cool babbling fountain, \\ hose pure waters flow from the foot of the mountain \\ here the huse giant Rock stoops to bath* bis cold Vnd scout his grey locks with the jessamine sweet; \\ here the tall stately pine, in the still forest there, deeds his head to the vine which is kissing his hair; And the poplar so gay, w hile her soft leaves are trem bling, rnrus her face to the bay to list his dissembling; Where the woodbine so warm by the maple is found, Her affectionate arm still clasping him round; [dingv And the red-bud so bright shades the path we art trea- WitU the dogwood all in white like a bride at hep wedding, Let us jro. Lasele, go, where the breezes are blowing. And the foam, white as snow, down tb^ hill-side is flowing. Tkere’s nothing to alarm, in thi* stillness and shade. You shall le *11 on my arin as we passthrough the glade; WtiP'ethe deer loves to browse on the evergreen cane And 'he rabbit seeks her house beneath the tall plane ; W licit the mocking bird chants his long tale to bla mate. And the whipperwill rants at the katydid’s prate s jV here the re.dhird twitters on the honeysuckle bough Ai.d tne grev squirrel chatters where cbincapins grow. The Indian has left for his far western home, And the par-ther and wolf with the wild cat are gone The eagle is seared from her long cherish’d nest, Where the mountain has rear’d its bold granite crett. Let us climb Lassie, climb, up the high nakeipeak. Where the 8un loves to shine, so warmly on its cheek, Wuere his eyes first are turn’d, as be wakes from bis bed; And his last look is thrown. ns he eovereth his head; \V he ret! 10 storms rollbelow.and the starsslune above; (As thy tears sometimes Bow. while thine eyes beam with love;) V here nature hath essay’d a column so sublime. It seems as it ’twas made a mite post for Time 1 Where the Gold Hunters, pressed by the red savage foe, Built a wall on its crest, (some centuries ogo;) But their names and their lot, whence they came ot where gone, Have long been as nought, and never ean be known; VV hi!c the wall on its brow and the pits at the foot, •Still tell of tbeir visit, their danger, and pursuit; Oblivion must cover tbeir names end their fears,. W bother the toavhawk drank their blood and titeix tears, Or. freighted with gold, they went as they came, Without leaving a clue to their nation or name. An area of several acres on the W r bite Moun tains was covered with snow on the 11th August, to the depth of two or three feet in many places- The snow generally disappears there about the 1st of July. ^ Curious Fact.—A gentleman whctee fancy leads him to notice the phenomena of nature, assures us, from his own observation, that on the break ing out of the cholera in this place the martens and swallows eutirely disappeared, and that not one was to be seen while the epidemic prevailed; but ou Tuesday morning last, much to his surprise, he saw more than an hundred of these birds skim ming over the commous near the magazine. He supposes that these little fevered sojourners in stinctively withdrew from ti* uoutagious atmos phere as it hovered over us, and hails their reap pearance as a sign ol its having paasad away.-* Norfolk Herald. The cholera has appeared at Andover, in Mas sachusetts. A Mrs. Hardy had died atone of the factories there. Dr. Nicholas describes her as having all the marked symtoms of the disease.—- Six other cases had occurred there—besides two others in the neighborhood, at the distance of a * mile. — —— Piracy.—The New Orleans Courier contains the follow ing: “The United States’ Bfhooner Grampus, Jo- siah Tatnall Esq. commander, at anchor outsido the bar. from a cruise of 6 months on the Mexi can coast, w ith $300,000 iu specie on board.— The Grampus captured on the 10th inst. tho Mexican schooner of war Montezuma, Capt. Pe dro Villeneale, for committing an act of piracy oa the schooner Wm. A, Turner, 47 days of anti from New York, for Matamoras. The officers and crew of the Montezuma, eighty iu number, are in irons on board the Grampus, and the prizo is ordered into a port in the United States* A letter from Paris of the 18th July, states, that —■ 1 Mr. Ri-rc* loaves us tomorrow, for England —he wid visit London, take a rapid view of Eng land, see the most striking points of Scotland, and return to France in September. He will s fit from Havre about the 1st October.” ICKET MAPS OJ* GEORGIA iwNWte Kentucky Elections.—The Globe of Saturday com fins the returns of the Election for Govenor in Kentucky from every county with the excep tion of Pike, from which it appears that the ma jority for Breathitt, the Jackson candidate, is J08Q. It is confidently expected that returns from Piko county will swell Breathitt’s majority to at least 1200. Moorhead, the Clay candidate for Lieuten ant Governor, is elected; but by what majority is not stated. The Globe says, of the 9 Senators e- iected this year, fre are for Jackson and four for Clay. The Clay party probably have succeeded ia electing a small majority to the House of Repre sentatives, a result produced by the shameful way iu which the State was apportioned during the last session—giving Clay counties more representative* and the Jackson counties fewer than they were en titled to—upon the principle of the rotten borough system. Besides, several of the strongest Jacksoa counties have elected Cluv Representatives. Th* grand result shews that 43 of the 82 counties, bavft given Jackson majorities —and 34 have gives Ctef majoritics.-^Raleigh Star. In many places round Quebec, »ay« the Que bec Gazette, the wheat crop was extremely injured, tiie grain eaten oat by small yellow worms er maggots, to an extent Mt iaftrsatt never before witnessed. More Snow.—The Farm! sgtoo* (Ma) •man says, the town ef Bnooc wu visited i| snow storm on Saturday tha 35th of Th^fluke of Reicbstadt, Son «fJ Napoleon, died, at .the palace <rfT